04 - I,.;:iw,',t. 531411 JoNP;S; haye an. attracth4 carif of iho nth pa; g e of this paper. Look at it. , REle' C. M. BLAKE Will delfs;er lic Lecture at the Proshyteriaii Church, in this place, on Friday Evoilinti, January 40.1 , 93% YearB EVoning.).- Our: friend SILAUT, of the Wellsville Rural - 1iii,1 . 7 et, 'is quite boastful:over a •couple•Otkiincidents" which-have recent ly simultaneously occurred *in , his - domes tie arrangements. We hardly knot whether; as his friend, it would be prep er-fOr us to congratulate him, these hard times. Ile has our best ivishes fOr plen ty of good victuals for all hands, through -the medium of his eicellent little news ijudijet. • Sfuni ethi n y for .I.le.chanic.s.—We direct attention to the advertisement in another eolutun i headed "A 11Omestead for $10." The recent . rerulsion and panic should -each meelianics and laborers the necessi rly of having something more subltantiai sad permanent to depend upon than mere trade .and 'e.siumeree. The owner of a few acres of land, u - hen-lout of employ ' nient,..will hive something to subsist up on during "hard tithes." 'Besides, even at the present time, when so many among us arc put of employment, there is an ac tual scarcity of mechanics in all parts of Virginia. We would say to those who want permanent homes, no other State in he I:2ion•offers such inducements to the , tt-,3l.ettler—whether farther, mechanic or laborer. The German Class which commenced three weeks ago with but jive members, now has eleven, with the prospect of more. Rev. C. 31. Blake is the Thicceptor.- The German is a very useful. language, and no one who occupies a possition busi ness should he without it if he can pro cure a knowledge of it. We confess, how ever that it is a singular language, and more difficult. to learn than we supposed. Its genders are, to one acquainted with the" arrangement of the English Genders, very laughable. For instance, .3,10:11 {Horse) is in the Neuter Gender, while trill,.(Stone) is in the l' , luseuline Gen der. Here is a complete somersault of our good old mother-tongue. It is our , in tention, however, nut to be disheartened ; by these singularities, for we .are bound to learn the German language—if such a thing is possible. The Class meets every; Tuesday and Friday evening. LORD CLARENDON has determined to tend Dr. Livingston, the African explorer, to Lisbon, with the strongest rectunwen dnitnm, both ,to the Ring and government of Portugal, where also he'vorld receive the hearty support of the .IS.nglish Irr at the court, in his- cf. ,. . , rtS to secure freuhiro cif navigation of the Zambese, ar(l the utzmwt facilities ;sir commercial :futreour;:e wall the interior of Africa.— Er. This wffl not only benefit that country, but prove one of the readiet modes of breaking up'the - lace-trade on that coast. shall see if Portugal ngrees to it. ita - " - i.,trcrigth, whether of mind or suor , ! tJ C;iva a and respect, evenhough it be used against us'.'' r--_ --- "What . 6'ent- in our annals is there Ur. Slavery has not sot her hand upon t to (Jahn it as her own ?" eoltUi7paivi Corrected Weekly fur the Juurnul, StIIOO3IAKCR Si, JACNSON, be4l(rs ira Dry. loch., Groceries, fiats .j.• Caps, Boots t i• :hors, Crockery, Pork, Flour, heal. ti oiiuuir, e. .5 - c., g ITN COUVEMPURT, • PA. Loca, zupertin.e,V bbl., extra, romm: "t? 100 1b5.; lb., :ALLow " " WOUL, - 44 ti 043; i• II . . lb., OltX STON; " " iLrA.t St.l;/1:, *". t i lb., " " ". - la? .BL'ANS kCIV7 4AT 11, 1 •. J CIMED l'o - 4Tors' — E.) Dozen, '/UT. V Ton, • Lay gretn, 14 lb, UM =8 11=1 r ill .a green, ~" Xlte,, ,, ister's, Notice, OTICE.i4 Loehr given that Jane AV, flat. terworth; Xthainistratrix of the Estate of hitz. C. - linttertvorth; - deneased, has fileil 'lO4 , N . oun t in the Register's Office; in and for the '.. u t•if Potter, ,and -Oat the sal:pcwill. be 7.e.ented tOthe Orphans' Conii.of said coun °s Tuesday, the 22d .day of December, eontirmAti on and alloivance at time tnd place all persons. interested atttad if. int y. think proffer. ' , ANDltSigi. JACKSON, Register. ert, Nerr. -29; 1E+67.-16:12-tr. - • -2- • f t '7; , 7 7 - tri• `..-4 " SIiND- 2 FORVAV; Sup6rbiy 11111%4M : el Akt.g?.!n:iSeite!: pnblialie4l tn-AmerAc tz as,-tise pecenper nutn= ber of th,c_ . oositoror.rrizt.._:titijoni:4l, con taining over si,rty ipleAcll4 and giv-- ing full 'particular*. of ill e - Ler`mr3 ts.Bl..the !Cos-- mepollin n . Art AS:sociatiOrt; &Wars. a Oar; single copies Mir ceitti.L'lSpeolinen be sent all persons who wish to subscribe on rec.ei five postuge:stanics, (15 etinta) Address: . If: Bibles and Testaments. stipp!y:of goodo 11111 , ,fit:i3 T end TESTA: , -; 31ENTSi - suit - ftbre for the Cou?nion. St•hota: and VS{:Y 'nay be ltutli hr calllntf si the Bookstore of M. W. MANN. or on the subl. scriber. C. 31. Bf.AliE, ' ft.: . _ ' Penn . + l .llible ociety. . Couder.port,,No..2o, 165:. . ' • ' ' f.-- - 4):- Those ,uuttl,lt: to pur.clmso will be-fur niAiv!l gratuit,nisl:-~ . TilE WINTER 'l7En:4 of I ,Counersport Academy, ( will commence on Tuesday the 15th of December next, , to continue thirteen, weeks... Grain ,of alt hinds, will be received on. tuition, at the market , prices, if promptly - delivered; - therefore the tightness of money need . prevent no one from obta' ininr , an Education.. 'J. FIETCDRICK, Principal 410 Ablit.tlizittltts. SHERIFF'S SALES. Y VIIITUE: of andry writs of :rendition; Exponas and _Fed fucia.l. issued out of the Court of Common Pleas of Potter Co.. Pa., tud to lac directed, .1 shall expose to public sale or outcry, at the Court House in the Bur ong.h of Coudersport, on Sionday the' 21st day of December, 1657, at 0 o'clock, A. M., the following df: , .;ribed teal estate, to wit: Certain restl estate situate in Sharon Town-' ship. Potter Co., Pa., .13onaded on the north,,, east :and south by Mann Nichols. and west' by by lands of Jonathan OldA..k, Jonal.han Olds. coutainint• fifty acres. of which there is Cite acres improved, being part of Wattant N 0.58.55. - Seized, taken in execution, and to be sold as the property of George W. Wood. AM, 4 o—Certgin real estate. vie: "one third of . 944 acres and one half, acre oli - Warrant No. 4649. situate in Wharton Township or Syl vania Township, I'ottar Co., Pa., Bouujed north by Warrant No. 4599, east by 'Warrant No. 4652 and lands of F. R. Backus, and south by Warrant No. 4752 and hind of F. R. Back us. and w , _.st by Warrant No, 21d0—all proved. Seized, taken in execution, and to be suld as the property of`Thomas Wands ALSO—Certain real estate situate in Hec tor Township, ]'otter Co.. Pa., Bounded on the north by lands of IL Loucks, on the east by lands of It. C Leach, south and west by lands of liunsicker and Garlock, containief; hily_acres. of which -bout four aeres.are im proved, with one frame house there on, • . . Seized, taken in execution, and to be sold Vtg the pi-opt:Ay of Matthew Young. A,LSO- —Certain real estate siturte in Ulys ses Township, Potter Co., Pa., Bounded cn the north by Janda of Timothy Galutia, east by lhnds oeviipied by Linos Evans, south by Gro4ier, and west by Tlicrossltoo, containing thirty acres, on wilich is one frame horse anc three acres unproVed. Seized, taken in' execution, snd to be sold as the property of Uedrge Balter. ALSO—Certain real estate situate: in Whar ton Towniihip, Potter Co., Pa., Boundect on tile north by the lauds of H. W. May, John and S. itoss, and he the SinnemAhon ing Creek.• on the east by Sinnemahoning Creek Nit: mill rt.:cc...south by lauds 'of John Mahon, Jr.. and Sinnouaboning Creek. and wtst by !audit of H. W. May. contr..ining about iO area, of Which twenty acre:4 are improved, with two frame dwelling Louseß, one frame Stor , .:lliins..., two cram,: b...rus, one board iidt ty. g.Ak with soma fruit trees thereon-L-ALSO —One other trnet. situate is Wharttin Town- Pot:ur Co.. Pa., bouilded nort.lo)y lands of John Beath*Cild, east by south by land; of Lori's, and, on. the :west ley lands of William A. Simi)i•iini; Containing no acres. being part of Warraut No.I.I92G.L—ALBO —Olio other tract of land situate. in theaown; ship and County eforeeaid, Bounded, north Lewis, east hy.lands' of Joliti e Co., sou.:h br latid&of James Ayresil i; west by lands of Julia Bearlield 'and containing one hundred acres. • . Seized, taken in execution, end to be' sold as the property of It. W. MAntyre. ALSO—Certain real . estnte situate in 'Os wayo township. Potter Co., I';t., bounded on the north by John Wells, on the east Thutas Kenyon, smith and west by S. P. Lythan, cep minng ten acres, of which four :tern are im proved, with a frame * house, frame barn, and some fruit trees thercnn. Seized, taken in execution, and to be sold as the property of S. R. Miner. ALSO—Certain real estate situate ih rlys- Aamfaistrator's Sale, • ses Township, Po:ter Co., Pa., Bounded on, PUBSCANCE of an order of the Or the north by. lands of W. Morley, east by Muth! " phaus' Court of the County of Potter, I of W. Morley, south by unseated lauds, of lox shall expose th sale, at the Court House in the Boss. and west by lands of Amos Rsyreend l lloronghof Ceuclersport Pa., on SATURDAY, and the David Bunnell lot- eontainisig one 1 the .11)TH DA.Y OF DECEMBER, A. D. 1857, hundred and eleven acres of land, on which at one o'clock, P. M.. the fidlcming described is twenty five acres improved, with one frMue rearestate, situate in Sweden Townskip, Put house, one frame barn, and some fruit trees ter County Pa.: thereon. . . Bounded on the. North by lots of C. L. Car- Seized, taken in execution: and to be sold i saw, Jacob Herrington atafJohn R. ; on as the proPerty of Iliram 11. Guernsey. . i the East by lands of George Pox and S. Ross, ALSO—Certain real estate situate in Alle- and by Bingham Lands; orf!the South by gany Township, Potter Co. Pa., Bounded on Bingham Landa u and, on the West by- Bin dle north by:lets.Nosl. Zi-ht 55, east by unseated I ham Lands:and Tot of C. L. Carsaw : contain lands of the Fox estate, on the south by lot iin , : 300 Acres, ` moreor Mess,. With the.'usual No. G 7 and. Bingham lands, on the wesl,,by allowance of six par ccitt. for roads &c..• ' beingg lots Nun. 51, G 3 and 65j containing two huu±.- Lots Nos. 10' and 11 of the allotment of lands Bred and seventy four, acres and eight tenths of B..lrhiki in Sweden township, and parts. of of an acre, being lot No,. 5 - 8 of the alloment, of Warrants .Nos. 1309 and 2117; about 30 acres the Bingham lands in Allegany Tptynship,;of3 of whirl is iniproved, and on which has been which eightyacees are improvediand . tenacieslereeted onelrame house and barn; also, some chopped, on which one frame house, tine*. t fruit trees crowing thereon frame barn, one /og house, and -some . fruit _ -.JOEL HO/HUCK, Administrator trees. _ , • .t. - _ • , . . • -of the Bite of Win. Lyon, deceased. - $;5O 8 00 3U 00 3 50 2 50 I CC,c,tl2 12(a,A 25k)30 10 2:5 - 10617,12 12 1 • 250 2 50 30 - 256(30 r $7 .130 . , . . . -- Seized, taken in execution, and to be Bola - COadersport., Nov. 25, 1:857. : as firs property of W. T. dones. ;. • - 1 1 -------------1 1 -: • ':-: - . r ALSO—Certain real - estate situate in ffeetor , 4 s . 1 rai • Township, Potter Co., Pa., Bornded on.the') 11 I 4 • .111OULD "--BE' north by 'unseated lands,' eask . by lands 'of' '• .1 • —t.„ '' • • • [ Thomas Lanning, south by lands l of-ItteNiu IT" subscriber keeps cosntarttly on band Martin, and west by lands of the Bingham Es-'„ ready made, all articles commonly used !tate, containing . one hundred and ten acres;'of' i in ; his Tin of tlasinci3, hy the people; such.as t which -about fifteen acres : arc implored l -*lax I Plows, Coulters, titleigh-Shoes, ClexiSet' 41 . 411 one.frAnit lipase, and sonic fruit trees there On. ---A 1 kinds, Picks; , lrali.,Hoes;lliag-Tedtb, Wed;ges, !:—ALSO— lot situate in•said. Tstim- 4", • rab-llooks Neck-Yoires, Whippletreedi' llarr;, ', chip, Bounded on the-north. by the highway, roWs,, /:c., Also Horse . and o . .s 7 Shoes by the called the - Genesskr t•Fork • raod, 'rind - east by ! quantity, so that any „person who' may wish Francis Strang,noushby . A., P. 'Cone; and bread tbelr hOrse or attire 6hod,: need have nodolay by D. Sunderiin 4 .. containing; one: half of an i Ant article in zoyline nude to order on shori acre Of•ground,,..l t* mocks . ~- • , --- _ - .;- --•- 1 Seised, taken ii exeetltiod,. aid' te_ke ',1,,, did Sinop oit'lfail. BC sanrili bid of the El aroilih; sz the priveify ee Fleert Es4t;''"'lr ' '-' ' ICQ3-4t ' 1 1 A1VID D. tROW.N. • C. L. DERBlW.ctuity 0 A. A., • 640.Br.:4iitinty, York -lif ' - i i ' - • ' - . • ' . SO—tertant-reare ta e.lituate B . ' ' • ' dor -- tliii.l . 6iiiilil :: .1 : ! 4- : : : -:'' • ' ' - ' 3l in gi -.' . AM? • 2E I 1 0 11_,; .7;,•!?: . p, otter Co'. - Pas.'s Dim - tided on • :- Ilivel - ntirthr tir l ant ij,- ; ip , g64-,...riiiri- o a- c od tts. on; iS :7 •lle'r•eby iiVen"ZitiTtliO s Auditiii tat. es.‘maket.d4t.rl, tati-efLiolf &_Rosis',. eiat liF litztd&icti- , AtuL . si,LoionroPt•°tl.hErk,.:l)o•Yl3- Cg ,- !;ci e ortilealk e. Ae3,4 4 :-,apd.:...„-4,,,,E,.....,,k, br ,„„ ippited .. . pr cee s o toet.,.• e lands ot Fcii - dt:llioss,iinoi - Weft: : by litied; :of , t t i r te9/ 0 11 .P - We::: ( l l ton.r.- 101443 P 47 3 48 jan/elG ' :: Fox le, Roio; eiiiaoliithg: 7 6tie litindrea and sirty I .C " r"s 'l of Ma • rTur • l3l ' 'Irlineii.a -7,,„0...,....,„:„ ~„..,„., eighty _,....,......,.....,.., to the duties of hisjaypoitt,tmunron ,FiiX- v . i'Lg.lnjuse,, , fidur. fratti6baistii . ,, : bne::tiViilhot Str '--T v it : ;;X v ?zl t .. : "'4f t l'hi o l.Zi-7 . •.r 0 i;;-...r-o lt " e; " l " o 4 ,:_tlie_lL.tittloy_of-Dae - ett:tli.ittlierf,..:ifil...l - oV 6 ek' l' - . - M7, - I the :o;fliCti - or the - e - Pit - Olifoiti - oTiffy: ; - -', ,„ ,s all Clll - ephVer sthe - rtlnedle - g - ttrthse --- eavi-; I,lill;,,itha . sonte ernit„ trees.therecn.::' = '. i . - - 1.... : 011 : .: - ,1: : '74)1131M'E.D. Audito r: '1 V V - ztii..s .: -tii he InigS ih itti Ugh- 7 the air pass4i - .) .. • ,:..eized s c , tlikeg:insereet C - i' - 1 , - Coudersport; N0v.,•20 15" - 1 : 0- . " I , , p I .--. ...... . , gee, and •cOming , in. direct contact with: the I . a Alle . jou,..au; .to.be sold , atile•l'r9grt.Y 6 fliairi*.lltosavSfY:l4., Wh't $ ; ', • -'. . I disease, ttentrali7,_thetubercular. - matter, alr ! 1 rbain...rcal estate situatn.hi: A,1.:90i7Ce 1.... _ .....ItliPlToll_3._rar.. , lo.Foi_. , r _ § .leue ~,, gany.Testntb;p, 'Pbtter Ca.,.Pav;• Bounded ass I VOTIIM ii. IthrebYt giviiit Hute... ill ii-- ' - ---flays -111 e. Go . gli;, caiiselikifieO and 'ea • c 1 '-A udi tor ! f.9 7 04 .4 - ( i . 011 11 :. , -a: . . , t 4 61 ,, 114 / 1 1 :5,- P n C ifi ... e. 5...... '' ,411 ,c ) .. bi°° o l.l, tbliows : -Beginning at a • post. in ,the -north -4-1 appointed by the. Court to tnalte.'distri-1 imparts ren w. ea vitality to the nervous - system; i littesoi . - .4.4..". , ! 'n41.;7 1. ti ! e 1 iee _ bert h „i b undr „ ld ; bution of- tbe.,racee,ds- . 0f..,t,1ie :*olc of real es_ : giving that- ono . .a.4(1. energy s,o indispensaldel t:. : Als•to 12.pust,. thence .. east. partly a i i „ .1 . 1 . 4 - th . e.. t . tateln the. Case OfJ....iraci;itillitighikul, for , tise :: , ..ir the test 'io n pf haaltlu. - .To lte able' to: souolin,e pf •14 N 6...4'.11G one h un d re d ar id i 6fN,,,,1.!•V111., ftrtzt.4 Crosby W. El is; pr Sti ll - i St.l4o.cooufia.Vitlytlifti'i Consumption- seventeen rods, and sir : tentha Of o; rod to a i T44:414, 'l - 854; No: :-.:,2, 7111'•afteit•ti To Die - duties hriot nl'a•til?') : is toiini n''E°Uree••of .ll- nalif-',Yed 1 paSt.in L ewe•st..line of lot - deeded tO ihe Peet., . Of his appointnteiit,‘at'the Oftice cd* he Peo-.! pleasure. It . is ai numb u.u.der Like control of : thonotary;c:w3iONDAy:ifv,e,fr.NG, D ee e m b er !mediev.l.litettniiiiiiins .a h . / - .l„!! , tter - formith:ble thcace. 13 • sail liille'South. one•litnitlfetl rotis,t - o 21stnext,•at se. : ::Till'ffeack. ' _ • rdisease ; ..ninety. out of every •;,;•androd..CASCS a post. the south west turner , of the Peetiat, v . theucetwbst •one hundred and seventeen rod ; • -''' , H. ''.1 . .. :OD'ItISTED, Auditor.: ~ can' be curet) iff. the f 'ir st sniges,ait....„ fifty per :tad six to? Lits of a. rod to the place orbegin_ i Cour! _ersport,..Noy: : 20; I:s. - .,•;.:•_40.:• ,, , : cent. in the second 4 ,. but in the third stiSze it pn containing sixty nine ; acres and ot c 1 --77---- - - lis imposeibriet6 save, more than live per cent. ; . . . tenth of. ttt afore. - - - . - • 1 : "Divorce lc Oifee. _ : I tor . the Eittigs are sit! cut tip by .the disease as i i• to biirtlefiance to utedical skilli Et cu, how-i Seil,•;;;I' taken' ~, la execution, and to be sold i . Daniel Dodge; No: I !,ttri 'Feb. Term: 1857• • as the. property : - of .51 - 111. P. Cool. • 'i B. - -, . .. - 6ter, iii' the ItSt stagns, luiwaatiousafroi-ds ex- I LIBLI. 1.) plNollet.'.. ; . • . . I troordinnit relief ta, the .- sufferiiig nue:Wing, , : A : LSO-1,41. Fa.- Certain real estatesituate i ' A 41611 E: Dodge , ' A s : " . ` ")-r i r; ` ):113 -rw ` i all ' , this .rearful scearge,i which a nnualiy destroys; Hector Township; Potter C 0.,. l'a., - hound ed ,' Submena having been issued ,in this ease, an ' t s l live thiousiuld. persons in the- Cuited ou the north by the, highway called the Gene _l„returned nihil,-the said Melia E. Dodge . ,_ the luili!':•:1- ~t ot rer , ttitLed to States alone: 'and aleorrect calculation shows , see Fork rOad. - east by hinds of Francis Strang, i be is lierebyAnotiiieli b e a n d appear in Our; Couist 0t 7 c ,,,,,, r , i 'i 0i , ei, , ,, ! that of the present -population of the *earth, south bi lands- or. C: P. Cone, ond west by ; : eight:/ n:itli•cnis are destined to tilt the Con- Daniel Sundertht; containing one half of ail I. at the next Terra o f rani Court, at C , ittilers- I . port. in the connty.or I'6Utr . , to uns•,.tr tae -3111411 ' 1 • 4 " ;. ' .4 Igil ll!* e 4. - .i. ; acre of- ground improved.. , _ . ; Truly the quiver of death has no arrow so Seized, talten in execution., and to be sold r°mPiain,t . of 1.-ibeliitht• . . i •,' s' : - lA.' G. ..,' ACC; kilt - Shtrifr. - fatal ai; ConsuMptibn. In:all ages is . hus beau as the property of Henry Er ay. . ' 1 ; the ~ ...e t• enr;nvy •f l'''' , - f •'' - . • ' , Coudersport, Nov: 14, 18.57.—b5:24 --4.L. • , k- - • -, .0 t..., 6: it spores nett.:er .A.l.;:io—ri. Fa.-Certain real estate situate ft: I t Age ',or itex,. bait sivtieps off alike the brace. ' - - - - - Ettlalia . TtliVuship, Potter Co., Pa.. Beg-inning : ' tit : beatiful • the r.r•tectill and tl . gifted. l' , . „ . tc. ,t,',.• at a post at the south east corner •etc patent the help of HO Sapi•ente ..Be;ng from whom .. .._.. .... .. _ . . No. 2124 in district No. 2, and being part of said patert, thence north eighty perches to a _post corner, thence west one hundred and six perches to a post corner, thence south eighty perches to a post corner, thence east one hun dred curd sixperches to the place of lisg,inning. containing fifty act'es more or Less, of whi;zh twenty fine acres are. improved; on Which is erected -one frame barn.—ALSO=Another tract df land situatein Eulalia Township, Pot ter CO., Pa., Beginning at - a stake at .the north west corner of lands now owned and occupied by Wm. Ayres, tlience - runniug north' by lands'of Jacob Vantnitter ten rods, thence east sixty rods to the public hihway, thcucz along the said highway eleven rods; thence west by-hinds of William Ayres sixty four rods to the place of beginning, containing eight acres more or less. being the same land con- by :Peter Kniekerl)ocher 10 I.esten Liar -1:- deed bearing date Get. 17, 1.921, on tehich ac%.es luiprored land, log lipase, and othei out bnildinv. seized, taken in execution, and to .be sold as the prciperty of Lint's Walker. A. C. TAGGART,: Sheriff. Coudersport, Nov. 25, 1857. BR tiLzA..-':r PROI:SPEcTUS :FOURTH YEAR CF THE Cosmopolitan Art AsSocia.tion, TUE FAMOUS . DUSSELDORF MIRY OF' PAINTINGS ! r Pullen ASED AT A. COST UF! 4- 1..0W POWERS WOICLO lIENOWNLD STATUTE OP TOE • GREEK SLAVE!! ! ite-purcbas' ed fur :ix thcommd dollara, with $1: vc-ral hundred other works of Art. in Paint- I ing, Sculpture and _Bronzes, comprise the Pre- WIMPS to he armlet! to the subscribers of the COSMOPOLITAN ART ASSOCIATION, I t who will sublwribe before the nth of January, ISSS, at which time the an-ard. n ill ta,lie.place... TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION. Every Eutoicriber of three dollars is entitled to 1 A. copy of the large acd iplendid Steel En graving. entitled - to A. Op, of the COSIIONAITAN ART JOUBSIL i one yeat, also to • A Ceriitieate in the Award of Premiums. also Afree admission in the Dusseldorf and (Jos- . tuopc.ditan Galleries. Thus it i 5 seen that fur every three dolittrc paid, the subnriber not only receives SPLENDID THREE DOLLAR ENGRAVIFO but, also ; the beautifully illustrated - Two Dollar trt .Journal, One , . Yezzr.. Each subscriber is also presented with a Certificate • M.. the, Awards of ?nit - Mums. by which a valuable work of Ant, in Paintii4, or Sculpture, may he received in addition, thus giving to every subscriber an equivalent to the value ofArc ddlo te, and a Certhicaterrneis. - Any one o' the leading is rur uilthed, instead of Eug' raving and Art JOurnal, if desired. No. person is- restricted , to a single share. Those taking five inember,hipe. remitting :fl5. .:rt entitled to an extra Engrasing, and sic tickets. 1 Full PartiCblpriii of the Association ore given in. the. ArL Journal, which contain' ocer splendid li;ngraviugs. price AfTy cent: num- Ler. Specimen.copici. -will be sent to :ill per sons who desire to subscribe, on receipt of the post.zge stainiis, (15 centzio I Address' C. L. DERBY, A ctuarr C. A. A., 19:22-6t. 543 Broactiwy, .Vew York. - G. B. 'OVERTON : Honorary Sccretary C'oudderspor4 Pa. HOWARD A &SOC . '. lA'FION, ' •PITILADELPHIA:- ; A Ben7olent efaioavnegi far Me rehyri tl4e rick and ciis - if..l.ieed ;pith .ritulea! and • Epi dem ic fling s . O all persims afflicted with Sexual Diseas es, such as SPERMATORIIIREA, SEMI NAL WEAKNESS: IMPOTENCE; tioNon .lllltEA, GLEET,. .sYVITILIS; • thi: Vice of 10N..-INISM„, or SELF-.A.BUSE, •.- --- ; The,HOWARD -ASSOCIATION, in view, of 1 1 he awful. destruction of hotitan2life cansed by Sexual diseas'es,n.ad t.':e deceptions prat ; tised upon the unfOrttmate NictirdS of such diseases by Quack, several years ago, d irected their Consultine•Sargeori,.as a tHARITAI3LE ACT worthy of 4 -'their name, of open a Dispea sari' for the treatment of this class of diserws. iu all their forms, and to give:MEDICAL AD CE. GRATIS, to all who apple by letter, with a descriptiidi of their condition, (nF-, i occupation, habits of life, &c..) and in cases •of extreme poverty, to VUII ISII .MEDIGINES : FREE OF CHARGE. It is needless to add that the Associa;tion commands the highest Medical skill-of the age, and will furnish •the I most approved mpdern.treadment. The Directors, .Ort.a review of the past. feel lasstired that theii labors iu this sphere of be nevolent effort, have been of great benefit to the afflicted, espeCially to the young, and they have 'resolved to devote themselves, With re f timed zeal, to this Very important but Much despised cause. . - Just Published:bv the Association, a Re port on Spermatorriima, or Seminal Weakness, i the Vice of Onanism,.Mas.turitation or Self- Abuse, and other Diseases of the Sexual gnus, by the Consulting Surgcbn. which will . be sent by mail, (In a sealed envelope.l FREE OF' CHARQE, otirecoipt of TWO ST.AMFS for ,postage. Address, fur Report. or treatment, Dr. • GEORGE Ti. CALHOUN, Cotisalting Surgeon. llo‘vard Association, No. 2 . South Niuth-Street, Philadelphia, By order of the Directors. EZ RA D I.II3ARTWI, President., GEO. FA LIZCHILD, Setrelary. (ko::34—ly A HOMESTEAD FOR $lO ! 923 Farms for Sate in ihe Valley of Virglaia at S.IIQ Each ' MIIESE 'Farms are situnted in Botetonrt county, Western Virginia, in one of the regione in ii world, as has been Bent on: Crated rereut statistics. The northern portion of the tract lies Within tire miles of Kanawha and Jame; River Canal. the south er,' portion within tiglit miles orthe Virginia and Tennessee railroad. The main road from Fineastle to Siveet Springs runs through the centre of it. These fornis will be 'sold by ,subscription. • The tract will be divided into 923 shares, ranging as follows 1 Farm of 200 Acts, contain'g iron & lead. Farms'• 100 '•' each, •' 4 " it 50 " 1 ,0 gi 41 So ,10 a r. 20 20 " " 10 ". " 3u if 4( II ^ II 60 5 , 100 t. 200 tt 3 u r 50 0 tr 2 it if These shares will,:be sold at 'sl9 each, and a nwatered CCrtificatelto . a.ny one making spplc cation. One-half of the purchase money will be required before the division when the num bere& certificate will be given—the other half before the deli Very df the deed. after the di vision. Thus.it Will be perceived that each subscriber or purchaser is sure of getting a' two-acre lot at a very trifling:price, whilst at the same time he Lab a chance getting a vabiablp lam. The iliVisiou" to like place on the first (ley of .111reli, 1858, unless the shares: shoUld all lie dispos/id of before said, time.— Dee notice Millie given when and where the division will be: made, so that those who sire can be present. , . . These lands are sUrrounded bpsomc of the most famous mineral t epriag.s in. the State, and are lit tut! midst of a', deeply picturesque and magnificent CoMatry.l The title is goud, hav ing lately been coureyed by the Sittie to: the present proprietor. Some portions .of th'o tract :arc 1011 timbered, and other portion; contain iron, load HO coal. It possesses strong and good,suil,like'Most lands Valley_ 'The two-acre lots arc all in one hour in.n central and elligible portion of the tract. Thee lands are ',soldi:ar,. a.yrice, ti4r actual cost, in order t'o induce smilement.. gor certificates, circolar.4l&sc:., apply to D. 6A G IVant t il . B:Amulignl„P4 41.50 for sale. In . 1) . " - e3icrir Virf,einitarmg partly Unproved at Iron F.;12 to s3;* per acre; according to location anci /0:21-St . . . The Pottei!ConnlyAgrieniturnt -- and I.l.ottleullimeal. Society,. SlXTft' AliNi_Tlll 'MEETING - of : the Suciety•will be held at the'Court'llitik , e Ori TUESDAY EVEN'lN'G' . .of'Court Week (22d inst.) • - • .:. 'The Election ,of OFlcerF, :for the iensuink year, itkud,•Other business of importance will engage the tiention . Ot` the Society. ailtireas-the Society : llpol.! subjectstor ' ." l'arinera generally, and all interesteifin Att• rieultnr2Lrarraitii, ara respectfullyinvited,to ct:ezdPSl). M. HAMILTON, Seey.- iwitap.p.2. MISCOITERV. CON tr-MR,T I 0 N 41 S iItgEOIEIII El.olos , Aillrikli 0 AZ &R POSITIVELY " . ._ 'c'ometh every - g . od and perfect gift, I am en ; • i alabled to offer to the ainkted . a permanent and speedy earn in k...onsumntion. The first ! cause. of tuberqes ii' from impure blood, and ; the inimet!tateellect ftrodticed by tlioir depo !sition in the lungs is to prevent the flee ad ! mission of air i 440 dip aiiicelli_ which causes a wakened vitaltt - through the entire system. Then surely it is knorerational to exptet great ' er good front tuedichteg entering the cavities t of-the:lungs than from ..those- administered through the stonitch ;1 the patient will always llind the: lungs fi r e and the-breathing - easy, af ; ter Inhaling rem dies.' : Th.*, luitalat:on. is a 1 local remedy,nel:ertht....es,s it acts constitution ' ally; and with inre power And 'cmutiuty than 4 remedies administered by the stomach. To 0 ; prove the powerful_and direct influence of this this mode of stills [ration, chloroform ti , I inhaled will enti ely 'destroy sensibillty.in a few minutes, paralyzing the enlire.nervous I system, so that 4.14a1.1 may be ampatate - d with : out the slightest Onia; . Inhaling the ordinary burning gas will liestroy.life in at few hours. The inhalation 6f ammonia will rouse the ;system when fainting or apparentlY'dead. The odor of many.of the Medicines Is perceptible l in the skin a few' Minutes aftef being in-naled, i and may be immeeiately detected in the blood. A convincing proo 'of the constitutional effects of inhalation. i. , the fact that sickness is al ways produced by breathing foul air—is not this positive evitie ee that proper 'remedies., i carefully prepared and judiciously adminis tered through the' ung,s should produce the l hapPiest results? During' eighteen years' practice. many thcit sands shilering from • dis eases Of the Innis nal•throat, have been un der my care ; and I I ave effected Many-remark able cures, even aft r the sufferer:, had been : pronounced in the 1 st stages, whicli fully•sat f isfies me that consu Nation is no ithiger a fetal ' disea,,e. My treat cat of consumption is original, and found d on long experience and I a thorough investig,. tion. Mv perfect explain ! tauce with the nature of tubercle;. &c.. mi , flies the to distinguish; readily, the - carious i forms of disense tit:rt. simulate consumption, and apply the prope remedies, ‘rarely being mistaken even in a . ingle case. This famil :iarity, in connection avith certain pathOlogical i and micro icopic disebrm le;, enables me to re here thelumrs from the effects of cotitracted chests, to enlarge thchest. purify the blood. • impart to it mew e 1 'vitality, giving energy and tone to the entre system. . Medicines with f i ll directions sent to any . United cite,; part of tcite,; an ti d Caad6 r by-pa- . 1 'lents communicating their symptoms by letter. ' But the cure would pc more certain if the patient should pay* a visit, which would :give mca nu opporltniitir to examine the Uinta and enable me to bre;cribe with much - g , reater certainty, and then thh cure could be elfeeted without my seeing the patient again. G, W. GRAHAM. .M. D., - Office-1131 Filbert. Street; (Old NO. • 109,)•below Twelfth, i PIIILADELPIIIA I . PA. . .. . • .. - • . , - 25 'WITNESSES; ..*., cui, THE IFORGER 'CODIVICTED!... John S. I) .. ye isi the 4itthor. • . • 9 Who has hail 10 years experience as a Bank-.' er and.'Publielier, ,land AuthOr of . , P••• - • A aeries of:Lectures at Itroadie4 7libernacle, '1 NI heu, • for -10 sucees.4lve nightit,) over kv.....,b• - -50,uvu P-tople7--.43 C) Greeted him with Roillids Of Applause, •:.-• while_ he exhibited thel mariner in which Counterfeiters executenheir Erands, and I -7.,`...' the Surest and Shi)rtetst Means of : %.' Detecting them The Bank Yote Engriwns all. say that he 'la c P the greatest fudge of 4per Money living. ~.... 4RE ATES'7I` 1/3111Sttr0 V ERY itior;e., THE PEESENI' GEN:TU.II.r FOR —.. Ddedisqg . timtf?leefeo- 34.i?1i Voles. c,.... Describing every Genuine Bill in Existehee, , -' and Exhibiting at aglance every-Coun-- " terfeit in Ciliation I I, mi Arranged so admirably hat 'REFERENCE t is EASY. and. - -. • . .. DETECTION INSTANTANEOUS.: . ... 1 8 ri-Z--.N ! ) index to examMe I , No pages\ to:, hunt up! But so simplified and. arranged, .. - that the 31erchant, Banker and 'Business P . Muu-ean see all at a Glante. ' ••• V. 0 ENGL,ISIP , -FRENCH .A.IND GERMAN. 1.1 - Thus each mar read -the [same iii his -own I '4' , .- . ..V.d.Tl V.k.` TO G. UE. • - -7. , Most feifitct• Bank brut List Published: .. ' Also aLi:4 of. - ' . ' - '" .... ALL THE. PRIVATE BANKCRS IN AMERICA. c) ..A .Complete . Suitunary Or the, FINANCE- 05 - ECM/PE it AgEnaciavill lieMblished in each edition, together with.all:- he IMPORIANT . NEWS 01- THE I)AY: Iso ' • ' '..A 'SERIF:SAW . . iii.EB .-.:....'., .•.•-. ; -4 . ~ I",rotet an. Old- I.a.titiseript fund in .the East. 8 -..' It faritigir. - s the Most CoMpleta't -History,- ..„, •-; • .-; -Of Orien.tallidib,, describing tdie'.Nlo - t Perplaing*l'ositions :in• Which the_Ladies - and, G6atlernen of, that Cohntry have been so oftea found, . These ; Sttwies,willifOritinue•througiout the whole ;4 year, and-sill prove the Alst . Entertaining ct ever offered tii thel"ablie. c .. • : . :::',..! ~."-.Furnislietl; 3 •Veedily t . §uhscrihers on-,-,.,- 1 ly-, at sl;,fi xia.r;- . .4/1-lets !must be ad-,...4 dres§ed to`.: ... ~. ... 1 : , i „-.• :, . 1 . : -.; --- . t.TCAIN . 5:D7.11, - Broker, . •.0 ,-t - ---Publialter- and .Proprietor,, l -79- Wall Street- r' Now-Vorir., -- •:: 'LI . ;• . 10:1,--ly:. ..0 .. 1.811 ind'stit; e articles in the Drug line for L sale by /:0•!.) E. E. 8. • ofei, : North , 4th -fri fit fillitiAilT§#THNESTlNol6llll EMEMI viz LADELPIII.! ^3tXl KLT _ow accessible t - yonr aftenttois fA cb.tlegrto ais_o