Elia ME =I , NUM rsorGLE ,VOLUM . - TIE • 'POTTER lOURIVAL,' iTslasitEo &Lux Turh:SDAY 1101:NING, DT. T114p13; S. Chase, 'Oani all Letters and Com'iniiDicatiods shoitid . be 'addressed," lo•se'6ure attention. Terms-'-invariablyliiAdtance: 21,2.1 4 der A];*uT. •!,_ Sgunre [lO lilies) 1 insertion, - - - sq.bsequtnt insertion less tltan 13, atrue 1.1201/14s, - " sis • !lino 2.50 4.00 5 - 50 G'OU 3 00 18 00 10-00 • . 7 00 L . per rear , - 30 - 00 " • 't' -- - -,- -16.00 AdinTaittrator's. or each. Notice : 200 Auditor's Notices, - - - I so Litierill'i.Sales, per trat4,- - Mari:age Notices, CaCil, -- - - Ljdiuci.,; or Profess'ioual ['arils, "each, ed exCedingS line?, per year, .-5 Ou Special and Nditoriat Notices, per, 10 w :111 transient'a.lverti:+erneats . must be paid, in advance, mud no notice will be - taken of advertisetneuts from a distance, unless they are accompanied by the MOifey or Satisfactory -" jrcar, itu.leand . 4.iicare_tvork,per sq., k;.Yerv,:u6sc q uent insertion, - - - - t 4.76111'1)n . six -- - 4I • J. - . .. 1-,,lLrence i;illslllTs Liatus.- .umiultazi;nnlisasgraanumutzsirma iuumi:Uuntuaut JOHN S. MANN, • . ATTORNEY- AND COUNNELLOII, AT LAW, Coudersport,. Pa., will attend the .several Courts in Potter and WKean Counties. Al! busitk , s entrusted in receive prompt attention. Oiliee on Main st., oppo ,;te the (!buft. House: 10:1 P. W. KNOX, ..ATTORNEY AT LAW, Co:vier:Tort. Pa., will regularly attend the 'Courts iu Putter and U adjoinlag Cottulit:s. - ARTIIU4 G. OLMSTED, ATTORNEY & COUNSELLOR. AT LAW, tatend to all business eutritsted,to Lis .care, with promptues and fidelity. Office in Temperance Block, 'sec gad Four, Me.:l2 St. • 10:1 ISAAC BENSON ATTOitNEY" AT LAW- Coudersport, Pa., will attend to al! business entrusted to him, with care and pruniptig:sl . .. Unide corner of We,: gal Third sts. 10:1 V. -WILLISTON, ATT , :ilVri`i" AT LAW, l'i'ell,boro".-Tio,ga Co Pa., will a :end t e Courts in, Is'oter, an 14'1Cean Counties. - • 9:13 .:A. P. CONE,: ATTORNEY AT LAW, WelishOro'i Tiog.t Cn , "i ru:,;4.turly attend the Courts ( Potter Crar.ir. • V:l3 R. IV: - B ENTON, scsrEN - 03 AND cos vEYANVER. nay ( All 1.7.ir co., P. 1.. attract twall iu line. Walt .care and dispatch. .9:33 w. K. KING, EURVEYOP.., PRA FTSIIS...N . AND CONVEY ANCER. l'a., kill • attend to bu.-.4i.ne: ,. .s for nod-resident land holders, nlon_ ru:Lsonal,ltt ferms....P.iiferen res given if requirs.d. P. 'of au . ; pur: of ilia Count, made 'to order. 9; La O. T. ELLISON, PRACTICING Canderiport, respectfully infut;trn; the citizens of the and vicinity that he will promply re e; and call.,':or professional services, wice on.3ll,tin A., in .buildingturaterly oc ,:upicd by t;. NY. E11::.._ C. 1,11113 MANN. A. F. JONES. -- JONES, - MANN 8,; JONtS, DFALERS IN DRY GOODS,' CROCKERY, Httr .• • • •t< k ;••4110r , . GroceriPs and rrovisions, Main st„ . Coudersport, Pa. .10:1 GOLLIYS SitITH. , *. A. JON ZS. Til & JONES, : DF.ALERB IN DRUGS. PAINTS, nit;, Facker.lrticlt::.Statiouery; Dry Goods Groceries, Sc., Maiu st., Coudersport, - 10:1 D. E. OLMSTED, ITALER IN - DRY" GOODS, READY-MADI Clot Ling, Crocktcry, Gloceries, Sc., blaiust. "Coilsien:yof‘, l'a: •lua M. W. MANN, pIALlit. IN MORS S: STATIONERY. MAG AZINES and 5a,:t4,,N. W. corner' of Main anti Third "sts., Coudui..,port, - 10:1. R. HARIaNGTOT, i".j, fi..rgitgersport, td a yin,l9ce in ;;L: 11 Q;i 1 I 1 3ke 1 ' v.'ill,eturyon the W.tteb and Jel.felr . easiness there. A fine as.ortnient of tiry coustahtly_ on band. AVittebes and jewelry citrefuk repaired,.in tlie best style. cn the shortest notice—all 'work .Nyttrmiritetl.: • - , J: OLMSTED, (S_CCCESISOIt TO .J Es,_ T. ---30 EALJERIN-STOVES,- TIN-4: SLIEI T. IRON Mairi,st,oarikrly opposite the ; Colin Owe.; CoUktsport,r•l'A; ,Tjc! Rd : lilieet • Iron Witrl -made . o.oroe.r,goosi short , „ 10:1 • COUDEIti3PURT HOTEL, - - A. F. GLASSMI4E: , :Proprietor,. Cornei o! • Rain sad, , c•c•and_St.xEcqs,..C . lpudepiport; rot- C0.,•t!.1„.. , , ~ 9:44 ILLEG'ANY" 'HOUSE,. - .1431L751; ggiesPurgy Pptter eetta ° miles uorlit,,9E.Con. dirspervoulirt_Wairrilltitowl. e 44 ; e- „ 1 10 - .. .. ,:.:, • . i c,- ,f,...... - - -$ - . , - . , •. j 1,. )_ '•,..; . „..,, ~, ... MEE =I MI s,thrttli Rxittry. [Swift never Wrote, anything iie~tteriu Verse than the following lines from: an unknown 1..• • correspondent: I'm thinking just now Of7obody, - • : • And , alLthat linbody n a done; . For I's,e.a pasgion fo,r. Nobody That.Nobodvlelse w9uld own • • I bear the namii,of 'Nobody, For frook • No!.!9 , And I sing the-praisez , .of,Nobody, : . , As Nobody mine has-sung.- , • 50 $ . l Lo 1 50 1 00 ft4t 'e..uirisipant6trt. FROM CALIFORNIA. [Coiroi.pondenee of the Putter Juurnall TABLE MOLTNTAI;i, Oft. 9, 1857. • EDITOR JctuttNAi..:—One week ago to-day I had been itJ California just four years and six- Months. .• I had: always worked hard, '(generally mining,) and, Litd never drank a drop "of intoiieating litinor," or .gmuhled to the tutiount. of a farthing; and up to that time I had Made nothing more than a decent living, and sonietimes hardly that.' :13ut I labored on, hoping for better in ftiture; but alas!,' there is an end; to hope, and alsO to pa tience; and upon that partidular eveniutt! it appeared as though my will and energy had entirely fottaken me.' I was "working in a tunnel located on":Tilble: M'ountain, My days' work : being done, I threw down my pick and sledge, and trudzedi my way to- my cabin. - • My partner beingrgone to the [ camp, I yas left alone to think. Of the past, Seat ed on-the door-sill, I.,could think of many acts of my 'life that'll would gladly have recalled had I the poiver. I could- not ttunk.that I merited such an ill . fortune as appeared to . be allotted to me. Arousing myself from thistrain of tin- :pleasant reflections, I prepared My sup 'per, which consisted of beef-steak, sweet Potatoes, light bread,and - tea; after ,:iltiugof that, Nery . heartily, I took up a 145tter Joit . rhal that I had received on that Morning; - in - that - -I • fOutid. 'much readinittiatter 'of:interest, and ilitist say, that t ny,erapeni . an ; hourtno - re . "Pleasantly in:Californin than I did Upon; that saw, as usual,'., something 'of ikaosaa'affairs; :and as I have long wished to make Katisa.4 -in hoine, nry-attention was particularly ealle.di to an' article rela- • tive to the true,history of .414 country; and I ant, proud ,tn say Oaf I *as not liv ing in Xlis€;ohri: at the tithe that citi zens so signally abed her by. their proeeedinis in KenSasf "t confess ; with a blush, that I ant afiiSSOtqa;linit, thank Godi. not.: a: .Border;-: Alth9mgh. being raise'! in Missouri, I. have possessed 'Rtip‘ublieinPrideiplesaiUceil:tiesir etiongit to distinguish listpanitylrotu harbariiY. I4l.aye sqqa:o4tF4l--,ip . 411 ,i( i s f forkusi iiavd secwirastkinds-tora fronktheitw - lye% rid - 'oiiildtep,'atid :him) I soeil :•inal l ero , MEI • 1 1 ' , , El 9 , J 4 ;i =I t4e, t'Eocipits of- I.r.tio . beipOokwy; 4qa Usselitig4tl,oo of ittoNiiiy; Fruiri - th# Y. Y. Evening' Pog. • SOBOD : CS SONG. - • Ia life's youngtMoriling , ,,Nobodyl To zuF iyas tenderanddear And my cradle as"-rocisedl)li . obody And Nol:nni. iciis i!itti• near : • I wa.3 petted and priiised Slobody, - _kud'Nobbdilarooklit me up; And And wlien I wai ITngry.NobOdir. . : - G4ye me to. - dine or to suj. - .„ 1 weette sehoot to Nobody;; - Amt-Sebrely.frunht me t"p,iread I played in tint streets And to Nobod4- ever . gave . heed: I recounted illy' tale to Nol;6dy, - For Ntibody to'henr And my he:u•t iticlung to NobodY; • • And Nobody shed .0.. And when I : gre* older, Nobody Gaya Me D. helpmg•tUra And_ by' tlio . good . aid of „Nam ay' . • • •• begap : rny Ity 4 ig,to earn; AndlieMen I eoMit - .•d'Nobod;y-; 'And said Nobody rd Lc,l • And asised to marry Nobody, • , And Nobody married - me., • Tb \ us'I trudge along with pbod.h Ann Nobody cheers my life, • And! have a love for Nobody Whieh . ..Noblidy has fOr his wife So here's a health to l':4.lbudy,- • ' For " Nobndi's now in town," And . I've a passion for Solway That Nobody else would own. :Cottony. MEM KO ELIE =I r r P • I - . L-'4' El 1111 l I :• • " ; I okyr • : • t • . . stretching forth'their arms,,crying aloud, but in vain; for their departing mothers; and I have. seen white. Men, both young and • olii;tu'ined • awa y from etaPlOymini, simply because sla - ve§"eouldf be, had, for the sante wages. But cnongh, Of this, for . while I reflect upon the institution Rimy native state, my face burns with "shame.. Would to 4.. hid I had the po.Wer - to build • • •"•- iap,for he i r free instttuttous - : W ell,as, going . to say, after I hattpernse4 au article•inrelatipn to the affairs; ok Kansas, I :immediately resolr eci go to that country, when:my hands voluntarily dropped to my knees, andd ,was .rapidly enumerating in my minds' eye the inducerneUts that were held out I.M.Young men in Kansas, when suddenly a sense . of ,my pecuniary circumstances flashed into my memory; it flashed as a galvanic shock-, I cast. my . leyes around [me, and iu one corner of my cassict,.be hell a, small table, upon, which •tycre three kin plates, two tin cups, butter plate, and (bread pan, all of• Which were, as yet, un washed. In another corner of the room stood a cooking-stove„atound which hung' some my wet clothing, that I.had 'lwaShed at noon; while resting : in another i 1 extremity ofthe cassa could be Seen two' flour 'sacks, and : one of potatoos; while suspended to the : ceilingwas a . sea-grasa Sack, in which were kept Our bacon„et.e. After reviewing every thing around'ute; isuddeulyconceived that I, while living thus, was violating both the. laws of God and of nature, and that, as I could see no remedy, at that time,lt would be better if I were dead. Thu'S I was rapidly,revol iing in _My mind the consequences •Of such a termination, and the effect itwould haVe upon my friends, when the visage Of toy mother, as has been often the case, banished all such evil thoughtS• from : my mind. • 0, how often has her: visage • de livered me from evil actioffs,'• One (Inca net leave a Mothers' influence- at ho'ine; nay,. it is a: companion from childhood to the grave. On being delivered of a train of evil thoughts, I retired to *rest, and early on the following ntorning. I arose, and took up my pick, pan, and shovel, and started off prospecting. I had not proceeded:far, until Lobserved some favorable looking quartz rock, 'and after pounding. some of it well, I washed out of one pound of the rock tear dollars': I was in ecstatic joy. I rushed to the Justice of - the:Peace to have a claim recorded; and it was soon known that I . had struck it; and in a short snare the mountain was literally covered. with prospectors and speculators; but as.l had the only good claim .on the, hill, I succeeded in selling -it for five thousand dollars before night, • . I took the first stage for Stockton, thence to - San Francisco, and lost no time, iu getting on board of a steamer bound ] for New York. In due time I was once more climbing the stiles in front of the hoinestead. Once more ['beheld my parents and brothers and sisters. They were entirely unchanged. Aftet.embra- . cing them all, I would tak,e,....V 6 t e :py the hand, one after another, and exalt t them closely, as though I - feared thatj was not in .reality at home. ,+'u, clear . away my doubts, my sisters told toe that ou that evening they were to have a sdeial party, and that some Of my old friends would be the:re: - So,' at Alta appointed 'hour our friends .arrived. The . 111113iC began, and I joined in the dance; but ere long *I be ea:nefatigued?. and retired to resit in 'MY old brown bedstead and a feather hiad, for the first' time in ithir years and it..half. I soon fell asleep, and it Was- not until the sun. shed its golden rays' upon my head-board that Iwas aroused from 'thy slumbers. Peelfug so light-hearted, tre solVed immediately _M....arise. threwl aside arty oorering, - and turned:my Oes to tlii : Window to see -if s my Oltt faimitelgun still:1 . 10 ,, there. : .But . 0 - MiserY ! what did', .Wood-saw, -gold-prim, arid' ere Vicing-spoon! I: had,aW4en ed : tollte reality of bitter disappoiut'ment :. I ; had" been: di - e4 Ming:' I slowly back ; on' toypillow of - orield.*es; ifidjoii , eused i and tried !o ?fall again nto'that Swe'et,drealP,SPf ilkjaii. 3 72gunSegqg my enet - gicafas- - best Icould, , l , arose..itod t pre: prod 'My IrenkfaS "and *proceeded . .4n* ;lib& - .. '.,..,,:;•,.: : :.-... %; .....•••.:;..1 ~7 -. F...;:".. i, :. . ( v0 . ...... - ! . ' . : 1". , •...'' . 17.'>' ;—, f...1 - ::'' . `i i r '.,,, - ::..1.::! - . 7.f. ,....?: ‘.....il : ~, , t . i.„, ~..,... ii .i . . / ; •;:,. ..9.c4 :i.1.! ai."?...,1 I 71:•; ,i'..l; : -••".. - :7,: • ''..!..1%, C.,! :: ' ... r, 1511118 Ell =MEE 111 ME Irl , , lir And so it'haa been witii'me, a:continual . .:..-"Of etiume - not ;If your money went in Saneness of scenery up. to the present one gran outlay,.you would look after it time.. Still I am looking for that quartz a tittle Wl' re 'closely, but these petty drib lead, and when I strike it r am going tolyis seem like nothings, I could mention 'Kansas to poll a Free-State vote; and of er Methinks 'I would like to see a - Border " Don't don't , for mercy's sake ! I see Ruffian step becween hie- and the polls. where-the trouble is. But ,dress isnt • everything. - "No tolll w e sure not. There , are your liegars—ho much , do you . pay apiece . Three :Cents,' generally—and , some timea, And loWi'many per day? three—or perhaps four. - Pour, I think, you may call it!" . "And your: three daily . papers, when one contains ..all the. - news;.-these two items of seg,ars and newspapers:amount to fifty-eight dollars-and some odd cents.', Add this- to • the hundred and 4webty three." . i gdotO., - #i:ti# ,- t4;iig, - Prom Life 111 u r t 4e4 t I"Necessary Exti(wagaincehi.” ''"lCan't -afford ; These Words dame, reluctantly'- and !slowly, from -tire of Mr. I Harry Spendfast ' the other evening: I ! Now Harry' althOnivh by no means yortwo old denominate, & fas t young man," hacia habiti,of getting rid .64 . 0, snperfluous funds in a very " fast' man-' nor / indeed. Nobody . knew where Hare ri,r / s money went-=not even Harry him ,self—and on this particular evening, Mr. Spendfast bewailcdl his inability to avail, himsellof a rare opportunity to purchase a libmry, in the usual Style, wondering at' the same time "how it Cost so much td live !" "Now Harry," said I, "do throw away that, cigar, and take your hands out of i !your Pockets' and listen "to nie awhile:_ I'm going to give,you a lecture."' "A lecture? .I don't know abont that. I ean't say tbat:l . tipprove of ladies' lec tures. 'ls it about woman's rights ?" " Not exactly; but as your Mother is at the 'old homested in Ulster County, and you liave,nt , "nny Sisters,. I feel espee "ealled" to talk to.you in aipatron izing way." " Well go on ! I will bear it atwell as I can !"'and.iiarry mad 6 a gritriaee as he lay back in his chair. "Yon reeeive_a good salary from your employers, I am perfectly aware, and yet you :we never able' to afford anything; like 'Mr. Micawber, yin are alwaya - in difficulties. The fact is, Harry, you're extravagant !" Harry bounced up from his chair like an India' rubber ball, coloring to th roots of his hair with indignation. - " EitraVagaut! I deny that utterly.- - - There-is not-the'least shadow of founda tion for the accusation ! Do I - ever pat ronize billiard saloons? • Do I drive fast horses on the avenue? Do .T. keep a 'pri vate box at the opera ? Do " Oh, Harry, Harry ! do stop! You make )iiy bead ache with youf vehe mence; ,even the 'Policeman across the Way stares up at the, window in mute as tonishment." "Well, then don't callltimextravagant T." and Mr. Spendfast sat-down With an air of injured innocence. "Not in that particular way; Harry, I grant; but there are more ways than one of being extravagant. About your dress, for exzintple--" . . • "My dress is perfectly am sure." " Well, we'll see How, is • it, about tbesp studs ?" " town to a little folly ,on that score. They tempted . ine, and help it." - thew fifty ; dollars, when. a plain sot at five would havie been all sufficient. That fancy sane at ten---"—" • "Efuti'did - YOU know?" inquired Har ry with a.gunty blush. ' - - "Oli, never mind ! It takes a woman to-End - out snob ' ,That eye glifs at ten' dollars, 'When you know your eye-Sight is 'perfectly , good.."' J .- paused for an 'anSwer, but Matt l had'nt - a word to say. • "Those sleere.huttons were five. dol tar's: Now I think ',plain 'pearl is twice as - pretty . as - gold,. but n'iiitorti. Your seal-ring al . ieFt" &Atari, your peneil-eake at ten. You see Tin - makirig a 'moder ate estimate. Your embroidered Napo • eo _ may .be prettier than neat 1.46 k silk; buttleirit eight dollars. 'Your - ino're'4lerrieAle %it mne '•s eethat - ie`:ane bus= dred and twenty-three dollans..llllcfne . lu.;', 5, 4_7; .• • could'llBl:s*lbh : Sig 0101 6: 41i0b r6clitrig it th 074.111 kri :.z •••:q. ! ES . 4 ; .1 =1 , • r , 'f ME BE El MIN "And it approaches very near two hundred 'dollar3," ejaculated Harry, with a long,-low whistle: - "It vvoul 'far exceed that if I were to go on enumerating; but "these will serve . Ina-apeeimet* : I. have not mentioned a Isingle one that would not have been deem ed a tiseless:eitravatance in the CepllOEU ical days Of our grandfathers, and yet this two hundred donate would have pur chased the .library. Subtract thia sum from your yearly income (for faihionable wants rise tip with every month) and you will discover why it is'that you 'Ca n% af ford' to live "CourfortablY." " Harry diew torth a distended jeigar case withont a word, and threw it but of the window . with an' energy that - !made The torpid 'policeman jump into the air, and taking out his diamond studs', pit than in his pocket: . 1 i "W e' ll institute a reform," he taoi.-- " But who w ' id liave thought that { a fel- 1 kivr could be o, expensive without inevr , ing ititituself ?"' ", ". - ' I - " Ah, Harr " said I "you may laugh as much' as you please about the financial'! faults and follies_ofthe ladies, but You'll find a. thonsamil. little escape-valves .in your own purse, where the tiny golden - fugitives escape' without a solitary. suspi cion on your part: You take it for grant ed that' you Must have All these little items,. because' - others sport the* , and never stop' to consider how utterly need less they are. ~ Be a little independent. Lay aside the servile imitation, arid out short once for alL•this system of - useless extravagances." ' "Mr. - Spendfast 'profited by my lec ture, I am happy to say, land came over to 'my side of the question. - 'What do you think about' it, all ye men that "ca'uts afford" to satisfy your literary and intel rectual wants? 1 - 1 The Coining Poet. . When from my room I chance to,stray to spend au hour at close, of day, "lever find the place most dear,, where some friend treats to lager beer.--- 7 Sacramcnto Age. Ah ! yes, my i friend of city life, sure such a. treat euros - such'a strife, but better than such a dose by far, sire: pleasures of a fine eigar.-41acer - Such pleasures may suit baier minds, but with...the good uo favor finds; we I think thepurest joy, in life, is making love to one:s own wife.— Votivito Leilger., Most wise your choice my worthy friend, in Hymen s joyi your cares to end ; 'but we, though tired of single life - ,' cannot boast of oni wife, and set when 'neath our cares we faint; we- fly rto kiss a . gal that ain't-yet.—Nqpa Revortr• '_'' ~.: •,-. . That lagerbeer will bile .proveke; while fine ; Havanas. en,d .ia, far'; To court oue's, wife jabetter far than Jager beer . Or ;a- vile CVO:. . Ki i sses, the dew of Live's young morn, break on ihe'litos Si SOOli iS ;born. These all are : -naught to the great 'wt joy—the first proud :glance at dour 'f!rst74 o ni. ) 4°.Y- --217 enia. 9 / 4 d:Jer; ' r:. ?Ms. true a boy's a,lisislid.-for:blessiag, 1 ,hat . then . suppose the, r first's a girl ?, A i i dear_sereet Child With ways of. caressing, ,with ' . pond qg " lip - and ,:flaxen eurl, with ,diniPled 'Cheeks a d langhing . eyeileteMne 'said= bid , .qpapa?-. good-bye--so: whether ;t'other,-'embritee- th 9 ; babe, ~atid theti,the !mother—Sant Frlndic° Gi ° 6 s- ' 'TY' 'l 4 l' I. " ME" EW • ORK:. r lt seenass42l be notiipretty: bettainAliat, - the 4PAte:Ktitedti 716 4teriblioßns, in 14.pe -00%0, Zhasel : l44 - ; Fad , thet.tbet uusc st.iiicTs ' . 62 'Re _palair.oaiii; ;57 . 1) ;A:m'ong the 'Aineric~n Senators l and Me beteatel,OhitiSilt4ose, lel eef, elby. REM REEMI 1= 41,25 • ER MIEFEL How THE LADIES DRESS I'S ICAYSAS. —A Kansas letter-writer, who recently came down the Missouri.ou the steainer Omaha, says : " At A tchinsotr, we stook] on a young Kansas belle,' whose 9nty'atteridant Was a young Missotiri blood. Thai young, laty was apparently dreitiea in thelacest agony and style i of fitshion; the chaste straw hate the innumeiable flounces and wiiie4siiread ing_ hoops of lieF,lnylStyipet silk set of her eminhanding figure vety04 . 53,, fully/ Her stature 'tall-as 3yr~iu I hate A. dom - p,ywoman."'''Bitt . the:rieliest scene in relation - to - this young, belle. Wis behini the: . enrtaiii; and is' 't, cOie yet.! Leavenworth our Err 'one Ileft - us, a'nd as she was Standing:on' the bank-',eastitik a last, lung, lingeringliacli w : e were tempted to admire her, delicately' turned ankles—' who can resist -a nicely keel oulter or a iteepingankle?'-4hen; behold! she hadn't, any stockings on IHI-arznyier• ble to say what, the fashion. i 4 irtiKASas —whether it is fashionable for • ladies 49 Without hose 'or not but Certain raw that the finest dieised one Whoni - rsais in the TerritOiy -didn't use theartieler" 80*E people think it is;the easiest thing in the world to make nionelby - publiihing a newspaper. The initiated knorv c bntier . , and even the dein himself has bad, : !!..ex perienee" in this matter.: It'hapPeAid is this wise : " The',devil 'bargained for the soul of a young man. ' I furniSh alt the: money Young . America' could spend, and-if he did - not spend.it fast as it, came his soul was. the. forfeit. 'For several year's Yolinn. Anierina. - 1:'90 ahead of the devil by the aid 'of - Wainer,. wine, horses, etc.', but :the 11fientimado4 large deposit with him, which itseerned ' impossible to get rid of. Youn AnaeFics, as a last resort, started a newspaper. The devil growled at the bill At the entl.of a quarter, was savage at.sis. months, sad: at nine, and owned up -„‘ dead -broke' at ,the end of a year. The newspaperwent clown . , butthe soul Was saved." The moral - of tine fable is simply - enough. Anybody: start a newspaper, but the devil himself couldn't make one .pay, , f A COUPLE : a sensitive 'plant .that'thrives (inv . in t the centre - of n'large - trinolinefenee."-' RqrelY Seen by the most practical - eye...J.-Ex.. . A - Boman; a hardy .plant: that thilv . es best in a country home; but:Which:way occasionally be found in the cities. , -Itis particularly - obno - zions - to fashionable cir cles, and caiaonly be Seen there 'thri'lh...ll the, - MicroscOpe of common sense—•aq in strument now almost *Obiolete in those particular regions. The'type of real Woman is also - becoming obsolete in:the world—there are a feWliowqfer existence.—Eo. JoyrOAL.] • NEW USE FOICRATTLESICAftEff.- The Grant..C . oll7lll/ (Wis.) - ifera/4 0 nf.th7th inst„ says that Seth Maker,, a eurlous . , nat uralist, residing near Beetoiva, spot . of ground - 'on his farat set apart .for'inel ons, and near it there is a well-known - deb of rattlesnskes.' He hastanted the s Rakes, and, by some - inysterimis-tioviers In'-the spiritual department of ecience,:is.fibleto conjure them at will into:bisanelon : pateb. to guard the same apinst„uninvited ia truders The Snakes hava .. been: in hi's . Service all `the. Fall, and disehargektbeir. duties:admirably.. "'-.WiscOnsilt.ikgoing'tb. be!a :great 'country. .._ LAcosic.—The following 4 0? wit* of the Alinnesota'Goyornoes Proclamation for Thanksgiving: PROCLAMAPYN7 Ili dkiirka S.. Criu'ie,' Adifig - -Goiieh6r of tJia Territory qf Minnesota Thurs . dn, _Abe, iOt6 of Dzeemi3er, is itere6y"apdohited to tie peo ple:ofpie : of Minnes , Ait - al.Tll3riltskiving,D.ty. Irt testirriOny wbereof I Ilavehereanto set-rrty aol C tiisod to be of theival L. S. C of the Territory, at...SkPizat, - .t.418 Otis daty-of .Itioreollker r iatlie Year of our Lcifd 1857 mid of the TeriOttry, ttievist.h. ell.kllLE ' S S. 011.-1413,,Api.iogG.wer.o.or.. "'EEiVkil).ll. - '3lcCooK,'Piivixte &c i t. . : . • ;10r The -PenCI9MAY. Y(. 0 .4. 1 4 P4 4 ' 01 .' 4 4 0 devil, if.helveTe the noinineeJA ttie-D*rty 'Y‘k Yei; but,he coviildifi . The Deuilieials'efviaii "nothiciait": thin" of their 6Vn pe.r6r.--4,Batoit-R,4uge It the;:tild felitow dhottitbilipin,Lit /gal in .thia ithape, orAn old llae Win Win__ vert,_ r9P9at4 1 44 110 *./ 5 . 1. 9. 1. 41.Pg:7 112 #°P tP.erlia•ps he way have assutiptiAliejialta i bf an 151 d reder4ll.4t".' - . • Isu,ys,Altat rt tlextrtip Satoh of his tia.s , tysx4rofitahle ; lust , son.' - 1`54 - anars ate up titi" the chickens ate u the snails p die-thigh ute iNot c tudjye are tl4.s(tir -eat up the ez4: 4 - f59 2 .E. .4if4tilli _ MIS FI it - , - 40„ — .:: , tze ' :. ,, , - ;1 3 ,.. - 1.- !1-J, _ j _FOU.R,CENTS. ~ _.`,3~ IMJ =I jr ~
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers