The Potter journal. (Coudersport, Pa.) 1857-1872, November 26, 1857, Image 4

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hb' l'otte).
Pouuly„will nf: ; the -i'glleolving places,
end-ikp-tie blues 'Awe apeeciified; ficip,the
teachers; viz:
-L";l7§-SliS t , Thursday, . the of
7N6vbattey neat; he school-house
,eui vide.
V12414.11R150N . ,. :Friday; Nov.' 2 27th, ; at 1
Ath4 (Alinmings' , pehool-house.
T.';' l lll.2ifilf3.:3l CENTRFI 'Nlonday - Nov.-
t r # 0 .. , 4 at .
- ..VILLAtiE, Wednesday,
,-..pec.:211, at the school-house.
Thursday,' - Dec. 3d, at the,
l e r bOolllonsc., the nn of . the
- -lIEERON, Friday, Dep. ,, at the
p randall hill school-hoiise.
..-- - --41tPU1. 4 fn'T.E,_ Saturday; ;Dec- sth, at
-1110 red Sehool-limise near - 3tr. Weimer's.
- `PIKE Tuesday Dcc. Bth, at the
/ielieol-lipase near the mouth of the West
. PrauSq!,
- COLIDERSPOItT, Satirilay,Dec: . l2,
.-pt the Academy. --,
The e,xatuination'at eaoh of the above
l ices is:to eminence at 10 o'clock, A.M.
• It is expeeted that all the teachers will
make their jarangpmcnts to be at one of
Ileac planes?-:whichever may be the most
convenient. Those, however, who attend
Teaohev'r; Institute ;during the eneire
session, will be examined and receive a
fertitleate (if-I,naiifi2d) before leaving.
- Each Teacher is also requested tofur
• piste a reading-book of the kind generally
- used; also a pen and ink, together with
pt least two sheets of paper, as a portion
pf thc answers, in the different branches,
will--be required in writing. As there
pro• increased facilities for teachers to
qualify themselves for the duties of their
pallirig, the time has come for more
thorough examinations. ,
,•• The "Department of Common Schools"
has issued new forms for certificates, both
Provisional" and "Permanent;" the.
Ptate Superintendent, has also given in
rftiction to the County Superintendents
tp TV-CFrap , l443 those frachers nowhohling
.certificates, and give uew
:Permanent certificates .to such as are
worthy of them, and Previsional certifi
-Pates to others; also to annul the Penna.-
-Pent certificates of those who do not sub
lett to a re-examination-
• These instructions will be complied
with; and a higher standard -of qualitica
'lion 'ill' be required hereafter,
It is hoped that the friends of educa
. ,-
Um, and Directors especially, will. - be
present at the examinations.. A Lecture
will be delivered at either of the above
places, on any subject relating to -Com
mon School education, on the evening of
ifte_day of ex.amination, if desired..
- county Superintendent of Potter Count.T,
CounnnseouT, October 17, 1857. • .
Prices Greatly • THE CASH SrSTEM :
11011 NE -WATERS,
A r o. 333 Beoadicay,, N. Y.,
• • Instrunnentit.
T" Largest Assortment of Pianos, Melo
deons, Musical Instruments, and-Musical
lilerciiiiaise of all kindS, in the United States.
Pianos from Ten di Terent Manufacfories, eons,l
ihos,e Of. every.Tariety of style; from
the neat and substantial 6f- octaves, in
orltosewood Cases,from :5150 to $2OO,
to thoss of the 'most elegant finish up to Onei
Thotcsitial'lbillars. No house in the Upionj
Gait coMpeteArith the.above in the number.!
variety and celebrity of its instruments, nor
lit - the - Extremely low prices at which-they are
rIANOS, • with or without Iron. Frames; pos
sessing iu their improvements of over-strings
and action, a length of scale and compass of
tone equal to the Grand Piano, united with
the heauty and 'durability- of structure of the
Square Piano. - They are justly pronounced by
the Tiress and by the first Musical Masters, to
bo equal to'those of any other manutlicturer.
They .are built - of the best and most thorough
ly seasoned material, and guaranteed to stand
the action of every climate. Each Instrument
gnaranteed:to.. give satifaction, or 'purchase.
Money refunded.
-'• SECOND-lIAND ;PIANOS,' at great • bar
gains, constantly in stme,—price from $3O to
$l4O. - -
perior Instruments in torch and din-ability ,of
/mike. (Tuned the equal temperament.) Sfe.
jodeous of all other styles and makes. Price
$45, $6O, $75, $lOO, $125, $l4O-11ouble
needs and two banks of Keys, s2oo—leSs a
liberal discount. • Clergymen and Churches,
pri extra discount.
PROWN . S 1 - /A.RP3, •
. . , VIOLINS;
I,lld Musical-Initruments of all kirids, at lower
prices than ever before offered to -the public.
A. large discount to - Teachers and Schools.
the tradb supplied oh the most liberal terms.
Mlllslll-mOne of the larger itnd best sn'-
leeted 'eatalognes - -of Music now published,
ponsprising tnany.of the choice and most pop
ulta Ors of the and will he sold at one
third off-froni the regular 'prices. • • '
.:Music 'sent by:mail f 6 all parts'of the coati=
try, post-paid. Particular and personal titten-:
lion Raid i to.till orders 'received by Mail: = Sat -I
Isf i scticraguitranteed in every instance: fianos
Meltideohti for :rent and . rent allowed' on
2,34nhaae.,:icPiditos_and Melodeons for sale on
-3x44 . 911y4:41311616: ' Second-hand Pianos ta
ten inexchlange for new. General and select
p g talo g neiati4 Schedule of prices forwarded
• WarGrtnitlbiaudernents offered to AGENTS
iq 'AR parts of ibebountry, ttosell , the Borate .
Watere-RianoscHelodeonc, and Catalogue- of
l 8146 • .
having tioright O:11,
' .formif:tiitrn,eri! pf,',the Lettistille
ilrrit:4lll , ll,o iwtscpreilored to slo*.a4 noon . '
of grindittgols _they believe , iatiqa.E. ;
Come fs;ia'Sta:
' • '. ' IglaWIS
" 'OrArrOVisiglit:
3 a
*e7rlcalir-WaretPrage all i a
teAprrALV 01AD,1.100.
A.INICJIOLAS, Office 70 Wall-Et.
A reffoot alkgialt4r of :F 5.6111 41
- '.CoontorfalO z q 1: 07
' i'Phiotiiihijihr and liliulattrlie'VoliOri:
1 4 jefts,- .Er,aturk ,1 7ralAfe,-3 vs!'20:11-' :r:
• 1. ,-; t •
..i.Y:cickpureliased,4 , he_Patenf.for.t4' ex.-
elusfre right :to inanufectuqqpiiiscllfthe
new,Chemjcal .iu A meri inceuSell end
I:titer:tea jp, gughoul p, nein
breted,chepiist and ofiicer in tb,e : Britiptygniy,
it is . necessary f to the itoper ; ie
rec . :nun) en Nent, Ake:sayer of, the If.
SigißF, 31r, I.yruan;of, the New,Yoikpearing
anO leltge„ 4rothte.c!,-.,eAten.siii'n . end
.14iffn't pbotocmphers, 4rpadraq,..:i. Y.
better aa'y that no; iniitiginn cup .be ; made
on a cheek or_ bank note Inintd - ,7in Lim Selekt
Paper. n oi:few, is our if:A, pfprices
Irktuk Checks, 35 0,12.). ,
Bank Wills, $lB f0r.,1000
kachaoge42s for looo.sbeeto.*
P,rurai?.:s'orrnitesi . 4o. ct.s, 14} •
Sight k lune Drnfts, $25 for 1000 sheetsJ
liworatrice Policies ets. -..t)
Itailrc4ul lb. f
Lllank i hd Stath Stocks, 40 cts,-Vlb.,,
.I.londg; and Mortgages, 40. ets, ea: lb, • •
11.tillls and lleeds,;4ticts. V lb,. • .
!For wrapping Silks and -other .fino articles
it is excelleut,,a3 it provents•miuths,= . . 40 etc.
-- 6 ,4 lb. ;
For ; Indentures and Agreements, 40 •ets.
!' . •
All State and County Records should always
be priatediter. written on this .Paper, as the
chunicalsluserted in the pulli not only fire
vent erasure or_transfer, but make it lasting
as time. .1 . .
. •
For outheru Climates it •is iereellonti arid
much superior to any other;- as the moistAlsi
of the climate does not destro3r, pro§-
erties insetted in the pulp being a preventive.
In all the southern
.states, Cuba, the .-West
Indies app the ls'entral• American States, nal
otiblic records can, be kept oVer 20 years, writ
ten on the• ordinate:: paper, while - the. (Me and
other chemicals inserted in this. Paper tuakesi
it indestructible by the ravages of time. It is
also proof against moths,'d other :Tor
ruin, which feast on and destroy all other pa-1
per IIOW in use. •., •
• The Company have,now in operation Mills
in Morris County,-N., of about .00 Lorte;
power, and are able to fill all orders for Paper
at the shortest notice. •
-Ail orders for the Paper-must be addressed
to A. NIgIOLAS, President of the .Company,
No. 'lb Wall street. • . 0-3uto,
f . .
TOIIE TRIBUNE was first issued nail Daily
, on the lOth .of April„ 1841. Its Weekly
edition - was commenced in September of the
same year; its. Semi-Weekly in May, 1845. It
was the tirst. daily iu America to issue a
double or eight-page sheet at a low price, and
it! has kept at least even with the foremost of
its rivals; n the rapid expansion of Newspaper
enterprize, which the great extension of-Rail
roads, and. the establishment of the Tefcgraph
system have crowded into these last sixteen
eventful-years. No larger journal is afforded-j
at 60 low a price in any quarter of the world ;
none in America, no matter at what price-is
sued, pays aro equal amount, weekly or month.-
ly,! for intelleetual labor. • It employs cones
pondents.regularly. in. the_ leading .capitals of
Edrope, and at the most: important points on
this continent, with a,liberal stall of _writers!
and reporters at, horne,regarding full, early
and accurate information as the firstobject of
a 'Newspaper, and the timely and thorough
elucidation theretif as, the ehief end of its Etii
torials. In that'spirit, TILE TRIBUNE' has
been and .will be conducted extending, and
perfecting its correspondence so fast as the
increase of its ; patronage will justify the. ex- I
pense. Should the-current attempt to connect
the Old with the New: World by-the magnetic
wire prove successful, we shall fiery soon, at a
heavy cost to Ourselves, and,:we trust, a cor;
responding adVantage to oar,readers, publish
cacti morning', a synopsis of the,. preceding !
dais occurrences throughout Ettrope,Nortli,
ern Africa, and Western regular I
reports of, the markets ' the monetary. aspects ,
and harvest prcespects of hither Europe... With'
a dOod atlas beside hint, and his d lily paper!
on.hisLfire.side table, the -Aiu t eri6nii fennel-or
artisan within dayftt of .Itheicity.irt4,
then study each evening : the doings : of the
civiliied7world throngliout . tlid day, p reced ilia;
and it seems- hardly possible 'that any man
who can reads but especially
~one . who has
ehildrertlto '.educateAtillelonger... deify hiniself
the pleasure and
,profit of a
; daily.
t iournal,..
The 'same is &tie measurably of - thosil , w•ho
live further inland ; though, Where mails are
infrequent, a Semi-Weekly, or even a Weekly
paper, may seem - sufficient.
• l I TTIE TRISUNE deals with questions of Po
,Ecoriomy,'Public Policy, Ethics,. Mate
rift; Progress, acid whatever may effect the In
tellequal, Social and - well ,
being of mankind, dogmatic Theology alpne
eieePte4- Its leading ideals the honoring .of''
11gnest, useful work' in whatever, sphere or
rcapacity„,and the consequent elevation of the i
,Laboring Class in knowledge, virtue and gen:
, eral esteem. It is necessarily hostile to
Slavery udder-all its aspects, to Intemperance
ip Wlnttever farm or degree with its itecesso
ries, to War, save in the defense of Country
and Liber l tytagaint actual invasion. and 'to
e'Very".fortn ;of Gambling. Desiring; -to see
Prodhetiori extended and encouraged, while
wild Speeulation - and'useless Traffic itrc ,cur
tailed; it favors` the I paliey of sustaining, and
diversifying llomel.lnditstry bY discriuiiva
ting poliey whiCh
.teads to increase
the price of Grain to ; the'faimer 'while dimin
ishifig that'etßrcadltO'lthe artisan, by retlti
ihe distance crossWh'eli their respective
products, arer-t changed, and, of course, redn
rang the cost of their transfer, !titan:ling
gilibusterism Ist all U.'S phases, and'dely forin
and device a National covetousness, with un-
abhOrenCe, as the bane of Republics
and in their tfil4IPP4 the 'grave of ft.ttal
Human . Rights; *or - seek , by-every means to
woo' and Win the attention of our countrymen
fAni projects of aggranditement abroad to en- -
terpriaes development: and _hetiefie:ence at
home, foremost'among which we rank aqtail
road through the heart'of ourienitory to con
;dect the waters of the"Ationtin with those of
ithe pacific: l . Believing that the g,dods - of this
, lith are uot.yet fairly ,distributed, add that no.
:one ready to work Should ever fatnish
Kitting icilenessi,it rends' brim par to eveti
suggestion of Social imprtivertiOnCirlich does
not countervail the dictate§ of eternal Morality
u.O.t War upon that naturatright, of 'every one
to whatsoever he has fairlylfdduce'd 'Or Iffitil•
o,Prit4iluireet Whose deur must eink:irtan
kind WO: the clads 'end -night of- harlfarism
and universal ssituilor With a.profound
adionsness , thatattidisceilrunkirdSP libertines
434;,fero8igatet .0;t0 nvsr other- •(15:the
'x in) than rieedy hod wretched, it: hertis'aloit
the great, trUtli-that
;P„oroiiment4that the shild-trilitted:ttplui tht
•War he shotild go, raretr waite r - 3 . 68 1. 3 ,
:•;`: ' • r-i 2
tbil,iwrii,.fitic o } o....l.liciinypathi of Vi.e.e
aa.d. OrirrtiOt !ii.triact'arineaden 2 —Religious
td o tit 1-atid ntal as Wall.ris'infeilidiartg—
lir the hibstßtfeetive -teniprital antidote idthe
errOrrand woes Of onti•race: -Recognizing in
'ilte'ranst 'degtarled- speeletert. of Randnitra
`clivitte: , spitrk -which'sh'ould reverently
not iuthlessiy trodden oitt,we fia%'e•
eharlty'tol all fortris Lof -MI hut those-is icit
seek personal' tlN'aniajrthreirgh the'debase
merit of our fellOtf-beings.. -The eininviop of
no clasi or caste; the devotee of no sect; trc
interpretee4o i each•othei ; of
I grnera.l ceineeird beivieen - Lalior end Capital;
and'aineng those *holt eireutnattraces or tdis
rippinliension haVe thrown into'nintatirraean
/ tagonisni. ' A coteraporitrY onee'obseived ihnt
tie tier erl - kiien' ' hard, , firitsping
'epiplOyer, who* did not 'hate THE' t TRIBUNI:.:.
niir n fi;enerOnsiTarge.seuled, kindly One, Will
ink to life and lei Eire; who ' did not:like it.
We' ask uo'higheripraise, - no 'l'vanuef 'atte'sta
• • •
. .
The Cfrctila - tietti'of T}ll TRITICKEjs at, this
time as -follows : 32,000 - • t'op!es ;
WeelzV, r2OiSOl) copies;
16,000 copies ; 'Californiw and, European,
6,000: copies ; Total 230,800 • cOpes,
mat bf the .Semi-Weekly and Weekly ire
litre to hieXceeded. by no other. - newspaper
IPublished in the world; that of the . Daily
flilfs 'behind that of some of our cotempora- .
'ries. 'lied our hoStility to Human - Slavery
and.the Liqu'or Traffic been more guarded and
our Daily issues would now hesome
thousands heavier 'and our Advertising -far
more lucrative ; but of our patronage gener
ally we haVe no - reason, no wish to complain - .
•Of lake, concerted effort has been made to
diMinish Or rural circulation through the in
finenee of the Postmasters, some ofwin= em
! hark in it eagerly, others under politieal.
straini; while a large number. we are happy
• for the sake of Human Nature - to State, reftise
to be diagbonediato it at all. Still, we have
• been made; to feel the heavy' hand of Fewer,
and' have doubtless:lost thottsands.of subscri
, hers inconsequence." Pretexts to Which noin
dividnal in his private. capacity would' have
stooped have- been relied on to justify the
j stoppage of our papers within reach of their
subscribers and rightful ownersiatitt their re
; tention in - the Post-office till their value vert ,
; destroyed. Postmasters have beeWschooled
1 riv=al journals—several of them living on
their belf-proclaimed ability to serve-as an
:antidote to VIE TRHILTNEas to their po=
iitical duty tr: promote at our expense the
disseminatiOn of gazettes' of adversepolitics.
We shall outlive this warfare, but we do not
affect indifferenceto - it. '-In the open field of
- discussion we fear nothing; but in the tens
of thousands of rural neighborhoods where
the Ptistmaster can induce many orhis quiet
neighbors to- take the-journal he rectimmends,
we have already lost 'some patrons, and' ex
pect to lose more as our subseriptions for-this
year expire. We appeal, therefore, to the
hearty, faithful, fearless advocates of Free
Labor and Free Soil throughout the laud to
take care. that this official warfare oa our cir
culation be not prosecuted without counter
action.: We- employ:na traveling agents, for
we wilt not consent to have-the -public har
assed -with • the ,solicitations of straugers in
our behalf,. -We strike the name of ea,.13,-,sub;=.
seribe'to' imr WCekly or SeMi-Weekly'frone
our lrooks so scion as hiwtermlas expired, for
we will .not haunt our patrons with duns for
arrears which they may say -they - never -in
tended to incur, - for. papers which perhaps.
they never read ; we rely for- the renevral of
our club subscriptions solely on the volun
teered efforts of those who,-liking our paper,
believe ila influence saint:l7.4nd worthy to be
extended ; and thus far our reliance has been
justified, us we trust it may Continue to be.
THE TRLDUN - E is,printed on: a large im
perial sheet, 321 by 44 inches, folded in
quarto form, and mailed to subscribers-at the
following .: ,
DAMV 'Tnlntrlzs, per annum
One Cop' ;one year . .
Two Copies, one year
Five Copie3, one year
Ten Copies, to oiJe ,iddress,
One Copy. one rear . $2-00
Three Co, ies, one year. • . . • -5 .00'
Five Copies. one year . • . 800
Ten. Copies. one year . . 12 00
Twenty Copies, jr bus address, and any
~.larger number at the rate of $1 per. •
annum • • • . 20 00
Twenty Copie4, tf , address of each sub-
, e,yil pr. null any largernumber at the rate of $1 2n, each • . .. 00
Any person sending usA Club of. twenty or
more be.entkiled. to an extra copy.
:May commence :tt, any time.
'feints ali-,i'rs tia'sli in udtance. All letters to
be addressed to ..
Tribune Buildings, , •
11.4 Nn au street, New York.
NEW YOILIC 3 ;$! . 1.4. OM.
Offers Great Inthlceinents
-the store formerly occupied by D.
SPENCER on 31 Street, North side of Public
X good assortment constant troa hand, froni
Which I will enuinerate'a few of the leading
articles, such as • .
Sugar, Mustard, ' - Candy, .
Collbe',,:. - ",..... :„'Cil:l4 :.
5ti0n,1, - .lNttia j.: •,. r.
Molasses, ~ Pepper Sauce, .Crackers,_ -:
SS - rup . i, ,
.. Catsup, •" _Soap. -: '..
' ..P.apinr,-- . ',Yeast, •
..,:: Cant11q.4 . ,,,i , _
`'Spice; ' • *- ''Olts, -
.• „Load;._.
.1 ..
Ginger ;
_. - Tobaceo; -., , _„ 1 4 .6a. d •,. ~ . ,
Cloves, ;" • Snuff; .;,. . ,i'G;".. Ca,p,.
Carb: SOdar 'Sega s; ''' ,0. I...,artar,. •
aid malty other "th iu s too ' loon-,
lion, • iiill.lcetotmd in ,is •dOpail iaent t - whfch!
, ; 44
* sohLat a .trilliu.g adyauae . from cost,
•fei're44}` pay: , ..- 1 - -1 . .' . ' - , .: :
- Pit.bir . licoNs .- : ',,••, ... „:
~.:. . . , ,
COnstantly on hand, such as •
roliw, HAMS ; SIJOULDItSi . :FISI•j; SALT,
111771'41;i CittliSE, .Talitl, IHANS,
QATS ) 71;1.01413y ; . CtlriNt 7-044 1 .17 Tr - r,
• AuchwElE.AT 0 : FLOUI, ...plttEp_ - ,- t
1:',2-- - API'L'F I S, ITIII"gp lays, , •-' .• -.
mai Sittaay oili - ci: 4 lrticleA ili r tKt iihe - of .Pro Vi.
!ions not nggfesary to tacntiorl. Also,
such as Brooms - , 'Wash-nibs arid BoarilS; gaps,
Dinner Bor,es, .kc., which will he sold low - for
cash or readpayi' , 'OatsilPotatOes, Sutter,
Fggs, • Cheese, and in fac almost erer3 , thing - a
farmer raises, will be, taken in exchange for
Goods, at their, cashlvalut.
tention.of. - villagers, Farmers andiounheensin*
- Who deSire, to:make, pnrelmael: t„l477yboye
ar,tfielqsx - ni4 them; to: cath befor*; par
chssing.elsewhere, -; • k g.. SPENCER« -
C..90e:r5140-1 1 1. lane: 9. 9 . ;-;
Q . '03113' 61 4 0THINei of blieitiferivii6ifsia#o:
)..7 on hl9e,a, , ,?1, - *: - OPEPTC7IIII;
t:. , w. Air.
iVOiettikfeot Nitilfe,Vl . 4iNte.
• •
Ti •• , • • '
r - 'IN - ALL STAGES OF• • •
Aritiicru .
6eie.F . Of M e Kidneys
Bladder, Mertitricit''lthiftind 6tit:
Thi•dirt, - NoseitiidWipc.'ll7(lo : s'yon - the:
cancert, - Drcp:lr,'EpiPpticly,!..t?
;81 1 . !Vitals ,Dahce r ibact iliwricedi*.ing "'fop
ra_rlcrngemtnt.ofMsSlxuol i
SUCH tis'Neri'auS - Treniblingi
-iiery', Loss Of"l'dweil'pentl'af:Wetiinesi
DinMeSsUflrision With pectiliar gpietS tipPeni ,
Nog before the.eye§; r..oss'of Sialmt,' Wttkefn--
tie t, Dyspepsiai Giver Disetrae,TruptionS upOU
-the.flieei'Paiti in 'ilai , baelt - and' head,. rem ale
irregilitriti'es end 'all iruPrief;er illacliarge'SWoM.
both sexes,•lt' Matt era not from- what -CatiSe
the sliseaSe'brigiaated - rboiveOg
Ver . l . sittuiling
or obstinate the 'Cage, iiedreilf f.itertftliz, titid
a.sherter time thane permanent chalk ef
fected by toy . other tree trient; after the
disease has baffled the Skill' !otsemirointlibist-
Clans and resisted all their 'means - of :cture.i . ff he
Medicines are pleasant nithout odor, canal - tight)
sick:testi from' mercury or balsam.
During twenty years - of practice, I have rescued
from the jaws of Death many thousantlsi!Vvlto,
in the last stages of the above inentiOned,
cases had been•diaby.their phySi
cians,:which.warrants. me in.promising to the
afflicted, who may. place•thems.elves tinder my
carc,,e, tierfectUnd most speedy cure... Secret!
,Diseases are the greatestcnemies .to health,ins
they are the first cause of Consumption, Scrof
ula, and many: other diseases, and should be, a
terror to the human family,. As a permanent
cure is scarcely ever effected, a majority aftlie.
cases failing into the hands :of incompetent
persons, who not only fail to cure the diseases
hut .ruin the. constitution tilling • the,,systcm
Wita.ruercury, which, with the ,disease, bus
',tens, the sufferer into a'rapid Constimption,.
But should ; the disease and the treatment
not cause .death.speedily and the victim mar
rias,ithe disease is entailed upon the children,
who are „born, with
. feeble constitutions, and !
the ,current of life corrupted ny, a virus which
betray's Scroftila, tetter,.tileers, Brun-
tions an other affections ,of the skin, _Eris I
Throat and Lungs, entailing upon tkom brief
existence of suffering .and consigning-4MM to
an early. grave,.. , . .• I
AIICSE , is another formidable ,enentyl
to health; for . nothing else iu-,the dread cata,-
Ingile Of human diSeases causes so. destructive
ri drain upon, time_ drawing its, thousands
of Vietims throngh a
_few years Of sufferiag
dowit to an untimely grave. it tlestr4;:s ' the
N•ctlions syst vei,,rapidle wakes, aWity:. the en
ergils of life, cause - . 4 'mental derangehiblit,
prevents the . properdevelopment of the system,
disqbalifies for. marriage - , Society', leas-Mess ,
and till earthly : happiness, andleavcs th?„suf
ferer wrecked in body find mind, pfedi.Lip - Osed
to censumption and a train of evils more to be
dreaded thhh, death itself... With the ;fullest
Confidence I assure the' traforintiate - vietims of
Self-Abuse that a 'permanent and speedy cure
can he.affected, and abandonment of!
ruinous practices my patients can be restored
to robust, vigorous health..
' the afflicted are cautioned againSt the use
of Patent Medicines; for there are so many
ingenious snaresin the columns 'of the public
prints to catch and robthe unwary sufferers
that millions have, their constitutions ruined
by the vile . compounds of quack • doctors,
the ;equally..-poisonous :nostrums. - jvlpttclqd ;us
"Patent McilienftiS,.” thavc carefully analyzed.
many 'of 'the So called . - patent , Medicines . and
find Ail nearlyall:of.thethcontaiit Corrosive
t4nblimate, which j3OllO 'Of' the stiontest.pre
parations of mercury and a 'deadly nelson,
which instead of
. curing the disease diSables
thessyste for life. 1 -
Three-fourths.of the patent nostrumi now
in Use are put up by unprincipled and ignorant
persons, who di not understand even 'the 'al
phabet of the niaterk nardien, and are -cep:ally
as!destitute of any knowledge of. the hiunan
system, having one object only in view; and
that to,make money regardless of consecinctt-
$3 00
5 0(1
30 00
. .
Irrogltlaritics it nd.all diseus CS of ur ties and
femulos treated Oit princtplea es ; t,,hf;'she,d_",by_
twenty ye:frit-of practice,- unit surfetion'ed
thoueiands of the inogt femirkable cur' s. Ned-.
Vines with., fall directions sent tcr . tirry part :of;
the United States' or.. Cantidns, Lity patioulti
communicating. their symptoms: by let
Business correspondence strictly- confidential':
ft.ddress. - • . '
office ye. 11.41, riibert Si,,
(Old No. 1090
- • • .;,,, NEW GOODS, ::, . :
- Low Prices and Readi•ray, •
• ; .-; . ;
riIIik‘.SUBSCRIBERS :ire:offering for sale
1. ap entirely new stock, consisting of - I
li.' SHOES;' il4Ts x: CAPS. UII- '
..• - . :-: WINDOW SHADES . ' - • '• ' 1
•; • • - •
WALL. PAPER.•'REA ' DV; • '•;
- • . NOTIONS.4e. to ' *• ';;-
• .Trroar.selections.the wants of :HA rebc;en : ,
remembered. The Gentlemen 61'6.6 - iii l mirl
stock of-Ready 3lade Cl6thipe on eleg - 4at f
Fashionable snit, or Iv substantial ' usiiihss . ;
suit, and we base Hats & Caps-II:ad:Boot:4 •&`'
Shoes tb Match.: -.: .-: ; ,-: -;_;;-: :' ; :-I ~.;-.1.
. :-The.liadies can' find . FaShicinahle'; . -1 Bop ti,ets
'beautifully . tritunied,..or bhiinet's nadir romit)g;
a good assortment of .I)resi Goods,. and'. tron,:i
ruiar , 4; 4..4lares;')litter; floitiory, and -41 - tt , ist , :--1
And",:lasi botnot litits4- aorthidiornd sitele,iori!
Skirts ;-.also, Rattan's, - .,Skirt-Whale onct'' dad
Brass Slart-Hoops i beantifol.3Jet . eek4ees
_Bracelets; Corals', 'Faith,' awl`., o'•' Mang:
other things to enumerate,-:-all'of hieh tae,
are. Selling low for Cash; Dauber, oroat k i mil I
of T.roduce..:-:ELOLTB,--31EAL,-.FISH•LSM.,- (47';
staatly -on- hand.. •,....:,- ..:' -.,,,.: -': --- -,- 1
, AV, Blf•t 4 ; : IL pgArg, ..-,,
Sharon'. Coater,. _ Pcittei •To„ .I.'ri.i!. Jun 5,1
'185Z.,,....-.10:2,-tf; j ~ .:.y".." '-.,, 31•.:....-:i : , ...,1":. / , 1
J: .'si4AFF'oitri icdcr.'§,en.avgi.TAßl
DR:r4:si - N,E s; - sqN's F.A4. 11 1417'1141?
i i ,41.,
ptNE'*b,. '' - : •••• • - '-. ' • • . r
J. - c. AiTit.- - co.'s cErgiii,itit. i .rQ .._ U. .
AND IPILL. - - - '-'..-- -1; ~- ..!
. SVNERAT , ;PSOt . 04t# ~ li' t t.§l,
I hie:;•'*C., - ,ko - ."‘ •-:- .- : ',
•-- ::,;:-. - ri ,—,•••• -,--
• WI. R. Stafford &„ po;'s-,Olit . e ar: _isop -
piled and inhaled" by ,tyof,tr-ing: PIA - L.TALER
around thameck And op,tho,tiraaat. - • His. 01-
t r E , Pq3. 3 lEliT3!s.aPPlie.iflthare.ti;ckskia. is
brolienranitialt popular retutdirlitlerk.nTryt,
,Goo 4 for Vie' Wimping,Pctnel l ',."' ,‘ 4„,Ct la
. .
-- 1111;MORT: WAVA.I 7 / I .l3.TEldi:
rruiz ..Aiti.aitiettia! i titk; 'Ode: 4nethuil.ACJA.
!IL formingllieirrfctsndslhatjhey-are in re 4
cipt of, tinvlia4"t
"y figan'ini, q !:-hclire _and
etirithl`Stiiseitif - 1 f -'- ::: r:" . ' . •
- - - - '''st:lPErliNri'PANcYriMir d00pi5,..= 'I .
14;rifhlailhey inOtadliii•ritGitio . 'n °Fall iNlici
ilesird to make ptirefiitsei:-..- Out 'Stock is'ltirge,
. has beert_seledlisd ,Ni•lth treat cateoand is par
11ictalarlydaptcd tu ithu yan,ts,of thlf;seetiun
of, Or ealtiitry. Oar stuck U v i. lii,x-Gliotli con' -
~ , , • - _. •.` -.
• sists-gr , ~. •I . , .• ,• , ,
1 '
I - O
- ' -Ci•r e.S
liSrs:s l 4Eli KS .. s
:--, ••• ,' ~,,, 11/ I . ,STIN.C.S, DO
.s-51:•!. , r,?, - ....4 I - IIVTLIN:(:-:4, $ 1 ..,:l _.s..lf::
•_, .... ~ I:INF-XS - I.TI.XTS -
.-1 1 9 8 !EltY:ssIn-LtNWA-•. 9 ., --', .. '`
;• - antl , ttrarietc of ; other -articles; too uumerous
tr.° intuition— We ltavtialsitt:ir complete assort,
. .
be 'sold un6olitmonly cheap
ilk r 6ii ( l v f pay, and fur apPrOved : credit on 'as
!reasonable ,terms arsafiy. Other establishment.
31:11prirt, "%mg: 1.1, 1S1A1: 99: 1.3 IV
I : lilltlG El. SON,
' • CH ERS,
'438 13i40b-rne,'Se6t;
One Door 1 2 'nq - of-Iltliaid*av, [Late 468' Broad
• X1 r 11" VOL - •
-- 1 - - :" - ..—.EA'stablisheil D IS''
!INVITE 41:!.•capiir,lo,tioii il4eir
ety.anif Superior assortment' of CILATRS.
manufactured at their own eslablislnnent, and
ender theit immediate obSprvatiiip and dime-
Lion ithlndino ;- ' .••-• • •
!CHAIRS' ' 1 !! ' !
• YA:JOR Tit 1,1:1 in; iN VALID
OrtAttL • '
• "Embradng'the most coMplete. 'assortment,
and choicest kinds for .Parlors, - Drilwing
Cheinzbere, Conntfty .11onsO. , !,
°gime; hiblic hteiimutians, Denif.4o' 7 . l7:irbei:f '
together with every.desirahle soit'atiapted' til
tit Z, cotalVrt, convenience and Luxury` of the
Siek, the 45/ed, the .t tar/it, 'the L:rnti
In paint- of inf.vnnits of 'de=ign; elegance of
finish,•quality.and richness of matcrial, faith
fulness.of execution, durability - end !chttiput.
theselehairs.are-Ansurpassed. For them. 31:
KING &SON, were awarded the first and
only rrize-31edal, and the faculty recoinmend
them es far :ireferatde to beds or conches tbr
- patients afflicted with ,Spinta. 4A,Wanwie of
Branc(,ial 4f:tee:ions. .
To either arm of the chair may be attached
a convexient readinr„.or wrifinF, And any
4_•ombination desired will be manufactured to
to order. _„ _
A eireoldr with explanr.tory euts, will be
sent by . Mail if reque.ited, end ordprs,[ re
mittances.] promptly forwaidratl 'auy part.,qf
the world.
Aran Chair, Reclining Chitir, Couch and
Bedstead, [counts n IN (s- . jis 'susceptible Of
twelve 'different positions or changes,'tci meet
the varied requirements for comfort, conveni - -
ence, luxury anti eennotny. space as Bell
as Whether in'!..liekness'ol`ltealli,this
Celebrated CHAIR "-A - 5 VW' 1.6:2 rt,"• c.ytyls in
many respects, tiny chair perhaps ever nninti.:,
factored in this or any other country,
iiriec varies from l'ißee:l,lo I . iiiirty
lau•s. arc,r•lin,* to finish. •
To.Put)iie institutions. as well as to individ
uals. this C.l.lAiii. is to very dt , :r.irtihic.
and trill b@ :•tflpplied. in B.IV ntinthrr on; th'e
Most liberal terms. .A.!..01y to:tr.: address
34. W. 1;1N (1. L.- SON,
4:IS Broome. st.. One door ent of Brondwfv‘ -
NEW f old . c . I: ha c 468 roa ;I et - ap .•.
AT Ely, GOODS---A Fiats. kisni (»lent .j . pst
/21 Yeceired at - • 001;STED . 8 1 .: , •••
' -6iIEA . I.IiEV . 01.15154 lii MEDICAL 'SCIENCE,
Tie best •Therapeutic- Agent
ever Introduced.
r,- , -It,--,- - !: - F' 4 z•••c , Atrta,V - •-' 'MAGNETO ELE(I..-1
- \I:7SV ti.Y. 5 JL1TJ1 . .,A,W,"44 - - -.• •TRIO I NI AC I NNE - I
,l ' .;i-X ! t-; , 2r,- ; -„bgs,l- . 1,;,.:*, - is • exciting'- the
Att;:if .. '"-f4 C 4 'S'gl f . A hSoTbinh: - fits .11=
..I '.
''`‘.. i.ur
cor , • ~ ''''44,l-t.,,,;• - - ,7 -, W,1- 1 011.'df the - :ITedif
-14,41- --
._.:il.*.o4;fiac - , ' , ill .. .lifer-Islam and
=it:f=4-i,•'; - "r - i-i--: - -P.
:-.Cftsd':- 0: lari.e portion of
-- - - ' ' . • the intelligent lay
men Of the land , . -; it-is qnritv'elit:irl,y deinkin'-'
strated that tact lancet, rearcury;and all other
internals' drug medication" Mity : be laid aside
with pei•feet •safety to the patient and abid. ,
ing benefit to posterity. - I It'herever these - ma-
chines have been introiluded,- they axcite,the I
highest: tvonder'and praise. • ,The 'apparatus
is adapted to prevent,. rt.-lir:vet anal cure - every
dieeese.incident to liumanitn—more partiot
tarty all those. painful and formidable diseas
es which have for : centuries ..luttAed the pro
foundest learnin t .and skill ofrphysicians:,• . .1
From whatever cause there mrty b:•an i er.: 7 l
ccss or deficierley of' . the nervous fluid—fluid
d'uciug an. excess.or..deficiency.Of. the acids.
and- elk:lline Secretions—the magnetic princi-,
plea of the systern,are. deranged,: and caa on
-1 ly.bc safely restored to their normal condition
hyrtti application, of magucto-electricity,. by
.i.E1.1 . ...,C,511 - Id NIACINNE. -This apparatus:will
POtiltirelyprevent, and . relieve an(l.
I cure,. consurnition, Scrofula, ,11 bettmatis t ro,
Palsies, Neuralgia. piuttl- Dtscases,- _and„,••4ll
- other . painful maladies, howeverlhopeless and
I of I ‘ ong standing.. 'They are aminetitly,.osefttl,
in all' sexual and urinary .diStir,clersi. partieut.
Ittrly;:tyliere:the.CorStitutiott has been Jarokeri
ttown.anti .r'iiiadri hr. unnatural solitary habit.s . ,
to.,ititiOli too many of tho young of:both sexes
aro so I:inent:ably prone: - -'--- • -.--
31.41 - 11:CEis,wititolit the
~ :to. 7otts sopp 4,: .
cations (if blit ter i : s a itti 4cias 7 ,%;l l ell.,faoliA ck ,u,p.. ,
renders it snpatiur to all others] on the score,
,r.afty and. .util,ity,r-
It "li, inthei - ; '; a fiandsooilt- - ,,partor m ar : dament;
g4p,y, bp, cpiOeci . .4;?r ti
'. Oliik;, -arta will last . a
Iffe, l tirtid•,... to '‘l.lacc - gr9iit • saving; or -- o,,'etpes
bills kc.
:Titigit orTrrg 3t. cuirst s.'tir,. :"
li, itlH,:be. sittelyVpaeketl intl ''S
eti t ~iq,FttiY'pliii.'4sf
'pliii . '45f - till'lttiited . ' States; Hhitl . 'wll9,le.4;itl'. -
ll tt hot' , kt' thefSt da ierif 0 t*e ; 1 . :410;:48 N OATH '
SEVENTH' Str.ept, - ...l"ltiUileloiisti'' - .Aciili - cAs••';1:
.r.(•...•:- -- . . 1 , , ~, ......; A s . . c. :474.plitEs:§jDftriA.A.:_.' 1 ~ — ~?F
„;° !CRIARG" T
p OR'
• '"Gdodilat fcpsalveci
for:sale lap ;014:ES;MA.N1N.T . k 7 JOSES'ii
Condersport,laneti 41857;z—e t -, -; ; 4.- 4 . t
-1..--- A i ngll2llC9ZE VISITORs . •
1144 ttl is
.2 3 Wehi lee, a neiferrldsotitrii 1) 0 1 4 4
ett•o "
Fir illS ELEGANT I .A.15P,.T.14153TA G
IstAGA.?.I4 - 1 -, l„closei =its firs,t,vohtme
nix t: Dttrih the feit'liriCf iiibrithi of its ex
• a tta - ned itr• - pothirarify e 1'
joAcc t.t. pa 1 141 glut Ix t t
in the
. autials,otilee•l:lreiss,
ThP4Mhliihera -lUitiriebirerid•libtialTie
tislunis.tor.elseaeMethi-,feg"ettor the Storie s
lipg,apd,Lietervititg •.reaslistg,was'esinm e ”,* 4
in Januafv: last, and are beipg, still,putlitli
•ed in ': • •••
7 he Ni:;M:olurite; Wilthis commented ios x . :
ly 1857,
- greatly linprOzth• mid enlarged,_
large sized royal °clew° pages;making.ts
nificent vcilittise of -nearly-400- .pages for the
spar-Lor trosetiting an aniountfuf trie ehoi
c;est. reatilli k r mr al/ "stilticets, equal to abet
- riotild'etics't • iri the - bclisle -Silit6 'least'fifty
piyahle -in
Some cif .tile most , popular,and hrilliant sum
tt Lid nia!lic coistriliiitors - Ure: regular route".
hutors amt . the pablish6rs:will.spare no pains
or expenSe 't'o render lisp, Teleoute. Visitcr'
every wiry acceptable 'relini•tr-zind
gout commurilty, ".
TLc pilitientioi is d liipte - 41 to all ebisies of
taa, the olti—=itrid when.
ever Seen.find perifseti meets unixt;ii k at
D&:•No'i% is the liras tor 'Subscribe to\ 44
*:*`l.llP;blick nunibpi§ Witty' lip: It - 0a (4
ctimplete ,l(its)':for 3 eents4ltielt, or trio whole•
series of 12 numbers fot-TWENTY L
-FIVE cents.
.Liber4 ..iuducetnenta to clubs anti' Cau.
rassc-rs. L,
g - ,&•llciiieinber, our - terins, PiAreents
for- on
,yenr,, for single-copy; oy ,three cep
.w ill be 'sent under one cover or nthlres; for
"One Dollar.
• ; -• . dr.... • . COSITEN 4c; COM i'ANY,
Publt;L , rs.
co. 38, North St:yenth.St rqe t,
(tnisfairs) Yhihidilphin..
T;',A tl ME.I?.S-WANTING--PL.ASTER for - Laad.
wilt .fin cl a supply at . • ,
J ON ES 4 - f31.,.k :NN`&; JON:ESi pay the liigheet
A ' pswand singularly:- successful remedy far Ost
eureof all Bilious euseaseS— Costiveness, In&
Aestion, 'Jaitudice; bropay,..lttlearnatismi Faun,
Gout, Hutners,Nervonsness, Irritability, Inflamma
tions, lieadache,!Pains in the: Breast, Side,. Back,
and Limbs,i Female . Complaints; Ee., &c. Indeed,
very few arcl the diseases in Which, a Mutative Mutt. ;
tine is not more, or. less.tmqvsfrect, and much sick.
ness„ and. Stiffering Might pieyentod, if „iiiina
less but OffietttalCathartie were more freely used.
No person . tan feel well-while , a; Costive habit of
body prevails ; - besides it Soon gonenttes aeribas sad
often fatal diseases, Which Might have been avoided
bV the thinly and judicious' se of a guodpurgstiot.
This is alike true of Colds, Feverish-srnaptoms,
Bilious dciang . ements: - They all tend to become or
*duet the - deep.seited niia fa:Wadable ilistempees
which load thc hearses all ove;.the,lattd. Ham A
'reliable flintily-physic is' of:the &tit importance to
the' publie s health, and this -been perfected
With consummate skill to meet that deniand..
entensive trial of its iiitoe-s bs Physician*, Ptak+
Ors, and Patients, has shoves .res.olts.-sulluts4l
any thing hitherto known of; any-medicine. ' Cans
Rave been efrecteilbeldwihelief t mere they siotAtia•
itniitititedbY persOns of such,exalted position }ad
ihgracter ne to forbid the suspicion of untrntli
Amoii.the many eminent.S e A tle Tr whoUM
tistifitl fav'or Of these T'ills May mention
Du. A. IlAvEs,An4rticaiCherriist, of Boucot,
and State Assayer of Massachusetts, whose hign
profcssionaLciairacter isrendorStcl by-the
Enw tno li:vs:nurr, Scnator.of the U,S.
RonERT C.W/V7 ire.ol', Ex-Speaker of the !oco
of. Itepresc , ntatices. - • •
Itch L ' ANVIIENCE, Minister Plan. to I?,nalsial.
.t . Jonu 13;:Firimvuicit;Caili. Bishop of Boston.
Also , ,,Dtt; J. /.1; CHILTON Practical Chemist,nt
New 1 ork City, endorsed by ~
L: riwner ;Secret ary fd . State. •
S. I.m...gvn h Co:, .',l,iropr's the, Metropolitan
Hotel, acid olherii. .
Did spade conla'nive untnv hundred
certificates, from all parts where the - I'i4 two
been used, but,eVidenco even more,convindngikna
the- eiperfence-ot entinelit iubtio men 'is faced
in their effects upon
These tiie result'. of ling investigation and
stud", are_ :siferesi:_to the public as , the best mar
) Tu'r - if-icrulloto which the present' tatenrinidfral
'..itence can afford. They axe compounded not of
the drugs themselves, but of the, medicinal viruses
only'of Vegetable remediLs, extracted by yhanital
process in-a state of purity, and combined together
m such antanneras to insure the best results. This
system of composition- for medicines had been found
in the Cherry Pectoral and-Pills hoth, to,prOdues a
more efficient remedy than had hitherto. been ob
tained by any process. The reason is perfectly ob
visite:: While hi" the eldinede of compositiim,
ery medicine is burdened with more or less of lci
mouious and injurious qualities, by this each indi
vidual virtue only that•is desired for the curatiof
effect is present. .All the inert and anCaiCIUS
ities of each substance einpley i ed are left behinctis
curative virtues
,only being retained:. Hence it is
self-evident the effects - shear prove as they lists
proved more purely remedial, and thirPills a - sure,
name.powerful antidote to-discaise - .thati any arm:
medicine known to the-world.'
As it is frequenfly expedient that my A:iodic:A
should be taken under the counselor an attendieft
Physician, and as he could not properly judge of a,
remedy without knowing its composition, I hoc
supplied the accurate Formulie. by which both tay
Pectoral and Pills are made to the whole body'ef
Practitioners in thellnited States and British Assert
jean Provinces. _lf hoWecer
_there s hould be sof
one who ' has' not received. Ahem
prbiOptly Telii4ramia ; tif address
°fall the Patent' aro offered, 119*
few would lie taken ir theic commition Iris knoll!
Their life cons . ititt'in inyOrrl t ~..,414T0
The einnposifioitifirioi",pieperti trans is lila oPot
to all men,' anti all who;ire competent to judge
the, subject frsely .ncitnOwledg_o their convisfigoo
of their uittiniie:Volits: : Il i e-, " lerr y , l re=ct9.l/ 44
preminithed7 by. scientifid'incp "tit be . a wo,n4 l _,
rocilichlebeffire effbottiwere'knoin:
tacit I'tly24o.laus Imre .declertul the ?seine thing*
ray. Vi 1,19 - and ,even more. confidently,. and are All
trig • certify that. Aheix.,anticipatinim
thin realize by their effects upon 13juk,
Theyoperate bytheir ii. i
Oiverful nfluen?c en tke
• infernal visecra•ta purify the blood and ort . inelsir
into healthy: , actiiiri , -reniove the blistiiiitions of
the et:knack, :IxArrlstii,Yert and ethor manlier 11
body, fret t&ing their irrcgUlir
by *eorrdcting, ewhereVer - . thefixist, - sneh
Inents xis are the Big origin of-cliscatic. l : ,
-Beinx ougai wrapped; thitykare,pleasint:to
• and heing . vagi?lyjcgoable x no. 4 41 . 41 _ 4 4M *le 0C 62 .'
theitile hityAntlntity,
For joitti4direetious, eiO.O'wifipper onor s , v--
I F. . ; E S'.r. AYE B,
. ..;,-) -
Trice..2.s:Ceillerratd;: , Mite Aqua for VA
e- sotib'Xtt,
sad &eta es tete