The Potter journal. (Coudersport, Pa.) 1857-1872, November 26, 1857, Image 3

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    'Z'tiiiir : .#li.7. - 0*1.4.. -
or We :invite the attention of our
'enders to - the Piespectua of the Wash
ington Republic. .
Ife wilLnext week publish the new
Prospectus of the Home Journal, one of
lest of American Literary Weeklies.
There is tolerable good sleighing here
at present—rather on the rough order--
but our citizens are making good use of it.
It is first rate sleighing for this season,
And there are as yet no indications of a
. The Journal is published "behind
'tittle" this week, in -consequence of the
mon-arrival of our supply of paper, keep
ing Thanksgiving &e. We -propose to
;have our next edition out in good time—
if nothing happens.
We are under many obligations to our
many kind friends for the choice Turkeys
;re did not receive, and therefore did not
&at, - for our. Thanksgiving dinner. 'We
took forward to Christmas and New Year's
Pa . Mn hope and fear—which shall it be ?
11m C. M. Blake's Thanksgiving Ser
vo , this (Thursday) morning was an
excellent production, and was listened to
14 a large audience, who seemed to fully
appreefiste its well-timed sentiments. The
day mar well obierved by our citizens
We'intite the attention ofour readers
to our advertiseMent of the Cosmopolitan
Art Association in another place • This .
is one of the most: deserving of Art As
sociation.s. in the %world, and should re
tviro the hearty support of the American
people, of whom it is.. We would also
invite the attention of our readers to
their special notice headed "Send for It."
Desiruri:ve Pii.e in Olean.—On: Sat
urday evening last (21st) a very destruc
tive fire occurred iu Olean, Cattaraugus
County, N. Y., nearly the whole town
being: destroyed. ; The following is a list
sif the iinfortunate:
11. S. Morris, 111:i A. Blakeslee, Barge &
Robinson," H. Stringit'aru. David Kern, G. Coop
er, H. W. Rugg, John Forbes, N. S. Butler 1
.intos .Bronson, l l IL E. E. S. Martin, Post
Office, R. Tanen, Mtt4unie Lodge, L. Whitney,
W. B. Barry . and C. Murray.
Supply of Biblfs.—We are happy to
notice (see advertisement) that arrange , -
molts have been made for supplying
eheap and well printed and bound cop
ies of the Holy Scriptures to all children
is the Common Schools this winter, and
to all others in the county who may need
them. Orders should be Sent in early,
as the Schooli aro about commencing.—
We were glad to see that a Resolution was
voted, approving the reading of the Bible
is Schools, of ter a very interesting Essay
on the same subject, by one of our best
Teachers in the county, had been read
beta! the Teachers' Institute last week.
Corrected - Weekly fur the Journal,
Itnarri in Dry Goods, Groceriu, Hats 4- Cap;
Bgots 4... Shoes, C'roekery,.Pork, Flour,
-Meal, Notions, 4-c.,
" ,extra.,
frotr, " •••-•
SILT, " "
flat MEAL, 100 lbs., •
??rrssi,` lb-,
Liss, .. -
"" . •
Stolii.DYßil, tb., - •
4sze Sv, " •
if/sts ' l b.. ) "
Dt:sn ArrLus, " •
L !
t i c
foss, u
ltsz, p r
F.1'414411 1 a .
till, Zlossn , P
fits, VI Ton,
'.. n - MILL:
Thu mill is new acknowledged to. be the
"'vest, most practical and efficient lumber
maelaetbring machine in the world. It is
ealy portable reciprocating.mill that has
"It met with perfect success. Its entire cost,
"Ittt fifteen horse power, warranted to saw
.:nn three to four thonsand feet of inch boards
le %we're 'lulus, the entire establishment corn
?lite, ready for running, is but $1,650. • •
fir which over seventy prendumi. hare be")
voitrded in this country and Europe. It will
triad with less than-tair the power, and make
'ittar flour and meal than any Other mill;
thetuoit durable, and the eheflPest tail! in
nces range from s}oo tc S% I Q.-- •
0i 4LL SIIIN.G ;14.6,CUMg8; /cc,
J.M. EMERSON - k . Co.,
• • Dealers in , lmproved Machinery,-
iisad for No. Etrnadwiy, New York.
Dirculare: • •
31E 7 3LMS ands few other az.
tele, in- the line of Maple Dry Goodie .
"Itti seoli - at . ,•
- „
•'• • SEND FOR IT: -
'The most superbly tit ustrated Magazine ever
published inAmeii' is i the Pecembec;'ocui
ber of the Cossiorea.M.or Anx jOURN4, non
tattling over sixty Okada Eagravings; and'giv
ipg full particulars l i the benefits,sf the Cos
mopolitan Art ASSOCI4I . O; two dottars a !icor;
single copiosffiy col* Spepimen copit 2 s will
be sent all persons wlto wish to_subAeribe on
receipt of five postage ntanips, (15 cents.)
C. L. DERBY, !Actuiary C' A. A.;
- 549 Broadway, NrW York.
Bibles and Testaments«
. . ,
A supply of good-, BIBLES land TESTA
MENTS, Suitable for , the Common S - ehools,
and csnr CITEAP i may be had 'by calling at
the Bookstore °l''. W. MANN, or oti the sub
scriber. C.l M. BLAKE, .Agt. of
. I reia,a Bible Society.
Cquilersport, No. `.',s
r,,,€) — •Tilose unable to purchase will be fur
nished gratuito.usly. - [10:22.)
TtlE 'WINTER TERM of Conde4ort
Academy, will commence on Tuqaday
the 15th of December next, to Continue
.weeks: Grain, of all kinds' will
be received on tititiott, at the•nrarket
prices, if promptly) delivered; therefore
the tightness of money
. ecd prevent no
one from obtrdning , an.Edneation.,l
J. HEN DIOCK, Principal
.( t tltlx il)lii,trti.shitt,tg,.
- z
VIRTUE: of SUndry prrits of renditioni
I,:xponas and Fieri Facia': issued out of
the Court of Common Pleas of Potter Co.; Pa..
and to the directed, I shall 'expose to public
sale or outcry ; at the; Court house in. the Bor-
5y.... ,, h of Coudersport; on Monday the 21st day
oflecenibur, 1.357, , 'at 10 o'clock. A. M., the ,
following described yea', est*, 1',.;‘7!! : : I
Certain real Itstatel situate in Sharon Town.. l
ship, . Putter Co., Pa.; Pounded on the north, i
east and south by Mann A: Nichols, and west;
by lauds of Jornsthan Ohl; k Jonathan Olds,l
Jr., containing fifty acres 4 or which there is i
five acres improved, being :part of Warrant
No. 5885., .
Seized, taken in execution, and to be sold
as the property of George W. Wood.
ALSO—Certain real estate, viz: dne third
of 944 acres and 4ne half 'acre on Warrant
No. 4449, situate in Wharton Township or Syl
vania Township, Potter Co., Pa., Bounded
north by Warrant No. 4693; eaSt by Warrant
No. 4682 and lands of F. IL Backus, and south
by Warrant No. 4742 and land of F. R. Back
us, and west by Warrant N0,•2160--all unim-,
, proved.
I Seized, taken in execution, and to-ba sold
as the property of Thomas Wands
ALSO—Certain !real estate situate in ITe-c
-tor Township, Potter Co., Pa., Bounded' on
} the north by lands,cf It. Loucks, on the east
Iby lands of 11. C Leach, south . and west by
i lands of Ilunsieker'and .Garlock, containing
I .fifty acres, of which about four acres are,itzt
proved, with one framd dwelling house there
Seized, talon in execution, and to be sold
as the property of Matthew Young.
ALSO—Certain real estate siturte in 'Ulys
ses Township, Potter Co., Pa., Bounded On - the
north by lands of Timothy Galutia, east by
lands occupied by Linni Evani, south by
Grover. and west by Thomas HaMilton,
containing thirty acres, on which is one frame
house and three acres improved.
Seized, taken in execution, and to,be sold
as the property of George.B. Baker.
ALSO—Certain real estate situate in Whar-;
ton Township, Potter Co., Pa., Bounded on!
the north by the lands of H. IV! Hay, john !
Mahon. and S. Ross, and; by the Sinnemishon- I
. Creek, on the' east by ! Sinnemahiming;
Creek and mill rare, south' by lands of John
Mahon, Jr., and Sinnemalioning Creek; and
west by lands of 11. W. May, containing about
70 acres, of; which twenty acres are improved. !
with two. frame dwelling lionises, one frame ;
Store House, two frame barns, one board Shan-!
ty - , and with some fruit trees thereon—ALSO
—One other tract, situate in Wharton Town-,
ship. Potter Co. Pa., Pounded north by lands
of John Beartleid, east by Lewis, south
by lands of 'Le , As. and on; the west by
lands - of 'William A. 'Sinipson, .containing .50
acres, being part of Warrant .ti0..4026--ALSO
—One other tract of Ond situate in the'Town
ship and County aforesaid, Bounded north
by -- Lewis, eastihy lands of John - Keating
A - . Co., south by. lands of James Ayres, di west
by lands 'of John Bearfield and Lewis,
containing one hundred acres.
Seized, taken in execution, and to be sold
as the property of 1t...W. Mclntyre,
ALSO—Certain real ;estate situate in Os
wstyo township, Potter Co., Pa., bottrided on the
north by John Wells, on the east by Thomas
Kenyon, south and westlby I'. Lyman, con
! tainidg ten acres. of which four acres-ire im-;
i proved, with a frame Mize, frame barn, and
! some fruit trees thereon!
; Seized, taken in excel
as the property of S. H.!.
ALSO—Certain real e:
ses Township, Potter Cr
the north by lands of W.!
$7 .50
d 00
30 00,
3 AO
2 50
. 14(1111;
- 25(6.30
- 2 50
- 2 50
of W. IlorlCy, south by
& Boss, and west by le.n
and the David Bunnell
hundred and elevetraert
is twenty five acres imp,
house, one frame barn,
Seised, taken in tree tion. and to be sold
as the property of Hirs 11. Guernsey.
ALSO—Certain real eitate situate in Alle
gany Township, Potter 7(t. Pa.,' Bounded on
the north by lots Nos. 54 55, east by unseated ,
lands of the Fox estate, on the youth by lot;
No. 67 and Bingham la de, on the west by ,
lots Nos. 54, 63 and 65, - :onto pingtwo him-)
dred and seventy four a res and eight tenths
of an acre, being hit No. 58 of the allotment of
the Bingham lands in Allegany Township, of
which eighty acres nre it roved, and tett awes,
chopped, on which is o e frame houie; one
frame barn, one log hone°, and. some fruit
trees.;i_ j
Seized, taken In execution, and to'he sold
ae the property of W. T. 'bum ' - '
ALSO—Certain real estate situate•in Hector
Township, Potter Co., Pa., Bounded on - the
north by unseated lands, east by landi of I
Thomas Lanntng, south by lands of Melvin[
Martin, and west bilands'of the Bingham Es
tate, containing one hundred find ten acres, of
which about fifteen acres are improved, with
one frame house, and some fruit trees thereon.,
.e..ALSOL4nother lot situate , inisaid Town- I
ship, Bounded on the. north. by the
It highway
called, the Genesep. Fork 'rand, an east kr
Francis Strang, south by A. P. Cone,an west,
by_ D. Sunderlin, containing Olio alf of an
acre of ground: . :. ,- . : • : .r: ;1 • ' -
Seized, takei in execittion, and 40 be.sedd
as the property of lienty:FsysY. : : - •
. 12
e• $7 43 , 8 00
!Sti' , iiii. -. 16.ii: .- _'.' - ',i
ution,, and to 13e 'gold
'Miner. • •
state situate in TTlys
-Ig., Pa., Bhunded on
illorle7, east by lands
nnseatud lands of Fox
ds of .A mos Rsymoull
lot, containing one
in; of land. on' which
°red, with one frame
and some fruit trees
AitSSI--;•C'ertalit real estatn situate in Bing-.
bant Phtter Co., Pa., Bounded on
the north Irf,, - lartdl43f YhißiPettna-ns
tate of Foi k Ross, oast , by - .landS Mini
Lewis: and EiYaTtl, - /sOnth ;by iuttseated
lands of Fox .& Ross, and west by lands of
Fox & Ross; containing one hundred and sixty
nine-acres,r about eighty nine ac res : of !which
are improved , With - two frame houSis
. one log
house, four . frame barns, one vier ;lint Saw
' Mill. and some fruit trees thereon.
Seized, taken in execution, and to be sold
as the propertyoftlirrison Rosa J. g. White.
ALSO—Certain real estate situate in Alle
gany-Township, Potter. Co., Po., Bonr.dcd is
follows: Beginnitig at'a poet in the north
-line : of lot No. 497, thence north one hundred
rods to a post, thence east partly- along _the
south line of lot No. 496 one hundred and
Seventeen relic( and six- tenths of a rod to a
post in the west, line of lot deeded:to the Poets,
thence by said line south one hundred rods to
a post the south west corner of the Peet lot,
thence west one" hundred and seventeen rods
and six tenths of a rod to the place of begin- ; - -- : • .......,;-,,” 7-7,-r...•
fling, containing sixty nine . acres and one! . .
_A• 4- -Lk"' ...'• .
tenth of in acre. ; .
,- .!
~ - . I ' William V. Leauug, 11 _ NO. • 128 . ,
Seized; taken in execution; . and to bo sold 4_ .Adolphis ; a Boric - -
. r :Sept. Term, 19.17, in
ii Abe property of Wm. P. Cool. - and - '. the CoMmoo Pleas
1- ; Ja m es M. Wilcox, - ' of Potter County.
ALSO—A fa.- Certain real estate situate in
Action of Eject-4
Hector Township, Potter Co., Pa., • Bounded'
.. 1 ,
bathe north by the highway called the Geoe-1 Leonard VOW.:
McKee. ' pseut for the follow-1
see Fork road, east by lands of Francis Strung, • in described lots of land in said eounty,. the •
south by lauds of C. P. Cone; and west Is., first g containing two hundred. and fifty-seven'
tires, situate iu Eulalia'fitsvualiip;and houltl-
Daniel Suuderlin, containing one half of an: j :1
. ' foll o ws :Pe , inniit at the sutith-weal.
acre of -ground improved. • - la d , .. 1 . 9 . , k g
' corner of the Mute let, thence ~ . y westline I
seized, • taken in execution, and- to be sold l .. .
as the properly of Henry Ervay. of said tot 126 rods to north - line or Warra)iti
' No. 2129, titmice West hly said line 62.6 rods!
AT,SO—Fie Fe.-Certiin real estate situate in
Eulalia. Township. Potter Co., Pa. : Beginning! to J. Mills' cast line, thence , Flitltil - -a 4- . 1
grecs [restby Mills' line 31 rods to center oil
at nt the south east corner of poient i road.' thence south A 0.5 rOds, thence west by
N0:2124 in district No. 2, and being part of ; Mills' south line 40 rods to a corner,. thence I
said potent, thence north eighty perches to la lsouth 179 rods, thence east 185 rods to. a post i
post corner, thence west one banclred and sixiin 'the west .line ,of AiMeron Nelson's lot. I
perches to a post corner, thence south eighty I thence north 49 rods, thehce east . .sa rods to 1
perches is a post corner, thence cost one him- ; warrant line, thence north 69.5 rods to Tut
dyed and six perches to the place of 'beiginning.ltle's south line, thence west by said line 92
containing fifty acres more or less, of which e- i
.1 'rods to the place of beginning; being-part of
twenty five acres are improved. on which is 1 ( Warrant No. 2129. •,.1 • -. ,
erected one frame barn.—ALSO—Another t The other lot, containing one hundted and
tract of land situate in Eulalia Toruship, Pot
ter Co., Pa., Beginning nt a stake at the Hdnni ;
!thirty-six acres, is bounded as follows : Be- ,
nta postin the chit line of the ILeat
north west corner of rands now: owned and lag Lands, being the north-cast corer of a
' occupied by Wm. Ayres, thence running north 1
'by lands of Jacob. Vannotter ten rods, thence
lot surveyed to D. B. Martin, thence north 200
east sixty rods to the public highway,-thence ; rods,
inning e t being part of arra
!rods, thence west 109 rods, thence south 200
thnce east,lo9; rottS. to t ple of he
aloft , ' the said 4i:ems)" eleven I'os, thei!lee g
west by lands of William Ayres siity four rods ; Sweden township,
' ' W n he t No a . c 2i. rs,
Potter county, Pa..,
to the place of beginning, containingih '
et - t . ...4nd now, to wit-, September-22d, 1857, on
I acres more or less, being the'saine ion:.' con- •'
Plaintiffs , the Court rant rule pit Defeadant
motion of J, :n $.. Mann, Esq., attorney for
veyed by Peter Knickerbocker to Lester liar
; graves by de e d bearing date Oct. 17, l ' 9 '2 4 ' l "; '
to appear sold plead by, third day -of next
which, is six acres improved land,: log house, Tenn or judgmeut by default, - and order the
!and other out buildings. .
sold I
of. the -rule according to the Act
Seized, taken in execution, and to bo sold lof Assembly, in such cases made and provided.
!ail the property of Linos Walker.'
1 1
By the Court, ii. .1. OLMSTED,
' A. C. TAGGART, 'Sheriff .1 ' Prothonotary.
Coudersport, Nov. 25, 1857
Cosmopolitan Art AssOciation,
Re-purchased for six thousand dollars, with;
I several hundred other works of - Art, in Paint
ing, Sculpture and Bronzes, comprise the Pre-
I miums to. be awrrded to the subscribers of thet
who'will subscribe before the 28th of Saamiry,
1858, at which time-the awards will take place. I
Every subscriber of three dollars is entitled to
A copy of the large and splendid Steel En- i
gtl.ving, entitled " MANIFEST DESTIDY, also to I
one year, 'also to
A Certificate in the Award Of Premiums, also
A free admission in the Dusseldorf and Cos
mopolitan Galleries.
Thus it is seen • that for every three dollars)
paid, the subscriber not only receives a
but, also, the beautifully illustrated
Two Dollar Art Journal, One
Each subscriber is alSo presented with a
Certificate in the Awards of Premiums, by
which a valuable work of Art, in Painting or
Sculpture, may be received in addition,: thus
giving to every -subscriber an equivalent to
the value of hire dollars, and a C'ertificateg'rnti.t.
Any one of the leading $3 Magnzines is fur
nished, instead of Engraving-and Art Journal,
if desll-ed. . • .
No person is restricted to a single share.
Those. taking MT-memberships, remitting $l5,
are entitled to an: extra Engraving; and six
tickets. .
Full partichlars of the Association are given
in the - Art Journal, which contains over.siity
splendid Engravings, price fifty cents per num
ber. Specimen copies will be sent to all per
sons who desire to subscribe,. CM receipt of five
postage stamps, (15 Outs.)
C..L. DERBY; Actttnry C. A. A., •
• 548 Broadway, New York
Administrator's Sale.
N PURSUANCE of an. order of the Or-
pharts' Court of the County of Potter. I
shall expose t€ sale, at the Court House in the
Borough of Coudersport. Pa., on SATER.DAY.I
the 19TH DAY OF DECEMBER, A. b. 1857.
at one o'clock, P. 1,, the following described
real estate, situate in Sweden Township, Pot
ter County, Pa.:- -
Bounded on the North by lota of C. L. Car
saw,Jacob Herrington and John li. Miller • on
the last by lauds of George Fox and S. Ross,
and by Bingham Lands ; ; on the South by e
Bingham Lands; and on the West by Bing
ham Lands and lot of C. L. Carsaw : contain
ing 300 Acres, more or less, with the usual
allo.wance of six percent. for roads &c.; being .
Lots Nos. 10' and 11 of the allotment o lands
I of S. Ross in Sweden township, and parts at
Warrants Nos.. 1309 and 2117 ; about 50 acres
I of Which is improved,.and on.whiclt has been
erected on frame house and barn; also, some
fruit trees growing thereon.
JOEL HENDRICK, Administrator
of the 'Estate of Wm. Lyon, deceased.'
1 ,- . Coudersport, Nov. 25, 1857. 1 -
FROM the premises of the subscriber,, one
mild north of f,polesburg, in Allegany twp,
Pottereounty, l'a4 in, May last; Ft.TOR YEAR
LING CATTLE, descrited as 'follows' :
A bright red - Steer, good size, no Particular
marks remembered now. Also, a Heifer ,of
sitne description. , -
A red. and white spotted Steer, good size,
ono or bOth ears frozen, white hind feet,
White spot in forehead.
' A light :red Steer, under size, one or both
ears frozen, and short fail. •
Any Person bringing the 'cattle to. Ms, or
informing niewhere I can' obtain them - will
be suitably reWirded.: }OZ.
' Allegany, Oet:Pli, 7'Bb7 —Qty
. . • • ,
NTicE is hereby given: that :the Auditor
:Nappointed by the Court to make distri
biation of the proceeds of the sale of, real .es
tate in, the case of Polly Lord versus Jameti E.
,Curtis, of May - Terut.,.1855, it, will attend
I to the duties of his appointment on FRIDAY,
the 18th day of December next, at two o'clock
P. M., at the Office of the Prothonotary. . -
- R. J. OLMSTED, Auditor.
Coudersport,- Nov. 20, 1857,.-1:0:22.
NOTICE is hereby gi ven
~ that: the " Auditor
1.11 appointed by the Court to make distri- -
bution of the proceeds of - the sole, of mit is
tate in-the case Of James Gillingham, for use
of venus"C.ri*by- - W. Ellis, of Iday
'Term, 1834 , No. 32, will'attend :to the duties
of his appointment. at the Office of be. Pro
ttionotaryi on MONDAY IiVENDiG, December
21st next, at seven o'clock.
J. OD . M.STED. Auditor.
Coudersport.Noc. 20,11857.-10:22.,.
Potter County; zs: . • . -. .
Certified from the Record_ this-19th tray of
October, A.'l/. 1857. • .
Q i Witness my hand and seal of office,
f t " ''''"Jat Coudersport, •the same day and year.
.19:19—tit • H. J. OLMSTED. Prot!fp.
The terms upon , which Toe Republic is-fur- I
nished-to subscribers, are given below.
As an -additional inducement to agents, a
IN THE UNITED STATES," a duodecimo
volume of 312 pages, bound in muslin, will be
scut, free of postage, to any person farnishing
ten yearly subscribers, whether to the Weekly,'
SemiWieekly,. or partly of both. • .
It will not be required that the names. of a
Club should be all sent at, one time; and the
papdrs forwarded to different post-offices, if
The notes of specie-payin ,, banks will not
be required. The notes of solvent banks will
be received, which are current where incited;'
but Eistera bank notes are preferred.
Single copy. one year . . ' $2 00
Three copies, one year • 500
Ten couies,'one year . 15-00
Twenty copies, one year • . . 25 00 1
Single copy, six months . . 1 001
Ten copies, six months . . 8 00,
Twenty copies, siz month s , 12.59
Single copy[ one year . . . $3 00
Two copies, one year . 500
Five copies one year . 10.00
One copy, six months ; . 150
Two copies, six months . 250
' Five copies, six months -. . 5 . 00
In all the above cases, where more tha n one
copy is taken, the paper will be mailed sepa
rately to each subscriber.
Persons volunteering to act as agents, will
have the benefit of the mbietion of price, ac
cording to the above.sehs i dule. - For any num
ber of copies more tharitwo not embraced in
th.e above schedule, Awlel person may retain
fifty. cents on each yearly subscriber to the
; Weekly or, Semi-Weekly.. and twenty , five
j .
cent-for 0-..cia subscriber for six months.
I Thus. any person sending will have
I four copies of, the Weekly sent:for one year
Ito such address as h. -may direct. This will
be $5 for three copies, and $1.50 for the'
I fourth copy. • .
Payment always in advance. •,
Money may be forwarded by mail,-if the
letter containing it be registered, at my risk.
:.Notes on Eastern banks preferred. Large
amounts will be 'more safely remitted in
drafts. Direct to
IVashinsiton,. D.
"InT U. OLIN k CO., of the Yates County
V • Nurseries, hive for. sale a large and
valuable' assortment of FRUIT TREES
of all varieties usually cultivated. These
Trees are young and of vigorous growth. The
qualities are the most choice known, and are
warranted GEWL7INIg. Also, a fine stock of
for fandelivery.
sembAddresq Orders tolC. BEACH, Pen Tan,
Yates Co.. N. T. Orders left with ROB'T. W.
NILES, Coudersport, Pa., will - be •promptly
filled. I 0:2-6mo.
In .g.azgliaxge . for: Gooch ;
. COTiDERSPORT, - NOV: 4TH, 18.57.
Divorce Notice..
Daniel Dodge, 130 Feb. Term, 185'f.
. vs. • - i r mst,' IN Divoacs,
Adana E. Dodge, -`A Subpoena- and dies
Subpcena having-been iiincd in this Case, and'
returned aihf, the-said Adelia E. -Dodge, the
respondent is hereby notified and required' to
be and appear in our Court of Common , Pleas
at the next Terni of said Court, at 'Couders
port, its the connty,of. Pettey, to- inrer the
eomplaint of Libellant.' •
TAGOART, Sherif.:
'bendi'reiori;lsev. 16, 1,67.--16::::-44t.
•; . - .
. , , • .
AltE PO4T/IfiSLY .
. . . .
WHICH COIVVeyS t* remed es to the ctori
, ties in the lungs throng the air passa
ges, and coming in }Brest ed i pict , with the
disense, neutralizes the tubere r matter, al l ,
lays the cough, sansei Wire° and easy expec
toration, heals the lutigs, purifies the blood,
imparts renewed vitality to the tiervowi 1;3 - stem,
giving that tObe and enetgy sd ' indispensable
for the restoration of health. To he able to
state ionfidently that L'onsumption is curable
; I
by inhalation, is' to.naiti l a , soure of : unalloyed
pleasure. It is as u h nrider the 'control of
medical treatment as I any of er formidable
disease; ninety out 'of every , uudred cases
can be cured in-the fi stages and fifty per
cent. in the second; . bait in the third -stage it
is impossible to save more than fire per cent.,
for the Lungs are so mit up - by the disease as
to bid defiance to medical skill,. Even,-Lrow
ever, in the last stages, Inhale ton •
affords ex
traordinary relief - to the safe ing !attending
this fearful scourge, which ant ually destroys
ninety-fiVe thonsantli Persons in the 'United
States alone; and a eotTect calculation shows
that of the present poPulation
. of the • earth,
eighty ruillioun are destined to fill the Con
sumptive's graves., .•! I - -. I : -
- Truly • the quiver of death liftil lito Zfrow so
fatal as Consumption.: 1 1 In all a , es it has been
1 3
the great enemy of- lif i for it Fpareg -neither
age nor ;,=ex, but sweel g Off al he the brave,
at* beautiful, the grae ful acid the gifted. By
the help. of that Supre , e Beirig, tirom•whom
cotr&il..v.-s; good and perfect Igift, I am en
aid to the' afflicted a--permanent
and .1 in C nsumption. The first
can: des is from impitre blood, and
the affect produced y their itepo
sitit igs is to preven the free ad
mits: vto the air cells which - causes
a weakenou utality through the entire system.
Then snrely it is more,rational t expect great
er good from nietlieins• entelg the cavities
of the lungs - than from thos administered
through - the stomach ;' Ithe patient will allays
find the lungs free and the breathing easy, af
ter, Inhaling remedies.l Thos, Inhalation- is a
local remedy, nevertheless it acts constitution
ally, and with more power and certainty than
reinedies administered by tbe stomach. - To
prove the powerful anddirect ihtluence of this
this mode of admi ii i strati i n, chloroform
inhaled will entirely destroy••ensihility iu a
few minutes, paralying the entire • nervous
iputated with
the brilioary
[a few hours.
will rote the
ntly dead. The
is perceptible
being inhaled,
led in,the.blood.
t. tutional effects
sickness is al
ways produced by - breathing pill air—is *not
system, so that a iitutij may be
out the slightest pain, inlittlin!
burning gas will deatrly life 14
The-inhalation of ammonia
system when fainting-or apptri,
odor of many of the ritedicine4
in the skin a few minutes afteli
and may be immediately detect
A convincing proof of the coast'
of inhalation, is -tie fact that'-
this positive evidence that prpper , remedies,
carefully 'prepared and judieoasly adminis
tered through th,e hings shou) d produce the
happiest reeults? -d)uring : *ghteen years'
practice, many tionsands BuffLriug front dis
eases of the lungs and throat,' have been-.un
der my care,- and I hive effecte many remark
able cures, even after the euff rers had been
pronounced in the ltt
s tages, bleb, fully W-
isfies me that -consu ption is o longer a fatal
disease. Ziy treatment of onsumption is
original, and founded on long experience and
a thorough investigation. Myerfect actinain
lance with the nature of •tube Iles, &c.; ena
bles me to diatiaginsh, readilly, y, the various
forms of disease that simulate consumption.
and apply the proper remedi4, rarely being
mistaken even in a single case. This famil
iarity, in connection with certain pathological
and microscopic discOveries,enables mo to're
lieve the lungs from the effectS of contracted
chests, to enlarge the chest, pttrify the blood,
impart to it renewed- vitality giviug energy
and tone to the entire system. 1
Medicines with full directions out to any
part of the United States and canadfts by pa
tients communicating their symtorns by letter.
But the cure would be more certain if the
patient should pay`me a visit which would
give me an opportunity to 'exa ine the lungs
and enable me to fweseribe wi h much greater
certainty, and then the curd uld be effected
without my seeing the patient gain.
G, W. GRAHAN , M. D.,
Office 1131 Filbert S eet, (Old
No. 109,) belOw' - elftli, •
- I ' Olt ' I ;:....;
John AS', Dye is?he Author. •0!
Who has-had 10 years experienFe as a Bank:s ;
er and Publisher, and AUthor of r,,:-
A series of Lecturci at Br!padleal, Tabernacle,
• when, fur 10 successive ni hts, over t i l
ge-50,000 People i ei I
Greeted him with Rouads o 1 Applause, 'r ,
while ho exhibited the lisann6r in' which ~
Counterfeiters execute' heir Vauds, and- r Y ll
the Surest and' Shortest elms of • ‘..,
Detecting them
2.7 . . .
• .!
The Bank Note - Engravers all ery Mat _ he i'.7 .0
the greatest Judge of IViper. Rnl.l living. 0 1
tizelirlg: C01406116'1 Aiiili Voil* '',-,,,
Describing every Genwn e Bill 41 Existence,_,‘- ,
and Exhibiting at a glance every Coun
terteit in Circulatio I I -
Axranged so admirably that-, EFERENCE . :''g
is. EASY, and • .- . . :C ,
hunt up ! . But so simplified a d arranged,
s®-No in d es to examine I do pages to
'that the - Merchant ,' Ranker nd . Busineis P
Man can see all at a Glance. I . ' 0
Thus each may read the same in his
.own 4
'lrmavre -
Fe 4 Ba'nk Noie,Lise Published.. 0
Also a List of { . $; 1
A Complete. Summary 'of tho rimming. car
Even & Ansince will be published in each .-
! 'edition,' together with, ll the IMPORTANT
INEWS 0k THE DAY. ;Also I , . _
romat Old Manuscript, found in the East.
, It furnishes the Host Complete History
cyfOrientalLife, - r'
describing.:s the Most. Perplexing l'ositions in '
Which the' Ladies and. Gentlemen of that 4.
Country haTe been so often found. These
Stories will continue throughont,the Whole P 4
Year, and will prove,the Most Entertaining 4
over offered to the Public. . ..i - - - . ,-...-t
1 zeeFurniebed Weekly to Subscribers on- 0
ly, at $,l-...a jean,;
,All letters. Must, be- ad` -1 ,74
dresied. to, . • ;,'
.-.:- .. t• •••;- -.- , -
JOBlll 13..DYE t ,..8reke, , -.e.,
Publisher and 70 Wall Streotdzi
11W-York. - • - . • • 10:1-1y. • V
11Q'tW :GOODS4-.L Large and Spleadals•-
1 jsit rirecived : A A.
~~l~it~Dlphta''~~bi►fisr6~agt~: ; j:
pl-11sT . A. iRTI Y1),LE,,,,
At Merchants Uotel, North 4th , I ,
- • '
.piTLADELPEdA.; trAggET being - pal'lk
aocessible, your attention is called to , it,
aa, possessing facilitici and advantages; yrortity
of your ootisideration. ; •
Among its advantages. mayl be enunteritad
its location, having shorter lines of -Corozal:Mr •
cation to the interior, itsproxintity to the Iron
and Anthracite Coal districts +if Pennsylvania
the large and varied extent Ili( ltd 1011/AUfba:
tureS, beitig far in advance of otter city.
in the nited States, the _moderate e . .tpenSes
n ecessary for carrying on business' itc._,:ete,
The market possesses unrivalled' -avant&
ges for the sale. of. many 41(141 . ot produce,
suilt as Flour, Wheat, Carley, • -Wool, Butter,
Clieee,' l .3.e..; while the charges utitde upon
sales and attendant expenses are more lemur.
ate than neighoriog seabbardloarketa..
Wit. W. PAUL: Wholegato . ' 1109 Ti 'SHOE
626 .70.a.rket St.
ITIJ4FE iFirolce l gitO
HOUSE, No. 430 Market and, 425 liercliint
-11 - '
T. 4 YLOS, GILLESPIE ,f CO., :Wholeseil . •
GROCERS, Nos.-11 and 13, SonthiWatct gift
ROL,- Importers of WINES, lIRANDIES„ •
GINS, No. 304 North 3d 'treet. •
T. JIORRIS, PEROT`CO.4' Importeri - and ;-
Wholesale Dealers in DRUGS, CHEMICALS
N. 621 Market, and 612 See:Janice Sta. 'r f •
CONCENTRATED LYE for •making Soak„
Itanufactured by the Penn.;Salt Co., Tarea4
Wm, Allegheny county, Penn.- Represented:
by LEWIS, JAMES 4- Co., Philadelphia.. •
/./.4., LS 4. TAYLOR, Importers and Cash
JOlAnrs, No. 305 Market Street, HOSIEIAIt
BUNN, RAIGUEL Importers of
and STAPLE SILK GOODS,. "E111 . 11101D2-
- ItrEs, Nd. 37 N. Third; street., -
JAiIES, KENT, SAhTTER f CO., Impcirt
'ersland Jobbers of FOREIGN and DOMES
TIC DRY GOODS.,Iio. 233 and 241- North
3d,Street, shore Race. . l' „
CHANTS. Warehouse Nts. 146 N.3d St.; -,
HENZET C0.,1-iinpOrtors and
Wholesale Dealers in If..kRWARE,iCUTLS- . ;
' RV . ' and GUNS, 427 31arket iand 416 Co*.
merce streets.
L BIBIGH4US; llraPtirtet. sad
Wholesale Dealer in FOREIGN and DO
11ESTIC HARDWARE, No; .258 North 14
street, below-Vine. l - . , ..
HANP 5_4)1'5 -in any caricty and style el
the celebrated IXL stamp, Manufaethred
WALTER CRESSON . , DepOt• No. 503 Cos-
ruerce St. .• • ;
HAHHERS, HATCHETS te. in great'
riety, manufactured by C. IiAMMO),ID, De-,
pOtNo. 503 Commerce at. The attention ]
of the trade is calledlo these.goods as being
equal in quality and finish:to any made.
JAMES ,EARRER, - Wholemle. Deafer ja
rer of GOLD
. PENS. 5, E. ennui. of Sol
nod Cheitnut sts. .11
PRATT 4- RE 4TH, Importers' of WATOII
W. corner sth and Markeoitir • .
- •
• " Importers and Jobb l ete in -11
• . -
British & American pry Goods,
215 Market, through to 204 Church .Alley.
Ser6 Mouths credit for approved Notes. • _
' t10:14-3m..
• • a
.lIEREAS the Ron. Robert -G.- White,
V President Judge, and the Hone. Joseph
Mann and G. G. Colvin, AssOciate Judges of
the our ts of Oyer & Terminer and General ha
Delivery, Quarter Stasionis of' the Peace, Orph
ans' Court and Cdurt of Common Pleas for the
County of Potter, have issued their precept, -
bearing date the fourth day, of November, in
the year of. our Lord one thousand eight hun
dred and fifty-seven, and to Arse directed, for
holding a Court of Oyer and Terminer and
General Jail Delivery; Quarter Sessions of the
Peace, Orphans' Court, and Court of CommOn
Pleas, in the Borough of Couderspoit, on MON
DAY, the 21st day of December next, and to
continue- ono week. ' - •
- Notice is therefore hereby given to the Cor
oners, Justices of the Peace and 'Constables
within the county, that they be then and tt4 1
i i i
in their proper persons, at 10I,o'clock A: I.f. f
said day, with their rolls, records , inquisitio 11,,
examinations, and other,remembranees, tiOltt
those things which to their Offices appertain
to be. Bone. And those who are -hound It y
their recognizaners to prosecute
t o
prisoners that are or shall be in the jail of sat!
ceunty of. Potter: are to be then_ and there
prosecute against them as - will be just. ''
Dated at COUDERSPORT, November 4th, 125 Z,
and Um Plat year of the Independence of t o
United States of America.
A. C. TAGGART, Sheriff.
C. W.
Elli. ' .
fri. ' and
Jae, W. Smith. •
Bingham 'Estate, ~ " Jacob B. Rodents.
Russell *Maskin, • " Asa Stevens 4al
Munson I Merriman, " Bunnel I C lark.:
N - Matteson, ' , : " . Phil:teas- Geod
C. Aylestvorth, " .1.1. PLMinard.-
Pike Township, " - -D. J.Vhappell.
Wharton School Dist. '4 Julius Johnson.
Isaac Pearce, for use " Frrnklin Gale.
Samuel Haven, "-. . A. M. Benton..` -
7,6 i. 17. Jackson
A. W. Williams, ". D. N. , *bar.
Ira Lamphere, .. ":L. H. Kinney; ..
Browo - A Brothers, _ . " :... B. P., Lyman; :
JOBilaTi_SumPf .- --- "-- 11: S; Carrie:r.....,
E. IW. Elliott, " Benj. Bares. ....,,
W. G. WElelland, use," • -Alm'd Woodcock:
Gilbert .thilebols, - ; . 1 - 1 C ;":2-t;.'l 4 'nuEcl. --
Matthew- Wilkinson, " ,Temple Wilkinson
George Fos 1.8. Miss, '''' ',Asa-Et...(iibbs, - -;•
ilOsetkClishinZ ',.' - 'G. Merrill, . ,
E. it Carpenter, , , !"! RickardShey;je . .,
ia'..R.: l7olll tl) . .." '' " "'AI: I.` irrinti.. ,
Sobieski Miss,:
~' . ' 0 ' 8.. W. Irlittyies.; ,
' . ' ~.', :,- -11., .I....oLMSTER, - Pio.h'7:"
Prothenolazi% Offiee Nov.-2, I$I?. •
INK and stsio'b article* in tie tilititn i
t sale b 7 sl*-1.) Y .
.1G: S.
Potter County,
W. T. Jones.