The Potter journal. (Coudersport, Pa.) 1857-1872, November 26, 1857, Image 2

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pito the - recotn.nense of ieward.'! ' B.§
ad Abraham_ 4e'looked for apity
e:tich bath foundations, Wlinso 'Builder
and Maker 411-6d,# 1 .50 . o ught we - to
"look ftiii.Se rewards: ge-thit "com.eth
to ; Grua Must balieie.tliat Pie.lte
cwarder of thenithat diligent!i l4 golt44. ,
I. believe this;'— * nd` it seeing . td
all 'whieh :we do Well in this
ic not wittieye : ileniceas Men pleasers ;
put as 'the . gat:vents , of Chzl4, doing the
,p 1 gfad froth the - heart,' as we ought'
1,4? d01t,4--We receive a great and rich re
-rot partly riot VtlcciltetlyiOtie world
. t,o come.- • ; .
• fNir h4e/P°7l a.
ate uteknent. ,It is pleasant, indeed; 01
a Well-trained child become, first, al
lovely youth, and then a little what) afteyl
.:1)14;W "Rita RT woman, correct, intel r l
iigent, and .uiniable in all the Felitiona pf
glis life, and an heir of immortality.
e y, is Beautiful... Wisdom, ike that
whieli the anieli posses as I remarked
empiats of two thiggs : Knowl
idge mid Innocence. And this, dear
friends anti teachers, is what we strive to
impart and cultivate in those rye instruct:
!There is
4 a . pregions reward nonnectnd With
thi; service well performed, even here.
. But kis not all, nor mainly here that we
Ll.;:111 see our reviakd. "Ile that goeth
.torte and .weepeth, bearing precious seed,
donl? wipe 4.014 with rejoicing,
joringing his sheayes with him.'--Ps.
. 34. 6, . Such is the faithful, patient,
. prayerful, hoping parent; the zealous, de
. voted, earnest, affectionate; teacher.
Verily I say_ unto you, he shall not, lose
Lis rewapi," .
I love to think of all: my dear pupils
_.daring the last twenty years, most oft
...whom I can never' meet again here on
Path, es members Of a higher, purer, no
-)let sooietY than any which exists among
Inva to think of meeting them I.
Ape, in the land of the blessed; •
L•Where the rivers of rapture 'roll o'er the
laright plains,
4nd ttoi noontide of glory eternally reigns."
There shall be no more sinning, ne more
Sorrow, no more error, no more pain, no
-pore "oileath. I love- those clear youth,
who have 144 niy pupils, as . no one else,
• except their parents or relatives can, I
Imre- known them as no one else on
Ontli, except -parents or teachers can
`know them. They have been to me,
mat of them, "lovely and pleasant 4u
their lives," exceedingly so; and in their
death-I. do not belicve they are to be.di
jided from me. Weshall roam hearafter
In fields of light, 40 space, unrestricted
and Tully We shall ever be ad
vancing in wisdom and knowledge and
llessing,:tintil we coma to understand all
truth : and live on for - ever, and "know
even as we are known" of God, in all the
ftillness of "His Infinite Being! • •
May yon' - dear: friends and teacher's,
- Bave'a . like happy ex.periencein the work
'before you: And so. may you, at thelast,
'each be enabled to say before the assem
-Ll4-"nniieise. in glory: "Behold, I and
"fite'-oliihiren whom God hath given Me!"
After his address, 'the speaker eater
tftiqed the assembly for a short time in
ethlbitinit, a variety of Curiosities which
4e had e,olleeted during his travels in for- lands, closing by holding up to view
r Old. Grey," ; an old grey coat, which be
raid tiad accompanied him tens of thou.
- Suds of milesi heti; by sea and .land, and
srhiobbarTheen Lis only coveripg for many
cold and dreary night spent in the wilds
lot Oregon.
4. 9, Crosby, Chairman of the
cana l '9f : 44.ingements, then reported. the
'order of exercises for Tuesday , evening.
Qa motion, the Institute tendered their
siuceurthanks to the Rev. Mr. Blake for
• • • •
his timely and appropriate 'address. -
1 4 . 4 . 1 e Ciointy Superintendent announced
that the further e;lrcises of the Insti
tutuwould he held in the New Court
Thiuse, Music by the members of the
Institute. Benedictiork by Itcv. Mr.
Blake, Adjourned.
TUr.SDAY, Nov. 17.
Met at QI• o'clock • A._ M. Prayer by
Rev. 4. Melntyre, .
'English Grammar, a general lecture,
by Mr. Hendrick. Mental Arithmetic,
conducted by Mr. Hendrick, assisted by
A. Mclntyre., Recess.
• Pr*inal Arithuittic, conducted by Mr.
endrick; exercises -in Addition, •Sub
triaien Multiplication and Diviiion.
..:Orthography,.conducted by Rev. C, M.
Blake marks 'of aceent, apelliqg by
!monde, number of elementary 'sounds. •
Adjourned, until; 1 'o'clock, P. ; M. -
4. Call to qrder.
- Music, by the members of the Tlati
. ,
. . ,
-1; Geography,. conducted by the Rev. Mr.
Blake. .\. The ezerciaes consisted'of a gen. I
aid lectaTre,- el a familiar -talk.. He
thought4liet. in teaching Geography, the ',
Timidity sheeld commence at his -own
lerglikorhoed. : He said, take him from
ids ipirti.native -place, liiid ehow him his
ielst-Mti tq the universe. ' Elocution,
ducted i l y 3ir: Efendrick, assisted by the
Bev. Mr. Blake, • Woos'. - .
-• - School: Government, cAmdacted by the
Rer. Mr. Blake. Be thought that 'any
irrepn should goierii a school like himself,
*q4 iii* follow the plan pf any other one.
A.'womaqiitlight govern by gaining the
love' Of the =sch ool; as 'a man could not,
widen' hii• imal'd - ?efiii . character readily.
faket-ooemod to be the qpiiiioti of most of the
hem ' that ''' $ 61 , 4 M 1 P yl e s iihould be'
Y 4464. Alio that whispering should he
ilkosoinfied, buttotebsulatidyforbid**
4 4frintof 41141 iitiwit e'edoedt P.. O. 's ' I H
- • -; .tvENitip inlatitO.' .
- Met in the Twin ; ;Bogie b y tip
members,Of the listitute. Prayer by 09
!lei. jMw.lMClntyre, . *marks the
Presideati thanking >Po. :peii*ertl; ,for
ject - .Onn:keted with the Inotitute. •
Read §fau essay N0t;4 1 ,:.
itt'Sehooli;# l ,
Thii"wag followed by remarks by the Rey.
411 1 :P., 444 Mr, .11.00riclE; ,
Essay, by MissLouila...Hydorn. St&
jest—''Parental Visits, tind..hoir
may be Secured." 'This ii'as folhiwed by.
re/harks from Mr. Spafford,.3lr.
Stiles, Rex- Mr. Blake, Me.- J. IV. "Birds_
. Mr. Wm : , A:'Mon roe,' Rev = Mr, Mein
tpe Hendrick..
hy.-Mr, J.. W. Bird. Subject
04141 1 13," ..The President then
announced the order of e*.erniSes for
Wednesday: . .eyetting . , .}Then . the session
clod 3.
WEmsusriAy lov. 18;
Met' at the Conit liOuse, at ni4iiieloclF
A.l M. Culling - oil the roil: Bendinkr of
the Bible and prayer, by 'NT ; Hendrick..
MMiie by'. withers of the Institute,,
English ' Gmtnmai., conducted j'by . Mr,
lieudriok;aisiated 4y:tho BO;1‘11., Blake,
Mental Arithmetic., €.011(10401 - 1 -by the
Rev. • Mr. drake, and Misses Northrup
and Brown. , Beeess. .‘ Practical Arith-1
metie, cenducteitby Mr. Hendrick. nr
thographY . 'ondueted by Mr. Hendrick:
Geopsfiliv, Conducted by Mi. licm.
drick. At this time; Dr. Wisinu, Eiup't
of McKean Co., haying arrived, the Pres
ide:lit' ititiiminet:d . hiin to tho Institute.
lalustiations of 1'113.8141 Geography,
conducted' by "thee Rev. Mr. Blake: 7 --
Reading, ! Conducted ',by, Mr. Hendrick.'
Schoolr Government, conducted by Dr.
Wisner. - On this, subject the Dr. reina:Tk.:
ed,lthat", there should 'lx! niueli said, bat I
it was 4 hard liltitteri to say' tho right
tblOg.' r .A.I Teacher could; not • govern a
School, until he eoUld govern'hiruself,•L--
Never threaten, but let 110 rale be "Do."
!Right, It ,' 1 On the subject of t.' duality, 1
Ihe Said', that one great - cause of the laok-,
of it in Ont. Sam:ills-lay with the Teachers
theinsel'yea; Neveron any account, de
fer opening Felled for a minute after the
regular time. Be =Pinactuai yourself, and
the Scheel will f;ollow your;example. - Use
the rod only in eatreine cases. Mr. ilen
ldriek saidthat one should Commence with
a. School as "rigidly as tb4jr tateado& to
Iba A any time in the tenni . 'ljo thought
that' thrlre were eases, but they were . rare,
1 where if, was necessary toiputiieh gTOWn
tichOlarS eorpere,ally. •, ; i ' . , •
I' i .1 xvipsisa . SESSON. • •, : ,
, Net In 'the rroWn•Elall. 'Music by the
ineiubers of the Irikitute i' . ;
'On motion 'Of the ChnirMan of the com
mittee of arrangements, the order of ex 4
oreiss'weie deferred tolOtett to ou : atl-
I'fionl-Dij, Wisner:. - i-,' • , - .
audhe !President then introduced to the I
ience tbe tabore. pained gentleman,
who 'preceeded to deliver ' an; address on
thd sizhj it of',the' : '"P,hyaical. . Welfare of
children," . Ei,,,li, by . Miss. Perry. Sub
iO4--',-.`iletrodUetng ,tho Higher Bratiph
(.l3 into i our . Common* Schools ," „ In this
essay; the. author drew a rather dark pic
ef, the capability of some of our .Vot
ter cennty,Teachers. The,Subject jutro
dneed by this 'essay, was discussed by J. '
W. liird,•;Mr. Hendrick; T. 31. Spafford
and the,
,Be Mr. Blake.
An essay by Miss - Medbury. Subject
- , --"Vocal: Music," - Mr Blake remarked
that he wished to see our NationaYsongs,
as ‘'Hail Columbia," "Star Spangled
'Banner," .. "Home 3 Sweet; Home," and
also, ',, Various old English' -Melodies, as
"Auld ( Lang Syne," &0., swig in.alithe
, SchoolS in the:county, Inc' did not wish
1 new ,MuSic excluded,. but that the phi
`should net be . forgotten.' Dr..Wisner, and
others, ' alSo spoke on this subject.. ; 1, • .
' An essay . by Mr. S. S. :Crreeanian.—
Subject—The Teacher's. Hopes." , . .J.
.W. Bird then gaVe notice,that he should
present the-following resolutions for con
sideration , Thursday evening. .i; .- •
.recso/v,etl, That while the are fully con
vinced of '-the iroperianee: of raking the,
standardi Of qualifications Of Teachers .in
our Common Schools, we ct,usider it equal
important:that the .vaes of those-. en-,
gaged in' teaching should be raised in ti'
corresponding degree. :,
~Pesoltfrii, That we.regard the practice
of paying Teachers in Warrants on empty
treasuries; as has been. demi •• in most of
the toWnships of this county far the last
few:years. , past, thus . calking a delay of
montbsand even years in the receipt, of
their pay int ,the Teaehers, as not only
extrepte:ly . ,4just .. to these • employed in
instructing In :our. sishOole, but in every
way injirioue to-the best interests of the
schools theineelves... , a
, • i Brsolved;-;That we ' regard the present
1 3 a suitable time to .bes,tn a - reform in
this partimtlari . and we herebY urge upon
thelicl eel Directors and State Superin -
tenders i to devise. sonic- effectual. remedy
for thirl l injustice. .. -, i . .-.- .', • .
•- ~ , i - ::-..t HIIESDAY, Nov. 1.9. 1
. • Cobv.ened at the.uSnal time and place.
Prayer by D. Wisner. - English Grain
mar, conducted by "Mr, Hendrick, Men
tal' Arithitietic;eenduated 4 Mss Lewis,
niekted by Mr. Hendrick' and Dr. Wis
ner.: : Recess,' ' Practical ". Arithmetic,
condictedHbY Mr, Hendrick. ' Orthogra.
phy, contlisated -by Dr, Wisner, - 7 Here . .
ther,lnstitilte tendered to Dtc:llristitir.whe
•waslaborttle leave; their idneere 'thanker
for his attendance with thein;and'req - uest-
cd'a - OOPY, of his address ' deliVered Wed-
uCridaY'qening,• for publication.- ..'. In re;
1 ply,' , o:tislDr. - Said that the address 'was
1 written in . a: hurry end - with:but - little fore',
thought; land- as-he.' had not time I to reriie'
atnl!'correett•it' :Ne'llinauld.bli! tinder the
tietbnitit** d 44107.4 !he 'Paltest ;.-_-• - •
. . r l '. .H ' '.* -
4.EnsOcci litosin st.
( 4 1- l a iralAlYl- 14 %%motion with the
,Sciebecs, conducted by the Ref.
Mr - Plake; ":Aemarks by Mr. Hendrick
rev.kewinitbd ground, gone 9Ver. .
Unica ciailfrppby t condueted 3;1 -Mr.
Hendrick. ~. An - this exercise were, anclud,
ed . the : ,,first)-a4tltnent of theZl.Tuite.d
States, the inatpre, of the Government and
its differeni, branches, the election of the
various officers, /to. Here Mr, Hendrick'
wade some remarks on the professional
l tiding of TPlioliers; du lug. bo
rei3ommended to the favornble notice of
' Teachers rage's . Theory .andi .Practice
Teaching and Todd's ,Sfucfenes.Nanuai,
Mr. Blake alio recommended liarper'S
preekly . Newspaper, and Zhe Schoid and
Schoolmaster. ' Recess. The President
gave notice that the. exereiseis of the In
stitute were suspended' for the purpose
of organizing a Teacter's A.ssoCiation.,
Four o'clock Pi ;T.. ResunaCd'tlie ex
ercises of the Institute. -- Explanation of
volcanoes', bY . the lley, Mr, Blake, Here
the Sup't. requested to be excused frota .
,examining Teachers at the Institute,..aS
pit would occupy too much tinier - A . few
_ rem a rks by the Rev. Nr.l:flake On - Ge,
. .
Convened in the ,TOwn
l at
. .
o'clock. Music 'by the nteniberik
of the
Institute. PrayeribY the Rev. :Mr.- Mc-,
Intyre. An essay, by Miss Anne ,Subjeet-;,"Writing Compositions." .'
essay ; written by lif l isi.Stearn; (who do
account of ill health was unable to read
it,) wan read by 114Irs,"ifendriCk.'
ject—"The Qualtheations of the Sueeets
ful .Teaeher," . . '."
Here the 'Co l .' Supt stated that the
subject before.the' Directeris there eon-1
vened, for,eunsideration, waKthat of a uui
formity teit.books in our
Schools. He thought' that the gret' va
riety of test-books now in 'use, Was a se-i
rious evil. And as fir as he , was idle' to
learn, tine that 'the Directois had 'taken,
no Means to remedy. ,
Bird thoglitu it a lamentable
fact, but it could not bc.avOided.. Direc-
tors.had not the ability, find could net 1
remedy the evil. A V orci•-•-"They had
better re: 40-u then." After reuMrice byl
I G. Olmsted J. S.Maun and others '
a Committee of six as' aPpointed to "re-
commend to the Directors of Potter Co.,
a uniformity:of text-books.' The .-Com
mittee was composed Of' the following
named persons : I.4fessrs. J.' Hendrick,
'IP. L. Bird, J; W. Bird, B„. W. Beaten,
and 'Misses Northrup arid Anna,LewiS.
R. W. Benton,. then introduced: the
subject of decreasing the nuMbei
yeetOrs to three, and allowing them pay
fOr - their services. He_ sp i
oke n 'favor of
kith propositions, and closed by-offering
the following resolutions:
.Re•sqcod, That vo believe the number
of School Directors d,eeretuc4,,
and that; they should ',receive pay for
their - servioei.- , . •
E. L. Bird,,spoke in opposition to the
resolution, J. 'W Bird then. offered the
reiolutions, of which. he gave notice the
evening previous, when ,they - were, laid
upon the table, and the,session Adjourned.
FRIDAY', Nov: 20.
• • Convened at the usual time and place.
Reading of the Bible and. prayer, by .31r.
Hendrick; . , The President then appoint..
ed W. A. Monroe and Miss A: J. Spaf
ford, members, of the Committee on Res
alutions, which Committee was then coin.
posed of the following persons, namely:
Messrs. 0. J.. Rees and W. A. Monroe, and
;Misses Annie Lewis, J. S. Catlin and A.
J. Spaffcrd.
English Grammar,. conducted by : 4 1fr.
Hendrick. Mental Arithmetic, conduct
ed by Marcus L. French. Recess. Prao
tical Arithmetic, conducted by Mr. Hen.;
drick. . 1- • , ..•
Orthography, conducted by the. Rev.
Xr.-Blalie. Mr. Bitid's resolutions , were
then ; called up;. read,. and • passed separ
ately: aW..O. J. Rees, .Chairman of
Committee on Resolutions then reported
the following, which were passed sepa
Resolutirnis,:presented for the considera.;
• • tion of gee inentbers: of the - •
Teachers' Institute:' : •
Resolved, That wo consider Teachera'
Institutes, as highly beneficial to Teach
crs'and Schools in various ways: -They
afford to Teachers an excellent .opportu
nity for comparing with 'mall other the
results of their experienee; they also af
ford the benefit! of =valuable instruction
from the Superintendent anCothdrs. , --
They are also suitable oceasion'irfor
lug up for solution any dilfieAlt
either in the method of instruction orin
the different branches of Education
taught in our Schools, They serve to
stimulate Teachers tp more vigorous et
forts to do their:work faithfully,.':They
invite eoi.iperation in the cause of Educa
tion among parents arid the friends of Ed
ucation generally, and - therefore I they
ought to. be eueourantd. •
That, - Resolved, th e County Superin
tendency has done, and is doing' great
service to the Schools or Potter County,
and ought by All means to ho continued:
jiesolied, That we present our thanks
to the ley. Nr, Blake, Dr. WLitter, of
McKean, Ray, ltfr, 41foItityre and others
who have 'rendered Us such signal ser
vice at our Institnte.
Resblved, That it be recommended to
Directors to obtain Outline Napa,. Nor
ma—Quirt; and' Globe, and at'least ime
copy of some givci Dictionary for. °Very
School District. •
Resolved, That many . School
lEtcniser are in an eiceedingly dilapidated
condition, and .1143 'i:eetimmend'tti'Direet - -'
ori fo fiimialvold . hats = &thing' and
aupplyini fha plasiii
b panes, pasting up crack; &c:
ResOpefi, That thejliftile mt,gl4l , OT.
used i 4 #4. OW' sOhools,jaPd-190e 1 1 5 *
our iiiseerethanktrto 13.evir C . M.ltlakc; for
bia , !6ffortito',,fOrnisli Ilibles for 'our - "
RehOols. _. \• i - ,`-'- - ' ....• r: . ,
Resolved, That Vie County! ihtperirt--.
.teri`dent;l4 lis'ditaittetr tea effOrts, twstit
on this and former oceigaMi, in behalf ,
of the cause of Education, is,iiitittid to,
and receives our. warmest thardis. - ,
- -__ 0. J-,„-ftEES, Chair's,' - ' '
ly,, A. MONROE, ... 1..' -• ' -
-- ' JULI,4. S. CATMN; i • -
ANNIE •• Z. LEWIS, - . ;
1 _ : ..._.Attql..sTA ..1 - :SPAPPORD-- -.
The .County,Superintendent then Made
a few closing remarks, during[Whieh he
said. that it hiti,gforded him great pleas
ure' i n Meeting, so many of ihe - Teadieni ,
of ,Putter County here at the i Institute. 1
1 Other tbiilgs being equal; he should have
amore favemble,opinion of those, wliO had
I attended '..these exercises,: thnui of tbose 1
iniio - bila- not, .for it, showed al desiied on
their" part te,,improye. - - Tim TcaehOr's
' calling is One of. the : noblest in the world.
i lt costs' self,denial, but: we ',are lit tle
'aware of the; amount, of good we tuaytio.,,
Every Teacher possesses an iufluebcel
which will be felt throughout the eudlesS
agei of eternity. It , leads one to exclaim .
with the . ....postle,, 1 . NN'ho is 'sufficient fur
these thin ." :
1 When he calls to see the Teachers, be.
i hotes to
,find them all: in successful oPer
, ation; bopeA that all may be model
Teachers; does not 'wish any Teacher to
dread his visit, for it will be his object' to
aid them to the extent of his power \i
The exercises -of the Institute th n
closed finally: , " .
- , J. TIENDRICK, Pres't.
SILAS S. GRi l liN:kl4N, See'y. _
Teachers', Association.
„ The Teachers, and other friends.: if
Education who had been attending th
Institute, met at the Court-House on.
Thursday,-November 19, to discuss • the .
propriety .of .organizing - a Teachers' As
sociation.. • The Meeting was organized
by calling George W..Grigihy tuaet as
Chairman, and William A: slonroc Sec
It was moved that we do now organize
a Teachers' Association. Remarks were
made by Rev. D. Stiles, F B. Hacket,
0. -4. Spafforcl, Rev. .C. DI.. Blake and
''Re.7. J. Hendrick.' The motion was
unanimously carried.,
. Moved, that 'the Chairman appoint a
committee of - five. to report'a Constitution
tfor the Association at our uczt meeting.
. The 'Chair: then 'appointed , on 'that
coin mittee J. W. Bird, J. M Spaffordill.
Crosby; Julia Northrup,. and Jennie
M. Lyman: • .Moveti, that we now adjourn
until three o'cleek to.ntorrow. Adjourned.
i • ' Friday', No+ernber 20."
ing ta adjentninent ; G. W. Grigsby
the chair.: J: W . ..'Bird, chairman of the
committee,' reported tt Constitution for
the 'government of the Aisoolothan, The
meeting discnised each article separately,
and the_ Report, was adopted.
The following.-officers were elected for
the ensuing year : J. M. Spofford, Presi
dent; 'J. W. Bird; Vice President; W.
Mourbei Seeretary; L. Ellen Wright,
Treasurer. •
. Moved '
, that' the proceedings of - this
meeting lbe • published' in the -Poitzit
Jut;RNA.L. Carried.
The, -As3ociation then adjourned - to
irieet atiliewiSville on the last'Thtirsda.
Of January, .185 S; at which time Ellen L.
Bird and Sarah M Lyman will read origi
nal essays, and 0. 3. Rees and George
W. Grigaby will deliver original orations.
'J. N. SPA.FFOIII/,'Pies'.
NVBt. A. '3l6Niiim, Sed's;:, • •
ilp i
j:: ,liott i:!,.4r5it.41..:
1 Ser We, want a few' loads - ! of good
STOVE WOOD, immediately;, on sub.
seriptions. Those who pay' in wooa do
riot hare to pay in cash. We also Rant
in kinds. of Produce, Beef,-Butter, alfew
undred feet of cull Lumber—say 60Q
eet, Se: Now is the time to pay the
Diinter—the first to Serve, the last to get
S3rve4, _. . , . , ~I,
- -
ZeZP.The' money ninrket-is getting het
tr, and tlio New Yoik, City itankaare
talking of rerniming specie pitytnentp,...
Thos T rgcle generally' i 8 looking up, and
+Oro mnehroom to, hope easief
tines in •.4 1 e Spring.. fonit4y. trUPt
there is-nodelusion in, tho hope„-.
_ '. • r
Setg.anSa . I ;uttoriii have taken ;11 new
tarn--the Bogus Constitution Convoatiou
having- reaolved itself into. a .provudopal
government with'. Surveyor- ez!eral
hours pa Blotater.: readtied niit to
submit their constitution to the :people,
but to force it through Congress; aubLult
ting only One 'elitist of it (a strong•pro.
Slavery one,) - to a popular vote, through,
an election of their own providing- for.'
We have an 'artiele pritho sUbjectiirhieh
weare compelled to defer until nest week,
for want of room, n o w, .• . I
• 11/51r1Ye ; give; up a large: allure: of. our
OOlumna this weck totEdUciittonut
_ .
call the attietten of . ouricadetir" Wttii ' v
tud.yonng We woutdikestAi,ar . t14141.Y.,
request ' theta! to carefulltlialiCtbe *d....
dress of 14 . .P. M. -*air, before Ihti
..• . ....•
Teachers' leifitue; ort Ott,l6th inst f ilWe
hake not r+ to iiotiCe .y..ll:flex* pOtictt- :
larly at present ;. inieikiai '-'ico Alideiir_to
- dit carefully, and ire vouch' for than
ample remuneration fiiik•the =time thus
pleasantly and-profitably spent:: - Tbe Iti
stititte. wa'i largely attended from all sec
tibial-of-the - "ot i inty; -- indr - its - Priiceetling:c i
in another c lumn are well worthy of the 1
• attentions Ut 11 ititeted in EAU - Cation:ill
u l d
matters—i--an , Nitt; , . -is - not ? There is I
much. credi t 'diio gr: 'Hendrick for the
Ile* itnpee be hai ilia - 1i to the'ca r usU of
i EduCation t e last le.* , mouths; and we
I sea -much 'i . the present, moitmeet. or
• .1 , .1 I , ,-. • " - , • .
hope for ,t e_ fOtire.: We "will refer to,
1 tilikk subiesi l
l ai 004 awl more L entendedly, ,
ja future Umber .of our pages. ' '
•is ti live
inn .of ate, most •readable of
.In spite- of its IA
support of .bad, men,. it says
things, and -the Kansas
old, tuanly; , and true toithe
MirThd i
P,POry'; and
itto city JO
.a 4
toany: good
que.t ton*
e fear when it-comes to the
break down from pits present
if it.dow.not, it *ill seenre
nd -gratitude of all good men
fight, it
position ! bu
the retpeet.
in the.StateL
The-folleWi g rfuetation from . the week
ly _Press,' oF:Npv:•.2i,, would not read .bad
in - the .1".. Tribune, or. any 'other
"Black Republiean'i paper:
. . . . ,
Says the 'real': ','We give in another .
4 'COI L liitql ski o of the- dointr-of this'Cort
"vention; ! nd• bikve only to say, 'that- if
"the Consti talon :fabricated by this body
- "is sent toTtingreSsitwe trust . thatislUirt
"16 1 1 . 11'W-a be made of it: 'lt 'd6erves
, "nothing but'contenrpt: • If it has a sin--
1 -• \• -• • • consistencywith
"gle ! merit it is its th e
d - and -wrong: Which' - it- is intended
I "to Perpetuate,' arid froui which; in *great
i "part, it h 4 gown?? • -'.•• 1 ' -!
, . .. . .
' • -There is! triuch more 'equally •goOd; and
' equally 'eo ! rrobbratiie of the' Republican
statementsHade during the last campaign.
But let that pass: - If the Press will only
i bring-its 'Party rightiloiri -ne - sih'4ll re
1-Joiee'. With ; 1 11 our heart,' aid will 'cheer
fully for g et til'..ldi...!it.:„
•: •
Toy - rsn. Cousiy, P.t;,.seren vet:n..sago_ had
not an.;offiCer r high. or low ' ,hut...beioriged •to
ihe Deniticincy.. NOW-, all the officers, hte.h and
livf;iire Iliiniblicans.• The Journal Snlys that
no man .iliallihavean'-office; there; who • does
not believn'ln the Declaration' of Indepand
ince.....the people have talked , it all. over, and
iheir,dolitma,_te, solemn conclusfon give
the office nia4,hotiora at their dismiSal Ito•out
spoken-, stright torward , Triencis of FriedOm,
tei r stoirg .Meardele,
If the Jotirual, and ananidemean Black Re
publicans When they stir it ttionds of freedom,"
Potter .county. is likely to be without Mficers
hermifter, nnless it is so far in the woods 'that
the airs of Ithat•party balni.ruhbed due . Can
not reach ituntil after another -election. • Its
honors, for; aeveral years past, hare been of
such a, doubtful, character that, to withhold
then troatti hardly be loss.-. 7 Lyconilay
. ,
Journal i said, '!no. SpOlogist for
slavery extension will hereafter give the
influence Kof his office . in this county,
against the principles of the Declaration
of .indepecldeOce." That'iS•not quite as
our frionl, of the Chronicle reporqs
and we prefer. to stand by the idea as we
first nave it. - • . • • '. :;: -.• .
TlieccitafaHent of the Lyeoming Gazette
, is'oharaeristie and 'woody; , When this
county we-stile mere of Williamsport,
and went - blind for any ticket the
• canal
plunderers 'sent up here, .the' Gaz4tte was
loud in its praise of the Potter yeomanry,
But now,' after yirs" Of toil - id imPreving
their farins and mimisi Nr4ell great pro
gress has
. been made in -education, in iva
terial ocirifort, in. morals, industry, tem
perance; ad :41 that' goes to Make' up
good and prosperous society, the Glizette
never refers 19 - the county or,ita pcople,
except to' sneer ,at, them, , So let: it be.
Tliesdoffi of some men are more desirable
;that their: approbation:: As it thii county
going witbi i rtt officens, we bavetbe plea 7
;aria of iaformicgll,K4,.ee that sipee
the •people; lwve taken .the business,tif
filling tbem Into, their own hands, instead
Of I'o.'4l'4' it it the care Of old hunker
loaders, Nitedi t ava,as good as the Stale af
fords: and tltat- we are not so far in the
woods but. that: nearly every school . dia
i trier in tbeicorinty ean furnish'men, with
intelligenee j enotiob to'detect tbs'nuiner
ousimiestita.+ll4 medal ) / tkeXion• Win.
F. Packer iik Ibis ;everal 'apeeChea in this
county; thi grnrl finesse of Witioll, 10 'his
last effort tiere.a.sed` Fremoitt's 'majority
aa - corc or more; , , ,
rite.nevils 0. .th .. , .
l ' . i' itePe'l mad' x par ty
0 be-
ing griibbed 'out", we suspect; is confined
to aifi braiiii'l4 the. Gazette editor.' The
new tint i iri the; world ' Where Men are
is, ti
u ttlsreti '-g g
T a n4l
New Englaid is a unitia ' favor -of ; that
parttwhiak vindcates'
the principles of
viii Ilfeelirieloi citidegetidekiee l Welt*:
1 •
rbroatt wady; _ and we farrOy it niil b e
difitenit aiut;.latit" illy thing whi c h
teiilitigland is . a 'unit in ,supp nrt i ng.
teliii)* the Third and his ministry found
it: 'en when in its infancy, and we thinlethe
Ale a Swer:and its apologists, - will fi n d
it morsio, after. eighty 'Tait of growth,
-- The Republicans of this county, b ase
been told again and again that it was no
use - ,to - ttlitintie their=affitiy; that th e i r
- wail 'ic - itit;Vedoni, b - t- Ifut though
all iroundtheiiviere faltering and
" t 'f f 131
laWay, they le asea y rots . And
k nowwirn all bright ..and—prornisin g ,
I whentlieif beai4cat:lfarrisbur.
and all-the county offrecs I.iive..:out an
Ifluenee,lb tlietr, favor, they will, press on
with. - neW zeal - and power, not doubting due titne.erpn Lyeeining county,
~ .1 . 40u, f ie, :01 d,,
oouiypaith will shako
.',off the rule.of the Donghfaees.
hioqiiezit -and - .Clittraiteristic
Letter from Judge•
fnd in the - 1.'1.4 cofistititioa- 4f .
)'oveinber 11, the following\cloqUentilet,
ter frorn- our • Elie Aandard-bearer.: It
.proreS 'aittbOr t worthy of the proud
position he now h - oldsin the learts'• of
the friends . of FrcedOtn,ara contains in,
iuvocatiOn tin.theni to. labor much more
zealousfy - for:Right 'and Tittth.. The .
letter. Was. :not intend . ed for publitation, •
' , but the Editor of the ;Constitution
whom. it _is -addressed,) assumes the -re
sponsibility- of -publishing it, and thus
. n , great favor upon
. the - friendi of
3li. , Wilmoir'throughout the State. It
will. bt
ieeit : '.that he bears up nobly
againict 1 his .dfeat; and - we think he has
more canse_for.cong . - - -
ratulation,.aithe dc-.
feated Candidate, than his - opponent had
• as' the'victor - • .
- ,!,,• . Tow/isms, Oct. 31, 1851.
It. La.r. 'Wu ITT; ESQ.—Dear Sir:—
The battle ii lost,,its men ordinarily esti
mate results' It will discourage the weak ,
and'donbting—the venal will seek shelter 1
in ,the camp .of : the enemy. The men of
courage and faith will- stand - firm, with
confidence - unshaken i u , ilm final 'triumph
of the Right. kseuratre,and Perseveranee
are giMitte's essentialin . a .conflict, with
Error and Wrorig—these, with . untiring
activity, are the
.eletneuts Isu
,of.ccess in
all great revelitientl. - - ,
'I look tos•the•luturesvith unshaken
confidence..,; I . ..iheitY . eaa net,he prinked
out in
. this ; age and country: ' : Oppression
has no charter from God. The. Tyrant -
that now exults in power, And defiantly
assails not bnly the constitutional, rigida
of Ar'nericati citizenship, but the. Ged-;
giVen 'rights of man, shall
-soon fall a:-
lifeless and loathsome corpse; under 'the,
perseiering and, comageous assaults of
Truth. • ! :
The mere politician believes in •the,pnt
teney ot great finterests. - rile scoffs' at:
the idea that any . other thaselfish- mo,
i f,
tires influences the action finer!.
is an insult,. both to 'G d ; and man.
Truth and-Justice are mig , tier than Sel
fishness and Wrong. ' The 'Heroes and
_Slartyrs of Our race , attest the nobleness,
of Humanity. Men arc capable of the
highest motives, and the most loyal stead
fastness to principle.• Truth is never si
, lent, but pleads ever,' with irresistible,
persuasiveness and _power!. There is ial
strength. in a noble, aellzsaerificing disin-.
terestednesS, battling in a - just . cause, that
can not be .overcome...; All the great
moral •foree.s of nature 'are working un
ceasingly on'the side of t e Eight. In
I l e
`theh .of life we req ire strength in
overeotniog obstacles that set our-path.
—Disasters test the coast ney 'and emir
-age of of parties as of, med.- In the nature
of things -reverses Must c sue , but if we
Isre true - to the cause ', of 'Freedom and
I lininanitY Our ' triumph ,fs certain; nor
! will the day be long pestpobed. . Oppres
sion, injtistice, and' wrong, can not stand
jagainat -rigliteciatess and truth—if so,,
Omnipotence IS' dethrones'.--then is the
earth' a ' province of the ; EV•il One, and
I man the helpless Victim ofl his malignity.
I Ili the-hour of ,disastor land defeat we ,
I must 'preserve an abiding faith in reeti-
I tude, amt in,' the living energies of - Truth.
I We . must never despond,, not : vreary-in
! the'
. perfosmsnee! - of. our.'_ltigit ' duties.
IThere 1.4 nothi4 iti th&reStilt . if the late
election that should for a moment die,.
' hearten our hopies,,. or relax our efforts It,
has uotehanged ilia , _essential' nature of
thingti—it has not inadt - thelWrongjtight
—this is beyond the poises or-a' in4foriiy..
Majorities can make thd rulers of,.
but theyeatt,, not ; make ;_ oppression jasq
nor:. eradicate from - th • heatta of..lnen
hatred of the oppressor,! -They - may up
hold, for :a ,tpne, frioletteel and &mid, by,
the strong Min, or milifiri . power; but
they can "noltivitully ttle r front man thy,
rights'. with ,which. his IMttker invested ,
him..! ,' stone in the ,'citadel_ of . our'
Strength 1614, teen throtVnAlowt ;' we stilt
stand. en
, the itup' re: - .;nable'..rock of truth-. The - , tyrann, outrage and 'Wrong : against
which we pretest, is in , ro degree eXtenus ,
ted by the nuijitirityiiven igittnit us. OP'
pres.sion - has gained:a Ifni lease of power'
but not:in lota citianntlchrior its cruelty
and itijistiCe; : :Lot . utt•reifew'our vows ,to
Fradinn - t - . a[i4 gii,.;i444iii#,4for., future
eoidlidts, hi - direitine , ourselvci ef sic']
selfish arid tpoble desire. - - -
. ''''. ' t; ' :Till ' ''-'": s:9 ' ili : i fli .
e Viri nd ildo7
D :,
• bud x nt GolesCurg, 'Co..,
On "Ali lost . j6 . r C4stiiiiii,tion, 31: Z.
Jonssozr, tforMerly%Mies 11r.,E:..Lockviloqii) Wire
of7l7telicirenteelf.'‘;Teibixed.M;llisith 'formerly et
liatimonilleoOrt,''Stobbmi 142 1-.‘4 , No%
Jcottittiene letteeil •