The Potter journal. (Coudersport, Pa.) 1857-1872, November 26, 1857, Image 1
:i .-•.' MEE= MEE L--L: ~~ MEMEL ME =I ` gr qLE Vo 22. ,T 4 'SITES .7,ol7iitlAL; itaariIIELVIEVNRY ➢T . -1 ; - • Tho: S. -Chore; • ahem all ',often; And Communieritions : : :etiould be addressed; to' secure "attention' Ter:ns-Invarlably In AdvanCe: . •• ••• $1,2.5 pet - AnnuM. ' Juaringemusnisnuttnintusuuiguramisuaanneunanutsousni Term S-cif Advertising. I:B4izare:[lo lines]l insertioni:- - • .1. 50 1. . •3 ' " • - • • . t y.ach subsequent insertion teas titan 13, ,• 25 Square three mouths, - - - -2, 40 . tt s i x ti ----- 400 niee ' " •- - -- •,- •-; •5 50 ti I , ono year, -- 7-- - 600 a Lae and figure work, per aq.; - 3 ins. 300 subsequent insertion, . ' ,50 ;1 Column six months, 18 00 v•I it. -ti • • • ti lo 00. • ". "•... ". - -- -- - 7.'00 " par year, 30 00 • 16 00 administrator's or Executor's Notice, 200 Auditor's Notices, each, .1 50 Sherilrs Sales, per tract, 1 50 tdarriage Notices, each; - - - -•-- 1 00 lhasiaess or Professional Cards, each,. nut exceding S lines, per year, - - 500 .Speciatand Editorial Notices: per line; 10 ki t ir..l.ll transient advertisements must be paid in adranee,, and no notice will be taken et advertisements .from a distance,•unless they are accompaniedrby.the money or aatiatitct,oryl r.ference. .glisi.iti,s Ca6,..1 Arunnumummusnanuautuamounikautirsummuis JOII.N 'S. MANN, .ZTORNRY COVNSELLOR . AT LAW. , CouderspOrt,,ya., will. attentl the 4everul Coups in' Potter and Sl.'/ieati Counties. All lasities'entrnsted in his - care' I ree'eiye prompt attention. Office on Main •st.; oppo oite the, Court House. ,• . 10:1 F.' W. KNOX, ATTOII.!.`"EY AT LAW, Coudersport, Pa., will reghlarly attend the Courts in Potter and the adjoining Counties. 190.- ARTHUR G. 'QLMSTED, ATTORNEY St- COUNSELLOR AT. LAW, t cinder - 46:c attend to all business entrustekl-to'his eare i , with proutpines and . fidelity. ' Office 'in Teutperaace Block, se lilLld'tioor, Main St. • 10:1' /5..-Lik! BENSON . , ATTORITEY AT LAW, Couilersport, Pa., will attend businass entrusted to him, with rare and protntitness. Office corner of West and:Third-9U. • • 20:1 L. P. WILLISTON, ATTORNEY. AT•LAW, Welisborti, Tioga Co Ya .'kill 'attend the Court:4 in Potter an Coenties. t1:13 A. P. CONI, ATTOBNEY.AT LAW, Wellsboro',.Tioga Co , Pa.,. siiit,regtdarly attend the Courts (.1 . Potter County- fr:;3. IL W. -BENr-ON, SUSS - El - OR. ANI) CO.NVEV.S..N . CER;* Mond P. 0.,01.1, , gany rfp.,) , Pottijr eu., Pa., -will attend toall business in his with care and dispatch. ; 9:33 W. K. KING; 51.711Y.F.7011, DRAFTSMAN AND CONVEY - ANCER, Smethport. Wliean Co. Pa., will attend to Unsiness for tiou-resident land , holders, upon reasouatle terms., Referen . Clll3 given if required. P. S.—\laps of any .part of the County titian to order. 9:13 . - 0.. T. ELLISON, PRACTICENGTIIYSIGfAN;Cotidersport,Pa., respe,:tfully informs the citizens of, the vil lage and vicinity that he will proMply re spond to all ; calls for profesAuual services. ()dice oa Main St., iu 'building formerly oe- copied byC. - W.•Ellis,-Esq. • '':9:22 C-1!: JONES LIMIS MANS. J. F. • JONES -'JONES, MANN -8; JONES, DR ! A.LERS .1N .DRY GOODS,- CROCKERY, Hardware; Boots d: Groceries and 'Provisions, st., Coudersport, Pa. • • ••• ' 10:1 - COLLINS SMITE SMITH dr, : JONES, DEALERS IN DRUGS, MEDICIICES, PAINTS, FatitcrArtieles,Stationery, Dry Coot's, Groceries, Sc., Main st., Coudersport, l'a. D. E. OL3ISTED, WAVER. .IN JRY -GOODS, READY-MADE . Kiothing, Crockery, Groceries, tS:c.,3lxiii st, •: .Q4i4rsi?Prti . . - - W.; MANN; JoxALIIII IN 1300 KS'lc BTATIONERY;SIACit ),ZINES and Music. N. W. dorriet.-tit Main Coudersporl,•Pa. 10a :i 3. R: I,I . 4II,IIINGTON''' clouiierspnri r rii.,lnving engag 7 'id a - windowi iSehOaingiker*. JeC:l:4ln,'A 'Steve will entry on thelVatell nitd Jeivelry . ilinalseas'there. fine:nsinrtrnent'Lof Jew elry -constantly .on • kaud.:. WAtehes : and - Jewelv,earefully,repe.ired, in on-the worlfwi.rrented; -Uk%4RX • gccgsso4 JAILE3 ; < l3 Mtrifi) - *EALNILIN-a.TOVHS, !TIN, 4c-.SHEET ; IRON :• WARN, .Main nearly Opposite tlle , Court House, tott4ersport; pa Tir("and .Shee't, lroa Ware iit•good -. 41e, - oil pbort noteel . TO 3 COU..DEaS4W-rittOTEL,_, ....- D. F . ,...61. - ,AS4MIRE, Piofirictor, Corper of Main and SecoO4Amets,poulderaport, Pot-. : ter : Co., Pa., • 11LEGA_NY ,11:0PE, ailfrAL MIL4S, Yropfietor, Colesbarg, -Pittter,Co: t Pp. q .peren AarOP.Ortt era the 341:41ffitte.Reeide „ .... ~. . - -. .r ;!:• . -- 7 , ---- ;i'! !I ;. -.. .ty r ,;i2.Z.:?j lyp-11.; J., , ,, 1i,;i1.Ci15:*!.f..1 114--•;01.4, 4, , , A . , -. • • ::.; •,:• - ,1.,;•., -, ;.,:fr...-„ , k.i. , . 1 il'A:.-f,i , ?., , . ” '-- . - .!....it1:. , a'..7. , i' %.::AJl,;:rl"..=! . "?=•',' ,- ' i• - .- -: . - , `.4:.k. , .11 , 11, •.. _ '...:./ e ...,....,,,.........,,..„ ,„,;,..e..,..„.a.,,,„„5r...........f,5.,a.,. 5 . " ' :.;"::, ::::ii r ifi.V?e - r t zli"A. l ... .. , ...1 '' . l - f1 . .. -- ri - e1 ..- iit.:l - 1711..." - 21• ' 0.....: s` - i.i ~: ,-.601 : . .1 1 ,41 i -, -.. . - .:4 .!,1:; rti. I:SV •',--.;' ''. "*.•':' , . . n , ti 1- . r .t • r . -, s -. ' ''-' -- 1. ,- 1. ' • ArT.i. ---r; .. *r -a 9f , 3 tf -,- - - ---o -- . 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I t 'lla, . • Jiro' quo,--lii Ter like; ` fur Whitt Ids' been iter cliq 104 - au s tt .thh .. lio'rld•N • Bilt , I pro • .-..., '. :.-1.. ~..,: . ~- f: i,;,l•:', 1!.... ..1 , 1 3 0 i1 e.b ' f ifei n .•• . s o b . d • 4) - :,. . - . a • - • -'' •• - ' ' t CO to speak - •. - • . • . will -never oak ,inion 'your , salary 1 ...111, , pf the : : Tricqa_ . fru d „Dis cour a ge , Pr odeedifilgs of the 7 ' t r 1 i?3 ,7' :., , ..1 ., 'it*.s .._ :'n. - „ , principal'incentive to 'cl•titx. - But ritents.- - Which you:will have tomeet with POTTE it' t',ol.T.Yrii.' . ' -b .- 2 :t is ria tt at You son reeard T ese•are TRACH.EPS''''IIS ' ;SITITTF'' ' • CI - •-• -' " ~' ~ -- ' , AD. -i-• ~, •- ' ~P a U aP4 great.:- lam ° P t 'g . , , 4 , your own imprevement add 'ex • perience as 1 norant of. them. Itis needful for yea to _ ~ ,U/7"," I '7 . , 1 part of the tuottte set before - you:. The ;know. them • and to knew 'them as full NoVember AL G I lo*2ol-lts 1.85'74 . . j are' 'in . iporialit and • oldignitY, ' that: is; of.; as possible, ' . -. ..llad'ithe allies at SebaStopo y l . -- 77..., „' •,- ~,, .Ireal:Worthiness • and ' L inke. ''''.. YOU: are, untlerstoed Well the I exact situation of _L,,...11,1,0DAY, /NOV- It/- _., • • , and 4,:, of little` ' " • - • '1 , -'' - ' hold its •`' • • , mostly young , . -• The Teachers assembred irr yet. *You are, l'hope, - villing to be learneri l ,Sarie-wOrks, its mines and magazines and.; the ripper recitation rooni of the Aeadetnylfor • a long-. time' in the :great Scheer of ' surprising strength; and, niotenver, had 1 b and Was called tolorcler)>Y* 3ll; :, llendriek: 'Life. '-' Let - t u e ' it . y: Wyou theiir 3cu are rthey well understood the .sulien dogged m i rk' , was i, l6 - et J right intiein:l - leiirners. ' Tou : havo a great ippwers , of rcsistitnee of . tire Russians.. 2 ...e, . • On-motion, .31r.-IJ. lie' . t deal to *learn.- Study everyday: , ;.l, Would:lsAm they' . affeeted ;to 'deipisc,,Clo you ed President, - and g. S. Greenman .See'Y advise you to study crow day,and every , sapp9se that they, would not sooner liave! Mr. M. 0. Crosby, and ;Misses - Stearns and ! lesson which shall be attended to in your Igained the vietoryin the. Crimea ? , So. of,! Northrup, were appointed ai a Conimittee Schools. Study even the'A B C'S. Do iyou: ,T;isruuld not have_yeuiignorant of of Arrangements, and Miss, Annai Lew s ,IyOu know' them well F':'!:)0 'yen " 1 ' DO: you a single difficrilty to he overcome, or of a their history ? how they came down single liaill.ship _pr discouragement you ,; Miss Julia S. qatlin'and!Mr: 0..5: Bees' I kn° :w •to*us from. the -great Orient thensand.s of -will liaie to meet this winter . , or anytime i were appointedbommittecon BegolutiOns. - • • , - , , years ago 1 . .They have ahistorY.!. Every as . Teachers. ' Let, speak- of. some Exercises in Mental Arithmetie, con- letterin:them has its history, and ;t most' these more fully. ' - ' ''' I . : ducted by Hr. liendrick.. t-Rticess., :. Ex- 1 interesting history it is. -*I wish 'I had I , Ist. ./yaorunec itone ol WA'. It iS a I iercises, in' Practical:Arithinetio.- -,' ',Also; time to giye you, a wholelettnreipen'thel real mountain .Of - difrculty in the way of -,. ..,, - Alphabet,—So or ' the numerals. So of all ) the Teacher. . The mereenlighterted the Orthography.•, , . , ' ' the elements 'of knowledge= the 'scinina 'eenimiinity'thaif the'heiter the home in , , AFTJ4R.N.oomsgsstow. ' , •• - -.-- - ', reruns. you 1 , 167 . 'we11' to be awake to striietion - of .eliildren ti,' the - easier, and Assem,bled_ I i,•o'clock.i, ''O e9 .7 a P h Yr ! this 'fiat; 6,3 . '6 eVerifeet;iniiddite, time more delightful. is the WOrli of teaching; .cotidacted by.3lr. Ilendri4.,...l.teeess.— l and,place and partieulari•-•-•-ltrall miiiiitim, theik ' But our ebuitimiiities in POtter • Eiereises in Elocution. , , i lteeess., Recess. : . ; An to all that . is vast Mighty withiti•the.-counly,-. end,. in PenfisiNania:.gen§rally, old• fashioned school Was.then represented i bounds of human knowledge. Yon, need las we all kiiinv "afe not is. enlightened as with much spjriti if net. accuracy, Ad 2 I thetelescopeandyowneed the microscope they should be ' ! Thejr are iot Co as ! —to ascend into, the heights and to dive 1 anywhere : *, The . hoines 'of children are journed Until 7 ,clock in thepveffing.... into.the, depths of all ,that is known :and I not_by any 'ms what, 66- Oniht to be. .. .. EXENLNG SESSION::,-;.: :' • unknown, •.' Study.drerything. Study - ev- I Anti 'your exp'eiienee Will lie i e different ' Convened in, the evening at the Pres- erywhere.t.Stddy.alwayitiL ...To -show • how ! from inine,, if you do not: find Your chief this, may be done, I quote too paragraphs fest,trouble 'and. ;anxiety • frein these. veryl, byterian Church. ' Music :hy.the „mem eflourteeia lines-',-just theleno . , o thof n son- i &Milks: Whoss . ign , oiarike , ls in - fis . t appalli ug.ll tiers of the. Ittstitute. Prayer byltev. A. • - . , ' !net a ad,.worth forty thousand sonnets, ,as Some really , ifieSt" tinpromising ehild "of Mclntyre. The President.tli . .t-ri, intro-.theyiaro_often written.L,fron the hie-laic wort paionis iii all your' nefghlier-' doted the BEN% C.. M. 13.t,..tx.g, ,who2pro-ipendenr,f which :I read tYvo weeks ago :' 1 ifood,*will ieqUireikeStof your labor; and' ceeded to deliver the ; following very ill- 1. ‘fAsTEnotns.',;--By the English paperlpafience, and energy, lied of all your yin; tere.stin ra g and instructive , which arrived yesterday, we learn that on tues as'a.gbed Teacheri while the task in I ' -the 15th of'Septeinber,.Dr:.B..luther at 'regard to the ninety-and-nine . who-do Mot - • • ADDRE SS' • ' ' ,B4lc, - near. Dusseldorf, :discovered a new thus - 'oaiti,y, will be 'emiiParatiyely,easy. ' • TEACHERS At..FRLENDB OF EDuc4TioN, planet, of the eleventh magnitude, the fiftiv*r2i head-Strong, 'Wilful; selfiih man ormo- LADIES AND GENTX:I:3!EIi i The annual first seen in 1851, and the forty-seventh iriati; is . despisable anywhere:` 'A child Of season of the fallen leav,es, and gather- now ,known to . exist between Mars'. and die; 'disposition 'is hardly less so.. And ed harvests, and !Thanksgiving; and all Jupiter.".-. * • - ' ' , ' ', ' , Valli 'lunch' *mistaken if you do' 'net find other preparations - for - winter has come • ; "It was-stated stated in the .W,ashington. Un- .many-such: ''' .'' • ' *'' ' -' ' , 1 and with it'has conic' the period for again ,ion-:of the sth of October, that : on the I 2nd. .erljudiii; 'is'the' ;Olive' iof much assembling the youth•of our land in the :preeeed,ing _evening -Mr.,Ferguson'of the tirotible - 6 'the • Teacher - This'is'lle off Common Schools.. -In all the 1:5.4'1161 National Observatory, discovered yet an- spring. of ignorance to be cure.' s 't,ut it is . . _ reotons of the ~northera IT.niteif`.§l4eri_; ofher 'pl.rieti, .i150:6..f . the, eleventh =gni, mor'e ag.gresSiie:''"li is'nei confined - 10 in iic‘.vr many. •thousanc4' of, :(liiiliga .. ,Tsiid .`tUde,Wliinh',liltitlierte uplihewri, , the old, nor to the, young., 'Bath halie it. yei:tli -about thi s season , o f the y•eair. are l 'the', forty-eighth of Ilie,:.aStei•bids:,' The 'This' will lead" spine' ptiPilS•aqd annually gathertid - into tens. of thousands Isize, n hoWeVer, of these planets is very ; their parenfi'te array: themselves...against of school-houses:s from!the.Atlantie telt be •su f all,' the diameter Of the, largest being tyoit,' and annoy you, and' deyon imscliief, Pacific, and from; the .riei•*iirii. lakes' to ,supposed sippesed TO be but forty miles, mut of the iif they .-- can.•'• • They, will 'wish to interfere . .. the southern slopes and everglades. , • !sallest only foixrl7 . ,, ' IWith"yoni'plaiiS "and 'government' or the W - 'e are a little hand of those iuterestez.. lm 1 , Now let us thisanalyze, and study it all Schdol; arid will "always take up ho,tilities in' the great mental and moral•nrovemer.. i ' 0ut.... What_are- the asteroids? what; against you. • It will be suAicient that ,of the age regarding the, rising' ace. ' In' tti f et,',,erigtii_ appearance,,iruinbqrs, ha. '? ; you wish for a thing, to have them' trong this remote county of -- .4 great and , d4cieut i is !•,iiiii, !'eq "Piisselderf ..?'' 'Can Lly:opposed to it. Right dr wrong, 'they Conimonweailli" will be found,l trust, uot 1 Dr. R. I.utlief, "Who liveS. there, be. a ! will.d6 , it: They will hurt your feelings less warm and. hearty friends -of educa- 'descendant of "Dr., Martin. Luther,7 ,Per. very much. ' • They delight in it. It Suits y - • tion than are to be found' in another• hips i sq. Then Martin had contin- their uncouth and unhallowed natures to part of its borders or mists: This Insti- tied the monkOf Wurtewburg,, this -Dr. I be' stubborn and •contrary and, unyielding. tote for :Teachers has been cons eued by IR. had. never existed', and..the discovery 'lf I mistake .not,',there is. altogether: too the County Superintendent, as • a ine.ausrefthis brilliant!little creation efithe great I intich of this-off-spring of igitor.ince here of aiding as •far• as IpossibleY its eleratitig! Ged, ! tour. miles ;in diameter, had never! and among us; as there is, Lknow, in all and imProving the •Conithon Schools.,oflheen made peihaps,; . at least not by hip. : parts, of the world which Lhave ever seen. this.portion of Pennsylvania ; and „I-have ,I This is one effect of the. lieformattou and 1 There is too much prejudice, and tot, lit been selected to deliver the opening ; ad- , 1 of true religious Culture. . • ,* !tie gentlencis here. Bee to it, Teachers, dress. ' ''-'' ` ''' -- ' ''''' - I What- is an' gant- , by.. "eleventh . magni-1 that you are not iii fault yourselves. ' Lor rmi . • Coming beforet y`pit !almoststianger, as I do,-perliaps 11 may find an. apology for the directness of my appeaLs ; in the fact that I regard the perk, ofedueation as second only to that. of religion; .and that th4Ve already dei•oted to it some of the choicest years of my life.' Allow me then, vithout.further,exurdium, I. •To extend to. you, all a °most kind and friendly(treeiing. Teachers from the" sources, of ifie., the , Susquehanna add, the UeneSee, and; friends" of F,dticatieni libr6 assettibled, greet you 1 and welcome yorrall-1: - And'Il extend to you,, in' the Name Of ,the Great Republic of Letters. and., „of _Morat. Lu provement, to each` one of yOti, the right I honed of warm' (I . ' hedrtyfeliuwAiiP r I claiiii you' as my Brethreniind Sisters ev ery one of you ; Moak'. upon you-as those to whom are : to he ,committed great and important trusts • - 7 - r the temporp.l good; and the eternal - well 7 bfig of - cvery . Child who shall come ybureare: IA the therr*Sali:tkore: ingortiznee.amidigrrity'of yfour: call= ISt- • It is.not yos ; sal urn,. great,, that constitutes your Office - import; lmainesfi-you= do 'not-. *ell la engagel - iii Lumbering:,payif ;better.' So .almostall hinds . of #4ive,i.ndustry., This.! is not • right:, know. Theaktlittgl ought not isb' to The . 'cf , naliteaticins rof the Teaeher ought idbe`,stilFliislierthstn they are in this couniyi. and -the. pay.!•unich better thairit t.iiut'erßn,Misn : yenr,l wages arenot the i a h ief aught not tote so. - A ge s ca, ikliiieran t or an editor; or. a go_cid lawye, - oia'faithl` ful Hid geostA, is iiettepaid ittfiti/for his serlv ices: It °aimed:be: otir-: erwise from, the,...nature ,of things; The serviees, "reudered: by,either of then). pan not lie ( estimated'in insd"dents.-1 The fee; theliffiontiereiieiiid - bit4naiiiii but , a Ulcer!, white , that Latitiiioalledliii I honotepirimi tininark.oLrogatd4tukles-' 1 4.ellker+l,x4C.WiriciAtt; L. A. JONES ?r;l7 , :ipie&latclitr-kainocileti 419 ifiejkssetriipglioq of 10•01 , 41 it -Kifet.4101.4,16 =ME= =ITS =MIME ;, FAsPottip, ; p3-TTER,:: exam . , VIIIRSpAIt, 26'; - 1851::" , tude ?" ' It - (v small a star can be seen withile..nakett.eye guson." Ia he-son of the Scotch Astron omel Ifir6d fiftY 'sears hgo it . . . . often that father and son excel in the same profession, as the, Sillimans dol— What is the "National Observatory? " Have we Oilier ObserVatories ? have many,? what _are_ they .doing, ?• • How _many are', there inrthe-worldl -How--many-south of the equator ? How is the "diameter of a planet," or asteroid, 250,000,0,00-pf miles from the sun, ascertained- -and so small !I &c. &c: ke. How much of -knowledge • tuay be sug gested by a Sinitic. paragraph in the news- 1 paper ! _Read, these • paragraphs.:, They ofteu 'contain the than the long, articles do. 'lt is the condensation that makesl thein . s'o "rich! ticni mucli - your previously acquired learning does it need to underStandrthem I' - Can yoti, then, be willing 'tobe 'Ol6 this winter while you teach ?idil i,yon clown to a 'dirty 4ibid- i nous move' ? of waste; all .yourtprecions tiwe~ is frivolous :pleasure-hunting? partied, anti trifling amusements?trust 1 that you` willlnot: so think toe hiklily-Orthe 46 . TeOcher tolielieie that he or she "ever can, or will da thus,' , - • 1 3rd: Agoin,it Is - fighf,that you should hiolz it the present advancementsf your s School? . On ci the 'iteighborhOod, 'as -- totist 1 important mad of tricavorth.:' It is -worth'', your while, p-,try, and, ,§pitipthitg furl thes!. . „tt, auct i nehlo i callingto ignorant, to guide ,the foot `I steps - of the 'young:in - the way of.knOwl? edge'-"'"It-18 good to be: iedlansly'iffect; ed-olways: in_ a geed thine (C01..4..; W.P?4 work 379 1 . 1 .hilv.° , .P.olo"r4ke.a• teachipg. aesdonS then.' Be enthu gristle. You 4111 .. 1iai - p' Med 'chi:MO.9i' The .Codirthiuity'ii erent to:the:great Work - ycni have-under- taken. It needs arousing: pp to duty on the subject. --- -You.are...a. sentinel upon ,ther/iallsiviatehmen inchigh toiergad rai4PPBW,Arltoli.:gurd: .1dOlnalas::Of '4:f 1 .089- i•ikrYotr oars fukwaAshfsl6l .off the horns of prejudice. 3rd. Selfishness-1s also a` foe to the Teacher. Your-Work; like mine, is one of benevolence, of philanthropy, of prin.- ciple, of -duty-'and :high and holy privi lege. Selfishness is sin. 'lt is Mean; and low and degrading. It never loo.ks at the welfare of another. - It never thinks of the feeble, the neglected, the outcast., the forsaken. There is no love,for theneigh bor in it. '. : lt oays : "Bless me and my wife; my son. John and bis_wife : us four, and ho. more, 'forever, and Over. Amen." This is the selfish mark's :pray_er. Every child in your School; and every,,parent in the dfstrict, •and every, one in, your neigh borhoed, should have this selfishness ett tir.ely. rooted , out Ali ! this is a hard,• bard, -life-long - labor, for ff'pacher, and Parent, and Preacher, It is ,your duty; '0 Teachers,., to endeavor to : do this , as : far as you, _eau.. It, will, be a task far you,,however, I, can assure you,. or-your experienee will differ from mine,and from that of all your predegessors. Atost of the quarrels, and. disturbances, and.slan. ders;• and..wrongs, in - pm; neighbor-- are the..result of this, heard; OM other ,flaY. of nman entering a school-house iu this. county, and threatening the .Teacher than Le would deluge ,the, floor in Blood, if things did-.not.go, to suit,him !. Briftality, inctunci* and toir,,sensuality gnd rice, are „ . . among . the trials. ..aud cliscomugements which yonwill ha / v . e' 6 meet` With in pa. rents and khildren. 111-ui . anuers are 4, crying, qvil. .lc , :.A.m ounerfcj! rampant;', And . 0 „ c.itY. ll alorie. He lives in the : v4ages the.' country ! . constantly in ni.smoritia.- Z never take.a, Wi s at,-01 . except whon; g.Os. to Ve,d 7 ; an he never ) bow's' anybody, 0 - 04;n3411- 1 or and devil.' I fear;however he . is : a faith., ful-,segvantottlielator; a P lc :9 l4 *. * lo r, , 'l2l *T; of th4glltlefkis s seriiec. ;Al i k IT l iO Y0r9 , 1 4 .44 ,0 P.441i 6 ngSm9:4a,Y ibii*-114?91Fie,I.PAL014Sg.:1; But I Sec no , hOpeforrighteducation un til we reform the nianners ofluir children in the: family and . Common ! School:. - ... :! - t• Thirty to thirty-five ..years ago, in my_ childhood, I found tuYselfliVidg. in . a farm:. ling community on the Penobscot, ComPos -led :of families. from old 3. lassachuse tts.— i ..',very,. principal man ,was white. headed w.4.h age, and every elderly woman of the Corn ro uni ty :was c . . grandmother.; :1 These hare all passed' away "now long ago.. The ' men had ull . seen George Washington and' 'lived ! with i .biru for, years duritm the ardu o . . pu:s stitin.h. im Independenee. One off them h . ad been - publicly thanked by his, Commander-in-Chief before the artav,lor' ;Ids proi . VeSs. l `tie,,, Who- were, children then, were taught- to love those old men. ;We did - love. and honor them.. - We al-1 ways were required to take off our hats to them Wheriywe.met,,t4m - and make our bawd loth }n._ . I. ,as What.good man n-us, required: , And'.: we were ,expected to do.ihis to -every, stranger we passed in the road. 1 I think'. this was right. So Were tip girls -,required t. 13 "make their couricsa," lAsthe boys were their"bow." In cur days of rapicltrausit,. telegraphs ,and railroads, perhaps the like,cannut,be I expected. - But - good manii el are worth.' a,s'u itch, to tlfe, gendyniaii. or Auly 110 E as, .0144. - 11? . . used to bar, Or:courtesy, as! ,we entered and left - . the Sellout I wish the same were - done ,noW. .; Or, at least, Ili l at ; as tine afid hearty manliness an' refineMeut.of ma - lanai's could be cithivated 1 now aith ! en, The want of good-breed ing is!One of the trials nd discourage meats in the way of tii4,l• - itliful ,TFaelTerl at present . I dial* -yo - ,to attend . to! this nizitter'every oue.'of - you this! winter, ! :Ind alWays here:after. '. : . . . . 1 sth. Go into the houses.of your pupils. Joekill ilitd'aii! :rause of all the mis ehiefithere. Exert good influence 'there, Which you can: . ' Yon'inust ''do 'What parents negleet' . to 'do:. And you must keep doing it, 'ovo and over again, till the. good •liabit'iS terthed in sour pa , pils,•of acting r: , Titly.',: This, Iktiow, is ' a hard and thankless task : . • But sothe 'one tonst dti it. You ire the elicisen one in God'sPrOVidence fort his:pUrpoSe. If Sod' ezinnet 'do - it,' yen' ?re' unfit' for your work,. and ,ought not fonndhrtake It.' eltli:' '`Lci'cik 'Around the"'SchOol• house nndifii&.iiisS, and,yen 'Will find evidences of vilifiti Bate been speakin' , ;: ' :*Sce"the s berich'6.; 'Cut Ind scratched and.disfigu . red, perhaps by bbseene iniages. The books will be torn, inked, - and written 'over.— Will . you allow .tbese things ?' • Abd who 'is .tnpreient them, if you &riot ? The task is difficult; but it infra be attended to, if: you would do • your duly.! The world' needs your services here very, much. •-• So; too, the intercourse of yeur pupils with each other will-lie ; y4en •.rude,-tui-I kind. And ithineral; if*you . do.tiot see to it. 1 WTII =you ercuit -lying, .or profanity, or':. (•indecency •,mong.thenc?•• Will -- yon even', Icountenaciee'boastinn , °i laii pride, and en-I yy, and eifil-speaking among them ? I' hope net: llf you are a modest, sensible,! I correct , person yourself, I am sure you I will not dolso: Like. "Teacher, like pit- I - ~ . pils, , in all these -respects. \Vetch .Well I 1 then "your I own heart and life; and let! your pupils liafollowers:*of you, even as you tre'of 1 1 - irist. ' - ' ... .... •••)-- • • - 7th. 'Ye, • .will* , be diveiled !min: yourl . appi'opriao . work. in the selioolJroom, I some of yon, I•fear, by outside itifhienees. Parties of pleasure;cciiiitships . , marriages, and other employments of life than teach- ing, will engage your attention too much. It is right, perhaps, that they should oc-I cupy you somewhat. Sonic of the hap piest ties Are formed ,by you about this time4hen ybu are teaching. I would be the last man in the world to discciurage you - or dil!.suade you from them.- But understand me well. •I. wish yon .to, be wise and' i"- ° ood, 'true :` antf. conscientious, worthy to be ..loved and esteemed; and every•Wa highly useful. It is desirable that, you' hould: go into society somewhat this.wint r. But be;wise and prudent in , it. I Got , do good and get' good there. i l I) a not g .to dissiFiate. - .jou may. recre ate 'you elves thereby. -, But never go anywhere unless you can. retirebettei than yon .went • andinever unless all othericau do so whoni you will meet there.:• Not. only: be , orrect.:youselves; but aid ' in making theri - sci , likewise:'• ',`Yeumly be . cheerful, even Ljoviali..lint •nevercan you be imu 0., il, nor. inimodest,:tior,,:thought lessfesei- .•--. 414.11 : thi§leads me to say, 80. - .. "hat,. both- you, ;and four,-pupils ne'ed . i.9l6,.andiqughAti?.esenoine.:Uhriati ',.fans.: 1 . 40 not i nskyou.:to be Presbyte. riane, per . Biet,hodis4,,,iiiit... Bapt,ispinor 'Episcopalians; nor „any - , Other..of„ these. ininies.of . .s,ects,.which Wien have deviped, and used .for theinselres. -.../Some : win): use nai:ue.l.,,ilre' .elves.— ef - 4 r.i § # . 4 ps , ,a t, , al '4,4 '.,there:are, L j. beadyc,-r.e„al;Oltistians ii - 4 . 1-4 . 1 the, .xclig,,iciwlec!.* .of ,a I . 4ridlike I Qu'r§ -, .. , iligsP .0 0 4 ifc?;. .4- 044. tioK d. ,, e,1 Pgiliißni - ' ) .4 . 41 143 8 4/ s-.qlq the gghAion- 0 1 tkeir,spolits,.,.l....wik • To4 . - to , liec,c4e,..Rich tielioer,s . ,: :Gcn.k-yi4in,% yoln, toile-col:nee°, 49, 1 Y, ;F 1 .8 1 i. 1 4;. 21 44 liii:. qnro:4. 4f.:.P40,, men. 14,14!leFfqP 4.11 ,geP:Tel?''7ll4:l/2..C; 91 sow, own 9s es,tryAmil,.l4pcfri.4re, - ; ati;inuttly loelkili . sigislifinxu.. the , world alive • pit =Ell= =I =II ~A::..v.pu.R._.'kl,Nrs..,;' 1:::: TERDIS:- 1 51,25 . . . . " that'''''' I earnestly ll . . Ksliiii..: 'il'" i, • .. - _AT ' le . I.Christians:''„Betore.'yoi 'eau 'bi . Inch 1 teaeheri as ' son need- to 'be;"inni Stieli':as !the world so , much' neecli; :you i Might', to I &Tante earnest, deVoted ; Christiani: .IV_ ill J ia be • so`?". '}"Vill',YOti loie and 'serve God,- and then "laboifel the . stilvatien , of your pupils?., ' -- ' •::; Moral culture is• - the great- Isek 'Pf - , the 'Common Schools 'at present. ' Thekaie •Godiess.L--"witheut God and 'WithOta hope"-=-for I have no hope`of a natiimi;or a people -except' :in: God: It hai -been I thought to be enough to train'the ineel ' lect of youth. ,••• I 'used te think so . :,...tliat I this ' intelleetual eultine and' refinement alone, would eradicate error; and Prejadiee, and partisanship, and - qua.riels,. and dis sensions from among Inapkiad.:.' Idon't believe a' word of . it'-new: : The heart needs: eultiiating; , • Train . the •heatr - ns much •as you please, and lon only? arc placing sharp-weapons in the bands efla madman. To be "smart," ‘"criite,P- 0 good at a bargain," is not eneng,h.! Ve have already bad enough • of •this,.atid flirtiou much, in bringing - about the present ~' ll7 nancial - crisis-. "Smartness," "shithird ness," and the like terms are only another name. for dishonesty :and ,dilhonorrand those, who practise ' them have' already brought our, country to the verge,ofraiu. Extravagance, 'license, lust,; infamy, and , perdition belong in the same category, I know "smart people", think, Christiana . fools, stupid, uuderwitted, tame.,; J.-,EMs pect even Tbackaray and Bickens Atinic so; :for these writers so' describe?, piops people. And. hosts. of their teaders,and those whom they instruct, - p lint Christians, aias I Ju l ow and, lamenti , ,4t they, and.such as they,nre indeed f'.405 and blind ;" and that the world can never be substantially hpnefited, but - .always wade worse, - hy them and their effort -, s. : , • But I pass to inquire . .. . IV. Who really 'are na,ti• Ovid ; to gi bs 'interested in the welfaieof the..c*l.K4 4 ' Sehgols 7 . 1 „„. Y. . ,,. ,:- -. ~1 " ~ -; „,.. ;'leachers ern, i3o. as a.,nlatter. or:course r as ,we hiVe Seen.. So are our *ty„Ba ptiriute.ndentsi as they ought :to,he r _ S,o is' the State Sinieriutendent and the (1 . -ov- • ernor of the ; ConitnenWe,alth., ..So are illiiiiiters l ifthe Gospel : , ..;itiiiihavedoue 'so niuch" or the: cause Of CAuefitien In iiiir , ~ . , .„, .. land as they Jiiive,froin the,hist. -, ,So are editors infid anthers of .good 'I:410.:, 'Bck are lawyers and . phythiciana Onelallyo4- terested in' education.. ' Upright - iildges and legislatorS, all strati- pious "penions, and :philanthrOpists of. whatever tratie.or calling, are interested . in the welfare - and . , instruction of; youth. Every, wise., knd good parent can but feel. that solid learn :Big and discipline, knowledge' 'Combined with virtue, such asn good etincitiOn44M plies, is the bdst inheritance that. het= leave to his chid. : All utetkinfine, ev,erjs, 'where who think ;:'all 'who love whatso ever things ate true,.whatsOever •hi - tiga are honest, whatsoever ~ .things 'axe 'jest, whatsoever things are pure, whittseeier things are lov4ly, whatsoever': things_nre of.good report; ~--„: i f there be. , any:Yixl34 , l9 ' • and - if there be any . fraise,',all 'who tid'nk on these thingd, thh ehtite ceintilniVvialili; take interest in-the' €l4:itnirioriSehooltf: ' You will not then,-0 teadterfygoiorth to your posts alone and, unbaredil An% this' winter. You .go as our repreaestatlves. We repose snob confidence in your fidelity . (t . and ability; z 1 and iiitegrity, - that' - we propose to sen you ad those' Whir shall rightly repress tus arid our interest - in this matter ofl l educating the" petite:find •• , . their children. ; If is the prosecution - 4f y-our-work anyl of .you should meet with Opposition or injury, the whole , body, of, us, your friend, will eufferwith youiant • we. shall feel' hound - to - wee you , riglited. Or. if any of iyou_ is .hointored for .yotti faithfulness and good deserts,We sludtall of us rejoicewith-you .and delight tozee. piess lo you Our' Satisfaction _Whenever occasion may acorns- tn . :do. so. • -• ;.,:.:!. If' !:1 - You are uot!then sent out ahirni. ''2llio hearts:of the gliod .and •the i.tnairgivirith you to <yOur .Held of laborl , .. Prom_itlisi Governor of -tile State andl-tlue./Prsaiidenti, of the. Reptiblic 'Jloirn -to 1. thecitunili lest virtuous citizen;. 'we_all..feet interested in you, or ought to do so yiandilainibut the Mouthpiece elite. iiticibi,:tominnbity when I make you this assurance. ,i'-tr.t . -4 knoWatiani are apt-trttoreileolt - Ilicir duty in; this. matter, u.. to - ,lleaii, it. tdatil • dorm by. others,L' :-I,Call uponalkid this , countyito retleCt ,upzon,:theimportancerd educating the chi ldren. Let Abe negledi' ed lie,aought :Out, .the :desOtuteiblitilif4 and trieburaged., , . lii,a boroughrliketh* we need; se- itiithe. city; 44, 1 e5:2i/seer& oji the, wet/Ito, least, gittiod:pal,ic.scitctoit tl.b.: , is not sufficiut that . there liliit gout Aeadetuj-. ' n Waxiest hive,- this ~ ,Aotitiroi 'need inhave;siill-,mere. -Ix laisteht littrst children cannot , attendilleAcadelnyeimik would do betterita thuipu,bliolithoollOzat while, if_theycktuld:.,: Andin tilt/thaw , * we ;want anorel iibools,',unklarget.kines; andlbet!er 0u4.,::-..Ncre,Slti-shouktbirdost prlved of edu tioubx mtut, :of Audi 0:44 not koptgboloo t 'uti.,:sioxkl %WI to4:1068.. 41101:W4000.: :i', 1 ...77,? :J - 31 4 % .?,., , ,,I.i..kvat z.B.l4,lpaiss tootakifiPll.l4., of-:..i a• x) , 4.! , V. TZI4-EJ.kct24 ritAiitgitO 41 ! ' = -;': iu.. El ~i ~~:.~t:.;. !1:4 IZE=EMI ,::_ ~. ~ MIMM ME El 1 0 MI IMM