EMe Is this llfaininini4Oriihipina;:agE, it is ore to find.a man place nsefuluesito the public before his interest. During a late Nisi i . - • the J. eitY ; - of . ,Spindles," we srera presented by, a professional Jriend, to the Celebrated ehccuist, br:.7. C. Ayer, whose name is now perhaps; more fauiiliar than any . 6 - o.er, at the bedside of aickness is this comity.. Knowing the unprece -dented popularity of . his medicines, and the- immense -sale ,of them, we. had ex ceed tolnd him a millionaire, and roll . fug in, wealth. But &Led him in his laboraiory, busy With his laborers, imong the crucibles, alembics, and_ re torts--giving his best personal care, to the compounds, en the virtues of which thousands hau. fur health. We learned, that notwithst-inding his vast business, And its prompt returns in cash, the Doc tor is not rich. 1 , The reason .assigned is, that the material is costly, and he persists in making his - preparations so expensively, ,that the:nett profit is small.--..-Imerkan Farmer, Phila. eogil.ersport ?ice— OEOTeI - ft, rcirreeted Weekly jar the Journal, •SCIIOO2OAKER JACKSON, ;h a irs in Pry:Goods, Groeeriee, flats Cape floats 4 Slues, emeiwy, Fork, Rout, Meal, Notions, ,te„ I[A,LI; STREET., COUDERSPORT, PA. 7Loun, snperfine,ll extra, .6 1. rola, SALT, .CIOAS MAUL. Cia 100 lb s., - BUTTER, 10., =3 TALLOW, Vi r ca., MLICtI, p• 4L, DZ%at SKIS, " " • Mina lb., - Ddigs APPLICS, " " • -" . . Vigrrz Bx.cfs, - jiLani taut, " " Ull7, It it C Ity • lin, PolAzois‘ " "t) Dozen, - H IY, '"-tq To; - 1163 f 1 Z Flltrll $. r . „„ ) -COUNTY ORDERS TAKEN - AN FACE, In. 'Exch4nge for .Goools, -LT BORON:LAKER Lit JACKSON'S. COUDERSPORT; NOV. 4TR. 1857. "A BOOK FOR EVERY MAN'S LIBRARY," RARE INDUCEMENTS TO AGENTS. ( ANYASSERS wanted to_obtabi subscrib- U en; for the '•-COM!'REHINSIVE GEO GRAPHY ...IND HISTORY, ANCIENT AND 110DERN, OF TILE WORLD: - by S. G, GOOD nicn, iPeter Parley). Handsomely bound in tilt. and illiistrated wish 20to beautiful 'engravings' and BO maps. Price $3. Sold caty by agents, to each of whom a special dinrict isill be ; given. .Apl3licants slibuld st.ite what counties they would like to can ram The haoklis now ready.' Copies will be seat by na.til, post paid, on receipt of the trice. Bills on all solvent banks taken at par. The "//onie Journal," says of this work': ''\o tale whatever should b 3 without it." For 1.11 particular.; in regard to agency, address ; GEORGE W. ELLIOTT, Publisher and Booksellers, No. 17i: Williitn Street. New York. rei7' All kiad.i.o . f School and Miscellaneous Douits, 'Cheap Publicati.)n.i, StAtinnery and Yips. furnished at the very lowest prices.— linlrrs solicited. COURT PROPLADIATION. IVIIEREAS the nom Robert G. White. Y President Jndge, and the Hons. Joseph tiann and 0. 0. Colvin, Assoc7:at?. Judge f 4 or oar t , of Oyer Terndner and f=eneral Jail Ddivery,gliarter Sessions of the Peace. Orph sn; Court and Cohn of Common Pleas for the Wunty of Potter; hate issued their precept, taring date the fourth day of November. in the •:!1•r of our Lord - one thousand eight hun dre.; and, fifty-seven, and to me directed, for. a,Court of Oyer and Terminer and. General Jail Delh'ery, Qaarter Sessions of the Peace, Orphans' Court; arid Court of Common in the BorouF,ll of Coudersport. on NION DAY, the 21st day of December next, and to taatinue one Week. Notice is therefore hereby given to the Cor curs, Justices Of, the Peace end Constables within the connty'. that they be then and there ie thoir proper persons, at 10 o'clock A. M. of mid day, with their rolls, records, inquisitions, Examinations, - and other remembrances, to do thma things which to their offices appertniu to ce done. And those who are bound by ;eir recognizanq's to I prosecnte against the prisoners that are'or shall be in the jail of said cliusty of Potter. are to be then and there to rrEsecute agninit them as - will be just. D.Eted at COtDEXSPURT, November 4th, 1:57, .; , ‘C te.a Fltt yoarJor the Independence of the toted States of America. TAeGg ART, tkerip: TRIAL LIST . ; DUOVits.Eft - TERM; 1657 C. g l2 Jae, W. Smith. 1 12 gham Estate, 0 Jacob B. Itsdbon. Retell k Raskin,' AsaStevies, et at. Manton &Morrinoals, (i Runnel & Clark: /1. llatteson, PbjataS t. Ar l e3R orth, R. 4inard. rike Township, _ D. Chappell, Vile:ton School,Pist, Julius Johnson,' Isaac Pearce, fur taso " Frristlia iamuel Baran; 4 3 A, X. Benton. V. Jackson is and • • Eli Rees. W , Velliaiss, " 1). 11. Dunbar. Ira Lamphere, " L. R. Kinney, Drown 1 brothers, • " S. P. Lyman, Josiah Bump, '1 H. S: Carrier. &W. Elliott, " Benj. Bane. 3 l'Clelland, use," Alm 'd Woodcock. Gilbert t Nichols, " N. L Dike, - Matthew " Temple _llll/6Ell°n' George Fos gS. Ross, " Ma. uibbs. Elam Cashing, O. Merrill,. • 14 I' . Carpenter, Richard Shay, jr. E. Voisbnrg, ,'u iL J. Flynn. Pots " R. W. M'lntyre. . B. J. OLMSTED, Pro.h'y. t 'vefettotary's Offices, rt-r: a, iasy. PEttr Coast"' If. T. 7001 g, taqi 1161 eet. . -" = ldoticc.;fo School teitithers The county - Superintendent 0f..r0t..44 Countymill be daces, and at. the, titanshere,spe,eified, tOr the purpose of examining - teSehers, viz: ULYSSES,' 'Thursday?; -the 26th -of . Noreiiiber next a ate 'sehool-hons . e in Lewisville.• HARRISON., Friday, Nor.; ,27th, at the Curamingsz_schoolAwe.-,• . : BINGE AM:•CENTE.E,:.Monday, Nor. 30th, at the school-htiuse.; l ' W..k 0 ' YILL ICi E, Wednesday, Dec. 2d, Et the achool-honae..l SHA.I.IOI, Thursday, Dec. £ d, at the school-house pear the um 11 of the iloneyoye. ; I lihlll.oN, Friday . , Dec. 4th, at the. Crandall 11111 school-!louse. I ' . • It • ROULETTE,.Saturday Dec- sth, at the' red school-honse near Mr.(Weiwer's. PIKE,; Tuesday, Pee.' •8th, at the school-louse near theuouth o r the West Branch. 9 COUDERSPORT,I Saturday, Dec. 12, t the Academy:• . - The examination *each oft - the abbve plades is to commencelai 10 o'clock, - A.31. It is expected that 411 the teachers will make their arrangements to' be at one of . these. places, whichever may 14 the most.' convenient. Those, however, Who attend the Teacher's Institute-duringlthe entire session, will be examined and receive 'a certificate (if civaiiiied)-hefore Each Teacher is also requested-to fur niSh a reading,book of the kind generallY used ;• also a pen and ink, together with at least two sheets of paper, as a portion of the answers; in the . differentElbranches, will be- required in Writing: - there are increased ..faeilities for•Neaclies to qualify themielves for the duties of their calling, the time has come Tor ! more thorough examinations. . I , The "Department of Common Schools" has issued new forms for,eertitieates, both " Provisional" and "Peinianetit;" the State Superintendent. has also given in struetion to - the County Superintendents to re-examine those teachers now holding Permanent certificates, and give .new Permanent certificates to such as arc worthy of thew, and Pre-visional certifi cates to others; also to annul the Perma nent certificates of those whq 4.10 Mot sub , mit to - 2 re-examination- ' $` 50 • 8 00 • 30 00 - 3 50 - 2 50 - 12®15; 1466,1 L; - 2.5(p0, - 25 - IpZl2 • 2 5.0 2 50 20 25qi_>.10 $ 7 e 8 00 These instructions will be confplied with, and a higher standard of qualitiea thin will be required herettfter: It is hoped that the friends of educa- : tion, and Directors 'especially , will ' be' present at the examinations.. A LectUre: will be delivered at either of the abOve places, on any subject relating to Cain mon School education, on: the evening of the day of examination, if desired.! ' J. HENDRICK, County Superintendent of Potter Countk. Counitzseorrr, October" 17, 1857. THE WINTER Tritir of Condersport Academy, will commence on 1 1'uestla the Ritti of December next, - to c.entinue thirteen weeks. -Graiu — of all kinds will be received. on tuition, at the marttet prices, if promptly delivered; 'therefore the tightness of money need prevent no one from obtaining ati Education; D liUl3l. the premi , es . of the subscribt.r, one mile north of Celesburg, ir, Alhasanrtwp. Putter county, Pa., in 31.13'.1a5t , FOCR CAT TLE. desetibed as Mows : - A bright red Steer. good size, noputieular in-rks remembered now. Also, a Heiftr of same deseript;on. A red and white spotted .Steer:. good siz . c. one or both ears frozen, white hind feet, and white :pot in forehead. . A ligot red Steer, under size, one or both ears frozen, and short Any person bringing the cattle to me, or informing me where I can obtain them. will be suitably rewarded. . WM.IPEET. - .Allegally, Oct. - 29, 1857.-30.1 1-TARPER'S WEEKLY. iiqui.A.RPER'S WEEKLY" will aiipear ev .9 8 try Saturday inot:ning, and will be sold at five CENTS a copy, It will be mailed to Subscribers at the following rates, payment being invariably required in advance One Copy for Twenty Weeks ; . Oue,Copy for One Year, - . . . ; 2::50 One Copy.for Iwo Years, . . . 4,00 Five copies -fokFODe Y•car, . . 50 Twoleo Copies for One Year,. . 00 Twenty-tire Copies for One Year, " 40100 * * A . To persons getting up a Club of Twelve or Twenty-five, a i.Copy Will be sent grads. Subscriptions may commence witn any Number. Specimen Numbers gratuitnusly 6upplied. As a farther inducement, Ithe Publishers' . offer Harper's .ilaaazi;ke and Harper's freckly for Four Dollars a. year. j , . . " iser•Persona - residing in the British Provin ces will remit TWENTY -3U VaNTS, in addition to the Subscription, for lie Americun PoStage. }umber from the l uommencement, (Juana #7 3) can still be supplied. OPINIONS Ot' THE PRESS. tillarpery Weekly" is well filled with orig- ; final and selected - matter. Its leading articles I pre well toned and timed, and it 6 illustrations t arc far ahead of any journal of the (tied in the country. Its pen', portraits of distiugultlied living men al'e at' themselves worth the price '; of the Yolinne.—N. Chriatlan AdvocatO and' Journal, . liave had a few- ettcinpts to establish a first,class illustrated -paper in tliis country, in emulation of the "Louden Illustrated Newa.". But none of,thyra have enjoyed the advantage of an adetunte'borabination of publiihers' re sources, with money " Ilarpeeti Weeklyl The:pictorial matter of this apen did sheet is unapproaclied, as‘ a whole, by that of any other among us, and; perhaPst'not surpaised else.nhere,—.ll 7 , Z. Examiner. . 3E *. The Postage upon "Ila.rper's Wcekly,"- when prepaid quarterly, in advance, at,-the office where it is received, is Twsw;v7sm CENTS a Year: HAItPBR k•BROTHITSS, Publishersi. : • ' I"re:slain . , Striare,New Test. Oct:Direr. J. HENDRICK, Principal CC aN , qt, !, HARPER'S MAGA - ZINE..I - - - t OM:IMM p,EDi•-.AND ISE SAND Copies are now.issucd.of ilittess.'s NEW. Moarntiz MaOsztsr: - The - Publishers have-indearbred, ..by a lwellliliretid ." - Asiy. of the abundant resources at -their command, to render it not,onlyAhe cheapest but the most attraatire Wad useful. Magazine for popular rending 3.12 the World ;t awl the extent to which their :Ciforfs have been successful is in dicated by the fact that it has attained a greater circulation- than any similar periodi cal ever issucd. - Special *Torts trill be made to .render it still more interesting and attractive during the coming year. The new :colonic corn. Mence with the • DECEMBER; Number.. labor or expense will be spared to. render it in every way, and in nll departments, still more worthy.of the, unparalleled favor with, whiCh has been received. • The Terms upon which 11.9.11.P.ER'S 3fAGA -7.1.F. is supplied are as follows, fur Cash: One Copy for Ohe Year,. • . $3 00 Two Copies for One Year . , . . 500 Three or more C opies Clue rear, (each) 3 00 And an Ex(ral Copy, gratis, for every Mb • Ten. Subscribers. , . - c Tenons residing in the British Provin ces will remit tutarr-six CENTS, in addition to Subscription; for American Postage. OPINIOS 9F THE PRESS. 'Harper's Makaziite aims to give the hest reading, no matter where it may come fram and whenever its conductors can procure from American autlicirs better literary matter than they can find elsewhere, they get it, and they pay prices for it which would astonish some of the English Magazines.—X.Y. Daily Tintes. This popular Magazine, while it dcies all that is•lawful to court ppularity, never de scends to cater for it - by ministering to opin- . ions or propensities injurious to good morals or social order: Though not - exclusively- a religious work, it is always auxiliary to Bible trutk and sound', moritlity...%". I'. C'br. - .l.'ian Advocate 'and JOurnal. "' Eueli. number! containing as much matter nos a retinae of .fac'aulay's Ilistory of Vngland, and sold at the riiii6lously low price of twenty cents.—London 7;7:1C2. • The most popular and sOccessful periodical ever i,tated.—Netc Orleani'DeMi. _ . *l.*Th'e. PuittAge upon "'Harper's 3faka -7.1i1t," when - prepaid 4ultrterly, in advance,nt the office where it is received, is TIIII:TY-six CENTS a rear. HARPER 5: BROTHERS, Publisher's. PraLkliu Square, Nevi York Nov. I. 1857 Administrator' Sale.' .PI.7RSUANCE of an order of the Or phans. Court of the County of Potter,l: shall expose to sale, at the CoUrt House in the Borough of Coudersport Pa., on SATURDAY, : the 21ST DAY OF NOVEMBER. A. D. 1857,' at one o'clock, P. M., the following described real estata, ,ituate in Sweden Township, Pot ter County ' Pa. ; Bounded on the North h'y lands of S. Y. Acker and unseated lands, on the East by lauds of G. L. Catlin and lands of S. Y. Acker, on the South by lauds of Jacob Herriogban, and on the West by lands of S. Y. Acker and unseated lauds; being lot No. 17 and Wist part of lot No. 1G of the allotment of Bingham hands in said township, and being part: 'of Warrants Nos. l3oi, 1309, 2047 . and 2092 ; oa w4ticli is erected one LOg, House and • one 'FrArne Barn, said lot containing about 133 acres, about '4O acres of which are improved, with 50 Fruit Trees growing thereon: JOEL HENDRICK, Administrator of the Estate of Win. Lyon, deceased. NOTICE. • 'Millard V. Re:sting, MY. 123, Adolphus E. Eyrie I Sept. Term, 19::7, in and -1 the Common Pleas Jame 4 M. Wilcox, of Ptitter County. versus Action- of Eject- Leonard 31,-Kee. went for the follow ing described lots of laud in said county, the first containing two haddred and 1 - 11;y-seven acre;, situate iu Entalia Town:hip, and bound -6d as fallowz , : Beginning at •tile south-west corner of the Tuttle lot, thence N. by west line of said. lot 126 rods to north line of Warrant No. 2129, thence west by said rne 62.9 rods to N. J. MM. , ' east line, thence south 43 glees - west by Mlls' 1i1r..31 rods to center of road, thence south 40.9 rods, thence weAt. south hue 40 rod; to a corner, tirnea south 179 rule, thence east 'lB5 rods to a po in the west line of Milacron Nelson's lot; thence north 49 rods, thence east 50 'rods to warrant line, thence peril t;9.5 roll to Tut!. tle's south line, thence west by said line 92 rods to the place of beginning; being part of Warrant No. 2129. • The other lot, containing one hundred and thirty-4x acre', is bounded as follows : 11c- , ginning a post in the czst line of the Keat-. ing:Lauds, being the north-'east corner of lot surveyed to D. 13. Martin, thence north 200 rods, thence west 109 rods, thence South 200 rods, thence east 169 rods to the place of be ginning; : being part of Warrant No, 2116, in Sweden township, Potter county, Pa. And now, to wit, September 2?.d, 1857, on motion of John S. Mann, Esq., attorney for Plaintiffs, the Court grant rule onlDefendant to apricos and plead by third day of next Term orjudgment b3-'defnult, and order the publication of the rule according to the Act of Asserably,-in 6ucla cases made and provided. By the Court, 11. J.. 01.11SIEO, Pruthonotaty. Potter Couply, Certified from the Record this . l9th day of October, A. 11,1857. rL s %Witness my hind and seal of office, • 'int Condersport, the s.s.me day and year. 10a 3—tt. 11.4. OLMSTED,'Proth y. THE COMBINATION PATENT •• PORTABLE UPRIGEIT STEAM BAW- M LL.. . This mill is new acknowledged to be the cheapest, most practical and ancient lumber Manufacturing ualichirke in the world. It; is the only portable reciprocating mill that has ever met witlfperfect success. Its entire cost, with fifteen horse .power r warranted to saw from three tb lons, thonsaud feet of, inch boards in twelve hours, the entire establishment com plete, ready for running, is bUt $1 0 650. _ ROSTS,PORTABLE BURR - STONE MILL," for which over seventy premiums have: been awarded in this country and Europe." • It will grind with less than-half the power, and make better flour and meal than any other - It is the most durable And the cheapest mill in the Prices range froth $lOO. to $l7O. PORTABLE AND .STATIONARY ENGEM OtALL SIZES, SBINGLE)SI4HZEs, c . 1 • 3.11. EMERSON Sc Co., , I -1 ' Dealers in: Improved 'Machinery, - " '! - No. 371 Broadway, NeW. York. 1 , Send for-Circulara.- ' , , - INEaud.tutrie articles tirq•Drug-line for tir . -•, E. K.•s. PU `f,?&m i !, l 3: E A 3 efm - t o l P : T 2 g lll43 . Grerti Rodudea, : HORACE '! NU. AGENT FOR THE BEST BOSTON N MC= T.IIE . Largest Asaortanent of Pianos, - Melo . de o nfi, MusiCaliustruments,•and•Musicati Merchandiae r a - ,itli; kinds, in the United Siate.s.l Pianos froni' Teti different Maxtufactories;eom prising those of every variety of style, -from the plain, neat and substantial Ili octaves,. in Walnut or Rosewood Cases, from $l5O to $2OO, to Won of-the Most elegant hnisii . upito - One Thousand Dollars. No house: iu . the Union can compete with the above. in the mituber, variety and celebrity (Sits- instruments; nor in the Extreu.tely low prices at which they are sold. , . • -' • . . HORACE WATERS'; MODERN IMPROVED PIANOS, with or withbut lion Frames, pos sessing in their improvements of liver-strings .and action. a length or Seale and compass of tone equal to the Grand Piano, united'. with . the beauty and durability of structure-of -the Square Piano. They 'are justly pronounced by! the Pre 46' and by the tirstMusical Masters, to be-equal to those of any other manufacturer. They are built of the-best and most thorough ly sea soued material, ant guarauteed.te l stand the action of every clima e. Each lusts-omens guaranteed to giv'ei satiliction 2 or purchase raoueirefunded. . SECOND-HAND PIANOS,. at great bar gains, constantly in sltire,—price from $3O to $l4O. . ' 11URACE WATERS' • ;MELODEONS.—Su perior Instruments in touch.and durability of make. (Tuned' the equal.terciperi - unent.) Me lodeous of all other styles and. makes. Price $45, $OO. $75, $lOO, $125, sl4o—double Reeds and two banks of Keys, $2OO--less -a liberal discount, Clergymen and Churches, an extra discount. 111 - A -R PIS'S GUITARS; 1. BROWN'S LURE'S,' FLUTES, FLUT:NAS,. ACCORDEONS, - . VIOLINS; and Musical Instruments of all kinds, at lower prices than ever before offered to • the public. A large discount to Teachers and Schools.` The trade supplied on the must-liberal ternis. - 11,11USIC.--Oue of the largest and best se-, leeml catalogues of Music now published, comprising many of the choice-and most pop- . ular airs of the. day, and will be sold at one-1 third off from the regular prices. Music sent by. mail to all parts of-the coun try, post-paid. Particular-and personal atten tion paid to all orders received by uta.il. Sat isfaction guaranteed inevery instance. Pianos and - Melodeons for relit and rent allowed on puachase. Pianos nud Melodeons for sale on monthly payments.. Second-hand Pianos ta ken in exchauge for now. General and select Catalogues and Schedule of prices forwarded to all parts of the country by mail. '• ktErGreat inducements offered to AGENTS in all parts of the country, to sell the Horace Waters' Pianos, Melodeons, and Catalogue of !ME! CONSOLIDATION EIiIERSON'3 MAGAZINE DM PITTNATiI'3 . DIONTHLY. i f o,ooo is /Ol)! EXTRAORDIARY OFFERI The Publishers are happy to announce that in tie union of the,ic facoriti.• Magazines, the best literary and arti:44e.taleat of.both pub& ex.ions tais been secured; and the most at tractive leaturcs of each will be retained in the comolidated wolk. .1[ will aim co present in its pages the choicest prucluctious of American thinkers vnd writers, and the bust cliorts of Amerlon artists.. It Wilt be purely national in its character • in its criticisms - it wll.sim to be just atu truthful, nod v.;ifl be careful to .preserve and cultivate that wholesome moral and religious toue so highly chcri,hed by the American public, and so essential to the-welfare of the race. We shall endeavor, by a sagacious use of the extensive re'.4oureeB now at our command, to make a Mlg,azine that, in the richness of its literary contents, and in the beaiuty and profuseness of its Pictorial illustrations, shall outrival any publication ever before produced in this country. •The new issue commences with the OCTO BER number, which is now ready. It is filled with the choicest productions of some of the most brilliant writers of the day, and is em bellished with forty-four splendid original en gravings. It appears in a new dress, embra- , cing an eleg,unt•clasical design on the cover, and the entire work presents the most attrac tive appearance. It, is pronounced by all who have seen it to be the most beautiful specimen of a Magazine ever issued in this eountry: - Pam; $3 A YEAR. CLUB Pates, $2. Shots COMB, 25 CLNTS. • • The Great Library Offer: The combined issue of " EMERSON'S MAGAZINE - and PUTNAM'S MONTHLY" starts with a circulation of over FORTY THOU SAND copies, and we are determined to.spare no espouse in-any of its Departments to place it at tile head of American Magazines. With this view, we now make the -following extra ordinary offer: TO any-person who will got op a club of taveaty-four s.ubse.ribers, at the club price, either at' one or more post-eflices, we will present a splendid Library, consisting of FORTY LARGE BOUND VOLUMES, embra: cing the Most popular works in the market: Any oae, Wtth thoOctobernumber as a speci men, can easily form such a club, in almost any section. A copy of this number, together. with a list and full description of the Library, will lie forwarded on receipt of 25 cows. J. M. EMERSON 'le Co., Publishers, co. 371 BROADWAY. New York. YATES COUNTY NURSERY. . , - H. OLIN &' CO., of the , Tates County V V is Nurseries, have for sale ft large' and valuable rissortmeut of FRILTIT . TREES of all • varieties . usually cultivated. These Trees arc young and' of vigorous growth. The 'qualities are 'the most-choice known,- and are warranted osNtass: Also, 'a tine stock of ORNAMENTAL - TREES ;and ,SHRTIBBERT, fur fall delivery. • • - ' • • .-- • se l y-Addreas orders to C. BEACH, Pen Tan, Tates Co., -T. Orders left with ROB'T. !NILES, Coudersport, Pa., will. be promptly filled. • - 19:2-6iao, • LEWISYILLE.STEAMT I RIST MILL, ; NEW ARRANGEMENT. 9111E.undersigned: having -bought out all former owners of the Lewisville. Steam Grist Mill.are now prepared to do all manner of-grinding,-as they believe, to the satisfae-I tion of their customers. 'Oman and see. 0. A. - . • ORLYTON.,U7IId. rlruSei, Feb. ZB, 195', USPORTAIST' Di S coorair. . . coNstrmrxxoN ,-. DISEASES _OF Mt LUNGS AND _THROATI .. .t . ARE I TIOSIT/VELY, 1 _ - CULLUM - F. -nu unazanioN, , - wawa Conveys', the remedies to th e eau; -I, I 7 ties in the fungi through the airoassa gee, and coming in direct contact with the 1 disease, neutralizes`the tubercular inegoi, al- laYs the Cough, causes a frees and n aafi expee- I Wittiest, heals the lungs, 'purifies ; the blood, imparts renewed vitality to the nervous system, giving that toile and energy - so indispensable for the restoration Of. health. To be able to state confidently that Consumption is curable by inhalation, is toMe a source of unalloyed pleasure. hes as much under the control of medical treatment, asl any other formidable disease; ninety outg o every hundred \eases can be cured in the fireeltages, and fifty per cent. in the second ; I but in the third stage it is impossible to save more than five per cent., for the Lungs are esti cutltii by the disease as to bid defiance es Inielical skill. Essen, 'how ever, in the last stages, In atlosda ex traordinary relief- to the rering, attending this fearful scourge which annually destroys ninety-five, thousand peso s. in the hefted States alone; and a correct i calculatioiashows that of the present populalon of the earth, eighty millions are lest i ne to fi ll the Von sumptivies graves. i i - Truly the quiver of death has no arrow so fatal as Consumption Iu all ages it has been the great enemy of hfe, f r it spare's neither age nor sex, but sweeps if alike the brave, th. beautiful, the gracefu and the gifted. By the-help of that Supreme Being Ilona whom' cometh every good and r i rfect gift, 1 am en alibied to oiler to the a fflicted a permanent and speedy cure in toninniptiou. Tfie first cause of tubercles iS frdm impure blood, and the immediate effect produced by their depo-' sition in the lungs is to Prevent the free ad-I mission of air into the ter cells, which causes - I a weakened vitality through We entire system. Then surely it is more rational to expect great er good from medicines l entering the cavities of the lungs than fiein those administered through the stomach ;I the patient will always find the lungs' free and the breathing easy; af ter Inhaling remedies, ;Thus, Inhalation is a local remedy, nevartheless it acts leonstitution ally, and with more power and certaiuty than remedies administered by the iitomace. To prove the powerful and direct influence of this this mode of administratio a, chloroform inhaled will entirely destroy sensibility in a few minutes, paralyz ng the entire nervous system, so that a limb maybe amputated with out the slightest pain sc Inhaling the ordinary burning gas will destrluy life in a few hours. The inualation of ammonia will rouse the system when fainting Or 'apparently dead. The odor of many of the medicines is perceptible in the skin a few raintties after being inhaled, and may be immediately i detected in the blood. A convincing proof of the constitutionaleffec ts of inhalation, is the fact that sickness is al ways produced by breathing foul air—is, not this positive esidence that-proper remedies, carefully prepared and2ljudiciously adminis tered through the lunge should produce the happiest results? During eighteen years' practice, many thousands suffering from dis eases of the lungs and throat, have been - un der my care, and I have effected ninny remark able cures, even after the sufferers had been pronounced in this last stages, which fully sat isfies me that consumption is no longer a fatal disease. My treatment of consumption is original, and founded on long experience and a thorough investigatiou. My perfect acquain tance wins the nature of tubercles, dic., ena bles me to distinguish, readily, the various forms of disease !stet simulate consumption, and apply the proper remedies, rarely being mistaken even in a single case. This famir iiirity, in connection with certain pathological and microscopic discoveries, enables me to re lies.° the lungs from the effects of coutraeted chests, to enlirge the chest, purify the blood, impart to it reueWed vitality, giving endrgy and tone to the entire syjtem. - Medicines with full. directions" sent to any part of the United States!and Canadas by pa tients commOnicating their symptoms by letter. But the cure would be 'more certain if the patient should pay met visit, which would give ma au oppoljtuulty t ) examine the lungs and. enable me to prescriim with omen greater certainty,,and . them the c'lre could be effected without my seeing the patieut again. G., W. GRAHJAJ'L M. D., Office 1131 Filbert Street, (Old No. 1090 Belo -Twelfth, PIIII I I ADELYIIIA. TA. .' -1 . 25 W . 1.1'17 N ot, SSES.; 1' TILE , FOR ER - , 0 NVIOTED ! —I :X c.) John N.l.D.ye i.e 1r Author. 0 Who has had 10 yearavxp rionce as a Bank-s. - er and Publisher,. and Author of P. 1 A scrim of Leeldres at Broadway Tabernacle, I • • when, for 10 SucceSsire nights, over m x`50,000 Peo ple 0 at - • " 1 Gritted himwithßliuuds of Applause, • -7 while he• exhibited the Manner in which-, Counterfeiters execute t eir Frauds, and the Surest and Short st Means of - ...l .7.`; ' IJ , Detecting them The Rank Note Engravers 'all say that 'he is o ' the greatest Judge of l'ai* Money living. .e.., GREATEST DISCOVERY OVA THE PRESENT CENTURY FOR ~..... DilCI:111)0 empitz'rfcif 3144 IfoicsC. ) Describing every tienthne ihirlD Existence; , - ,, and Exhibiting at a glance every Court- " 4 . terfcit in Cireultion 11 . " ... 'Arranged so .admirably that REFERENCE " 4 i. 3 EASY, atni ' . - 0 • -1;.... ' DETECTION INSTATANEOT,TS. ,6 aY'No index to examie !- No pages to hunt up! But so simplifi d" and arranged, that! the Merchant, Bank i and Business A n t Malik:au-see all-at a GlanCC. • . :0 . ENGLISH, FRENCH AND 'OERMAN. -71 Thui each May read the aine in his owll4 • ' - NATIVE TGAG - CE. • . 7-1 Most Perfect Beink Note List Published; 6 , . Alio it List of ' . ' • P ..4 M 3. THE. PRIVATE BANKE S IR AMERICA. .0- . A Completo Summary o 'the Firann or Ennors & Auxaine.will ho .tiblished in each edition, together with all thb:,,IMPORTANTS NEWS OF THE DAY. Also_ .. A SERIES OF *TALES . -- F. 4 From an Old Manuscript fOund it the East. 8 It furnishes the Most Complete History. - ,or Oriental_ATe, . describing the Most .Perplo mgeditions in which the Ladies and G ntlemen of that Country- have been so o n; found, Those Stories will continue throu i ghout the • whole P 4 year, and will prove the Most Entertaining ever offered to the •Public. ~. .. - par Furnished Weekly t übscrihers on-'-e ly, at $l. a year,- • All lett rs Must he ad--`,.4 dressed to - - , 'l' JOHN S. D Publisher and Proprieto New-YOrk. . N" 000,Ets—k Litro • eatimentjust retidred f!,1)11qa,c1111j4, RObeili;ibicritg; : 1 FAOat Joari_ At lifaminutts Ilotel i ;forth ;PixtLaft., TO THE MERCHANTS - OF THE WEST MID !NORTH. WEST. I ' PaADELPECIA ,MARKET belig cunt rlessible, your attention. is caned to lt, . as possessing facilities and' sdVantsgeamtuthy of your consideration.' Amongits advantages may be enumerated its location, having shorter lines of communi cation to, the interior,' its proximity to the Iron and Anthracite Coal districts of Pennsylvania, the large and varied - extent of its manatee.. tures, ,being far In advance of any other city in the _United States, the moderate expenses necessary for carrying on business, etc., etc. The market possesses unrivalled itdvante., • ges for the sale of many kinds of produce, -. such as Flour, Wheat, Barley; Wool, Butter, - Cheese, .Ic., while the . charges . Made, nfitoil sales and attendant exreuees are more =oder. ate than neigboring seaboard markets. ir.v. TV P 4 CL, Wholesale !BOOT; SHOE.. aid STRAW GOODS WAREHOUSE, No. 6:IC Market . St. • . . - WOLFE 4- KING ; Wholesale' CLOTHING HOUSE, No. 430 Market and 425.1 Merchant . 'Streets- i YLOL', GILLESPIE 4- Wholesal GROCERS, Nos. 11 and 13, South WaterSe J. C. FREELAND, with CLLVE CAE! : ROL, Importers of WINES, 'BRANDIES, GINS, i tc., No. 304 North 3d IStre.ot.i. • 11, 7'. MORRIS, PEROT 6- - CO., Importra and Wholesale Dealers in DRUGS, CHEMICALS - PAINTS, OILS, GLASS, DYE STUFFS., No. 621 Ma'rket, and 612 St.-James Sts. • KEYSTONE 'STATE SAPONIFIER, or CONCENTRATED LYE for 'making 'Soap. • Manufactured by the Penn. Salt Co., Urea tum, Allegheuy.couhty, Penn. Represented by LEWIS, JAM - ES 4- Co., Philadelphia. - HAAS 4- TAYLOR, Importers and. Cash Jobbers, No. 305 Market Street, HOSIERY, CLO VES, SHIRTS and DRAWERS,. GUI/ BELTS, SHIRT BOSOMS. WHITE GOODS, EIII3ROIDERIF.S, LACES, SUSPENDERS, • THREADS, C 0511.35, BUN2' RAIGUEL 6^ CO., Importers of BRITISH GOODS and Jobbers of FANCY and STAPLE SILK GOODS, .EMBROLDR RIES, iSc., No. 37 N. Third street. JAXES,'KENT, SANTEE 4- CO., Impoit ers and Jobbers of FOREIGN and DOUR& Tlc DRY GOODS, No. 239 and 241 North 3d Street, above Race. 1 BLABON 6- SMITH, OIL' CLOTH MANU FACTURERS and CO,AIMISSION MEIi- CH!LNTS. -Warehouse No: 146 N.3d MOORE, HENZEY 4- co., -:lmporters' and Wholesale Dealers in LIAR WARE, CUTLE RY and GUNS, 427 Market and 416 Com merce streets. . SAM'L' H. BIBIGHAUS, ImPort9r • and Wholesale Dealer 'in FOREIGN and DO - • MESTIC HARDWARE, No. - 258 North ad street, below Vine. . MILL, CROSS CUT,: CIRCULAR' ' an. HAND SAWS in any varietyiind style' if the celebrated IXL stainp, manufaiitured ly WALTER CRESSON, ,Depot No. 503 Com merce St. HAMMERS, HATCHETS in great riety, manufactured_hY C. HAMMOND, Di. ,! pot N0.;503- Commerce at. The attention. of the trade is called to these . gooddas being . equal in quality and' finish to any made. JAMES 'BARBER, Wholesale Dealer ii i ' CLOCKS, Agent for the PATENT EQUAL IZLNG THIRTY DAY CLOCK, Manufaeta ler of GOLD PENS. 9.1 E. corner and Chestnut sts. ' • PRATT 4- REATH,- Importers • of WATaI ES, JEWELRY and FANCY . GOODS r N. W, corner sth and Market eta* FITSIIAN, JONES CO., Importers and Jobbers in British.& American D. 4-7 Goode, 215 Market, through to 204 Church AW-6 Months credit for approreikNoteii [/o:l4—iiM • American Safety-Papet Manu facturing Company of • New TorK. CAPITAL;SSOO.OOO; A. NICHOLAS, President. Ode° 7 - 0 Wall-Bt. A Perfect Security against all manner of &m 4 by Counterfeiting on.; Paper: T .-To Prevent Photo s qraptic and Anastat& Countitr .Srafvree, Trangers or Al terations. HAVIN G purchased the Patent for the ex:. elusive right to manufacture and mill the new Chemical Paper in America, invented and patented in England by HEN . R Y (trim a cele brated chemist and officer in the British army, it is hardly necessary to say that the Paper is recommended by Mr. Kent, Assayer.of the V. S. Mint, Mr. Lyman of the NowlYork Clearing House and Meade Brothers, extensive and skilful photographers, 233 Broadway . . N. T. The latter say that no imitation can be made Mt a check or bank note printed onithe Wort Paper. Delow is our list of priCei: Bank Checks, 35 eta. • • Bank Bills, $lB for 1000 sheets: Bills of Exchange, $25 for 100 sheets. - Promissory Notes, 40 eta. 111 Ibt- . Sight & rime Drafts, $25 for 1000 sheets'. lusurance Policies, 40 cts. 11 lb. , Railroad Stocks & Bonds, 40 cts. VI lb. Bank and State Stock; 40 eta. 11 lb. Bonds and Mortgages, 40 cts. lb. : Wills and Deeds, 40 cts. lb.. For wrapping Silks and other .flu actledau it is excellent, us it prevents moths. 40 ate. 'tl lb. ' For Isdentures; and Agreements, 40 - ete. V 1 All State and County Records should always -be printed or IF:Wen:on this Faper, -as the chemicals inserted in the• pulp not- only tre.. vent erasure or transfer; bnt 'make - it lattssig as time. ' For Southern Climates it is eiesalent, and much superior to any.other; astlle moistness of the climate does not, destroy it,4 7 the prop erties inserted in the pulp being si'llieventirc' In all . the southern stater, Cuba, tha 'Coat Indies and the !thee Central American-:States, DO public records can .be kept over 20,14 am-wri— tten on the Crdinary paper, whilellis oils an t 'other chemicals inserted in . Shit'', railer makes it indestructible by thei raraies of time., Zia also proof apinst moths, rate and' Other Vef• min; which; feast on -and_destroy an other pa per now in use. • , The Company have ram in operation Willa County, N. J. of about, - 300 horse power, and r ate able to ordent for rnpar at the shortest notice. Broker 0 0 Wall Straet,4 - All orilUrs for this'Paper roust he addressed to A. !NICHOLAS,' President of the Compiny, lie. 70. wau - streit. - Q.031E1 Cl.oTriaiio of Ctotiey's niarmtkcisry liair'! at E. C - IV 47 - Aat. Ala kiellad-21:0:' na° at i . • Tors, II II
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers