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JUL'II :_•..:.1: fi, -of , , - . •• ~ -i.l if...":411...17. C. ...,1 ".:',.`,.' . „',.._.: i. 7. o try:: ; p it ~. •,:, -•-1 • - • • .1. ; ..01.._ 7 :-.'..1 - 7.- - ,.: 1 „: Lz.ki,.. c , ,. f..:: ft , :;.::' '.if,17.'e:::.1, ,' - .h - S' D:". , ''''''' ZS.:I7 .S:.: ~:‘,.Cf.",11, , i - , t ! . , N:'. , t;:1:;%;!..i2oz::21::.:3.:-.7..5„,,,,, : .,_; . 1, *A ,il f. „ - i-T ..,f i - 1 41.k.i . ,:j . :, - 14 ; ;,;1, - ,)1, -- i ..: j„ .:".::.3-1.i.::::1.1.:•!.'t '' C.,'" , i • 1 wilt 4 ,•;; , ;;Ak .. EMS ; • ~,i' ;: 1.;;; .t ME - :...177,..'1 , u0 Et: -., ! lu SINGLE . ..cO2l ;41 VDLU E K 11TU1PL$EB: M 1 • THE;:tql _dtaTIPTAL ) , , T.11r11$1.4) ; )(013NING, 'BY atfers andl•Gimibintientloria 44. 1 ire0r1:0111),secu4,19.tientiost. . 1.9 - 4 — Mtr.•47 1 ,14uPi.e,!.: : L... r .reytnS jusartiQn,. - • -it -• ' 50 ,i:i43llsatitquerit itiortifin lesp than 13; - 25 41:1-cett4fvrAituntb, 4 ,:- - • • . ::: .5-50•; 4114 . 86 ." yuleand Akan, l'‘vorF:yer;sq., '3 . bo W.very- übiegnent."-inm•rtinti, - - 50 i-,.,gulynan )44 1 -. - 18 - on 31111111 , pez: . 113 00 .Idiainistritor's or 'ic l lkul'or's•Notf*c.,- —2 80 Auditors -Nutiees4:+eb,-r ,b 0 ::Iles : per tract., 100 Slarriage'Notice3i. etieh, - .1 00 2rofessiooal _Cards...each,: - ue't 8 litr4F. per year. -- 500 ,Spec!alnt.nl l ditorial Nutie.es., per line, . 10 kieirrA.ll ctrausietit advertiseuients must be yaid.in u and LW notice will .be taken ol'adveiliiiiments ri•oru a ilis,Lifice; finless they . are ac e o rittkinied • by- Inoue!: of satisfactory 11=MI •il;.: 1.111,55 WilitUlllll.lllllllU ........ mentamummusweenasuaziasuumtnno JO lI'S S. MANN, ATTatisev I_7()I:.N . SELLOP,', AT LAW, Couderr.port, Pu.,t Aril' :mend the .several U-ouris and .11'Kean'Couriiies. All -. business, entrusted in his *care will receive - prompt attention. °thee on Main oppo site the Qourt House, . 1(1:1 KNOX, I.' . W ATTORNEY AT LAW, Coudersport. Pa., will regularly attend the Courts in Plitter cud the adk.inhig, Counties. 10:1 21.4 THUR G. OLMSTED; ATTORNEY 8: COUNSELLOR' AT 'LAW, • Coudersport, Pa., will' attend to all business entrusted to his care, • with promptries and tidelity:•`.:Oilicu in Temperance- see p on/ toot., Main St. 10:1 ISAAC: _BENSON ATTORIY - AT LAW, Coudersport, Pa., will attend to: all business entrusted to hint, with care and promptness. Office corner of West . and Third sti. 10:1 It P. ' WILLISTON, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Wellsbo:-o% Tioga C 0.,, ‘1 4 4...wia atteria.tl/19:Co.ur.ls - . iu Potter and Nt:Kean Counties, ;; • :?:13 A: r. CONE,. ATTORNEY AT LAW, Wellsboro', Tiogu Co , Pa., will regularly attend the Courts of Potter Count•. ft:l3 E. NV. BENTON, SUSVEYQR. AND CONVEYANCER, Ray oud Pj 0.. (Allzgany Itp.,) Potter Co., Pa.. - will attend to all hu,:iness it his line. with sage arpi dispatch. 9;33 W. K. KING, SURVEYOR, DRAFTSMAN AND CONTEY— AICCER Stnethport. Mli.eau Co., Pa., will Sittelad to basint., , s for non-re:4(INA land holders; upon .rea6onable terrns, Befeyea retiat.l. P. S.—Maps of any part of . tite. Coanty ivatle to order. 9:13 .0. T. ALLISON,, PRACTICING PHYSICIAN, (Louder:7l)oll.Pa.. ruspectfulty_ittlermi the citizens et' 1110 vil laee,and. eieinitc that lie, will protnply re . Namd 6)41 calls Tor prefessional services. Utlice otOlain st., in building formerly oe:. cnpied.by C. W. Ellis, Esq. 9:22 I= GE=M JONES, MANN S.; JONES, DEALERS IN DRY GOODS. CROCKERY. Hardware, Boots & Shoes. Groceries and Provisions, Main st., Coudersport, Pa. . 10:1 COLL/NS S.MITfL. SMITH k JONES, DEALER:S.Di D11170.9...1 . 1F.D1131N1iii, PAINTS, Oils; Fliacy Articles, Stationery, Dry Goatl.i, Groceries, Sc., Main •st., Coudersport, Pa. • 10:1 OLMSTED, DEALER IN DRY GOODS, READY-MADE Clothing ? , Crockery, Groceries, &c., Maid st., COudorsport, /0;1 W, MANN, DEALER IN- BOOK'S :1 - . StAtIONEIIY, MAG AZINES and Mu.sic,''N. W. - corner of Main Wtd Third ste., Coude . riport, Pa: • It; HARIRINGTON, . . . •IIiIiVEIJjER. engag gd window' in Schoomaker J .- nekton s "Store.will•ca,try on ,Watenland Jewelry _business there. ussOrtment 'of Jew - city-constantly , op 111.'40, : Wntehes 010 • Jewelry carefully repaired, in the best style, on-the' shortest uotice—all work ivlnfaittecl. • _ - 9:24 liElsiltY - J. ,91,31sTED, • (RLCCE§SOit' TO •JAPg.S 7, • sli ; i - Oi?) fiRILER IN-STOVES,- TIN ..t..•SLIEE4.' IRON - - WARE; Main st.,-nearly opposite the Court a House. Gpideriport, Pa.. Tin. and- Sheet liiiri;Ware - taade to order; in good style, nn • .aliort-no4tie.,--:;.. - -= • ; , Q0 . 13_ pg,4sym.ll-OT.E.p; , p. :GLASSMIRE, :Proprietor, 7 COrnee .of. Main and Second-Streets; Coudersport, Pot ter Co.,.Pa. : " - ALLEG4N,Y::I:IOUSIV SAMUEL M. MILLS, .Ps'oprietiir;Sobstlutl6 ~, TIM Co-; Pit.{ mien miles north 'of Cou `-'4ertport.:- th:ellirvitte 4eadr;:. t, FMB . 1-7 , .'-'..- 7. ,- .prontiii, t7..tiiii:ccii,,iii Tropp. 1. ;• ' r...: . --.... _: :- -,;- ."..„ 'ol:EptEs..- . , .1 . -'..-f .-..- t.,:-3.• W .:. .i.1;0_. :.. u50w, -tlt ; e '. ;ee .1 14 f will;o4-cn§ 11 •, 0211 i 1 2'.;'r, r 13 , iedde:it. the 'ell eelt.und'Aupddkkt. tliefbruin. 11T:be:seed J. , should4le pht.uletl i tt4 gr t a.4l be 1 .,.. 'irush'ltli .I,`:',. ',„• ..• ~.; -.c... 4 -: - 1 1:: . { tFxnni.ltealtlx•ar.d'hllorithe.eheik be Chash'.4.47 f f ifilllVSl3lll see,. trunt.the,liand tbut btenll. -:, ~ i A.'..Pitisoti!ditinglitJt'itint bitr init - eat.,ftelds ?, I. : . — : " 7 '•, - , i: - ..; n Lvov plant - the seed t irid- Attu) t he sine , • r.. • , • --, 1 - :it Of its purple fruit for the reel a . red . wine l :P.. . The seed nute e planted. the g i r;spe be eul.l d. . Shell the, Leant - bed darkened' the niin ,lie , 4ell'd_.? _,, tr., ~. , . .. I ` . • 1 gay the hr-teious fruit that we plant a II rear i Stain glass and-lip.,- 7 -bring.siOt.and , t ear? • 10.110 . I. l'l .00 Shall the Nheaves bound 4.w-the harvest • field; • - '.• • Shall'the heave ears that•the pe-inade_hy utibleSt lift to The' drtinVaid;'s , 04), and tlieTtilse . r's Shall thb fevel-Lthirst be fore Veil fedi - And white ItpS bcb for d ertistnlbread? :Shall; the tempter cometo our ilporaancl : stand i i With a purple glass in his, bloitted Land? , •- `Shall we .prettil,the mesh his art litts:wove On the household altars, blessed bylOve; . ' At Ihp•clitirela,'s door—where, ;ages plan To bless, exalt, aid., govern m4n? Ye chain the lion in iron - den;` ' . , j . . . Ye her the tiger away from men, ' ' Ye fasten the hand that has•siruck , na blow. Maddened with hige at its mortal foe;, • ] lint ye make no chain, ye build no den, For the deadliest foe-that is known to men. To-day is the deathly poison pour`d "• , That maddens and murders With •worSe than sword ; • ' To-day sit judges and jury to scan' The guilt of a drug'd and scaleless man; To-day the judge 'whom the charge has made Gives grants for others to ply their tr.tati. • Shall we have it so? Must 'the same hand - I . . . The murderer's doom and the right,to steal His reason = honor, fear.:contrsil, To blight his life , iiind,doom his soul 2 - shall rum. go free from loeltsaml bars While chains' and rives proteo. its:scar? FINDING TI - It LEAK. "Now, what shall I do for your comfort' atunsenient this evening, old lady ?.," inquired Mr. Murray Cooper Of his de voted wife, es he bit off the! mid of a eL, gar, and fumbled behind,art engraving by. Latidseer for the match-box; . that ways insisted.ou having t4re, just where he could reach it. • "There!s the. paper—but that I've read; and I looked through, 'Harper` as I Came along. Shall I crack some nuts ? That reminds me that I must get one of•those patent-lever nue-crackers. I saw one at Smith's to-day, , and a grid:6n, the lutist complete arrangement you ever 'saw for doing a steak—catches the smoke and the gravy at the same time." - MIENZEIM "I.lOw much was it? You know ours came with the stove, ' and isn't two fears old yet:" - • ( 1 0, a dollar 4g so, I suppose--a- morel trifle. •• Must , you sew to-night ? that everlasting work-basket ? - Why don't yeti have'a seamstress ? 119 w much would it cost, 14m, to have' all , !that} pile sewed up for once ?" . • 2 '.:1 dollar or so/' retorts Mrs. Murray, playfully-i and as she dreW out her alibi:lle and needle-book, the grOoer's communi cation was discovered on the 'top of her work-hos. IIIME!!3 `-`ll - ad any letters to day ? who is that, from ? I say,: Matty, suppose we should begin to think of a little place in the , country, next spring? ' LawtOn was talk.: ing about, that lot on the bend of the I Bronx, you knots',, again to-day." And i two or thr'ee satisfaete - yy, pus ailed up al short pauge, as Mr, - COI= threw him , self back in his ownlpartibular easy-chair.. 1 ii:We must haTe - saxedsorqething this year towards it, you're such ariindustriiiii lit omPti; gik,deserve *have a * iY house I of your g nven, .aud ev.l4thiniifee_ about Iyou, -if anybody- does.—Whom did you say. that was fromy . lea,tinie yen heard from your sister; isn't it I ?:.: ,And_ altand 'Was 'stretched pOilleri ner,":yritkt:lid -most _complacent.. air y .;ltilr.. COtiPek:, pOsSesied ,iiiniielf (&thei-iliiisive. ',', • •'- ~i • .03 ,:scife',..a ~mirits had 04114 f b,eo _..;-j,. h VI2 46,114 Z, 410 " ! 2 - ::::'41i)ta MEI -I.S=t-Ifftt 4-uf •. r : 411 ' • • Seal' g j firti6 att: BY .A.LICtLI, NEAT, J o , . v .l. . ;I : jo jAwririt . • . inking since the opening of the4tiik•iiek,49penlAhe l ,iinFon3fort4Re iif i coßnt l : ; •- .. qi. I plaii.iq w ,lerfcietli *cal dial c iliiiiaL con- Iwas a f rery:lon4;,f4ei j nut', a...y.e.ryOrple;- .._..,f 4:... , .., -4,1-1-10-.)- ~=_,..,., 1. , - .... " , .. •..., .4.- \ A.ta :!.. very p ..._..,, . 1 s i d li4ii s •resX.9nIYA:.P.i ., e .,..v e ,t 4•4; ; i . fiq ° r lB t i4 t .4, l !94ll . 9 sit zPlT i lt . f . T YFfl.!o tne.q.ieuprint,„na,if,caeli i barrel ef4lotir..,,,atid_ i b_n# liniglitpint visibly. ~breye eye. had poufid,ofizikffeei Muir Irani' ipurehasedlor Ao i llo hqii iw thn,:6(.t:6:o- 7 1ri 9 115i Ildi f iblL!:Piiii;tildllal begat:: '...N0 e r's . iylll9 4114 4Ft.,..,cpperfi.tlpeit tia4 AI! ci Tei. tifee' , `Ciii . , 4ad = • ;iiith : k? t iltketion iif,ilit'let-Irsp,rnid,,e .. veß s to,_gsticti i lieford:slie : had ter cl,titided 9l Wiilt . 'brefilting - o -s p4ni't,i i ' . enthilislied" Copying.eff -soine, of itlein pa a .ielepe4q the; storm burst.with,„„lii4,..firpt,slieFt ri b i y„ z theitervcs t ~.P:4414v I T d; '.made I g lanceii. at-thesittur.-nittili; L ivib::74;•l .••::' :, ply disfavsies she prep,}thein to Herself; 7 ' ' ' ." :A. ' iitibi3i't.'ll l llo ' : fiftethe iiii'llaya , Pilid i tliat ; evening; •,lig;.,:x.rtipp is liii4and i 'Yon See .... thiit e • ',sitytha...?.HWli: j iiiidied• dii • .l-i_lignAq jij il ,„vpreo4 in hip , olfTe . 'the 1 Lars 'and 'over, 'iii-hiCri r it onfiht inikin iiiiie'?Jfe*t day, : and,, felt in . the, 'outside pocket been. tl;irty,fivfl ; with :RR I pa,(.f.,i4;;ltily. kr4: `c,le.o liandkerchlef, he fonlidT,With [ What in thd world did.you _order-when I ii.anote,,..in hisii:ife's hand•writing, ad- 1 "Tills away iir . the' fall ?. •=I never had these dressed to liiniscle,' ' ' thingsebarted," ' '-'• - :'. ' -"- l• • • It; was odd.' kerhans he had been too ...shat,,? • . , _,,,,,, ... „:•,,•.. . ..f -,1 .. :....`2 . ) too . ,„., "Only was necessary. - .;hasty in condemning her„ or severe', "Igecessary:• I, should think so, with , rather, considerinn• how very fond she all the waste tbat,goes on it that. kitchen. was : of him, and how she Jett even a word.. I wish von' Wou'd : ,See after your 'cook, 1 Poor cliild!", T'ffc''.'Wonid'OVarlooklt, this Ma'rtha, as rve told you a hUridred times. l'once,.,. and so he hinke:the seal., .. , It would -be a deal cheaper to put out this 'lle thought, it wasitinitheishill,* first eVerlasting sewing., 'and attend more to gianc, and that 'she bad' been afraid to your house." - ' -'I •: -•.- ' ' ' ' give ..it to him aftiz his late outbuyst,,but. ' ' "I: try to do both," said , -Mrs Cooper, ; 'it 'Wai in .his Ni:ife's' ' hana-*iting, and Mildly, 'bending before the gust, • as' it i head'ed— , , , ~. - , EMI were, knowing it to be-iuevitable. -' "Try ! yeS,..I dare say ; it looks like With. all :the bread I. see thrown out— enouill . to feek a dozen poor Three barrels of flour.? no:wonder." "There is quite 'half of the :last ogle EN .'i"And sugar and coffee; don't 'tell:me There's Lawton says they:use only half barrel of white sugar every year. His wile does her jelly in coffee 'crushed." go had Mrs. Copper, Until sb l e found , that it-was cheaper to. use thatwilich . did not need-refining, and - her husband .neyer thOught he could touch- mutton or . g,ame wit.himt currant' jelly, and bad almost a 1 jutieuile 'fondues l s for sweetmeats df,e*ery description. She knew perfectly what became of thaSagar. : f... 7 • " -butter—yes; , much do you. think we've ,had since Oc tl4bersaid her husband, presently,, With ithe air of a, virtuous judge condemning a i criminal found guilty on every. :point of an - indictment: "I told you Ann. Wasted butter from the first. How' can yiiu ex= pect.we shall ever get plengjti the world, Martha, if you don't see after your ser- , •vants ? What's the use of denying:my- I self , ereryth my ?"=for Mr.- Cooper-here recollected ''a cane, a pair `of gloves, and a fancy trayelling-eap that, he Ihad severallyldistuissed front his ihOnghts lin the I -most resolute. inanaerr--"everY 7; I thing, I may- :say, for your sake andlibe children's if this is' the way - you are to . go on. , . It was certainly an unexpected amount ", to Mrs. Cooper ; who, invariably • econom- 11 ical, thought she had bees especially care- , i fill the his siX months.-•:-.She' was 741' sorry. It was hard when she; too, could i\kl, enumerate ..,self-deuials . of. 'Our. and' pa tience, and had braved cross looks, a d spoiled dinners, and. "warnings" ' with houseful of company, in:the inspection of, Ann's i closets and safes, and; repeated re- 1 peated rebtikei • and . corrections of her 1 'carelessness.. Though. economical;to the i last degree, there was nothing she shrank 1 1. . . • . • 1 from so much as , a'n - 'approach to mean- 1 iness, or being considered so by others._! `Perhaps it was her own special weakness, 1 I this dread ; but even that she tried to put 1 1 'down in doing a housekeeper's duty faith: l' . fully. i • . . lier hUsband, not in the least pacified - , - . i by, her admission that, 'it might have i been the butter," replaced the bill. in its', envelope with the air of a Man wlroie , sub- 1 stance is "wasted by riotous living,' and I sent it. skimming on. to the tablico' thol floor, indeed, under the . lounge where his 'wife found it in dusting,Alie, next morn- 1 in:4. Shre was ' rather heavy-hearted, far the,. evening, • which promised .so . much, closed very uncomfortably, she stitching away in sleuce, and her husband declining .to anim ' • f.r,lcior& ed 1:; , tel lisli : ed; . and, trliei' than . .q, :;_fqi:eat though liont— iiidry; dope Rii 'Jlio:` i/wesTz, zon 1856! 1-bottle of btandy . . $1,25 1 box of ei r , ' , :ais ' ' 4 5 50 1.gnllon•of-brandy . . '6,06 1 demijohn •. , - . . . , 1,00 1 box of . eigars... . r 4,20 1, case of data" . '5,00 1 gallon'of l Slierry wine " . ' 6,00 1 • boz of eigats -• . • . 4,50 1 boz of eigari . . . . • 4,20 ..• • , . $3a,65 Efe• eon d: not tinder.stand it, at all at . first; but, as' he glance:dat thedates,_each 1 one made it clearer and clearest.: 'Really he couhimut:haii.belley . eil s tliat these lit- , .ile' 4.l stOies'' !laid'h: fi:iiiiitiniefo-iiiile; lbrhiniself:ana.:i . frlnii4,,Ol:sii; . WhO was ttpcibstanie' cl;tio.',Aii4i yi h could . A lli 6:4 kt to 5O , DliVil.: 4 .. 114 ii... ecitiftei: aid' not rink brandy;nr SliCir ''' ) Wiiin ' 'or' 11iiitie j cigars, Iso .lie . ,,i.w.iite lay:it bis . own' , 4lool., after - the freut twelve -- e'elock,:sati the office' boy arrive with 41sioateh. It was short, but quite to the "Dimt-WIF*;-: I owli up Sold . " - -1 oais - 614; ' . MURRAY COOPER. . on ey"s .: 4Klt7r . s'. 80 0 goio f *,,,4ili i i4 i t.ii,ifs. 'WOnderifiti trislirO4 - rktditc Curl. oslty.—ltir. illook of • I , to:graphs. ; [Frent the Hceue Oct. 24.] We have,' in Ont.' disr, 'Seen some very . "Valuable c - OlrediOns . of autographs; - and have studied the . characteristies . Of disidual's hand-writing in' order to detect peculiarities of character; and-have oeca 'sionally been aware- of a slight chill at, coming thus suddenly into contact with a persOnal i scizivenir of some of the great nien of the . world. But nothing in - the autograph - line has ever - excited - in us so much interest and astonishment as a yolutte we havejust - fints4ed examining. In exterior arran gement it' is ptirtlyl quarto,' bound 'in 'morocco; containing about four hUtidred• pages, and:each page] ecitains, 'on an ‘. average, some ten or twelve names--rbai4ng an aggregate of i perhapl four thousand. 7- _ 'TheSe nameS are those of distinguished Ameticans'from the dais of the Pilgrims to ,the present day American authors for a similar period; British authors from date antecedent to Shasiieie - dtiwn 'to the' eenteinporary writers of the three ling dotes) men of mark in • medhiin e,-theology, natural histery, botany, : iniisic, the drama, and the fine arts)" - NapoleonWith-his tinn— ily and marshals, and personages _of. the French revolition; and.; filially, the roy alty, nobility-, and naval-celcbri-- lieS of Europe' for the past three centit ifes; and' appended to almost-everyimine: r 1 is a brief blographical - stateinennif birth; "dgath;: . ite. - ; which; ofitself, fertns- it -teler 'abli=domPlete'biograpfiictit dictionary'.L . iiam es, hOWeyeY, not antographsi 'or ire - theylitliOgiaidls or eng geed fat- similits hutoginplui; but pelf 'and ink ithitatione of '-ih6.lsigiliettifeiv::of gie otirthbnod indsviduzln d'e'signated; all'pfti : prceisell, gh qi3y-d& iiimitr`dt,si'tscirtitii t45:1-4-4Eititier har e and or le;s,s,thanddeutieal with their ori-iellS • • and - all th e •d•ork of one l man We hav no hesitatiokin sayinf.'i that 'this ' - ftlr trans.' : 1 cerids:all other "etii'ioidtiei:of:lite.retuie;q l 'airtrit'ianle - AipitaVirFli - iilliiii ,, lriat 4 , f • ' riAle?M'Orcen"'iltithea -o ' uty 41 4 • the way of :"skill with the AinougothelithiegTXo4o.o:,Jl, ere, the sig*l'Aicf thef:PePiAtOiSilk 6lt?kEentt- 1 „Ilia, _we.learja-:. iy tlie- array of namda.t att4ched,tirthiLlettaiCitistrtitnent. the ititetesting‘2l39t4 . lliithetto forgotten ourselves, ~t hat Rufus King Im:ow:Le...of the. two s,ignersfor fas 049.hosetts; Alesan.der signer,. for, Newi ; _Bepjainin t.rautdio.,, R nd. ; see cq ! : for Pennsylva.nia. . And. ft•oin.ahio2raphical note . tu,.one of - the,signers of the 71?eela . ,,ra, learn the„stoktfing c fact that. nn individual of that z ippiortai hand died .;i? prisoNfof year epliarjy,dipgrocefyl instance, of . the, [This was ac. 14.1, Morris, !Ito great Anausiii: of the Revolution, to . whom, more then .to . a ivy other ‘nin, l liiiihinkton . 'alone . L etiee . ofecl, country is' iiidebted for the 'nellieveinenternts independetee.—n-r.'Evo. POST.] Another and' a very different 'thing-we l learn ,from this collection of signatures : 1 that itidividual . .cha.racter is vbry. apocryl. phally 44%14 by the peculiaritieS of hand-. writing. Iforexamplc,:a.illogg:Napolcon's • inarShalso;).tacdonalcl:an4"4:l-.lgerqY.o dash] forth their alphahetical - .combinations the sante : bold_ nttgrree, evinced' when,linrling . titeir-Aluyinson:alkenepa's_ position ;.ttnAlsofar, SoultOlerand!64ie' I.3;:wiodestly mat s Liittri . :Ti;space 1 thae-ani - iitie'of L AilieieittiT - iiinreli . or i 31cdonald'scOnsentints iit i StidiffereniciepaTr uTent, :of life we .tl4.l.,ll . ary t ,of4ilrigland—"..llloody, ry"rall ; neatness, : precision and: aiiiabil ity ;. while her.. unfotnnate namesake on" . the other side - , nf the Tweed depatclies per and intiiii:Anetlier Thalaba. Then, again, the 4cryand'dotnonstrative Junius compresses. his,. gigantic intellectual pro portions into . the breadth- of a sixpence; whilelValter Savage' T,aridor oah hardly, rest Wi thin the torrgitude f of a folio 'sheet. . On the. whole, we,repudiate.this, theo ; ry of judging character by , handwriting; at least,. until We 'aresfur ; nished_ with a More reliable key of, inter pretation than a cursory • &nude' at4iler aPpeara • „ ' • Ent, all this - tithe, we are treating these signatures as veritable autographs; and such z .ZindCed.thekrseem: to 'be,'s though .such: fhey, are pot:. 4;et:they - 'areome • . . thinglar more . wonderful than autographs; Tot' they shoWla - poWer in one man to pro-, &ice - au almost infinite vbiridty of-chirog: arphyeach specimen dilifering ,entirely from the other, and yet all in, eiact iuii tatiotfof seiparatp and independent-mod 'els.•' 'The very contemplation of the thing Makes one' giddy ! • .". _Wp,underatand-that the compiler ,and writer of this hoOk.exprinded upon it the leiaurepf.iNe , ,and-twenty years i and we can readily believe that no. man could I even gain a - d - ceSalis:the original signatures• lin a much shorter period, to .- saY nothing of the endless labdr of copyirig theta.— And as he.kept no duplicatesof his work, it, may well he said that if, this ' book should ,be lost. dr desqoye - cl, no power could. reproduce it. , t . - The volume has become, by purchase, the, property of our townarnan,, ,EdWard S. Gould Esrf _ uu for s. Two little boys named Carr aged 5 and' 7 years,..were brought before tho - -Court 'Quarter:6'es sions' Saturday: morning. by their step sis ter, who is is factory girl, and Unable ,to :provide for thoin : On ben* - sworn, she stated to:the Court' that ' their' !mother died - fire Weeks ago, since which "time, as, well as. before, the father of the boys had I been, alfliest. constantly drunk, had i•only . given two dollars, towards the_ shp-, port.of (one - then] being an irifarit finirfeeli nii]nibi of .ao.e) -siree-theAeattit'of 'his' Wife"; -A ha t aboUt a -fortniot:; . sincei4lte , house:., took fire;. mu AhottlAgr xt4 leaying.„one.of the : bus 4. 1 1 844,r8, to .hi#, Me, :but a fife: tnan rusbedoin ,the; child, most 'deatTi: 7- ditit tfiffQ to - 616 0E063 t, he . has -dOrie 7 nothing for Ido:childrioil,Allur. oustgomta l ly,i,;ta' ,c. t - - -- tltto PER 4,1111 • ' f i 1 • .*: •,, ~,4 J I ken by a Telativp. The ott 4 ell tno . „,ygte I committed hy , ,lTEdge 7Th . i -Thompson - 4o n' - -•"'ditifteett '.:' It4aS'i-iiiailied '4Vsit'ar. - - of7-66.,1ate i ' .. - Presjderlialca m pargo,.thatthe 4:4 iihi o. ke .9 A , Si66llatorg,"ara kite;iYpia:of 1 - 7itt tcitiqs , • l el9iablot7tPl4l4 9l44 tYir 3lr * .13nehanan,ipidithaAlYL0491 tAT44I I trf brs competitor.T4va e intlie ITAral Id's; triets. It was the 'pep who ~- Tssife:',paier money, 1 . ' ' t 1 • . f: -•:-•• ' - '.•• .. a41, - : , fheirrienwhis'liy,dttprffiiper . 1. money, WiiOcOnstiliitettCe fighting i - and, . abo,vii: all; 'lli eyf r ayin.b . - allies of thelPlii . ek i Democracy. It was by means..tif gOn,ttri- - ' ~. I tbutions rinsed Tb ry the NeWYorkftuariciers ~ o• AL\ T at the last-moment, tlutt.Pensya,7. , ta was 1. - a,ve4„:to tile l'ittriou.s pa!ty:,'_,:j i.: l..... , Now, it - has *,so 'happened: that!' these veciilzttbre ; : E4"4ficiers*, , li6i:kank.,.ers, dom. 'prelliTibli'di:it 4 ikoivti a.4:thefiilk-staekißg 7 ggiltryj'harp , go,t_ pjiemiel‘;:es::o4 .: y ery- '- body else into trouble;' by tiieir 0:414e 7 'izient Of illeitquiier insehlne.s. . i i a'l At tit% jnticture the ~ .il.dininistritiit which 'illey'i'd:teil:::tFfpoilqi,, - .!to; divert attention froin , its own — it;liiii - On iitlrthe t banking fratenityi..ll4 3 .:diFe,c4-.9 ".-/,_ ~,(?.- con certed attack to be made..tipon..b*lind japer money.-" The„whele itfin n til§ a iiredd-oCOnniia rent 1.13-poeri4 7 , i tit'ey ~~orltt 'knows ,ih4t it 5 1 1q....:P4P91 1 49eY,,1T0 :74 / 1 ° made 'Sir. BuellananPresident,i,atiktliat -X.dminisE4tiaii and ~ ••••••• .his party. 1- , .• is ."...1 . /1' ~r_ .17 :Neither' his: Adniihlitratiom 'rift_ his • ...-. ~1...:). , .... ~... ~ - tr . par,ty . . can in,khia way escape: tliefoli,litu .. ..., -•—• - ,-- •.:, '-=..P.4.1. of their cauneetion with theAolu4g sys tent _as estabisted and 4 'adthinistered in this country. : -.-- - • 1::;;;;T. , _ _ It was in -Iltiladelphia,` wltere . Mr. 13tieliettaii's Majority _.is'; overwhelming; and where the banking and . cOmmyrcial interests constitute his most re.kble-sup port, that tie late` suspension AiffzsOcie payments commenced, and imagi eireitm stances indicative of specialrotteaness. If the clamor of the Union, and.ofcthe lesser organs , of , the Administration, up on ,the subject: of battles endpaper moiey, LS' - increly a p'plitical triek, no SeriOnsac tion upon.the ,subject by the IPartY in power is to be expected, ; , and,..„in fact, none Will , be !witnessed,- ' 1 T. 'it ' !tile States - which ' t 'is are most thor oughly cantrolled b ' y the'l3lack;Pmuciem cy, as ITiiiipie and' §riniti,ll Caiolina, which are most deeply committedJo pe perimoney," and-wbich-wilfbe th, , eittat to 'abet - don it: r ,;:`--: :1, t': i- ,'-, -' Neither'. ,in PennkylVania,'ltor* oiiio, where, the . Bleck: Dettmeracy.,;:baye just achieved a corupletellegislativeascanden cy, wily-anything be :, ) dcortel . reffeetiiely` to r q f oin the - bankine , -systentr- .Jtil'enn sylvania,,especially7tliey dare h nfit toubb it, because, iy thy A diin . g,teith,e!,r:,jriii4 in, Philadelphia, they lose this: 69.& , 18...5 • It is among the i possibilityy i thhE the nia.nagerS'of 'the , - tttdMinistiatuin ' , hoped, - 11).Y their elantors; to dite9Y Oejlle.pnbli can party into a defence of,".aie; bte,,uti fiotim• with a system , ofbanking _which is.essentially dfective or not, ris, bejond all peradyelature; odious 'to' the great body of the people: -1: . ''.[•--:. if the A , dmitkistratioll.,n?9Nell ' ills' made :arty-such Caleulations.aS title, they have been cOinpletely.forled.- • ‘..ltitii) not the itepublieart paytyciriih: 'its' it;tength 11' ' 1 - a - -t - 'bib will in , t_e rura tam sw c assume theipecial defence of banks, „whit 4 li have (been hlown , :illf by the kite-flyers orliew ,York and Philadelphia: , L : • t.. 1. 'The manageri - orthe Adidnistration, 11_ _:4 ..-1.1. have notdecoyeA . the, 4tepublican party into' a - falseposition; fmt they,-have got themselvit into , ' - :_position. Whieh.f.tbey can neither' Maintain, , ' nor "retreat from ~ _ •....I ...,:i ~(.1. ") without ruin. I '-. . -, - Ifthey - rednee thellr pretendedlheorics to praCtiCe,'if - they Will'fitiMe into stat utes the dogmas of the. • PitiOreliciri tank ii3g, and catise those `statutes. te' bn„enact ed by t4-l i oigialaituretryhibit 4 ',the'r eon- Ira, and ' for - ' whose `. eonduCt :th9y are politicilly responsible; they /*A" their oven.: , fends F 'andalf,thaseureekof their ~; iwit Pow,Vr.;,`:,' ; 'l, ' . - "'''''7' . l-',:',' ' "If "t If is, in truth,: wbe't villikeppe4, - ):tlieSti z *llf have .54‘kiitia th'trridiettie Whinh oititelligent peiiple'lteVer ;gill 'yli z -clgit, 'Atptillinnpty InfavilerS.-IretsktVtgajl i tt,l?;?..t" ~,..a.t...... -, w *-714) tYS.;4I. 1 4.•lin ' , .. .. t. • • . .3 ,,, 41. ,, I , ...` ,la .., .. ' • firz, uti rim • , , •, 1 -- , = , :-.2 - 1 , 17.7,..K.7t r,tit.sn:At i , ~t4- 4 ii. '2.4ct- '4 , 1•:?.1,k ,- i'- . . ; ,:- .7 , ;.1.4::•.<-•••••.,-- • ' 4; 4 .• : -.., ; ...., : -. 4: r•I., MEI MEI UR ^ GJ ?TB~ * to yr. II I U : 40Z ME t• * Ow ' 4 . .
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers