The Potter journal. (Coudersport, Pa.) 1857-1872, November 05, 1857, Image 4

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k(.o(crtiV C A T tstfiliTitg
TLIE -QT.:-.7.1.T1;;Ci
iFhe ',lv. if. 3t.t..tlie ladies ;net,
And at frame are seated;
they tcork in liastei
fn gat Cu , . quilt completed.
hila tiu2.tri theitortgues.t.lic,y,
.And p.u.::.t.tte their labors,
e-Jur,tir , :, , , beaux, thecwai'g olot;,•es,,
Vr talLi..g, of their neighbor.. •
!•Dear, what a prctty frock you've on"-7.= -
'•l'm very vco like it."
, •l'in told thrit Mls , S I.;fiefirriieon
Dou't spe.e.ii to 31r . 3licet."
;any the other day,
t_lroen's uevr gig adornip..,7!"- 7
yth:r si ie. Anr :
- ":311e wait to iowii this morning.'t
" 'Tis time to roll"—"my needle's b`c'se"
XtrtiL'iz stork is ;"
ivecLiing gown's
your sci2sors,
Tha: a.ti..-11 will never come shout"—
"Sow don't Hy- in a pass - ion ;"
thvi sny, are going out"—
~re al! t.e
The ptilt is d.,ne, the tea beg,ll:l—
ThL , I,,aux are ttli etAlectiticr ;
The: t:to IflUzie heard—
s p.trtutr
Th ,
TLe ti.trxe with v.i;•,r;
And r.tpitl fiaA the heat,
d.tittl trip :at; LLUIZY
rnheNled fly the moments by . ;
01.1 s,cain d. ncing.,
Tll dull op'd to ,p 2.
The s eps o! ndv.lncing.
Then stowed
the cairiagfs 4.) tilting
And many a ,ice.,m has for its theme,
:he plea,,nre:. of "Tut: lb:lL:vit."
From the Spripgli:•i IttptibPcma
Female AccomigisitntbutS.
T.very school for youvg rejoicus
in its ti.aeliers of
a well as its toucher of music ; and under
the hands of these two individuals, the
),/aule school, as a zeneral thiub is desired
to pass by teachers sod pareutsi Frervili
is studied as an acvplishment. Dane-
iug, in some school., is taught as au ac.!
compliTatment. The result usually is, that •
when a young lady is finished.etT, she can
play six tunes on the piano, hay executed
three pieces of drawinger painting which
papa buys frame's for, and hangs up in the
parlor for exhibition to visitors i •denc!
a little portfolio of water colorA, is which.
the 'teacher's hand is frequently
has learned to dance, and has achieved a
free run.of nineteen French nlirases which
she t.;uuld not pronounce correctly to
4ave her life. So far there is nothing but
show. Principles have m)t been compre-
Lend d, and she has in her hands nothing.
not even the instruments for winning the
accomnlisliments which she and her
friend imagine she possesses.
We have seen such finished off younc:'
-women by hundreds.' They are picked!
up by the hundred by infatuathd young:
;nen, and made into wives and housekeep
.ers. Oar readers call upon such wive:-'
every fair day. 'They will see the school-!
elforts in drawinz transplanted from
the old home where papa placed them, to
bloom upon the walls of the husband—an
evidence that she was once 'accomplished.'
There stands the piano. ; You ask her to
l^ Shr down- reb.
play. ie sits down- reluctantly, and ! civilized Woe._ ...roughout the day precedinp,
I .m.l,it seems IMrdlv po , dible that any 'man
.gives you one of the immortal six that she' .. L ,,, 1 can - r ,.„, i, :';,',.: „ 1 ,, - ,14„ .11y - („,, ','.l„ 'l,'„„
made you sick of when she first:returned ; children to (Aar ite 11:11 Ilniger deity himself
pleasure and profit of a daily journal.
from school.. She has not learned a tune T tl ;l e u same i:l• frue measurably of tho.:. who
.„. 7 though, where malls arc
since. Her husband says, with a sigh, ! live further inlat i d •
since 5iir .„....,, i.iulreauent, a .....wilii-WeeklY, ur eves a 'Weelt .
that she hasn't played any
"a.' paper, may secnicsuitivieo.
married. She cannot even play a piece! THE TILIIII:N:: tleali 'trial questions of Pm.'
"of simple; of sacred music at..sight , lit '" ''''""" I " 4 '
Y'l l '" l '° i( 'Y' EUlli.6 ' liAle
- ' via Peon ' regs and wbatevrniav affect the In
td accomodate a company of sin gins' : teilectu:ll, Norai. Social Land *.i.'lly , ieal 11,11.
friends who happen in upon a Sabbath ' being of inallki''"t ,
doemalic Theology M om '.
- - cx,•epted: It- klading idea is the honoring of
evening. You toss her a Loa mot, and i honelt useful W
Work in Whattver sphere
she stares; or you ask her to render a!'euP ":itY, and thl emismr6t elevation of the
• ! 1., ;tuning Class ill knowiedge, eiroie and gJ.:I-
Trench quotation t.i:ainst which you-tit um- : erai. e.,te,:in. ft is - nee9siari ly . hostile to
ble. in a Review, but she has `forgotten her Slavery und f u• ail' its spouts, to latemperaii,e
- liater , r forM or de--rec wit its ..e4:l:'-,0
French.' Yott meet her at an a:-..senibly.
r u i i es7 to IT - a., .3 ave.' in ille' Iticfe . nseof -.. i - l'outt - tr r i:
and she_ walks a quadrille like an autonat- i and Liberty fig-alb:A amidl in‘•.ision, and to
forum ut painblitig ' Desiring to ee
ton, or stumbles at every change of the i v " - " Y
. . 0 eroductiOn extended midi encouraged, while
dance. L 0 you come to the conclusion! ivini brteculatietanti useless Tratlie are cur-,
that, she was just accomplished enough to i tatted; it favors the pediey of slut:titling and
I diversifying petite industry Ilv a discrinnim,
Ap5:011:10iSh tier marriage, p 4 that heing! Ling, Tariff—a pAcy which tends to ht - Tease
out of the market, •her accompliAments I the price of Gram to the farmer while dimin
ishing that of Bread to the artisan, by redu
`eould be of no further use.,. cing-ilit distanceacross which their respective',
• '
WhatprOdacts are.exelianged, and, of course, reds-',
we meat need in our American ~
„cing the. cost of! their Aransfer. Reg,irdinr ,
iystem of female education is the Mak- l'Filiousteristu in all its phases, and every form
z ing-of - the "accomplishments,” as they! and tterice of Natioual colletousness, with wt- ,
I qualitN abharrtMce. its the bane of Republics
`are called, practical.insi e 1 •
C, , r. 74 ti c ; :ant! .in thipir,triumph the grave of', l '',:qua' I
and., langltage are sciences. Therefore 1 . 1 -iith?;ia RLthts ij we seek. b( every lae. , us in
. uo and wiu,the,attention of our countrymen ,
thorough induction into the principles of, frou4rojedsbnigvandizement abroad to en-;
,these should be the first . ot object, and n e teence ! terPri-Les of des alai ben c at '
~. ilitime, foretn.)::: ; among whiCh we rank a Bail.:
the simple manual or lingual practice 1 road "tliro' Licit; a t e beart of bur territory to eon- i
that may be necessary to show results! neet the waters of t . ii , e Atlantic with tho,,c of
.; ithe - 4:7;acitic.: lit:U6 , lllg ilia t the goods of this . ;
that have been arrived at without a
_ . . IN"'• - i life ili;e, not yet falOy disirilittted;nud that no'
sage through' the
,legitimate channel.-- 1 one ready to ANurri . .,liould' ever fainish in ini
1 ; Wriug idleness, it open ear to'every
_How many misses ' can sketch from na- .
al improvement which does!
'tire ? HOW many are taught to sketch l' s n i u g t g c f u s u i n k t:t i r i ?,!.irl4 Q i c ip ll .flet:ttes of eternal lluralitv
- -, . , .- .. ...
Lilian that-natural right- of every one
.. 04us - 7 How many, when they return , '''r, war
1 .. h 4 „ . ,
.. r-- Ito 7hatsotv9r he has fiirty produced or lion- I
home accompis ,, e, can. s.icten eTcli i estty aett 4 t4r r t:'d,kvi 4 ",se .ieu tat .- Mtizi Sink malt-'
t kind into the chaos :and night of barbarism
the old'dOrnicil in wbioh they were, rear•
and universal :a.Mor:' With a rataPitlit4 ; 6 0-
-;ed ?. _ How many can paint the tiger lily' - . - ..cioniue: , s that . idlers, ifitUnkards, lilx - rtine•A
.that occupies the.corner of the door-yard ?I and- Pronigiacs eon %never. be other On the
,iitnain) than needyand wreiclirdi it bears aloft
110ilany.can. take a simple piece)l . l..tittigreat truth fi r st PreVeition is th•tit
nnsie and play or stngit at' first` sight .Punisliinent-L-that the child trained Up in the
R ap le shut:fa - to; Will rarely in afteryears
,llow.nlauy ..o on from.the foothOld they
e, desert thatWa for the' thorn' jie - achie-ed - and =bet e.' ' i TI ' Y ' • . Y;Pa*s'cif v ' ic• '"
i ~
... om nua Tess es o and.Crtmen-that iitriEd4Cetion—Rettrioti
if - - -7 7'' - • • - . , ',- - - : . -
0 .
, the tiehAtful ii -soothinn- the- Iltsband Moial - and Industrial43.*elLas Integeettral:-.4
° 1: ' -
is the. most - effective: temporal antidote to- the
I stlt)th- weary /and; : alynei or ~ entertaining
'i , ........... • _ . •
et-tors and NVQCS 9f our rate. RecogniAinr,.te
his friends'whett: they call upon licrn 'e , the most '-dregiiided specimen of. aittnanity a
; ,-
i Ilotii wally , read. • a 1 renal. i. book after!
dicing -spark" wili 11 'should .:be ' reverelltlY
1 . • • ' . J .• _ ' -' , cherished,
.notirutlilos#ly trodden ont:,lvollQv . e
; levinwsehnot? 1 'We "s,uPpose not one in 1 charitk for 1111 form of evil but Cause Willett
' "'-'- - - I er
.eek psonal advantage through the debase
!fifty' , "Their . accomplishments are- at - ' - •
.f. .-• I
mint ofour fellow-being . - The champion of
guided ates, t, ,-the moug spent to pb- no class or easte,.the ,de..-otee of do sea) use
litaitl them is a dead loss, and the . l'unel."-.91a filiu he the interpreter to each, other of
i W i la .. i'ltheyh i . i geners.letineord between LabOr• and Capital,
k.... —.O 1 hove occupied should hau l . and among Rose whorl cii:i.:urnitanee7 or, mis-:
lbeen devoted to more solid studices, i !apprehension
kw Welt tbrcejo;tiT'plts .arc deficient, fror:
i have thrown into unnatiT9 11;47.
itagonism. A eotemporaty once olAerved that
he never knew a hard, grasping' ' niggardly
the Siniple fact. that their trine iiliesbeen employer, wbo -did noi hare WM.: TRIBUNE,
i nor a generous, largesouled,ltindly one, will
so unprofitably - imetipicd. — I inn to live and let live, who did - not like it:
We can thiu4 of flouting more charm-: We ask no higher praise, no warmer attestit
-1 • -
ing in a niarrie4 woman (after a pleasant 1 The circulation of THE TRIEr:NE is at- this
temper and a tlie heart,) than the abili- time as follows: Daily 3'2,000 c'ilTivs ;
Weckl .) , 1.2 - 6;.00 copies; iSemi-Weekly.
t} -r 0 a rapie..ll.4.;self anti cultivate her Qv - 11 -.-. .' ~
--,. • ' 1it54.900 copies; California and l Europeab.
tastes and in..the pursuit of orna-48.,GC70 eripies ; Tutal '230,500 Copies.
That of the Seini-Weekly and Weeklv we be
mental art, and charm her friends by the : , • • .
. liene to he exceenf.d by no other newspaper
production of her r;encil, dr the music, of ' published in the world : that of the Daily
-v • i t ' • L falls behind that of some or Slur cotempora
i: her voice. .17 .—we inistat.e—thore L. ,
e r '
.. - iles, Had our hostility ti:) ilitman Slavery
l one thinv hytt.,,r, than this—the aln,Py toI tl
all , . .IEI Liquor Trililie been more guarded and
write a seu , il,l:-!, later,
..cros.iing; her re
, politic. our Daili issue- would now be some
' thous .4 It. heavier and our' Adverticimt far
dotting her t's•,. find obeying the rules of more lucrative; but of our p itn-0 . 0.-Ir'e "OP"r -
But I l, :, .
isyntts..... :Lien, we can't expect ,tIIY we have no reeizon. no wish to complain.
01 . 11hr' a co:leered etitet t. has been made to
1 1 1
Leery thing-, P a r de a li./Y ii" a rowel/ he d; , .a ni"i'l 'our rural circulation the atit;:i the in
- 1: r
lac . ..i , ittatOished 1 ' ' 'lllriettae of the Postmetsbers some of whom tin
t " ~ i
. - • ; hark in it to.gerly. others under politic al con
: ,araint ; while a lar,ci iminiter. we iire happy
i'•r the s.tke of Human Nature to 5:051', refire
to be dragooned into it at all. :still. we have
b-ce mad , - to feel the heavy hand of Power.
amLliiive doubtless lust thousands of' subseri-
Le•N in conserpfew e. Prete.4.lS t 9 wrtich no in
, .1i vninal in Ills private capacity Would have
.stooped have been relied on to justify the
:it-tc.ppriga of our I,:tpeic• w - ithin retell of their
suoscribers and rightful owners. and their re
tention in the Pust-office till their value was
destroyed. Postmasters have been schooled
by rival
! journals—several of theta living oil
their self-proclaimed ability to serve as' - au
antidote to THE TRIBUNE—as to their -po
; tit:lead duty to promote at our ixpcmie the
' (11.-Asemimltion of gazettes of adverse polities.
We shall outlive this Warfnre, hut, we do bat
- affect indifference to it. In the open field of
diseus ia - : we fear nothing: hut!in the teal'
of thatisands of ruml neighborhoods where
- tb - e Postmaster earl induce many of his quiet
l i eighliois to bike the journal lie recommends,
we have already lost sonic patron:. and e-es
port. t.; lose unary as our subwriptihns for this
year expire. \iie appeal, the:obit - v. to the
hearty, liilliftd, fearless advo. - ates of Free
Labor awl Free Soil throughout tne laud to
take care that this. (Atrial warfare 011 04: eir
e,l;atian 1,(2 not t h-os(lifta without co:lute:-
act:on. We employ no taaveling ei:-eut:. for
we will nut consent to have the puhlie har
nsseil with the solicitations of ,:tr,n g er, iii
our behalf. We strike die manic of teach subs
• .-s , ribtr to our 'Wei•kly or : - ..iimii,:Weelsly from
our hook; co soon as his term has e• - 4 - I•Mi d. for
We rill not haunt einr patrons with duns for
arrears it hi. l a titcy may say titcv never in
tended to incur, tor 'l :per , wlicelf pet - duio ,
they ne . .er read: wit tidy for the renewal of
Our chit: F-I,l,,riptions solely on tile Voltlll
- efforts of . those who, liking oar paper,
bei'eS e its initneace Ealit:ary and worilly to be
ell:met...b. : :ma tha • far our reliance leis be,m
justifwil. as we trust it near coutialie to be.
THE TRIBUNE is printed on a large im
perial sheet, :LI; liy •t 4 inches. folded in
quarto Corm ; and moiled to subscribers at the
SABLE WlT4:"What part ()1.) de core
inonies do de ndluire
dey go to church ? " Well, Potapq, I
'can) tell dat—i.vhit it?" "Why, Ju
lius, , it's looking at de llitn's." •
AN exchange: prper tells .of a person
who prefaceLL 'sermon with —3ly flioods,
LA Us say a feis words• before we begin."
This is about e ual to the chap whd took
a short nap before he went to slecp.\
. .
DisTttusT lyi man svho finds every
thimt good, the man who finds everything
evil,' and still n 'ore, the man who i:,!inilii*-
feren t, to everyt neg.
1 -
TIZIBUNi: was first issued as a I) Lily'
un the 10th ;of: April, Is it. Its Weet,ly
edition was cuuatitt.uced in f-ieptent her of tee
same y ear ; its SIAM-Weekly in May, 154,;. It
the first di ilv in America to issue ti
double yr tight-j age sued at a low price, :mil
it has kept at lea,Cpt cu With thi. toretturst of
its rivals in the 'lipid expansion ut Newspaper
caerjtl ..e, which: the great eNteusion ut ifail
, roads, and the esmblishutent of the Telegraph
system have mot ded into these Lis; sixteen
• I:viditfill ear:- So largler journal is afforded low a pries; l in any quarter of the w mid ;
none in Ameriva,inp,tuater at what prit.;c is
! su e d, pay s an eval ahluitat, weekly or month,
ly, intellcetit4 laitur. It corres-.
pia:ileitis reg. - M.lly in the ; le.:ding capitals of
' Europ-, and at thf: must imports et points cm
euntin,nt, with a liberal stair of writers
and reporter.; utt, home, rt:garding fun. early
and accurate inf4rmatioit its the first ohject of
i , u Newspaper, acid the GLIM.: and thorough
elucidation theref.if as the eltieferel of its Edi
toriaLs. in that. spirit, 1111 E ,has
hs. en and will i, 4,:onditeitr:d extunding and
! peifeetinL , ita corri , ,pontle,nei., so as the
! increase of its p4tromige ju-tity the ix
! pense. Should the Cu; rent attempt to eon:it'd
the Old With thellCQw World hr the magnetic
hire provvsucceftsful, we Shall very - soon, at a
lieuwv Co:4 to uttfrelve, , , ',rust. a cur
, ntlyaftiage to our readers,
!each Latr Ning a svhopsi3 of the pre - r
flaw's t•.currenceis turoughout Europe, Nitrt'i
i era A and i)Vestern Asia, w ith re_mlar
• reports of the mitrkets, chi: monetary. aspet is
land hart est prospects of hither Europe. With
a good atl.ts . hesi'de liim, aitti, his -daily paper
I chi his tireoide talitle, the American farmer ur
artisan within al d.rfs rifle of the city may
then study each' evening; the doings of the
hzcde:vld thr ttsl ••t the di,
1u 1,..,N% lug
[).irr Tit'Dust, per iinnitin
011° Colly. unc )lt::r
TWO C01 , 1 , i.. Ont.' -or
Five 'sir
TV 11 COpicS, to one athlrf.,3
Onc: C ,, py, one y,ar,
Three une y,ar
Five I:t.4e, uric ve.r
Twenty Cepies. to ,10 culdrexs, and any
lar , r number at the rata per
Tiver.ty aVrt,:f of eqch soh
se: 1 7 ,r, and :lay larger nuni'oer ut tile
ratv of „izl 20, eaeli .
Inc person sending us a Club of tWenty or
more will be entitled to an extra copy.
tinbscripitions may commence at any time.
Term: eabll is ativart,:e. All letters to
Le addres-ed to
1101.tACE GREELEY & Co.,
Tribune BuiHMO,
No. 151. Nassau street, New Yo'rk.
Offers Great Inducements
the store 'hornu•ric o&upied lit 1). W.
SPENCER, (in S:trect, North side of l'utaie
. A good a.sortment eum,tantly on hand, from
‘7ldeh I wilt
a few of the leading
articles, such :is
Sug tr, Mustard, Candy,
Coffee. - Cinnamon, Nuts -
Molilsses, , pepper Sauce, Crackers,
SpS, , ' C:ll.,:Up, ' Soap
• Pepper, Yeast, Candies, .
Sl:icVi Oils, 1 .Shot, -
Ginger, ..'tobacco, Lead, '
Cloves, Snuff, , , (.1.•• Clapy,,
Curb. Soda, Segars, C. TarMr,
and many other things too auruerous to men
tion. will he found in this' department. \Villa
will be sold at a trifling advance from cost,
for ready pay.
Constantly on band. sAch
B UCElcil E - A:c 1 , 1,0 UR, D IE D
AppLE;:;,., lIRIED PLUMS,'
and many other aitiele.i the line of Provi
eious not necessary to me:llion. Also,
. .
such, as Brooms, Wasli-Tubs and Boards., Mops,
Dinner Boxes, So., which will be sold low for
cash:or ready pay.' Oats, Potatoes, Butter . ,
Eggs, Cheese, and in fact almost everything a
farmer raises ; he taken in exchange for
Goods, at their cash value., I invitn• the at
tention..of Villagers, Farmers and Lumbermen
who'clesire to make purchases in: the. above
articles ; and solicit them to -call before ;aut.=
chasing elsewhere. Es N. SPENCER.
Couderspvt, 4tine t, .180.-+10::I. , .
El LEACHED MUSLDIS and..a few other.=
;LII tided in. t e line of Staple Dry Good,
low-far cash - off, 2 1* SPEIipEWB,
Of all cliseae'; gretif,fis ,: st caut . e
Spiingsifioid neglect of Niitu.Le'i
When - ma , Cuan 'goal-04060
Yarcinis Duld Siiietares,
druvel t :Diateles : -.lliscam--5 of the liitho.Y.l.and
itlialder, .l hTeariad Ithcinati:' , aa, Scrofula,
- .th,c 1/ones and Ankl , -s l .l.l4eases of the
.t.anyft, Throat, S'ose land' Eyes. Ulcers -upon the
Body or Limbs. Calleers,Dropxy, E . pilgaie
l Sts,
St. I'ita'.l . payFe, and all dizeaceiarisiny from
a (leen j:nient of the S'cxual Organs, •
QUM as . .?;ervous . Trembiing, Loss Mem
ory, Loss of Yoder, General ‘Veaines. , ,
Dimness of Vi ion with praufliar spots ailpesir 7
ing before the eyes, Loss of Sight ; Wakeful
ness, I) : pepsi . a, Liver Disease ; Eruptions upon
tile face, fain in the 'bask etitd head, Female
irreg l / 2 11at i tips nod all impipper ;chit rges from
both sexes. it
_mallets not from e hut :cause
the disease originated, however long-standing
or obstinstl: the ease, n ears!/ i.tcrit :std ill
a sh l orter time tint nu, permanent cure can : be ef
fected by tun - otlmr treutiment,-even after the
diseasti Ims baffled the skill of eminent physi
chins and resi4 - 2.1 all their mean, of cure. The
medicines are pleusa ut without ()Our ; (musing no
sickness and free from mercury or b,tisant.
During twenty rears of practice. I have rescued
frm the jaws of Death moilY thou:ands, who.
in the last stages of the ::Love mentioned dis
ea tei •Itsd been given up to-die by their pity-l
ei-qv:, which warrfints me itt promismg to the
allticted, who may place them ek under my
care, a perfcr.i t and most -peed} care. Sacco
Disettses arel the greatest enerniti to ItetOt It. as
they are the lint eause of I.:w.suiriptioo. :Scrof
ula; sad many other diseases-, sad should be a
terror to the human family, As a pet:tont - tit
rare is scarcely eyer majority el tile
ease.s.l*.titing tutu the' itatai, iiie.mipetent
person:. ii It not 011 . 1 y fail id care CAC
but ruin the constitfiti9n, ttlliat the system
with mercury, which. with the (listas_, has
tens the sulli , i-er into a rapid Consumption.
Ritt tie di c tse and the treotment
not cause de3tfi speedily and the vie , im mar
ries. the disease is etitaned Nam the candren,
who fire born with feeble constitutious, and
the current of life eorrAlded be a ' , inn , ii 'jell
betrays itself in Scrofula, 'fetter, L Icers.Ertip
:ions an other allectimis of the skin,
'flu sat and Lang entailing upoti.t!..ein a brief
existence of ;utie,iug and cuas(gning tern to
an early grace.
SELF ..`,l;F:if: is another r.,rinlshtble coral}
to health, for nothing else in the dread cata
logue nbltutrunt: di=es cans ssn d :trio' ire
drain utspi ti e sys.bmi. br.tu tug its thous: 11,k .
Or victims car6iii, a few yetis let sufferieg
titte-n to on untimely grave. It destroys 111 , 2
Net von , systi iii, rapiWy eastes av. ay the en I,fe, causes nien , .(l der.mgein
pre; eat: the proper development of toils:, StQill,
101' busines.s.
:trill an,i led% e , the stir
fere'. ‘s.reeked ill li e I) :tub talnd, predisposed
to;cuti,tutiption mud a train of evil, more to It,
dreaded Than tleath it-elf. With the fullest
eontidence 1 assure the unfortunate viethus 0.
S-dt-Ahlise that a pert - cement and speedy cure
can be uticeted, afoul with the alattploinuent ut
ruinous practices thy I.:ode/its call Le restored
to robust, vigorous health.
ailliebeti are cautioned against the use
of Patent Medicines, , our there are so many
ingeninui satire, in tile eel:tams of the paid:-
rims to catch and roh the unwary sufferers
tnat ntilhiuts. kale th.•it• vonstitutions rained
by tlte i ilr eumpound‹ of (pluck doctors, or
the equaliy poisotloos nostrums ventbeti a.
•Tatent hive rare fully anak zed
e tt ,l tl y of th e S 9 relied I'atunl yiaiieiucs ::ml
find that Imo-le all of: the. in contain- Corrosive
which is one of tie strongest pre
tetrations of mervury arid a, deadly poison.
which instead of (ailing the disease disables
FVSit•lll ft:3
$6 0)
Three-aturtini of the patent nostrums now
in use aro put up fty unprincipled and ignorant
persons. who do nut untler.tiind even the al
phabet of the I:ll.7frria no - rio , el, and are equitil,
as destitute of .r any linowiedrxe of the human
i.vstem. hat iwg : one olijeet oiii 2 in ‘iew, and
that to make money reirardie., of cunseitten-
11 25
2U 00
tt 0-1
1 9 OU
.Irreg.i;laritit•ii and all di.easeF of and
females treated on prim•iples est.l Wished
twenty ycar4 of practice. and sanctfolic , ! in
thousands of tile most remarkable cur, s. Mcd
iciuss with fall lirections st,nt to any part of
the United ;itttos Gr Canados, by 'path:la:4'
i'o.ruilittoiciithig -their symptoms by letter.—
Business correspondence strictly confidential.
20 00
Ogioe No. 1131 Filbert St.,
.(014_NQ, 1090
Low Prices and Ready Pay,
MUM SrBSCRIBERS are offering for sale
an entirely new stork, consisting of
WALL_ PAPi.",lt. Ii.EA OF
MADE 01.0 . 1 YANKLB
NOTIO,NS„\:c.. ,cze.
in our selections the %taws-of nll linyo teen
remembered, 'lhe t;entleuten eau had iu our
t. , Otibt• of Ready Made Clothing un elegant
ii.ultioz e.lde. suit, or a substantial Nut:hies:4
snit, and Ire have Hats S. Caps :lad Bouts &
S.3hurs match,
The Ladies can find 'Fashionable Bonnets
beautifully trimmed, or bonnets and trimming ;
n good assortment of Press Goods,
indig , ; Gloves, Kitts, Hosiery and Gaiters.—
And, but but not least,' corded and skeleton
SkirtS also Rattans, SkirtL Whalchone -and
Brass Skirt-`.looks; beduticul. Jet NecklaCes
and. Bracelets, Corals, Itans l and_ too many
other' things'to• enunierate;—all of lcbich we
are: selling low for Gasia, Lumber, Or any kind
of Produce. FLOCR, MEAL ; FISH eori
stantly on baud: • .
~• W. B. & J.
Center, Putter Co:,.l'a. Judo 5,
gARANGES ANT) LEMONS just received by
gfi 10:2 .11. kJ. H. GRAVES.
I.‘IPENCEIt - is Agent for - pnanrof the
meat popular Medicines now. in. nsei
tii*(if which he will mention: _
AND • • '
• •,- s
/Rll StaffordA dors 011vo tar is ap
plied and inhaled -by'xvoiring on INHALER
around tho neck and on the breast. IM'OL
IVE-OINTAIENT IS-applied where the - skin - 4s
bfokati; ilm4 is tfto•Voular rerood.frivherekticitrii.
Goid.forlitte Whooping
:IMatiatrp#X An - QUARS74O,
ra-AgE - - su b s 4abo;•3.4,akn.oi3
• foriningilteir friends.lhal they are inre
ceipt of, and. ere ptoy.opening, t a, c °tee an
sto4k , _ • _ .
to which they invite• the attention of all who
desire to rahlfe purchnses. • Our stock is large
has been seleeted with great care, and' is par
, ticularkt''adepted to the Wants of; this section
of our county,. Our stuck of Dry' Goods eon
• s.ists -
EM1310)11)E12114:S, l'A X....40LS
CLOT 11::;. CASS] EN.E6
.9.11111. T iNGS ,
and a'Variety of other articles, too namei - ons
to mention , . We Inkve also a complete assort
all of ,wilhelt will he sold uncommonly cheap
for ready and it ,tucoved credit on as
reasonable tetras as :ton) other estahlishimmt.
1;3 p()01 - 1 - 1c.-3 t rec. L.,
t, t . iLtie 4,;,s
r faLlie4v l P. I ,1
Cl 5 1.11
D v or
NVITF, i c - ..funinalion of th.•ir grPat vrtri-
K: it. superiur • ki.,iortin,lit of C'll A
niagui4cturtA tk-ir own 4:::tal4L.lino•ni, 11:411
utial;:r their,c cd.•6o:natiuu awl
: -
MAJ(JL Sli..llll.l;'S 1:1: - .1.% E1...1N 6- IN VALID
1NVAL7D4.11.111.:;-;, &(2..
Embrlnolnig. the me-t comite I;visortmeat.
and vhYieest bli n k for f'ur/pr..... i',..-git-i..ig Looms,
Clid7a6r -, 3 (;,,:tdr,,.4 : 1.,.!war,e,, Coupling heave. , ,
(Ji/!,,, ,, „'aliir 1:,,i. - a.'icne, 1) , /i.i<''‘... 1 ;L:rter , ..' , :.,
r, gelll2l Vrial every tie, : .rabl:: : -. .e...; :.:(',:iptA•fl ti:
the ee.e. f ) rt. c•;:ii. - L11.1i: , ", VIII I": \ tlry (0, th
.•:;c4-, OH _I;0 , 1, tip:: L., , iro. tits 1..:,. Alll i, , ZV.
'AL M: . 1)14,:01.1i3 Of tie,ign. eiegatir:: ,1!
,tal;;y ail.; r:: 1ni....-.- t.i ti a ,r,.0.i. :a:.11-
4 c;ectltioti. to,:uLlii, on:1 el l ;0;. ,
11:•,e elltir":;:re ;.t) , ,.r,:t..:;;•,i. 1:..r th,
11T11, I,
k SltN,
:.11.1 thn 1tt....1'y 1111714,11
(lc; 17,p_ferrill , : couchei ltll
rill , '(l.2d ICU
Is. • N(1
diem us
117 tell,
t L.
ter 111,t he Tat:lA.l.d
;1.11 .r ti !);at:,
tionide,ir 01. v. - ill lie matT:zfactured to
Lu order
A ClICIII:tr OXp/P4:21..)r :'UL?, will Le
,ent by wail if recint",ted. ordel, L
proniptl: forward•Ll Lo au' part ot
the world.
• .I,T - XlJl.ltl7 1:CONO:\ I Y 1
An Am: Itt?rlining Chair, Condi ant;
Bmistcatt.! .. [comatNn oN •.] is Sitsrrptibit . 0.
c!ir:C:•eal positittn, or t-hator. , , i, to nom
do. Yarieti
' price,'
I any re9 l
11 I • !oil
1 To Pul)
101 k Ili=
:11411 11 . 111
•:'t libel
irernruts kr vifinfi.rt,, ecinven.-
Iry and eriiiiinny. [in i-titrii as tvti,
iylititil:r in sickness orhcalit. ilii
CH I AIR -An vnu htEt tr.?' ese , l. it!
iirt.:, irny el/air inn hitii.ii ever mane
till:: or any' wit ir eon ni ry.
ee 'Varies front F t fifien to ro'rty R,I
itUng to tini,ll.
't , . I•tt,:titatiml , , ns'vvtill a. to iadial,l- .
'CIAO: is n v;ry ilei:ii able artiiilii.
n - i inipplieil - in any ninnlier on tli
al.terins. ..1?1 , 1ii to or ii.Mri•ss '
: , 1:. W. Nitit; „: :-zt rc.
(Inn , , t.. 011, ilior east or Ltrintilwa,
I 4,„, , ,- .i,;s itri.i:diri: , . ':-: I I-1Y•
I 'S
I it.
NOD:•.:—A. Fine A , s;,rtny:tit ju.t
/ 1 1 recL
ved at
lest 'Therapeutic Agent
,eveti Introduced.
At :NNW)
is- exciting the
it, ‘ "4l9-.Llri., absorbing. t len
lion of the Medi-
J,llcal Profession and
large,portion of
the intelligent loy
men of the land. It is now clearly :demon
stfated ti at the lancet . , mercury, and all'olher
internal "drug medication - • may be laid asittle
with per yet . ittfety to the patient and abid
ing bone it tolposterity. 'Where\ er these ma
chirieil4ve been introduced, they excite the
'highest wonder and: praise. The : apparatus
Y D. rtli
is adapted to prevent, relieve and eure every
disease iticide:nt to humanity, Inote partieu
lady all those . painful and furntidabli: di s ca,,-
L lvldeltlhave for "ci•ntuiies honied the pro
ilundestilearniur and skill of physician , :.
From A liat.lvei canse there may be an ex
ce,:,-, or it2itei,hie'y of the nervous Ilnid—pro
clueing an ext•es:s.or deficiency of the acids
and allo it,e secretions—the magnetic princi
ples of thesy.tem are deranged, end can on
ly be sati,ly reHored to their normal condition
by an aPplication of Magneto-electricity. by
means c,'f' • DR. DICKINSON'S .MAGNETO
ELECTRIC MACHINE. • This apparatus will'
positively ,ptqent, and speedily relieve and
cure Consnth )tiou, Scrofula, Rheumatism,
Palsies, Nem., lgip, Spinal Diseases, and all
other painful .nalplies, however hopeless and
of long stancqg% "They are eminently useful'
in all sex sal pad urinary disorders, partien-'
tarty whe e flit ,- ConstitutiOn has been broken'
flown and ruined by unnatural solitary habits
to which too Many of the young of both sexes
are set In tent+l.l.+ly= prone.
DR. DI : libi l :';ONlS MAGNETO
MACHIN :Fs without the dangerous, compli
'cot ions of 11.atteriesandacids-which fact alum ,
renders ii,sup4rior to all others on the score
of neatueSs, ere:oiliness, safety and utility.—
It is, in fact: [a haildSome parlor ornainent;
may be aPplit i d liya . child ; and • will :last' a
life-tims,' to the great saving of Doetors
bills;'kel ' I- .. ' :.- ' ' - '•• • '
- .PRION OF THE 3IACT4INE Sin. • 1 • -
Iv be safely piteked seat to no -
part•of the l_ttited: states : ': Sn?dwholeßale
nod retail at the Medical Offiee. No; 38 NORTH
SEVENTH. Stieet; Philadelphia. ' Address, ,
. 1 - • C. DICICINSON,'M.D:
io-l~zt:~ if ~.
Goods jlist received at OLMSTEIYS.
4., NEW 2 - 4011Sg - S;I7,IHIER:WAtION for
:1 (or aisle bg SONTS; MAN
Ceudcriport, Tung( 11, 1857.--tf,
The CheapeO t er,_ - gt-qut,tomest" Per k ,di
. fr
~ • •
Circulation coo •
MAGAZINE elnses its fiist-shlutnei tt
next. During the feet..bfief -ettenti.
_of offs t i .
tenee it has attained ntpoppiti-tcy unequlledin. the nuriiils of, the Press.- J.. -
'The publishers having offered liberal
rnitints for - tdutiee literary the. Storia,
Romances. gssay3, Poetry; nil wirer .
a,,nd interes.iing readingmlaa countseueed
in January 'last, and arz-bcfing publi4h
ed in the Visitor.
The S tc Volume will he co uracucetth l
1557. zre.a3l:: ituPreved and enlarged.—
Each number will contain : thirty-two
large sized royal octavo pages.;nit4ting a wag- v
niticent vuluine of nearly..lod ppees f 4.4:
year—nr nu . arnout,Cor:thh chqi
cost rradieg en ttil subjects.
.equal to wbst
would cost in the book -sture.; rtt least tin,
cents, payable invariably in mive ace.
&lite of ILe most: via)
on t l reaI:CLL. "c4, , lltribittors - 811 , vonlri•
61.1”1.,: nI i'h: publi3llc,r , will i , F.plire 116 pai Ls
or. eXpt.ll , .. riql.ll , r Ills '• Weleotht, Visitur'
ect•ry 17:iy
Ti.e p4.lJl'cativa ti? aN - tiassei (,t
ruse!. meet> unirurr;!
Eqs" Now is. the tins; to subscribe to go-
. ,
Ibe had: uninl , ers mr.r h tsad t t
for or the wilok
srr.,.: of`:2. nnloi, , for IWINry-rl'.'S
iviliweuittits to 0141. nud Cw o
11Ltnetober, our terms ;tire ft/ cin,4
for ono or, for.n copy; or_thre,: ,
ies v scat lintirr inc. col Cl' 1:eb: for
One Dul!ar. Athire•, , . *.
CI . *A - )EN
ruili-her, No. North S.;....vtlith
(up st,iirs.4
1 4 1 1.‘.4!1:E1iS IVAN'i'lNl; LAIST 1::1; for 1,r0,4
will find a supply at .
9:437 ' 5 k JONES..
ON MANN & JON ns.,
mar* price for &I.
, i •
7-::•?: ti"' ---VA- "A ,i 'V„::"
'''°''''<:At:.," .17-4;?\,`,-
t r ,... . . . " •---±tit# LL '
..r<t :ui
AL - 1(11]1I:S PILLS,
Nest nod sineularly 'successful remedy &TA,
C - 1 cure of all Bilious diseases —C!.istiveuess,
Testion, Jaundice, Dropsy, ithettinntimi, peso,
pout, Humors, Neri - onso rss. Imienana•
tams... Headache, Pains in the Breast, Side.
end I.imbs, Fe- ale Coinplaints, dic..,,ke. Indeed,
very few are - the diseases in which e!Pnrgative Med
eine is not more or 14.255 regnired, and much :deli..
ness and sufferim , ; ' might be prettotod, if hares
less-but effectualeathartio were more freely used.
No person eon feel well 'While a Coitive h*bit of.
body prevails ; besides it soon generates serious and
often fatal diseases, which.rnight hire been avoided
by the timely and judicintis'use of a gaud purgative.
This is alike true of Colds, Feverish - symptoms. said
deratozementn.. They all tend to become or
produce the deep seated and'ffirmidable distempers
which load the hearses all over the land. Bence a
reliable family physic is of the first importance to
the public health, and this-Pill ;has - been perfected
with consummate skill to meet that. demand. As
extensive trial of its virtues by Physicisns, Pearce
sots, and Patients, has shows results surpassing
any thing hitherto known of nay medieinc. Cures ,
here been effected beyond belief, were they Uol sub-.
stsralated by persons cif. such exalted positien and
character. as to forbid the stispicion;of untruth..
Among the many eminent 4tntlemen who Lave
testified in favor of these PilbOvennty mention:
pi+. A. A. !lavas, AbalytiCal CllQTYlist, of Boston,.
and State Assayer of ?1 lassachos . etts. whose high
professional character is endorsed by the'
ON. EIDIVAIII) EVCRETT. Senator of th.r. S.
ItonynT C. WINTiI nor, Ex-Speaker of the iipb/30
6f Representatives.
Afillorrtaxvitarscu, minister Plon. to England.
-t •Jon s B. Frnes. - ritleqi. Cath. Bishop of Boston.
Also Du: J. It. Cull:Fos ; Practical Chemist, of
New . lork City, endorsed by • ';
Jim.. W. L, MAIfCY, Secretary of State. I
Wsi. 13. ASTOn, the richest mitnliti America.
Sc. Co., Propr's of the Metropotitan
Hotel, and others.
Did space permit, we could :give, many litooltrd
certificates, from all parts where the 'Pills bus
been used, but evidence even more eonvincing thee
the experience of eminent publiC man few
' in
in their effects Upon trial. 1 '
These Pills, the result of long investigatinti
study, are offered to the public as the beet as
most complete which- the - present State of mrdield
r...eictice can afford. lhey are compounded not of
the drugs themselves, but of the ruedhirud-iirtn , /
only of Vegetable remedies, extracted by uherinied
process iii a stale of purity, and combined together
en sualt a manner as to insure the-best results. This
s3-stein of composition for medicines has been found
in the Cherry Peetbral arid Pills both, to produce s
noire efficient remedy. thun had hitherto been. °I.
!silted he any
,process. The reason, is perfectly cla
vim's. While by the old mode of composttimi, es-.
erY i medicine burdened with more or less of acri
monious andinjurious qualities, by this each , indi
vidual virtue only that is desired for the curative
effect is present All the inert and.obnoxions qual
ities of each subs tan ce employed are, left behind, the
ctirative virtues only being retained, Bence it is
self-evident, the effects should proVe ati'ther heie .
proved more purely remedial, and thel'ille irsuirr,
more-powerful' antidote to; disease-than rarir other'
medicine known to the world: ;
As it is frequently exPedkait that my, ruedieine
shcluld be takenunder the connset cif an -attending
PhYsiciani . and as he could not properly ju'age of a
remetly without knowing its composition, I has
Supplied the accurate - Formulre by! which; bell sty
Pectoral and Pills are wiloa,..ct to. •thelivhele body er
I'rnetitioners in the United States arid British Arose-.
,can Provinces. If however there! should-be say
ono who lias 'not - received thenf4 they' will tne
promptly' forwarded by mail to his addstits.
Of all the-Patent Medicines that Tisi.offered, tow
feW would be taken if their compositiots *Ai kaosn I
Their life consists. in their mystery: , I Ake 1 . 1 .?.
* The composition of my preperattowl le laid open
to 411 men, and all who are competent td judge !?a i
thel subjert freely •acknowledge •ConTietiwt,
of the i
ir nt:insid merits. The (limy Pectoral nt, , ,
pronounced by scientific men to be - a:.etodderfd;
medicine before its effects were knoWn. Mauy.ez
inent Physicians have declared - the same thing ef .
mylPills; and even more confidently, anti ; IC:i!
to 'certify that their anticipations'were
than realized by effects-upon-trial: -
They operate by their polierful MTh:tenet on tike
internal veicera,to purify the bloodand Ettiirinp,te it
into healthy action—Tomato t.he,cobstrcytion4 oa
the I s tomach . , bowels. liver,lind.otlier.organs of the
body, restoring -their irregularitetion to health, and
by correcting: wherever they existi , . sigh dcrang
merits as are the first otigm
riving sugar--wrapped they are,pleneat - tt bp Bak
and being purely vegetable, no harm
- can wise frotn
their use in p,nr.quantity: • • '
Vol* minite - dtteetions,,: see strapper Oil tn.). 1.4.•
Piacifeat and Ancktltical cliesule4
1 4 00 4A % rif sq. VA'*mit!fic.ti
soul -
'SMITH `4l-240A8i'''
007. PP. sro trr,7 Ea:,lna, -I,yradthitii /it*
chants and I...)ruggist9 eTerywhere.
Tit% wUcPt4 YlarXdt•