Teacherls-Vastilute. On Monday the kith day of Nos.. nest, Teacher gi Institute : will 'be ,opened at ,Coudersport and 'continue . Ave days. The .object of the Institute is, CO giveinstruc ,tiou in the . most s ipproved methods-_ of teaching, and conduettrig the exercises of the School room. Six. hours of the day will be occupied in reviewing those ir:inches usually taught in our Common Schools, and giving iu.struction upon the method of teaching. There will also he Sessiou.each evening, for the purpose of reading essays, and holding discussions on subjects connected with the advance ment of the Common School interest. The Owe has been limited to five days, eo that4very Teacher in the County can afford:to attend. One week's board, and a small charge of three or four for contingent expenses, wil be_all the ; necessary expense; and it is hoped, "and ,expected that the Teachers throughout ; the County still make it convenient to at-, tend. - The undersigned will use every effort to secure hoard on reasonable terms. Those who design to become members ef the Institute, are requested to bring a Id E . et s,f text-book of such as are used a Their school districts. The friends of .eancation generally, are Cordially invited ,tu attend. The services of eminent, and s•sperienced Teachers will he secured to instruction' and leetures durin. , the , :ession of the Institute. acts.? who design to attend, should be in . Coudersport Saturday evening, and se rare their boarding place, so as to be ready to eo:nmence Monday morning. By coin ing in at a late hour on the tir:t day of the Fistitute, the whole day will be lost, A euntber of the Directors of the Comity ;lave mentioned to me that they would like to have a general meeting for the purpose of discussing some questions of interest relating to their dutie:,. I haVe therefore made arrangements that Thurs day evening of the week of the Institute may be occupied in discussing the follow 1n questions : FIKST : The importouce of adopting a N;o7ormity of text-books, not only in the School DLtricts, Lut throughout the county. SLCOND : The propriety of petitioning our State Ltyi.doture to reduce thp nun 1,, Vl)lreetor; Irons si.r. to three; (tad .o loft' them a compenattam tar their ser irCS. Directors, by attendin7t ii. diseusion on Thursday evening, will have a favora. ble opportunity also to witness the elos 7 ing exercises of the Institute the next day. Directors, and Friends of Education, shall wo have a general attendance? . J. HENDRICK, Co. Supt. of Potter County. COrDEREPORT, Oet. 7, 1557. • THE WINTER TERM of Coudersport Academy, will commence on Tuesday the 15th of December next. to continue thirteen weeks. Grain of all kinds will La received on tuition, at the market prices, if proMptly delivered; therefore the tightness of money need prevent no one from obtaining an Education. J. lIE:SDRICK, Principal Co.f.ierspoet Corrected fin. the J9urnal, SCIIOO.3I.4KEZI JACRiSON, Dater:, tr: Dry Gag. (:rnceti. . 11a1.. 5 Caps, Pail, Crock , ry, Pork , Pour, „V•al, MAIN :STREET., C'OUDERSPURT, PA F , .uuTt., superfine, 7 el •• extra. . " EMI SALT S .• " C9IINM.EAt.. 100 lb.s., 1 , 1 lb., LAIL!), `• " • • - "TALLOW. " .` EEO ME Saal.uEits, lb., - DVE:I SKIN ? :S1,71:11t, 14 lb., Dican APPLES. " 1 . 4 BUShel t W Mit BZANS. BUCK HEAT, OAT.i, Cuxv, Itrn, POTATOES' EGG:, 1,1 Dozen, HAT, V Ton, =II TRIAL LIST, DECEMBER TERM, 1537 v.R{C. W. Ellis 7nd Jos, W. Smith. Bingham Estate, - Jacob B. Red:on. ltusstdl & Raskin, " Asa Stevens, et al. MunsonMerriman, Bunnel ark. R. Matteson, " Phineas Goodwin Aylesworth, " N. P. Minard. Pike Township, " D. J. Chappell. Wharton School Dist. ;oi:a Johnson Isaac Pearce, fOr use " Frrnklin Gale, Bunnell Ilairen, A..M. Benton W. T. Jo;e3, Potter County, 14 .I.N. V. Jackson and Eli Rees. A. W. Williams, 1 4 D. li. Dunbar. Ira Lamphere, " L. 11. Kinney, Brown 1:. Brothers, • '' S,.P, Lyriin. Josiah Bump, 4: H. 2. Carrier. E. S: W. Elliott, " Benj. Ilarse. W. G. MClelland, use," .Alm'd Woodcock. Gilbert & Nichols, " N. L. Dike,. Matthew Wilkinson, l' Temple Wilkinson George Fox &S. Roes, 1 ; Asa B. Gibbs. Ilosea Cushing, " O. Merrill, E. M. Carpenter, ' " Richard Shay, jr. G. R. Vosburg, " M. J. Flynn. Bobieski Ross, 11 R. W. liTlntyre. 11. J. OLMSTED, Pru.h'y. Prothonotary's Orrice, Nor. 3, 1857. couNTY ORDERS TAKEN AT FACE, In Exchange for Crocus, BOROONAIER & JACKSON'S. PDVDERBPORT, NOV.- 4TR, 16 57. ici I - The County 4perintendent of Pateil County will be at - the folleming "places;; and at the' times here speeified, fOr I thei purpose a examining teachers,:viz...l • „ULYSSES, 'Thursday, 'the 2kh, Of NoreMber next, •at the school-house in Lewisville. , • - HARRISON, Friday, .Nror. 27th, at . the Cummings' school-house. ekr.VIRE, Monday, Noy. 30th, at the iv:awl-house. ' ()SWAY° VILLAGE, 1 Wednesday, Dee. 2d, at the sehoulLhouse. SHARON, Thursday, Dec. 3d, at the school-house near the mouth of the Honevoye. 111'113110N, Friday; Pee. 4th, at the Crandall Hill s.choid-house. ROULETTE, 81tturdav,' Dee- 4th, at the red school-house near I+tr. Weimer's. PIKE, 1 Tuesday, Dec. Sth, - at the school-!.use near th month of-the West Branch. • COUDEtSPORT, Saturday, Dec. 12, at the Academy. :! • The examination it each- of the above places is to commence at 10 o'clock, A.M. It is expected! that' all the teachers will make their arranget4'ents to be at one of these places, whiche'er may be the most convenient. - -Thosehoweer, who attend the Teacher's Institute during the entire session, will be examined and receive a certificate (if quaii:id) before leaving. Each Teacher is also requested to fur- Tilsit a readimr-book of the kind generally used ; also a pen and ink, together with at least two sheets of paper,!as'a portion of the answers, in the different branches,'. will be required in writing.. As there - , are inereased facilities for !teachers to qualify themselves for the duties of their calligg, the time has come for more thorough examinationS. ' - 1 The "Department of Comnion - Sehools" Ims issued new forms fur certificates, both Provisional" and .'Permanent;" the State Superintendent has also given in struction to the County Superintendents: to re-examine tliose teachers•!now holding Permanent certificates, and give new Permanent certificates. to -such as are worthy of them, and Prrvisional cafes to. others; also to annul the Perma neut certificates of those who: do not sub wit to a re-examination- These-instructions will be complied with, and a higher standard of qualilica ti..m will I.K.t required hereafter. it is hoped that the friends of educa tion; and Directors especially,: will be, present at the exaaiinations. A Lecture' will be delivered at either of the.above 1 places, on any subject relating to Com mon School education, on the evening of: the day of examination, if desired, J. lIENDRICK, , County Superintendent of l'ottur County. I COUDERSPORT, October 17, 1857, - 4itv To Delinquent Collectors. 1C UT-ICE is hereby given that the County ! ♦ Commissioners of Potter County will nr - ..et at their Office, in Coudersport. on MUN- I DAY. NOV. 9TII. f,r the purpose of! meeting Delinquent Colketers, (for years prior to 1857,p in order thdt they may pay up or: make satisfactory lirrang,ements iu the preen_; ices. orthit of the•Commiss.ioners, - • L. H. COLE. Ciou'r Clerk. Coudersport. Oet. 2.4, c'ff" STR ANY D P -4-274 1 'MOM the premises of the subscriber. one mile north of Colesburg, in-Allegany t wp. Potter county. l'a., iu May Iast,"FOUR CAT de,:eribed as follows : A bright red Steer. good size, no particular mark,., remembered now. Also, a heifer of ..,amel description. A red and white spotted Steer, good size, one car both ears frozen, white Mug, Net, and white spot in forehead.. . , 4 " A light red Steer, tinder size, one or both ears frozen, and short tail. $7 50 t, 0.1 30 00 3 SO 2 50 126 i, I:. - 14(a. If; - 25(ti 36 Ann pei-son bringing the cattle _to Inc.; or inforining: ale ivlmre I can obtniu them, will sr l 'itably rewarded. 1 PEET. iliegany. ()et. - 106112 • - . iA RP E It'S WE E Y. bs i WEEKI:T" will appear ev ery Saturday morning. and will be sold lit FIVE a l'Opy-, It Will be mailed to Suberiberm at tlifollowingrates,payment being; invariably required im advance: Ou'e Copy fur Tv.-eitty Weeks, . $1 00 One Copy for Oue Year, . . . . 2 50 MB EEO - 3u . . 12 - $7 g B on One Copy fur Two Yilura, , . . 00 Fite copies fur One , 9 f.,0 to,le - ivo - Copies fo . t• — ‘ - o . rie t7 ,'Ve:M i , ... 1 ' V* 10 Twenty-five Copiek for One Year, 40 00 To persons getting up a Club of Twelve or Twenty-five, a-,Copy will be sent SubscriptiOns inity commence with any Number. specimen Niimbersi gratuitously supplied. At a farther inducement, the l'ablishers offer IfarpCr's Magazine' and ilarper's Weekly for Four ',Dollars a year. Is - ^,rPersons residing in the Rritith Provin ces Will remit TWENTI"-SIX. Cents, in addition to the Subscription, for !he Araericap Postage. Numbers from the coMmenectrienri,Jaztua ry 3) can still be supplied. OPINIONS .OF THE PRESS. "Parper's Weekly" is well filled with on and selected matter. Its leading articles arc well toned and timed, and its illustrations are far ahead of any journal of the kind in the country. Its pen .porttaits of distinguished living men are of themselves worth the price of the Volume.—.Y. 1. C/o-laden; Advocate and Journal. We. hare had a,felv attempts to establish a first-class illustrated pailer in this country, in emulation of the " Loudon Illustrated NewS:' But Ilene of them have enjoyed thiltdvantage of an adequate, combination of publishers' Sburces, with money 'capital, until, "Harper's Weekly." The pictorial natter of - this epett slie,et,is-,-unapproached, as -a whole, by thalAf any other among : us, and, perhaps, not surpaSssd elseirliere.,—,S; Y. Sior!tiner. *„,." 'file Postage upon "Harper's Weekly," when prepttiii quarterly, in .advance, at the office wlicre it its received, is TWXNTI( 7 3IX Curs a year. • - HARPER k BROTHERS, Publishers, Stzsre, Ncyr - To:k1 Otie'ber, 1857. , y . • , .. . -- • .._. ••. . .NT 1411iievE :-Die .eti4io .of 40; bkiiiiiesl (PIANOS,: IMELODEONSAARIISIOJ 1.4210 RT • • -,- , . •-.......- ;-- .;. :-; .• ~ ' ' THE CASK 'SYSTEM ADOPTED. • - ' . - --. - HARPERtS BIAGA I ZINE: .l Prices Greatly) Reduced, ; " CON.- "LIMPTION . • - —•:- r , - . - AND ALL ~ • . HUNDRED AED, BE,V,ENTY: THOE, j - - . . SAND Copies Are now iasii.ed of HARPER'S I '0 " ' HORACE WATE RS' . • -. DItiLAtES'OF THE.L.DHOS AND THROAT 9.. NEW Movpts. 31AGAZItie. . , T.h6 Publisher . - • . have•eudeavored, by swell-directed Use ofI A GE, NT, FOR -THE BEST IdOSTC/N 4 N.••1"•-1 Crlr...l*, *X, .11$11A LATION, the abundant resources at their command , to - ' - • ' A r o: 3 . 83 Broeidicky. tit y- - - 1 : ; - ! - : .F....PCSITIVErt to the - v• Instruineuts." - :I w, man con e v a reme d iesthe .ca t render it not only the cheapest but the mutt" - ' •- 1" ties its th.' lungs thrbnet the airPassa attraative and useful Magazine for popular HE. Largeit Assorttuent of Pianos, Melo,,' ge4,- and 'con:anvils direct - cot with the reading in the World; and i the extent' to Tth • . deons, Musical Instrueuts. and Mu - sie:4l l lllisease; neutralizes the tubercularrnattcr,,,al-, which their effort's hate been §'-lecessful lain- I yiereliandisi of all kinds: iu the United States.: days the, cough, 'causes a• free and-ea:., expec dicated by the fact that it hag attained a t PiAnos front Ten didereni Manifactories, 6 0111 _1; foration, heels the lungs, purifies the blood, 1 greater core ulatien than any similar period[-; prising those. of .every variety - vii style, from !imparts: renewedvitAlity to thellerVous sySixm. cat ever issued. .-- • . to render it ! . ithe plain, neat and substantial 6.3 i .oetayes, in! giving, that toilet and e erg}`so indispensable Special ellorts.will be made - Walnut or Roseivooden.4es.Trout $l5O to $200, 11 for the restoration of alth. To be able to Still more' interesting and attractive during' ti) those of the must_ elegant finislittp to. One' f istate-confidentlY that. 7on.sttruption ia.eurable the Icoming year. The new Volume will coin- I Thousand Dulhirs. No hou:se • in the Union: by inhalation, ia to me itsOurce of unallii,yed mence with tit° •• DECEMBER . : Number. No I can com Pet e• with the abo've in - the namber).lpleasure. It i 4 as much under the control of labor or expense will be sparqr to render it; variety and celebrity of its instruments. -nor 1 medical treatment as any Other formidable in every way, and in all departments, still Ii„ t h e E x t rem el y . . loft' prices at which they are .disettse; ninety !out of every hundred eases more worthy of the unparalleled favor with I, :old : , can he cured in the first stages,-and fifty per which he been received, . I HORACE WATERS". Til Term: upon which HARPER'S 3i 1C..1- MODERN IMPII;OVEri, • cent. in.the second; but in the third stage it i PIANOS, with:or withoat ,Iran Pritriies. pus-!: is impossible to sate mote than five per et:n . l_, ZINK i , supplied arc :IS rOtiONV, fur Cash : I s essi n g in their , lutprov'eutenti of over-e.tring•9', fur the:Lungs are so cutup bY the discaso. as One i l .''opy II:: One Year, . , •?, $3 00 ! and action, a length!of scale and coniiiass 0' to Lid Reliance 1-,', medical shill. Even, liOn - - Two Copies for One Year. . . 5 001 tOne!equal to the Grand Piano, u n ited wi t h:: ever ; .in the last stages, inhalation affords ex , Tilt cc ur more Copies One Year, (each) 2 lill : the beauty end darability of b trueture or_ the ',tramdinary - relief to the suffering attending Aal all 1.:,.. - 0 Cvf.., g; -, 11/ ,. .1vr ecrrY .eitib I Square Piano. 'flir: are justly . pronounecd by this fearful scourge, which :lull:lily do • Stroy;; • • . Trii. Sah.criterej ' : the Press and by the fir: t Musical Master- - ; to ninetr,tive thousand persons in 'the United ,rf:Persons rt. - siding iii thelßritish Pi•ovin- 'be equal to those of guy other itn , :iinfactitrer. States ;done ; -and a correct ettleulation shows cos will remit Trays!-six CENTs, in addition 'Thee are built..- Cie 1.....,. 5 t and saint th.r u ngh-... • that oft' iie present populan tio of 'the earth. • . t i o '4.-11..)script,on, for American :Postage. :lv seasoned. material, and gue.raunct a iii ; Lon" eighty - milllons elre destined to fill the Con- OI > INIUNS . . "Harper's Magazine aims to g i ve 0,,, b„, guaranteed to give satdaction, or purchase., , Truly the quii - er of Oath has no arrow so ' . , .-. reading, no inciter where it may come from manes, manesY refunded. - fatal as Consumption. In all ages it has been and whenever its conductors can procure from' SECOND-HAND PIANOS, at gre,,t bar- " j: the great enemy of life, for it spares neither knieriean authors better literary' matter than : g ains, constantly in sture,—pried from s3o to . age liar ex, but sweeps Jeff alike the brave, thvy can find elsewhere, the get it, and they; *140. , . I ch. beautiful, the gracefill aril the gifted. Br par prices for it : which would astonish :route • HORACE WATERS' MELODEoNS.—Su- ! the help of that 16upreure Being from whom of th e E ng ij i h m ag „,;„" . ._..._ . x .... y . D„i1 y Tin.. ,..•perior Inqruincnts in touch and durability of : cometh every good and perfect gift ; I am pa ' This popular Magazine, while it does nil, , ,tieolls,if all oth6r si..lijs and mak - es. mperament.) M make. ;,Tuned the equal te e ... M e -gabbled to oiler to the afflicted a permantut that is l -Price .and speedy cure in Con umption., The first awful to court popularity, never de- ' s ' 4n :,;.zcitt, S; 5, ti I oil, iz. h 25, $I 4 u double ' cause of tubercles is fro impure blood. and :wends to cater for it ht mini tern; to spin - j , i IteedS and two Intuks of Keys ; i2uo—less A , the imumlliate effect produced by:their depo ions or propensities injurious to 1.. , : liberal discount. Clergymen and Churches, i sitiOn in the lungs is to ,event the free ad or =octal order; Though rot e - x;l ° i ' l l si 1. 7:l e 'l l;-: s i. : i an extra discount. . : j mission of air into the ai' tells, Which causes religious work, it is'always auxiliary ,lo Bible i SiAial s-. 3 G uam's ' a weakened Nitality throtorh the en:ire-system. triiti and. sound morutlitr.—.V. Y. t!'lirisrian • ' . ' ' 1 BRUWN•S IIARPS,, Then surely it is more rat omit to expect: great- Advocate :rid Joetrivg. i . F.LCTES, - • er good from medicines ntering the cavities I • Each number Containing as muchlmat t ter as I r FLUT INAS', . ,of the lungs thou from those administeredl a volume rf :Miran/ay' d I fixtory pi' EnybroB. and . ACIRIRDEONS, . -- I through the stouiimh ;th ' patient mill . always. I sold at the ridicultrusly low pi-ice of twenty-I - find the lungs free and tl a breathing easy, at'. five cents.—Londen Tint , ... , : I -.: VIOLINq. The most popular mid successful periodical . and Musical Instruments of all kinds, at loweriter Inhaling remedies. bus, Inhalation is a public. ; luta remedy, Ilee ert le es it acts constitution- , • prices than ever before ()tiered to the with more pow r and certainty than ••• • 1 •• , 1 d- - 1 I --• • • - • ' I ever issued.—. Veto f)riean. , 03Itt, 4 , The Pasture ti ~,, .• ii.aror ., mien. A: large discount to Teachers and Schools. i ally, - anti . • f., • • • • -' -' Th e tra d e supplied on the most liberaCterilas.! remedies Administered 1)y the stom ch. Tot zinc, when prepfdd quarterly in advance, at ! die ltice where. it is ree iced ; is TuntrY•-six tilt 'S 1iC....- One of the largest and hest se- prove the powerful and irect inane ce of this I uju•- . Cm:vs• a year.l., • c•eil c ttalogues of Music now published, this mode of adru i uis rat ion., chloroform LlAlti'Ell .e BROTHERS. Publisher,. !comprising wally of the choice and most pop- inhaled will entirely de troy Sensii.iility iu a ' uhir airs of the day, and will be Aoki at one- : few .minutes, paralyzing( the math. nervous • Franklin Silage, New York. I . -. . • • . 7 . , third oft• front the regular pric”. Isy i stem, so that a limb umy be amputated with-1 Nov. 1, 1857. ! out the.sligiaest pain; Inhaling . the ordinary ' Music sent by until to all part - Nf the coun try. Post-paid. Particular and persMial atten-1 burning gas will destroy) lute in a few hours. Lion paid to all orders received by mail. :•Satt- j The inhalation of ammonia will rouse the I list:action guaranteed in every instaned..Pianos I system when fainting or apparently dead. The ! and Melodeons for rent and rent allowed on , odor of many of the medicines is perceptible' pim:hos Pianos and Mei deons for sale on in the skin a few minutes after being inhaled,l e. o j mouth!}' payment:. Second-hand Pianos ta- i and may be immediately detected in the bluiail., I ken in exchange for new. General and select ' A convincing proof of the Constitutional effects inhalation, is the fact that sickness is Catalogues and Schedule of prices forwarded of 'al to all parts of the country by mail, , ways produced by breathing foul - air—is not i 1 kz- l irtireat indueements offered to AGENTS' this positive evidence that proper remedies. in :all parts of the country, to sell the llorace , carefully prepared and judiciously ailminis- Waters: Pianos, Melodeons, and Catalogue of ' tered through the lungs should produce the I Music. , • 8 : 4.6. happiest results? During eighteen years' ' practice, many thousands suffering from dis- ! eases of the lung§ turd throat. Inert been un- ' der my care, cud t hatie effected many remark- I able cures, et en after the sufferers had been I pronounced in tli i laststiiges, which fully sat-1 isties me that conlumption is no longer a fatal ; disease. :My treatment of consumption is ; original: and founded on long experience and I a thorough investigation. MY pet feet aequain- ! lance ivith the uatbre of tubercles, Sc., elm .bles inc to distinguish, readily, the carious' forms of disease that simulate consumption, : and apply the proper remedies, • rarely beinar I mistaken' even in d single case. This famir- i iarity, in connection with certain pathological 1 and miero , :copic diseorelies, enables me tore- j liege the lung: , front the effects of liontracted! chests. to enlarge the chest, purify the: blond, j impart, to it renewed vitality, giving - energy j and tont- to the entire system. Me 'jellies i 1 jib fell directions sent to any; part of tat. United States and Canadas by pa- ' lieuia communicating their symptoms by letter. i;it the cure would be inure certein if the patient should pay me a visit, nhicli. would gire'ins au opportunity to examine the lungs ! and enable roe to prescribe with Much greater' certainty, and then the cure could be effected without my seeing the patient again, • G, W. GRAHAM, M. D., Office 1131 Filbert Street,-(Old No. 109,) below Twelfth, ritiLwELPINA, rA. ' Administrator's Sale. PCILS[ANCE or an , order of the Or- J phans' Court of the County of Potter.. I.l' xhnil expose to sale, at Ott- Court House in the Borough of Conderiport Pa.. on SATURDAY. tht. 21ST DAY OF NOVEMBER. A. D. 14f 7. at one o'clock. P. M., the following described real e-late, Atuate in 6weden Township, Pot- • ter CotrAv, P 21.. Bo.ut“leo. on the' North by htu,l4 of S. Y. Acker and onsr , atc , l lands, on the EIH,t huois of C. L. Catlin and land; of S. 1,-.Avker, on the South he lands of J Herrington, and on tne \Vest by lands of S. Y. Artier and unseated laud: ; b:ing lot No. 17 anti Wrst part of lot No. 10 of rite allotment of Bingham Lauds in said township: and 'being part of Warrants Nos. 130,3, 1:10D, 2047 and 20:42 ; on which is erected one Ling liuuse and one Frame Barn, said let containing about 1:43 acres, about 40 acres of which are improved. with 50 Fruit Trees:growing thereon. JOEL HENDRICK. administrator of the Estate s bf Wm. Us - on. deceased NOTICE. William V. Keating. NO. 128, .Adolphui K. [Lurie Stpt. Term. L,17. in and l the Common Picas James M. Wilcox, orPutter County. verrus Action of Eject- Leonard McKee. I !Dent for the follow ing described 1 , ,t, of laid in said county, the first containing two hundred and fifty-seven acres.situate in Enkali: ToWntlhip, and hound ed as follows : Ifeeinniug at the south-west corner of the Tuttle lot, thence N. by r, est line of said lot 126 rods to north line of Warrant No. 2129. thence west he s td , l line 62.6 rods to N.. 1. line. thence south 43 de grees west by line 31 rods to center of road. thence south -1(1.5 rods, thence west by Mil's' south linePlo rode to a corner. thmlce south 17..) rods, thence east 1:: 4 5 roil le. a ho-4 iu the west line of Alnieron Nelson's lot, thence north 49 rods. thence east to) rods to warrant line, thence north -rods to Tit tle's south line, thence west be said line 92 reds to the .place of beghtning ; being part of 1V arrant No. 212t4. The other lot, containing one hundred and thirty-six acre-, is boundtol as follows Be ginning at, a post i t the east hue of the Kaat ing Lauds. being the north-rm,t corner of a lot suet yell to D. B. Martin, thence north tun rods. tumult west 109 rods, thence Wit no rots, th , . 1.1 1 1 1 cast 109 rod, to tho place of Le giuning ; being part of Warrant No. '2116, in Sweden township. Potter county. Pa. And now. to wit. September 22d, 1857, on motion ofJobu S. Mann, att,irney for Plaintiln, the Court grant rule on Defendant to appear and plead by thigh day of next Term or judgment by default, and order the publication of the rule according to the Act of Asseni.hly, in such cases made and pro , . idea. By the Court, 11. J. tIL.MSTED, • Prothonotary: Pottfr County, ss : (i.'ertified from the Record this 19th day of Octotier, A. ft. 1837. I• Witness my hand and seal of office. I. S. C.ou — d - crepoola tLe :.me day and year. • 10:18-11t. 11. J. 01..115TE1.). Proth.y. THE COMBINATION PATENT - PORTABLE UPRIGHT STEAM. SAW MILL. This mill is new acknowledged to be the • I cheapest. most practical and efficient lumber manufacturing machine in the world. It - is the only portable reciprocating mill that has les-er met with-ref-feet success. Its entire cost, I with fifteen horse phwer. warranted to saw ifrum three to four thonsand feet of inch boards in twelve hours, the entire establishment com plete, ready for running, is but $1,659. ROSS'S PORTABLE BURR - STONE MILL. for which over seventy premiums have been 1 it - warded in this country and Europe. It will I grind with less than half the power, and make j better floor and meal than any other mill. It is the most durable and the cheapest mill in ;the market. Prices range from $lOO t 0 ,5170. PORTABLE AND STATIONARY . ENGINES • OF ALL SHINGLE MACIIIN.I.&c. J. Id. EMERSON & Co., Dealers in .Improved Machinery, No. 371 Broadway, New York. Send fur Circulars. , . 'INK aid 'ltalie articles In the Drug line for LehlS by 1 . 101.) . B. K. S. • CONSOLIDATION ENERSO.N'a BIA"GAZINE' Oil PIITNAM'3 MONTHLY. 4.0,0110 ,stk,zr;s,:es EXTRAORDL , ;ARY OFFER! The Publishers are happy to announce that in the - union of these facorit.z Magazines. the' I.n- : t. literary and artistic talent - of both publi cations Litt.A'teen secured, and the most at-, tractive features of each will be retained in' the consolidated tiork. It a iIL aim to itre-rut in its pages the choietist pro , l , l,:tiuns t;ri2ll;e:s a n d writer, And thr I.w,t etions of Anviriezin it will br purely nationiil in its character: in critimsms it w 11 aim fo be just and truthful, and will be careful to preseme and cuh"...ite that wholesome moral and religious tone so 111.'14 cherished by the Ainerican piratic, and so essential to-the welfare of the race. We shall endeavor. by a' sagacious use of ti cxtensive resourees- now at our command. to mak.: a Magazine that. in the richness of its literary conteut.s, and in the beauty and profn,eness-of its pictorial iiin,trations. shall outrival any publication - ever before produced in this country. • The new issue commences with the 0170- Min number, whkh is now ready. It iS tilled with the choicest productions .of some of the most brilliant writers of the d.a"; and is em btilisned with forty-four splendid original en graving.s. It appears in atiew dress., embra vimt an elegant classical design on the cover. and the entire work presents the most attrac ti e appearance. IL is pronounced by all who have seen it to be. the most beautiful specimen of a Magazine ever issued in this country.. Pmeg, ....! 1 3 a'EIR. CLUB PRICE, ;32. SINGLG COPIES, 25 CsN - rs. The Great Library Offer. .. , The combined issue of EMERSON'S MAGAZINE and PUTNAM'S MONTHLY rt, with a circnb-tion of over FORTY THOU SAND copies, and we are determined to spare no expense in any of its Departments to place it at the head of American Magazines. With this view, we now make the following extra ordinary otter: To any . person who will get up a club of twenty-four subscribers, at the club price, either at one or more post-daces. we will present a splendid Library, consisting of FORTY LARGE BOUND VOLUMES. embra cing the most popular works in the market: 'Any one, with the °duller number as a speci men, can elsily form suo•h a club, in almost any section.- A copy of this number, together with a listand full description of the Library, nil}be forwarded on receipt of 25 cents-. J. M. EMERSON L Co., Publishers, No. 371 BROADWAY, New York. YATES COUNTY NURSERY. r IL unty .3 E 0. 1 h c a l i ) .; , e.r o ft.; thestil e Yat e al r C e o and valuable a.sortment of - FRUIT TREES of all varieties usually Cultivata These Trees are young and of vigorous growth. The qualities arc the most choice kauwu, and are warranted 4 1ENLINF.,.. .11156, a fine stock of ORNAMENTA L REES and SHIIUBBER.Y, for fall delivery. " VW-Address orders to C.!BEACH, Pen Yam, Yates Co., N. Y. Orders left withßOß'T. W. NILES, Caudersport, Pa., will be promptly filled.. • 10:2:-Gran. • LEWISVILLE STEAM GRIST MILL. NEW ARRANGEMENT. undersigned hWving bought outaill I:Tcirmer . owners of the. Le - wisville Steam Grist gill:are' now prepared to do all 'manner of grinding, as they believe, to the wttisfac- Aim of their customers. Come and see. O. A. LEWLS, • ICRATTON LEIS. - Clynbss, 1851%----4-3Et 25 W TN o F s s ES; THE FORGER CONVICTED gi - J , ilin Dye'is the Author. Who has had 10 years experience as altank er and Publisher, and Author of A series. of Lee!stret at Broadway Tabernacle, when, for 10 sueces.:,ive nights, over rr. p' 50.0U0 P s lopie— t; ; C.d Greeted loin with Rounds of Applause, while he exhibited ..the manner iu which Counterfeiters execute their Frauds, and the Surest and 'Shortest Means of Detecting them The Bank Note Engrarers all say Mat he the yr,itest Judye of Paper Money living. 74.' GREATEST DISCOVERY OF • THE PRE:-..:E.N7 CENTVRY FOR • "),. ei,.:•.iiiLq tottoi erf eft 3444 nits C Describing every Genuine' Bill in Existimee,'•••• , • and Exhibiting at a glance every Coun- r l sterfeit in; Circulation ! I • , Arranged so admirably that REFERENCE ~,,1 -. is EASY. and 1 • * i b,'" DETECTION INSTANTANEOUS. :' b No index to examine!' No pages to hunt up! But so simplified and "arranged„ that the Merchant, Banker and Business g Man can see all at a Glance. ; 0 ENGLISH, FRENCH AND GERMAN. " .4: Thus each may read -the: same in his oxen et 4 VATIVE TON'GrE. . - ' most Perfect Bank .Not. List Published. - AISO a Lis of :4 •.-4 ' All THE PRIVATE BANK RS IN AMERICA. c . - ; E A Complete Summary f the FINANCE OF C ,:k„ .ILOP &L: AMERICA will be published in each edition, together with all he IMPORTANT NEWS OF THE DAY. Is° • A SERIES OF ALES • ' From an Old Manuscript f and in the Fait. It furnilshes the Most Co.. iilete History cif Oriental Life, i describing the Must rple •ing Positions in which 'the Ladies and' G • ntlemen of that e. Country have been so ofte• -found. The'se Stories•will continue throu • hout the whole ;4 year, and will prove the M st Entertaining :3 ever offered to the Public. . •••••• - r .,, - ger-Furnished Weekly" , 'Subscribers on-2 1 Is, at sl' a year, All lett , rs must bo ail-1.4 • dressed to - . JOHN S. 13 Publiebet and Proprietor New-York. • IkT EW GOODS=4 Large sortmeatjsurt neelv9d 10:1 t Eni ?Ilitqae,iiliiii,,Ai)b;NiisOitjelii,.. Fr:oNt JOHN A- RIDDLE. At Merchants Hotel, North 4th St,. Philadt: TO THE MERCHANTS OF THE WEST ANO.NORTH• IDRILADELMII MARKET being' easily accessible, your attention is called to:it, as possessing facilities and advantages worthy of your consideration. , - - Among- its advantages may he enumerated its location, having shorter lines of aornmuni-- Cation' to the -interior, its proihriity to the Iron and Anthracite Coal districts of Pennsylvania. the large and varied extent ,of,; its in apufne, tureS, being far in advance of 44 other - city in the I.oitt4 States, the - nstidemtapenseti nycessar,y for carrying ou bnsiness,\etc.,-etc. The ;Parket possesaes unrivalled "advanta- - aes for 'the sale of mans- kinda of produce, such aslFlour, Wheat, Barfe,V, Wool, Butter, Cheese, 4.c., while, the charges made upon avles and attendant expenses are more moder ate than neigboring seaheard market;.. W. PAUL, Wholesale BOOT, snon and STRAW GOODS WAII.EHOUSE; NO.. 62,5 Market St. .• . WOLFF ‘i• KING, Wholesale CLOTHING HOUSE, No. 430 Market and 425 Merchant Streets. -- Ti FLOE, GILLESPIE 4., CO., Wholegal! GROCERS, Nos. 11 and 13, South 'Water St J. CY. FREELAND, with * CLINE Cut lioL, Importers of WINES, BRANDIES,i GINS, 4.e., No. 364 North 3d Street, 1. T. .11ORRIS,.PEROr 4. l'inporters ' and. Wholesale'Dealers in DRUGS. CHEMICALS PAINTS, OILS, GLASS, DYE, SWEES, No. 621 Market, and 612 St, .lames Sts. ICEISTONE STATE SAPONIFIER. or CONCENTRATED LYE for making Soap. Manufactured by the Penn, - Salt Co., Toren tum. Alleghany county. Penn. Represented by LEWIS, JAMES 4- Co., Philadelphia. HAAS 4. TAYLOR, ImPorters• and Cas* Jobbers, No. 306 Market Street; HOSIERY.- (;LOVES SHIRTS andDRAWERS GU BELTS, gIIIRT BOSOMS, WHITE (1:00DS, EMBROIDERIES, LACES, SUSPENDERS, THREADS, COMBS, BUNN: RA IGUEL 4- CO., IMporters of BRITISH GOODS and Jobbers of.FANCY and STAPLE SILK GOODS F EMBROLDS, RIES, No. 37 N. Third street. JAMES, KENT. SANTEE 4- 00_, Import ers nand Jobbers of FOREIGN and DOMRS TIC DRY GOODS, No. 2.:i and 211 North 3d Street, above Race. BL ARON 4 SMITH, OIL CLOTH MANU FACTURERS and COMMISSION mEn, CHANTS. Warehouse No. 146 N. 3d St. 3fOORE, HENZEY 4. CO., Importers and 1 Wholesale Dealers in HAIIWAItE, MLR ! RY and GUNS, 427 Market and 416 Coia• 'tierce streets. SAME IL BIBIGHAUS,, Importer and Wholestile Dealer ix FOREIGN and. DO: MESTIC HARDWARE, 'No. 25$ :North 3J street, below Vine. •" _ • .L7LL, CROSS CUT, CIRCULAR an) ILLYD 8.4 IFS in any variety and style of the celebrated IXL stamp, manufactured by WALTER CRESSON, Depot No. 503 Com merce St. HAMMERS, HATCHETS 4.e.' in great I*- riety, manufactured by C, Da pot So. 503 Commerce st. The 'attention of the trade is called to these goods as being equal in quality and finish to any made. JAMES BARBER, Wholesale Dealer in CLOCKS, Agent for the PATENT EQUAL IZING THIRTY DAY CLOCK, Manufacta rer of GOLD PENS. S. E. corner of .24 and Chestnut sts. PRATT .1- REATH, Importers - of WATCII:. ES, JEWF.LRY and FANCY GOODS, N. W. corner sth and Market sta FITHIAN, JONES & CO.; Importers and Jobbers in British & American Dry Goodit, 215 Market, through to 204 Church Alley. ! Zar 6 Months credit for approved/Notes. - ,C10:14-3m. American Safely-Paper Mann l • facturing Company of 1 New York. CAPITAL $500,000. A. NICHOLAS ; I'resident. Uflieo•7o .4 Perfect Security dutiful all manner of Pm-0 by Counterfeiting on Paper.—To Prcues Photographs and Anastalic Counter-. Jolts, Erasure:, Transfers or Al orations- IXAVING purchased the Patent for the, I elusive right to manufacture and sell dm new Chemical -Paper in America. invented and patented in England by If 6LYNN ' a c*H- United chemist and officer the British army, it is hardly necessary to say .that the Paper is recommended by Mr, Kent,• Assayer of L. Mint, Mr. Lyman of the New York Clearing House, and Meade Brother's, extensive • and skilful photographers, 233 Broadway N. 11. The latter say that no incitation canhe mad on a check or bank note printecron the Sakl Paper. Below is our list of prices : • • Bank Checks, 35 cts.l.l lb. •. Bank Bills, $lB for 1000 sheets. Bills of Exchange, $25 for 1000 sheets. ' Promissory Notes, 40 cts."l.l lb. • • . Sight . Time Drafts, $25 for 1000 Insurance Policies, 40 tts. T.l lb. - • Railrood Stocks & - Bonds, 40 eta. "ft lb: Bank and State Stocks, 40. cts.V.lb.. Bonds and Mortgages, 40 ctt. ') lb. Wills and Deeds, 40 cts, For wrapping Silks and other fino ortlehl it is excellent, as it prevents. moths. 40 1,1 lb. Forlndentures and, Agreements, - 40 cts. lb. All State and County,Recordi should always be printed or written on this Paper, as the chemicals inserted in the pulp not only- pre vent erasure or transfer, but make it, lasting as time. . , For Southern Climates it is .excellent, Brut' much superior to any other; as the moistness of the climate does not destroy-it,-the prop erties inserted in the pulp being a preventive: In all . the southern states, Cuba, the West Indies and the Central. American States, no public records can be kept over-20 years, writ-_ ten on the ordinary paper; while the oils and other chemicals inserted in this Paper makes it indestructible by the ravages of time. It lir alSo proof against moths, rats Arid other Ter ' min, which feast on and deatroyall other Pa per now in use. The Company have now in operation Mills in Morris County, N.. 1. of about 300 horse power, and are able to ; fill all &den for Paper at the shortest notice. All orders for the Paper must be addressed to A. NICHOLAS, President of the Company, No. 70 Wall Street. 10:1 - 0-3mo. • Broker, iCE' 7U Wall. Street, .01 10:1-1y.! 0 cc OME CLOTIIING.of Cheney's nraufni tare 1.7 on ban/ at, E. V...SPLINCER'S, fe:2 - li. W. -S.; Ar. Viand Splendid As- W.IZEITED'S DM II