A SiA. DEN - ft.—A Sea Devil was caught on the coast of England-recently, which, says the Groiwri:; - .Advertiser, is anything,but:eaptivating.. It is flat, four feet eight inches in length, two feet six inches - iii , brcatith; its mouth,"in Which there ii...tu-single row of cundated sharp teeth, measures 121 inches lorizontal, and, whiTu its jaws are fully opened, it measures • 1.61; on. its belly, near the lower part of the - head, are two hands, .having fivefingers on" eachdistinctly ex hibited, and webbed.. It has also two anterior fins, and two lateral bags of great capacity, with one of a triangular form, on the belly. ! It weighs - about eighty pounds. It is alinfiether a formidable and strange 'looking iish, and the mune by which it is known is not inappropriate.. TILE liussian 'government has decided .that hereafter, hi the public school of Irkoubih, Where their principal commerce 4 with America, the German language shall be suppressed, and "the .American language', substituted in its place. "This is the first time," says the Loudon corres pondent of the N: Commercial Ac - 7:.:erti.Fcr, "that I have seen the English :offielally called the American language.." COL. - 13NTON ha written a review of ithe Dred Scott decision. He takes, ..round with Judges Curtis and McLean, :and against, the majority.of the Coutt. The book is now in press. ,• Teacher's Institute. On Monday the 16th day of Nov. next, Teacher's institute will be opened at Coudersport andcontinue. five days. The objcet of the litAitute is, to give instruc tion in the most approved methods of teaching, and conducting the exercises of the School room. Six hours of the day will .be occupied in reviewing those branches usually taught in -our Common Schools, and giving instruction upon the method of teaching. There will also be A Session each evening, for the purpose 43f reading essays, and holding discussions en subjects connected with the Advance ment of the Common School interest. The time has been limited to five days, so that every Teacher in the County can afford to attend. One week's board, and satali charge of three or four shillings tar contingent expenses, wil be all the necessary expense; and it is-hoped, and expected that the Teachers throughout the County wake it convenient to at tend. The undersigned will use every cffort: to seeuFe, board on re:Lsonable terms. Those who design to become members of the institute, are requested to bring a full s,et of text-books, of such as are used hi their school districts. The friends of education teuerally, are cordially invited to attend. The services of eminent, and K.Yperierieed Teachers will be secured to instruction and lectures during the f_.'esjon of the Institute. Thnse who design to attend, should be .in Coudersport Saturday evening, and se cure their bt larding place, so as to be ready c om :: : eti ce o n day morning. By coin li.: in at a lAte hour on the first day of the I::stitute. the whole day will be lust. A mi',.h.fr of iltc Directors of the County have mentioned to the that they would like to hare a general meeting for the t:url2se of discussing. seine questions of niteret relatin! , to ilteit duties. I have therefore made arrangements that Thurs day ercninf , of the week of the Institute may be occuir.ied in discussing the Mlluw- MEMO Finsfr : Thc importance of adopting ( P. I:I; r , j tux(-bwks, trot (mill in the N 10 , 4 'Districts, but throughout the ft, , S: , ,COND: The propriety ofpetitioit fog car ;tote L#ytlutln•e tv iTcl:tre the 1111J71- I.;'r of DireeiOrS , from Sid: to three; and theist a compenzatio.n far their ser . 'Directors, by attending this discussion e: Thursday evening, will have a favora ble opportunity also to witness the elos ing exercises of the Institute the next day. _ Directors, and Friends of Education, shall we have a general attendance? J. HENDRICK, Co. Supt. of Potter Comity. COUDERSPORT, Oet. 7, 1.857. Tu 'WINTER TERM of Coudersport Academy, will commence on Tuesday the 15th of December next, to continue thirteen weeks. Grain of an kinds will be received on. tuition, at the market prices, if promptly delivered; therefore the tightness of money need prevent no cue from obtaining an Education. J. HENDRIQK, Principal eog3al•sj)o'rt etotzlit, Corrected Weekly fin. the Journal, SCIIOOMAKEK & JACKSON, Idc,,ders in Dry Goods, Groceries, Ilate 4- Caps, Po u ts t Shoe: . Crockery, Pork, Fiour, Neql, Nohons 4-c., MAIN . - STREEt, I.IOI.I).NRSPORT, PA. ''Loin, cuparfine, LA bbl., " extra, LI PORE, - SALT, ." - CU RN MEAL, 1 100 IDS,, Trxa, "c? lb., Luto, •• " - - TALLOW, " " - t+- 11Ams: " 4 - t• z uot - L.routs, lb., - - D1.4:1: SKIS, “ " - MAPLE , St - Gl6, 3-?, lb., - DRIED AFPLEs, " " " T. Bushel, - WHITE BEANS, ' " 1 4F., IviATCES' IBMS =II I),,:txn, T on, _ ME =I Notice to School -Teachers. The County Superintendent of Potts!. County will be at the following places, and at the times specified, for the . purpose of_ exannning teachers,. vizi - ULYSSES, Thursda . k, the . 26th of November neat, at the school-house in Lewisville. • • "HARRISON,.- Friday, N0*".27 - th; - . . at the Cummings' school-house. RINCIIIAM CENTRE, Monday, Nov. 30th at the school-house.. °SWAY° VILLAGE, Wednesday, Dec.- at the school-h;use. . - SOARON, Thursday, Dec. 2d,- at:the school-house near the mouth of the: Houeoye.' ' lIIIBRON, Friday, Dec. 4th, at the Crandall Hill schoid-houe.. . Saturday, 'Dec- sth, at the kedschool-iluase near I£r. Weimer 's. Dee. tith, at the school-house near the mouth of the West Bran(ih. • - - CCi LIDERSPORT, Saturday; Dec. 12, at the Academy. • • TIM examination at each of the above place is to commence at 10 o'clock, A.M. It is expected that all the teachers will make their arrangements to be at one of these 'places, whichever may be the most convenient. Those, however, who attend the Teacher's Institute during the entire iessiun, will be bxamined and receive a certificate (if qualified) before leaving. Each Teacher is also requested to fur nish ai reading-book of the kind ~, ,e uerally used ;lalsu a pen and ink, together with at least two sheets of paper, a.s h portion of the,answers, In the different branches, will be Required in writing. As ,there are inCiased facilities for teachers to qualify themselves for the duties of their calliugy the time has Come for more thorough examinations. The Department of Common SchoOls" has issued new forms for certificates, both " Prov}sional" and "Permanent;". the State Superintendent has also given in struction. to the County Superintendents .to re-examine those' teachers noWholding Permanent certificates, and give new Permanent certificates -to suck as are worthylof them, and Provisional certifi cates td others; also to annul the Perma nent certificates of those who do not sub mit to a re-examination- These instructions will be complied with, ,rid a higher standard of qualifica tion will be required hereafter. It is 'hoped that the friends of educa tion, and Directors especially, will be pre:‘entat the examinations. A Lecture will be delivered at either of the above places, on any subject relating to Com mon School education, on the evening of the dayof examination, if desired. J. HENDRICK, Counti Superintendent pf Potter Cou6t3 toutt.E . IISPOR.T ! October 17, .18,57. ...t ttllf titst nl5. V• - • To pelinquent ColleFlors. oricE is hereby given that the County I. Coinini,siotiers Potter Coan:y tylil niet at tle it Oliiee, in Coudersport. on MON DAY. NOV. tiiil. Is: 7. for. the pnrposeir• of niect;ng Delinquent Collectors, (for years prior to '.a:,;, in order th it they tow pay up or make Isfactory arrangements in the prem ises: .11 - order if the Goorrti,;sioners, L. B. COLE, Com'r Clerk ;rsport. Oct. 3N , 1857. Coud .-0 7— r?.: - .1 . ILI rtll - MII , A a 7: -- 1 - ..1 - 0, 4 , ,h(0, the premise's of the. subscriber, one .Li_ mile north of Colesburit. in Allegany tarp. Potter county, l'a., in kly last, l'01:1Z CAT TLE. de'crilied as follows : ', A bright red Steer. good size, no particular 111-:ths remembered now. Also, tt Heifer of, same\ description. A r,ed and white spotted Steer, good size, one or iidth ears frozen, white hind feet, and' white spot inlore-head. A light red Steer, under size, one or both ears frozen, and short - tail. Any person bringing the dettld to me, or too where I tan obtain. them, will , rewarded. • WIL PEET. Aileg - any, Oct. 25, HARPER'S WEEKLY. ~ • ARPEIi'S WEEKLY" will appear cry Saturday morning, ; and will be sold at FIVE CENTS a cony, It will oo molten! to Subsicribers at tOefoilowfmr r;iteS, payment being invariably re'quired. [a - dvanee : One Copy for Twenty Weeks, . ti $1 00 One Copy for One Year, . . 2 50 One Copy for Two Years, ' . . 4 00 Five Lopies for Ope Year, . ; .1 9 CO Twell. - o Copies for One Year, ; 20 Twenty-live Copies for One Yehr, 40 00 - * * 4o : To persons getting up a Club of Twepielor Tweiai-five, a Copy kill be sent . gratis. Subs::riptions may commence with atopNu Specimen Numbers gratuitously 'supplied. , , As afarther inducement, the rucdishers aff(r .17arp-',l Magaiine and garper'sliVeekly for Pour .114ars a year , kith'"Persons residing in the Britisir Provin ces will redsit TW.MiTY.SIX addition to the Subscription,!for theArtieritMU Pu,tug,e. Numbers from the commencement (Jatina ry 3) con still be supplied; • • OPINIONS IOF THE PRESS. "Harper's Weekly," is well filled yeith orig inal and selected matter. Its leading articles are well toned and timed, and its illustrationS are far ahead of any journal of the kind it the country. Its pen portraits of distinguished living men are of themselves Wortk the price of the Yolume.—E-Y. Christian Advocate% and Journal. - $7 50 8 00 - 30 00 - 3 50 . 2 50 We have had alew attempts to 'eStablish first-class illustrated paper in this, country, in emulation of the "I,,oudon Illustrated News." But none of them have enjoyed the advantage of an adetiuitte combination of publiShers' re sources, with money capital, until ,I Harper's Weekly." The pictorial mutter of thiS spen did sheet is miapkoached, as a Whole, by that oil any other atnong qs, and, perhaps, not surpasied elsew EXtll3illif. * *; The Pdstagelupon "Harper's Weekly." when prepaid quarterly, in advance, at the office }A;here It is ;received, is ,TIVSNTY-SIX CENTS a year. ; BARPBR .5; BRQTRERS, Publisher?, Franklin Square, New• York. Oct Ober, 1857. - 12a,15 - 14@;16 25(5.30 - 10e,12 - 2 50 - 2 50 30 - 25€,30 .S l. G.' 8 00 . 370, etiAlit of HAUER'S NAG-AZ/NE,' otriND HUNTMED AND - SEVENTY THOU-, 11.3 S4I.ND-Ooples are now issued of HARPER'S NEW MONTIifX M.koiztsE. The .Publishers have endeavored, by - Well-dirc:eted use'- of the' abuildantresources at. their command; to render it'not . onl,v,the cheapest but the Most attractive and useful Magazine for popular, reading in The : and the extent to which their efforfs have been successful is in dicated br the fact that it has attained a greater circulation than any similar periodi cal. ever issued. • . - Special'efforts will be 'made .to render it still more interesting and attractive during the coming year. The new Vol time will com mence with: the DECEMBER, Number. 'No labor or expense will he spared to render it in every way, and in -all departments, still More worthy.of the unparalleled favor with which has. been received. . The Terms upon which HARPER'S MAGA ZINE is supplied are as follows, for Cush: One Copy •for Oac Year, . . $3 00 Tw6 Copies for One Year, , . . 500 Three in , more Copies Gile Year, (each) 2 00 - And an Extra 6:o . in for every Clab MIDME f 4 .7T-Persiiiikr::sirling• in the PritiSli Provin ces will remit THEITY-SIX CNTS, in addition to Sabscripton, American Postpze. 0:' ‘Flarpr - ,3 - Magt , zine aims - to give the /vxt reading, no tnki.t ter where it-may coins from. and' whenever its cuudtxturs can procure from American authors hets,er literAry matter .than they can find elsewhere, they g,t it; and they pay : prices for it which would n‘d , utish some of the English Magazines.—:Nl 1. 1 tilt' This popular llaplzine, while it does all that is lawful to court popularity, never de scends to enter for it by nainisteri:q to opin ions. or propensities injurious to good murals or 'social 'order. Though not exclusively a religious work, it is always auxiliary to Bible trutit and sound morAlity.----N. Chnstian AdvOcate and Jo:in.:al. Each nuullr•r cont.tining a,F. much Matter as a valet:Re 4i If aro Ili.;q iio•trri ql Engla;:il, And Auld at the vidicultmAlv low price or twenty tiv3 c,:nts.—Lowion The rn0...4 populsr uud successfulperioaien.l ever i,sued.—New Orle.an-s. *** Tife Postage ppon "-Harper's ,the when prep-jd Auarterly, atlynnee, ,the office where it is receire4, is Tatart-six CENTs vear. HAIIFER'S: BROTHERS, Publishers. Fraukliu Square, New York Nov. 1, 1857 Administrator's Sale. iN PURSUANCE of ,Ln order' of the Or '. - pans' Court of the Count• of Pott7t4r, is! shall ,e 1.1,3 3, to sale, at the Court House in the I:orongh Couders'port Pa., on SATURDAY, the 21ST DAY Ui NOVE,NIREI. A. D. 1657, ort'e o'cloc::, I'. M., tin! (lescr - ,bed real e.,tat.,:, .=ituate in Bwetien Township, Pot- - ter Coal,ty. .Houn:lod on the North by innds of S. Y. Acker and unseated lands, on the F.,nst by Lands of G. L. Catlin and lands of S. V. Acker, on the Sooth by I Inds of J.:cob Herrington, and on the West by lands of S. Y. Acker and angeated land, ; being lot. No. 17 and West part of lot No. 10 of the allotment of Haigh:lLn Lands in said township. and being part of Warrants Nos. 130.L . 1309, 2047 and 2002 ; on athich is erected one Log House and gee Frame Barn, said lot containing. about 13 acres, about 40 acres of which are improved, with 50 Fruit Trees ,rowing thereon. JOEL HENDRICK, Administrator of the Estate of Win. Lyon, deceasci. NC)TICE. ICilliim Keniing,, Ada.lp4us 13. Bone S:pt. Term, 1857, in and the Commuu Pleas Jatnes M. Wilcox, of Potter County. Action of Eject- Leonard AleKee. nant for the follow ing d t •seelbeti. lots of land in F:114 county, the first,omtaini::g two hundred and fitty-soven acre , _ sizuat i . in Euln!iii W:lsh p. /1111.11- ns : tinitig at, the south-west corner of the Tuttle lot, thence N. be ‘•. - eitt line of said lot 126 rods to north line_ of Warrant No. 2129. thence west by said line 62.t3 rods to N , : J. Mills' east line, thence/south 43 de grees west by Mills' line 31 rods to center of road. thence south 40.5 rods, thence west by Mtlls' south hue 40 rods to a corner. thence south 119 rods, thence east ISS rods to a post iu the west line of Ahncron Nelson's lot, thence north 49 rods, thence east 50 rods to warrant line, thence north 69.5 rods to Tat tle's south line, thence west by said line 92 rods to the place of beginning; being part of Warrant No. 2129. The other lot, containing one hundred and thirty'-six acres, is.-hounded as follows : ginning at a post in the east line of the Kwat ing Lituds, being the north-east corner of a lot surveyed to U. 13. Martin : thence north 200 rude, thence weet Iti9 rode. thence south 200 rods, thence east 109 rods to the place of be ginning; being part of Warrant No. 2116, in Sweden towc.ship, caunty, • And now, to wit, Septelaber 221, 1857, oh motion of John S. Mann, Esq., ::ttorney for Plaint:lre, the Court . granr rule on Defendant to appear and plead by third day of next Thrtll or ju.lonent by default, and order the publication of the rule according to the Art of Assemble, in such eases made-and provided. Ily the Court, IL J. OLMSTED, Prothonotary. Potter County, pr: Certified from the Record this 19th day of October, A. I). 1957. tL S 1 Witness my hand and seal of mace, at Coodersikort, the same day and year. 1 9:19 7 6t. H. J. OL.M.STED, VotlCy. THE COMBINATION PATENT PoRTABLE UPRIGEIt sTEA:vI SAW= MILL. This mill Is now acknowledged to be the cheapest, most practical and efficient lumber manufacturing machine is the world. It is the only portable reciprocating mill that has ever met with perfect success. Its entire cost, with fifteen horse power, warranted to saw from three to four thonsand feet of inch boards in twelve hours, the entire establishment com plete, ready for running, is but $1,C50. ROSS'S PORTABLE BURR-STONE MILL, air which over seventy premiums have been awarded in this country and Europe. It will grind with less than half the power, and make better flout and meal than am other mill. It is the most durable and the cheapest mill in the market. Prlces range from $lOO to Slin. _ PORTABLE AND STATIONARY ENGINES ON LL SIZES, SHINGI,E MACHINES, .tc. J. M. EMERSON & Co., Dealers in Improved Machinery, No. 37I . Broadway, New York. Send fox-Circulars. . INK and ...*.tai; e articles in the Drugline for sale by ' . 1 ;0 . 2.) E. K. S. . NELODE.ONS THE,C.4611 81STEM ADOPTED. -..Prices Gx•e - a..tly IteduCe4, HOR ACE. IVATEIIS - : • .Arti 333 Broadway, 11: Y. - AGENT FOR THE BST 130STOk • limtstrintibutis. rirtftE LargeStAssertment of Plano.§,, deons; MnsiCallnstruments, and Musical; Merchandise of all kinds, in the United States. Pianos from Ten.-differcnt Manufal:tories, Om- prising those .lof every variety of :style; frOm the plain, neat and 'substantial tll octaves., in I Walnut or Rosewood Case.s,frota ..7 7 .1.50. to 5200,- , 1 to those of the Most eleirant tiui.4ll up t!..) One Thousand X:J hoilse in the ; Union! can compete, with the above in the uumber, , ! variety and celebrity of its instruments, nor ; in the Extremely- low prices at which they are sold. °RACE .WATERS' MODERN' IMPROVED: PIANOS, with or without Iron Frames; lips sussing in their improvements of over-,strings; and action, a length of scale and compass of t tone equal'-to - the, Grand Piano, undod with the beauty and durtibility of f the Square Piano. They tie justly p7onon:vn_al tfie Pr.2ss mai by the first Musleal.MiQier, to be equal to . those (,f any other ulditutoqur...-.! They are built of the befit tool mos't thoroogli-; Iv sem.nin4l material, go-,r , toll'i,t to stand tae action of every climato. Loco inz.!rumet.: guaranteed to give sulifnetion, 0:- purchase- ' ' money refunded. . SECO:sa.)-11AND PIANO:3; at great bar- 1 gains, constantly in store,--price from $3.1 to Isl-40. I HORACE ;WATERS' MELODEONS.—Su- 1 perior Instrument . s in touch and durability oil 1 make. (Tuned the equal temperament.j Me lodcous of all other styles and makes: .Pric." $OO, $75, SIOU, $125, 61.1-o—do l ibk. ; Reeds mid two bnnks ef Keys, s2oo—ici- , hheroldis , couot. Clergymen nod CLurehes. !an extra discount. al.lt.TlcS GUITARS, BROWNS FLUTES. 1 7 1.,UTINAS, ACCORDEONS, VIOLINS, and Musical Instruments of all kinds, at lower prices than ever before offered to the public. A large discount to Teachers and Schools. The trade supplied on the most liberal terms. MUSIC,--One of the largest and best se lec:edatalogues of Music now Published, comprising ninny of the choice and most pop ular airs of the day, and will be sold at one -third off froin the regular prices. Masie sent by mail, to all parts of the coati try, post-paid. Particular and personal atten tion paid to all orders received by mail. Sat isfaction guaranteed in every instance. Pianos and Melodeon's for rent and rent allowed on! pnachase.• Pianos and Mc I aleons for sale on' monthly payments. Second-hand Pianos to- ! ken is exchange for new. General and select Cat.doues and Schedule of prices forwarded to ail parts of the country by _mail. inducements oll'ered to AGENTS in all parts of the "uountry, to sell the liorace Waters' Pianos, Melodeons, and C:ataloglie of Music. 1 ,:4 G. EIIERSON3 'MAGAZINE PUTNAM'S MONTHLY, 40,000 tiln,!.vibers lo $llO 31144! EgTRAORDLNARY OFFER! The PulTdishers are happy to announce that in the unbln of these - facorit: .31-ig-izines, the best literal} - and artistic talent of both publi cations hal, been secured. and. the MOSt, at tracilve each will be retained in the consoliliated work. It will aiki to preSent in its pag , s the choicest produrtiuni; of American thinkers:in& writers, and the bel:t efforts of American arti4s. NO. 123, It \vitt be purely national iu its cliv.racter; in its eviticisias it V.: aim to be 'just and and will be careful to preserve and euttn,:ite that wholesome mural and religious tune so highly cherished by the public, and so essential to the welfare of the rare. We shall endeavor, by a sagacious use of the extensive resources now at our i ommand, to make a Magazine that, in the riehucss of its liter:iry contents, and in the beauty and profuseness of its pletOrial illustrations, shall outrival any publication ever before produced in this countu . . 'the new issue commences with the (i):7 O BER number, which is now ready. It is tilled with` - the choicest productiOns of some of the most brilliant writers of the dal - , and is em bellished with forty-four splendid origh3al en gravings. It appears in a new dress,.cmbra cing an elegant classical design on 00.: cover, and the entire - work presents the meat attrac tive appearance.. , It is pronounc, u by.klllwho have seen it to be the must beautitul specimen of a Magazine ever issued in this country. Pawl:, S 3 e Vtatt. Cece Palen, $2. SINULE CONES, 25 CENTS. The Great Library Offer The combined issue of • , EI4:IISON'S MAG.:ZANE and PLTTNANFS MONTHLY"! $t art. wi Ow. circulation of over FORTY THOU- ! SAND copies, and we are determined to spare no expense in any of its Departinents to place! it at the head-of American Magazines. With! this view, we now make the following extra ordinsry offer: To auy person who will get op a club of twenty-four subscribers, at the club price, either at one or more post-onices, we will present a splendid Library; consisting cif FOV.TY LARGE BOUND VOLUMES, embra ! cieg the most popular works in the market. ;Any one, with the October number as a speci men, can easily lbrim such a club, in almost any section. A copy of this number, together with it, list and full description of the Library, will be forwarded on receipt of 25 cents. ' J. M. EMERSON ,c; ,Co., PtiblisherA ? No. 371 BROAD W AY, 1N,2‘1," York. YATES . COUNTY NURSERY. , VTH. OLIN & CO., of the Yates County • 'Nurseries, hare for sale a large and valuable assortment of :FRIMIT TREES of all varieties usually cultivated; These Trees are young and of vigorousigrowth— The qualities are the most choice known, -and are warranted dEtiLTINE.. klso, a fine stock of ORNAMENTAL TRIES' and SIIRUBBEItY, for fall delivery. - ordcrs:to C. BEACH?, Pen Yates Co., N. Y. Orders left with ROB'T. NILES; Coudersport, Pa., will be promptly tilled. CEWISVILLE STEAM GRIST 1 MILL. - NEW ARItiNGEMEN 4 T. Trlfl;E:undersigned 'having honght out 7 all I former owners of the Letristiiie Steam GristiMill are now prepared to do all manner Of grinding, as they believe, to ;the satisfac tion of their customers, Come r!ind see. i . 0. X. . CRAYTOS L"Vsses,' , Feb. 28, 1 E57.--7-9-38.' CONSOLIDATION • OF LEE INPORTANT DISCOVEiRY. CONSUMPTION: AND ALL • i DISEASES OF THE LUNGS AND THROAT 1 3. 0121.17FLY' " Ctn.-UM:la , RV INHALATION, t ir es H in c o t n i nv u s n t g h s e Lin o u ti g th h es t h i e ° . I t tt ges, and• coming in-direct-contact with the disease; neutralizes the tubercular matter, lays the cough, causes a free and easy expec toration; heals the lungs; purifies the blood, imparts renewed vitality to the nervous system, giving that tone and energy so indispensable for the restoration of health. Tu be able to state - confidently that Consumption is curable by inhalation ; is tO me a source of unalloyed pleasure, It isas much under the control of medical treatment its any oilier formidable disease; ninety out of every hundred cases can. be cured in the first stages, and fifty per cent. in the second ; but in the third stage it ii - imp6;sible to save more than five per cent.. :Or the Lungs are SQ cut up by. the disease as to bid defiance to medical skill. Even, how ever, in the last stagei. Inhalation affords el.:- traordinary relief to the suffering attending thiS fearful scourge. which annually destroy: ninety-five thousand persons in the United State, alone ; mad a correct caleolittion shows that of rhc preset); population of the eartb, eijoy mii1;011, ,:re destined to fill the t.'un- em i dive-s graves Truly the quiver of death has no arrow so Lim! as Cons:imp:lon. In all ages it has been tile great 01:111y of I;,r it spares toddle: tg,e nor sex, but sweeps of "alike tile brave. beautiful, the graceful and the gifted. hj the help of that Supreme Bling f:oni whom cometh every good and perfect _'l lan en aiibled-to offer to the afflicted a permanent I land speedy ctire iii Consumption. Thu first I cause of tubercles is front impure blood, and I the immediate effect produced by their depo siiiun tile lungs is to. prev(;nt the free ad mission of air-inEo the air cells, which causes a weakened vitality th-on i ,;', the int:i:e system. I Then surely it is noire rational to expert great er•gsod Mum .medicines cavities !of the lungs than froni those administered I through the stomach ; the patient will always Bud the lungs free and the breathing easy, af ter Inhaling remedies. Thus; Inhalation is a 1 local remedy, nevertheless it acts constitution ally, and with more power and certainty than I remedies administered by the stomach. To prove the powerful and direetinduence of this this mode of'adminiqration, chloroform inhaled will cntirely . destroy sensibility in a, few minutes, paralyzing the entire nervous system, so that a limb - may be amputated with out the slightest pain; Inhaling the ordinary burning gas will destroy life in a few hours. The inhalation of ammonia will rouse the system when tainting orapparently dead. The odor of many of the medicines is perceptible in the skin a few minutes after being inhaled, and mar be immediately detected in - the blood. convincing pro if of the constitutional effects of inhalation, is the fact that sickness is al ways produced - by breathing foul riot this positive -dvi ien,:e that proper remedies, carefully prepared and judiciously adminis ' tered through the lungs should produce the happiest results? During_ eighteen years' practice, many thousands' suffering from dis- I eases of the lutws and throat, 'have been ru der my care, and I have effected ninny remark able cures, even after the, sufferers had been pronounced in the last staves, which fully sat isfies me that constunaptitTi is nolonger a. fatal disease. My treatment of consumption is original, and founded oolong experience and a thorough investig.aticn. My perfect acquaiu tance With the nature of tubercles, &c., ena bits me to distinguish, readily, the various forms of disease that simulate consumption,l and apply the proper remedies, rarely being ' mistaken even in a single ease. This famil ' iarity, in connection with certain pathological anti microscopic discoveries. enables inn to re lieve the lungs from the effects of contracted I chests, to enlarge the cheSt, - purify the blood, „impart to it renewed vitality, giving energy and tone to the entire system. 161 - etlicines with full directions sent to any pttrt of Cat! liaßed States anti -Camtdas.hy .tients communicating their symptoms by letter. But the cure Would be more certain - if the patient should pay tne a visit, which would give me an opportunity to-examine the lung: , and enable me to prescribe with much greater certainty, and then the cure could be effected without mrseeing. the patient again. G, W GRAHAM, M. D., Office 1131 Filbert Street, (Old 109,) below Twelfth, PHILADELPHIA - , RI. " wiTNyssE4; TEM FORGER CONVICTED: John S. Die is the Author. G.) Who has had 10 years experience as a Bank-1... Cr and Publisher, turd Author of • r$ A serif...! - of Lectures at Bruatheay Tabernacle, when, for 10 . st,seeqsive nighlg, over _ Peopl,2-- Greeted him with Rminds of A:•plause, he exhibited the inani,c,' in which Counterteiters execute their Frauds, and the Surest and Shortest 'Means of • Detecting them The Bank Note Enyntiers all say that he is r ...l the um:vat Judge y . Paper ..lbaley GREATEST DISCOVERY ! THE PRESENT CENTCRY FORS. • C elaiillo etN(llltlkfeit '1344 , Tfoles• Describing every Genuine Bill in ExisteLce,'.. , and Exhibiting at a glance every Conn-• terfeit in Circulation ! Arranged so admirably that REFERENCE ;".( is EAsy, and DETECTION "INSTANTANEOUS.- . 13 . iFf•Switidex to examine] No pages to limit up! . But so simplified and arranged, that the Merchant, Banker and .Business Man can . see all at a Glance. 0 ENGLISH, FRENCH AND GEMLIN. Thus each may read the same in his own tr: NATIVE TONGUE. Afost Perfea Bank Note List Published. 0 - I Also a List of ALL TAE- PRIVATE BANKERS IN AMERICA. A Complete Suinmary.of the FINANCE OF EUROPE SL AMERICA will be publishedin each edition, together with all the IMPORTANT NEWS OF THE DAY. .Also • , • . • A SERIES OF TALES ;•4 From an ola.Manuscript found in the East. c 8 It furnishes the Most Complete- HiStory of OrienthiLife, - describing the Most Perplexing Positions in which the Ladies and Gentlemen of that Country have been so. often found. These Stories will continue throughout the whole ii year ; and will prove the -Most Entertaihing ever offered tO the Public. . - ,LE t er Furnished Weekly to Subscribers on ly, at $1 a year, All letters must'be.rid-R, dressed to JOHN S. DYE, Broker, (t) Publisher and Proprietor, 70 Wall Street, g New-York.. • • - 0 '43 - ENV GOODS—A large •lind Splendid As rortment just received at 10:1 OLMSTED'S. . iliilo4l . pilhi iobeitiso). - dits : . • ' !FROM • 1 - - r- ' .. JOHN- -A;,: - ..13,1.D.D.1JP;- - - ,, T: At Merchants noteir North- •Ith'lSt.; Philatla. TO THE Milt CHAtiTi - bf THE vas-r, AIIILADELPMA, accessible, your,attention iO'ca as possessing facilities and advitittig of your consideration. - - Among its advantages may hei.en its location; having shorter-lineS j of I cation to the interior, its proxitmty t and Anthracite Coal districts of Pena the large and varied extent (If tures, Lehr far in advance of finy in the United Sidles, the Moderitte, necessary for carrying unhusineSS,e The tuarhet p , ,siesses ges tar the sale of many kinds; such as Flour, \Vlieat, BarleY, Iyoo Cheese, while the Charges! no saleS and attendant exl,enseS are!tho ate than neighoring seaboard unitize Wit- TV. PA UT, Wtmlesalv BO(.1, awl ST It, NV pOULni WAREflti I 62‘; Market St. • 1 1 ELVG, W h-010.1 , a1..'1CL No. 430 Market and -P2 : 5 I Strek.Li. 7A 17.0 R. GILLESPIE - 4 CO ~V Gaol:Eß:7i. NO:. 11 and 13, SoUib . , . J. C. Fie EELA -VD, with CZ. LS I.: . : • POE., Impurter.4 of WINE S , 1 8131 GIN ;:. kc„ No. 304 North 3d titrest T. MOlelel S. PEWO 7' 4 CO._ 110,m NV ii: ,li.sale D eater s in D' CS . (it I- P-1. INTti. 011,S. Gl.A,;5 , Sz' DYEST 1: No. nil Market:and-121:i :Et. J,{rani 11. - E l'STt IN E S TIT E SA I 0..1F. CoNCENTRATED hill fOr Maki Mannfixtured be the Penn. 'Sal". C, turn, Alleghany comity,"Penn.':Rer by LEWIS, JAMES ,j• Co., Philadi] 1.1- 1A S 4. TA FLOE. Iri) porters al JoLdwrs, No. 305 MaiketSireet, 11l GLOVES, SHIRTS and DRAWEI BELTS. SHIRT BOSOMS. \MITI.: EMBROIDERIES, LACES, e.u.SH THREADS, COMBS, I t*, 4-c. B UNN; RAI G E . EL 4 CO., imp tc-is it BRITISH GOODS and Jobbers of F.i.INC:• - • and STAPLE SILK GOODS-, EM HOLDS RIES. 4-c., No. 37 N. Third street. i 1 JAMES, KE.ArT, SANTRE 4- C0., 1 Import- - ers and Jabbers of FOREIGN and DOMES. TIC DRY GOODS, No. 23:4 and. 211 - North, 3d Street, above Race. - -, BLABON 4 'SMITH, OIL CLOTH MAL` , .ir- FACTURERS and COMMISSION. ItIER CHANTS. Warehouse N 4. 1.6:N. 3.1 . ; i t. I/BORE, HENZE 1" 4-. (IC)., IMinirter. , -land V. - holes:lie Dealers in HARWARE. CUTL! , .:- ItY and GUNS, 427 Market and -j:,10 Con.- merce streets. . . .3..1./r/.. H. BIBIGHA CS. Impr - iriv . ' Rll.l. ni Wholesale Dealer iu FOREIGN :,i , Il DO MESTIC HARDWARE, No. 253 :IL:tiltt 31 street, below Vine. MILL, CROSS CUT, C li?C Tr L A II A...VD SAWS in :my va:riety and the cuiebraled IXL stamp, umnula, WALTER CRESSON, Depot No. 5 merce St. HAMMERS, HATCHETS - lc. •in •g riety, manufactured by C... 11.11111.0 put No. 503 Commerce st. The i . of the trade is called to these goods as tieing. equal iu quality and finish toany le..dtf. JAMES BARBER, Wh ol e sfil 6 D.:ll7yr in CLOCKS, Agent for the PATENT EQUAL IZING THIRTY DAY CLOCK, Mnnufacte rer of GOLD PENS. S.lll. 7cornei of id and Chestnut sts. - . . PRATT 4 HEATH, Importer., of WATCH ES, JEWELRY end FANCY GOOD-.7:, N. W. corner sth and Market sts . ' . JONES 1-.; CC, . Importer,: and Jobbers in British & American Dry - Goo:1A 215 Market, through to 204 Church Al-3-. ECG Mouths credit for approved _Note;. [10:14-3ni e,merlcan Safety-Pages` I.Plazra - factoring Company' of Acil - York. CAPITAL $500,000. • President. • Otifee 10 IT Perfoct Security against all niannar rf Traail, by Countcliitiny on PaiT.-7' Photographs and Anostotic Coaninr- Erasurna, Trane,fors .or -1.4 TOAVING purchased the Patent for the Ei elusive right to inanufacttare - aud'Sell the new Chemical Paper in Atueriiia, invented an4i patented in England by HENRI' . GLI-Nx, limited chemist and officer in the.BritsMartny, it is hardly necessary to say that the "Paper n. , c‘mmaelb-ci by Mr. Kent, ..Issayer th, S. MI or. Mr. Lynnin•of the NeM Yotli CK , ,krimr' House. and Meade , J3rothers,: _comet's:ye slash '2331.1r0a0.v,11 The lAtzQr saY that no imitatifin . can I n 111 , 1,! ! on a check or bank bole printed on the 54:1 . 1- , Paper. Below is (Air list of prices : Bank Choc. , ks, 35 ctA. 1-4 I Bank Bills:, $lB fir luau Bills of Exchang . el $ . 25 for 1000-shect-•=. PromisSory".Notes; 40 ets. ' t ! lb. Sight S Time Drafts, $25 for 1 tug) sheots. Insurance 40 eta. I? lh. . - ' Railroad Stocks Sr, Bonds, .10 cts: . Bank and State Stocks, 4-0 ctq. lb. • Bonds and-Mortgages, 40 cts. - ! Wills and Deeds. cts. "k;) lb. • '- 1 Fur wrapping Silks and other fine arq.cleS it is eiceßout, as it prevents moths. 40 Qt. , I 11 lb. For Indentures and Agreements, - 4.0 cts. lb. All State and County Records'shohld all y be printed or written on this Paper, Ss the chemicals inserted in the nip not only pri;- - vent erasure or transfer, but make it lastihg as time. • . For Southern Climates it"ia excellent, much superior to any other: as the tneistniais of the Climate does not destroy it,—the prop=•., erties inserted in the pulp being a preventive. In all. the southern! states, Cuba, the Task Indies and the Central American StateS, - nti public ivecords can be kept over gOyea r s,•writ; ten on the ordinary paper, Ichile the oils and other chemicals inserted inthis • Paper make.; it indestructible by the ravages '()f time. • Rig also proof against moths, rats and other ver min, whie.h feast on and der:troall pi ' per now in use. . The pompany have now 'in- operation in Morris County, N. J. of about 3FiO hoial power,;rma arc able to fill all orders' for Paper at the l:lortest notice'. ..• . _ All orders for the Paper-mast be addressed, to A. NICHOLAS, President" of N0.:70 Wall Street. ' Q . I O:fE CLOTHINGbf Cheiricv'e TPI.I 1 - 21 onl, lia,i4l at E. K. fif'ENC . .",it'B;' 10:21' --- 11. W. S., b tiOntii- ng 11,11 to I , Ls 1r9rt.:,.•!, !MEM ,ilmninto ) the Iron ,Tignufetc thrr ci V., uLct., fttiV•lnt duk c, MEM tl,l tz1,01.1 t.Luerr, SPOL, MBE OTI;r7'..G bole. ''' ti ( t'- kNL''') ; I '7; Pre, or Vr,seb' 1 I q - lu' , ;1 i t • ,) 1):5 r . !