S[d:lA . l%6ld ReiuVii6tn.] National i7,atieii of the U. S. 24- preuie Court.. It needs no argumenttoshow that the pu F eiup Court of the 'United States has Aegenerated into a mere partisan acid see : - tioual inst,rument. The lamun.l.able fact is palpable and undisguised. its recent outrage upou public decency and pro priety, is fbrcing upon the country a se ; or *tipillioVS - Upon tlie - StSject - of .SE very, not_rcquircd by the case undercon sideration, and titt,ercd fur the• sole pur , , P% 3 -folgiring a PC'rtain 4acreduess -to the' greatest.part i§an outrage' ever. committed by .Congress—the annulment of the Sla very prohibition in the Territories; shows the: extent to which that court has degen erated,and the utterne.ss t;.€ its prostitu tion to the uses of the Slavery-e•xteuding Dulii.k.ians. Is there no remedy fur this debaSeinent of the Supreme Court? This the country no protection against this new and strange process, by which the politiciami may get their most repul 6ve heresies transformed into law? Must! 411 the Ilxcc;utive and 4tdicial precedents' of the past ruthlessly denied and tram pled down, whenever a reckless political o•au:bler shall chdoAto coin some new theory in support of slavery, which he San sell 1 . )) the South fe,,r a consideration. Court is loolted•upon something fixed aad inam9yable--,e.ntirely beyond the reach of the people, and clothed with an authority r . e zirly or quite cbsolute and despotic. Indeed, there are not wanting, among those who claim the game of Democrats, .time who consider it. !!5 0 rt (f ti'v*n, or something worse, to doubt the infallibility of : the grave gen tlemen- who occupy the Supreme Bench, or to hint at'the possibility that theyhave uttered a mistaken opinion, or yielded to e corrupt influence. But the whole his -1,0ry:41 the Judiciary, in this and other countries, shows that jnages are but weak and erring man, often committing the saddest miStakes, mid, alas ! how often perverting their sacred olic.,c to the sup port of the wrong cause, when backed by power and wealth, against the right which has only its. own righteousness to sustain it, We said the Supreme Court is sectional. It is not only so ig its general aim and the spirit of the majority of the judges ; it is sectional in its construction. This is seen at a glance by the following table of the judicial districts: FREE STATES. 1. 11n,ine, Zie7 Massa chusetts, and Maple Island . 2. Vermont, Cunnectiedt, and New York . . . 3. New Jersey and Reranviranlit . . . 7. Ohio, ludiaint, Illinois, and IBM Four circuits. Total free pop. 12,834,720 SI„VV.t.I STATES. 4. Delaware, _Maryland, and Vir- ginia G. Alabania, Louiziana, and Ken 6. . . . North Carolina, South Carolina, and C4.orgin. . . . 8. Kentucky, Tennes.‘ee •and smug 9. 31issi:Appi, and Arkansas Fire elreuit,3. Total free pop. . 67G- Here Kentucky is twice inelnded. If we deduct her population from one cir cuit, we shaft , see that five . Southern judges represent but 5,883,000 people, while the four Northern judges represent 12,835,000. 'Under a fair apportionment. On North would have six of the nine judges, and the South but three. We have reason to• believe that the subject of a just and fair re-organization pf the Supreme Court will be brought be-: fore the best Congress, and will bccomo' a topic of the most serious and earnest diScussiou. It is too much to hope from a Congress constituted as that will be, that the rupasure wiII succeed. But it will be presented in such form that the pleasure will succeed. \But it will be presented in such form that the whole country will see its intrinsic justice and propriety; and the decision agaiust it will 1 he so evidently based on sheer sectional and party grounds as to demonstrate bow entirely the Supreme spurt is relied upon 'and used as a political Machine, some ; thing . will thus be gained in the presents : 'ion of the true bearings of the question to t 4 Mg% rind in the .preparation of the - public mind for the change. If we can not-secure a Supreme Court lumens urahly-- above the base partisan uses to which the pre, , ient court degrades itself, then it iCere . betier that the whole Should be rooted.up, and a new court or gat4csli tnat shall stand above the reach I pf such nflaienees. • TEIE American declares, tipit 'it' his the proof to estiiblish the ! • whenever Secretary Toucey de • ides • be is interested in the con.: treat to furnish paper for the dougres-. printiiiig, and has made treat profits furnishing paper of a quality 'inferior to ~;!1-1. 1 pies upon which the contradt 7s";.;;: 110,11,, • 6P, lipttn..,oitr-ital. f_3OUpEASPOIRT, PA" 0 1 1 14640 111,P111 11 1g; : Oct. Iq, 1857. LI. CHASE. EDITOR AND PUBLISHER. Governor has• issued- aPro' ination fixing upon- Thursday. py. 26th next; as a: day of Thanksgiving. The . s44ie 'any iiasalso -- licerr - :ioOffed - byllie Govf_irnori of Maine, Now' HampShire, Net*: • ZCZi-Sofar: as we can learn, Totter is the . duly `Counts-in the. State that has giv en a:largiii majority foi • lVihnot, than for ,the fteritthlivati :State Ticket in 1.55.6..-- ',Brother Cobh, what have .pog to say against passitv , that Muller this way : * Tui I:CUSSAS GatpE.L The editor of Lite iiito.tk•ilic 1171:g say; the Detuocmtie party is s'utTering with a- severe . attack Of the ; Kansas gripe. It i is a' troublesome disease, l and 'will yet eatisc the death of . the Democracy. Ike Kt2msas .Nl:l3raska platfortrOs like Geu. Piilow's on the W,rong side—and the Democratic party has tumbled into it. tr-0 - 11Jle regular quarterly meeting of the :Coutlersport Library Association will take plaCc at the room of the Liiirarian, on 19.ATI3TWAY Nov. 7Ttr , at 4 o'clock P. e Vii. A LOcture will be delivered by Rey. 041'.1.. Blake iu the evening. The friends of the Library, and the Stock holders par*ularly, are earnestly request ed to bd present at' the,meeting, as busi ness of 'great importance will be brought j before. them. . 14 re have had the pleasure of in speetiai some syrup made from the Chi neSe Sttgar cane, by Mrs. Russell, of But ler:County, lowa. It is an excellent title.—better, to our taste, than any New OdeanS - syrup ever brought to this mar ket.. Mrs. R. made sixteen gallons from a small patch, the growth of a 25 cent paper, of seeds.. Mr. Lewis Mann, who brought this sample of syrup, saw many of the farmers of lowa at work making it —conversed freely with thorn in relation to the cane—its value as an agricultural product &c., &c. Every person with whom he conversed, - was highly "gratified with their 'experiments, and spoke of it rs : ,.a complete success. We feel great encouragement at this account, and shall watch with interest the progress of the sugar movement. .MP•In spite of ftio Mtempted frauds of the Border Ruffians, Kansas is in the hands of the Free State' men. Aepord. inn to our latest reports,, they have a Ipa jority. in both houses of the Legislature, a:id have elected Marcus J. Parrot to Congress by from three to four thousand majority, 2,943 7 204 3,78'2 3.16 2,801 341 4,907,869 1,'183.91g In lowa, the Republicans are entirely successful, haying elected all their State ticket and a:, majority of both houses of the Legislature, which g,iyes a Republi can United -States Senatoi in , place Qf Jones, Administration. 1,443 394 1 r 249.167 457,901 In Ninnesota, the offielidireturns come in very slowly, but it' is nOw conceded that the; Shamocrats hard carried the State by . 4 small majority • In. Ohio, Chase iselectO by 2,100 triajority; with the balance; of the State ticket, except Blickensderfeir for Com. of t'libliell;*.orks._ The Legislature is Bit .chanan. In this State, the official returns: cate a Buchanan - majority of 40,000, and ft larr F? M majority for - thk•nl in the Legis- . • latnrn,' POTTER COUNTY.—The Democrats have probably elected theirieandidate for Register and Recorder, .A.I4.DREW J.ACK- Sos-, 'Esq. (nut the General; but a - michty clever,) while WILMOT'S majority is about 400. Ma - FA COUNTY.—TIie Democrats have' cleated their etitirp County ticket, and hare: given the State ti iket a, respect: Sbie.majority.— Warren Ledger. That is about as correct intelligence, as a Hunker paper thinks it Worth while to give its readers. Any man who had in formation of Wilmot's majority being about 400 in this County; could as easily have known that Andrew Jackson was not probably elected Recorder, The Assertion as to WRean County is still farther froin the truth; for- the Re publican candidate for County Commis sioner is elected in that County, also, the County; Auditor, -and Wilmot -has some sixty majority: Such being the charac ter of qie Leiiper's statements in regard tG cweats in Adjoining Counties, what re (ilnce is to be -placed on its statements, or papecs of that stamp, when speaking of affairs' in distant Territgrips. GOV,. MAlty,leforehis death, : did not I4csitate tatondenin the : ontrngp nor and the - conspiracy against Kansas. , -Viroth,the,Cinhinnit4 Enquirer.l on. of I lie Demo : tpralje. - party. ItiehUrd 'Dtylor, Esq., only sou of the Rate President Taylor, is the tiOtnoOratly . oiididate for the Semite of Louisiana, is It, to St. -Charles district. - Thii,•, we, be lie:re, completes the list of the . ..ens 'Of 1 our distinguished patriots and statcknen 1 who are now: aetino- with - the democratic party. Fletcher Webster, - the son of Danicl - Wchtrayhturaotcdl;ith the..l - Juno- - titatio .. party ; ,for Feveral : 3;e:trs....,: jambe: B. - -CloY,-t 1 1 Q.:-41) ,of-ilottry_A.)lay,is.-..tbe:deMo,: eratic member of Congress elect fromi - the . Ashland flistriet,. Kentucky, - The, sons tof el=Presidents Tyler "and Iran Buten continue to adhere to the democratic faith. j J. Scott HarrisOn, the son Of -exl.'resident `Harrison, is not a democrat, but he is. i ! terly opposed to the,libiek Republicans and all their political ideas Thqe is a :rood deal of signiticanee iill these facts. - .. More significance than the .Engliircir ibas 'eVell dre`arned of. These men have I sacrificed not only their political, but their !personal integrity, and are real prodigal !sons, . JERSEY SHORE . BANK .—An election ; for Directors of theJeresy Shore Bank was held-on. Thursday last,.which.resulted in the election of the following gentleman : John Gamble, Samuel HuMes, E. D. Trump, Robert Crane Jamca Gan- ble H. F. Duren, John Ai`ebb, - James S. Michm ? ..l Syphep, Husto'eli, Hep burn, A. H. McHenry John Sebring, James Williamson. These gentlemen are good men, well known in the community, and we - pre.. sume will give general satisfaction. :We do not know whether the fact that ten out of thirteen are Democrats is the re sult of accident, or design. Time will show. The. Directors met at the Banking House on Monday, 12th inst., and elec ted the following officers, Hon. J. A. Gamble, fresident, J. J. Sanderson, Cashier; there was no teller elected.— Joreell Shore rilette. Oct .15. • We publish the above item of news, as evidence of the consistency of the Flunk or Democracy on the Banking question. The leaders of that party are alwa - ys talkifig against the Banks, and yet. they. are the most active in starting one When- I ever there is a dollar to be made. by the operation and mote than that, they have made the system of Banking in this state, the most favorable to _Banks of any of the surrounding -states, and therefore the most unfavorable to the people. The.people chf ,tersey Shore are nearly equally divided in Polities, and yet when a bank is to be started three-fourths of its managers are hunker democrats. We presume the same rule will ,hold good throughout the jstate. Hence- the Banks had no trouble in getting just such Leg, islation at the extra session as they de,' sired, although one branch of that body ).».0 . 4.35ed to be anti-Bank. What Hun kc.r I.lClllOCraCy k on the Bank question, it is ou every other :just what will se-' cure the greatest an4Junt of spoils. Kansas to be a Free State. I Already the good effects of the late election in Kansas are being manifested. 'The Chicago Times has the credit of re flecting the Sentiments of Senator Doug las, the most influential of the Buchanan supporters in the Vree States. And thus the 2'itnes speaks of the late election and the Constitutional Convention : "What that convention will do, or what it will not do, we have not the means of knowing. But we km)* that any attempt to force a pro-slavery constitution upon the people without the opportunity of vet ing it down at the polls, will be regarded, after the recent expression of sentiment, as so decidedly unjust, oppressive and un worthy of a free people that the people of the United States will not sanction it. It would add thousands to the-voto of the Republican party in every State of the Union, and give to that organization what it has never had yet—a show of justice and truth. To the democratic members of that convention, the course is The people have decided in favor of a Free State—though they have not v,, - zo.l in the naked issue of "Free State" or, "Slave State," they have voted practical ly in- favor of a Free State. Two-thirds of the dentopratio party in Kansas have voted with the "free-state" party at the recent election, in order to make the pop ular decisibn more emphatic. As Kan sas must be a free state, even those per sons in the territory who are known., as pro -slavery men must recognise in the late election - a decision which must not be slighted nor put at defiance. To that expression of the popular will there should le, a. graceful, if not a cheerful 'submis sion., Kansas is to be a free state! That fact bein g ascertained, leti the convention frame a constitution to seat her- best in terests upon all other questions, and let the prohzbitiau of slauci•Y lie put into it, dearly, and without gualile,plai out disguise, explipl:tly,4rpailly, and ji:rin ly. Bet the convention then submit that constitution to the people. If it be adopt ed, Kansas will - come into the Union at the next session, and the Itepnbliema par ty will ; expire for want of sus4ettanee.' These are sensible :views, and if they Lfla:.beett .geuerally • entertained - for t.h. past nyo years, by the;patty to which the Times, belCugs, there never ; linnldhave been.„9.-ny_tiouble in li7ansas.=:But tiniugh late in adOpting them, wei hail them as ua evidenee 'of (le. : triumph Freeddip in Kansas,! the ntost important political ,triumph ever achieved on this: Continent.. The Free .§,tate men of Kansas . , are enti tled to as Ilarge a Meed of prCiso, the men of 1770. • . lls to= the extinottoff - of • the Republi: , can par . ty,!„l4 Means of admitting Kan: welcome to that 'opinion iiihey will but - . zinlin'the work; The Spiyit of tho Slati - e rower. Some Months...ago; a ,Cul Netherland, Member of Ft Presbterian Chi reli in Ten neSsee, caused a tolured nian which he claims as his froperty, to be So inhuman ; I'y flogged; as' to arouse the indignation of public sentiment of e'en ii'Slar.3 State. .The faCts-Coming to the knowledge of the the Rev, Samuel Sawyer, pastor of the church to which Col, Netherland bcleng ed, he advised 'Mr. N, to appear- before the Senior of the Church and satisfy that body of his innoe euce. Inster.a . of doing so christian an; act, this ;:enuine spat - A : men of American despotism', turned oil the minister fur his i r nterferen;z 'and drove him from the pulpit be had as:a pastor occupied for many years. The following extracts from Mr. SaWyer's sec ond letter. to the public; Will show how the Slave holders treat a minister of the Gospel, who will not keep silence as to' their cruel treatment of Slaves. "Furious -threats were made by the INetherland party after my "Circular". was published, such as commitment to the IPenitentiary under the Tentikksec st4t- Utes of 1835,.and personal violence; bit , . "none 'of these things moved me," as I had deterinined neither to run away her to be driven away from the line of duty. The. negro-trader, Mr. Blevins; assaulted me in a store at Rogersville With a heavy yard: tick, but Eider Johnston interposed, and, as some one observed, "could have thrashed the ground with him" and would have done it if he had confirmed the assault. Disappointed in the result of this attempt at intimidation, Mr. Neth ' erland's nephew undertook a co-Aidin g: . illemonstrances were in vain. He struck at me twice with the cowhide, and then !in selftdefence I choked him some time. against•the counter, which moderated zeal so that he abandoned the idea. Mi:. Netheidand's brother-indaw went se tar. it was said, as to remarkthat he "could' !stand by and see me gyrated on . the; !streets of Rogersville," and all because I 1 had called the attention of the Church tol the offences in. which Col, N. was MAO-, mated, but which, to my utter asitunish-! ment, they, r„s a family, were disposed to I justify. The family, in connection with the negro-traders and a few others, in all alum ton e-ten tit the 711e)111HTs y the Church, cletermined• that I should nut preach my farewell sermon in our Church, and they' ' arbitrarily locked the Church door against the Sunday School, and a part of the El dens, and a majority of the Church-mem bars .and congregation who disapproved of such proceedings. "And yet Mr. Netherland would havel the public believe that he has I !mit these :tmoured cruelties and Church disturbanCes aciad the part of a moderate, , a reasonable 4ind a Christian ratan., Throughout his statement the reader, if . he can wade throUgh its miserable gram-: mar and wretched composition, will per- Iceive that lie has kind and gracious words and gentlemanly - address for the negro trader, hut the absence of all these when speaking ofd minister of the Gospel." Such is the legitimate fruit of Slavery; wherever it may be found. Its whole,4 power and spirit is brutality, injustice and barbarity. Hence the murders, frauds! and-sacking of Towns, which have markl ed the track of the Slave. Power in Ran-1 - sas. In view of such fats as this Neth-I land affair, which are of frequent occur rence wherever, Slavery _exists, is it not incredible, that prveSslng Christians' at the North Will still persist in giving the right hand of fellowship to the Slave hold ers, and thus encourage them to continue. in their sin of Slave whipping, breeding, and all the Villainies connected with the system, If Northern Church members " would entirely withdraw their support ofi Slavery, the monster iniquiiy would sick- I• en and die at once. But instead of this, thereis scarcely a Church in all the North but what contains leading members who have "kind and gracious words and gen-. tlemanly address" for the slave holder, "but the absence of all these when speak ing of (an 'anti-slavery) minister of - the Gospel." , Some such will go so.far in theif•devotion to Slavery, as. to .accuse, their Presiding Elder. with being bribed I to preabli, anti-slavery, and should the . minister in Charge undertake to call.the offending member to an account, ten to one,. ifhe does not fare in kind with the Rev. Samuel Sawyer of Tennessee. i f , DEAR JOURNAL :—Brother Jona than's imports for the last few years lave xeee(led his exports by several miLlons bfdollara Al nitally, and.many of his beys, like good - 41),.rildren,:have.,,followed. his ex araple an4ought more than they have paid for, till at lost their_4tes are'protest..• ed; and noir, 'BrothUr Jonathan and his ;boys - findh "g, themScives without money andrwitho t credit; conclude to -' sus pend.' . ' McIIENra." ' Ocr.. 15 .1857. - --, •. _ . .:Consistency. , . .. The fuMwitio . extracts from three let --,, - '4, "7"-- - 7 V-7-77-_7. .7. - 477 --7. ters, all voluntarily written by James I,l3uchanatt,i,within the : past _.nine-years, ruled no com.nient : 1 - .JAMP4 BUCHANAN i•i 1848. "Uatint , _nro.edl the.. aduptiou of..._the -4, 0 issouri . ompromise, -.the. _inference is , , C , . t,esn,tibie tnat Congress, in my °plu . m, )sse.ses ii leer 'to legislate ?Tint the sub rit if slav ' er& in the territurics."—Leacr ,Sanford. • 3..imis BticaANAN IN . 1553. L II ' ' "Tuts leOslation—the Kansas and Ne riiska Bill l Hil- founded on principles as ii:ient as Ifree government, itself, sod in : , firclaticerwith. them, has simply declared ;Jo t tA el ,,f4 ;le of cir a t•,•ri(il, ti :e tiwsc V a .itut e, d,..1 i , l decide foe !Lc i;.! si l ees ihcthor stately stall or ?tot exist alibis t lici r I . 1 it;l 1.•5."---,. ci•iptance ty nontinatif.a Ar , tin Presichncy; 1 . 1 PREST , :NT ELT - "TANA?: IN 1557. ~. f` 1• 1 . 1 Slater, exi:,ted at that period [when !the KansaF i and 'Nebraska Lill was piw,- led and still - eists in Ka:tsrs, under the !rot stitutien of the - United States. This point has jat lest been decided by the highest tnnal known to our laws. e All • flute . i it could et i or hart-tit'Cli SPY it:lll4y (1 Nilti i'd is a mystorit. - .1f a confede.rat ion of so ve- I, rf ipi IStati ir i acptires a new territory at Eke expensp of their eel blood and treasure, sitteely one set bf the parties van have no reyht tO exclude the other from * its' clyoyUtrnt, by prokibit [iv thrm from taking into it Otatecet - ls recognized to be preperty. by a: common. constitm'ion."-- I Letter tot is 11 7 ;:ip Haven lifrinoriali.sts ::t SUNINER.—A private letter lames D. ifiTe•ne, of this city, 4 in Europe, furnishes very nt,,lllgence respecting the Hon. mncr. Mr. Hague spent a day in compai ly with Senator SIIIIIIIer, and thins. , W rites respecting, the state of 'his health : • "He converses without the slit:lltest degree of! that nervousness which one might ext:ect after reading those pares-;' graphs' im the newspapers which make it i out that fie is in a precarious. situation ,till- `:,I loubt whether his health was' ever nitro I 'better; he lonks remarkably well. 116 was on his way from Avona to Tutlin; and thence over the Great Stil Beanard into Fiance again, having been 'I in S.Witzerland a week or twu."—Albuny Joirizal.i. - SE-N.I . TC! from Mr. ! NOlo is n ;Iga:cab's:l te4e - Trimnplz In I 'Ohio. `.4e reelection,of Governor Chase, of 01t,',6, wo'belicve is no long r doubtful. .1.1.i. i s maj4rity is likely to cxecud a thou sand. In Hamilton county his vote ex ceeds that liven for FreMont last year, and doubles the vote ht. , , received there two years ago. The result is a gratify ing one in every'point of view. It is the 'mist complete itoli,tical victory that the Governor has ftchievcd. Ills prev us sneccssl:s, numef:o-as as they have been, were obtained partly through the divis- ' ion of-his opponents. He was elected to the Milted States Senate by a minority ; and when le first ran for Governor, had the opposition bean united, he would have been defeated by about ten thou- 1 1 sand votes:. In the lt,te election the op-, positi,M wel'e. united.; : the vote of the; Americans wtt,s4eo incoiosiderable to be chronicled by the Ohio .press, their mer-' ges in the administration- party having 1 - become absolute;. so that. the vote just, givenlWas a fair test of the opposition! strength of the state. , In 41e two years of his *gubernatorial admitl istratiou Mr. Chase' has built up ' the Republican - party from a small plu- -I ralityito a majority, and had placed the' future admini.stration of its: affairs upon! a fir basis. basis. He has purified it of its; secret foes us well as of its transient and; unreliable allies, and has consolidated all the friends . of freedom and economy Into a compact political organization. This is the fruit Of wise statesmanship; it is I ripened confidence which his good sense, probity and forcast have inspired.: No one who looks at his administration with out- , prejudice, any longer doubts thpt, like Saul 'iu 'lsrael, he is supei:ior by 4 head and shoulders to any Governor that Ohio ever. .hild . before him: Governor Chase is one; of the few men now in pub lic lif e , who Ihhs alway been faithful to his convictins, and whom no immediate , or prospoctite political advantage has se aced into iaproper dalliance. The. Cincinnati Gazette thinks that' the rest of the 'Republican State ticket is' elect d, with the exception of Blickens- I derfe , but, for whose nomination the! 3. trio ph of the Republicans would have ; been more : unqualified. It attributes I the "(worrier's large vote in Hamilton' county to the 'fact, that. 13liekensdarfer was' repudiated 'by the Republicans.- r - i .4.V..1". Eec. Post, • • ,- ' ' ',l J. S. M Ci . jilli . .l'itVri:' . .(,ilititti -- ,1 ' .. '''--,-----' Harper's - .lk , witrine, fu t, , en,bt:r is on our table, full, as usua l !, of first eia., i literature.' - Thisnumber ekes the 1:d.: uric of 1557 :---the Vol . uae for 1`.;.5 )1 commences with- the Decei,:btx nunl er. 1, See the Prospectus in another eduakafQl, Egryi - A a "Great IV dil . 4 l cir and a half twenty-obe.inphesin eiye,u this be 6cet-eu? We:11 - ./ . /aTer's .IrePigy, attained tU.tlai ! position offirst-class illustrated litvrary I • paper, and fast .grotying into the faVor: of the havet.e4 it fur nearly a year, and . can End no fault with its lit. erature or and" can eleerftilly commend it , to those who . desire sueli.4 paper. flee ;the I:rtspeetus` in ant.ther column for'torips, ete . Harr s 8 irsiip, \yd nd er. ful restorative and purifying A:lndic:ice is new the subject of gencr4l conversation in every see,tiou of tide Tt ia ~. an; antl-surprising-car - cs, esp-2eially of a ekss of ilkiettses (which-the pr ,, l'es , ina acknowledge beyond- medical ;d i ll L:: re rendered its Dinue taineus . out the whil.t it coesolLniont, ) the iifiliettd to kern, that in 1 . ..t5 . rol,o‘i v is doncentreted gref.te!it I,l , ssing 611- e:till—perk:et DIED. In Corning, Oct. 18, Mrs. Lorna :P. PAcn3a ; wife of Mr.:lines M. Packer, (Formin of ibe Corning Journal Office,)_ aged tweatyeven She left fire children, one Tieing . an.infant few months old; to bewail hereafter the loss of one of the kindest- of 'mothers. whose lite ; wa , si constantly devoted to pronkte their ecri• fort: and' welfare, and whose worth eventlie eldest is too young to appreeate. rintspr, bend the severity of the ltd ber,:tNenitria. [The above comes to i:- thc blit 1'1! 01, and ire Ittarn tuna formody re:,3ilCd this band being connected. with tire_ Jour;taL3" Porn'ell d C ()ne' , rn in New ITeri . sends us a quub:e column tulvertiscinent, which Coq rs - quest us to iusert -four tiiees our pad in books, a list of W prices is attached f(ir us to select frcu, which we must accept ti..-aiitm.f r , rpondir:g entire eata lo2:ue would not pay for. the root:. they' desire in our paper, at our b_Asist cash price. Scud along: Fll-1 it c- i centle men and t;:lte pleasure in your ‘• ad" 7 a:Plabe, as yon oft:Jr is as in, ult. VVe are Sot,LI shoo can- afford' it—but w• ,- Inti , t forogo too exiensivc-reading thu, hard tittles. an L0:44--Faitnd Deu,d lit the: —Qn Tu . esd# of,last week, Mr,lllAnitlEL. BARNES, of o.,:wayo township, in this county, started out hunting. Not retur;)- ing- that night, his , friends felt finxiou: but did not dkert thelnselves- to d:. ,, eover his whereabouts until the neit morning, when they began to inquii.e aMong tho neighbors to learn whether any one li . ad seen him. .Icothin: , N . V. aA heard of hits all that day anl.l ni:d.t, - ; and •on . Thurday morning . a few-of the iteirilthors started la -of him!, 'but did net and. eral rally was madt; on Fri- And aboltt 209 spent. out in seaPo UM MIE ally inut:umg, ' all daFin searelii•ng for liiiu.on the vari-- ous courses lie was thought to have' tiaten, ; but were .unAuceessful. An firrali:CMeni , ! was made for the ncxf day, and the cow- puny were separitungi when -a tcw .per. sons who w4trd theOsivityra Creel: a few • rods south of; Mr. Robbins Brown's house, accidentally; tOund WC 4lead body of Mr, Barnesl abUitt, fifteen rods from the .creek, lying uponchee, and without any crp '•• : , peararree, of sang:ti e ~ or wo j uno.„ 1 - .1. ls gun was abt four n d behind, the body, ; one barrel• - 4 it dis 'surged, th'e ! lon the other ; ;tube ex luded. also 10 the appearan i ee of ha 'ltb_ - 4.beera (used t- as; 11, support -in Avadinc , ti e creek. ; Mr:`Barne's had aded the creek, at a well know fOrd for ( to'tuidn ftqlie of Post .flollow, and Was. geing. directly towards Mr! . Rubbibs hove, ; about 1- miles beloW iMillperi, and Wail w i thin 60 01 1 '170 rods ; theliouse-wken dise,avered. • ;; • Mrs, E.ll:;Gravcs heard theirepert of 4!! , • gun at:A a Ina hallo about nine o'clock on Tuesday ;bight., awl ballvd the atiiin ; tion of her ; luband, (bey being in hetl,) !to the fuel he! told, her it was 11.1 e holds of I.3‘..ikclielestsaW mill, 1‘;11ort (hs tanee is - s-uppQsecl to have ;119ea Mr. I)arnesl,lin distresS. - ' e It is sUp used tAcit !Mr. B. being bttr!ll exhausted !by a "parld. -days 'trete!, ios! chilled by the wa or,' his strength ctn•o 1 way and iieli'dibd n Tuesday .night. , `was buried; on S iturday.• He 1e tvc a l• laird fatuity an oirele, of fricao to, mourn his loss. I • - • F!! os. - Fronel l of ROME stil mext...cd C;Tri \c up t((t it it cliv•tla