The Potter journal. (Coudersport, Pa.) 1857-1872, October 22, 1857, Image 4

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t - tra tszPltiray
fc arsse
, azd genteel7y,
eased c-nL , Fccs,
att.:cuts ,oft,'tind
Tti wear ?iAfiudied face;
and like gnelly z.ift n § aria gaee,
Are wclt enough I ;
t c: ,te..t. 72' want in this zoft sge,
it heart to fed., a h - ii.od to think,
Dr:zpite each haze control ;
toogne to speak, a rand to work •
That pit:pose of the .o 11;
j3y thc.o and other glodly tolttas,
• It way ha sorely known 2
Jr till? or that, -without hi.: holy,
/Its bbne,
123 a man lat'3 all a
Who Ar..nda rip atraight and atronz ;
,Who locea the Oslo. and simple ;.;,siit, •
riri.:l not piad to wrong;
Who doala with firm; on:rambling hand
To every one his own; ,
blebl , ell thin, is anybody,
The Overfleivizig Cup.
A company of southern ledies wore cue
day sssetublaci in a frieud's parlor, wbVii
the cotwer.sation chanced to turn on oartia-
V aft iation En eh had her story of pa
ouliar trial and be:reavewents to relate.,
cnreept cue pato, ssd twilling:c . c.-I:* an, whosa
lustrele•ss eye aul iejeoted air showed
that she was a prey to the depot Zttliall
-4PFIII' Suddenly arousing hers - wt . , site said
is a h'ollow voize, "Not one of_yoti
What trouble
you please, Mrs. Gray," laid the
kin 4 voioo of a lady who well knew her
etory, 4 tell the ladiee what you call trouble.'
will if you desire," she replied, far
I have scan it. My parents p(zs cased
. •
Oen ?retemoe,_ amtl ray girlhood was sur
rotinded by all 'the comforts of ii:e. I
eeldom knew anungratifted wl:th, and was
swaps gay and light-hearted. I ::tarried
at nineteen' ono I loved more than all the
world besides. Our home was retired,
bat the sunlight never f.ll on a - lovelier
ono, or on a happier household. Year
rolled peact•full. Five obildren sat
around our tale; and a little curly head
still • nestled- in my bosom. Ono night
*bout sun down one of those Here',blaek
ctorms oi4,3se on, whioh are so onanson in
;oar eontliern Climate. For many hours the
join poured down incessantly.
dawned, still the elements rav,d. The
whole Savannah Seemed aildat. The little
etre= near our dwelling heoame a !ag
ing torrent. ikfore we were aware of it
our house was surrounded by water;
rianaged With my I.,be to rea.,h a little
epot, on which a few wide spreadinglnes
Were standing, whose dense foliage afforded
Nme protection, while my husband'ar.a.
eons grove to Pave what they oon!d of our
Triperty. At last a fearful surga wart
away my husband, and e never rose,again
Ladies— no ono loved a huoband more--'
but that 2L'Ol not troulil.c.
"PrTautly ;my sons saw thalr
and thostrntgloi for life b:loame the only
mosideration. They w,:ro brave, loving
toys a. ever blossed t mother's iscart, and
I watehed their efforts to ezloars whb
suoh aspnyas only mothers can foel. They
score so far off I..eould net speas to them,
but I see them closing noa;•er and nearer
to each other, as thsir little island weir
raallor and smaller.
"The sullen river ranged around the
liuge treess; dead branches, upturned
trunks, wreaks of houses, drowning cattle,
Masses of rubbish, all went floating past
a& My boys waved their hands to 'me,
then pointed upward. I knew it -ryas a
farowel4ignal, and you, mothers, cannot
imaginituy anguish. I saw them all per
irb~ sad
yet- r that was not troubk..
bugged Toy baby to my heart, and
when the water ma to my feet, I a1i,,,b2(.
into low branches of the tree, kept r,
tiring before it, till an All-powerfn.l Hand
stayed the. Waves, that they should COLIC
po further. I was sav,ed. All ttly world
posssion were swept away, all my
=tidy bopes blighted—yet that was .not
'‘2ly t!aby was all I had left on earth:
latored night and day to support him
' cat . soug ht• • bunin
14 •nays , to tram
Aoliglo - ..wV; bp.t as he grew older, evil
COMpaniona won - him.' away from-me. lit
ceased to care; for his mother's- counsels,
lieivOuld sneer at:her entreaties and ago- ,
nisiug prayers: rlie left my humble root
that,ho might, be unrestrained in the pur
suit of evil; -.744 at last, vzhen heated with
wipe one ni , -nt he took the life of a fel
low-_being., and ended his own upen tuc
scaffold. - 31.7 Heavenly Father had filled
,tny cup of sa?low. before, but now. it
,ever.- THAT WAS Tnot:utz, ladies, such
Jo I hope Irid mercy will rpaze you frou
tever - eapriepticing."
There %4Z3 Uot'a dry eye among her
[tenifil.'il - Ilnd - .' tie - ti'...inneBt,''iirtika"-" ivid Indurltrinlas::tri4ll as '-intelletraii:4::i
4 ,
i - Ott. for the beyezyr4_tp9ther„ yillose 1
I :s the most effective tempolld antidote to the
error and troeibf oar rnee,:liteeoznizinfln .
Igad Liitory has taught theta IL useful 10.1 hero dezl-4ded ipscimen of Uuniattity a
I '• . ", - I dine itia.:` l ',,.'tibinh ihdill . td: . til,t cr'sv4refilly•
1 ;9 . 11: ,:, . . . , - - I - - . ' '.' '-'. - • I-eheriShed not ruthlessly trodden,ont,triiilikve
1 . t
, i oharny, for 1 , 111 forzus ,of . cril but : t . llose trllich
. :531W0C41 E_P:c.c l :l o P l .' 37o ',k?. C°!/F-E'L'" I seek personal il9ntage thyough Abe debase.
TED.—We see by ' the AlEssouri. papers 1 rnent of onifellow-1,?1ue.5. ; :,..Tll9 elsainfilai of"
, - f . .1. - ,. - - •
o ' . r : „ - Ino class of caste, the.:deyofee oT. no sect, we
Cp . A .li.olEts.3 ints4/31,, c,.?1(..t. tat.lL.c..l
I would fain _be the interpreter to each.otLen.of.
Ilan with Szewart. We. 'liar; no doubt i general concord IsttcrireuL.,:bOr A inde,kipital,
a ;1
I but eis ecnt , zt w 1 disclose . nweo:4 . appre , nv:ia:on piv t
nro;sn inlo.llDllllr.ll l
2WildaDg on the part of ;We Stewxt men. ! ttgonirlr. A coteinporary once obserled that
Iv,, _,..: . .. - , ..h e I, he never knew a hard. graspin!* nigg,..41.11y
p.,..a.ti0...i 11-Lt?., F..r.b ,*: I now ur.COILie r.
! 1: . . • ~. employer. Who dld not hate TIIe r TIIII.II.,INE,
%ieltticu poLicy.,of piny whose eallut- I. nJr a gen . e'roa , ..l.trge-sonlitdAindlyon6', Will-
I jial l at.. ! 2 , l-. s miling and : ing to lire and let 117 c, who did. not, like, it,
. d ate he ras
, v .
We ask. _uo liigliQr praise; no wanner attesta
i fya.udulcnt returns Lave I„ieGoine. ordinary . t p„ .
. . .
B u t h-lve t ot,[. The circulation of Tdi - E.I : TIZITM;cEis-at ibis
ima as follows: Daily f1'2",064
a cat tuner 'itti-sr!'atviiine - NI - nu . .•
I • „y, 4 y,
!tigdy in iaer.ll:e. %ei,4. s conies.; Cato tilt srd
- . 1,1:,01)41;
_cclucs ; Tc.tal cop 'es.
is a evtry luau's Of t 1- k
114N. , 1;1y we bc
liev.l-to ba exceeded b: no other lattutsp.'rr
;though you m , y, not
pub'' eherd in rue worq; thet. of tto "Lily
sitratli hind the pt - ,l'',•.'etna.o on his beat. fails_
b the of tome of our rl
I . lusl our licstiFty to slogan
sod thTraffic 'ut . w.ti-trdqd arid
;politic. cur D-ily isenes would now be sonic
atoms-ads heavier site our Acivsrtiein,i; fur
tn,re luerotive; but of car patron:te guner-
I all., we have no reason, no wish to e.emulaio
4..ifu0.:?. t conrertcd ehrort has, been in:_de to
1 diminiah oar rural circulation thi -, .. - 'l•J'e in'
auen..,e of the f oit;ea.s..ers some of whom cro
la I.': iii it PZ- - r.e . '' others wader pu11!.k . .!
9'r_hnt; while a I trg - e number, we -are happy
for the sake cii;Thin - rin Nature to ehlt?l, rel43e
tc be area- ' doted into it at all . Still, we haVe
been made to fed the heav,-13:d of Po or,
arid have df4abtlese lost thousar.ds of e...b1-,c;i
-b. re in consegicnce. Pretsals t av;lich no in
-1 11;s private capacity would ha V.:
6f , ") - TA haa-g been relied on .to justify thr
s'...ypage of our papers within retch of their
9.11,1 rightful owners, and their re-,
teatiou is the. Post-otlice till their
dte-roved. PostraaAcrs have bean schooled
::.y rival journals—several bf them liviug un
kaoir - abil:ty to carve as an
'antidote to TiIE TP,113L,,.1..,---ne to their pa-, duty to promote at our expense the
hdisseminut.ou of g,asettra of adverse politics, I
We shah outlive this warfare ' hut we do - not'
a7fect indifference to it. Ia :fie open field of
discussion we fear ucthing; inatin the tens
of thousi.r.tds of rural neighborhoods where ,
Pastraast2r s'a induce many of - his's / Olet '
neighbors to take th . e journal be reedit mends, - i
we have :dread- lost some and
pact to lose more as our subsc:iptioUe for - this
year- Capin?. Vie apilOal. therefor, to the
hearty, faithful, feardass ' - ddrocatcs of -Free 1
'Labor and Free Soil throughout the land
take cars that this official warfare on our cir
culailcu be not prosteat . ,d without coun:er-
ac-ticn. We erafiloran traveling agerit, fur
We will not consent to have flail public bar. ,
assed with the solicitations of strangers 'is
our behalf. We strike the name of each sub- 1
e - rriber to bur We?kly or Semi-Weekly from
our books en sOon es his term has expired, for
wt will act haunt oar patrons with dans for
arrears which they may say thy never in -I
tended to incur, far pipers .which perhaps
they never read ; wa rely' foi the renowal of
our club Eub:-criptiuns solely oa the volua- I
' tecred effortS of those whd„likirtg
b, eve its inaucaca salo tiro and wur - ay Co' be
eaten-lcd ; and t'uus far our reliance his been I
justified. as we trust it may continue to be.
T.13'2 TaIbFNE is printed on a larg e
rerlA sheet, 32.1 by At inche.s, folded in
qtviro fc , rm,-and mailed to subscribers at the
W0.11);)11)=, Wlth, L;.;`:11
I r`
14.1 - cry, Aci . diac,a 2 Holliday . , 3J:••ej.b.
;A3LO/1, U. ti. /1:4 - r,J1.1, " Ara
1 , Al:ea, if AL
. c-e, J.• C. w..
• .I.,ocza
B La - J-.11;:r..*.:, Jaba-
L , L•e-,*".
1. Ll • Elij
-L-1• r,C'r.arica
Urea, J.r
14.. W. , JJel P. 2 .
L. ,
Lunn:,:, J. A. Z. E.
Glace Jecatfusa bal. c .
Lie..._;1i1ba2.4114:1.4 a A:2 ::.i;;;ler, D.3:<.1
Li.' A, • Turaer,iJyrus
tie-dcz..u, J. D. WelsC,
t: darn.
12 4 11.PerSOUS Ciiiing fur any of the above
5... y 1,1,4
J., ;.1. jt:1)...:, Y.. 11.
C-3eder.r.ort, Oct. 1, 1357.—tt,:1c.-Jt.
Val YO:aIS.
'. .
---. .
• "I.US Iqil.llUN 3 wasOrst issued as a Daily
'll l
ou the luta of 41 , e ril, 1801. - Its l'iuei,ly
ea ...on ustis.., cotous r 2ustsd io 6epteroutz of Le
sa , e year; its IStsui- , :Vcokly its IS iy, 10,5. It
ws ~ t. e trst daily ie. Attu r..c../ 1.-) issue as
.lo ibis or tight-page sheet: tit a low price, and
it as L-ist aL itarzt eve] NIZh toe turatuost az
itslrsvals itl t-se rs.issd expa.ut-iuu tit I .,pa,ptr
eztorpriie, %him Gtr: great eztoasson of iiasl-•
r01d..,, a,uti toe c't..,l,hbhm.out of Um 7,:t1e.:41M
o>.it m have crow6e4.l" 4110 Litese l=ast silLtasso
;:syLltitl yea=rs: ;Cu larger jearual /2 astor•loi
at po.low a Ist ice its any quArter of the wirld;
aou.e is ..kats:ritsst, no tuttte.... at wuat prit;,2
,atid, pays :so tqua,l,l at eutst, tvs.tskly or to .sist4-
, I
.y, , ift - aoo. -
: tastilecsu s 1 il. lt ena )soya curi - ...
‘- 1
i...) .:: . , cieu,,c Itgul.rly La thJ leasllui,, , ca,,,ita:s of,
1,._, 1 ,, 4id ..It. ;lidmoat itepora,:t pr.. ) , L ., 0 , ..,!
La...i c0..,, with a liher.,l still' of
and r(p.)o.,rs at hnote, rqgardwg Issa, carry
arid s.,,,:urate it,forua.stloa..nss tlsof.sre , t t.f,
a .New.iir:per, and th,t tistiv and tUor.sFsg:s.:
slids.ita(aoo L.:o:9.rue ..*-6 1.3? s.:.t.s.r tad of its .I;dt
~ ..ur,...1.5. lo,t:.:t: i4::it t l'ili; 1..1.:.11.1L7 E: L. 1.1.,. .:
13 up aud IVIII be conclur..:d ca - ,:::thug acd
ptrfs• sts L.0tr.0.'.p...5z,51-zsuts 3, - ) .t•stst as tit.;
tui.r,a!,-. ~.i ata p-t.e.)u,L. ,, 'xiii JU,t,fy t........ 1 e.. 1-
eu1.13.:. , :Zit: 0 :kid :haco..rl-u1 utt.wi t :.., c :LI aeut
.iu‘.: aril wail tut. :.sis,w Nvurid hy toe m.igatstst 1
os...tre pr..,t - t,,,..l, vs,ts :11,1.1 Vu:.? .0,..0,:1t. "11
AA; lVi (1.):1, to 011.4 . .. ,- Q.", al..•di we tr....,t, a osa,•-
r-5p , ..444,.z.atit - aas. i .g..s . .to 041 reat: o r,,, publ.s4
e.,,C-1 ;'Z.,:-1.14 a sj,:ui. , ..i.i.s t.sf the pros:A:LI lig.
jay'. sic.curs e...scses 'L.., r5,;:g.1,..,11,'.6.....r.,p ~, N . 5.,,5„,.,- ,
era A1.. - /c: . .s, and l'is.s.rst .s's.sta, .r.,;;
.c,o:t.i. of; Lou 1:3-1'.1e , ...., the I.l.lJaut...rj• azi K :ctz,
ao.ilial - Foo. rr.,,,,,,c•,..50t 111;f:or Lgruise. ‘V i . .. 11
4. g ,0..i',a11:. r r oiLo, ead la": d...1y irs.sps.r
oa,..rjzsdt: taute, tae ALue:i..:ttn. ta..U.l.sil or
sr:;i la! Withal a iv:y - 0 ride pi the chy nray
t'ato &F.usfy taco pveuing the dosu'Ls
.of too
..-.v.t.z...d sior:ti 1.0:k11,;;LIJ. - 1t.tae day I , :e , :aila z ; i
.1,1 it ~01,2., Lar,Cy p, - .,,,,i.b.:e this. auy 'Li3,..:
woo cad I . ca cf. but L.,-p2csitllf cue w 1.14 6.'e
c,a11i..,.5.s so ..4.las.t.ass It sit * l.)egs.r :icily aiLudell:
1-1,.` 1,1..4.,.Y1i. 13 .I.ld
,i):o_i;, of a ci•ily Jou:141.1
1::11.4 4 ,ors 1, true mouvi:.,l , iy or . 1E0..,-; Iviw,
i=ce favLattr valj.sisi;thsu; - ,rit, wirers walla are
:11fre•iez .1, - , a 6:n::- '.'t5 , ',..,., or e'eca a Wet:4ly
estie.:, rat t y . 5.........a 'aid ..zt..v..
sEEdials with run ;has of
i', ass , ' niay affect the Is
usileatu 401t.t :aridFnpslt•,l wail
htuaz of in inkind, euginctic Thocil )ziy
:xcepted. Its load:f,g idoa is the uo.4oring vI
nese,t, 14tftil word us- whiittiver, ;Taut or
cup:city, sad tao coascruisut t3l,vatiun of toe
Qiass in isiouvicali,e,
OL:L. M., , ,
,O9stli t ; to
zilz•t tth
very , lcr all lotOnfli.Lt!t.tu _LO
LS WgiLie io,r,u or t1,..,;;;..41. W.LLI .L$ qttot!,,;. ! .).
r.eS, savu 'in. the defuse of Country
.I,ld liaberty ifgaitt4t actual ba , .‘a,iJii, :tad ta
every ° form cf (3.-.lmliiisg. Des.rtia L .; •to see
Vs . uodcilon extended and eueuura.:tl, while
~ .- i .d- S oaciatioil and nstie Trit:. , e a::
tideci,it favurs
,tho pi.licy of ::usotions;
, I.verifying Lion:7 Indsie.V., by a dtscrim.2l
- t6L1 , 1.3 to LOC:eaSt
:ha ;tried of ii rain to the f.rmsr wujie
Chet of Brand to :the artisato by,
ei thed.siatice across Which tb.:ir Ic:ip , 2;_ttive
vroducts lira; exchanged; and; of coarse, redu
eing taa cost of tneir !transfer.Jicy sling
- Filinusterisin in all tt, ii to , aLt‘i es - try fortis
and device of Nat:haul cpre!ousne_s; with un
bilorrenee,aa the bane of tO . ep.iblics
.tnii • in: Aeir tiiiindipb _the grave of Equal
human Might:: we seek by every mcaus to
who and win tht attention of oar country - mod
from projedte or a zgranciiz ament. a bruad to en
tcri.risas or development and -bonedeonce 'at
aquae, f. , rcindst ainouz we rank a Rail.
.rur-ri :wag', t heart of our tetritary to con
acct. tho w:ittrs. of the Atlantic with those of
;b.; BcLev:zg that the goods of this
illc are no yet fairly distri:oatcri, and. that no
one ready to work z•houid• faltpish is un
s t:Es,es,, it tends an opon'ear .to every
itni-zo , :erzent; which does
tah;t ttcs el eternal Morality
an: w:o:r.ti right of erory one
'ea has fairly produced or Iron
eet-iy WriSt sink man
ikrad 7fiU 7 kB cuAOa rake, tti&-,ht of- barbarism
rt, bqn.iilor. %Vita a profoand con.-
74.1 ot.:istk,rltlr.kt fir‘anktrds.
and ee ibtr (.li/
I,Oe ;re-a 'y-.ltltat.: :7, better. ci.r.rn
Pea:skir. , ..z.t: , --that, tan eirrid t:ained up in ',arc
wcy I . .lrely.ia; aft•r•r ; - ears
deear7: -.lay for tho... thorny pitt'r.' a of Vic.-
Dar.: Taitay.vs, anuurn
One Cnpy, :,an year
Two Copie3, one year .
rive GopLe3. One year .
Tett C-oplea, ig 0216 al•?r•2a
0:1C C. - ,p7, one
,)" , .1. , r
ore :re .
Five Cop . :o, ooe year .
(l , aphs. yo - ir .
Tyvlaity is oal 'al-all., and
17.rzor Dumber It the r Ito of per
aria ona
rwrnty Copies, b ql,!ar-k
at. , l any lar:;• - r number tbo
rate of $1 20, each . .
Auy perura sending us a Club of twenty or
m ~re; b.: . t:al.t/C.l to as ra
cD:11 - .11, - r.. - :.13 at :,up
czo.ia to advau.ze. lettcrs
iiG;i CL CR.2.I7LEY
Tri use B 1;1 ii
N.o 151 1.715.;1q 6..reet, N,!tv Yurk.
Ne.w I Cst , atpt..l , 3S7.
Pr' . V. 1 ,10 11 STORE
L go. •
K.. 31'ETAPJER, • •
Offers Great Inducements
thlo store I,firp.tely cic , :upied by D. \V.
SVBNC4it, ou rids of ilubho
;,c..6,1 assort cat Lion-itautly on hand, frow
?rajah I will eutiinziute a 1.2 w of the leading
articles, suca as
Ural', ~laitard, Candy,
Coffeb, Ciananion, Furs
x(01a sea, Pep 9r Sauce, Crackers,
Syi ups, Cat g ut , Soap
Yea,t, Gaudio<
.Tobaceo, Dea•L
Cleves, Snuff, "G." Caps;
Curb. sodi, Sagars, • Tartar,
and many other things too nqmerous to trzen
doo, be found, in this department,
be sold at a, trifling advance from cost,
For ready pay.
Constantly on band, such as, SHOULDERS, FISH, SALT,
rLo.e Et, - CORN 3IEALy .
and many other articles in the- line of Provi..
rions not necessary to mention.Alao, . I
such as Brooms, Wash-Tubs end Boards, liebs,
Dinner Boa-es, be sold lovi for
vie ". or renfly pay: Cats, Petitose, Butter,
Eggs, Cheese, and in fact alrnost everythi4g a.
farmer raises ; will be taken in ex.:II-Inge for
Goods, at"tbeir cash value. I invite the at,-
tention of Villagers, Farmers'and Lumbermen
who desire to make purchases in the above
r.rtielas, and solicit their to call' before pttr
chanin Cl.t C : :.`l 'cert. E. K.
cundersr-or,, Jane 9, 15:11.-10:2: •
1:: - 41 , LEAGRED MUSLINS and finVothfn
tic:4e3 tb4of Dry Gco (
it - .Ar for cse.i . .at • IS. X. 5.1 . 1',NC1:2;i 7 ..
;0:1: • .
Of 41ear. ;, ,grekt, first t sttn2,-.-",
A-2 1 :4-;fr 0 4 $ 1 .4 4- 9,#.9f
fzit U
nr-r "e"
"'":1 r •
NO r
When a CLUE ;Is
. gcarant6ed
•PI 44- ST EB 4 :q •
- firvt , ;,.Dicitoihi-Lh4e..a
. n 1 :Me Kiliattilutipi
i ittat/4--cri.l.lfereitriti .. l .I(4,ilinzaiism, T:Soto:Lidak
41:i:flows andl.4nkl6s, DiseCse 7 s of / . /4.
I.k.'nys, atidiEllc..gfUk.;r4 ifpofi Me
Body or Lhn. l 4s
1:711.1's I..)azacc, akcl ill diseascB ur isaigfroiri
dr.rageirieni. of ,the r s uai Or:vaizs,
c,fT,;(:ll . TrL;inbling,i.ozS of lien) -
ory,. Lo's4 of Pou'er i ; P.: nerad Weakuest,
D:ttiness of Vis:on N'v;tit spotz'appear
ing bk fore the -eye:4 LOss ni 61 2 ...111, Wakeful
nel:4 1,-.l;•er e; Ern ptio it 3 upon
the flee, l'Oa in ti.e bank. :inn beau; Fenn le
u I iinii . rolierdiachanges from
both t•i51:2, , . imitt.ors 11,1 fr;-tu
the I . :ise,Fe io -g vtandihg
or, obstin-_- , te rcemet4-y ta,a, and io
. a
'shod-wt.:me then a pi. ; rtiiiment cu t e ;:a rib e e t_
f,e;,,-1,:to; any int:er crew after tut
dii,:eace. has b the s.1:1 c:niuent
iin-; dud iTsi,ted air :he:::
tued!ci'..o pleattit without odor, c.:11.,in,:„ ao
SC: 3 4l:ei:3 and free fl-am' itmrcuri , o: b:1-..ill.
Daring t xenly years of prnctice, I have rescued
from the of Deatli m Lay ttrousands,-w so,
in t`-le ilast Stages of the 1, borenicntioned•d,r,
ea - ei had been ,ire:: up to die by their
ch ‘carra - nts ate it II:V.1113/1'g to
wit 4 may i.:l:tec nadir my
rare_ a perfect and amst . ipeetly care. S , Cr et
are the gre. test t newies to a:th, as
tt:ey are the first c:::11:-,e of C.„,m-unipti.m,...Ser,:l-
- .37a, and many ether disea.oc, and . should be a,
terror to the, humau As n pe: mt.:Lent
e scarcely ev...r-eir:cte-I, a-ingjori yof tile I
caees Ealing into the hands' ui incompetent
pasons, wuo no: only lieu to the. (11:- , -eas. , :i
'but ruin the com,titution, tillitvg . ;he systent
wtin mercury. Willett, with the d-is-ea,,,e, haz
trne the suf. orer into a :Arid Con,Qinptioa.,
.Eat si,caz!ii the di:ease and, the treatment
not cau:-M '!learo speedily cud the Vicim mar
: r:& , the cheese is entailed' uf , on the children,
'4lO arc born e - ,ristitntlons, and
tht current of life a virus which
betrays itself in Scrofula, Tatter. Llcars,
tions an other affeetions of the skin, Ere?;
Throat and•Lung....,nntailing upon-C.GZI a brief
existence of sufferiiks and cuailguing them .to
lan early Grave e. •
SELF .A..13t" 'll' Another forbid. bit en'eniy"
I to health,' fur nothing else•iu the dri.adceittn
i logue oflauneit diseases crestructive
a drain tipon the sy...t=l, drawing its : thousands ;
.of victim; through a few years of slif,ring
clown to an uatiadely ,frave.. It do-tray. the
Nervous system, re l dily wastes away •t - tte en
ergies of. life, 'causes mental- derangement;
Fr >vent s toe proper development of the system,
disqualifies for. marriage, society,
lid all earthly itappiivss and leaves the suf
ferer wrecked in body and Mmi, predispo:yed
to consumption and a tra n of evils More to be
dreaded than death itself. With the fullest
confidence I assure the unfortunate victims of
844if...40n5e that a permanent anti speedy cure'
C. 1.0 be affected, aid with the abandonment of '
ruinous practices my patichts can be restored
tti robust, me:llth,
The afflicted are - ctutioned agniritt the use
of Patent Medicines, for there are so many
ingenioue snares in,the columns of tha
pbate to catch and .rob
: the unwary sufferer ,
that millions have - Ili:1r cons.itation 'ruined
the vile comt ouu is of quack o
tto equally poisonous nostrums vended a.-
"P.+ tent Nl , dicines." I hire carefal:y
many of the so called Patent
• Nled:cines
find that nearly alio; them contain Corrazie,
Sahiimate, Which is-one of the ma-L.:12,35t pre
p.tratioas of increury and a
vhiri insten.d uf-carilig the disease
the system •
Three-fourths of the patent nostrums now
in u,e, atel la: up by hryti , . - : pled'and tyre: tu,
per. - who do no: and l rt ud tech the
ph -bety the M./ :rt.:. a n d .1:e equsil .
as destitute of icy k d,e o. the lla:nan
sYs'xul,,:h.LcOa 0.13 irk N w , rue,
that to tuthe nanuey feg.trilles.> of .:o.isc.cinen- j
CCs. it
3 00
5' O)
11 '2u
20 Chi
$2 00
5 00
8 00
12 00
and all fa'eaStt , i tn art'l l
fora -lco tre :t on pri a .ipl u s byl
twenty y , !....r.s of pr..l..:ticx , , an I s.O by r
t'axts,..nds kno6t /10(1 . H
i ins :vita dir3cf.:oas s: at to .t.ny 6t",
01.0 tda.e, bj patii-Ltsl
J. SU Eli," - t 7 I LI, -1)-4 1
Ciff.oo Piibr.irt, et ) .
(Old i4O. 109,)
10:6-1y. ar.Low TWELF ILI,
Low ivrie.%t.s aatilill-ael,y Pay,
AT .11A RUN tLNi6a
SCRSC:ZIBSiZ.6 are ofrcriug -fur
aui stock. coazt....ui,g of 1 .
L.A.)6 NVAUE, 1300
1141.'z1 Cal- •
PAR A.A)1.1 - 3,
• WINDOW 011A1)E,•-;,
11A1)::: CEA/ RING,
Iu oar . ...tjectlazi: I.lle,waatz or All have beeT•
reawzauerect: Gtsulleaacca (au tcatin
it. , ..ady Clothing an .eleza t
rashionable suit, or n. B , lbBiaulial.
Flit,'lLita ' Caps hud
Toe Ladies chit find ritshional,l3 Bonn ,- s
heafitifniky trimmed,- or'nqunets ;
a gocid'aisserfineu - Cul Dress.G3,:als; -
mtags ; Gloves, Mitts, 11e.4ier:..• and Gaiters.
An4,l4st.bnt not, least, cordet!..se4 sk.eletou
31Orts ; aI;o, Rattans, Sitirt-Whalcbour. an,
Brays 'Skirt-Hoops; beautiful Jet Necklaces
aura Bracelets, Corals, .Fans, and too runny
other things to enumerate,--nll,of which Nsle
are selling Ina' for gash, Lumber, or any kin
ttro4Nt,e. FLOLIR 4 311;4, FISIi sc., c-o 4•!
ttantly . .
W. li.; S; S. IL (.=12..1.V E.
Sharp); CeperiiPetter C 0 .., Pa., June 5,
' • '.;
0134NQ".N 7JE - 1,0N:juol. received by
.16: 4 ' ' JC GRANT-4"
Th. IT:i• SPENCER is Ageit for many
inoq - pcipular Medicins now in
few of which ho will meniio:
'J. R..S T. AF F 0 RI) •C•Ol'S 1 0 LUTE
PR:'D. JAYNE 36 'Bl:4,l*!S -tAgiLY
' • '-i.I"
. .
kINDS OF cHßßrty
. R., SvaTord Cdi's Olive Tar is ri,d
plied anr.Fir.baled by 'wiairiatr
a.ruhad the heel; and oa the breast. .1/is 01.;-
Pri..Oi.NT.,4ENT is Applied where the .skin
brokrn, and is 4di.tiarrezr.. , cdy
Ciain/-forthe Wttoopiag .oetigt.
1 itIiw„FoRT,READ - QUAP3 TERS. , I
wriFe idicit..b.e.:t•44.lliii 4414:9 4 40 4. ;
' /L ,forming 'their : friends that they are in re.
ciii,Kt,or..,,n.nti are novv.opepli p ag, 1 a choice gia . d .
'desirable Stockci, ) . 1 .: - .-:. ...' - I - '.l At. i. t 5... i.
to which they' invite _the attention of .411 , whn
desire . -to wake-parch abes.,-- Our, stock .is large
11!;sibeen J seleet , .d wit ii - great.eare and is ppx
tienlariy- kilaided talk! wants of this section
of Our.cquiliry, -, -Our sc!,ck-oi 1.54 Goods con- .
ilsts of :. -: • - • : - 1 l ''.-
t.,- , -.0 IDS, LA;: , ,,51.4... ..t.S
_ . VESTT.)IGS; 1,0-
- .ViES'ili O s , i
F.ili.liairNGS, 1
- •' . : ' J -LINENS, ; I'IiINT§,,
, IittSIERY,.; SlLitgl.,S, •
and, evariety of othei ar:lcies, info nuinerc.u,
to rat:di:ln: We hit% e :.130 a courpiete assort
aleat of ' , - I I. .
• II
011OCERII:S, - 11-A1:DW.11Allil AND
- ' • • C1'.6ei•;.:•.1:1; t'. I
J. 1
ail of whi c h will be sold unceniniroly_ cbeslc
fJ,r rvady i.tly, ~:td - I',r i.i•pruved Cr: f,,L, u n ;
rtoitniLble ct-rti.,. :‘,S V.l.': othc.r'es:Lirli-Ltwit.
CMANN I &NIC1101..S.
1 11 1 .1)-ort. ii , !g. 11, IeL,C.—:):1!".: 1,),-.
ZING & $014;
438 .13vooine.St.ret-A,
Oat- '1),:i.:.,r Ea..'. of v,roade, ay, [!,ts: : 463 Bread
. n . a . ;, i; NEW-101:g, I
1 ; i P.:eatdi.,;:ed A. D.1833.,1 .
NYITE nn e . :.:Ltn.nntion of ;11, 1 .e it gcer:t re. r i_
ety and snperlur as:boron ...tilt ot CilAiltt'',,
nottinfactar.ql at their u•en e,,t;. 41...hinci,:, a h o
under ;heir iiroirtediate. obierrat en and direc
tic; iti , l,zlling I
C 14,1111.. . SI S I,IING.A.ND'SQ,II7IB Cll.llll .'S.
Embracing tha atost complnte as, - ;ortria(lit 7
an 4. eh )I.ett,t kindsfory'arior , ,
.I,lbrarizs, countiny
BewiPt i r, Parliere„3-c_ i
j i r t ,. .ge:hek with.eTery.d.aF irsblv sort
emnrort; . ,ct•ov , ...lnl'ence P n lor s ury of thy
the IJ:firm, Itc Lunt; and Lary.
In po:ai. of Ingemliti uf, t.lel,an,ceof
of n4?,.:terlal,,faith
,:.. -
lf..lag n, e.ti:a - b.lity and citapnt.t.,
These cliair 141....urpasFed... for thew, M.
OV. srvardi , cl ' lll3 nod
;'clay P. :11... , 1.:1,.nu,1 the fs,: . .elly recmarni-nd
ideal az, L.-II:et-is or
. cou,:a., : s: f or
1 .4,71/ma:lc m
:11.;:ronrLial sire:Omni.
!I cither arm of .the chair trnij , attnc.heci
conve%ltnt rcading or Lhasa, and an , ,
eoatblnation de.sired. will be tasn , lfaetared
.9 order.
Cireutar. wily explazati , ry will
j'Aent t'y mall if raquesied, anei ar,iiers ra
forwiCai t 1 to any Mart
the weild.'
.r.;13.x17 RYE.CONOI.IY!
'An Arni-Chair, C , inc t at:,
[couars lIN ON •,i 1:;,- , 7 , 0,
11:i1trt pObl',l - 11., or k ico:ttg..,:, to me e .
•ha varied roa:rern , r,s for e-ruHrt, en•-
, 'ace, Trxur - and ev , a , m v,• L.n Wt - 1,
as price.] - Woother In • or
-2tl:!'orhLted CHAIR '•As YOU tt:
J 1114 1 .11. ri--Lpect-, char 1ie1L2112:3 ever man
.n or any r;rrAar coluvrv.
The rroui /-'...!'r ern to
r.l ng f:ni,•ll.
T iu: , tituli•;a-, wril
t.:zy al.l,
1 in :lay n 1,11011 7,
CIL,. A{ . • lo c.r N
B - oonae L., Our a,.t pl Km:l,l'A
'./C 4116 V.
Fi ac A;:.F ) firtri.,:•t :11
-eceivol :it • OLMSTED'S.
Thitraptmlie Ageut
ever Val 1.0 dra (-ad .
417;:zi,tf, . • ••• . MA' ;",NETO El,Et_
- ........1.1• ; ,..t......r.tri't - .(•,:t...:r....i.i, c , :
';i s .4'. : ' , '-' 4 ,:-' , -•%.. , ;.i.,'41,;( : f4-.;. •it .7.Oxciitil . 'g, .:411. I
1, : 7 -.... ;&F -E i' . '.irA 1,,
M 1
, i , e 4 i r .t! . . l ._
, i0V44.,?)i.-.P. , 1 4 %: : j • , a ef iV.e ,
l 4lFtef„jeAt:!:".; . j3vptl : IProf:i.ita aa
j ''l
-1 1:1 '. , ''i:-'41:i4••5.74.::" -1::,'-• It tio noel
, - •••••-•-•-• - ,,:o •••,-------__......." the in t•ell ip-4 ot la j y- ,
-men of. the land. It is now elesrly :demon- '
istrlited that. the lancet, raereut'; , :, j and all cti''a . 1
',. internal " tleng m.:•1'.‘'" .. ....u . ' in -, .:• - rlhl Uid u:iidt
n•:th perfc'et safuty to pie •;.‘ Itt( 0•44 a:iici-':
iug benefit to posterity. ll'hereVer tliese Ma-
t chines have been. introduced. th , ...y excite the i
highest, wonder and 'peaise.• TV). apparatn - .j
I is prevent, reli::‘ e and
j etu-e. every j
rEseaso incident to bin Mtnity,—rnore portico-'
laxly all thoi , e painful and'forniithible diseits- •
1 66 a which have for centuries - baffled ihe pro--
' f3undest.learnin. send skill of phjy.sleians. - i
1, -From•whatevet cause there : may be an ex-•. ;
- cess or deficiency of the nervous. fluid—pro-,
Jawing an excess or deficiency: 4 qt; the acid_
and alkalinesecretionthe magnetid piinci 7 ;
' pies of the system are derauged,j'and jean on-"
ly 'be.safely re-stored to the.irnoidml.condition
by en application of .maemete“cleetricity, hj i
means of DR. OICEINt -, ":9ICST Id4G•NETO j
;'ELECTRIC MACHINE. ' This n'pparistos R=ill
i positively prevent, and speedily - i'clieve and;
• cure Consumption, Sciololo, illieuturtism,'
! Palsies, -Nemo lgia o - Sprnal DiseanKs', l . load nil
j•other painful maladies, howeverla . op,eitss and i
of lone; standing.- They are lernineTtlY • useft,)
jin 'all sexual and Urinary disorders, paiticit- I
J- la rly where the t Constitution Llis s been Ihroiceu.j
down and •rdined by . unnatural solitary haliits ',
to which too maily.of the young cif:both sties;
are so lamentably prone. : I: ~j
: DR. DICkI....NfjQN.'S M .I.G.NETO; V, E41".3, fRI - 01
'-.7tlA:curix.r, is ivithouellie d:ti,,,,i-dLs 'oi.v.),:iii,.. ,
cations ef bhtte'rleiand'tiehl4whr , thflie - f Althiei ,
renders-it superior to• All othitrs J. , zi•thp , Scorel
of neatness;-eleoniines.s, salety:alijd ..ut j ilitY..-.--„ I
It is; in - fast, a hanil jj s j oge; parlel..:ornament: I
may he applied b,l• ai l child ;,, an - Wili - faSi it •
life.4iMe, to. the ' gtetii "saving 'Of Pobtor's"
bili..-'&e.." ' - ''; -"•• : '.', '' I ' '.••! , H
,:klliGE OF TIIE•114:CilIliE $l4. . .i. .
: It : will Ite , ,safelY:„ I : Jai...loEl j . and,sent
,; to •any
part,of the United States. , Sold • wholesale
and ietail at-the MetilealOffiee,No, .3S NORTH '
SEVEN:TII Street, Philadelphia.' J .ftaldress, I
: '''' ' '••• 41'..t. DICILINSON', M.D.'d
• Goodz`jils-t'ricplA-od'ai-; ,
. 110 - RSII ‘LUMBER-WAOON 'for
4 74 for - sr,k J0;C.134:,,Y.,41tikr• .
- Cujiar.r4.ort, June 0, Igo
~, 1
—.—,--- ---,---- -:
.„' I' • SirEk
,I , cP ., TIN
The' Ael • pistorti
• - 1
' cal in
_ ..,1
' --- Itculat
frurni? Efucci-.4;i:
3!3G4-1.1q: 'eloses'
• tenceitlhitp atLainel
in:tliel,ttunAls Lillie
, The o:l4iThers I
-Initials forjcboii:eii
R(imanc l es,l,l;rsdys,l
ling and' ,ititerestin
in Jantfilr.ii 1n. , ,f, an
ed in 114 .Vizitor.
The NOv . Voinnae
11 , 15i1. , .1, , , gre,iti'y it
It:..c:h ' r. I „'tul3et . w ill
ilrg,e "siziid royal Oct'
nifiec , nt ii l olunteJ .f
test tr-r...1p,g- cn %11l
would colt in the )'.
cent!, pal - able inva.l,l
Et Inc ck r , ! rt. , : n“.nt.
and I'...sin,le enni.4!.p.
! : 1 ;:i1•1! : c l'u l'l
or expen , e to rel:dec
every - w.i% ac.-Pvt..);
gebt coni!i; n:ty.,
- I
The pubneation is edaptrd to nil erasses ii
peopic—tir vnuals . nd the old—and whiri.,
ever sc• - •n nr;..l Jams d, r.ici:n.; IN.:th unire ill
f... — r. Nally i
_s the . ini, to subscribe "to - - 14
Ne: Voluine.'
*, 4 Thii bnck m mbere me y lie bnd•- , fta
con...l:lute 'i.,13) for 3 crutii c;.ch, or the wh'eln
,•:r.v3 of 12 1.1 . .,n.t..:r fc.r 'lNvlvi-v‘Fivx'eentiL
I the world •
ion 1C0,04:10.
AlrD FASCDLitrjd
ifs first voitrue in ptte
Lricf months of it; et-
P . 4-ie p ss o ; pularits ImesultH
`arftg. otTered liberal pre.
erary effort the, St. tie !.
l'oetry; and other i!r,rk--
readiug WU'S emirceiNeEd
arc heirg
1%111 be . lsomr,Nerectl
cgniuin th;rty-tNin
, - 1 1-61 tuaVieg
:early lutr iglus tbr'ltlie
n•tni UII I. ur the
rt,bjvci.N,• equal to-Nib:A
'0(4: st.4,res ab I.n6t gly
:ON are rtl2,-il.:•r cdU i te:.
hrrs ::ill :-.11,11! ptsr.4
thr , Vvict•iin!
k;,) a rf„RuLd
.to ezd
fur tom.; are Fifty eects
far oue crst 1,4: a fi in gl e copy. Cr' pirea top
ics will 6e £&ut .undl.r 011 c curcr cr aticire'is for
(Jo? Addra,s,
r`tiSPEN t comPANY..
te, N:ort'a Scvtath Litukrt,
(up sts;r_n:j
ItiG PLAS'II?It for 1...1:1
" •
- ::.
T 114.N . N . J,ONFS, - pay the kighot.
077 ' markti pr fo} fo- all pro l h„ 7 : 2 ••
A NEW and singular's, successful remedy fel the
cure of all Blind. diseases —Ces,tiver.ces,
gcntion; Jaundice, Dropsy, Rheumatism, Fivers,
Gout, Humors, Nervortsness, Irritalrility, IntrucanS;
lions, Headache, Painii in the Breast, Side; Back,
and Limbs, Female CoMplaints, !cc., &r. Indeed,
very few are the diseases; in which a Porgative Medi
cine is not more or less required, and much siek:
ness and suffering might be prevented, if a hsna
less but effectual Cathartic were mere freely tufa.
No person can feel well while 'a costive habit of
body prevails ; besides it soon - generntes seriqua sad
often fatal diseases, which might have been xlveided
by the timely and jn4:citrus use of a gond purgative.;
This is alike true of Colds, Feverish reemptems,ani
Bilious derangements. They all tool to become or
produce the deep seated and formidable distempcier
which load the hearses all over the Mud. Enke a
reliable i'smily physic is of the first importance to
the public health, and this Pill has been perfected
with consummate 'skill to meet that demand. An
extensive trial of its virtues by l'hy i , ,1271'1, Profos
sers", and Patients, has shown results surpassing
any thing hitherto knoWn of any tricrileixo. Carus
have been effected beyond belief, were They not ant,
star.tiated by persons of such exalted position and
character an :o forbid the suspicion of ontrtith.
Among the many eminent gentlemen who basa
testified in favor ot these Pills, we may inention
D. A. A. DirEo, Aro lytic al t - of Boston,
and State As,nyer of Massachtuette, whoa' high
professional ch.uacter ie the
Box. Fitivi• KII iVP.P.ETT, Senator of the T. F.
C.ININT !Her; Es-Si.eakei of the Hotel
of liertesentativea,
ilaitorT werelircE, Plan. to Baglasd.
t JOHN B. Ftrzoacnictz, Cath. of . lhistos.
Also, DR,. J: R. Crtinzos, - Preetical Chemist, of*
New York City, endorsed AT . *.
HON. W, litanc - r, Secretary if State.
Wm. B. Anron.'the richest A'rgef;(4.
S. I.P.Laisn.& Pro Pr's of the -.Me 'opottias
Hotel, and others. -
Did space
. perinit, we could, give rrianv'hent.4
certificates, limn 'all. parts Where:the:ll4i Isla
berm used, but evidenceleven more CollyiNcing,th3a
the isperience of eminent unit is faired
in their etfrettinpon'irlatt I • '
Tl ere l'ilts the result of iong investigation and
study, are .eticced to the, pnblic za th.e host and
mosi*COmplete Which the" present state of medical
sinEllee can afford. are compounded not
the druge, therns.clices, but of the modiciaalyirtiei
only of Vegetable remedies, estrin,tod by iamried
proccse in it State of pnrity, and ecrealineil togatkrz
to such a ra . 9,ll.Tltr AB•t0 itoiure.the Lest results. ILxc
system of composition for Medicines has been fsas,.l
iu the Cherry Peatirnit and Pills both, to 'prodose a
more eilierent;remedy than• had hitherto Win Rh- '
tabled by any proCess. The reas'en is perfectly el:-
violas*. While by the old' mode of composites, in- ,
cry rhs.dicine• buftler.ed. with mote or ltas of nor - s-'•
'ations and injultions "finalities, by Ode each
vidual virtntc enly that is desii c - for, the rszetiso
effect is Present. All the inert end obnoxiorn !rid
ities of each anbstance employed are left behine, tan
curative Nirtuis only. being retained. Renee it 3
self-evident the eticets should prose stsc they - bnv•
proved invrem,itirely remedial, and the a sultan
morn powerful ant.iilnte. than. B, 4;; 2 tow.
medicine known to the wC. - !'. 1 ., - • , ,
As it is frequently expedient that my rksdie.b..r
should be taken under the counsel of an' attending
Phyrician t and as -he could.nat properly . judge ea
. 11.110:v4N;
.car.npm.ition, I lv.vw
supplied the accurate Forotilm by'which; both' ?I
Pectoral and-Fills are in de to the
Practitioners in thetnited Stites ma l l IMAtist-Arte
icen I'rorinces. 'lf•liewever there slionliVbe ass
one' who has, net' .recei;rfd then;, they:yin het
promptly for Warded by mml_to address.
Of all the Patent Medicines that . hre offfircd, ties
few'maithl be taken if their compositioi wits knows
Their • life consLits.,in their.imptery. twt;
',The compositinn of:my pripaia tient
to.'all men; and all who are competent-to - , jukte ark
the subject freely acknowledge their convietier,s,
of their intrinsic rneritS. .The Cherry yeetornl was
pronounced by telentifte rae3i to he. a .atmderfe(
medicine before, its effects were known.. Many , eta-;
!tient Physicians base" declared the same Thing d
ray Pills, and. a ten - .More ; conEdently, and. , ..are
ing to certify. that auticipaiions oirete l rapttt
thati'real4ed by;their effects:l43oh trio.: I:,
:They operate by, their ptiwerful"
internal vlseera,to-pruify the bloodhud.etintnia,te t
inba'healthy action—remove the obstructions eV
the stoniach, Vowels, itrei, and 'other organs of the
body,-reatoring _their irregular action ter health, and
by, correcting. Ivhereyer,they, exist, sick, ddosage-I:dents - 11s are the it:it:origin' of 'disease. ,
reins sugar wrapped they Imre pleasant' to take
and hemg purely vegetable, no harm can ariacAslq
theii aye m any quantity.'
For mizrote alrections;.see ‘ripper oPi the BQL`'
-. r 1:.• ' IIitkPARED -••
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'Priam23 - Cerits per Bra. • Vive.Boxee !\
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manta and I.) - tng ~ i .tts, estr:,vlcre. iioci.
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