CI -;-•••= 0 r-11 t„inars let .1d..-:' F. ir , ..sCili adi7 r.!* -07=3, _ -I.sL—r l ad": iir:7l::l,7a '.:)' , :::;Llyijv!: LX! :,t: .(( _,>, ,f!J Ir.'. 77 - COAIES; tfot, ess Koss THE - TOTTEN '3OMINAL '" inpar;4oi, 415141i4;.--BY, - `1"lios: Er. Chase,' • alr'Lettii-9 at reonimun7Calicini: ' adanotsegi tp,sccpce atterttio4. arms--Invariably _in Ao* t ance:.; . $11.,25 pei; .aiimarmainimusasuonuuntsuminnimmutuutossi I:era 4:4:Advert ising. .1,3aid4F . 9.1,3! t i iiraq 1 inwrtion i , - - 4,110:12. Filbe9 gut ut.i cionlerithusl3,, Square t h roe mpntba, - - - la , • , • " isiae '.• :.-j. - o =9' • yerr: s, 6 Gl fikuio work, "poi ici., 3 lila, , - 3 00 eitbAqueift:iliiortion, -- ."... - 60 4., , Colympi - 13 ou .10 00 fl t‘ T - oa per your, - - - 30 41 10 00 Joina:okatrator's ,or ; Executor's •;.'et.lca, • _ 2 :laditor!a li4,,ticaa, 1 ,Shazifra Sales, Fe : - I'so ?intieen t • - ' 00 Profoesionial each; , not ezee.oling S. linos. per year, . - .00: Spaclal,and Editorial Notkers, pttr lino, -14 iriiaient adieri.laententa inniit be adiftnce, and nonoticit will b.! taken of.alrert'ieeinens from a disteuce, unlesa they ii..aa•accoinpartied by the:money or A.A..(aisfactdry iltt,Ss Carts. - 'JOHN S. MANN; ATIOIINEY, Atli COUNSELLOR' AT' LAW. Coal rt 0 ,4... - will attend the severui Caorts - iri Potter and MT.ean Counties. All • Autairwbo entrusted .iu his csre•wiil receive prompt attentiou. thrice st., °Nig _ ;bite the Court House. P. - W. KNOX, .1.1! LAW; Coudervort, Pa., w'.ll ,rogalarly - attend the courts in Po.ter and the-adjoining ConntieJ. 10:1 ."-ARTITUR G. OLMSTED, . • •.., • . ATTORNEY k COUNSELI,t; I R AT LAT. "Con'derAport, Pa., will attend to all,ltusixiess onirnsted to Lie care,. promjitnea and 114elity.',. Office in Temperance Block, sec ond floor, Main-St. • l t.a: I le AC D.r.:NsoN liTTORNE:Y AT.L IVR . I.:ouclereport,,Pa., will cs:nd to all busineis entruoted to him, with rare anti 'proO)ptueiv. Oilice corner or West and -Third cts. • 10:1 1 , . P. WALIASTON; ATTOP.NE - AT LAW;'h.•i Tioga Co., - Pa., will *Mud the Courts- i 2 Potter and ktkileau (.'ea.txties. 9:13 • , A. 'P. CONE, ATTORNEY- AT 1...1W, Wellsboro', Tiogs Co , Pa., :will regularly attend the - Courts c,l". Potter Couritv. 9:13 it, W. BENTON, BCSTETOR IND . CONVEY.INC,F,II : P.ay- Mond Y. O.; (AlL*gany Tp.,)Totter Co., Pa— wilt xtiend , to allintsimessiu 1 a liu2, with Bare anAlAispateit. • 9:33. W. K. KING, avaVEYOR, I)RAI , TSMAN AND CONVEY ANCER,'Saidthport, ' Co., -Pa., Will attend to bu,silaes• for- iOn-rei At ldent land oldsrs, Upon' reasonable terois: Ildereu- GOB gireu ifs reciairl.S.—lfups of any pert of the County.tr_ade to order. • 0.. T. .ELLISON, PRACTICING PHYSICIAN, Coudersport; Pa.. respectfully informs tlieeitizens of the vil lage and iciaity that he will proteply re- Amosid toAll.calts fir professionel serviee: , . Otice on,Main st., in building fo; Pierly oe suP'ieil by C. W, Ellis, E.g . . 11:2'2 =I 3..J011411 • .s. JON ES; - MAN N.& JON ES, : • D4.A.LsP.4! IN DRY GOODS, 'CROCKERY, „Hard w4r , ,e, Airoceries and ...,,Prosisioas,..ll.4iii; at., Coudersport, 1,0:1 11311 in. . ►. Julies JONk/S4l; • . IWALIERS PATNTS, (tile, Fancy Artirles, Stationery, Dry Goode, Groceries, ,to., Alain at.. Coudersport; Pa. . 10:1 they:set a trap, they catch inen. As rs l But. if they lad stood in My counsel. and cage-is full of birds, so are tt eir . housesi bed,cauSed.inv• peOple_to - bear nay_ words, full of deceit; therefore their are become; then ththeyshoilltirhave turned. them. from - • " • ' ••:,-- -•• great and waxen rich. They ;arewaxenithir evil. viray, - an4 from tlie•evil of their fat, they shine : yea, .they. 'etrrrpasstitelloitigs.,.. I sought for :i msn aniong thein, deeds of the - wicked': they jiidge not the I that. should'iiiiiice' up the hedge; • and cause; the cause of. the fatherless; yet !stand in the_ gap before' me for the land, I they prosper; and the, right of the needy i that should not:destroy it; but I found ..... do they not jucig.e, Shall Knot vL4t' for 1 none:" • -- -. these, thing` ? Eaith 'the Lord : shall mit 1 Brethren, God is now lcioking for men my soul be avenged on such a nation-•asltci stand' in the gap to save our toiletry. this t, ' .-. ' - 1 s T,IIO world haa always need of such, - and - SEcoNp.--God charges:the princess or i history furaishes ivarty . .brighi exampies. -cifficers with plundering. by tieletite P. - ell - here - Was he'Uoeh to ipreaCh ofjudgiueut, wolves • .to destroy souls, and obtain dii-I Noah to-condemn the• World, Phineas to 1 • •1 - ! . honest gain through covetourimess.„.tt ap- i stand Letween the living and thedead to pears, that these. ruler:, like ici many etli- 1 stayth.t plagii.e;-,NOSesto deliver ihe op era since their day, Were a baud of ma- 4 presied people of -God; Samind to resist . - 1 'raudinz fillibusters ; and thisblessed bock ! the despotism of Sanl;'lilijali and Elisha of qr-oligial and polities,' rather, this to eoufrent:the idolatry and tyranny of book that teaches-us to take religiou ! into 1 Allah, and to testify against the stattiteS, Polities, and, every Ntilere..ehie--7-09P . not . of the . house 'nf-' Oteri i 'art - ti a host -of oth COUDERSPORT •HOTEL, .I,theworld i hesitate, 0 kay, the, blame upon' the prin.; cm, in ancient- times, of IV -0111 . . . D. F. GLAssmirtg, prol„ietor. Corner of cosy, where it belonga,,,_ •, , , • I was not- worthy. - There was John the :aria and Second. Streets, Coudersport, eat-1 Tututp. , --- Tile Lord - . cOnderuns his min- ißa , tiyt, ~ and Peter, and. Stephen, and. 1 jilt c o ., p,;!. 9;44_ - ' isiers for approving the coarse ,of those in ; Paul, and their companions in arm's for I 1 authority.. lie, blames their. fur being the truth, who followed their Captalu Je . . .. mealy mouthd, towards.. ilin . _officers ,(f I sus, tO ' the gap and •;loved . . not their lives id of' ter' ' he death." Whore can werind a for, 1). .E: . (intsTED, pri LTP. tit'illr• ' REA DT-Ila elothiiis,,Trocicery, I.3r4cerries, 01,41, - , 11104 - CottliQrsricgt; - , , , EALE - R. IS - 1:001iS & STA.Ti9zikt . ..7", 'AA b - . . . AMES jau'a Iflisic, N. W. corner, bt Stain azd Third its.; Coadersriort t 1 - ' 10:1 - —7• -• • . r. R. lIARII,ISGTON., ISWELLEFt., Coudersport,- engsz vi.s. irinclow Schuoinl.ker Jackiod, Siore will ca.zry on the Watch and it,welry hasiness;there. A fine assortment of Jew elry 'constantly . . on hand. Watches and - Jewelrreafefully.Tepaired, in the best style, the sh,ortest yarranied. 14:24 ''• (tirtrissoa:, TO JA3IS-3.-IY'. S311111) - 4LER IN STOVES.. TIN - L .- SHEET- IRON ` , WARI.;Actin heArly cippri4ite the Court. 11onsec (;onderAparti P. Tin and Shoi.t Irua Rare made to order, in good st)ls-, on iihort,notiee; 10:1 ALLEGANY lIQUSE,. .• 43 -4-111'n . " •MILL,9, Prciprretor;• ,S.'Clesburg, for.Ler Co., Pa., rnites' `Cau 6triiilort, en the - Int Rolle.. 5:1n1 _ _ . • . . - •. • .• - •.- ......... ; ..•••••,- -.,,,-, ~ -. :.'l 13. ;-'7...:..,:::. '..:7 , 1V::, f..- •- r'e . . .:...•:::21:.!'t•--. .1?.:. , '- -- :'::":' 1..f ".... " . - . 7!'••" .P...-.! ' • 71%."5,' II: * -7- 7;:- , . ,.., „,...t0' .r.,,zir„...,;•-,,, , -..„, - . ..7,7,7 .' jters'P A A .e.;•.! . '.l5 '.A . . i.i.:-'Si "aai.7;:itiii Y.1:ik...f.ie17:: 0',..:1 r.zrz.,:a.3 . -1.4.14,.. -•-. ••' - - -", -..,--_,.... ' --."':. - . s t :,-,-,: -:;•• 1 , ,- . ..,.. '• • • • - , ..- .. t• • -, ••••.. -•• .. *"•••::;,..;.:: ~ ! 0 n ,........., t;.: .... :.....2.:... 5 , ,•,• ~y,.4 .... ........t .. 4 . ....; ;;;;;,.. ..._: ;.... ; _ ii r , ~,• ~,•; :,••,,,...... 7.0., ,..... ?.... „-.." .. ...:,,••-- v, ‘,, , El . . . illpV•1 ( 01( 00'1 /..7 .. Pi1 .. 7.2 .7 .0 . .. , O. :vr X0'....Z... 14 .'"'“j .....!?. '..,.. ' • ' s , ....1.• .0 0 , 0.44 44. ( "..... D - ~...- lee , l• 7iiii : ' '''''. ' ^-.! 7 1 B':'%-"i- 7 ' ;:". 24 1•7.,. . ,`Xt: : -; A. is.:.:: :".... 47').,r1... 4.. ."`""%, . t.„ 1 ..._....,. t...,, - 1' 0 •• • • ' A..,: .411 ....,-trt ""TT.:"H 7. ": ..t ttt , ' - • • -.. t - ..... a. ...... 1 . syr a.; 4‘,-..... + c" , • 4 . , •, , , ~,......, ....,,..-.".--,-..,,, C' _:10 1 ;/, 1 ' "40 . Xf: I 'N ''' ' '' .• -• '" ,T. '-'.. ..i F" ""- 1- ' - Ar.: •i - • -.% -.- 1 • .• . •- • ' ' '' ' "c'''"'" 3./. ` '' ' '''''''''' .l r . ti - .z).... 1 ' . .:^t , :.... -- ' , Z.' r.O J. ''' l'r . CArr..7 l . 4 .....• - 'v. .. 4., ..,, ' ,000 . • • ' ,•, .7. 1 . - 1 1 •.`O. '''''''• '''' • ... .."'... '''' . l.. “.j. 4..., , ....., . .. I • 3. 1 h i ai..... 1' -1. r:••-1e•a , n -F- •.; t- 1 1 w., ,- -r - - .. ' . 4 ...:' 4 i_ ....., .. , li-71 . ./1...,i, ° • '''' s. 7 . "". 1" ',._ •• 9. " 3.; : .... e - 11:4, eli .: - ...,:.1 - .... •,:\ ,,,... .0 . ,.., - :;,. 7 .....; •-, " - • ' -'. • ...: ~.411 , : -" 0C... -• . ‘ •' l .'-! -'- - j. . . 1 . ; 1 .. ..% T. il f ,.. ~. .1..........' ,„,-f. ...... ~..4 6. ? , . 4 .• -.... E. , i 1 ..) .1 i 1 1 , .... a. t• '.O ; .. 0,:. :N.2 ' i . '" e '"4 1 / 4 .:11 . ' ' ...' - .al ...? ' 413 .-' t --- - o , :' - ,t; - 7 ; :' i ';': i?zbl7 •,. I ' . . / " . . .. ...IT,' .5 E... 1 ;,,,......._.„... 1-‘ ,- -. ...... -:.• ~ ..?e, -,--- . •!:,. 7.. kr1.1i,` 3 . . -...„ ... :' , 7 - "..., :•.'.0 4 ....._ r ~..... -1 • 4 • .0- I•.. a ....... -1.7., , ..... 4 I ' 7 ...., t k , ' :' . . ' .... ''..". -`,.' .::::::, .: ..". .:.•;• . '1.!", % - r, -, :!. _!• ?": :„ , ..•?;11(74 - 41 0.7 'iL 7 -- ,, 2: ', •C- i'-• -..," jr: , "-- 0 - , -Z 1 :! 7 ?) :7::.` ''''..f 3,'...1 : : C; --' **‘• ' :;\ - ' . 'fir, •- i..q. 14N10: . ! .i --,--1 .• :',. !! ~ • , • --,. .: i . . , .., - ,:q . ;-'......,:,._•::,,' :,.. + , l - ...1..: ?..,•," •_,.. ~ , o ',11.14.1'...":••- t -- ..- - ..., , - . -- , q-'1 ~.:,.,'-. -.rt_..---.' -..: ...L :•.*--, . • - --- ...1-1 .. -- - - ''V % .: - . -'. - - " .r:;‘..1.., -:• r1Y ,, , , l'''' , - -, l'.' '''; r - :, 7-, i' ': '::": • ' _:11, ' ' - , • . ..---___._ .... . .. HIM • ); • '• - 1 , -, tt ; 1 . !Tis word'rotis Stratiee;arid:yit'tis true, That some forks:take deligti'V 1 . I • 1 The deeds of mafirtcr'Tie. ,- ;! A 3 if their - air': Iserirright. 5v sl'so And it -a' pieee'ef nent•eotnes oat,' •Thiy'.l.l pursue it; z.:( Thou hand' the Charzlinr_lii6h about, I Anolladd a litoq tot it. i I • 2.. 2. 50 4 1.1 e) REM Each-fault they'll try to magialry,! Yet seeming to bemoan' The mote within.abrother's.eye j : . Are : blinded to their own. And if a brothel- chance to 'stray, Qr fortune ,on . ,hins frown . ;., _ Thu' humbled in the dust he Iffy, . The - text is "keep hica'downl" They'll preach tip penance with a sigh . To cure, orieli?thinz eau— Suffering's are'gbod, not : 'l3nt'itot "when';sent hriccanl - t Each wortl4,4ed is novrtforgOt, As if not worth retsktling ; ; ' ' But 0 I let - ailidis fill' the ' •' Aid slander -sucit ilia draining. Into the dregi she drrtii it - ont; Delighted. wltlidier adre Then ,bears ,the Charming awill)about, To treat hetgi,irsty ncizhbotel 'Neath friendship's mask she Oftenl ur fawns around yOu , • Concealed; sip, inore seenrely.-irorks. : And kisses btu. to around Detested peal: of social joys, Thou spoiler of life's pleasures; Like Sampson's foles would destroy What's more than all' our trrilsureP - I ::: 1 7inti" - -4:7 1 / 1 /Jfinj 41:(1rin.i. BIBLE & NLIVEP A DISCOURSE Delivered in UNION CHURCH; S:tdici Pa., ;Ygnidely, Augnit 2;1857, by 11 Jox.L JEWEL, (if French's Mai's, Pi • ,EZEK. 22 : 27: eines in Midst thereof are like wolves raveiiitm , prey, to shea blood, and to destroy soul, get dishonest gain. And her prophets 1 daubed' theni with untaMperedmortar,l ing vanity, and divining lies unto them, ing: Tins, saith tho Lord (.4ko, what Lord bath not spoken. The people of land have used oppression. and exercised) hery, and hare velod the poor! and me', yea, they have oppressed the stranger wrl, fully. And I sought for a man *wig ti that should make up the hedge. and stati the gap before me for the land; that I nut destroy it: but I !blind norie" 1 1 Here is the charge of Aliniglity [ Goal ag;:iiist Judah for its oppression; and, of course, against this or any oilr:er land jut ilarly situated. There arc sqverel . c unto in the indictment • • FIRST.—The people arc, accused or op pression. Slavery is truly I:the oppres sion of all oppression. It is y eoricatena-• tion of evil, here called robbery, and there is Mine worse; . a vexing, or iatilieting of the poor and needy ;,auoppression of the str.inger, or foreigner, wrongfully. The . i.ioway version says they opPresied Iberia I by calumny. i'erhaps'thei most, mall- =I cloudy , and calumniously them chattels or-property. • "They wait, as, he thai t se4ttnh snares ; goTe aluent ; and, jnsteat iTie ' 6 ..401 ; 1'41' 1 )14. 41;$$ 2 : 1 43 1 14i;0 1 1. iffgqi;l9, 414 V iletllF; BEIM MEE BLANDEP. of:pounog TUF .... , couDEßspoßt-pmEwf_tottzzr'fA.;' ritfaspili; , _ turning trulli".of Teliovali upontheie:pro- I slavery Should thes.-'D the' 'pritl'eess. ith -tintentiieretr What'; dreadful state of thiu»s is'here !` - "iLl'herel is'. her' prophets the 1 midst thereof,'=:like - a foaling' Holt iug: r thel-prey, , tll4 l have devottred' • -souls,' '(persons;) 'the} liti've• - takeit the trettsiti•b and - prieitius - tlings. :They - Itive made ' in the -midst thereof' violated -myl lavr:f For, frcim - the 1 ,- .la,St of them even,!, 1 .y0n.1.03t of theta ever unto the ;cry. given • .t.) covetVasiteßs•; . • and from the prophet even unto the ' t)ricA•eVery -one dealeth falsely:- 'They''have healed also thC-hart ' of the-''claif,gliter •pf- my -people slightly z saying, peace, peace ; -When there is iio 'peace. 11 7 Wonderful' arid-horrible thing-is committed iu the land ; tLe proph ets prophecy falsely, and the priests-hear rule by their means, and my people love to-have it so;• and wlntt will ye- do in the] end thereof ?" Sure enough : 'What Will" d`6? . Well would it have: been fc;r Ju , dea,' Would it: be. for tlie world, were allprea'Cliers as faithful 'as Jeri:lli:ill and Ezekiel, • to-deelaie . the truth . of 'God; and diminish not. a word,-;Whether men - will !• ye would - that, Men should do to -hear or-whether they will forbear. ' ' - lyou, do Ye even-so unto theni." The sys -2 Ministers need to adopt the motto . of" temuf slavery as it exists in these United Paul. -I,nOt 'walking -i n cra f t i ness , n ni '. States, Viewed' eithCr in the laws 'of the 'handling 'the'-word of God deceitfully, but 'several states'whieli ; !sanction it,-or : in its. actual operation and 'reeult irr-soeie - iY, is by manifestation of the truth co amending' !intrinsically an un4hteoui and oppress sightouseive3 toeveii - man's conscience in - the iVe systeth. It - ii..nranifestly- the.iuty 'of of God. ' Knowing 'this, that the law . was not Made for a righteous inan, lall Christians to use.'f'heir honest; earnest, land unwearied endeavors to correct the bUt fer'.the lawless and disobedient;--for lerrors'of-former times, and as speedily as Men-stealers, (Gr. andrappdistecs, euslav et's.) for liars, for perjured pi? Hons, an d_ i f ;possible - to efface this blot on our holy re there be any other thigg that is contrary. 1 ligioli.; and •to' obtainL the complete, aboli th..,3l6iind doctrine, according to the 'glori_ tion of Slavery thronghout the world."— Some may say this liniguage savors of p4l- ons gospel 'of the blessed, God which WAS Committed to My trust." May the Lord ities; but no mv.tter,)lhere we stand.- - 1' - thus enable your poster to speak with all - Our Southern brethren take the posi btildness, aud'nialie manifest this truth, tion that - "Slavery i.'aio ordinance of Clod. commending it to youi• cousciencebefore 1 . That the iyifem of Slaiery- is right as it God, that men-steeling or enslaving is nowexista with us. 4 ' l This extreme atti justl . i t . what Paul says. "contrary to sound - ; tulle in faVer of despotic power 'over our doctrine according to the gospel." As a !fellow creatures has 1 1 amothored conserve faithful watchman, it is my proper•busi-Itism to 'death, and Ileaten•dougb-faces to uess, on the Sabbath and in. the pulpit,, a jelly; because there:is no middle ground. to give the alarm.. The Lord saith. "It We afe either for Slavery-or agniust it.— have set watchmen upon thy walls, 0 Je-1 It matters not what charmed names of rusalein, which shall never hold - their "Democracy' Popular Sovreignty" 1 peace day nor night. Cry aloud, spare may be assumed, for the sake of exteud- I not, liftup thy voice like a trumpet, = and in , ' the curse, and hood wiukhig the mass- ti I show my people their transgresiions. and es. Slavery is an 'oligarchy of tyranny 1 the limise of Jacob, (the whole '-nation,)lin essence. It -is bare-faced treason 1 their'sins." agaiust God and - chi common humanity. FOURTIL—Nome were willing to inter- 'Well do ive remember that the most dia • of Ter i pose to save the land from destruction.—holical deeds of the French Reign God says,' "Run ye to and fro through ror were committed in the name of "Lib ( the stivets of Jerusalem, and see now, and erty and Equality:" ' ' Now let' us go "to ikoow, and seek ib 'the broud places there- the law and to the 'testimony:" of, if ye can find a man, if there be any THE BIBLE IS OPPOSED TO CHATTEL 'thata exeeuteth judgment, that seek the .SERVITUDE. ' . . truth; and. I will pardon it, 0 Israel, thy WC'eleall carefully examine the will and, prophets are like the foxes in the deserts. l iestument of our Ileavenly. Father to ye have net ' gone up into the gaps, [know whether the grant of Slavery can be (,breeches,)' neither made - tip the hedge! found in the - charier. The right of prop; ;for thehLiise of Israel to stand in the bat-lerty, Must be derived in 'some way from gi ?lay ' EV. the the , to li - tve Bee- tle in of the Lord. I hale not sent these propltts,.yet they ran; Ihave not spoken to them; yet they prophesied to t born ltope,,to storm the •strong, holds ofjed. Fiery. thing that liveth called a bond.woruert oppression?: lve need ;thoie ; who - are, shalt be meat! ;Leven. 24-the; green G . „Butto _other: . 4.• for-,tbe,..truth," - like. Luther of herb Lace I given you all thifis.!'“Hereistance the same or; word. ia . 1.44 - ee...,ia Gerniany anir:lttnox of Setitland. The is God's trait& of'all things toYrendergi.damsel or Tj times detuand'inen inan; . rechiti.o; Eothi:tid; to eenveY,' Or tor 4. .ote of Abrahams: .aerytmles !told the = ,§.wliti - patriet, who cat: It is : plain that It negroes , are not! , -teas; all • • • • • nrew ..tunseit on the Austrian t•pears.that men but thuts,_ .. they . are meat; forqo4L: He was hp - itself but a Eojournes,r= he .might ,inal ; te a, , gnp, so thtAt Ins. coml. expressirsays, l 'every moving thing thatiThere was no local law to protect leis hymen could, march= over• him to .vi &tory. 4eth - 'Why 'should it bel,,rig,hts as a Ana.ster, or bind _Mak:servants Thes' , SchaVgei'dhainst - the:JeWts.. dee,ructli,ine:.e . dible, that the Romish Jei-!fo lane a' moment '' His iutho - rity,las The wold jW4ewhether .tlfey .tut who'pregideit'oter-AliVjadiciai7 of thislevi,dently that Of's - lather,' prprince,ar not lie against ,. . I ProtosLint iti - tti la- • and finds'in- the sods i chief over his numerous houehoitl." and - There are two parties o.tbia cluertion. Band daughteri Of Ethiopia "norights that was ,regulated . by itte - general cOnsent'of one insi One is the party of fredotn, in - opposi-' white men arc bound to- - respect' shouldlfii4'dapeitdenfs; and .could not,}iave been y - . tiou . Slavery-) *the. cub is the party; of tyrinny; in:Opposition to' hiitnart equality. On whichl side r art' thou ? We, 'who favor the .rightsref man,. generally adopt-the . sentiments'of the New School Presbyterian General Assembly -upon this subject-saying;.:."We 'consider the'Velnn tarp- enslaving of one portion of the hu than race 'by. inothei . s4 a grozs violation of the Most sacred rightblitump nature ; as' utterly iticonsistent l with the law 'of God, Which requii6 our neigh bor as oursqlf ; and: a..irreconcilable with ! the-s P P irit and principles, of the gospel of whieh enjoin that "all things what-- God the universal proprietor. Unless He has given its the right: to - bold our fellow man, ,we cannot haw: such right. We shall find no such grant in the _word of • ' the Holy (.)ne 7 GOD DID NOT (0N 7 .7 . 1 . IT TO Amy.; "And ! God said, lichold, I haVe given 1 ! • Jon i every herb bearing seed, which is yp on the fitee of all the earth; and 'every tree. .441et ; them have dominion over Lthe fall of the sot. and over the fowls of! 'the air, and over the cattle, and over Itl - • ' I the earth, and over every creeping thing: ,that creopeth upon the yart Ilere is! l man's right to.all the fish, Lirds, beasta, ! I and Xo' the soil; hut no - doininiCn given over man.„.lt is not in the will. plc GOtl did uot convey, the right - of Oppreasion tito I. theoriginal lor:-.10:_-of the soil;it is hunt-1 festl3 ) not a cu me institution like the I• • • ' tuarru: - t r,e relation. GOP DID NOT GRANT- ~.9.I.A.V.ERY TO . . . . ThE FANtIp . OF 7,'.,(70.1r. • • '_Und God hies:Jed - Noah and his, sons,; 1 • i (all equally, you see,) and ; said unto them, I Be frUitful, and multiply, and repleui4 i• the earth, . And the fear of you,..and• the dread, of you, shall he upon every beak of the eaith, and upam'every;ifowl of the air, upon ail that :mavetla (or creappth) upon the earth, and up on 4hcs the sea ;..itito your haild are they deliver , --- r IBM Peel P ',.-„—. -. -,-.' . next decide tirit-the-toie eaten for i Oppresslve . Or'degiadinj The jr. d , i- il a, foods'' - to-P,rev'ent this hrtitalizidg - -pro . ..i IrEnOW hini;.that.lie Will - command las • , cei. , s the Lord i:ilaiod-.all'of N'oith's-'seni,iohildien arid - his - • household' after - ' hiM., • . . , .. and ; i nf„conrse, ' the entire race into the I ::.ind'iliej . Shall keep t4O 'N7,l s , :pf:ilieTk i rd, contract; ani.l. after. haring given full-per- land do justice.__ and ji . dgments.' .; ,lrbert mission -to' take [pie life" of bird, fish and fforp we find 4brahatil'S - .. .seratits `ie:celv hea-st,lninlies : , ,hts reserve, ~W .hoso shed-king the . .sealpf 11 - M.eoenant; !MI njiay deth.ipah's , blodd, by ina . r! itmll,l-iis blood- !ing all `filigiou'i, iii:Filleieii: 2 ".TeiiiiAlt be ehi4cl;" for''i;i the image of i.3od made quotes Ins eXatiiple;'. 7 s - oyirrig,' - -- ,ot, 1., he . 113 - . ap ," ihe' race. _ - ' . , thy father' eat siA - d'ririli, 1 . and — do inirg- Bnc; it - 1S sail that 'Cod cursed Jlam ~inent and:instice,itnaitlibnlit Niiii — Vielt with and _ doomed -:_ pasteriti.. perpetual * *l:lbn '1 Ile judged .thea l ,`iiie - of' tie . poor 1 . welt - -- kith - hi • elaveric - My! 'brethren,- Ood blessed all 'Mid:needy ;.- then it-vas , . al, the: sobs - of Noah, and there is no evidenCel.Wa4 not this to know meT i kaitli the Lora:" that le- cursed any" of them. Noah, pro-! Job also, oMgidied his iietvaritli - iliffliii Thetieall - -4 '-e) , .('l br 1 ' ' - . - , al - ifcr be I; gia in i ,o - , . , pL Jurset Canaan . ; a ser vent .ef servants--(or working-- servant) shall he-be wife his brethren.'-' - ; -Canaan' was the r -youngeSt- son of Ham. His de leendants did not settle iu Ethiopia,- but in lvalesliu,Te, gaye name -to the co un try. The prediction of Noah received its i fulfillment some 930 years after, wheu !the Caaanites were destroyed by Joshua; . and the revenant became hewers. of wood 1 and drawers of water for the congregation. As to thiA l sevice, notice fourthings.— There is no eltattelship, or property con veyed. Africans are not wade servants. no colored servitude; for- the I Canaanites were as white as- their was ters. And-a command to the Israelites t o I destroy these'inhabitants -for their wick jedness,-or- a permission rto put 'theiu der a tribute of labor,-- gives us, no right ithonsands of. years after, to -enslave-the i people of another continent. Our names are not in the bond.. - 111. 'GOD HID NoTESTAISTISII SLAVE .; I . ET IN TIE FAAILx of AERSILJ.IM, 02. of THE PATRIARHIIS: 1. Sin very is inconsistent with the Gus ! pel which waslpreached: declai / ed to Abraham, "In thee, and in thy seed shall all the nations, 'kin ! dreds, and falnilies of the earth be bless ; ed," not enrsedwith Slavery. If it could Ibe shown, as it cannot,; that Abraham and Jacob held chattel sles, it would be no more evidenae that God approved of Slave ry, than the 'fact that each of them had two wives 'is proof that God is in favor of ')f.lormon r Ay g atny. , Why, then, are' we referred to these Patriarchs as slave holders ? Do we not.know that if they were now living among us, they would be put in prison for, bigamy? There is no evidence that, the servants of Abraham were involtuatary.ilaies. 2. The word rendered . servant, does not, of itself qg71 . 1/ a chattel 'slave. The IlebreW abed, obed, and ebed, and the Greek Doulos' are generic terms, like animal, Man, tree; detioting , all kinds of servants . ; as, the . servants. of the king, 1-Joshme the sef7ant - of Moses, 3loses . and, Ithe saints, thelservants of God. "Ilis seyvantsye dre - - to. whom ye: - yield .lour selves.: savants to. obey." Even the 'bondal• . ,c of theviclied one, is a voluntary, i" being led captive by him. at his ; ; Christ was called a servant' dare •any man say. that lie as a slave ? There is ~no' word in the; Hebrew for Slave; The I sacred language is to-pure for,it!.• The priAr. bond, ,as . • servant is. not to, be found in, die Hebrew and IGreek of the' Giti,ancl„ , :tVeza• Testaments. Instead of; bond servant, and hired ser f vast, it is simply/servant and hired ser i rant.7 --- judah .. oaysto Joseph, "Let thy (liehO i rr.obed) abide instead of the lad n 1)6'0-man Kileb. an cited) to 13qud. as a prefix, or 'applied to serVitUde is 'not boolr.: For es ample ;. • There is neither bond nor free, Or. Donlos, servant l gear freeman. So in all other eases. Haar is called a " bead ' "o- se-V tGenesis; , au -wormi land the sane: Hcb. .word is applied to Ruth, Ilanuak;' an. Abigail she is four ' OEM ,T.ER4.p.--SIA, PER .4Nigi%., equal's before the 14*, - itd it 4 ..,tolta piirtial j us , tiee -; for he• ae . eLiii*, diitaia despise the - cause of my man-servant or my , maid-servant, 'ivihen they'cntend 1 with 'me;; Wliat - 'then' stall. I d 'when God riseth up?' And whenlhe'ii it - eth, (what shall I answer kiln? - 'Did 4 tiof he that made' me in the wontb male kiln ?" II- fear slaveholders do not questioir theia- Isclves in this-way. '' -- •- - --' F- -7 - 7 1 5. Some of Abraham's setinsnes,_*re I "bou:ghtwlth moiiiw." '' -r :T•'' ._ I , The pieb.tbility is that thersold their selres'for a term of years'or for lie; just ' as, the English do now:* - There is ilio evi , detee that tee patriarchS 'or" Zei-S''ever -f . gave away or sold their, servants, :pir ' chased them' of -- third ' persons; Bush `and others 'read Gen. - IT, 12,, "He .qiat is born in the house Or hought wilCizto . n. ley, includinc; 'ryeve stranger w — ti jell 'is not of 'thy seed." _ We have seen - diet -1 God has conveyed to - Us dominion • over .. fish, fowl, boast, and tile earth itself; but, Ino ownership or propertj ii maul - . I The word;" bought"; does not necesia.. , lily haply chatichcied.- - Notice .it few 1 1 examples, "And "Joseph bOUght Fall :the land of Egypt for Pharaoh. Then Jos - e - Pla .„-„-, said unto the people, D 0110141," I Bare I b011milt; you this day and, your and for ' 7- Pharaoh : lo; here is seed for yOu; and ye 'shall sow the land: I And it sliall come ; to pass in the increase; that yesill give ! the'fifth part - unto• Pharaoh,' and four !parts -i- shall be your 'Own." - Do v es - any 1 Bible - reader understand from - ibis langu. 1 , v I age that all tbe Egyptians *ere! slaves ? Hosea 'says ooncerniag his "wife; (i L,ht her to me for fifteen pieces of silver, and for a hainsi,of barley aiid - tua ' I half homer of barley." Can' anY but Mohammedan suppose 'Oat shl r ixisiaiiie I his chattel ? Boaz' declares, " ;/Ore - oifir, Ruth the Moitbitess th , wife of hare I purchased to bent 'wife cob also, after the 614iii' l '3r of thi bought his wives; 'for he says to' Laban, "Vserved thee fourteen years for *thy two daughteri, and sir. yeHrs for ' I thy at. tie!' None, len't• - a -- ruld Man wciuld hill ' agine tliat , Jacob consider 4 .his wives lii•opl‘y.:, the same as his - 'eattla . ';. and l.thitl he had as good a right to asll 'or eat 1 them l :No no, Abraham' bonghi the'sei. 1 vice the tune and labor Of - hiiserviiii:s. 1 NOLl i a ear' bay imorel Visa the lise'of his fellow creature man."' - :-: • t l - , ''' ' 61 Abrccharn: haq otior ~ e iiiiiiis :that 'seer ii - boriz - in - ,'"47/ . 02.,,e..?.7-: :-..:, T eie enjoyed' Innre. 7. iisiiin te:','poiifi /I . den e and greater :privilege. - 1 Atone 1 tina4 Abraham "armed his trai i ed' (eats ! ehiied, - Or religiOusly instruct d;):sei- Ivan, horn in his ovia house', apil,,' :and 1 , mar lied them throu,gh a hostile .region to Dan. In 'default of issae, on of 'his, 1 homL born servants named Elie us,) (Gr. : tLair.rus,) would haVe adoaluisi rad - his 1 i estate. Well might; our Savior say. that . i Lawirus has gone to "Abrahams :osimi-,;ait in rAst intimate friend. TheCS riptures , . , i i • ~ teach, "That the heir, as long a he-iia 1 chili, (or minor,) dfTereth nothing fioni ! chili, (or 1 —. • 1 a servant ) though , 'lle be" , lord )i . :l'-' .. •r". Arodia to God we could: say th- sane of II RI CM tl Eil Mahlon, ticnes,