ra .n . 1.11 .11.,: t r. , :a -.. the 'groat 'first 'cause . ,Sl.rri:4. ;::=.:na r•eg1e54.,4 1 .. a..ctrt , a ..ws. • • : . ft ild 7 W.t l ß. 1 : N r 0 r r - f... fif4c..4.-FS. 4 F 1 74- ItTginmriwtee 4 F.., F-:C r. Z 1::: TllOl J aIE SES, 4..441.0-t f -Yorcoliir.PrlGPy, SlriCturi, , , cages, 16 ijra k el A r.: ; it t elff w tfisiats of theKigneys and .0;44 , i11:,- , ..-21 , :i 1 .8490y4-::5. , S=x , :fge t fa;a: ti‘e. /kat: aid ..A.n.Ves, I) 4x4:az i. t Ott. ritiO,Wil:"Vf4.l.2iifie.,..94Cl.l:yP 4,,U.t:Cl:di irtpWL eel . : 7.4.4„it i•ra.:-/-4 ,l l..fiCjieets.:lj _ri- , :i.V? 41- , ,i 1 -"Plie i i 7i , ii ;.11 - :.•:F44 . .a,-. l .?iir:Fici%ciky,n," 4 , or - f.liv.g./ I wil .4 sig . .4taYsir;s:s:l'fl: /it F 4 ‘.4 ' V , Tgq4 , l.. -: . .. tYi+:D II its . lZet Vohs Tienabliitgilois _of ..ifera^, hri y - Loac, of: Powev,:.6i:riernt..Wooligerts,.. iiiiiinis . "o Viiiatiwith-piteuliar spoti appear:l' ?be - haforp-.ths, eycS, Lots: of:-.Sight -,Wakefal g•Sen;.l3,tspepiiall.lver4lisease,:Brup'uon..opeat- !theklace,..Pciiiiinthei..litiek..sucl head,. Feingle. • irrspratitiefeatid all improper discharges froth. ) . 14t 11.40 i0r5. , ; It matuls. uot. -from' what'Pluute I tho-disaa,srvoiininated, however long ; standiug pr obstinate:tliacase,isiodseria csrlAthip.P ll 4.iU e shorter time than a pormameit cure cau be ei - - leofiCdl.s , aßY:Other t.y,e.e.l.nient, etr..ep:i aft et, the] Aisscii§ - 1 - iii.)laildid the - skill .0f ornine at physi A .J.,...ans aria resisted all their meanl ; ofc,ure : - /.l'hei ei ri estrreplensantarithouto-lor,causing,:nly I.i.i.kas, and . f . reifroin - ,tnerCtirt.i hi ll balsam:- ! Pering twenly yeaii 6r iiiadlic ;I :lave rescue d trona the jaws ef.Death,me,ny_thouesuds'iVlio,. l la t4e• 18.1tetngee tif .the above mentioned dii- 1 iaure§ - liticl . hcien given up to -die by thitii• physi iikatic, wh . iih - wait:int& me , in pi-Galli-lug - to the l i p.lilliOsedi -Who mai: . Place - themselves paler my ; pare, iOperfeet and Mott speedy cur7 l Secret'{ pistasas are the greatelt eneirties to ealtb, a . ; Aker.arn.thefirat cause of. Con,umptipn,Scrof- I 4V ia, e many other diseases, and a,hould.he rt.! terror tea ti,e. 4 tuna 1 4 tawny.- .4.....; a, yl,,e.rnaancii t i e l:tells searcAly . eves effeCted, a majority of the :45Ssal tilling sato ther! bends pi' ittompefent', persons, who-not only fail to cure t.. 0 dis6uSes ; but ruin the constitutiy, filling the syefem 1 with meretiv; which;_wah the- disase, hes= : tens the - sufferer into a rapid Consurhptiou: - 1 ' Bat shairld the disease and the treatment i goVitaaso" deatly.spoedily and the, vi!:iim mar- slid, the disease is . ehtailed Upon the ehildren, i CrlaisT:s:re bern with feeble- - conatitutiona, 'end's the seri:ant:of lifereorrupted by it viruir whiahl , iietrays itself in Sr:ferule, Totter, Ulcers. Eiiip-:' , l lack( sal ether 'affections. of. 'skin: r..ye1 . , - i• Thiont . - §0 I t tpi gr., entailing titpon them a,. tlifeti 01 - istettee , of lionizing and..iaJniiiiiiningithtm I i s ,. , In " f l y g i sr e e za :.- ..: .: 7:, SELF r.A.131.75E is AllOthllrSOrmi(l3l4errrke, ko health . , foruntlxing.t.lsclri the dreari: ; car.s., i In7,te of hunt it diseases c,auses, so aestrstettp.l c. drain upon the system, drawing its 4,llousando, pf victims: througb-, a •fery .sears o, suffering: I Cowls tai.-anoniall.meTy.,grave.- ~It tie.3troys; the i f . ltiervOus systent,..inplilly.waste's 14:' V the eu:-', orgies . "Of life; causes rierital - del:;rll"yid-FrO . -ni, t )3 re veritsllie proper o4 - elopmcatt:of the syciem;l - E, - ivietlifies - for inavriitei: soelety.i bneinegsr.l and all earthlrimpp7nosi; and leaves the. SuPt borer wrecked in body and mind,..predispossil ! to eCtenmptiou and a train bf. evils more tete I dreaded than death itself., With ithe fullesti confidence rassure•the rinfortntiate victims. of l Half-.A.buso that a permanent and speedy aural Catilhe •affectal, - ,an4 7 ,with - the rib au l itoomen t of reinouszßractices my patients coin he restored' lic robast,•vigoronehealth. :• , . • 1 The ataleted,arn -cautioned against the_ use ; of Patent Medicines, - for there are so many i 1 11 3?ainqs suates IV the columns of the publi^ , prints to catch and .rob . the' unwary sniferc - rs:', that millions have their eoustitutions ruined I - by file vile compounds of quack • dOctotii: oil gate 'equally_ poisonous nostrum:4 - vended - hi I '.'Patent Medicine s :" I 11 . tVe; citrefull+ iinalviod t ;3analy of the so called Paterit Mediciiaes'aria I Rad -- that nearly all of them contain Corrosi've 1 :"!.tilllimato, which is one of the strongest pre - -1 perationg nf.:-serwctiry ;and, a- de.elly poison, Which instead of curing the disease-disables i the wYstena - forilife. - - - . -•-•: , s..- . , , : i Tifree4outths 'of • tliCydelent 'nostraOM now. to gsa are put up by unpridtipled.and irK 1101 V" . 1 abu do, no;, underztani cy.cn the ,fti phabet 6f 'the Witirffint.idina,.and 'are etrhility Ls deEttnia of-any knowledge of the buni:ln ert,914,:4 413 87 0 P! 7 9. 1 1i 9 9 ! 1 ' 2(1 Mott tq,nalicmpqq,rognytilesn of coneeven- Irreg ulariti;s nil -6.. l l4llmtene of mn I , la and letnxiertranlstl on principles established by ranty-yeass.of—practrine, ancl_satictioaed by shoutanzia Liktike j ,mo4treitivisa.Ple owes, 'gad, tr4ucs witll4d/kOMtitPRA: e.°! l !. PF`r l 6-1 the United States_ l 4r,. IpitaaAaa,„ paffinits earn rn unier,am shpir azro pto6ns, hr 1 c Dusio,•B3 •- c orreaoole'n'ee' strictly' con fiden MII=MMM OirriqtiNa-1,131 Filbert St.; (Old No. -1.09 l~:e_iT lISIMW TWEL7II. -P A EiEl ritpyisioNToite. ' -E. 11,. SPMZER 1 Coffers Geat Ii clticelnents TO BIIFE7L8• " IROCERIES, PROVISIONS &e., at the atoreJorraerly necupied by D.. W. Sl'E TOl3ll, on 3d &mat,. North si4e of. Public fileare GROCERIES. A rood alaortmeut constantly on hand, from which 1-will.enumerate, a fc,v of the loading article'', such at Sugars.. 3ftistard, dandy, Coiree., --Cinnamon ; Nuts . lijolasaaa, 'Peppor Sauce, Craekers, , . .catsup, - Soap Flipper, • Oandlre, 19pice, 1)113, Shot, 4 1 t-. Cringor t •. Tobacco,. Lead, Mes‘os . , . °Apo, Curb. Sala,Severs, C. Tartar, l and:many oler.things too: ngmorons to wen , : lion, wilt he found in this department, which will-be sold.. at!ia, erlY-uloe..virons,: Copp iligadYßay - 1. , gagisrtyatlF-oblia-udi scale.= _ PORK, lIAMS, SHOULDERS, risn, SALT, :--,.;941T5,.,- - FLOUR-, COR'. . lI . CICKWILEAT FLOUR, .DRIED. 4 -‘ ;'43.PPLEB. - ..DRIED PLUMS, psdtanyfothar_artiplesin the -lino. of Priiri ciClZS not necessary. to:mention., Also, . •-• • - -=:=W+3,Q - DEN - 'IVARE, aura 111par.^4 - tinpF;' cash' - Orit* .- ; : Poto:toolt", ,Butter. 17110.76iiiie/nntlia• Tdct 'r hit ozi efetytiotitr . r. fai-theirries - , will he't!tkird'iu Oscholicr6 for ciood;, at .their cash wine. I ttivitc . l4e' at,.; ritititt toff‘ t ilhigors, Farme rs to i timobfirnie,n make Iturchaios, - Eiht*c Aolicit then; to- CAII hefoio: sh,tithig el3etchere. E. Z. SPENDER 4: l 6iifTcitioit„ Joiiii - 6, 15t . T....10??, -1 GzatonEv:,ft'SLLN'S aad a , fels- other n er 10 - PlArtrrytfirirat - 9 f St'ifila - Dry Goad:. ii)#- -4 4 4- 'fto it I • 'RESOLUTION' - ' -- i'' Prcrimisfri* , umendrnerai , C9nstitution. , vl - 11:0 CQ ---- - , •r2 ~ . 1` 0 , 1 4 13 ESOLVED trlAi - A.....0na1e • nyia Hoax,' of I. l .4e2o:7lniiic l iEtia2M.l4l .41.`,TuraLiy f ,-Nlt.z.,ll'hatd tie fillloN4ing.Ampr o t4urents are.ilLNOz,e4,t.e'th L O I eLonti.t ado!' 'of , - 1 4 .1 '°°Plat° 7i vua 414 ' 44 aC " °X47 I ww;e. with the prOFishm,i ttl'.;t4e ;tentl2.,a4le./e ;. ; • • FIRST AVENDNIIWT. L ' ' • There i On.JlLl* p.p.l6l . lll.4orptiaq,l4e:tp .: sc.4l cl.furati,tlitsa.gticle,cl;vxem ; , 4s, top:ow:4 . '' i ' ':••• :"•••=••••7 I i 'ARTICLE( XI: 5.5 x.:-:.4._. .., • , ''''OP 'LI LlZ`' - - . L• - .1,J........:.. k.:. ....,..: 4 1,...- 1. 13: ;,. I F..0? . .t Tho l'iat:4,on?•Y ~ ,V •rlt.cls;l 4 l ' 4? '.'• I -312 P14/.511 11 t.i..40.94, :9; : iaii9j4f4 fri , 391 , 3 , y4t5„ :or. LO . ,F,CSAL e l.l -v -, P:P; , •.,PlicrYllY.t . :•Ftg?, 7 4 , lecl. for; .IPtiL 44ti uorfigakei 0494. 1 4. , 454. 1 = (1 0 1 -i• tlireet • At , q,C9l3}Rgat r Yi44qF C4crletpii, tti. virtue Of• 0 11 1 411 ot? 3 l4•• 01 443.iq?!rl; ?z of: 0 : s1!" 11 never" Qaeeol sc tintiuudred aniitifly.thq!Olisl: ( I'lirtril iitti•-.th•O L 3 '?':/.--Ir . 4i l g 40 , tliglexea-. tig a . ~.- . .9f. . nielf Ahhis,...s . lnill 1te414t . tid..., to . „the. • ... uipo i n2: f9piy;4ll it Avis Fi_htnine t t, or . y . t,,i;eptiy . th.F.J•ebtf sP 0014r 4 4igi.:Pt.44- 1 9 Pc' , 6 ;:kqr INr.r. poNe - wbatever., „, ~.... f l;•„ ; ..-• - ,_,' Z.4Z.::T14.,Z2'. In addition to the' attOlie - ,liinitecl power „tlle r ste4.-uta . n,Nutract doh ts. to rq'pel • ,ovititiOn„iluppfe - ii . instirrectict,!.t.lefenti; ;1;e -state la Nyar, ,or fo, rodeeni the. " . pf.z.ipat ttitt-, standing in , del4etirinstt, 4, th.n, kt f tto i itl. flit': Mont:y arising._ frtiti r t, .tli e ' contracting of t suCti - do l t s , stinlrbr, app . lte4 fO i the purpi)en for,svhich. it ts;as ratictl, or to repay .Spea (.4bCS, 'and •Co no other purpose Avhateer. • 1 .. , ,-..; 4:tcrioit :3. Eice . if tVe ' clebis above specied. in seetiOns,one and•tyvo of 1111:2_artiele T no debt ! whateVel- slis.ll be ereat'scf b . v . qr on behalf. of the stab°, . • . - : SEeTioS 4. To provide for the' peyment of Yeas—Niess.rs. Brewer, Browne, Coffey, Ely, the present delet,'autl. any additiohal debt i:on.l Ems, Fetter, Fletiiiiken e Fraeer, literam. ;Jeri' tractettas aforesaid ) , the legislature shall,_ at ; deli, Ei'H K uger, nox, Lanbach, ..Lewie, gyer, its first session, after tho adoption, of thied Scofield, hiller s, Shuman, Steele, Straub, amendment, et'eate a siuVng fund, which shall I IVeleli, Wilkins e Wright tirid Teegurt, ! S e tae:Ave he sudiCient to . pay, the lecrteing . inteieet On - 7 '24. . Attch'elebt; ind, annually to reduce the Finite:l Nees---IfeSeri. 'Crabb; Cresewell, Finuey, pet .thereof by a emit' not less tlein.. tete:huh.: Gregvelfarrie,•l'eneoze and Sbuthene_e. . ,e, dreil and :Er ty thouSand".a9:4 , : p ;,, -- Iyhicii - iii,k - , 1 - . ~ ..9, the Tiestion Avah detOrtUill . tale itt.*the n ing . fund ,Altrdl .e:etisiet,' of, elie e nst, ennui). in. Affirmative. 't i -II 'e l ' '- - ::: ..-e -_. se:::':.:_le e c 445-01 r ilfet Illkitlic ,Work,setrom jam? .to;:titpi, -:' pketh4. einestioe, .It-'.l - 1-I "•-: •-; : e.• - et..e.....-' e ,.:1 owned by the,„Stette e ortliceproct i ...,ells pflitia - sale ..'"., Will the Seneterapos .tto the - dsdebinlettel , of, i,lid settycor ens 7, purl, thereg:ail - ,,,i - the -ibelplitek 33l ' ..." ''' , .'i - ‘ 7l '''' 74.. " . .: 4;- ' '...-: ''' .: ' ' incoine di Rrt•ed.4l,s of,Stile43f , St9ehp tiev . nekll t ir - • : I ,llne yeas and najtesteriere.talteeagreeitllev -11 4ai the .. s , tette; i togetriye tilt:fit:alter fetitre, or rteogr;;; } ,ilee - protisielne- Of . Fthee Cianitittltion,. 7 aadexreri-- ees,Vat • qin s elie - q.eirgvt6rbiii*, ‘ ...,11 3 ',.,,,- R ii r ! ilotto,,, viz : x : ... , ..r., , , It 1, 1-. l::ee ..-- 1- .t ,1,, , sinkiiigfittisi keit:l l od inekeased; from' elEac Icil . " arcset-idessre. Brower. Browriee - t'ressivell... time, ley, assigisfeklb , leiin s e 'O 3 l ble,,e'b e lt. a VO e , Fly Evans. F • etter,tFitutey, Flenniken, filenam e or etherl - rea ennetecif the it a:te,'iio`t'idqiiiied for Verdere,' Knox. lennbaoh; Lew is,;ll3:er. Sellers, tile orllinery atilteatri'ent'expeneevr.,..govern_ 4 ill111111:1.111,•SOlither ' Steele, Stretub e W'elsh, 1l- , metit; aud unless'in'talld off eteltr; . 111 i-e s -to o -Mt 4 . ,ins t :Weigtit-tindfl'aggart, elpeakir-23.•• insureectioit,itp`xiart: oFtild, snid binkink fuit,ll ' Nees_—:detsre. t:olleyeelrabh.Frazer e Giegg, sling' kite need - 91- applied o.lllllt.Ylie tliaride ex- , Lferric, Killitiger, Pent-Id-1e anti...Scofield-8. te ting,illsliinetn'ot the imidfq clibl;' until the; '" ' tie the , question, leas_deteratirted iu the noinant of suit' debt is, fetitiFda beluee th e ' 4-fartlatitiVa.- - - '.' • '-• ' -...-• ' ruin pr *fife' Millieirs br dedle ri' ~ ~_ ''' ' _. Oa the question, - : • .• • SECTJ°N :7: - The credit of thp.tatainortswalth '1 t ; 1 ;Will the Senate agree to . the third amens)-t shall bof. in' an - man tier, 4r. areal; be plUdieet4i men t ? e .. • . ; t. ,','l, or loane'd to, any. individual, corapanye ‘ coepo. t The yeas emd,nn.ysiwere taken agreeably td retien,or'aesociatioti; , nor shall the oontreeee'l tilt: provisions of the „Caristittition, and were wealth hereafter become a joint - owner, -l er 1 asSollow: viz ' stet:Mao:ller, itt any temp:ter, a s sociation,'or { I ••Yees - -3Lessrs. Brewer, Browne, Crabla, corporation. - ''' ' ' - - ICresswell, Ely, Braise, Flenniken,: :Frazer, le • See : tans: 6. The coMmenwealth shall 'not ate. , gram, Jordan, Killiager, Knox, Laubach, Lewis, i sonic the debt; or any part thereof, of ant! 3lver, Scofield,: bellere,-.Sounian,. Souther, colt n tee...eitY. 1 - 4'brongh. Or township; or. of 'en'l- I Sleele, Straub, Welsh, Wilkins and W tight,- cotporetion; or 'asoOdiatiorerthifees such - didk 1 24 t. -- •' • ' - - - --- - . - shall Mete been contractial to itnablellie state! 'Nays----Measra. Coffey, Gregg, Ilarris on,d to repel invention; suppress' cleir.efic. inmatese• l Penroee—e. .. . •.,. - .,• .,• - -,•,- - eicio.-defend itielrin;time eflavar", Or' to'.43.^,isti ' So theeetuestion _Wes ;determined be the the - state in'tlap l 'dischelete Or . : , e :tt:Fy - , - pertiort of l •tririll a li v l'• its Tiresent iiideheidnris. - •• •`•"- 1 ' ' - 1 " ' •On the question, .• ~--', ..., - ".: • , E" Zell liFl. Thelegiehttare ehall net anther- ; ' Will , the Senate agree to the fourth amend-, iv: soy count}};` eiti_e• herteekh,' toWneliip, •or ' meet 1. , . ..- . - e t ineorponeted distriti", by virtue. of a vote of 'its! The yens end. nays-were taken agreeably' to' citizens: or otheiavise':to become a et;eekhidtle -I dlie provisleas of toe L'onstitittion, iindewere I . ee in nay company,' assuCiation,'6 s coi•poin- las toteave.-T;z: - , . I tiou ; 'or to' eberie miinie.fole-nr Into its credit I 'l' teae:—..lesses. Brewer, • Browne, Coffey, to, nay corpstra:tioijaesoeihtien, irietnntion, er 1 Creestvell, fie eKvalis. Fleenihen, lirezer, la. I party. -_• 1 ' . 1 --' '• 'i - -' ' -; grain. Kill; ogee, !inlet, Lattletelt. Lewd', .)lyer 1 , •; '• . ~ - ' .1 s.-ueeld, Seliers. Shuman, Soether, ;Steele.; - -- - B ECoNn Am-END 3 / 7 STv- ' !I StraiaV,, %. 001), Wilkins and. Wvight-2:" . 1, . , . Tilerek. slktil be an- :tel ditioria I artielj t- said I Nose—ldesere, ferabb, ,k iuney, Jordan and ' eenitlttetion, to be de..s . i_r,ite . (l-,, nfti,,i, 111.1 F ., .. ,,, ,,--„L . . - .... 1 tt's follows; of '-, - .-^ I- . • 1 -! tt l =So .the question was clotr.trrain,ed in the le . • ' • • ee i,_• . "I : -:: •-, .1. ti atilemettirc. • , . • - ' ' I , - or NEW. COUNTITS.:,-,' 'l. , :' ' ' ' 1 1- = - • • - ' - ' 11' TH - HOUSE "OF REPRSrfITATIVES' 1 J eo cou n ty shall be', divided Iva:Line 4:tutting I ; -. ,' `. • _ • ' ' e e., ' -I off near one-tsattil di: its population, 4teither I -.: - .. :, -41,pri7 2e„ . I'd., ,': , treform a.new .entl , acy , or, otiterwise,l 4v4hout , The resolution'peopoein,genee.ndinente to Or i the.elpreas tie - seat - Of l ittltjht . eteeenvet, '1.,. : 4 e yot. -1 ., Coesti unit ;9 of the, Counnothalth• belug un-. I•ef the. leetterii •.tfitieiti e'reittir ill'all'atty' - 'newe iler coileid . teeation, . . ;', -, , " 1 county he ,'e_BtabliglieteePirteinitak 4 -I.tie.s..etlign I 0A - the ,quest bee, , 1 . . •' ,• _ t e , hundred lour sterens i e miles.,,-- -, ...: ; Wen ;be 'Leuze :Igoe to the' first. amend- 1 1 .. -- - 7'1'71 - 1-tfl - 'II 4 ItfE.NDNIE7 -.-- - f - The yeas and nay i:' were taken egreertbly to I I From setittieth tWtol4f .titelfireti• arti4e l or t t . e .Ftiltk provisirms. of the Odustitittion and • were i 1 ennetitution e 4tr.115.0,413,t.,.t1ie, „words, •-e,f, reeeFl'lleine ffiliOW, Nil! : 1 1 or , ?nil ad0414%7,• an' d . ..f tw t e.h . eintrity 'telyi , etiret!;; ) t ; Y A4L -3.105Fr,-. 'An't'e ....lt mit 11- on, er, Be c k- I from section - five,•slarrle•artiele, strike ant.ithe house, 'Be fl,'lle'ek, Bishop,. Bower„l3ro Wel, Clel lewoids,lttqf:Philettriel is mid of the SPf.zraj c 0 . 7 1 4:: F hotin, Campbell, Chai e e, ,CleaVer, Crd v.-I'ord, tineee.:from section se en, same :article.; stripe'Dickey, Ent, tleete r , .17 ; lusidd, Foster, - tiibbo- Lout the wordet• ."neith tha ,ity ,of I';o74Pi..!phia 1 ltey, Gilden, Hatt!, 11‘teper y. Heins, Heistand, It ner,any,'llearol ,insert , i Ilea thereof the words. , llill. Ilillegas, Hoffman, (Berks,)lnthrie, limes, 1 - tind n' ;" and strike: ut• "ieettionfonr, ArlMe. err- . Jec e be e l clad LIS; J 6111.., :hi:14311, .K.I.I.111141:111 1 T ti..../f,'; audio Ilea the ttof.inZert, the fullowineet,i Keir;', itni•lit,..Lei - verittee',.Lnagalter, ,Lt.o. - ctl: i i 1 " SEOTION -k,..' In. II year one thousand eight i - lianeer, laite - 1-., 'el t:,:dretonti . 'J'i Eva iti, Meor ';,..l:lindred and sisty-le lee and in •evere epee:nth.; heasi,lliumine, 3 - lusselnettli, Nichols, Niifitobtott; ,year - thereafter, repre , -nte,tirete to the number littuetheeliq; Peterson,' Peters, retrikiii; row ;of one hundred, ehal be apportioned and ties. , nail; I'm eeil, lleiiiltey, (1 1 1.dlnelelieltia,) Iteuieey e I Eributod equally, • tonglattut - the eeta.te,•hy4 - (Y:,rlt,) haul geed; 11-11!ert t, 11a,p1),, Shaw ; I b..i (i I distidete, in proportio ,to the number of texi-t, Sloan, eireatb e iCembria,) Smith, (centre,) S e e..l ! ble inhabitante in the several peirts_thereof:eteTeeemi, Tdlan, Vail, 'Vtineouritte, Viekii except" that aby cot nty, containing- eit !least, Vttoeltley, Walter, Westbrook, ViTharten, 'Wit- I [three thutotand five hundred texublere,maybe. littete, Witherow e Wright, Zimmerman anti ulle:a ed h. geparaii, rUlireeeneni.Fort ; hitt. noGetz, .cpeekter.----;'6. ~,,,` ' I more titan three coup ties shall be joined,, :l e d I Nays--Meesrs. Backus, Benson, Dock, garq - Ino county shall be, divided in ,the foimati e l of'. ileum llancokk, Bine, 'llognien, ,(LeLthip-ul )1 . a district: . Any city, contenting a sell:it:iota 1 Lebo, Stilltbere, Thorn,! Werner and Wia:i ode, ; number of t•iteables to entitle it to at least two 1---.42., " , . I topreseetatiee'F, shall; Imie a Solierate,eepre- I So;the question was trete - gained in the sentetionassit , ned.it l and 'shall be divided ihto I, affirmative. -- '''' . convenient districts (of contiguous territuree iOn the tote-titan, ' lof e.einaltate'able pop lation atenear ,teme.e. be, t Will the llouse,ezree to the second ainend:- I I each of "whiiii dietrl ts . sitiff - tilect,,one . rep re _ fem e „..t e, e '-• , v • .. ;.. • ; r eentative- • I 4 4 - •• , , , •..1' Jive yeas ante nee; werotakttn ngrdeably to 1 ' ..i..t e the dad. ;of se, on .Set'et,'Ee.ree ait,kl s t ;;ll , ..;:pr t heleiun.s of till: llonstitutitilt .n 4 a ~Alti-_: Insert 111e.io' Weeds, le.ie,:citee ;ef . ,''"aljeee;,e:': l ei ibliolie viz: • t •' • ' - , , - '&1 , 54 1 be, dirtfiell info's_ pai , ;,, aArzelorlitrcti4tr:sl . 4,,.f;j 1, Yt: .c:=:---16.iii . .s. .t6' , l6son; 13aclihonse, Ball I emele . reetee e,e'r 2 eitelei 'dk Ne l e t? ~..;,‘":l,'/;,\ ,. .t,, : 5A1 i ,!,,t-BCck,, lithie'r, Calbotin'Camplell, Cirti--,'"Ent, I poilielat'ien n e e i,esliftfc; • 1 ; 'lief no ('ire ~,- k a zi. At de e IFa titllld, c f,'• u: tor; Gilt - Ike; Ilemed. lint - pernt - . ,ek ', Ile ride/ en )heetenaticei ' i;e4vetAl 1 .=.-; -, ' - l: i' l • i - 1 .-Ittt liciete.ied, 11111- gas, 'hieektia?;' , ( Berks.) Holise- Thie leglitletiirt;le"ii p - ,;fi xsei - esHon', efter tlfe 4 leeefter,....lrab tie: I.lhdi-: :Tim eine: - Jqh'es . 0 - 1 111e ' l idaptiiini ef,4llilt„, - ,.“ - etili;Vient',..shitlCelivide"' lite:l-sou, Kaitifileil, Retgbe, lf LeisenVing, 1,V4 14 - It h e e, 1 the eiter-of-Vltitadillphia ,iitti,l,e.citarlal herd ' Lovett, .31-eder.ii"Ma:ig - 1; 3l'll e din; I Mborisead, r ept e, iat ft ;di ;') Aizsfrks, jet' the'.tn azin t: rs-n. beeve 1 llttelsel'enan;..."'";f e elol - e - , 'IC ieholeon; ,'Vutiettreicher, Irolritied ; t J . c:li 'tie'en ets fp feuiaiq' tench-ta r red , Ve:trOrt,'T',!•tere,'Petrilint l , :Fownell - ,ep eteee ll, t eti,,ill theeiftmetiein - riell the yesif'enirthen'- f Riath..-6.1-;(J'hile.c.elphia e ) llaine - e, (YorleifteiL: 4 Js.nad eiight htintliviklencesietvefour. - " I •'''' - I nier,lfqseets, Ituitp, Shaw . , Siceln, Tolea; l'aii. - -; • ' . 1 3 - ,- - ''• '.: ' `-- 1 • - 1 . - catglilt:s - , Njalterel's est cro,., A ..leerate • 7,n e ... ,-: -.„. ,E;eikateie 4:111eND11 'ENT:: :, .-- in ,- - ,, i. „,„:„t e ea G l e e ': sp,: e t: : ,-;•_..he',7, ' ' tiere: et"-.1! 14.•1'1i il'ilitional'iiection to the ,iet-Mossr- . 1 1irtIttle ,1 rnleVnee' Backef et filen-fr 'freed erideiatlitn. vehiel shall Berion.Bi;loe.ltiowie, Ches 7, Creet!er Orer teeteeee,edlandrietel;4 folloWe: • ' 1 fola, F\ : ster ' Ci'lboritT 'lf trilto ll' "'''- _ ::,:;:oner: '24. ,1 t41e 1ei , .1: - .latllre chill ha're the liall lltee 'Toff In ' Ati (I . . , e ' llanoit.)'.l n a ' eol - ;, 11 17‘ e .;i-, * r • e'li'te tit ~ I ter. revelte'eliit :maul. env' elmrfei Lebo. :4'(.11111;2,ont, 'iunrais!, Re'ea, Bwitlii:(cani orlee'neeterationbt&etafteieconferied bye ter en-- brie,) Smit', (Centre."l Stevenson,_, Striltlit'r, dere ane sretinh - or"gjetterahlew; whenever • in I Thorn "V , enve erh is, Vickers, Wegonseller, their opieten it ',may be ilitle:tekee to, th l 2 eiti- t Warner, Wiatrode, Witherovediutl Wright.--3-1. acne of the earriiduailvealth; in inch manner, I ' So the queition was determined la the af however. that no in native aball ;be done to I firuaative. , the poi-port - 1ton; e I On the reteetlon, i Will the house agree to I the third amend ment 7 ' . The ye:es and 'nays were takenegreitably.ti; =1 ' • IIN' Rfaltrul, rad,t. ------ ; . first.atpendmeut; yeas, 24 0 nays. '7 ;_ on. theM.3u- , rtnitl:amentimout, yeas ,4 3 ,:na.1 . 0 ti i• 4 14 the gli•r.d., rMeudmit,t, ,yeas' 24, , , ,nay.a 4.; .of.C- tlau, fouitlx amendment, ,y9a.s . 23,•buy4 4. • -• • ~,.. ~ a?; „. . Jouimpl.] _ , ..,;,,, 1 -.,-.... HOUSE; - —...., ... t ,•• -1 - 1 .- , ti.i). i 4ii - 111. f- liFoßtEioAti.i.tasi.t.. ~.. ,-, a : ,:„.. ~ a:cp..,” :. Apra,29,•,1,857:-: r,:.:.1 lliiiacolved,-.Thiq , 048 , rewlution.piL ij. ,tithi the 'first imaeildnienteyea.h fidi nitys. 12 i10u.ti1d , 246; , 3MI - ..stritentlment,:yeAs 5.7,Ma, - 5,4•44-on.tho third atnendineht, yeas' ?2, nays 22; ~ owth.it..foUtill UMeadmento..yeas .I•3,tnqs ...7.i:....,',. -. .. -... :1.: 1 ,:-..:)t- 't' f -[Extract from the Journal) , .!;1.: , , .1..'.1:z.. . ......::....,.; '-•::.: ;,... ......., : 7_411011 '7I:IGLE . 1(1/tirk -1 - ;1 piled is 6et:ritaxy's.blBce, , llay . .2,...lds7.iyt ' ' - : • ~ ..- • 4 ..•• ' - .'EureforPf _of . ' - zhe Coriunoniceallkt•- { ~.:!,,, :t-. i ~, •-• ~.. :'. • - "', .-.;'....::,:j SECR.ETATCY'S OFFIPE, • ;P:''iT • Jiinir„ 2 9 :41Z i",.biiii-Lifkantil, - .• • • •;:i e • j. Lifo n.0i , .41 - ted foie . gothg':ls a•triie;tigi curracttcopy of the i•irigiiial"illeSU: lutp,,u profit:l;4l.4 atheralnients - tb the Constitia r :tio'n tit the Chinmouifeulth " With the Yuts' in' etichloraiieli of-the, Legishitutetipon the tins' iias'gnee•tlierebf l , as riplielrs freed the oiginals ou file in this offee:•• • Q 1 In testimony Whereof I havell'ereun -111-;!`"Jui set ;air Mitbied to tie nifiired tie•tietl-1 of tlie-Sebretaryts Office llte - dayranitil year :were written. 1! I . `.A:I4.O. I *.tIURTTNi% , S,..peetar'y-pf the- Corrunbrikecath. '; • -IN SENATE.lfarch 27; 185'r. The resolution. )trop(`isitig amenaritenti to the Coustitption of the C•ourruouweathlteing'itn: l iter cuff§ideratioilt, - • • ' • • • • Chi the ineEtion, • • • • • -•• ••• •• Will the Seunteragree to the'first amend-I The:yeas awl -nays store taken agreeably to the pr:irisions of`ihe - Vonstitution, and< were] follow. ; , . • , • PLATE, :!!m-i•h!27; 15:,7..-• esb!utioa`j+6s :. ol EMI ... rthe l prov.l9 : ,,ot , 9 , 3!:, t.ltizu piton, apt' 'ttr., , j 49/ i c j.t , f lz ..,'•;r: : ' 1 . ...1';,-•-; 1:: •••*, i - ''': ‘.. -_l-.. .1 '-', X•F.44--.;ll;es , Or . a. Aridetigni 8rie1... - h4aise; Bell, Beek,: Aeu.lott, goice.r, Brow_n, Calhoun„Cainp : hell; tlttayis;, Clcaver, r CraFf9rd i l Dickey, Ent, katqe, , Fau!sold,..:F.9.gter, -c.:ibblotiCy, Hamel, arPuti fiduselletslati, dr .ill, ri,jl4gas,,,, " H amel, :man, i(rsel'kss) • ...Etc- 41114 n , _.(4ePsflons) 'Lla u t se- leePertJ4kbrie,ritute,-Jacpbs,,,,T9his, JOhnstin, •EcvlOirtArlitKerr,:t;e•b°L.Liong4eri•Lovett) - MIL - iteatilLiugli4: l Callno4o lo ;?4.4 4 nAluWni i t tld ppKelsa4u,,,Niqlnals . ,:;ioholo,a, ,su'apuitieil er, Re444PtriPete_r?, • • aNtritzi . ; - 1 ,- -../ ) ,o.wm a l?r . l lll iXF. ll ) 1 - U4 115 47x (..A. 7 9rkti..:Re! 6 .9FA• l , l e o 4 ' ll ' APPrg — P4a, •Stp•Arit ',44o l ell l •l#, , TP!'ro: ‘ :/- 2 ..Sig„t'l l t:i(c. cl q r . u lJi ZitAyrMurt 3 , 4 3:9lajfiri:Vail, •,,...)tprct, • ckihis,,,.l7l.e,lrey,; • NOggbigh..-Wfig-Plis9WlrrA‘' c§.-Vir, l3 9lkt.A.,u l Pt 4 i. i ,h , ' .Withi4,4l/#rt -....W.i.igtt; , ,g44 1 .. 1 W 2 '44.11 , P 1 ,4 - i.' .. t'F4F . 2. 4 . o e4ar,frA 2 ;rt'.... , ''-e-.,1 • ' r:•: - . , "• •I±-.i ,(,,,,,•:,,,- -•`'.,. : - i ,1.5 . ,....t . ,49,5,tra.r i Art.hur ,4ntry-ititte.,paCtit - 4;1 44.4 11 Q14,4- 41 FtYs3PO4i 4ki‘tig.na irrinliiP• ll . l .tillvt"•'' 1 , :gcb,:ilinr,.lvbkiPst>4 l Lightr 1-40 0 . 1 ,0;*X 1 , 1 ." : ; ,>!aiil f R;',,,n4seY:ii.l•tilad ,3l l ,l ; i &) 4 01 1ertsi r., 1 434 1,11 •, • 1 g rsrjr. 1 1 01 :111 `w.altqr7eY4 ll :n e Fx i ,l • Nri irl . vu ••lid., Wiutrutte n7 P.'2. ••;,, ? , t , ~ •• , , - L -- . ',-; I ....,....,..- St? ,the questtorl.. nall. ot ,o o 3l ned- 4 114 alt• aturghttive,„„ ~, , . .1. Ht. •.. 0.1 ; • '.:On the question, ' 21WiA tlte;Hyuse=agre e: to *Lhc f094 1 ' a!;/elidi 1 tueut.,,Z , ,•.; 41,••'.;raelr'• "; ' -''''' • • ' -.'' t rs • i , i 'T•h•9'irCgaf4. l 4- 112 1 - r-Yr•e•l • i t i t 4F l . l lg .. 'l2 a 'S 49 " 1 the ..Bruy,[so':as ;; alitc l P••444 l ...tPALtioYs,•N i t, ttat 1 .3. -:-. 1Y4447749i - srs , t44 2 effip.i-4 Art;iiis h fraAz 7 , 1 104i.c,:i3Ayli-.9st-Pial k ,filki ' P;ukwi t VishoP: A iioel:' • r t rotrw t eatitoun. ,Campbell, Cli•q)1 PlL4e:frOca,v - err P.rarff°r!it •Dielk*bl W,Str4;t°r; F.lusol,d, '.F?sier, r•Gib b oney, 1(,,4t Melt , , Helmet, 1-larper. ifoinii, Heist-at - 1(.4,11111, ii.le.,•;:ts, Ilotft map, : (lterks f )-„llottin.ta,.,(Lehanoa.). lioule ceeper,•ltubti.e, lanes _, Ja . colis,,Jenitia., John, Johuson, Kg-11414n, .li:syr LOA), I.:Pisctiriati r Longuker, Loye tt, 3fatuair;Sc-titgle,af'Caintont,. 1 Nl'llyttiu, 4furntga, Itus.elatn, SI ichol, , , Niehli ,olsop,ttn,ent.teh.qr.„ l'iearstin, Peters, retrilijn, PoWAall, yureell, , .It4ntsey, i I,',:a it:11611)Na ? ) I ilauiu , y. /.13i'li.) Itertnier,..Reed, Rub erts, Rupp, 1 4114 } v, sioaa, . ! ..uitil, ( ( 11rUbria;) tintith, ( Cell-, tre,l ..,Steyepson, Titian,: V;;;i1, •VA rtyoorlds,l yiekerd, ,Voeghley, Wat , ,unseller, W,ater, 11-ar tier, TV,estlirgpk, 'l"ltarton, IV i Iliston, `sy itlicrow;, :41:lapelman aur : i. 13etz ,LS'irra/ier. : ••-•64., , ; , r Na - Ys n 3teasrs„ boelt, ..fearuiltort,:ll v ani . 6 4 ,: Struoe:nsl. l 4R l :4o. ll "trollF awl IrrigUl- •i..,,.1' : . • Su. 1.11. tittif tuna tyiti• ‘34e'Y rtiirit• a: ii, the afl 6rulaliTek', : - .`• ' :• • „.. . . .., ,- „"e". , ~,,- :. T - .. "•••; :,.... 1., •-•:,, .1 .. -::...,,..": `.:::.; f'T ,„,' -1 .. 1.'"7":77... t•',:,,: - , t. I ~.• . 4 ;Jr; ,'..• ,;e...,:-: 1 : 11,surusoutto, , a bine,,24, 1857,, -ee;t ll 4Y/yrrl4r,lar , ..; -1-• .„, -:, -,...., •,, ,-_ . i 1 , ,, •••! - :a LAE; tertify i ttust the'attoroJtudforet,roing k•l,„ a. trne-and..,*)rrect,:eopy• J of Ihe,‘,: "Nets" gad ; rl`Znyti" ,- ;ta•kp- on ;Abe rpsohrti9n propy•iag antetultten.ts tg,the Gongttutionr , of flip. Gum -11,40-nyie•titli, as the,sttule,-appßar-,_qa , the Jcitir-„ nate of •the.twe. Lionsek of thkgerterakAssern 7 idy-oftitis_Coiutuonvytalltit "for_ tha st:,,,ioa. ot ; 18S,1 ,; r. * ,' d ... •-• Wit CSB, mc hand and the seal, of [L. S.] ~ .t - 4 .• r • • - I Bi 4 ottigethis kwelity-iecund day .01 . June, one, thousand _ eight. Itu4tdred auji . fifty strop. • • -T , cCIiT,AN; AccTetgry of.,if.i.-ortmntonieqrph, `.,NENV (.I'., l OOODS.;' *:' L 41101: • Prices = rE STBSCRIBERS aro. offering for snit nn entirely new-stook, consigting,of GOODS, GROCERIES, 161I(1)\VARE i : CQOOKERY,A,GrASS'AVAEIE, • 111AT6,&. PS, NI, WANDONV • . MAD GLOTtiLiNCii. ,k" IiiKEE •, .• -•-•;.v.0T10N6, Oitr -o:lqcifou,4.4.l)l2,wautt , ..oti 411' bftve iron, yorw-uallered. - The .G . qntblrrten qRn find iu our, L4lociu of Ready r:,..tade- Clothing; Bli .elegaun fa - zhionotda or . -iv ighEutuijai ..RupioesF suit, sod. We hate C'Aps nu(' 1:Oe to , rm j, c ,h. cot: (hid rf o nw,e, trinurwi. or bonnets tri : 11;goodat, uttment.(.f ,preplp,(ivoos, awl trial ofiugs [cr..— And t la r st hot ~ k .i..leton kho,' o'nd 1.1,raf..$ : Opt: Seelc.litce. rind too uutnv otlP - r . ;Ling, to Art : are : ejGng low for'f_ l fiih - ,.tiirnhP...or nny kind qJ Peodiire. • .btailily"uu hand, ' : - .IV. B. .t; • S!iarni, Pottcr C 62 , 1, B:i.; Jdill . - 5 ) . • •• • • 40ANGES AND LEIN tY:3 j 94 1-4 , coived.by 13 10:2 • W si , b . s - 4Etz. Agpßt.for mo,t pOpplazlAlL•dfriliC.l'NOW Li mention' '•"'' J. R. 5T . A.F.1 7 010:,&: cO.'S .vf,, D:J_-11."•NE 5 . 0.N:6 . ' "' - • . J. C. AVER., QIIERANI . Pf...cpttAI 'AND . f-141 - EJIAIgf.' , ..7)S:OE" Ace.. js np,„ : 1111;11 ttr;outpl-311e.neeli 4ndi on the 11,-eq;:t:;.. -11L E ,,t)L y. VL.NT - 11.;:iji: 4,pplii. - 11-whi.tre tha skill, if And ../.p,q1114,14r ritrpedy r wli kyir)w;n.. Good, for the Whooppig pyugh...• • •Y.kTEs_. - 00uNiTer . L.rilasEßy. _ •.. oi.;N .itreo.:, of the Yates - Tout:oy v'y • a have fur sale t large-anti c; loa hie' mr.,sortitient of F.R.E.TIT TRELI.4 •.ull varieties 'usually culfi - Fated. , facie Tree 4 a`re'ylitit4 arid of vigorous growth: The 'qualities arbithe.ruest - t,h - oice known. and •are worrautol..Otkutmn. A ko,. a.' fine stock of ofiNA.MESTAI, TREES and SLIP;CtiBEItY, fqr • • - - Vt:••.: f rAchlress orders to C. BEACH, Pen Yan, .orilers left - with W. NILES, Con;itersport;-Pa:,--..-•he. -NEW ~c;,OOW :1114 'e-iiiticl4l.li LE,W I syILtEM EAiraatT _ • lx"- - Altart ' GB • ~" • wajlpyfrigpvt,hitvin 0 t .ont .all owners - .stoato. Gri:t,;4olpro s o.ow,yriiirtroti to clo,o1,70:0Oi4' they - don 'thott• .•'•• • -:••':•"' • .o. k!LEiris,_• tr.l3 - si , erl Feb. 28,1857:L-9-381'. Notice to 131tilders: ,c, 4 •EAVED - Prti.DPOS'ALS . be 'ter_elrell is.) until-the lftlt'illef of - Octiiher heittbrthe School 'liirectol-s of Elonier'lltbarfelt, for building- a Frame SchoOl'llutihe,'2 l l;3o, on _Ayer' 11111. Full Speciacittions- may be seen h,. calling on A. W. LATllribr, 'liorner.--;• Propose.la.to be left-with the • 'order, of the Float-d. ScO'y. I !1...31.-.41e:)..1- , :at." • • 13111LPORT - ,HELD:QUARTERS. stilithet-1 'tale tha's':thethUa' f in forniing' their s friend:l,lb at ey-are . in. id -ceipt of, abd' are now •opening,-, achoiee and ck , ofT, 7 - *.4. - r - c-tfr"sl,:.) STAY, 'AND FANCY DIM GOODS . ey invite theattention of all irho - aa'sire l torn puritifs9o...... Out stoekl3) . arge, •hi.s been sol6.:ttailvith'gieattc'ateanti isparh tiou4.rly adapted try the ;Wt nta of this section of dnieotnifry. Our sttiek of Dry:Good% -• " " ,; ipßi~Sscaons . Tßldllll r G s: lt?BßQ,\S;s' iE.M.Eiturritra.E.s, CLOTffs, cAS:nt.t4%. vr..sri,N - -7.35. _ _3IESTICS, • _ 1 7 10611::ItY SiIINVLS • to of otherxrtieles. tun.xlitTcroß, ME r i - sidifst Terie,,, 1 1,0 cution.l- • 1:1i at of I. 'r, ; 1 :CTUOCFRIES. - frADDIVARE I .. ', I . NI) I ; ' • ' h• eitOC.l3:l•;:tr; l• I --,' 4.. --"!! -. -' 1 . L , . ~ . I jl,ll pf whielf will - be sell , l enii...oniinonl3% , 'elietip fell teitsl 4 : - pit'::, unit for - apt:l-cc', ea:tit-edit on ties' .rdi:g"otinide ;erm:: - .3. - s :uiy.otlit•r t:;:nldislinietivt:' ' ' \ - ' .." :d,:'ON . &t I CIIOI.S. •.:'' 'ug - t it; 113a6.-9;line,, •,.,,,,_. 7 .... ,____, L ..- J -r.i: 1.:: _.; 1,11. - KING St SON'v , :- , . Ii• 8 1 - 3roolne*. Stref • O - : n Door Fe3t of flrtniths'e.v:LLate•lt;6' Broad.- - •eta,yl• N.li l . (r-1 4 0).1.1i;:-. i. '-_,.. '• : ' ; `•-_, 7_ : . t,"'statili:tha 2 , ; D,: 1833 .1• • ' i - • • . ~ .1 li. VITE - an ei4erquh,tion "eiltrieir 'greeti'lieel: kt arid hnlierinr n+.3sOrtentnt 'Of .11''A.III:t;'. einteinfactured: kit th:eie•o*n estd)ditlinieiit. lint' under their ,iinnieftittte'tilserrntion and iiiroc: t fon loch:ding_ ,-•-• 7 ..'';- .___,_ .., PICOT 111. 7 .3rtiLVINdi eiIAIII.S. ' •' • :••3:1.F-AtttING:EXT.E.NiciI.U.N 124C1.7311iENT Cll4 (P.: 4 , ; ' '' •• : ' ----, ...t ,DI'Itt),),"„FDTNI'AT.ID•WTIF.F.T. e1f..k:111.. ...; MAJORS,E7A.IttI:'t I:/ VEL rs w.r.S'ti'ALlls . cilAnt. - ''. ' ._ ,__.- ..f, ,si.Asi:' , 3ri.spArsG:,, 4 'Vv) squ).l3 ditkir;.4! . 1: 11';I:M.A.tre.7$1')N,Ali ANI) .4.STiImATt(I - I ‘. 114 N' LID 0F1AJ.R . 4;72e: - ..1.:C...te: = : -. ' 1'. :; :";:f , ''.'' .. - ,..,E ,h ra cipi f t,jar t uulsi..eninrltte lest>rlamAc, 1 -, 4itid hoieekt4l4,4l c4l-;:ctil . ere, tirthrirvi .HRi;12.!;;i .: 1. 7 0 - 74.0Si')ATIVN:N• U 'CI a rlik erty, Cisr4sr.F . ,. t;brgr.zes., Cot s tiny! 1 //(Thz? !1. 1, ,QP, ; ,if6.ocf : t4i,gr,ei s o k', H'i) . ,ciee;; I'ublicfiti:itlaio'n4il),riiisiii; r g.irtira„ . ,s.i:,t.: - 4---- iftigeilter 1y412,,e1-yfi;clostrie hie soft 41.:cli 4 ,.f)t,t4:',Cci s , 1 ilia ,Coalciiiti.;: Csilli - Clit 0.0 and ,luitay riif Pie, 1 kgick,rtliz :1 iper,ii4li4idt.), tti ,:f - 1 - I;it,i 'ii iiiti.c'4 - . ,;. 1,-.'j a p o i n t . o r ,illgeii!..iiii.:u£ d0...-iifu, els,'gl3tiee.o4 l l 1 fitiisdh-qualt - y:.,:enp:r;e`lii . e.....s of luater.li.l,.l4i:lii:; fielm.{.,, of excetitiOri,,..d.,:litvao;l3eni7ifeis;' the.-le cltairs are tin f .litrxlsseil.,; Viir t i lketa, ,;‘ . 1..„ 1 . -tl'.'it l .TsGl-1-3t)'..c.tq•i=e: -- itti.t r filea , t . iik'irit'finit klnly 117i . z ... •Mi . : , 4zit,.itli,ltfifk Betti s - -i'4liiiiii>n W I ilhene; 111 fig, prffel - a Ili: tp iit t ils . ti.{. ei.titliel _ryt . !patients tqlrii•tc - d• "li itg-' - s"pfil,ri• '-!tlY::iiliiie'-iii- 1 rili3,ll; - lii 4 d; .).kife,o49lM• , i 7 f.,..!'"1.! ", ~.i o o .' ' ..r. 4 4 . '* . • 1 1 7 ' rru i hillif,i' ' 'itilii s'of . " -. Li reill ' l€li . mikk- 1- 4')( 1 it tftfc - *mil a.....cirrezient readintf.. ! irr'rlting-I)e.sr... and any rinulnutlen desired. Witf;lik• •- - tittnelfilel ll IT I I it , ' 1 • ' .'llkilliitr , -ii r, iih' .. emptienitriry' elei . ! - 4. E fivi 11' ist ' ten t_ 1 y'jivail - if k... , i ri,...i •.'t eri; - : a rof ordeni , ve Ii II - re - rilittffic:•] • Prergl'ptle- :- forwai•cf.:cl" to: iny Bart: o ' l the - il'orld,," -. •'- -4 ' - --• '••• . - I ~ p.: ; fill \ port, r,l.7xu-nY ' kING'S NOV' Trtiv alArmi Chair..llec, Desist Fact:: 64.),autx ,tll the rerinirenuely etice.ia..xliri7, - abed caant e.] . Wilother it tilt„ ClSeted AIR 11. k, irespccis,sauy ch, or any J l price:inries frol Lccor , iing to n'Ait utif..)] is )11 Ike' snpr ibtral A facto- The tam al Tol 1 14: n LnA~tili rrnome st... One 0n..K.. hcle , .4 4:1111 438 N evirect Nr - r • biE fkbOCliTl; i'l tilVi:i"'StietiCo " ' f • • .• ,• -7:. ..' •:,- ,y : :. - .. al i t) bent' • ia - t•ivapiitulic. — ..eger.t:, ...tr.-,_,.. MAGNETO la, e. - sciting., eroftt4inta ain.l I:.a lat . g.• ,portion,,of tkeintelligenl.lt ,I Uil,gtintl..'ij ; uti~ci wiltlV fect , h' - jArets"- i to...puht eri ty. , : .1.`:"11 - etuyer tileFte citiaes lia ye been iiiirOduced“tikey,etelte the hiyA-11,est cwondec and arip4ratitts is adapted to, prevent, relieve and curc ,cycFy ri 'scale incident to littinanit,3 : inure partict -I..trty all , 11,05 e. pctirtftjl, Hodforniitlabl.• es .wlneit have far centuries bailltd.the fontideti learning and skill, of . - From lu-la a term. 'ea ne,e .411 ere, may he an - ceSs,oC.deficiency of. the nervous • ilnid—pro-,. during, nu .excess oc .4efteiency of , r the acid and.alknilinesecretions—the,m,:gnetic prittei ii)es of eye system are •,derangtl,„!Jacl'ettn. on- Iy f e safely restored to : their • normnl ccrulition 1-)3.1 an utipliention map - lc:to-electricity, iiv meansof, DE.. MAG . :C . :Orb EII'ECTV I TC.; MACIUSE. his apparalitis,Yll 20'sitively prevent,. and spectlily , and cure- ccinsnmption, Sctrolitla, . - p . 9e.ranatist!t. l'alsies,-,lgeuralgia, Diseases, and all; ati 4 Of They arc ; etialnetiflyttsoft!2, tit Att. V .. 7.11:1.1 -and urine ry.- cllsorders..pa rticu-, laCiv•u - lt‘tre the CrinStitttlion luts.byezt broken qs.. ruined, t2y. 4123.11411fiti SO !It.OFF-klb to 131:4./C t. 411 90 .rutßy Oa yu , are So \'y'ir,ll64 i4'll.:44 ll gi7P,'!P nperlUr score of.neatlictis6 cleaulincst;.444.)" , a,„ltaii4Epnp t ri f ,r . I,l'lfiCh dt wiLl •Dc -11actiell -and .sent_ to pa!rt.2f t,tlicr . „Xult6l and re•taij i 'itt .1 . e.1.111,e'.4 48::"O;Vit I 'sF.vp-N4-.l‘ ogre-4;;Daithietelplifo, - ....:: - dilgcli . 4, • ; : • , -ly• • 6Tb rot'sr ov. - r - f yrfrz's r .,l 3 -; 1.741 I Goo 3 just redeirod rt =OLM:STED.S. A :NEW 2 II I,nOIT: for r sr4 by JONES, MANN 4: JONES • Eiltl4,:r4poit ;3%136'15. —. l'he Cleecipsst and Haiqs'ente!t - - to'p•-lee;o400i• -• ... • .1 • )" rims •ELpo.‘;;lr A.ND 3 lON'fill.y. lg.kGAY.lNE...eloes• its S'st :voleme in Jrr. e next. • ring the flaw Ltricf mentbs.of . liesatttitn,ed•ri pOrwiluriiy utniquellvt in the annals of:the•Prea., - ,. ..• . offeredTlset l,ii'hera,iia in AK era liter?)yy . effort the' Steriv's,. Pbetr,f., 'end other - sitipt, .:. ze tinwiatcett,", 'are-beteg: pehlia l _NF, - str.l . - 91uxec „conmeneed• - 'gCetttl,;"'iiiti. , ,it',l/".:td 'and- telettgit.l.-....' i-1 7 4:5•111' nifin heft4l - 1 eofitnin' we extra.' ' z6d• 11411 ticteve I)(g,e-s-; - 'llifieert - t•volunie ueprl,t: 400Lpages: for_th e t year—or presentin g ,an amount . 4 the ' et.:;.tt:readieg..cin 41. kubjects, .1:51.,ta1 , to what " l yti . ,ala.e4t - to the took' gierg least tcentv, in advance: , t hifiath,zo tolittlaeit ntkbrilliantatiale. :Are l)httlys 6r.y..? - pen.c.tet retol.?r •; , ::yr'.elconie •Itv'erf . t , Lf ) I.li.noblfelttio,a arJapitd to•ail - classes:it - people.-1 11 .,o;YoutiiOusi ibezi)l4:-7 0 1/4`,:wb!..5r.c... • ever-seen and .Rernsed, umeit with -intjci;ro er , :cptfition. 'ow the. tints to 'subscribe' . iq tits Newt'Vollone.. • ; • back• - •numbers -.mar be he,d :(to" , ceittplet,e sets.) : ls4l,:i cc nts.ekeli, A.;), l rilot ck „series nwrither:i.fortriveNr,r,rtrx cents..' to. and'u Curl: ! ' „vesPert , .., - .'• - 12cmerol - ier, uurtertne :eve rifti 'for one.yeltir, ft';r:it; single cottg„.l.g.. ihres•cer... , :les will he seat UlAile , /t"t! 0 0 . .q. 6r , 4 4dr‘Zf0r , , 01.1 e IJullar..- ; - • ,'I • • e4)BI),'EN r N "-- ph lers. • .1 root, u p's ta i - : 10:1-1 ~ • ;•.;. • 1 114.§.171:11t fur I ) k 9:;;;; JpI3a . ! . ANIN ' ,V,soNP;I3, TY~~" J: less—.icor% reettierne W. No person. ea; .feel will irbile aietistive :laabit of. ,body presoil ; besidesfqf it soon goiterateeritius and 57 7 often' frildpuitseiesitYlifeli fiiirglithaveleen avoided by the tin tly and judicious use of a.,000d norgatiye,- Ihr tlikestrtiqof , Cirlds, Feverish-symptoms, and leFrangetnepf§. ..,. Tiley all -end,o - bec'onlo or, tlse,"deep,iletite,il-ria foiluidahle diAtolpivii:: kiid Iliblicuit.63'ar:OYeetfie'llitait lfence - 0, 'fiiiniii . :iiiii - liertit of the Snit' importance te• Lie lieelili‘, Asia thiiPild has-been perfecter! • ' vault - note. still t&rniet that dernatidz,-an '.. ii„,..trial sif,itS.Tittuel byTirysiciling.:V/A.1...: di Patients, lies shown results sorprissiog -., a hithertti-laitiwn of any,ineilicine. 1 ` es ail effected beyond belief, were they n. t sole , id by:pm-sons of stir+ 4:CiltNiTtoAiti n :awl r - as to" forbid the suspicion of untruth, . ot the. inrisiv eminent gelitlemeit whir have in favor or these Pills we may mention : A. fix: - e:, Amid) ticaiCheruist. uf Itrist.t, to Apia) er of Niassachusetts, whose bye real 'character is, erodorsiol liy Abe , Li iw S un Evirtrtirr;Sondfor of the I'. F. ,IT e.wis Timor, .4x-Sirtikel of oh; diossfr 7qs'entatiteis, ~ ', • , ' - it LAIi - I:llNcrilfritt'ictcr Pion. to England, r 11:1;1T7.P:i . fuir:a:, Cath. Bishop of liiistos. Dn. 3...1:-.Clatta - 4),;,. rracikctil Chumitt, of Ire - Vitr..eiitit , ised -ify - ' ' 'NV. - •1: - . 34.itcv. ,NriTi , t:u7. A t -Sta te. . , , 11`x..33s. , ..tiatiist..Alte richest man ns....Ameriea. ,S. Lt - LANn la: Cc', Propea ,of the Met's:petit= llotelotad others, .. • ~ , ... ,, I)iti STIFF perntit. we coisltTgiveminsy hhinire4 .rtertificate ,, , 'trail all, part; where:,theTills'hare beep us,ed,,but eihreimo e'ven more ronrinc ' int , than the ,it'Aperitotet. of entinent 'public' .Inm - is fanud '1:n: their directs upon frial„'-:. ' .-‘,-•;.,..y.:= .., . • , These Till-4 ,the_result of. long.irotcsitigntjos 3../ ' tt,4, - -, are offered. to_ the public as-the bout and moS.E complete vailch the prear:itit.itate of mediral •Jeibitec can htford.: - They - are congifnualed not o''.' !,he dregs tirmit,gyqs,. }pi t 'of the,..medicinal a irtana i •tsulv gf\* e4F! .. table -rantedieg,' entlacted bY chemical 'nrtieaniri.a state of parityizand'eombinid together ' 'ln,sitchu manner as to insure the beat results. lhia.:"' :kystern of compe,sitiou fermedieinesthas been found in' tlieOlkery3l,l',64tideX;stn&rillil,otii, hi 1 - >rythice3. , .inyits'ellicientyretWody:thrtitlititlthitharto - betnt ^b,l I . tninetrbv any pieciiso: ThOYeanon is rerfeetlyolo: iTiouktif.While:ch,i:thelildinerdeof ennuthslticu, - era . Vz - ~w diciine.i.i.strdeisedavith-.lnore diem of .arri-.! • woulinus and injurious cpritlitiel,' by this itch hail :nicht:a *tug (silly :that la &ilea ibi„.the. tractive , obit et' mtpresesit. . the`item :lied tw 0 nontog, 1. 'ties, of . each ;:tubstati,ect,em layOrtareleftbitltind; tko t B purativmAirtuen . Mil!, 'kin , retained. - art it - gelf-evident the effects - should prove' as they hare 'proved more purely remediah, and'the Tills a stair, murO - powerfid antidote to disease ithan any ether, • medicine known, ta the ivothl. • . - .• , • . As it is frog - newly' Ot:pedieht that nay' tnediehna shonld be taken tinder the leormscl - of ' an attending physician, and 'ns - • he Could not pmperly judge of a remedy. without knowing its compositsow,*l have supplied the acourate Vennulat by which-both toy Pectoral and Pills are tur.dc to the whole body 0( Practitioners in thmUnited States anti - British Amer ican rtorinees. If howOcet there I,,uitl,il t,,,, any one who has not received - therm they 'will 'Et. promptly forareided by Mail to his address.. • Of all the Patent Medicines that are offered, haw fen would be :mken IC theiromposition ...-! c i lts known l : : Their life consistsconsistsin their mastery.,,' hate an suysteries. , . -; . ,- . , ' '' - ' The einnpositien'otrni , 4irelnithll.otritilaiti open, toaß-wien;.'find , alDWho - are tompetent to - ruder? Oil, — 'tlie subj . cet - tfreely;racknoWledge :their: convictions, Of theirjrntrinsic toes**, t The ,Olso7y, Teetotal VIP , - tprononneed, by scientific, men ,to„,.bc a voider:4 rmeilicideliefore itgelYeet iretetiitSvi,n. Maio , eta, Anent Thysisians.. have declared the Yhtne'lltiimei .; ,wiy-Tilliiii , inctl Oven' fnefe, e'ciiiiil`e'rttliVand 'ae -.401- ing to certify that their a ziticip4tiieim .u . ae. - r, ,,, . lA' mzreglignelipilmiYAfe:Als.tsponiirial.,•:-..i :-'-- I ~ T nhey' ope te ht....their poNierfull intim-hoc on the internalysseera to purify the : blood and stimulatrit ',ip;to hehlthy 'action --remove the. ohrtsuctinns er, , ,, the stomach; borietgrlivertintiethei'ergaltS of the;. hod:rf ristbritig,their irreguratlfetsoMfo'betilth, anti..!: 'by . correcting: Wherever , : tlirtyiixist, 'pact 'tiOrnsgo -, .. inents as are. the first origin of disease. 1 1 'reing„ sugssy wr:yrlpektfig,nru,4pleasant: km take sat byrg purely fegefalsTC, ntiltarin can hii.c frovr.• tlamr . ur us any quantity.,...„, I . ,•`: I_, ' , . , 'Ftit-mlnuto•Lreaiohs - -sieiir : afq):er'oit'the•Por . , r.REPanka) By. -,„'': -• - el - A,At-giS--,C 4 : rA-117-ER i - - lwrzic,tiCAT 4 iiiir,S;;l'ia Vietikt,iiCdisi.. • '' '1 • ''''. / " 9 -N .•Lt.iti '3(4S- .- - -.. i , . E'riejltl24s..grimkta.perßoteZ Five , Boxes for.SL . SMITLI 15 • 1 - -orDERsr 0 IZT • Pat Vs Crr, , lt 2 . 6y MEE _ . . , .. JONF.IK t)dv.itlie . ,Lighiiat alllinsfir of. l'toducir ; , ; .-. . try 11" r• 5:43.