..... • the grc.4. first cause • ; :n ul N xtitli J i<*ws. JiVFFER NOT! & " < Fill: Is {maraules4 TV .ML LTAIiFS OF 11 i lIT DISEASES, AfcgjfctV.'-.i '*"• U# S'rtrtirrti, cJr-it. JJ. t 'nM, o/ tftr b.-M\etjs and , .ti J . ' ■ / 4< '• v li'.'fit" it'.J Ard.iu, f)tsc*i+ti r -y ;/ ZtU.lj/ii, -■• ' I < f" l * lri' t " s i UltJh :.+.■ d \ri C+nc*r4. Droj-'jj) Eja ylv: f-.0, gt, VmJ < A'.i *• JA< Un Off i.(! 'J J: vl>i _ i/kjtt! •! i ■-/ (Jl'jf&fMj , • U'JJ a# KCi i Trembling. L< ■ of Meui or.. (.><•• ot Power, Uviiart 1 Waanocns, * i>J V.Aon with peculiar spoU apiß*!"- jjg i afore Dv ryes, Loes oi t giit, Wakciu |,.c !;rnipjia. Liver L:#*ese, Lrupuous upon the fxc*. l'siu in tlie buck and bead- Femaie *■(' improper discharge* i.ouj *oxwi. It matter* not tVoiu *h;u cauc u.o dtwexs- orii/ nttteu. boWover long ei-'Uidittg a : IM th i we, iw"*y w '\ aa ,u -,t>.. lei lime then a parmaucn' cure cau be d -1 by uuv otl -r ueatumnt, er. u nßcr the 2i*T iu b*riid the ;ki!l ot eimutut phpi U l-ili iheir rneam Ot cure, in* .wdicine* •repl-3*iintw ith >utoir, cuuhug B-. - and flu* from mercury or b-i.ain. years of practice. I have rescued I - m ili* -a-i cf Death many tboqsands. who. >* the ': b-ges of the above mentioned dis- | . • had been giv-m up to <* b ~ phjsi •km• hleb in? in promising to the |j- r(r ,' *vho m*/ place tbvuiseivi nn <-t niv ; ivv-e, • 'vet fcn'l most speedy cure. Secret". > . M(l i ire the greatSfct eneni'.as to health, a> . tu-... fit;. r-1 .-ai.-""f C. u-uuipkou. Sriui- j üb, other diseases, snd .thou'd be a uar:u'' uj tit haiaan f.iuily. A" il pcyntan nt i". '(HLTreiv ' ver . flf-'-ted, a majority of the •Hj** ia'.o too haftds ot Incompetent pvrioii!-, w ho not only tail to cure lbs iliso.iFSc t-ut rnin the constitution, filling the fjstom j Willi in rcuty, which, with the disease, has ten* th* *utTrfi into a rapid Consumption. Hat should th" disease arid the treatment) yet #aa.-s dis'.u speedily and the rictitn mnr-| f.M. the dissase is entailed upon the aJiildren.: wrc ar born with feebl" constitutione, tie ••rrent of life rorrnpted by a virus which w vs v * Itself in t>crbfu!a. Tetter. Cice'-s. Krnp teenj aod o'her atfectitms uf the eltia. r.ver,: Tnwat fciid Lungs, entailing npr.p them a brief of saoorjnj and tsonsmgirjjig. thona! (6 (.11 •JVrir grave. ' 1 ftiil.F ABC3E issoo'h©' formidabls enemy vselih. for nothing dsti in tire dread cata-. I- / of buaian rii-HaßCi causes so destruc iyc r. Ir' in upon the ystem. drawing its thousands.; '( nstims. through. ale v yea-a of t-ufiering i 4 wn to an*untisnely grave. It destroj's the .'• •tvous svt€m, rppidiy v a-tes away Lie cu.-j SMfab of life, caus.-s* menlol deranjjemonr.\ **n's th" proper development of the sy-imn for marriage,' society, bnsine?s'-i ( nd *'! wrthlv fiU'i th* 9nf if-*.- wrecked"iu body nad mind, predisposed' fC eons-jiaptiou and a train of evils m >r rail? | dreaded than deaih Itself. With the lnliett 1 - efld'-no I assure the uafortntiate victim-' ot l MoA- Abuse that a permanent and speedy cure **n be alfec;ed. and witii the abandouru nt of: iriaojt my patients can lie rei'.ored v robust, vigorous health. The cSlictcd are ciationed against the u?e ■ cf Pa*n : Medicines, for ihure are ao many, luyouiooJ scares iu the colmnus of the publi-* prints to catch and rob the' unwary suiTVrcrr-; ifiet milJieat have their eoustiuirions minod I by the vile compounds of quack doctor, or' eh* aqusllj P -'isoD<'',s n'>trum.- vended P :t>ut Medicines." 1 have carcful'v ana'-red a, nv of tbo so called patent Medicine? and ! fr.d that nearly ail of tb*m contain Corrosive i f'uhlimato, which i- on? oi the strongest pre- 1 f • rations of tjiorciiry and a deadly poison, -which ;n?t*ad of curing the ilispflae di-il afie v7!eua for life. Tiiree-fourtb ef tho p#eut nojtrutn. now is u? - i are pu ; up by uoprluciplsd and ignorant! 'whvi.do uc ier.na'j even the y-i --vh: Ht of the nvtrit yr.Er* . and arc equ ill tf .lasctute of any knowledge of t.b humun [rnnre, having one objsct in view, and itm 1 q uak® xuoavy ( rw e ni'dl9* of cotis-quen- I- ; i'ir:t|os *>cd nil 'l!scn'* of m n le end Jwmiias trsatsd c-n principles establish'd by r'-totv year* of -f.raoiicc, and saactioacd by tkouaaufj* of ioii*t rcmnrkAhle cuios. Med- V"n with full directions aeui to auy pen oi ib ■ Un ; ted Stntvs or Oauadas,. by pati'-Bts re-ctt'OUicaiiog lueir syiaat-'m? by h-tt. r.- f! ; v jass corrsapbudenes strictly confidential. A.d dfssfl. J.SU M M ijßVl r J AL, M . L>, OtiiceNo. IX3I J'ilbert St., r Old No. 109,) 81 LOW TWtLriU. fn i l ajj r, l r 111 A . liwsiiL B. K, SPENCER, O/Fers Great Indtieemcnte TO BUYEIIB OF / t HOCERIE3. I'itOVISIONS &?., at the store formerly occupied by D. W. on 3d Serotrt. North side of- Public ki'indre. GROCEUIE3. A good nssoriraem coß.in. firmer raise?, will h" rnkm iti cxchanpe To: fj )ud?j at th"ir ca-Ji value. I invite ihe a;- teotioti of Villagers. Fnm.er. ? and Lnmbcrnti-r who desire t j make purchaF< xc in fht ahovi arttftlc*. nn l soli-it them to call Left-ire pur •basing efrewhere. IT. E. SPENCER, rvidcnqiort, June &, lbftf,—lo:2. HEV.AC-nED MUSLINS and few other or r, '" hi fh line of St iple Drv Cocci V '• at E K V. W. ? , A.t. • " Z *. rJTn - _ KEiSOLITION srcT>D3lstsT ABsendnteals to tite oi tHe Cca m uionvvtuitlJ. ' ffTj ESOL VZD t? t'f Senate and of • of the Cwm(Mx*>At/i of I'tfnttffivama tfi iron*, -il AssMioig • I'ml / the following am admeats are proposed to '.nt COll;titutiou ut T lie OODiniOOWCUILII. i.u acco/d --u*:i,--0 with tne pi o v is.olL; ol liiu let th a. i.cio ihcrvuX. FJA3T AMK.VDMfyT. 1 : There shall uu aud.iirij.'t ai-ficle to said • '.on.-iitui.i'ii t-i oe du of the geueral as ! rtinhly, or nt dihsi'eiit periods id tiotc. sin li nisvef a-vceed seven hundied an i.fifty thousand iloilar*, and tile money arising from tue crea tion oi'sndi debts, shall be applied to the • purpose jfojr it was obtained, or to repay the debt* sp t'.iu:acted, and to no otaer pur j po.-fc whatever. b2. fiox'2. In addition to the above limited I power the ttftte may contract debts to rapci invasion, suppress insurrection, defend the ststoiu war, or t,o relceaa the present om- I standing Indebtedness of the state; but tbc ' monty arising fifiiii the coauacting of, such debt.'- ■, shn'l ua applied to the purpose for which jit was raised, or to repay such debts, and to no other purpose whatever. Miction 3. Except the debts above specified, in sections o.ie and two if ihD article, no debt whatever shail be created by, or on behttjf of the state. j SECTION 4. To provide for the payment of int present debt, and any additioual debt c>n i tracts 1 as e.foresaid, the iegiihiture shall, at 'its first session, after thu adoption of this ' amendment, create a sinking fund, which shall : be suiiieicat to pay the aecrujng interest on : such debt, and aunoally to reduce the prinei ! pad thcrt'. i by um not !"sr than two - hun dred and fifty thou-aad dollars ; which sjuk ' ing fumj sltfill consist of the net annual in : com ft.of th public works-, from time to time ' owned by the. stata, or the proceeds of the sale (of the same, or any. part there*!, and of the , income or proceeds of sale of stocks owned fi i the state, together with other fund?, or rcsour ! cfs.'Uiat may be designated by law. The said I sinking fund' may be irirrea.-.o l, from time to , ! time, "by assigning lo it any "part of tire taxes,' ■ or other rcvenn - of the state, riot required for • the ordinary and current e>:['eu,-.cVof govern ; meat, and unless in ense of war. invasion 'or' ; Jnsurroctiou, ny part of the said sinking fund : shall be u ed*or applied oil: -rvvi -e than in ex-, tinguishrneu! of the puhliQ d ht until the" Limoaht of su< h debt is rr Ifietvi b:-iow Liu 'sum of fire millibii? of dollars. Sr' Ti'-N The credit of tin. corumonwenlth ' I.dial! not in any manner, or event, be pledged, j or loaned to, any individual, company, corpo-; ration, or association ; nor shall the common- ; .wealth bereaf'cr become a joint owner, or' i stockholder, in any company, association, or ' corporation. ! Ss tion ft. The comcninwaal'.h shall not a= - siißH the drbt. or any part tiierfof, of any ■ county, eifv. hbrougli. or township ; or of am 1 corporation, or 'association : uufe-s such debt, shall have been co; tract*?'! to enable the state to repel ir.Ta.von. siippw* d^rne a fic. insurroc r.i'io. d'f*nd itself in time cf war, or to assist the state in ihe discharge of any portion of 1 its present irid--Wtedness. FrCTiov 7. The t''£is!ntirr shall nf auJh??- i •izaany county, city, borouth, Township, or ' nt rpora'o ' di.-ti-rf*. bv virtue of a too- of its i citizens: or otherwise, to become a stockhold : c in b-ny company, association, tft corpora - '• tion : or to obmin m'in">■ for. or loin it- credit ♦o, any corporation, association institution, or ' party. SECOND AMEN DM 1 NT. There shall be an additional a-tir'e tt> a'd . to bo dcigoat-r as air-;le All. ; as follows • •' TTT. OF NEW COL NTIE3. N'n renn'y hal! b > divided bv a tine cutting- Or-'T ov-r one-tenth of ir? pO[>ala.ti;vn. (either • to f.vim a i ' w coiinty 0.-uthe.rwise, i w.ih-un the expre?- av?cat fff Cl "*h Cfi-.iuVy, 'by \{ vote of the electors thereof: iu>r shall am- new counts-be ostabJiFhcii, crurtoining • 14-^-tha. four hunuied si.igire mues. Ttmtl) A.MT.V DMF.NT. i From focrion tw<> of arUMe of tht constitution,, stride out- the words, H i. clttf of Ehu>id*Jrdo, t'd *.f f*nfi r*f. •'ff.h/ : ' fiotn section live, same article, strike out th '■ word;, "of rhil'tdfipiiM and r>j the several caitn ■ ;. from section seven, same article, ;.tri!- * out the words, ytudiher the city of J'-**i♦•, earn.", ar -1 lie/?, and iu lieu thereof inserttriefoilowiiMr; i ''Section p. la the ye W one thousand-eight t hundred and sixty-four, and in every seventh year thereafter, representatives to the number •.of one 'lUiidred, shaai be- apportioned and clis i trihuUMl equally, throughout the state, by j di:-trie's, iu proportion to the number oi iftx.i --j hie inhabitants ia trie several pr.ru thereof; except that any county containing at least. • | three thousand live hundred uxirbhv. may bo | allowed a separate represents!tion ; but no i mors than three couniivx .-iiali be joined, .aur,. ft * *' . •' ..... 4 , Ipo/Md-rifti ocytocM "V; btrf fo gard full Uf m* '! >ndcd in th* formation thereof? Tbh lcp'lshturt'i t' it- ffr?f ?*rior, rftcr th?? ' ndooti'tn if tliir. e'M' r l:h"nt. rh.i'M divide tl;c | the c?tv cf- ViUb-dtdniim ir.lo. arrtat >r;al aarl irept .- .auni•. .di.-t'rieta, in the rvicuer nh :v pt--' ided : . .-5 d'-'t'Tct? t;; mriuir. ycchangod • u'i tl. • .opor"i I'lrrrent, iq the '.-ear one tbon i *ttad eight btrndrcd and si^ty-fltir. FOUR I'll AMIiNDMIINT. T.m-c sjw i an ed iilional accri in to the f:'• trc— hi ■? 1 c/>*j^-*:(--;-;n. \'LicTi shal* be noinb--' 4 a:d rf*nd i? foil owe : '..".i't'Tv ?d. T-io logi-lature shall hero the n j' r ' > ; . rt vokei tir atrtul. auv clmrtvi , 1 1>; inco*-pcr..;'-on hereafter conferred b*.\ or nn fier. in; ?)• f il. or rrene .il law, whenever in )tbeir opinion it may be i ijurioyx to the citi ! .',00; of lbs common wee Ith ; in such *innue. - j however, that no injustice shaii be d uo to I 'he corporators. IN SENATE. M*rtk 2L last. Mfsoh td, Tnat tli retclution pwt. Ou |b.'. lirat amnd:neu.t, yeas 24, nays 7 ; on the see ! uini MnendiuouL, yeas 23, nays 6 , on ti.e third amendment, yets 24, uavs i, ou the Ton rib : amendment, yea* £3, nays 4. 1 Extract from the Journal ] G£-czor. In grain, Kiilhigjor. Km x, Latioach. Lewi-. Myer ' r*ciieiu, fillers. Shu man, bun titer, ' • S*r.ab, it el ah, Wilkin* aud V. right—lff. I NxVa—Messrs, Crabb, Finney, Jordan and. P-urfvo—k rfo the question was dotermiucut in tin. l alfiraal> ius, H- i.-tand, ililh llilie'gas, IfuUtpan, (Berks,) Irubrie. lnnes, . Jacob. , JcukiuH, John.-, Johrwu, K-iuff m ! n, : Kerr, Kai., L i mag, Longrkcr, LJV-J'. I Alvuec.r, Mangle, M Culmont, M liv.-.ih, .Maor : head, Xiuuimx, Jfnsselamn. Nichols, Mi-.rhol-oa,' Kuucmaeh v. Pearson, Peters, PatriUu, Pow . nail, Punvfli llnhi.H-y, (Pl:}!a Gets, Sp'-riker —.3. i NAYS —Messrs. Backus, B;.nson, Dock, llam f'ilViu; Hancock, Ilinv, J Jo-I'm an, (LebMU-'a.) t Lebo, Struthcrs. Thuru, Whraerana WinCrodc )'{ —rl2, S- the question was dt tcrjnincd ia the j' a ffi 'r .native, i O.i the question, XYiil the House agree to the seccwd aiacnd - |.'a2or.t ? ,fo vr-as am nays were taken agreeably to , . jli- provisions of toe Constitution, apd were .• 1 ai follow, viz : Y-ts—.Messrs. Anderson, Backhouse, Ball, htv k. 4 Bow -r, Calhoun. CamphclL Carry, lint, . Fau old, Foster. Gild a. Jlnrncl. Harper; iieftik. ; Htrsivn.L U'd! gr.-. HoC'maa. (Berks.) House ''' keeper, Imb.ffc. June?, Jenkins. Jqh'.-q Johu :• ' 'ua, Kahifotan. Kn'ghq I.HsenVjpg, Loiiyukvr. 1 ! Lovett, ":.\rw-rv. Mangle. M'lhain. Moori.ead, at MusScluahn. N'.rhoL: Nicholson, h-'ucctuaehtr. I , .'t.i: o:i, Peter?, Pt'tnkla, Pownal!,. Pure el! - ! Bum. cy. (fhrla- elp'ffa.J Lamscy. (York, t iKa , uicr, ih.MertP. Lapp. Sa ;w. f!o.n. Tolan! \'ai!. i Voeg'ulkValtrr. Wcsthniolr; XYhhrton. jtue. iuan and G A?.. Speaker —*7. e N.vV?—V.c--3rs. Arthur". Augu-tiae, BackWr, 1' Benson, Bid op. Brown, Chn?, <'leaver. Craw ! ford. Kystcr, Gibb.-ney, H .nELon, Hancock, r • HU!, I'iuc. IToffmau. < Lebanon,) Jacobs. Kerr, i ! L"b >. M'< 'ulryont. Mumnu". Ilced, Hujifb (Cam - -! bria,) Srai'.h., (Centre.) Sfcvcuson, .Strut-.vs. n J TUoru, VanvQuruis. kickers, Wagonscdlcr, - I Warner, Wintrode, Wit'.teiow aud Wright—34. So the qu3stiou was determined iu the nf o 1 finnativo. On the qnestmn, XYill the House agree to the third amend ! mrnt ? r i' Thy yeas and n*ya were taken agre*Wy ( 0 the proylsi..Ua of the Constitution, and v ere p> L folio'.v. viz : YJC.VJ —-Meters. Anderson, Backhouse.. Bali, ) Berk, Beu roii, Bowtr. Brown, Culhoun, Camp j bell. Chase, Cleaver, Crawibrd, L'ickev. lint. | Ejdter, Fausold, Foster, Gibboncy, Jlarnel,' Harper. Heius, llebtand, Hiii, Hiiicgas, Hoff- : ' man,. (Berks,) Hoffman. (Lebanon.) Ilouse- I keeper, Irnbne,,Xunca, Jacobs. Johns, Johnson, ,: Knutlmau, Kerr, Lebo. Loirgaker, Luvott, Xltt .; near. Maugie; ir'C iinont, Xloorhead, Xlumma, | i Mussel mail. Nichols, Nioholsou. Nunt-tuacher. i Pearson, Pelevs, Pctrikin, Powuall, l'lffpell. j j ilarusty, (York.) Reamer, lTt-ed, i Sloau, Hmiilv (Cambria.) Smith, , ( SCttvonsou, Tolan, Yaii, Yan*uorhi, VUjker, j i Voegl icy, Vv'agou.-.elier, Wcalbrowk, Willi-ton. ; j Withe.oav, Wtight, Zimmermau and Gctz j . Speajx&r—' 7 2, I I Nays—Msrs. Aituur, Augustine. Backus. : } ]3i>ho]i. Curty-. Lock, Chdea. llariiilicu,. Han- j ! cock, iline, Jenkins, Knight, LeisejuM 11- | * ain. Kattiey • (Philadelphia.. Roberts, S truth- , , • ers, Thorn, 'Walter, Yf'n.ruejq Wharton ad , I V.'introde— 22. So tire question tvas determined iu tki ; , a iLrnjaiive, I j On the question. 1 Wilt the House agree tc the fourth amend- j [merit? ... The-yea? and nays were taken agreeably lo< I the provisions of.tne Cpastituiiotr, arid >\.-re, I as fdljow, ■rz : • i j • Yti-j— Messrs. Anderson, Arthur, ILtek-j house, Backus. Ball, Beck, Beusoir, Bishop, j j Bower, Brov.n. Calhouri. Campbell. Cam . I Chase, Cleaver. Crawford, Dickey, Lat, j {Fausold, Foster, Gibboncy, Cildca, llamel, j Harper, Ilaius, Heisiu.nd, 11:11, ililwgus, Hull- ( iuan, (Berks.) iloffman, (Lebanon.). il''U-e-; , keeper, ipjbrie, Kates. Jacob?, Jeukin', Johns, | 'Joliuson, Kauifut-m. Kerr, Lebo. Lpisenrjng, j j Lougnker, Lovett, Xlauear. Xlaugle, Mwlmor.L ! MTlvaiu, Muurma. Mussulman, Nichols, Nioli- J.olson, Nhueupicirer, Pearson, Peters, petrikm. Putt'irull, Purcril, Raiusey, (Pbiludolplria,), i Ramsey. (York.) Reamer. Reed, Robert?, Lupp. [ I Shaw, Hloan, Jjurith, (Cambria,) Fniifh, • Ccu- II re, 7 titevenson, Tolan, Vail, Yauvoorhi.;. i Tickers. Voeglrb-y. \\ agonseller. V\ alter, \\ r- . j nor. Westbrook, Wlmrton, Yfillision. \\ itberow, ( Zinjuuermaii and Getz , Sp,u.k r —S3. , N'AVS —Messrs. Dock, Hamilton, Hancock.! .Strutuern, Thorn, \\ iatfode aud \f i'iyht—7. , j So tire question wa.s determined in the uf- J firwaure, Sr.rtt ETA it y's Or ri GE, DARHISECKO, June 22. 1657. : Pettneyivaniu. *s : • I 1 do certify.that the above and foregoing i? | I* tcue and correct copy of th> '-Was and |-'Nay?" taken on . the resolution propping j j amendments to the GpusbßtiiUHi of the Coiu ; monwealth, as tlie same appears on the Jour-, rials of lite two lion serf, of Hie General Asstm-j blv of this Commonwealth lor lbs aessiou oi 11857 • ... : ! rr Witness my hand and the seal of, j' ''''-'said office, this twouty-secun J day ofj, June, one thousand eight hundred and .fifty- , jsctep. A..G. C CRT IN, 1 Gffi-JMn. Secretary nf the Commonwealth. . P XF-:\V dOODS," Lou Prices iettd Rvatiy Pity, AT SHARON CENTER. riffil L ?C BSC 111 BERN arc offifring for alt j i a. an entirely new stock, ronsisting of I)R\ G< MILS. GROCERIES, HARDWARE, CyGGKKKY, GIMSS WARE, I'Di'fS A ,SHoEN. HATS A. CAPS, L'M BR ELLAS. PARAmgLS, . W IND<)W SHADES, WALL PAPER, lUIALY MADE CLOTHING, 7 ANKLE [- ... NuTIonS. ac., sc. In ?*ur feleclicns the wwr:- of ail ha' > ■< i remembered. Tke Geotl;n'it ea, a o.i .-'.ock of Ready Made ( lothiug u tie.ant i FV-hio iftuie -nil. or a su4>ffl)iti-l Bn.'bie-' ' • -uit. and we have Hat £ Caps and Lou.* v j Shoes to "natch. r l i> 1 adi' - fn Rod Lv 'ib trAde Bonnets; beautifully trimmed, or bonnets and c i atniug : a good a? ur'.ment .f Drees <■ oo.s. ami triot i tnitig l -: Giove-, Xliti.-, Hosiery and Gait r-. Ami, last but n r !•♦*'. • rrded aud -kt loto.i j ! Skit-is ; r.l to, Rattan?. ; Hra?6 Skirt-!loop : i f a-'.Lful Jet Necklace.?' | and Jh .if 1.-ts. Cure Is, pan?, ana too uutuy j other things to enumerate.—nil of wlileh w arc eiliag low for Cash. Lumber, or any kind ,t Prodne:. FLOI'R, ML A!. ; FfS!! Ac., cor.- ; i btnuilcou band. W. B. ,V J. n GRAVES, j 'l Sharon f'-eafer, Potter Co.. }'a.. June y. j j idi.'-r. —L>2' ' j j bit aN" GES AND LEMt'N.S iu-t r-r ived bv t " ? 10:2 V B. kJ. H. GRAVES. ' l k W. SPfiNCEII is A tent Jot many of the A j? • most jiojfular M -dici.iC? now in u-c, a ' few of which he Vrill im*urt'on : J. K. ST A I- TGRD £ CO.'S OLIVE TAR. DR. D. JAYNE £ SON S FA.MJLV MEDI •' CINE-. ,1 J. C. AVER CO. S CHERRY PECIORAL ; AND FILLS. SEVERAL KrNDS OF CHERRY SYKI IL-. rttc• % vtr., ix **. "j J- K. Stafford k ('• Olive Tar is ap • p!ie(- and inhaled by wearing ; on INHALER ■ j around tqe neck an ion the breast His OL • J IVE ULN7 MKNT is apphed where the sgiu i: :; 1.-roker,, and is a popular remedy where km wn. • ; Good ior the Whooping Cough. lfi:2. 1 ; \%r H. OLJN k CO., of the Yates Couutvl v V Nur erics, have for ante a large and v i-uahls assortment of lIIMT TSiKSJSi L ol" nil varieties usually cultivated. These! T, '-es are young and of vigorous growth. The j ((ualitic-s are the npv-t choice known, and are! | warranted OKNTIVK. Also, a" fine stock of! j ORNAMENTAL TRF.ES aud SHRUBBERY, i I for fall delivery. I f. ./vAddre. •- order? to(L BEACH. Port Yan ; i'ato? Co.. N. 7L Orders left with Rt'H T. W. '! KILLS., f'oudersport, Pa., will L<- promptly | filled. lb:2—6n-:o. |g '.ALL AND EXAMINE tfi- NR.A GOODs' > xN Ju>t received by v OEM:--TED'S. ' TJ Nn rr \ stap e artmlci 111 the Drug line for' i yhby Ll'o-2.) lv!" K. F. I Lt WIS VILLE STEAM SRI ST MILL. I j " W ATTITAXO EMM X T, j Sh'ClE ui. 'er.-igiud having bought out all -} i (firmer owners of" LewisviU.' Steam . | Griit Mill arc now prepared to dp.art manner -. of grinding", r ? they belie' '', to llic 1 tion cf their c'pstumers. Gome r.r.i sec. O. A LEWIS. I CRAYTON LEWIS. ' . | nyso, Feb. 28. 1857.-0-38. -! Notice to j-Jnildei's. . IQEALRD PROPOSALS Till be received j ■.lt / until the 17th day of October next by the '.School Dlrwtor? of E??4lr*4'f. - for building a Frame School House, 2-fx' :i b on 1 Aver?" Hill. Full . peciffcations may he seen ; !> calling ou A. W. LATMROP, in ilomcr.— ! - , Proposals to be left with the same. By order of the Board. B TUATGHKR. Scc y. ! j' H mtr, Scpc 14, 1P57.—10:H 3t. i: r * -i4T?S-*r' r: -" aa~ .<-.- c*S& * MILLPORT HEAD QUARTERS. TiTIE subscribers t he this method df in- X forming their irieada that U> j arc iu rc , csipt t.f, and are bjW opening, a choice and desirable stock of STAPLE AND FANCY DP.Y GOODS. ' to which they invite the attention of all who I desire to make purchase*. Our stock is large ! has been selected with great cere, and is psr --; ticularly adapted to tin: wants .f tfi i- —tiuti lof our country. I'ur tuck <>l Dry Comb con sists of • PLESS GOODS. TRIMMIN'CS. RIBBON'S. J£.\l Blt Vll )E RIMS. PARASOLS CLOTUS. ('ASSTMERES VMs i iNGS. DU- ViStlOS.* ' ; SUiiKTIN'.S. "LINENS, „ PRINTS, HOSIERY, Si! AV. LS, and n vari- iv of other -articles, too numer-iuc .to mention. We.have al.-o a. complete assort ment of GROCERIES. HARDWARE AND trilOL Kt.lO : i I! of which" will be siiLi im :niri'nicniTr cheap : for rendv-p.-y, nr.?! {'or'appro.ml credit cm as ' rcast>ttebie terms as afiv ir"- i ->t; blisl moot. '.VANN MN ICHORS. 1 Millport. An jr. 1!. ISbm- -Dtl3 };•. ~W. W. KING- & SON } r -- - J JLj'JUJffi CHAIR M AH'Fi A T Lll £ Yil S . •LoS 1-51*001110 Strt <-t, ' (hie Dour Rait of !!r a iuay. £Late Ifio llrujul -1 way.] NKWIVottK, r EstnMitfieJ A, D. 1833..] * XYITE an examination of tiicir great vari- X ety and superior nssorum l of OH A HIS. matin fact uroii at their own esHLlis-bmi-ut. ami ; under their iiiiu.ciUttte observation and fflrcc . tion. including j• PIVOT REVOLVING CHAIRS. S!•:LP-ACTINsi J-:XTMXSiUN KMCL' 1! 13ENT CHAIRS, i IMPROVED TNVAT TD WHEEL CIJAERS. j MAJOR Sr." A RIAL'S TEA \ ELINGTN VALID i CHAIR. I SPANISH SPRING AND SQUi B ("lIA IRS. '. Rilill'MATlC. .SPINAL AND ASTHMATIC i INVALID (HAIR'S. AC., AC.. AC.. ; Em'. 1 racing the moil conijlite us ortnient. and choice* l kinds for I'nrlorr, I'raitingJiucms, ' Ckcviltrt, Linrfiens, (Ahrnrir*. Covniny Zloiun. ; Ofirfs, l'vuiic In* i.uAuiUjJtrv, - ijJ'r., ' together with every desirable sort julapUd to 1 i flu- comfort, couvtnlca.ee ; rid luxury of the 1 1 Sick, the A j"'. the Infirm. th- /. r< and J.zty. , 1 In point of ingcioiity ul o. eh.g -.nee of j | finish, quality and i u'ii.e/e ' muter.a:, tailh-j fltlueas of t.veeiTt:> u, durab ::r> and rneaj-m-a*.' i these chairs arc uiu cresset!.. For tin-iu. M. 1 \V. KING S SAN. v. ". e .r.vuHrd the first and : onl v Prite Medal, and I tJF l>c>. fry Vi-commem! 1 | them a- far profota I? th ; mi- or cuo.-hv.-, lot patients n'Ei'ttd with Np 'n-fi A*f' mr wPh exrdrtnntorr cut*, will hi ! gent bv mail if ifjitv' ted. ami ""I'Ts fwi it r - \ i mittuncc*,] promptly forward .-I to any p-.rt o* ! the world, I,t T XURY t c v.* I'COXO.M.Y! 1 KING'S NtW CliAin; "AS YC'J LIKE it," , • An Arm Chair. Rcc!iii.'ng Cr air. Couch and. ! ; Bedstead, [OOMUIX I> I\ OX .] is i-inctiptibh- ot : ir. > ive diiVerent positions or i-!miur" p -. to meet 1 •.he varied re|uireraeufs for con. it. conveni- I '.'ii' c. luxury end economy. | 'a p.ace a. cts. any chair perb. Ps ever mr.nu- ! , in-tnred in this or any otii-r country. The price varies from J-' ian to Thirty Del j j Inn. according to 1 ii!i. j To Public Institutions, s well s- to indict i- 1 • ir. Is. lias CHAD, is a very dc>ira df articl . i .ad will l>e supfli' l i:i sa number on the, liberal terms-. Apply to or address i >L W. JviNCI j 43c Broome St.. One door <: -t of Brer iwity • • Nsw \ on-., i Late -• /#/.■ :ty. V:4-t— iy. i iE'.V (.1 it.-DM A I'ixe .'. - ... tin -ill 'IN received at ( r ; , 4 I orunjnvioM iv Mr Tiff' CPir*.ir(f ' lift wit I fti-VvLUll-U IA iii-Ulh.A F 1 "i } Tlif rnilc igcr:i ever v't!. T'l.. JjlC'ivlX&ON'S ' RMAONKTUELKC-I \' -.w -t i *•. ... J lilv. MAt iilNi. . ! Y;'.A;.-a .• ?. u. ._j\ Y'/rV A~' "" 1~ ' ' . . bo,, ofig alteu- Ln : • :•ry-_ _ > of ; 've M. ai... t- | Lirjy where the Camstitullon lias lac a br< ken j jdown and in hied by unutityita; sotitpty ndbils | j to which u>o tunny pf the young ol ooth sexe: , j arc so larncntali]y jirorrc. ! DR. MCKINSONiS MAGNETO ELECTRIC j I MACHINE is without th • dangr.rou- couiyG . cations of hatted-. - and acid '• ore ■ fact- oJout ! | rcuders.it •superior to ail •■• the score , of neatness, cleanliness, suf.ey ami utility.— , It is, iu fact, a haufisom- pa''m oriuuu: at: ( niv be applied by a ch.'d; atid will la-t... , iiiVrtini'c, to the grer.t avi::g > of Doctor'.- , 1 'PRICE OF THE MACHINE AlO. It will bo safely pac'.v i and sent Vo an;, j ■part,of tho. Cnii.-u L'LHIW. Sobi wlnuesnL . and retail at the Medical Ofilcc.No. fi >NI ! RTH < . MEVENTU Etrer 1, .rhii'uh'irAddgt 5.% ! A.'C. DIC a INL; JN, M,D. j 10-I—lj. C lARfIK FOR ?r OV. ING THE NEW , 'll Good just receivod at OLM'-TED'iS. 4 NEW 5 HORSE I.T'MBER-WAGON for] ' for sale by JONE-L MANN A JDNIN. Coud.rsp at, .'''j.ic IJ, IfeT.—tf, 'I ■ WI T' . ... I™ ''4o-. < 1 THE WELCO?IE VISITOR. I . Th Cheopett cal in tkt the elioi, j cejst rca(|]i:g. on all subjects, equal to vvhut j "WpUiil cost ill tin; hook sioifS lit lOOit City • tent", payaMe inriYriablv in advance. ' .Some of tlia nn>-t popular and brilliant ml% and temxJti coutid itors are regular tunirii Ltttor.- ami the publishers will ,-part no pai' a or expense to render the Vi.iiu;'' every way to K lefutd and intrUh ! gent community. 'J lie publicAtiou is adnptfd to all classe* of people—toe young rod tin' oid —and where-. ; ever seen and perused, utevts with UWvvrsal • acccpta! it'll. LA N.w is tiic tiu;• to subscribe to tk New Vol nne. ; 'The back numlifrs may be had (t< ; complete sets; ter b cents each", ul" the whnt* i scrieb ot' 12 uuin'w£" for TV.sxTV-riVE cents, j j Liberal inducement* to" Clubs and Cua. j PT;' Remember, our terms are Fifty cents fi>r 01 o year. ft-r or addrcsfor One Dollar. Address, cos DEN & Company. 1 Puhrislicri. No. 34 North Seventh Htrsat . (up- ; t.virv.) , 'l'ljiLdclp!ila. 10:! 1, ' ' B 1 ARM E |I.S WANTING PLASTER („ r Laud •M . will find a suj'plv at !:■:•: ' JONES, MANN & JONES, fONTS. H ANN k JONES, pay the high wt icarkc.t price for all kinds 0i Produc*. ( >- AYEH'S PILLS. I KKW and MSigularlr successful ramedy for ui L\ .euro of i|U HUlou* diM'.isv —Costivi iirvb, lruLi xesric.u,' Xu'ii!Ji'-o, DrApsy, Rhcumatisia, Fever?, Wont,' Humor*. Xe:xonsnc-s. Irritability. letJamiDH tioiu, Ueadjwhe, Pains in the. Breast, .Side, Back, and LiuA's, Fcnuue (bunjilaintK, AT., Ac. Indeed, . tp ry fe-v an the diseases in which a Purgative Medi -1 cine is not more or le-.s required, and much sik --| a ess and snffering might he pre veil ted, if a barta less luit ctfertunl t'nthartie were more freely 1 No person can ftel well while a eortive habit of body prevails ; besides it soon generates serious uul oPti n fatal diseases, which might have been avoided bv the timely and judicious use of a good purgative. I ins is alike true of Golds. Feverish *\mpt"ius, unit I Bilious derangements. They all tend to I. omecr ! produce the. deep seated and foraihlable ditenjpe widen load the hearses id] over flic b-tnl. lleuee a celi.ddc family physic is of the fir- t importance ! the i.nhl'e health, and this IMII has been perfected with consummate skill to meet that demand. An extensive trial of its virtues h\ Physicians, i'rofes t Sors, :.itd Patients, has shown results ' any thing hitherto known of any medicine. Cures ■ have been effected beyond belief, were they not sufi • str.Titiat'ui by persons o" speh ev.dti I position -i.d character as i" forbid flie suspicion of untruth. Ataong the many eminent gentlen eu who be9 i tesl fletoa. i A!*o, Dtt. J. H. t jui.ii,n. Practical Chvutivt,of N. V' rk City, endorsed bv ■ Hi>V. TV. L. MaK' V. Secretarr ef St-te. TV M. 15. ASTOU, the riGi-t nian ra America. ' R. I.r.i.xMi A G'X., Propi *of the Ah-tn pciitia ' HotJ, aiid others. j Did space permit, we could gi-e many hnr.diei S cc; tifu ;.Ts. fo ia all parts where the rills BSV l t>;-eti used, hut evidence even more eonvitu irg tr.sii *.he e\pet it-nee of eminent public nun in faund :.i their effects upon trial. These PiR-. the ro.suli of long investigat'o® arul ' study, arc oilen-d to the public as the bent and : moei complete which tlie present state of rnrdir d . seience cap afford. Tlicv are compouiided not 0 tin- drugs thentMr.i-s. hot of the medicinal virtne* . ,:r ul W ,JP|; -i'" r< : ieoi--s. ostracted by •h'-m'cHi in a stat- of purity, and combined teg.-: r tn such a maimer us to insure the best result*. Has sy*t> .a of coinposiumi for luedicuves has been fod :in th- ('berry Pc:tot- 1 and rill- both, t- ;rudn-ci 1 iin re kflicioiit remedy than had l.ith- '< : '"\ u n ]" tailed Fv nv ]-roce:<. The refis"ii i- pi-hytiy \ious. t\ Idle hV the old mode of ce , .ii" , -i"> , -.a v trv niedidne is burdened with mi-w " icssoi ' nionifiiis and irje.rious qimlitie*, by thi- ci 'a uoa- I Tidual vii-tu.e oi.lv that is desiied for the cumuye j etl'ec't i presenL .Ml the inert and obnoximt# vF it ics of ctuh -übst.ir.ce employed are It ft baiitna. tt9 . curative virtues only In-ing retained. Ht-aa? ft W ' Hclf-cvident the effects should prove as they hm* ! proved nu re purely remedial, and the Pills a surer, ! no rc powerful antidi te to disease than any other medicine known to the world. As it L frequently expedient that my medietua should be taken nudcr the counsel of an attending T'hy sician, and as he could not properly judge of a ! remedy without knowing its eomposition, I h>* supplied the aeeurute Formula: by which both an' Pectoral and Tills are made to the vvh#le body <■ 1 Practitioners in the United .States and British Anwr ican Piovinces. If however thic A'.UHIJ "Vf one who lias not received them, they will W ' promptly forwarded bv mail to his address, i ' Of all'the Patent Medicines that arc otft-rcd. how few would be taken if their composition was knew), I Their life consist* iu their mystery. 1 no - mysteries. The composition of mv preparation* R laid opcr to all meil, find all who are competent to jnJc. v' tin- subject freely acknowledge their convntious iof their intrinsic u*erits. The Cherry Pectoral "•'> | pronounced by scientiric men to be a wonJerfu. medicinebeTore it-, i-ffet ts wrie known. Manv eia I inei.t Physicians have dcclartd the Nunc tb'ic cy my Pill*, and even more coirffdenMy, tru.J :rr • ; i itig to certify that their anticipations were roof* than realized by their effects up u trir.l. 1 Thev operate by tlieir powerful influence OT i" internal vLseera to purify the bl<>--d and stimclaW 't ; into hcalthv action—remove the ■!■• tw . tion* ; , the stomach. bowcl'sj-Brcr, am! fcthor'drgaus of '♦ bvitly, restt-ring their irregular action te health, "f- 1 by correcting, wherever thov exist, such der.ir.gc 1 nicnts as are the first origin of I f.cing sugar \vrrppeu they are ple -aai.t b- t;-" - nil being purely vegetable, no harm tain ari-t- fr v " J their use hi anv quantity. For minute directions, see wranper or. the Box. ITvKPAREt) 15 i JAdLEsS C. AYE IE I.UWPLL, MASS. Trice 26 Cents per Bos. live Boxes for ih sold nr SMITIi a JONKS, P. W. SPENCER, ! GOFDERFTORT, Pa„ and by (Ann try M"?- 1 chauis' acJ lV' 0 y:lA