j j tit; v dcaiiiici iu Elecliou Uoai Im. Iu rJt r that uur r:uler> iu .the-county i ji know how I*J till any vacancies that i ( ;ur iu their el 'Ction boai'ila, we t,t ill fell, wing, in relation to the mat u;. fiuai ill'- general election hvi ol the Sut*- Those iui .'c led will Jo well to cut thij i'Ufc iiij'i jjicsetve it . 3 r-trr x v. The in>]>eciors and judges, rhwti as aforaaiu, sh til meet at the re spective places appointed for holding the tk-iiioii iu the district to which they re spectively belong, before nine o cloek iu t e morning of the second 1 uesday of October, iu each aud every year, aud /.a i of said inspectors shall appoint oue i lerk, who shall be a qualified votor ol -ueh district. 1 t. xvi. In case the person who! hall have received the aecond highest number of voles for inspector, shall not atu-nd on the day of any election, theu the person who shall have received the *eeoud highest number of votes lor Judge at the next precceding election, Mcdi act a,* inspector in his place. And I ■ ... penes who shall have receiv-j d the highe.-t number ol votes lor in-' IJ: tor -ha', not attend, the person elect-: , .. .. in cast." the p l'soii elected a ■ ••(.all not attend, then the inspector . i-< < :vod iht highe.-t number of votes apjxiint a judge in his place: and i.iV vacancy shall continue in the i >i' tin' space of one hour after the t: i tix'-d bv law lor the opening of the i . tan, tiie qualified volt is ot the town r.■ rd or district, for which such y.i. cj- have been elected, present at ti< place of election, shall elect one ol ibir number to liii such vacancy. I JSXCT. XVIJ. Iu case any clerk, ap- under the provisions of this act, -!ud neglect to atleud at any election du ug said .year it shall be the duty of the j ifi-pcctor who appointed said clerk (or of' the p rs'iu tilling the place of such iu-i *pccior,) to forthwith appoint a suitable! p. r*eo as clerk, qualified as aforesaid,' who shall perform said duties for the vemr. t> SECT. XVIII. The inspectors judges aud clerks, aforesaid, shall, before enter-' jug on the duties of their offices, several- I. take aud fubseribe the oath or affirma tion hereinafter directed, which shall be administered t4> them by any judge, alder man, or justice of the peace, but if no each magistrate be present, one of the of the election shall administer •till orafiir nation totheot ie: judges 1 iii.-jiector, iiini then the iusp ctor so ; shall administer theoatn oraffir .uai>on to hitn. AIU\ YOUNG MEN of PLEASING ADDRESS ; 1 Us/ cuu realize froiu SSO $ J0 per month. ~ ia s rnr chance seldom offered to those •. ; a th to go ia business for tbmslres. — Fui. untrue lions, with lb# article for ftuiii i ,g business. wili be aeut on receipt of fl. Address. - I I .'H!-> S MANTFAGTURIXG Co., !2• Broa lway Post Uffiee, N- Y. < Ki-AT lt< * K BY DOE3TICKS. 1 IIOKSTICKS. DOB.STICKS. !aM and verily his heat.) NOTHING TU SA Y: Being ni Snobbery, which has I . with "NOTHING TO ( .lis: ;:LY ILLUSTRATED, •ii ltd paper from the finest r iu td<- by McLenau, whose fame a in < • tigner is uuequuled. • I • t y bound iu cloth, uniform * n Nu'i'll INU To \\ E.\ R." 5o cents. THE GREAT RACE • • i ■ ■■( NOTHING TO WEAR," bung decided. the stakeholders. Messrs.; A •,'IRLTON, have determined, daring pc iancy of this important contest, to 4 uo more upon the course the two tried V and popular favorites, DoESTICILS and McLENAN, • will run one more beat on the Literary Track, for A PURSE OF $50,000, *'• ich it i hop-d will be made up for their teuehl by the disinterested public. Full par liars .*< this excittug afl'uir will be publish f I to a euperb pictorial volume entitled ' NOTHING TO SAY," written on a bet, in an hour and three qnr --• with his boots otf, his feet iu & pail of ;n •■'.iter, and one hand tied over his head, i v the immortal DOESTICKS, P. B. 1. hi-d with a quantity of I*l 11.LUSTRATIONS, i M Li*AN, did by that comic artist in • uuuut s. luriag the iuter.als of jump ■ K Vt-ij rail :• aces, with a fishpoie in each I i string of trout hanging from the • L ol his nock. INTRODUCTION. -* KIV I> i' rrs -ol No-Hal!, Nowhere, No V ill i. No i'lace, Court or Ter *• io did-iu write 'Junius,'' or "Nothing to k'ear j" A'br neier have visited London or Paris; e 'H> ta aot a phantom, a myth, or a mystery, bt a komu as solid as any of history, A* real as Anthony, Osesar. or Rrutus, .1 Wljt-aw.ike Yankee, so ''tarnation raje an T- always write Nothiags, while Nothings U pay, Au tb- Author of tkil Nntbing—Nothing to hay. • • • • a Msg |'** I' T# R favor to ai}k--if 'tis true V thing to Wear," aud ''JfotblHg to Do," Viihiog to Nat," were all written by Let three Nothings content yon I pray, Bay nothing yourself—leave we " Nothing to Nay." • • • f 100,000 COPIES ' • work Will be sold as fast as they are d for, hh4 tb cash sent in to gnard -i sp i-ulators. No more copies wili be 1 t one uiao than he can pay for. a!' Booksellers. of "i i Book will be sent hy mail, ' part 4 f*AI'.l.TtN. Publisners and Boitk * "* No "*l9 Broadway, New York. Coi|tairsporl Corrected Weekly for the Journal, BY M HOOM 4KER & JACKSON, DraUrs in l>ry Good*. Groceries, Hai* ,f Cap*, Boot* 4 Short, Crockery, Cork. F'oUr, .Veal, Notions, .jr., jr., jr., MAIN STREET., CUUDERSPOKT, PA. FLOUR, supertiue, bbL, - - $8 00 44 extra, 44 900 PORK, 44 4 * - - - 30 Oo | SALT, 44 41 - - - - 350 | CORN MEAL, 100 ibs., - - - 300 I BCTTKR, lb., - - - 20 LARD, 44 44 .... 1 2@15 ! TALLOW, 44 44 - 1 4(a lti WOOL, 44 44 - 27(a,34 HAMS, 44 44 .... 17 J SHOULDERS, IFF !b., - 15 DEER SKIN, 44 44 - - - 2p | MAPLE SUGAR, 7JO lb., - 10(3)12 ! DRIED APPLES, 44 44 - - - 1 4 44 44 PF Bushel, - - - 250 WHITE BEANS, ' - - - 3 50 1 BUCKWHEAT, 44 44 - - - 38 OATS, 44 44 - - - 30(3,50 CORN, 44 44 - - . L 25 RYE, 44 14 75 POTATOES 4 44 41 25 EGGS, Dozen, - 12 HAY, $ Ton, - - - $7 @8 oo Jlefo Abtetisfmeitte. LIST OF LETTERS Ll EM AIMING in the Post OHice at Couders port, Pa., October Ist, 1857. Avery, Addison 2 Ilolliday, Joseph Adams, Samuel W Hall, Klvina Aston, O. N. Harrold, Mrs Allen, II Hazy, Mr Acker, S. Y. Haskins, M. J. N. Bull, 0!e Johnson, John Burdicke, J. C. Kerr, Win. T. Hurley, David Kelsey, Alouzo Brown, H. A. Laiubertou, John Cool, W. P. 2 Palmer, Johu Clay, J. A. Post, Henry Clarke, C Parker. Elijah Ghandler, Charles Parks. W. D. Cone. M. J. Reed, Jane Daniels, G. W. Randal, Joel P. 2 Dow, M. L. Rooks, Daniel Gorman, J. A. K. Smith. Rev. D. M. 4 Glace, Jonathan Salihury, Y. Greche, Smith Sheldin, George Holleubeck Miss S A 2 Snyder. Daniel Howes, S Trandell, S. N. Hanes, H. A. Turner, Cyrus Heuderson, J. D, Welsh, Osgood Wahl, William. t ' calling for any of the above letters, will please say they are advertised. J. M. JUDD, P. M. Coudersport, Oct. 1, 1857.—10:16-3t. THE NEW YORK TRIBUNE. 1857-8. THE TRIBUNE was first issued as a Daily on the loth of April, 1841. Its Weekly edition was commenced in September of the < jsiiit; year; its Semi-Weekly in May, 1845. It ; was t: e tirat daily in America to issue a ! double or eight-page sheet at a low price, and it has kept at least even with the fwremust of its rivals in the rapid expaueiouef Newspaper enterprize, which the great extension of Rail roads. aud the establishment ot the Telegraph system have crowded into these last sixteen eventful years. No larger journal is att'orded at so low a price in any quarter of ttie world ; none in America, no matter at what price is sued, pays an equal amount, weekly or month ly, for intellectual labor. It employs corres pondents regularly iu the leadiug capitals of Europe, and at the most important points on this continent, with a liberal staff of writers and reporters at home, regarding full, early and accurate information a 3 the first object of a Newspaper, and the timely and thorough elucidation thereof as the chief end of its Edi torials. In that spirit, THE TRIBUNE has been and will be conducted extending and perfecting its correspondence so fast as the increase of its patronage will justify the ex- j peuse. Should the current attempt to connect the Old with the New World by the magnetic; wire prove successful, we shall very soon, at a 1 heavy cost to ourselves, aud, we trust, a cor- j responding advantage to our readers, publish each morning a synopsis of the preceding day's occurrences throughout Europe, North- J ern Africa, and Western Asia, with regular reports of the markets, the monetary aspects and harvest prospects of hither Europe. With i a good atlas beside him, and his daily paper 1 on his fireside table, the American farmer or I artisan within a day's ride of the cily may j theu study each evening the doings of the civilized world throughout the day preceding; and it seems hardly possible that any man who can read, but especially one who has children to educata will longer deny himself the pleasure and profit of a daily journal. The same is true measurably of those who | live further inland; though, where mails are ! infrequent, a Semi-Weekly, or even a Weekly | paper, may seem sufficient. THE TRIBUNE deals with questions of Po- 1 liticai Economy, Public Policy, Ethics, Mate ria Progress, and whatever may alFect the In tellectual, Moral, Social aud Physical well being ot mankind, dogmatic Theology alone excepted. Its leading idea is the houoring of honest, useful work in whatever sphere or capacity, aud the cousequeut elevation of the Laboring Class in knowledge, virtue and gen eral esteem. It is necessarily hostile to i Slavery under all its aspects, to Intemperance in whatever form or degree with its accesso ries, to War, save in the defense of Country and Liberty against actual invasion, and to every form of Gambling. Desiring to see! Production extended and encouraged, while : wild Speculation and useless Traffic are cur- i tailed, it favors the policy of sustaining and diversifying Home Industry by a discrimiua- j ting Tariff—a policy which tends to increase! the price of Grain to the farmer while dimin ishing that of Bread to the artisan, by redu cing the distance across which their respective products are exchanged, and, of course, redu cing the cost of their transfer. Regarding i Filibusterism in all its phases, and every form i and device of National covetousness, with un- < i qualified abhorrence, as the bane of Republics j and in their triumph the grave of Equal Human Rights ; we seek by every means to i woo aud win the attention of our countrymen • from projects of aggrandizement abroad to en terprifs of development aud beneficence at home, foremost among which we rank a Rail road through the heart of our territory to con nect the waters of the Atlantic with those of the Pacific. Relifrine that the goods of this life are not yet fairly distributed, and that no one ready to work should *ver famish in un . willing idleness, it lends an open ear to every suggestion of Social improvement which does , nut countervail the dictates of eternal Morality ncr war upon that natural right of every one r i whatsoever he has fairly produced or hun | estly acquired, whose denial must sink man ; kind iuto th' chaos and night of barbarism and universal squalor. With a profound con i iciousae3s that idlers, drunkards, libertiues md profligates can never be other (ia the main) than needy and wretched.it bears aloft the great truth that Prevention is better than Punishment —that thr child trained up in the way he should go, will rarely in after years desert that way for the thorny paths of Vice md Crime —that a true Education—Religious Moral and industrial a3 well as Intellectual— is the inost effective temporal antidote to the errors and woes of our race. Recognizing in the most degraded specimen of Humanity a divine spark which should be reverently cherished, not ruthlessly trodden out, we have charity for all forms of evil but these which seek personal advantage through the debase ment of our fellow-beings. The champion of no class or caste, the devotee of no sect, we would fain be the interpreter to each other of general concord between Labor and Capital, and among those whom circumstances or mis apprehension have thrown into unnatural an tagonism. A coteinporary once observed that he never knew a hard, grasping, niggardly employer, who did not bate THE TRIBUNE, nor a generous, large-souled, kindly one, will -1 ing to live and let live, who did not like it. We ask no higher praise, no warmer attesta tion. The circulation of THE TRIBUNE is at this time as follows: Daily 32,000 copies; Weekly, l?6,SOO copies; Semi-Weekly, I IG.OOO copies; California and European, G.OOO copies; Total 230,800 copies. That of the Semi-Weekly and Weekly we be lieve to be exceeded by no other newspaper published in the world ; that of the Daily falls behind that of souie of our cotempora ries. Had our hostility to Human Slavery and the Liquor Traffic been more guarded aud ! politic, our Daily issues would now be some j thousands heavier and our Advertising far more lucrative ; but of our patronage gener ally we have no reason, no wish to complain. Of late, a concerted effort has been made to diminish onr rural circulation through the in fluence of the Postmasters some of whom em bark in it eagerly, others under political con straint; while a large nnruber, we are happy for the sake of Human Nature to state, refuse to be dragooned into it at all. Still, we have been made to feel the heavy hand of Power, and have doubtless lost thousands of subscri bers iu consequence. Pretexts to which no in dividual in his private capacity would have stooped have been relied on to justify the stoppage of our papers within reach of their subscribers and rightful owners, aud their re tention iu the Post-office till their value was destroyed. Postmasters have been schooled by rival journals—several of them living ou their self-proclaimed ability to serve as an antidote to THE TRIBUNE—as to their po litical duty to promote at our expense the dissemination of gazettes of adverse politics. We shall outlive this warfare, but we do not affect indifference to it. In the open field of discussion we fear nothing; but in the tens of thousands of rural neighborhoods where the Postmaster can induce many of his quiet neighbors to take the journal he recommends, we have already lost some patrons, and ex pect to lose more as onr subscriptions for this year expire. We appeal, therefore, to the hearty, faithful, fearless advocates of Free Labor and Free Soil throughout the laud to take care that this official warfare on our cir- j culation be not prosecuted without counter- I action. We employ no traveling agents, for we will not consent to have the public har assed with the solicitations of strangers in our behalf. We strike the name of each sub scriber to our Weekly or Semi-Weekly from our books so soon as bis term has expired, for we will not haunt our patrons with duns for arrears which they may say they never in tended to incur, for papers which perhaps they never read ; we rely for the renewal of our club subscriptions solely on the volun teered efforts of those who, liking our paper, believe its influence salu ary and worthy to be extended ; and thus far our reliance has been justified, as we trust it may continue to be. THE TRIBUNE is printed on a large im perial sheet, 32i) by 44 inches, folded in quarto form, aud mailed to subscribers at the following TERMS: DAILT TRIBUNB, per annum . . $6 00 SKML-WKBKLY TBIBUM . One Copy, one year . . $3 00 Two Copies, one year ... 3 00 Five Copies, one year . . . 11 25 Ten Copies, to on* address . . 20 OO WKIKLY TBIB6MI. One Copy, one year . . $2 00 ; Three Co; ies, one year . . 5 00 ! Five Copies, one year . . . 800 , Ten Copies, one year . . . 12 00 ' Twenty Copies, to one address, and any larger number at the rate of $ I per annum 20 00 Twenty Copies, to address of each sub scriber, and any larger number at the rate of $1 20, each . . . 24 00 Aiiy person sending us a Club of twenty or more a ill be entitled to an extra copy. may commence at any time. Terms always cash in advance. All letters to I be addressed to HORACE GREELEY A Co., Tribune Buildings, No. 154 Nassau street, New York. NEW YOKK, Sept. 1857. ELECTION PROCLAMATION. 13URSUANT to an Act of the General As . sembly of the Commonwealth of Penn- : sylvania, entitled "An Act relating to the elections of this Commonwealth," approved! the second day of July, A. D. one thousand eight hundred and thirty-nine, I, A. C. TAG GAKT, Sheriff of the county of Potter, Penn sylvania, do hereby make known and give notice to the electors of the couuty aforesaid, that a General Election will be held in said county of Potter on the second TUESDAY (13th) ol" October, 1857, at which time state and county officers as follows are to be elect ed, to wit: One person for Governor of the Commonwealth ; ; of Pennsylvania. Two person* for Judges of the Supreme Court of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. One person for Canal Commissioner of the \ Commonwealth of J'ennsylvania. Two persons for Members of Ike House of Rep resentatives of the General Assembly of Pennsyl vania, in conjunction with the county of Tioga, to i represent the counties of Tioga and Potter. One person for Prothonotary and Clerk of the several Courts j-e. of Potter county. One person for Register and Recorder of Potter county. One person for Commissioner of the county of Potter. One person for Auditor of the county of Potter. I also make known and give notice, as in ' and by the 13th section of the aforesaid act I jam directed, that every person excepting Jus- I tices of the Peace, who hold any office of ap -1 pointment of profit or trust under the Govern- I ment of the United States or of this State, or ;of any city or incorporated district, whether a commissioned officer or otherwise, a subor dinate officer or agent, who is or shall be em j ployed under the legislative, judiciary, or ex ; ecutive department of this state or the United States, or of any city or iu.-or,.orated ., Office 1131 Filbert Street, (Old No. 109,) below Twelfth, PHILADELPHIA, PA. <25 WITNESSES; £ THE FORGER °CONVICTED! 3 John & JJye is the Author. f Who has had 10 years experience as a er and Publisher, and Author of A series of Lectures at Broadway Tabernacle, when, for 10 successive nights, over Greeted him with Rounds of Applause, *j while he exhibited the manner in which Counterfeiters execute their Frauds, and r T the Surest and Shortest Means of w Detecting them The Bank Note Engravers all say that he the greatest Judge of Taper Monty living. X GREATEST DISCOVERY OF- THE PRESENT CENTURY FUR Qeiect'wg Coiwtelrfeil B;ioH ii'ctcs 5 Describing every Genuine Bill in Existence, C and Exhibiting at a glance every Coun- r ~ ( terfeit in Circulation !! Arranged so admirably that REFERENCE T is EASY, and I" DETECTION INSTANT AN EOUS. index to examine! No pages to hunt up! But so simplified and arranged, . that the Merchant, Banker and Business £ Man can see all at a Glance. C ENGLISH, FRENCH AND GERMAN. +3 Thus each may read the same in hia own C NATIVE TONGUE. g jtfo st Perfect Bank Note List PublUhed. t) Also a List of AIL THE PRIVATE BANKERS IN AMERICA, n A Complete Summary of the FINANCK OF EUBOFE & AMERICA will be published in each edition, together with all the IMPORTANT NEWS OF THE DAY. Also A SERIES OF TALES jj From an Old Manuscript found in the East, v It furnishes the Most Complete History £ of* Oriental Life, describing the Most Perplexing Positions in which the Ladies and Gentlemen of that C 5 Country have been so often found. These Stories will continue throughout the whole £ year, and will prove the Most Entertaining 3 ever offered to the Public. £3 fegr Furnished Weekly to Subscribers on- C ly, at $1 a year, All letters must be dressed to JOHN S. DYE, Broker, <£> Publisher and Proprietor, To Wall Street, £ New-York. 10:1—ly. 0 NEW GOODS—A Large aud Splendid As sortment just received at 10:1 OLMSTED S. FROM JOHN A. RIDDLE, At Merchants Hotel, North 4th St., Philada. TO THE MERCHANTS OF THE WEST AND NORTH WEST. 1)IIU. WHU.PHIA MARKET being easily (HP accessible, your attention is called to it, as possessing facilities aud advantages worthy of your consideration. Among its advantages may be enumerated its location, having shorter lines of communi cation to the interior, its proximity to the Iron and Anthracite Coal districtajof Pennsylvania, the large and varied extent of it# manufac tures. being far in advance of any other city in the United States, the moderate expense# necessary for carrying on business, etc., etc. The market possesses unrivalled advanta ges for the sale of many kinds of produce, such as Flour, Wheat, Barley, Wool, Butter, Cheese, .fc., while the charges made upon sales and attendant expenses are more moder ate than ueigboring seaboard markets. WM. IF. PAUL, Wholesale BOOT. SHOE and STRAW GOODS WAREHOUSE, No. 626 Market St. WOLFE # KINO , Wholesale CLOTHING HOUSE, No. 430 Market and 425 Merchant Streets. TAYLOR. GILLESPIE $ CO., Who!•sal* GROCERS, Nos. 11 and 13, South Water 3t J. C. FR EEL AND, with CLINE £ CAR ROL, Importers of WINES, BRANDIES, GINS, <£c., No. 304 North 3d Street. T. .MORRIS, PEROT 4* CO., Importer# and Wholesale Dealarata DRUGS, CHEMICALS PAINTS, OILS. GLASS. DYE STUFFS. f No. 621 Market, and 612 St. James St#. KEYSTONE STATE SAPON/FIER, or CONCENTRATED LYE for ranking Soap. Manufactured by the Penn. Salt Co., Taren tura, Alleghany county, Penn. Represented by LEWIS, JAMES .j- Co., Philadelphia. HAAS .j" TAYLOR, Imp lers #d Cash Jobbers, No. 305 Market Street, HOSIERY, GLOVES, SHIRTS and DRAWERS, GUM BELTS, SHIRT BOSOMS, WHITE GOODS, EMBROIDERIES, LACES, SUSPENDERS, THREADS, COMBS. £c.. 4*e. BUNN, RAIGUEL $ CO., Importer# of BRITISH GOODS and Jobbers of FANCY and STAPLE SILK GOODS, EMBROIDE RIES, £c., No. 37 N. Third street. JAMES, KENT, SAX TEE $ CO., Import ers and Jobbers of FOREIGN and DOMES TIC DRY GOODS, No. 239 and 241 North 3d Street, above Race. BLABON 4* SMITH , OIL CLOTH MANU FACTURERS and COMMISSION MER CHANTS. Warehouse No. 146 N. 3d St. MOORE, HENZKY 4" CO., Importer# and Wholesale Dealers in HARWARE, CUTLE RY and GUNS, 427 Market aud 416 Com merce streets. SAM'L 11. B J BIG IIA US, Importer and Wholesale Dealer in FOREIGN and DO MESTIC HARDWARE, No. 256 Ncrth 3d street, below Vine. MILL, CROSS CUT, CIRCULAR and 11 AND SA W.S in any variety aud style of the celebrated IXL stamp, manufactured by WALTER CRESSON, Depot No. 503 Com merce St. HAMMERS, HATCHETS sc., in great va riety, manufactured by C. HAMMOND. De pot No. 503 Commerce st. The attention of the trade is called to these goods as being equal in quality and finish to any mads. JAMES BARBER, Wholesale Dealer in CLOCKS, Agent for the PATENT EQUAL IZING THIRTY DAY CLOCK, Manufactu rer of GOLD PENS. S. E. corner of 2d and Chestnut sts. PRATT 4* HEATH , Importer# of WATCH ES, JEWELRY and FANCY GOODS, H. W. corner sth and Market st# FITHIAN, JO.IIES & CO., Importer# and Jobbers in British &, American Dry Goods, 215 Market, through to 204 Church Alley, jffeyd Mouths credit for approved Note#. [10:14-3a. American Safety-Paper Manu facturing Company of New York. CAPITAL 8500,000. A. NICHOLAS, President. Office 70 Wall-Bt. A Perfect Security against all manner of Fraud by Counterfeiting on Paper.— To Prevent Photographs and Anastaiie Counter feits, Erasures, Transfers or Al terations. HAVING purchased the Patent for the ex clusive right to manufacture aud sell the new Chemical Paper in America. invented and patented in England by Hkxry Glynx. a cele brated chemist and officer in the British army, it is hardly necessary to say that the Paper i# recommended by Mr. Kent, Assayer of the B. S. Mint, Mr. Lyman of the New York Clearing House, and Meade Brothers, extensive and skilful photographers. 233 Broadway N. Y. The latter say that no imitation can be made on achecft or bank note printed on the Safety Paper. Below is our list of prices : Bank Checks, 35 cts. pi lb. Bank Bills. £l3 for 1000 sheet#. Bills of Exchange. £25 for 1000 sheets. Promissory Notes, 40 cts. "j>) lb. Sight & Time Drafts, £25 for 1000 sheet#. Insurance Policies, 40 cts. lb. Railroad Stocks & Bonds, 40 cts. lb. Bank and State Stocks, 40 cts. lb. Bonds and Mortgages, 40 cts. pi lb. Wills and Deeds, 40 cts. lb. For wrapping Silks aud other fine articles it is excellent, as it prevents moths. 40 cts. V It. For Indenture# and Agreements, 40 cts. lb. All State and County Records should always be printed or written on this Paper, as the chemicals inserted in the pulp not only pre vent erasure or transfer, but make it lasting as time. For Southern Climates it is excellent, and much superior to any other ; as the moistnesw ot the climate does not destroy it,—the prop erties inserted in the pulp being a preventive. In all the southern states, Cuba, tbe WeK Indies and the Central American States, no public records can be kept over 20 year#, writ ten ou the ordinary paper, while the oils and other chemicals inserted in this Paper makes it indestructible by the ravages of time. Iti# also proof against moths, rats and other ver min, which feast on and destroy all other pa per now in use. The Company have now in operation Mill# in Morris County, N. J. of about 300 horse power, and are able to fill all orders for Paper at the shortest notice. All orders for the Paper must be addrs#d to A. NICHOLAS, President of the Company, No. 70 Wall Street. 10:10-3 mo. SOME CLOTHING of Cheney'# manufas lax* on hand at E. K. SPENCBR'S, I 10:2 IX W. 4*l