The Potter journal. (Coudersport, Pa.) 1857-1872, October 03, 1857, Image 2

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    yrr i if-,V rflf aaJMaWBtaMBP
(\'oin California.
Th' C )i forma Mail Steamer "Star of the
Wot," .. :J at, New York ou Monday, t
bringing,luius up Loßept. sth, and $1,300,-
POU in treasure. 1
We clip the following in regard to the s
plectjpu which took place on the 2nd of i
£ept., by which it will bo aeeu that the t
Democrats are suecesful:
TO •: ('.\ i-iwitMA ELECTION—The re- 1
f urns of ih ' lection for Governor and oth- g
er states oiiieers and members of the Jog- t
Lslaiure wore incomplete up the sailing of
the steamer fiom Sau Francisco, but suf
ficient been received to render it 8
quite certain that Wellor, the Democratic v
caadidate for Governor, has been elected, ]
yith the entire Jternocrafjp ticket for state j
ufficcrs. Partial returns from twenty coun
ties to 4 up for Ifuvernor-as follows: Stan- 1
iy (Republican,) 10,344; \Velier (Demo- L
i iat.) 1 8,490; Bowie, (American,) G,480. j t
x no vote in Ban Francisco was as follows: ! c
i'U alv, 5,537; Wellor, 4,430; Bowie, 360. i c
The returns as far as received indicate "
ilir.t the proposition to pay the state debt!
has been earned, and that the movement t
for calling a couvention to revise the state 1 £
constitution had been lost. jt
Tim California of Sept. sth, says | j
of the election. | s
"The vote throughout fchestate, judging'
froui the figures already received, as well j
as iVum the elan Francisco returns, has
been very light. There is safety in j 1
iug that the entire democratic state ticket (
has been successful, and the SJUWe party (
will have uu overwhelming majority in ,
either branch of the legislature." j
£{if Jjottft Journal, |!
Jbu**?flay Oct. $.18,57.
fypuMicsß s'4* ftoiipwrtoiis.
DAYID WILMOT, of Bradford.
WIUIAM MILLWARD, of Philadelphia.
JAMES VEECH. of Fayette,
JOSEPH J. LEWiS. of Chester.
fyplftoff CoLfQlj)
ISA AC P/:NSON, of Potter Co.,
L. P. WILLISTON, of Tioga Co.
IIENRY J. OLilrfTEi), of Coudemport. j
A. 11. BUTTEUWORTH, of Coudar?port.
L. H. KINNEY, of Sffiaran.
JOHN C. BISHOP, of Allegany.
r—■ —- re - ,— ■ ■ n
To tiie Foils.
Let no Hepublicau withhold his vote
this fall, lest the Sjate he again madetho!
nurse of Shamoeratic sucklings and vam
pi red.
arc glad to receive the Amer
ican Herald, ofGroenburg, Fa., withoyir
tnj friend J. 11. Hoopes, as an assistant I
editor. Mr. 11. is a true and faithful
ft iend of Freedom, and we trust his ac-
ssion to the editorial chair of the IJcr- \
aid, will be of great advautage to the pa
per aud to himself.
To ASSESSORS. — Will the Assessors'
of the different townships do us the fa
vor to make a seperate assessment of the
amount qf produce raised by each farmer,
in order that we may he able to publish
aa estimate of the aggregate production
of each township ? Wc desire this iu
ui'Jea to show the progress of our county
in agricultural pursuits. We have al
ready secured the cooperation of one as
eesaor, and we hope all will cheerfully
qid us in placing our qouqty prominently
before the Agricultural interest.
Republicans of Maine have
again swept all before them. Buchanan
Democracy has bceu repudiated in the
down ess{, £>( ate, as it will be in every
Free Stftte as soon fW> the people vote
their own conviction, instead of the
wishes of party loaders. In Maine the
Republicans have elected every Senator,
and to the House 113 to 40 of all others.
It is said every County officer in the State
is a Republican. Why not ? Why should
fljpn who apologise for the extension of
Slavery b e supported by Freemen, and
why should mep who keep company with,
expect the support of the bitter ene
mies of Freedom; he supported by Re
publicans? We don't believe any real
friend of Freedom will be drawn ipto the
support of such a map ih this County or
any other.
THE official returns of th vote of Ver
luppt for Governor gives Fletcher, Rep.,
25,075; Koyes, I)cm., 12,014 ; scatter
ing, 226, To the Senate the Republicans
have elected all their candidates, while
the lii>u> stands 189 Republicans
; l 38 of all other parties.
not i • i! the I )ctoler No.
Mixjtf.nir. Me believe wc
' ■ *. upou it until December. I
ltauk Failures.
There is uioro trouble iu financial mat-1
ters than we have known since 1837. —'
The Banks of Philadelphia, Rittsburg, j.
Reading and Lancaster have suspeuded i
,sp<.pje payments, aad the Governor has
called au extra Session of the Legislature
to take the matter into gousideratiuu.
We think last winter was the time for
legislation; aud that there is more dan
ger of doing harm than good by legisla- ,
tiqg under the pressure of a panic.
It is very evident that the Buukiug •
system of this Statu, jsu failure, and that!
we need something similar to the free
Baukiug Raw of the State of Nt?W York
Under that law nearly every Bank con
tinues to pay specie for all paper present
ed at its counter, while under our sys
tem, nearly every bank in the State has,
or soon will suspend- there is a
good reason for this difference, Under
the fi'oc Banking systom of New York
every bill is secured by a deposite of
State Stock or other equally good securi
ty with the Auditor General, and the bill
holders, knowing that they are perfectly
safe though the bank should fail, there is
0Q such run on the Banks for specie, as
there is in this State, where the Banks
have nothing but private property for se
curity. Hence the failure of the Phila
delphia Banks to weather a storm that has
uot shaken the New York City Banks in
the least. We hope the Legislature of
! Pennsylvania, when it assembles at Har
risburg next wlntr will mature a Bank
jiug system that will protect the people
from another wholegftle failure, and that
an amendment will bo proposed to the
! Constitution, prohibiting the Legislature
from legalizing the suspension of specie
payments by the Banks for a single hour.
The above named gentleman appears
in our paper this week as a prominent
advertiser, in which he calls us to account
for a remark we took occasion to make in
regard to "Independent Candidates" in
our paper of last week, We do not know
that we are under any particular obliga
tion to reply to MR. PERRY'S arguments |
iu behalf of his claims upon the voters of j
| Potter County, and had desired to avoid
any controversy with him whatever; but
as he has taken the pains to give us a
"going over" at this, the "eleventh hour"
of the canvass, wc owe it not only to our
self, but to our friends to reply to
this direct attack of Mr. Perry, while
at the sjime ti m ® we wish to define our po
sition in regard to the doctrine of iude
pendent candidates.
To commence with, then, we are free
to confess that we are not "posted" very
well iu regard to the past political histo
ry of our county; but we will also freely
acknowledge that we wrote the article
' wlUch has called forth Mr. Perry's cen
sure, with ft full knowledge of the fact,
I that the JOURNAI, had always favored the
■ independent system, before it cauie into
* our hands. It,, therefore, becomes n<>:
cessary for us to explain why we departed
from the former usual course of the pa
. per, in regard to this matter, We set
out, therefore, with the declaration that
WC deemed such a course impolitic in the
presoqt condition of the party. We re
| garded it as impolitic hepapse wc deemed
| it no longer necessary for the purpose it
( was then intended —namely, the over
throw of the Democratic party. We do
not say this beoause we have been told
that it was the object in view—we have
. 1 never been told so—wc say it because we
.! believe it to haye been the policy adopted
by the opponents of the Democratic par
ty to defeat it. And we will go still fur
! : ther, and say that we rejoice in the glo
-1 | rious result of the pojicy. We have been
5 educated to respect the action of pap
f ty Conventions —to regard that action as
5 final in its decision. We have always
* been told tha' if a parfy would h strong it
s must be united —and that when ft man
' repudiates the action of a party oonven
* tion, he repudiates the party represented
2 by it. It is for this reason that convene
1 tions are h®l4) namely—to harmonize the
f claims of candidates—and from its simi
' larity in principle to that of onr system
of government, the Convention system
derives its popularity and weight. There
fore, we am firm in our attachment to the
1 system, however much we may differ from
2 the former policy of the paper we control,
r qr however widely we may depart from
the heretofore necessary policy of the par
- ty qf which we claim to be the organ in
, this county —and we further desire it
particularly understood that we have not,
and xr'ilT nut , advocate any polipy other
, than that we deem must prudent, and
j which will host conserve the interests of
the Republican party —which we believe
, to be the truest representative of the pco
iple. Is view of the fact that the major
ity of our party is composed ot those who
repudiated other parties on the ground
that they could not swallow the principle
of Slavery —not because of political am
bition—we deem the Convention system
beat adapted to its present condition, for
the reason that there is all the more de
mand for a harmonizing medium. Again,
all who have witnessed the potency of the
Repudiation system in overthrowing party ;
organization, as evidenced in the success
of the Republican party in this County,
will agree with us in saying that the Con
vention system is necessary to the future
well-being and strength of the party.
M r. Perry takes occasion to draw a com
parison between himself and the entire
Republican party (of which, by-the-bye,
he does nof olaiin to be a conservative or
even a positive member—on the other
hand claiming that he only acts witb it
because it comes nearest to the mark of
bis ultra anti-slavery sentiment,) and cit
ing its repudiation of the Dred Soott Do- I
cision and the Fugitive Slave Law as
similar in principle to his repudiation ol
the nomination of MR. OLMSTED. There
is a vast dilFerence between priuciple and
interest--a comparison which it is only j
uecessary for our readers to institute to
see at once that Mr. Perry's claims upon 1
Republican votes are of the frailest na
ture. But it i# not onr purpose, in this
artiole, to combat with the history of pol
itics in Potter county, as given by Mr.
Perry; for we said in the outset that we
are not "posted" in regard to it, and are
not entirely willing to accept Mr. Perry's |
version of it, though for the aforesaid rea
son, we are compelled to to so.
In closing his letter, Mr. Perry desires
us to gee ourselves in a very perplexing j
dilemma, and coolly informs us that our
release is only obtainable through a pro
found silence in this contest, (advice
which is very easy to accept five or six
days before election —particularly by the
editor of a weekly newspaper, the latest
number of which is published nearly a
week previous to the election,) and by
voting the independent ticket. This ]t- j
! ter dose of advice we cannot accept, be
| oause neither our political or personal in-;
tegrity will allow us to vote a ticket hav-|
ing the majority of its support from a par
ty with which we are battling, and which
support, though perhaps not direotly so
licited by Mr, Perry, he invites by his
repudiation of Mr. Olmsted's nomination,
And, in conclusion, wo would ask of
every Republican in the county, his ap
probation or disapprobation of our policy, J
! though we cannot hope to have an ex
pression of that in the present contest.—
Many of our readers will not see this ar
ticle until after the election. If wo are
not to he hound by the action of our con
ventions, it is high time that conventions
were entirely dispensed with—for, where
in does the party derive any strength or
benefit from their action, if the Repudia
tion system takes precedence ? There is
no half-way system in the matter. If we
I have a nar-ty organization at all, it must
be complete and harmonious to be suc
cessful. If, cm the Other hand, we adopt
I fchp policy of Mr. Perry and his friends,
we at once commence the ebb of our par
ty glory aad strength. We have not
' room nor time to pursue this matter fur-
I ther, and we reluctantly close with the
assurauce to our readers that the subject
as presented in Mr, Perry's article, ad
; mits of a much wider scope of argument
th>tß Que newspaper article will admit of
' —eycu >u replying to specialities.
J6@rWe hope those interested iu the
j cause of Education will cheerfully re
; spond to the following call of our County
iSupcrinteudent. Every Teacher in the
County should be jn attcodance:
Teacher's Institute.
On Monday the 10th day of £fov. next,
i a Tiber's Institute will be opened at
Coudersport and continue five days. The
object QI the Institute is, to give instruc
tion in the moat approved methods of
teaching, and conducting the exercises of
the School room. Six hours of the day
will be occupied in reviewing those
, branches usually taught in our Common
Schools, and giving instruction upon the
method of teaching. There will also be
' a Sessiou each evening, for the purpose
of reading essays, and holding discussions
on subjects connected with the advance
ment ot the Common School interest
The time has been limited tqfivc days,
so that every Teacher in the County can
attend. One week's board, and a small
charge of three or four shillings for con
tingent expenses; and it is hoped, and
expected that the Teacher# throughout
the County will make it to at
i tend. The undersigned will use every
effort to secure board ou reasonable terms.
Those who design to become members
of the Institute, are requested to bring a
• full set of text-books, of such as are used
in their school districts. The friends of
education generally, are cordially invited
to attend. The services of eminent, aud
experienced Teachers will bo secured to
give instruction, and lectures during the
Session of the Institute
Co. Supt. of Totter County.
COUDERSPORT, Oct. 7, -857.
&otoit a itb Co until.
Large Vegetables. —We wore shown,
on Saturday evening last, a Cucumber
grown in the garden of D. B. Brown, of
this village, which measured 14 inches
in circumference, 11 inches in length,
aud weighed lbs.
Mr. Sala Stevens of Clara, laid upon
our table three Merino Potatoes, which '
averaged IS oz in weight. The potatoes;
were good and souud. \\ e think our
county can safely challenge oompetiuu in;
vegetable growing.
Fight. —The quiet and peace of our
village was woefully disturbed on Satur-1
day evening last by a " free fight," in
which great excitement was manifest
aud some blood was spilled, one person
being stabbed, though very slightly !
wounded, It was a boyish fight, iu which
grown up men predumiuated as the ac
tors, It is the first regular " muss" that
has occurred iu our village for a long
time. We are informed that a legal in
vestigation of the affair is to take plage
soon, and wo withbhold further oomuicnt
until the result of the investigation.
For the Journal,
1 Word to tlie Friends of Com
mon Schools.
ALLEGANY, Oct. 2d, 1857.
FRIEND JOURNAL. —Allow me to sug
gest to the frieuds of education, the pro
priety of holding a mass Convention in
Coudersport, for the purpose of disguss
| ing the propriety uf petitioning the Leg-
I islature for amendments to our School
Law among which are the following: To
reduce the number of Directors to three,
and they receive a just compensation for
1 their services. Also, to require a more
prompt collection of taxes, aud prohibit
iting Directors from expending money
I faster than it is raised. 1 for one, think
that a Convention would be beneficial. —
What say you, one and all?
Diseased Kidneys if neglect ed are ah
most oertaiu to end fatally, sometime#
the patient die# of exhaustion and obsti
nate vomiting; sometimes of suppression
:of urine and coma; sometimes in a sudden |
tit of shivering; aud sometimes of a rap
id attack of acute inflamation, In the;
! treatment, the golden rule myst be ob
j served, so forcibly stated by Dr, I'rout
| tb- t moderation in the quantity is of;
quite as much consequence as attention
to the quality of food.—Uf aleoholio j
liquors sound sherry of the drier kinds,
or small quantities of brandy or Hol
lands and water are the best. In the
medical treatment Hurley's Compound
j Sarsaparilla has proved highly beneficial
, from its vegetable alkali principles, which
entered into the blood, possesses the pro
perty of abstracting from it, a quantity
of nitrogenous matter sufficient for its con
version into hippuric acid, and in this
very soluble form is readily excreted,
and expels disease from the kidneys. It
may therefore be given with the confi
! deuce that it will limit, if not cure the
CARLYLE. Friend Ayer:—ln this
ago of quacks,charlatans and mere windy
<raseous r>rctenders to heal, who blow at
7> A # 7
every corner, aud in the face and ears of
! all men, their loud, blaring Jericho trump
■ ets and other noisy boisterous wind in
struments of marvelously twisted brass,
in such a wofully sham ridden epoch as
this, 1 say, it is comforting, nay even
cheering to the earnest well wisher of
bis race to know there has arrived in this
world a genuine Physician —to light once
more upuw ppmethipg besides mere
tangrados apd Don Mercurial Jalaps,
with their phlebotomies, poisons and
warm water.
Your Cathartic Pills and"y FOOT
toral, carry us forward to Halcyon days
—to niinellenial Pharmacopocas, when
Science' d**ep diving down into the prin
ciples of things, shall, with infinite cun
j ning bring out the genuine Elixir Vitae;
| for of a truth there Is manifestly enough
; somewhat of thiß same Life Essence in
your subtile vegetable distillations and
\ ou realize to p* the visions of those
painfulcst smoke-dried Alehymists —boot-
less seekers —dreamers among retorts
and prucibles, touching the quintessen
tial hidden virtue of the universe, which
, should antidote diatemper, and break for
man the Wheel of Time..
j IfiKThe Democratic party denicg the
right of Congress to legislate in all case#
for the people of the Territories and holds
that they possess the same unalienable
right of self-government that the inhabi
tants of the respective States are endow
ed with. The lories asserted and
fought for Parliamentary sovereignty;
the opposition to Democracy contend
that Congress has sovereign power over
the people of the Territories. In this re
spect the opposition of to-day and the
Tory or British faction of Revolutiona
ry time harmonize perfectly.— Montrose.
But Congress has enacted a law for|
the Government of Kansas; Gov. Walk
er is there holding office under that law
by appointniept of the President; Walk
!er condemns an attempt at Self-Govcrn
mcnt by the pe pie of Kansas as rebel
lion, and threatens to put it down with
I federal troops 1 and the Montrose Demo
crat aud its party sustain Walker : ergo
they are Tories. —Montrose Republican.
Independent (andidale
• William Perry,
Ellisburgh, October 2, 1857
T. S. CHASE, Editor of the Poller Journal;
In your last issue, dated October first, I find a sentence in one
of your Editorials, which, if not properly understood, will lead
some honest men into an error. 41 \\ e [the Editor of the Journal]
would caution our friends to beware ot bogur county tickets; as
there are a couple of Independent candidates in the t eld, who will
not be scrupulous as to the manner of obtaining votes, if they caa
only get them " As I know of but two Independent candidates
before the people of Potter County, Andrew Jam-son, for Register
and Recorder, and myself for Prothonotary, I consider my ticket
is one referred to as being of the u bogus sort;" and my way of
canvassing as destitute of scrup es Mr. Jackson is a Democrat,
and well known throughout the county, and able to defend himself.
I pr pose, therefore, to leave him with the people, whose business
it is to pass their verdict on the qualifications of himsell ami his
riv 1, Mr. Appleton Butterworth, the nominee of the Republican
convention. To avoid all misapprehension hereafter concerning
the present con - st, I wish it distinctly understood, that 1 am pre
cisely what I claim to be, an Independent candidate for the office
of Prothonotary.
As you have but recently taken up your residence in this county,
it can not be presumed that you are ful y posted in our political
history. I can but regret this, as you w ill be liable to fall into
errors that may do great injustice to unoffending parties. It you
had looked over the first six vo umes of the " People's Journal,"
you never would have cautioned your '* friends, against voting an
Independent ticket, nor applied the term bogus to an Independent
ticket For the first six years of our existence as a political party,
we knew no other ticket, advocated no other ticket, and voted no
other ticket. Then it was 41 the genuine ticket " We repudiated
cenventions as being the culminating point of all political corrup
tions; log-rolling, bargain and sale, was the mildest language ap
plied to all democratic conventions. With these weapons, and
Benton's arguments, which formed the staple of almost all the
campaign editorials, we pitched into the Democratic party, and gave
it particular fits. Very r luctantly we consented to go into con
vention—and when we done so, it was with the implied under
standing that when it correctly represented the people, and its
transactions were in all respects fair, its decisions should be authori*
tative; still we retained the right of private judgment Had you
been educated in the law, I think it would be an easy task to justify
uny position in yur sight, by PRECEDENT My friend, Henry J.
Olmsted, after submitting his name to a Democratic convention,
and getting it taste ot its truits. announced himself, as an Indep' nduit
candidate, in opposition to His PARTY, and here the parallel between
Mr Olmsted and myself ends—ho renounced his democracy, and
we, the Free Soilers embraced him, advocated the independent
candidate, voted the independent ticket, and glorified the "Inde
oendent system" It was genuine orthodoxy then My friends,
iohn S. Mann, Isaac Benson, O A Lewis, and Sobie>ki Ross—
with whom I have acted a long time and Mr Olmsted discover at
once how unpleasantly you are situated, by calling my ticket
j" bogus." It the Independent system was genuine six years ago,
by no logical proposition can you demonstrate that it is * bogu?
; now. If through inability you fail to .*ce the correctness of rr?
j reasoning, you deserve pity. If pride deter you from acknowl
edging the iruth, that even 44 can not excite my resentment "
It is said the party will be distracted in consequence of my repu
diating the nomination of Mr Olmsted. 1 his may be true to a
certain extent. 1 have beard of distract ons that were very healthy,
this may partake of that character. Official monopoly, the conceit*
tration of official patronage, and the centralization of political
: power, tends to d'.stract a party more than the etlorts of an humble
individual like myself. We have endeavored to distribute offices
independent of local or individual prejudice, and regard every por
tion of the county entitled to equal respect. We have endeavored
to prevent the growth of a political regency. But in the late con
vention, in spite of our protestations and our efforts, those towns
which have worked quietly but uniformly for the success ul the Re
publican party, were disposed of in a most arbitrary manner, and
j that spirit so potent from its advantageous position, developed
itself by the selection of two candidates residing in the Borough ol
Coudoiaport. U inadvertently, the same fatality attends the trans
action, prudential motives alone would dictate a different policy.
| I have been told t$ it is political death to repudiate the action of
I your party assembled in convention. If death is the result o' re
pudiation, the Republican party would have passed off the st.ige
long while since. Thu web and tilling of its platform is repu ia-
I tion. V\ e repudiate the Died Scott decision and the Fugitn&
Slave Law -the one emanating in the highest brancn of our judi
ciary, and the other in the sovereign Legislature of our land. VU
convict by legitimate process, the Democratic party of inconsistency
for advocating Congressional jurisdiction over ail territories or
sixty years, and then denying it by the introduction of popular
sovereignty You, sir, are involved in the same dilemma
only way left to preserve your consistency is to maintain a profound
siler,oe during this contest, and vote the Independent ticket ju*t
far aa the nominations of the late Republican convention are unjust
and impolitic , .
1 am, very truly your friend,
fray I n pursuance of a call published
in the JOURNAL, of Sept. 17th, a Repub
lican meeting convened at the Court
House on Tuesday, Sept. 22d. Win. j
McDougall Enq. was called tQ the Chair,
Messrs. Duick Whipple and G. G. Col
vin were choeen Vice Presidents, and
W. B. Graves Esq. Secretary. The ob
ject of the meeting was stated briefly by
the Chairman, when L. P. Williston Esq.
was called for, and made an eloquent
and interesting speech of nearly au hour
in length, and was frequently interrupted
by enthusiastic applause from the audi
ence. lie was followed by S. i\ John
son Esq., who entertained the audience;
in a few excellent remarks on the lead-'•
iug issues of the day, and wheae remade
elicited the frequent and hearty app'
of the meeting. At the close of Mr ■J' J
remarks the meeting adjourned. 1 .
meeting throughout was enthusiast'®! aD .
eyinped a hearty support of the State
j County Tickets.
THE liOuisville Democrat says tbj
'"the devil might well be ashamed to
outlied by Democrats." We thiak
'may well be not only be ashamed
alarmed. When lie sees himself la <l
at his own game b', his own in ]*•''' .'
well tremble for his supremacy
thi'one -—Louisvitt* -