--- e -- "Eir itstate. - rtt.e. greet, first eateo • ~.z 'Mee II sell neglect, of erature's laws.,. (t IT FFER rhea. a CLIVE -is guaranteed. - . Itte.l.L STAGES OF ; • . D . SECRET: ISFeASE.S., df-A, , ~,, ...v,a-vat74 Deeiti4, Strictures; Gleett,l ' drawl, Dis&etes, .Diseases of the Kidneys and plaids, ,;"breariad laitatitalisflt, & (Cledil, Paint in Me limes and Ankle; Diseases of Me bars,. Fir,,,?.", Safe arid Egtit, 17,ce-s upon me i • pods or Lesser, Cancer:. Dropsy; Epileptic fits - ,1 St. V;ts'e D5..12, and till dit&ZILI‘ arisily ft ert i 'a d...eanjeuwnt of tie Stirua! - Orga.7:, jai.;;ll as Nei-rani Trerahling. Less of Name; 1 , 21 ore. Loe. of PoWer, qetierel Weiti.leesi,! I; • - I Lerma tr.; • 1., piintetees et YkiJil with peenlier epp,l3 appesir. i 'mg' Zionre the eyes, Leas of Sight, Waketbl-1 : pr PUBLIC DEBTS. 1 .. .i 4 D - .• epaie. Liver Diseeze,Eruptiees upon ' ec ; eceties 1. The state map contract debts, to to:: : Pain in the back tied head. 'Female : eeptily - Fasted deficits or faillres in revenues. laritini and all impeepee di-tcharrees ffilm! or to Meet expenses not otherwise provided both sexes. IC matteri not from whet cause for; bit the aggregate amolibt of such debts the disease originated, however long standing' direct 'And coutingent, whether contracted by pt obstinate the case, recovery is certain, and m i virtue of one or more acts of the general as isherter time than a permanent cure call 1 )0 If I scalblY. or at different• peridels of thee, shall facted by any other Areatuteet, even after the I ccrereiceett seven hundred and fifty thousand 'Aimee' his bellied the skill Of eminent phys.i 1 dollars, and the money arising fitom the creee 'khans and resisted all their tneans of cure. The I Lion o f such debts, shall lee applied to the :parelicines ate pleasaut withoutoiloy, eieusitigno t.purpnee for whieti * it was obteinect, or to repay tekness and free from mercury or balsam. ! the debts so contracted, tied to lib other pur eriiig twenty years of practice, I have rescued ; pose vflietever. from (be jaws of Death many thousands, who: I Sscros 4. Id addition to the above limited is. the last stages of the above mentioned die- . pow * the state may contract• debts to repel poses bad been given up to die by their physi- ' invasion', suppress insurrection; defend the plans, which warrants use is PrPoilstrq to the 1 state in war. Or tc , redeem the present put 'afflicted, who may place theniselyes wider my O Standinndehtedinss' of the state; but the vale, a perfect and most speedy cere. Secret! money arising frhin the contracting of such *Di.eases are the greatest enemies to health, as ! debts', shall be apPlied.tcrthe porpose for which they are the first cause of Censumption,Scrof- lit was raised. or to repay such debts, and to pia, and assay other di.easee, and should be a' no o leo: purPom whatever. 'terror to the human family. As a permanent I Secrioi 3. Etcept the debts above specified, sure is ecareely ever' effected, a majority of the !in sections one slid two of this article, no debt eves falling into . the hands of ineempercet ;Nr hat ev ei shall be created be, or on behalf of persOrts, who not only fell to cure r the diseases i the state. but ruin the constitution, filling the system ; Secries 4. To: provide for the payment of with mercury, which, with the disease, has- 1 the present debt; and 'any additional debt eon yea the sufferer into a rapid Consumption. I mimed as aforesaid, the legislature sp,all, itt lnt-should the disci and the treatment, its first session, after the adoption Of this pot cease death speedily and the victim reer- ' areendpient, create iiiiiikieg fund, which shall liao, the disease is entailed upon the children. Ibe sufficient to pay the heeruitig interest. op Who,are bhrn with feeble constitutions, and :sect' debt ; and linucally 4o redpce the princi- 1 the entrant of life corrupted by a virus nhich p e t thereof by a sum not less than two bun-' betrays itself in. Scrofula, Tester, Ulcers, Erap- • dred end fifty thousand diallers ; which sink irms and other 'affections of the skit!. Eyey l ag fend shall -crittsiet of the uct annual-in- Throat and Dine', entailing upon theta a brief , come of the public IN Arks, from time tq time existence of suffering and consingifing tbem ; owned 'by the state, or the proceeds of the sale r en early grave. lof the ; same, or any part thereof, and of the ! ! ( SELF ABUSE is anethce fermidable enemy iemne ; or prececds pf sale of etecks 9 fined by to health, for nothing else in the dread este- !the state,,tog,ethex with other funds, or resour- Yeteue of human diseases causes so destructive ; ces, that may be designated by lair. The said a drain 'spun the systole, drawing its thousands i sinking IMO may be increased, from time to Srlie.firns through a.• few years of siitrering time, 14y assigniug to it any part of the taxes, :flown to an untimely grave. It destsys the' or other reveilles of the state, not required for , Nervous system; rapidly wastes away the en- l.the ordinary and current expenies of 'gpyern ergies of life, , causes mental derangement, i moue and unless in case of war, invasion or trevent; the proper development of the sYitetre ! insurrection, no part' of the said ....inking fund i Eisrerefifies for nterriege, society, • business. I shall be used e or, applied otherwise thee in ex-' wed ell earthly happiness, and leaves the self-! tiuguiShumet or the public debt, eqtil the per Wrecked in body and &ud, predisposed i ameent of such debt is reduced hcicee the; to consumption and a train of evils more to be; sum 'a, flyc millions of dollars,. 'treaded than death itself. With the fellest! Secitov 5, The credit of the,!commonwealth 'sanfidence I assure the unfortunate victims or; shall not in any manner, or event. lie idedgCil: 1 self-Abuse that a permanent and speedy enrol or loseed tq, any individual, company. eorpo- 1 eau be affected, and with the eandonmeet of; ration, or association; nor shall the eominqn- , tnincas praCtices try patients can be restered. wealth hereafter become a joint owner, or 'corobust, sigorouslealth. i stock - holder, in_any company, associatiee, or The afflicted eretcantioued avtiust the - use'corporation. tq Patent Medicines, for th.se are so meny I s ee m ) , 6. The rommon T re l lrh s hell n oses_ flegfillotts snares ip tbecolumas of the public • smile the delft, Qr any part thereof, - of any printe'to catch and rob the unwary sufferers, county, city, borough, or township; or of any that millions have their constitutions ruined corporation. on association ; unless such debt by the vile compounds of quack doctors, or I shall have been contracted to .enable the state 1 . 0 1/1 I . , 1 ally p ß izo.l : i3 n ostr u o vandal as! , 1 0 repel iniSsipp, suppress domestic insurrec- . ( I Paten Medicines." I have caraullynrialkzed ; Lion, defend itself in time of war, or to assist niany - of the so called Patent ; Medicines, end • the state in the discharge of any portion of find that nearly all of them contain Cerrosit-e, its present indebtedness. 1 Sublimate, which is .one of the strongest pro : : ;s:kriON 7. The legislature shall not author partitions of mercury and a deadly 'poison. I iee eel ceepty, city, bortieigh, towuship, or which instead of curing the disease disables incorporated district, by virtue of a vote of its Elie system for life, ' ' I either's, or otherwise, to become a stockhold .. _ elaree-ftilertbs of the patent nostrums now ; er in any cottifany, association, or, corpora- In hse are put up by unprincipled and ignoiant ; lion; qr to obtain money for, or loan its credit. persons, who do not understand even the al- . to, any eorperatiere association, iustitution, or , pitabet of the inerreria Medira, and are equally ! partx.- . ,s destitute of Any knowledge of the human 1 • . , restetre hoeing ,oue object only in view, cud i SECOND AMLND3ItFa. 'thattis re akh money -regardless of connaquen- 1 There shall be an additional article to said nes. " " I constitution, to be delsignatcci es erticlo „11, • - Irregularities and all diseases or miles ands, is follows ; ferrialee,treated on principles established! ber I bianty years of practice, and sanctioned by thetniends of the most: remarkable cures. Med-, Wines with full directions -sent to any part of I the United States or Canadas, by patients communicating their symptoms by letter.— Business correspondence strictly confidential. Address. st SUI\DIERVILLE,:q. pi Office No.' 1131 1"111!•eit • (0/d No. 109,) leeitl-ly. BELOW rirnrrn ) I D E .11.1 4 PROVISION' STORE. , • - E, Ta, SPENCER, .q #: 9 . rs Great Inducements- TO I.IU-VEItS trIROCERIES; E.ROVISIONS &c., at IA the store formerly oceupied by D. W. SPENCES, on 3d Street, North side of Public Square: ~ GEQCERIES,. _ A g ood assortment constantly-on bawl, from Whin I will enumerate a few of the loading articl at, such as , . - s - ,sllgar, Mustard, Candy, Coffee, Cinnamon, • !Cuts Molasses, Pepper Sauce, Crackers, _ Syrups; . Catsup, Soap Pepper, Yeast, • Candles, Elpicey Oils, Foot, - Ginger, Tobacco, 1-cifl, ' doses, Stiiiil; ' I G." Caps, ,Carb. Soda, Segars, . C. Tartar, •, and many other things too numerous to men -4{1.4n, will be found in this department, which willipe sold at a trifling advance from •qsi., Sir ready pay. • • PROVISIONS . Constantly on hand, such as AMU, HAMS, SHOULDERS; FISH, SALT, • BUTTER, CHEESE, LARD, BEANS, OATS, FLOUR, CORN MEAL, .SUCKWHEAT FLOUR, DRIED , • 1 APPLES, DRIED PLUMS, - lind many other articles iu the line of Provi &lons not necessary to mention. Also, , WOODEN WARE, ' such . as Drociins, asli-Tub, and Boards, Mops, Aunier P l o,xei; Scc., which will be sold low fur oash or teddy Pay. Oats, Potatoes, Butter. Eggs t tiIICOSC, and in fact almost everything a farmer raises, will be taken in exchange ,for !loafs, at their cash value. I invite the at lantiou of Villagers, Farmers and Lumberme n 'Who disito to make krchases in the above siticles, and" solicit them to call before ,4,ar ch.ssing elsewhere. E. E. sprscEit. Coudersport, June 9, 1857.-10:2. 1 . 111i7rAtIlIED31111SLINS and n few otheeez 111/ tft , l-51 it; thu line 4d Stn:pll I)ry GoCa tv f - Ye' e:±; ( 1 et E, RESOLUTION . proposing A mend ments to the ; Votistltotlortor the , Coot - Iropowealth. it"g4 TED by Ike Senais and . House of ' RiXosinicitioes i of 'Me i . ConintotithosltA cf i'ennsyle in Genii! Aitenbly met - ::That the following atnetyltounts are proposeil to the con3titutioto4 the coujivormealth;in accord auCe trithihe cirthe tenth article. ' • thereof.' :MST AMENDMENT. , There !Lail be an addittor.4lfLrtita, to stlid couttitutibit to W.desigdatetilaa , article PlPfell• It.;• VaTICLE XII. - OF NEW COUNTIES county shall be divided by a line cutting oCr over qe-tenth of, ita population, (either to form a new county or otherwise,) without t the exprestrassent of such county, by a vote ! or the electors thereof ; - nor shall any -new ' (Nullity he established, containing less than fonriniutired square miles. TIIIAD AMENDMENT From !cation two of the first article of the constitution, strike oat the words, "of the city r.tad of .coca ecu),:ify respectivnly ;" I section rive, same article , strike gut the words. "of Philadelihia and oj thesereral coon. ties;` from section seven, Same article, strike; out the wcrds;-"ncithar the cull of Phi/ode/phial itc,"e Oay, - and insert in lieu thereof the words, "cm/ an:" and strike out "section four, SUM , : cr andin Lien 'thereof insert the following: " Or.citoX 4: la, the year ony thousand eight hundred and sixty-four, and in every seventh yeast thereafter, representatives to the number of cjno hundred,' shall be I.ppor ioncd and did-" triented equalif; throughout , the state, by; dist.Octs in.proportion to the number of. tax.t liie ',inhabitants tin the several' parts thereof; , except that any county containing at least.. three thousand f!ye hundred taxables, may be allowed a separate repre. ,, entation ; hut no'' Uoite tiiqn three counties Shall - be joined, and'' no county shall: be divided in the formation of A district.- Any city containing a SuLlcient number of taxables to entitle it to at least two .7iFesentatiyesi shall btiye a separate repre sentation assigned it, and slitildbe divided into convenient districts of contiguous ; territory, of 'etinal taxable population as near as may be, card' of which districts sall elect one repre , sentative." ;_ At the and of seetion severr, same article, insert those winds; "'ate of Philadelphia shill be divided into single : senatorial distriom, of eontigooas territory as nearly equal in taxable population as possible no ward shall be di vided in the formation thereof, The legislature„ tt its firSt session, after the adoption of this amendment, shall divide the the city gf,illiiiiCtlainhia into seuatorkil.riud ri:tmegantativo districts,- in the manner above provided ; such districts to remain unchanged until tho apportionment in the year one thou sand eight hundred and silty-four. FOURTLI, A.KeIiD;SIZNT, Thera shall be an additional section to the first article of said constitution, *ilia' shall t bpntratbned stmt' read as follcacs Titt: legislature shall have the rotor tv zlier,:reveite. or natti, any charter of int:wporatkii lieroart , irconfeered by, or uri. dtw, any sped it. or general law,,whenever in their opinion it may be "injurious to the citi zens or the commonwealth; in such manner, however, that no injustice shall be done to the corporator:7. ' IN SENATE, .31;zreA 27, L 857. Resoka, That , riiolnzion pass. Oli the fi 3t niirandnacnt, yeas 24, nays . ; on the sec— ond amendment, yeas 2.3,• nays 8; on the third amendment, yeas 24, 1 nays 4; on the• f..)urth amendment, yeas - 23, nays 4. - LF.xtracifrom the ' NV GDO. W. H ItSLT, MO. - IN THE-HOUSE•QF R4 IRESENTATDO•S, 1 RESENTATDO•S, • ..Aprit 29, 1857.! Resolved, That this resolution Nos. On the first amendment, yeas 78, nays ;on the sec ord amendment, ypns 57, nays 3411 i on the third anipSoa - ment, yeas 72, - nays 22; -on th,e p 4014) aniendment, ypas 83, nays 7'. [4xtrant from the journal.] J4CUB zEIGL4g, ckez, . . Filed ip Secretary's, office, May 2, 147, • ' A., G. CUMIN, seerctary, of the Commonwealth. • SqI4ET44 T:5 OriiP, g, I . ls.asusßutto, dune '23, f••• Pannsylvania, si : I do certify th4t the , abOve ar4 foregoing is a triaa and icOrrect copy of the original lotion propoiing ameudtuents to the Constitu tion of the Commonwealth," with the Tote, in each branch of the Legislature upon the final passage thereof, as appears from the original; on file in this -office. Q - 1 In testimony whereof I hap hereon [L' set my hand - and caused to tie affixed the seal of the Secretary's Odic; the day and rear above writteu. • A. Q, Ssorctary of (, 'ammonicealth The resolution lN proTo l si T u E g: amendments m 2 Lt.P lS t s o 7 tl e Constitution of the Commonwealth being un der consideration, On the question, Will the Senate agree to the first amend mrnt? The yeas and nays were taken. agreeably to the provisions of the Constitution, and were as follow, viz : L.. Yi.v.S—Messrs. Brewer, Browne, uolrey, Ely. Evans, Fetter, Flenniken, Frazer, Ingram. Jor dan, Killinger, Knox, Laubach, Lewis, Slyer, Scotield, Sellers, Shuman, Steele, Straub, Welsh, Wilkins, Wright'and Taggart, Speaker Cresswelli Finney, Gregg, Harris, IfenrflE e l .u4 Ssiutr-7.. So the question was deterinine4 is the affirmative. • Oa the question, Will the 'Senate agree to the second a mpadment? • The yefts and nays were taken agreeably to the prOvismus . qt the Costitution, •and - i - ere as follow, xis: - YEas—Messrt. Brewer, Browne, Cresswell, 'Ely, Evans, Fetter, Finney, Flenniken, Ingram. Jordan, Knox, Laubach, Lewis, Myer; Sellers, Shuman, Sontlier, Steele, Straub, Welsh, Wil kins, Wriglitand Tngart, Speaker-23. • NlTS—Messrs. Coffey; Crabb, Fraser, Greg,. Harris, Killinger, Penrose and Seo6eld-.-8. :lo the question was delOpitied . in the affirr4ativp. . • t.la thecigestien, Will Oa &Jule agree to the third amend tc:tit? The yeas =a nsp srer9 taken agreeably to the provisious of the Constitution, and were as r o llow, TiL t Ys.ta-- Messrs. Breirer, Browne, Ctalih, Cresswell, Erans, Flenniken, Frazer, In earn, Jordan, Killinger, Knox, Limbach, Lewis, Sper, Scofield , Sellers, Shaman, Souther, teele, Strata), Welsh, Wilkins and Wright—, 24. Nays—Messrs. Coffey; Gregg, Harris and Penrose-4. Elp the -gtestign was determined ih 'the RA J I ao tlio lffirmative. On the 'questim Will the Senate agree to the fourth amend ment? The yeas and nays were taken agreeably to the provisions of tne. Constitution, cud were as follow, viz:i • _ YEAS MeSSI'S. 'Bremer, Brovrile, Coffey, Cresswtil, Ely, Evans, Flenniken ' Frazer, in. gram, Killinger, Knox, Laubach, Lewis, Myer, Scofield, &tilers, Shuman, Souther, Steele,. Straub, Welsh, Wilkins and - Wright-23. Nays—Messrs. Crabb, Finney, Jordan and Penrose-4. So the question was determined in the affirmative. THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES. .elprt2 23, 1857. The resolution proposing, amendments to the Constitution of the Commonwealth being nu tlet cowideratioa, On the quehtion, Will the !louse agree to the r l rst, amend ment? Toe yeas and nays were taken agreeably to the provisions of the Constitution, and were as follow, vie : Yius- - Mersre. Anderson, Arthur, Bark : house, Hall, Beek., Bishop, Bower, Brown, Cal- Aionn, Campbell, Chase, Cleaver, Crawford, Hickey, Ent, Eyster, Fausold, Foster, Gibbo nev, Gildea , Hamel, Harper, Heins, fleistand, Hill, ilillegas ' Hoffman, (Berks,) Imbrie, Tunes, Jacobs, Jenkins, Johns, Johnson, Kauffman, Kerr, Knight, Leisenring, Longaker, Lovett, Mahear, Mangle, M'Calmont, Moor ' head Mumma, Musselman, Nichols, Nicholson,, iYunemachor. Pearson, Peters, Petrikin, Pow i hall, Piircell, Ramsey, - (Philadelphia,) Ramsey, (York,) Reamer, Reed, Roberts, Rupp, Shaw, Sloan, Smith, (Canthria,) Smith, (Cenfee,) Ste . venson, Tolan, rail, Vauvoorhis, Vickers, ! Voeghley, Walter, Westbrook, Wharton, Wit: Liston, Witherow , Wright, Zimmerman and Gets, Speaker-7. - • N.ivs—Mesi r rs. Backus, Benson,'Doek, Ham ! ilton; Hancock, Hine, Hoffman, (Lebanon.) Lebo, Struthers, Thorn, Warner and Wintrode —l2. • 3o the quention ices' determined in the nOirrnative. Ou the question, Will the House agree to the second amend, meat? . The yeas and nays were taken agreeably to the provisions of the Constitution, and were as follow, viz : ' YEAS—Messrs. Anderson,' Eackhouse, Ball, Beck, Bower, Calhoun, Campbell, Carty, Ent, Fausold, Foster, Gildra, Hamel, Harper, Heins, Heistand, liillegas, Hoffman, (Ilerks,) House keeper, Imbrie, Inner, Jeilkins, Johns, John son, Kauffman, Knight ; Leisenring, Longaker, Lovett,_Mencar, Haug?, W tvaju, )Soorhead, Musselman, NiehOls, Nicholson, Nutemacher, Pearson, Peters, Petrikin, Pownall, Purcell, Ramsey, (Philauelphia,) r, m s , (York,) Rea mer, Roberts, Rupp, Shaw, Sloan, Tolan, Vail,- Voegbley, Walter, Westbrook, Wharton, merman and Getz, CSpeaker—..s7. NAys—Messrs. Arthur, Auglistide, Backus, Benson, Bishop, Brown, Chase,'Clesser, Craw ford, Eyster, - Gibbottey, Hamilton, Hancock, Hill, Hine, Hoffman, (Lebanoni) Jacobs, Ker 4, Lebo, lil'Calniont, Mumma, Reed, Smith, (Cam - bria) Smith, (Centre,) Stevenson, Struthers, Thorn, Vanvoorhis. Vickers,, Wagonseller, \Varner, Wintrode, Witherow and Wright-34. Sn - the question . was deterEnined in the af firmative. • On the question, Will the House agree to the third-ateena % then:, T This -cat nada:Ns were takitn aireeabV to the proii3ionicil tt's•erecnstitnital,' and wire.li viz •-! • • Tsai-7-Messrs. Alderson, )3fiekhonse," - BeCk;:Benscin, Bower, BroWn,lesiltiOnn;Caintr, bell:Cbase,'Llearer„ Craw:brit, Diekek;', rut, Fansold,;. Foster',: Gibboney, Hamel, ; harper, i)efns, Bekstan4lllA Fiillegas, Hoff man, (Ele#S,) Ilestrtßagy. (Lebstnon,) keeper •Imbrir,'„'nnes; Jaeotisjobus4obaser4l Kauffirigt,.-Kerr, Lebo, Lciniaker, Lovett, - 1147 near, Mangle; '3l.Tabittinti'Sllorhead; Unmans, ; 61"usselman,liiehols, Pearson,! reters,. rown.n% 1 5 Lrie i ti; - (York;) - Reamer, Reed, Rapp, Abu Yr, Sloan, smith; (CaMbria,l • smith;' (Centre,) Steverson,,,Tolan, - , Yon; .IranroOtisis, - Nicker. Voegblep„ •Wagonseller; Weillsrocdi., Witherevr;Wright,' Zimmerman ,n,n d Getz; Speaker-=42, . ' "'• - - • NArs—)fessrsi Artbstri. Angtust;ng; lincktp, lliihop. Carty, Dock;. (Alden, Hamilton, Ben:- cod; Hine, .lenkins,,Knigitt, Leisenring, vain ' Ratissey,lPbiladelphia;) Roberts Strnth er3; 'shorn, 14t0r5.,. Warn e r, Wharton and • - • Ro qitestion was determines' in the effirmative. - • On the qnesttion, • Will the Hogan agree to the 'fon/ otaead went • The yeqs and pays _were - taken agreeably to the provisiois or the Coustitutioia, and were as follow, . "fAs—alessra. Anderson, Arthur, Etick ,, , hoitife, Backus; Ball, herb, Itcnson, Bisho p,) Bower, Brown, Calhoun, Campbell, Carty. Chase; Cleaver, Crawfoid, Dickey, Ent, tyster, . Pausold,: Foster, Gib,honey, Glides, Ilatnel, Harper, Heins, Heistand, Hill, Hilieges, Hoff- 1 inan, (licks.) Hoffman, (Lebanon.) 11Mise.1 keeper, Irobrie. Jenkin s, J limes, Jacobs , ohns Johnson; Kauffman. Kerr, Lebo-, Leisenrin4 Longaker Lovett, Marken; Sfaugle, refitment; rlivain. Mumma, M usselman , Nichols, Nicht ; olson, Nonemacher, Pearson, Peters,,Petrikin l , Pownall,, Purcell, Ramsey, 1 Philadelphia, Ramsey, (York.) Reamer, Reed, Roberts, Rupp.' Shaw, Sloan, Smith, (Cambria.) smith, (Cen tre,, Stevenson, Tolan, Vail, Vanvoorlii i :, Tickers, Voegblev, Wagonseller,..Welter, Wl29'- ner, Weatbrook. hart on, W illiston, W ithero Zimmerman and detz; Speaker,-83. - INA:B4—Messrs. Dock, Hamilton, Hancock, Struthers, Thorn, Wintrode and Wright-7. .; So the question was determined in the af firmative. ' SEClttrAit.Y'S IlfAßlllantrllG, AMC 22,1 1867, Pentryirania, t,, 1 I•do ; certify that the above and forcgoingl is a true and . correct copy of the "Yeas" and Naya" - Mlign '.on the resolution proposing amendments to ate Constitution of the Ccu monwealth, as the samc'appears on the Jonr nab of the two Houses of the General Assem bly of this Commountealth for the sessiorf of 1857 Witness my , hand and the . sea} of said office, this twenty-second day of June; one thousand eight hundred and fifty-- seven. • - , A. G. CCII.TIN, 10:5-3m. geerelary of the Commonwealth. NEW . GOO.DS. Low Prices and Ready Pay ' SII4ROS CENTER. TAE Sth3SCRIRERS ars offering for sale an entirely nowlstock, consisting of DRY GOODS, GROCERIE,S, HARDWARE' KOPKERy, GLASS WARE, BOOTS & SHOE'S, HATS & CAPS, UM BRELLAS, PARASOLS, WINDOW SHADES, IT4 L P4PER, .READY ' MADE CLOTHING, YANKEE - NOTION' S, &c., &c. In our seleciious the wants of all bare been remembered. The Gentlemen can find in o•-r stock of Ready Mafia Clothing an elegant Fa'slilonable suit; ,ctT 4 .41.)stptial Business suit, and we baye flats, b Caps And Bo'ots & Shoes to match. • The Ladies can find Fashionable Bsippets beautifully trimmed, or-bonnets and trimming; a good assortment of Dress Gocids, audrtrim mings ; Gives, Itlitts, Hosiery and Gaiteis.i--- And; last but not least, corded and skeleton Skirts; also, Rattans, Skirt-Whalobotie anti Brass Skirt-Hoops; beautiful Jet NeOklaCcs and Bracelets, Corals, Fans, and tool many' other things to enumerate,—all of which 7c are selling low for clash, Lumber, or any kind of Produce. FLOUR, V I AL, FISHI &C.!, ccht stantly on-hand. tATES. June, IN W. Ti: IL CR Sharon Center, Potter Co., Pa.,. 1857.-10:2-tr. eiRJA.NOES AND, LEMONS just reecived . l !Jr 1O: W U. & J. H. Gl2.O'ESi W. SPENCER is Agent for ulaUy of be • rcifistp,ppal.r Medicines new ip us •,- a few of which he will mention: J. R. STAFFORD & CO.'S OLIVE TAR. DR. D. JAYNE k SON'S FAVILY ME I-- CINES. • J. C. AYER. CO.'S CHERRY PECTO IND PILLS. SEVERAL KINDS OF CHERRY pYlq. PS, 'de. ! `J,IR. Stafford Co;'s Olive Tar plied' and inhaled by wearing on INHALER around the .neck and on the breast. His OL IVE OINTMENT is applied where the sk n is broken, and is a popular remedy where ku WA. Good for the Whooping Cough. I :2. • VAIDES COUNTY - NIIRSERt. wll. OLIN & CO, „ of the - Yates Ctinty s• Nurnr4o, have' for sale. a large and valuable assortment _of .ipmTur. TREES of all varieties_ usually cultivated. These Trees are young end of rigorous growth.- The qualities are the ,most choice known,,and are' warranted GESUiNE. a fine stock ,of ORNAMENTAL TII.EE§ and SHRUBSERy,. for fall wsrAddress orders to C. BEACH; Pen Yan, Yates Co., N. Y. Orders left with 1.1.01:PT. W. NILES; Coudersport, VA., will be promptly filled. •' • - - - 10:2-6rao. ,• • A Retired Physiclarl, n years - of age, having lost his f ather t Itra Brothers, Daughter, SofirinAa7,llePholes an4Nienns, by that dreadful disease, Consrmrsms, and suffer ing with Caugh t himself, detirmined to visit the East Ilypt, and Japan where he discovered a Preventive and Certain Litre for Colds, Coughs, Bronchitis, Consumption, Ner vous Debility and Asthma. Ills cough was cured immediately; he returned, cured his Rel ative:, who inheri ted the disease, and, in con nection with his son have employed It in their practice, curing thousands of cases considered hopeless by others. For the purpose of rescu ing as many , oftie fellow-beings as possible, he is sending the Recipe to all who wish it for 10 cents; 3' of it'te . ; pay the postage,; and the balance printing., ' Address Dr. 'DEATH 101 Spring street, opposited St. Nicholas Hotel, New York, . ' ' 10:2-31nos• FIALL AND YAAMINE the NEW _GOODS N...) Just received by; - OLMSTED'S., - INK and e articles In the Drug)ine for L sale by • U. K. S. aliVitaierria --- ~ Lieu le is: • subsiriberOalce tills method of in .,L forming their .friends"iliai thiy are in re , ceTt of, and are now-openmg, s, choice and desirable" stock of I . STAPLE ANDIANCY Dtti.COODS ttki which they invite the attention,of 4.11,7h0 desire to make purchases.. Ottr stock is large has been selected with great care; and le par ticularly adapted to the wants of thiS.sertion of, our country. Our stock of Dry Goods con sists of . ; j DRgs i sOODDO.-TRIADILVOS.EIADO.NS, EMBROIDERIES, - PARASOLS CLOTH'S, CASSIIIERES "(1 - VESTINGH. - SI ESTICS, SIIIRTINGS, - I I.JNENS. PRINTS,' -PoSIAY3 atuvas, and a variety of other a-rticles, too numerous to mention: We have also a complete assort uient . GROCERIES, HARDWARE /ND • CROCEEM - ; ' all of svhich'srill he sold uncommonly cheap for ready pay, and for approved credit on as reasonahle ternis si any other establishment. MANN ii,NlellOLS. 4ug. .Iy. W 1 Unit a BM ,yATF;yr CHAIR. MATifFACTCRERS. 438 lirpoine Street, One Door East of Broadway, [Late 4,6a,itroad wor,) NEW-YORK, • . [Eska,li:hed 41. D. 183311 "INVITE an examination .of their great vari ety.and superior -assortment of CHAIRS. manufactured at their otht establishment, and under their immediate übserration)ind direr— ilea, including . PIVOT REVOLVING CHAIRS, - SELF.-ACTING EXTENSION RECUIDENT .CHAIRS, . . IMPROVED INVALID WHEtr. CHAIRS, MAJOR SEARLE•'S TRAVELING LYALID SPANISH SPRING AND SQ . C.AD CHAIRS. RHEUMATIC, SPINAL AND ASTHMATIC INVALID CHAIRS, &C., &C., Le.; Embracing the most- complete ;assortment. and choicest kinds for Parlor:, braniny Rooms, Chambers, Gardens, Libraries, Counting /buses, ( Weer, Puldk inititutiene, Denp4fs Barbee:, lc., together With every , desirable sort adapted to the comfort, convenience end luxury of the Sick, the Aged, the lajirm, the Lame And Lazy. In point of ingenuity of design,cl , :gance of finish, quality and richness of material, faith fulness of execution, durability and cheapnesq, these chairs are .unsurpassed. Far them, 31. W. KING- & SON, were awarded the first anti only prize Medal, and the faculty, recommend them as far Opfer:stilt to beds or :COUCIiCb for patients afflicted -With Spinal . .4slhatatie or Bronchial atTectioLts i t To either arm of ;the chair. may be attaches: a convenient reading or writing Desit„, and any combination desired will be 142.10fattured to to order. . . . A Circular '7ltit,explaftatilry area, will be seut by mail if requested, stir] ordeis [with re mittances,] promptly forward (1) t.ny part of the- world. ' I LUXURY* Al E(3ol\ - 01‘1171 KING'S NEW'CIIPO, :!o y()0 LIKE IL" An Arm Chair, Reclining Chair, Couch and Bedstead, (cosititN-.n tv , t ON ,]is Susceptible of twelve different positions or change::, to meet the varied requirements for comfort, conveni ence, luxury and econotny,•Cin ipace,as well as price.] _Whether in sicknessior heath, this celebrated CHAIR. "Mi You LIKE z•r," exccl.4 it, many. respects; any chair perlmis ever manu factured in this or any other counfry. The price varies from Fificen to Thirty Dol lars, according to finish, To Public Institutions, as well as to ilidiTl 4- uals, this CHAIR is a very ,desirable article, and will be, supplied is any number On the Most liberal terms.! Apply to or addreSs M. W. KING k SON, 43S DrOome st., One door east of Broad wa,) Swcr Yong, (Late 4.0 S Broadway, 9:44-Iy. %TEIV GOO . nub A4orttnent just received at 9LmsTßO's. GREAT REVOLUTION IN MEDICAL SCIENCE. The let Ttternpentie Agent . ever Intrtidneed. DR, DICK.INON.!S —'l'-...----,'..* MAGNETO ELV"- - "'"•:161111,. ; - ,,,..i.J...:, - ,Ei!. * ' T RIC ?if A Cil IN E ~ 2,-.om_, .1.-r, --1 45,1t- , t•-.-1. ,is • exciting the i t, ~-'- ' ,i . rf ,e- i .. : .,„.ig i Vl--%absorbing at ten . ~, 7 - .. , Lion of the Medi ''''*,; V,..(,.... 4 4' -4-_,, _ 7 7 , 1 , ..7.. - %,..,.. cal Profession and t :-_- ..,4,... - k .-- a large portion of -• . the intelligent lay men of the tared. It is now clearly demon strated that the lancet, mercury, and all other internal " drug medication" may be laid aside with perfect safety to the . patient and abid ing benefit to posterity. Wherever these ma chines have been introduced,lthey excite the highest wonder and praise. !The apparatus is adapted to prevent, relievel and cure every disease inehlerit, to humanity,—more particu larly all- those painful and formidable diseas es,which have for centuries tallied the pro foundest learniq end skill of physicians. • From whatever cause there inay he an ex cess or deficiency of the nervous fluid—pro diming an excess or deficiency of the acids and alkaline secretions.—the magnetic princi ples of the system are deranged, and can on ly be safely restored to their normal condition by an - application of magneto-electricity, by means of DR. DICKINSON'S MAGNETO ELECTRIC MACHBH, This apparatus will poSitiiiely proveat,i and speedily relieve and cure Consumption:, Scrofula, -Rheumatism. -palsies, Nettralgia,; Spinal Diseases, and all other painful maladies, hovrever hopeless and of long'standing. !They are eminently useful in all sexual and-urinary. disorders, particu larly where the Coastitution has been broken down and.ruined by unnatural solitary habits to which too many; of the young of both sexes are so lamentably prone. - 0 ' . DR. DICKINSON'S MAGNETO ELECTRIC mAcHmE is - withbut the dingeroua-compli cations of batteries and acids.which fact alone renders it shperiorita all-others on the-score of neatness, cleanliness, safety and utility.— It' is, in Tact, a handsome parlor ornament; may be apPlied by a child i and will last c life-time, to the 'great saving of Doctor': , bills, ft,. 1 • 1 , - .PRICE OF THE MACHINE $lO. It will be safely packed and sent to any part of the United States. Sold wholesalc and retail at the Medical p,i4e, No, 38NORTH SEVENTH Street.,l „Philadelphia. ' Address, ' . A. C. DICKUCSONI M.D. - • 10-1-4 y. %TO MARGE FOR SHOWING TEE NEW 111 Goods just reqeived at OLMSTED'S. _ A NEW 2 ifoltsE f. , U.KISER=WAC;oN . for IL for sal 'e by. JONES, .JONES. Cpnilersnort, June 1 I; • 'UM V/MClPMP3ri'ea. Th e ckeapestafalia_rdsomest Period,! the Ivo* timAxio. /plus ELEGANT AND PAIICLNATVG - LITERARY. AND FAMILY MOM? lI.A.GAZECR,cIosei its first volume in 4 JK nelt During the few brief months of its es. tenett A l as attained a popularity unequalled In the aunals of the'PressJ • The publtliers litt„cltigloifered Dberal Pre. minms for , choke literary efforts, the Swi m ; EoMariees, ;sears, Poetry,. and other spark , ling neti interesting ' reading was commenced in January list, and ere being. still publish.' ed in the Viiitor., • j - • The New YoluMe pe commenced lola. Iv greatly 1 4,Pr0*4 Pillargad•—• Each manlier rill contain tri rty.isro ego, large sized royaloetuvo pages, znakinga.mag. .nificent Volume of uearly-400 pars for Vas year—or presentinf , an amount of - the ihol. cent reading on all subjepti, coal to what would cost 'in the beck J stores at hoist 'ail cents, payable invariablY in advance. Sonic of the most piopdiar end brilliant mall. and female contributors , are * reran contd. butors and - the publiOers will spare no, paint or expense to render the , l'ltelcoicte every way acceptable to a refined and iatolli. gent community. , The publication is adapted to all eh —tag i... ..apv....._ 1211 RI 01 people—the young : a d the , /t !old—qtnd when. ever seen and perus d, units with univerni Li acceptation. . . , i' - la,— Now is the t me to! obscribe to' the New Volume. 41 * * The back till knit! MAT be had NI complute_sets) for .31Ccitts each, ostbitti4oll series 0112 numbers for TlinifY•PITY cents. Liberal inducement's - te l t' Clubs and 6s. vassers. 1 1 ' A•Z — Remember, oui terms are Fifty cents for one re - hr, for a tingle r celltlnr three'cop. ies will be sent under ono eover, or Wrote fur One Doltar. Address, • • COSD COIIPANT Publishers. No. 38. North Seventh Street, (up stairs;) Philadclphin. Ina* EARNERS WANTING PLASTEIt ft:r LAO will fia:ti a !Ripply at 9:43 JONES; JONES, TONES, MANN ZF iJON?.S; \ pay the - blew price fo u r ; all kin4cof ?Qum - . '''-''7. 474-11 :v., '- ' . ... • . '"1.,, -I.4tit''':": :r...`;,.X.-' C:-..,: ..7:".----:::-:.,::.1;•".1.--:4,,:i'itl.'Cli ,:.!'...7--:^7.1-7*F4.-E! '''pv&ti.tr . t-1, 1 P tr ,•,-,-,-4,- gr...:,. - - - ...... .•:: Frome,„ Alb, ...„,4....-....._, - 7 , r"..' ---.. •- • ' li-",„,-, ''';,:il/4::_i. 4 . AVER'S - PILLS, - New and, sines/ successful remedy for the. tl trim of all Ili 'ens : iseases —Costiveness, hull; gestion, Jaundice, Dropsy, Rheumatism, Venn,. Gout,lluvriors,Nervotisness, Irritability, Inflemms. Rens, Headache, Pains in the Breast, Side, But, and Linibs, Female Complaints, &c.,&e. Indeed, very few' are the diseases - in which a Purgative Ms& eine is not more or s required, and much old ness and suffering might be preventedif a harm less but effectual Cathartic were more frock used No person can feel well while a costive habit of body prevails; besides it soon generates adonis/Id often fatal diseases; which Might have been avoided by the timely and judicionause of a good purgstin. This is alike true of Colds, Foretish smoptons, and Bilious derangements. 'They all tenet to become or produce the deep seated and formidable distempers which load the hearses all over the land. Renee a reliable family physic is of the first importance to. the public health, and this Pill has been, perfeeted with consummate :skill to meet that demand. An extensive trial of its virtues by Physicians, Profes• sort, and Patierits, has shown. C results surpassing any thing hithert known of any medicine. urs have .beeti effecte lieyondbelief, were they not sob. stantiatced by pens ns of, such exalted . positinwand charicter as to for id the suspicion of untruth. Among' the many eminent gentlemen who hue testified in favor of these Pills, we may mention: Dn. A. A. Haves,-Analy-ticalChomist, of Reston, and State - Assayer of Massachusetts, whose Mgt professional character isendorsed by the Hos. EDWARD F.YEKETT, Senator of the 1.8.1 • Roemer C.Wrsanuor, Ex:Speaker of thellonsx of Representatives., - A smorr LAWlLlttiet, Minister Plea. to E glad t JO,UN B. FITZPATRICK, Cath. Bishop of ono, Also Du. J. R. Cun.voN, Practical, • 4 01 , New lank City, endorsed by , -- .. .1' Ho v . W. L. Mangy, Secretary of State: Wsi. B. ASTDR. the richest Man in Amends. S. Lut&ms & Co., Propels of the Metropolis& Hotel, and .others. - - 'Did elliace permit, we could Rive many looldrct certificatei, tram! all parts where - the Pills hire been need, but evidence even more convincing thin the •expenence of eminent public men is found in their effects upon trial. TheSe Pills, the resent-of long investigation odd study, ate afr4v4 to the gmblic is the beet and most complete which the present state of medial science can afford.' They are compounded : net of the drugs themselves, thn't of the medicinal rinces only of 'Vegetable remedies, extracted-bv vingni' ll process in a State of purity.. end combined together in'such a mannerne to holey the best resells. Ibis systeni of composition barmedicines has been fond in the Cherry Pectoral and Pills both, to produce a mord efficient remedy than - had hitherto -been us. tained by any process. . The reason is perfectly ob. Timis: While by the old mode of competition , n: erY, 'medicine is. burdened with more or less of sins monious and injurious qualities, by this each indr liana' virtue only. that; is desired • for the VINO effect is present: All the inert and obnoxious sod. ities of each substance employed are left WWI (fie curative virtues only being retained. Hence it a self-'evident the sffects should prove as they hos proved more purely remedial,. and the Pills axes, more- powerful antidote to disease th an sz y oatt medicine known to:the world. • . As it is frequently- expedient that my meddle should he taken under the counsel of an scare i Physician, and . as. he could not properly jiip of remedy without knowing its composition, I ha" sppplied.the accurate Formnlse by which both vir Eggpral and Pills are made to the whole body 0 ..,.. Penotitinnpea, in the United States and Britiihdav e ican -Provinces. if however there should hi one, who has not • received them, there'll promptly forwarded by mail to his address. , Of all the Patent Medicines that are Mitred 1, - few would be taken if their egranpai ti on wyr7; Their- life, consists in. their 1it,e14.1 - 1: 4la ' mysteries. ': ' • - • The composition of my preparations is hid cl 4. to all men, and all who are competent to ind.e *° 't the. subject freely acknowledge their conn'?" -- ` of their intrinsic merits.. The Cherry Perle r tol, , pronounced by Scientific men to ha - a 100 17 medicine before - its `effects were known. ' Mcn.l" . l inept Physicians i have ; declared the same tlanli my Pills ; and even more iconfidently, and sr.; an- Certify that their anticipations, mac v thealized by their effects upon trial, They 'operate by their powerful influence 'no internal viscera to purify the blood and Watch into health,' action--remove the obsattitrus the stomach,.bowels,-liYer, and other 0 6, e i body; restoring their irregular action to es! or , by ; correcting, wherever they exist, such d molts as are the - first origin of • disease- - . -1. :- ell - • Being sugar wrapped they are pleasant r to ''''/ beinftPniely vegetable , no harm can srac . , i ),. their use DZ Kttyquantity- . Asia' ,; Vat minute directions, see wrapper on `" a. - • - .'' PREPARED' RI ' g - - JAM ES .. C. - AY-02., .; .. . - chi.- 1-' , . . 'Venetic*, ondAu.alytical . t _... . . . , LOWELL ' MASS. 0 • . • • ta DAN 25 Cents per- Box. Fir Boos i . ' SOLD BY • - , :- . 'SMITH A _JON - ES, - , , • - . AND • - • •p, W. SPENCER, 11, COrDEMPOII.T, Pa., and. by Conn Yo chants and Itngaista syerryb.cre.