W' glittrfiaments. Notige. to Builde-rs. „cfEALED PIIOP_OSALS will be received 1.7 until the 14h . dity . of October next by the School Directors of lionter District, for building a Framo School House, 2.1x:30, on _Ayers' Hill. Full specifications mny be seen b. calling on. Al. La:runor, in Homer.— Proposals to be I,ft, with the same. By order •OF the Board. E. THATCHER, Sec'y. Hamar, Sept. d 4, 1852.-10:14-31. V4ilq3elpiii4 F.Kux JOHN A. RIDDLE, At Merchants 14ote1, North 4til :it., Phi Lida 10 THE MERCHANTS OF THE WEST AND MTH - WEST.' lIILADELPITIA' MARKET being easily P accessible, your attention is called to it,' as possessing fae:lities and advantages worthy .of roar consideration. - Among its advantages may j be enumerated its location, having shorter lines of communi cation to the interior, its proximity to the Iron end Anthracite Coal districts of Pennsylvania, the large and varied extent of its manufae wres, 'being far in advance of any other eft" .fn the United States, the moderate expensds p.Tessary for carrying on business, etc., etc. Tue market pOssesses unrivalled advanta ges for the sale 'of many kinds of produce, such as Flour:, Wheat, Barley, Wool, Butter; Vheese, s-c., while the charges made upon plef; and attendant expenses are more moder- L4than neigborliag seaboard markets. • Ivy: IF. PAM Wholesale BOOT, SHOE' gad - STRAW GOODS WAREHOUSE', No. 626 Market St.; triLPE .5- KING, Whole'sale CLOTHING. HOUSE, No. 436 Market and 425 Merchant ) Streets. i T„117.0/?. GILL ESPIE CO., Wholesale GRoCERS, NO. 11 and 13, South Water St. ; J. C'. FREELAND, with CLINE 4- CAR-1 ROI. Importeris of WINES, BRANDIES,] i GINS, 4-c.., No. 304 North 33 Street.' T. MORRIS, PEROT t S• CO.. ,Importers and '• Wholesale Dealers in DRUGS. CHEMICALSI PAINTS, OILS, GLASS, DYE STUFFS, 3-c., So. 621 Market; and 612 St.;James Sts. KEYSTONE STATE SAPONIFIER, or CONCENTRATED LYE for! making Soap. Manufactured by the Penn,Salt Co., Toren :urn. Alleghany;county, Penn. Represented hy LEWIS, JAMES .3- Co., Philadelphia. BAAS .5 - ; TAILOR; Importers and Cash .I,,Ubers No. 303 Market Street, HOSIERY, GLOVEI:;. SHIRTS and DRAWERS, GUM DELTS, SHIRT BOSOMS, WHITE GOODS, FABROIDERIES, LACES, Si7SPENDEIIS, Ili REIADs, I.; oliss, 4-c., ,s.e. ix.vAr. RAIGUEL 4- • CO.; Importers of BRITISH GtIODS and Jobbers of FANCY and•STAPLE, SILK GOODS, EMBROIDE-1 LIES, 4-c., No. 47 N. Third street. 11.1/ES, KENT, ;B.d! TEE a- CO., Import ers and Jobbers ',of FOREIGN and DOM V.S TIC DRY GOODS, No =2S9 and 241 North I A S:reet, abovelß:tce. LL.IIIOS .5- SMITE); OIL CLOTH 'MANU FACTURERS and COMMISSION MER- 1 CHANTS. Warehouse No. 14;.: N. 3d St. 1 .T.ATE, HENZE:Y . 4- CO., linnarterg anti IV4oles tie De.tleks in LIARIV..-Ilirl, CUTLI:, IIY and GUNS. 427 Market and 416 Coln r,:eree streets. SJ)IL 11. BIBIGITAUS Importer and " Wile;esale Dealerin FOREIGN and DO -211::qiC11A111/1YARE, No. 258 North 3d : . 1..t.q. below Vine. - 1 _7:1./., CROSS CUT, CIRCULAR and :LLYD SAWS iFli any variety and style If t :e celebr.ttei IkL stqmp..manufactured bi WALTER CRESSON, Depot No. 503 Com ..ll;;ree St. E INERS. HA TCIIETS .3 . r., in great ca-' r,, , 5. in.lnufa•ztari,,Lby C. HAMMOND, De ,...;; N;. 5.):; C nniizr..,c st. The attention 'the tr.l:l.t is called to these goods as being _ 1.1 , 11! in quality and. finish to any made. ji VES I:ARC:ER, Wholesale Dealer in 'DKR'S. Arrent for the PATENT EQUAL ' :ZENt3, fliq.l.i.l" DAY CLOCK, M tnufactu r:: of G01.1:1 PENS. S. E. corner of 2d : , ..1 Chest:l'3: sts.; • li'Arr .c . REATII, Importers of WATCH ; E'. 'JEWELRY and FANCY GOODS N. Wor cner sth and Market its. 1. FITHIAN, I JONES Si. CO" - Importers; and Jobbers in Iritish &Ainrioari Dry Goods, 213 Market : throt;gh to 204 Church Alley. ie-.; Mouths credit for approved Notes. 1 [10:14-3m. ELECTION PROCLAMATION. IFILSLINT to an Act of the General As -1 Ft mbly of the 'Commonwealth of Penn '::tstia, entitled 4Art Act relating to the < ,- .:ohs of this Commonwealth," approved ere nd day of July, A. D. ouc Thousand t;L: hundred and thirty-nine, I, A. C. TAG- Sheriff of the county of Potter, Penn ,:3vaia, do hereby make known and,tive to the electoriof the county aforesaid, General Electron will be held in said :-iray of !'otter oil!, the second TUESDAY ...it ) 13f Ocvlber, 1857, - a which time Istate county - officers it% follows are to be elect lay : p,ionfor Gotiernor of the Commonwealth P , nr..7rauit.7. per.,n, for Judges of the Sapreine Court :• . e Com.non wealth: of l'ennrylvalthz. person f a Canal Commissioner of the - tmonuyelth of Pe'tursylrania. , rt . ; Pef , oll3 for ifelanhers of the libuse of Rep- If the General 2ssenddy of Pennsyl "'W. ?I conjunction with the county of Tioga, to rant the counties Of Tioga and Potter, pefr/V. fbo PrOMOnOiarg and Clerk of the Courtr t kr. of .{.'otter county. I rkt person for Register and Recorder' of Potter 0 person for Commissioner of the county Of ( ha person for Auditor of the county of Potter. „'.also make known_ and give notice, as in hr the 13th section of the aforesaid act I. : - .'llrected.that every person excepting. Jug- i ' . ! .4 7 , of the Peace Who hold any office of ap -.;:nlent of profit or trust under the Govern --14 or the United .tates or of this ,Btate, or , (: city or incorporated district, whether;' , (r zlnlissiune t l efliccr or otherwise, a subor !•=ttt oMt:er or titren!, who is or shall be ern- I `. c.ler the legislative, judiciary, or es-1 :.7 . ."e department - of this state of the United or of any city or incorporated district, th , c) that every member of Congress and state Legislattire, and of the select and 0 11 council of any city, or commissioner incorporated district, is by law incapa. or exe'rchting at the same time ce or appointornr of Judge, Inspector, zr 4 itrk of any electiim ire thiF,Commonwealth t ;,at Inspectdr or Judge, or other ta ,„ such cleciion 'shall be elligible to thentc bc ivott:T for. . _ Also, that in.the forirth section of .the Act of Assembly,' entitled !'An 'At,t" relating to elections and for other . purposes," aPprved April 16th, 1840 , it is enacted that the adore said 13th section shall not be construed as to prevent any military officer or Borough officer from serving as Judge ' Inspector, or Clerk of any general or special electiott r in this Com- men wealth. - 7 ' 1 It is further directed that the meeting - of the return judges-at the Court louse in Cou dersport to make out the general returns, shall be on the-first Friday succeeding the general election which will, be the IGth, day of li:tu ber. - I . .. - The return judges of Potter and Tina counties shall meetut the Court jlouse-iolie Borough of Welfsboi'o,n the county of Tidga, on Tuesday, the 20th C y of October, 1857 to make return for Members of AssUmbly. ( - I also hereby make knownand give notice that the places fur holding the aforesaid _gen-) oral election in the several townships and bor oughs within the county of Potter I are ,as f t ot.' • , low, to wit: i , I or the township of Abbott, at the house formerly occupied' by T. It. Abbott in said township. ' • I . ' 1 For the to l - • n - of Allegany, 'at the school or the township Ai house near the place fortnerlyt . owned illy Chester Andrews, in said township. For the township of Bingintn,nt the house of A. R. Lewis, in said township . ._ For the township of . Clara., at the school house near Silo Stevens', itr, said,. township. For the township of Eulalia, at the New Court Housn in the Borough of Coudersp#t. For the township of Genesee, at the home now occupied by 0. Chamberlain, in Ellisbi4g. For the township of Harrison, at the house recently, occupied by Ira Barthohitaew, in s id township. For the township of Hebron, at the school house No: 5, near Henry Jugratam's in said township. For the township of Hector, at' the house of, Anna Wilbur, in said township. For the townslii- if Homer, at the school. ror the township of house near Jacob Peet's, in said township. For the township of Jacksini, at the house of Benjamin Barse, in said township. For the township of Keating, at the house of Pliny Harris, in said township: - For the township of Oswayo; at the hon,e.l of John Wells, in said township: s ' For the township of Pike, at the house of Elijah Johnson, in said township For the township of Portage, at the Size? I • school house, in said township For the township of Roulet, at the school house near George Weimer's in said township:- For the township of Pleasant. Valley, at the schOol house in said township. For the township of Sharon,' at the Sharon Center schOol house, near John Voorhees. ' For the township of Sweden, at -the house of Asenath Taggart, in said toWWship. Fur the township of ,Stew - ardson, 'at the house of John S. Clark, in said township. I For the township of Summit, at the; house formerly occupied by Tel Cook, in said towa sh:p. • I Nor the township of Sylvania, atthe school house near J. M. Rees', in said township. For the township of Tiysses, at the house of Atlas Bennett, in said township. For the township of West Branch, at the house of Lemuel Hominond.!in said toWiishiti. For the township of Wharton, at the! hotise of Stephen Horton, in said township. ! I For the Borough of Coudersport, at the Court House i u said Borough. NO WHEREAS, a joint resolution proPos -41- log certain amendments to the Constitw : Um' of this Commonwealth has been agreed to by a majority of the members elected to each House of the Legislature, at two succeS sive sessions of the same, the first session commencing on the first Tuesday of Jauuar, - , A. a 1856, and the second session comment ing on the first Tuesday of Jantiary, A. D. ;1857; awl W ~ hereasit is provided-by the tenth ' article of the Constitution .that nny amend ment so agreed upon shall be submitted to the people, ill such manner, mad at such time, (at least three- months after being so agreed to by the two Houses.) as the Legislature shall pie scribe ; and whereas,- by an -act of the Legis lature of this Commonwealth, entitled Act prescribing the time and manner of sub mltting to the people, for their ratification pr rejection, the proposed amendments to the Constitution," approved May 12, 1857 and whereas, by virtue of a writ of election to me directed by the Governor' of this Comrnoia wealth, Lain commanded to eivii public no tice of the said act of Assembl4; Now therefore, I, A. C. ,TAGATt; High Sheriff of the 'county of Potter, do'hereby pro claim and give public notice to the qualified electors of Potter county aforesaid; that an election will be held in each township and borough in said county, on Tuesday, the 13th day of October next, for the purpose of de-, ; eitliding upon the adoption or rejection of the, said Amendments or any of them. - . That the said election shall be held at the, place of holding the general elections of this , !Commonwealth, and shall be opened between 1 the hours of eight and ten o'clock in the'fore , I noon and continue without interruption or I adjournment until seven o'clock in the eve ning, when it shall bwelosed. ,• And it shall be the duty of the Judges, In spectors and Clerks of elections , of each ofi said townships and boroughs, to receive at! s.tid election, tickets either written or printed or partly written and partly printed, from cit izens duly qualified to vote for members of the General Assembly, and to d'epo'sit them in 'a box or boxes, to be for that purpose provi ded by the proper officers, which tickets shall be respectively labelled on the outside, "First Amendment,' "Second Amendment," "Third Amendment" and "Fourth Amendment ;" and ' those who are favorable to said Amendments, or any of them, may express their desire by voting each as many sepiirate written'or print ed or partly written and partly' printed 'bal lots or tickets, containing on the inside thereof the words, "For the Amendments-,," and those oC'posed to• such Amendments, or any of them, I may express their opposition by voting each ss many separate written or printed ballots or tickets, containing on the inside thereof, the words, "Against the Amendments," which said amendments shall be Voted on separately. That the election on the *posed ; Amend ments, shall in all respects be ' conducted as ' the General Elections of this Commonwealth are now conducted, and it shall be the duty 1 of the return Judges'of the respective tOwn i r ships and boroughs in said county, first hav ing carefully ascertained the number of votes given for or against each of said Amendments in the manner aforesaid, to make;: out dupli cate returns thereof. expressed in words and ' not in figures, only one of which . returns so made shall be lodged in the PrOthonotary's Office of the Court of Common Pleas of said connty, and the other sealed and directed to the Secretary of the - Commonwealth, and by one of said Judges deposited forthwith in the most convenient Post Office. Given under my hand, this 24th day of August, A. D. 1857. - • ' 10:14—te A. C. TAGGART,'Sheriff.. BLEApflEli MUSLINS sad a few other 1 1 2 tides in the line of Staple Dry: GocdB low for cash at E. rt. nPONCER'S, 10:2 D. W. S , >r 'F'S ' SALES: VlRTUEsundry' - I Vener " 11:11r Vl3l ofwrits of thorn I.P.Exporuis and rieri Facia, issued out of the Court of Common , Pleas of Patter Co:, Penna.; and to me directed, I shalldexpose to public sale or outcry, at the Cotirt House in the Bor °Ugh of Coudersport, on 31onday the 21st day of September, 1E157, at 10 o'clock, A.l- M., the following describedreal estate, to wit • Certain real estate situate in Allegany totfrt; ship, Potter. county, Pa., Beginning at pest on the OawaYo corner on the.Coutleraport Ellisburg road in the said township, running South forty-ve 'degrees west 'twenty-three, rods and 8:10; to a post, thence, west tw'euty nine rods and 3:10' to a post, thence seventeen rods to a post on the Oswalo road, thence east forty-lire rods and 9:10 to the place or beginning; containing four'acres. of land, more or less, on which are erected one frame dwelling honse, one frame shop and one frame barn, and with some fruit trees thereon. ALSO—A certain tract 'of .land commencing at the , north-west come- of a lot of land bought of C. Andrews, lying south, of the Oswayo road, thence west along the Os wayo road to the corner of said Chester An drews lot of land, thence south along the' original line to S IVine. , ' ar'.s corner, thence east to connect with aboard fence to the I highway running from Coudersport to Ellis-' burg, thence north along the highway to the corner of four acres of lankbought of C. An drews; containing about four acres. ALSO— A certain lot of land buuuded north by the , lands o: A. W. Andrews, east by lot in posses slim of James (..T: Curtis, south by lands of S. Winegar, and west by lands of A. W. Andrews; i containing ten acres, all improved, with fruit, trees thereon. The above described lots be-. tug all connected as one'farm. Seized, taken in execution, and to be sold; as the property of James C. Curtis. ALSO--Certain real estate situate Hector township, Potter county, Pa.,l bounded and described as follows, vii : On the north by unseated lands of the 1 13ingtuxm Estate, east by lands of Henry! Haines, south and west by Bingham Lands; containing 50 acres, being lot No. 70 of the allotment of lands' of H. H. Dent in Hector township, and part of l warrant No. 1796. ALSO—One other lot situate in- Hector township, Potter Co., Pa.: Bounded north by Bingham . Lands, le ast by Bingham Lands, south by lands of Hunsecker and Garlock, west by lands formerly of Jesse Johnson ; containing 90 and 9:10 acres, being lot No. if of the allotment of lands of H. H. Dent in said township, and part of warrant No. 1788 ; of which 50 acres are improved, six acres chopped, with one frame dwelling house, one log house, two frame barns and some fruit trees thereon. ALSO— One other lot, bounded north by lot for merly ownetrby Henry Haynes and Bing ham Lands, east by Bingham Lands, south by Bingham Lands and lands of H. 11. Dent, -and west byt Bingham Lands; containing atm acres, being lot No. 93 in Hector township, and part of warrant No. 1354; of which 25. acres are improved, with one log house, one saw-mill, and some fruit trees thereon. ALSO—One other tract, situate in Hector and Ulysses townships, bounded north, east, south anti west by lands of the Bingham Es tate ; containing 100 acres, being lots Nos. 148 & 155 in said townships, and parts of warrants Nos. 1260' & 1800. ALSO—One other lot,• bounded on the north by unseated lands, east by Henry p. Leach, south by lands of Hunsecker & Garlock, and west by C. Loucks ; con taining 100 acres of which twenty acres arc improved, with one frame house, one frame barn and - an apple orchard thereon. Seized, taken iu execution and to be sold as the property of C. and C. 11, Loucks. ALSO—Certain real estate situate in I bounded north - by 'lands of G. G. Colvin, I Pike township, Potter Co., Pa., bounded' on the east by lands -of; William' Cobb, ; On the north by lot No. 14, on the east Walter Leonard and J. B. Jones, on the by lots Nos. 14, 22 & 35, on the south ! , south by H. D. Ives, and on the west by by lot No. 22 and unseated lands, of the,' lands of Truman Ribbee.; containing one ; Bingham Estate, and on the west by un-; hundred stems, with about fifty acres ha- I seated lands and by lots Nos. 13 & 36, ; proved, on which are erected ne frame; bein lots Nos. 11 & 12 of the sub 7 diVi- dwelling house, one frame barn and with sion of the lands of the Bingham Estate! two apple orchards thereon. in said township; containing one hun-; Seized, taken in execution, and to be dyed and tifty-five acres, of , which about' sold as the property of James P. Straight I fifty acres are improved; With three frame! and C. 11. Ives. houses, two frame barns, one saw-mill and; ALSO—Certain real estate situate in , some ruit trees thereon. ALSO—Lot ! Pike township, Potter county, Pa , bound- No. 36, situate in township, county and ed on the north by lands of Hensiker & state aforesaid, bounded en the north and; Garlock, cast by, lands of Hensiker & east by lot No. 14, on' the south by lot !Garlock, south by warrant line of -5127, No. 13 and unseated lands, on the west: and west by lands of Hensiker & Garlock; by unseated lands and lot No. 15; con.; containing 50 acres i _beinglot No, 37 of taming 104 acres, about twelve acres of the allotment of the Ashley lands in Pike which are improved, with one log house,' township, Potter county, Pa„ none of one frame house and one frame barn t 'which is improved. thereon.. Seized, taken in execution,, and to be Seized, taken in execution, and to be: sold as the property of John L. Phenix. ; sold as the property of Elijah Johnson. i ALSO--Ccrtain real estate, to wit • ALSO—Two-thirds part of A piece. or parcel of land situated in Pike ,of all those certain two tracts of land sit-j township, Potter county Pa., bounded on ante on, the waters of Kettle Creeek, in the north and west by lands of the estate Stewardson township, Potter county, Pa., l of the late 0. B. Goodman, dec'd, east by ! and in the warrantee name of Nicklin &I the Tioga and Potter county , line, andi Griffith, granted by the Commonwealth 'south by lands of Samuel 31. Losey; con-1 of Pennsylvania,,(No. 59560 containine taining about two hundred and twenty one thousand and ninety and a half acres - [one acres., of land, which Crosby W. Ellis and I Seized, taken in execution, and to be ; George Stewardson, by deed dated the , sold as the property of A. . Burnham] sixteenth day of September, A. D. 1850,1 and Joseph It. Cole. conveyed to Oliver Watson, which deed; ALSO---Certain real estate situate in Is recorded in Potter county, in Deeill the Borough of Coudersport, beginning] Book "E.," Pages 197 & 198, and the at a post in the west line of Main street, said. Oliver Watson conveyed the same by being the scnth-east eorner of John S. deed bearing date the twentieth day of Mann's office lot, thence southerly by the" ! Novemberi A. D. 1850, to . John F. Cow- west line of acid street twenty feet, thence t an : And the other tract surveyed in the, westerly at right angles with Main street; warrantee name of .Nicklin & • Griffith, sixty feet, thence northerly twenty feet ti granted by the Commonwealth of Penn-! to the office lot of John S. 3lanu, ihencel Sylvania aforesaid, (No. 5957,)-eontaining' easterly by said lot sixty feet to the place, ; one thousand and ninety-four. and a hall! of beginning, mi which is erected one acres, of which ten acres are improved, I two-story, office. and on which are erected three log barns Seized, taken in execution, and to be and one log house. sold as the property of Crosby W. Ellis.' Seized, taken in.eseeution, and to be ALSO—Certam real estate situate in Gen sold as th este township, Potter Co., Pa., bounded the north by lot 7So. 45, east by lot No. 47, and 'Charles F. Dodge,. e property of John C. Dodge, south by lot No. 48 and Bingham Estate, and Jr., Pi. Pa. ALSO—Certain real estate on the West by unseated lands of theEingham situate in .Abbott township, Potter coon- Estate, being lot No. 46 of the ,allotment of ty, Pa., bounded on the north by lands of Fox and Ross.lands in said township; con atachT:isn tg. which d ar 7 e - John Keating & C 0.,• east by lands of ae r re or s e olland, about forty Radde & Co., south and west.by lands of Seized, taken in exe p ention, and to be sold John Keating & Co. ; containing fifty as the property, of Samnel,.llurd. acres, of Whieh ten acres are improved, Aug. 26. 'A. C. TACITA4T, Sheriff. MEM with one log house and one log barn erec ted thereon. = ' - - Seized, taken in execution" and . to - to sold as the property of H. Starkweather. ALSO--05tain real estate situate in Hector:township,; Potter county, Pa., bounded north by unseated lands, east by the Tioga county line south - by lands- of Z. Mallory and --- ..Guerripy, west by I unseated lands ; containing one hundred lacres, more or less, of which, twenty-five acres are iniproved, With one fianie house, one log stable and some fruit trees thereon. Seized,, taken in execution, and to be sold as the property urErastus - Guernsey. ALSOL—Certaiu/real estate situate in Pike township, Potter county, Pa., bound ed on the east7by the Tioga county line, on the north' by umds of 0. B. Goodman & Co„.oirthe west by lands of 0. B. Goodman, and on the south by lands of Samuel M. Losey; containing two hundred and twenty-five acres of land, on which there is eighty acres improved, two frame houses, three frame barns, two bee-houses and other out-buildings, apple orchard &c. Seized, taken'mn execution, and to be' sold as the propertY of .A.• T. Losey. A.LSQ-_--Certain real estate, buuuded , and degeribedras follows, to wit Situate in Sweden - township, Potter county, Pa., bounded on the north by Bingham Lands, east by. Bingham Lands,' south by lands of James Fish and Keating Estate, 'and wet by Bingham Lands, being lot No. 57 of the allotment of Bingham Lands in said township; containing eighty acres, i more or less, fifteen acres •of which are improved, with one log house and one log stable thereon. " Seized, taken in execution and to be sold as the property of Stephen Redson and Jonathan Red.son. ALSO—Certain real estate situate in Genesee township, Potter. county, Pa., bounded on the south by the road leading from. Ulysses to Genesee Forks, east, west and north by. lands of 0. W, Hickcox ; I containing ten acres, six' acres of which are improved, with one frame house, one fraine barn, other out-building and sonie fruit trees thereon. Seized, taken in ,execution, and to be sold as the property of Lumen Winchell. ALSO—Certain-real',estate : situate in Genesee township, Potter county, • Pa., bounded on the, north by lands of Silas Billings, east , by lands of Theophilus Easton south s by lands of Moses Dawley, deceased, and west by lands of S. S. Rob erts; containing fifty-seven acres of land, of which there is about twenty acres im proved, with one water saw-mill, one frame house, one frame barn, two plank houses and some fruit trees thereon.. Seized, taken in execution, and to be sold as the property of John Billing's. ALSO—Certain real ostate situate Hebron township, Potter county, Pa., bounded on the north by unseated lands l, of S. M. Fox, dec'd, east by unseated lands of S. M. Fox, dec'd, south- by un- I seated lands of S. 31. ' Fox, decd, and; west by unseated lands of S. M. Fox, dee'd, being lot No. 101 of the allotment of S. M. Fox ; containing fifty acres of land; of which ten acres are improved, on which is erected one water saw-mill and one board shantee. Seized, taken in execution, and to be sold as the property of Win. G. Cornier. ALSO—Certain real estate situate in Bingham township, Potter• County, Pa., I MPORIVANT ..DIOGOVEI3.I. -z - ir - • :''' - CONSUMPTION'' ... / . AND AIL 1, DISUSES OF THE- LUNGS AND THROAT •, - ARE POSITIVELY CIURABIPE BY INHALATION, , Airliwit conveys the remedic.s to the . cavi • Vl' ties in. the lungs through the air passa ges, and coining in direet contact with the disease, ,nentralizes the tubercular matter, al lays the cough, causes a free, and easy . expec, toration, heals the Intigs,l purifies. the blood, imparts renewed vitality tei the nervous system, givint , that tone. and energy ad indispeusible for th e restoration of health.l To .be able to state confidently that CoaStiniption is curable by inhalation, is to me a: source _of, unalloyed pleasure. It itias much tinder the control of medical treatment as any ,d i ther. formidable disease; ininety Out of every hundred cases can be cured in the first 'stages, and fifty per cent.-in the second; but iii tne third stage_ it is impossible-to save Morel thin five per cent., for the Lungs are so cutup by, the disease as to bid defiance toraedical 'skill: Even, hciw ever, iu the last stages, 'alienation affords ex- , unordinary relief to the suffering 'attending ' which this fearfulscourge iiieli annually destroy s ! ninety-five. thousan d persf - mS in the United I States alone; and a correct calculation sbotvs , that of the present population of the earth, 1 eighty millions are destined to fill the Con-, Stilliptive's gnives. . ~.1 Truly the quiver of death has no arrow so fatal as Constatiption. In all ages it has been the great enemy of life, for it spares neither, age nor sex, but sweeps off-alike the brave, 1 th, beautiful, the graceful and the .gifted. By the help of that Supreme Being from whom conieth every good and Perfect gift, I am. elf alibied to offer to the ,allfick a permanent and speedy cure in Consumption. The first cause of tubercles is from impure blood, and the immediate effect produced by their .depo sition in the lungs is to prevent the free ad mission of air into the air cells, which causes a weakened vitality through the entire system. Then surely it is more rational to expect great er good from medicines entering the cavities of.the lungs than from those administered ithrough the stomach; . the, atient will always find the lungs free and the breathing easy,-af ter Inhaling remedies. Thus, Inhalation is a local remedy,-neverthelessit acts constitutien i ally, and with more power and certaiuty than I remedies- administered by the stomach. To I prove the powerful and direct influence of this this mode of administration, chloroform inhaled will entirely destroy sensibility in a few. minutes, paralyzing 1 the entire nervous system, so that a limb may be , amputated with out the slightest pain; -Italing the ordinary destroy_ burning gas will estroyl ife in a few hours. The inhalation of ammonia will rouse the I system when fainting or apparently dead. The odor of many of the medicines is perceptible in the skin a few minuteslafter being inhaled. i and may be immediately detected in the blood.) A convincing proof of the constitutional effects of inhalation, is the fact )that sickness is al ways produced by brentlung, foul air—is not this positive evidence that proper remedies, carefully prepared and judiciously 'adminis tered through the lungs lshould produce the happiest results? During , eighteen years' practice, many thonsand4 suffering from dis eases of the lungs and.throat, have been un der my care, and I have effected many remark able cures even after the sufferers had been pronounced in-the last stages, which fully sat isfies me that consumption is no longer a fatal disease. My treatment of consumption 'is ,original, - and founded on, long experience and "a thorough investigation! My perfect acquain- I tance with the nature of tubercles, /Cc., ena bles me to distinguish, readily, the various forms of disease that simulate consumption, and apply the proper remedies, rarely being mistaken even in a single case. This famii -1 rarity, in connection with certain pathological ! and microscopic discoveries, enables me to re lieve the lungs from the effects of contracted chests, to enlarge the chest, purify the blood; impart to it renewed vitality, giving energy and tone to the entire system. Medicines with full directions sent to any part of the United States and Canadits by pa tients communicating their symptoms by letter. But the cure would be' . more certain if the I patient should pay me -a visit, which would I give me an opportunity lo examine the lungs i and enable me to prescr l ibe with much greater , certainty, and then the pure could be effected without my seeing the Patient again. . * G, W. GRAHAM, M. D., Office 1131 Filbert Street, (Old No. - 1090 below Twelfth, PHILADELPHIA, PA. COURT PAOCLANATION. 'WHEREAS the lion. Robert G. White, Presidentjudge, and the Hous. Joseph Mann and G. G. Colvin, Associate Judges of the Courts of Over & Terminer and General Jail Delivery, Qiiarter Sessions of the Peace, Orph- ens' Court and Court of Common Pleas for - thel County of Potter, have issued their' precept, bearing date the fiftli day of August ; in the year.of oar Lord one thousand eight hun dred and lifty-seven, add to me directed, for holding a Court of Oyer and Terminer 'and General Jail Delivery, onarter Sessions of the Peace, Orphans' Court, an Court of Common Pleas, in the Borough of Coudersport, on MON DAV, the 21st day of September'next, and to continue - one week. -1 Notice is therefore hereby given to the Cor oners, Justices of the Fi e a ' e and Constables within the county, that they be then and there in their proper persons, at 10 o'clock A. M. of said day, with their rolls, records, inquisitions, examinations ; and other} remembrances, to do those things which to their offices appertain to be done. And those who are' bound by I their recognizances to prosecnto against the prisoners that are or shall bE in the jail of said county of Potter, are to be then and there to, prosecute against them as will be just. Dated at COUDERSPORT, August sth, 1857, and the 81,st year of thellndependence of the. I United States of America. A. C. TAGGART, Sheriff. PROOLAMLTION. Thermos J. Hart,-No. 1431 Sept. Term, 1851. 1 . vs. . In the, Common Pleas of Elizabeth' Hart. Potter County. LIBEL Lq BCE. And VOW, to wit., July 81st, 1857, a_Sub- Pcena and alias Subpccna having been issued' and returned aiht7 in this case, the said res pouLlent, ELIZABETH HART, is hereby required to appear in said Court, on the 21st day of September nest, to swayer The complaint set forth by the Libellant. 10:8. A. C. TAGGART. Sheriff. LEWISVILLE STEAM GRIST MILL. •; NEW A'RRAN6EMENT. pn. undersigned having bought out .0 former owners of the Lewisville Steam Grist Mill are now preparctito'do all manner °grinding, as they believe, to the Batista°. lion of their customers. :Come and see. 0. A. LEWIS, • CRA'fTOP,I - LENra. Ulysses, Feb. 28, 1857. T-9738. . WIT N ESSES. • OR • _ THE!FORGER - CONVICTED 'Jo Dyels the Author. • - c$ Who has 10 years' experience as a Bank- '" er and T'ublisher, and Author of A series of arcs at Broadsrag Tabernacle, whenii for 10 successive nights, over . ger.50,000 PeoPletiiel Greeted hint with Roundi of- Applanse, '! while he ;exhibited the manner in which , Counterfeiters execute their Fi,aude, and : the Surest and Shortest Meant of - %sf ..- • Detecting them • The Bank' Note - Engravers all.say , that . hs se the greatest Judge of raper' Monty living. . 0: GREATEST DISCOVERY • OFe., THEPRESENT CENTURY FOR bdeetigg :Eotmidtleit notes. Describing every Genuine Bill in.' Existeuce;-y, . and Exhibiting at. a glance every Coun;-. .7 terfeit in Circulation !I Arranged ! so admirably that REFERENCE is BABY, and .• 7 ' DETECTION INSTANTANEOUS. , 0 Mff?lo !index 'to examine No -pages to hunt up! • ißut so simplified and arranged.: • • - that the Merchant, Banker and Business Man can see all eta Glanee. 0 ENGLISH, FRENCH AND GERMAN. .+a Thus each may read the same in his own a • ?iATIVE TONG BE. :Yost Perfect Bank Note List - Pubis:the:lL Ei Also 'a List of ' ALL THEIPRIVATE BANKERS IN. MERICA. A Complete Summary of the FININer. Os EUROPE - 11: AutrucsJ will be published in each editimi,'together with nil the !IMPORTANT ! , NEWS OF THE DAY. Also 1 - A SERIES OF TALES ' From an Old Manu - script found in-the It furnishes the Most Complete History of Oriental Life, ' r describing the Most Perplexing Positions in .- • which the Ladies and Gentlemen of that ti Country have been tso often foad. These Stories will continue throng,ii.oidthe whole 1.4 year, and will prove the M o s t, Ente.riaining4 ever offered to the Public. , . ba'Furnished Weekly to Subscribers on-2 ly, at $1 a lyear, All lettersl. must be ad-. 4 1 - • dressed to JOHN S. DYE, 'Broker, 0). . Publisher and Proprietor; 7.4 Wall Street; .Non - -York.l 10:1-1y. V ISSUE LIST. . SEPTEMBER TERM,,IB 57. - - ' I Ccainty of Potter, vs. C. W. Ellis & Ja . W. Smith. ', - ~ i , Trustees; of Bingham Estate , vs. Jacob ... Redner. 1 , County of Potter, vs. E. Johnston t Jaintla Bump 2d,,, t . .) 1 kr, Wm. SleDongral, vs. Jno. M. _Milbasti,- ill: 1 Rufus Rice. . 1 C. , Aylesivo th, vs. N. P..Minard. . !I George An revs, vs. Amos D 4 Nicholi. ', C. Evelia, Jr. vs. Jonathan Card, et.- al.. 1 Beuj. Smith, vs. Isaac Lyman. Pike Township, vs D. Chapp el. ' Wharton School District, vs. JillunJohnsii.a. - . Isaac Pearce, use ofDoty. & Doty ; vs. Frank.- lift Gale. Levi Annis, as. W. T. Jones. , . E. M. Carpenter, vs. Chas. Armstrong. ; ' Barak Niles, vs, L. D. Williams;. Elias E. More, vs. Morris St Carpenter. D. B. Brown, vs. Leonard Davis.- . 'Luca Cushing; vs. 8.. Bane' '&. Ausly..- - Sarni. Haven, vs. A. M. Bent On..-, , . George Ayers, vs. Wm. - Perry. • -. . rests C. Dike, &c., 111 C. P. Dike.' --------- " Wm T. Jones, vs. Jackson & Rees. A. W. Williams, vs. Deloss H. Dunbar. Thomas D. Lillie, vs. H. Courtright, et al, , Jos. A. Leonard, vs. J. Sterefison. -; Josiah Bump, va, U. S. Carrier.' Collins Smith, vs, Morris S. Carpenter. ; • Potter Connty, vs. Hunt & Crittenden. ,1 C. W. Moire & Co. vs. W. T 4onev.• • , 1. Gemruell & Creswell, vs. W I . T.. & A. I. 1 Jones. , . L Gilbert & Nichols, vs. N. L. Dike. David W. Seely, vs. Wm. Perry, E. M. Carpenter, vs. Richard Shay, Jr. . Geo. IL Vusburg, vs. M. J. Flynn. 1 ' • " -, . n , H. J. tylafillD, rrOtu.r.t Coudersport, Aug. 3d. 1.857. American Safety-Paper Manna facturing Company of less Y,ork. CAPITALSSOO‘OOO. A. NICHOLAS, President. Office 70 Wall-St. A Perfect Security against all manner of Fraud: by Counterfeiting on Paper.—To Prevent Photographs and Anastatic Coitnter-, felts, Erasures, Trawlers - orl4l, • aerations. • yog AVING-inirchased the Patent for the etr. ■ clnsive right to manufaettire and t}he' new Chemical Paper in AmeriiaOrtientedand patented in England by HENRY thAits, eelo-.. brated chemist and Officer in thelttritislt army, it is hardly necessary to say that* the Paperis.t recommended by Mr. Kent, AssnYer'of the S. Mint, Mr. Lyman of the New York Clearing House, and Meade Brothers, eiteaSive . and. skilful photographers, 233 Broadway N. 1. The latter say that no imitation xan be 'made on a check or bank note printed: on the Safety Paper. Below is our list of prices: Bank Checks, 35 eta. 11 lb. i ' Bank Bills,' $lB for 1000 sheets;., ' • Bills of Exeliange, $25 for 1000 sheetk I' . Promissory Notes, 40 cts. lb. Sight & Time Drafts, $25 for 000 siteet34 . . Insurance Policies, 40 'eta.. Rib. Railroad Stocks & Bonds, 40 ets. 14' lb. Bank and State Stocks: 40 ctS. "t? lb. Bonds and Mortgages, 40 cts.,! lb.' Wills Wills and Deeds, 40 ets. 'fl lb. For wrapping Silks and other fine .ertieles it is excellent, as it prevents moths. 140 ets. .11 ib. " For Indentures and Agreements, 401cti: lb. All State and County Records shouldalwaYs be printed or: written on this Paper,; as the chemicals inserted in the pulp not only pre-. vent erasure or transfer, but . make it lasting as time. • . , • i For Southern Climates.it is excellent,: and much superior to any other ; as themoistnisa _ of the climate does not destroy it,-. 7 the• prop- erties inserted in the pulp being a prerentWe. In all the southern states; Cuba, the 1T zt Indies and the Central American S{ttes, o public records can be kept or er 20yeari, wrt feu on the ordinary paper, while the oils arid' other chemicals inserted in this Paper makes it indestructible by the ravages of time. Its 1 . also proof against moths, rats and other -w -.. min, which feast on and destroy all other p , per now in use. The Company have now in operation - Mills • in Morris County, N. J. of about -300 . - hone power, and are able to fill all. orders for Paper - at the shortest notice. , l. All orders for the Paper must be addri,e to A. NICHOLAS, President of the .Compan No. 70 Wall Street. 10:10-73mo„ (I 011 E CLOTHING'of Cheney's info:Kafir t on hand at R. K...-SPRIWEIVSi • 1 10:2 NV. S - ; EW GOODS—A Large `sad Splendid' J sortment just received at • 10:1 OLX.STED'§. CO MIMI