The Potter journal. (Coudersport, Pa.) 1857-1872, September 17, 1857, Image 2
, - . 5-#--: - T. - fArr-fsiamattitti . : K4Ns4s . .. Ccarresaondence of the Potter Journal: !; ) ettEseE:gi. Mu, KANsas; j !! Sth mo., 21.4-11, I,S I. Since the date of Iv hist, o.:ol2arige„ a; gloomy-change - , has come over . the -spirit! of my dreams here in Kansa; Satan,j ever on the cleat, has been stirring up' his nijo.izis . .,to.t'oeir infernal work. 411 lopeka..;Comye fit*, the prospect I seemed' I,L-ight, And ylieering 1 til glorieus r trip nipli A . .4' the pause. of ;li nine - fifty . ; noth setfined . iteeessary; but; i to Sake poss . esSioii - of the -Teiriferia I -Gov- ',eminent, ivitielt.tinder fair proinises ,ofGoy..;M .seemed to be on easy ;task. .- A o sooner- did the Border! learn the, purposes of the-people 'Alf Kansas, tan they went to work to - de- - feat;thein, ! ad have made out one of the , most villainous, not to say infernal portionpents for the election in October, - ,-,tha ‘ t was ever ; imule by man. I need not fehearse the particulars, they are before : the world. Three fourths of the people are disfrainlised, .and the . arnio be placed conveniently to the pHilyi villains; and Strliuge -as it may op- ! -pear, .!roe. Walker - Sanctions this fOul plot, and intends to hail: it up by the! U. •S. Tmops.; -- HOF Jong Rill jistiee rlumher? - Hoy 'Jong will' the Anterior) -people, - soff.o 'the general government to be used a.s n an: instrument' of cruelty?— •Shall it be used for the purpose of ensla ving Freemen? ' May not . the'time be ! drawing near, 'when the people must take the government into their own hands, and purge it Of-the filthy abominations -now revel in high "places ? .• „ The prospect of taking quiet • poSSeSs- ballot-box in October, Which a I short . tiNn ye. looked so cheering, is now 1 . enveloped In What - the Vonyentiori at:Grasshopper Falls ; now-in I session, nitiy decide upon remains - to' be; seen. There is at present very little hope that we can vote, or thtiCanything can be I gained. by doing o. ' Dark as the present ; prospect appears, we do not despair; .the I; people - Ai nansaa have` decreed that it ' shall be Free, -but the precise manner in which the goal shall - be reached does not yet appear.- - The present policy of the Administra- ; tion seems to be to heaths the Free! State men by cruel treatment till they' can endure it oe longer; till they connnit, some not 'Of Violence that -will justify or; serve as au excuse for using the troops.: However, determined Buchanan hod; Walker may, be to enforce the bogus laws, the people will ever - be more determined / not- to obey them. .I speak adviSedly when I say that the whole power of the; U. S. Government can never enforce! these villainous enactments. No man! who is not prepared to be a dogged slave, j can hesitate for one moment- about repii- I dieting them utterly. The old game of arresting men for treason is again to be tried; a number of! Our citizens here are indicted, myself in eluded, for participating in a meeting six-1 (en months ago-. Which' resolved not to pay the . BO.IIIIS taxes. What the result' may bed care not, I shall net move jot or tittle from my position. My mind; is fully made up to - meet the issue,. be it! Uhat it, may, I would scorn to- obey the Bogus laws in•any particular, fur I should feel that I had (hone a mean cowardly act. :And I am well assured that I stand not' alone. We, the people, will resist the internal. usurpation Unto death if need • shoUgh it should split the Union into fragments too small to 173 discerned' with- Out the aid of glasses. What is the Union? It shOuld be a glorious compact for the ! good of the people, but Las it not become the instrument of cruel oppression ? It may not be uninteresting to the readers of the JourtNAL to know some thing of L. D. Williams, better known here as "Bogus Williams." lie is de-1 ty - every. honest Man in the cow- nftinity. He is Cally in the confidence al the Border villain; and is frequently ab sent, as is supposed, in council with them, find doubtless reports whatever transpires in this community. When there is a crowd of men collected in discussion of political . affairs, he may be'seen hovering„ around, intently listening to what may be I Said, Some mouths ago the people here appointed _certain ollicers to settle diffk. Rides; a trial with had before one of them not long since: Bogus Williams attend- ostensibly, as council for one of the Parties; he took notes of the proceedings, and obtained a copy of the oath, and went immediately to Lecompton, and re • port says he laid the matter before the court. ' If this were not a community of flinch forbearance he would . be lynched: liespeetfullyi -"- • • • RICHARD MENDENHALL. TEIE President, a short time ago, receiv ed a letter from Professor Silliman and 'others, including several Doctors of Di vinity of New . Haven, objecting to the :emplopment by him, of the United States inilitary forces to execute the so-called laws Of Icansas, tln4 assuring him that ;they cease pet to pray that he may have his proper coursc'of 'duty pointed out to ltim; or something to that effect. To this letter the president has just replied, ;briefly but pointedly denyino their pre lunses, and 4uestioping . thcrir kiggyiludgeof those laws. And after agiploviedie tb,eik validity, be Calmly assures theml44t by the help of God he will enforce then], in tte , et_•-rdunce with .his oath of office. fifit to be - wondered at that, the. 1,950,61, aud the President dis-, no; Aorner ai in to make av4l;, the Jaws of .G(AI,-the latter, accariting to the. ik:mo cratic journ'ils, must scout the Efigher. Law, and attend to the :interests cf his party.—Naiional Erct..• D D v 1, STA LT, t d Republican ,Ontlidatel'ot; - .ooidrno,r : in f Catiiernis,' in his first `speech, caltiatented upon the Dreci Scott 4ecisiol4:rand,,lnforTed 144 hearers that i:hiring tle time wh . en•Ju, , ..)ge Taney said the °plaint! was . entertained that " negroes had no right which -white men .were nd •to respect," they ye!le in Nurtli•CarOg4.. .641;(itt..q4,..p1q14.1 1 f; okriiiv,isefil, 10, 1857. S. cH4E . , karm hNO PUBLISHER. iepti . 6),i,y'n 'l t ifzi . fi:. Ifphiiimiioils. On' OgVElTNgftz DAVID :WILMOT. Of Bradford, - • C I LNAL COMMTSSIONER. WiLLIAM MiLLWARO, of P4ilagelplqn, • FOR. JUDGES OF THE SUPREME COURT JAMES - WM, of Fayettn, JOSEPii I.I.LEV.IIS, of 01/egar.- Iteptil4izzin eptißto FOR ASSEMBLY. . ISAAC 11P,NSON, of 'Potter Co., L: V. 'WILLISTON of Tioga Co FO4 PROTHONOTARY lIENRY J. IC/L3I.STED, of Coudersport. FOR REGISTER 4 RECORDER. A. 11. B.UtTEItWORTII, of Coudersport virt_gobyry. 6ommissioNEß. 1,. 11. 1 KINNEY.',of Slytron. FORIC'OU:stTY-AUDITOR. Jojl c.IBISIIOr, of,Allegany. . . WirWe' cemniend to, the attention of our rnaders the letter of I.:tiehard Men- WhO.l - weat tq l&ansg§ezgAt iPl4§ ago. No pdi43on in this'ooanty will -bd surprised at !svhat he says of L. -D. Nil - Hauls. . 0:z- —We ark autorized to announce that a REPUBLIC AN' MEETING will be held in the COurt Room, in this place, on TUESDAY EirENINU, 224 inst., which will be, Hons. L. P. Willis-. ton and Benson, and J. S, Mann and alnisted Eggs. and. others. All 'are cordially invited to participate in the meeting; 11. • • ric . " - ff - We ivoubl recommend to the Township CeMinittees to hold Republi can gatheringiliu the various school dis -. trietsin the - cennty.during the ensuing , four weeksl b i jfere election.' Speakers can be bad from this, place at any time. Therefore, WI ?ay bold meetings and in fuse,a little 'Sprit into the contest. Do' not rely on.that" majority of '56," but go to v,-nrlt cud swell it if you can. .It will give pur eriCnkl.s . elsewboro courage to " fight the goad fight" willingly in the future. Any call for Speakers, addressed to A. G. Oluisted, Lsq.i Secretaly ,f County Executive Cemtultee, will be promptly respendcd to. Disappointed Candidates. ' 1 • . It is an unavoidable, feature of all con ventions .assembled. for •the purpose. of making 'nominations, that fok each posi 7 tiou, every aplioant .but one Must meat with a disappointment .of his hopes.— Knowing thislto be the case, as every one does, no man who has acted With a political Iparty,) because he believed by doing so he was upholding right and com batting error, Will complain if ho should be distanced idi the race for preferment ; nor need any h'etter evidence be required that he was unworthy 'of distinction hands, than to:see him,:under some petty. pretext, go over to the ranks .of its -ene mies, when the chances upon which he. avowed a willingness ; to rely and abide by have failed to gratify . his wishes. It is au unmistakable indication that his party fealty was, based upon. selfiSh • motives, rather than upon an:honest adherence to the principle.-4yconting diaetie.• - We have once or twice before found a good thing in :'nur, Lyeaming nieghbor.— We are is o 1%40 'pleasea with the above,' that we commend it to the friends of the y Gazette in thia i county. A word to the wise is sifficienti “has Creosed the Rubicon.” - The following extract from a Washing . ton letter of ' i the Charleston Mercury, contains an asSeition whiqh we hope every free KanSas !Republican man will read [ , land pouddr -: CorrexpoudeACe'of The d harlezton ilfereuni. " W AiiiiiNCTON, Sept, 3, 1857. " 111,his reply to Professor &Inman and confreresi President Buchannan has crossed the R‘thicUa, and proclained his position upon (he 'radical _point" of differ race bet Tern the -VOrth and the South. ' Slavery existtfd at that period (when he ent1 . „,...",3 inco the Presidency) and still exists in Katlsas, ilitf?e,/* the eiliiZtitiltio7l. of the Unsiteti ,'..:tatos; " 1 ," ThatVa l .ply may existln any. State that chooses tpcpsitinue or institute it; is Undoubted. That .it, age 4, .o a i § t, 'iii half of the States of the Ifnion, is manifest, That this half Ufthe States of the Repub . lic have as much-interest in the common territety:as.that half slaves ; is,admitted. Then, whether the negation- of a portion by the • non-slave holding Staies - shill be stronger than the affnination all slaveholding ,States, and theaquiese - cmce of a portion - os The Min4.laVeholding, in relation to, the affairs of a' ; Territory, , is one question; mg) whether - the people of that Territory. aloneshall or shall not decide the. mat- . terfor themselves, is another; and with in these is comprises the - whole problem," Theie are two faeLs 'stated in the aboie that Should wake the henest . SuPporteriz of•Buchatan blush to ' the 'ey,ebrows.-; . „• .• • Fiist that ‘! Bucharien_has crossed the 114- , bicon," and taken the extrebie • • Southern Position; that Slavery exists' in : Kans:ls under the constitution . of the 'United States. This .verities the -na sertions of the Re.pnblican 'press during the campaign as to what Buchanan Would do if elected. • • • But the second assertion is more hit miliating than this. This letter :states iR Father embiguous terms, that the North supporters of Buehatian aqidesce in the Slavery-extension scheme of _ This is doubtless true as to tlie:leaders of sham Democracy -in- the free StateS, butWe balieve 'there are many thousand voters in this State who Supported; lia chanan under the belief .that he was in favor of freedom and . justice. These. will- repudiate him and his party just es quick as they discover.that he has throWn off 'the disguise ; heretofore worn, end is .the open alley of Slvery-extension. Scutbern Slavery. Every , paper published in the South, contains the evidence of the barbarity of America. The advertisin4 columro. gf the most obscure weekly 'sheet, will con vince any person with a spark of human ity in him, that "Slavery is the sum of all villainies." - Take the following, whiah is.eirt . from the Springfield (Mo.) Aili:ertiser of Sep tember Ist: Runaway Negro. 3TOTICE is hereby given that I, th,e under -11 signed Sheriff ,of Newton county, 310., have in my possession in the jai in the town of Neosho, in said county of Nowtoa, a Nugra man calling hiniself-ISA.MI I.IIIIDLEY, and. says he is free. Said negro titan is about 33 years, copper color, broad round face, about 5 feet 8 or'lo inches high, heavy built, weighs about 180 or 185 pounds, had on when arrest ed a short blue blanket coat, white shirt with pleated bosom, soldier pants, black satin rest worn oni ;. bl.tek soft fur hat well worn, and common shoes. Tire owner of said Negro man is hereby re , . quired to make application to me for said Ne gro man avithin three months and pay all charges incurred 'on aceotint of said. Negro ; and further to comply with the regnisi thins. of the law in such cases, or otherwise said Negro man will be sold at public auction for cash in harui, at the court house doov in the town of Neosho, in said county of Newton and State of Missouri, on MONDAY the' d day of NOVEMBER, 1837. - ` 11. JENNINGS, Sheriff of July 21, 1837: Newton county Mo. Do the worst barbarians go farther than that ,Here is one, Isaac Bradley, who asserts that he is a Freeman, arrested in the pursuit of happiness, by the Sherifr of .NeWton County Mo., wholloes not pre= tend that the prisoner has committed any crime, or that- he-has arty' _evidence . that ho is other than a Freeman. This Sher iff, under •the despotism which Slavery every where create; seizes an innocent man am' throws hia4 into jail. Then he calls on his master to come forward and pay all charges within three months, or the man:: will be sold, So that if he is not j.pow Slave, lie soma will be. Having no master, is lie asserts, it is . Impossible • that one should pay the jail fees, and hewed there is no escape for him,— And thiS is - the institution whieli Presi dent Buchanan and his party have under taken to force into Kansas. Will the people submit to such an Republicans, to Tour Duty. We find the following timely and good advice in the N. E Tribune, of Satur, day last. We hope Republicansthrough ,- out the State will give it heed. , "We have already alluded-to the can: vass in PENNSYLVANIA as presenting the . singular anomaly of a.great party devolv ing the entire labor and responsibility of upholding its flag'and defending its - faith upon 0. single man.- Hardly . a mouth that canvass.reMains; yet up VI this hour the Republican standard would seem from this distance to have been upbourne . by David Wilmot alone. Now ;fir: Wilmot is an' excellent debater, and, if ho were omnipresent, so that he conld . speak In a dozen different placeS at- onee,'might do all that is required. As it is, he can not speak within reach of half the people Who would gladly hear him before 'the day-of election. ,Meantime,_ his antago nist, (who pleads the• vote of his State Committee as his excuse for not, meeting Mr. Wilmot on the stump) is hacked bY other orators, and the efforts of active an powerful CoMmittecs, and a most unscru pulous . press; Col. Forney'.o, new delphia - own taking the lead in his . sup for t' With, Wilmot and Tacker travers mg - the' State . together 'and speaking to the same itidiences, ,we should fear tiotif ing ;but with Wilmot speaking alone for the Right , and Packer ,aided 'by all the app tanCeS - 0 a great and disciplinedpar. : Ity Which has the ...Fed eral.,.appoitit4en li and :the Federal Treasurilo* - erisp ir the odda•are too great, and ire iiloCtliW-Re publiCans of_ every.connty,.iti j . D4pngylva= 'ilia to OrgiOlic2fer itquietiitit iliijortnitiedT panVitis heneefiart . h to the election: .- ; chili let . , the. light shino_aiad the derkuess.:W Cease to ,be 'felt. •-: If Dr. aihoii's batik: alone were in the hands Of every voter iii . ! the State, it seems impossible- that-a ma jority world_vote to sustain the authorial'. the heartless and Crnel letter to Prof'Sil linian on the state of affairs in Xansgs' ,:L - L, - It is only awieng,those .who, are : ignorant ! of the material facts; andWliiii doliiot•liiicrCi. that - Mt . :Buchanan has hiniSeltappoirited . to as well as retained in office the master . spirits of the ;Border Ruffian robbers Land murdercrs—inbluding some whose indi, vidual hands are red with the blood of !innocent Free State mew—that his letter to SiMinau can be deemed triumphant.— Ifailung hair the Republicans of Penn sylvan :, taken -Tip I .l.lanuNE during the . LSt two or three years and lent it freely to their neighbors, ,that letter would sut tee. to .inSure the ilef:4 o f its -author and . his partisans in the pending contest. - '..There is yetOitne to -do. the needed work: If there be a lack of faith or of heart on the Republican side, it is WTI. tined to ..tlic politteians-7--the People do not share it.. : gen. Packerls exceeding ly rulnerable with regard to the ()anal jobs find scOuiderings .of the last .tcn year,: iriTeunsylrania, and a - simple, brief expose of his conception with and profits from'these jobs would - set. t thousanils 4g , tively against him who are,now indiffer- I ent: The attempt orthe allies of South Carolina' and Mississippi to raise votes on , the assumption . that Wilmot is. a Free- Trader is an insult' to the popular intelli gence, wh only needs to 'be met to re coil on , its: authors. ' Whatever may be . Mr.Wiliiiot's individual notions . of Po litical Economy, his election would be (pike other than a Free-Trade triumph, and this. the authors of the cry that he is i a Free-Trader do perfectly linow, . Mr, 1 WilMot was nominated and is supported as the champion of Slavery .Restrictions, l and as such he stands or falls; . but his! election would liberate Pennsylvania from 1 he toils of the political gamblers who, in opposition qo theirown convictions as well as hers, have' , dragged her behind'the tri umphal car of .Calhounisui for most of the last thirteen years, merely that they might riot in the spoils.of office. It is high_ time 1 tiiai they were rebuked for this betrayal, and the opportunity now presents itself. "We close by entreating 6-cry Penn-: I • sylvania Republican to do liis utmostfor 1 the election of Wilmot and ,his able and worthy associates on the ! Republican ,State Ticket. 'ln a year of relative apa thy, little - effort often. secures great -re-' snit." To uk, SOLD.—The Secretary of the Interior, owing to many applications of late made for portions of what are known as the Choctaw Qrphan Lands,.in new held in trust by. the CoVern went, hits directed, that proposals be re ceived for them until Noviiapber when they are to - be sold to those bidding highest) That Is to say, such of them as bring mare than the- appraisoment made in Igaa.l The rest will them be held sub ject to sale at the appraised Value.—a Yew York 7i•ibutte: 1 • „: HOW TO GET BACK I..STOiTHE DEMO CRATiC' PAnTY.—judge Wihnot in his • • speech at Philadelphia, said :1 "Do you think that I 'cannot readily get back to the Democratie Party if I am opposed to it ? Why, gentlemen, older sinners than I have gone back, and got . their re*ard:',l should only have to oom -mit some gross act of outrag—.-_-" catch a nigger," or when he seeks la crust of bread, seize him and put him In prison.; then would I,have atoned fold all my pol itical errors in the sight of I the Demo cratic pints." . WUEILE is PACKER?-IThis questiOn is often propounded by-members of both parties, Wit4nut any satisfactdry response. The last we beard of , hirit le ivas being led off the course by his ke4ers looking care-worn and jaded; since which timele has been kept closely secluded in the coin mitten thorn. Whether they will allow him to go about prior to the election is uncertain. do stump whilst Packer is evideptly . , qr) a stump,-,--110 is stumped most offOotually,--ifeadville Jour CONSTITUTION OF 31INN - Fso.ri.-r—The • . I Tatonallittelligencer gives the following s ynopsis i of this instrument : " The new Constitution prohibith Sla very and guarantees liberty of the press, trial by ivy, Lc. The first' legislature l i is to consist of.thirty-seven Senators arid eighty Representatives : pay; 63 per d:iy. There are to be a Governer, , liedenant- Qaverner; Attorney-freneral, Secretary of State, and Treasurer, elected for two years, and an Auditor for three. The Judipary is to . be vested in a Supreme 'Cowl, District Caurts, Caurts of probate, Justlee4 of the Peace,and such othev Ceurts,liiderior to th Supreme Court; as thd Lgisla . ture may establish by a two- Clair& vote; all'Judges and JUStiee's to he_elected by the people. l White male eitizens i jof the United States twenty.:one years,o age,!residing in the United States one year, ad in Alm State four .months months next preceding any 'election, are! voters. Also, White :persons of foreign' birth, having - 1 the - above qualifteation4 of age and residence, who Shall have le (711 y 'dared their intention to citizens;become' and per Sons of mixed white and! lindian blood and Of Indian blood under ! certain g,ulatiaii. Into. Ecgullature play; - hy tt' ;4rt.t-tliird vote, pas, 4.—gfinertitja4ktig: law, with stringent • quretnents. St. Paul to lie iitei'eent of dvern ITI out *pi . ll lociiKtli , ',elst4heret•by he. Leo.ishttuie." ) : , 4 Ar - 1, - 4. eDiintg. .Coton OUR . 11 HITE MIST. - - /ast week; T. Gridley. lAymond, Exponsaa fov-the -.'" 4Cp3 of orpens.e o-er reccipts __.,.517 50 Oar. faruinrll w6ar stuilhig faezg, liefeat we-rejoice 'oineedingly: Seed t me 4n4 hfir - ves , have- conic, ai)(1 ihounte, oIJ crops have t warded the faith and toil of the htisbaiidni .n: litire, the ruinister.dele e COncerenee, • delivered here .'on Sabbath..last. 'with pleasura, and trust ;,uStained here. Rev. A. Me, pted,-to- us by:t his first sermon We listened to W I bo may be well si The post Offigi this'eounty, his we do not learn •II to be.a "'reliabk will be able to ke, untie 1861, wbei !leans can be fotu affair, at, Harrison Valley, in een yc-establislitli, but .ho has been discovered )ointitintt," Hope they p the concern running lots of reliable -gepub d to take charge of its To , Pll.Tepties,—lt is an admirable practice to. Nice a tablespoonft,i of" hur ley's Say one hour *before dinner, to invigorate the stomach, and another an hour or two after in. order to tranquil ize irritability, and neutralize any acids generated during digestion. If this plan be strictly adhered to for a brief period, a permanent cure is the invariable result, —Med. Jour. Neu - rs. rowlei. di Wells, of 308 Broad way, N. Y., halie laid upon our table a copy of their Phrenological Almanac for 1858. , Price ee'nts for single copies-25 copied for $l. It contains portraits with brief biographical notices of a number of prominent persons,.among wliork are Gen, Win. Walker, Gov. It. J. .Walker, E. Merl: tin,: Cyrus W. Field, Mrs. Anna Cora Mowatt Ritchie,. Char lotte Broute, au4 wany . others similarly notable, Char/es- Mr.f.tiiz vane into the 'office thes week and paid us: in advance. three years subscription. We wish some fif teen hundred of our enlightened citizens would follow his exainple.-Jer.;ey Shore - . 1V wish-some six hundred of - our en lightened ritionS would borne into our 'office and pay- uP - what they ow 2 us—we will, be satisfied- with the pay fur one, year in advance—at least until the-end the - By , referenenee to:our advertising columns, it willl be seen that the mer- Omits of Philadelphia are .asking a share of the trade they have so long neglected. They have doubtless dtsoovered that the ‘.‘ tradc" - ol Northern Pennsylvania is de serving of more, attention that they have been aoewteute4, to- giving it, and now, when it is ahnostitoo late, renew their ac quaint ance with us. : We are pleased to see them thus invite ; our merchants to' their 'market, thoo we fear it will be a long 'time before they recover from the neglect of the past. Philadelphia has eminently superior claims upon our trade. than New York, pein g ,:the metropolis of our State; - but if it has failed to enjoy the profits of that trade, the fault is with her, not With us. I Oni merchants trade where there is most inducement held out to them r hykeepingf that particular market carefully before them in the columns of their newspaper„and to. the neglect of Philadelphia to call their attention to her wares, must lbe attached all blame, for, her nut receiving a larger portion of our trade. We believe that the commu nication with Philadelphia is jost as good as that wath New York, and her claims upon our trade are 'certainly more prom inent. , We hope, therefore, that our merchants will give. her claims some at tention,in future and in order that they may know where to make their purchases with advantage, 1\43 ash them to look over and select from'the cards sent us by Mr. JUhn A. Piddle; .and 'which they ' will find in their proper place. - 1 st .For ory t..h e Journal. H A ard FraFink CHASE. :--40n Saturday eye_ ping, the `:oth ult., my oxen, a pair of nice-fonrs, were taken from my pasture by two ruffians and driven off. Not find ing the right track Mail' 'Wednesday morning, they had three days the start of me, tfollowed down rip,p Creek, throuFh the taWo of : Delmar to Bablfs Cieek, thence to Trout Run, via the Block House, to the' Lycoming Creek and thence, to a slaughter houie in Williamsport. - The Whole distance is about 120 miles, which they Parforuied . in tATQ da.P AO 21 hours, n in, in - two days and a half, my travel 'jug. l e ,iug much retarded from the 'ne cessity of- constant enquiry,. and, simile times dnjating-from tTic track: The rascals iolcl the.ox,rt on Wednesday morn ing for 106,35 staid around until noon and left; saying that more oxen, would soon bel in. - The hatcher (an honest Dotelinum 'dolled Jo.) had bought them in good faith ) had disposed of one to his customers, and . the bther was - underhis knife.- e tlainghtit'd hardease to,pay over die second time, although the prop erty was partialy identified, und his pur .:l chase c uld be -_proved - But through the - volui i itary ,frictidly aid of thc-Sheriff, idl.. - sq:betrich I recovered $15,7 1111( 1 could.. get, no more , without recourse to ;the lair.' IT. whole affair : has. cost ina ' ahout ; 5 1,i1,• if the _fellows ;can be: caught ineans,•inyloss wilt net bertigret -4,elV,Alley Were frequently .described to ro s e as •The older abont 45, bla c k liiiir; . heard and whiskers,ratherivll and slim, Unt i e in-iris foot, wore. a, calf. ski - U . olml shitted on the top:' .The ether about 25 less in. §tature i with rather a boyish,face:. - ,,,-: . 1.1e.-pretended• 'to ~ b e.. Al ie owner, ti a.,.qttite - stitaft - „and -quick .to spell:, auk 4id..the talking u.togly- - . can., They ery idetttitied: by six or niOrereqfOirsible: mei] ire R ' ili'wm~port, •loft. lintinetliatelY-,for Elmira loping to End Ilion •nt the fair. I • • ILL - MAD. _ Sweden, Sept, - :9th, 18x7 ;.- - - $1 25 $lB-15 j DIET); • ' • PRITTENDPS-Ii Onidersport,.Sept .6th, . 1857, of consumption, aljss.l,xpl4 ANN OUT. TF4DES, 2.5. ytikra: • _ ei tioe.i'spar r Correff;(l 11 . 1c .fuvistal, 1;V. SCHOOMAKEII. & JACKSOY, Dealers in Pry Uou(tv, Groceria, Eats 4 cap, Boots fS• Shoes, Crockery,. Pork, Flour, Meal ; •Votioas, MAIN B.TItgET,,COUDI4RSPORT FA, FLorn, s*keefin, i? PORK, " " • . • SALT, " " - CORN 26:Ai ! , 1 100 'd ) lb., LARD, ' 4 0 TAI.LoW, Wow., it; HAIN 7 4 ‘ • • DEER SKIN, " 't - NIAPLE '- DRIED AITLES, " II • " - WRITE BEANS, • 11 EGEWILELST,...; tt " OATS, 'ti CORN, RYE, POTATOES' EGGS, 'Dozen; - Har{ 1: 7 . Ton, OMB mon =II gpeci4l ifotius, Rats, Roaches, Bed Etugs,ln sects, Six. "COSTAR'S" RAT, ROACH, &c.,.EXTERMI. NATOR; - " • "COSTAR'S" 'BED BUG. EXTERMINATOR; ‘t.:OSTAIIS" ELECTRIC POWDER, for Ants, Insects, &e.- (The ONLY INFALLIBLE ' KM EDI E.: - ; noiwn : • r uibT"COSTA 'sends by Mail, prepaid, a. Sample Box of the Rat, Roach, *c. Ex. to any. address hi the U. S., on receipt of $l, or the Electric Poo der for 05e. 4,The Bed.-Bug Ex.„ being a livid cannot he aunt by Mail) . II" will 4irnish - DRUGGISTS, DEALERSiand , STOIME.EVERS, with a; Sample Package. of his v.aruins j:)reparationa. [assorted] ,with Girt Mara, Bills,:Posters, Sc. on receipt of $5; Ilearing bar. 55. : duo when order that they ,may test its merits. kc-2 4 .-rSie A drert isement.. For Circulars. Address "COsT,ikityy No. 3MS: .-Broadway, 3. - v. 10,11-4 t- lIITE KEETIT, YERFUMk:DUItELITII 4111.)BEAL".• ZIFI'L COMPLY-MOS—Call he' acquired by using `The ".Balm (if a Tilintland.Flowers. - Wb.t lady Or gentlemen would remain under the curse tif• a disagree:Ode' breath, .when by using tho •'ll.tist OF I ThousAsn FLowEns,7 as a denti frice, Would notonly -render it sweet, but le the the teeth , whit& as. ti ? Many persons: do not know their breath is bad, and. the sub ject is so delicate their fritinds will never men-. tiOn it. Beware of counterfeits. Be sure caret bUttle is signed PETIIIDGE & 0,./., , :tkr. Y. For sale by all. Druggists. !,Eiold by SMITH 4: JUICES; Druggists, erSport, Pa. . ADMITISTRATOR'S. SALE ' N pursuanee.of an order of the- Orphans' I_ Court of the county of P-otter, there exposed to public, sale at the Court lioiure iu - CouderspoA, on TUESDAY, the, 22a day of September, 1857, the followiT described reel estate, situate in the townshi of . Sharon, in - said county Bounded .on the north lay tLo. hi :W:l'3- leading .•from. Slillpo4 to Gabriel Barnes', on the east by landS of J. Barnes:and Gabriel ltarne, on the south and rest br lands of Mann & Nichols, containing eight acres 1"' more or less, about two acres of'ahichli3 inyr proved, and on .which is .erected one frrutc,, house and one frame barn—also some fruit trees ':thereon.. . VLIAS. ;31 JONES, AdininiArator of the estate of harry Lyman, A • ucce:yeu. • • 10-IU. REGISTER'S NOTICE. lii following accounts have been filed at, the ltegister's _Office of Potter County; Penn Sylvania, and will be presented at the Septeinber Court,. on Tuesday, September 22d ; 19.57,1 for confirmation, niri, to avit : = - Acrount of Joel Hendrick, adirdnistrator of the Ekate of William Lyon, deceased, late of Sweden township. Acrount.of Charles S. Jones, administrator of the Estate of Harry Lyman, deceased, lute of Sh`:tron township. -J I j . Aei..ount of Clark. Crum, adipinistrator 'of tho Estate of Philander Hawley, deceased, late of Bingham towiship. I - persons interested can attend at said, time and place if,they think proper. .' A. JACKSON, Register.'. iltEntsTEß's'OFFlcn, Coudersport, Aug. 22, 185, 4 10111: A - 9.ditoios .-Notice. : .• i x - g iTeo that the. under: 1.11 'signed, an . Auditor nppcdnied by thegr, phans' t Court forThe'county of 'Potter, to do,. tribute the .itsset.S• now in the hands o(I•. itendrick, the administrator off the . estate lel WILLIAM LYON, deceased, among_ tbe • seversl creditors of the sniil estao, will attend to the duties of his oflice, at thi4.Proiliopotney's Of in the Borough of Couilerort, on SAT URDAY, the 180 day Of Sep tuber next,.at one o'clock, P. M.. Persons n'toreeted can,, attend if they think proper. . _ LEWIS .31A...N,..Ant1it0r., Condersport, Aug. 19 1851. • -• . P,OSTPONrI=4")::* A T a Meptdpipt the Town` Council of the Coudersport, 'cld on the ith, I ins t., the bettingnf the - Side-AN elks ori Ist,.3d; dth, sth, Bili, -- .7th; East and W 9 st - Strepts, - apd part of 11d; street, was postponed until the First Monday in'OetOber nest, it 1 o!cloi:k I'. M., 4 their ofilee in said tofoitgh. • 'By prilek of the Board. •$.-01'1 11. i STORRS, " Co uderSiert, Sept. Pc 1857: Sta retary.! J.. $8 00 - 9 00 - 30 00 - 3 50 3 00 - I 20 - 12015 - 14( . 00 21-(b3.1 - 24 - 10611 2 5u 3 5Q 30@,5(1 - 1 25 - ; 7 e 8 ela