The Potter journal. (Coudersport, Pa.) 1857-1872, September 03, 1857, Image 3

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'''iris SALES.
• ,
ihindry Vein/Wail
Jl,l2i'xixmas aind Ireri-fartas Issued opt of the
Court ofßomituna Pleas.of.Potter,Co l Penna.,
and to the 'directed; F shall'exPos.eto public
sale•oc.ontery,nt the'rolirt.llonsn in the : Bor-
Aciiigh" Of Cd(rdersport.;ba ti day . ilst day
Of Septerit'ber; A.•'. the
follawing"dest ibedreal. estate, fo„Wit..: ,
, giro:in real estate situate in-Allegany t.own
ibip, Potter 'county; Pa., Beginning- at a past
,on - theßswayo corner on the poui.t ! gspo'ri rind
L'llisburgioad in the said, township, running
.Sauth .forty-4ye- degreci west twenty-three
rodi.find 13:10 to a post : thence west:l.looV
_nini;rod9:and 3:10 to a post, thence• no th
seventeen; rods to a post on the Oswayo road,
.thettee east-forty-five _rods And - 9:10, to the
. beginning; containing four acres of
hand," nore or less, on
_which are erected - one
Inane dwelling house, one frame • shop and
ototte.franie barn, and with some fruit trees
.2hereon. ALSO—A certain tract of land
,commencing at the north-west torne- of a lot
.ofland bought of C. Andrews, lying south of
the Oswayo road, thence west along the Os- j
way() road to the corner of said Chester Au
drews lot of laud, thence south &long the
(original line to S Winegar's corner, thence I
(cast to connect with a board fence to the
_highway running from Coudersport to Ellis- !
.burg, thence north along the highway to the
.corner of four acres of land bought of C. An
alrews ; containing about four acres. ALSO—
A certain lot of /and bounded north by the
!lauds of A. W. Andrews, east by lot in posse's-,
,1110/3 of James C. Curtis, south by lands of S.
Srinagar, and west by lanls of A. V. A.ndrews;
( containing ten acres, all iniuroved, with fruit
Itrees thereon. The above described lots be
got all connected as one farm.
Seized, taken in execution, and to be sold
es the property of James C. Curtis.
ALSO—Certain real estate situate in
liector township, Potter county, Pa.,
bounded and described as follows, viz :
On the north by unseated hinds of the
Bingham Estate, cast by lands of Henry
Baines, south, and west by Bingham
lands; containing 50 acres, being lot No.
of the allotment of land's of 111. H.
Dent in Hector township, and part of
warrant No. 1796. ALSO—Ono other
Jot situate in Hector township, Potter Co.,
Ps.: Bounded north by Bingham Lands,
.asst by Bingham Lands, south, by lauds
of Hunsecker and Garlock, west by lands
for:icily of . Jesse 'Johnson ; containing
140 and 9:10 acres, being lot. No. 77 of
the allotment of lands of IL H. Dent in
said, township, and part of warrant N 0..,
178; of which 50 acres arc improved, six
s chopped, with one frano dwelling
house, one log house, two frame barns
and some fruit .trees thereon. ALSO—
One other lot, bounded north by lot for
merly owned by Henry Haynes-and Bing
ham Lands, - east by Bingham Lands,
south by Biughtun Lands and lands of H.
11. Dent,, and west by Hingham Lands;
containing 100 acres, being lot No. 93 in
Hector township, and pan of warrant No.
1354; of which 25 acres are improved,
%hit _one log house, cskm saw-mill and
maze fruit trees thereon. ALSO—One
other tract, situate in Hector and Ulysses
townships, bounded north, east; south
Anil west by lands of the Bingham Es
tate ; containing lOO acres, Awing lois
Nos. 148 & 155 in said townships, and
parts of warrants Nos. 1260 & 800.
ALSO—One other lot, bounded on the
north by unseated- lands, east- by Henry'
D. Leach, south by landS of llunseelter
A Garlock, and west by C. Loucks; eon-,
taining 100 acres of which twenty acres'
sre improved, with one frame house, one
frame barn and an applo orchard thereon.
Seized, taken in execution and to be sold as
the property of C. and C. 11. Loucks.
ALSO—Certain real estate situate in 1
Pike township, Potter Co., Pa., bounded
-on the north by lot No. 14, on the east
by lots Nos. 14, 22 & 35, on the south'
by lot No. 22 and unseated lands of the
Bingham Estate, and on the west by un-'
seated lands and by lots Nos. `l3 & 36,
'hug lots Nos. 11 & 12 of the sub-divi
sion of the lands of the Bingham Estate
in said , township ; containing one bun
-41.4 and fifty-five acres, of which about
tfty acres are improved, with three frame
houses, two frame barns, one saw-mill and
Knao fruit trees thereon. ALSO—Lot. i
'o. 36, situate in township, county and
'tate aforesaid , bounded on the north and ,
east by.lot No. 14, on the south by rot!
X 0.13 and. unseated lands, on the west
unseated lands and lot No. 15 ; con-1
tilling 104 acres, •about twelve acres of
'ihiela are improved, with one log house,l
-. 4 e frame house and one frame barn •
Seized, taken in execution, and to be
- 24 1 , 1 as the property of Elijah Johnson.
li. Fa. ALSO—Two-thirds part of
of all those certain two tracts-of land sit
tate on the waters of. Kettle Creeek, in
Stewardson township,. Potter county, Pl.,
lad in the warrantee name of Nicklin
htth, granted by the Commonwealth
‘ , f Pennsylvania, (No. -5956,) containing
ctie thousand and ninety and a balfacrps
of laud , which Crosby W. Ellis and
: u.eorge btewprlisian, by deed dated the,
t:lteenth day of September, A. D. 1850,!
!'otiveyed to "Oliver', Watsop, which deed I
14 recorded in Potter "minty, andeed,'
4 k "E.," Pages! 197 & 198, to- 1 )
14 (1 Oliver Watson; - conveyed the same by
't•N`cl, bearing date I the twentieth Jlay of 1
mber, A. D. 1850, to John F. Cow
' And the Otheri tract surveyed in the
"'late name of Nicklin & Griffith,l
g?'lteil by the CoMmonwealth of Penn-
'YtTania aforesaid, (No. 5957,) containing.
thousand and ninety-four and a half
at_Ts, of which ten acres are improved,
4 00 which are erected three log barns
gad ono log house.!
` - eized, taken in' execution and to be
as the - 3 .-
.Jr., and PropertY of John C. podge,
Charles P. Dodge.j
F `' Pa. ALSO—Certain real estate
s i t
n ate in Abbott township,. Potter. emu
J r ; • 'LI bounded on the north by lands of
a e
Kea : a •ng Co.,
Ita n dd & east \ by lands of
h .C?.; south and west by lands of
14, 0
& Co. ; eontaininc , fifty
v r 0
' l `) Of- which ten acres are improved,
. :
with Oneili*.!ltouse,p3o. 9P 1 !.._, .;
Led Ifierecw.,!..7'4 ' f .4.: .-..).: 1'; '.::: ; 117 -:. ~ - - ::: ' ...'
..!- - Beized;.4takett. in
,e7ecution Arid lo' bi
sold as the property of IL Sta kweather;
•-• ALSit:sin.rinFeiifitelsitiiateln
Hector :township; Totter -..- co tityPal'-,'
boUnded -north by Inieated lal dti east' by
ilieViol, - rn et, a nty tine,:South. - 3.) , . - lanai :Of
Z: Mallory ii4 7 .- .77 , 7 l•GUerna , -west - lii .
nilseated lands; bontainiiig tine hundred
acres, more:or tess, - of - which twenty --five
acres are improved, with one frkmehouse,
one log stable 41 some fruit: trek thereon.
Seized; taken in - executioit, Mid to be
sold as the property Of Erast4Guernicy.
1 ALSO—Certain real 'estate 'situate in
Pike township; Potter.countyi.Pa4 bound
• ed on - the past by the Tioga' county line,
on the ',north by iands of U. B. Goodman
& Co., 'on the west lands. of Q. 8..
Goodman, and on. the - south by lands of.
Samuel M. Limey; containing two hundred
and twenty-five acres of
. laud;. onwhieh
there is eighty acres improved, two frame
houses,! three frame barns, two bee-houses
and other - Mit-buildings, apple orchard 444:e.
Seized; taken ib execution, and to be
sold as the property 'of A. T. \ Losey.
ALSO—Certain real 'estate, bounded
and described as fiilloivs,- to: wit: Situate,
in Sweden toliishipPotter county, Pa.,'
bouiided on therifOith 1,0-Bitighain Lands,'
east by 'Bingham Lauds, south. by lands;
of James Fish and Keating Estate, and.,
west by, Bingham Lank being' lot li . o. 1
57 of the allotment of Bingliam Lands in
said township; containing eighty acres,
more or less, fifteen acres , of which are
improved, with one log !house and one
log stable thereon: !,• l i
- Seized, taken in execution and .to be
sold as the property of. Stephen Redson
and Joliathan Redson. . __
ALSO—Ceripin real estate situate in
Genesee township, Potter county, Pa.,
bounded on the south by the roadleading
front Ulysses to Genesee Forks, east, west
and north by lands of 0. W. lliCkaix;
containing ten acres, 'six acres of which
are improved, with one
.frame house ; one
frame barn, other out-buildings and sonic
fruit .trees thereon.
Seized, taken in execution, and -to be
sold as the property of Luthan Wincherll.;
ALSO—Certain real estate situate in
Genesee township, Potter! county, Pa.,
bounded on the north :by lands of Silas
Billings, east by -lauds Of
Easton, south by, lands of Moses Dawley,
deceased, and west by, lan4 of S. S. Rob
erts ; containing fiftyssevenl acres of land,
of which there is about twenty acres im
proved, with one water saw-mill, one frame
house, one frame barn, two plank houses
and some fruit trees thereon. • .
Seized, taken in execution, arid to be
sold as,the property of John
ALSO-Certain real estate situate in
Hebron township, Potter county, Pa.,
bounded on the north: by thispated lands'
of S. M. Fox, dec'd, east by unseated
lands of S. M. Fox, dec'd, south by un
seated lands of S. AI. Fox dee'd, and I
west by unseated lands of :13. N. Fox,
dee'd, being lot No. 101 of the,allotment
of S. M. Fox; containing fifty acres of
land; of which ten acres are improved, on
which is erected-one water saw-mill and
one board shantee.
SeizO, taken in execution, and to be
sold as the property of Wm: G. : Carruer. l
_ _
ALSO—Certain real estate situate inl
Bingham township, Potter County, Pa.;
bounded north by lands of G. G. Colvin,
on the Cast by lands of WlMini Cobb,
Walter I.aeonard and J. B. Jones, on the
south by 11. D. Ives; and on the west by
lands of Truman Kibbee ; containing one
hundred acres, with about fifty acres im
proved,' on which are erected rue frame
dwelling house, one frame barn, and with
two apple orchards thereon. •
Seized, taken in execution, and to !be
sold as the property of James P. Straight
and C. H. Ives.
ALSO—Certain.real estate sivate. in
Pike township, Potter county, Pa, bound
ed on tie north by lands of llensiker &
Garlo*,.erst by lands of Ilensiker
Garlock; south by warrant line of 5127,1
and went by lands of Hensiker & Garlock;
{containing 50 acres, being lot No, 37 of 4
the allotment of the -Ashley lands in Pike
ItownshiP, Potter county, • Pa., none of
• which is improved.
Seized, taken in execution; and to be
sold as the property of John L. Phenix.
ALSO—Certain real estate, to wit :
A piece: - or parcel of land situated in Pike
township, PotteNcoutAy Pa., Mninded on
the north: and west by lands of the estate
of the late 0. B. Gecdman, dec'd, east by
the Tioga and Potter 1, couutY line, and i
south by lands of Samuel .)LLosey; con
taining about two huridred and twenty
one acres. .
Seized; taken in exeoution, and to be
sold as the preperty ofi A.- S. Bt rnhant
and Joseph R. Cole. -
ALSO—Certain real estate situate in
the Borough of Coudersport; beginning,
at a post in the west line of Main street,
being the south-east coiner of Jehn S.
Mann's office lot, thence southerly by the
west line of said street twenty feet, thence
westerly at' right angles, with. Main ;street
sixty feet, thence northerly twenty feet
to the office lot of John S. Mann, thence
easterly by said lot sixty feet to the place
of beginning, on which is erected one
two-story Orme. .
Seized, , taken in execution, and to be I
sold as the property of Crosby )V. Ellis.
ALSO real estate situate ml
esce township, Potter Co., ; Pa., bounded
the northlbY lot No. 45, - east by lot Nei. 47,
south by lot No. 48,and Bingham Estatd ' and
on the wdstlby unseated lands of the 4iogitant.
Estate, being lot No, 46. of the allotutent of
Fox and Ross lands in said township 1 eon:
taining 167 and 7-1 O acres of land, about forty
acres of which are improved. 1,
Seized, taken in execution, and to be sold
as the property of Samuel Hurd.
Aug. 2 6 - A. C. TiorGART, Sheriff.
Y. VERTU'S tit
suedont of the' Guinn Vommbit
of•loti;er:tentiy, , Petinkylutiniin, and to tie di
reetetl,l iii 7 all'eurptise 40pliblie.tiale outcry, ptt fliegEnirt-thiuse in 'the Eciroitei nVelin
deisPort,. on - Mridny, the' Stiptetit%
1857, at -
- -tilt timber 'trees, of":l9liteierrapeeleS;
kin4=tirliatite;tiow gfciiiiiigionti: of 'the eize
often inches in diameter•ut thehinnip 'or that
may grow , afid attain-to that size:during the
period hereinafter mentioned, on 'nil the ieke
limner mentioned and described tracts, part;
of ttuicis,,,,pieees or Pnrcels of: land, ; situate in
the county of Potter, and State of Pennsylva,
nia, containing; together, 'Thy Thotisand
..A.cres, allowances &c., as follows, viz
that - certain tract ,Or; pieee:TOf 'land
surveyed in - pursuance -of warrant - .numbie
filar, thousand six hundred an& thirty:twO;_
(4,632,). containing nine hundred, and. ninety.
acres and - allowance 'of six per cent. forrbada
&c. ALSO—On ill that certain tract or piece
of land surveyed i p Ursuance - otwarrant num
ber four thousand six-hundred and thirty-four,
(4,634) containing nine hundred and ninety
acres and allourance of six per cent: for roads
&c.. ALSO—On all that 'certain tract, piece
or parcel of. land surveyed in pdrsuance _of
warrant number foili thousand six 'hundred
s and thirty- fi re, (4,635,) containing nine b-'
'tired and ninety acres and allowanee of sit.
per cent. fur road.4•&c. ALSO—Op all that
certain tract or, piece of land surveyed in liar=
suauce of warrant inimber four thousand 'six
hundred andforty-one, (4,641,)' containing
nine hundred and ninety acres and allowance
of six per cent: for roads &c. ALSO—On all
that certain tractor piece of land surveyed in,
pursuance of warrant number four thousand
six hundred and forty 7 three, 4,643, containing
nine hundred and ninety acres and allowance
of six per cent. for roads S,:e. ALSO—On all
that certain tract or piece of land surveyed in
pursuance of warrant number four thou sand
six hundred and forty-twin, 4,642, containing
nine hundred and ninety 'llexes and allowance
of six per cent. for roads &c. ALSO—On all
that certain tract or piece Il' land surveyed in
pursuance of warrant number four thousand
six hundred and lbrty-eight, 4,648, containing
nine hundred and ninety acres and allowance
of six per cent. for roads ke. ALSO—Oi all
that certain tract or•piece of land surveyed in
pursuance of warrant number four thousand
six hundred and forty-nine, 4,649, containing
nine hundred and ninety acres and allowance
of six percent. for roads &c.. ALSO—On all
that certain tract or piece of laud Surveyed in
pursuance of warrant number fonr thousand
six hundred and 4,655, containing
nine bundred and ninety acres and allowance
of six per cent,: for roads &c.. ALSO—On all
that certain tract or piece of land surveyed in
pursuance of warrant number four thousand
six hundred and fifty-eight, 4,658, containing
nine hundred and ninety acres and allowance
of six per cent. for roads &c. • ALSO—On all
that certain tract or piece of land surveyed in
pursuance of warrant number four . thousand
six hundred and lifts-nine, 4,659, containing
nine. hundred and ninety acres and allowance
of six per cent. for roads &c. ALSO—On all
that certain tract or piece of land surveyed in
pursuance of' warrant number four thousand
six hundred and sixty-four, 4,664, containing
nice hundred and ninety acres and allowance
of six per cent. for roads &c. ALSOL-On all
that certain tract or piece of land surveyed in
pursuance of warrant number four thousand
six hundred and sixty-five, 4,665, containing
nine hundred:and ninety acres and allowance
of six per cent. for roads &c. - ALSO—On all
that certain tract or piece of land surveyed in
pursuance of warrant number four thousand
six hundred and sixty-six, 4,666, containing
nine hundred and ninety acres and allowance •
of six per cent. fur roads &cu. ALSOHOu all
that certain tract or piece of land surveyed in
pursuance of Warrant number four thousand
six hundred and sixty-seven, 4,66 . !, containing
nine hundred and ninety acres and allowanLe
or six per cent. for roads &c. ALSO—On all
that certain tract or piece of land surveyed in
pursuance of warrant number four thousand
six hundred and sixty-eight, 4,668, containing
nine hundred and ninety acres and allowance
of six per cent. for roads &c. ALSO—On all
that certain tract or piece of land surveyed in
pursuance of warrant number four thousand
six hundred and seventy-one, 4,67l,.contain
ing nine 4undrod and ninety acres and allow
ance of six per cent, for roads &c. ALSO—
On all that certain tract or piece of laud sur
veyed in pursuance of warrant number lour
thousand six hundred' and vents, 4,670,
containing nine hundred and ninety acres and
allowance of six per cent. for roads &c. Al?
SO—On all that certain tract or piece of laud
surveyed in pursuance of warrant number
four thousand nine hundred and thirty-two,
4,9 2, containing nine hundred and ninety
acresand 'allowance of six per cent. for roads
&e. ALSO—On all that certain tract or piece
of land surveyed in pnrsuance of warrant No.
four thousand nine hundred,and thirty-three;
4,933; containing nine. hundred and ninety
acres and allowance of six per cent. for roads
ALSO—on all that certain tract or piece
of land surveyed in pursuance or warrant No.
four thousand nine hundred and twent -nine,
,4,929, containing nine hundred and ninety
lacres and allowance of six per cent. for road's
I' &c. ALSO—On all that certain tractor piece
of hind surveyed in pursuance of warrant No.
four thousand six hundred and eighty-four,
4,684, continuing nine' hundred and ninety
acres and allowance of six per cent. for roads
dtc. -i ALSO—On all that certain tractor piece
l of land surveyed, in .pursuatice of warrant No.
fonr4.ltouand six hundred and eighty-five,
4,680, containing, nine hundred and ninety
acres and allowance of six per cent, for roads
&c. ALSO—On all that certain tract or piece
of land surveyed in pursuance of warrant No.
fouohousand.six hundred and eighty-seven,
4,687, containing nine hundred and ninety
acre4and allowance of six per cent. for roads
ttc.• ALSO—On all that certain tract or Piece
of land surveyed in - pursuance of warrant No.
four "thousand I seven hundred and seventy
eight, 4,778, containing nine hundred and
ninety acres and allowance or six per cent for
rod &c. ALSO—On all that certain tract
I or piece of land surveyed in pnrsuatice . of war
!rant "dio. four thousand seven hundred and I
severity-nine, .4,7'70, containing'nine hundred I
and ninety acres and allowanceofsix per cent.l
for raids &e: ALSO—On all that certain tract
or piece of land surveyed in pursuance of war
rant No. four thou Sand Emit hundred and
thirty-four, 4;734, containing nine hundred and
ninety 'acres and allowance of six percent. for
roadsAc, ALSO—On All that certain tract
or pidee .of land surveyed in pursuance of
warrant No. four thousand six hundred and
forty,; 4,640, containing nine hundred arid
ninety acres and allowance of six per cent; for
roada4:e. ALSO4--On all that certain tract
- or piece of land surveyed in pursuance of war
nip tNo four thousand seven hundred and
twenty-five, 4,725, containing nine htindred
and ninety acres and allowance of Sii per cent.
for roads &c.. ALSO—On all that certain
tract ar piece of land surveyed in pursuance
of W a tat nt No. four thousand seven hundred
and seve n ; 4,707; containing nine hundred
and ninety acres and allowance of six per
cent fitr roads &c. ALSO.-On all that cer
tain tr..ct or piece of land surveyed in pursu
ance of warrant No. four thousand serer hun-
4‘.4 - iiii!..4'00 6 0 ' 14140 g.: l' kini;', l lXo - al t :
and Oae.fsersa . and allow - a : Wei e :
for roads "&e.. tALSO- 7 -p '4ll,:that,po,44t
tract or piece oftd: stte - V,e,yed- : in,.intrstiance. '
of vrareant,No,
.. tirltionsaintseven - hundred
and five, 4,76,- OW:I - dolt' tg nine hundred and
nine acresand;n lowntiee of iiz- per.' cent. for
roads &S r . A.1.:50 : -.;On all . tliat 'certain- tract
or:pieeti dr larislsnereyed in pprsuauce of War
rant NO. feint. tin)Sand'inveniliundred, - .4,100,
containing ninel ;indeed and - ' , iiiiiiity:acreS and
tClowaticef of six er ,e4tit.'fo etiatlS,ike:':.,.A.L . -.-
SO-'- - -On'a It That eartain'tr.ic or. piece: of 1401 1
I surveyed in pul:stiliacei. or. Ailtrtitute Isiti."ftiiii
thousand six Inindred.atid" "ritnetli•'.4ive, 4,695; •
contaitiiiiknitiC littii,died'aiidinittety aeres and, '
alloWatiCe of fiX Pee cent. 'fur, toads lite. - AL--
SO,-On alI that :ertiiin_infet.or,piece of land
I surveyedlia, PO/wince of Warrant No; four
thousand se,ven, h rtniliedalad twenty-six, 4;726,
containingTnine'indeed andiiinety acres and
allowance of six' er ceiat.Toiroads &c.: .AL
SO—Pn all that ertain. tract orpicie of land '
surveyed in pais ante of • warrant - NO. 'four
thousand six hull lred - andSeitenty-five,4,675,
Containing nine died and ninety acres
and aliOwcorce Ofsix per' Sent. fur . roads &c.
ALSO-On all that certain trust or piece of
land surveyed in- pursuance of warrant • No.
four thonsand .seeen hundred and seventy
seven,- 4777, containing: nine - .hundred And.
ninety acres and ellOwance ,of six per cent, for
roads &cJ - - ALSO-Oti all that certain tract or '
piece of ,land surveyed in pursuance of warrant-
No. fouraliousaud six hundred and thirty- i
three, 4,033, cotialiiing - nine hundred if.a.-'
ninety - acres-and flown nee of six per cent. foi
roads. &c.[ ALSOL-On all that certain 'tract
or piece of laud surveyed in pursuance of
[ warrant No. - four housand Six hundred !and
1 1 .
fifty, 4,650, contai ntug nine hundred-annine
ty acres rind allowance of six par eel t.;_ for
roads &c. ' ALSO , 'On all that certain tract
or piece of land surveyed in pursuance of ,;,fte--
rant No. four thou Lid six hundred and 'say
enty-fonr,-4,674, c utaining able e hiindre!iland
ninety acres and noir:ince. of six per cent.
!for roadS &c. ALSO--On - all that certain
!Inlet or piece of land surveyed in pursuance
lof warrant No. foue thousand - six hundred and
1 sixty-nine, 4,669, 'Containing, nine hand, red
[ and ninety acres and allowance of six per
cent.. focyoads Ise.. \ ALSO—On all that 'ter
: tain tract oe piece of laud surveyedlit pUrsu
-1 ance of warrant No. , four thousand mine
hundred and; thirty'-four, 4,934, containing
nine hundred:and ninety acres and allowance
of six per cent for roads &C. ALSO—On all
' that piece of latid,'heiOg six hundred and' orty.
acres and allowance 4f six per cent. for roads
Sc., of a pertain tract:of land surveyed in par
' seance of warrant No. four - thousand six hun
' Bred and fifty-one, 4,051. ALSO-On all that
piece of laud, being sik hundred and ninety
tire acres and allowance of six pee cent. for
roads, ike.; of a certain tract surveyed in
pursuance of warrant No. four thousand six
hundred and fifty-two, 4,652. ALSO—On all
that piece of hid being seven hundred and
ninety acres and allowance of six per cent.
for roads .&c., - of all that certain tract of laud I
surveyed in pursuance
,of warrant No. four
thousand six hundred end fifty-six, 4,656.
ALSQL- l On all that piece of labd, being
five hundred and eighty-two acres and al- ,
lowance/of six per cent. for roads &c., of
a certain tract surveyed in (puruance of
warrant No. four` thoMmud 'six - hundred
and fly -seven, 4,657'. A,LSO-:-On all . '
that pi ce of land, being eight hundred
and fogy acres and allowance of six per
cent. for roads &c., of O. certain tract sur
veyed in purSuance of , Warrant No - . four
thousand nine hundred and twenty!eight,
4,928. ALSO—On all that piecevf land; ,
being eight hundred and forty, acres and!,
allowance of six per cent. for roads &c.,1;
of a certain tract surveyed in pursuance
of warrant No. four thousand nine hun
dred and twenty-three, 4;923. ALSO—
On all that piece of land being six 'hun
dred and fifty-five acres and allowance of
six per cent. for roads &c.., of a certain
tract surveyed '•in pursuance of warrant
No. four thousand seven hundred and
twenty-seven, 4,727. ALSO --:- On all
that the west-halt; being four hundred
and ninety-five acres and allowance of six
per cent, for roads &c., of a certain tract
surveyed in pursuance, 'of warrant No.
four thousand six hundred and fifty-four,
-1,654. ALSO—On a 0 theywest-half,
being four hundred and ninety-five acres
and allowance of six per, cent , .,l i for toads
&c., of a - certain tract surveyc in 'purso-,
ance of warrant No.' foOr thOusand six
hundred and fifty-three, 14,65:,:4. ALSO
- all that tract or piece of, land sur
veyed in pursuance Of warrant] No. foOr ,
thousand six hundred and eighty, 4,680,
containing nine kindred and ninety acres •
and allowance of six per 'cent. for roads
&e. ALSO—On all that certain tract or
piece of land surveyed in ptirsuance of
warrant No. four thousand six hundred
and seventy-three, 4 ,674 containing nine
hundred' and ninety acre and allowance
of six per cent. for roads) &c.' ALSO—
On - all the west-half, being, four hundred
and ninety-live acres ankallowance of six
per cent. for roads &c., of a certain tract
surveyed in. pursuance iof warrant No.
four thmisaud six hundred and seventy
two, 4,672. - .
.AND ALSO—The right of free in
grass, egress and regress, in upon through
and-over the above described tracts, pies-I
es of tracts and parcels 'of lands and eve-I
.ry part and parcel thereof, to fell, cut,
hew, bark haul and take away the said
timber trees from -the said lands, and also
the right to pile and store the said titn
her trees on the said lands when cut and
divided into logs and. timber until the
same can conveniently be hauled, - floated
Or carried away, and also the right to
build, make and - ,construct houses, roads'
and bridges, for the purpose' of hauling
and taking away thelogs and timber cut
and hewed from the said timber lands,
and also all the right tot use the waters
and streams of water inand . upon
r i ,
said lauds and flowing th ugh the sauce,
to ifioat and carry the logs
. nd timber from'
said lands—the said right to cut and carry
away timber trees from the said lands, as
aboVe described, and all and singular the
other rights and privileges above mentioned
and described; and each of iheui-to contin
ue; had to be used and eajoyedi for and
during the period of Fiftk Years,. - to be
computed from the fifteenth day pf Fehr*
.ary, A. D. 1856. . " 1 • .::
Seized, taken in ascent'
sold as theproperty of "
ion, and to be
The -Sunbury
Canal POP* o:oAppy," at
tl~e suit otaoliA;yagol l ,Trt!*n „0f: 1 4 4 -
Coudersport Angr:-fr;
jll.?.ogirta*V. - ,1)1 4 .40p..y747.'.4. , .-:.
' : AND- ..41•11 _ , }r:
. r
• - -111 - POSITIVELT
cttAuLE , BY -111IIAL-..-TA. -T.- T
RlVii.coniress,the 4 remedies le-the eavi
ties in the lungs through the air paSsat•
ges, .and coifing in. direct contactwith the
disease, neutralizes the tubeienlarinatter, al
lays the congli i :Causes-a free andeasy. expec
toration-,:•heals 'the 'tangs,. purifies. the:ldocid,
imparts renewed vi Why to the nertotis 33-stem,
giving that tone au& energy so indispensable
for the restoration of health. To be able to
state rconfidently that Cpusumptioriis•curable
by inhalation; 4to Me a Source of unalloyed
pleasure... It is its much under the =control 'of
medical treatment as any other •fortnidable
disease; ninety ;Out of every hundred - cases .
can be -el:media the first stages,.and ,fifty per
cent. in the - second; but in the third stage it' save more than five per cent.,
for the Lungs arc so. Cut up by the disease as
to, bid:defiance to medical skill. -- Even, how
-71A., ~- . I he lastatacres Inhalation affords ex
• . •,,,. • 1 ~, • I
raor e - ry relief :to the suffering attending
this fearful scourge, which annually destroys
ninety-five 'thousand (persons in the • United
States alone; and a correct calculation shows
that of thevresent ,populatimi of the , earth,
eighty millions lire destined to fill the. Cou
sumptive'S graves. • - . .
Truly the quiVer of death has no arrow so
fatal as Consumption. • In all ages it has been
the great enemy. of life, for -it spares neither
age nor sex, but sweeps. off alike_ the brave,
the beautiful, the graceful and the gifted. By
the help of that Supreme Being from whom
cornett' every goOd and perfect gift,.l tun, en
:Alibied to oiler to the afflicted a permanent
and speedy cure 1 in. Consumption.. The first
cause of tubercles is from impure blood, and
the immediate effect, produced by their depo
sition in the lungs,is to prei:ent the • free ad
mission of air into-the air - MIS, which causes
a weakened vitality through the entire system.
Then surely it is 'More rational to expect-great
or good from medicines entering the cavities
of the lungs thin froin those) administered
through the stomach; the patient will always
find the lungs free and the iireathieg easy, af
ter Inhaling remedies. Thus, I6halation is a
local remedy, nevertheless it acts constitution
ally, and with more power and certaiu),y than
remedies administered by the stoma h. To
prove the powerful and direct influence of this
this mode of administration, chloroform
inhaled will entirely destroy sensibility in a
few minutes, paralyzing: the entire nervous
system, so that &limb may be amputated with
out the slightest pain; - Inhaling the ordinary
burninggas will destroy life in h few hours.
The inhalation of ammonia will rouse the
system when fainting or apparentlydead: The
odor of many of the• medicines is perceptible
in the skin a few, minutes after being inhaled,
and may be immediately detected in the blood.
A convincing proof of the constitutiOnal effects
of inhalation, is the fact that sickness is al
ways produced bybreathing foul air—is not
this positive evil nce that proper - remedies,
carefully prepare and. judiciously adminis
tered; through the lungs 'should produce the
happiest results ? . During eighteen years'
i t
practice, many th e sandsstiffering• from dis
caseS'of the lungs nd threat„-have been • un
der my care, and I tare elfectedmany remark
able cures, 'even after the sufferers had been
pronounced in the laA stages, which fully sat
isfies the that consUniption is no longer a fatal
disease. -My treatment of consumption is
original, and founfied on long experience and
a thorough investigation. My perfect acquain
tance With the natdre of tubercles,- &c.-, ena
bles me to distingitish, readily, the various
forms of. disease that simulate consumption,
and apply the prOper remedies, rarely, being
mistaken even in al single case. , This famit
laxity, 'in connection - with certain pathological
and microscopic diseoveries, enables me to re
lieve the lungs from the effects of contracted
chests; to enlarge the chest, purify the blood,
impart to it renewed vitality, giving energy
and toile to the,entire system.,
Medicines with ftill directions sent to any
part oil the United States and Canadas by pa
tients i;oniniu ideating their. sYmptoms, by letter.
But the cure would be more certain if the
patient{ should pay me 'll vi - sitovhiell would
give me an opportmdty to examine the lungs
and enable me to4presciihe with Much greater
certainty, and then the Cure could be effected
Without my.seeing the patient again.. - '
st _
G, W. GRAHAM, M. D.,
Office 1131 Filbert Street, (Old
NO. 109,) below Twelfth, •
WHEREAS the Hon. Robert G. White,
'President Judge, and the lions: Joseph,
Mann and:G. G. Colvin, Associate Judges of
the Courts of Oyer Ss Terfniner and General Jail
Delivery; Quarter SeSsions of the Peace, Orph=
ails' Court find Court, of Common Pleas for the
County of Potter, have issued their precept,
) a
bearing date the • fifth day of August, •in
the year of our Lord 'one thousand eight hu -
dred and fifty-seven, and to me directed, or
holding. a Cotrt of Oyer and Termtner, and
General Jail Delivery, Quarter Sessions of the
Peace, Orphans' Court, - and Court of Common
Pleas, in the-Borough of Coudersport, on LION=.
DAY, the 21st slay of September next, and to
continue one week. I I .
Notice is thereforeiliereb l y given to the Cor
oners, Justices of the Peace, and Constables
within the county, that they be then and there
in their proper persons, at 10 o'clock A. M. of
said day, with their rolls, reeords, inquisitiona,
examinations, and other remembranceS, to do
thosethings which to their offices appertain
to be done. And those . Who are bound by
their reccignizanees to prosecute against the
prisoners that are or shall be in the jail of said
county; of Potter, arc tsp be then and there to
1 prosecute against tliewi as dill he just.
Dated at COUDERSPORT, August sth, 1857,
and the 81st year of the Independence of- the
UnitedlStates of America..: I - .-
I A: C. T.IGG.pIT, Sheriff.l
~ .
.. ,
• - 1
Toma.i .T. Hart, l
N 0.143 Sept.. Term, 1857.1
vs. ' in thotocamoo Pleas of
prizaheth Hart. Potter County.
1 ' i . iiIIEL IN • DliO*Ci. , , •
• .
. tia witi, July 315t,',1857, a Sub
prima aud dila: Suhpama having' been issued
and rettirued Nihillinl this, case,. the said .res
pondent, ELIZIUET.4 . I4II; is; h ereby . required
to appear int said Court, oni the 21st day ,of
'September next, to answer the
~.complaint set
' forth by the Lihellant. - . . i', , - ..- , - --
10:8.: "I A. C. TAGGART. Sheriff.
. ' •
'MEW GOODS--4. Large - 'and Splendid As
.i snrtment just • •
10:1 i OLMSTEXI'S.
54 - :a.
4erha l itrat l lt"ye lill a C rs ' e fs rp -16 eti :A enet i an w:r t:
-. er and ktildigher;:ttnd liattOr of p•
A seriel•of i t ectutal l atrßroaclwash, Tobernacki
<itiiir,§N )oo N 0 1 114 ' 5 03 - „ - 34. )
ore'efed - hininrith - Bounds, of ApPlatise,
while - ho exhibited , the riuttiiiii"
:POuriteifeiteriexecutp - their Fraudsiank'
. Surest and - Shertestlinarui 'of
Detectliii theta
The Bamk'Noie.oziraveri all 'iagt - Aal is6
the greatest.l:uAlge of Paper ifaa4,lfvfisg. _ 0
eiitpletfcif "84011 . Witeir. °
Describing every'', Omit:lino' Biltin ., Existence, r i'
and Exhibitingnt iaglanee every. Conn -
terfeit in Circulation II .' •
Arranged so - adinirablithat .11 - oEnucE
- isIEASY; and - . b
No index - to examine I . pages "to
hunt pp I But sd simplified Ind -tirratiged,
that the MercliAt, Banker,' dud' Business
Man can see all cit• a Glam.& ' •'1 ' ;9 4
Thus each may read the same id his own
. NATIrE ,_
Mott Poject Beink Note List Able:Ad. -
_ ALI° a List ;of ' •
A Complete Sasimary the: Ftsm.i . cr. or
EUROPE A Aussie* be published i n each
edition; together With all the LIMPOE.T.INT
From an . Old Manuscript found in the Enstt
It furbishes theinost Complete IliStdry ,
of Or.tent,alLife, : -
describing the Mosf. Perplexing Positions in .
the Ladies: and DentleMeri -- of that 141
Conntry, have beeii so often' found. These •
Stories will continue throughout the ,Whole k
year, and will proye the Most:.Entertaining:4
ever, offered to the Public. •
Purnishdd Weekly to Siibscril;ers.ori-,.
ly,-at $1 a year, letters must be
dressed to
' 7 ,I'OIMT B. DYE, Braker,.
Publieher . and loprietor, 10 Wall Street, g
New-York. 0
LIST.' • 1 -.- ;.
Countb , _ of Potter, 'vi. C. W. - Ellia & Joitaw,
W. Smith. 1
Trustees of Bin ham Estate; vir., Jacob P,
Reduer. 1 . .
,County of Potte; va . E. Johnston' tz: Julius
Bu 2,d. •
Win. McDougall vs. Jtio., M. Kilhorri, , ' - :& •
Rufus Rice.
C. Aylesworth, vs. N. P. Minard. i
George Andrewsi vs. Amos D. Nichols. ,
C. Evelin, Jr. vs.JonathaliVard, '
- Benj. Smith, vs. Isaac Lyman. •• -
Pike Township, vs D. Chappel.
Wharten School District, vs. Julius JobniMn.
Isaac Pearce, use allay &Doty, vs, Prank- -
lin Gale. j • ••
' Levi Annis, TB. W. T./Jones."
E. M. Carpenter, vs. Chase Armstrong. 1,
Barak Niles, vs, L. D,‘ Williams.
Elias E: More, vs. Morris S. Carpenter.
D. B. Brown, vs. Leonard
Hosea Cushing ' i vs. B..Barse' - 47. Ansley.
Sand. Haven, ve. A. 3L Benton.
George Ayers, vs. Win. Perry.':
.• -
Vesta C. Dike, &c., vs C. P. Dike. I* -
Wm TAoues, vs. Jackson & Rees. • '
A. W. Williams; vs. Delosi 11 Dunbar:.
Thomas, D;Lillie, vs.. H. Courtright, et. 4
Jos. A. Leonard, vs. J. Stevenson,
Josiah'llump, vs, H. S;Carrier.
Collins Smith, vs, Morris S. Carpenter.
Potter County, vs. Hunt & Crittenden. ' -
C. W. Bowe & Co. vs. W. T Jones. -
Gemmel, & Creswell, vs. W.T. &a A. F. -
Jones. '- •
- Gilbert & Nichols, es. N. L. Dike. ' ' 1 ;
David W. Seely, vs. Win.' Perry, 1
E. M. Carpenter, vs. Richard Shay, J r ..
Geo. It. Vushurg, vs. M. J. Flynn.
.H. J. OLIISTSP, PrOth,y.'
Coudersport, Aug. 3d. 1.837. I -
AUditor's Notice. -
- volicE. is hereby gives that' the uhder
.l.ll :signed, an Auditor appointed by the Ord
phans' Court for the county of Potter,.te dLs
tribute the assets: now in thol hands of 1. 1 ,
Hendrick, the administratok of the estate of
WltaLtAlt Lion, deceased, among the several .
creditors (Attie said estate, Will - attend to- the
duties of his office, at the Prothonetary'S. Of
fice,in the Borough of Coudersport,- ott . BAT=.
URDAY, the 19th day of September next, at:
one o'clock, P. 31. Persons interested, can
attend if they think proper. : '
Coudersport, Aug. 19, 1857.
Yr ISE undersigned having bought out all
former owners of the Louisville St;eant
Grist Mill are now prepared to do all manner"
of grinding, as they believe, to thb satisfa.4.=
Lion of their customers. Coine and see.
0. A. LEWIS,
Ulksses ; Feb. 28, 1857.-938:
ffeu: tiak
Advertising and Corresporidenee Me t
360113noAnivAv, NSW I Inas.
Put; up in 20c., 35c., 05c., and $1 Boxes:
Pntiup in 25c., 50c., , and sl' Bozei.
Insect; &e. Put up,n 25c. and 50c."Boxiis.
Principal Depot, NS. 388 Broadway NCid
York, and sold by pIeIJGGISTS - arid DEAL
ERS ek , erywbere in tulle United States, Cana
das,West Indies and l South America.• •
SitFullparticulars (10:10+ 4t:
SUCCESSORS TO H. R. nalrnoes a co.,
OffJsr Great Tiaducerrien-sts
Oka, OIOS & gitilteilEVAN, L
. 1 ' AT
7113 01IN S7EET, NEW - i Itik.
p. ,: ~..5i,._