The Potter journal. (Coudersport, Pa.) 1857-1872, September 03, 1857, Image 1

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c ant r, 1:i.a••2.0
'f :. i
r.J •j___'
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To whom, all Letters and Communications
ihouht be addressed, to secure attention.;
Verunt:--InvarLablyln Advance:
per Annum.
-"Terms of Advertising: .
1 Square [lO lines] 1 insertion, --- • • 50 .
.2 . as , .. •.. , t f 3 di , --- $1 so
..T:tich anbiequent intertion less than 13, • 25-1
.1 Square three months,.
2 501
_ .
:1 " - sit -6 , 400
A " " - nine - " ' ' f 50
one year, -
:Sul: and figure work, per sq., 3 Ina. 00
. o. 7 ,cery subsequent rtisertion, - -
Column sir mon - ths, - - -
- - •18 00
- -44
14 -
. 00
per year, - 30 00
Administrator's or - Executor's Notice, 200
:auditor's Notices, each, - = 150
.Sheriirs - Sales, pertract, - - 150
3larriage 'Notices, each, 1 00
-lidaines.r or Frofessioael Cards, each,
not excedin - g'S Hues, per year, - - SCO
Special and Editorial Notices, per line, 1U
4etrAll tran , ,:lent. advertisements must be
paid in advance, and no notice will be taken
of advertisements from a distance, unless they
are accompanied by the money or satisfactory
g115i11i5,5 6arbs.
Couder - sport : attend the several
Courts in Potterimd M'Kean Counties. All
- businote entrusted in' his care will receive
prompt attention. Office on Main st., oppo
site the Court House. 10:1
s P. W. KNOX,
ATTORNEY AT LAW, Coudersport, Pa., trill
regularly attend the Courts in Potter and
the adjoining Counties. 10:1
.44T11.121t G. 01.31STED,
Coudersport, Pa., will attend to all business
.entrusted to his care, with promptnes and
fidelity. Office in Temperance Block. sec
ond floor, Main St. 10:1
4iTT9IINEY AT LAW. CoudersPort, Pa., will
atte.ud to all business entrusted to him, will
care aml'pronsptness. (Mice corner of West
and Third as. 10:1'
ATTORNEY AT LAW, Welliboro', Tioga Co.,
Pa., will attend the Courts in Potter and
11'Kean Counties. 9:13
ATTORNEY AT LAW, Wellsboro', Tioga Co
will regularly attend , the Courts ,)
Polter Coaute.. • . , 9:13
Mond P. (Allegany Tp...) Potter Co., Pa.,l
will attend to ail bushiest: in his littp, with
.care and dispatch. . - 9:33
ANCER, Sinetliport;' M'Kean Co., Pa., will
uttend to business for non-resident land
'twitters, upon reaion.a.ble terms. Referen
ces given ii' recital-ed. P. S.—Maps of any
',art of the County made to order.
respectfully informs the citizens of the N.H
.:lap and. vicinity that he will
spotia to all calla for professional services.
()dice on Hain st.. in building formerly oc
cupletl by C. W. Ellis, Esq. 11:2•2
O. a. J 0 1 ,133. ' L1.15'13 LUNN. IA. r. JONI:3.
Shoes, Groceries and
Provisions, Main at., Couderaport, I'a.
ivLiaxa syrrs
lauey aides, Stationery, Dry Goods,
Groceries, Main st., Coudersport,
Clothing., Crockerj - , Groceries, &r., Main st.,
COudersport; Pa. . 10:1
• W. MANN,
- 4AINES and' Music, W: corner of 3lain
and Third sta., Coudersport ; Pa. 10:
iftW ELLER; Coudersport, Pa., havindengag
ed a *-indoor in Sehootnaker & Jackson s
Store will teary on the
. Watch and Jeirelry
Lusinees there. A fine aSsottment o
f Jew
eoliStantly on hand. Watches', and
Jewelry carefully repaired, in the
-best style,
1' Pa the' shortest notice - all work warranted.
(srccEssoß- TO JAMES . EMITYI,I •
st.,.utarly. opposite the Court
- Hiknse, Coqtlersport, Pa. Tin mid Sheet
Iron Ware ruade to order, in good style, ou
eliort uotice r , . . .10:1
D. F. dLASS I ,IiIRE ' Proprietor ; Corner or
Main'und SSeon4 Streets, Coudersport. Pot
•. •
&KNURL • M IrLLS,- Proprietor, Cole4burg,
Pottert•o:, - Eleven miles north of, Cou
- ders:, - ,ortop the WelliTille Road.
.9: t 4
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From the New York Dispatch.
Two bashful lovers sat one night '
Within a grape-vine bower.' Full bright '
The moonbeams 'were:, The twinkling stars
Cast over earth their golden bars.
Upon the river's silent breast(
'A' copy of the'sky Was prest ; • •
While on-the greeri leaves of the troes
Danced the light spirits of the breeze.
All sounds were hushed, save where some boys
At "hide and seek," were making
And save where, sleeping in her pen;
A Miss Hog grunted now Mad then.
.Charmed by such scenes and yomds, they wove
Within thalbower,.the woef of love ; •
Within that bower the smacking kiss
Was heard; and sighswhich spoke ofildiss.
"Dear Jane," said he, "41-de-ar Jane I '
I want to s-s-say--=Tis vain • .
P-p-perhaps; but ne'ertheless 1:
Will you-0, may-be you will guess .
What I—w-w-what I Would say.
Will yon be thine ". Say, yes, I pray,"
Down fell the blessed maiden's head:- '
I And though she trembled, still.she said,
1"0, dearest Thomas, since You've popped—
Since from your loving lips has dropped
The question—may be you c:in guess ;
My short response: 'tis yes;—'tis yes l"
And even as she-said that word ;
The roosters as by. impulse stirred;
Flapped.hard their wings and loudly crew
While through the arbor soft winds blew; .
E'en Miss Hog turned armind once More,
Gave one Icing grunt and one ling snore;
While the old watch dog said. "bow-wow,"
And some old- tom-thtt said, "me-yow."
Thus when the queSion is let'out
A 'rumpus' is 'kicked up' abone; .
And cats, drip, roosters-=all Creation
Give one simmense congratulation.
tilititat• I 'slifiiittitifo.
From the Boston Evening News • Letter.
Excavatlonti in a Hound of Old
Political Relics. ,
SON IN 1804. \ .
llTassachuietts Votes for a
Democratic President—Whet
will she again ?
From the Boston Rpertory,Wov. 0, 1804.
To an impartial spectator of passing
events, the movement of political factious
iu a free government -are always objects
of curious and interesting speculation.--
In countries approaching so near a dem
ocracy as the'seCnited States, it waist e'f'•
er . he the primary objects oithe leaders
of party to court the favour of the peo
ple. There are two modes of accomplish
ing this with success, one of which con
sists in rendering real service to the pub
lick, and the other by professing extra
ordinary solicitude, for the people, by'
flattering theirprojudices, by Ministering'
to their passioni, and by huutouring their'
transient and'eha,ngeable opinions. These 1
two processes for the attainment .Of the
same object, are scarcely ever combined;
together, and as the ambitious and aspir- 1
lug must uriiyersally be impelled to arm
at the' end, so the ;choice of the means;
takes its complexitin from, the individual
character of every candidate - for power
through popularity. ; In times of national
difficulty and 'distress, when the service
of the publick is a service. of danger and
oltoil, when DEEDS are the only test of
attachment to the Country, ; and .mere
words are esteemed at their proper worth; 1
the PATRIOT 'RI' Acno:4, generally ob;
tains the `ascendency; but in days 'et
peace and tranquility, when the duties of
r publick life, are little more than a rou
tine whemlionour without peril, and profi.
it without sacrifice 'is the result of pub, ; -
dicki employtnent, then the PATRIOT
PROFESSION take: his turn, and often
bears away the ; palm' from 11 1 0 More re-'
served and unassuming competitor.
This distinction between the patriot by,
PrtoLlissioN and the patriot by ACTION,
could not better be illustrated' han in the'
contrast between 'the-struggle, fur a Cron.;
seral Ticket, upon Which in my late num
ber's I have animadverted, anil..!the effort
of the same 'party in oppositiOU .to Mr.;
Ely's ruotion.;.' 'Ve.have seen4ti the. for-,
cuer occU.sionj great professions . ..of regard'
for the.mtorn* We -have Seen a major-1
ity in the Legislature, undertaking to say
that the people preferredS'elecqpn by Dis
tricts, because in
,: they,. preferred: it the,
selves, and formally- assigning ;this pref
erence- of the . 'people, a one of the con
elusive reasons, for, their's when the pco=
pie had never inanifested, and Trubabb
never entertained any such s4ntunent.--
INN Wits I;4olQtiam profession. The
protesters take for. granted, that the peo
ple like their project best, and then make
a merit of adVoeating it for that, reason. Mr. }ly brought forward this dam
'tion,l the object of which -Was - to render
the people ai real service, argreat and
portant serviO, then , these fiaranig u-nUnr
eabote3 to ?Om:41131ot Irtie‘ petr i oat* I ,; 440 'ilia! Dimoisptioo of 3ffoilVity, Kiteilkte 00 Vein. I
pieriot,s.lost all-their zeal, audinstead of
stipportins„it svitli that gamine devotion
to the interests or the people, which they
had ao 'recently trumpeted abreao, either,
shit* *from the .discharge of their duty,
and `their vOtTas`Legislaters; of attempt
ed check by insidious amenclinent, or
,Y,:y open opPositiona - meaSure of the'deep
estmoinent to the ,welfare of the people.
The reasons upon which are..grounded
the instructions, for which
ed; n
are 'so elemesoitrong and so lls
ptitable;, that. no ' direct, answer to them
has been attempted '.either in the Legis
, laturh, 'or in the neiispaper, apee,iilations
which have 'appeared, on the subject.---
The rule Of representation prescribed by
the Constitution of the United Statics is
universally adinitted tube IJNE , QUAL, and
when combiried with the practice under
the Censtitulion iJ oppressive and on all
States _holding a few or no slaves. At
present the people, of the United States,
consist of two 'classes. A privileged or-
der 'of slave.;holding Lords, and a race of
men degraded, to a lower station, merely
because they are not slave-holders. Ev
ery planter* South of the Pototnack, has
one vote for himself, and 3 votes in effect
for every slaves he' keeps in bondage;
while a_New England farmer, who:con
tributes tenfold as inueli to* the support
of the government, has:only a single. vote
---our Share of representation is only
VortiOnate o nuMbetS, their share is in
the wine proportiOn of numbers, and their
property is represented hesides. it the
time when the 'Constitution was formed
this provision . was admitted (in the ground
that the burden of taxation should be ap
pOrtioned 'to the benefit of representation.
The'experienee of fifteen years howeTer
has proved the errour of these edeilla
thins. The experience of fifteen yearS
has 'prov.ed that
.four fifths of - the bur
dens of this government must be sup
ported by the States. which have .no. rep
resentation for slaves. The benefits
pledged to us, as a compensation for in
adequate taxation is not secured to us
we are doubly taxed, and they are doub
ly represented.
The necessary consequence of this has
been the loss of all our weight and
ence in the Councils of the Union. It is
a faot well ascertained that the excess of
Southern Representation decided the fate 11
of the last election for President and!.
Vice president of the United States; the. ,
same eventimust inevitably follbw every V
contest in which the • interests of the
North and those of the South shall he at
variance. While the present...system of i
representation continues, an even balance!
in the National Councils must not be ex.!
petted. The : slave representation like!
the sword of Bre,unu.s, will forever be!
thrown into the Southern scale, and must:
forever make our's kick the beam.
In a moral and,pOlitical view, this rep-!
resentation of the slaVeS is alike objet- 1
finable'. The nuniber. of ihOse
ble beings already existing in some States!
is such as 'to occasion the most serious!
alarm in all 'humane 'and thinking minds.'
Sr. Jefferson •has said that .the populace!
of large cities, - no more add-strength; to.
the body politick, than sores to the natu
ril body. If this comparisOn be just the
slaves of our Southern neigbors are ab
seesses of the deepest, and most danger-,
ons matter to our' national body. In-!
!stead of strength they are distemper,
Which if it cannot bo eradicated, ought'
at least not to be festered- and stimula
ted. By allowing. representation for
slaves, we encourage and reward the in
famous trafliek of iuman flesh; and ac
cordingly we find that although fat one
period this traffick was prohibited in all
our states, yet thetemptation to allow it
,has already overpowered every othercon-!
! sideration .in, South Caroliba, and she has
opened her ports to that disgraceful!,
It will not be necessary-at this day o' l
prove that in the eye of morality this pur-'
chase and- sale of man, is criminal. The
laws of the United States have loaf; since
declared it so, and as such it is prohibit
ed to every citizen of the,Unitedr States
on the severest penalties=. Thus the Con
stitution instigates and urges- the South
ern States to that which the laws plll3-
ish as a crime. It makes .the 'highest;
privilege of freemen, the purchase of ac-1
cumulated slavery. It says to the North-1
ern and riivigating.Statei, you shall not!
[trade in slaves.. ;If yon do. your ships' and. l
Alien cargoes shall .be contiSeated, your:
estates shall, lie iiiiried - by 'tines, and your ;
persons.sliallbe:baried in dungeons, and
at the same breath it says to the South-)
ein States deal' in :slaVes—milltiply. the
, fetters of yoilf -bondage,'autVfoi. every
1 five.. victims.. of avarice and cruelty, 1
you import 'within yew IterritorieS,.yeul
!shall have an increase .of, three votes to-1
Wards ,eoinposin
gthe , legislative and ex.--;
eoutive authorities of the nation. 7 For inl
the .iret , same act it offers a bounty, to,
l one. Citizen, while, it 'brandishes the
i scourge ,tier another. 'Can anything be
more Hillman?. Can any thing be more
absird •
' Thus in whatever point of view we
contemplate this provision: in the Tea-
stitutiOn, whether aa.inoralist,s, as politi
crane., or as. citizens; it calls . aloud] for
amendment. Yet in the legislative of
Massachusetts itselfWere found men, who
Made . the most, t fortual and Pointed oppo
sition against:a fair, and Constitutional
attempt to obtain this ainendMent. And
what were the, arguments they,alledged ?.
They were Worthy of the cause in, which
they were advanced. - •
. They said, that it 'might perhaps give
offence,toNirginia, and the slave-holding
Stales, and thus endanger the ,eristence
of the Union. - '
P ut propositions of amendment
to the Constitution can . .gire no offence to
_States' whose mostinfluential char
neters bare been and still are clamorous
for amendnienti much more calculated to
strike at the.existaticeOfthe tuioia—:who
. „ . .
aro continually telling us that the_Con
stitiition 'not only permiti, but invites
pr4oials of amendment—who ; have just
accomplished one, :which they deemed
essential to the increase of their own pow- .
er, and who have announced their deter
mination to accomplish others, still .more
contraraint to the principles upon which
the compact was originally settled.
This fear of giving offence; by the ex
ercise of an indisputable right, under the;
sanction of every ndueeixient which jus- !
tice, humanity and, liberty can inspire,
is ii'inotite WhielCought not to be urged
upon freemen: lt is an,appeal to weak
ness—a plea to .argumentl
fifonly"for slaves to utter and to hear.—!'
It discovers a mind prepared for every:
degree of submissien. It is the languan'e I
of e negro driver On a plantation to .tliel
wretches, who tr inble under his lash
but it can find no accessible corner in the
heart of a New England farmer.
The pretence of danger to the Union,
cannot be: credited by those who raise it.
The amendment when proposed in .Con,
gross, will be adopted or. .rejected. lf
adopted, it will have a greater tendency
to cement and perpetuate the Union than
any thing that• has occurred since the
adoption of the Constitution itself. If
rejected, its friends - will 'undoubtedly
submit to the Constitutional decision,
and wait until the progress of reason shall
produce.a state of thing. 3 more favourable
to : the 'purposes of Justice. Of, the
seventeen States there are only five
whose representation is increased by the
slates, they hold. Twelve states there
fore have a permament . and decisive in
terest, which must unite them eventual
ly in wiping away this national scandal.
Of the five whose :number of members
would be. reduced by the amenc inentd
Georgia would lose but one member and!
North Carolina only two. The- InEta.- I
•ittE weight of these. two' States would
therefore rather be raised than depressed
by the exchange,' and their interest will ;
concur with that:of the tivell,- . e.• Even
in Virginia, the inhabitants beyond. the I
mountains, who. constitute a majority of t t
the freemen, in that Commonwealth,!
Would gain rather than lose in their pro-1.
portion of the representation; so that!
when once the voice of solid and'undeni- 1
able INTEREST, concurring with those
of honour, and Republican principle shall
'cease to be stifled by the deafening. din
of party spirit, there can be no doubt but
that the aulendment will prevail.. This
consideration will ' . naturany lead the
friends of the measure to pursue it at
once with temper and perseverance: Per
suaded that the Union is the first of
political blessings to every part of these
States, they will never be inclined' to
hazard it fur.any subordinate considera
tion, at the same time, assured that the ,
more firmly its feundations are fixed on
1 the foundations Of freedom equal rights,
the more solid and thorough will be ' the
Ilbrick, they will not relax their Mild
hut determined exertions -until the hon
lourable object for which they contend.
I shall be attained'..
' But' it Was asserted that when the I
Constitution was, debated in the State
' Convention this, very, article was warmly!
1 :
• advocated by - :the most, .- distinguished I
,in that body, who advocated
~ ,
! its adoption. , . 1
i :It must be remembered that the Con- 1
stittition was then an untried experiment,'
every one otthe important States in the - I
Union, was divided almost equally On the 1
propntY`at all. n 'the!
Massachusetts. ! convention -the Mote. of
adoption was carried' only by ;a•, majority
of eighteen in three hnuclred-Anti seventy.
members, These who on the iiiain ques
tion were for the rejection of the install-.
nient, of course ; raised every . possible ob : .
1 jeetion of detail which' their ingenuity
leould devise; end - they' who conceiVed it :
lof the utmost importance upon the Whole!
that, it should be adopted were often eal,l
led upon to justify or palliate sections',
I which separately, considered, might have
highly' to thethaelves.
How, the government would opemte in.
practice Was ncees.serily; conjectnral ; and
!they whose hopes were chiefly . -founded
: upon the 'result, of " tha wi,1014 system,
'naturally becaine sanguine in, their ex
peetations of ' Oval:tinge: from: paiticittax
parts . . . • I v - -.,
I The, grow 4 upon vvhieh this pare
' graPh was supported by the federalists .
in the Massa, , utettsi Convention was,
that it sanctioned the Principle of mak
ing representat on ands taxation g, hand
in band. 'The objections against it were!
gi d e,
that the ne would not be taxed 1
etiough, fort • proportion, and it was
compared withl,the mode established in
the old confed ration of raising quotas in
proportion to the lad surveyed and im
provements. '.. -, repre
sentation, resul ing from this article, wea l
not foreseen; u, objection of that nature
was raised: : It has arisen • front the non- ,
execution ofthat part of it which favours
ns- , --TIIE Ti4TIONj while' the part
which favours du Southern States 4 THE
REPHESENTATI4N, iS canied into fn 'l ef
fect. Both parres took it for granted
ti ,
that as we . ould be rep esented, so
should be tame l d. The practice of the
Constitution has proved othervrise. Iu
the course of Peen years the direct tax
d to onlyonce, and then
ually or not at all by the
ates. The Treasury has
dollar of this tax from
has been resort
was paid ineFee
not received
•r Georgia, and - several
tates are great default
South Carolina
others of those
era iu that pa •
Nor. 13, 1804
From the
doubt but the electorinl
There is tic
ticket supporte
prevail in 111 s.
may be though
Must confess th:
cd.nor mortified
long been of .trii
more than one
who can never
truths. Good.i
'experience alon e
ing "to -the gray
evil day might
dcd : that they
fathers before tr
periinental instr
course of years
scene, which Nll
\'e do not, hi
'confidence in tie
government. d
understood but
country. The I
convinced • of
they are finally
a nation's chara
able abroad, th
home and the 1.
sapped to their
these effects wi
to be generally
agents in the w
mote and theit
the many. .Tlf
and wicked fac
ticed with succ
But in our s
ferent, and the
pled are not so]
.who would wi
system of st
Which we hav
and prosperity,l
cerns CANNOT I
TERS. it is
their names
ashamed. Th
in their infer
lmost active an
the pests of cii
is a majority ii
have any this
re r ady i bhi they
themselves bia
F by the , democrats will i
spachu.setts. .Whatever i
it of: our sigularity, we 1
.I.t we are neither s.urpris-
I at the event '- We have
(e opinion that there is
'half 'of any community
uly appreciate theoretick '
overnments grow ,out of
1.. Those who are . ve*“ . ...
' I . mayw 11 wish that the
r e
yet, for a time; be suspen
111 might- rest 'With their
he horrid processof es
ruction commences. But
ige the expectation of •a
cannot wieli to Avert a
rsT..ere long ensue.
owever, yet relinquish our ;
l'e durability 'Of our STATE
fbe , affairs of a nation ara
by a. small Portion in any . ;
- T -
srnas of citizens are not
pal-;alninistration, ' until
°used by its effects; and
er niay beeoree -contempt
igovernment; corrupt at
b rriers of civil liberty be
!foundation, long. before
II be ;sufficiently striking
realized. The. principle
r4:rk of destruction ar4B;re-
characters unknown to
e impostures 'of an alert
ion can. therefore be prac-
:ate government -it is dif- i
intrigues of the unprinci- .
] easily effected. Those,
ili to revolutionize' that:
t. 6 administration, under!
6'l so' long enjoyed peace
,1 in all our personal con-
uIIy necessary to expose;
and :they theuicelves are
tools Whom they enlist
Lrnl ~enaployment, as the
liviolent, are known to be
;il Edciety; and While there
i :this commonwealth who
-g to secure, it is scarcely
will wantonly sacrifice
set of vultures,
who al
talk of confiscation.
v, t
—M., ,
NEAT I'EOPX.V..—A traveller , out west'
i 1- -
gives the followny , as his• experience of
I b
neatness, whidh is rather funny: 1
We always did like neat people. We al
ways did cherish- a kind of tender feeling for
all neat women,/ But we -never were really
"struck" by on until last week, and the way
was this.:. We lre "out west" a! few, miles,
and got belated; looked fur a plaCe• to stay
over night ; fon il. a cabin ; asked if we could
he accontraodate ,gad a tall woman, with
freckled face, reklair, buffalo-skin moccasins,
buck-skin dresJ dad a baby : said.
ra She "reck
oned we nut.' . • _ •
We got - olf otl
cotton wood In
for some suppe .
ses, broiled pun?'
ate le artily. 1 ,
• After meal was passed, the woman said to
the 'oldest girl : ''Sew, Doddy Jane, you have
jist got to . keep. that old slut and them ere pups
from sleepin in, this ore meal-box.any longer.-
In makin , -this tifing,er's cornbread, iI was jist
naturally pestered tO desth pickin' the small
hairs'and dead fleas out of it, that I came off/
from them .pcskyl dogs ; and if they, sleep in it
a week longer it *on% be fit to use." ,
We were in lote with that woman on ac•
count of,her neatness. And that•eveninc , we
laid down Upon the rough hewn floor and had
pleasant dreams.l : Ghostly_ flees were hopping
about through our corporal diversities, and
spectra sluts, with . goblin pups, danced before
us in boxes .of Unearthly meal, during; the
livelong night; tindbur great-grandfather sat
straddle of us si x ' honrs,, add With a ramrod to
a six pounder cannon, stuffed . cords of that
ricatly.prepared dont dodder down ourtinwill=
ing••throats, antlWhistled . all the time for the
dogs, while the baby and iits- tidg-Mother - est
bv and wept for ',the departing hoe . cake.. "'We
like neatness..
horses, hitched them to .a
-crib and went in. We asked
IWe got some bacon, mobs
. kinS and corn dodger. We
4-4, -
t - ti t
•{'FOUR -
• , •
mmq,7-14,25 Pp,4g4.W..,;.'1
, .c.
Gotrorr. in his English - . eugagenseAti -
receii'e. $5O .a lecture,
_petting .14, ,tke
three years' tour—Lsix _ hundred ,
the handsome sum of $30,000: 1 " _
Somi eloquent schol*,d'efendru . g I tb
study cifiGreek and Itomanliiii•AUverfkta
it Was. the ark in whiChlbe oda:wont
ization i ttims preserved: during this Beluga
of barbitrilm. •
. ;
AN author of a love stoiy, in idevinl.
lug his heroine, says : "Innocenti° dwalls
in the dark clusters of hir ; „A".-rait
gish 'editor suggests that a fuse..tootli
comb would bring it out. -
I •
FOR ,half a century; it is Said, . do - lent I '
or ship-has passed Mount Yernottotheris >
lies the illustrious dead,. without tollitqg
the bell while passing the 'sacred sihivic*
"Tis the Mecca of - the-States: 9 . '' 1 -
Mn. , MisoN, our 3linister 'to Pref . :lee ./
the same who was rebuked for - Puttinglits
arm around the back of the Empress's
chair, requcits leave it is said, to remain:
in Paris until he can pay his dObts thehs
out of his salary. ..... . i „ , ~ .....,,, ,-;
A. fashionable city lady,-,,wbilst_in-tins
Country, a short time since, ingnir,q4,-... , -
What are those animals with
. pctirdep;
horns 1 glowing ' out of !.their 'eerie ' 'ilk
though it were not genteel for-a'- , fainilei
Ito know a, cowl ,: '- ' _. .' '''., -,7...„-
ONE of the sex writes: rather.
" that 'though a few American. ladiei
in idleness, or worse than , idleness,,
majority as yet work 'themselves
early graves, giving . men an tippertiiiiity
to try two or three in the course of their
own Nnorous lives ,
No Dorm or ir.—The Richmond
Enquirer .makes an open breast andilet,
claresi: "For our own part, we l have
hesitation in expressing the opi nion that
every; goVernor who ',has' been sent - 4
Kansas has been instructed to - act alwaYi
with especial partiality to.the Bouth.a!+::::e.
LEA.B.NI:i a and knowing are two things,-
I Didnrt, you know the ro
earth is, und?'
inquired a teacher of a' wondering little .
girl, Whe had been through and throng*
the G,noraphy, like a needle- thirongh• it;
seam; . 1W hy, no,' said , she, , Ir/earned
a great while ago, but: I never kAsio it
till now l'
.1: - • 4
• A gentleman once conversing . the
society of a company of ladies- and eriti
cicinc, rather severely the want of per
sonarbeauty in other ladies of their
quaintance, remarked— •
" They are the ugliest women I know'
and then with an extraordinary_ polite
ness, added "present company , always
cepted." .
a letter from London ; Pnblishedin. 7 1 11:4
South Carolinian, occurs thelolloWing - :'
tribute to the present representative of
this country at the Court of St!' Janies
"It 'gives me real pleasure : to" know.
that Mr. Dallas repudiatei hint (Setiator
Sumner) utterly. I-assert this on tay
lowa knowladge:"
• LIVE.—On last
,Saturday-. Judge
Conrad sentenced man namedßump,t4z.
prison fur two years and eight Months,
for the perpetnniOn of frauds by' Whiel.c
James Buchanan was .elected
Presidency last Fall. Buchanan now'
occupies the White Hons. at
and Rump is domiciled in the - cell: At;
Moyamensing!—Philu...l34lefip.,4 us: 24.,
"DAD, if I was to_ see a duck: on tha
wing and was to shoot it, would
-you get
"Oh no, my - son„it shows you , are: 'a'.
good marksman, teal would feel - proud,
of vou." l .-
'i , Well then, dad, t peppered our; old
drab'' as he was flying over the fenCe:te,
day, and it would hare dime yon k:oOd. iii
see him drop." 1- . -.- 7' •. - 1
, .•
• .
IT is estimated that the production'of
wheat this year in the West, 'will bo 1 20,•
000,000 'bushels greater than, it.,waslt..
1850, which shows an advaacejo-pnipier
tion of about -fifty-fide per cent. ;-popu
lation has increased about - thirty five.per
cent, which will- alhiw rhaiut twentf - pei
cent. more for export than lik 18 4 31 i 0e
The increase of the: - contl,crop. i5T0 1 . n., 4
about,equal to the increase of poputio
, 1
' NATURE OP_ THE SEN.--TaCutoFit:Tas
cent observation.s confirm ,t l , l ,l, l Mlp9t*.ort
that the Sun is a: - Vick; ?Tape bodYt
with a himinens'and'inchndeticerit titintyl...
phere, through-Which the Solar '&4 is
often seen in black Spots, frequently rod'
enormous dimensions, - , •A 1 *Bugle' art:
seen with the naked eye in. the yptir 843 i
was 77,000 miles in diameter. -Sir John
Herschel, in '1837, Nintueiseif .4.
s blistqed
1, 4
spots including • an
. area: of 'a,ABOl,OOO
miles. The diameter, of the-sunf 110,
800 geographical . m . iles,...otll2-tita. that
4 1
- the earth; its yolume i5.,1,37,1_24
times that of `the earth; and 600: times
that of-all the plan - eisvand - its"' ansl4
150,5511 timea greabir-than-thi - Rh's;
and .4.48 "times .. greatertliwi. tit*
oinea .'l
}; 4s;
I .
4 -04