n ci„,,i.ii,.: -. t ease ; . }te,,,groat,-first causc, ,-, .;=:/r•irti;•3 ftnif - 01 , 110:et•PF - 11:1tWg lallt c ::, -- i'.• .. t 4",, I trEIIE•RI.. ;15T 1 ..0 - , 1 , - v intiet ,, a,CLltle, •lq giaar4tycpe4 - -.:7t4 '. - 1-L' STAOEs 'OS - . SECII ET..DISEASES , . ta _• ,- ,...u,..ne, iy,rroui neLizity l .-,..; Pleefr, , r- • hyme,: Le,,,Lstse, Dilo'sses of tielSasys and : .13.1ailder, . Aro-curia/ ,Rheumatism, Scrofab i '--. i'ainis in the Banes and. Amiles, Diseases of. the ..- Zurve, nrati, ;rose anl Eyes, &leers upon the ,9,.1y w- L int:. Cancers, ti?o„osit i Epileptic rife i afti.:Vica's 12a. , :ix,. r and all ji4sa,:a - a. - ising.frels , v.-: a 4 1-ranue.ol:'il the Seiltat Organs, - tITCLI IL l P.Nervotis - - P feeliiblirig.'LOsi of Stem . ore ; Loan 'of Power,. Of-ricral- Weakaess, :sm. jr' 3 s ': the Vision l'i l .ith pc - culler Jpots appear. 1 rig tcforr e eYes, Loss •of -Sight, Wakeful. - sa,•Drsiseptle, I.4t:e,ribislasp, ErpptiA 3- ulige hefice,"Paid.la. tlitt hack aid head. Yeuntle rgalarities and all improper discharges from th sexes. It matters not, from what cause the kliseAte:etiginateti, however long:standing' pisilistinatc the ease, rceorrty is certain, egad in tt:§itiorter time than a permanent cure cao tie el-, tee eta. b,y e.qty.pliker_iireatment, even after:the Of:ease - has babied the skill of eminent physi• isions and resisted all their means of cure. The feldieinesswel,Wasailt \without odor, causing no Fekness and tree frogs mercury or balsam. urifig twenty years of practice, I Lave resetfed om the jaws of Death many , m tholsa'tids ' who. In. the last-stages. Of., the al;dye entioned die pose-9' had liteli:givail'4P Co die by their physi cians, which ft arrants nie in prc t utisir i g to the eillicted, - Wlio may place tlnimselves under my haris, it perfect and most speedy cure. Secret Diseases are the greatest enemies to health, as they are the first cause of Censtimption,Scrof ithi, and many 431.1;er diseases, and should be u' terror to the human family. ,As a perm :neat ,Fure i , scarcely ever effected, a majority of the pasei.'falling into the hegds of incompetent persons, who not only fail to cure the diseases'' but ruin the coa.titution, filling the syitem , with mercqry, which, with the disease, has- )CLO the sufferer into a rapid Consumption. But shpiald:the disease and the treatment 1 pot cause death speedily.and the victim mar- pea; the disease is entailed upon the children. iwho are born with-feeble constitutions, and i the current of life corrupted by - a - virus which 1 betrays itself in Scrontlajutter ' Ulcers; Crup- i iions - and tither a ff ections of the skin, :':yes,' 'throat and Lung., entailing upon them a• brief itlistence of stifle :3g and con.siuguing them vs au early grave. , .. .. SEL . ABUSE is another formidable enemy ! to health, for ilet'4o2 . , else in the dread cats-1 jogue of jr,;mari diseases causes so destructive 1 4:iiin upon the system, drawing its thousands of ,victims through a few years of suffering I down to an untimely grave. It destroys the' tft.cvous system, rapidly wastes as the en- 1 irgiei of • life, causes mental derangement, prevents the proper development of the system, 1 disqualifies for - marriage., society, bnLiness• and all earthly happiness, and leaves.. the fiat ferer wrecked in body and mind, predisposed to consumption and a train of evils more to be dreaded than death itself. With the fullest, e•cnfidellee I 13:311rC the unfortualte victims ot Self-Abuse that a permanent and speedy cure put be affected, 5t....d with the, abandonment of 1 ruinous practices my patients can be restored i.tt robust, vigorous health,, - - -, The afflicted aro cautioned against the use pf Patent Medicines,. for there are so many ingenious. snares.in the columns of the publi.:: prints to catch aucl, rob the unwary sufferers that millions have their, constitutions, ruined by the vile compounds of quack doctors,. or the equally_ ,poisonous ,nostrums Vended - -as !'Patent Medicines."-.I have carefully analyzed many of the so, called Patent Medicines and find that nearly all of:Weal contain Corrosive Sublimate, which is one - of tho_stiong,pst pre parations of it:screwy_ gad a deadly poison, which hasteact'ot curing the disease disables the system for life. . .• - .Three-fourths of the patent nostrums new In use are put up by unprincipled and ignorant persons, who do not understand even the al phabet of the lnateria me . dica, and aro equally as destitnto of any knowledge of the human system, having one Object only in view, and that to make money regardless of consequen ,' . Irregularities and all diseases of males and females treated on principles established by twenty years of practice, .and sane:in:m.l;l,y thousand's of the most remarkable cures. Med icines 'with full directions sent to any part of the United' States or. Car,adas,. by patients communicating their symptoms by letter.— Business coircspoudcace strictly confidential. Address. ' - . J. Sli MM.ERVT.II,E, I'd: .1); Office DI:.;4. .1131. Filbert St., (01d.N0..109,) • 77q..LFT/t, P'iq I L. AbELPIIIA: raoVISION STORE. S2ED3CEII, offers Gre4t Inducements . TO : BUYERS OF. (V ROCERIES, PROVISIONS &e., .at IQ Ca° stose formerly opcuP,od. by.: p, enatEß, on 3d Streot ' North aide of Public Square GROCERIES. Agood assortment constantly on hand, from 1 whieli _ nrsimeraie a foir of the leadir.l artlclet; such as sugar, Stusterd, Candy, „Defies, Cinnamon. • lints: •", Molasses, Poppc.r-Sauce, Crackers, Syrups, , Catsup,-; , •;.,: ••••. Soap, Pepper r Yeast, - ; Pa:ldle:4 - Qils, - , ,;- .: Tobac`co,.: Lead, - Carb. t!" - Aa &gar , - C. Tartar . sad nianrOther things "too numerous to insist tiod, tigill her.fowid in this department *which will his sold at ,s. trifling ailrar.co from cost ; ttiir 'ready pay.,.. _ pay._ " a' Constantly on h.tnl , subtr roßg;l",Lt R, ,, SIIOULDERS; FISH, SALT; • BDTTERr•CIISES.E, LARD; BANNS, !-FLOUR, • CORN , : MEAL, • FLOUR, DRIED • APPLES, DRIED PLUMS, • cind . zasay othe'r articles in the line. of Prori tiomiltuene.cessarj_to_rueution. Also, INVO.O.DE W R.P.;• Vlach as Broome, Wash-Tubs and Boards, Mops, ?inner Boxes, &c., wiaiclrwill be sold losir for GashAt.Ze4dt l pa i r t .Vats, Potatoes r Butter, Bggl,plieilt4. and an fa'cCalmelei . eveqthing tartnii.riiises;ie;s becn in'aielanlate* for roods, et their ,case. valuts., I invite the at tention of 1 4 iVingeis, Fariaiera and Lumbermen ,tto pArchasoa Win the above. as solicit them to call before pur- Oasing elsewhere: t. X SPENCER. Co F spa r June 9, 1857.-10:2., - D T ACHED 11USLINS a»d a few other nr la the liae of Staple Dry Gos ., :in 160 rpt% ;at •••• - •iVi' ' '/- • — ."`EY, W: :13", A.;t: . _ - —-- -•- -- - . _ , _ ____ __ o - irrirt - g.fuc l ir - fraiiirc eiiditientetiS"V.4, tayi 7 ; - 0 41 . 1 t e107c, N L I U Jr api • , ?.),All nizrenattont,..yeP.t . 23, nays 8,, 911 t1i..0.4% .` •. Pron.c.sing" Ariabnitm'erits 1,1.3, :UT ,p,uiodi.rattai yvis 23, nays I, , . se4fpl.3lol.liiflgt. Or *he teCiitii. '-I'-. •• ' • L'EttnittrA ) trritialonilat_l - . - • i".!' , ,• - •' , . 11011 . inalteCt40....• - - 1 • -' • • • opt): V:IIkiIEASLY ,'Clair; . , 1)1111ESOLVRP Ly riik' Sorklte arq A r TiFc' - rfir' -- : -. Jfi. TgE liou:g ,t_:',,F, REPRESENTATIVES . ., -.. Kt sviiiii.4444..l.l r Ok'-fronli'qall 1 : 6 / 1 -.' "." •-'- ' -'; ; --":' - .7.iiira, '29, 1b. 9 .:7.' ' rt " 47Zygnia in (jeivaL4"dn'llY on e s .f ' i hctt I. ' -Ileiolue - ,i, Thaftiiiiresoidtion . pnss. - Cin'th the D 3110 76 14 am," 6-32 r'en ts le, T° P u .' 4- to the i firsi utnehtiiiient,* , yeas 78, liiya i 2, OA the See-, constitnilou a tile - 6,iiotni : increalth, in necoril_ „, ; „ 1 , i odd a tnendinent,.:yea.3 67, nays 34; 911 the third I ,l 4 o7 i B ics" .° f - th e • t .PE II a t!' - `" ! iiiiindtheuf, yeti 72; 'zia z ,Fi .2 2 iQn -tile cC?"4 ance with the Wldet •!- - • ' -•.' - . . '- - - . - '- ; ....e.u. , ;ot, ya'as bi, rises 3, " - ' ' 4 : - ''' "I - g "" • I " ' IL i'D.C.I . fron t it , e. ,T.QUITIfttI . I rpiST A'' . 71.11.\. 131 , 17::‘,T, ,_ , ,. Xt • The . 'l ' hfl' t ii.4 % firt fc4 Sition A - e - .i.ta -- vtia i. '. • "J -I. c, 0 .1 ZE 4l l(4 a L v i'ty l fie: t .. l '... ' • I rilea In Secretupy s o Ac e, co.astitutior. to be 44 . 3,1 - gn4lid Ita hrticle eiticen, ; - . ••• -• • ' A 1.1 U.KTV. - • . . as fcli4 ' \\*S --- ' ' Seretar "of Mg e nidiorurealth. 07.P1.7.6up ..DEBT:3. • szczo 1.--Tim State . May !contract debts, to supply eal,sual:delicits or failures id revenneS. or. to ustiet expenses nOt'otherwise piovided for ; • butt he-dojreg,iii arnoriiif of suels' directpand contingent, whether contracted- by virtue orrotie'or indre nets p the general:as semble, at at,:dill'erent periods of-time,. shall never'ixereij Seven hundred dud fifty thoustind and the 'money arising from' the crea . 'don df Such 1 debtf,- shall be atzpli:g.ii tO ihe purpose for which it was obtained, or to repay i the debts so contracted, and to no Ober. par= pose Whatever. i 'Ssdrtdx 2. In addition to the above-limited power:the- state Mai Contract debts: to repel invasion' f r suppres's inenirrection; - defend • the 1 state in war, or to reil'eein die present! •oitt staullity‘i indelkednesk of the stale ; hut the !money arising front the coritractilig of such 1 debts; shall be applied tothe purpose for which it - was ruses, or tb, repay such debts,-.4 l sd to no other purpose whatever.. SECTION 3. Except the ao,t3 ribove.specified, I.in sections diie and two of this articip. no - debt ! whisie‘er shall bb created by, or -on Velialf the state. ' 1 Sscriox 4. Tr' provide. for the payment •of the: present dept, 'and any iidditionallleliteou- I mimed as aforesaid, the legislature shall,- ' at ! its first session, 1 after ilia adoption of this 1 amendment, create a sinking fund, which rite!! be' sufficient to. :pdy•thil accruing interest on such. debt, and annually to reduce the princi- 1, pal thereof by a sum. not less than two bun - I dred-und fifty thquiand dollars i v bich sink ing thud' shall consist of the net annual in: come!of -the public-works, .from - tints to time I I owned by the state, or the proceeds of the salt.; 1 of the .sante,.or , any part :thereof, 'and of the I income or proceeds:of sale-of stocks owned' b 2, the state, to, 4.lser with other funds, or resour ccs, that may be designated bylaw. The said ' sinking fund may be increased, from time to time, by assigning: to it any part of the taxes. Or - other revenues of the state - , not-required tier, the:ordinary and current expenses of govcrn meet, and uuless in case of invasion or insurreftion no part of the said sinkingfund Ishall be used or applied otherwise than-in ex- tingsislament of the public debt, uutil the I i amount, of such- debt' is reduco'd bellw the I sum of dye millions of doilars. Sscrios 5.. The credit of the-commonwealth shall not in any manner, or eveot, he pledged. or loitued to, any individual, 'company. corpo ration, or association ; nor shall:the cernmou wealth herecf , .er become a joint owner, or stockho:der, iu.any company, -association, or, corporation. . -SscrioN 6. The:cominenwealtb shall not as sense the debt, :or !any -part inereof, of any county, city, Lorcingt, or township; or of any corporation, or-association; unless such debt sbail have-been contracted to enable the state, to repel invasion, suppress douie,tid insurre.s tionodeltind- itself. in-time of w - ar, or to assist the state - in. the discharge. of any , portion of its present indebtedness. - Sse - rtox The legislature-shall not author ize any. county, city, .borough,. township,• or incorporated district, by virtue of'a vote of its citizens, cr otherwise, to become a stockhold- or in any coinpauy, association, oil corpora tioui Or to ob.tain .money for, or loan its credit to, any corporatioasaociation, institution, or party:. 4: 4 PrIiP 3 i,E;;T 'nose sbaill be an additional article to said constitution, to be designated as article. XII, as folloire AItTICLI: XII OF NE \V COUNTIES No county shall be divided by a line cutting off over one-tenth of its population, (either to form a new county or otherwise,} without the express assent: cf such enmity, by a Vote of the electors thereof; nor- shall icay nevi county be established, containing less than four line ed square miles. •. TFCIItD AMENDMENT. From ectior, two of the first article of the' eoristiintieui, strike out. the words, "of the /tire of f kele Lttpw, cad of each - co - untSi rc4octiPctei;'' I from section-live, same, article, ! strike opt the word.4;"ai Philrplelfpraa alit/ of Ilic,Tcurral ite4 ; from section seven, .same article, strike out The words, "neither th 6 city of rhitadc lyhia nor a ny 2 i ' and ittSert„ln . lie.;;* . tlteVeetthe words, “and no;" -and strike out vs calon four, seals or-1 iider' and in lieu t'uertiof insert the following: 'Sr.ortof.t 4. in the year one.thousand elght hundred and sixty-four,' and in every seventh ye;ui thereafter, representatives to the number of One hundred, shall be apportioned and di.i tributed throughout the state, by districts. in proportion to the.hunther of taxa ble inhabitants in the several parts; thereof; except that any - county !containing at 4e.tst three theusand fiye hundred taxablcs. may be allowed a sparate !rePtieseutation but no, more Than three. counties 'sliallbe joined, 'and no county shall be divided in the formation of ! a district. !Any city centsduinz a sufficient 'number of tst sables to c,ntitle it.to at least two representatives,kliall hale a separate repre saltation assigned it and. shall be divided into convenient districts of Contiguous territory; I of equal taxablepopulation as near as tla - itici each of which districts shall elect. ono repre- . sentative." • • a.,ll.'the end of section Evict', same article, ' insert . theca •Acords, city of Philadelphia 36411 de diritied• into ainyleiaenatorial dialricta, of contiguous ,b;rritory .aa : nearly equal. in taxabk population aaptssibk.;:44no ward shall be di fornsatioh thcoeilf. , . . Tho legislature, an its.firitt session, after the' adoption of I.h:A amendment; shall ahide the"; the. city of "into senatorial rind' reprusoutatire tiistrieta, in. the inauner above prdvided -inch districts to remaia unehairred until the apportionment in the rear oue thou- 61ind eight: iandred anti sissy-four; • ' FOURTH .A.3ItICD:II.ENT:. addition . al. section to the tint strtii:lc of said constitution, •which shall be uumbared anti read as follows : Steno:: 26: The legislatni.e . shalt hare'the power t:p altei, revoke. or .alinu), 'any charter of incorporation beicafter conferred by, or nnz der, any:special, or general law, whenever in their.opinion it lay be injurious to the' dens , of the CO: t ot:entreat:tit ;'in stieh however, that up injustfeo 'ehall: be' done ,to the corporators. - MBES ; . ..IN SENATE. 3.t7re:;1 , 27, I'ASY.:; 7. Rc-sv'c•aE, That Mu; atz.plution parkt.;' • on the , 1341,04Sacgc, .22, 1557. thltt the nti . g t ve and f,treguing is it crap sud curret . eppy of Abe original,"ltesu lutiurt propoiiag 411teudtuents to the C4ostitu tion ,of the COMMea meads," withthe vote. in each branch of the ! l egislature, upon the final passege' thereof, as appears from the urizinals 'on tile hi this office. • S Pi testimony whereof I have hereon-',' -hp set Ay han - d anA caused to be affixed the seol of the Secretors's Of4e,th the di - is and year übufe tyriitco A.' G. CTRTIN, ! ..Saietary of tfie-Opinmoniccalth. . , . IN SENATE aiTurek2`; : , 1857. : ;The resolution proposing, amendment? to the Constitution of the comixtuntve.titlybeing nu der consiiierat;On, • . Chi tile question, • Will the tietinte agree to the first amend ment? The yeas and nays were taken agreeably . to the pro of the Constitutian, and were as follow, Yl:As—Meisrs. - Brewer, Browne, Coffey, Ely, E'ran_s t Fetter, Flenniken, Vrater, Ingram. Jor dan, .h.illinger, Knox,. UMW,.Ch, LeV43, „Iver, Snuamn, S irele, Sueub, Welsh, WilLius, Wright and Taggart, .Speaker —24. - - Crabb, : . Cromwell, Finney, Greg;, Harris, Fonr9L4o. qtal §onther-7. .5p ihe que4tidu was gleteruainvd in s the afiirruative. On the yiestion, • • Will tne S,:uute agree to the second a. meinlinent? • The yea - i and nays Were taken agreeAblv to the pl:q4.l.loes or the Constitution, sad were I..drow, 5 . 1 h • lre.is—Messrs. Brewer, Browne, Cresiwell, Evans; Fetter, Finney, Flenniken, Soidan, Knox, Laub:tub, Lewis, Myer, Sellers, Shunian, :Souther, Steele, Straub, WA:l4li, Wit sins, Wright end Taggart, Speaker-23. N•lvs—Nlessre. CoSey, Cranb., .rcag.er, (it'egg, Harris,flinger, I'euroie and Scofield --b. k) the question tiyas detertnined in the aMiniatire. On the qUestion, 1V ill the Senate nree to the third amenil inent The yeas and nsys were taken agreeably to the provisions of tus Constitution, awl were as follow, v 4: ,Yzts— Moisra. Sumer, Browne, Crabb, Cresswell, Ely, Evans, Flenniken, Frazer, In pain, Jordan, Ed:linger, Kaox, Laubaelf, Lewis, Ayer, -Scofield, Sellers, Sinnuan, , Souther, Steele, Straub, Welsh, Wilkins awl Wright,— Nays—Messrs: Coffey, Gregg, Il.trris. and Peurose---=4: - " ' 8o the - question was detCimined in the .tirtrniative - .. • . ' Oa the question,, ; . Will the Senate agree to tho fourth ava,ertli. meat t • . • The Yana and nays were taken tigreeablS•to the proVisiOns 'col* too- ConstitutiOn, and were • is folic"; • •Yeas lieesrsi Brewer, Browne, Coffey, Cresswell, Ely, Eyaus, Flenniken, Frazer, la w:sin, Kiflifiger; I.(nox, Laubach, Lewis, Myer, Scofield, Seders, Shuman, Souther, Steele, Straub, Welsh,-Wilicias awl Wright-23. NaYs—Messrs..Crabh, Finney, Jordan and • PCI3I - 04C-4. 1 Su the question was determinedei in the affarnative.' IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES. 4441 '2.3, 1 160. The recolutiou proposiog 4tuea4roents to the equstitution t.;4* the Lominomiiciiithlbejug un derecisideration, ' Ou the t t uestiou i • • 11,11 tae roue agree to the 'fast amend- tryzat TIIC yeas - and nays wore taken agreeably to the provisions of tne evustitutiod, and were f0110w,..1 iz : • - . - YF.as- r Messrs. Anderson, Actliur, Back ho4se, 13311, Be'ck, 13:01inp, Bower; Cal houn, CAmpbeill, ChLts.. , ,e, Cleaver; Crawford ; Dickey, Ent,llyster, Fausold, raster, Gibbo ney, Gittlea, Hamel, Harper, •Ileistand, Hill, Hillegas, Holitnau; (13erks,) ltnbrle, Inues, Jacobs, Jenkins, Johns, Johnson, ;cat/J - 111.w, Kerr, Knight, • Leiseriag,' Loagaker, Lovett; Iklanear; Maugle, 111•Calmout; M'llvain, Moor head, 31uu3nul,'Musselinalk, Nichols; NicbcdSou, Nnueinacher,•l'earson„ Peters, Petrikin, TWA:- tiall,,Purcell, 'tam scy,.(rhilarielphia,) Itarnsey, (York,) Roamer Reed, Roberts, li.upp, Sloan, Smith, (6 - irabria„) (Centro,) Ste venson, Tobin, Vail, - Vanvaortfis, Voeghley, Walter; • Westbrook, Wharton, lArton; Withorotv, Wright, - Zimmerman and Getz Spvaker-18. :NAvs—Messrs. Buckets, Benson, Dock, Ham ilton; Hancock, liiva, Ilotftnsu,•`(Lebanou,) I Lebo, Struthers, ,Thuru, Marner and Ifyintrnde So th,C Tiestkon was determined in the affirloative. • • ,, On the question, • • ; Willtaellouscogree the sectsd - runend. merit? • ' .•:: Theryeas aua.nups were taken agreeabjy to the proVibionS of "toe • Coh " titiiou , n d weie a 3 follow,"v1z • a •-: 1 •Yris--Meisrs..Arld'erson, Ilaakhouse;-.Sall, Be ck, :Bower, Calhoun, Campbell,' Crirty,.•Ent, rsusgld, ?Gator, : - Gildt a, Hamel, ,Ijarper,,ifelus, JlAnan, (Berks,), House keeperslinhrl,:Tridesi -' Jenkins, , Johns,' John, ion,:-Enti ft:Mire; Itaight; • Leiainrie; Longaker, Loveti,:i4aueati..•4laugte3lllVain; %tied:Lead; Masseltrian, - S‘ettolepicliolsorri , N,tmeinacher, Vearsqa, deters;Xatrikin, Towns'', , -I"urcull, Itnuisey, Whtlacelphia ; ) (york,)ltea trier, trier; Repel-Is, 'Rapp, Slia4, Sloan, Tolau; VaH, Vbeghley ; Valter,"Weetbrook, merman and Getz, Speaker 'S7. Nos-,4tessrs. - . Arthur,: Augigstine,E. Backus,. Acnsou,,Bish 9 p, Brown, Chase, Gles i ver, Grp.w ford; triter; tlibtioneli,;.ll?miltim, : Hancock, , chanti - h,) Jacobi', K - Orr; : I Lelio; 31'Callaiout; Mtimma;Heed; Sinitfr, (Carti , j brig,) Smith; (Untre,) Stevcnion.: Struthers, Thorn, -, Vanvoorhts, WagoiLlelier,• I Warner,,Wintrode, Witherow and•Wright---•34.. " - So the qiiettiOrilyat. detertnined'in tlie af fir4natiTe. • . . '; • ;On the' - queStke'ht,: tho House agree to the third amend."' mont , , .„ \ • . rho' yc'as"and: rays; -retiabli to - c --- ..'.;: - ,4.T;.1.14.i-rh . ' --- tE litia - '' tin - A n -::: ("ii :-.. e - ri l iti li tat° ICEr MEI IWE:WiIf. t- e p.-----11-r- 4- ....,A.P.77 ,- .P , T • . • ~- • - • , ---;r , - ,sse '-'-'-: ; o..i' : ~.'.• .. t , - 1:: fOIPoST, Trii-t' ••• t••• ""t:'..• -4... '''. ''''' ~. ' ilifig' eltbscribiti. take.. , titelhod ,oy . ,1" . 7 e.rf-stis.ii' , Mossr.t. Andiatiton;t 13tiabotegetlatgr - it r b'iltitaiettkli' Melidfiliat tli4 . 4ttrb In re-! B. 41:, Mensozl443o74,orcrair4%alhoapi unititt- 1 ceipt of. and are now . Opening, alcboice Azad bell,:ennSci.-Clearer-OrtaWfoNit Dickly'Eat. ilsirablef stook:: Cf. t ..::• , ,i'. 7.: :' , :3 _:, _7 . •,'. , EClter, .X=solll, ...rpitdr..olbl.lollC2N. Llautel, ... l i sT ,, t p LE .: L itx F.A . N or D i t y , G0 0p5i„ ,.1. ,. rfirir =o2. l 4 ;. ,i) i ft er Ozi ks 2 ,l l. ll 4 o l z . st4n izia l it t , 7,l ll c : b il i tic a t) , B l4 . tr e , :i . .6 ~ _,„. 1 ,L,,i,. thei invitb the attesatien trallirtho ~... aes,tre,to make purcloye.; Unt:44.ek,i 'stip, keeper, Imbrie, Lines', Jacobsoiohns, Jobicovn, k .,. ► b eet , 5e i,„. 01 „,1 ylth great 9 are ,and,:iswr Eautfinan,...Kerr;:Lebo,•4ortgaker, Lovett. 31e- ti 7•o /0 . 4. ... ii . d4te ._ . 0 1 t the wants , 6ethis Aset/on Inlet.; liattgle, /Nainic44 l ' lwrhda ' 11°211° ' : of Mir Lial4l, - . - Our stculiat Itc, 0 0 4 6 6 )n- Itisselataz, Nichols, Nicholson, Nunetnacher,. _. l _,, Of ., ~,,,, ..., ~ , , ,v, . ___ i ; : .. . . , Pearaon, .i-'eterai Petrilja; PoWnall, Purcell, 41 ' 5 ' 3 I- DREEiSG - oODS,ifttitilltlGS. RIBBONS; Rattisey.l (York,) , Reamer, Itted, Rapp. shaw,, , ......,.,,, RoiutßiEs,., pAß4,. .. 4nis Sloan,';gpaith, (Cautbria.Y. Stnith, (Centre,) • • . .c-um Steienson, Tolan, Vali, Vanvoorhis, Vacker, . ..... '...z, C,1:0 . . ;.f .... 11 ,, ,5 44 , , , .C ,. A ..; „5 5 5 .: 1? )0 E a 1tES ., .. , Voeghlep.Wagonseller, Westbrook. Williston, , ; ~ , . , ~_ , %!: , 0 I I ^ -N, Witherow,, .Wright, 'Zihaniermata 'and . Getz, .4 .... L . ~ .. 8 1, H rE nt Sj i l y % . g s t,.. ' . , -Nay . s.-L-Nlessrs. Arthur,. Angustine..Backut, t !"':, '• : LINENS: i R ZiTe. • ' • i • nusiEity, ,sgAw LW " B6hop. Carty, Dock. .Gildea, flinfilton, /PA , ' ' - 1 ' , - • '' . cock,, Bine, t ienlips,./inight, I,t , .isent lag, Wilt 1 and a sariety. of oiher.artielet, too • numerous vain. lirtriseb(Plillatlelpliivaßoberts, Strath.{ tO'lnention. We have also; a complete assort ' ers, 'Thorn,. A alter„ )tanner, l'.;lo.Fisgl and I .lttent - f , .... t 1 .. • 1 WintrtYde—.22. -. , , .- - -.. I .!'.l GAGCF4gES. iIARAWARE A-Vj So the, gptiiti.an it'Us, deterruLned in ; , }e I 'II 'C.lto'l.7ll:llY . 1 afizpittlie.. , ~. , .. . .-- - • . ,11 r,f Whi,4ll Will : be (ilcl'ilneouusionl; - cheap Un the titiestiOU, . - , , , f i Or . teitd r ir pay, and for approvefl - err‘lit on as Will die.liouse agree to the fourth amend . • - . reesonaole terms as any other'establisliment. meat? . . The yens and nays Were' taizen agreeably to I ' „i11_ ,,,. _ , ' Aug:,'ll:lBs.l6l:LNl,N.irlise.iit-'l§• the provisions a the -CL;nstitution, and were ; ! l' "4 '," B 77 as folloW, viz : I 1 .Yeas—Messrs. 'Anderson, Ar thur, . Back- •• howie, J3ackus, Ball, Beek„ Benson, Bishop, BoWer, Brown, Calhoun, Catupbelt,..Cartys t Chase, Cleaver:Crawforo - , DiCkey; Ent, Eister, Pau sold, POsVer, Gilibinicy, Gildett, Ifnuel, llarPer,-Ireins: Heistand, 1101, Ilillegas, lloff .maia, (Berks,) llolfruan, ,( Lebanon.) House keepir,hubrie, Lines 'Jacobs, jenkius, Sol's. Johuson; lcauXtnan, 'lcerr, 'Lebo, keiseuring, Longiiker, , Lovett, lianep.r, Ila ogle, !Weal:nom, M'llvain, Mumma, itiiiselman, Nichols, Nich olson, Nunemacher, Pearson, Peters, Petrikin. Pownall, Purcell, Ramsey, (Philadelphia,) ftaruscy,cfork.) Reamer, Aced, Dvberts, ltupp, Shaw, Sloan, Smith, (Cambria.) Smith, (eta treo Stevenson, Tel-in, Vail, Venvoorhis„ Vickers. Voeghley. Wagonseller, Walter, War -I_,V ner, estbrook, Wharton, Williston, Witt:crow, Zhapacratan and Cet,T, Spr,ther--83, • , Nets--Messrs. Dock, Hamilton, Hancock, Stiuthers; Thorn, Wiatrode and Wright-7. So the question was deterinined la the of - 5 0 g.'90:T.44y -, s yFFICE, • ILLituliucuo, June 32, 1557. Pennspicanip, as : • curiiis thAt the above zn4 foregoing is a true and Correct copy of aid `•Teti" and ‘• Nays" taisett qn the . resolution pioposing amendments to the Coustituayn of the Com monwealth, as the same appears pn the Jour mils of the two.llonses of the General Assem bly of this Cumutonwealtt for the session of 1.351 Q Witness my hand and the seal of E L ' office, this twenty-second 4ay of Jane, quo apusa.u4 tight, hundred and fifty ievett. A. G. CURTI, Secretary of the Commonwealth, NEW GOODg, Le* Prices and Wady Pay; AT SHARON' CENTER, SITIVSORIU4S p,rs. ,p.(re;igg far fiale I. au entirely new .stoek, consisting of 1 1 IIiLT GUODS,_4I.IOCERIES, WARE, -; CQUCKERY,GIASB WARE, BJtrfS SHOES, HATS & CAPS, .1.7.11- . 1 . • BRELLAS . ,." PARASOLS, WINDOW SHADES, • WALL •P.APEII. Pla' MADE CLOTHING, YANKEE NOTIONS,:&e., &c. • ,• In our selections* wants of, all have been Tc/PeMbeyell, GcntAci,nen can fixid our stockrlof Heady ,Made Clotlling an 'elegant FashiOuable, suit, or a substautial• Business i suit, and we hate flats & Cana and . Boots - 4 Shoes ,t6...Mate.h. The. Ladies can find - .Fashionable Bonnets, beautifully trimmed, or bonnets and tritntuiug i ;; good assortment of Dress Goods, and trim 7 mingS;,Cluves, Mitts, Hosiery and Gaiters.— Aiad,:last 1114 nut least,, corded and skeleton: Skirts; also,_ Rattans,. Skirt-Whalebone and Brass:Shirt-Hoops; -beautiful Jet Necklaces and Bracelets, Corals, Fans, and too' many other things to ennmeratc,—all 'of which we are selling low fur Cash, Lumber, or any kind of PrOdnce. FISHI &e., co - steady uti hand. GRAVES,. Sharon Center, Potter Co., Pa., 'Jane 3, Q 1 11 . ANGES A-ND. trNONS ills' received by. 10:2 W tl. &J. GRAVE. w : IS Age* for many of the most• popular Medicines now in use; fetir of L which he _will mention:J.R. STAFFORD 4 CO.'S OLIVE•TAR. • DR. D. JAYNE SON'S FAMILY MEDI— CINES. 1 J. C. AYV,It 4 cofs cuER4y rt - yrort.g, Asti ri.r.l l s. SEVERAL; FENDS OF (MERRY SYRUPS Sc. . 1" . r,&"J. R..Staliford Coi's Cliye Tar. is ap.:; plied and inhaled by wearing on 4.N11..A.44;11 anima the neck and cia•tbe breast. Ills .0/,7.. IVE OINVIIENT' is applied where ,the skin, is hrokeu, and is &popular reneetlywhereknown. rictori for the Whooping Cough. : 10:2h YATES COUNTY NURSERY. 11. OLI & CO, of the :ydte's County YJ 'a Nurseries, hare for .sale a large .and valuable assortment of VOIVIT. TREES of, all, yatiqies nsnallY etiltiyated.; 7.rheie Trees lare young,an4 of vivirolis growth. l'he qualities are the post eboine kueviii, -and are warranted 'ort:tpli: a fine stock lof t)Ii;WIENTAL Tit.Efa awl SIIRCI3IIERY.. for, , . I .. ;war Address,orders to C. ntAcir, Yates co, N: Y. ' t Orders. eft with Itol3'T.'7, ougeriliorti;,r4.:, will be . .;protnOtly , . , . . YP4r4 l ,l o f ?get,baTing ,XYOI. UV:Altera: D'aughter, Olk -4447, N'eptiewsand_Niecesi,hj that,4readC4ld4 rt .cakg,.C,oxs,plll7o=ioind.-suff,git . Cong_l!, hitnself,.detirnairled to. sit th 9, E,g.tl lll 4iest.Egipt;land whe.rOihe di . qeorqed n..rreve . ovc anct Cerioin„ Cure i.fo,r ,Conewmp i lionwer r . volts Debility and: Asthma.: tough,iy,..as cnred,itnitedistelyihe.ratnrned, cured his Rd ative.lq. who, inherited the. Aise, l se, and in c. 4., nection. sou have employed it in their practice, curing thonsands of cases considered hopeless'hy 'others, iFor the py-pp,se reicn ing as, nsany, bis fellow beings,a4. - iioss . . he is sending , the Recipe 0.441740,w:3h for 10 tents; 3 of it to ipa,y_ the postage, and L the printing. „Address - - Dr, , *Jail Spring _street, oppositcd,.St. ,Nicholas „Utile"; NcW.(T O I:4, • :•• °;2—'3•l/I°- AND EY:A.3oifth Ito; NENV(I - 6( r :b:1 G_rust reee'ved 14 K 01;1:IS:FEDI in th:' Drug Ii for F. F 1' 1 , * N. W. EINGIEr. SON, PATF.Nr :, i. VIIA.Tict ;lAAINPFA.CTILIiEItS, • 1 438_ BrQO - 4/10. Street, . Ono Door. East of Broadway, [Late qiid Broad ; -it ai,] N1:1C-Y011K., . 1 . [rata /Wird 4. t... V . 1823., - I , INVITE an examination lot' their greatvari -I.ety and' , superior - assortment of CliAlltS. Manufactured at their owd establishment. and I t Under their immediate obJ,ervlttitin and disc- I 'ion, includit4 .-.- j -PIVOT F.:EVOLVING el - lAD - CS, ' SELF-ACTINU ExTENblus ItECUMBENT UllAIII.S;. . , -' IMPROVED IN - VALID ivITEEL C 11.1.1113, MitJoll SEARL - KS TI4VELING IN VALID (.11414- " • ' - SPASISIT SPRING. AN"D ...QI AL ClLtiltS. .1111EUMATIC, SPINALIAND ASTIIMATIC INVALID CILtIILS, &C., &C., &C., . • Embracing the most ccimplete assortment, 'and choicest binds. fur Parlors; DratrinY ..16.1p Iv, ICltainlieiii Gardens,. Lit rarics, Counting lionser, 10//ices; Pahlic : lttifilu:iois, 4hnlisfs, Burteri ice. , together ;with every desirable too.- adaptcd col the, comfort, convenience and luxury of the i Sid:, the Aged, the infion,lthe Lome :41 Lazy, ' . In point of ingenuity of desigr,; elegance of fir,ish, quality and richucas of mater.iti, fait& fulness of execution, durability and cheapites,, ;these chairs arc unsurpaSsed. For them, M. I•ir. KING & SON, were awarded the first and ,only Prize Medal, and 1Im! faculty rcconthaud them as far preferable to beds or "couches for patients afflicted 'CC . k 1.1; Spinal deluna(ic 0? Bronilual o.ficctiOlpt l ' To ether arat of the chair niay he attached 1 a convenient reading . orwrit'mg Dasui and any 'combination desired' will be manufactured to to girder, . -4 Circular with explanatory cuts,-will bi ' sent by mail if requested, and orders twill% re mittances,l promptly furward.d to.,,t!tv Tart of the vroild: LU I XITRY 64 ECONOMY! KIND'S NEW CHAIR. "AS YOU LIKE IT," Arin Chair, P.eidinmg Chair, ,Co6li and Be ttstetid,lcoitniN,lD ,] 11Si;e17,1ible twelre dificretat positions or 'changes, to Meet the varied requirements for",ecnfort, Conveni ence, luxury and economy, [in. space as .well .priccl in•sicuess or heslll.lllb each:tat:Ll CPAIR iron LUKE Fit l exCrl'i in many res - pecttl,, anyshair perhaps ever..manti ractured in this or Cry other Cotintry: .The price ...caries .froin * Ftfieen.to . .Tigiity Dol lars,, according .to . finish., • • To Public Institution?, ai well as to iudivid tmls, this a very desirable article, and will by supplied itt any !lumber on th. most liberal terul, - ' Apply to or•address. M. W. KING & EON, ' - 438, Broome st., Otte door east of Broadway. NEW YORK, (Late 468 U roadtcari. 9:44-Iy. IkTEW GOODS----A nue Assortment jusi I. 'Tech - 0 xt OLM§TED'S. - GREAT REVOLUTION IN MEDICAL SCIENCE The best .Theraiientie Agent eier . i Introduced. T)11. .DI CKI. SON'S • • , M.I.C.NETO ELEC., w";";'q,,,`••• ...I.; 'TRW . 111 N 1 , , • °1.;M..;•..' • ' exciting: • 7 1 , ' 4r 4 *-. 1 ?-r 7 : otavi..`"ir'•tbsorbiiig rttten ' ion of the 2 f7 -•741".•-•4,t zo.lllrocrss:on and _ t large ort ion of • the inttllizent lay men of the lamt. .It Is now - cleirly demon straled that the:lancet. mercury; and all other ifiternr.l "drug medication" may be' laid aside nrithl erfect „safety to the 'paticut and :shill,, , log 13 ; nefit- to posterity. IV,II erever, these ma thine; havelbeen,introdoced, they 'excite the higlie't Wonder. and -praise. The -lapperfitus is adapted to prevenyrelierei and cure every disco r incident to hutuartity,:--r_more particu larly all those painful and formidable diseas es tiThlidt have for 66k - inles . baffled the pro fouarlest learning and 4111. of physicians.' . -Erotn waver cane. there may:be an ex ceakor deficiency of the nerr.nw fluid—pro ducing, au excess or ,deficipuoy,of i the acids and; alkaline serretions'-'—the Magnetic princi 7 plea of the system are. deranged, 'and can on ly be safely restored,to their nOrmalcoudition by an, application of magueto-elentricity,..by MeaPa of D 13.. DICKINSON'S, 41 4 113NET° ELECTHIp MACHINE. ; This aparalus Hill' positively 'prevent; and' speedily relieve and care Consumption, Scrofula, Rheumatism. Palsic,s,: Neuralgia; Spinal Diseass, and -all other-painful - maladies, however , hapeless and of long standing. They - are eminently, useful in all sexual and urinary disoiderS, particu larly Where tlie:'COnstitution has been broken doien and ruined* unnatural solitary ltabits , , to Iyhich,ton. ma n'y -of the. loung of ; both -sexes are so, damentahly .prone t . , . , '4DR:PCKLNSON's MAGNETO E4CTIIiC Iir.CITINE'Is : 'ilthkr 111'e ifatt ziwo.Vp 'kruiitill c,a4l4 of lattiierles and acids-mow' Lich fast alone - randu4s it. suprrfor W all others,- on the• score of, 136atnass, eleanlinessoafe r ty and; Ex :otility..--7.- It ;is, l ip fhet,- , ..a. handsome ° parlor lornamcnt; I WRY, Vd 'applied'appliedAhg"C•Eild rand last a lit!-tirite, to'.:the: 7;. great saving of Doctor's bills, ke. , L.- -1. -ili :, . j PRIOR GP THE Ip t cuTNE $lO. ,It iritl,be safely, packed and sent to AnY part of the tithed. trites. Still wholesale. and 'at the 'Medical °nice; !3'§ :stORT El SEVENTILStriet, Philadelphia: AddreFs picKiNsos, 10-I—ry. • N%Cf:IARG,S .FOR .SHOIVPZ..a '.."S . FVV, •.gods` „. , t • .gols plat recen'ttd 01.3I , STED 4, • - - - .I!.[E 1104.5 7 4 . E, Lti r lll3R-1V71,.G0,1; fQr fOilili,V 1.-by;:.TONI:S,,,!4ANS. - ' . _ ~... V if.—. ' . .-1.;,...a19.*W1 44 ,,,:tt-4., ' .'' rig, Chevest.a.a,4,44 I +212 . ilsoifeit .P. 044 : ...,.. , - .., t,-.,,.. , ,ear,in. th elieloi.4l . -,' , .,L - -.172--(1-, ' - t , •,-, - A ':, `).`i '1,4,:d ~ -. .i -, -- ',. . " --:"'' - --":, _,,' :-.. .... 4 4-, : [ ~. ''•- "" .ntl Ma: `ELEG4,),, ,:"AST•:..,.F4KMATIN,) ..1 trrEvatty . : Algif .7201iLY 'NolinfLt 'sria . AzUctiaiicil iti. OiCToii4rie-,' in Jim nest..' Diiifig thi,p4:-tr,te-,Citihnilist-Of iti.ii• {once At ling, !Attalla It. kOPplarity: 4 UnLpaill t y iiiilik ttnnalS of,tb.e press: Tlie'publisheri,"iha,king . rofferitilibbnfiF r; ,. miunis for ahoiCel.literary ell'Orts;the Bterisi, Itoritindei, gssitil Toctr6 . , and, other spark, hug and interesting rending waS commented in January lastalatl- I are being itill,publitli. n l / 4 1 in tjae - riaitot, i: . • - - - ' The,Neiv, Volucte _TCI)]. be commenced in 4, ly, , IS:ll:greatly -ligtproved and Enlarged:-- Each number trill; contain thirty two, eitrp large sized 'royal octavo pages, tasking a beg, nificent volunie" oil nearly 4 ,90 pages _far hie yet - ,r-L-or pry.senti ig 1111 amount of ,tholiA. cent reading on a I stihjeets. equal to taut would cost in the bdOlL stores at leijatt, fifty cents ; payable ini l irillbly in advance. • Some. of the most pd . pular and brilliant trathz, and female contri)rutbrs . nre 'regular Contri• buters and the publishers Will spare hp pains or expense to render,thp t•l'Veledifie Visitor" every tvayacceptablel to a refined Pud intelli gent community. • 1 ' ' . ' The publicntiurl adapted to all ellit:04,o: people—the young an'd the old , --anil %tete. ever seen and perused, meets tyltlL2universit: acceptation. , ; '' ' gr Note is the timi to - sulaKiii) e ',19, 0 , New Volume. - - , * * The back:lll=ll;ms ratty:be hat (ti it complete sets) ft 3 rents each, or dies whole series of 11, nuni era for.-ruirsiz- - rvis vents.' Liberal inducements to Clubs call. vassers. I ' j•-iritetnember, our terms 'fire Fifty mat for o n e year, for it single celpy,'or three: cop. iC9 will be sent under ono cover or address fur One Doitar. • 44.ddress. COSDEN & COllriNY, Publishers,_ . ..o. 3, North' Seventh Stiset, up stairs.) Phibidehlthia. . 14 lo:1-ly - . ,-- . . WA SiT;ING PLASTER fur taiiti FA 11111::IiS will (lint a sipply Sit 3:43 4OSF:S,- MANN I JONES, ~ . TONES., MANN k'JONF.S; pay; the highest filf; market pried for all kinds of Produce. • I 1101 r V WQ I I 1 ' FOB ALL THE PURPOSES OF k FAMII I IY' PHYSIC, . • THERE has ion* . existed it public- demand for at effective purgative pill which could be relied oa u sure and perfectly safe in. its oparntiall. This bat been prepared tel that demand: and an Bitill• sire trial of its virtues has conclusively shown milk what success it accomplishes the purpose designed. It is dasYrto mnk4 n physienl pill, but-not meta. make the best of all pills—.ono' which should limo none of the objections. but. all. the advantages, of every other.' 'this' has been ittternpted . here, sod .ithr,rhitt-sit.c.,.. ve. Would respectfully submit to tka public tieelsiou.. It has :been unfortunate for the patient hitherto that alinost . every purgatiie . Medicine is amigrienithis and -irritating to the-bow. sta. This is mat 'Many of , themproduce so mink griping ,pain and revulsion in the aystem as to mere than counterbilinice the good tole derived from them.. These. pi/d produce no irritation or pain, mica[; it =lie &dm a.previouslv existing obstme• non or deransement in the bowels. Tong 'purely vegetable, no hat.* can nrise from their use in any. quantity ; butit 11 better that any meolicineshaultt be taken jutlition Iv. Ilipute•dorectiMs for their Use in the tcveia - . diseases to -which titer lie sp. pliable • are; gioton on lice box. :Among'? the-com plaints which have; been speedily cured, by them, ore mentionlavet Complaint ; in its various Nem of Jaundice, Indigestion, Languor and:Loud Ap petite, Listlessne , +, Irritability. Billow: Beulah', Bilious Y ever, Fever and Ague, Pain in the Side and Loins; for, inltintli, all these are but the con.. sequenee of -cliseaSed action in the liver.. At at aperient, they afford prompt turd-sure relief in go.. tiveness, Files, Calic,„ llysentery„ Ilumbra. Svitf• ula hind Senrvy, Colds with soreness of the body, Ulcers, and impurity of. the- blood ; An short, any, and cierV ease Whete a purgative as'reqhired. They have Mad! produced . some. singularly suc• censfui cures in Illibitmatisrp; Gout,-D.ropsy, Grand, Ftrysipelak, Palpitation of the Dealt, Pains in the Back, Stomach. and Side: ' They should be (reel' takenin the sprint g of the year.,.toinfrify the loien3 and prepare the system for the change of scow's. An,occasionaldoSe Stimidate4 4 the' Bier:loch and bowels into healthy action, in restores the sone ti te and vigor. They purify . the blood, and, by their stimulant action on the cum atiory aystern. reno vate- the-strength 'of the .body, - and restore - the wasted or thseast, energies of the whole organism. Hence ari L .Oteas: nal dose is advantageon., ever though 'net seriou 6TM - Ig - ionic : tit eriste; bat SIT , e t uecessary•dosing tumid. never , be carried too far, ss every pulgstiv medicine reduces the strength, Chen taken to ei.c. ss. The thousand casts in whh - h 4; physic isrequired cannot be ennmerated here, hot they Suggest iherruselves to, the reason, of every hod.ft and it i s CbTlfidell ' lli tOieso this 'pill . will answer abetter ; purpose' than any thing wilich'hil hitherto been available te.pasukind. When Omit - Ira virtues are once noun, the public will nn longer doubt what - refine fto emploiy - when in never of a nathartic.medidine r l Being sugar-wrapped they ass pleasant to. taktt,land. beino purely: vegetable, no, horn' eawarise froth their use an any qUantitv. 'For minute directions sec wrapper en the 13o: IiftEPARED BY_ - . " • ~ . JAMES . "C::A Y .R, - . Practical . and 4nalytiCrtl Che . mist - • LOWELL, MASS. *rice 25 Cents, per,'llcx. Five Biiii tor - . 51., CititititieriCTOßg - , For ti ts rap idleatera.ser - ' ' • COUGHS, - .COLDS, , flit) A H;ii - A ESS -..BROSIIIIITIS I . WILOOPING-COUGH , , .; 1. ..• , CROUP,,: ASTHMA,. AND - - • :,.. .. i - coNstistrirloil.. - . , - Tim remedy hat;:on :fur-itself from its 'cores of ex .-oaliety OP . '. . That it is entirely unnecessary - to 'recount , the en l*Acen of.- #s lirtites IO tom craninimititrhare - 4 - " as 1: '. P1P1P3 . 0,: ,SP Trid . e.ia: the field of US eft . tuln4s,, and - so nurrieronn the;easee 'Of its - rules, that. obliost - every icciiiiii of The 'Ornintr:y abouna s : 14 persons public:V.:4l4mm. Who, kayo been restored. .tem alarming andl.-cr‘a . 4sPerato diseases of the. lunge by :its - rise. . Whin once iciccl'its SupedulltY over eremother Medicine-of lia kind is too sliPs' mat to escape, obscr i rationi 0p,4 whore . its iiitllCS are knoWn, the public no loogor heiitate what antidote to employ for the•di sti zinc-• dons of. the pulm4n4torgarts which, arc inalis.k to our climate. And ',net only is formidable ev_ tack's 'IVA tlielntigst; - bUt for tihi ladder rarieti, 4 k Of COLDS, crivq s, ilosusEsiots,..A.O.• and W 4. CHILDMIN it kth toN4 l ate.ltiTi N ife f 4 . lsedicin! i s that din be Silitida ..' ' . - I As it lits - hang : been in constant - use ibroniewit this sectioo.: Nye need noti demorn, than_ Risque' t 7, Pyle its quality in karst up totho bestthat it c., ling ee;t, ;and :time the geddifie arOcle,i&soid. bl I. '.5.itT1i .. & ,1 3.4).0*, ,, .. :' • . • -. ..i %.1). 'W.. SPENCEIti - %! -' ' ''' porDEßsV9ltili tit; rind •by C cit4tr:i 73 r e chauti ii*l-Drunviits everivitevi ' I Mi. J ' Siil