The Potter journal. (Coudersport, Pa.) 1857-1872, August 27, 1857, Image 3

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    .- .
' - ' lingarFrif . SALES- ' acies,"Of irliiel.(teii sot's - are: liiiproVed, I, - "- . :'" -•
' ItIORT-GAIM "MR..; -.-.- ! -: i ilridand4ii, 4,106, containing nine . iiiin - (iiia
, . -,..
le Y_ VIRTUE or gooirt; hilts or . I efutitToni trite
. 412 e._ It .4"=., . - Viitt,, i.3 . 11 ..:e... 1 . n g .-3214--eree'''irigt' ./.... "-'
--' I "1 - (1'14 1- e'st Ira • .d'all - ' - - tut
::- T : - 1 - 111Ttirof. it Writ or .1.-swirri Fues • ui: Is- • r a- roar a ' k an
zenauee of fits per i
, -- ll &ii, . : 141. S 0-e-01 : . ill that cerfilh;
• . - - - 1
pEriaanda and FieliWcias issued out of the . ted thereon- e.,-;.•_ : -., e. , .• : - • l e e sried out of -the Court -- / iit Commo n Plea's . 1 - - preoi. of land . surveyed ,in ittiratiwitel
Court or Common Pleas of Potter No., Penna.,' Seized,,taken in : execution and*.to -- iie 'of Potter-County,
linen expose to p etasyt i natz . ;aud i o : ate al.: : tract or
sale ; oraatem , ef . werrnitt roar thOusand . ,Seven hundred
and to the directed , I sball exptirse to public sol d . as the property Of: 11. Starktinnither. i i : e re ‘ e !,l , Ccnt Bowe : iol . the. - era ~
Isle or outcry, it we Court House, in.the Boy- ' ALSO- , - . Certain:n.4: estate .'sithate in : """ ' l ' ; UV' of- t 4 " l- iniue acres and allowance of ELL:per : neut. :for i
o no of CundersPort, au '3lmadity'the 21st day :der - sport, ou Illtiuday;.the 2/it day ofSeptear - • - :-" -
of 3r. ti mb er 1057, ar Ili - o'clock, - A...• M., Lie' i liecter etretemship, - - 'Potter • mem ty,; 4'i,, we e is s 7 ; se e - 0 ,-,ete„e k.. . :31;. . :::. ,,....,s •
._ ~ ' . ' roatti - .te. --- Alt.l..oia - tilt , that "Certain - tract}
:-- ' or piece of - Lind saireeyediu purstuntee of war
dAseriPedreal. estate, to - wit :' -- I bounded north by unseated lauds; - IM - st bY I- :Au nee - timber trees , of -Whatever; spe cie s,t he-size '
, l ian t . No : fourthousand seven hatoired;. 4,700,
:Certain realeatate situate in Allegany town- !the ii t ii,a county line, 'smith : by'liiiiels eel kind, - or nittute,_ note-growing . Whig sitar of:
... icontanang nine hundred and ninety acres and
ship, P o tter county, Pas, - . Beginning ut a ' past IZ. Mal rury aril u -
~ nerthie - c*," ' west ch - Win diem t -
at thestump , ' '
by lof tenin .. : e e.r or that . a .t ow n u ee.of 6.tx • ' cant: If
! may raw and attain to stint size 'during the : so,i_t, ,
: per
.., or roads &c. ~-L-un
un the ()swap corner on the Couderspartandi •. q d.ei de; • •
ru.ingi ureeatc an , ; - contanairgo .hitidred , penue ttereinafte•ementieued. on• 11 t e i t t . 7.he a re rts -1,- or 4 ye d ; I!
n all - that certain tract or piecel:of hed I.
Tllisbarg road In the said township,
more ordess e of. 'which twenty-five I inaftzrinentioned and described al!
. cifl warrant NO. ; fottr'
;;oath forty-Ace degrees „west twenty-three :acres.
:thousand 'ex:_lituatired and. ninetyenve, 4,05,
r•Jdi and 8:10 to g a post, thence westt twenty -literes are improved, With one frame liuuse, - of tract,. pieces or parcels or land, situa t e l
in i coutonto2., nine hundred and ii"nety acres and
! the!Countv of Potter, and State Penns : 1 -
nine rods and :10 to a post, thence no h I Late her stableand suave fruit trees thet i eun, of -Y - ' .t- I anon - mice - of "ix tier cent for; roads - ke. • AL-,
b e ;• nea, - cot. Limn. together, ,1: fly '1 housatid
.'U-Oa all then eeee e, t e ee e oe p i ece o f i ut id l
ieventeen rods - i,o a post on the Oswayo
B e ie e d , m e t e" i n ex e t t .
thence east forty-five rods and 9:10 to the 1 d ` tale l' . ' :1 • 1 lon'
- Acres,' allowances &v., as follows , vie: sti4ey - sA in pursuance Of :Warrant No. fatir
te property of lerastus Guetzisey. I • - •
()a all that certain tract :or -- piece of land niousaud•seven hundred and twentv-sis, 4,726.1
and to` - • •• t; -- - .,
pace of bogintring ; containing four acres oft so/ as
ALSO•Certain real estate situate in I s urvey ed
tami.'more or lees, on which are erected one :
: tire of warrant! nu b• ' •
zu ....rit-oetsatunglinte hundred lin& tauet2,- acrus.and I
pursuance ,
frame &welling, house, one f r . o - o „h oi , ~,: id : Pike towuship; : :Patterieenutv, Pa., bound-; fo l ll 3. li l onsand . six hundred - and thirty-two, I allowance of Six per cent ft., sistds'&e,. AL-1
one frame barn; and with some fruit trees •ed on the east by thel Timed County line, I( ,J :., containing nine - hundred and ninet% l SO-On all that certain' tract or piece 'Of laud
thereon. ALSO-A certain tetet of htud :on the north b) land; of U . B. lecieduirin ; :rem. anidenlowetn cc of six per eent - for roadsliturveyed in. piirstimice of witrrant No. four I
commencing at the north-west corue •of a lot -, - • -
& C. 0., on the west bY l an d s , of , U. B. i xc e , Alet , OHoa all that certain tract or pieeeithousand six inindred and sertute-five; 4,675,1
~f l an d b o ught of C. A.4drelVA. lying south of: of surveyed in parse:mice of warrant num-Icontaining nine' - hundred and ninety :
I Goodman, - rinel'" on time south by • lauds or b et four thousand six hundred and allowance of six per cent. for roads &c.
the °swap, raad, then.:e west it:ong the Os
runs to the corner of said Chester Au- I Sallltrel :q•Li/y;culitu o i t u . i - I - two hundred .. ( e,e....,e,) containing nine hundred toed ninety I ALSO-On all that certain - t'a-act or, piece 41
and twenty-five Alrews lot of land, thence south ....long the acres; laud, on
_whichlaereet an d . allowance of six per c , nt: for ro -, (1 , ' land surveyed in pursuance :of warrant No. '
original line to IS •Winegaes core% r, thence! there is eig•lay:acres improved, two frame'. Sr- , ALSO -On all that certain tract, piece four thousand seven hundred and •* •
east .to connect; with a board fen -,., to the; , se‘ • en.y -
I or:parcel of land surveyed iu pursuance of seven, 4,117, Containing' nine hundred and
1 lkuuses, three frame! : barns, two bee-houses
highway running !Tura Coudersport to E ll is- eel retie number four . thousand six hundred I ninay acres and allowance of six. percent. for I
: and other out e bnildings, apple orchard &e. !
burg,. thence north along the highway to the: i and thirty-tse, (4,4441L4,) cuutain:ng nine hen- I roads fie. -AtSt.l-Ot t all thtif certain Inct or I
runner of four aeresalf land bought of C. An- Seized, taken in e x ecution, and to be , Bred and ninety acres and allowance of six piece ot bud , ur •• - '. l •-' - ' - of • i •
. .1i..1.c.. du puisnan..e warrant
olrews; - eunt. tuaing about four acres. - . USU.--;!sold as the property Of A. T.I osey - I per'cent , for roads Sc: ~‘Lso On Al 1 So , font- thousand - '
sit hundred end tin rte I
A certain lot of I net Weeded north - hy the 1 ikL iz• - •
et)-Cetaiii - Tel i.tate, bounded I certain tract or, pi tree of land surveyed in pur- : three, 4,6::3, Containing nanc hundred and
l a nd; or ,t•' )S*, Andrews, earl Via. ha pos•ei.! -
1 ,,, i ,,, f S. and described a s billows, to wit :, S'itnate four thousand
b sutti. :4 :4 of warrant number six' ninety acres rind ailoiVan„ . „ tie s;x per cent. for
.4.0 u of James Ci Curtis, sou th bytie.. l 7.l .
d a r ud d. fo d rti- . one,. (4.641,) curtaining !roads, &c. ALbO-Uri all that certain trued
Viuegar, rind attest by !awls of A. We ...iintrews; lin Sweden township, Putter eouuty, Pa., i •
, nine .. iia e itu ninety acres and niluwatice tor ictial: of hind serveyed in pursuance 'of
containing ten acres, all improved, wit': fruit I bounded on the' north by Bin ;;ham Lamle
~ lof six per cent. for roads sc. • ALS(..ttni all i trattalit' thousand
Soler air hundred and ,
trees thereon. The above ilet.eribed lots be- hB• e i Lauds, -
: c a st v l oc z.d a, o south by , lands t that cert• , in tract or piece of land surveyed in I tif - 4 '
t . , .. ,OcO,cuittaititiv4 niue Ithildr.etaud nine'- j
lag unconnected as one farm. i f . .
~F. ! I pursuance of warrant number four thousand Its ner• S viol anowalice of sax ii.r cent. fir'
, :Seized; thkettlu execution, and to be sold °
Janie..., 1 Leh end Keating Estate, and I
i sib burn:Led an d forty-three, 4, , t42, • containing - I roade xi!. - ..1.1.80 ll ft '' 1 '
•• ' ' ' -
as the propertv:oriani.v. VI. Curtis. • . west by Bingham' Lands, beinrr lot •No. - a a asst certain tract'
nine huudred and ninety acres and allowance !or piece of Liel surveyed in our dm • • f -
ALSO-Certain real estate situate in a7l of the allotinent of Bingham - lauds iu • of sic per remit. for roads se,ALSO-tin ill '• • No. • • ' • • -:, ''-" ° "an
, ! slot tour tout:sand six handr.d and see- I
Hector. township, Putter county, Pa., - said township :'' containiner •eiirhtv acres, teat . certain •
.n ~, ~ -
.67 I, clott•i:tiliv , hundred and' :
• :,_ wine
~ ;
benuthel and described us follows, viz : : wore or less, fifteen acres - of which are ' pureuance Of warrant number four Clot sand' tatt . .-tv act % - • amt . .. l • • •
at . owatice of S:A: per emit. I ,
4)„ th e north , b y unseated lan& of the ' ituproved, with'lone loe lions e and One I i-x hundred mid fort}-two, 4.642. containing i for - ro . ads - . 3 te '
.. ALSO-Ott all that certain 1
lon nine . huadt•ed and ninety acres and allow:nice , tract or piece of land sun - eyed in pursuance
Bingham Estate, east by lands of Henry , log stable thereon; I
i - of s ix per cent. for roads Sc.l SO-Oa - MI I • -.'
,ot a arrant No. -four thutniated ,ix hundred and
Haines, - south and west by
_Bingham I . Seized, taken in exe cu tion and to be that certain tract or of la
surveyed--s % d
.. piece ! . Alrve. - e in I sixty-nine, 4,66tt, rum:titling nine hundred •
Lauds; containing 50 acres, being lot No. ! sold as the property of Stephen ..ftedsou ' •
pur,ulinee of eerniiit uninber tour thousand !aintaiinetV acres and allowance of six per;
70 al the allotnient of hurds of H. 11. • and • Jonathan Bedsore . , i six ,ineueiri-d and hotly-eight, 4,ti48, ti in
conotat-glceut. for roasts &c. AI ' * I
ALSO-On all that car- '
Peut iu Hector - towaehip, and part of 1 ALSO-Certain real estate situate in ' nine hundred and 'nu"). acres "d 'il.lowanee!i:till tract ur piece of laud surveyed in I
.., ! alai, per cent fur rmd- &e. ILSO t '-•
-(.. n all; mice of warrant No. fuer thouaatol nine I
i ( •
warrant No. .7en. ALSO -Ono other 'Genesee township, Potter minute.; lea., I tint' certain tr a ct 0 ' piec e '- 1 -
1. , t situate in Hector township, Putter C 0.,. bounded on the, south by .the road leading , pursuance of.w,irr„ r iut o b t er a t e o d ur surs i e us t u i , i d i ! hundred and - thirty-four, 4.1434, containing
contain - in., ,
hundred and ninety • acres and allowance I
pa.: Bounded north by Bingham Lauds, 'from Ulysses to:Genese . e Forks, east, west six hundred and forte-nine, 4,641 t. ; sex per cent tur roads &e. : ALSO- -On alit
east by Binghani Lands, south by lands and north by lands of O. W . Hickeui ; i oinA hundred and ninety- acres arOtII
st ,, WanCe 1 that piece of land, being six hundred and forty I
per cent. for roa d s . Sze. ALSO—On all !
' of Ilunsecker and Garlock, west by lands; containing ten acres, six acres of which ' of six , , acres and taloa-Juice of si. , per cent. for roads;
one that certain
r tr i e ‘ t i ct or p i eceof laud
sUrreSeot in ! Se., or a - certain tract of land surveyed in par- I
. formerly of J4:e 'Johnson; (entwining, are improved, With one frame house, warrant iiinuber four thou . sa . .nd : sua nye of warrant No , four thousand six mu- I
lIU and 9:10 aer!s, being lot No. 77 of ' frame barn; other out-buildings - mid seine , I ,:i7 3 l: l u 4 nch- L e ' d :inch illy -In•e. 4.0..5, enntationg I Bred and lifts-one. 4. 1 ;51. ALSO-On • I that!
the allotment of lands of 11. H. Dent in efruit trees thereun. ;nine heiudred and ni mty- acres and allow:its,7e ' piece r 1 fb - ' - hundr e da n d • I
0 an( . vitt r six. ninety-
said township, and part of warrant No. i Seized, taken in executien, :Ind to he of six per cent. for roads ac. ALSO-On all :1; 't rt bc!u,
rive acres and :144uwatice of six per et ut. for } ,
; that certain tract nr piece of laud surv e yed ice ' roads :&c., of a certain' tract surveyed in l
.17 AS • ; of which 50 acres are improved, six 'sold sus the property of Lumen I%'ineliell.
:emit chopped, 1 with one frame dwelling! ALSO-Certain rear estate situate hi !
~ p ret i i, T•i d e r e ed ot a ‘ c l d ur i r i . l e t t?
e n t i o rm h t t iy i r ,t ter co th l i t ins a ,m n it p ersoooxo o f
. ‘ olirmo t, s u . f our ti,,, a ,Z iu 'd s i x i
. i t i h u a u t d r i : d e
e a noir!
laud, b eing
4,G52. ALSO-On all I
Louse, one log; house, two frame bailie - Genesee township, Potter county, "PIL
, ;eine hundred and ninety acres sad a ll o wanc g e
and *owe fruit trce.,, thereon. A I eite - , bounded un the; north be - lands of Silas jof six per cent. for - rciet.ds .tc. ALSO-On all i
' ninety pu re
an .i a' th e zg n
f n i i i i rdr e e r d
e ntil :
One other lot, lenuided mirth by let for- Billings, east I,IY lands of Theophillis ! that eertaiti aryl or piece c.t . faint "TVeYeth in !for roads Sr„ of ult nee ceriaiii trae P t Of land
unsay owned by Henry Ilayties and Bile , - : Easton, south 1.4 lands of Moses liawleV,:!:littlrShilu3,
l a :i .' r e l. I? r a l l l,: i ir t r ii iii ,, t iitti ,. llll 4 er .. frr thintiarnl ' 6 aurveyed i n puns:wince or warrant No: four
thuusutel six hun.ired. acid lifty - -siz... 4,65 tt..- ,
haul Lands„ Mist by Bingham Lands,: deceased, and weet by lands of' S. S. Rob- : nine hundred and u t iii - e li t. : 4:4 l n . cre . ; . ali ' d v a u l t lo ta n i •i u in i 1 , 1 :74 ' n
south by Bingham Lauds and lands of H. : eras ; containing fifty-seven acres of land, ', of six per cent. for roads :cc. ALSO-On 1111 ''', i i ‘l ' :73 l , °-°ll an that piece °J. land, being
udred and eighty-two acres and al
11. Dent, and West by Binehani Lands; of which there is about tweety •aeres itn_, that certain tract or pie:•e or laud eurveyed in I e re --n
rice of warrant number four thousand low:tins of six per Cent. fur roads Ste., of !
containing 100 acres, being lot No. 93 in ; proved, With one wider saw-mill, one franie Pllmult
six hundred and sixty-four. 4.66-t, containing l it certain tract surveyed• in puruance of I-
Rector township', and part of warrant No. : house, one - frame barn, two plank houses
, I !vine . hundred and ninety acres and allowance , warrant No. four thousand six. hundred I
1354; of which 25 acres are improved, i and sonic fruit trees thereon. ;of s ix per cent. fur roads &c. ALSO-on all !ftna fifty-seven, 4,657. ALSO-On all
with one log house, one "-saw-min and I• Seized , taken! in executiun, and to be chat certain tract' or piece of land. surveyed in. - 4 --- , -
some frail trees thereon. . ALSO-=One ' sold 1144 the property of Jelin - Billings. I - pursuance of warrant number four thousand] 14.
piece of land, being eight hundred i
other tract, situate in Hector and Ulysses I ALSO--Certiiii real estate situate i n : .lix hundred and sixty-live. 4.665, containing l and linty acres, and allowance of six per 1
I'l , iliac hundred and ninety acres and allnwance ! cent . for roads &e., of a certain tract cur
townships, bounded north, east, south Hebron triwuship, Potter euttlltyt per cent for roads .te • ALSO-On all 1
• .veyed in pursuance of warrant : No. fourl
and' west by lands of the Bingham • Es-; bounded on the, north h- by unseated lands' that certain -hat tract or piece of laud surveyed in thousand •
~nine hundred and twenty-eight, I
tale ; , containing 100 acre, being lots ',,,0f S. 3.1. Pox, dee'd, east by unseatridipursuance of werrant number four :
thousand I I 4,928. ALSO-LOn all that piece of land,'
Aim. 1 - 16 e. 155 ie said townships, and . lands of S. 31.
.' .‘ oz, dee'd, south by min-: six hundred and sixty-six, 4,tniti, containing
nine hundred and ninety acres and allowance 'being eight hundred and flirty , acres and'
parts of warrauts Noe. 1260 & 1800. ' seated hinds of . ir`. )l. Fox, dcc'd, and 1
ei,„ Fe _ i , of six per cent. for roads Sc. ALSO-On all t allow once of six per cent.for - roads &c„
ALSO-One o'ther - lot, bounded on the I west by unseated lauds of ,S,
I " 1 that certaiiitnict or piece of land' surveted in I
a certaiu tract surveyed in - pursuance I
north by unseated lands, east by Henry ; deed, being laiNo. 101 of the allOttuent ! pursuance of warrant number four'. t ,
eijusand warraue No. four thousand nine bun- I
1). Leach, south by lands of Huusecker "of S. M. Fox ;I containing fifty acres of I six It undraand ante-seven, 4,667, containing,
& Garlock, and west by C. Loucks; eon- I land, of which ten acres Are improved, i nine huneWd and ninety acres stud allowance tired and twenty-three, 4,923. .A I.SO-.-- I
per cent. for roads &c. ALSO-on all lOn all that piece of land being six hun-1
Mining 400 Sense of which twenty acres which is erected one water saw-ndll and ! cif ' ix
. 1 1 that certain tract or piece of laud surel..yed in I
dred and fifty-five acree and allowance of:
ire improved, With one frame house, one ,• one board shantee. , I pursuance of warrant number four -thousand ;,ids per cent. fur roads &c., of. a certain ,
.frame barn and an apple orchard thereon. ; Seized, taken in execution, and to be 1 six
hundred and sixty-eight , 4.11if111 fining4otital -I
ne. tract surveyed in pursuauce of warrant ~
Seized, taken- in executiun, and to be 'sold as the property of Wm. G. Canner. I ' erne hundred and n i n ety neres and allow
shl as the property - of Coruelius Loucks ! ALSO-Certain mil estate situnte - iti , ot-six. per cent. for roads &c. ALSOn all I NI), four thousand seven hundred anal'
I ! nett certain tract or piece of land surveyed in:twenty-seven, 4,727. ALSO -On • all
and At 11. Loucks. ;Bingham town hi p, Potter Comit y, pursuance of waremt number four . thousand . ',that* the west-half, being four hundred;
Al.Soe-Certain real estate situate in bounded northby lauds of G . G. Colvi l u
, . sex hundred and seventy-one, 4.1;71, contain = ';,mid . e • -e • • .: . .• •
au mut, e -live. acme and allowtMce of six
like township; Potter Co., Pa., bounded i 011 the east by ! lands .of William Cobb, , tug nine hundred end. abletv acres and allow- I
: phr cent. for roads &e., of a certain tract
en tile nun tl U l y lot No. 14, on the east I Walte:r Leonard and J. B. Jimes, on the unce of six. per cent, for roads &e. ALSO
/ill that certaiu tract or piece of land sun-; surveyed in - putemince or warrant No. I
ley lots Nes. 14', 22 & 35, on the south ' south by 11. I)! Ives, and on' the west' bv : Ott
veyed in pursuance of warrant number your ' tour thousand six hundred and fifty-four,
by let No. 22 and unseated lands of the; lauds of Truturin Kibbee ; containing one' !
. 'with e h o ef t .e'.: ; thousand six hundred and ,yenta, 4 1'; 70 . ! 4,65-I. ' ALSO-On 'all the west -half, !
liingl ' imu Estate , and on the 'west be '
un-: hun dredm„rese• ut u , y acres iin- .
containing nine hundred an& ninety '
acres and ' •
i being four hundred and ninety-five acres::
seated lauds and by lots cos. 13 & 36, ' proved, on which are erected, rue fraine : allowance of six per cent. for roads ke. AL-
I :Ind allowance of six per cent , for roadie
'being lots Nos, 11 - ..t. 12 of the sub-dick dwelline
, house, one flume' barn, and with I 86-On all that cei Lain tract or p.ect of land
tieli of the lauds of the Bineham Estate two apple. orchards . thereon. 1,. .! ' I I surveyed in pursuance of warrant number ',5:.e.., of a certain tract enrveyed in purse
e ! lour , ttiousand nine hundred and thirty-two. : atiec of warrant No. four thousand six I
iu said township; containing one huts - I . Seized, taken in execution, and to tin containing nia! hundred and ninety I hundred and tiftv-three; 4,653. AI.SO !
dred and fifty-five acres, of which about ' sold as the prOPerty of James 1. Strai. ht . 4 ' I - .
! Acres and Akin-mice ol siv. per cent. for roads , 0 . t hat "
htty acres are .tinproved, with three frame I and C. H• heS. ~ ' ~ , sc. Al.so_e). all 11, It
e,rteiik tract
Piece i - n.all tract or piece of land surH
yeyed in pursuance of warrant \u. four :
houses; two frame learns, one saw-usill and ALSO-Certai
.n real estate situate in' of laud surveyed in pursuance of warrant No. i
: four 'thousand nine hundred
_ and thirty-three.l thousand six hundred and eighty, 4,650,"
tome fruit trees thereon. ALSO-Lot Pike township Pottecounty, PM; boned
by lan6
of nooiket 5z1 4.f.33, containing
hundred atol ninety , containing nine hundred and ninety acres,
...e... 36, situa-e in township, county and! ed on the north „ ! • tres mid , allowance of six per cent. tin' road's !and allowance of size per -cent. for roads
state aforesaid' bounded on the north and.! Garlock, cast ilby lands' of ilelisike '
r in Vic. ALSO-Ott ail th at I:•ertant tract or piece! ' , K., I
1 , A1,507-On all` that certain tract or :
east by lot N. - 14, . on the south by lot ; Garlock, south by warrant line of - 5127, 1
, ot land surveyed in pursuance of warrant No.! ''''"•
, Su. let andeniseated lands, on _ the west ' and west by lands of liensiker ktlarlOck; 1 tour thotesaud nine hundred and twent -nine,: piece of land surveyed in • pursuance of
. by unsmeted hinds and lot No. 15; eon:, containing StY,I acres, being. lot 'Co, 37 of 4,929, ' nu , tainin g "i" hundred dud ninety I warrant No. four thousand -six - hundred
Intecres-ainusoalloowi all ce - t o i t l isix per cent. for roads I and seventy-three, 4,673, containing nine
taming 104 acres, about twelve acres of: the allotnient!,uf the Ashley hinds in Pike
which ere improved, with one log house,ltownship, Potter county, Pa., none of of land -,'
surveyed in piirstm.thrc'eu a u l tr ,, ..t ia e n t D a r n ! , i N ec o e ' hundred and ninety acres and allowance
of six per cent<for roads &e. ALSO-
one frame !Muse. and one frame barn: which is iniOnved. ! four thousaud six lipadred and eighty-four,
thenson. i I 1
i Seized, sal eh in execution, to , be 4168,4, containing nine hundred and Itillet.3: On all the west -half, being four hundred I
and, ~ . : acres and allowance, of six per cent. for roads, and ninety-five e tieres and allowance of six
. Seized, taken in exeCution, and to be ;soldthe '
as property of John L. Ph e n ix. I
~ire., ALSO -un all . that certain tract or piece I per cent. for roads &.,e f certain
~ o a , tract
nld as thepr4erty of Elijah Johnson.. 1 Al SO -''' ''
-Certain real estate, , to wit • ' •
1 , . .ot lend surveyed in - pursuance of warrant No. I • .d. i n
..eureev,... 1 pursuance of warrant No.
- l'' ' 'l' • ' II4S T l l. d - '
i.. a. ,:, _ wo-t ir s part o 4 A piece or pureel- of land situated in Pik '
Pike four thousand, six hundred and eight v-fit e.I. '' '
!four thottsand six hundred' and seventy-
~e.e, Lou min ° nine hundred au ninety . - ... e , - . ~ ,
of all those certain two tracts of land sit-; township,P t ' ' 1' ' bounded ' ''°'' 4 ' te -• " • •d . -'' -
te ter county it.,,on i
acres and allowance.of six per cent. for rose,' two ' 1. 7 1 ,. ) 1,.... •
cite on the waters of Kettle- Creeek, ' iu 'the ihe north and weSt'by lauds of the estate! - ,
ALSO e -On all that certain tract or piece
I.ND , A1.30--Th •
e of free. in-
Stewardson township, Potter minty, Pa., I of the late 0 1 ',; It Guedumn, dee'd ' by ' 'c '
, east lof land surveyed in pursuamie of warrant No. !
~.!... ! ! ! .
1111 d in the warrantee innue.'ef Nieldin & 1 the Tioira and Potter '
county line, and ; four thousand s ix hundred and eighty-seven !z!./ 4 - I ' 4 '3 PgreSS' and regress, in tipou throuteh
Griffith, grunted, by tho Commonwealth y ;con. 1 , , cunt:wing ninehundred , ninety j ace. 0‘ 1' ic a mt. air escri e tracts, piers
! south by lands of Samuel 31.• Lose l'e l use '• - - "'
' • '' ")
- 6 •il • 1
e ,
of-Peu • - •
lisylnuia,. (No. 505.60 nolltainill"•' raining about twoliundred a ' ndetw' twenty- I acres and allowanee of six per emit- for roadid es of tracts and parcels of
I eke.' ALSO-t in all that certain tract of uleee ' • I parcel lauds andcue
_ nue thoue - and !and , ninety andea half aeres : one acres. ~;! y Dart eared ' thereof, to • fell,
: cut,
, lot' land stirceyed pursuance of warrant No r •
-:• - • • -•
i'r• 'a Linde - whieh Crimby W. Ellis and 1
I Seized, take • •
u in execution, and to De i four thousand seven hundred and serentv-: hew, bark haul :and take away the said
• ,George Stew - OMA* .by deed -dated the' Id fade '
- iso as e preperty of ;A. S. Burnham i eight, 4 778, emit:tieing nine hundred and '
1 , thnber trees froth t he'said tali& ,and also
sixteenth deed OfSe . ptetuber, A. I). 1550,1 d
and Joseph It Cole . • . ~
. -
.- - : n inety. acres and allowance of six per cent for !the right to pile!and ' stare' the - said tim
conveyed to Oliver Watson, which deed Iroads tie AISO-On all that certain tracti ,
I A.LSO-C ert ai n real estate situatein' - -.•
is recorded in Potter county; in Deed - - ~,,j or piece of hued surveyed in pursuance of war-. I divided into logs . and timber _ until the
804 "E.," ) , iwes 197
_&.: lijs and ~._! the Borough of Coudersport, beginnin, : rant No., four' thousand seven hundred and ' - '
• " , same can conveniently be hauled, floated
"'at a post in:the west - line•of-Main
,street,lsreventy-uinee 4,779, containing nine hundred ,
said Oliver Wa;on-touveved the same by i 1... 11 1. iMid ninety neres and allowance °fan percent. inr PlTieir away; and also- the . right to
deed hmeie,' !l ate - . , min the south-cast corner of John .S.
!: ally twentieth day ot , ! • r, -
! Aunts office lot,- thence southerly by
tho; I fer roads le: , ALSO--On all that certain tract Wild, Make and construet heuses, roads
Neveniber, A;
'`.- I), 1850, to JohnF Go w• Oi r iece of-land sUrVe in .. it : lie
p ed pure tt : eof war- and bri *ti e for d ;'' ' eof haulingthe
F. vf" , west line of said street twen ty, feet, thence •
met No.' four thousand Seven lhundred'and d talang away thei -
as: And the other tract surveyed in the! au ogs and timber cut
, wester ly at right angles with- Main street thirt y-tour, f
y- our, ft, 734, containing nine hundred and. - I d ' d f - 1 -' ' ' ' •
tsarrantee name of Nicklin & Griffith,; w ei eg e f- ::ruin
, t. he &eid timber lends,
feet, thence northerl y,, twenty ,
feet ninety, acre and allowance of six 'per cent. for • a° , ,'" lve
ranted . by the Coinnumwealth - Of Penn- ' ' -xt '' ' diete lieSO--On all c rt.: ' • ' and also. all - the riht; to use the w
-4 , e im tract , . , , waters
Ito the office lot of John S. Mann, thence . 'n. •
sylvanis afoniera'd (X - 1.1 )
~ 1 I '• 0. D ai , containing!
easterly b said 1 t -*
'''' ' ' - .
y u sixty feet to the place . P
lor piece of bald surveyed in pursuance of and street* of water in and • upon:. the
one thousand and . [ninety-four and a halt ; i*arrant No. four thous six hinuirell and • '
said lauds aud flowing throun'h the saute,
:of beginning, on whieh is erected one , forty, - • • •-•
1 - 4,640, containing nine -hundred and to throu g h
_ i':n.e, of which ten acres are imp roved , 'fl oa t and carry the lugs and timber from
: two- s t op o .
ffice - --; . . ... . I ninety acres and allowance of six Per.ceht. f ur !• - .
a nd vu which arc erected three le - b
, g artist , Seizea, taken in execution - and ,to- be ' curds &c. ' ALSO-Ott 011 that cert.: in - tract !said land._
e•-•tlie said right to cut and Cam .
And Line log lionise, - .
. lor 'ieee of rand surveyed 1 putt e of
it upa e war- 'l' trees 'fro thesaid 1 A.
I away tianhe . w
. .an-e, as
: sold as the pnipertn 1 -
.. of Crosby W.' Ellis. .P. .. ' • -
Seized, taken in execution; .
and to be ; ' :rant No • four thousand seven lit
attired and above ! deSeribed, and till - and singular the
veld se the property of joint C. Inalres . ' • A. C. TAGGART Sheriff., 'it' tfi - 4 , 73
7 wen v- %e a, eoutainirig, nine hundred : 0
: : therriebt -• d '1 •ho •
, Sall prwt og-seNei:mutton
Jr., and Chalice l'. Dodge. ' - ' i , Coudersport: Aug. 26 ' 1857 '
I- , - - ,-- • : ' - is
and ninety acre and allowauce of six per cent. '
lan th a t „ eteili amid bed, and each of them-to contin
t• Po. A..1.80-Certain teal estate ' t ct , - ' fOr roads ke:' ' ALO-'--On •
ME CLOTIILNO of Che,ney's manure/Ante ',tract tir piece of hind surveyed in :
: pursuance! uns .and to, b . e used and enjoyed , fur' and
situate in Abbott township, Potter c i , '3 °
Ma hand ut, E. K.!SPEN(ER, ...- [of *errata No, fo ur thousand tieeett hundred !during . the period of Fifty fears, to be
t", Pa., bounded :
,on the north - bylanais t coon-;
; 1
0 ! 10: 1 ; ; D. w ':
s., Atr' .need seven, 4,70., vont:ming 'Tame hundred :Computed from the tifteent h day of Febra
itohn Ketitini ,. i, 120 b
~ &Ist. y lauds ed . !. -• , . I and ninety acres ; and allowance of six pet .
an . A• D IS - 0• ' .' . --' • "
Red& &c o l' h - i NEW 0 1101tSF I Mill Fl - W WON f • t • I Oll 1 -, '- a ' H. - - - -
~ sou th and west by lands of' A . - •., i"- ' • •-. • • • or. ern I". roar s . it- a I lat.- ~ .. ,
John licati :
,i,, sc C o . ."
. , . , centaiumg fifty co
. •;1 for sale by : JONES, MANN &.JONES. I teiu tract or piece of land surveYed in phrsif- l .:'-',erneo, vixen
nil - .1 ! - ft ls• ! " f . '
c n-port,. uric , ee.-t ; - lame of warrant No. faur t.l.,Oisand st-vta t hen- in execution, and to be
, sold as the preiperti of -•• The Sunbury
C ana l arid'Water P l otier uonspany," at
the suit of TOlip Tag g art Trustee of. J.
S. Silver et al. - •
C. T.4.0,0411T, Sheriff.
Coudersport,lBs7.-3t. .
. Alta 09/TIV.E.LY , - -
conveys the reMedies to the cavi
ties in the lungs tfiroagh the air passa
ges, and coating ins direct Contact the
disease, - lieM:rulizlis the tubercular matter, . ai
lays the cough, causes a free and.easy expec
torition, heels the lungs, pitrifiex the, blood,
imparts reneyred vitality to tlic nervous system,
giving-that thne and .energy so indispensable
tor the restoration of health, To be able to
state Contidehtly that Cousuinption is_curable
by inhalation is to Me ti-source of unalloyed
pleasure. is as tauCh under the control of
medical trettnent a any .Other formidable
disease; ninety out ! of every .hundred cases
can be cured in the fir s t stages, and fifty per
cent, in the.secoud; :hut iu the third stage it'
is . impmisiblei to save; More than five per cent.,
for the Lungs are so;Mit'up by the disease as
to bid detiante - to medical skill. Even, /how
ever, in the List stagei, Inhalation uflards ex
traordinary tol the sulferin: , attending
this fearful sCourge,:Which mutually destroys
ninety' - five thousand 'versolis in the United
States alone j and a e c itrreettialcalation shows
that:of the present p pulation .of the • earth, I
eighty millions are destined 'to fill the
sumptite's graves.
Truly the Nuiver of ()call( has no arrow so
fatal as Consatuptioa.',! In all ages it has been
the great enemy of life, fur it . spares neither
age tairsex, :hut sweeps Mr alike the brave.
Lit. beithtiful, the gratiethl and the gifted. 1; I
the help of that Supreme tieing Irons whom
cometh every good tined perfect gifts I am eu
ahbled to oiler to the afflicted a permanent
and speedy cure in it.7onsumption. The first
cause of tubercles is iron:vital:um' blood, and
the initnediate'effect produced by their. depo
sition in the lungs is to prevent the free ad
mission of air into the air cells, which causes
a weakened vitality through . the entire system.
Thcu surely it is more, rational to expect great
er good from medichies entering the cavities
of the lungs than from those administered
through the stomach ; ; the patient will always
find the lungs free and the breathing easy, af
ter Inhaling remedies. Thus, Inhalation is at
local remedy, nevertheless it acts constitution
ally, and with more power anti certaiuty than
'remedies administered by the, stomach. To
prove the powerful and direct influence of this
this mode of administration, chloroform
inhaled- will entirely destroy. sensibility in a
.few Minutes, paralyzing the entire nervous
system, so that a limb may be amputated with
! out the slightest pain; • Inhaling the ordinary
burning gas will destroy life in a few hours.
The inhalation of-ammonia, trill rotibe the
system when Minting or apparently dead. The
odor of many of the medicineS is perceptible
in the skin a few minutes after being inhaled,
and may be immediately detected iu the blood.
A convincing proof of the constitutionaretfects
of inhalation, is thei fact that. sicknesS is al
ways produced by breathing foul air—is not
this positive evidenim that proper remedies,
carefully prepared and judiciously adminis
tered through the lungs should produce the
happiest results? During eighteen years"
- practice, many thousands suffering from dis
eases of the lungs and throat, luck been tin
der my care, add 1 have effected many remark
able cures, even after the sufferers had been
pronounced in the last stages, chich fully sat
isfies the that consumption is no longer a fatal
disease. My treatment of eons:umption is
original, and founded on long experience and
a thorough investigation. My perfect acquain
tance with the nature of tubercles, &c., ena
bles me to distinguish, readily; the carious
forms of disease that simulate consumption,
and apply the proper remedies, rarely being
mistaken even in a single
.ease. This famil
iarity. in connection with certain-pathological
and mitroieOpie discoveries. enables our to re
: lieve the lungs from the effects of contracted
chests, to enlarge the chest, purify tile blood,
• impart to it renewed vitality, giiing energy
and tune to the entire s.ysteni.
Medicines with full directions sent to any
I part of the United Siate , f.and Camnins by pa
. tient:; mann im lead ne, theirsyromoms by letter.
Ltut the cure would be wore certain if the
patient should pay; un, a vi4it,, which would
' give ran an opportunity to examine the lung,
! and enable me to prescribe with mach greater
certainty. and then the cure could be effected
without my seeing thti patient again.
Cr, W. GIiAH AAI, 11. D.,
Office 1131 Elibert Street, .(01.(1
• No. 109,) below Twelfth,
HEREAS thei lion. Robert -G. White,
11 Preaident Judga, and the Huns. Joseph
Mann and (. G. Colvin, Associate Judges of
the Courts of Oyer t Terminer and General Jail
Delivery, Quarter Sessioni of the Peace. Orph
ans' Court and Court of Common Pleas for the
County of Potter, have issued their precept,
hearing date the fifth day of august, in
the year of our Lord- one thousand eight hun
dred and fifty-seven, and to me directed. for
holding .r. Court of Oyer and Terminer. and
General Jail Delivery, Qktarter SeSsious of the
Orphans' Court, and Court of Common
Pleas,iri the Bo:uligh otTutitlei sport, on MON
the 21st day of September next. anti to
continue uric week. ' .
Notice is therefore hereby given to the •Cor
tineri, Justices. of the Peace, and Constables
Within the county, that they be then ;tad there
iu theit: proper persons, ut 'lit o'clock A. XL of
said thiy, with their rolls, records, inquisitions,
eAanduationsi and other rentenibrauces, to do
those things which, to their. otlices appertain
to be dune. And, those who are bound by
their recognizances to prosecute against the
prisoners that are or shall be,iu.the jail of said
county of Potter, are to be then and there to
prosecute against thewt.aS will be just. •
Dated at COM/IMPORT, August sth, 1857,
and. the Blst year of - the independence of the
Gaited States of America.
Put'up in 25e., 50c., 75e, and $1- MAO:
Insects, ikei Put up in 35C.:bid 50e. I
Principal Depot, No. 386 Broadway' New
York, and sold byDRVGGISTS and. DEAL
ERS everywhere in the.United;Cans
dos . West Indies and Smith Anierica.
$ 4. -
../1:(, - . - T..1GGART, Sheriff. I partieulaia - 11 40;41t
i7tonure d. ilart, - - No. 143 Sept. -Term 1857.
rs. , In tke Contnion Pleas of
Elizabeth Hari. potter County.
1.111K4 IN;VDUS.
. .
And now, to wit., July 31st, 1857, a Sub
iiceua and alias Stilipcona having been issued
and returned Si/441u this ease, the said res
pondent, hit.rissinrn llant.,• is hereby required
tii appear in said qourt,jim
_the 21st day. of
tiotttetubeenext, .tqanswer the- complaint set.
eurth.b,y-the LibeUnnt. -
40:8: . 4. C-T-10GART, Sheriff'. .
'VENN . ' GOODS- 7 A "Aro and Splenditt As
!ortnient, received at
N1 , 7".1 N SS E
"obi' N. - Dye ie dte :Mahar.. •
,Wholvis had 10 years eXperience.tis a Bank
er and Publisher, and Author of . l9o—'
4 series
.of .I;cluri.t'ar Eroitu;ay tabors*,
witen,..fer 10 sisecessive.nighti, _over
""N:iparso,ooo ,People•iag
- Greeted him with Rou'nds of , Applanie,'4,•••4
white he exhibited:the manner. in - which
Cutuderfeitex4 execnte their Frauds, and
the .S•urt and 'Shorten Minis of . V,
Deteiting them • j
The -Bank; .Evrarav all lay !hake isO
Me greatest Judge of Paper
..Money hiring. 0
- Dided;fig eviiyierteit
Describing every (xeuutue Bill in Exiitucep.;_,
and Eihibiting at -a glance•erery Co.:ttli '
terfeit in Circtilationit,
Arranged so admirably that „REFERENCR B I
is EASY, and•' •• •
IAW - NO index to examine ! Na pages to
hunt upl , But so simplified and !arranged,
that the Merehaht, - Banheraid ; Business
Man can see all at a Glanee: . - •
Thus each - may read the same in his own,
ATATIVE TO (lE. • - -
Must Per:feet &ink Note Lis! Piaslithed..:j
.1 Alto a List of
A Complete Summary of the FiViSCht OE.
EMLOPE & Auzates will be published in each
editi;p together With 'all the ' 131PORT.S.Nr -
NE OF THE DAY. ..Alsoj - .
- A SERIES OF TALES! • • ; :4
From an Old Manuscript fou n d in the East.
It furniAes the Most CoMplete Ilistory
e 4
Or Oriental Life,.
describing the Most Perplexing Positions in -
which the Ladies and Getalemen of that
thittittq have been so otteo Ibund. These
Stories will continue throughout the whole 1-4
year, and will prove the Most Entertaining
ever offered to the Public. V'
JAW-Furnished Wecgly to Subscribers on-2
iy, at Si a year, • All letters must be ad-ii. 4
dressed to
JOHN S. DYE, Broker,- 0
Publisher uud Proprietor, Wall Street, g
New-York. 10:1 7 -ly - . 0
SE:PTENISER 7 . 11131, 1857. .
County of Potter, vs. Ellie: a Jam,
W. Smith.
Trustees of Bingham Estate, Ts. Jacob
Redner. •
County of Potttr, Vs. E. Johnston k Jam
Bump 2tl.
Win. McDougall, vs. Jno. M. Killaorn,
Rufus Rice.
C. Aylesworth. vs. N. P. Minard.
George Andrews. es. Atnos D. Nichols.
C. Evelin. Jr; vs. Jonathan Card, et. e.l.
Beuj. Smith, vs. Isaac Lyuian. .
Pike Township. vs D. Chappel. •
Wharton School District, vs. Julius Johns
Isaac Pearce, use of Doty it' Doty, - vs. Fr.n
liu Gale.
Levi Annis, vs. W. T. Jones. • • -
E. M. Carpenter, vs. Chas. Armstrong.
Barak Niles, vs, L. D. Williams.
-Elias H. More, vs. Morris S. Carpenter.
L. B. Brown, vs. Leonard Davis.
11.,sen Cushing, vs. B. liaise' &. Atudey„
Saail. Haven, vs. A.. A l . Mint On.
George Ayers, vs. Wm. Perry.
Vesta C. Dike, &c., vs C. P. Dike.
\cm T. Jonesi, vs. Jackson & Rees:
A. W. Wil Vs. Delos's H. Dunbar,
Thomaa D. Little, vs. H. OonetrigLyet.
Jos. A. Leonard, vs. J. Stevenicin.
Josiah Bump, vs; -H. S. Carrier... -
Collins Smith, vs, 31orris'S. Carpenter_
Potter County, vs. Hunt & Crittenden.
C. W. Howe s CO. Vs. W. T Ames.
Getionell st Creswell, vs. Wi T.'-3s A. I
Gilbert & Nichols. vs. N. L. Dike. •
. David W. Seely, .1 P. Wm. Perry; -
E. M. Carpenter, vs. Richard Shay, Jr
Geo. It. Vusburg, vs. M. J. Flynn. -
11. J. thnsvao,-Protb.y.l
Coudersport. Aug. Ltd. ItJi. . •
X OTICE is hereby givetr. that Pro,
sals will be received at' the Olfic
the Town Council until the first day
Septenler next, for the ,building of :3,
Walks then unbuilt, in accordance w
the Ordinance passed• May 25, 1857:
By Order of Town Council.
Seey. of Totiv Council'
Coudersport Aug. 3d, 1357.
rglifE undersigned' having boned outall
fernier owners of. thee-Lewisville .Ste;au
kirirt Mill are now prepared to do all manner
of grinding, as they believe, .-to the satisfag
tion of their customers. Come:and see. ' -
0. A. LEWIS,: -
Ulysses, Feb 29 1/3"'' —9 38-
ifeip Yoiii .beiiiiitlients.. -.1:
- and Correspondence Oat?,
ae,o BIWA; NInV
ALLEN & Will
ieet'ESSORIS TO R. iv. plitiocee
' .. -...:.-.''
offei 4 ,. i
Great p.clucpme 4s,
i j
H . TO BUct*S I.)i!. ‘ .
' '. ' g4iihniiii 'Z' .. ‘ "
.eiiiqa. alass.4- i ~..,
=I I