.- . ' - ' lingarFrif . SALES- ' acies,"Of irliiel.(teii sot's - are: liiiproVed, I, - "- . :'" -• ' ItIORT-GAIM "MR..; -.-.- ! -: i ilridand4ii, 4,106, containing nine . iiiin - (iiia , . -,.. le Y_ VIRTUE or gooirt; hilts or . I efutitToni trite . 412 e._ It .4"=., . - Viitt,, i.3 . 11 ..:e... 1 . n g .-3214--eree'''irigt' ./.... "-' --' I "1 - (1'14 1- e'st Ira • .d'all - ' - - tut ::- T : - 1 - 111Ttirof. it Writ or .1.-swirri Fues • ui: Is- • r a- roar a ' k an zenauee of fits per i , -- ll &ii, . : 141. S 0-e-01 : . ill that cerfilh; • . - - - 1 pEriaanda and FieliWcias issued out of the . ted thereon- e.,-;.•_ : -., e. , .• : - • l e e sried out of -the Court -- / iit Commo n Plea's . 1 - - preoi. of land . surveyed ,in ittiratiwitel Court or Common Pleas of Potter No., Penna.,' Seized,,taken in : execution and*.to -- iie 'of Potter-County, linen expose to p etasyt i natz . ;aud i o : ate al.: : tract or tame sale ; oraatem , ef . werrnitt roar thOusand . ,Seven hundred and to the directed , I sball exptirse to public sol d . as the property Of: 11. Starktinnither. i i : e re ‘ e !,l , Ccnt Bowe : iol . the. - era ~ Isle or outcry, it we Court House, in.the Boy- ' ALSO- , - . Certain:n.4: estate .'sithate in : """ ' l ' ; UV' of- t 4 " l- iniue acres and allowance of ELL:per : neut. :for i o no of CundersPort, au '3lmadity'the 21st day :der - sport, ou Illtiuday;.the 2/it day ofSeptear - • - :-" - of 3r. ti mb er 1057, ar Ili - o'clock, - A...• M., Lie' i liecter etretemship, - - 'Potter • mem ty,; 4'i,, we e is s 7 ; se e - 0 ,-,ete„e k.. . :31;. . :::. ,,....,s • ._ ~ ' . ' roatti - .te. --- Alt.l..oia - tilt , that "Certain - tract} :-- ' or piece of - Lind saireeyediu purstuntee of war fallowing dAseriPedreal. estate, to - wit :' -- I bounded north by unseated lauds; - IM - st bY I- :Au nee - timber trees , of -Whatever; spe cie s,t he-size ' , l ian t . No : fourthousand seven hatoired;. 4,700, • :Certain realeatate situate in Allegany town- !the ii t ii,a county line, 'smith : by'liiiiels eel kind, - or nittute,_ note-growing . Whig sitar of: ... icontanang nine hundred and ninety acres and ship, P o tter county, Pas, - . Beginning ut a ' past IZ. Mal rury aril u - ~ nerthie - c*," ' west ch - Win diem t - at thestump , ' ' by lof tenin .. : e e.r or that . a .t ow n u ee.of 6.tx • ' cant: If ! may raw and attain to stint size 'during the : so,i_t, , : per .., or roads &c. ~-L-un un the ()swap corner on the Couderspartandi •. q d.ei de; • • ru.ingi ureeatc an , ; - contanairgo .hitidred , penue ttereinafte•ementieued. on• 11 t e i t t . 7.he a re rts -1,- or 4 ye d ; I! n all - that certain tract or piecel:of hed I. Tllisbarg road In the said township, more ordess e of. 'which twenty-five I inaftzrinentioned and described al! pursuititce . cifl warrant NO. ; fottr' ;;oath forty-Ace degrees „west twenty-three :acres. :thousand 'ex:_lituatired and. ninetyenve, 4,05, r•Jdi and 8:10 to g a post, thence westt twenty -literes are improved, With one frame liuuse, - of tract,. pieces or parcels or land, situa t e l in i coutonto2., nine hundred and ii"nety acres and ! the!Countv of Potter, and State Penns : 1 - nine rods and :10 to a post, thence no h I Late her stableand suave fruit trees thet i eun, of -Y - ' .t- I anon - mice - of "ix tier cent for; roads - ke. • AL-, b e ;• nea, - cot. Limn. together, ,1: fly '1 housatid .'U-Oa all then eeee e, t e ee e oe p i ece o f i ut id l ieventeen rods - i,o a post on the Oswayo to B e ie e d , m e t e" i n ex e t t . thence east forty-five rods and 9:10 to the 1 d ` tale l' . ' :1 • 1 lon' - Acres,' allowances &v., as follows , vie: sti4ey - sA in pursuance Of :Warrant No. fatir te property of lerastus Guetzisey. I • - • ()a all that certain tract :or -- piece of land niousaud•seven hundred and twentv-sis, 4,726.1 and to` - • •• t; -- - ., pace of bogintring ; containing four acres oft so/ as ALSO•Certain real estate situate in I s urvey ed :,i,„• ;. tami.'more or lees, on which are erected one : : tire of warrant! nu b• ' • zu ....rit-oetsatunglinte hundred lin& tauet2,- acrus.and I pursuance , frame &welling, house, one f r . o - o „h oi , ~,: id : Pike towuship; : :Patterieenutv, Pa., bound-; fo l ll 3. li l onsand . six hundred - and thirty-two, I allowance of Six per cent ft., sistds'&e,. AL-1 one frame barn; and with some fruit trees •ed on the east by thel Timed County line, I( ,J :., containing nine - hundred and ninet% l SO-On all that certain' tract or piece 'Of laud thereon. ALSO-A certain tetet of htud :on the north b) land; of U . B. lecieduirin ; :rem. anidenlowetn cc of six per eent - for roadsliturveyed in. piirstimice of witrrant No. four I commencing at the north-west corue •of a lot -, - • - & C. 0., on the west bY l an d s , of , U. B. i xc e , Alet , OHoa all that certain tract or pieeeithousand six inindred and sertute-five; 4,675,1 ~f l an d b o ught of C. A.4drelVA. lying south of: of surveyed in parse:mice of warrant num-Icontaining nine' - hundred and ninety : acre's I Goodman, - rinel'" on time south by • lauds or b et four thousand six hundred and thirty-four.land allowance of six per cent. for roads &c. the °swap, raad, then.:e west it:ong the Os runs to the corner of said Chester Au- I Sallltrel :q•Li/y;culitu o i t u . i - I - two hundred .. ( e,e....,e,) containing nine hundred toed ninety I ALSO-On all that certain - t'a-act or, piece 41 and twenty-five Alrews lot of land, thence south ....long the acres; laud, on _whichlaereet an d . allowance of six per c , nt: for ro -, (1 , ' land surveyed in pursuance :of warrant No. ' original line to IS •Winegaes core% r, thence! there is eig•lay:acres improved, two frame'. Sr- , ALSO -On all that certain tract, piece four thousand seven hundred and •* • east .to connect; with a board fen -,., to the; , se‘ • en.y - I or:parcel of land surveyed iu pursuance of seven, 4,117, Containing' nine hundred and 1 lkuuses, three frame! : barns, two bee-houses highway running !Tura Coudersport to E ll is- eel retie number four . thousand six hundred I ninay acres and allowance of six. percent. for I : and other out e bnildings, apple orchard &e. ! burg,. thence north along the highway to the: i and thirty-tse, (4,4441L4,) cuutain:ng nine hen- I roads fie. -AtSt.l-Ot t all thtif certain Inct or I runner of four aeresalf land bought of C. An- Seized, taken in e x ecution, and to be , Bred and ninety acres and allowance of six piece ot bud , ur •• - '. l •-' - ' - of • i • . .1i..1.c.. du puisnan..e warrant olrews; - eunt. tuaing about four acres. - . USU.--;!sold as the property Of A. T.I osey - I per'cent , for roads Sc: ~‘Lso On Al th.ht. 1 So , font- thousand - ' sit hundred end tin rte I - A certain lot of I net Weeded north - hy the 1 ikL iz• - • et)-Cetaiii - Tel i.tate, bounded I certain tract or, pi tree of land surveyed in pur- : three, 4,6::3, Containing nanc hundred and l a nd; or ,t•' )S*, Andrews, earl Via. ha pos•ei.! - 1 ,,, i ,,, f S. and described a s billows, to wit :, S'itnate four thousand b sutti. :4 :4 of warrant number six' ninety acres rind ailoiVan„ . „ tie s;x per cent. for .4.0 u of James Ci Curtis, sou th bytie.. l 7.l . d a r ud d. fo d rti- . one,. (4.641,) curtaining !roads, &c. ALbO-Uri all that certain trued Viuegar, rind attest by !awls of A. We ...iintrews; lin Sweden township, Putter eouuty, Pa., i • , nine .. iia e itu ninety acres and niluwatice tor ictial: of hind serveyed in pursuance 'of containing ten acres, all improved, wit': fruit I bounded on the' north by Bin ;;ham Lamle ~ lof six per cent. for roads sc. • ALS(..ttni all i trattalit Itkiti.fo' thousand Soler air hundred and , trees thereon. The above ilet.eribed lots be- hB• e i Lauds, - : c a st v l oc z.d a, o south by , lands t that cert• , in tract or piece of land surveyed in I tif - 4 ' t . , .. ,OcO,cuittaititiv4 niue Ithildr.etaud nine'- j lag unconnected as one farm. i f . . ~. ~F. ! I pursuance of warrant number four thousand Its ner• S viol anowalice of sax ii.r cent. fir' , :Seized; thkettlu execution, and to be sold ° Janie..., 1 Leh end Keating Estate, and I i sib burn:Led an d forty-three, 4, , t42, • containing - I roade xi!. - ..1.1.80 ll ft '' 1 ' •• ' ' ' - as the propertv:oriani.v. VI. Curtis. • . west by Bingham' Lands, beinrr lot •No. - a a asst certain tract' nine huudred and ninety acres and allowance !or piece of Liel surveyed in our dm • • f - ALSO-Certain real estate situate in a7l of the allotinent of Bingham - lauds iu • of sic per remit. for roads se,ALSO-tin ill '• • No. • • ' • • -:, ''-" ° "an , ! slot tour tout:sand six handr.d and see- I Hector. township, Putter county, Pa., - said township :'' containiner •eiirhtv acres, teat . certain • .n ~, ~ - .67 I, clott•i:tiliv , hundred and' : • :,_ wine ~ ; benuthel and described us follows, viz : : wore or less, fifteen acres - of which are ' pureuance Of warrant number four Clot sand' tatt . .-tv act % - • amt . .. l • • • at . owatice of S:A: per emit. I , 4)„ th e north , b y unseated lan& of the ' ituproved, with'lone loe lions e and One I i-x hundred mid fort}-two, 4.642. containing i for - ro . ads - . 3 te ' .. ALSO-Ott all that certain 1 lon nine . huadt•ed and ninety acres and allow:nice , tract or piece of land sun - eyed in pursuance Bingham Estate, east by lands of Henry , log stable thereon; I i - of s ix per cent. for roads Sc.l SO-Oa - MI I • -.' ,ot a arrant No. -four thutniated ,ix hundred and Haines, - south and west by _Bingham I . Seized, taken in exe cu tion and to be that certain tract or of la surveyed--s % d .. piece ! . Alrve. - e in I sixty-nine, 4,66tt, rum:titling nine hundred • Lauds; containing 50 acres, being lot No. ! sold as the property of Stephen ..ftedsou ' • pur,ulinee of eerniiit uninber tour thousand !aintaiinetV acres and allowance of six per; 70 al the allotnient of hurds of H. 11. • and • Jonathan Bedsore . , i six ,ineueiri-d and hotly-eight, 4,ti48, ti in conotat-glceut. for roasts &c. AI ' * I ALSO-On all that car- ' Peut iu Hector - towaehip, and part of 1 ALSO-Certain real estate situate in ' nine hundred and 'nu"). acres "d 'il.lowanee!i:till tract ur piece of laud surveyed in I pursu- .., ! alai, per cent fur rmd- &e. ILSO t '-• -(.. n all; mice of warrant No. fuer thouaatol nine I i ( • warrant No. .7en. ALSO -Ono other 'Genesee township, Potter minute.; lea., I tint' certain tr a ct 0 ' piec e '- 1 - 1. , t situate in Hector township, Putter C 0.,. bounded on the, south by .the road leading , pursuance of.w,irr„ r iut o b t er a t e o d ur surs i e us t u i , i d i ! hundred and - thirty-four, 4.1434, containing contain - in., , of hundred and ninety • acres and allowance I pa.: Bounded north by Bingham Lauds, 'from Ulysses to:Genese . e Forks, east, west six hundred and forte-nine, 4,641 t. ; sex per cent tur roads &e. : ALSO- -On alit east by Binghani Lands, south by lands and north by lands of O. W . Hickeui ; i oinA hundred and ninety- acres arOtII st ,, WanCe 1 that piece of land, being six hundred and forty I per cent. for roa d s . Sze. ALSO—On all ! ' of Ilunsecker and Garlock, west by lands; containing ten acres, six acres of which ' of six , , acres and taloa-Juice of si. , per cent. for roads; one that certain r tr i e ‘ t i ct or p i eceof laud sUrreSeot in ! Se., or a - certain tract of land surveyed in par- I . formerly of J4:e 'Johnson; (entwining, are improved, With one frame house, warrant iiinuber four thou . sa . .nd : sua nye of warrant No , four thousand six mu- I lIU and 9:10 aer!s, being lot No. 77 of ' frame barn; other out-buildings - mid seine , I ,:i7 3 l: l u 4 nch- L e ' d :inch illy -In•e. 4.0..5, enntationg I Bred and lifts-one. 4. 1 ;51. ALSO-On • I that! - the allotment of lands of 11. H. Dent in efruit trees thereun. ;nine heiudred and ni mty- acres and allow:its,7e ' piece r 1 fb - ' - hundr e da n d • I 0 an( . vitt r six. ninety- said township, and part of warrant No. i Seized, taken in executien, :Ind to he of six per cent. for roads ac. ALSO-On all :1; 't rt bc!u, rive acres and :144uwatice of six per et ut. for } , ; that certain tract nr piece of laud surv e yed ice ' roads :&c., of a certain' tract surveyed in l .17 AS • ; of which 50 acres are improved, six 'sold sus the property of Lumen I%'ineliell. :emit chopped, 1 with one frame dwelling! ALSO-Certain rear estate situate hi ! ~ p ret i i, T•i d e r e ed ot a ‘ c l d ur i r i . l e t t? e n t i o rm h t t iy i r ,t ter co th l i t ins a ,m n it p ersoooxo o f . ‘ olirmo t, s u . f our ti,,, a ,Z iu 'd s i x i . i t i h u a u t d r i : d e e a noir! laud, b eing 4,G52. ALSO-On all I Louse, one log; house, two frame bailie - Genesee township, Potter county, "PIL , ;eine hundred and ninety acres sad a ll o wanc g e and *owe fruit trce.,, thereon. A I eite - , bounded un the; north be - lands of Silas jof six per cent. for - rciet.ds .tc. ALSO-On all i ' ninety pu re an .i a' th e zg n csr of f n i i i i rdr e e r d e ntil : One other lot, lenuided mirth by let for- Billings, east I,IY lands of Theophillis ! that eertaiti aryl or piece c.t . faint "TVeYeth in !for roads Sr„ of ult nee ceriaiii trae P t Of land unsay owned by Henry Ilayties and Bile , - : Easton, south 1.4 lands of Moses liawleV,:!:littlrShilu3, l a :i .' r e l. I? r a l l l,: i ir t r ii iii ,, t iitti ,. llll 4 er .. frr thintiarnl ' 6 aurveyed i n puns:wince or warrant No: four thuusutel six hun.ired. acid lifty - -siz... 4,65 tt..- , haul Lands„ Mist by Bingham Lands,: deceased, and weet by lands of' S. S. Rob- : nine hundred and u t iii - e li t. : 4:4 l n . cre . ; . ali ' d v a u l t lo ta n i •i u in i 1 , 1 :74 ' n south by Bingham Lauds and lands of H. : eras ; containing fifty-seven acres of land, ', of six per cent. for roads :cc. ALSO-On 1111 ''', i i ‘l ' :73 l , °-°ll an that piece °J. land, being udred and eighty-two acres and al 11. Dent, and West by Binehani Lands; of which there is about tweety •aeres itn_, that certain tract or pie:•e or laud eurveyed in I e re --n rice of warrant number four thousand low:tins of six per Cent. fur roads Ste., of ! containing 100 acres, being lot No. 93 in ; proved, With one wider saw-mill, one franie Pllmult six hundred and sixty-four. 4.66-t, containing l it certain tract surveyed• in puruance of I- Rector township', and part of warrant No. : house, one - frame barn, two plank houses , I !vine . hundred and ninety acres and allowance , warrant No. four thousand six. hundred I 1354; of which 25 acres are improved, i and sonic fruit trees thereon. ;of s ix per cent. fur roads &c. ALSO-on all !ftna fifty-seven, 4,657. ALSO-On all with one log house, one "-saw-min and I• Seized , taken! in executiun, and to be chat certain tract' or piece of land. surveyed in. - 4 --- , - some frail trees thereon. . ALSO-=One ' sold 1144 the property of Jelin - Billings. I - pursuance of warrant number four thousand] 14. piece of land, being eight hundred i other tract, situate in Hector and Ulysses I ALSO--Certiiii real estate situate i n : .lix hundred and sixty-live. 4.665, containing l and linty acres, and allowance of six per 1 I'l , iliac hundred and ninety acres and allnwance ! cent . for roads &e., of a certain tract cur townships, bounded north, east, south Hebron triwuship, Potter euttlltyt per cent for roads .te • ALSO-On all 1 • .veyed in pursuance of warrant : No. fourl , and' west by lands of the Bingham • Es-; bounded on the, north h- by unseated lands' that certain -hat tract or piece of laud surveyed in thousand • ~nine hundred and twenty-eight, I tale ; , containing 100 acre, being lots ',,,0f S. 3.1. Pox, dee'd, east by unseatridipursuance of werrant number four : thousand I I 4,928. ALSO-LOn all that piece of land,' Aim. 1 - 16 e. 155 ie said townships, and . lands of S. 31. .' .‘ oz, dee'd, south by min-: six hundred and sixty-six, 4,tniti, containing nine hundred and ninety acres and allowance 'being eight hundred and flirty , acres and' parts of warrauts Noe. 1260 & 1800. ' seated hinds of . ir`. )l. Fox, dcc'd, and 1 ei,„ Fe _ i , of six per cent. for roads Sc. ALSO-On all t allow once of six per cent.for - roads &c„ ALSO-One o'ther - lot, bounded on the I west by unseated lauds of ,S, I " 1 that certaiiitnict or piece of land' surveted in I `of a certaiu tract surveyed in - pursuance I north by unseated lands, east by Henry ; deed, being laiNo. 101 of the allOttuent ! pursuance of warrant number four'. t , eijusand warraue No. four thousand nine bun- I 1). Leach, south by lands of Huusecker "of S. M. Fox ;I containing fifty acres of I six It undraand ante-seven, 4,667, containing, & Garlock, and west by C. Loucks; eon- I land, of which ten acres Are improved, i nine huneWd and ninety acres stud allowance tired and twenty-three, 4,923. .A I.SO-.-- I per cent. for roads &c. ALSO-on all lOn all that piece of land being six hun-1 Mining 400 Sense of which twenty acres which is erected one water saw-ndll and ! cif ' ix . 1 1 that certain tract or piece of laud surel..yed in I dred and fifty-five acree and allowance of: ire improved, With one frame house, one ,• one board shantee. , I pursuance of warrant number four -thousand ;,ids per cent. fur roads &c., of. a certain , .frame barn and an apple orchard thereon. ; Seized, taken in execution, and to be 1 six hundred and sixty-eight , 4.11if111 fining4otital -I ne. tract surveyed in pursuauce of warrant ~ Seized, taken- in executiun, and to be 'sold as the property of Wm. G. Canner. I ' erne hundred and n i n ety neres and allow shl as the property - of Coruelius Loucks ! ALSO-Certain mil estate situnte - iti , ot-six. per cent. for roads &c. ALSOn all I NI), four thousand seven hundred anal' I ! nett certain tract or piece of land surveyed in:twenty-seven, 4,727. ALSO -On • all and At 11. Loucks. ;Bingham town hi p, Potter Comit y, pursuance of waremt number four . thousand . ',that* the west-half, being four hundred; Al.Soe-Certain real estate situate in bounded northby lauds of G . G. Colvi l u , . sex hundred and seventy-one, 4.1;71, contain = ';,mid . e • -e • • .: . .• • au mut, e -live. acme and allowtMce of six like township; Potter Co., Pa., bounded i 011 the east by ! lands .of William Cobb, , tug nine hundred end. abletv acres and allow- I : phr cent. for roads &e., of a certain tract en tile nun tl U l y lot No. 14, on the east I Walte:r Leonard and J. B. Jimes, on the unce of six. per cent, for roads &e. ALSO /ill that certaiu tract or piece of land sun-; surveyed in - putemince or warrant No. I ley lots Nes. 14', 22 & 35, on the south ' south by 11. I)! Ives, and on' the west' bv : Ott veyed in pursuance of warrant number your ' tour thousand six hundred and fifty-four, by let No. 22 and unseated lands of the; lauds of Truturin Kibbee ; containing one' ! . 'with e h o ef t .e'.: ; thousand six hundred and ,yenta, 4 1'; 70 . ! 4,65-I. ' ALSO-On 'all the west -half, ! , liingl ' imu Estate , and on the 'west be ' un-: hun dredm„rese• ut u , y acres iin- . containing nine hundred an& ninety ' acres and ' • i being four hundred and ninety-five acres:: seated lauds and by lots cos. 13 & 36, ' proved, on which are erected, rue fraine : allowance of six per cent. for roads ke. AL- I :Ind allowance of six per cent , for roadie 'being lots Nos, 11 - ..t. 12 of the sub-dick dwelline , house, one flume' barn, and with I 86-On all that cei Lain tract or p.ect of land tieli of the lauds of the Bineham Estate two apple. orchards . thereon. 1,. .! ' I I surveyed in pursuance of warrant number ',5:.e.., of a certain tract enrveyed in purse iu ' e ! lour , ttiousand nine hundred and thirty-two. : atiec of warrant No. four thousand six I iu said township; containing one huts - I . Seized, taken in execution, and to tin containing nia! hundred and ninety I hundred and tiftv-three; 4,653. AI.SO ! dred and fifty-five acres, of which about ' sold as the prOPerty of James 1. Strai. ht . 4 ' I - . ! Acres and Akin-mice ol siv. per cent. for roads , 0 . t hat " htty acres are .tinproved, with three frame I and C. H• heS. ~ ' ~ , sc. Al.so_e). all 11, It e,rteiik tract or Piece i - n.all tract or piece of land surH yeyed in pursuance of warrant \u. four : houses; two frame learns, one saw-usill and ALSO-Certai .n real estate situate in' of laud surveyed in pursuance of warrant No. i : four 'thousand nine hundred _ and thirty-three.l thousand six hundred and eighty, 4,650," tome fruit trees thereon. ALSO-Lot Pike township Pottecounty, PM; boned by lan6 of nooiket 5z1 4.f.33, containing it hundred atol ninety , containing nine hundred and ninety acres, ...e... 36, situa-e in township, county and! ed on the north „ ! • tres mid , allowance of six per cent. tin' road's !and allowance of size per -cent. for roads state aforesaid' bounded on the north and.! Garlock, cast ilby lands' of ilelisike ' r in Vic. ALSO-Ott ail th at I:•ertant tract or piece! ' , K., I 1 , A1,507-On all` that certain tract or : east by lot N. - 14, . on the south by lot ; Garlock, south by warrant line of - 5127, 1 , ot land surveyed in pursuance of warrant No.! ''''"• , Su. let andeniseated lands, on _ the west ' and west by lands of liensiker ktlarlOck; 1 tour thotesaud nine hundred and twent -nine,: piece of land surveyed in • pursuance of . by unsmeted hinds and lot No. 15; eon:, containing StY,I acres, being. lot 'Co, 37 of 4,929, ' nu , tainin g "i" hundred dud ninety I warrant No. four thousand -six - hundred Intecres-ainusoalloowi all ce - t o i t l isix per cent. for roads I and seventy-three, 4,673, containing nine taming 104 acres, about twelve acres of: the allotnient!,uf the Ashley hinds in Pike which ere improved, with one log house,ltownship, Potter county, Pa., none of of land -,' surveyed in piirstm.thrc'eu a u l tr ,, ..t ia e n t D a r n ! , i N ec o e ' hundred and ninety acres and allowance of six per cent