The Potter journal. (Coudersport, Pa.) 1857-1872, August 27, 1857, Image 1

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    - -
I: :!-.1.? z-i11'..! . .4. -- F..„,
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j_'.5,.7 ~. ,
'.BlNOtag , :eokES
viitititt -NrutdiEk. •it
Y6OLI6iCED 110/Ls:ZUG, Br
Thos. S. Chouse,
bam all Letters an.l Couimuz.ications
shokald be addrerted, to secure atientitio.
,Ist :Advances
*1,23 per :fatuous. -
"Ternts Advortising.
Square PO - -
!:/t stil2iequat iniertionlets than 13, 25
I Square three moattti,
11 •
I - Dine
otw. year,
11.u1e anti 'figure par sq., 3 ins!
p . uty subsequent insertion,
eiilumn sic months,
t "
10 00
it 7 00
per year, - -4 - 30 00
6 S. . 1 . 6 00
r's Not. 2 00
------ 1 50
.I.lnainistrator'l; or Executor's Notice,
Auditorls.Notices,sach,,,, -
heriff i; Sales, per tract. -
Marriage Notice!.• each, - - , - --
isasiness or Professional 'Cards, each, -
not exceding S lines, per year, - - 500
and Editorial Notices, per line, 1 u
All transient advertisements must be
pkid_in advance, and no notice will be taken
of advertisements from a diztance, unless they
are accompanied by the Looney or satisfactory
gu111t,,5 eitrii.
Coudersport, Fa„ will attend 4 the several
Courts in l yotter and Nl'Kean Counties. Ali
busine‘s entrusted in his care will receive
prompt attention. (Mice on Main st., oppo
site the Cotirt House. 10:1
F. W. KNOX ,
TTUFINP.'i AT LAW. Couderiport, Pa., will
rrgularly attend tht. Court; iu l'utter and
udjoining -Counti! , . 10:1
G. oi.msTED,
Coudersport. PA., will attt ntl to all business
ontruit t ed to his rare, with prunytnes and
fidelity.. Office in.Tentiterazice Block, sec
.on.l floor, Main St. - 16:1.
4.TTOP i NEY AT LAW. Coudersport. Pa., will
Attend to An business entrusted, to with
care and promptgesa, thrice corner of West
and Third dt4. 10:1
L.` Y. IvILL - LsTox- r
ATTORNEY AT LAW, Waliboro', Tioga Co..
l'a., will attend the Codrts in Potter nnd
M'Eran Counties. 9.t1:1
will regular!y attcad the Courts .0
Potter County. 9:13
R. W
Mond P. 0., 01 l'utter CQ., pa.,
will attend to all tataiucaa iu his Lino, with
care anti dispatch. • • • 1t:33
...A.SCER, Swethport, 31'Kean i'a., will
aurnd to business for non-residua land
holders,- upon teasunalier - tenns. Referen
ces given a -requiYe . ..l. S.—Maps of any
part of the. County wader t& order. 9;13
rr.A.CTICISC; PHYSICIAS, Conil:q•Rport, Pa.,
re.pertfully informs the citizens ut the vil
lage and vicinity that he 'will promply
•pund to all calls for:prof k s.sioura service-.
twice ou Main in building formerly oc
cupied by C. W. Ellin. .9:22
lisrdwart, Boots S Sikues, tsti4l
: rrovieions,.,Matiu sL, Coudersport, ra.
. • ~. • 10:1
1:0!..1.48 B.IIITII. E. A. JOSE& *
'Uifti. Fancy -Articles ; Stationety, Dty Goods,
Caoeerien, ]lain at., Couderspoet,l'o..
nothing,• Crockery, Groceries, &c., 3isin st.,
Cuuderspitrt; • : • 10:1
_ .
AZINES and Music, N. W. corner of Main
and Third etc, Coudersport, Pa. : 10:1
JEWiTht i liit, - Cotidersport, Pa., having engag
ed a windnw in Schoomaker & 'Jackson's
! Store will ea. rign the Watch and"Jeweli;,-
itsiaess there: A line Asenrtntent nt Jew
plry constantly on band: - 'Watches And
Jewelry eireftilli repaired, in tile }Kist style ;
pa - the shortest notice—all work warranted.
' '" ' 1.4i24
(aVri*Rii;Oß. To ./..15(E3 1
-WARE, Main st„ near& opposite the Court
Rowe, Coudersport, Pa. Tiu and' Sheet
Iron Ware made to order, in good r;tyle, on
bhurt . _
D. F. GLiSSMIRE, Priiprieior," Cnrutr of
Main end Second Sireccni Condei:sport, A'ot
. ter Co., Pa. 9:44
. -
E.A.MI:EL. Proprietor,. colesburg,
Potter, Go., Pa:, spTen:milea :hgt7tit of C. 011..
der.ipot-t, ou the Well.trjlle Road... 8:44
1..: ,•. .t. t
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- - • • ,
Oh the long expetedietter, •
-In the dear familiar haitd I
Twice a thousand otileti it's traversed
O'er the riater land the . land.
air nd.scissors,.
Watch the baby, close the door I '
Let me hare no iinerruptions.
Till Vv.. read it twice ur wa-ere I
4 oil
5 51.+
Now, I warrant Lae' he 'arose. it
In a business siudy brown!
For:the "Sirs." k i nks like'llessrs."
— And - the stamp' is upside doWn I
Pity he's so earelcii-=giving
All his lines an up lti4 turn;
Yet I think the sign's a good one;
Le 3 rue open it and learn,
"Yours -cieeiv'ecla fair beginning, ;
"Health improved"--,good mews inileed
"Quite coubsnted, - -that's but so-,o ;
"Time flies SIN iftly,"--ith, I heed
Fishing. gunning,"—pooh ! I warrant
When he shoots:a man will fall !
"'Cuisine charmant;"—"pic-nits, ladies o "—
Exclamation points and ail.
Really, sir, this looks like business
In a somewhat Imre' line'!
In my nest, I'll Ktrelf tell him
Of that charming trip of mine.
Of the steamer's mirth and music,
Forfeit games, and dancing free, •
And .he moonlight promenading,
Of the -ruerrie companier
Ah wJat is this' "Were you but with me;'!
"Darling children—dolls and d ;
"Parcaleut with splendid , euthers;",
hut a Babel when he comes I
"Lie St. Mary,—lovely;Fausets ;"
There's a poet lost in hint !
Lonely Sabbaths; weary abs-nee;''
"Home, sweet home," blurred and
"Lore"--"farewell;"--wOuld it were double.
Choicest blessings crown the than
Who, inspired of good, intr,nted
The epistolary plan 1,.
Bless the ship, the car, the mail coach,
Bless the•hands, .Wher::'er they be,
That hare brought this little missive
Twice a thoua d miles to me.
&ritrg ktilltsas.
The Sacking of Laivßence and
Exiracts from the hook of Doctor Gihon,
Goy. Geary's Private Secretary'.
.I'n the meantime preparations
going forward, and vigorously prosecuted
for the sacking of - Lawrence. 'I he
slaveri- people were to "Wipe out" this
ill-fated viv' under the authority of law.
They have received the countenance of
the President—the' approbation of the
Chief Justice---t hef4orable presentment
of the Grand Jury he concurrence of
the 13 overitur—the orders of the Marshal
—and wre prepared - to consummate
their purjjose with the arms of 'the gov
ernment iii the hands of a' Militia force
gathered from the remotest section of
the Union!
They concentrated their troopsin large
numbers around the downed •city, steal
ing, or, as they termed it; "pressing into
the service" ail the'her.seitheycourd find
belonging Ito ' the free-state • men '
- whose
cattle - were also slaughtered, wit hunt re
muneration, to feed the 31aislitil's forces
and their stores and dwellings broken
open "androbbcffLtall - this under the pre
tence of rlaW and order,"• and in the
name - Mid under the - iiinetiou of the
govortimmit of the-United Btates. • •
The .)1a teal's army-had it gallant lioSt
of:cominaCiders:• There. was (lea. Atch
ison,' With' the' )lissiiuri Platte County
Rifles, and two pieeeS of artillery;' Capt.
Dimn, wir the ' Kickapoi:i.. Ringers;
Geit. Stri igfellow, and Col: Abel; his
law:partner, aided by 1)r, John 11, 'Streit...
fellow and Robert J. Kelly, editoinf the
... i.S'iiiiitti,r' , o'r`eireTg'irriiitli - the foreeS from
Duniphan; Atchison ' I,,eaveutvorth;
Col:'.llt.ioi4; With Siindry;aidSirthehead
Uf - corunitnies 'froni:''W,esiPo're., I.libeity
and Jokiiicodence,; Cola. Wilkes - and
Buford, with the; Carolinians, Georgians
and' • MiSsissippiaus'i •Col..!• . 11. Tifris, in
conunauff lof.theßouglaS County militia;
and triany iothers tA.Q•uturteroos too men
tion,, - -
• The heart. of• the Marshal must have
sivellechrith triumphaiat Pride, when he
looked upon this possi c',onlitattis; corn;
prising not leas.thnu, eight. hundred War
like men. ••'-.. Gov..slfitution l inus . t,ba.Ve re,
ceived them with that, satisfaction iwhieh
Goltertioni only can feel Lvhen -about ' to
neCoinplislf a'inighty undertaking, - • with
the certainty Orsuceess, I 'This patriOtie
-host was. abontA gei
rpngan an i epterpriso
that 'was to redounft:tolheir eVerl4lsMig
glory—one - of' - the" - tonstinoble actions
that _ever called Warriors - to the field of
battle. .. But, where ' W
all this time, _as
sheriff Jones,- the
life 'and . spirit • arid
power of all this. Chivalric host r i • .1171iy
had he not made his appearance, to en
cUitrtiga with his!! presence, and
with his .voieo . ancfnmileS, thesel,pairiotic
forces? -. By sane it:was auppo.sed., that
be ivaii eitlief , 'deati; 'or: "dying of the
wound in his baele. ; ifor*st . - Was gall' bb
hind the scenes . ; ":' Thd.l4o 7foi' . iiia' ap.
pea ranee tpou'llie: siage Inict not arrived
1 - • - • ;
-1 • q;z.boizVio ri:;qi . igit'ar - ,,Tetl4 iph}oz.fq:•!!,, Q.IIL ) ii;sBl64
BY SIILLitt L. Bosrsiwz
or Osawali.OLle.
comcmiisPonT, PoTtit:domvir, PR. 4x
and he patidittlY 'awaited ilia prope r
- !Soon aftersunrijse,' . oll the, morning:of
the 21st, an-advanced gnard of the'Mar-j
sties army, consisting of about two hun
dred' horsemen,. appeared on the top of
Mount, .(? read , on the outskiiti of the
town-of Lawrence, where their cannon
had been stationed late on the preceding
night.. "' The townj was' quiet ;- and- the
citizens had resolved so'suhmitj without
resistance to any.outrage wheih might 'be
perpetrated. About seven o'clock, Dr.
ilobinson's house,, which stood on the,
side of the bill, was taken pozsession ofj
and -used as the headquarters of the in,'
indent. At . eightjo'clock the main-bodv
of: the army, posted.-themselves on die I
outer edge of the town. Deputy- * Mar- j
shat, Fain, with ten men, entered Law
rence, and' without molestation served
the writs in, his possession, and arrested
Judge Q. W., Smith and. G. W. - .lleitzler.l
Fain' and his companions dined at the)
Free-State Hotel, and afterwards return
ed to the army on Moult ()read. The
Marshal then dismissed his monster posse,
telling them- he had no further use for
It was nearly three o'clock in the after-.
!noon: when suddenly another actor ap
pearal upon the stage. The "dead"
and "dying"—the .itu mortal Sheriff Jones
—rode rapidly into Lawrence, at the
head of twenty.:five mounted men; and
[as he passed along the !lints of the troops,
he was received with. deafening shouts of
lapplause. II is, presence was the signal
for action, and a tille.ooll fur the. outra
ges-that ensued. .! . .
!Atchison then addressed Lis forces, in
languagel not sufficiently well selected
ifor ears - polite; and then Marched the
whole colaa.ti to within a short distance
of the hotel, where they halted. Jones
now informed Col. Eldridge, the propri
etor, that the hotel. must be .destroyed ;
he was acting under orders; he had writs,
issued ; by the'First District Court of the
United States, to destroy the Free State
Hotel, and the offices of the ILruld of
PreedOrii and Fier State. The Grand
Jury at ; Lem:Lipton had indicted thew as
nuisances ' and the Court. had ordered
them be, destroyed. Ile gate Col. Els
Urine tin, hour and a half to .remove his
family,,and furniture, after which time
the demolition commented, and was
prosecuted with , an. earnestness that
would harkdeum . .o - redit to abetter cause.
In the msantime, the newspaper offices
had been assailed, the- presses broken . to
pieces; and these,* with the type and oth
er material thrown into the Kansas ricer.
The following extract from
,the report of
these !transactions, ,given in the columns
of, the Lecompton Caton, the most rabid
pro-shivery paper in Kansas, the Sput—:
tar Sovereign exeepted, is too significant
not to be read with interest:
"Whilst the work of destruction, was
going on at the printing offices, the bow-
hartrinent of the hotel, a strongly coll.!
sanded three story building,
ed. Kegs' of pt . npoird sr been placed
inside, and the house Aired in numerous I
LA:tees; and whilst* flames were 'doing!
their destructive work within, heavy can-
mon sreic battering!' against. the Walls
without; :ausl amid the crackling ofthe:
conflagration,. the noise of falling walla;
and timbers, and the roar of the artillery
were mingled the most frantic yells 'of!
sitisfiletion that constantly burst from I
the "law and' tirder"Aevers of Kansas I
Territtiry. Jones• was iti extacies; -He
!sat upon his !lorse, eonteinplating. 'the
havoc* was inakingi, and rithbing his
11M - ids-with wild delight; exclaimed : This
is the happiest day of my life: I deter
mined to make the fanatics boy, before
)nein the dust, ,and kiss the ,Territorial
laws; and I have, dorm G—d I
.have done it r 7
. . . .
And, then followed scenes of reckless
pillage : and wanton destruptipp; in all
parts of that ill-fated town.. Stores were
broken into and:: plundered ,of their . eon
:tents. Bolts were ,and bars ; uo ohswles
!.o tha ,entrance . iofTdittulten ,and.'infuri
ated men, ipte. private_d - wellings,: fro'M
which most of the inhabitantS ' fled in
terror. From these everything of value
-Was - stolen, - and much that .wai: useless
to the marauders was destroyed.:.
, - The-dosing net.of this frightful drains
was the burning of .tihe house of Dr-il.ob
inson, on the blow - of Mount, Oread.—
This .was set (111 fire:. after - •the sun_ had
goo down, 'and . the- brleht . light which
10s:fiat:nee shed (Ivor. 1110 country illurni
nated the paths:of the Jnareatlng "iriny
gif ' they Trgoeeded • to' their homes. 'piling-
I ing , houses', stealing;heises, and violating
/ the .persons of defenceless women.. .All
these dreadful deeds - were done be . hu
mat.authority, ...There is . yet an account
1 tl4'i3tider, to, a ITWiei Power.
'.,This wai ibe .slate of aiTairi neat . TPA
-lor Point un r the.morning_of the ,',st)i of
June. ..Whitfield was eneaniped. ,behind
Palmyra With nearffire 'o'"1 - Miuire — d 'M . en .
The : ftetpfate,canp, muStOed,, o , d r . itMS
termg, nn Aliat , giy,,,y7_o: a b(* t iwp"!hun
i,dr.o,..§46l)g,,- ana. - oik
,eompanies; were
:Mniehing'froilitiOka With. 'fifil'*o . r . •.
' who arrived tie:daV after. '' ' . '''''
:442;0fp,. of
1 110/18Dig, .41i4p,ST
,2.7, 185?,
h • a
- T ernor o • tliia, con I
tion of : Jags, t : sinied a prciclat:uation on
the .4tlt;l 4 oiiitnauding - ell poirsOns belting
ring-to nulitary companies bY
,IPc•rse., otherwise they would e.dipersed'
(by the Cntted States
,troqpS' Sum-
II ncr,at_the-liead Of large free of des.-
goons prcieceded 'towards Hickory Point
to.enio'ree the order. , lle heat' direetiv
eal4p'ef .Brown- ' ` en Ottawa Creek,
I who cotn,iente'd. to disband, lint not until
he' wits asiurcd by Sumner that • Whit
field's err - t; - should be dispersed. Pate
and the biker prisoneis were then set nt;
liberty; and their horses, arias, and otherl
ipropeV *tored. - :, Captiiiii Pate icceiv-,1
led a severe' rebuke:l'6r invading th'e ter -I
jritory without - authority, and especially;
!for' being in possesSion of the ,United
Stales arms. Co'. Sumner nest - 'visited!
the canip' of Whitfield ; who - 'prontised to!
return with his men' to- 'Missouri,
_and at
I once moved down the Santa 1c road, and I
encamped about live! miles below Palmy , !.
e ra on the black Jack.'
Early on the following morning, June
tlth, this army seperated into two divis
.ions, one half of it under General Reid„
With Captain Pate, Bell;. Jenigen, - and
Other prominent leaders, moving towards
Osawattoinie, 'whilst the others, under
Whitfield, started 'for Westport. They
had; in their mareh on the day previous,
itak - ou several Prisoners: and betore -they
''divided, held a court ainong themselves
.and tried one of these, a - free-State man
named central, whom they sentenced to
:death, carried' into a deep ravine near
by, and shot.. His body Nil siihsequent
lylound, isith three bullet holes. in. the
breast. ' The ekeentioner in this case is
said to have been a man named Furman,
of Pate's company, belonging to West
pea, Missouri.
On the with one hundred
and seventy men, .marehed into ..osawat
tomie, and without resistance, entered
each house, - robbing it of everything of
value. There were but few men in the
town, and/the women and children were
treated with the utmost brutality- Stores
and dwellings were alike entered. and pil
laged.Truuka boxes, mid desks were
broken open, and their contents appiopri- ,
ated or - destrOYed.. - • Even rings were
rudely pulled from the ears and fingers '
of the women, and soniC of the apparel
from their persons. Tile liqUi)r found
Ras freely drunk, - and served to incite!
the plunderers to increased violence in ;
the prosecution .of their mischievous
work. Haying completely stripped the'
town, they set tire to several houses; and ;
then brat a rapid retreat, carrying off a
number of horses, and - loudly urging;
each otherto'reater haste, as " the d—d
abolitionestS were coming r'
There are handredS of well authentica
ted accounts of the cruelties practised by
this horde of ruffians, some of them too
shocking and disgusting to relate, or to
be — accredited, if told. The tears and
shrieks of terrified• - women, folded
their feu] embrace,'• failed to touch .
chord 'of metey in their - brutal hearts,
mid the titutilatctd bodiesof murdered men,
hanging upon the trees, or left to rot up
on the prairies or in the-deep ravines, or
furnish food for cultures. and 'wild
beasts, told frightful. stories of br,utal
rosity from which the wildest savages
might have shrunk with horror. 1 -
On the 2lst of .tune, an hidian agent,
named'Gay was trocelling in the vicinity
of Westport, : and was stopped k:a party
of Bufis-inen, Who asked ine was in
favor off - Making Kansas a free-state.--L--
He - protnpfly answered .ia2 the allirmatire,
and was instantly shot dead.. ,ouch was
the wily crime 'foci. which this s oul - was
hurried into the eternal
TELT W;tlt, I ON 11001'S AND CRINO
LLNE.—Ever since 'hoops and crinoline
liitx become "institutions" of this coup
! try a merciless - ,war haS been wmzed
torainst the ladies on' that seore.. 3lauv
jlertiollt are constantly harping upon the
, .4fE,:qts and ex.aggerations of the fashion,
; an in default of wit. of their" owns retail
the chance' shafts 'which : some . brighter
bitellect has shot . forth, or lOW
and vulgar abuse. We:think this wrong.
:11'e' huld that ladies have arperfeet . right
I to wan - age...their own apparel, and.for our
selvei; . we want it. niiderstood.that'iee'are
in favor of, hoops and ;crinoline and calico
geneially, mad would not iedtiee the,lati
[tuge of the graceful ;eonOur a - single
[thread, B ; m' we moulifietitiire to hint, the
'wiiiii-that they: woulrreduCe the-1614i
iicle'just A little,. elierSO little; so as not
to oinke "street sweeps_O4t Of their dresiseS.
Prinoline, in our humble 'opinion; . is
one of the'most benefioial inventions of
thiS inventive, a g o, and hoops "is"' like=
and we haveno - dUnbt the,ircnn' en
of - tlie present . getieraiioa - have 'already
'ii4peil. - iirtint ifse . ad'vantage. from " r ilieir
...Tt i ' riot 'iiiili nenegsaTy ' fOi a W . y.
,to .early' the . half of I. co u ntry dry-'goods
}store on her person - in order to - give her
a respectable totntidityi'.hnt.she cats dis
pense: With, text. or a ..dor.en-
.M of then skirts
1 eli.q! ~ ont; 0 Spear;. 441:1413', _ and fel
Iparticularly,eomfortable in hot ,wi-atlier.
i We bolie've if the rladies will stand by the
E.itzrOlVe• 419
~light,T.crinolinie itlie generation yet to
come Will be•hLithier and stronger . eon
!' (11: • '
i siimption ancl, kindred diseases will be
'fewer nature be unrestrained; and life
!will be longer...l - • .
I OUr advice then to the ladies is, Don't
I give up-your heois. Never -mind What
addic-pated, roosterly "polite, self-conceit
ed, popinjay „ 4landies and unappreciative
gawks say. - Let 'them, race, and scold;
-and blather tilt they 'arc - tired.. Yon
have the tight of the matter. 'There
fore,- to use a common phrase, "spread"
veurselves, as Mich as you plase, don't
concede a solitary inch of pavement room,
land make such i lualeAriedn as 44'j, like.
hoops, clear the track. . fq'hem's our
. sentiments."-I?aftsman's ournal.
riirt6 lisrEltanti.
From the Chien° Journal
T.* F. 1 .9 •
Somciimes the reader will notice bring
ing up the rear, of an Advertiscinkt the
letters "If." :Probably they never:puz
zled him muck; he might have regarded
them as a sort of enbalistie literature pe
culiar to the press, and certainly no fit
theme. for song or sermon.
However this.. , may be; that pair of let
ters has a sisruificance beyond the range of
types, and on into the shadoWs .and out
into the sunshine of that mosaic-work nc
call life.
To the uninitiated, it is 'only 1 ‘ tf. ;!"
to the printer's eye, it expands into " till
forbid;' , a reminder that the advertise
ment it waits dn, is to be continued front
day-to day or from week to week; until
ordered out bV hiht who directed its pub
lication. . .
The story of how Many -springs _that
have hr,,uglit the blue' t bird and violet,
has been told iu that 1" if. " wrought
in the green tracery of leaves that rise
and fall on the Bosom of the air; paint
ed on clouds at anchor on the.summer sett,
carved on the: threshhold - of evergoing
floods; silvered.on the moon's medallion;
graved on the 'round ruby of the morn
ing sun; in Ithe seratl .of storm it is
woven; on tile breath of song it is broid
ered, and' "tf."—" till foihid" is the sto,
ry of the - world.
" Tf." is written alike on the drop of
dew—that satellite of the sod-=and on
Ihe great world that dances in the breath,
and brightens in the smile, of (hod.
"Ti. - rounds the summer Of human
hopes; it is delicately traced on beauty's
brow; you Will find it in the ose's blush
ing bud, you may sec it iu the ever
shining star.
" Tt - ." is wrought in the helms of the
sweeping Tarnerlanes of all time. and
one silver thread of the small-voiced
brook will not be broken: without it.
Naturehas no stereotypes; all her
advertisementsard published with a " tf."
and the types that express her loveliness
are silently "diAributed," and the graves
are filled with the eloqueuo of . yester
.And even there,enamelled in the little
billows of turf,' -that break 'up earth's
green sward like a sea, thetie is.a " till
forbid," and so the silent swell of sod
where graves have bee#, anci. the
air, and up to the cloud, and away iu
gladness . , goes the dust, to be - fashioned
into truth and beauty,
Tf4' is wovera.into the 'scarlet` robe
of Wroog and the purple garb of Power.
ConqueSt's glossing wheels! are' locked !
with a." tf.," and the mean t bonds that.
ever bound hunianity, bear these letters
'stamped on everyliiik.. -
The. - ydung niether bending With — look
of love over theithirest ".copy" her eyes
have ever seen, forgets than in that little
thee, hid. in the dimple of a e?melcor, sha
ded by a tress of golden hair s two words
,are traded in life's b!ue autdgraph, that,
ere brig Obt'.,yed, i !nuiy I . eaVes! her gaiiiig
np . tif ttiftillliaveni. that gocrie breath
of -summer:: nit , bas trafte( l 4 F • away the
swoeteot "copy" itk allthe..wo Ad.. --
But the singer of the little song that
goes into all hands, wherever it ii spring,
bears no " - tfruPon it pinons. lie knows
it will carol on te other time and win' a
welcome;' that it will sing I when_ he is
dead; that, they olive- loaf-lit bears will
neverwither ' —that - by and by - a window
will„be , opened ...leaven, - and a • hand
gill Ite put ; ford 4 and,sisiging.still, that
tuneful bird wiW , ,ha teatehed_ with
white radiance' f iniinortaT
thcinght instiinct
withlaedifti and — efoqii.ent . with - truth,
feels thatltio tvill . prove L the "end of
all" his'missimil thatleavlng 'the' red
threshlield:othis heart, it be c insan inde
pendentileingand: will 'stanii sublimely
thew to • the:hro. eoly#na the
ottime. •'' • •
Thia is tint In thi
traiemigraHlon f the sent; -
no tenure• , i3f
types shall. neve l i r fall toldust
.ble of all-its uttetanc.e . .he lost!
Thitre is a dignity in suelij
bril,ge the narrow ted; of 'gtl
TERNS.--$1,25 PER AN
-, -
repaired the crumbling doMe in Au&
of time.
This has no -emblern'm the. • p of
'rain - that builds the Bow Upon' theaetid,
laud glitters down the ehaugeMt that .
gilds a stormy world, • -, '' "'
I This is to pass'like some arnica war.
i nior, unchallenged down'ihetigt . * 1.3 th§y .
I stand, and hear his foot unfilterm pre,-
I ing the threshhold of to-ruoiroiv. Upon.
I its gates; " on golden hingeS turni g,,'",uo
"till forbid" was ever traced, and to all
truth and earnest thought, bright hat4a
are beckoning and the line 'mores' on, -
A Lesson to oL,Scollillit
A little girl ivho had . wittiess;e42e
- • ,
plcrity of her mother on . a; ce pees
ion Oen her fortitude gave say, ansig i t
severe trial, said:. '
"Mother does God ever fret or ' id i'•
The query was so abrupt and stlistliog,
it arrested the mother's attention most,
"with a shook. ,
"Why, - Lizzie, what makes - tl. aalt
that queatiou?"
"Why, God is good—YOu know l yeti
Used to call him the 'Good Man,' Ithen . l
was little—and I should like , to kikOW
He ever scolded." . 1
"No, child—no." • -
"Well I am he don'i.•for
always makes 'me feel, so had, even* it is
not the is iu fault. ~I don't think Timid
love pod much if he scolded." I -
The mother felt rebuked before her
simple - Child. Neier had she heiird
forcible a lecture on the evils ofscolding.
The words of Lizzie sank deepin heribearti
and site turned away from the • iimeeent
face of her little one. Children nin
observers, and Lizzie, seeing the effect id'
her words hastened to - inquire: . •••
"Why do you cry, mother'? Tas It.
naughty for me to ask itd•• may !queiti
tionS?" •
' "No, love, it was all right. Iwas onlyr
thinking how bad T had been to scOld'io
much, when my little girl could hear tind'
be troubled by it. - •
"0, no. mamma, you are not tad
area pod mamma; only I wrsh - thereivere
not so many bad things to make Son s Fell
and talk like you did just now. it makeit
me feel, away from you so fai;likelebila
not come near you, as .-when
agile and are kind; and "oh; I seineilines
fear I shall be put off so far 1 'liver , can
get back again."' ' •
"Oh, Lizzie, don't say that," said-the
mother, unable longer to repress the teare
that lied been-struggling in her
The childwondered what could so affect
her parent: but instinctively feeling It
was a case requiring sympathy, she-reach
ed up and laid her little arms arount her
mother's neck and whispered: • •
"Mamma, dear, do I make you ere-..-
Do you love me?"
"0, yes, I love you more ihan I can tell,P
replied the parent, clasping the-Child -W .
her bosom. "And I will try never; to
scold am in" before my little sensitive
"Oh, lam so glad. -I leart . get -iso'neat
to you when you don't !Cola; and do you '
know, mother, I want to love: you so
This was an efteetual leitson,:lttut the
mother felt the-.-foree of that.piss' '• of
Seripture i "Out of the moutlis'of,bitbei
ordained strength.":: sham.; never
scolded again: • • •-•
A' VBII 4 IND'S LI-43341Fr 4(81 ilta
WIPE'S DEBTB.-A case can* :Ixtforo
the District Court in -New York, uaPri:
day, where a merchant sued' to= kcc 9 yer
for silks and other articles of .
for three dresses, furnishe&defe.ndant's
wife by_ylaintiff, during the naiintis of
March and April last, of the „Qua- of
892,66., • It appeared ineviden - Wilia' t dn
ring the months of March an 4 aprifthu
plaintiff sold the articles .16 - ,questuirk to
defendant's wife, _and. charg ed Wein to
her,..not knowing thedefendati . t.__lt.itlep
appeared in evidence that they . were- rint
necessary' fOr'a vrcinian in herand &And,
ant's circumstances
testimony the defendant's counsel, Hires`s
fora; non-suit. The Judge.:ltra#o:24tc
motip,,with coats, unil
hold tng : that .the hnsband - Was not, liao4,
as the credit. Was given to AWAKE', .rort
TEiE p,uniicAN 'A: to*Vrier—Vie
oarfauna to
grnptrin - an "nitie le - In 'YetAiirdieji lt,tpl4-
tican. headed:‘Lavyleas:
, ivicotitrONFt=iiiipetiable
people,; :o; taiti•af
expelling theltitii - t . 41
property . t , herein, is cluiroableintli-stran
ton violation of and trcriminirdisii
gard of the interiits of ihianituittusp — ty,"
We can regard "more
nor less &in n well 6114i:int' isd enniemnatiiin
of the destruction . of - the free'llate.tote:l -
sti4wrence, by Atchison, and theliiirki
ritfilths; hint year .' ne
coitiTite the
.Repidditan on n iettiin -of iettion.
emninoit sense:by oolimli B sliimck;# 44
is the true
slinging 'to
forbid. -its
nor n. aryl&
. work ;
4; '6 keep
MEE -4P'