,:it - Zift;c4t:ikN* VAR P ;CP 0• b r R S Tr! ! ?43nOtheef amp et 6'44B at - • tat -00 REGULATOR. IViat 101113. vol up4otaie to d'etu up it Ikt -I§`MviCul . ;4 4'40;4 Tr 44 bulrush. 0. IW -ill -Ps .01)1ciWe m 4111049 that tai, g tlar 41 , 14; place in town where they pus ifeo4 grw.it bargains in the line of J•,4l l tOc ‘ klgig§ ITAQVISIONS, • • Pli'lii Wig . 0 1- I.l'llrffilklqr liiiiA has so long Pm ShO llra4nApriril4lTi of Tra4e pl thi s tlogrivhiqg - '4vtroqolis. 'Nov we have come iii 16 . 110444 6 M l iWit flaw 0 gob . Olta Way frSilt s kw*. 14•01 I that is to let rhg, people ikuritrwit have theta to sell, and sell them at Titars which , will lie uu inducement to them:: 96 14 tuy uf us; 4n4 for this purpose we vf2oltaliiitt:4 a golutoty ig 10 ligfrpot where Vfg Intentl to koop dill PPaPIP pOsteit as to Leilist war be found at our establishment.— itstiTholly•kaows, (or at least ought to know) tritcnrthis tilitßegulator is ; ati4 for tho belle tof ilisiiiP ffiiu awes knOw, erg} who etch /0 Owe. Ive-Will 444 iliforlli t1i (3 14 th4t it is I°- 004 iioo !?Rip . firs' calla from the Depot, and is always i t ioni j,i qi8;41411 - 4 unyj all to save pereeut. lo‘purelutsiug wicessacies of tot it is the ouly place in Wwn where pa ea.ui aspect to have a little change. lift after purchasing your necessary supplies, uotw ith -1444144; the ctuatutbu agiertittu - rvery &me that thrl s;i) 141Y411gr n}aD 1/wir mritfrytw, W . dui/ 4 ' boss • , 4 01114,i Utlfltis at or iwiovi eost i -but we tut -e acis4ptesl as ouc titatatrd to u.idee and. Lit Lire,'4u4 W sett as cheap as ; for wilt;,l ativertive to pelt you nay Foncittile'tilat #l.o fatly n dgowitt6 wit it) oFjef that tjtjt people tleay hoots what we kVell to feel, we: itiiH enutoentte a few of the must Un r°rullt MPOes, (11100fIllifif3, .. _Amy titn3 osetnlaing our etock of Gray.eriee, we are confident will at once come to the con- Vittori): that a butte.' and more complete as iaittneat cannot he fuloiti it klkka 6ectkon, eon iistiog of - . . . . . PLI muLA*sEsR, . - . 1 ict 7 e.§', mqvc, . , umpan, CLOVES, Ilestar4, Salertttns Cinnamon, Pepper-Sauce, catsup, Yeast and Soap Powders, Vinegar, I,4l,Canwhene, Fluid, Chewing and Smoking Tobacco, gIAtT, Se Kars, Candy, tuts, lt.tisins, (fralOt'lP 3 l gefriPtis al, tutifies, anti atrem) loss! Variety of other articles which it is nu gel.thiary mention,, may he found in this i lepartiß k e 4 t, agcl, which will be sold at a WI:- itug ady.apee from 17444 VI ready pay. [. • rituylsio NS. 41; 1 1C 4 4 icoak 8 4 (air large stock of Pro -118.10.111t 0 14 188 if wo haTe uut etn tho whore-. NOtli to, relieve the numerous wants of the: teeefly, anti enough to keep you all from start-: ettrough tho long anti dreory winter. II( to impossible for us to entittlerate clue half the. irtietes we keep, in a single advertisemenq tint we will mention a few of the most import tint, which may bt, found in abund.ance .ant in great yarietr, consisting of - P.ORKi, RAMS,. FISH, ~ HrTTI,K, ll CHEESE, LARD, i SALT, • li - CORNED BEEF, . DRIED BEE?, iIifIOULDEE4 .. . FLOUR. . . • (*RN MEAL, ; ' - BUCKWHEAT FLOUR, BRIM) APPLES, . ! BIIIED PLUMS, I'OTATOES, .1 , OATS, BRANs, I SALT, pods host of other articles in the line ...tf pro visions. Also kept hOttitnutly on hand a gpod fosortment of WOODEN AND WILLOW WARE PICA as Brooms, Waslituhs and E o ardi. Mom, Itinner Boxes, Brushes, Sc., together with a general assortment of Stone Ware, which we Will 'sell very oheap for cash. A general in vitation is extended to 'all, and to theptiaaple pf Potter County in particular to call at: the Qid Regnlxtor before pureimailig eim-where. CLARK k PHILLIOS; Wellsville, Dee 10, 18:p6.-9 34-e,mo. '' novisioN STORE. _ E. X SP ENCER, • Offers Great Inducement s TO BUYERS OY (21RCICEMS, PROVISIO'Pi tc., at to the store formerly occupied by p. W. ORNCER, on 3d Street,'N'ortli side of Public Pquare. - GROCERIES A good assortment con.,untiyon band, from wiiic.b i will enumerate a few of tho loading articles, such as . Sugar, . Mustard, Cindy, • Cllffee, Cinnamon, ~Nuts , Molasses, Pepper Sauce, Crackers, %mills, Catsup, • NCO' P. ~ Pepper, . Yeast, C4lt4lles) Spice, Oils, Shot, ,: ginger, Tobacco, Lead.: ; Cluves t Snuff, "G." C a ps, Cast.. Sada,. at: O V, C. Tartar, m:4 Many of things too numerous tit men tion, will be found in this department,,' which will be sold tit a trifling advance frotn cost, for ready. pay. . a IItQvI,9IO-.)is • -:ccuastantly on hand, such as fORK, HAMS,: SHOULDERS, FISH f BALI, BUTTER, • - CHEESE, LA ItD, DEANS, -QAT& FLOUR, CORN MEAL, BUCKWHEAT FLOUR, DRIED APPLES,- DRIED PLUMS, W. satiny othir articles in the tins of Provi pions not neceasary to mention,. Also, •W9QI)EN WARE; nick Brooms, Wish-bilis and Boards, &fop. Dinner Boxes, .te., which will be sold low tor *ash or ready iiny. Oats, Potatoes',' Butter. Biegm, Cheese, and in fact alnlaat everything a rAiker r 3 isesl Kit, be taken ill esieliatie7e tier - tioods, at their cash value: I invitb - the at- Ilentiou of VillitgixA, l'ariuera and Lumbermen arbo'dialin to make purchases in the above articles, and solicit thew to call before pur -4%0441 414 , 44,44 y, , M. K. si 3 .kNiNic , Crin crsport, June 0, 057.-10:2. '----- 111 - 14;4‘10 1 ,14 %11'31,INS and a few oilie r t r Iff fi#l ,4 4 jH . IHti line of Staple Dry 110edx r,ro: t Est,J.K. D. Att., ITV RESOLUTION pinuatting : . , 1 1 ,i f iettdoielito to I the. ipQnstitutiou of thp pow. . . toppliotat h. sefri3,o74D - the. Senate 4 , 261 ifouse of 11/6protnfatirct e the Voinm'ogitcctlth of n ri v t dkensa in 44444 distird,lsl *Oa : 7h4t the fOleVilAil rgite - ;iiittmiats aro propalo4 to the e uipt4uCiau uf the coinmoulenhl,, i43 - 4 3 : 4:ta rd_ :Ince With the litovi4ioni of die totals article tliefeUf." • - l l f = rlfter , AgT:NpNENT. Thin *4e.ii 4e as aliklitla;tal arliple tc said corptEttitioa La la: kiplienaLell 43 article eleven, )14 10/11.3W4 :-•-- i l- - . Ir . -, ARTICLE V. OF ITIILIC DEBTS. sEcritil I. T!W state MID. contract tiplits, to supply- er,sual deficits or:failures in revegnes. ur ta meet expenses not otherwise provided for i but the aggregate autumn pr stigh debts' direct and contingent, whether contracted by virtu'e pf Roc q r tfk i t ry at uf the general tir aj Wth:rent Periods '4 time, shall iteveir esceest scyen littudred ami fifty' thousand dollar_, end Ot motley itrising front the crea tion kit . such shill he applied to the purpose. for which it wn4 obtaiiiini, or to repay the debts so contracted and to tin otter par puser. whatet er. :r,411 . 0 ::.. In ad . diciou to thi al , .ceie limited powo the state fay cOntiapt dobis to repel invaSion, s;ppres insurrection, tielend the 'Attie in: war, or tt ted.;ent the . pre,ent oat indet,,tedUcss ut the. 'omo i but -the money 'arising %row the contracting of such debts. shit I.4.4ipfied to the i t qrpose for which it Wits raised. or tW repay such tit.hts, and to no knikt'r Vhattiver. - 4 • l•.:c•rtn: , , J. fk.ctia the dents above sitecified. in sect funs rote and tvoof this article, uo debt whatever shalt he treated behalf of thei stab?. St.v.llo 4. To proviae furithe payment of the: present debt, and no' additional debt con trtieted as stfore,aid, the leiiilature shall. ut itslf first session. atter thy iistoption of this anienduntt. create a sinking pul4, tthlrlt shall bei sufficient to pity the accruing interest tot sus: li debt ; ;tint nummity the princi pal thereof.by a sum nut le.,;i-t4B.‘ t tr 1, 4 1,- 404 p.hil fifty Omani:toil tL%llars ; vhich twid shall v .kwfott tkt: OA* , net a nisi in cdpe of the pubttc works, Vino time tot time oitoiCil by the state, or the proceeds of the sale of the saute, or any part tm, 1 1 0 4, a n d of the (nen= ur proceeds of sale of stocks owned by the state, tag: licrwith otlie,r foods, ur resour- • ces, that roar be dt.t.4glatv.illv lav• The said sinking fund may be inere+i,al, from time t% time, (Cy assigning to irony part of the taxes. , or other re% entois of the state, nut required foe ~he ordinary and current epenses of g o v er n_ mem, and UtlieSS in C:t4C of tr, , tr, invasion or iltisurrectien qtr p ~,, , art of the siukiß g rinm be IlYeti or applied otherwi , e than in ex.- thignishinesit of the public debt, petit Ihr " amount of such debt is ;educedbelow the Odin' of five millions oful ,!! • Secrtint 5. The cre;lit the comtnonwealth shall not iu any manner. fir eveut, be pledged, tryttnt to, any individitid. company, corpo ration, Or- as7,nriation [wt. eltatt the cutnnton wealth hereafter ilyCull;1:1 a iVtiAt. owner, 01 stockholder, in any company, association, or corporation. , ti, The cuthnonwealth shall not ns some the tkk.ht. t,c =ar t y part thereof. Cif any county, city, borough, o' township ; ur of corporation, or it , sOciatieri ; tin less sue h dein shalt have been cfaitract l ed to:naWe the state to repetinyasion. *press domestie insurrec tion, defend itself in time of war, or to assist the state in . the discharge of any portion of its preseut ituichtednessl., Siftnom 7. The legislatute. &Witt not author - 1 -.le any county, city, boroagli, township, or incurporntell district, t . ) - virtue of a vote of it, citizens, or otherwi,e, Li) become a stockhold er its any company, ai4uoia.tiou. or corpora tiOn ; Or. to Oht.titt,molLby for, or town its 'credit to, any corporation, as:ii..wiation, institution, or party. SF.COND AI,IF,MOI EN 'IP There shall he an alditional article to said CWll.litlololl, 10 be (leNfg , ia tol as article Nil, Ay;leix. ztG OF NEW 'cousTuP.,s No county shall be aividcrl he a line enttin;: taff over one-tenih. of its p.ipolation, (either to form a tam crtnritt.‘l tar otii3 - kCi:K . . I without the express assent L4' push vounty, by a vote of the. electors thereof; n t ir shall any new eottioy he established , eoutainitig legs than tour hundred square rniles. T 11113,11 .01INXIMENT, From section tiro hf the first article of the 'coustitutitin t strike Out the words. ,•,!/' Inc of Pialaddria, aad qc . each money r.vectirdy ;" front section same article, strike out the words, "(if rhihtddiAjct aud coun ; from section ,teen, sant^ article, strike out the wurd=, -neither the rily ri l'hil4,l4lFAia 7inr any . ," and iniert in boa tlii-r'eof the word. , . -and no;" and strike j;Pir f ar ticle," and in lieu thereof i n sert the following: " Sncnos: 4. In the year one thousand eight hundred and ;411y-four, lint in every :•eventh year thereafter, : repre.ient.ntives to the somber of one hundred; shall be apportioned and di , - tribuied equally, throughout the state, by diAricts. iu proportion to the number of taxa. Me inhabitants in the set oral halts thereof ; except that any count,- containing . at least three thousanddive hundred taxable.. may be allowed a tAllarato representation ; hint no more than three countie:., shall be joined, and no county shall be divided in the formation of a district. Any_ city containing a sutlicient number of taxablei to entitle it to at least two repre:vittativesl, shall hare a separate repre sentation assigned it, and shell be divided into convenient dirttriets of contiguous territory. of equal taxable population as near as may b”, each of whieh'districts shall elect one repre,... se Mat Ivo." At the end of section seven, same article, insert then worth., "the city of rhil d eld r hi a shill! be &tided into singis senatorial di , trietg, fool:I:pour territory as nearly fro( iii tarahlr pop.4l4tiaii yosaible ward shall be di rirVri in the fininalion thereof. The legislature, at itA tirst session, after the adoption of this .autenfirnent, shall divide the the city of l'hilAdelphia into senatorial and rrpro , ,annitile diAriet::, in the manner above provided ; such districts to remain unchanged urftil the .tenortionntent in thy year nay tiundred and sixty,fiotr, FOURTII A MEZiD:4IENT Thcre be an additiwial acction-to the article of said constitution, which shall be tinahered and read as follows Zltio4o:si The legi.2lature shall hate the power to alter, revoke, or annul, any charter of incorporation hereafter conferred h . e, or un ilt.4,,any special. or general law, whenever in cittittort it nw I t e injuriou?. to the eiti zom a the eotnntunweattlt; ttt Ny t eh ;yowler, however, thA s nq injustice shall be done to tt‘e corpursitork _ . ttit ENATI"- % .lirtreN 2.l' t 1R57. lie4olred, That an.; ru - ecjuti,gu Uu tr:;1. sutendaier4, yeo 24,1073 73,, ',ott ittie,set , r and amendment., yeas.4'3, nars iuti the third' anumihnent, yeas 24, ,nays:;4; on the _fourth. amendment ,veas 23, nays 4. , lAtritetfroui the Journall •• • OLIO. NY. 11,111ERSLY., . , IN .THE 'HOUSE, OF REPRESENTATIVES. fiev)lced, 'J. at toolutiou pass. tin the first iiinvijinent.„ yeht , 11:1y3 12; on the sec ond nuttautmeid s y,41..3 57 ; navi 34; on the third sinendutent, yeas I'l,, .uay_s 22; on the ,fourth -ansentinientjuas 63, nays 7, itstruct from ;he .(auruaLl JACt)I3 2:o6l.riti CPO:. riled I. : Secretary's office, Mar 2, - 1857. A. Sst7ttgry of du Cilmtmoitreali4, • SECIVETAItY'S O'ricE. ivalPM:3w, Jane 22, 18:;7. Pentotsivania, as : j du certify that the aboye and fi,revoing a true and correct copy of the original "Reso lution proposing amendments to the'constitu 7 don of the Coininonweidth," with the vote in each branch of the Legislature Ivan the final passaile thereof, as appQars Irvin Li 01 on tile in this office,. - In testimony whereof I have hereuit;, lu set my laud and enu, , ed to be affixed the seal of the - rkeremry's Unice, the day and year above written. • A • G. ( . I.7nTiN, SAcretary, of the (.....m.mancreaith IN SENATE, .Ibre, 27, 1957 The re , :olutiatt prolp,iiog atnelolnwnt, to the Conmitution of the Commonwealth hying nu der consideratiuo, On the linezitioo, %VW the Senate agree to the lira amend ment.? ypte tutLl nays were taken agreeably to the prueibinnt., t;,l 6m Culimitation, and were as 11.411t0v, : "ti.ks—Xlvsrs. llsewttr, Ilrntvue, Colley, Ely. Evans, Feder, Fleunikeu. I , s s ritt.er, 11111rIttit, killing: r, litlO.L t Lett i.. A.l,lvr. iers, Str.ui b. 1\•,:1111, Wilkins, Wright und Taggart, Speukcr N 53—lie RS r?... Cresswcill, Finney, Gregg. Ilarria, 1 1 1.nrclAq titid Ott the tittti3tWn wan-determined iu the itirtrtzettiVO , On the goestialt> Wilt the Senate agree to tho s64;tnt a mendment ? The yeas and• pay's were taker agree.tilly to the provi , iong of Am Constitution, and were Brewer. Browne, Cregmell, Eviitio, V.:tier, Finney. netiniketi, In rata, Jordan, Katvi, Latihach.l.inci., Myer, :_•;:iterA, Shaman, Souther, Steelo, s trant , ) , Vet 4l, 7 Wii ki,a+, Wright and Taggart, Speaker-23. NAY3—Aessrs. eulfcv. Crabb, Frazer. Gregg, 6rutit 4 l,(l-8. Ito t h i vi;ts Livivi . mii%ttl iu iill. tht the .itt.mion, Will the Senate agrco tet the third ttuiend ment The yeas and nays were taken E.gree-abby to the proriAons of Use UtonstitlitiOti, :ma were as fotlo,w, v Il4ifivt.. Brewer, Breffne, Crahh, Cresiwell, Ely, Beans, flauniken, Frazer, la grata, Jordan, Killituter, I.atthaelt, Lee.As, Myer, Scofield, Sellero, S.RrUGttt, tiontiter, Steele, Straub, Welsh, Witkitis asst: ‘ti right— Gregg, tiaras and i'enrwe—t. • 3 th e questing we.s tioterminetl ru the AfTirnintive. (1(1 the itt4e3liatl, Will the Sella to agree bathe fwirth, amend ment ? The yens' and nays were taken agreeehly to the provitd.llld of, tie Cwoditution, and were ats 0,11 . 0 W, : • YEAs Messrs. Brewer, Browne, Coffey. l.lresswelt, E. Evaln:, l'rnzer, In ;;ram. N,illinger, Knox. Lan lxr,is, Myer, 6),Littier, Steele, 4ir:L: 1 1), WL-I-1), Wilkins :tn.! Wright -1:3, Crni,n, tiny:L:2J, JorcIALL and l'eurose—t. .e. , 1 the 414e.tion Ani determined in the Lilian:at% e. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES, April I,a;. The resolution propciLinvin.endil-nt,, to the Cum , titqtion of the Conittiuumealth tiviag un drr eoniiitteration, On the question, Will the fluubt, agree to the first amend ment I The yeas and nays were taken agreeably to th e p,,,‘i ons of tne Coamtitutino, and were tc4lo-IV x YEA.s- Messrs. Anderson, Arthur, 1 - 1 :‘,1, 'noise, Ball, Beek, 1;11, bop, Bower, Brown, Co ;- boon, Campbell, I,:liare, Cle.uer, Dickey, Ent, ,ter, Fausold, Fomer, Gihbo ?ley, i;thlea, Ila Mel, -Harper, Heins, llei,tan.l, hill, ll~llcga'. r blues, Jacobs, Jenkim,, Job Johnson, Kaullinan, Kerr, knight, I.e.i.,ent tug, Lougaker, Lovett, Ntatie.tr, M Ilta in, Moor head, M taunt, \lu , Itout,Nichol, N idod ; oh , N unentAc her, l'earion, Peters, Peirikin, Pcm l'oreell, Ramsey, I;attiwy, York,) Boatner, Beeo, nolnet:, Rujtp , Shot% , Sloan, Soli: li, (Cambria , ) Smith, (Centre.) Ste venson, Tolao, Vail, Van% oornis, ' Vickers, Voestdee, Walter, Westbrook, Wharton, Wd li.,ton, Withei ow, Wright, Zinonermaat and Getz, Npeal.rr-78. ' NAVS—Messrs. Backus, (Benson, Dock. Ham ilton; Ilan...tick, Hine, Elullm.ut, (I.eilanon,) Lebo, Strythers, Thorn, IVatncr ant( IViutrode estion was deterwiued • iu the allirithitive. On the question, i 1 ili tite liott.,e ngrce to the second amend- Inc nt The yeas auu nays Averetakpn agreodblx to the prol,iAous of tue Cougitutioa, and were as tollow, viz : Yves—MCiSrP. Anderson, Backhoww, .Reek, Nmit`r, CAlliwtM Campbell, Carty, Ent, raautu k iti,'Fo.iter, Galli a, Hamel, Harper, ileias. fleistoai k l„ Hoffman, (Iterli4,) WNW , keeper, Imhrle, lithe% Jenkins, Johns, John son, litutrinau, Icnigbt, Leisenring, Longaker, Lovett, Merteae, Mangle, AI Efrain, Moorhead, Nitrzselman, - Sunernaeher. l'enn.on t Peters, Petrikin, Powttall, Purcell. I:olmsey, (Philacelphia,) Rant.,ey, ( York,) Rea mer, Roberts, Rupp, Shaw, Sloan. Tolan, Vail, Vovgitley, Waltcr, W.!.Abrook, IVitrton,'Zitit tit,rman,,and Spoolzer--.4. Ntvs—M.essr.4. Arthur, .tugu.:tinc, Bacioti, Benson, Bishoil, Brown, Ch:tee, Cleaver, Craw ford, Eyster,',honey, Ilani,lum, Bane uc k, Hine, Hoffman, JwvohS, .Kerr. Lebo, MCAlmant. Mumma, ( Cam liria.) Smith, (rentre,) Stevenson. Struthers. Thorn, Vamoorhi.:. Vickers, v‘% k . g o lls ol t . r . T %V.trner, Wintrode, Witherow and Wright-3-1. do the questio4 detertAix,ed tit th 4,1, 17- firinative. Un the question, Wil-1 inc lionnu agree to the tlitrd amend ment ? Tuf! ye4s ang .qv_ , were tAcia the pros - iiiitt3 or theCon4titniiiin,'srul:Werenz folluiti; t • • ' : - .! • Andersim,' Baelthopse,' BA, Bduk,..llen - s - 01;.1Invier y BroUti.,:Calitonn, Calutr7 Ch.oe; Clan Or. Crawruidi'llikke. - Anti Poster; Gibbonfiy, tirtrpor i Zelas;l/eistand, Pill, ,lfillegas, MM. Min, (Berks.) liotrztioth (Leto:mon,). keeper. Imbrie, Jaeol;e.luhul o lohustin i Kauffman, Kerr, I.abti, tougalter, .Lovett, • Bitk near, :dangle; 3.l*.Calmont,toorlteatt, Itionttul. Musseltuatt. I\rinere4elief, Peamon, 'l'eters, Petrikitt,! Kunlun, l'urcell, Itumsey, (York,) Reamer, Itee 1, Rujin,• Shaw, Sloan, Smith, (C4Mbria.) atnith, (Catre.) Stertucort, Tohn,/Yoil, V:turoortii3. Vieker. Vveghl,yi . ).V.imotazeller. Weitbrot,k, Witi'roW, Wright, 2.itunietmaii and Getz. -Yrettitcr.:,y2. NAY3--Afesi:rs, Arthur, Augustine, •Backu. Diihop. Curly, Ihnk: "Gihrea, lhiruiiton, Han eink, liiiic. Jenkins, Knight, I...iisentiag, vain, Iti t inst , y.( ilattlelph itt. fimiwrt,f;Strutb i-lri, Thtun , falter, N% amt. Witartuu att‘i ‘Vititrtitte , -;- , 21, tio the iinesticlu was determined fu the , Ott the tittetion, Will the Iluthe agree to the_fourtla azitentl- Titarit ? 'The yett3'ar4 roy3 were ;sten agreeably to the provisiOns of We Constitution, and uci•e ; 11 10/1(11i", t iL Antlerton, Arthur, Back. hou+e, Backus, Ball , Beek; Bishop ; Bawer, • Brottu. Catinann, Campbell, Cart• Chase, ttleaier, tirit% - ao.r.t . „. Dickey, Ent, Ey;ter, FA113,111, Pogter. Gi4hou.•v. Widen, 'tante!, Harper. Heirttatul, llell, llillegas, nom urin, ( Berks. )' H. I Lebanon, ) noun:- keeper, Intkrie, blues, J.WOIII, Jettkiu , , Aultus, Aolut , tut. LAIII1111:111, Kelt, L.rL, L.ci-'4nriug. 10111gAker, LI/Vett. 11:tnear, 11.tuele. M'Calutunt. M'll %Ilia. Musseltuau, Sick ; ti•onetoaelter, l'eallon, Peters. Petrikin. rownall. Purcell, Itant.ey, i Itat,cy. k Rennuir, Reed, l?..,liert, Slum, Shunt, Smith, (Cu utbria. 4atitti, Ceti tre,l Su:venom, Tula n, Vail, Vickers, Vueghl , y, Wagctnst•ller, W.tlter, War ner, t V eatitrot: k, rton, Zitnau,crtuttu and Getz , ii. aker--83, N It E-- - M,o43rs. llu, kt li tnaitton, lianeoek. Struttleirn, 'chunk, %.Vintrodt: and Wriglit--1. the tltt,:stitut waa 41:ivrtuiuud iu tti af tirt4-I,ti've. SECIIETAItr'S , OFFICE; lisnalsat no, %I ilia 32, 1657. certiq that the above and foregoing i, et true and eorre,t copy of the I'Veas' and Nays' taken on the resolution proposkugl aruetoltnettL, to the Constitution of the Coro unkuwealth, as the-sa u te appears un the Jour nals.,of t h e two Houses of th.' General hly of this•Ctattotonvo.dtkt for the slmsion ot; 184 li t y hand ain't the. seal eS L - sa44 (ewe, Ihts twenty- weond day of Jnnv, one litUltiMiLl eigta litthdred and 4eveit. A. U. 10:5-3111. SceretaN floe Cumatonwralth. eL&DIOS, MELODEONS & MUSIC. THE CASII i\ K\l ADur‘l:tiO. Prices Greatly Reduced, hORACE -WATERS, 333 f Broadawy, N. .I'., WENT FOR THE HEST ItoSION N. Instruments. P LIE Large.!, elovq4Atitent of Pianos, Melo kleon:4, Slusical Instruments. and htusicnl Nl, , ccliitiolise of all kinds, in the Ceittul State; rirmos from Ten ilitferviit Manuttetorics, cum- prising those of every variety of style, from the plait[, tows atAdi stAstantial tt octaves, in Walnut or Rosewood Cwses, from 51 fko to $2OO, to those 111 /he most elegant Itubli up to One Thousand Oolinnt, to the Union can compete with the :11 . .0%4 itt the nuirtloor. variety tind olci:rity'•u( its instilinientft, not in the Extreoiely low prices at which they' art- .old HORACE W.AIT.IZS' MOPERN IMPROVED PIANOS, ivitl) tn- without Iron Frances, poi- Angaing iit their improveineffu or ower-Ntrinp and action. a length or ' , cafe and comp:frt.; of tone equal to the 'Grand Piuno, united with the lieitutv and durability of structure of the S g tiart, arc Itiot itturt•tuneed by the, and be the tir,t Masten' Masters, to he eluut to those.of uny other manufacturer. They urn iuOit of the heft unit most thorough- ly oea:oned 'material, and guaranteed to stand e , ory clilnate. ttt.trumetii guitrooter.j to k.clte satifuction, or pureha,e looney refunded. SECOND-HAND PIAIZOS, at great bar gains, constantly in store,—price from .s'3o to lit /RACE WATERS' MEEODEONS.—Su 14"Tior Rama macros in Uutch and durability of make. (Tuned the equal temperament.) Me- Jotterms of all other styles mud makes. Price -15, $6O. Si:). $l6O, $125, ...ib411,--tiouble Reeds and two hanks of Keys, $2410-le;s, at liberabdiscomit. Clargymeu and Churches, an extra di,coant. MARTIN'S GLITARS.' , lug bedelit to posterity. Wherever these ma . A.MOWN S HARPS, 1 chines have been intrnduced, they excite tht n i rrEs, . ! highest wonder and praise. The aPparatu: VIsUTINAS. 1 js NI 9 111“1 la . prevent, relieve and cure evert • AC EO C-011DNS, 1 disease • incident to hismanity.—More partica- VII HANS. ! larly all those painful and formidable discas and Musical Instruments of nil kinds. at loner es which have for centuries baffled the pro prices titan ever before ofThred to the pub! c, roundest learning and skill of physicians. A lariie discount to Teachers and Schorils. From whatever cause there may be an ex- The trade supplied on the most liberal terms, cess UT deficiency of the nervous Iluid—pro musle„..t me of the largest and best se- (Dicing, nn excess or deficiency of the acid lec•cd c.tt.dogucs of Mu , ie now publisht•44 and alkaline secretions—the magnetic Kind comprising mans of the choice and most pop- pies of the- system ywe deranged. and can on ular airs of the day, and will be Sold at one= ly he safely restored to their uornai condition riper, off from the reguLtr prices'. . :by nu application of rungtteto-electricity, 1.. - Music sent be'mail to all parts of the cow -, means of D(t. DICKINSON'S MAGNET() try, post-paid. 'Particular and personal otter - ELECTIOC MACHINE; This apparatus will Lion paid to all orders received by mail: Sat- positively prevent, and speedily relieve and isfamion guaranteed in every instance. Piam s cure Consumption, Scrofula. Rheumatism. anti .tt.gott6nis- for rent. and rent allowed on Palsies, Neuralgia. Spinal Diseases, and all puachase. Pianos and Mciodeons . lbr sale ea t olites painfia maladies, however hopeless and monthly payments. Second-hand Pianos ta- or long Standing. They are eminently useful ken in exchange for new: General and select in all sexual and urinary disorders. partieu- Catalogues and Schednio of PriCea forwarded i tarty where the Constitution has been broken to all ports of the country Ity ;nail, - Irlovim and ruined by unnatural solitary habits , fiePtircat inducements rdeved to AGENTS l to which too many of the young of both sexes in all parts of the comitry, to sell the Horace ! are so lamentable prone. . . Waters' Pianos ; Melodeons, and Catalogue of i DR. DICKINSON'S MAGNETO ELECTRIC Music., 8 : 4.;; ; MACHINE-is without the : dangerous compli- _, -- li ----------- -----4--7- • ---- CittionstirhatteriesaMineitts,:w it kit fact alone A etired physician, 14 re' ol-2 o r readers it superior to all others on the score :ig., liavitkV,' ‘ , 43 liis Villtl4 * 'l , Wil ftrotiler s , of neatness, cleanliness. safety and utilitY ,-, Datightep.tion-M•datv, Nephews and Nieces, by: ;It :is, in fcwt, a handsome parlor ornament; that dreatifulAi4ean, Cossusterto, and sutler- i „„ : i y bv. ,applied 1.4 . e f child i Apct Will htst n ing with it Coo://,', himself, detirmincti to visit, lit, , -time, to the great saving of Doctor's the East Indies, Egypt, and Japan, whert; he bilk. Vic. discovered it l'rrrentire and . Certain Clire for pi t i cE OF Tim mAcioNE slo. Cohlt, Coughs, lirorteltiti4, ballsympthm, Ner- . i will he , , VOUS DelliiitY and Asthma. His cough ,u - its i t aut oft i le ,. t s T a li e t ` e y a P s ' l e a t i . a s n4 . l ,l.l 4 '"A o t l o v ' a r ' l 7. e . cured immediately.; he returned, mired his Rd- ' retail at the Medical Office, No, ritt NORTH 'atiree, who inherited tue diiaa4e, an in mist- I andSi:VENT/1 'Street,: 1 1 1tila4t-loltia. :Aare' st tit-T.6oa with his snit have employed it in their! ' , t 1 . practice, curing thousands of case:, cowidered A. C. DICKINSON, M.D. { • • hopeless by others, I , ttl. the purpose of rescu- , 10-1 lr. - ------- - -- ---- ------ - i itio as many of his fetlaw beings as possible, f %TO a LARGE Fall gill)WlN,r t TiIF.NMT he is sending the Recipe to all who wish it for .41 Goods just received at - OLMSTED'S. 10 cents; 't of it to pay the postage, and the r-- --- -- ---- - - ---- --- -__ balance p r i o timz,-.. ..Adtt,ress Ur.- lltwrn 101 i. nw . 2 IIOIISE LrMBER-WAGON for sprimx street, oppc*itect St. Nieliola.. Hotel, !,,JA. for sale by JONES, MANN ,i,: losEB . New York, 10: - .1--- 7 3tow. ' . Coudersport, June 11, 1857.—tf,, Crtfkw-,titiAltifErtf— fru ..Libtritier, tliki: rtoiFod of in -3."•'-fo ...log!heir friends that Harare hi re ceipt totlottil re : nowiuyening, tk, choice and clesirstlo stow. or -. • STAPLE AND riviar DRY GOODS, to which they.invite - the attention of all who desire to tal‘keptirchabei. Our stock is large has been selected, with great care, and la imr tiettlittiy adoli , ted to the watits of thissetijoe ilf; our country. l Otir stuek- et Dry apods ;eon sists of, I1 "-* " DRESS 000TYS,TRIMMINGS,RIBBONS, • ' ' ENIP,,ROIDERIES, PARASOLS ! • . 41.01115, CASSINIEHES . ' ' ' VE - StEitiS, UO- , r• CMESTICS, ' ;-i'''' - _ . 2111HTING8, c 4 1 " . - LINENS, • PRINTS, .1 . : . 1EOSIE0", - SHAWLS, ":I ' • „ . -,` and a variety of 'other articles, too ninnernus to Mention. ;NV ' have alsi). a compliAt nssOrt mew-of' . i . , ._. . - i , . GROCERIF. - . HARDWARE AND . . 1 ' I •IZOCKF.R.I . ; .. all of which trill' be : sold uncommonly cheap fur reads pay.. and for iiiiproved credit on m reasonable ti' c iui4 0f,..- way other c-Aahlkliment. 7 MANN &NICHOLS. Millpnrt, 4 1,11 g. 11; IIK:41.•-9:1:1 ty. - M. XING, 8r: SON, rATiz.vr CILIUM 31 ANL* ACTUU CRS. 438 • 13roori4; Strect, One Door Eli*. uf liroadmla; LCute 41.;6 proad way.lN Y 0 It K. E I:statlialtrit 1). 1 831,1 I • NVITE en eltuniiin.liun of their great rani ._ oy and superior mAenrtuteut ut 01.A.11:6. nufactur474 at their oat' eetablishuwitt, and under their innuediate uinceriatioti uLlsi dirvC tiun, including Pli . (l7f IHNOLVANC CHAIR.q. ENTE',NSIU.N I U CHAIRS, liII'IIU~ GU INVALIO (;114"1iRS, 514.103 SEARLE 1:1{4 ELINC, INVALID SPANISH SPRIS(: AO SQUAB CHAIRS. RHEUMATIC. Ai. A.NI) C , I.VA.LII) CHAIRS, SC.' AA:. SAC.; . Embracing the rofoit o.turttlete listrortment. and. ehoietssi kinds for l'Orlurs, iiratriuy Chnoiters, C lfliy Miura, Puliticilnititutionsj„ Aurbrrs,.kr.. together with! every . ilesirable sort adapted to the comfort, con•:enicace and Itizury of Hit :Sick, the .4yret, the betiri,n, the Lame and Lary, In . point of ingenuitylof design, elegance of liniat iltialisy and rieltless of titaterml, failh fulnese of etcct./lion..lurnbil itr and clienpnes-, :hose chairs are elt•11114V:41.11. For them. 11. W. KING Sr St wet-elle aarctet.! the first and only Prize ?tied:a, and tto faculty ;7:wont/timid 1111.311 as far preferuifile to beds or clinches tut patients afflicted with! Spina/ .Idtloatic of Bronralial affections. To wittier arm of theellair mac be attached convenient reading, or writing amt may euinliitnitiou desired -will he tuattutitiquret to to order. •1 A Circular with explauatory cuts ; will b.. scut by tur.it if repief.N.l, iind order , [with re inittatwesd prumpity ituy part rit Lite woad. ETTX - 171 - tY ECONO:\IY! 'O.K.'S ,NEW "AS YUU LIKE IT," ,An Arm Clmir, Reclining, Chair, Couch and Iledstead4Cultlllc u is oS d 1-4 sureeptible ut twelve ditlerent pa:sit - tolls or changes, to taco the varied requirentiersts for comfort, couvelti ence, luxury and economy. Lin space tt. well as priced Whether in sickness or health, celebrated CIIAI IL " - AS TOE LIKE exerts iu many respects, any chair perhaps ever mann tactured in this or allY other Ettitutry. TIM price saris from Pitte f o to Thirty Dul lar:.:rding to iinifh. Tu Public last iiutious, a' well as to ludirbl. nal% this UttlAlt is %try desirable ankle. and will be supplied In a itr number on do most liberal terms. Apply to or aAtilre,:s M. W. KING l SON, 438 lironme at.. UAW Cluo,V ru•t of iirouth‘u. NIA? YORK. ( bate 46:4 &omit...ay, 1.:44-Iy. EW GOODS—A Flue ju•l receised GREAT REVOLUTION IN MEDICAL SCIENCE. The best Thernpetatie Agent ever introduced. 1)13. Dl.CliaNti()N'S a - :\ NimrsTEToEux -ZAK'n: • St i r S exciting absorbing atteil ••,. 3 ion of the e " ,•.IProte,,ion and Rs% a large portion 01 _ theintelligentlay inen.of the land. It is now clearly demon s ratted that the lancet, merenry;huni all othei .ternal •i . drug medication 7 may ,it laid ai•ide with perfect safety to the patient and,abid- ..,..•••[ : , :.i . .-1...- :,..,,;--.--,--' `... - ;: , ',. 1,.r: - .- A - y.i.....ii The..:ol,corst la ii d rifaminiPsosf. 1:4).(1: 7 _ cal iii the 'world I, „ ,. :,- ". rip lIIS - ELEGziNT • - AND, 1 :E VSGINATINII . - - .II LITER:IIw AND,:rAmi y rIdUNTIIh V MAGAZLNE,cIare.i.. it 9 Ors l ,,v- ittme tti•dkdk% next. During the few brief int titlt.i of iti es., unix, it_haeitt,trtitAte4:a...„Atinatt ity titiequ,44 in the anntißof the.:.Etess..„ - ~ . A ..,, ~ .• • The pukilishoit titving . o . fre ed IDA:. rtil pre. rniums for -choice-literary efforts, - ,the ,lode/, itomtnceS,..r.smaysi .i..f.ket,ry, rtnit , other spark,, ling anti ititerestitqi reaiding,9lte connuence iu January last, and. uretleing ..gtill publish ed in the Visitor..".i .. .The New .Vislitutetvillte e4cartienced:i ii ,i n . It 1557 . , greatly .. inipilived . nand "eithirged,—. Each ilunilier will !ebntitin , llll.irtk-tNve eitere, large sized xoyaluelitre; ititgeic Taal! ing, a meg, nilicent volume 5.4 - nearlPi :4.0d. ttays for the. year—or t presenting. an ittz,tfi4 af t -th.c chili-, ccs-t reading on on; sitNeete A - Awl to. 'what, trOuld rust in the 'li‘kik . .tiore4 et. It aoi, hits, It cent, 'payable itiv4iaidy 'iii ides)eiie. Some a the nutstipopular ad . iirilliant ticil t i. ~, and female eontritilature _are. regiilar eciutri, htitors and the publishers will-sir - ire no !min;. or.expense to reud6 the •'Vtli..letanen4ille:` every way iteetqteallie' to a te i hneit anti/H . IOW gout community.' . ' - The puldicatiowis ollaptet, people--the young. find the ! ever seen and perotd, tuga At:vept:.tion. . I Bee- Now is The :tinw la New Volume. i I ~ :• *,* The hark numbers complete sets) for p cantina eerie:: of ill ndudieis Sae we LlWral itoluccidents to Ca S'Ne ri. . ' V r e Rempniber.' nor to ' us are Fifty cent*. for wit year, I'.,t. AI toittgle .opy: nr three vv. ire will la. 3ent under one •oter orath.lre'si fult one Dollar. • I Add se, -4 , -. - (.I)SIW.N.ISf. (.7()IiI'ASY,, Plibli..hpr9, No.i 38 . .-.Nortit Se vvittli Street, (up stairs.) Piiiheileffihda. — - te : t_t y - . _ . l i -e.t 1211E1:S IV .1 NTIN 0 1' 1... t STEllthr heed A' will find :14'4111)1c:a I ..,. AYER'S . PILLS , . A sritlri and sitienlarly- suCcessful remedy for the LI c u re of all ititinAs cli.caios —Costiveness, bads ,testion, Jaundice, iDrepsyi, Rheumatism. Peters, Gout, Ilinors,:Nerrommess:lrritaltility, Indultam. Lions. Hcadrtetm, Pains in the Breast, Side, But, and Limbs. Female tPlam4yl hats, ,te., die. Indeed, very few are the dime:ems in/whit:NA l'utgativeltdi cane is not more MI less ri‘quirek aml, Much sick- ness and sneering night ..iet preyentues if a karat less but effeetuid Cittharti veeie mixt dwell met No person inn Tech well While a cosere III:3 - ot body prevails; besides it soon generates maim:sea often fatal diseases; which might have been reside/ by the timely and jiidicions use of a good purgative. This ix alike true of Coldet, Feverish symptoms, and. Bilious derangements. 'Ocy - all tend to bemuse Of produce the deep ste..ited and fortiiidable distempers which load the hearses all act the ,land. lime, a reliable family physic is y the first importance to the public health, and Oils Pill has been .perfected utith conseimmate Skill tit meet that demand. An extensive trial of its virtues by Physicians, Profes sors, and Patients; has illsivim results Rlap.visilig any thing hitherto ikumayi of any medicine. Curti have been e ff ected beyond belief, were they not sub stauthated by peristus (dims+ exalted position and characeee as to.forbid. thq suspicion of untruth. Among the matey ensment gentlemen Who bare testified in favor of these Pills. we may mention: Pte. A. A. 11. 1 11V4,A111 lytical Chemist, of Ilostfin, and State Assayer of .1k momehusetta, whose 60 profess.'' cliarneter is etedloaseat by the ' ' flex: 'Row A RIFE rnu Tr. Senator of the C. R, lio Diana C.WlN'runoir,.Ez-SpeAet of the Punic of Represents tive:4„ 1 - - A nntrrr Lask . itiNen, :Sibyl...ter Plen. toleennd , t. Jon, B. rITZPATRI&., Ca th„ Bishop of Roalt.n. Also. Dir. J. 11.. i Cut tA•ou r l'ractictil Chcmishof New Volk City, endorsed by Bens v. 1.. "4..knet, iSeeretary. of State. 'Wm. It. ARTOIC: the richest 171:111 ill,Alllelifll. S. I.m.asal , N: t4i1,,, I'inlit's of tie plensystrm lintel. arstuthers. . Did melee permit , use could give many hundred certificateti, froni .all Parts where the 'Pills here been used, but evidenecl even more convincing thol the experience of eminent public. men is found in their effects upon trial. These Pills, the result of long. investigation and study, a re o ff ered to the, public as the best and most conipleie which the present state of moliod science can alibi& They are con Mounded !lota the drugs them Selves, tent of the niedieinal,vinsts only of-Vegetable remedies, extracted byythianical process in a state of pOrity, and combined together in , oril a tensmier as to ensure the best molts. 'lbis is!is.toro of coinposition) for mcdirlites has been timid its the Cherry rector.and Pills Loth, to produce a more eflicient remedy than had hitherto-Menl olal tainedhY4lnv process The reason is perfectly ole thins. While lir .tlie l iold mode of composition. et• cry medicintils; burdeped with more or luss of seri mullions-and hijurionti qualities, by this each indi sidles' virtue only that is- desired for the curative Cittti4l if Ttle-s:ey.t, AU itheinert and obnoxious gush hies of each substance employed are left behind, the curative yirtires. only Ibeing: ietaiiied. Mace it ii self-evident. ,thc ctiZra should prove as they havi proved inorCpUrelyremedial: and the Pills setae, entire Powerful ; antidote 'to disease than any 01110 , medicine knisty to the,world: ' As it ix 'freepteutl ' expedient ihnt my weevil: 1 should be taionn tend r the counsel of -an otteada i ilk,‘Y.lo4o, and as 1 1 cmdel not properly Judge eh remedy without k raving its ,ctimposition,l 931 41 supplied the nceurdie Funnulic by which both ell Pectoral :oidl'ills Are mode to tlw-A l;ol ic 14 i' f 1 Ppartitionou the lUnitcsi St.,tes and British Ab:biti. lean l'etiyinces. if however there should be iii i , one ;Ulm- ha's not received . them, they trill ProUtptly ((tetrarch. be mail to, litst y address. Of all the, paten .kleillitinex that arc aikido 9 few would hp taken iif their coMposition wr bo l d. Their- life cousista in their Mystery. I to" 4/ mysteries. ,' i _ , 11 ,e e°, mii(),.sitierq of my preparations is hod 0 9% its All rat it,!end all - who are competent trijudgc. 'hi the subject - fteell iskprorhicho eliaie ci•sts' 444 of their in trinsielherits. - The Cherry Yettorl pronnunced by sidentific men 'to he a woad i medicine before ini effects-were known. 3tan!i M Physicians Physlca ns have declared the same thing: m y Pills, and even more ,cinifideutly, and arr.!' ing to certify flint .ttkeii. antteipations' trm V i tii than reallicd by their effects upon trial. Ther opk.rate b‘.their;posierful influence -0 9 , °! internal v(meri topurgy the blood and stimulate ! into healthy. action -4 ) orvinove the o bisenctirk,!!" the Sternal+, bowels,\llYer,.and utilor org*?. 9 \ Ce l body, restoring.their irregular action ha ti1\1'! .. %4 1 0 . by corieling, wherever . they exist,- sae% el!' meats my re the first origin of disease-, i, k , 'Being Lugar wrapped tkpy arc pleas:nil rr,„,,,, and beini,tpcircly vegetalde,.noVal:ca nilsr their 'nri - ini auy. quantity. - . . Fur mmute. air •. ,direction, nee .wr,awei - on the P 4l ' , • . -11 ''• PR I.4'A It likl *l. I J IA M.E S - A. .... , 0 .- Y E 11 1 . en . te,aoli IkiL,oin.,yut LOW( I.L, ii3;fisAises.ai Clic . ti iti for Si , Price.2s Cents per ititS. live Boss ftc4l) SMITII JONES, , AND P. SPENCER, prra rou-nr.igsp)RT,, au ,/ 6)170 1 , 0111 . 1..1iE and Vritggi6ts etserynliere. 11 to.~dl-cli ca ot whert, s with uttiver4A subscribe to, iha mat be le,a4 (tie • ach s• • orthe who, e.:vre,eitel mots_ Clubs and Cho.