The Potter journal. (Coudersport, Pa.) 1857-1872, August 20, 1857, Image 3

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1-- , _, 477 ~ ,—, - , 77- 7.,t - r ---- A -------,------------,-- -" - T-----r-- -- • - - --- - -- .-- - --- --, z- ---- ---` rT----.,„.7--- -- •• - .T. -- r - T
110 X. S.t.l.:stoti -P. CllissE has been I . MORTGAGE
. 1 • SALE ' ,
. I , •dretl and six. 4,706, coutaiiiiii,, o ' nine bitudred,lean,,,,-1 and - Waer l ' ower Coutpany,-i at
- 2 and nu"' acre.' "r u t " H O' . 'li e u 01 six, Per tent It! 0
of Tohn Tagprty TrUbtee 'oft J
, nominated , by the Itepublicatet of•Olius , -131 ' VIRTUE of a nrit of Lerart Faciat`til . f u l . ro , o ls 4 1; .7: A(50.... OR all (Vat eettai i I-
':i --
1 JOB' sued out of the Court 01 Counnuu l'lcacctu d o . or 0,..„ , „ „j-l au d surl ' cl,e d iii.
pi . irsud d c u e tS, Stlyer et aL. . ~
fur ties er our.i
......... ,-..........,-.....-- 01 Putt :r County, Pooryl.,•inia, un,l to ine di- ... .. N. • t• . - " 1 t, I h ti , d ie d
in aet ran, -.0 , our , nous Ali o etre T ir - I • If
A.• C.. AGG. „1 , sier, .
Thlflottll , :eliNiti;s, &.:. recte.L.l. shall est p s 0 C and fa,. I in.., LnatAttat, , 41 tt died , ki ,i, C r 1 r
s•c---------=-- , ---='---= --- u m-- '-- ---
-, , ----= .l au- e -'".'
h ( 1 oflouse in the Luous) - 11 of Ccu- • .-• ' . t% , "! 11 1 11 - II , II 43
derb i wt, 111.1(r•- • °, B°4 •-^3t•
• ,;. , , tattle at.Le :..11.0.11tolefttn e tit .4 p-r _cent. tor , -- --).- - ----- - ---- --- - ----
Vrltunotineements of CaudidateS fur dets - pcat on .Uotioo3, the 21st clay ot . - :.uptFla ,),;,,,I, 4,„,,
_1L , i0 2. -011 nil that tAtt.iitt tratt l /DI •ORTANT DI S OOVI.IRIY.
office one dollar each, pursuant. to \\ .0 -1 . ,
i evera bl y i n a d_ bet, 1 sr,7, it: l 1) 0 1 ,4 '4. _l .
. 4. , ,
All the timber ticts 01 nuateNer ritC-• tc 5 ,11 tat '2No. too/ theoczattinct al litinarLd. 4•Tou, ' C 0 N StrNIPTIONI -
~ .
'ranee. h in d, or nano.:, 11 t , '".., g l f )ftli llf Ill'i tut '
, t h e . ' lit. ; • ccit 1 -, iting eine ' hundred dna nine!) acres and 1 1 -6
or ten macs - in ditPuett rut thr stump, ur alit ~ lutaltaLL of -ix pit ogui tut ro ill Le 14-- . ' '
Alinotstseetnent.- - sce hr.: ant hurizcd
and attaht to that sae d,l,llnot t h e i SOT -I /11 11 nll that curt tin tract , br‘pi7.2ce • ufi,,„pOISEASES OF •THE LUNGS AND THROAT
to stile/time IJAN BAKER of Ur Sus, a; a ma:, gent(
Li iv , IL ialift I ' lleiLlatee) pit' a ll lic
, andolate for the Witte ot ritoTrioNoT.kjty , polo . , 4 1
1 ( ' t ' here- -,,r)tt td la 11.1/.0.111%e tii a air ..u,t Nu hull 1 AR2. POSITIVELY -
il dt.-0r,1)..ti traet • p art .1 , d . • . . .. .• •' • s
subject to the - ) decision of the Republican la ' lf" ' l ''' '". ; t T' l . cd : t o . . . , . t ious-iti , .7.7. ouil rLa and innt..%).- 6t' 4,6Ja, CIDF.A.BLE BY ALN/14.1.AT10N,
L, I, . I,in,, 1 n ii it L 011.1 ninet\ titre;:u
tut tt a. ts ibc,••., .07 jots cets tut tank , reto it. in ,t. i ,11 t, u , , ir d„I ii it TIIICII ewe; er. the retnt.tites to the alai-
C.unty eons entiGn , the Count) tut Futter. and State ut / * coos) is I- „it” ,',„, ,e I x ix pc r riot. tot roach &•:. _U.,- TV . . - - i
'I fitoosalltl r,
°nand tics 40 the into tdiougli the aurp.cssa-
Fut the Journal. 1 ", Lu ' / ii ' uti g• fogctrier, l ' lty
, , e, and coming - in. direct (Ambit( it oth the.
Aare, alina UM es SL., as to:Ions, 11,.: 5•tr. ,* 9 , ...1 itt pat,tl..o. e of "sort. nt Nu. tour , .3tse.t-L . 1/...uttul.ra. the tubeicul • ir lii La.! , al-
Is not E. LYMAN the wan for County
On all Hilt certaiu trul tor =piece of laud tiants'ind set ta htindr...l Sad tv.ent...-six 1,721,,, l a irs th i _. a0„,,1 1. ~„,„.., a ,ee An (. I ,„„ sy (I pe,,_
Contwitssitater ?. Ili is a . limn adv . ocate . I 1 ,, 1 a I ;
sun C . l (.t ill pUrstitinLa.• Int ts Ulan/. numb - r .cuutain.o 7.' Mutt -.incr.-- atrt s and toiation, het7ls the tur... panties the bldod,
fur temperance and Republican prltlelpler', four t own.-and sr( bundled , and this ..)-ta 0, 1 a lion twee tut set per Lent. tor loads Lc. AL,- t 3 1 L tie v. Ltd 1, ititlit;tu ' Um net; on, sNrStt 11l
of ;;(101l report, and the best town ofiwer (4,u32,) cunt Lining nine 111 indit l and nowt.% I ;" 0-0 11 all that cLit tin tract: or P0r. , ..' of I tild , gi,, in .. !Mu tone and un,rg) so Ind,,,i l ul,l,blb:
in Sweden. Until he changed his p o li. acres and ad.);\ antl . of sit far scut.tor road,, suit 'C; sd ill '
psi- poaaliLL o V a oirant
- 0 fo u l tan the restuiation of licaltn. Tu be able t
, •
.. 4.. e. ALst)-1,111 .111 th It ccrt.l.lll 11111.11 or piece L 1011 S tut" a hundred and _Acta% 41 e, 1 61'5
,j 0 d i .
ent ) that LOll,nLllOl lOU is (-Unale
(teas, he IVa3 the leader in toss' tot Oner.Y, • , . ,
to L ow:int et cal of ' , titbit/me of %tort liti 1111111- 11
t t• '
nice luttelr..d. and 1 - 100.t1 a i tillts • i b 't t i e ' ' ith
, dialation,. I. to me a soot le tut nualio,)ed
Doi' he is nut lit for a member of file tier lour thuu,and sax hundred and Lll.l t.% -tune. I and •no .% cat eut so, per Lint. tor r..;013 sc. 1 leasint r . It is as mach under the control of
lluard. I berieVe he (tin get the nowina - (4.u34.) euntaining nine ll:lathed and reined i ..S.Lt4_l--Utt ell that Lot atti tract or P it ' , e of
1 k) a• du .1 taLatuitait .L. an caller turinidabie
11014 if 8 0111 (/ oue 141/ Speak for liiin, oil acres and -Ilion auCe of six ,ti ',C tit t a ro , d . toad sur%%) AI in pui.o. nee of UM r - iit No •
'd, t „.,,. 11111,1,, • „L „r .?„,.. 3 , ,„, ,1 • L „,,I .
,: ri t h , w h en t h e d e l egates me et . in e„„ &t., all that cc t Lin t act, Nee , iLiai th,Lits ... %_ud sewn hi udred and se; eat).- I cue i j „ :;„,,,,i iii t u fa , hr.t L stag - e. h it lilts L o se s ,
. ;„ ui ~,,,t.l of laud stir; el et' in pti sa.LbCe ut e 1 L ti, •,1 1 .., tont WWI , Mae bandri d Lind ~ , .1 , , , , , •
cult. In i it. scco Lu , vat La LIM aura stage a
sention. If there be no chic( • ••
11i , ' . 11- "' wail tat number tour tilnu-atal six bundled ninet tare, tma alloo, a n te% La -IS p rCt to to
%tau . wind, would it not he P r o Per tor t h e .toot thil“ -the, (4,ta5,) t out alba; mne 1 , 1111 I i.,th S; c. 11,:',0 -On all Inat Lt./ tam tract u r r ri , " :„ "nl'u l 'ltd , 4 ‘. 10
Ire i th li t s il i t"u r s i t . ,. l , ent ,
:Juarttul to wn/twee l 1
1 s innne tor that dyed :Lll.l Lint(, 'Me, Mill al 00 11. Lut s,.> piety .0 1 nise! W.% ed il l URI. of 11/ rr • int ' the
' als•
".' • ll'
' e '
Jilt i .,„„t j o r r,,,,d, 5c..A.1,:....t . )._ Ott nil t hi n „NO tu ' Lli thous. ntl. I to Ind deaati,e to illotil , al .1,11 1... ii. hots
/Awe next week. Please do it. six hundred and no ' t .) -, et , LI, •01 the lust setae.;. Inhalation allot 41. LA
IL 1.. Bran., -L .
ter utin tract ur !neve of I Situ gun eyed in put- torec, b 13, tout-10011,f tube hundred aint Leaned , iali %IL lii 110 tilt -idle. iii •It Lilt I 1
.. 1.2,4
buallee 01 11 an.tatl inteila 1 tour thous tua 'lt i Mit Li - acres altd. alloa.aiLe t/I s X. 1.01 Lent tot t 1 , 1 ,
P. S.—Del/El: 1 S / Tan i an d 6161 " 1 "°- handled and f , 74 ts -one, (I bt I.) C.ll, 'LIU, II ,1t.7.114t, UII f,l 111.1 I Its iill oft • 0 .1 1
Cu ,(:(malt i 1 ~,id, St.. ..11.,a 0 - On all owl. Lett Lin (tail , , „,,,,., _i. , % e Limo s .
~ ,id }Kt ores
, ill . the L toted )
.o.ised his name last 3% . ir lift he leftism! nine litiodi • d and niac ) % acres and allonaaiLL 1 ut• inter, of hold stir, ... til 10 toitsuante o,
u tau. s a,une anu 4 , 'Alit! t. lA. U/ Attili .. , 11011. ,
tur good reason_. 11e will non comply ' ot 1 , , pt r tint. tot zu is ..k"c. -t I.'lo-' 1 1 all 1 , 111 /ant Nu. Jou: thous Ina ~,t. tilludi.,l and 4 1 t, , ,t „I Li k e 1 :„ . .,,,t, p ut ,,,La n ,, u i the 'iartlr,
seitli the wishes of his friends, i 11l I 1 Li.: 1 ill: II ILL or pi , .:c., of I Ind sot t ! In 1101, , 1, 1 ./JO Cunt I.lllllg nine Initidt..d and llille- 1 et , 111.1 1.21.111 , 1 t i II II LL. 1/11 tilt. Con
pur , nanue of ((' arrant riunaor to tr 1 hoi. -and 1..., acres and at...mance 01 5t phl ll'lli fur ~ju iLi, ,,., ~ w., ,,.,
- -_ _ _---
rat hand ed and tot t)-.firer, Le. 4 0 ;43,c0at tau nil - I.olr .. ,-. ..11,0 -Un .ill (!east certain II It. t , 1 i 111% 11..• .Hu rt of audit leas no turots ....n
IlJarrie, ,
ti he 1111 11111 Id and nowt . % acres and 11110 11 LOCI! ot piece tit 1 :ill lel L 1 lit putsu ita e of %%:u'-
.:.:still ,, c„„,„ . „, I „ J „
. 1 1
.., , it ha: 1„ . ,, ,
11cCOIDIDIC - -iiitO‘l 2% I,';D.-In S) Irani%
of .1v per ccot _ tot road •1 e Al lsi f-011 alt I 'AU L :NO , kill. awn •an il .l , tx. hied huti
1 1 1 1 ,1 5. 1,„: a
. 7 1 1 „ . „ . L . , ii ei - L, - 4, ' ,.
ill t he re ' tbthe” uf th e held''' father, 1)11 thl that Lti tam ;tact ,0• 1,000. of 1 Ind surveyed ii, ,„,;_i„i„, 4,0;4, ii , f ,i,ri, , (di5c0 „,,,,,,,,,d an d ,
.Ll 4,
,u. the,
blare, 1 Int 01-1. lt , :, It..t. J, 11 , Ildt it It. Ilit• 1.:-. ) L , -Itr porm int e ..,/ IS af • i.till ilutobbr tour t'lol sand tout t.l at.l.s .11.01 anoWatit cof six p‘r Lt. ut
11 1 . 0 tan Is and .)iiss Jast. Bum; sett., butte lit s .1. intinircil and lortA-tt%o 10,4', (nit ening tor roads St: 11.60 -Ain ail that tilt lin '"j;,,: help 6' aut e i ,; d i. i' lla il t "' ,slll; t l t. t V lL t ; ' ,.t i li t t. :‘ l l l/ 11 : k lt g ..:1 1 Ju ti ' 1 1 5•11 UT/
;%,.%% loci. Ctt:,.. •.
Ina. bundlial and uiuc 1, It re., ..i: 1 ..110.5 Intl 1 trite( or patat of . laud sot 1 , t..sta.l ill P ah' 1 ' ll ' e 1 roulette er,tl:l gaud and pel tete oil'l, 1 4111 en
,. of six par (lent.tor au ids Sr A I,SO---0 1 anll of a riant No luta ,
thou .01.1 ./L .1 undrid :Ind ; ,! , bled bl, d jo 0 ,1„ . , to Hie übliciLd a tali', 'aunt I
eoq3zrsporl Pri:e.-Cllereilf, titat etrt t 0 trite tor piece of laud sui \et ell In s tit • -tow , 4 btot, , unto,
speed , } Lott in Ctlnsumption. T.M. lit3t
put -ti 110 eol it. l 1 111 t 11Ill'Ibt Iloa th 41, tau I suit u. 10.1„) nuts and niu,; lone hundred I „ in !
C ' orreartl it eekly fir =the Julirnal," ll -'"ofit'e oh . 1 l' r L tumi. tut: Whet. IL., is nom /Mimi e blo id • and
, L:s linudrul and 1,41 - )-cight, Li., •lt., cot tatnin.. milt. tur ru...1, S AL - A.)- On all hint tot
ur, the iminolitat bllbi,l pi u.lueed 1.) . ) their dept.t
nine hundred and 17.tiets netts and anon - abet. tart( tract to 1,4_0. (4 I op.! sal ~,. ~,.1 in
SClloo3lAligili Sr, 3 tCIiSON, of :iis tar I-1 lit fur roads .1 % .1.1.50-t_bt al , 1 ate - e of t% •I lain 1... ,.. f o ur tb to dti
P' l " til 51110 1 111 the tangs I, to prt.Vent. the, nee tut-1
thrs an Dry Goucte, Gence,t.., 11.113 4 t ups, that.
i..e j
inlet . i laud d d • , ol u , "le in...sion tut; cur tutu the au tills, I; Inch ulnas
or piece usurveyed to /Jun ickl t• 1 1 ill l:, -war, 4 J. 4, e °ll E l iallis 4 ‘saal,t%lt tht .. v 111101qt' the en ire 31 111.
/1,01/ .1 8 'we', (...toci.ory, Port., .I:uur,
pursuance of tvariant umbel tour thousand oin • Mundt. a mid mutt:, ttLr...., and dicta Lilt L.
lied, .1. - 5115114, .sc, 4 c , 4 ~
.1). hundred an I Curt;-nine,1.049, taietainiar lot sax in.r . et lit fur ru ols Se. A.1..,0 -on all thea 511/1 Ilit is mule rat.unal to expe.a. , /1 eta- 1
111 Di STEEL: 1., Cul, 01.1ta PO lt f, PIA , d, j d • j
.. , 1 , I. guild holt' 11.1 C BUM', elite:Ling the tit It,e,
--... Hint bun ro. au 000. t.. acre) ati. .., Iwant . , LILA pots 1/1 l,..uti. bein g 5%. loin teed and rutty'
~ of the hoer- than 1,0 n thw,e allininistered
ui :As percent. 1.1 toads L... A1.,:" . ../-Un all atr,.., ,suit ...lon an, Lll acs p, 1 Lint-fan
- - $4 Oil that , ertAlll tract co piece c,l land .141 IVy ed ii. le'., of a Lei Loll ti 1, tof 'Aar! sal :crud - nail tat 'Miffs tto..
road(.o.l °ugh the ' stoin it h . the pant n t will ala 4)4
.1.1.1 the biLathing t-ts . ;, at
" , 9 „ U°
pursuance of It at r.. 111. imiut cr tun/ t , ,,,,,, ,nd , ~„ „ re , „r , „,„„„ N; , r„„r t),„„,,,,d ~,j, 1,,,,,-
111 11.11111 . 4 1 I'llllo , 1 lin- ttilial., toot' is a.
"° li°
six nundrLd and hits-10e, -4 . 6 t t Lott a: ion, died _old fitt, lit . i
i., , I .11. N.) On ' , II In Lt.
loLat rein etl, to t triftole , s it uric t utislilutiou-
S 01.1 num litintlital and 11111. t• Al 115 11111.1 LBOII 1111 t pit, 11 ui 1 lid. l ' i ' l•lljg 51N. 111111 , 1 n, kll awl nutbt .- s and vi itti wore pua et• and t .taiy Limn
3. °l' 01 511 p•.l‘ Le !11. tot r.....1 ‘ .. .7,.% ALlst..)-0.4 11
a tine st erns ilid Iti/0%1 in% .of six ten t Olt for ill),
Li L
L. 1.„.11.%
oi in
rt. utt_dic., fluitlll3teied 1...) the sioniatn. r o
, -I. ' 0101. certain tra% 1(a p et. ..I Litt 1 t:111 tt. d 11/ /ult.!. 5.;., of 1,,. t t n pence tin pot% Una and duvet 11111Mmt .ot this
•• + 1( ” 1 ' plo yummy. of %%an ent 11.1•0 1 0: lour tnutc, Aid . ~L:.,1121h, 12 Cll C 11 1 .11t Nu tow th••ii:i rid -I \chluitAUllll
- 1 I 'V I'. ;:a. hundlial tad Silts -Ln_hl 11. i'J, ( 01.1 inniia amid!,•l ,„d nttl -.„L, :,,;,3.A1 t)---(4.1 ill ' t ii
. Inud''of
a d in'
- '7(a • . , , , ~ d still ono e.; Li; b. - n. 7,1101.1% In t
- - 11011/ottani ..,. Lau 111111 ty i t "1 ~.b and allot. MLA. "MI po L. ol lin I, 1,, ol s .. ...1 10,iidri .1 and I • I ,
_ I 7
Lauds X.C.
Af; ,
_oil all
a ii,j,
it, i , .
ji j j
.i j
Lix, 7 ia.. j j
ii, , i .. n unnitti... pti /1.) tang . 1, Lowe in i %ult.
-1 , , ~ , , .''' I" ' ' " 10, ,lt .0 il 10AL ‘I, 111110 L11..1 12( tatIVIILAtt .1 11 t 111-
.0 lt cer t ain LI l, ,01 pit tl_ ill land ',CI 11 . l 1.1 ill /), ji) ill. Li' , ), .11) that it f,onti fi t of 1 li, , , . ,
01// 1,1, 11, 111 4 1 , 1111, 1 Ili. 12.11,.: If .it 01 1.1111.1/y
. ,
DOI ill 1111 I. 01 Ira f 1 ill 1 1 11111 1 1 , 'n Wu/ 111011, 'll , l ',lir% ~..,1 „i • utn it ri L it, 1, ,t, iit 1 , 1., ir , ,
- 10(0 i t ' 1 , 111 1 11., ii 1. , trill tit .1, it, Lir.. 111 a .t.... 110111,
--" W. it'lllth lti .111 , 1 hat/ -11110 , 1,1 ..) 1 will.ilii,lll. i ./I 111 3,11111 ',I 11l i. /id unit 10 1 .-, 4, J •1 1 ,
14 • " ' ' ' .. , ..k.. tuna, Clun , a .11.1111, 111 1, 11,11/ 1 011 (1 , 110.
~ 11111 C 1111 11.1.111 anti 1.111/.1 , . .1../t, .111 , 1 .1110'0..11.v A I.SO -- On all 1 11.11 Fit. eof 1,..i, ),,,u, , -, t.lll 11 .1.. la la lit 1..., t.i 11,1, +IL nil s.l IA I la..
- 2 " i' 0 -14 . to 1 t Litt S '
..r 111 ttl ‘,.. 51 ,, ) -Litt •
. i t L i 1
s ,e) Live - meow tit AIN t. 112 la V-I 11,0 1/ , /I' , iinill al- 1 odor tut in tn , L 01 thew LuLdi, int, .1. pt. IL, I add '
(loan %intuit tn. t, or pie.... a hseo -111 ~ ,ed 1 . , , .
•lit tilt -kw ll ILIA 10 allat , .11 , I I,:t r utg Lunn' .1,
112 . I sit tiLL a ant numb i lour lino ; , aid , ''"% Int . Ll' .lasi l l' '.• ' 'lll I. I "lA ' '.\•'' • uf
- 111.10 c . -- 1 1 ' ,.. :' 1 5 ' .1.. ‘ oundred .01.1 7•110: -lulu' 4,1.01, •. niit tin it„ •I ( . 011'..11 I ract stni • ty,C . Cl to pal Zl,llll I,' 1 , 1 l ‘ il I 14". ' i'L
'WI"' til"" Is d' t`' t ` 1 , 111 1111, l ' iuthl 1
- / ..) 1 le,• lt ~,dis,l told , e ,,,,, i. „ r ... ~,,d „1 1. 4 „ 111 , ss Li luta :s t. /0 , . 1 1 , ~, ( 011 VIII 111. 111001 La nit t. 00./1 ILULIttI/ ll et:L.os
11 1 Ltltlll Allt St 't it 11.110,1‘,0
- '. a 1,
01 Inuatatton /.5 tat tile( touts KII , 4N 1 , al
.. o, six. p. rlll. or roods 1 ,,, - i" ,.. ' i - `hi I• and fitt . ),,,.\,, n, .1,6.,-, Al,BO - 011 all 1 .1 b 1 '1 foul *
vacs pi.. 11 Ul 1 y 11 1.1 1111 g l l / 1- 1, no t,
that 11 1 1 1111 vacs tut 1111 It. sn 1.111.1 Slll', Cyr l'il 111 -.
~ i i i 1 I
- 12 t h at pi, eL , t Loki. Ln2111 . t.; 1 . 11411 i, ill/Whit' iil,s 1)050.1 1:: en , ./1 11 , , BILL 1,1 011(11 • Illtleul. S, 1
oo Isa ill.. tut 1 1 .al . .1i L 11 44Liti Jli /0 at• t luli.i,tlitl .
FT (3 qOu I', II, t ,,,,,t, d ti o ~,,,,,,,_,,,,,, 4 t, „ ., .., ~,,s tsult i. , Aul d 101'11' at iI ~ and Alm% aliee Vi sip 1„.1 cti elitlk% • prcp.m, d and Judi...Jun.4ll itchtlllll-- ,
tt•tbd thruu tit the lung; should btu...lute the
--.---,- -- ----- ; -- I,I„,. bundled and . .I It•ty )tells and .11101% Inc( (Ala 101 load, &C., in i it t-cltaln 1 i at. t sill
happ;eo results ' 1.,001,6• eigitiltou teals
)Z l) '4Ol I,:es. ot Sta. ner , ent tor 1 0,14, a,,.. .1.1,:5t, -011 al. I% .1 tql in ptil swing, e fit ssari ant No tout pn ,t„ „. mauls 1 1 10 „, an d., „al e , iiig t am ', d i ,_l
~"""', '',',""'"'"""""'""""'"'"*""."!'" '''' tbitt err s tr 0. 1 it!' Illete 0/ lailil Stints N cit. 111 tl ~, 1 I . I I ,dt • t• • 1 • •
/1 lIITI. et.Fru. 1 lin I m •
_it hale .slit it tootii. 11 - •
mu ..11 mi t 01 %%air 1111. 111111Ibel
lin;t1,,111 i .1(al
" ilint
:Ind" atnt
.. %-eitr. It, t 431.- tit the lungs and throat, have_ !Axil till- ,
7it 1. Pellet EXIO \-. an be "(a i m - , d by using •••,., 11 , ei d ie d aw l ~ , ,i , ....„x 4 1.1 i , ,,. ( .; 4,92 b. A I,Sl) -On all that piece of land, dera 11l I ale anti I 11.1 1c I. ttbcted mon% icin.irk-i
;r ii , f,'", of a n o n ( 0,4 P io "" . 4 .
the L urk
Illy I 1111. 1111111.1'l Li / , 11.11 11111C1 . Mrs:, .I,ld 1 1101 A allt e being el:it hundred and linty acres and , a! , lt. (tutu,. ,tell atter the a but _dilte had been .
of entitnfen uoulit 11.111 .171 unatr tut I. IttNe vl 1.4)1111.. et' in tilt la , t. st.tges, h fully .at-
ot -cc per cult. fir it" st.l t. e. A1.5.1-On Alt , allowunte of sts. per vent. lot loads &e. , Pr°
5 MAI /KlCeible breath. %%hen 1..) . % using the I I ,ta • Me 111 tt 10'1 , 111111)11011 15 110 11.111,14(.1 a iatal
that certain inlet or piece of lal d " or ' r ‘ rt i lu .of a certain tract nr eved ill pursuance' d isease. , 4) neatimut of tOnsuutptio.l I ,
in U
his ./. lUM 3 0.0 I 'AVER..., IVs , 11 (teliti
n tr- nail. e. of Ls tu rant nu.aber tour thuusano .- • 6l -
of warrant No. tour thousand 111110 iniii• 111 igival. and founded tun lung expetietteL and I
suer.would not ills render it sa et t but Irate ' . - -
:11 linutireo and sixty -set ..n, -y.6 i, co attain./
the I illl tih to as al th i- ter :
I°l un' nine latindr -el ......1 11 - Vett' act's . : find ditty...awe , dred .tnd tw eta) -4 }tree, 4,92.3. A I I,SO tlanottgit One 1.1,;.111011 M% pet fect laaplai - t-
~., u:4. lam; t h e ir brestli is had awl the sub- Oti all that piece ur land hemp stx lam- 1 Lace flint the nature of Itit,,7lt. Its, 5%., elms
six pit Vela for to.tio, se. Af.l 4, i 1 Oa all
Lies me to di , tinguish. It adll. the ., 1
]l/ , t I. sit &lit Ale liliftl trietta •%s ill octet. Item- tha t certain ti „ trt „ r •
• i .... eof laud surveye d in tilted and ally-tire acres and ant/11.111C° 01
i llt Ift 11 ,11. of LountezlL its. Be sure ',wit i . b 1 1 forms, of 4.11-ette that situ Lit ne bute•timption....
pursitame of a 11l Lt.t, utiin as our t KM , tut ~1 i per coat for toady Ne , 01 II eortuth awl appll die proper it. it dies, I.Lrth teiii,,,
I "I`
" '4'2 ' ."(l
I.I;r"I'"L '''' ' "I
' \ Y.
' six hundred and cute -ei ). 1 si • • • • ' •
1,..11., .L.u. LO2ll II 11111,
run 'tilt. b) all lltu4gt,ti• II 17 buts.. , , , ltact :4111L , cat iti vu mi.taco of sloctrzsnt ' wist.tklll OCR 11l a sin 4e. La.le ' .l 1115 fAtlll.-
fillte 01111..1'1 .1 . .1.21.1 IWO • 1 1 1 116 It I 11.051 ail. , . ,
LOU/11l .2 11111.21.1 0- /Llll
\ LI, tour thoti,tact .eS t • ll hundred and, lank% , /11 cOnneLttoll wit h I. ~
• old 17; ,- ti Ila L, Ju..7.1,::, Druggist ~ roil - of -1.7. iur (-tit tor To.1.(1, ..i.: Al/t)-( 1 11 A: '
4- ,- \ „ 1 - ...,, ) o e .di Lind tutu u-Lovi. di , tos Lilts La -bits tn._ tu tt - I
.. mpur,, l'a. th 1 ~..-t..tin ir •Lt or .1' l'l 01 1 1/I , i .I:me 01 in hi, Lila . % -,t_ • Olt, , : ... / . _ ~, i ,„
: . Ile:e the lungs twin the illbct •of Lontra. t.l
-......, put .41 tut coft 7 r all 1 11'1 the, lour t low , HI that Itie V,I, Sill in, iiiiiitt; tottr hunureu , - , , ,
Latt,t,, to cell:112e Lit ini .a. pal 1 1 % Int. R uud .'
I \l l 111 1.1 ' 1' . . 13 11( . 1 eby given that l ' topu- 1/'s lowa', d and 1., ‘i. it . -on. I ~;* I Lunt tin- and.ninetv-Itee vt•fi. Mid allowance ot ...Ix on i t
pot to it MAI( Uttt 1111 11 :A 1 1.14 111. 1L:
S. ll ` , will be 1 cceiv ed at the (Mice Litl I IL uric:rod dim --
1 Lz l i nt h mitred s„,, it....• -,
' per cont . tor 1 o td , Ae, of a curtain bait and tone to the coul e e % Arm
ft). 1 o tut. AA 1 1 'A 1-
die lona Conned until the orst day of “"' ` ' '''
I "' ( : 111. . ' s (u') ' i t• 1 ill put sunwe of wartant No. I kli •114 ine. I% 11 h full tl le. Hon; aeut to tri, i
Uli In that et , rt , n 1 t=act or ph ,•• or (a ri d .01.- ... -t
( ipteialia next, lust the building ot:•,,ide part of rue I mad ,S ate- anti t nn Ida.% b: 1;:-:
('.eyed ill i 111.1 , 1011 i Cor ~ I, r .ot oth I, i 1.1 If fotll tituusand s.l N. atid fifty-foto,
'it , •ut ,, ‘ 1n11.11111111•ating flair symptoms b:. lett el ,
balks Glut unbuilt, in accoldance w Itii ti,, - ,. • 1 . 1 1 1 1
anl t..t Milt ntt Ant 1 (11 1 . - '', I .6.1 . . ),',"" il a tte wo.t. hi t ,
' " -4
4 '- 4 l 1 t ) ( I 11 1 1 1
• - 7 011 t Ille cure, UOlll2l Ile lIIIIIC Leitalit if the!
oils Ordinance ,
p tssed 3lav '25. 1637. tont 1,0 n e • Ina‘ lin 1,1 , •,.,1 tuft I:1.1(1;c 1 . 1 , ~,T id [wino.
[wino . 111111 bundled :nut ninet f •
V- Is c aere, p att ta, Itutt 1 pat 111 . A visit, llillell 11 tllll.l 1
lil Ili di I''i 1 Lia 11 Collfiell. ~. till ante of ,iy, iii i t Lid I, r 1 o ..O. ...... _1 1 - ,• • •
alio •utou an; 0 of .1•%; pet cent. fur luau. ;;iii Ill: ttli upi/01 I 111111 1 f 0 I Linnilt: the lung
SA 11 l ' Eli 11. STl)1111S, - t
- a i-t.. 1 ., all th it eel tun t at I or p i t •i e r,Lunt
and enable me to pit ienlilll N 1 all lIIIICII , ISCII.II. 1 1
i 1 1.1.1 11 I trtet ..tti sey tal lit put 'a
, itint!. ed in para.. knee ot xtarl.att Ittiltlb •I A. l • 0 1 • t •
t lit illlf .Lna thou the ,we %min be tilt lited 1
r tirc ' y. of Ton II CUltnell. 1„ 1 „ I kn, 1.. tn.' . Iwo! hundred :Ind ih,rt; -tiro. o :WM' of v, No. tour thousand sr.,
%%about In - , stem.; the p.tnent again.
rouilersport Aug. 1 , 557. lint inn
1,9 '2, cuntanung nine hull 'red . tt
), hundred and litt3 -tin ee, 4,tia.l. ALS( /-
:..," 7
acres and alltm Lne ot Si
x per ceio l . fr roads
(r, \V. Cl 11.1 IA:AI, AI. I)., _, i tdatl,tetur p to , utansur
:,c, „k0131)-on all titttcertant triet
or piece
... Office 1131 l ' illacrt Street, (Old
din ttr , natt • , if wain nit Yor. font-
of lint! sum e. col In pfirsionve ot W.Lir Liit Nu. \ ' ...` 1 P " a I - 1
•.. • 4 c,..,9 £'To. 109,) below twelfth, 1
thousand 51x lithailed and ei6lity„ _ ,
font thousand nine hillidred and Curt% -three
- 1. 1 . 1 ; , containing nine hainlred .111.1 11111 eh et/11 tainint , nine h an d le d and ninety acres
rpm: Academie year v. 11l be di; Wed into ' . I r '-----.---
•tt acre:, and allon.ince ot sta. p. c ven . in roads :tut! allow • tnee tut' so, per cent. tor to.nis
1 three Terms of thirtLen weeks Lath. llie
.le .11.80 - 011 1111 that (Int tie Li lt iOr pie(( .1 .
\ * .o k. 1 'lo—Ott all that cot toll tract or ' COURT PROCLAMATION.
attr .I. erm will connuence. on Ntonila). De- , L
of ' Lau, surveye d in pin •
...lam e tu t ' Warta/a Nu ' '1
' '
ta 'el' tith, 185. Tne Spritt br bniann
I ,, ur thonsatul Mite handfed and toont -nine, P k." Of land surveyed in - nee of I HERE 1S the 1 ton Robert G. White,
ins will commence on 1 .11...0ni .. , April (all, c 4 , L ,.,. ) itiraalioug nine hundred and tune% %%arrant No. tour thousand six hundred • V V President Judge, and the How+. Jo .eph
*-,*, and the Fall Tenn cu 31o11.14:;. ...ku o ust „efts told
. 1 1, 0% , , ,,, f, ,, e, of Six per Celli). ion 101(1 .3 alai ' , ON eut N t !tree, 4 ,b 73, cont a110w ,. .- inn •
_}hoot and (1, ll• eOl 1 111, .1-...uciate Judge, of'
t .
).Lin, fa=il.he Court. ut Oyer ,%,, Termitic' and Geneh..l Jail
I Le. A LSt 1-04. .ill that ClniAlll trart Lounu 'twee handled and ninety, .tere., itild alloa an co
TEItAI S . or 1: m 1 , tii,owt in ptirsuaute ut ;tali runt Nu.
Tietion per terra tut 'anneal weeks, as fol. i , ti 1 i , d . f I d
ri I \ j . ofSix.pta Cent, In luatli A.L. .1.1...7)1 )--- an,' COM 1 and Do•irt of Common Plea% for the
, till 10II,dill ll.r. ill 1 rld alit L.,1, 1. - Jill. , .
)Isii t h e •t 1 • If • . t • I d • , d •
)11 a sits -ta , bun, foul it la. (name of Putter, have issued their precept,
-4.64, containnig nine hundred and ninety ' '
l'r . • •
a ,re Studie,-Reading. Spelling, aert s and Litton•ance of six per cent. for road. and ninety-Live acres and ailun duce of SIX bearing date the fifth day , of Angtivt, in
lls 1
ll '• AllthmoUra A-1/ -7 - " $2 .ti Le. A.1.t,..1.1-011 nil that Cel 11111 tract or piece per cent. tor road l o f . ta' t ..- t the t , ut our ts (.. 0., a tar in tae . , Lord one thou,and eight litin
Inanition Englith Biaticli s--Geogra.
.of land ..aiN eyed in plirsit Limq 01 WI 11 t/IL No. sur .. e• i • ,
.. ,
~ . ,4, drcil and titt% -se% eii, :lox to Inc directed, tor
; 3eu in inttsualiet. of. nairant IN°.
0 11 7. urthugraph), Aiiilinietl4. Ultil four thousand SIX hundred and eig - 11-ot7 • holding a Cou r t id o)er and Tent - date atul
t, . Tour thousand six hundred and Seventy- (,meta( Jail D. lit er,,\ . Q la: tin Sessiona of the
' 'alum - - - - " '‘' ''' 4 1, , 11 coat titling nine hundred and nint.t%
Par.ner I . .nglish Bram:lies - Natto.4 ' tl i A tWo 4 ti 7 '
at res au.. fIn..MLI.IICC Ot s ix ir.i. C (ILL! Atir road; .1 I -'' P.aec, Orphans' Court. and S. unit ul Common
rtultempli\, A 7trottion . ;, (.hemist!), St.. Al,BO- - On all that ( - Li tam tract or p iece' rightoffree in
iti.•\;D 1I ' AOA • Pica.:, tu dm Lorott e a 0, t o,ult rspent, ea lloV
nal Fret 1.- , oub in Algebra, - sou •N - ' - - i - , —rho
„ D 51 - , the 21 '2lst da) of September nett, and to
of land stir% eyed in 'Jur di live of ailrran. .o, .
II I h
atu.s chess and regress, In Nun/ throng to mune one utak.
oer lauthetuttie.-Algebra, (lethal- tour thouxand &Ix hundied and eight% -sin en.. 7
It. 7 -• . - - - 666 .i,67,1,, emit ;ming nine hundred and ninety, and 0% er the above deser(t)ed ttach, ince- No l tit el 5 thuelore hereby given to the Cot ,
I All'
Otge , -Latin, or French, 6 ("I acres and allonanee ot six ta r Lent !tor roads es of tracts and 'tweets of lands lull eve- onus, in •tit. L.- ut the Pt 'Lt. amt roil ,:ables
11 t,,,,,, , Greek, that thLy be then and thin e
, .1„, extra, - - - - 250 S:c, AlaSO-On all that certain (tat tor piece ry t• d • • ~ 1 tl .• .t t f . 11 • t "illoo 01* culotte,
pat an paha. Ital.° , 11l t, , (Al , - .
I 111 . 1 111111" extra, - 1.0 00
' ' of land servo) tti in plus.
W'ir'llt No*
ht It', bark hall! and t • k tilt' tt tut their propel persou4, at 11l o'clock A Nt. of
a ca " a y S ' ll -.1.1d (lay with 'kir rolls records, In.pusitions
bet)-.l'..unnent &Hedy rn ..Idranre, -- vaa four thousand t•esen hundred and 5,..% eat) - ' ~ - , ,
111 scholars who can 'rake legibly, teal be ;Light, 4.778, containing „a l e inind r „d „ di d timber trees how the said lands, an 1
t• a l so examination, and °aux remendnance4, to do
?Named to present all original Colllllo,,ition attiet; acres and alien ance of six per cent for the right to pile and store the, said tint- tho,e things s=loth to their Wheys apperiam,
u •te In Nu week., i and nude et:falai, to de- roads L,t; , c. AI.SO-On all that cerunn tract ber trees on. the s.tid lands when out and '•to be done. _ind those nhu are bound by
"all' (MCC in two seeks. . or piece of Ltnd burveed in pnrsu taco 01 tsar- divided into•lo , a and timber until th e ., their rexofoizrinces to pro.,ecute against * the
beard eau be obtained in private Families rant No. four thousand sesta' hundred awl .. pristWers t tlitt ale or shall be in the Jail Or stint
unveniently be hauled floated cf. , t b
comity 0 , 0 ter, are tu t . then anti there' to
ill II lilt) c, of 1 • 001115 cab be bad• hi the levente.uilie, .b. - t.: • • '
„I I • soar timni, nine tumor.. 1
, ,
„. I sante can t ,
. ,
,t , i,l c ' carne) away, and also th,, Tight to pro,eLnte agninq them as still ht Just,
in I.: , applying to the Principal. . and amid) du. , and allot% anee of ail per cent - or C
1 , , . r ~. Nel gait lith 18:77
I Tor rOdll4 Se, ..A7 4 n1F. , ..:011 an thilt eertaia trice build, wake and construct houses, roads Matti at Vottoar,rour, ~ g , ,
ift • HENDRICK has had the Preceptor , bi '
of La n d • r • db • 1 fur t he • , fh • 1- and the 814 Near of the Ind
it or piece s urv eyed in pursuance o mfr- an ile geB, nut post. o au lug , • ependence of the
4tl" ' Acldt Inv for the it • N: I dhundred • ' • • Lulled b•ates of Ametica.
pa,-t year. and It is raut .o. four t musan seven ruin.. naid talunt , awn) the loos and timber cut
wait .' A. C. ' l' At - M.O.T. Sheriff.
gnat tuisfaction we announce that• we' thirty-foul, 4,73-i, enntamiug nine hundred and 1 i
1 4%,. b e , , ano newed trodu the sai ' d timber lamb,
. 11 able to secure the eolith - mince of nitietN noes and allowance ta six percent, Lor .
""" Irt , The tiouitsl • d * ofthe pond s ' ac . Af ' 1 o a ll
ling con itian ponds v c. - ,txt - n t h at iet tamrm.
t I awl also all the ri!„ , :itt to llttn the waters
0..111, , ,,, 1,
, emit ) as been exhibited hy a larger . 11 " or piece of land sur% e‘t il ill plit•suance f natter in and u on the
ofand streams o ., p
~L. and Inure general C‘prest.ll/11 LA IAUTT.IIII, No. four thousand It hundred 1/1111 • said lands and &WIWI,' through tile same,
o than has e\ e b ....11 x , Tie t r • • i
,t, . , . r c e 1 c ue 1 licrc- tort), 4, • 10, containing Ain , I.Litidrcd Ilk"! •
to tlOilt and (tarty the log • s and duller flout
and me Trw.tee-1 flamer themseNt , matt.; acres foal allots awe or slx pin . t 1 ht... fur - .
sat an
d 1 . • , 0. • • • L"'
11:3 tht , sal I rt,_,ltt to tut and Car t • )'
11 11 tla renewal of 1113 engagement the.; ro tl tl '0 -I-0 11 that < : A r t ' .1 •
.1-s S t.. , .:, it alir ( 11 l t rac t ~.,
~trrsinout t h e ' I '74 timber trees front the said lands, , as
~ • .4' t.. '.sacs of_tha patron., of or piece of laud ;airs cycd In piirsuartre of war- l l Ai ; - ,
1 " ' O nt.) thus fat, • °rabic indicated, and rant So four tlion'anti seven hundred anti above deselibetl, and all and singular the
r ' ll l' tor tle •
100 f i
at stll a gent en ant full;t ta clay-Esc, 4,725, ,contalning nide hundred utherrHits and pis lieges aims e mentioned
r,),,,ent to sand
.•ht i ., ) , • •
11 1 1 1 11 r the (/anti of au intuit,- and ninety aeres nod allowaltee of siv per L Luc a d d e „ „er ih „ ,d , ue d „ n i t ~ ,, f ti ma i t _t, e o li th : L.
smunit3. ' fur road; Le. AL .- Al-On all that Lertalit
f.Lt REES, President, 1 1
, tract or piece of la d san In por •N u ,11( e ' .
- ILO and to be used and enjoyed, tor awl
U. IL (45 bItTON t'et s' ' I t - i of t X f tl • I - r . huntlreil
~ _ t warran ~ 0. on tomato sln during tho period of Fifty Yeartl, to be
I.EWIS MANN.. Trea=.urer, l 7.- !awl s 'yen• 4 . 707 , ( * OYU fining nine hautlfed computed flow the fifteenth dry Of r enru-
A \ WS FUENCI 1,• I ;•. land nolo% acres a l ol. 11 110%%Ance of . 5 , 14. PI -r ary, . i t. D. 1836.
i suittEiit Ito: , S, I rent tor r,, Ids kl/. 11,50--Ibt all that 1' er- ,„ .
nsaty J OLM , TI'D J i t Ito ti it tar pi , ....o of label ,• ir PI. ((I 111 poi -
cr I- es . l/ 0 .1, taken 1n execution, and to fie
port Not ill. i .:ii, am , .st nan .17.1 NO I four thound e cl. t i hai l ql . llli 8 , .. I,ll'. prr.pert3 of • 1 II.• :snakily
suoectime, /4
. tt
,t -r, " "
. -
,u,. i. II
AkPL.Lis, **
.171 JJu,6tl . -
11111 t - :;1. :
/LEA'S', "
Eucs, r 7 Doz,n,
!1.1, v . T0,1 7 .
J. 11E.N1)1{11'1C, Principal
n:ft , ..t_r7 , l-17 . 1,72 . .,,,-, -27+
;~ '.r . . - t - . b
IL OLIN CO., of the YiiteS Comity
V • Non:cries, have for , f,.ale lar;:..tse - and
valuable nssnrtincut.of FRUIT grillEES
of 1111` - varieties ItAtally enitivitted: `rItCA:
Tr6s are youn;:r and of rigforotni erb `i
qualities ate the most '61'114.4! lulostid art!
warranted ' a - . fine; m''otdi% of
10111s;AMENTAL 711 . 81:8 and SIIRVIIIILItY,
for fall delivery.
gi=irAddreA bnlerA td C. 13EACFLPen
Co.:V Ctrs N. Y.• 'Ordetri left irith 1101.3 V. IV.
NILES, Cuuderspirt, l'a., v. al be
:-filled:: lo:2—drAu-
art itie3 in the Di.w.z Fir fiir
E. K.
- . *-4, : e N ,41-g 4 t, s .1
25 , i , .- ,it i i, i _. „,,,,,,.!_„_, ;,...
"mini'iSy.'-.D:y ! e'is the J.',•4iithih.r.'" . : I: C
'Vim has had Id yfeais - e . Oriene - as a Banl-1 , -
i , ' er and P.uhlislier;aud ,A ult/beof ~,,-;',..
A,..:xf.ri's:o'ct ..:ietupii - ,4,,B;:diziti, : iii, -- :": . •0et,iiat1i.,!,..:
. - wliell, - for IQT,sbc!,:e . s.sivf,ulght.:., t 05...,:''F,.,;.,i.,,-'lc
'• ' ia'.5 . 0; 6 00"P.tY0,111 -.. 0
- Cieeted him. -- viith 'lllcitin'ils bf:;Applatise:;j.,.!: - .
while 'he, ,eNhillitil).lie.....thStrifer lir, 'Vyltleh ';,,,
• 'CjiniteiWtin•Cexed'ute'tlieir FratidS, it nd 1 ~.•"-;,
the Surest and. Shortest )leans of '`''''..;"
, -
.Deteetittz them : -.: ; t
The Bcn Sole Enuiarcr, 1111 sal that he is.o
`the giNtii.c.siVl4ge (ii Pitire."..Viinc.ii itehlij..! r ,,,"
GP. EALTENT DlSCO'freltl . ' er„ --
C 1
'1411 , , I'RESENT.CENTURY Fl>
It - 1 ••'..
- Defeirfii).sl, eptli)li•fejf liqkHi.. iOA i. - ~..,
Deserihing , every tl,....nuifie-13i1l-nr. Existencesi
• and E,..thiloiting, 4t.itgl L lttee_ every coon,
~, :7"
- „ • _ terfeit in..CirculatiOn 11, .
' Arranged so admirably that REFERENCE '''t
... ~- .. , - is...E,AS H I Y, And .'. . - . ,` l /,...-:
- ~..). -- .Nro. index , li)
. e - x.hinitle, I No pages to , ~.
hunt, up 1,. 1314 ; s0.,sip l pliiitd. and fyntlige4, ;,,.
;that- the „, 'lerehazit, . Banker; and `Business ; I +
-Mall Cali see , of/ ut tt d.‘o - nrr.. : . . :\ , 4. 0
, .
I Thus each .nety. read ! the same, in his. 0wn ,.. .5,
NA T/ V E ;:i.'USG CI; i -• . - , --t Perfect Bunk .'g ate List I?uldisheil.
' Also a!, .10. Of 1 ' ~
.k comp),..te swum:try I,i the: Ff..•iANCg 'CIF` •.
Euncirs .C . ,-.l.ltEen:S Wililic puldklied.,in each •
) edition, Wis.:l)4er with . all the I\ll'l/UTAST
NEVMS Or"f1 - 1E DAV.' Alqo ; - '-[ .
- - A -SERIES 'OI , '"TALES . -, - -ill
' From en Old :Ilatnmeript found -in the East. '.. 4
It flit'll . kiii'S OW 7004 t 41,irnillete Ilistor3: .,';
•or 0 riiiittil Litt , . • ••l e
describin g the .110.4, Prrplexing l'iAltions in
- whiell the Ladies need 'Gentlemen 'of thart.
i_s.mintry have been so ( - iften found. 'These .
Sttnica viii COntilll4ll 0111111010 a the, Wl/01. ;4
yeirr, and will - prove the, \lost Entertaining
ever offere,ito•the l'uldie.--r-1 1.---,
I 1,„1-,6:7 - -Eurnisl.:d 11'eeki'v to Subscribers ow..
lv - ut Si a year, 'All , letters mutt 'be atl-i-.,
dressed to - . . . Y', .•
JOHN. S. DYE, Broker,
Publisher and, TO lYatll Street'.
New-York. •• 1 •• • f.): :C
' • NEW C.+6OTYS,
Low Prices ainii 'Ready Pay,
AT :,411114!N
ofrering. fur. alc
a, alt entirely new, 5t9e)c,,.., colviisting of ,
VAI{E, 1301/3;
1V10)U'Iy - S.0: 1 11JES.,
11A1)1.1 I•4NICEE
In our P-le;:tions th.t,walti,t,-; all [lave betn,
remembered: Thu can tiud itt vox
sluek llendy , 11:4.1. e1e . .2,-uni
Fa- him; Li 1,, kn)istalitiol liu loess
stia, and re h Ve BAt4 s L l Mps and Batits . :::
• •
Shoos t:i inatrh..
Tie Ladle,: can find: rasi f lionable 'Bonnets
brJutifiiily trimmt d. or houriFts and trinnalitig ;
a good assortment. of ,l)resi Moods. and trim
ming: liosiev and
And. last Init. nut. least,, corded and skeleton
tSkitts ;Ituttatis,; ..Skirt-IVltalelmiie - Lind.
Brass Skirt-lloolm.; bitantllol Jet. Necklaces
and Bracelet:;, C0i•a1.44 Fan:, and. too iminy
oilier thine; to eiiiimerate, 7 7 - T all ot:11•11ittli we
arc selling low for (, LuOilmr., or any itiud
of Prochirit. 11.01:1:;;ME.A.t. eon
stantly. ott hand.
Sharon Center, Putter Oh, Pa., June 5
t i R.A.'S - GES ASO E.FiTOIS just reetivvll 1,; -
I._y 10:2 U. JL 11. GRAVES:
I ' itf 7
j) • 1 0
S ' lll - o . ;t. 1)11111Kr
fvw of lie will Luentioc:
J. R. STAFFu4I) Z CO.'o ) UT-IR. ~
(INES. 1
J. C. ..1.):Elt CO.'S Cillil 4 P.l' .I'ECTOILIL
Sze.,- iS, - .e.. SC. •
reif'd. Eit
I. Stafford -1, 0; :41 bliee Ta i
r s ap
plied and inhaled by Wi•arin'tc•on !SUM/lilt
eround the neck and 011 the I r reash 'IIIs.OL
IVE olyr.s,ii , ,N•r is applied-W. irre the 'skin is
broken, alid is a popular renil ' y where knoWn.
Good for the Whoop)° , (...uu.;ll. ~" 10:2.
•i +t , .
• At: I )1 TO NOTICE: ,
- V ()TICE is he eliy . given, the AuditOr
/..1 appointed by tae Court a Corinfion Pleas
of Potter County to•inake dietribuiiOn of the
proceeds' of tt:e sale of real 11 tote hi the case'
of 0. B. Goodman for the us 4 ,ot: A . Bruner*
John 31: Killn)urn. of Pehr*ry Tenn 'lBstr,
So, 2i';; will 'attend ro the du Of hiSuppoi nt
nicht at the office of the Prothiono-ary, on Sat
urday, the' 22d day of August next, at three
o'clock in the afternoon' cif said day. 'All In 4.
s!nis intere4ted in the said diltributiou are de- ,
sired to :Attend if they think 14oper.
• 11.1 01.31 SUD, Auditor.
Coudersport ; July 2,2;"1.8caL r --td.
- _ _ _ __________ _ .
AT_TlilTOtt'S NOTICE. , 1
0111 ICE is hereby given., ilbit-the Anditor
appointed by the Court of Common Pleas
of t'otte'r County to make distribution of the
proceeds of the sale of real estate in. the ease.
of William Cobb es. William; Perry, No.. 141
Jane Term, 1835, and_ llobinson 'Nelson es.
Samuel Rodgers, of Deeembe- t le in, 184, No.:
51,. will attend to the that tit his. appoint
,at the office of the. Prothnuotary,
urday„. the 22d day of Augtilt - .next l .ift one
o'.eroek i, the afternooß of Avid day. -All per
suns having Judgment or other liens against
the said estate - ,4re desired-to tittend and pre
sent.l,heir clauns, ;{
-LI. J. OIALSTR, Auditor;
' .Condersport, J %ay- 22, 1857+,-ttl.-.
Tittneuis - .l".:llart,' 1 ..Nii.."1 1 1:i Scilt:' Term; 1557.
'l4:' - ' - InlitellqMnjon Pleas i t) f
E'Szabeth 'Hart. - Ptitiite CotOiy: !".
..- - " ` . "LIBEL iii Mvotie.: -- : '---., •-*
• And now,'to "wit.; - .fitly '!ilS - 1 1 t . 1857,• - tilSitt
!Kelm and alias Subrio.ina 1i iv been issued
auld returned'lVihit in , this ease; - the said rea
-1 pondent, .17:14,,natcrtt.1141{ - ,, il ; hereby required
to,appear in ;:ad Court, on the 21,t. day ,of
Selifenther next?... io'aulitititlitt ,; eBinalii - int set
forth by tlie.Litielti . ?it.' .. ' ."- . ' .." ...
10:-,9. ' 'A: C: ; TAGGART:'SbeiifT. •
ITE NV GOO l / 67 - 7 .. ! 1.. T4trge
.. E;ortalikait
1(1a 9E.M5it 'S.
Q. WEE C uranufaiLiiz
0 lvind :it' `K:
10:2 •
1.0 - . A. ANT) E,X AMINE qv.) -GOOD
'.llust reteir'ed by 0 LAI ST ED'S.-
- 1
Of 11ji gre ? t,:fi r st c anse
. 'Wow mem' or
mien "a . Ct4ie t 8 gait a t
• '' -.!
''"''.- '',IN A ALT' 't.A.G.V.s.,fiSt: . t-,'•f -1`.. , •, , ,d
,SV.,OIML7 DiStASN.S..,—; i :
;5eq . j . ....-16gsFii:ar.recria. Dthiliiir; 5tr04ti.6,,..g.004 1
. G rope! f Pio.bwet, .Diseasce' 0.4€411, Oblek.f, d-,
j Bladder"
~ .ktfercuriai ,Rhrupi,atifin t ,l.4fo &thz,
::. I 'tiiiieiti Itii l'inie's iv:id .A.tikt6, , 'Dtseirsei * •\
‘l l
1 ./..t,Tgs,..7.7trout„iVese an,d Eyisi-,l7lversW I l liff .i
Body pit l f int2a, Cancers, Dro4.4e, 1."17 . ef1(c474 t i p
'• M. vii#l . 4 ! .D,4pce,,i m d al.4,:distitssel.ertf.+WAY*.4
i •
q 4 , ;:gli:yey!eiit of tP.q , .:0 , th'ek.m5 . .....,... ~ ,:i t A
IQ 1.71)13 as:Nervous Trembling..LOSS Or 404+
I JO orY; Joss Of , Puiver„..Gerterali .allodufeysir t t
' Dimness 'Of Visioniwithpeculiaripottappnaig . -
1 - • 4. o
Lug before the eyes; Loss
,o£ - pight4 wakett 4 c -
news, Dyspepsia, Liver Disease,ilruPtionsitipotsi
f the face, Pain itt the•Liack unfit head, Fetplic
'I. irregularitiesanti al L improperaliichergesStatliv
iboth sexes, :.• , It. matters , not frO -hind:A:2o=i
the disease originated, , hfae' m ver,:l6ng stattdirtV •
I, or o bs ti hate: the case,.recorery is' ccrlak4l4. 144
a shorter time than a perttumentculecatibeeti , '
fected by any other treatment, ev lifter ass' .
t disease liqs ba filed the skill of eminent physl :
',, clans and resisied all their inetrils'orcure.,Thei
medicines 'are pleasant withoutodor,camidagnifi i
! 'sickness and free from mercurY .or , htdosist,j . a .
I. During twetity. years of practice; I-have reseui4.
from the jaws of Death, many thCoUsailde f tyhot,!•4
I .a the lust: .triges of the above ntentioneddlfii
eases had been given bp• to die bytheir physi.v.,.
duns, which ttyarrants Me in promising; to'lhvf,ti
!afflicted, who may place themselves. under 14 i
, care, a perfect and most speedy. cure:.: Secfret'i
I' Diseases are. the greatest, enemies to hettltit s fis ••J
- they are the first cause of Consurciption; &aut.; \ -
a fa, and many other diseases; end should toe fit , .
terror to the human family. , . As , a permettelit
' cure is scarcely ever effected, a:majority olds°
1 cases falling into the hands , of Incompetent
i persons, Win) not only fail to curecthe diseases .
hat Duff, the constitution, fillingther. - system'
a ith Incrcury, which, with. the - , diitease, bad
; tens the sufferer into a rapid ennitiniptiott.
t But should the diseaseand -the ' treaitsiintt i
not catise'thiath speedily and'' the'il l etiriiliSt-,"'l
I rius, OM diSitt.e'is chip - fi64 . .49n thWetiiYdrtiti:!:
1 alto are herb- With''ffieble tconitiiiitiOns:tithirt,
the current of life corrupted by a virttil:whioC,l
1 betrays itself in Scrofula, Tetter ,
Ulcers; , griat.i.'- '
i dons and other afVectious of the „skirl,. Elio,
I Throat and Lungs, en tailing upnillit•ifniebriar i
1 existence of sufferifig aria 4 eciusifigiiing that; ,
w "11 early grave. • ' . .
tiEl.l 4 ' ABUSE is another formidable enemy .
to health, tbr nothing else in the dread unto,-
logue . of 'tannin ;diseases causes so deitructive .
a drain nitOn the system, drawing itttt thousands,
of •vietims• through . ii.`ibw‘ yunrsOfsuffetiltyt
down . to an Untimely „,erraVe.'• 'lt deittioyiii!tifet'•
Nervous system, rapidly Wastes stiVdy, the . 'on•••
t: 11..3 Of life, causes nientill'•derangeitibisti•
prevents the proper development Of the
t! ttititt I i ties for marritige, •
.so'ciety,..t - busitieitS 4
and all earthly htippinesß, and - leuves
fer,•r wreel.•.d in hotly 'told
to t•tot -Inaption 'and tt trhin - eVilsinditotobir .
dreaded titan - death iffielf. , ' Widi:the. fullest
confidence I assure the.unfortunate.,victinwof
- Soil-,lbuse that a perniaiteuVau4ssmay..COM
van bc adected, at.d with : the abandimuttentsei
ruinous praptices my patients catElse.restOrcat
to robust, vigorous health. :I
Th r utilieLcd arc cautioned, against-Abe , tteel:
of Patent. Audit:lutes, for, there- , are; so E tntluyt
I uguit ions snares in the eolumns.of
prints to catch stud rob :t.lie.:,unwai3r.ituffe,teli'.
that millions have. their :constitutions:ruined:
by, die wile compounds of quack 'doctors, or
Cite equally poisonous nostrums vended as
••Pa tent Medicines." l have carefully analyzed
many of the to -called Patent Medicines. stud:. -
find that nearly nli of - them contain Corrosive
.üblituate, which is one : of the strongestpre
partitions of mercury and :at :deadly poison,
‘vitielt instead of curing theldiseaset disables
tile system fur life. •
Three-fourths of the patent nostrundt;n9Vrt
in use are put up by unprincipled apd ignorant
perioits, who. du not tindergand;:eV,eu. the al- 1
plat bet of the wider/it ttiplie(r,•andp„re equally
as destitute of any knowledge. of the.. human
system. having , (met object ; only in 'view,. and.: •
that to tuake money ; regardless of comp:gum
lrreg,nlarities and all disease& of-mules and
fentalcs.treated on principles established by
lwceuty_years of praaiee, nud. sapetio 4 pti
thousands of toe most.retnarliahloettres., Med.
icines with full directions st , tit tootny..part f .9e,•
the 11:;I:te , 1 ealiadas; hy- I pAtiets,&."
coinhiniiie&ting thCir''symploins hrleftit.:—
Business cori4ls'pondeude:- . slifetlyreonlidentio.l.;
Address. •,- • ..,•• •
J. S CTaraTEßvlr LE:11 . 3)', -..,-
:Office Np. .1,131
(Old No.
- •
10:671y., anow, TWELFTH,'
•7 . •
Couutv of PuctcF, ys_:C. ar. Janata
\V. Stuitt. • • .
.....Trcistees- of .I;lizig4am ;40414
County of Poiti:r, 'vs'. E. Joh4stori k JPMef.
,2d. •'
Val. McDougall, ca. Jrio. M. Kilt?oru,' ft
Rufus Rice. . .
C. Aylesworth,.ys:..X. P. ginard. -.-
George Andrews, D.
, C.'Evelin.:•Jr. vs. Jonnthon Card, !- •
• , 13enj.: Smith, vs..lsaute - Lynrn.• ) ;•:,:4= - •e
like Township. vs I). ChappeL ',- •
Wharton Sehool District, v4:JuliusJohohn.
Isaac Pearee, use ut*Doty,& Doty; VE4'Friatik
lin Gale. - • , • -•'.••••••71:.
Lrci Annis, vs. W. T. -- JoneEi.
E. 31. Carpenter, vs. Chas. Arrostrotvg.:7o 44
liirak Niles, rs, L. I). Williams.
Elins Ns. Ilurciii.dl:Cartieliter.Lq".4
I). 11. Brown, vg. LeonirtßDaviit. .
Bogert Cusliitig,.vs. 11.13410 de4iislOY.l l
liana: Haven; vs. A.1.1t.: - Beittoiyi,....=? .
• George - ....kryersi , vs.Vm.'Perryi:
Vesta. CI • '•
Win 'l'. Jones, vs. Jackson &
A. W. Williaintlii; . Datfiiiir. DunbSz.,
Thomas D. Lillie; - fiOckirtr.ightb
;Jukcs : l.; ligobttFd, - vg.4l,,Stovettvou.r-r
iqsjat l
Collins splith4xsill'oexis.',S.TCarporites'.
C. W. 110we;&.Voixs - .'W.:TiJokti 1.
,tiiircitnel4;4: T. •;;Itiz4.l=ito
Jones. r,
Gilbert k vs, ji iß ik •
W.. - Seely, vp.:lrtn.l",erry;,
•P. ea rpt.titiT,''yst •Ifich
• G Vosliurg, 4 31.'4. . " `
• - Ot.'tia'ret,`Pt s ?i,h,,t.".;,.,%
COutteisliort, Aug. 3t11657." • • •
E A 11,11.A.-tf
- uujerslanel lidught !Oft' !tit
. forinei.' 'Owners:of the Leirfgville! i l3tObi
Grit Mill ere 'now prepiiredinlill'idtiiiitier
4E.grin4ing . ,,s they bplieve,,,.4 l
Ili L n of theire.A4ifisnes.::.Covfoe atilof!t,l,(lf
. ' , ..O!A.T;Erk
" ;... •• • • i •ritAYll)N" Lt*is:
, , , .