The Potter journal. (Coudersport, Pa.) 1857-1872, August 20, 1857, Image 1

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51N0141 , 1 COPIES, 1.
vow= X.--NMEU3EII. 10.
rtaudsocu BVERY .110104:i0,' BY
• •
Ti/O . S. S. Chaim,
'To: whom all! Letters and .Communication 3
...ihauld be addressed; to secure atteutum.
Terms•-.lnvarlably In Advance:
Sliiire [id lineal 1 insertiun, - -
•• 3 .L
gia h 9ulisiiht4alusertionlesithan 13,
Square three mouths, . 1 SO
" Sir i " 400
t' ninoi "
.. .
8 " uno - 'f .year, . . 1.; Ou
A...lis laud ugurc woik, per. sq., 3 ins. . 3 00.
,Liery sub.equent. iniertiuu, --.-- . 'SU
i, ,Coltiinu• sir : months, 18' uu
44 , sit .1
,01, , 10 00
3. ".. pc#-year, 1 30 UU
. 4. -
it. oi.)
Administrato/L- or Execinor's.Ninice, 200
..Auditor'i Noti ces; each, :. 1 50
Znariir's Sales, per tract, 1 1 50
./ilsrriage Notices, rash, ' I Ou
Driehaus or Professional Cards, each,
nut,excedin,„+ , 8 lin e s. pet year, - - 500
;Simi:inland Editorial Notices, per line, lo
• tfor4.ll Sintisient 'iLlicertiseutents must be
ip aid ia , istivaioe au.l-no:ubsiee Ival be taken
our tikivertisetunt.i . Ttiitii a distance, unless they
are asistupitaled by the niciney or satisfaetury
refersuee._ - I .. 1
7'911.e Editor. .] The X. Y. rribanc: I
SIR : In your leader .respecting my
gifts of land to colored Men; yuit find more
occasion for cominciiding me and for
blaming theta than the ease really affords:
!It was utit I, but my father, who toiled
to pay for the land: _lt is easy to Wive
away what we easily get. -1
I 1 sold the best and gave away the poor
!est of my laud. Some of it was 'given to
'schools, sonic of it -to white men, and
sonic of it to colored men: . My Consent.;
ring to sell any of it shows that Lwas per.
taps a better land-reformer in theory than',
in practice.,-
1 confess that my expeetations.from this''
measure have not been fully realized. Of'
the three thousand colored wen to whom'
I gave land', probably less than fifty . have
taken and eentinne, to hold possession of
their granta. What is worse, half of the
!three thousand, as I judge, :have. either
sold their land, or been so careless as to
I allow it to be sold for taxes.
Much, hi : mover, can be said in excuse
for thew. I;The, great bOdy •Of the land,
which I gaVe to colored men, in in the
' Counties of, Essex and Franklin, Some 20
to :_lO miles west of Luke Champlain.
The Winters there are long; the snows
deep, and the soil: thin. White men who
dwell there] can support their families only
; by veryll44.l - work and very frugal habits.
Why, then, considering the : character of
the colored4wople, should we expect them
I to do much in such a country? Most of . A New Star in the Wed.
the parcela I gave them in the central
We observe in the ifisaoars Democrat
part of tlwkState they are occupying. Is ; -
some of the lint fruits of the emancipa
it unreasonable to suppose that they would
'he occupyiiig the : other parcels also had Lion movement iu that state '
!they been equally inviting ? '.‘.The sales of public lands in this
I referred to the character of the col-, l triet, within the last sixty days, have
ored people. It is improving, but still far reached . 400,000 acres—entered almost
I from what, it should be. .peons them exclusively by persons from the free states
are intellentlargely
aud noble men and Women, —Ohio and Pennsylvania being
but the in' i ass -fire ignorant and thriftless. t represented among the purchasers. 'this
Yon and 1 have the right to compl a in of amount, of entries exceeds that of the
them, since we have demautted justice ' in three previous years at the Springfield
their behalf, and Intik: not contributed to office :
I form and perpetuate their Undesirable Our readers will recollect that the land'
character. It They have nut this right who, register at Warsaw,ipublished in this pa-1
deny- the'til manhood and shut them *away per, some weeks ago, that SUQ,OUU acres!
from the ballot-box, andschool, and out- had been entered in that district within !
nibus, and table ; and 'thus do what they about the baffle length of time, am! that I
can to neeessitate a bad character in the the (dike was in eonseqUence closed until I
colored people. - • fUrther notice. About two ' thousand;
Our .culured people complain of your; acres per day are being catered in the
treatment! of t tem. 1 think myself that Jackson district. At Palmyra there are
lit is sometime,t too rigorous, though, in; only, we are informed, about 5(1,000 acres
i the theinlil .ti • nlidly approve it. You :of government land .now subject to entry.
I are their tfriend in demanding that they !In the northwestern 'part of the state,
i shall, by theirowu good conduct, redeem i emigrants: are crowding in: fram lowa,
i themselves frem their deep debasement! where lands have become too - .high for
I You dealibitt, justly with theM, when you! actual sailers to purchase. They have
I declare •that their own .bad influence - 00es ; consequently turned their attention to
fnrther.than the arts of the : Worst srave-1 M i ssouri, where lands at reduced- price-s
holders to uphold - Slavery. ! ; ;, can be had, and a milder climate, and al
SO far "from! making I
aking their wrongs and more fertile soil offer greater inducements;
outrages ;lan excuse for their continued to farmers. The prospect Of Missouri
! depredation, thefree colored people ahould, becoming a free state is a, settled convic
lin *View
Hof these: wrongs - and , outrages, I Lion in the of the' people of the
arouse theuitielVes to the irresistable - de , ! tiorth;aud to this significant' fact we owe .
; terotinatie!t Mutual and surpaits their per
I thlii:unharalleled activity in our laud mar
secutors_ allthat honors manhood . They I ket.'.' , . • •
; should El‘ear, that they will he' Pariahs These facts*. eloquent! . They show
!mid lepeti nO lenger. To : this end, .they how . promptly emigration respoudi to the
'should qUit the Muls in which' they are call fur labor-iullifl; slave states, and how . ,
wont '
te and: Where . tlry, are 241phi - ie.:the: remedy, ter, i - the deeayingi
! but servants,: and sliotild scatter themselves tendencies :! ik,moutilterg society. bile
ever thelcoutatry in :the capaeitY far- their 'dc uiagogneS arc :qinirrelliiig; With !
niers and rmeChanics.:: They should CeaseeVery !one Who will:not:make - the .propa-1
;Tree, thel;blibit . er -vr:tAing their!' earnings jtiOn of Slavery the chief end or - ”;ertf- I
in Itetio4ical hulls. They should Iteltnr llntent, their lands are wearing _out under
lir& their lips with intoNicatingOrinka nor' a *retched and inillovqrisliing system of
defile them ; with tobacco.. ThCy should !culture, labor is become more scarce with
serer so!! Warupon their self-respect as, to !them, their property is.depiteciating,:their
join a church which epares :Shiveity, ; pr ; enterprise discouraged, their schools are
join a . p4litiCal- party which knoWS Ixiv for ! &gelled their newspapers stop - , and 'final-
!:;lavtiry)) . t:' ; ' 1-Ip.prirate and publicly , bankruptcy -
It wad, perhaPs, neet - Iless fOr 'me to Fay banging lihe.a hhiek to
ti4,,oyer the;
• even this little in ; reply to your article:be-I states under the control 4if thia -Clais of
fore sue;' Our ;Colored people, well UMW I men. now soddenly,is the , prospect
that, for nearly - iignafter of a eentur.*, - ,,My changed in -Missouri within -the short pe-,
- ALLEGANY :.-lIQUSE, ; lips and pen !hive been urging theth to - nod of two years, or less, by the free la
s.ailtTE4 MILIs; i. ro p r 'kt o r, c,,,K:A„ rg, SaVe-t4mielve*And deliver: their enslav- bor Movemeuts of the independent, and
rouerco.,•Pa., seven toiled north of con-led races • ! GERRIT sma.4. !rigorous band, of young statesmen to
4.rspuri, tau the u:_44 l'eteArdro, Aug. 5, 12'.57. I whose bawls fortunately, the future :des
- ',IOIIN s: MANN,
cogderlipori. Pb., will attend the several
Courts hi P,:ut,;er and .ll'Kean Counties. Ali
esitrumod in care will receive
ibruntpc ftt.tl4.ttion. • Unice tin Main a., Oppo
- tits ‘'ourt. ' l , 10:1
ATTORNEY ,AT LAW, enuaertpurt. Pa.. will
rigatrly attend the Co:urts in Putter and
thr adjoining Counties., 10:1
AltTllUlt G. OLMST E
Coudersport, Pa.. will aittend to all bthcioel.s
entrusted to his• care, With protoptues and
fidelity. Unice in Tem:ler:Luce Block, sec
ond floor, !fain Si. 10:1
ATTORNEY AT LA W,•Ctittder.e.port; Pa., will
attend to all business entrusted to him, with
care and liromptuess. Office corner or IVeL4
and Third ats. 10:I
ATTORNEY' AT LAW. Well,horti. Tioga Co..
Ps., will attend the Courts in Putter nud
ll'Keatt Counties. 9:13
A., I'. CONE,
ATTORSF.Y AT LAW, NVtilliitioro', Tioga Co.
Pa., will reirtilurkv uncut! the Courts o
Potter Comity. 9:13
R. W. .BETO.,
Sloud 0., (All -pay Putter Co..
atteutl to all in his Hue, with
taro au.l dispatch.
-W. K. KING,
ANCER, Suiethport, .SIK - rau Co., Na., will
attend to busiuesi for non-re,:ident and
lsoblera, upon reamniablu tcrut: , . Referen
ced given if requiy<4. P. uf any
pan. of tlo County :Oath: to-ortik,r. 'J:I3
0. T. ELI4SON,
I'U#TICING I'll IS It.7IAN, Coutlerspor.l, rat.,
reslicetrully iutorma dm citizen. of the vil
lage and vicinity that he trill promply re
blatipi to allAi:111s for prufessioual services.
tHatee,tpm Main et., iu building formerly oe
tupied by C. Y. ins. Esq. 9:22
. 1.1 1d MANN. A. V.
DEALERS t;l)t)l)S, Clttle ki F.
~410 f 4wa. t c, Roptn.* Gweeries and
Psurisipu.i, *Main st.,..l:uutlersport,
- • 10:1
:113(106 .* -- N. A. .141 NI.:,
~ - . 5' 3 11.131 AL JUNES,
D Ai Lilis:Br-4)1:170s, .4E:Diet:SEM : l'ArsTE3,
r aux! ArtiekA,Statioucr ; v,l4:, Goods,
eitozertei, Slititi et. , Coudersport,
. . .p; E..ol l ,lS'rEll,
. .ttltY: G661./S, READY-MADE
botbing, CroZ:kery, Main st.,
Cuudtrsporf, Pa. I 10:1
' • ", M. W. iIIANN
. . • ill
AAINt..;S and Music, N. W; corner of Statn
*HA Third ins., Coudersport, Pa. I0:1
• •
• :; , -E.AL:-I.IAIIItINIGTON. --, '
Coudersport., Pa., haring engag
-1,11 N.:W.414W ..iak!ey is Jackson s
piorel•lkirrA4ry:AsH4l), WAtai.aud Je4elry
A tilt, aziortucent - of Jew
titt, cons:antlfhand. Watclica and
JewelrYenieitilij• relialred, 'in the liest .t:t3 le,
(alll4c4llcircrit. noti ce---all work w,arricnced.
• • •• • 9:24
lIENitY. 014,USTED)
(srecrlioer 'to ]Alfl i 4 W. Hurru,)
WARE, M ain . st„ oppo.,ite the Court
•-likinte,.ConderSinkt,- ht. Tin'tfu4l- Sheet
lrou Wure'tunde to order; itygood style, on
short notice. I 0:1
.:61..1,5341gEi Droprietor, Comer of
_. /fain and 4e5004 Streets, Coudersport, Put
-_ - . u:4-1
. . . ~ .
. . .
'.. ,'...': ''
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igg• , :. Alt 4 ' , .• ..
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• ,4ilettett
•,4 : • *
-* -x * * *• *
And when in youties.too fleeting hours
Ton roani the earth alone,
And hate not 1 4 oilkht'someloving lean;
- That yo May wake your own:
Remember woman's priceless worth,.
And think when'pleasureS
,That little fools will love towunieli,
But gTeat ones nut at all.
$1 5u
And if a friend deceived you once,
Absolve pour finnan kind,
Nor rail agaimt.your fellow-man
With malice in your mind ;
But in your daily itivrcoune, •
Remember, lest you
That little fools confide WO much,
But great ones not avail.
grierttli Bis
Letter froni Mr. deirlt 56161.
(retioteb to till, ce.rili:ipies of lege "iseilliqqtioll of gitmittiv
The Deed for the Sale of the
Main Line—Deautifial piece of
The , act the. &Tuna; says' the : Herzig..
burg relegra' fik of the Stith, Was finally
executedthis morning,- by the signature
of A. G. Curtin, Esq., Secretary of the
Commonwealth :of PenusylVauLs, to the
deed conveying the Main. Lin e, of Public
Empriiveuiinits. to the Tenusyliiania Rail
road CoMpany. These iniprovenientS, for
Which . the Suite has spent an, enormous
amount, of Money, have finally passed into_
the hands of a company of the best busi
ness men in the Suite, and it remains to
be seen' whether they will be able to man
age thein. iu suck a manner as will re
want the stockholders for their heavy in
vestments. The State having' lost large
ainounts -in their management; we hope
'that the company. may
.meet with better
success, and be amply paid for their trou
The 80th day of July may, therefore;
bet hailed as. a 'day. of RELIEF by the tat
payers of this. great State. Their State
debilas -virtually been.'redueed this day
oi, DOLL.A.46 j the Pennsylvania railroad
It.*ving paid that amount in Mishima bonds
to the State Treasurer of Pennsylvania for
the works-, and this money u►ust be ap-
Pliedimmediately to the reduction of the
State debt—although the company does
not pay the whole amount of the purchase
money M'casii, yet they will pay interest
on iheir l bouLts, consequently the people
will be-relieved from the payMent of in
terest on the Srate debt to that amount.
The deed. as executed is written .imt
parchusiint in a bold and plain' hand;
handsomely bound in Turkey morocco in
folio form. The book containing the deed,
contains also, a handsomely embellished
title page, decorated with a beautiful coat
of-arnis and other suitable devices; the
act providing for the sale of the
Line; the proclamation of the Governor
offering, the same for sale are also bound
iu the book, and finally the receipts the
purchase money and bonds to the amount
of seven millions and a half, signed by
the proper accounting officers, closed this
pleasing drama.
Subsequently the Governor made prcie
launitimi of the fact, and frorn and after
Saturday last all the officers on the main
line were iu the employ of the - Railroad
Company. How long-they will remain so
depends on their behaviour, as inefficiency,
neglect, drunkenness, dishonesty, and of h
er relics of State management will no
doubt hereafter meet with prompt reward
in the shape of a dismissal.
tiniea of noblelatate seem
be mut - tatted.
The faeta Mated by the Democrat! go
far to confirm . an ;impression we have
indulged foi, some mouths part, that Mis
souri will . never again give her Presi
dentialliote.for a aluVety propagandist.-=
N. Y. .Ree. Post.
Third I'Week of the Constitu•
- tiohatft 7 7otreetatiost..-
mipiesutimi, July . 31..,
,t4,ll_thci attention of the p'co
.plirto the fact that the third we;:k of the
sssion Of the Constitutional; Convention
will close tautorrow i , and us yet: there is
no sign Of yielding on the part of the
Democratic- factious! minority, Who meet
once a day-- in theCouneit Chamber.—
They have raised.* last. man they can
procure en any,pretext, to take part in
their illegal! deliberations,. and they only
number 541-just one half of the number
of members which - they . claim that the
Convention consist.* of.. Thus they have
met and ,adjourned„ doing nothing, . from
day .to day. • .There: they . are,- with six !
Pembina teen-seated as " Delegatfm," two
of whom never received a vote for the
place which -they hold, and .the third a
resident of Hennepin Count:4 .
They have, finally Concluded to. go-on
with.. this lifty-foutHbeing, less - than a
quorumand , make a Constitution
Judge Flandreau . shakes his Goveinment
gold at the Itepublieans; and brags that ,
the AdutinistratioW;and Congms are on
their side, and willanction, their edit
stitution let, what May. happen. These
! men, in fact, care not what the people of
Minnesota thenk 4th:dr course. Their.
reliance is upon GoVernment money- and
Government rascality. .The legally-organ
ized Convention is still hard at work,
and progressing rapidly with its business.
It -almost seems that its members will
have their ConstitUtion completed and
before the people before the bogusites
commence work. ,The minority worthies,
may restassured they have ant themselves
into a mortal warfare with their oppo
(milts, and there will be no letting. up on
that side. , .
... From all parts of the Territory we
have the must gratifying intelligence of
the firmness of the Republican masacs.
The people of our party feel that their
representatives are right, and ' bid them
stand firm. During the past week many
of the delegates dace been home, and
(hey all report, " all right." Large and
enthusiastic meetings have been address
ed iu Steele and Waseca eountie , ,
Messrs. Cogswell :and MeKune, and in
Winona by Mr. Wilson. The people
say to these gentlemen, "We know you
are right—go ahead !" On the other
hand, the Democratic press and the Dem
ocratic people, either say, nothing, or else
condemn the course of their members.
The St. Cloud AiteertiFer (Democratic)
considers both parties in the wrong.
The Influence of Slavery on
the flue Arts.
An interesting essay on the "Moral!
Influence on Slavery on the South," is
contained in a pamphlet recently publish
e t ] by John P. Jewett k Co., of Boston,
entitled " A Reply to 'Prof. Bledsoe's Es
say -/
onilAiberty and Slavery." This pam
phlet is-written by an intelligent citizen
of. Virginia, and contains a firm but dis
passion;►te protest against. what. the writer
calls the great heresy of .Calhoun, that
slavery is - a blessing.
We Make the following extract from its i , 111-h
pag .
es affords a curious illustration ! won:Wed . :llan tnke . n to liighspire,
when Dr. Rutherford; lot our city, was
of the state of the tine arts at the capital
summoned, who after feadti lig -the, mast's
of Virginia : .
itrain, ! Intl tt:iiiat'ilng ;it,' and arranging,
" There was once in Richmond a saloon , the splinters of the , adjaeent.parti of the
of antiquities. .We remember in that col- skull in a proper niatiner,_ inforiiied him
a - -liediec;aa Venus, a! that was Al he;coulit - do-for him: !With
leetiOn an Apollo,
Burghese-Gladiator and a LatkoZin. Some t hi s the womideo.
evidence of utter want of taste fir the. f t" . t his l at
CC , ra s c,, • mum
line arts may be - found'in the- fact that; Leyalsoak.' , lire doubt it the experience
thest.prieelesstyps of ancient- art . have; ofany member of theinidicalprofesaion
disappeared, and in vain L i m a some de- , !'eigi -show.a sinailar.ta o•tothe
votee to the sublime art of sculpture ;.. 1 , a ! ,
quire whither l!' - A ittlitzTlFUl• among
~• •
',"We might suppose that some rapaci-; the Alleghenies there is a spring; Aso small
Ousi;Vorres, abubst - conipensating for the! that' a ; single!, Ox, 'On a - summers day
vice_ of avarice by an appreciation ; of . the it I chjr.. ; It steals - its titioblict
beautiful, 'goof . /
. I)lilphOremit-as fiu•it sive. way:in:m:o the hills, till itl - sbread:s
aLstutero,' had , Secretly; in 'the dea r th Of l'Otile the ! beat:Of:lV . Ohio: Thence
-taste - elsewhere,!, appropriated' these- Mas-1 streac hes away a: thonsand leaving,
terpieces tic the : decoration of his own on its bankS More than. a hitndreil 4iiiages
abode. , . •• • • and' and many cultivated'
"This would have been our , own solu- i .bearing its bosOni More'
tion of the mysterious abstraction of these; than 'half a thousaud,'iteamboats: Then
valuable models fur the student of design, tioining the; Mississippi, itatreateltei away'
were it' not that one of our raniblesland iinray some twelve hundred Miles till'
brought us suddenly- in amazed and sor- ;at falls into the great - emblem of eternity.,
Towing coniiiet i with- the nubleA of them !It is one of the great tributaries of the .
all, the.. Lac.oiin, 'defaCed, mutilated, and !ocean, which, obedient only: to God, shall
weather stained, intim yarffotthe ruedi- !Toll and roar till the.angel,.with one foot
cal college, side by .side With the - hul,, , eliart the, sea and the! other ori the land,
bone of the fosSil tuastodon, as little to• !shall litt up his hand' to heavenand 'Swear
prded and' certainly less Comprehended ! that time shall be no longer. : So' with
than the :nighty relic of the greater mas-:mortal inflUenee. - 'lt is' a rill-4a rivulet
ter, whose hand formed the one-aud whoSe river,' an ocean, boundless and -lath
inspiration dictated the other. 7 ' •
_ioinlesa as et6rnity.+4,:rcha
iii. "Bacbaoan '» *iwthern
. s pe e ch • posuire'. ". •
. eh of Senator Brown;'of
to - - : - day'S: paper, throws addi
tional !anti highly important light upon
the secret policy of Pnasidentllnchanan,
aswell as: upon the pitifessiona - and pledges
upon which he 'obtained • his - nomiaatton '
which' Senator Brown was one of ;the
committee appointed by .the !Cincinnati
Couvention to commumeate to him..
.The aelnienence o the South in the
nomination of so untAable a man as Mr.
Buchanan has always I bail a strange ap
ptrance, and gave lismn for a suspicion
of a secret uriderstatuling betvreen theitwo
parties, and . of concessions by the nomi
nee more liberal- thanl it would be pru
dent to disclose to the country at large;
and now we have dui 'proof "strong us
holy writ" in the authOriiatiit declarations
of his chief southern sPakesinan, the Sen
ator from Mississippi.
It is :well known • tliat ,in Mississippi,
Brown. speaks fot Mr. Buchanan; and is
at' the head of the. Administration party,
as distinguished from' the states-rights 'or
fire-eating faction, l+ded by General
Quitman . and Jefferson Davis,, Brown's
senatorial colleague. . Senator. .-BroWn's '
Mr. iiekaustis- behalf are
therefore virtually of an official chliketer.
We do not doubt that-the 'President
would desire Mr: Brown to keep the in
formation communicated in the speech
published to-day to himself, but the exi
gencielf of a hoe contest for a reeleCtion
to the Senate have conipelled the oracle
to speak out. - The fire-eaters were de- I
flouncing him as the -supporterof an' Ad-
ministration which had sentto KausasG or- '
ernor Walker, ap avowed advocate of pop
ular sovereignty, ev'efi when it might re
laid in the exclusion of slaVery froin the
territory. What:reply doe's Mr. Buchan
anl authorize him to make? Why: sim-
Iply. that "Mi. Buchanan prononuces
isquatter sovereignty. one of the : most
!damnable heresies ever broached," and
:prolniseS that "he shall leave nothing un- '
[done to throttle it." Senator Brown, as 1
1 the leading - supporter of the President at 1
Ithe South, promises that, as aproof of',
the sincerity- of' this declaration Walker
shall be removed, and that if declaration,
1 ' ,4 not,
Mr: Buchanan will deserve -and- receive
the execrations of the united Soizth
`that she would denounce I him as "false"
to the ,priueiples.-of the Kansas bill,• and
a traitor to. her best- interests?! '
We ask the Northern supporters of the
Administration how they like this inside
view of its policy. What do . 'they think
of Mr. Buchanan's southern exposure ?
Lice. Post.
—The Harrisburg - i'dt ) graple says that
on Wednesday night ; ! ILIA, a canal' boat
man, named Touted', a reSident• uf Loy
aLsloek, Pa.,. while lYini asleep on the
deck of his boat, canie into collision with
a bridge near -HigWpire, which 'struck
on the back part of the, head, and knock
ed therefrom the jierktul bone, ; •whic.h
141113 found shortly . after ,as free from
traneous substance aa if it had been ex- 1
traded by the hands of a demonstratori
of anatomy. The wounded man,,Of course,
' was instantly aroused by the concussion,
and what is-most rdmarktble,- rose to his
; feet, perfectly unconcious of .the. extent.;
of the injuries he had received by the I
collb4on. The 'slight pain in the back
of his head gave hint no trouble whatever,
and it was .only after he had dressed him-1
!self, and one of i his embrade* had found
the bone on deck, that he was made
aware of the unfortunate mutilation of'
his r t. • After . this discover the
Kivit BENTS.,
TEREI3.--$l'A5 'ANNtIt
Gov. WALKEit la's raised - big area of
Lawrence—the fourth to' whielffthakre
nowned Citadel - Of i pice: - Labei.' , Whiceii. -
subjectedanil 'sent . .cdfliiiidr4iorig.iti
quest of hostile Indians' , :thi . the; farther
prairies. - He has aceornplialred•not" one -
of the ostensible objects" of his Military
demonstration; for ,ther:hogus.t.a?Cs . ro•!_
main uncollected, the home-made!
ter and Municipality are , in: full . blast,
and the People have just held their Stale'.
Hlection under the Topeltri!: - ,Constitution;
re-affirming that instrument_.
iu LaWience - of'-,453 „Yeas to 2. Nays:
Yet - the .real object of this hullyinizdent ,
onstration has been effected in•the : .carrp . -
lug of the. SouthWestern . ..Eleetierii_for'
Buchanan. The tliunderir,. of the . Sonih
erit.Co.nventions against . Walker's,' Inaut
gund and his :.repeated.- pledges;. that
the 'Pe4le of - Kansas . should - : be se- -
cured a fair vote on the', 4tkiiitioti - ' 9 f the
bogus Constitution; wareltielled....hy.tire,
parade of troops before .Lawrenee and,:thO.
Windy fulininationg ' of .1 ( 41)611ibi1 " ,-tit
.qreason" to which the . :peoplo-ief th 4
stiff-necked city were subjected.. bv , the
worthy successor of Shannon and,lyikl-.
son. Walker's dragoons have done;gOO . d
service in North Carolina, Alaharea s .
' Kentucky and Tennessee, but manes:all
; in Kansas, unless it be to place the 4 . 4
ideserterg froui the Free. State - stand - m.ou_
a position where theyntay:be conapiCironSJ
ly obierved and admired.:.. geneefOrtly
we trust, there can be little or nb, differ ,
once among Free-State men as to. tiiii
propriety of her conning into the - Th4on
if she is ever admitted on .the ripplieation
of her own people, underthe denounced
and vilified Topelc::Constitution„;---;.5.1 Y.
1 Tribinte,•loth. . ~. .. .: ,_: ' z-f:'
THS.MENDOUS BiIiA3LY-tild'lfat a' ' ‘;)
matt, on exhibition last week near ithe
post-011iee', we understand, ;way :natned ,
Delany, and her husbands resides in.., ew
York city. She has been traveling. a' . ut
the country lately in company_ With .ati l .
Irish agent, named O'Neakalullta-,3 40 nei
a- very fair business. Ptiring,their.:- iiit:-
els, the ageto besame - edaMored- . 4. the
fair proportions of Mrs 'Pelanny,'".',she.
weighs 550 pounds,) arid. Tlast .wee 4tt' l ,
tacked the mountain of flesh .With !a,',
~ r
riage proposition. •The 4i. fitaik 40. i nne':
could not withstand the elnquent loV i e - ;:ot
O'Neal, and accepted his.proffer. .They
Were married in this . City on .ISitbday,
night., and on Monday night thei, - der.'
. parted for Memphis Tennessee. ~Y4sterl
day a telegraphic despatch. was received
in .this city, anouneing that - WilitunrPel.
aney would arrive here today :to :iarvel
. his. wife and unite their . fortnneS.,'
What enure he will , pursue when. liii
learns that his wife is a . biganiist,'an'equia
shared he.teharmd with..a " baulk' 'ail-iitt ,
turer," we do not knoti i but,presuine.ho
i will,follow their flight . ; to - 11c- . ,59*-7-_ ,
.4'i/is/gar : l Pvst. - .!- - ~:
1 -:-
N A ; I` to:-1 Chetilv i e - A
Noble (Ma nipion,-4utige Nirt im iAlal
resigned his Judgeship and Chid mtge.'
j a
oeileral Pucker to. meet him : on 't e - mat.-
tram, there to discuss before .the, p ! ...0p1e
the various politicid tapies - -ofibe day . .—',
Let Gen. Packer accept 'this eli lteage,
and our word. for it,
,ir- he haS ihe
Bence it is said he has and tbe"b6iiesty
which a candidate -fa-the GOkerbo - ralliti
.ow/ht - to have, .he wilt adinit.-:thittl.hOlaii
no business to be ,
a- candidate'4'4ll i Li4
Pennsylvania, but might make, a ~'.very
suitable onerin another latitudic::,„,_, , ,-:,
Come, gallant General, accept . the - char=
lenge, and just permit- tilrt . '- - W,tiAttrrlrt
convince your misguided adherchtsAltat
,there is no mere- I)euiocraey in-you than
th . ere Wood ins frog. ; •
Will you please tteeept:,tte,cltalleng , :h
dear Gcnortd, and your nraus:pan putt :
lhth your 14 pi . : e6he's instoad . 4'editsirialK
After your defeatiGoneral, r lif 'Gins
Walker US been disposcid of t - yowiitight
try your hand in, Kansas.7-7.PAi1;...8'.4n,,,,;.;
SALTI . NcI 'Mi.—This is- now, we bS ?
:liege, ezten Direly_ prietleed,a4 judie%
misly d'one, we have, nO',doutttat..tiivelt.
_Those wlto are-in the liabit, of phtejutsalt
, before: cattle, know r that daring-Ahewintec
sePlui-they; will take but t
c° 11 7 4 -amiagi . a.ton .ftf: bAY. , 14 , 40 A. 41
, .
Months,: Svc areiputfidept, woul4 l notyol 7
s tintarily .econsume,tvo quarts . ..of ' fr aalt 7 r, '434
yet many, :fariuer?, areja:tlie'hatit 911
pl Y ing - eilikt vartg to a toil! ''P
I ably the: soiree- of inikny-of.tbe
.eases among Cattle.: It-Ituls, 410,.-toihe
.practice of.gotht. 0,04.7".*
a - damp-or -partiallrour..d state; tindeethe
idea thatAhe salt will preserve; alt tai vir
only are liiinox',,inannfietnrefi e%., , iiged:in
nefarious peows praetiee of tiiii,d , peusencins
ingredients in . their deitruetive business,
hat it ii stated that tobaeco ' is ere .neiv
using Prus3fc aid ,tf. gill 9 Tl. 1
vor to.the leat ; ,in .eouseltte of, Nhieh
.niany stuo . lteri have 'lost the uae: o f*' Their
lower limbs. '' ji