The Potter journal. (Coudersport, Pa.) 1857-1872, August 13, 1857, Image 4

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    • - 7 - - ...• . - •:•.
• 11}P*
-50k4-0 41 TillTWHOP SE .. -
ppr s l4 Dispr4tclies to the-?+'-.—Y. Tribune.
ii*eiht 'Ma r i Of r occurred 0fi1he , .1 . 16057..1
inkrizir:Vii 4; ',YiYjPit,. ;wake
pY0,194m49,4t, passin
!d0 10 )..t41 4r - Of - P0 11 1444ti0 "side of
the Yth 1016101 r, ItO4r s= .
Pereitrucd e:Yr4 Cainea
pp to 711 r. Gintiriibjected' to
nualuan's making : aiik
Keitt*4 7 s-iflon — kni* to" ~gl9
peer side of the Hone. .iS r.
fity,.aro# replied; this is a free land and
eictiriitail :. la4 a right to be'whew - . he
Ar: . :Xeittithen came up to Mr. Grow
aia=taii ho wanted to knfrit what he meant
apSwerlia that ? - -
ht;: - Grow xaid he illeant.just what he
aaid,.fhat this was a free land, and a nian
had 'a' to:li&'Where he pleases.
tgok Ml - , Grow lay the throat
anica4; f',l you 4now yo'n are a
4aMiaed•Blaciejlepublicaa puppy"
31:r.''Gie* knocked. his hand :off, and 1
I • shall occupy such place. in the
11-417asTplease, and no migger-driver can,
lir.. g.eitt then seized .11r. Grow by the I
throat,agin t and .11r. - CiroW knocked - him
Mr ; .Dania nod several other Southern
Inenihers .atta - cliedNr. GroW, rrho defend
himself-bravely. - •
The Republicans rushed in a body to his
assisiande,:and.a 'genCral rushed
'ensiled in
tho:piid4le• of - the Southern side of `the
Hausa; ted about -two minutes, •'and I
*as terminated by the Sergeant-at-Arms, I
ii-ho thrust himself among thecombatants!
and:Witli' his mace - and aided by the cool
er .
meulkeis.rpstoiedorger. !! ,The
as etifolble -of'thegrave - anrd grace
ful of `the, cvcot, • beeame ! jininedi
_, _ -
The Speißer- dlicetecl ihe !ion' to be eall
motloki to excuses member frOM
wog! • •
r w a s in that part of tile gallery - which
is jaat over the pectic of coin bat, and saw I
• the whole affair. No weapons were used'
or--hone. except those which nature has
F roiba:••
I`iiis convey anon between G-ro* and
ieitt was.repeated to me by a hystander.
;11-:eclock,-A.: N.—The louse is very
quiet, the inernbiirs'gathered in groups in
ths'torners! of the ball are consulting with
grave hiclia and Sulidued voices,
The. tote ,has: been taken four times
aince . ,the!fight,-on motions to adjourn, to
-General result same as! be
• • -
.t.ii.:see.tail l s,a ik ti Mr. Quitman haNe
offered to withdraw *Ail the motions on
'Weir hide, and to agree that the vote Shall
iaken . Meatinfip -I , p. m. The Anti;
LOCiiraptonito after consultation hay Od
e-• " - • •
.81b..m.—Mr. - Quitmati has jur 4 t made
thaffollowing 'proposition : 4U motions
now .pending, made sinee the call otl the
prevunts...queatitin _ upon the amen d Mont
offered by.,_the .f;entleman from Ili no's
(Elarrisi) shall be , . withdrawn, and the
vote:shalj 'lien he taken on seconding
pivvinua question whereupon, if eafried,
the" le wifta‘urn to Monday, at one
or.cloek. — On Monday the vote shall 'be
taken en the-main question. • I
Objection ,was made from both sides,
and the roll is now being called on a ques
tion ora4joUrnment. - • ' '
- The indiune speaking editorially of the
Aoy,e fight,sAyr,
Poc,.,this, Summary chastisement of !
Keites insolence, Mr. Grow deserves un
qualified-commendation. The only won-
der is' thathe escaped with his life.' This
Koitt,",bclonzs - t0...a trained band of Squill
prn.asSassins,.one of whom assaulted Sin
fttOrSuniner; Keitt stood by on,that cc
easio4 with his - hand on his pistol, which
rojectid !ball way froin his coat pocket
-the- manifest design of co
oilmatin,,c, with :lirooks; and if Sumner
. :not been at once disabled, but had re
tgingd enough to reach his as-
Oilant„ it was.clearly the purpose of Keitt
toice:sliot the S,Mator on the spot. We
!lave:always regarded it as sheer accident
f;hat Abeinmrdermis purposes of the assas
s,iiiteriitet Carried- out on that occasion
by - theleath of Mr. Sumner from the ball
recolvey. On, the present occasion
the prompt actiou.uf. Ali. Grow probably
frustrated a siniilar pnrpose. presume
bo .the beginning of a series of
Ittausactions of a similar character, if thd
pppo - sition to the admission of Kansas as
jvalave .State: is persisted in by the nl='
leers from the Free States."
• . . - • 1:
Theltaie, speak of it thus in an 044°-
_ -
gi,Z*Teyertheloss, the result is well enough
foeboth - sides. - Keitt has <mined the
Ot being ;Whipped by a gentleman',
- et z ezeroplifying a Short and
igutbod.of, rebuking the impertinent
oitipeerisittiby which the friends of the,
lidministratiOn have attempted to force
**Lk the throats of reluctant freemen, one
gig In - oittinf4rgoui schemes which the
,funning•of.despotisin has ever invented.
The same -ruffianly measures which
italkblttli to:the Lee.ompton. Constitut inn
liltikt , be'eMployed to 'insure its ratilieii
:tion - 11 Y, Cowress: It' had its origin in
"'a ti -f
ft,44 ytoeoce, an „ - 1 successful, is
'r,onstitrnation will be signalized by villap
its: 'not :less:flagrant. 'The outrages of the
_Attfirey.h ! iiffiatis , are only transferred:4oi*
140ifiebkipienou.4 find national platfohn"
AlOcifilAPPlktil fatale Tiibune.- •
...., lir :Ai l . 42 7?:ratiry•E,44trliay, Feb. 6 I 1.856
1 • 1,
er.. _ Th fin tasitrye
„. .
; 0
110 44
1104 .of:nine;teetOwarg..; - 4.÷ Ply;_thle.
*hoiNiere sti'F.ltkdiipayed
evident alOs "of-hehi„„zi'
- the: tigtif. -
- tr-ary, k4,411,eix votq uP,5141141413",, They
l _sent. ward :to , the. nther side, that, `they
,'teemwould :seept
.nothing short nf - their niti
, naoely i- .tho_ ahandonnieni
1 :A1114101.'4' lil4tten piled niJen, 'each
the fixtng of a: cettain Ou,le . when the vote
hould be taken,. and fhe .o.len
G rther debate. -
At '4 ptropos.ition was'l
tuaddliy ,Qufttitartof ,'.titlsissifpi, for
thepuse to. 11(1j:wird tilt ;and:,
that thou :the! Niote should be taker with-'
out NO144,1104; debate, ordilutory mo.
tions. an'swetd i fo a 4 Afe.wrs.
Sheitite phid;.an4"Colfax.of Indiana,
the SPeaker, declared lie would regard Mr.
Quitumu's resolution.as4 speoial order on,
Monday, overruling all"
Other special or
ders, and shh4ht,regartl the dilatory mo
tions petOitig a arl'eut off, So that - the
Vote cm tlm.pfairi•Oeition be had
immediately, There was a pause of about
one scdond aftet• thci Speaker , made this
' declaratioq, cote was taken, but the;
ISpeaker rse and rapidly said ; ''ff There
being no objection, the resOlgtiatt is_adopt
ed, and the i Lfouse adjottrnecl, to meet
on Monday nex,.t." In a minute more the
hall was , daserted.. The proceed.'
ingS werelcoaditeted-tyith <Nod humor op
all -
I,VAncribroN; Feb, S-44 p. ni
The llPuse,lis:just cued by "tellers or}
the demand for! the Previous QuestiOn,
and the result ,is, Yeas: 110, 'Nays 1O5!;
Schick is an AntiLe,:cinuitit •triicinph,
The vote. on the! main 'question will Come
off at once. ` . l'4C excitement is very.g , reat,
.1 p; 274.,,The vote has just been taken
by Yeas and: Na'ys on Orderifig the previ
ous question, , and the result ! is; Yeas
14 p. in.—The vote, has just been tak
en Cy 9, referenec to the Committee on
Territories, resulting, Yeas 113, Nays
111; baating Lecampton by om vote.
Lecomptcta. Defeod.—Select Comm ;lief,'
6Arrie(l.-170le 114 to 1.1.1.-I?econ
. siderotion L;5tW on the Table.
Veb. 8-2 p. m.
The first vote is over. -Lcoompion is
beaten, The resolution, of Mr. Harris to
refei: to a• Seleot •Committee is carried,
Yeas, 1141. Nays, 111. Victory
A motion to reconsider was immediate
ly made, , anti proisiptly laid on the table.
That settles the refereues.
'huh3Oqg iiloll)iftff; Feb. 1.1, 1857.
te-Nci Pttp6r w ill be issued nest week
---reason, nothing to print it on,
=3"• Messr.4. Nichols, Babcock, Steveps,
Chase ao4 ycilhsltoa, the members of the
Legislature, from the Wilmot District,
left llarrisburg , '
atcly after ;bear
Grow . and Keit
'ing of the tight between
an account of which we
column• They say that
1, is - going to have any
they want a.hancl iA tic
zive in andthe
if their Distri
kr/Deking tin'
cap - t our thian
• hn Dick, will please:le
as for a cop.y . " of Senator
Ic speech on "Kansas and
the Suprenie iourt,;" and also for the
kind rememlor nee of an old and valued
fried" which i ' thus manifested. We
would also tak pleasure in returning'our
thanks to the nernher frinn this district,
notwithstanding his different polities, did
the opportUnit,- present itself, , : e. W are
probably a litt‘ o'l4, fanit, in not •
him our pa* heret - Ofore, la order that
lie might be .p ' tell in regard to this pcir.
tion of his dis riot. iWe intend . now, to
:correct our far, and hone he may do the
, .
;same, D
resumed spec,
tainly a che•
and business '
see Pennsylv
Yorkers on m
adopted partl
from fear, we
boon' paying
brokers andla
glad to see
the better—
may possibly
section of th.,
pleased to learn that the
n 4 ritts4urn• Banks have
lie payments, This is cer,
ring prospect for financial
Itatters, and We hope now to
pia money received by 'New
ore liberal terms. Through
whey of our: banking men,
1 , from
. aeccsiity and partly
have the pa i st few months
large tax td the :Yelp York
nkers. 13a after all we are
,his prospective change fur
or easier times--thOugh, it
have no effect upon this
country for sev i eral months
to come.
W' We 1 ope every - feriner—in fact,
every ooe has- the !welfare of the
count,) coon at ,
attend the Agrieul-
Nral.Meetiu4' palled forloesday eveoing
if - eOnvinieot. The proposition - - to
hold a. -Fair October will doubtless
come before !e . meeting for consideration,
and °it bepoi es 'every gotisl citizen to be
vresent,, )rde3.. that-4 moagitre of so
withii:utca general sanction , - ofitint,
gro~iisle3sweffeetive. in -bringing- our: :fat
,ineni;and MechanlCS 'into friendij ,- COMpe
tition,which ought to and doubtless would
_• , .
result ii gre2x.imrantage - tnem; -las, a
fair and IMblie test of 'their, olaimg,, sub
as would result from 04 Agricultural Fair.
We :hope the t:, l aumiitteo to - Whom , the
matter is referred.will give it their eargest
and Wbieb we do not basi
1, tate in saying, from our personal
qre of the men; will result in n•report
favorable-to holdmg,a, Fair. . •
Tire foresidepi's 7411C.K. - m'l,gi Oil the
: . : I f ecothigon Swin dle . ~_
Otit:ifonday,' the :Ist,: the irresi- I
:dent sent .to Congress - the LecomPtoti
, ConititutionTheoempailed ley :a longtand-I
, very nispiteSinanlike : inessage, ' It will'
' -be seen -by The- following brief Asir*,
copied from the .11 7 '.. Y. iferalqi. 4 paper
, -
WhiCh affiliates naturally. with the friends
. ~ .
of the 'Scheme, that the President' takes
s t rictly Senthern partisan view of it, T
'While he perverts well,,ltnown
fact Ito'sns
tain his nosition 1 -' -V
"The President says that a great dein,.
I 'skin seems to pervade the public inindin
Jegard to the state ofparties in Kansas--,
th`at, the dividing line there is not between
two political parties, both aeknowledgingl
! the lawful existence of the government,
i lint between those, who aro loyal to this
i 'government and those who are. endeavor
lin4,- to des.l . rOy it by force and usurpation, I
laud that their efforts would have been ac
complished had it not been for the troops '1
lof the United States, The President fur-'
lOW Ktates - that a 1ar„,, ,, e portion of the : peo
l'ple of Ranks have been in a state of lae- .
1 tualrebellion ever since his inau:, - ,tration„,
and that the Topeka government is, in I
direet opposition to the one presented 'and;
recognized by. Congress. So far as re.:'
!gar o s slavery in Kansas, the President
I as.terts.. that it eXi.s . t.s in that territory by
virtue of the Constitution of the United ,
States,- aud that Kansas is as much a 51a , ..:0
state a..S Georgia or South Carolina. 1111\1
I Buchanan advocates the speedy admis- I
sion of. Kansas as a .state, as the oily
means of restoring tranquility to that
,districted territory." '
1 The President declares that."-the elee- 1
'tion, held under the act of the territorial!
Legislature, ou the first Monday of Jan
I.uary, on: he: Lecompton Constitution,:
was held after, the territory had been pre
:pared for admission into the Union as - a
so'Vereign state, and when no authority
existed in the territorial Legislature which
could possibly destroy its existence or
change its character!' .
The Washington correspondent of the
Tribune writes, Feb. 2 :
"The. President's -message caused in
tense excitement in both Houses. •. In
the, Senate it was denounced by 'Mr..
I Troinbull in a. powerful speech, and 'in
the House was received with exclama-
Lions of indignation and contempt from
, the Rep9blicans and Douglas Democrats.
I Its atrocious ,perversion of the facts in
1 the history of Kansas, and its ultra Pro
slavery tone, have had a good effect upon
Ithe Northern waverers. Mr. Grow of
1 Pennsylvania has the floor for to-morrow,
and the prospect of. affairs is decidedly
I better than it has been for a year past.
"Yesterday a deputation consisting of
1 Messrs. Clay of Kentucky, Cox 9f Ohio,
' andllaskin of New York, (all licano
mats.) waited upon President rinchanan
for the purpose of remonstrating against
' the passage of the Lecomptou Constitu-
I don. Mr. Buchanan told thein it was
too late ; his message was ready: to send
lin, and he should sot alter it. Lecomp-
I ton must go through."
fiApri irrgre4s.
The great religious b'odies and associa
tions of this country, for years after the
Slavery agitation commenced, were deaf
to the claims of the slave. But of la' e,
a majority of tho - Christians seem deter
mined to brace theirtestimony against
the master crime, slavery, as well as
against the minor sins, sabbath-breaking,
dancing, &e. To this end, Churches, As
sociations, Synods and Conferences, are
asking what duties we owe to our neigh
bors held in bondage, of course there is a
great effort to help things in the old track,
but light is increasing, and theworld will
move forward. As a most, significant
sign of the times, we note the address of
eleven pastors and ministers of Congrega
tional-Churches in Franklin and Lamoille
counties, Vermont, to the President of the
American Tract Society.
This address remonstrates in_ pungent
terms agaiest the action of the rilblish:
ing Committee of the Society; for refus
ing to publish 4, tract on the evils of slavery
after the society had directed the puhlica,
don of tracts of that irately. 'Tliese pis
ton allege that the Tract Society:by its
omission to eendenin slavery is in InFt ,
ponsible for the infamous Dred' Scott, de
cission., They say :-.
:" Considering what was the state of
'Christian sentiment, in respect toslavery,
before the organization of the timeriCan
Tract Society; as set - forth in the resole
_tiOns of the , Presbyterian GeneralAsseM
hly in 181 S, it is'highly ituprobable that;
that ju4icial decision containing the word&
abavei quoted,. whiSb: s has startled Vie.
world by ,Po Pu_ . ,orillitYtqf its"-'-idjustiec tft- . lib 491*Ee LiNP 1
YffkqiEColipitisied raCe7tioi,44i3M.lulve AT'ilelivii , us, , pos
.men announced, .filad . "thiStqba...7way for it in 1 42e640),Y
been prepared in the "pfefessed Church of coliiiry4ithl4thersl
Chrlif,uand ..4i)cicigsr,bki:he opertiftdniti 'erlititVOlNkoll34 ' . .y . 114
;;;o`respNtabl e, a ;body as Ake Aiiip:iean. aieelianie:Will:do-u
Tract Sixicky, which furairing :series. ofypry,patorenf,the,
. years'lids -: p4rsued . a'._ course". apparently , with'its - lung` Cri.,
based . on rOt
,the same pc-iples as that de- and badAlebtfol
cisiOn,' - ancl litialreated "the'erilered race accumulation. of
as if Ahoy haikno"vrongs to, coinplaiii:Of, - very iiitlediesituti
and ris it itheirAnsfaveinerit,. their, other our h country: bret
Oppressions, their enforced ignorance ' and their ,Oieaus and.
the - iiivai Inirturert by 'slavery aincingboth' and , cUergy-tei a
race .were no, such hindrances inst.rue re- the one: th"ey have'
lig;on and ...ruoiality' aFf to.Fll .i taSel',lS'l3 to , 1,1:: :wOuld have this iff
opposed of natned - byia Christain Sucibty, off, in a pccuiiiari ,
haring under - is?_ care these ital interests% they aro, or have 1
`of Mae- J; . •'' - • "'- " newspaper, Pr° p ri,G
Let the pubiic
:; This is a actions, eharge, but Out , read'- .
cis will please bear ,in mind that it is the
'charge _of "dongreiational Illi4t(itc'S Of the ;
Gospel, and not of-the writer of this arti7:
' lint these pastora go still-further, an d;i
assert that 'the' society 'is '-( , ivin , * .counte.v
pence to •the;tiotiOn , that -,",pence. and joy
in the H(ArGlioit,tnay be in(,.notal, and'
may . exist, :withotit-pr9ctippl-„riglitemts
ness." ' Itsie not were admonished in an
esp:‘Olal manner just natv,itthe exeeeding.
ly charitable-in our conclusions,. we shonld'.
say, there, Weropeoplc in Condersport in
danger 'of giving countenance to this same
notion ; but, under the oirimmstances, we
Will waive that, • and cenclUde with
. point,
another, extract'. front ,the , address of the' ;
Vertnout Pastors t ~ . : 1
"With this View of the position in - trhich'
'the Society is 'placed by its, present cell- .
doctors, it oannot„ in our opinion, be just
ly regarded , as an evangelical institution.
As now et:inducted, i . t (4ssents from the '
I great Body of Evangelical Christians inf.
pall(t4,whi4,- in their estimation; !ire of
fandamental-importauce .to the iatgiests
!of true piety awl soured morals. As, in
compliance with the demands of an un:-
realsonable. and wicked faction, it refuses
to give utterance to the convictions of the
1 Christatn rlarkl an such point's, its name
and the trames of its officers arctic, longer
trusi worthy vouchers fur the evangelical
character of its publications. As now con-.
ducted; it has proved UNFAITDFUL TO ITS
!OF TRUTH AND QF EvaNext,te.kt, Hau
-1 GION. By throwing itself, as it has done,
las a shield, between slavery and th 9 pub
' lie sentiment of ehriSteudom apposed to
1 slavery, it has become the ENEMY OF 11n
lunvv,7<1tsp. TIIE I.SLWARK. OF 91.Pttlis:
ato;.v. ~i 1 , • ,
" As tints, conducted, it is the corrupter,
of public law, and of the • principles of
morality; and, by, giving countenance to
the notion that. peace and - joy in the Holy
P host ,May be
,pranioted, aid: pv. - Pillt,
NV 1 thout pr6eticalrighteou.sneis; it -becomes -
1 OF TILE' 6 OSPEL!' ' '
tim6s the•CountrS
The following very 'truthful and prop ,
er article is from the Boston Chronicle.
We commend - it to the careful perusal a,
our renders—c Specially that large class
of persons Who take palters from year to
year- add seem to forget that honesty and
justice alike prompt them to payforthein.
Reader, if you blue. the 'printer consider
well the sUgoestions in this pithy extract:
• c , If, pec t pie' only - knew-the ditticulties
publiShersAave to contend - with, just now, '
they-,would nevermant to be donued" half
a dozen times for such small amounts as
two or three.or four dollars. i Labor pa
per,- and ink have to be paid in cash f'yet
we doubt •-y' rery,'.niuoi if there :1' any.os r
tablishmeots which. could be 'more than'
self-sustaining,. if costumers Would only
pay what they owe ; without taking front
one to twolyearssto do it in: ' I -
If the Pres.s.l)f the country gradually'
deelinesb4h in, nom - hers, ahiqty, and re l
speetabilitY,- those who have 'abused the
leniency of tbc. proprietors OK matter
of creditswill.alouc be to blame for thd
unfortunate. issue. And .that such
be the case we: can easily foreSce. 'The
storm in ,the, commercial world will de
ztroy the Weakest; .and many 6, f the hist
of our neWspapers. - . Men call not "per
form miracles, and Printers have as yeti
failed to discover and easier - way of sntis
fying the demands of paper-djalers and
the crave g of industrious *odium with
anything but the pelf. 'And how they
are to get this, when people will not_ pay
the Printer ' is a iiiystery, particularly as
the bankS, don%-aceomodate'country news::
paper proprietors., Few :people have any
idea of the labors tlfthe editor—hts.trials,
and ditTicUlties—et all times; but partic
ularly at !periods of monetary embarrass-
Illelap!,!; - .I - fe,,Wc"c(foiielle'clj'particularit - in
country OtEcesi,ttibethelgaueral factotum
of hiS establishment: - Not'imlyhaS he to
*rite fpfl tbe.:beneat of the public'under
all eirconistaneesin•.siaktiess of body
and iIM IT .Z3 of
-mine--==to. be at-one - meet
ing in the day-time and amither at :night
—to lea .friends and. fluotly'at tho,,bid
of, ever y :passing Ciictnstanee. in; the Pub- I
lie ivorldlof his own lonalityi; - not only has
'thbi; and •seefifice comfort,
health and domestiepleasures ; lint he is
compelled :to Work atthe...'flase" every
spare nionient = tp keep' .hooks—
to do hi , own.7collecting; . Tin-short, from
tnorriin to WeettliltO week,
and-fro year., ' o;year, to,lab* like a
staie to:firOvid'eAltristif
,and family"'with
bread.. -hei!ma P'e: •
after all, hp maybe well satisfied; for bun-I
dtedit.'doi • •And fi w 'fee arq t
• •1.7 -
. 1 1b1&• 77 -lite, th 3 fluke*
Ls' iliey:txiii-J-- . Yet fey
k teethe al InnWproli
ra'n.C. an: intipstrions;
half, thd time, The!
ueye paper . ,busiilrsS 7 -'
its and 4niall" prOfit7;
bids tiny6iiig like 'the
00,.itt, , nlitlAse hive
. 11 111 \ 7 ,saying that i ,„liaLl
reneicrally telzen
I ny ether ~ market - tluin
feuMl Air' thein, they
i l'y 1 - .)qcn...4enfohl. better
pt. point of viowi-
rt een ,sinc l e they becaine
tor§. ; ,
[o oji4;:r.tliese few simple
, ake up their niimis to
occupation of the Print
puntuaily what, he is
ease the laborimis
er, by ,payittglltiti
ol•friiv 1 4 1(),stort Joieroul
Sas corresiwildeut;
..all the preeinetiivhere
initted Ott' the 4th lust.,'
/ dri . Solite of therr: are
opertyfo sale,at,,a great
ll nevvr attempt to lice
s also sails that with one
mi.mbcr!of-the Calhoun
Onveutiuti has fled froth
"The Judges
frauds Ifere'.ecmt
are•.now in Missoj
offering. their pr
sacrifice „01,0 ;
here i It is
oxeeption; evcitti
Con§titutionni ( - 4 1
the Territory:"
Luc K Joshua
id to b 2 fi ell a ain,
/ ipnto thei ditbate.--,-
3oston rqs!. -
the Demperats, for notb
gresNr 'distress than
gations i:tey re
,bld ohanipion of
Serve, when .he is. able. to
:.The . ijoy of the_ ,'ost
§cainp of a boy who
~rtied grid 'his dad
is, 'eauSe now the old
him. - "÷-Boston Bce.
R. GiClibug-s st
That's lucky.— 1
It is,lucliy for
jug puts them
'the merited- cart
:oeive frnm the
the Westeru' Re 4
administer thetn
ra , ands ; us,
paid hp:ivai"d:
got the rhelitua
man couldn'tli(
7 ,
SIGNS OF 'lllll ne lAaititne,re
Banks, as was a:It:out:00 under our post;
script head in y sterdity''s paper, have re
...,unied specie p+nents,
lowing Iti the of the Philadelphians.
The Washingt n and Georgetown.Bauks
have to-day resu j ined spe6e p;6;inetttS,
The Metropolttan is tfiltingihe hotes of
the ,Phihuleiph4 bank 4 at per 'cent,
aisriount; also, Ithori °tithe state,•whiob
are made paritt
By telegraph
I wo le-ara that the 'Wyom
ing Bank of Pennsylvania is thrown out
'in Philadelphia Eise Post,
1103iF.: - QuEsrtoms. , -H-Gov. Chase, ,ii,
Ohio, .itv his • nicssage .1.0 the Legislature,
of • that. State, presetit the following
home questions which Tara of , equal La-
Portal/co to :ttlifrcemenlof all parts of the
'Union z.
' I • ; .
"Shallwe 0: vertimtmt. M . this t;ouritry
•- ~,4
be arlministeredl by the people for the peo
ple, or lay a privileged class thr u•prt vileged
class'. Is the t"onstitUtion in film what ,
it-is claimed to 1,) ,. ., a- A.itiel , a tt-I , Glut pan-,
'q , f . Sltteerg 7 or what the'. Fathers 01
thc. ilepublie belict-ed it to W, the Shielfi
and 8 tfuirra 9f. 14)erty? Do::s a
eitablish JS 'at; ci Pi/ eet4.)/ichere oittsitle ej
the'..Ftee Stute'4, or Lqitirty everywhere
outside:ff the Slave -StWes.r..!
liansas in the -14e.nn. Leg ;:;12:-
I tire.
Iltataistr:n4, ThursiMy,
.Fe?). 4,1853
Tae Ilouse Messed resolutions to-day.
directing- the .Special.COtuniittee.on.Kan-.
sas rot to inalle . a. repOrt
.. untit the 10th
Yf'34Y6l; .
IvOierfof 28 to ti I.
Kansas affairs ocenpied most' of the 'ses
sion, "
2 . .
[Tll;, , .Spealier appointed on this Special
Canvpittee', -Messrs. Calhoun, Goppp,
- Recd and I.ll.vci:!Oce.—Elo. Joual
A Republioaninendiar inwed to refer
.51.r..Buclianan's - a:Committee,-
to re . :iove the delusions in relation to Kan
sas, and to convince iietnber:i that it.tits
treasonable to assert that the people of
Kansas had a right to!forin
. and regulate
their institutions in.tleir own way. :No
tion lost.
President Pierce, says the St. Louis New.%
Undertook the job off breaking - tp the
Democratic party in the. Northern States,
014 gut along - so finely as to break it.s do
ult~l?iticl; it Piiee tate Litt New
Jersey, Pennsyliania:, Indiana, Illinois
and - California Mr: Buchanan has taken
up the work where Mr. Pierce left off,
and, if he is as successful dj;krin4 th?
three- months - as.hO has been Ir, the past
three weeks, will finish it se dotn,p!etok) -
ds.not to leave 4 shred of the party north .
'Of ,Mason and Disours line,. It would
not be-surprising if he were to crowd it
out of Missouri, Kentucky and Tennes
see also, reducing .the Once powerful na
tional Democracy to a
_piti,fo nest'.of Lill
ous fire-caters-in the iltulfStates. .
' • .OUR BOASTED • .Fli.EEDOm,.=ln .refer
-1 ing, the otbertlay, - to the new proceed
' nu& 41; Mobile in thelease of 3lr. 'Striek
an'J, the bookseller ' Some, time. Since es
gelled frouf that city for the crime ;Of hay
co-; sold a copy of llunle Toni's Cabin, we
ell, - it- . seenas,. lA9, a islight mistake.- : It
tas not Mr. - Strielland's partner, ha' rirr.
Strieklan;l hlinielf-iiheltely visited lAlii
lle:;fei. ,1 , .4 .. -..ii,i-140,' 59 .:4.:Botling)4o :the
usinesS of ',flio Orail ane't3tillegtina . the
debts due . tolt, 'anti. Pl' gAinsi whCitli 4 WI
gdnfence of Sanislun - en' t;;Nitas piomnlgategi.
Itit the tnakianinoiis iiinlehivalreus eit
.l : 17.,- , -.. - ri ' -
izitsns of 3lobtle,;We,, nti:stopped. there.
.tr. Striek4n'd;"it'ia - derne,..in_agairt flying
foibliiiiiiri, 'l4frhis *ire behind' hitriii4d
( 1 - .. i.: • -,:: ili..'l _5
Adis Strict end, shine thepresenee of
ker hi:m . l44qt eoulttnot ttoleratpl;,..s4.
hive - dwred- toundeitalt-iti -applied. her,
self "to'the- - colle'etiOti;:fif ;Neil -ltuQbaritri'
debtsi Jed—to: A - Axe%
nieeting, in , whjoh,,.birs,Striettland::has
been ordered to leavd...i.le-eifr. Here is
it i : o n ki ciw it z r l ai re 4l n il t t i: 3 ll, ; l d e, e s p p l e li o .4 i g in e ,e , i i ttt . :l B2h v aa , ii
'soon hear, we ho . ppe,.;,of p.ll4ie aleetings
'called 611 over the .Stintri - tell tha
actors in this proceeding,. aid to present
them ,with .suitable.badges o r -hottor.-4V,
Tribune. . .
tFroy f olle, Leaifen)vortli Lcdger, Jan.. 18.)
• _ ,
. K;ausas is toState; .
anti ,will'
be gov'erned'here rt4ireSenfed•in both
branches of the CongresS — cif - the Iraited.
States by free tra?.e. •rteri,' the•.(Passage of
the Lecomptok const.ititth,inthe,
trary notwithstanding; theirliye the
power, 'and will exercise it.. - •
The circa Tit-titbit:6d' by the realt of
this (4ction - 64a - fd . in — this
and throughout the . territory, .is-•alkO cpp.•
parent, and property here n•hiCli
have been purchased' at. low figures !tor
, the last-two seeks, :Is • not ,for.. stile.
i . present.
There will ,be: an Im - incase -influx
peoPle . here on the opening .of traVi
which will continue • Steadily - Until I' its
elose, , and ere the year •‘58.-eloseS, , weprd..
diet a e 2.2 n en //pit/gaga - ~tlt •eity
alone, of ltcenty thmisunrk, . .
Businc*.s will now..,oOmmeneelin reali.
ty ; capitalists. will_ have' no fears elineern.
in. investments ' merehants,:'meelmnies,
and laborers .willfind
,plenty do to-keep
them busy, and' we, forward to a •fu.
ture (nut far distant) whieh.will give us
all prosperity and bap - pi:nets:- -- .!
. . ,
[From the Leavenworth Times, Jill. IG.).
The legislature IthsprOyide4 for the
talcin.- of a fair and' full oenSus, , and the
holding of a cOOstitulionaLOonvention....
It hits also appointed a cotinnittbe of fiee .
to examine and report au.oleetiou i;rautts,
This eounnittee is clothed L lvith authetits
to send for persons . and - papers, ivaking
• - mr6 , tq - Henty - T'Adains is the
. 1
All the odious tags eMicted by : previ,
bus Le g islatures lave been repeal,
eel and . replaced by 'wholesome eiMetmenn!,
The Legislature-is paying attenlictn to
rout's, schools trod public la:prevenient:4,
and has declared - that- slavery, or invol
untary servitude, shall net, exisf . ip Kan.
sas I,' but for the punish iu cut- \if eihn e.
TO lie !Republicans or l'elansila
The tine has arrived 'Then, in. our
jutlgment, the vital interdsts . : of the Re
publican Party, - and itsi.Solemn duty to
t 114 ci.use of Freedoii,,.Lnbur, and Unman
ity!,• alike
,laipqati'vely .dctuatul that Re
publicans slßabi assetuble front every part
of the Stare, for the p&p:lse of or
gaiii'.ing., the party en the solid and dis
tinct basis of its.imn principles,?
. iWe therefore jcvite our fellow Itepub
.lie:tms to meet iii iii . :O!I,I4ICONV.F*II.ON
lt ; 'l,l A RR ISl.illi.G . ,!ip A 1i:c."?..2i1 of II:13 - -
RAJ NRY, :IS - 58; at' 3 o'clock P. 1) 1 ., to
.4, , , ; it. such measures as may:be. de cd
be't calculated to iil:pres's upbu theliTif ,
hition of the nation the principles ellen
reiat,'..d by ti , e l'hihzdc:lphia Republican
Ccnrcnticn of June, 180..7 . . ' - - ••• • .
iyile...l. 3, n;i, Erie ' WM. B. Thom-is.
I. It Gara. " - Wm. S. Wainright,
ti. A. Pin nny, Crawford Win" "Duane,
A. lliiiclekoper, " Jaines Yerree. .
E. D. Q.tz7ain, Aller:y.W., Gregg, M. D.
G. S. S. King, CAmbriiilierirj. B. Strong, •
Isr.r.r. Benson. Potter: Wm. I), Kelly,
It. W.Winslow,ClititonJohu M. Butltr, ..
J. S Myers. Frenllin". Brnj. 'locket,
; Stoll AilemarySoyder.Win..S. Pierre,
W. E. 11'. Nlutrie, Ilunt'n.lltnry.Sirnpson,
I . .
Dlivirl . Wills, Adams: ' Ilititi3an Bmigli,.
ino; Wright, "" ' .Themes Bala, :--
I 'No A: Fisher, Daupliin,Geo A. cotre-y,
Theo. S. Christ, Union.E, B. 300 i -ell,
Jos J. Lewis, Chester. On; behalf of the "its
1 Isaac T. CoTman, ." odelphie e, , ymmiuts q
I NVa v ns ,tl.' Ve n gh, ~' Orycnii:ation,
111,1 ; . Thirlington, Bucks .
M. 11. Cobh, • Tioga. - " ' - . ~
A. Humphrey" , -
jC. J. Morton, Delaware. . • ..• -
E. T. FOster, Carbon. .: ; • -;, . '
M. B. Richards, Mont'ry .. : ..
.3.: King, Bedford. -
A:11 It4akin, York, .
'in . •
. ,
. - '..ll&"l 4 .lxtract from a letter by the Rev.
Mr. Churchill of Boston, who ie new tray
elliog for his.hcalth hi the Eng.' •
(-It gives - one at ever - prt.S4ixt - idea of
the expansive enterprise of 143; ectantqt
men, to find their eenin4oo. of cora l
Inortto oontinually, in his path wherever•
he goes. I bow not visited any consid ,
crable pity -of Turkey; where'd did not
find the Modicines my-country rep.,
resented by AEtt Conn sti~Rß~i~
In. Sua ‘ trna,,Aleppo,.Jaffa i L,,,Ternsalem arOA
Constantinople, we Seq in. eaeb,. on the.
door 'pOst• of some bazaarf 'the - pe.caliarlY
Ainerican looking Iron 'bard, of-Dr. Ayers
sayiligiin a lang,uage I whieh % : riot one in
thousand_ of the,, passers 'by can -044
"Aller's therry,,' l'ectorul for: Cott e la,-
Colds and Consitnlp - Sold hcri. --
On a shelf behind "the'bros)i-tegged mus:
selmart are seen- the' bottles with 'their •
English.:SPanish,, French • and .German
faces ..turned ,towards ,the ; ;crowd,• and-OP ,
enquiring we are told.that theforeigaers.
are not the only porChascre;•lant tbc titai
believers theinseltes : waive their trior irk
fate •to, try. tliis product , of American skill,
when thew find: there cure for
d i*: • ' 1 . •
. -11:14 5 1 0 / (1 ilkliteidaY the - Cherry
P-eptoral had ,beeit the
ton,..,and, is now.. in m o Lltuuti.upe in. -
harem; and. iu YIP