OS Tpll: , Tsrritoiy9f4 r ahitic , t9n, ia. abed to hold aid we obsetve with ple: 4 s),lle, that. the I.epubliCan party has )30e *k:ialze4l rthireja; -arid has noniinaz Led a ,).tr. Aberneiliffer Relegate in Con, ress.* t a=is Mr: Pierce.' orernOr.: : ,Ste*pns, who will protaly:'Aiieek.ted;thOngly,there is some ,tlf-iJanka of his :own I a ay; ,f 9 I, as the Governor has had ).nostof the. politicians by trade un4er 11411 natrenade 'as - Speciallndian'- agents,ex- . arcs; rjrleri:::i helpers in one or azioth- . eapAc.ify;ilYe: : preSiune that he will he I phi° ,Coui pass , own, glegion : he: 'Republican ' pity is-henceforth a ti x ed `fket''ini.Y o raWiington Territory, and asill giSSW - .With the i iicispasing intelligen 1 pt •.reople.,',-.;with; Schools,. Journals, tlhurelies, We hope yet to see Wash- i pigtoti-jii - stify Yet' 'position on the .north iuc eflhe.t.Tilited States, .• . . Thelli pi.iiilieati'lithvement was not or , sanls - edl N tionally one : day too Bad- it Overborne old party lines ten years 4nro,'We •siOnld:.-haF4 had a far more pollfi..eal opinion and ae ,,tion-in lUnion 114 in 'we now have.— .1•': • Tribgpe. ;., • Gura.j.zha A. • errow, 31. C. from Poinsytrairio,. has 'just returned from a buffalo•bUilt, be:;•and the Big Sioux river, in ••Baeotali lerrit'ory.. • 11e . &pen't the Fo.tirth.witli 'Col. Noble's wagoh road ex perlition. at liole-in-the,3lountain, where lie' delivered' achlits, and his auditors kept•:,up the honored' titaitum of burning *unripT . de .rv&e, . • . • •SQs7.l"he ollotriiig is Prentice's last . upd bestsquili:--,'An ,641 ti tiTo. up in Henry is pemocratte papers . she eau her 11:intls on, 10 malesoap of. She says tlesput sight better th..n ashes—they nre ; tuust . asgootlas elear " GREAT EXCITEMENT t 7 1 1? .g Jr E .N . D 9 US . R CT 8 II I ; - - 4 - 11dtlier Cary, of Cools ac. tHE OLIN; RE.GITLA TO IL d VOlr,iniglit as well undertake to dam up the waters of the Niattara- with bulrush , as to, try to convince 'the Inultitudi! that , :th•ire-is any, other place in town where they !att. get such great bargains in the line of , "-GROCERIES & PROVISIONS, es it, the Old TlCgulator which has so long been.,the.Great, Emporium of Trade in this We hare done l.J.the..conclusion that there is only pie way tfiScil Goods, end that is to let the people know we hare illem to sell, land sell them at prices which *ill be up imincement to those inWant to buy of us: and for - thiS purpose we have chartered a column in the JOuroui where we Inteinl.f6 keep I.bp people posted as to whatnia:y pc found our estab:ishm[ent.— 'Eiery body knows, (or'at least ought i 4 kur,w) where the Old Regulator is ; and for the bene fit of , those who don't know and who wish to know. we Will just ihforM them thus , it is lo cated_ight , ron the HAILHOAD, tinty;:it few rods front the Depot, and is always open for customers and all. who wish to save 2:i per cent. in pufehasing the necessaries of Itf ;for it is the only plop in town whe're you can expect to have a !!itte chtine left after purchasing your necessary supplies, notwith standing the comthon assertion of evur one that they sell cheaper than their nerijithors, \.'e don't boas: of selling goods at or below post, hut we hir:e adopted as our tantlard to )';We old Let1.,,, , r," and to sell as c4alt. as the `cheapetl; for when people advertis'e to 1.e11!below cost, you may easily conclMle that - they:are Only- “throwie4 ont.bait." ld order that the people may know what we keep to =t - eel, we 'will enumerate ti few of the most it:l - ; pirtAnt. articles,' G-R0 CE f t I S otie'examinink our stuck of Groceries, :wc:,:are,fi toudent will at once CODIC to the con thiiiozci.that u. -bette.l and more complete as imrtiil6nt`.iTaquQt be ftniu4 ix this fiFctiou, pn sisting of - • SUGAR, •. • • r. .•COFF.E.g • • : - MOLASSES --- ' SY R U PS. PPPER. . SPICE • CLOVE,S, :t.llustard,•Saleratus. Cinnamon, Pepper-Sauce, • Catsup,. Yeast and Soap Powders, Vinear, • Oil,:Camphene i Fluid, Chewing and Smoking Tobacco, Snult, Segars t Candy, Nuts, RaiFins, .. , ,Crackers,..llerring, Soo, Candes, and an enil less 'Variety .tother y titles Which it is un necessary. to mention, may be found in this - -department, and which will be sold at a trif 7 - *ing'adianco from cost to, ready pay. , PROVI'S.IOI!fS. • • Just take,rt look ot :95r large stock of Pro ;:ryisions; and see if we have not got the whi•re f . :With to relieve: the nuf f ierous ' wants of :the -..'needs, and enough to keep pin all from story :. ing,through the long and dreary winter. It . is impossible for Iti:to enumerate one half the iirtieles :we keep. in a single , aVertisenient, but we will mention a few of the most impor tant; which may he found itt ahundance and in great variety, consisting of _ - • • - BORN, _ . ILAMs ' • • FISU, ' HUTTEII, CHEESE, • • LARD, SALT, • COR. El) BEEF, DRIED BEEF, • . SHCILDERS, fLOUR. • CORN MEAL. -4 • AT FLOCK, DRIED APPLES. . - I.'OTATOES 4 • .1 1 . 4 ?Et t NS, SALT, -R!id.a host of otligartiele,s ia the line of pro visions. Also kelit constantly on hand a good assortment of -•-• • - NOODEN 4ND IvALLow. WARE eueti . ttißrOdmi; Washtuks end Boards, Mops, Dinner:BOsef,...',4lrushes,,'&6.,•together with a ',geUerallairsorttnent of *pc Ware,. which we 14111sell'vely 'cheap' for eAs.h:' A general in vitation is extended to all ; and to the People of Potter; County..in particular to, call at the Regulator before purchasing elsewhere. - & PHILLIPS. 'Wellsville, Dec 10, 1856.- 7 0 34-Gino. , Proposing linelxdrnenits to: the: 1 t.:outolltation,of ithe 439 m ., • . • , .• •11, Esa4 .77,D • ! Sen - Ftera? Ifni a of it,,Rewesadalires of the E'onyt!?ntcialth ftt,, general ~:lt s .:te-‘ , Olp rivet.: Tltat ;11 - e following tonedulevsttie . pr,uposti"to tOnstitatio4 the couuunwettyla i iii accord duce mith the procisiuus of thq:teuthTurtiele There. shall beno additional article to eititl egostitution to be ttesiguated as glticle eley,en, as ruptnve;..... , . . SeCTION state tray COVlllet debtg, to • supplicasnal deficits' or fadnres in re renti.es: or to meet 'e:ypemes not otherwise provided for ; ;but, the aggregate amount of such dehts direct and contingent, whether contracted• by virtue of one or wore acts of the general as- . r sembly, or at dillerept periods of time, shall' never exceed seven hundred and lifty thousand dollars, and the money arising from the tires . tiutt of suet)debts, shall •be applied to the purpose 'for which it was, übtained, or to repay the debts so ceutraete . d,•and to no weer pur-. posel whate.:er. ECT lON atlctition to the above limited power the state may contract debts to repel invasion, suppress insurrection, defend the state in war, or to' redeem the present 014- standing indebtedness of the state ; but the money arising from the contracting of such debts, shall be applied to the purpose fur which it. was raised, or to repay such qebts, and to no other purpose whatever. 81::12TION 3. Except the debts abore specified. in .;:options one and two of this article. nu debt whatever shall created by, or pu behalf of • the state. SECTION 4. To provide for the payment pf the present debt, and any additimial debt eon ' :Tamed as aforesaid, the legislature shall, ah its first session, utter tips adoption - of this amendment, create a sinkiritg fund. which shall be stillicient to pay the accruing intereq op such debt, and annually to reduce the princi pal thereof by a sum not less than taro hun dred and fifty thousand dollars ; which sink, ing feud shall consist of the net annual in come of the pubic from time to time owned by the state, or the proce:eds of the saje of the same, or any part thereof; and of the income or pi occeds o r sale of stlekS owned by the state, together with other funds, or resour ces, that luny be designated by law. The said ' sinking fund may be increased, from time to time, by assigning to it any.part of the taxes, gr - Other revenues of tlte state, not required for the ordinary and current expenses of ,govern ment, and unless in case of war, invasion or insurrection. no part of the said sinking fond shall be used or applied otherwiSe than in ex tinguishment of the public debt, until the amount of such debt is reduced below the ent of five millions of dollars. z..i.rterms 5. The credit of the commonwealth shall not in any manner, or eyent, be pledgad, or loaned to, any individaal, company. coulo-" ration, or association; nor shall the common wealth hereafter hee9tne a .joint owner, or •stoeknolder, in any company, association, •ot copporation. SECTION ti. The commonwealth shall not ;Is sume the debt, or any _mut thereof, of any county, city, borough, or township ; or of ally corporatlon;,ur association ; unless such debt sln9l have been contracted to enable the state to repel invasion, suppress domestic insurrec tion, deTend itself in thou 'of war, or to u3sist the state in the discharge of any portion of its prorent indebtedness. SEcTius 7. The legislature shall not at,thor in any county, city, borough, township, or incarpuratcd'di.triet. by virtue of a vote of its citizens, or otherwise, to become a stockhold er in any company, association, or corpora tion ; or to obtain money for, or loan its credit to, any corpocatiun, association, institution, or party. There shall be an additional ankle to said constitution, to be designated as article XII, its follows • No county shall be divided by a line cutting off over one-tenth of its population, (either to form a new county or otherwise,) without the express assent of such county, by a vote of the electors thereof; nor shall any nehy ermlity be established, eohtaining less than four hundred square wile,. - From section two of the first article of the comtitutiou, strike out the words, "%f the dig of and of each *county recpectir4 from section live, same article, strike out the wards, "of Philadelphia and of the several rouu ti:r; from section seven, same article, strike out the words, "neither the city of Plaadelphia nor only" and insert in lieu thereof the words, -and no;" and. strike out "section fear, same an ; ticls," and iu lieu thereof insert ,the following: "SEcriux 4. la the year one thousand eight hundred 'qua sixty4ottr, and in. every seventh year thereafter, repreSentatives to the number of one hundred, sliajl, be apportioned and dis tributed equally, .throughout the . state, by districts, in proportion to the number of taxa ble:inhabit:tuts in the several parts thereof; except that apy county containing at least -three thotisand live huudred taxables, may be allowed a separate representation ; but no more tharl three countic.l shall be joined, and no county shall be divided in the formation of a district. Any city containing a sufficient number of taxables to entitle it to.at least two representatives, shall have a separate repre sentation assigned it, and shall be divided into convenient districts of contiguous territory. of equal taxable popglation as near as may be, each of Which districts shall elect one repro sentative." GINGER -At the end of" section seven, same . article, insert these words, "the city of l'hiladelphia shall be divided into single senatorial districts,. of contiguani territory as nearly equal in taxable population as possible; bid no ward shall be di- 1 eided in the /invitation thereof. The legislat - pre, - at its first session, after the , a/option of this amendment, shall divide the the city of Pailailelphia into senatorial and representative districts, in the manner abovd provided; such districts to remain unchanged until the apportionment in the rear one thow sand eight hundred and sixty--four.. There shall he an additional section.to the first article of said constitution, which shall be numbered and read as follows : • SiirrioN U. The,legislatur! -ball have the power . to alter, revoke, or annul, any charter of incorporation hereafter conferred by, or un der; npy special, or general law, whenever in their opinion it may be ininriotm to the citi, zens of the commonwealth; iri.such manner, however, that no injustice shrill be . done to the corporators.. •• . IN SENgE, 3fare4 27,' 1857. Raofrefi, That this resolution pass. On the RESOLUTION rmsT _.4:MENDNIE:S7' M%=l OF PITBIJG DEBTS, SECOND AMENDMENT MEM OF NEW COUNTIES TUIRD AMENDMENT FOURTH A MEND.MENT ' Airats24olo 4 3., 7; seer (l, enduraiti ;my ; 1 1 1 .ii,;.: ; p,pv0.8-59f11,?thyd men:dilate, `Yells* 24, 114-y3...trq4' tlle. fpurtli .i.paentline.ut,yois 23; nays 4: '-': •;. • tioid Journal:3 GEO: W.,IIAIIERSIA ;IN RE HON§E' OF' REPRESENTATIVES, 4pnZ 2) = Rotolred, ThaVtltisresolutitntliSits , On e first dinuntirnent; j4l; the ses 'ond :itnen'iluten t , vetis tile third ntnenchnent; yelis 72, nays 22; ,the fourtit atneudutent,..reas ts 3, nay. 4 7.: 11.4.trag;. froin thp .1611 . 11U:111' ' JACOB ZELGLEIL'eIerk. Filed ig Sc:cretury's office;; Mgy I 8,17." ' .4. G; - • ' Secretary of theVoihosootrealth. - • SECit ET.I.Web 'OFFICE, Ihignsuenu, Julie 22, Pi5T. • Pel)7M/11 ; 1711;a : rs : . • do certify that the abuye and foregoing is a true and correct copy of the original .41teso lutIoti proposing amendments to the Constitn tiotrof the tpitrionwealtti;" with the cute in each braucl of the l i egialatore upim the final passage theFeuf, as appears from the originals on tile uiliee. [L • In teatimony whereof I have hprenn • • s '• l l9 set my hand and caused to be Atlixod the seal of the Seeretury'S Qilice, the day and year above tvritien.. • ' A. G. CURTIN, Secretory of the Conifoonieealth, IN SPATE, March 27, 1857, T 1 ;csolgtion proposing arn,endi;uents to the Constitution of the Cornmonw9alth being un der consideration, On the question, Will toe tieniite agree to be first =lend inent ? The yeas and nays were taken agreeably to the iirovisions of the Constitution, and were as follow, viz YEas—Messrß: Brewer, Browne; Coffey, Ely, Evans, Fetter, Flennikea,,Frazer, Ingrain. Jor dan, Ki'linger , Knox., Laubaeb, Lewis, Myer. Shuhiu, Steele,. Straub, Welsh, Wilkins, Wright and Taggart, 4`ipeakee —24. NAYs—ltessrs. Crabby Cresswell, -Pinney; Gregg ? 11an1.. Peni-obe and Souther--4. rio the que4tiou wtni dcteriniuml- in the afrOuative. t.htthe question,- !,, „ . Will the lieuate agree to the second 'a: inendinent? 'L'ne yeas and nays were taken - agreeably t 9 the provisioas: of the L'onstitution, :And were as follow, viz : ' . . . . Yr-is—Messrs. Brewer, Browne, Cresswell, lily, livens, Fetter, Finney, Flenniken, lngram, .Ipr(leh, Nnoy,'„ Laubaeb, Myer, Sellers, Shuman, Souther, Steele, Straub, IVelstt, \Vil hhti, Wright and Taggart, Speaker-23. N.ivs—Stessrs. C;oirey, Vraub, Frazer, Gregg, Harris, lcillinger, Penrose end Seofieltl—§. _ . ttiq the quesliclu nay determined in the atlirniatiye. On the question. . Will toe Senate agree to the thirst =end ment? The yeas and nays were lnkeit agreeably to the previsions of toe Constitution - , and Were as follow, viz: Yuan--Messrs. ,Brewer, BroWne, Crabb, Cressivell,,Ely, Evans, Flenniken, Frazer, In grain, Jordan, Kiilinger, Knox, Laub:Leh, Lt>lVi3, .11.yer, 8::ofield, Sellers; Shuman, .)uther, Steele, Strauu, WeLin, - Wilkins and Wright -24. Nars—Messrs. Coffey, Gregg, Harris and rearese—l. So th,e question was determined in the . . On the question, tae Senate agree to the fourth amend ment ? Tile yeas and nays were taken ag,reeably to the provisions of Lue CoustiLution, ahcrwere as follow, viz: YEAS —Mossrs.lrewer, Browne. Coffey, Cresswell, lily, Evans, Flenniken, Fraser; In- Knox, Lauinteh, Lewis, "dyer, eoheld. Sainhou, Souther, Steele, Straub, Wash, Wilkins and Wright-23. NAYs—Alessrs. Cribb, Haney, Jordan and Penrose—l. So the question was determined in the frinqat ve. IN THE HOUSEOF REPRESENTATIVES. April 29, 16:.7. - The resolution proposing amendments to the constitution of the Lununouwealth heing, mi ner consideration, - in the question, Will tue Liouse agree to the first amend ment' The i yeas and nays were taken agreeably to the ptuvisious of toe Constitutioll, uud were us foilow. viz: YEAS--Messrs. Anderson, Arthur, Back house, Ball, Beck, Bishop, Bower, Brown, Cal lionu, Campbell, Chase, Cleaver, Crawford, Dickey, But, Eyster, Pausold, Foster, Gibbo ney, Gildea, harper, nes, Helmand, Billegaii, Hoffman, (Berks,) Imbrie, lnnes, Jacobs, Jenkins, 'Johns, Johnson, Kauffman, Kerr, Leisenring, Longaker, Lovett, Manear, Mangle, M'Calmmt, 3111v:tin, Moor head, Mumma, Musselinan, Nichols, Nicholson, Nunemacher, Pearson, Peters, Petrikin, Pow nail, Purcell, Ramsey, (Philadelphia,) RamSev,. (York,) Roamer, Reed, Roberts, Rupp, Shaiv, Sloan, Smith, (Cambria) Smith, (Centre,) Ste venson, Tobin, Vail, Vanvoorhis, Vickers, Voeghley, Walter, Westbrobk, Wharton, Wil liston, 'Vitherote, Wright, Zimmerman and Uretz, Speaker-78. NAYS—Messrs. .Backus. Benson, Dock, Ham- Btom Hancock, }Hue, liolYw,tn, (Lebanon.) I_erkrtithers, Thorn, Warner and Wiutrode So the question was- determined in the agirmative. un the question, • Will to,e !louse agree to the second amend isrlent ' The yeas nna nays were talten.agreenhly to the pru}•isigns of the Constitution, and were tt4-fullow, • VEAs-- . -Messrs. Anderson, Back-house , Beck, Bower, Calhoun, Campbell, Carty, But : Ftpisold, Foster, - Gildt a, Hamel, Harper, lieill6, Heistaud, Billegtis,:llotrman;• (Berks,) House= keeper, Imbrie,• Hines, Jenkins, Johns, John son, Kauffman, Knight, Leisenring, Longuker, Lovett, Menear, • Mangle, - Milvaiu, _Moorhead, MUSSOlinail,.ittllolS, LSiChOl:3Oll, ,X eutacber; Pearson, Peters,. Petrikin, human, Purcell, Ramsey, (l'hilaerlphia,) Barkley, (York.) Hea vier, Roberts, Rupp, Shaw, aloau, Tolan, Wilter,.Westbrook, Wiirtdit, Zim merman and Spea-ker7-5.7. INAvs--,Messrs. Arthur, Augustine, Backus, lienson. Bishop, BroWn, Chase, Clearer, Craw ford, Ffyster, Gibluiney, Hamilton; Hancock, Gill, Hine, Hainan, (Lebanon,} Jacobs, Kerr Lebo, realmont, Mumma, Reed, Smith, (Cum bria,) Smith, (Centre,) Stevenson, Struthers, Thorn, Yanvoorhis, Vickers, Wagmiseller, Warner, Wiutrode, Witherew and Wright- 7 3C, So the qqestion was 'determined is the af firmative, Un the qapstioa, , Ntilitue house agree to ihe' third am'end meat? ' • , , , The yeas an 4 ',lays wire taken agzecabiy to MEE the"picsvisit4ifor t4e tuulwere us ;, • . YEAS—Me M.Antl9r3on, Deckhouse, 40, 4worl;:l9wkriArcoli,callieun, Catop frell, Chase, Cleayer . ,,Crawihrtl i 'Dlykey, 40 7 'Voter,. ,Fatii.ohl, GittboneY;',4laniel; liayper, Hein3, EleistanA, Eiill, liillcgus , Ijoff; (llerk:4,) (I...ebanon,) keeper, Imbrie,"lnties',..Theolis.-Jislins; Johnson, LutjuiM , lcerr, , kgbli; L6n,gayer,-Lovett,, :neai, Naugle, realmont; Moorhead, 3jAknua, u ssoitha Nipholson, nernathe r Pearson, ;Peters Petrilsin. Pownall, fl',' l lro%e:4l; (York.} 'teener, Reed, Rupp, Shaw, Sloan, Smith. tCalnbrja,) Smith, teentre,j S . t i evensolf, Tojan, yasl,`.,V.anroorhis,- yi.*er ; vuegilJeS, Wagon:34yler, 11 estbrouk, ICi Liston, IYitlierdw, Wright,' Zimmerman, and Metz, Spiaker-72. • • N t iYs—Messrs. Arthur, Augustine, Backus, Bishop. Carty, Doak; Hamilton, Ilan emit. Hine, Jenkins, Knight, Leisenring,. ruin, Re ins ey. ila de Ipaia,) Roliert.6, Struth ers, Thorn, Walter; Warner, Wharton'. end Wintrode-22.. 61.1 the . question was determined in the Pflimpitive. • On the question, :Will the ileueligree to the fourth amend ment ? The yeas and nays were taken ntreeably to the provisions of the Constitution, and were as tallow, viz.: Y.ts--11.essrs. Anderson, Arthur, Back house, Backus, Ball, Beck, Benson, Bishop, Bower, Brown, Calhoun, Cdmpbeil, Carty, (Lase, Cleaver. Crawford, Dickey, Eut, Eyster, Faitsold, Foster, Gil2bouey. G,ldea, Hamel, Harper, Heins, Ilcistand, Bill, fiiltegas, Hu r- not). ( Berks.) . Hoffman, (Lebanon.) House keeper, Imbric, runes ' 'Jacobs, Jeukins, Johns, Johnson, Kauffman,, Icerr, Lebo, Lei,enring, Lo;Waker, Lovett, Stanear, llaugle.M'Calmont, NPllvain, Mumma, Musselman. Nichols, Isylicli2 elson, Spitemacher, Pearson, Peters, Petrikin, Pownall, Purcell, Ranisey, ( Philadelphia.) Ramsey. It - tirk.) Reamer, Reed, Roberts, !Cupp, Shaw, Sloan, amith. (Cdrabria.) Smith,Cea . treo •tevenson, Tolan, Vail, V.invoorhis, Vickers, VoeghleY, Wagouseller,'Walter, War ner,:We,,t brook, Whartoa, Wittistou, Witherow, Limhtcrohn and Getz, B,eetsker—tiz. - • N ' AYS-3lessrs„ hoc's,, Hmilton, 'Hancock, Struthers, Thorn, Wintrode and Wright-7. :So the question was determined iu the at iirmatiye, • . A . SECRETARY'S 'OFFICE, Atunsntato„June loSi. Penni2ilvanicr, $.l : I,do certify that the abol'e - and foregoing is a true anti correct copy of the "Yeas" and "Nays" Wien on the resolution proposing amendments to the Congiitution of the Coin ntonwealth, as the sante appears oa the Jour ; nails of the two houses of the General Assent .of this Commonwealth for the session of 1.63 i S'-i Witness uy hand and the - seal of said office. this twenty-second day of June, one thousand eight hundred and fifty seven. A. G. CURTIN, 10:5-3m. Secretary of the Commonwealth PIANOS, XELODEONS & IWSIO. TH' CASH SYSTEM ADui..,!TED. Price - G-re;itly Reduced, HORACE WATERS, So. 333 Bi:ocithccili, 4GENT FOR THE BEST ISOSTuN s N: Y ,Instwuraleut.s. TrIE: Largest Assortment of Pianos, Melo deons, Musical Instruments, and Musical Merchandise of nil kinds, in the United•fitates. Pianos from Ten dithurent Manufactories, emu piising those of every variety of style, from the:plain, neat mid substantial 61 octaves, in Walnut or Rosewood Cases, from 61.50 to 6200, to those of the most elegant finish up to One ThtMsantl Dollars, No house in the - Union can compete With the above in the number, variety and celebrity of its instruments, nor in the F4tremely low prices at which they are sold. UOILWE WATERS' MODERN IMPROVED PIANOS, with or without Iron Frames, pus sesing in their improvements of over-strings and action, a length of scale and compass of tope (Kola! to the Grand Piano. -united with the beauty and durability of structure of the Sqnare Piano. They are justly pronounced by the; Press and by the first Musical Masters, to be equal to those of any other manufacturer. They are built of the best and most thorough ly Seasoned material, and guaranteed to stand the' action of every climate. Each Instrument gtotranteed to give satithction, or purchase molter refunded. SIiCOND 7 II.I...ND ,at .great bar emistptly in itore,—price from S3U to 110RA,CE WATER S' MELODEON:S.—SU pprior Instruments in touch and durability of nait:o. (Tuned the elptal temperament 4 Me lodeons of all other style:: and makes. Price $45, $6O, s7s ' $lOO, $125, sl4o—double and two banks, of Keys,. $2OO----lessa discount. Clergymen upd. Churches, an extra discount. - • • MARTIN'S GUITARS, BROWN'S HARPS., , FLUTES, • ' FLUTINAS, ACCURDEONS, VIOLINS. and Musical Instruments of all kinds, at lower priiies than ever before offered to tha public. A large discount to Teachers and Schools. The trade supplied on the" most liberal terms. IiIUSIC..-Une of the largest and best se lected catalogues of Music now published, comprising many of the choice mid most.pop ular air:.,'of the day, and will be sold at one third orfrom the regular prices. Masia sent by mail to all parts of the Nun-. tryl post-paid. Particular and personal atten tion paid Ito all orders received by mail. Sat isfaction guaranteed in every instance. Pianos and Melodeons for rent and rent allowed 'on pnachase. Pianos and Melodeons.for sale on monthly payments;'; Second-hand Piapos ta ken-in exchange for.new, • General and select Catalogues and Schedule of prices foratifded to nli parts of the country by mail. ' • Great in . klucements offered to AGENTS in all parts of the country, to sell the Horace Waters' Pianos, Melodeons, and 6italeigue of Mosio. • '8:40, A 4ctircd Physician, 75 years of age, having lost his Father, two Brothers, Daughter. Son-in-law. Nephews anti Nieces, by that dreadful dise'ase, CONsptmos, and suffer ing with a Cotigh, himself, detirmined to visit the East Indies, Egypt, and where he discovered a Prerefitive and Certain Carejor Colds, Coughs, Bronchitis, Connunptfott,': Ner- Debility 'and Asthma. -Ills., cough was cured' immediately; he returned, cured his Rel ativiii, who inherited the disease,' and in con nection with his son have employed itin their practice, curing thousands of cases considered hopeless by others.' For' the purpose of resell-, ing as many of his fellow beings as possible,. lie is' sending the Recipe to all who wislfit for 10 cents; 3 ofit to pay.. the 'postage,. and-,the balance printing.• Address ...1)r. , liss.rit:A 01 Spring sheet, oppaiited st. Nicholak. Hotel, New Yort.,, = DIILLPORT icaiLD-tiVA)Mpai , THEinhsoribers take this anethOd'.of, - -farthing their frientls.that the; ,:}re` in' re ceipcot, fled are- nom' opettingi :a choice and ,ciesirable-stock of•\ ' ' StAPLp AND FANCY DRY GOODS; to which,the3,- invite the attentk or ; ah wlio desire to make purchases. Our stuck is large has been selected with great - pare. b Par ticularly adapted to. the wants of th's section of our country. Oar stock: Diy.l).)odscOn -sists , • DRESS GOODS,TRINPIRW.S, RIB' I ONB,' ENDIIOIDEITIES.. PADASO cLOTHS, CASSIMERES• i VESTINI.IS. DO- I MESTICS,.:. • • • ! SHIRTI OS,_. [HOSIERY, SIIAWI.S, anal a variety of other articles, too numerous to mention', We have alap a. complete Ussort meut of • • : GROCER E.S, TIAIIDWARE AND " r . ' CROCKERY• . • - nll of which will be . sold'unconumily chenp for ready pity, p.m/ ftir approved credit on 114 . reasonable terms as auy other establishment: I • 'MANN ,tNI4IIOLS. . Nillport, Aug, 1/, 13/:+ti.-9:13 LI. W. KING Er. SM PATENT' CHAIR MANCFACTURons, 43 13roonie Str 46t, 04e Door East of Broadway, [Late tks BrOa - . .t 1 edio/lei,l A. 1), 1833.: IrNVITE Vn etaminatioi) of their great. vtiri etz. r .anB. superhir assortinent oh CHAIRS,. tuanufaettired at their own cstublislintent.'und under theirinimecilitto ohservation ‘ ud direc tion. inelqding PIVOT REVOINING CITAMS, EXTEN:SILLN RE IMAMS, I IMPROVED INVALID WIJEEL MAJORIBEAIILE' TRAVELINU CHAIR. !! • . 011 ,SP.I.NISII SPRING ANIT - SQUAP: 11/1111r3IATIC, SPINAL AN.1.1 INVILID I CIIAIRS, &V., &C., &U., Embracing the most complete assortment, and choicest kinds for Parlors, Draw,: 11Gonta, Chambers, Gardens, Libraries, Coantina ',buses, UStees, Pal.; lie institutions, Dentists, Bitrbers, together with every desirable sort a i dapted to the comfort, - convenience and lux pry of the Sick, the.l, , lgrd, the Indira, the Lai/team' Lazy. In point of ingenuity of design,. e l legiince of finish, quality and richness of thateriili; faitlt tulness ofjexecution, durability and tilivapuess, these chairs are unsurpassed. Pori them, 31. Sr. KING & SUN, were awarded the first and only Prize. Medal, and the faculty rieommend them as far preferable to beds or couches for patients afflicted. with Spinal Asiltnuitic ur fironehia/!ailections. To either arm of the chair may be attached a convenient reading or writing: Dr.s.:, and any combination desired will be manufactured to to order. ! • A Circidar with -explanatory cuth, will be sent by mail if requested, and °Mari: [with re mittances:,] promptly forward.d to tiny part of the world. LI:XT.MY & :ECONOMY! KING'Si "NEW CH/ R. 4 ' IS YOU, LliE .IT," - An Arm Chair, IteclininF Chair, 71)ueli and Bedstead,! [costars h it; ox ,] is sus c eptible ut twelve ditlereat positions or ehange i s, to meet the varied requirements l't.ty comfOrt conveni= ence, luxury and economy. rin spa .e as well as price.]' Whether in siekpess or , malh, tlii celebrated CHAIR -As YOC LIKE ivi excels in many respects, any chair perhapk,ever manu factured ia this or any other counttiv: The price varies from lAfiun to ' !drill Dol lars, according to ffinish. , , To Public fustitutions, as well asp individ eats, thisq3llAlß is a very desirable article, and will :he supplied in any nutaltr on the most liberal terms: Apply to or a. dreSs 1 - M. W. KING'S SON, 438 BrCrome st., One door ea , tt. of . Int'uttlway, NEW Tonic. (Late 468 . Brew/lefty. itt:44—lc 'V, EVIOOODS—A Fine _1:-sort , -LI reee i ived at OLM! GREAT REVOLUTION IN MEDICAL est Therapeutic ever Introduceet EM . KINSON'S . ~. MAGNETO Er.EC , • TRIG MACHINE . 4.4 , " is ex lung; he iabsorhitig atten tttion ot i the Medi f" cal Profession and a litrg E portion of ; .....--------, the int Iligentlay . men of tle land. It is now clea. , ly demon strated that the lancet, mercury, and all other internal 'f drug medication" may bb laid aside with perfect - safety to the patient! and abi& ing benefit to posterity. ' Whereviir these nr chines Intlve been introduced, they excite the highest IVonder and praise, The! apparatus is adapted to prevent, - relleve and cure every d in disease incident to humanity.—re pit:Alien- Ilarly all those painful and formid?ble dtteas les which Ilmve for centuries hated the pro foundest learning and skill of phyiicians. From IVhatever cause there mak ) be nn ex cess or deficiency of the nervous filuidpro t t clueing an excess or deficiency- 9 1 the acids and alkaline secretions—the magnetic princi ples:of the system are deranged, Itild can on -1 ly he' safely restored to their nom al condititib by on aP plication of magneto-el •etricity, by means of DR. DICKINSON'S MAGNETO i I ELE,CTIII.O MACHINE. This apparatus will j positivelY ; pve.vent, and speetlilyj relieve . and I cure Consumption, Scrofula, - Rheumatism, Palsies, Neuralgia; Spinal Disantes, and all other -paibful maladies, however 1 opeless and iof long standing.. They are emi eutly useful ti jin all sexual, and urinary disoyd rs, particu larly where the Constitution has ,icen, broken down and ruined by unnatural solitau habits to ivhichltoo many of the young (i f both sexes I 0 are so lamentably prime. DR. DICKL.NSON'S.MAQNETOI;ELECTIge. !MACHINE is without the datigekons coinPli- I rations of batteries and aciii,s—whielt filet alone I renders ii sUperior to all others 'on the score of neatness, cleanliness, safety and utility.- llt is, in fact, a handsome' parlor ornainent; may be applied by 4 Child; an will last. a life-time,: to the great saving!of Doctor's 1 bills, Arc.; - • • . -1 • PRICE OF THE MACTITNE"SI . . It.will! be' safely • packed and sent to any, part of the United States. , . Sol wholesale and.retail at the Medical Office,l,3BNOßTH 'SEVENTH Street, Philadelplat. Address,. A. c. 10-1--17 NEIN' 2 lIQRSE LUMBER /1.. for sale by - JCISE.§..MANN CculdeisPort, June I rec'eiyed .0 ti ILL X..) Just the- C 7 tea' pest an4lllantreonlegt_ll::l94: “)•• • catiri-Ilte. V I VOIllat 1 0 1 :C 1 00;9P°' , - • msELEdkvt', AND LITERARY - AND FAMILVNI6,NTHLV MAGAZINE -SloBpl,o - 4i vtildnie in - June nests D uring he ,fe" w. brief Mentlis tea'ee it , has uttnined in nunali of the l'inss, ' •- • , 'The,publi4tirs • e. fOr_l.4)ol . tli literwry etfortN - IMailes,. Romances, Eisitysi I?patry . , atid ether ttimil ling•-and inicrqsting reedit* wits, conimeneell iu January, Last, - and, ate being 41111 reddish. cel in the V hitter.. • - all "The Ne7.Volttiite,wilflieTgoinitietiedlit:le.- h 185:7 ; • greatly: haproved `anti "eplarQrd: lqaeli number will contain tlifitYttio extra large sized royal tadavO pages,,initking a na g . nitinent yuluule . of .nearly ! tog :pages for-the . year—pr , , presenting an autonnt of the chei. cot renditig on ) all %tha t %Could cost in die book stores M.' le:114 fifty cents, payable ilivaritt.W. itt advance. Some of the most popular, and brilliant a l o e and female conirihutore tire regular ciaj p i r -i butors and . the publishers:will spare tin pc or expense : to:n:ll(l6% r ib° IN - eh:owe - 1T lat 4 every. .way_acceptable Iti'a refined and gent community. . " The publication is adapted to ell cgs/ of peoides—the young and : the - old•—und where. ever seen cud peruSed; r . iiieets wits - tinivetsti • acceptation. •. • . a:ff" No* is . the to subscribe' - ,to , th 4 Sew. Volume. - • *.4*, The.back - , nambers . may be had. (r complete sets Or 3 cents etieb, bribe whoi a : series of 12 nuMbers for TiliE:4l - -mt cents, Liberal iudueetitents to Clubs and c an , vassers. - • e-Remetilber, our terms Are Fifty ents 'for one year, fur zi siugle'copy, or three cup. ies will be seat un4eioue eover.or addres. for : Oue Dollar. . Arldress,, UMBENT ciiispEN &COMPANY, Pub Miller!. N0.,38. North .51;renth Shoitt,, stairs.) Philadelphia. 10:1* -UPS, IN VALID CHAIP. , 3. lIALITIC VARMERS' WASTING PLASTER forluud I!' will find a supply at ." , 9:43. JONES, NS k .ONES, ONES, MANN rv. JONES, ,pisy the highest OP- market prier for all kind's pfProdace, ~:~~ FOR ALL TEE PURPOSES OF & FAMILY PHYSIC. THinE has long existed n' Public demand for na effe,tive purgative pill which could be relied on u sure and perfectly safe in its operation. This has been prepared to meet that Amend, and an oaten• sive trial of its virtues has conelnsively shown with what snecessit accomplishes the purponelesigned. It is CM' to make a physical pill, but net east , Make the he of elllas— one which should have none of .th . 6 Objection.. loot all the advantages, of every other. :This ha, been attempted here, and with what suLeess we would 'respectfully submit to the pnblic decision. It has been unfoi.tunatelti the patient hitherto that almost every purgative medicine is acrimonious ondlrritating to the bow. This isnot. Many of them produce so mach griping pain and revulsion in. the system as to more than counterbalance tho good . to be derived from them. Those. pills produce. no irritation or pain, carless it arise from a previously existing obstruc tion or derangement in the bowels. Being purely vegetable, no - harth can nrise.from their use rn any quantity ; but Wm better that any medicine ',lama be taken judiciously. Minute directions fur their use in the seveial diseases to which they are ap plicable are given on the box. Aiming the tom plaints which have been speedily cured by them, we maionention Liver Complaint, in its various forms of Jaundice, Indigestion, I.anguor nnil Loss of Ap petite, Listlesdness, Irritability, Bilious Headach.., Bilious Fever, Fever and Ague, Pain in the Side . and Loins; for in truth r all these are but the con• sequence of eseascd action In the 'liver. As as aperient, they afford prompt and sure relief in t.!ng. tiveness, Piles, Colio, Dysentery, - Humors, Semi. ula and. Scurvy,'Colds with soreness of the body, Ulcers and impurity of the blood; in shortiesy and every case where a purgative is required. They have also produced some singularly oar' cesefirl cures in Rheumatism, Gout, Dropsy, and, Erysipelas, Palpitation' of the Heart, Pains in the Back, Stonmelvand Side; They should be freely taken in the spring of the'Yeat, to purify the blond and prepare the system for the change of seasons, spa occasional dole stimulates the stomach ati bevels into healthy action, and restores the ape!. tite and vigor. They purifYthe blood, and, by their stimulant action on the circulatory system. mum yam the strength of the body, and restore the iynsted or diseased energies of the wholo organism. }lance an occasional dose. is advantageous, ever, though no serious derangement exists; but we necessary, dosing should ne'er- be, carried toa far, - as every purgative medicine reduceslthe strength, when taken to excess. Thethonsand a physic is required cannot be ennmeratolhere.but th st themselves to the reason or every_ bed:, ;andit is confidently believed this pill will answer it better - purpose than any thing which has hitherto been available- to mankind. When their virtues are once lorown, the publie will no lancet doubt what remedy to employ when-in need of cathartic medicine. Being sugar-wrapped they are pleasant to take, and being purely vegetable, no harm can arise from their use in any quanta , . For minute directions-see wrapper, on the .}3ol • . PREPARED BY anent just •:;YEI)'B. MEE gent JAMES C. AYER, Practical and Analytical Cikeinisi LOWELL, MASS, Pride. 25 Cents per Box. riprn Bore&foi AYES 'S CHERRY PECTORAL, • Fur the rapid Clare Or t'OUGIII', COLDS; .1103 • USENESS• WHOOPING-C0U404, CROUP, - ASTHMA, AND, CONSUAMTION. Tars remedy has won for itself , finch noteddi from its cures of every variety of pulmonary dl. ll that it is entirely unnecessary to recount the 0 1 Aences of its virtues in any community whete -11 as been employed. So wide is the field of its use fulness and so numerous - the cases Tel its or e h that a lmost every section of the , ee „ unte y - a tiouralt is persons publicly kunwn. who hav e redot4 .rom alarming and even desperate diseases of tha lungs by-its lase. When once tried ifs superietl l 7 over every other.mtalieine of its kind is too APIA" , ent to escape observation. and where its virtues are knoien.- the public no longer hesitate what ar.tidots to employ for the distressing and dangerous afro tiops of. the , puha - inn:try organs which' are incidisi l to. our climate. Mid not only hi forinidahle tacks - upon the lungs, but for the milder varietiet of COLD!, 'CDROM 114AESENESR, &e.; arid for CIIILDREN it the p leasantesti and safest uted . o o that can be obtained. • : ' As it has long been in constant'use ,thrinEtget" this section, we need not dornore than wen= -the people its quality is kept pp to:the bested it ere , has lieeri, - and that the genuine - article bi 41 by "AGON Tor ,k-qoxts., - SPF;S"O,ER, COTDERSI'ORT; ,Pa 4 and .b.r.ComArylfer chats tul.Druggisltvever.ywliere., • ,W 'GOODS MSTED'S.. P R IM. sAma