The Potter journal. (Coudersport, Pa.) 1857-1872, August 06, 1857, Image 3

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VIIITUE.of a wri s t 41£ LeVari l'aeht is
sued out of the Conker Cl:annum Pleas
u t Putter County, ,Pentiss Iv , us a, and to me dis
rested, T shall ear:se to public sale.or outori,
s t the Courtslinstie 'in the klornugh of Con
eersport, on AsudrtY, the.2lst day of:Septean
- sse, 057, at 10 n:lock 4. M.,
ik unne timber . trees, of
,whatever species,
,rind,, or nnture, now growing and us* she sire
et ten intim in rgailleter lit fhe etuanp, or that
ros y grow and ;attain to that size daring the
-•riOd hereinafter Mention4(4:cm all the here
isaftsr mentioned and described tracts, parts
of ti•Jeg,.pieces or pareds of land, situate iu
1:e County of Potter i and state of Pennsylva-
I da, containing, together, Ffty Thousand
'Arms, allowances follows,,vie:
Oa Ist! that certain tract or piece of land
eaveyed in plarsultnee , of transmit nutubsr
saw thousand six ,hundred and thirty-two,
eontaining - mine hundred and ninety
,rres and allowance of six per cent. fur road's
all that 'certain tract or piece
of landourveyed in pursuance of tynrraut num
tuur thousand six hundred and, thirty-bur.
0,634,,) Containing nine hundred and ninety
rnes: and nil ;wande of siz per.emt. for ro
+ls 'ALSO—CIu all - that certain tract, piece
or parcel of land Surveyed in tierSuance of
warrant number four thousand six hundred
end thirty-live, (4,635.) containin; nine hun
dred and ninety acres and allowance of six
tn:r cent. for roads ',dm. ALSO—Qu all that
errtain tract or piece of land suryessed in pur
p•uance of warrant number tour alunsand six
hundred and forty-one, (4,011,) ,containing•
nine hundred and ninety acres and allowance
„r• six per cent. furroatis Ares ALSO—On all
'het certain tract or piece of laud surveyed in
sursuance of warrant number four thou-and
:it hundred and forty-liree. 4.t 43. containing
see hut/ sited rind ninety'acres and allowance
Jim pet cent. for 'roads kc., ALSO—On all
il iteert.tiu tract or piece of laud surveyed in
pod:dee Of warrant number four . thot sand
. x hundred and forty-tn 0, 4,642, containing
awe hundred and ninety acres and allowance
of s - e F r cent, for avoids bre. ALSO—On all
tad certain tract or piece of lend surveyed in
pardance of Warrant nunther four thousand - 1
s ix buttered and forty-eight, 4.G4S,enntaining i
nine hundred andninety 'acres and allowance
ut sir per cent. fui!roacis &c. ALSO—On all I
that certain tract air piece Of land surveyed in',
pursuance of Warrant nyinber lOgr thousand
siz hundred and fOrty-nine, 4,64 n. containing
sine liundred 'and ninety acres and allowance
sf six percent. fof roads ke. ALSO—=On all
that cert tin tract or piece of land stirveyeal in
pursuance of warrant number four thousand
nix hundred and tifty-live, '4,655, containing
due hundred andnin .ty acres and allowance
zsix per cent, for rundi Sc, ALSO—On all
:nut certain tract or piece of land surveyed in
pursuance of et - Arrant number tour .thousand
e s hundred and tifty-teght, coat:tilting
nine hundred and iiittety acres and allowance
of six per cent. for, roads Cc. ALSO—On all
that curt tin tract Lir piece of land surveyed in
pursuance of warrant, nuMber four thousand
siX hundred and {fifty -nitre, 4,654, containing
nine hundred and( ninety acres and uliawauce
of six per cent, for' roads Sc. ALSO—On all
that terrain tractlOr piece of land surveyed in
pursualtee of 'warrant. number. four thousand
bit hundred and Sixty-ft:dr, 4,6d4, containing
Line hundred and•ninety.neres and allowance
vi six per cent. fotroads ALSO—On all
rant certain tract r piece °Claud surveyed in
pursuance of warrantinumbjr: four thousand
•s:x hundred anti sing -five, 4.665, containing
arse hundred amPuittelv acres and alliinaist)
of six per cent. for roads &c. ALSO—On al
flat certain tract piece of hind surveyed in
pursuance of warrant number if our thousand
Fix hundred and 13ixty-.:4, 4,666, contninin ,
nincliundred and ninety tneres and allowan
of .six. per cent. f6r roads ALSO—On a
thatcertaiu tracti'or piece ui laud nurVeyed in
pardoner of warrant number four thousand
4 r hundred - and sake-60'1,M 4,667, containing
nine hundred and; tinetY acres and allowonee
of six per cent. fur roads arc. ALSO—tin all
that certain tract: l pr piece of land surveyed in
pursuance of warrant number four thousand
:dr hundred and 4ixty-eight, 4.1;66, containing
uiae antd ninety acres and allowance
Ui sivlicr cent. for roads ALLSo—Out all
that certain tractors iece of land surveyed in
pursuance of warrant number four tiwudnd
hundred mid Seventy-one, 4,1;71, contain
ing nine hundred 'and ninety acres and allow
auto of sill per cent, for roads k.e.
t,a all that certain t: act or piece of land sur
rsyed in pursuance of Warrout number four
th.insaaa six iftnnired ands veiny, ;70,
containing nine hundred all.ninety ItCr,- alit
of six Per cent. for roads Sc. AL
;•4I-011 all that Jeertain tract or p.e,:e of boot
surveyed in pursuance of warrant number
tour tuousand nille hundred and thirty-two,
4,9 2, containiag nine hundred :and ninety
acres and allowitnee of sir per cent. for roads
ar. ALSO—Out all that dirtaiii tr Let or piece
of !arid surveyed in pursuanee of warrant No.
f,ur thousand nine hundred en l tairty-threes
4:933. containinis nine hundred and ninety
acres and alloWance of six per cent. for roads
ke. ALSO—tin all that certain tract or pie'vel
of land surveyed In pursuance of warrant No.'
four thousand nine hundred and twent
4,929 contaluilig nine hundred and' ninety
acres and allowance of six psr cent. for road;
kc. ALSO—OIt all that certain tract or piece
of laud surveyed in pursuance of warrant Nu.
lulu' thousand six hundred and eighty-f nut,
4,644, cont • juin.; nitre hundred and oninet•
acres and allowance of six per cent, for roads
ALSO-Ott all that certain tract or piece
ui land surveyed - iii phrsuance of warrant No.
four thousand six hundred and eighty-live.
cuss, containing nine hundred and ninety
acres ssrld allowance of six per cent. for roads
4r. - ALSO—Ott all that certain tract or piece
Cl land surveyed in pUrsuance of warrant No.
tour thousan4 six hundred and 'eighty-set - en.
4,ilS7:conlftining nine hundred and ninety'
acres and ellnWance of six per cent. for roads'
kc. ALSO—On all that certain tract or piece
of land survpyed in pursuance of warrant No.
four thousand seXcit hundred -and seventy
eight, containing, nine hundred paid
Musty acres and allowance of six per cent for
roads Sc. ALSt..)s--On all that certain tract
ur piece of land surveyed in pursuance of wars
rant No. four thousand• seven hundred and
seventy-uitie, : 4,779; containing.niue hundred
and ninety acres and allowance of six per cent.
fur 'malts itt. ALSO-011 all that certain tract
or piece of land surveyed in pursuance of war
taut Ni, four thouiand seven hundred and
shirty-four, 4,734, containing nine hundred and
ninety acres and allowance of six per cent. fur
reads Sc. ALSO—On all that certain tract
or - piece of 1-and surveyed in pursuance of
warrant No. feur thousand Six hundred and
forty, 4,640, containing nine hundred and
ninety acres and allowance of six per cent, ill.
Nada kc. 'ALSO-4.1n all that certain tract
or piece of latid surveyed itt pursuance of wor
, rant No four thOusand seven hundred and
vienty-fivr, 4,725, containing nine hundred
cud ninety acres and allowance of six per cent.
for roads Le. AlsrSits—On all that certain I
tract or piece of land, surveyed in pursuance'
at 'warrant No. four thousand seven hundred
and seven, 4,707,, containing nine hundred
and ninety acres,!and allowance of six per
cut fur roads .Sec. i ALSO—On all that cer
tain tract or pietni of land surveyed in pursu
s ales et werrsnt N'. four thousand ocs'eu hun-
dred 4011 fix, 4,706, containing nine hundred!
j anditine acres and allowance Afsix per cent.'
I foe roads .te. ALSO—:-On nit that' certain -
tract or piece of land surveyed. in . purstlaticti
; uf warrant No. four thousand seven ;hundred
land live; 4,705, contatiniug•hin lithidred and
nine acres anti allowance of sit per Cent. for
t roads s:c.. ALSO—On all "that certain tract
or piece of land surveyed in parsuanch of war
; rant No. four thousand seven hundred, 4,700,
. containing nine hundred and ninety . a.cres-end
a luwance of six per cent. 'Or roads, ate. At,
>U=--Us' all that certain tract or piticb of land ;
I surveyed in pursuance tiOwarra n t; • t iu. Tour'
. thousand six hundred and! ninetpilile, 4..tifts,
containing nine hundred and•ninetY acres and t
I allusvatice of six pa cettL;tur ruadit Ste. AL-
I SU—On all that certain tract or pteele of land
!surveyed in pursuance of warrant No. four,
; toous.nd sosen hundred and twenty=six, 4,72.5, ;
1 containing nine hundred and ninety acres and 1
; allowance of six per cent.: for roads &c. -44-
l riU—Oit all that certain tract or pisze of land I
`surveyed in:pursuance of warrant No. -four'
I toous..nd bil hu n dred' and seven ty,-l4 e, 4,675 '
I containing nine hundred and ninety acres 1
and allowance of six per • cent'. fur roads 4c,.
I ALSO—Us' all that certain tractors piece of
; land surveyed in pursuance C.1%-• IA Xrfa .x t • No.
-I four thotts.lnd seven hundred and ; seventy...,
Is:iv en, 4,777, containing. nine hundred and
• ~
' ninety acres and allowance of six per cent, for
I road; .k• c. f ALSO—Oh all that Certain tract or
, land
, piece to surveyed in pursuance of warrant
;Su. four thousand six hundred and thirty
'three, 4,4 i, containing nine . hundred and
; ninety acres anti allowance Of six percent, fur
I roads &.e.! AL:::0—On all that cert tin tract
!or piece of land surveyed ;in Ptirsuanee ot i
warrant No. four thousand i six 'hundred and
' filty, 4,656, containing: nine hundred .i.nd nine
ty acres and allowance' of, six Per cent, for
roads &c. ALSO—On all that certain tract
; or piece of land sUrveyed indiursitan•ti of war
t rant Nu. four thousand 'six. hundred and stiv- I
1 enty4our, 4,614, containing nine hu tdred and
' ninety acres and allowance ofSix per cent.
for roads ; &c. ALSO--411, ;all ta, t certain
! tract or piece of land iurvtiyed in pursfiatice
l of v.-arrant No. four thousand six ludtdred and
sixty-ninti, 4,60, containing nine. hundred
anal ninety acres and "allowance osix per t '
I cent. for roadsf&c. .ALSO—Os' all that cer
taut tractor piece of laud surveyed 1 pursu
ancc of ;warrant No i four ttioUsand 'nine I
hundred , and thirty-cotr, 4,934,1 Containing
I nine hundred ninety acres and ;allowance 1
lof six per cent for roads ..t c. .i.1)1)--Lta .all
I that puce of land, being six hitftdrll and forty 1 '•
1 acres and allowance Of six.per Cel t.I. for road, I
lac.. of a certain tract' of land sury Led in pur- 1
-twice of warrant NO, four thousatild six huh-,
I dred and fifty-one, 4,ti31. ALSO-Ou all that
j piece of tand, being six' hundred aid ninety-;
l tire acres' add allowance of six par cent. ; fin.'
roads &el., of a certain tract sd vexed in
pursuaric of -warrant No. four th insand six I
hu n dred and fifty-twO, 4,6:521 AL. ..).---Ott all I
that piece of land, being
. seven han 'red and
ni n ety acres and alldwance of fsix..., ier sent. '
Vic., of all that certain tr• 't •of land 1
for roads 1
I surveyed ;in pursuanCe, of warren No. four)
thousand: six huntire,ll anti fifty-s f:. 4.t;56.
1 ALSO—On all Una. piece of lan& beingj
I five hundred and l eio c attv-two at and al-!
. i l -
j luwancc of six per cent.
,fur idsl l &c,', of
a certain tract .surveyed its pt mance of
warrant No. four thousand six hundred I
land fifty-seven, 4' 1 ,t357. •• ALSO-1-04 all!
; that piece of 1114 in
beim,,, , eight (Oinked j
land luny acres and allowance lot'blix , p ,1 ,,r
cent. -for roads tS:e, of a certain trainstir.)
4 veyed in pursuance of warm 't No: four;
f thousand -nine hundred and is enty-eight, I
I-1,9:26. ALSO— , -On al that piece of laud,l
1 being eight hundred and fortY acres and
I allowance of six per cent. for l roads • &c.,1
of a certain tract surveyed hi pursuance
lof warrant No: four thuusandl nine bun
" dred and t‘Ventv-i.liree, -4,923 ALSO—
On all that, piece-of land being six hitii
. ,
dred and htty-five acres and idlowance of
I six per tent., for roads &c., Of a 1 certain
1 - tract surveyed in pltrivaneti of ;tvarraut
I No. four thousand seven hundred and
twenty-seven, 4,7271 ALSO ----- On all
i that the west-half; being tour hundred
~ .
land ninety-tire acres4lnd zillOwance of six
of •
!per cent. tor roads ti:c., a certain tract
surveyed in pursuance of warrant -No.
Ifour thousand six hundred nd fifty-four,
! 4,634. ALSO;---Oii all t e ; west-halt,;
being four hundred ittid ninetv-fiVe acres)
i and allowance of six; per octal for roads I
I&e., of a certain tract purtm-
lance of warrant N. four thousand six!
I hundred and fifty-three, 4,653. ; ALSO 1
—On all that tract or piece of ' land sur
vcyed in pursuancef warrant 1 No. four
six hundr d and eighty, 4,6 z , : !
1 thousand. ,
containing nine hundred 6iieninety acres i
and allOwanee of sixf per c mt. fur roads!
&c. ALSO—On all that h , ertaintlict or
piece of land 84n - eyed iu ; pursuance of
warrant No. four thousand . six, hundred I,
and seventy-three, L.,673, tcontaining nine;
hundrOd and ninety acres. and allowance
of six per ceutii for roads ite. 'ALSO--,
On all ;the west-hal ; -being four hundred
and Milety-fil, ; acres and allow:ince of six'.
for ,
j per cent. t roans .e.', of la certain tract!
I surveyed in pursulinge C l ef, warrant No.l
I four thousantil;six I un dred and seveuty.
two, 4,672. ; j • I ,
AND ALSOHFhe 14 , 44, of free in.,
1 tiress; egress and relness in; upon through !
; a • , ~.. 1 1 ..'. ' 1
and over the a buve described tracts, piti - e-
!es of tracts mi l d paileels of lands and eve- 1
ry part and parcel ;thereof, to fell, cut,
I hew, bark 'haul and tali i .,.. away the said'
ti w lier trees from lie said la uds,'and also ;
j the right to Pile mid stire thli said tim
ber trees on the said lands when cut and
divided into jlogs :Ind 6430 until the
same eitn conveniently be hauled, floated!
or carried aWay, and also the right to
I build, linake 14ittl construct houseS, roads
land bridges,;! for the puipose! ,of hau4g
and taking aWay the logs and timber cut
and h6ed front the said titnlier lauds,
and also all ;the right. to use the waters
, .
and streams 'la water in 'and upon aw
. 1 ,1.
'said lands and flowing through the same,
to float•and carry the lots and timberTiout
said lands—the said right to tint and carry
away firuber irees froluthe sitid lauds, as
; 1;
;above ;;described, and a,,l and singularthe
other i
I rightsandprivileges aliciVe mentioned
, -
and deseribeit and each i lof the -to contin
tm,. add to bo used j and ; enjo . .lo;, for and
duriui - the Oniod bf Fifty ears, to be
euinin4ed Nut the lift6nth d4y of Abut
'arc, .t.. U. 1856. , f d. l .. 1 '
1 Stized, taken in ere '116'4
'sold a the proierty, of, "11
. „.
Canal aUdWator.. l'ower Company," at
Ilie suit of Toltu Taggart; Trustee . .of !J J.
S. Silver et al.
A. /C., TAGGAIIT, Shiva
CoutlerspoA, Aug. 5,1.857.-4 A....
•- - SEPTE.III3Eit . TER31,J.85";;
CQunty of Potter, vs. C., W. James
w. smith.
...Trustees of Bingham Estate, Jacob B
ice/Intr. -
County of Potter, vs. E. Johnston .Arnes
Bump. 2d.
%Vol. lslcEtougall, vs.. Jno. M. Kilborn;
Rufus Rice.
- C. Aylesworth, vs. N: P. - Minartl.
George Andrews, vs. Amos Nichols.
C. Eveliu. Jr. vs. .1 . 011:11.11:in Card, et. aL
Benj. Stiiith; vs. Isaac Lyman,
l'ikc Towuship. 'v 1): C.lappelp
Wharton School District, vs. Julius Johnson.
Isaac Peare6, use ofDAy S Dot;', ,'.s. Frank.-
lin Gale.
Levi Annis.' - Vs. W. T. Jones.
E. M. Carpenter. vs-Chits. Armstrong.
Barak :ides, vs, L. D. William;:.
Elias E. More, vs. Morris - S. Carpenter,
D. B. Brown, vs. Leonard Davis
Cushing,, vs. IS. Barse.
Saint. Haven, vs. A. M. Benton.
George Ayers, vs. Win. Perry,
Vesta C. Dike, VA C. I'. Dike.
Wiu T. Jones, vs. Jackson & Rees
A: W. Deloss 11. Dunbar.
Thbnias D. iLillie, Vs. 11. L:ouriright, et. a!
Jos. A. Leonard, vs. J. Stevenson.
JosialCalunip,vs, 1L S. Carrier.
Collins Smith, vs, 3larris, S. Carpenter.
Potter County, vs. Hunt S: Crittenden.'
C. W. Hw.; .s; Co. vs. W. 1' Jones.
Gemmel! t Creswell, vs. W. T. & d. F .
Gilbert d: Nichols, vs. N. L. tike.
David W. Seely, 1 . Wm. Periy,
E. M. Carpenter, vs.*Richard sinay, Jr..
Geo. R. Vosourg, vs. M. J. Flynn.
11. J. OLUSIEL), Proth.y,
Coudersport; Aug. 3d. 1837
J. HENDPaCIi, Principal
I/11HE Academic pear will be divided into
Three Terms ui thirteen weeks each. The
Winter Term will comumnee on Monday, De
, cenilmr hat, 1856. The Spring' or Stunuier
Term will commence on Monday, April Gth.
1857 aud the Fall Term on Mondity, August
24th, 113.)7.
Tuition per terw ut ,thirteen weekt,"as
Primary Studies—Rending, Spelling,
Mental Arithmetic, - -
Cotnmun Englishiliranch,i—Geogra
pity, Grthugraphy.
Grammar, . „. - -
Higher En,,Nit Branches Nattir:l
Philosophy, -Chemistry,
and Frsi. Les.ons is Algebra, -
Higher Mathematics—Algebra, Geom.
etry, - - - - 6 0 0
Ltngtiages—Lahti, Greek, or Fretieh,
Untwing, extra,
Piano MuNie, extra
ge "Pagnient .stri,tqy in 4drance.lcS,l,
All 'scholars who can write legibly, will be
reirlired to present an original Composition
once in two week:, ; and male scholars tu de
claim once in twu weeks.
Board can be obtained in private Families
in the village; or routna can be had in the
Academy by applying to the Principal„
MR. HENDRICK, has had the Preceptorship
of the Academy for the past year, and it is
with great satisfaction we announce that we
have been able to secure the continuance of
his services. The flourishing, condition of the
Academy has been exhibited by a larger at
tendance and more general expression of sat
isfaction, than has ever been experienced here
tofore; :mi . the Trustees natter themselves
that in the renewal of his eogq;feineat they
are carrying- out the wishes of • the patrons of
the Academy thus ftvorably • indieatvd, and
securing - for that station a gentleman fully
competent to supply the W 11.1114 of au ii4elll-•
gent community.
ELI REES. President,
LEWIS MANN. Treasurer,
itu:_;.S. • (
Coudersport, Soy. 10. 1854,7,
viVIE undersi:tned having boug,ht out all
I. former owners of the Lewis‘ille Steam
Grist Mill are now prepared to do all manner
of grinding, as they believe, to the satisfac
tion of their customers'. Cline and see.
0. A. LEWIS,
th•s3es, Feb. 28, 1857.-9-38.
IVIIEREAS the Hon. Robert 0. • White,
President Judge, and the Hons. Joseph
Maun and 0: G. Colvin, Associate Judges of
the Courts of Oyer .6c Terminerand General Jail
Delivery, Quarter Sessions of the Peace, Orph
ans' Court and Court of Common l'leas for the
County of Potter, hake issued their precept,
hearing date the fifth day of August, in
the year of our Lord oae thousand - eight hun
dred-and fifty-seven, and to me directed, for
bolding a Court of Oyer . and Terminer and
General Jail Delivery, Quarter Sessions of the
Peace, Orphans' Court, and Court of Common
Pleas, in the Borough ofCuudersport, on MON
DAY, the 2-Ist day of September next, and to
continue one week.
Notice ds therefore hereby, given to the Cor
orterS. Justices of "the Peace, awl. Constables
within the comity, that they he then and there
itt their proper persoas ' ut
10 o'clock A. M. of
said day, witlrtheir rolls, , tecords, inquisitions,
examinations, and other;remeinbratices, to do
those tbings which to their otlices appertain
to be daub. And those who are bound by .
their recognizances to prosecute against the
prisoners that Arc or shall be in the jail of said
county of Potter, are to be then anti there' to
prosecute against them as will be just.
Dated at Counensronr, August sth, 1857,
and the 81st year of the independence of the
United States of America.
WH. OLIN .1: CO., of Yates County
Ai Nurseries, have tbr side a largo and
valuable-assortment of Finals TimEs
of all varieties usually Mutivitted. Tut , e
Trees are young and of vigorous growth. The
qualities are the most choice known, and itre
warranted . GENT. 71 . 44:. Also', a line stock of
for fall delivery. .
6rAtldress otider to C.] BEACH, Pen Yon,
Yates Co:, N. Y. Orders left with ROT. W.
NILES, Ci.udersport, be proMptly
,1 and to he
1. U. TAGGART, Sheriff,
... . .
6i k " WI'T N . t.S 8 - I:.;S;'' •;.1
, 4 .., - - - ok- ,•. T . ;•- '': - :,... 4
. , ri
: • Jan S. Doe is the, ..42t1h0. , l,
Who has had JO years experience as a liank 1
!' - erand Publisher, and Anthur,Of - ' ' v
,et, series of Lectures at Broca:co Taternaele,
when, for l 0 successive nights .over .:
!: • sa - 50,000 People ez
'Greeted hini with Rounds id'. Applause' '7 4
while .he exhibited the' manner in Nvhich ~',.
,Countcrfeitera execute their Frauds, and r .,.'''
the'Surest and- , Shortest - Means of r - .Li I :
• . Detecting them' -.I- /I
The Bank Note Engrareis -Oil i say that As is,:i.
the greatest judge r t f Paper Money tiring. /5
7de.otigg eottlyakfc'a iiqqii IfoieS CH
Describing everfOenuine Bid in Ex...4teriee ' ,
find Exhibiting et a glance everv•Coun :7 , '—‘,
terfeit in Circulation !!"/
Arranged so radmirably that ' REFgr,,ExcE t
, is EASY, and /
bar No index to examine!'' No . .pa - ges to 1
hunt up ! But so simplitie, and arranged. .1
that the Merchant, lianh'er , and Business g'i
Man can see dl at a Glalce. C
Thus each ii d
. may read the same in. his owsi
.i, . N.I TIVR/ TONG trE.• ' • •z,
:host Perfect Bak, tVotelist .Pisblished.
Also a - List' of
A Complete ;_iumniary. of the Fmaxes or
El:lion & AMERICA will be put2,lished in each
edition, together with all the IMPORTANT
From an'Old Manuscript found in the East.
It furnishes the Most Complete_ History !-,-
of Oriental Life, '
describing the Most Perplexing Positions in
which, the Ladies and, Gentlemen. of that d
Cc;untry have been, Ro ofteh' found. These
Storie.i will continue throughout the Wholel.4
sear, and will prove the Most Entertaiuing_t
ever ()tiered to the yublie. : • • ,-,
'Furnished Weekly to 'Subscribers on C
lc, at $1 a year, All letters lung be
dressed to
JOHN S, DTA Broker,,
Publisher and Proprintur,:7l) Wall . Street,
New-York. • ..': 1,,
I • •
Low Prices and Ready Pay,
SUBSCRIBERS are offering for sale
I. an entirely new stock, consisting of
• . NOTIONS, &c.,
In our selections the wants of all have been
remembered. The Gentlemen can tind in our
Murk of Ready Made Clothing an elegant
Fashionable suit, or a substantial Business
.suit. and we have Hats & Caps and Boots
Shoes to snatch.
Tiie 'Ladies can find Tashionable Bonnets
beautifully trimmed, orbonnets and trimming ;.
a good assortment of Dresi GoodS, and trim
ming. ; Gloves, Mitts, Hosiery and Gaiters.—
And,.last but not least,' carded and skeleton
Skirts al:) Rattans, Skirt-WhalcbOne and
Brass Skirt-Hoops; beautiful Jet Necklaces .
and F3radelets, Corals, Funs, and too many
other things to enumerittiall 'of which we
are selling low for Cash, Lumbei, or any kind
of Produce. ! rom:E; MEAL, FISH L-c:,-con
stantly on hand:- _
IW. B. J. 11-GRAVES.
Sharon Center. Potter C0., - Pa., June .5,
5 00
iI MINGES AND LEMONS just recrici , d by
1.3 10:2 \V IL h J, H. GRAVES,
1 - 1 W. SPENCER is Agent for many of the
•, most popular :Acclivities now in Use, a
few L a which he Will mention :
parJ. R. Stafford Co;'s Olive Tar is ap
plied and inhaled by wearing on. INHALER
around the neck and on the breast. llis OL
IVE OINTMENT - is applied where the skin A,
broken, and it n popular remedy,where known.
Good for the Whooping-Cough. 10:2.
Further Supplement to the Ordinance of
May '''4sth, 1857, relative to Side-
A T a meeting of the Town Council of Biel
Borough of Coudersport, held Jbly fith,
1857, the following Ordinance was adopted ;
. On motion, it is hereby ordained, That the.
Ordinance passed Mity,2sth, 1857,. relative to
Side-Walks, be so amended that the Side-
Walks on Second Street, from Water to West
street, lie built of Plank orOboth - aides in the
same manner as on Main strict. • -
And, That the usual notice he\ given in the
Potter Journal, And written or print , notices
I.)e given to all owner or owners, or .agents of
Lots on said streets.
ATTE:ST : A. F. JONES, BUrgeer,
S. jl. Sronns, S'eey. 10:5.
From Wellsville, daily at G r. 3!."
Front tipses, S:ittirdny at P. u.
From Jersey shore, Wvduesday . und Saturday
at t; P. M.
From WeMbar°, Wednesday and Satiaiday at
G P. M.
From Sitmemahoriing, Tuesday at 6 P. 11.
From iSiiiethport, Tuesday and Friday at G r.
From Ceres, Monday and Friday at 6
To Wellsville, daily ut i A.
To Ulysses, Saturday at T
To Jersey Shore, Tuesday and Friday at C A. x
To Wellsboro, Monday and Thursday at 6 A. u
To Sinneinalioning, MondaV at 6A. u. :
To Sinethport, Monday . and' Thursday at 6 A, it
To Ceres, Tuesday and Friday at 6 A. u.
*,* All letters, to be mailed, must be in the
Office the evening before' the mail. starts.
JuuelB, 1857: U. 'M. Juin), P. M.
Ni"" GOODS— . -A Lure.
and Splendid As'.
_. §orttaeat just receiveil at
10:1 . - . • . OLMSTED'S.
' 1
.. ~ .
00111% CLOTHING of Chnefsmanufas.turi.
►7 on hand at I. Id :SPENCER'S,
10 . :2 , ; • D. W. S., As'
0 cm tier FriISiVIiINC — THE NEW
ii Gouge just received ah 0131r11-.1.) S.
. .
'...... - 4f - ilfdisessSe';'the-gretictrst causes . _
1_ _ --INPORTAIIM - 1111300VEIAlit ;--
1' . Springs froni neglect of.Xature'slaws. ' ; ," -' - , ''-'-er.--. - i-", ••
SUPI ' - '' - ''
'- ' . ' - CONSTrAPTIONH: ;.
FER - LNOT I :- •' " - . ANI:1 - ,ALL , .; :' • :‘,•=:.
- . 1/. 1.
liviken . ta cryar, is gliaiatiteedlDlSEASES OF THE, LUNGS ANDTHHOAT,.. ,
/I Ili . ALL gTAGES OF ,AP posmvsn.;... , .i ::: ..-- -.
Self-trtbitse, ?Verret's Debility, Strictures, , I Glide; WiliCif feuilyey s the remedies to the eaeis..-: s.
as in the thugs through the air passes ,_
drat:el, Diabetes,. DiseaasS of the Kidneys and,
s i , Sex,and coming in direct c indent -with tbs .
ttadtkr, Mercurial Rheumatism,
, (disease,_ ...tlle neutralizes
coug.., g the tubeimilat matter,' al-
/Pains in - the Bow; antl - Ankles, Disea S se cr
a ° if fii ihe i
u causes a Ire and easy ; expees' r .
I I Lungs, Threat, Moe and Eyes, Veers ripen thsi '''''
, I lcranee Licata the. inns . purifiers - the, blood,.
Buds, or Lialbs,„Cartecrs,Dt•upsy, EpiftPlc Rs,. . , t - ' renewed vitality to ' the nerioua system s . .
St. Vita's Dance; and aff diseases arising from iTp . .tr . a . . . . .
. giving that tune arid- energy so in ispensa ,
a..skrangement of the Serital Organ_,
fur the restoration of health, To he utile tti
1 '
QIiCII as e'rvous', Trembling; Less ofsMem . - state con fi dently that Cousuinption . is Matthia s ;
ta oryslo ' osa of Powers . ' General -Weakness,l
! bv inhalation, is tome a source of :unalloyed
Dimness of Vision wills peculiar spun: appear-I pleasure. It islsS much underthe control of - .
s ing before the eyes, Loss of Sight, AVakeful- medical treatment . as any: other formidable
ness, Dyspepsia, Liver DiSeasesEraptions upon
.disease ; ninety out of every - . hundred rases' s
the face, Pain in the IntelS and head, Female :
eau be cured iu the first "stages, and fifty nos'' .
irregularities and all iruprn'per 'discharges ;freers cent, in the second; but in the third stage it -.-
both sexes.. It matters net from what clause is impossible to save more than five per cent,: .-
I the disease originated, however long standing for the Lungs are so cut up by the disease Me._ \ '
lor obstiusste the case, recoi , ery I's Certain,.aliti - in to bid defames to medical skill. Even, . how s
I a shorter time than a permaueat cure can be ef- ever, in . the last stases, Inhalation alforilli oi
-1 fected by any other tressiment, even after the triordieary relief to the suffering ! attending - '
disease has baffled the sip' .of eminent physi • this fearful scourge, which annually destroys :-
; clans end resisted all their,metins of cure. The. ninety-five thousand persons in the United ,
medicines arc pleasant without odor, causing no States alone ; and a correct ealtalatienshawa
sickness and free from inercury yr balsam, that of the present population of the. earth, - ,
During tweetyyears of practice, i have rescued eighty usillious are destined its fill the OM-
[from the jaws Of Death ninny thousands, who, suniptive's graves. ' •. ' • : -.
.S .
!in the last stages of the above mentioned diss
~ Truly the quiver of death has no arrow so •
eases had been given up to:die by ,heir f ata l physi- oas C onsumption.,
Lonsumption., In; a ages it has beta '
clans, which warrants me in promising to t he the great enemy of lifes fur it Sparta neither .
afflicted, svho may. place themselves under ley ag e nue sex, but sweep 4 off alike the brave,
care, a perfect and most speedy cure. Secret tiis beautiful,' the graceful and the ginedi• by_ .
Diseases are the greateit enemies to health, as the help of that Supreme, Being. from Whom - .
they are the first -cause oqf Consteeption,Seruf- I cometh every good and perfect gift, I ate en
many other diseases, and should be a !alibied to offer to the afflicted is permanent . .
terror so the human fitmily. As ayerthanent
, I and speedy cure iu Consumption. Tun fires
cure is scarcely ever effected, a majority of the cause of tubercles is from impuresblood, and
cases filling into the hands -of illeelePeteAt , the immediate effect produced bestheir 0,91)0
persons, Who not only fail to cure the diseases ! sition in 'the lungS is to prevent the . free, ade .
but ruin the constitution , filling the sYstetti ! ;mission of air into the air cells, which i.Jaintes -
with mercury, which, with the disease, h e.s - !a weakened vitality through the maim:g am.
! tens the su ff erer into a rapid Vonsumption. . I Thee Surely it is more rational to of pect great
! Butsshauld the diseese - ued the treanuent", er good from medicines entering the ,i , 4vitic;
; not cause death speedily and the victim tuar- ;of sue, lungs than from those -'adiniuistered. ;
ries, the disease is entailed upon the children. I through the stomach; the patient will, alers'yot
Who arc horn with feeble. constitutions, ands
i find the lungs free and the breathingeasy, ar- -
I the current of life corrupted,' by a virus which
i ter Inhaling remedies. Thus, Inhalation is a. •
betrays itself in Scrofula, 'fetter, Ulcers, Erup-., i
local rem e dy, nevertheless t acts . nohstitinitin-'
tions and other affections of . the skin, Eyes;.al l v, mid with more power and testuiuty than ,
Throat and Lungs, entailing upon them is briet• !remedies administered. by the 'stoicism:lto 1.0
existence of srufering;and eonsingning . them prove the powerful and direct influences?? this
Ito an carte grave. £= - this mode -of administration, ehloqsforns
SELF "ABUSE is anlsther formidable enemy I inhaled will entirely destroy sensibility, in a -;
to health, for nothing else in the_ dread cam . - I few minutes. paralyzing the entire' neecotis.
Logue of human diseases causes so destructive t
! system, Sep that a limb may be amputated with-
a drain upon the systeni,,drawing its thousands ; out the slightest pale; Inhaling the- ordinary,
of victims thrs.ugli a f ew ! Years. of suffering i burning gas-will destroy life iu a - 'niers.
down to en untimely grave: it destroys the! The au/elation of tounnouia will rouse ilia
Nervous system, rapidly wastes away the en- I system when fainting . or apparently 'dead. The
orgies of life, causes mental , derangement,
, odor of manyl of the medicines is pereeptihle
prevents the proper development of the systenni in the skin a few minutes after being inhaled,
disqualifies for marriage, society, businds' . and mat. be inimediately detected lathe blued.
and all earthly hasipiness , and leaves the stif- t
, A convineingJproof of the constitutional effects '.•
fever wrecked in body and mind,' predisposed; of inhalation! is the fact that sickness is al-
Ito consumption and a train, of evils more to be ,
1 ways prousesd by breuthing, , foul . air-I-is not
dreaded. than death itself. With the fullest. this , positivisievilence that proper- remedies; _ ,
, confidence I assure the unfortunate Victims of! carefully prepared and judiciously adminis-
I Self-Abuse that 'a perniantait'end speedy cure r hared through the lungs should pi - edited the .
I can belaffected, and with the abandonment oft happiest results? During 'eighteen!' years'
I ruinous practices my patients can be restored i practice, ninny thousands suffering from die
to robust, vigorous health. 1 eases of the lungs and throat, have been Int-
The afflicted are cautioned against the us e
. 1 der my care, and I have effected many keinarks
of Portent: Medicines, for there - are so =ty able cures ' even after tins sufferers had 'been
,ingenious snares in the columns of the public 1 prououueed iu the last stages, which fully sat
l'prinni to catch and rob the unwary sufferers 1• isties me thee consumption is no longer . a; fatal
I that inillion.s have their constitutions ruined disease. My treatment of; consuinjition . le
I by the vile compounds of quack doctors, or original, and founded on long experience a . nd
the equally puisonoe.s nostrums vended es a thorough investigation. My perfect neguains.
-Patent Medicines." I have carefully analyzed 1 lance witu the nature of tubercles, din; ,eon
many .of the so called Patent Medicines and i
blew me to distinguish, readily, the learious .
find - that nearly all of them contain Carrosire i forms of disease teat simulate consumption.
Sublimate, which is-one of the strongest el l- land apply the proper remedies, rarely , being,
partitions of mercury and a deadly ppisou, mistaken evenriu is single ease. - This: famil
which instead of curing the disease disables -
1 iarity. in connection witlicertain pathological
the system for life. . • •
1 and 'microscopic discoveries, enables Me tore-
Three-fourths of the patent nostrums now ; lieve the lungs from the effects of contracted
in ere are put up by unprincipled and ignorant i
chests, to enlarge the chest, purify the- blood,
persons, who do misunderstand even. the ai r '- !
impart to it renewed vitality, %fling energy
phallet of the iwyeria mrdica, and are equa lly ; sad tne to the entire system. , . .
as destitute of any knowledge of the human ?Medicines with full directions seut to any
system, having one object only in view, and!
that to make money regardless of consequen
Irgularities and pll diseases of males and
fent: les treated
-on principles established by
twenty years of practice, and sanctioned by
thousands of tne most remarkable curs. Mad%
ieink with full directions sent to any part of
the Hilted. Statei or Canadits, by patients
communicating their symptoms - by letter:—
Busness correspondence b Li. ie tly confidential.
Ad ress. • .
9ffrce NO. 1131 Filbert St.,
(Old Ng. 109,)
10:t -1y
• I
7 -
Offers Great I l ndueenients
ifirß 0C E I TU E S PRQVISIONS &c., at
the store To merbk occupied by D. W.
SiIENCER, on 3d 'treed, North side of Public
I .
It good assortme i constantly on hand, frtna
which I will enurtiellute a fete of the leading
talkies, such as '
sugar, Muilard, . Candy,
i.locrec, : . Cinnamon; Nuta
Molasses, Peer ziauce, Crackers,
Syrups, . Catsup, . Soap, 1 -
-,Pepper, Yeast., Candles,.
pice, Oils, Shot,
;Ginger, Tobacco, - Lead,
'Cloves, Snug, "G.' Caps,
tarh. Soda,' Segars, C. Tartar,
and many - Other things too numerous to men
tion, will be found in this department, which
will he sold at n, ; trilling advance from cost,
for ready pay.
IConstantly on hand, such as
and many other articlesin the line of Provi-.
sinus not uecessaryrto*mentiOn. .Al o, s I
sncli as Broornts,;Wtisli-Tutrs and.Roards, Mops,
Dinner Boxes,? &c., ivhich Will. be sold low for
OA or ready - paV.l Oats, Potatoes,
Eggs, Cheese, and in fact almost everything a
farmer raises, be taken in exchange for
Clouds, at their-,cash Value. I invite the at
tention_ of Yillitgerit, Farmers and Lumbermen
rho desira,;to make purchases in the above
u ticles, and soliett, them .befare pus=
chasing elsewhere4.`, • E. X. SPENCER.
CotOersport,lthitie n 1857.-10:2.
. ; ;
I LEACIDpiMUSLINS and a few other ar
g' tieles in the: lint , of Stople -Dry ; Gocii4
w for cash al 1 -E. K. - 81 . 1iNCERA '
10:2 • ' ' - D. W. S- A.t..
..- - .:..
part of the United States and Camtdas by ps-
tients communicating their symptomsl4 - letver.
lint the cure uotild be more .certitiit if th*
paticat should pay me a visit, Which would
give me an opportunity to examine the lungs
and enable lie to. prescribe with much greater'
certainty, and then the cure could be elfected
without my seeing the patient again.
Office 1131 Fiibert Stieet, (0111,
No. 109,) below Twelfth,
,-„HE Proprietor of the " M E it C AN T.I L
GUIDE' would respectfully call the m
utation of the Merchants, Farmers and Mechan
ics residing out of this city, to the moderate
terms fur a yearly subscription to the GUIDE,
being to mail subscribers, only. 54 Ceutm:
per annum, making it the cheapest family
newspaper in the United States. Thu colutnna
of the GUIDE will contain the 'Mutat variety
of original and spicy articles, written nutonly
to please but to instruct. iln regard to
tics, the GUIDE will maintain an independent
tone, and from time to time wi l advocate tams
sures as conducive to beuctit the greater num
As an iimucculcut ;perzyna to interest
theinseivCs to obtain subscriptions for tho
MERCANTILE GUIDE, we offer the following
premiums. Upon receipt Of themarnes, pay i a
advance, we will forward them by evress, or
otherwise it: ordered, to the uddresi of Alma
entitled to them. • .
For 300 subscribers, midi, !... $35 00
For 2.50 subscribers we will give a splen-
did gold watch. (warranted.) • 30 "0
For 2uo subscribers, an elegant gold
locket, 4 glasses, worth, . 15 00
For 150 subscribers; one elegant brace.
let, worth - • .11 012 . S
For 100 subscribers, one gold vest chain,.
worth - 10 00
For 75 subscribers, 1 gold pen and hal
der, handsomely engraved, ivorth'-
For 50 subscribers, 1 gold pen and hpl.
der, worth
For 40 subscribers, 1 gbld pen and bul
der, worth
For 15 stibsoribers,l medium gold ,pen
and holder, worth
For 1? snb:.eribers, 1 gold pen and hol
, der, worth b 50b
All condnunientious should be addressed to
IV. BLAKELY, Editor and Publisher of the N..
Y. Mercantile quid; No. 1.113 Greentrith - • et.,
New York. .
. Newspapers throughout the Union, - by
pubfishiug the above appropriately displayed,.
including this . notiee two months, and calling
attention editorially to the sante, and eauding
us the paper, wilt be entitled - to - an titcludige,
and receive a gold pen and.holder *ortli
, .
NK ssnd ' , tap e 11111irif`F in the• Drug line ft
9ale by I,:_tt-4.) " • X.. K." :
- -
8 00
8 GO
3 Op
'2. 00k