The Potter journal. (Coudersport, Pa.) 1857-1872, August 06, 1857, Image 2

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. • -
II r e,a-re.'•pondeat that, unless the Aem
to•rilt4 abandon their present
ry ton, we will not begqine a Soto at
present. I have the ntnnpt eot . tlltienee
}u the honesty and goad aoase 'of the peo
ple, and ma tally et?4faltiO the Republi
gas will )2-2 triatitpklntly an§t4np.,4 by
theta in the Ao*ition !heft kayo t,) n, but
.gr,ow a Pru-Slave,pegtocrAtlp'e.t?n,gress,i
itulgiug frUiu pa.l paileykace, nothing!
tts Y }:7 P, P: 1
. I . ll . tfi, . jhulF44l,
• eQx:DEnspoRT,
4 1 10P.10 -1110Z:1(3, q 57,
T. $. CHAS E . prryq 4NO pIJBLISHEF.I.I
iTzf) ttbii.:4!l_ ..lifite iToijiigql;,'3 . ;is t f
DAVID WILMOT, of praigord
- FOR CANAL commlpsioNEit..
- WILLIAM to.tyy44q,'Qf
port JrooEe or TILE supri.E.mE copitT?
.JAMES VEgH, of Fayette,
JOSEPH I, i EWIS, of Chefper.
563'"Anly.ibuiceineuts of p . apilidrqe.s for
pflice one, 4ellar each, 4iy,i.rably in ad
cpulalcaq - County Cpnvegtlon
THE p c grunic.vs ELECTORS of the
county of Potter are regneq.ed to choose.
ThreeDe)eptes from elicit township, on the
24Th D.IX OF ACOUST, to represent
said ;osyitship in a Counts- Cuprention to be
)10.3 at,,Contlersport, oti
1 7111.711:MAY, AgGLST 27T11,
for the }Purpose of putting iii riominatinn Can
didates for County 011icers tQ be.suppurteil st
the ensuing election. n4ll far the transitetion
p: ditch 'other business ai may come before
them. Et ill earnestly Fecuesterl that full
egationa be sent,from cacti township. 4 list
of the Vigilance Cupppittees or the several
towig/4o i4pultlisbeti herewith, whose ditty
it wig be to attend tp rile urganitatiou of the
Primary 3leetings. - S. ROSS,
' Chairman of County Committee.
equderipopt, Aug. 3. 1857.
Vigilance Committees.
- Allvany. G. W. - G. Judtl, Henry Nclson
Samuel IL'
Abbott Conway, •George Rahn, F
Oeorge Colvin, Isaac Jones Mar.
tin D. /3riggs. • •
B. Grayes, Samuel W akeler ? Sa-
la Steen
Coudersport. A. F. linter., Jacob Ile4how;
Benjamin Ronne
Eu!dia. N. J. Mills, .Johp Taggart,
Clark. •
Genesee. 0. CbriTberlaj, p. 11. Per v , 11.
Munson. .
Harr/pan. Z. F. llobliWon,- Israel Dodge,
Charles Howard.
/rector. A. A. 4ute:4bury, Fiancis Strang,
Cyrus Sunderlin,.
Homer. A. L'..Prosby, Jacob Peet, Dennis
llebron. W. P. Cool, George Estes. Julius
Baker. • . I
Jackson., David Crowell. A.. 1. Crowl.
'Coating. Harqs, Jason Lewis,'Elea
zer Dingce.'
0 'walla. E. Lyman, U. ff. Lyinr t ri, Jerome
Pike. John Carrie', iI. 8.
..Martin, J. Q. '
Portage. Edward INA% E. D. Sizes;
PlectSant rallell. Samuel Palmer, henry
M'Dowl. Lewis Lyman.
notitette. por t teroy ; Chtip.opher
Knowlton. John Lymar t . Jr.
SteiCareban. Denry Andreson, J. illiams,
Joseph Lieh..
sy/ i ; on i‘i. John M. Meese. WilliaM Carson,
William Reeler.
Summit. Merrick ,Tackson, George Ayres,
J. M. Bassett. •
• Sweden. G. L. Cat.fin Edwin Lv-nan H. L.
. Sharon, L. H. Kinney, I. L. Nichols, Asel
(Ppm. • Ambrose Corey, 0. A. Lewis, N.
H. Ha
lreAt Branch. Joselyn; J. M,Conable,
ErnAtus Crippen.
lVhurlozi. Geo. A. 13 relay, John Hensley,
E. H. Hopkins.
lIEP - The Northern Independent edlt.iid
by Rev. firm. Hosmer, has pearly QOM :
pleted its first volqme. This is among
the ablest and tag of Newspapers. It,
has a pohle list of snbscribers in this!
county, but we hope the list will be doub-i l
led for the 'next volume. We ha'e al-;
ready received two nr:w subscribers.-1
Friends, let us have the pleasure of send
ing on a host of them. J. S,
Se - We learn frpni a frituul in Qssa
watornie, Eansac,• that the frauds clf the
census and .the Registry list, were. F - o ap
parent, that L. D. Williams, late of this
county, who accepted a eommisßiori under
the Bogus laws, refused to vote. We cum-
mend this fact to the attention of the
Lycoming Gwiette, If such a map ps '
Williams was ashamed to participate in
your mockery of •4>; election, how was-it!'
possible for hugest Free State meri to at
sendand give coyltogarise to the fraud ?';
We have receiver from Greeley S . .'
)11 k cElrath, Tribune Buildings, New York,'
copy of a pamphlet of 104 pages hub.'
llk by them, entitled, " The Vase of
PFD .Scott, in the United State; Silp4artie
penrt ; The full Opinions of Phief
fife pliey and Justice Curtie,
ta ß qa of the Opinions of the pth,uP_
F R It is sold by the publi4hz
,teats a copy; $1 for five copie4
§2. Li r„,, t 4ozer!:; 81.5 per hundred. It
shoUldjire generally read, and will be
'valuahlt.,.for.refer:enee. ; •
- 310aftVe: Mirrert Ledger last vreck
eame I;6' euataining: the rahmlictory of
41. D. J;.1.4E0 and the- Salutatory Of our j usual, but not 1a large as th.e intc,rest oil
recent erafpinan - in - Ws plsce, Mr. DE !the - oecasion,ealled fur. WP elliall ex.p eet i
WITT: Q. 'JASSI:S.. () j ut - persenal regar.4l to see tile/next meeting still better at
for die tatter gen d PP 4o ) an4 .l hii recent i tended and More intereat,iw... . 1
sojourn )n - tliis plaeg, would ,1 .
lead us toi Whi not;'? Could not t)i.e, reading_peo-;
iive this elninge in the proprietorship
.ofiple„ , of this !,vijlage aperta tiro /fours to-
the Ll4lgei, 4; Imoip extendt , d notice than 1 gether pace44.oiree months, to their mu-;
the crowde d - Mate or ourcolumni will at, al ple,lanri! awl . benefit 'Ole. last!
prosent - adzni, of. We can only say that 1 iseeting, Fas a feast tang. If it tras .5.41
tf he will onl, carry out the . . couric lid' I nitieh so to ',o ( thers, we are sire the ti4tl
down' in the rgoiing 'sentence 'of his I ' one will };e Jargely attebitleil. i jt will bel
Salutatory, tT.. Trill won - have ' the Pleasitre 1,31!, the Libutry rpoin, at jitur p . 31.„ On 1
of annutincitfo• t,he J . :tkiir tt,,, , Otte of the ;,kizttgrdaY, :‘Zor.'7t4, ra F liich time John
most.' siicerT l3.epnblicati.44;i4.ritals in 1 :\r, llaMjiton will l 'preside. 11.-J: Olin
Weiterii PennsylFania--:-" , 41 v olitips i - the 1 4 ted is Ong of the Dircetoos, llitgliYoung
"./ . / cclyer Trill ' instaitt , Donoeratip meats-! is Treasi;reF and Mrs, Ilamiltop is Seers?
" urestiod mi..n; anti the ogee de- i tary.: 11',e (Jo net remember ail the :thou
t‘ livcred to tic stints,' 7.1. promolgatcd 1 officers, but these names are enou'il ti,
"by JErptlnso4 „and ;14(.7pt0N steadily ! ensure the interest 9r any meeting tltei
'• adhered to. ' ' Rat ive must ponfi , ss i may attend r
that !Jur hop s aFe dashed t is4Q Ol. l licion
.. ....
i , r
by hi::
. itillfij:z tigg of the Icansas liigtator,
as giyen egp essiou to in an etlitotiaj on
Ole recent ' . if4enities in I l awronee.--7
•Neortheless we will hope fur the licit,
arid thus hoping, extend to; friend JANtps
the giir. s oilprofessional ftiendsbip, and
welcome to Oif•crafty " ri,'4 . s" of YPIli-ig
In regard II to that Potter oounty weath
er . you' , terpiest us to seti,d, you, we will
. •
trinstuip ve pan, send the first "ffy-
ing; maehinet' going that Fay—lye hare
pl6ity N Spam I • Our fapners would be
glad he, rid of a - portioui of it. Pass
soine of youi• 90" stuff up way. •
e fipe - tlch7ll%
When We turn
.from the litichartati
press pi this State, to tit? Independent
papaya pf St. Louis, we . always find the
contiast mpt.t striking said epepuraging.
The Warren Letlyer, l i ytiominj Ggzett.
and • Harrishtirg Z n%pu, .l have never a
word to say like Indtipendent Freemen,
but pre aimiyii siding with the - Slave
Powc wliftisey it is in their attempt to
force :ilaveryi itito portions:of :Mexican
Territpry, !Over the Missouri compro
mise line onto . our own Fred Soil. We
,;se elsewhere iit this paper an extract
frgm one of these Doughfltee sheets—
roati it.i . and theii, refresh your soul with
thp'•fgllowitig opposing sentiMents from
the 44504* I.leinocrat---=a paper pub-
Wiled in a Slai-e State, but posaessing
too unich,tnanl4td tp.withliold the truth
froth' its readers': Says tlO Denocrat : .
•, . ,
"EVeryll one, who .bps . fat accurate,
knowledge* 'Kt:Stern politics WAitisto
ry, is aware that in a few years the
tire territory , of the natiqu, oupth of Ma-,
son Dixon s line, inchisive.of the state I
of Mi4:enri, will he possessed and culti. i
rated by free white labor, and that every,
effort to arrest this inevitable destiny will
only accelerate the defeat of the system
of inybluntary servitude, If Kansas had j
been inlmitted into tbe,uniou as a , slave;
state, ;this, result, we b(dieve woidd tt,
doubtHly lhave been postponed for Many
Years 'to isint L e. If Kansas. on the oilier
itand,l hadl been admitted as a free state,
by the akion of just and impartial, laws: ,
Missouri would have been able to retain
her institutions for a much longer ilc:piod
than! slip can possibly do now.
Bitt the disunionists of the southern
v • •
, states, au ed by :t corrupt administration,
would }lot permit justice to haVe its
eont'sc, By a series of usurpations un z
Ipara:lleled history; and discreditable
humanity, they endeavored to deprive the
I north and the northern settlers, of every
rh , ht political and civil, and to drive
tbetn like outlaw's from their just domain.
I For' let it be rememticred that Kansas
by a compact, solemnly ratified by thCI
south, : which introduced and passed it,i
Was , justly the property of the north- •
I west as Texas ig the property of the,
south. The south received Missouri as,
her share of compromise, and to de-I
mand Kansas nip was dishonorable and
perfidious. .
PerfidY is its own reward. The out
rages by which the nullifiers endeavored,
to steal Kansas, by exasperating the free
State ipen,.haVe rendered slave property, I
along the fre,ptier, the most precarious
and unprofitably of all investments."
"F i Very one who knows the character
of the. people of Kansas, and the history I
which has formed that, character, is fa-,
mil* with these facts. knows that I
no fitone has been le'rt unturned that I
could be turned,--that no northern terri-;
torial leader haS been left alive who could
salnly he murdered—Nit no outrage hns
been omitted :which could safely be emu,
'witted: l 7 by,tlip administration of Pierce,
and ..ktchisou's banditti—in order to,
make ,Kansas 4 slave state. Ail haVe
failed: I Free institutipus have obtained
la victory by the valor of free men. Kan ;
• ,
sas 2/1 Lig DC a free state. As a. reward
and punishment . for her services to the
mdlitiers; Missouri—willing o r il owillo g
will be obliged very shortly to follow
her train. Miss„ , ctri, which
,tried 'to
I;crushlout thaj l , • has been stung
;by. it, and intioccumb.'!
:iy-The last quarterly meeting of the
Coudersport Library Association was
held J.kiugust Ist, at'the hquae - of the Li ,
twariati, and was a• very pleioant
ing• of, friends, who take- an interest in
cuiture of the mind, and the prqress
of the - , • .
There was' a larg.r attendance than.
A p9ughface COzuntete.
. .
. ----- ':
We cut the following, Specimen of 5,4
vile submission to the Lards of the lash,
from the-Warren iidgEr'Qf the 22 ult,! -
"It will he seen / by ofereuee -to :moth-,
er portico of this paper, that the fanatics
of; Kaniza,4 have Undertaken to kick up
1 another MOM, and-Gov. W.I.Lti.E.It 114 7 1 call
led out J. 1.4 United States troops tobring
j them toi Proper, understanding of their
;position. We hope he will use ail the
!,power Mails disposal and check thiS rank
treason at'onee. They have . .been pro
' teeted in ';all their just rights and have
ibeen assured that every man of them
i should have the _privilege of voting on the
new Constitution, This is enough, and
'if they desire a row, let them ha've it
with Vuited States troops, in just Such
shape az they wish,"
There seas a time when the keriger was
edited with - a considerable degree of man
liness; bitt now, we doubt if a more pli
ant tool of slavery exists in the state--
judging from the above, Napoleon hint:
self, mild not ask for a paragraph more
thoroughly servile to his power, than"the
----,- ;
'chore 19 to the Power of Slavery. . M. hi
-- ~ ' Let. ins Zla3, - ii More Improve
what have the fanatics of 'Kansas ; derto, i patents 044 Less Specnta- .
that has brought down on them the molly ; .. -,-,
n I three-pe--cent-a
-r .
~t_rr speculators a ( , a
qf the Vuited States ? This question is !month men,- we have enough already.—
answered ; in the following paragraph from'. Give us wore of. the bone and ,sinew of !
the Kansas letter of the N. Y. Er.c..ll'ust, the eountry—tnou who curb their bread!
tinder date of July 18, I by the sweat of their brows 74 and Water- I
I town will - go on prospering and to prosper.
"The -trouble appCars to be this I the t_
WatertOwn Ronne:wt. ; . !
Lawrenee people—or rather some of them •
A voluMe of truth iu a few- lines. If!
—wish to adopt a charter .for their city
1 the wealth of the West, now; employed ; in '
..oyernment, without the aid of the legis,-, mi„..ja„ upon the necessities ot . the an _ ,
lature, state or territorial, and this char-;
•‘-' • '-' . t_ _ I
met nite r were Lo go into mann, at.. eres,
; ter is to be sainnitted to a popular vote. '
or other improvements, many l a town would ;
Our redoubtable Governor considers this.
; rise from its blighting nightmare, and in-1
treason, end forthwith issues his ltigh-fa,
; a twurate a new as of life and prosperity.
lutin prow:elm - tient° by which all rebels,! mo r aey is a
to a town if used out}"
are threateped with extermination if they!.
, la sp`eculators and shavers— , ll7seousin
unite ill ply effort of the sort. ; Tim! olow, I I
' United States troops are ordered out, and I ,I; ' .
•I 1 1
Thare.are two 'excellent in the!
!General Harney tells them to bring in I sermons
that d 1 traitor Robinson,fiftv I
"d ea d or i above items, that deserve repeating .
I alive." This thing is easier said than : two times a year, aud are a_apPlicable to !
I done. The whole matter will turn out to! our little village of Couders urt, as to any
he a tempest in a teapot." , I - ,
Flown in the west, i
Is not thai a beautiful way to estab-i '
I Thla place is - seriously retarded in its'
t lish popular, Sovereignty? When the;
•, growth atter prosperity, for Want of a Grist-
, people undertake to adopt a city
' char "! mill. We hay molded men, who could
by popular v, ! te call it - '‘rank treason
' build a good one and not fehl it, men who'
l and order out the army of the United
! have grown rich from the , arnings of our
States, and command the soldiers to, .
:' 1 miners, but they prefer to take their
!charge Iwith ; ba , yonets on the voters who
"threo-ner-eent-c-month" Yo investing a
attempt to approach the ballot-box. Such
!dollar in au imp i r:r,vernent that would add
,is Buchanan Democracy. If it had: the i 2
t the prosperity of the county, as well
small-pox, Jeffemenian. democracy
would ' sdo credit to themselyesd We begin to
be safe from the contagion, it is so far ! ;'
above it. 'think there is great force in the remark
This Warren cello; of Federal power. I cf. the Chief_tlthat'moneylis a curse' to a
"town. if used 'only by speculators and
says the people of Kansas have b.emkpro-! ,s „ ti
teeted ;in all their Oust rights," We'
should like to know what rights Bncham,
an Democracy deems it proper to consid-•
er as belonging to the people. -
_property has been .stolen, their
printing-presses destroyed, their Qovern
ment usurped, and their citizens murder
ed, and not a single p.tte of the netotious
Criminals engaged in these barbarous,
crimes has been purMled, or even kept
in jail to await atrial, '
Says the last herald ofFrecdom, it
self an apologist of Walker :
"A pro-slavery man by the - name of! 1
. .
Lyle was killed at Leavenworth, at the! T I
otaiin three weeks, - Std 73
municipal election, a few weeks ago; hy i i'oar of the above are new subscriptions
Mn. lIALLEIt, 15110 did it in self-defense ,', —the btilanon being all! the return *e
Altheugh there was not a particle of eit-! ' : 1
deuce showing premeditation on the part !hav o c had from our "dun" of two weetni
of Hallet, .et he was refused bail by Le-I ago. We have borrowe from our geed
compte, beeausethe crime he was eharg,-!neighbot oftheMeKeaM Citizen enough
ad with was murder. At hekt, it can only i puperfo:r this - edition, and also from otlit
amount to manslaughter, which in Any '
- I era money ; enimgli to buy paper for three
sr4te is a bailable offence. Pro-slavery 1 :
murderers are not only. bailed, lint - re -I
More editions, when we Will beat the-end
warded with the t most responsible offices,l of our rtring unless solme of our delitt
while Free State men; guilty of the small-!gitent. Su4scribers pay /up. What sty
est infractions of law are shut up in pris- I von- to haying' your name on our next
-, - I white list?- •i
, .
That is the way the "just rights" ' of I
the Free state Men here have been se-1 ' Time farmurS throughout this conrity
. • I
cured to tivm. i '• • I are busily engaged harvesting their erco;
- -
g , Pco..„Slnery murderers are ',not only I
"bailed, ho retcardect ?cp . & the, most re-r
"spar3tllc qtt7co ," and the' Paelcr press
of I.!enrisylvatiigl i approve and defend .this ,
rewatilinz of mnrderers ' Men
of 1 c4ter connty,.. pass these facts from
farm to farm, as you swing the scythe
follow the I plori, And 'when, electiqn
day' conies, .let the ballot execute a farm- :
el.'s will.
( A -zigr.o 4 the 15th of k litily ,Governor.). . . .
Walker came -down on Igj.wrene . , 'with al ;
Po rtiOn pf the artny of the;.1.5414 1 'Sta tes, , .l
-to preyent the punple pf that: pliee from I
experieneing'the • right/Of frienami • to ,
frame atm); a city charer as they tnio•ht I
desire. ... The Ber l id 91 Trecda»l lesue,4 1
*three days afterwards,does pot contain ow'
word in 'relation to his war on . I,.,awrenee'
but dues' contain the -following higli-faln- -
tin praise / of his excellency. { -
~T he,:iacts arc, qov- Welke . j
ing tp' perpetuate peace amt :Tr
I gipc✓ihu people an opportunity' t!
thut rw,litr. )011cl haver been
'f.ioni thew by frap4 am) Violenee.
1 Queer =way the 0 oerpor h0.41J
: uatiug Trace, to wit, making 4. 1 1
; ~
peopleKr litl.Putplitrg to eYfir
riglita sfrestPLl from them by k
1 s iolenesi—ainl • the Hera/c/ )14
I ivay`.of advocating the Free Ste,
!The two seem to go - well togetlG,l
mor9 St?4,ling,.
JoiiN 0. 'IV.-I.lp„}:.s, Esq. from none . - I
ka,•was,robbed of a time watch, at I
the residence of CHARLES iTEAAN'S - in
this city, Tuesday morningilast.
W. left his watch iu Ids' clothes, in his
sleepik gpartment, and while i put to feed
his horse in the morning the iwutyli was;
stolen.. Mr .BtOarns lost a hundred dollars
in money at th sane - time, fwhielt :was
taken 'from his'.elothes.
tration rewards crime in .Kansas by tip
pointin7 murderers and horsel_
responsible - offices; The tliief, in this
ibstance, is expected to send:forward his
name to Washington to ottgirp kis rezeu•rd.
Ikruhl Freeckn.
That is g. hit itj the right direction,
and aiood,one too, • 'lf the Herald would
only Itecp u steady fire- at the l e'nenfics of
free if. anstis, it would scon t. at peace
with the "Kansas lottar writ Os." But
so Wog as it Continues to ~ r M: two shots
at the face-state cause, to one i at Ole pro
slavery, it . will rcfnaiu in hat
6DWIt aub O'itinutil'.
Alex. Estlam, Germania, ! .$.2 50
Wm. AlcDungan, Oslvayo 1 25
Levi Williams, Wharton, 2 50
Silas Babhit, Sharon Cel4er, 1 25
d. C. I3isltop, lillisbar , !, 1 25
F. L, Jones, Owego, i
John Maitby, flonlet, ;
aioaca Cnshing, Oswayo, is
Jacob Reekhow, Couderskiort)
and, as far as we are informed, have ent
inently,goDd ones. .The crop of - Iby is
good, though • we learn
, ) .that in: many
old Mcdows the ‘‘ - midg47' itas made sad
havoc. The Corn, Wheat, \ityc,, and
vats crops promise wol,.att potatoes
though late are doing,-Well. •
Nice.—The sutrar pTescated to us last
week, by Mr..I'LLNY IVtutiis, of Ilonicr.
„ ~
7------- ' rr . • - . 1 . - • .. . S a r s ap ar i lla
Which lie inadel t ist sprit4. Spea. to...ens i : /la te,ys l3 nOt only the
ir , .
Of friendship _.frout our l obie F i.-tre.iinotl Tellable bUt one of the moat valPs
real oasis in the. desert life of a country 11,de egtppouuds that can be !used dyeing
printer,. and , 'awaken. thot‘e feeling; ofltito srinuer uiOntba,. . For
.tlixi, nvoval l
ratitude which, a fewr years in the hpsi-ialPl permanent cure of Scrofula, Dy sper ,„' l
ness.are well Calculated to neutralize or ! sia; Bronchitis, Puluionary A.ff,eeti.ns atr.4
doranitiie • but Whieb, - . yhen.nWakeued,lall i utaxteons. 'eruption)] a o risitm from
.i 0 • m #TI
are the more sincere.- . M. Harris has impure or . Vitiated leondition* of th e j i h k , 4l,
our sincere thank's” for this kind renietn;•lit ':;tands uuaPproaehed in the history 0 1!
brance,•i.i.. , it Inqt'unly in -quality but quan-1 Medicine, it t inayli : e:ased -ae, 41k se - usiiii ' ,
tity.'. with vertdceided advantage; but. espeC, -
1 • . . .
' . —... • Itally ttle, ; apritig and smuttier season.
. .il/rs. .s;ephens' ..Veic illus4rated .Ifothn- 1 • . i
lk for Jply is. pp
„our table, rich ip -taint- • ,c. 0 . 1 0 4 )1 1611 ; T. *. 1," . .. - e , ,1tit.i.0, - •. -- •
, (C orrect e d: - 1.. - eel l .lll for the Journal
uer and matter; •.. "The Royal Sisters,"
a new novelette by Mrs, ! Stephens, prom- I ,__._-.- _ c ,- • LT ' .i- • 1 .
. 5t.),Ft. St !JACKSON
ises to be one of great interest, as indeed n
I,,eat ' ero .1i Pry' 6'0 .... cj,; - Ciro' rer .: ;s,. - 4' ; IL; i s 4. (. .., p. ,
are' all her - stories. - The .legazine ' is. I ..Bsu'i...i. sk,e.., C,.rockeri t .roo, riour, .' •
tical. ...I'6<idu.s, .I . r. - ,ir * -
published by Edward StephenS, 126 Nas-1 ~ MAIN -.. • , ~- 1 -.' i, .'. ••
1 •STl:}.}..r.,, coLDLitSt'UILT, PA.: ,
- -St.,'New -Y.nrk, at $1.,50 per annum. .•. - , :_. ,
r 3 labor
let. and
r 011 the
, ise the
Aid and
n queer
C eau e.
Flom, sucteehttei.V,bl.4.:, ! ".. . $ 8 00
NoTruso TU WEAD4: An Episode of City "• " 111.4 1 . , .; •. , ti
. Life; Anonymous. illustrations by Iluppin. . , " 4 OQ,
Redd & Carleton; 310 Broad way. New I: . yrk. 3 ;Al ,
PlAlliSbeFA. pp. CO. Pr.ce Std CULlti. 3bu
We have veceived . 2G, 1 a
book from the
publishers bearing the above- title, which , 4k . t . -,
we spent a few moments of grew. pleas-! t-4!,
use in reading.- It is a truly pointed hit 2 I
at a very common expression of 'the pres- ,
ent generation offetniniue Voung Amer-
ica, when they wish to get a new outfit
fora grand party and'do no; like to ask
" Pts" fin. it directly, '. " Pa" wants them
to attend parties fpr . the very goodyeason
that he wants to act them off his hands
he urges them Au go, bat they have
"Nothing to Wear," and he "cottons" of
course. The hook is printed and bound. - spc,:l4) . 1.(03;t:g.
. riunirmunnin tt tt 5...... t ttt .auusu tttttt ultattallnUM...
ingoog . style, and the illustrations are 01: oo
arra TEETI. P'clt.i'LllED ;311-ATIf ANt) Bur.
the first class, ' mist. COMPLFX-loN-:-Clitt be aequi!r,tl by u, - 1.4;
i the "Irani of a Thousand Flowere 'What lady
and . Iranian lur g . entletnen w! sled rema4untler the curacy!
la 'at
OCT 11.A.G t.:-..r , A Malt s:,greeable breath ' wheal by Using tau
nearly „killed 4y Jeoblieti. , --It is our • OF A TuoetiAND FLqwEis," as a -demi,'
i ee,. Nt'!" 1 611 I &not. °illy renderiTweet, but le+
painful duty to place On record • e
i w bite as alabaster ?, Mane persuai
faets-of one of the most fiendish outrages do not know their, breath is had, tind . the .411:
ect is so delicto :their friends.w,ill never men
that, our section tr•S country has eVt4, been i
_ don it. Beware of counterfeits. 'Be sure rash
the stone of. On Saturday night,l 2oth bottle is signed FETIIIIKIFI,S; Cl)., N. 1". •
alt„ the house of Mr. Davis, of Sqinpen i For side t,y all Druggist,-.
Sold by SMITH tk JONES, Drug,;ist!, Con-
McKean county, was entered by three!
l dersport, Pa.
.persons, who to . y. - ocUr. access called Mr. , -
Davis, an, old man; to the door, telling
him they wished to obtain lodging for the
night. They ware admitted, and while !
Mr. D. was lighting a candle at the lire.;
one of the rullians clinched him,and threw
him down, commenced pounding, him. all I
the time- demanding his money. Anoth
er proceeded to the be4roout where he!
found Mrs. Davis, aged abutt tlO yea rs ,'
whom he fell to beating, and finally left,
her insensible having nearly " gouged"!
both her eyes out, A third went to rugl
other room in winch a visitor, Miss En-1
sign, was sleeping, hut she haying heard
tha noise in the other roonti, had cau-
tiously crawled out of 11`:r b:d, and when
the ruffian entered the room was so con
cealed that tyltilo he was unable to see:,
her she c?ould see hint ; he in the nican-! i
time failing to find her, commenced make-
lir threats of vehgeanee dire if she ever
lisped a word in /respect to their visit, and,'
While throwing his hand around him to ,!
olye 1 emphasis to his threats. she 'says i
he et me near striking her on the head!
several times, After - he retiritd, the three,
Secningly knowing to its position, drew •
out the old gentleman's trunk in which 1'
ivet• 1 kept his money and papers, and car
ryiog:it into the yard, proceeded to rifle 4
it. ' ! They however only succeeded in'
obtaining about • slo, as Mr. Davis had
that day paid out nearly all he had, about
Stid. The robbers, then left, threatening
to return and burn buildings, destroy
cattle, and murder all the people of that
vicinity if they Were,. pursued. Mr. Davis,
soon returned to- couseionsness, and on !
looking fur his gun could nut find it, and'
the tiext, morning .it was found several
• rodS from the house in the grtuis. Ilay-'
lug; no near neighbors, and not wishing
to leave his wife in the perilous condition
in tyliich he found her, Mr. Davis gave
tioalarm until about 10 o'clock Suuday
ntoping. ' Some , f his neighbors then
'sta tell
.in pursuit of the villians and
tra.ed them to Mr, Seth Taggart's, about
half tnile south of this village, and!
where they entered the wood.;, and cross
ing the river evaded this place. They
'were seen by some younglladie's, near 1
r, Taggart's, at about 5 o'clock i n n thel
evening. , No further trace of them was
diScayered until the next day, notwithr,
standing several of our citizens were dis-,
l'itched in varous directions by tenSer-'
if, When they i were found to have h pas h sed
the night in the school house near Mr.;
!Joshua Jackson's in Sweden - township,
aPout eight miles east of this place.---
They robbed several en-routs in that i - '•-• !
..,. .•
vicinity, 'grail proceeded
.on their way, 1 1.74 1tC 9TICE is hereby:given: thatP . rep o ;
'als Will be'received at the °three'
since which nothing has been seen or !the ToWn Council until the first dai• of
heard of them.' We have not room to fur- 'September next, for the building ol s ! a t e .
!ther notice this high-handed, outrage than ce wait
Walks then iinbUilt, in.aCeordan . . ! . !
to state that though sirs. Davis lif e was i the Ordinance!passedMiy - 2 . 5 , - lbo t.
i By Order of Town ,Council. ! .
for awhile despaired of, she is IIONV get- i SAMUEL' 11. STORRS; ..
ting well. We hope the villains may 1
' q , ,' C T.4 ri Council.
sot:in - b e brought to justice. . I CoudersportLAtietg.).-;PI:1;1"i'57-!. -•
1 25
1 25
SALT, " " - -
COHN ;%llcat,, 11 lip lbs. ) - -
AcTrwa, IA lb., •
\Vow., • ‘ f
if Ams, " ir
Slum; t.Dtats,
,114)1.r. St:i;AR,
thuLD " "'
"trl3uiLel, -
WIIITR 134.0:5, "
•• -
W A it ,'! W A It
W - A R I
vicroßy P CT. ; I: hE,§ TAW;
V and nu one billed--.let room 14)r zziorollu
for one of his lieautifa I, life—like, never-tadipg :
pictures. I'iettire6 of use latest style,
iig IA + . • • . .
.:; •
31.1L...kiNEOTYPF.S. - " -: .
. ..
and a variet.: . c . of Type, ba Ptiper, Leather _ and
Iron. lour gr., le, of Locket Pitiuroi, ..nit . ,l
1,,,ri5et.... for sale - at fir t cost and col,t of }k
iwi. Come true, Could 411, ut COUDERS
u-Pr is begun,
Add vi;:tory won,
nu •hig.h Prices. 441-INnTI:CTIO:s.:S given ill
thi.; 6,-,tut.frui ;tit , -
3 . jj 4 ;•iiz 1 ,5. taxi :Ili il:111;'. ; i'i)ii4tYcipi);4;
114 AVE con,Lawly ',in baud un B.l.4ornebnt
.JAI of NackLerel, Sba.d„ Herring',
tsecf, Pork, Lo-rd,, ilauis,
Cheeu. Mee, -
April G, 1657.-9:4:5-3Eu.
OTICX is he chr biteri, al
o e ..looilor
11 appointed by tuni„ourt of ConitnonPlefro
Toter Count to Make ilietributiorrof tiie
proceedi of the -ante of mil e.,tute in the mat
of U. li. Ctoudinan fur tite use 'of A.l3tuner et.
John M.' kilbourn. of Februnry Term Ulb 4 .
No, ?O. Trill attend to the dates of his apittnet -
Multi, tit the olliee - of the Prothono pry, ou
'inlay, the -22 d day of - .A.tignst uext, at three
o'eleek ill. the afternoon, or said day. All per
,.ens interested in the saiditlistribution nude.
sired to amud if the' think proper.
J. ()PISTE!): Auditor.
Catidersport, July 22, 1857.'—td.
oyieE is 4tertiby; given, that the , Auditor .
J,N 'appointed by the Court of.Conurion Plot
of Vetter County to make . distribution of tae_
' proceeds of the sale of .real estate the ee
of William Cobb re. William Perry, ld •
June Tenn, and .RobinoT Nelson rt
61111itipl lloager, of . Deeetutter T 1ti52,.u.
51, wilt attend tep the - dot-es ,o; Gii I tippoiD l '
nient , ht the °thee of the ProthonoistrY, ore
urday, the 2.2 d day of August next., ut otie
tieloek i• the! afternoon (T said day. Ali per'
suns - having Jnidgment or other liens agniot
the sititl.eixate are desired to attend and pre.
sent th. it claims.
j•. - 11. J. OLMSTED, Alaliter.
Coluierspqt, July 22, 1.857.-1.4..
; Thomas J:: Ildrt, No. 143 Sept. - Tani, / 857 '
(.7 • - • . in the Common Pleas 0f
i Fill:alkali hart:. Potter County.
mum. IN invortet, - „1
! . And_now,to wit.. JulY
. 3lst, 18.5 T, a Pr
Tuella and alias Subpa!na.having been lout
and returned Vihil in this Oise, the saiti - ree;
pondent,.ELizAnkrit Hater, is hereby reiViee",
to apia.-af in said GAN, 'on the 21st dsy
Septetubtr next, to answer the complaint set
forth by theLihellant.
10:3. A. C. TAGGART..SheriIT.
- 12E05,
- 14( . 9/4
- 2;43t
- ! -1
• ioEti2
- C0(i , ,11
- 1 VI
It ty
It '4l
$ 7 ft, 8 (A
J, PALitIER ,S T. CO.,
3 !Al