The Potter journal. (Coudersport, Pa.) 1857-1872, August 06, 1857, Image 1
SINGLE , COPIFS, ..y9LUItE X.- NtriffßEß. 8. THE POTTER JOURNAL, PCBLEILIED EVERY TIICRSDAY MORNING, BY _ls. S. Chase, To whom att Letters and Communications should be addressed, to secure. am:pilau. Termi—lnvariably in Advance : ti 1,15 per Annum. gamma:sums .. sss ss ususinmutunsau sssssssssssssss sssss num Terms of Advertising. I Square- [lO lines] 1-insertion, - - - 50 1 " 3 " - - - $1 50 Each subsequent. insertion less Cutha 13, 25 1 Square three nunitlis, 2 50 1 six 4 00 " nine . 5 50 1 Une fear, ti 'OO Rule and figure work, per sq.; 3 ins. 300 'Evry subsequent inseri.on, 50 1 Column six mouths, - - - - 18 00 10 00 7 00 30 05. I IL per year, 16 00 administrator's or Ex :cutor's Notice, 200 ..taditor's Notices, eacn, 1 50 Sheriff's Sales, per tract,_ 1 00 Marriage Notices, each, 1 uU Business or Profe - ssioaal Cards. eaelt, au. exceding, 23 lies. per year, - - 500 Special and Editorial Notices. per line, 10 zral-.111 transient advertisements must be paid in - advance, and no notice will be taken of advertisements from a distance, unless they are accompanied by the tummy or satisfactory rtference. • • giltalitSs earl. 5, 11111 l ;JOHN MANS, ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR,. AT LAW, Coudersport, Pa., will attend the several Courts . in Potter und At'Kean Counties. All lvsiness entrusted in his care will receive prompt attention. Unice on Main st.. oppo site the Court House. . 10:1 P. IN KNoX, ATTORNEY' AT LAW, Collerzport. Pa . .. will regUlarly attend the Ci.irt., iu l'ultcr und adjoining Counties. 10:1 AItTII UR G. OLMSTED, ATTORNEY COUNSELLOR AT' LAW. Coudersport, Pa., will attend to nil burin"-i entrusted to his care, with promptues aud ndelity. Office in Temperance block, sec ond 'floor, Main St. 10:1 ISAAC BENSON ATTDRNEY AT LAW. Couder,port, Pa.. will attend to all busiuuss entrusted to hint, with cure andprotaptuess. °dice curwasur and Third sts. l0:1 L. P. wiLL.E.ros, ATTORNEY AT LAW. Welliboro", 'riogn Co.. will attend tue Courts in l'otti•r and Countie,4. 11:1:: A. P. COSE, ATTWINF: - IT AT LAW, ArellAoro . , 'Toga Co., i't., will - regularly utlewl thu C 0.,. ti 01 Potter Cotifsty. ft:1:: R. \V. RESTOS,' CSVEYOR AND CONVE;IANCIM, 113y -3.10nd P. U.. ( A llegany Tp..) Potter Co., Pa.. till itLteuil to all Lititue.,i, to hia line, with care 101 l 9:33 AV, K. KING, • 6nlvEvOrt, DRAFTSMAN AND CONVEY . -INVER. 6ineripart. CO- Pa.. will 1 1Utnd to business for 'l°u-resident land holden:, upon rettuitalole terms. Ituferen -1.6 given if required. 1 - '. S.—Map of anti• part of the Cuuuty made to order. it:lJ O. T. ELLISON; PRACTICING Cotto.r3port, Pa.. respeettully informs tin! citizens. of the vil lage and vicinity- that. he will proniidy re 'slwud to all calls or professional services. Cutlet on Main st., in building formerly oc cupied by C. W. Ellis. Esq. • I=2 I= JONES, MANN & JONES, DEALEM IS . DRY GOODS, CROCKERY. hard-uaie, Boots a: Shoes, Groceries and Pl.ovisio4 ; Maiu CouLlersiairt, Pa. 10:1 I= SMITH & JONES, DEALF,RS IS I)IU MEDICINES, PAINTS, ,Dils. Artieles.Szationery, Dry Goods .”;siu st., Cuudepport, 1 u:l U. E. OLMSTED, PEALER IS' 'DRY (ARM'S, READY-MADE Clothing, Crockery, Grocerie3, ac., chin st., Coudersport, Pa. 31. W. MANN, M.LER I) . HOOKS ,k STATIONERY. MAO AZINr;S- tind Music. N. N. corner of Main sts., Coudersport, - I u:t R.. IiARRINCiTON, • JEWELLER', Cciudersport. Pa., having engag ed a window in Sohoomaker Jack:Aril's wre mill ea.zry on the Watch and Jewelry I .usiuess there. A fine assortment of Jew tlry constantly on hand. Wittelle-3 and jewelry carefully repaired. in the best style, ‘A the shortest old; warranted. 1n24 • HENRY J. OL3IS:TEI, (SUCCESSOR. •TO JAMES W. SMETII,) DE.ium IN-STOVES, TINS SHEET IRON WARE, Main st.. nearly opposite the Court House, .Coudersport, Pa. Tin and Sheet Iro n War.* made to order, in good ~tyle, on Hiort,notiee. 10:1 COUDERSI'OItT HOTEL, A. F. OLASSMIR.K. Proprietor, Corner of Main and Second Streets, Coudersport, Pot ter Co., Pa.' ALLEGANY HOUSE, . SAMUEL IL MILLS, Proprietor, Cole3hnrg I'otter Co., Pit., seven miles north of Cou dersport, oa ;it: Etatl. 5:44 • • . -.- • 1 • • 1 ', , I -1' , 1 odiiitr, , ~ , , , r 1 . ; , . • 0.4 ...- o 11 4 i -..? iiN .. . j . . , . , ._ • ._ . . ...t • ,• . , .. __ r j . f , . • •,,,!'. ...:1 -i - ' • • --.. • • 1. . . I I :..: 0 ', .71 • r) . r ~..0 . ,...00 , , 1 t . :...,..., i ..,..„.., , i it ..,f7.• . ~...,...,•,J . ~... . ~.,. '--` ‘4\ - ' - T' \ • ~..i!, . ._. , ---,..„ . .. t _ ....... , • 41 11. ,..LJ '' - ,' i \._-.. , '..... 7 ' .. '- .... _s - ;. .). . .1',..,.*, - '''.; , i I-' ' . C... .. • . ' , . I , ~. . ' . .',. gittrt6 I,l,Otts SPAIiB Old/ Time, Time, I ask a Won of thee--„ Thou'st strip'd my heart of "OM ova Taken half my joy=s and all my glee Be just for once and make amend: And since thy handpiust leave its t Turn locks to gray, turn blond to' Do Iwhat thou wilt with form aid fa. Bat spare my.heart from grov l t - ingl I kn l ow thou'st taken from mum:- a m Its dearest wealth, its choicest st Anti only lingering left behind 9'er wise experienim's bitterlore. 'Tis sad to mark the Mind's dedsy, Feel wit grow dim l and menulry c Take these, old Timed take all away But spare my heart from groivin.; GiFe me to live with friendqhipstil) . A 4 hope and love till life be o'er— Let be the first the thin! chill I That bids the hosoth hound no more; That so, when I am passed nw4, And in my grave lie slumbering cpid, With fond remembrmice friendslma:, say heart grew never old.' lartisE THE STRANGER ALOF Under the bead of "The Stranger Aloft," the Chicago 'Journal' blis the following &riot's and glowing uticle, radiatit with a, faith,as sublime as its hp: agery is.perfect : There is a Splendid foreigner owing this way even into our family- eaele— our nice cozy family of Planets--f4nd is waling himself a hmtie, about our hearth stone, the Sun. The juvenile portion of the household, the little fellows oil .:\lste roidts, huddled together to keep Warnt— we hope he will see them in tine, and not trend on the childien. Jupitlr, may be, will gird his belt a little, tighter, and Herschel, we see, wears as nruch ,jewelry as ever, while the only. fighting member of the family, ..Mars, , -with a flush) in his face, keeps going , übOut as if neboJy was coming. This foreigner, hov-ever; is. t alto gether a styanger; he has visited' us be fore, but along time ; go, and his lojourn was as brick as a ballad. • Very ghind he is with his 'splendid trains, a nuiiber of miles, longer than the army Xerxes led, and in a great hurry he seemsto e, like! one on business bound, but if he could: or would tarry a moment , before .he goes a visiting, just long enough to crib - his ! hair, we think it mighti he safely passed I to the credit of his personal appa'rmance. But that being none of , our business it! will , nut. do to be strenuous; mid! indeed, who knows what sights he may hive seen, to Cause each particular hair to sand like! quills upon the fretful porcupine Sigbts in that upper deep stranger than Clar ence saw in his dream: Whoever he is or whatever he ; his seen, he is just a guest, and : we are all hospita ble people, we Plane 6:, and tVish him, like good Christians, right welcome, fur is it not written, "Forget not to entertain IM711:1!1! strangers; for thereby :some have enter tallied -Angels unawares?" IWe have called him a foreigner and a stranger; perhaps we are a little too fast, for it may be he is only a traelled gen tleman, and one of 'sour folks ;'' in fact, a first cousin, who has Iheen abroad, and returned at last, with the hews; to the old El= homestead. A. ph' Api family, we,;are : rural people, indeed, as anybody - can tell, 'who on a clear night looks off at the lights of the great Astral City, so far and so "many, that they seem woven into a Silvery Scarf of delicate lace; as if pod had\ flung it down from His great Central thrcine, and it fluttered,there in sight, forever for a token. Now, for anything We knot-, ourlillus trious cousin, the CoMet, is on his way from the Capital—a . king's courier, per.; haps—and has threaded the crowded streets, and has passed the suburbs and has crossed the -great azure fields. of the country of God, and 114 - gone out of his way, for 'memory's sake, and hds come to our little settlement. j . , But it is strange what, cpWer stories some people tell of him; as if ihe was a - lawless fellow, and wad out oul a '' lark" I. • instead of ott.duty... - Ire think Itunkind, this gossip, and we rit' i otest. He is , a dashing fellow, we .know. 7 but 'then they are no Sabbath-day jotiilleys he takes.— The country we live in jis cue of wagnifi- 0161 to pe 1:Y111o1illeb Diss'e•ltiumtioq of fAoroiiir j.ileNttfea COUDERSPORT!, POTTER COUNTY, , PA4 THURSDAY; AtrGyST 6, 1857. Ileent :distances, and even l i the thought is litikathless that only goes' to the neigh flbors, and flies to the starry cotttwe whose lsmall lights twinkle in the outskirts of 'our hantletS. Who knoWS but' he has i seen the lost Pleiaa in his -wanderings; has met Orion ia armor in his way; has counted the jewels in the sword hilt of Perseus ? Perhaps he has fluttered the hair'of Berenice, or paused at the North ern. Crown, or heard the Harp of Heav en, as he passed, or bearded the Lion in his starry den. .Aldebrand may -have glared at the Stranger; the river PO, that flows through the fields of the Test, per haps he forded . dry-.4h0d. ,- A pilgrim to the Southern. Cross, he may hake played St. George to the Dragon,' distanced Pe gasus and, paid court to. Andromeda.— Did Arcturus, delay him, or the Bear in titnidate, or Sirius turn. him aside ? Did I he dash alma(' among the' Nebulm, those morning clouds of creation, those visible' breaths of Deity ? Did he solve the mys tery of Cassiopeia and linger around the . ruins of the brilliant world that went outs like -a taper three hundred years ago? The lab;atory of God, is somewhere; did he pasS it, when the doors were ajar? There is a among the stars; did they sea the Comet in their offing? ;OLD. friend, bold— ME And our guest himself; is he 11 solid globe, making a mighty ,wake of light, and glowing like a furnace, or is it a mag nificent Will o' the Wisp floating about the Universe? What if it should be an abnudoned world, drifted from its moor ings, dismantled and lost,..and wandering like a slip iu a winter sea? Or a wild outlaw madly plunging from system to system, and making terrific descents up on peaceful planets, scattering confusion : and death ? If this hist should be, and the Aste r are indeed the sparkling mini of !some pleasant world destroyed by such a I I visitant, and the route .of 'the Comet !across the ! path of earth' has been truly !divined, and our small craft should be ! just there as it dashes into our unfenced highway—what then ? If a huge globe lof granite and red sand-stone, why, there might be more Asteroids in our solar cir cle, and fragments; like the pieces of a ; mirror shivered by a 'blow, might each reflect the sun, and :move in orbits of its I own. If such a thing could be, and hu man life remain, how wilder than a dream and sadder than a death. The child playing in the garden among the flowers, the mother stretching forth her hands in !vain—the garden and the homestead in two worlds. The wife just parted fronf i her husband, might be' divorced by a I broad abyss of empty, unnavigable I The daughter of some house and heart, who went with blessings from the slid i!tering roof, would - ne'er- return. The sl : hunted debtor on one side of the cleft, limight see his creditors afar, as on !their island world, they drifted out to sea.—. !!-Maybe, on one small planet of their own would be two that love, for Whom alone the rain should fall, a narrow ribbon of green Spring be ivoven, and the cloudy bow yet keep Godls promiSe good. Some !where, alas ! upon one atom of the world alone, Juan Fernandez in the sailless sea, a soul might dwell whose story no De Foe should ever write. ' Aud such a thing might be ; that this; bold comet should entice away a simple! satellite,, to wander in its train, should! hasten it beyond 'the lead and line of tel-! eseopie ray; beyond the cloudy Magellan! of Heaven; away where light has just be-I gnnto be ;- beyond the stars; beyond the, reach of summer, and of sun, There are no outlaws ,'mid the world of God; true as His Word, the splendid engine moves harmonious ; as docile, our 'far sentry Neptune, on his rounds sublime, as the bright, planet dew poised oil the aspen's leaf. The world is going somewhere ; Our lit tle family of planets aro on a journey, and surely it is pleasant thus to travel together: • Away towards the dni . north west where' the constellation of the Ea gle Spreads his star-light wings, We' are moving—the kingly sun and his splendid company of retainers. Along the highway of heaven- we dre going, wind twinges eyes it must be a pa 7 beast worth beholding. Who knows but what we are 'beund to some far &taut eburt; !ruled by an - elder' ,sun ? Who knoWs'what grandet grOuphig, b 5 and may likht the hollOw of •oui cloudless nights ? And . these Comets. May, be the,CoUri cs of our radient prince, .whose torches flare afar,- as hastening to and fro, along the route we go, they ever and 'anon re turn with. - tidings"the way is clear= move on,"and wheel again, and for awhile, are seen:no more. iA fragment of their route, like an arc of Apollo's. broken bow, the Astronomer has grasped in that weak hand of his and has completed the orbit, and calculated - thcreturn of these heralds of the king. If no world beguiles them, .and makes them loiter by, the way., lo: here itheir blazing. torches startle the watching world, true to the prophet word, and wain thoSe tidings come to Science' listeping ear; "the highway Clear,, oh, liege, the Sun, pass on !" .No' blind, and blundering wanderers are they, to plunge among, the' peaceful fleets-and wreck'the craft whereon a God descended, and an Eden . smiled. ~ On. some high commission, tlie. Comet goes and comes; to us who swing upon the ; pendulum of the earth; whose souls a summer zephyr may waft foreer from our parted lips,' it, is even as some swift cloud -that drifts along the sky; .in whose pearly and crimson fords there may be death ; but what a dower of beauty there is in the rain; what a breath of blessing in the shadow; what a token of hope Itit the how. In God's good keeping all, the sparroW's flight is guided, and the route of.the falling leaf. , Wandering, they be, these Comets, but not lost, for their iroute and time—are they hot all recorded in the. books of the Admiralty of high i ffeaven ! There, indeed, Is the Stranger, the first, in the . 1 • - Yet she drives boldly on in the teeth ok the breeze. - Now her bows to the breakers-she steadily . . turns: Oh how brightly the light. in the binnacle Lurn3 ! .Not a signal for Saturn this rover hits given, .No salute for our Venus, the flag star of Heav- • . CD ; 1 - ! , . Not a rag or a ribbon adorning her spars,. It has mined:: sailed by "the red planet Mars ;" ' She has doubled triumphant the Cape of tneo; Sun, f And the sentinel stars without firing a gnn. Now, a flag at the fure and the mizLeu . un furled, She is b e aring right dallantly down on the world I "Helm a port !'"'Show a light I" 4 .4'he wilt run us aground !" "Fire o gun ! .Bring her to I" ."Sail ahoy, .whither bound'?" Nvast there, ye lubbers . ! Leave the 'rudder alooe : 'Ti3 a craft "in commission"—the Atithiral's own • - • And she sails with sealed orders, unopened as yet,. Though her Authors she weighed before 1446- fer sett. AL 1.- she sail, by , a chart no draughtsman could make. Where each cloud that can trail; and each ware that can break; Where each Planet is Cruising, each star is at, rest. • . : , With its anchor "let go" in the blue if the blest : Where that sparkling flotilla, the asteroids lie: • Where the scarf of red. morning is flung on • the sky ; : Where the breath of the sparrow is stirring the air— On the chart. that she bears, you will find them all the re! Let her pas on in peaCe *to - the port whence she came, With her tacklings of fire and her streamers of flame. VERmosT.—Vermont is a model State, one a:noag thirty-one ; and very lovely. One of its papers Says of it,: " There is butt-one city in this State, and not a soldim We hart; no police ; and not a murder has been committed hi this State with in ten rear . We have no. Museums: nor taws tal Pit Ices ; but *ci h.tve homes, genuine homes, that are the center of the their' inmates, for which the father werki, votes and talks-:-where the mother conlrols. educates, labors and loves—where- She :rears men, scholars and patrioti.'! ITow TO GET „A 11012 SE OUT OP WilisKkv -T BARnEL:—:-.Put the barrel in a secure place, near a spring-of good muter, on the road-to the grog-shop. When you want a dram, take the price of it in your hand and start to; go to the grog-shop; go as far as the. sprior*, drop theponey the bung-thole of the barrel, take a good drink of water and retlirn home. Repeat this operation tilt the - , barrel is full, knock but the head, and you have the, price of a splendid briek building. - - • ./grin a densely:populated G -j ratan twenty :chil dren were poisened, a:few nights since by poisoned lozenges, whicn were seattared among them hy - ' , :twei• nelsons; apparently. with softie diaboliearintent. - Several of the unfortunate - lads have since died. iAtilaitautt. Mr. Sunninor laa 'll.calon--'-. Churchlo Niagara. , Bayard Taylor's Cm...with the Tr bune. LONDON, Jtilyl, 1857. : Mr. Sumner is here,' at Maurigy'n Ifo tel, in Regent Street.. 1 have.not teen him, but some friends tell me he is look ing very! well. NO American hat ever been more popular in England -than! -Mr. Sumner, and he is at presents floating on the top wave of London Society. -I heard the other day a good story of his arrival here. He entered his 4mthe t upon the- book as simply, " Mr. St miler, Bos ton," and was' 'accordingly se't down by the. host and his flunkeys as an Ordinary traveller. - The next morning - one.of the latter came, to Mr. Sum ner's room in some excitement, and said : "Lord Brougham is down stairs, sir, asking for you." - To the waiters ;:runinent, Mr. S. quietly said,l Without, exAbiting - the least.surprise—", Very well; , show 'him up. . Not long ! afterwards, the former came, still more excited: Sir,. the Lord Chief Justice has called,- hndllie asks for yoit!" "Show him up,'" u;m again the cool reply. After his lordship I:ad de parted, the waiter once more,' belyildered and a little o.!:!•gravated: " Sir, Sir, the Lord Chancellor of England bas called to see you:" "Show him up,! , ' rF.peated Mr.- S. These astonishing filets were no doubt at °nee communicated! to the land lord, for the next ' day's ' li,C7rn big • Pust announced the arrival of 'rHis Excellen cy, the Hon. Mr. Sumner;" at Muuries Hotel. ' i Church's picture of Nia!;.-arit has just arrived, and has been seen by a.lhn+ con noisseurs, though there has yet been no public exibition of it. have heard but one opinion in iegard to it. The exibit orr told me that Ituskin had just seen it, arid that he bad found effects hi it which he had been waitingyears4o.find: lam sorry that it is shown by „gas-light, in a darkened room. Church's pictures Will all beat the daylight; he needs no artifi cial trickeries of this kind:' '.Some Eng lish a; tists had been, a few, days preAtiiitrel , questioning me abut•landscape ••art in America, and I am -'delighted - at being able to point to such a noble - example in justification of my assertions. Cropsey, I who is now living here, has P. very tine autumnal picture in the .Exhibition of the Royal Academy. 1 believe he'is do ing. very well. Hart, the' sculptor, has been settled here for more than a year past; and his admirable Wits are begin-1 ning to excite attention. • Peinesy!ivnla Hands. A correspondent of the Railrocul Ind Mining Register, calls' attention to-the ath:antages our 'State presents for emi grant settlements. lie says ."so long as wild lands were cheap' in' the 'Western I States, there was no hope of gettin - g al hearing tor lands itt Northwestern Penn- sylvania; bccauSe the Western fever ear-; tied everybody hway, Now, lands are no' longer cheap raj the Western States; for : speetilators have the whole country in; their hands. Timber is so. scarce' ()Vet I . • the Wester n cotintry, that the cost 'of! fencing and-bu:ldin, , in most places, edit- I - mimes all the farm is worth, 'if the cost! of the naked land be lunch more than government price. In the counties of Ti• oga, Potter, )[uKean, Elk, and Forest, in our State,' well Iwatered and well timbered lands, with' elegant soil, can be ha.aglit tit from Kto per acre. Whatever may I be the theory, in practice thCselands will put iuore in the barn and in the 'pocket than the average of wild Western lands. I The climate oePennsylvania•gives 'better I health and ability to. sustain landr.! "Working help is mord plenty, and Ibetter markets fare near. Besides in these• ! counties, lumberingfurnishes' steady win ' ter work to man and horse; so that; what in the far l is a long season of. idle ; ness, is here one of the mast profitable !activity. It i in winter that farmers in I Western PeimsylvernaclearOff additional fields to add the nest summer's farm ; ing; and in the winter, alsU; the lumber : men take all ;their! - products, 'including I hay, at full prices. I.Several emigrant as- Isola:Lanus have this:Year turned their at tention to our Pertrisylvaina lands, arid they are noW;nia4ing settlements on a 'scale that proniises ;to be of great Impor . tancejo our State, '— "The "Ole - ull doony" lands-may he mentioned as n ekatuple. Those lands were selected otioe years' ago by the Nor- Wegian musician they'tear; and. anticipating . wealth, from his violin, he conceived late idea of.d. settlement of his poor countrymen: on 130,000 acres of land in Potter, county. -,The, sch One ed in its veiylfi'rst Movements, from two causes; viz :- ivant of means and want of ; common sense, so that nothing of any- Iconsequence - as done 'towards Making factual settlements; and the. tiitmet'Were glad to take-hack their.lands. -Ale par ties who haVe nom .tindertakM • 1 it are are /. men, ,And their movements . are /. • ---7 1i ( OttiC6E:V1§. . TERDIS.--$1,25-yER ANF% attracting others-te folio* their eiample; The - of ottr-north.lVestertqeontitiesii.4 . . deep acid yery,stropg ; t Tlie face of the country, , is.undelent,.With variations of 'hill, vale; andtable-land, the latter being the richest,.... The- - timber is very fine--pine, liemlock l ,,nraple k beaeh-, cherry, walnut and oak; rafting streams, navigable -in, high water, - givejeheap veyauce, logs of 10-and lumbar tolruarker i 4 The price of land varies ':from - to 78'5 per acre. At present:the access is most to the New York . hnti whence about 20, or 30 miles of re4muJell road. have - to - be-traveled -to- the - !threar, named eon n tlea; 'Which- herder i on iheitve States. I.'Oungifariners who are thinking of going to the fur 'West, may have' sion to thank tis;'-if they" will first see ! . whether'oheaper :and' - better ilaiida - - - !nia.q . .. l not be,had nearer home, _ , . The Struggle In '3llltineso . tpt. :,' -; Correspondetiee of the N.Y. Tribte.: ' ' Sr. Pill?, 'M. T; 'Jib,- 16,.157« . - I wrote to ydu i a day or two l since,. in formiue yoti of ,'the ..revolutionary-- steps taken by the .., Border-Ruffian ,Dernocrao • to get control of the ConStittition - il - Con= veution by force, fraud_ and,Vlcilence,! - gri. defeat the desire of the.peOpleiof Atinne-; rota to •come into the Unianiasi.Stite. l I also informed you that' it 'had been las sorted by Democrats, and beliti7ed bylal, parties, that at 12 ,m. on.Vmgday, t,ho second day of the Convention,ithe4)eMo cratic members would - attempt to Mk , control of the Hall prepared fOr #i4 don t vention. Had they done so ' •there'wOttld have been /La work. The Republic: 4 lu knowing full well their rights, were pr pared to defend them, and Would-hnv done so to the' Last. 1- -, 1' But when the hour•of 12):1rew t•leail, I i discretion, the ,better.part of .valor, •See''' - ed to control the minds of this 14,4i0l and their pluck cooleddovin, Ito zero.; Secretary Chase appeared at the_ 1:)i• or the Hall, and with trenab'ing f voice 'said: " In the name of the Secretary of this Teritory, I dmiand the surrender of d this Hall for the.. use of the Constitutionel Convention!' l' - • I ..' President—" The • Constitutional Co - vention or this Territory isi tr w in I sea sion in this Hall." • ' - - ' . • Chase----" Do you refuse [to.l the , possession Of this - Ball::" President--" I do rehire."' • Whereupou the punipous little tary slunk from the Hall: and . rejciiii4l his mob below. , . In a few . minutes, however;-the "Fern- • ocratic delegation, headed by ! the little , : Secretary, came to the doorf and recon noitered, • Chase said : "It's ,no use ; no. man Can get possession of that ehabc l One . of their number ' alsoeinar i ked: . They will not yield —it u,-111.!ba_iisele:ss to make the attempt." Ilit , Crov.. • ;Giir- • man, one of their number; stepped inside ' the door and addressing the mob outside,• said : I move' this Cenvention adjourn - to the -Council Chamber," to Which the mob said " Aye," and . flowed:thOir t 141- " er. There they played the farce of go ing thrsAigh with a permanent !organiza; atm. The result will ibe that • - tiviCop:. ventions will be held and alon , *"vith. ours - - a togas constitution Will be '' ' .lircaigli : be-•• . fore Congrat,:s. . • • t -. -- . •1: - ..---- --j , ..- The gekililicans hare done their-duty nobly. They4iave shown the - rigat met- . tie in their composition. They' Were , .. a • • hand to preVent a clandestine •liigani ‘lt - ; : ! tion by the'Dedioerats.'as early aS - 12'. ! ''t i clock on Saturday night, and after .t ei organization-of the-Convention,ireinain d in the hall without an adjournment- tbr- • three days and l two : nights ,to •preveut 4 9 i Ruffians fro stew/tagossession lot t Hi hall. but the Deinocrats-do .- not leiket their course will be approved by the ptio'r '. pie, or that the: Constitution t 4y•:.iiiay . . frame Will be recognized by , ongre '. • Their only hope:is that, now ! ,distin t,:. ly shown, by the him electron, ;that: t,.e new State would be. - a Republieaaone,.by •, giving a Democratic CongTC§S..6ome • ! . gronodi for an excuse, our aduntsior la- - to the Union would - be refased.uhtiESueli : time as by trickery , and stratagem;' and • - by the help : Of the Irish •.vote'-t.whieli -•-. the building of Our ,new .railrohds•-'worddj induce, they would stand ai better chane / ' ' of carrying an' eleation. • thayi.b - lid,t s- they supposed the Whole! - inatTr: d - up to their Satisfaction - .• .- Our. / °lege. in Congress, -Mr. '31:;• - •Riee, '194 : iikg•tfie Southern part -of . •tlie• ! Territory to :-. ("- strongly Republican; had,at the ,. late to . i 1 .gross a bill introducedf4uthoriziiig:us-..i0 form a State, Constitulion,.. and - 14isjdin i g ., our!.Territory by North and South'3 - , - this, they suppiised; ! would gi.4l:thetil' a' '. majority, o.oitfiti .sucb. a - ': . diviShou would be ,ati-,aaist 7 the interests of'-the territory, • ! and contrary. to the'vislids of tire A of ;li4, people; On!, : ,tegislat tire . -1, t,,, - lu ri e / Winter niemprializeil.C,On i .TesS, by;.niT , of two to - one for a diffeient 'or niii..an4 . west - line; 'but the tneniotha wnn diart ' garded: • , •--' • ,- . • This is the affairs among us at. ... present. What the'finat result Will be in yet, to be shown, but it the' opinion of . IMIE 5 0 1 =I surrender