The Potter journal. (Coudersport, Pa.) 1857-1872, July 23, 1857, Image 4

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.97441 Z Dzarrl
• . . -
r R ar4.4y4aqrs . r f s'Au
4ntiher ,Cargo of tits at
EfF. 0 A,:p REGTIL/401;
- t.jojri might,4,l - vell nntiertage 30 dam up
'X die Wetere of thelPigars- with bulrush-
, la 1.0 - ,liryr : yip:quince Ihe , xnultitthie that
.ere le any
. town where thet
get suFiit lyeptipsgapts in - the line of '
- figpcgAgts Fißcwisloxs
r. 3 at the Old llezzilator. which has so 'long
aen :he gfeat Emportini of Trade in this
i on Metropolis: - Now Ire, hnvn com e
'l./ the fonehision that :here is 'only 'one way
p 241 OoOds, s. thatis to ;et' the people
snow It:ye them to sell, and sell' them at
prices trhinit will be in inducement to those
inisfapt - tn boy. of Us; nil for Ihiapnrpose we
late chartered anolunin ititheVino 4 aal where
we intend to kiep 't h e people poste4 as to
may" be fornid at our esiablishnient.—
Pery body knots, (or nt least ought to know)
+There the Old Ae . gulator ; andforlthe bete.
ft, of those Who Vonq'know, and who
isotr, we will - just inform themthat: it is le
iasted right on the
• •
only few rods from the Depot, and - is always
:;pen for Cnstdisters and all who wish to save
4 - per cent. in purhasing the'necessafies of
life; for it is the only plop in Itown where
- jou can eoect to have a httle c h ange left after
purchasing youv"hecessary supplies, notwith
standing the common assertion of eve '
-y one
that . they tell cheaper than their neighbors,
We don't boast of gelling goods! at or' below
cost, butwitave'adopted as 'air standaid to
` Lies and/4 Line,"' and to sell as cheap as
the cheapest ; for Ivhen people' advertise to
sell below Cost, you may easily eonelucle that
they are odly "throwing out bait." In order
that the people mayinow wbal, we kOp to
feel, we will enumerate a few of the most Ito
?ortant articles,
.f111,(n ER TE
Any one examining our sto c k
we are confident will at once cot
elusion 'that a bettea and .morel
iortment cannot be (hand is thi
eisting of
Mustard,aleratus ' pinnamon, Teuer-Sauce,
Catsup, Yeast and tioap Powders; Vinegar,
bil; Casaphene, Fluid, Chewing and Smoking
Tobacco, Snuff, &gars, Candy, nits, Raisins,
crackers, Hefting, Soap, Candles, and an end=
less Variety of other articles which 'it is un
necessary I to-mention, may be found in this
department, mad which will be sold at a trif.
ling advance from cost to ready pay.
Just teke a look at oqi large stock of Pro
-s:isions, awl see if we have not got the Nyhere
with te relieve the iiierous - wants of the
needy, Wd enough to keep you all from starv
ing through the long and dreary winter. It
is impossible far us to enumerate one half the
articles we keep, in a single "advertisement,
but we will meetion a few of the most Impor-
Ont r whichmany he found in abundance and
is grant variety, P asist in of -
a - ttost of other articles in the line of pro
visions. Also:ki:
p- constantly on hand a good
assortment of
such as Orctoms,,Washtubs and Boards, Mops,
Dinner Boxes, Brushes, &c., together with a
general assortment of Stone Ware; which we
'ill sell very cheap for cash. A general in
vitatiou is extended to all, and to the people
of Potter County in particular to call at the
Old Regulator before purchasing elsewhere.
• Wellsville, Dec 10, 1856.-9 3,1-6'mo.
Furthex Supplement to the Ordioanee of
lay . 25th, 1857, retive to Side-
A T a meeting of the Town Council of the.
.11. Borough of Coudersport, held July 6th,
•1857, the following Ordinance Was adopted :
On motion, it is hereby ordained, That the
Ordinance passed. Hay 25th, 1857, relative
Side-Walks, be so emended that the Side-
Walks on Second Street, from Water to West
street, be built of Plank on both sides in the i
same manner as on slain street.
And, That the usual notice I?,e given in the
Potter - JOurrial, and written or printed notices
be given to all owner or owners, or agents of
Lots on said streets.
Ansa : . A. F. JONES, Burges...
S. H. 570 . 131.13, Stey. . 10:5.
71 It:SPENCER is Agent for many of the
5.11. , s most pcipular 3ledicines now in use, a
fa* of %tint, he will mention : •
tie., lie. ace. •
glitl; E. Stafford ! t• Cd;'s'Olive Tar is apj,
plied_apd inhaled by wearing oh piIIALER
around . the neckand on - the . bte4st: His
In OINTMENT il,.appßed where the skin is
brokin;and is ipopulairemedY wheie known.
Good for the Whooping Cough. 10:2.
. .
• Tll9' a. OLIN CO., of the Yates 'County
• V • NunerieEii have for 'sale a large and
valuable, assortment of FRUIT TREES
of all varieties usuall y editivatede. These
Traci are young and of vigorous growth. The
qualities-era the most: the* known, and are
warranted. utscdst; Altio,r: a Tine: stock ,of
- AV 414 &Wel: I
litiPPl4 , 94 . ordtrts to C. LEACH, Pen Yen,
Y. Ot4trio lilt with IIOB'T.
(; , ,.4,tirfmt, Pa l "111 be promptly
I 10 . 2 .Smo.
Piroiniiiing.loo4 l.l '6 l as 10 - the
ConstitutioWof the Com. -
• • -
itESOL,TED Uwe and'iroure of
- Cernmenweakk
ri n n s wirat=a in Gerard/ 4,noi i3il met i That
the folloaigkamen4ixi9ts are propo sed to tie
constitation of the Foopirealth s in accord.
anee*ith gle preTß4Ats; (A the _tenth article
tiLete'oc ,
7:faST !A 3fl:P:f
There shall be =a adtlit,ional article tp caid
constitution' ? be tiesigacted situtieletetenp,
as reyows..:44. ' -
• -
§neumF 1. The state mac contractodebts, to
supply easuadeficits Or failures inrevenues,
pr to meet enenses not otherwise_ provided
for i but, the aggregate amount of such debts
direct and contingent, whether centt'neted by
virtue of one or more acts of the general as
senatily, or at
: different periods of' tuue, shall
never exceed seven hundred and fifty thousand
dollars, arat themoney arising from the crea
tion of such debts, shall lie applied to the
pirpose for which it wat obtained, or to repay
the debts so contracted, and to no other per- .
pose' vria..itpirer.
,Sscrais 2. In addition to the above limited
power the estate 'pay *tract debts' to repel
invasion,' suppress insurrection, defend the
state in war - or to rede,em the present oat-_
standing indebtedness of the state ; but the
money arising. from the contracting of such
debts shall be applied to the purpose for which
it was raised, or to repay such debts, add to
Kai other purpose whatever.
SECTION 3. Except the debts above specified,
in sectiqui one and two 'of this article, no debt
whatever shall be created by, or ou behalf' of
the 'state. •
- - t• .
• &mos 4. To provide for the paymont ,
the present debt, and any atiditional debt con
tracted'ai aforesaid, the legislature shall, at,
its first session, after tho adoption of this
amendment, create a sinking fund, which *ail
be sunk:lent to pay the accruing interest' on I
such - debt, and annually to reduce the princi
pal thereof by a Sum 'not less' than two litin-1
dred and fifty thousand dollars; which sink
fund shall consist of the net annual in-',
come of the pubic weiks, from' time to time l
owned by the state, 'oithe - procdods of-the dale
of the same, or any part thereof, and:of the
income or proceeds of dale of stocks owned by
the state; together With other fonds, or resour
ces, that'may be designated by law. The said
sinking jfund may be increased, Vora time. to
tinie.. by assigning to it any part of the taxes,
or other revenues of the state, not required-for
the ordinary and current expenses of govet , 4 -
mint, and unless in case of war, invasion Or
insurrection, no part of the said sinking fund
shall be used or applied otherwise than in 4-
Itinguisliment of the public debt, until the
amount of such debt is reduced below the
i sum Of five millions Of dollars. ' .
. f3ecrtwi 5. The credit of the commonwealth
shall not in any manner, or evout, be pledged,'
or loaned to, any individual, company, corpo
ration, or association ; nor shall the common
wealth hereafter become a joint' owner, or
stockholder, in any company, association, qr
Corperatibri, 1 ' •
tSE6TION . The commonwealth shall not as
sume the debt, or any part fnareof, of any
county; city, borough, or township f or of any
corporation, or association; unless such debt I
shall have•been contracted to enable the state
to repel invasion, Suppress domestic insurreo:-
tion; defend itself in time of war, or to, assist,
the state in the dikcithrge of any portion of 1
its present indebtedness. ..
' SsctioN , 7. The legislature shall notanthor,
ize any county, city; borough; township, or
incorporated - distrigt, - by virtue of a vote of its
Citizens, or otherwise, to become'a stockhold,
er in any company, association, or corpora.
Lion; or to obtain money for, or loan its credit
to, any. e.orporation, issociation, institution, or
party. 1 .
of Groceries,
e to the con
omplet as
sention, con-
There shall br an additional article to said
to'be designated a.7` article XII
as follbiva :
Noicounty shall be divided by a line cutting
off over one-tenth of its population, (either
to form a new county or otherwise,) without
the empress assent pf such county, by a vote
of the electors thereof; nor shall any new
county be esta.blisbecl, containing less than
four 4undred_squao miles.
- I
Prom section twO of the first article of the
constitution, strike oit the words, "of the city
of Philaclelpia, and' of each county respectively;"
from section tide, same article, strike out the
!words', "of Philadelphia and of the several coun
ties; from section seven, same article, strike
out the words, "neither the city of Philadelphia
nor any," and insert in lieu thereof the words,
"and no:" and strike out "section four, same ar
ticle," and in lien thereof insert the following:
" Sscrais 4. In the year one thousand eight
hundred and' sixty-fou4 and in every seventh
year thereafter, representatives to the number
of one hundred, shall be apportioned and dis
tributed equally,
_throughout the state, by
.districts, in proportion to the'number of taxa
ble inhabitants in the several Parts thereof;
except that any county containing at least
three thousand five hundred taxalales, may be
allowed a separato representation ; but no
more than th' be counties shall be pined, and
no Comity sb il be divided in the formation of
a district, py city containing a sufficient
number of td.xables to entitle it l to at least two
represenuttides, shall have a separate -repre
sentation ass fined it, and shall . he divided into
convenient .istricts of contiguous territory,
of equal Itax t ble population as near as may be,
each of Whi Is districts shall elect one repre
sentative." 1
At the ett,. l of section seven, same ;article,
insert thesq words, "the city of Philadelphia
shall be divided into single senatorial districts, of
contiguous trritory ; as nearly equal in. taxable
population as possible; but no ward shall be di
vided in the formation thereof ; .
The legisititure, at its first session, after the
adoption of his amendment, shall divide the
the city of, T!hiiahlphia into senatorial and
representative districts, in the manner above
provided; ch ditricts to remain unchanged
until the apportionment in the. year one thou
land eight•hundred and sixty-four.
TOURTI; 4 131F,SpMENT. . '
, 1 There 611611 be an additional section to the'
first a.rticli of said constitution,)vhich shall
lie numbered and read as - follows : •
Szertes 126. The legislatuie shall have the,
power to alter, revoke, or idiot:4, any charter
of iriciorpfation heie4ter 'conferred:oy, or un
der,'anY s eMal, or 'general laworlOaver in
their opininn it maybe injurious to the
liens of Op leommonwealth - i in such manner,
however, that no - injustice shill. be 'done to
the corpo fors: - •
IN 'SENATE, March 27 , 1857.
That‘this iezolution pan: On the
first araendiaeat; Teas 24 1 nays 7 ;• oa _ the sec
emdiaent, yeas' 23, ristYstf; ori the *lid
na7r!ti to fe. l :# l ,
amendiient; yeas 21, nays 4.
• L GEd. Ettracarom
Vg. t4e ikurasl.l _
Iti •
Apra 29, J
18 4 i
Betolved, That this resplation- ' dip
Est ameraDrient, , eas 78 amps 12 on the see
oiaa:amenduient, yeas ki, nays 34; oa the third
amendment„ yetis 72, nays 22; on the fOurtla
amendment, yeas 83; nays 7.
' - ; [Extract from laic Journal.]
3.10013 • ZEICILtit, Clerk:
Filed in 'Spareiarp. olfic_e i May 2, 18:4;
• 'A1 . 13 .
. secretary oj the Comni6nucalth.
llAnntascao, • Juite 22, 48f07.
Pams.l.4rata, :
I do certify that the. above and foregoing is
a true and! correct copy 9f' the originaj "Reso
lution prOposing amp:lda:tents to the Constitu
tion of the Comnp,nwei4th," with the vote in
each branCh of 'the Legislature upon the final
passage thereof, as app9ara from the originals
ipn file in this office.
L. S. In testimony whereof Java het
tp set my band ad caused to be affixed
the seal of the Secretary's Office, the clay;, and
year e.hovo written.
.A. G. CVE:I7S,i
Secretary of the Comniontrealth
IN ,SEN4TE, March 27, 1887. •
The 'resolution proposing amendthents to the
ConstitutiOu of the Commonwealth tieing' un
der consideration,
On the question, '
Will,the Senate agree to the first amend
ment? • ,
The yeas and nays were taken' agreeably to
the provisions of the Constitution, and were
as follow,Viz :
Yr.:as—Messrs. Brewer, Browne, Ceffey, Ely,
Evans, Fetter, Flenniken, Frazer, Ingram,4or
dan, Killinger, Knox,*Lanbach, Lewis, 'Myer,
Scofield', ;Sellers, Shuinan, Steele, Straub,
Welsh, Wilkhis, Wright and Taggart Speaker
NAys—Messrs. - Crabb y Oresswell Finney
Gregg, Harria,"Penrose anti Sciuther-7. -
So the question was determined in thp
affirmative. •
On the 'question,
Will the Senate agree to the second a
mendment? '
• The•yeas and nays were taken agreeably to
the provisions of the Constitution, and were
as follow, :
Yaas—Messrs. Brewer, Browne, Cresawell,
Ely, Evans, Fetter, Finney, Flenniken, Ingram,
Jordan; Knox, Lauliach, Lewis, Myer, Sellers,
Sliumationther, Steele, Straub, Welsh,
kips, Wright and Taggart, Speaker-23.
NAv.s.Niessrs. Coffey, Crabb, Frazer, Gregg,
'Harris, Killinger, Penrose and Scofield-8.
100 the question was determined in the
On the auestion,
Will the Senate agree to-the third amend
The yeas and nays were taken agreeably to
the provisions of the Constitution, and' were
as follow, Viz :
YEAS...-. Messrs. Brewer, Browne,. Crabb,
pressed!, Ely, Evans, Flenniken, Frazer, In
gram, Jordan, Killinger, Knox, Laubach, Lewis,
Myer, Scofield, Sellers, Shuman, Souther,
Steele, Straub, Welsh, Wilkins and. Wright—.
Nersi—liessrs. Coffer Gregg, Harris and
I •
" So the question was determined in the
liEtreative. ,
On'the question,
will the Senate agree to the fourth amend
went? ' .
The yeas and nays were taken agreeably to
the provisions of tne Constitution, and were
es folloiv, viz:
YEAS - Messrs. Brewer, Browne, Coffey,
Cresswell, Ely, Evans, Flenniken ' Frazer, In
gram, Killinger, Knox, Laubach, Lewis, Myer,
Scofield, Setters, Shuman, Souther, Steele,
Straub, Welsh, Wilkins and Wright-23.
Neys—Messrs. C;rabb, Finney, Jordan and
Sol the question was determined in ale
April 29, 1a57.
The resolution proposing amendments to the
Constitution of the Commonwealth being un
der eodsideration,
On the question,
Will the House agree to the first amend.:
went 1 ,
The yeas and nays were taken agreeably to
the provisions of tue Constitution, and were
as follOw, vj :
Messrs. Anderson, Arthur, Back
house, Ball, Beck, Bishop, Bower, Brown, Cal
houn, Campbell, Chase, Cleaver, Crawford;
Dickey, Ent, Eyster, Fausold, Foster, Gibbo
ney, Widen, Hamel, Harper, Heins, Heistand,
Hill, Hillegas, Hoffman, (Bocks,) Ipabriei lanes,
Jacobs, Jenkins, Johns, Johnson, Kauffman,
Kerr, Knight, Leisenring, Longaker, Lovett,
Manear, Mangle, 3.l.'Calmont, Milvain, Moor
head, Mumma, Musselman, Nichols, .Ntchoison,
NuneMacher, Pearson, Peters, Petrikin, Pow
nail, Purcell, Ramsey, (Philadelphia;) Ramsey,
(York,) Reamer Reed, Roberts, Rupp, Shaw,
Sloan, Smith, (Cambria,) Smith, (Centre,) Ste
venson, Tolan, Vail, Vanvoorhis,,
Voegbley, Walter, Westbrook, Wharton,
listan; Witherow, Wright, Zimmerman and
Naits-lessrs. Backus, Benson, Dock, Ham
ilton; Hancock, Hine, Hoffman, (Lebanon,)
Leboi Struthers, Thorn, Warner and Wintrode
So the question was determined in the
Un.the question,
Will the house agree to the second amend-
The yeas AIM nays were taken agreeably to
the provisions of tue Constitution, and were
as follow -viz, :
Ynas—Lllessrs. Anderson, - Backhouse, gag,
Beck; Bower Calhoun, Campbell, Carty, F,nt,,
Foster, Gildra, Hamel, Harper, Heins,
HeiStand, Hillegas,Hpffman, (Berks,) /louse-
Imbrie;' Lanes, Jenkins, Johns, John
son, Kauffman, Knight, Leisenring, Longriker,
Lai , att, Menear, Mangle, Mliraia, Moorhead,
MusSebnan, Nichols,- SicholsOn,lNunemacher,
Pearson, Peters, Petrikin pownall, Purcell,
Ramsey, (Philane)Phia,) Ramsey, (York,) Rea
mer) Roberts, Rcipp; Shaw, Sloan, Tolan, Vail,
Voeghley, Walter, Westbrook, Wharton, Zim
merinn and - Getz, Speaker-g 7.
N; L ya—messrs. Arthur, Augustine, Backus,
Benson, Bishop, Browia,Xhase, Clearer, Craw
ford; Byster; Gibbeney, Hamilton, Hancock,
' Hine, Hoffman,
.(1 4 ebanon,),Jacobs i Kerr,
Lebh, WCalmont, X.nnuna, Reed, Smith, (Cam
bria,) Smith, (Centre,) Stevenson,. Struthers,
Thorn,. Vanv,oorhis, Vickers,
_I Wagonseller,
Warier, Wintrode, Witberow . and Wright C-34:
. 1.1;So the' qUestion Wris..deterrnined in the af
firative. _ ,
On the question,
Will the House-agree to the third amend-
Ment? ' r • • ;
'The yeas and nays were taken agreeably to
• -- -
,the provisions
9t '
t he
c 44 . • 4t o
11, 4 -
- 4
e Oa ,
Phewvli - : -'-'--""'
- ''. a
Ees-Messrs: Anderson , BajthOtisl, Ball,
Beck, Hellion, Bower, Brown, Oelliotui, Camp
bell, Chitee, 'Cleaver,- PreFford„ : PlekeY: tat,
Ester,:Pat:mold,. Poste; -' Gibbet*, Hamel,
Harper, . Heins; Ileiata,A)l4l, Eiglegita, Hoff
man, (Barks,) TiOlDnau, (Lebanon,) House
keeper, Imbrie, liapia,.jaeobs,Joluts,Johnitin
Kauffman, Kerr, Lebo, Longaker, Lovett,lla!
sear; Maagle, Id'Calmont, Moorhead, 34trruiti,
EUsselmaii, Nichols, -Nicholson, Nanettecher;
canon, Peters, Petrikits,'*Powttall, • r urcell,
miles, (York,) Reimer; Reed, Rupp; , Bltaw,
Sloan; SMith, Vambris,) Smith, ."(eiatrej I
Stevenson„ . Tolan, I Vail,' Venvoorhis,-Ticker,
Voeghley, Wet - Coacher; Westbrook,Villiston,
Witherow,• Wright; 2ireinermatt '.'44 eet,z, i
Speaker-72. . 1 ' i: - , „ ,
Neva—gessrs. Arthur, Augustine, Hickas,
Bishop, Carty, Dock 'Glides; Hentillon, Han
cock, Hipe, Jenkins: Knight, teisenring; lira=
Vain, Ramsey, (Philaffelpliia,)Robeit.s, Struth
ers, Thom, Welter, Verger, ,Whartou 'ant!
Wintrode-22:- ' '
. * So 04 -question vf,,5 de . ten4ed In the
eirannative.•, •
On the question, - . ' . - . ~
Will the House agree to the qurth spend-
Pent ? ".' ,
, .. ,
. . Tbe Teas and nays were taken agreiably'to
the provisions of *the .CCnatitation, and were
as folio*, vii: '
Yris---Ilessra. • Anderson; Arthur, Back
house; Backus; Ball, Heck, Beli.sen, Hislioli,
Bower, BroWn, Calhoun,' Campbell, Carty;
Chase,-Cleaver, Crawford; Dickey, Bat, Evster,
Fausold, Foster, Giblioney, Gildea; I-an:lel,
Harper, Heins Heistand, 'Hill, Hillegas, Rut-
Man, (Harks, ) Hoffman, (Lebanon,) Rollie.:
lieeper, Imbrie, lanes, Jacobs; Jenians, Johns;
Johnson, Kauffman, Icerr, Lebo, Leisenring,.
Longaker, Lovett, Manear, Maugle, M'Calnimit,
M'ilvain, Matures" Musselman, Nichols, Nich
olson, .Nunemacher, Pearson, Peters, Petrikin,
Pownall, Purcell, Ramsey, i Philadelphia,)
Ramsey, l'orit,) Reamer, Reed, Roberts, Rapp,
Shaw, Sloan, Smith,: (cambria.„) Smith; (Cen
tred Stevenson, Talon, Vail, Vanvoorhis,
Vickers, Voeg,hley, Witgonseller, Walter, War
ner, Westbrook, Wharton, Williston, Witherow,
Zimoierman end Getz, Speriker-83.
Nays—Messrs. Dock, Hamilton, Hancock,
Struthers, Th'orn, Wiutrode and Wright—i.
So the question' was determined in the . af
firmative.- * ,
113 M
lienruiniimo, June 2;;., 1857.
I dO cert;fy that the above and foregoing is
a true anecorreet copy of the "Yeas" and
" Nays" talteu on the resolution proposing
amendments to the Constitution of the :Com
monwealth, as the sane appears ph the jour
nals of thertwo Houses of the Assem
bly, of this Commonwealth for tie` session of
cj Witness my_ . band; and the seal of
L. office, this twenOrseeocid clay of
June, one thousand eight hmidrek and fifty
A.: G. CeRtIN,.
10:5-3m: Secretary of th, Coniniontecalth,
Prices Greatly :i,e.(3- 11 c0c1-
No. 333 Broadwaj, W. Y,
MEM Largest Assort Meat of Pianos, Melo
deans, Musical Instruments, and Musical I
Merchandise of all kinds, in the : United States.
Pianos frorolTen different Mnitufact6ries, com
prising those 'of every variety of style, fiom
the plain, neat and sukstantial 61i octaves, in
Walnut or Moiewood Gases, from $l5O to $2OO,
to those of the most elegant finish up to One.
Thousand Dollars. No house in the Union
can compete with the above in the number,
variety and celebrity.of its instruments, nor
in the Extremely low prices at which they are
PIANOS, with or without Iron Frames, p9s
sessing In their improvements of over-string.s
and action, a length of scale and compass 'of
tone equal to the Grand. Piano, united with •
the beauty and durability of structure, of the
Square Piano. They are justly pronounced by
the Press and by, the first Musical Masters, to
be equal to those of any other manufacturer.
They are built of the best and mast thorough
ly seasoned material, and guaranteed to stand.'
the action of every climate. Each,ltistrument .
guaranteed to give satilaelion, qr purchase
money refunded. - •
SECOND-11AND PIAWS, at. great -bar
gains, constantly. in store,—price from s3olto
perior Instruments in touch and durability, of
tpake. (Tuned the equal temperament;) Me
lodeons of all other styles and makes. Price.
$45, $6O, $75, $lOO, $125, sl4o—double
Reeds and two banks of .Keys, s2oo—less q
liberal diseount.-- Clergymen and Churches,
an extra discount.
and Musical Instruments of all kinds, at lower I
prises than over before offered to, the public,
A large discount to Teachers and Schools,
The trade supplied on the most.liberal terms,
MUSIC..-Ono of the largest and best se
lected catalogues of Music now published,
comprising many of the choice and most pop
ular eirs.of the day, and will be sold at one,
third off from, the regular prices,
Music sent by mail to all parts.of the coun
try, post-paid., Particular and personal atten.
tiou paid to all orders, received by mail. Sat.
isfaction guaranteed in every instance. Pianos
and:Mclodeonsfor, rent and rent allowed
puachase, Pianos and Melodeons for sale on
monthly paynAhnts. 'Second-hand Piatios ta
ken in exchange for new.. General and select
Catalogues and Schedule of prioes forwarded
to all parts of ;the country by mail. '
Iltig'^Great inducements'offered to AGENTS
in,of. the country, to sell the Horace
Waters' Pianos, Melodeons, and Catalogue, of
Music. 8:46,
A Retired rpysiCian, 754 years of
age, having lost his Father„ - 'two':Brothers,
Daughter, Son-in-law, Neph'ews andNieces,ibi
that dreadful diseaie, CONSUMPTION; and suffer.
ing with a Cough; himself, detirinined to visit
the East Indies, Egypt, and Japan, 'where Ihe
discovered a •.Preventive apd Certain Cure for,
Colds,-Colighs, Branchitis, Consumitiod, Ner
vous Debility- and Asthma. His cough was
cured hilinediatelyihe returned, cured his Rel
ative-8; Nvii' ls Inherited the,disease, and in con
nection With his sort have employed it in their
prictiee; miring thousands of cases Considered
hopeless by others.. Fiv - the.parposc'of rescu
ing as many iif his•felloW beings. as possible,
he is 'sending the Hecipe to - all who vvish it for
10 cents; 3 tci'pay.lhe postage, hnd'ithe
balance printing: Address *Dr.- -linAirsi 101
Spring street; opp,usited St: Nicholas Hotel,
New York, .1
suhscritiont • taite , thii MeTkoil !lc
I:lOrming tinir frfoMls es4 . 4lV are iitro
celpt.of, sui; f t ro now Opprifogi 4 choice and
,aestrabN *9.,_'por ,
A utu, moo tetcr
try - ',Nrhich ihey,4rite the :attention , of sy nio
ailtri'tdylattp purchases .o.oi,Sttick hi arge
tielNiedVith Oiat`earp, iatlis par.
Ii ul , iriv tcYttie wanta 'of this sectioti
o 'Oar coa t itv. '9,7ar of DO* flio.odqcot
sfstri;of•• • '
1' •••- - 'VESTING'S, DO- '
• iIESTICS,_ • • •
and, a Turley of other avicles, toct.p,mmerons
to enthin. - We-have aiso a complete assort-
Merit of , • ,
all 'of which; will be sold uncommonly cheap
forl • ready pay; end for approved cresllt on as
reasonable terms as 114 other establishment.'
NIkNIC 011q10,LS.
illport, Aug. 11, 185§.-9:13 17, - '
s W e KING S;. SON,
.1P E 47 - • •
All MAN V F. 14.0 T URERS
43$ + . Broome Street, •
One Door East of. Broadway, [Late 4t Broad
- waya NEW-TORN," .
lEstablithed A, D. 1833.,1
IxTrrp axi examination of their great Tari=
ety and, superior assortment of. CHAIRS,
alanufactured at their own establishmencffild
under their immudiato . observation and three
tien including
INVALID CHAIRS, &Q., &C., &C.; .
Embracing the most complete gqrrtment,
and choiceit kinds fat-Parlors, Drattng Rooms,
Phan:bees Oardens, Libraries, Counting . Houses,
Offices, Public Institutions, Dentists, Riche's,
together,with every desirable sort Rdapted to
the :comfort, convenience and luxury of the
Sick, the Aged, the Infirm, the Lame and Lazy.
In point ;of ingenuity of design, , elegance of
finish, quality and richness of mateial, faith
fulness of execution, ilniability and cheapness,
these chairs are unsurpassed. lei them, 31.
W. KING 4 SON, -were awarded the first and
.only Prize Medal, and the facnlty recommend
them as far preferabre'tci beds!or couches for
!patients afflicted with Spinal Asthmatic or
Bronchial affections.
To either arm of the chair may be attached
a convenient reading-dr writing DEsx, and any
combination desired will be manufactured to
to order.
A Circalax with explanatory cuts, will be
sent hy•tuail if recinegted, and orders [with re
mittances,] promptly forward 4 to tiny parr
the world.
An Arm. Chair, Reclining Chair, Couch and
Bedstead,' [counts
. D ',] is susceptible of
twelve difterent positions or changes, to meet
the varied requirementitor comfort, conveni
ence, luxurrand'econothy,' [in space as well
as price.] Whether in iiCknest or healh, this
celebrated CHAIR "As tOir LIKE IT," EXCIAE ilr
rnatlY respects, any chaitqierhaps 'ever manu
factured in this or any other country.
The price varies from Ilteen td Thirty Dol
lars, according to ' •
To Public Institutions, as well as to , individ
uals, this CHAIR is a very desirable article,
and will be supplied in Way numb& on the
most liberal terms. • Apply to or addiess
- •111. W. NI NO 4:
• 433 Broome st., One door east of Broadway,
NEW Yonx, (Late 468 Broadway, ,
TEN GOODS—A Fine Assorttrient just
4.1 received at OLMSTEP'S.
The best Therapeutic Agent
'ever- Introduced.
exciting the
)sorbing atten
ton of the Medi
-3 Profession and.
large portion of
to intelligent lay-
, Arnand all other
internal " drug medication" may be laid aside
with perfect safety to the patient and abid
ing benefit to posterity. Wherever these ma
chines have been introduced, they excite the
highest wonder and praise. The apparatus'
is adapted to prevent, relieve and cure every
disease incident to humanity,—more partieu
larlY all those painful and formidable diseas
es which have for centuries baffled the pro- 1
fountlest leaning and skill of physicians.
Front whatever cause there may be an ex
cess or deficiency of the nervous fluid—pro
duping an excess or deficiency of the acids
and alkaline seeretions—the magnotie princi
pies of the system are deranged, and ;can mi
-1 ly be safely restored to their normal condition
by an 'application of magneto-electricity, by
ELECTRIC MACFIIItiE. This apparatus will
• positively prevent, and speedily relieve and,
cure Consumption, Scrofula, Rheumatism,
Palsies, Neuralgia, Spinal Diseases, and all
other painful maladies, however hopeless and
of long standing. -They are eminently useful
in all sexual - and 'urinary disordets, particu
larly where the COnstitution bps been rbroken
down and ruined by unnatural solitary habits
to which too many of the young of both sexes
are so lamentably prone.
MACHINE is without the dangerous compli
cation's of batteriesandacids--.which filet alone
renders it superior to all others on the score
of neatness, cleanliness, safety and utility.—
It in fact, handsome parlor ornament;
may be applied -by a child.; and will last a
life-time, to the: great saving of Doctor's
bills &c. •
1t will be s4ely packed and sent to any
part of the United States. Sold wholesale
and retail at the Medical Office, No, 38 NORTH
SEVENTH Street,' Philadelphia. Address, •
10-1-Iy. • •
ri for'sale,'by JONES, MANN &JONES.
CouderspOrti June 11,1857.—tf,
. •
JuA'receied . bs: OLMSTED'S.
The glieft*;ll4 114"kl"ff#64'
l in, thiiol.ll • •
MA,GAZIITE Yloseie its fite . t in Jung next: 'tiering the few brie f months of
its et.
tenet)" i!, ,-. 4astittalieda:4 4 *4 l ot7 imequalled,
tp the annalicif thiPrera.
publishers,) 14,3,03.,9iffeted liberal Pre.
pileups for chiiice;,littattrY,efferti,'Ae stories,
-ttou# 4 . l c 6 : 9 l gst ether sl4lk-
Mbg and•intere g 'reading.was Commenced,
it,January - lasti,*pA, am,., belly still pnblisb.
ell in the Wilton!
The New Volunte Till be eiMimenced,i tt h.
ly 1857, greAtly-,l4tprovy4 and e n l arged. ...
'gach nutabar 17111 contain thirty-two exu lt
retie sized roxal octavo- pages; manor, tuttg :„
nig:cent voliipe of -nearly . 400 .pagen for the
fear—or presepting an, ommint et. the chef.
eest reading i on sill subiects r i equal to what
Would cost in PM books stores at lean fifty
cents, payablelintiariably in titlVuace:
Some of thy wit popularan w
d mile
and female Contributors are regular co,.
)tutors and. the publishers will spare no pai nt -
or expense o render the ,""1 , Mite(
every way atiCeptable to a refined and iiaelli.
gent commoity.
• The . pnblliation is adapted to.all classes cif
YOU4k end the. old—twd w h ere :
ever seen and !perused,* meet ' s with „i yereel
acyeptatiou. :. -
mv- Now is_thc time to subscribe to the _
N . A .; V,olume.. r
The.bliek, ;umbers may be boa (to
complete sets), f,or 3 cents each; or the` hole
send of 12 numbers for rtrp47r,rws ce nt ,
Liberal.intl,itkeitienta to Clubs" and Ctn.
le-Remember, our terms are Fifty cent]
for ode year,.for 11- single oopy, or three cop
ies will be 'sent under one corer or addles: fur
One Dollari • Addrosii,
Publishers. Na ., as North Seventh Sto t t,
(up stairs,) Philadelphia, 10:1-4 •
I: will find a stipply at..i -
JONES, ;31.A.1%.iN & JONES, pay the highest
market 'price for all binds cif Produce.
A NW cur( 4 l : 'o a Pa i ll S cru. a s ti L s el ess To r . e ;e ed n y e. 2 for int e
gestion, Jaundice, Vastipsy, ltheumat \ism, Teams:
Gout, Humors, Nezvousness. Irritabirdy,lnemmis
lions, Headache, roans the;ar east,Side'Ssek,
and Limbs, Female Coniploints, ,dc. Indeed
very tow ate the diseases in which IL rtngalave Nadi
due is not more oe less requira, and much 114 •
pees and Suffering might he , prevented, . ifs harm
14sliut effectual Cathartic'were more fluty mad
Nb PottlAri can feel well while a costive habit of
bpdy prevails ; bmides it soon Hans aaa
often fatal diseases, which alight Ate been troded
by the ti rely and yailicua use of a goodjunpost/
This is te trueof Co l a, Veserishquiptoms,and
Bilious derangem ni
ents, oy all, tend 14 become or
produce lie deep seated and f 4 (gable a:stemma
which load the /moan all eves the'land. Besets
reliable family physlcas of Op first importance to
the tiublic healtlh aufd this 1111 Mai hem Rerfected
with consunimate skilLto 'meet that demand. An
extensive trial of its virtues by Physmians, Picks
eon, and Ptitients, his stiown resultt surpassing
any think hitherto known of airy pit loins. Cims
have beer effected beyond belief:WM they not suli •
otantiathl by persons of such exalled vitiation and
charactgr es to forliid the suspicidn of uninith
Among the many eminent j p /eaßemeo who hate
testified p favor of these Pills, we may mention :
Du A, A. HAT'P3. Analytical Chemist, of Boston.
and State Assayer pf lklassatilitisotts, whose high
professional character is endoised by the
How. EDWARD Evertors., Sena/QT of the I T. S.
ROBE/LT C.WlNtnteor, Ex-Speaker of the acute
of Representatiyes.
ABBOTT LAN;•RFS ca n 241nister Plen. to Enehni.
t Jouot R. Fa rkr.ts mus t Cath. Bishop of Boston
Also .? DR. J. It Ciitimo,x, practical chemist, of
NewlorkCity ondoused by
HON. W. L. Mane*, Sr cretsry of State .
Wii. B. Aaron, the richest Man in Abler" •
S. LErostri 8, Co., PrOpfp bf the hietropolan
Hotel, and others.
Did space pernet, we could give many hundred
certificates, from all parts where the Pills bpi
been used, hut evidence even more convincing that
the experience of eminent public men is food
in their effects upon trial.
These Pills, the result of long invelitgationtaa
study are o ffered , to the pubhe as the bee tad
most complete which the present state of mranl
science can afford. They are cosissinded not c.
the drugs thpmselves, but of the Medicinal uric"
only of Vegetable remedies, extmotenr shessal
process in a state of purity. and earoluced togtih
in such a manner as insets the bestrcanus 11 "
system of composition for medicines has been fund
In the Cherry Pectoral:and Pills both, to produce
more efficient remedy than had luthet,o a"'" ,
tamed by any process. The reason to perftetly
mous, While by the old mode of comp:al/Ica , e''
try medicine is burdened with more or less of act
rnomous and injurious quahties, by this each mai{
vidual virtue only that is desired for the onto ,
effect is present. All the inert and obnoxious qua
sties of each suhstance emplloyed are leitheluud, the
curative virtues only being retained. Bence it s
self-evident the effects should prove as they haw
proved more purely remedial, and the Pills a sum
more powerful antidote to disease than any oths
medicine known to the world.
As it is frequently expedient that my inethrw
should be taken under the cOunsel of an attend: l
Phyedy wi sician, and
out as he could c omposit ionudpil'
remedy knowing itss, / bete
supplied the accurate Formulae by which both :;
Pectoral and Palls are made to the whole by! , r
Practitioners in the United States and British Sce
ican Promuces. If however there should be k!'
one who, has not resseaved• them, they t ri ll
promptly forwardedby mail to his address •
Of all the Patent!Medicines that are offer:4W
few would be taken If their conmosition knoll
Their life consists in them mystery. 1 yaw'
mysteries, •
The composition of my preparations is Ludor
clearly demon-
to all men, and all *ha aretorapeterit to - jaail.
the auktect freely acknowledge their consilaP
of their intrinsic merits. .The Cl 1
ierry Pectoral.,
pronounced 'by scientific men:to bc a wands"
meilicineteforeita etrectsVrere kn - own. .)laa! er a /
inentPhyskians have, declared the sate thmF=
my Pills, and even more confidently , sad °T 4
ing to certify that theirinticipations 'rat
than realized by their effects upon trial. ' the
They operate by their powerful intloenat On
internal viscera to purify,tliehloos and stimtilalal!
into healthy . action —,rieginve the obswactiona,V.
the stomach, -bowels, liver; and other ergalts : d
body, restoring their irregular action te-hcaltho
by correcting:wherever 4ey exist, gadi d l 3Be.
merits as' ate the brigl3l . of disease. . vat
D,,ein, sAgar lympized,t)oey. are pleasance s
DeltlikAurcly,vegetable, no harm cap it' 3 ` 4
u',9El l3o .in any quantity:.?
L . % =nuts directions, see virapper.en the Bor.,
PiTtOtloid "andAltialrical chel; dsl
• Lo
r rut MASS. •
21 Cent! ' Five Boni - for, 3L
: - r ' SOLD: BY 1
SMrl H "
- Asi)
• - D.- W. SPENCER,
COUDERSPORT, and by Country ~O r
chanta and Druggists everywhere. 9:43'