63int :milt &m ay. - ., - kihave..recelved from-Messra..Fowler an ,d,-.W0115,-,308 Broadway N. Y., a .copy of " lIM to , Get a Paient," a very ;neatly printed littlelpamphlet of 18 pages., -and 17 hich is full of.intcristing instructionsito inventors. (Wednesday) Morning is &glen did November oue---atleastiniatmospher io sensation.. Tuesday was'Oetober, and if changes are regular for the next 10 days ~e predict a regular graduation of the m onths within that time. When are we ,to , have our Jnly and August? .7'Ae Real Estate Register of the North .lllst, is the title of a neat little quarto aker4ly paper, ITo. 3of Vol. 1-of which has just been received. . To those'eng,ag ed inthe e resl estate business, or those de siring information in regard to Western lands,t:isnll„Worth the low priee-of $1 3 year. ,I,',9,l4ish i e,d.by G. W. Yerby & Co, Dearborn .sp. 1 Chicago, 111. Put us Register. O'REt LECTURE. •t)R. GIRARDIN will Lecture in the Methodist Chitral', on Friday evening, July 24, at 8 o'clock. ,Subject—TllE C.VSES AND ABDSES If his hearers will provide tpwselves with pencils and paper; they note down - many simple . preseriOloAs that way be useful to l i : then hereafter. The Good Templar, for July,-:is dip uur table containing a continution,gf Mrs sage's charming Temperance tale of. 4.11 s ic Magoon," and the proceedings 'of,the tiuual Lodge. This sterling little Tem ierance -Magazine is deserving of the ,farty support of all friends of the cause, 1:1 the special support of the Order rinse name it bears. The Good Templar published monthly by B. H. 3111.t.5, at Louis, for one Dollar a year in.ad mime; and at the following club rates;— . ..copies, .84; 13 eopies 810; 20 copies Be Wise in ' Ttnie.--How many are there .who, ,afflicted with tlssease in an incipient stage, delay from time to time laving recourse to some,remedial agent, vhichwould effectually arrest the further process of disease, and render the sys tem linpregnable to its iusiduous attacks. It is unfortunately too true—there are thousands who sink into an early grave —whereas -at a :trifling expense they tight have lived to a good old age.— if there be reliance to be placed in medi, Mae, and thonsaudi of well attested, cases etablished beyond the 'possibility of a doubt, the curative properties of any one particular remedy, then Hurley's Sarsa parilla is unquestionably the greatest medicine ever introduced to an afflicted community. Hesitate not, therefore, to use it, if suffering from any of the ills which flesh ish.?.irtO.—Heruld (Galves lp,n, Texas.) IVOSpEREUL PRESOMESON.—GoId front the . dpuds in. ..ifeKean.— A few' weeks since we ...aye an account ( f the diseoveryof . a F old mine •in Mc- Kean county, 'and no* have the pleasure recording another astonishing phe .;,menon the mineral wealth of that minty. Our information comes indi %t, and we are surprised that the Citi- I > 4 does not give the details at leng,th, 24ing as it does an editor especially de med to noting,downthe mineral devel opments of that county. A few days since a lady- in the village of Swethport was milking, her little 1)oy standing near her, when he suddenly eixelaimed, "Ma 6k there,:—what is that ? The lady looked just in time to see something of a fellow color, and pf the size of n, quarter 'iln, fall upon her son's head, and 'rash up. On e;aminatioa of OP• boy's hair, it was found to he tilled witli a sub tance very similar to gold—and after an examination by several chemists, it was pronounced to be the simon pure. 'Iles() no the plain facts as related to us by a friend who recently -visited that place, there he obtained the information—and 14 :0nler that we way have proper credit for the above " interesting tale," we have 'API-righted the same ! • ie - lu New York on the Fourth, the railroad cars in the First ayeßue, between Fourteenth and Twenty-sigh streets, were stopped by an armed bard of row flies, who levied an assessment upon the r onductors before they would penult the horses to proceed! Beautifuli BLEACHED "MUSLIM and a few other at tieles in the line of Staple Dry Goods . lee for cash at E; K.. SPENCER'S, 10:2 D. W. S., Agt, SOME CLOTHING of Chenoy'smanufatture 10:2 tt o hand at E. K. SPENCER'S, D. w. S., A. MENEM Corrected Jlreekly for the Journal, SCHOOMAKEIS .14. JACKSON, Dealers in big ,0004, 'Greceriet t flats Boot: .4- -Shoes, Crockery, Pork, .P/our:,- • Jileal, - Notions, 4-r.4 • MAD/" STREET, ;COLWERSPQRT; Point, suotlefine, bbl.;. I - .$8 00 " extra, " • .9:00 PARE, - 30 .00 - - .3 SALT, " 50 Cann MEAL, /It 100 lbs. , .- - 3' 00 BUTTER,' lb., ; 16 LARD, " " • - ' - 12 g l 5 TALLOW, " " - - ; - 14®16 Wow., " " - - - - 27c534 HAMS, "." • • ; SHOULDERS,I4 lb., - •!* " .1$ DEER SKIN, , • 1 25 MAPLE SUGAR, lb., - ; • - 110051 DRIED APPLES, " " - - ' • 14, It " Bushel, - 2 50 WHITE BEANS, tg, " - - - 3 50 1 BUCKWHEAT, " " - - • 62 OATS, " - " - - • 60®75 CORN, II IS 1. 25 RYE, " Tarozs , - - - I 1 00 EGGS, 1.1 Dozen, - - - - 12 ifeY, • Ton, :- - - - ! - $12®15 00 specw votici3. TO THE AFFLICTEM DR.. GIRARDIN, of Peru, Pouth America, who for seven years was Snrgeon in .the tional Army of that countryi would; infortl2 the afflicted that he will rewliin iu Couders port, at GLASSMIRE'S HOTEL, tbr TWO WEEKS ! from July 20th to 'August 3d, 1857. Dr. l'arardin has associated with him DIL '5, D. FREEMAN, a highly necomplished and experienced Surgeon, and they now tender their services to all afflicted with' Scrofuhi, Salt-Mew, Rheumatism, Bronchitis, Fiveir Sores, Indolent ricers, Liver Complaint, ness, Deafness, or any chronic disease of long standing. They will also opekate on Club Feet, Cross Eyes or Strabismus, Cataract, or any of those annoyingdeformities so common throughout the country. Dr. Girardin Uses no mineral medicines internally, and' all; his highly concentrated medicines are imported direct from Peru, Read the statement of'the Hon. Seth Backus, of Sinethport, MCKeiin Co., 1 1 ,a., who has suffered the last Five ears• With Rase Cancer, and who has been treated by the mpst talented Professors of ,Philadelphia, New York, .I,larrisburg, and other, cities of the Unipn. • .Pl)r4itardin has benefited we More in Four Weeks than all other Surgeons hAve ev er done in as many months, and I am aonVin ced he will cure me permanently." All consultations Free of 'charge, and all medicines on reasonable terms. Perscius•ata distance by enclosing $lO, with a full rind minute description of their disease, iwill re ceive their medicine promptly, Withi Written Directions for,tbeir use. - i ! Coudersport, July 21, 1857.-It. WHITE TEETH. ['Jw HIED BREATH'AND BEAU TIFUL ComPLExtux..,-cisn be acquired by using the "Balm of a Thousand Flowers." What lady or gentlemen would remain under the curse of a disagreeable breath, when by using the "Bmat OF A THOUSAND FLowEps," as a denti frice, would not only reader it sweet, but lea,ye ' the teeth white as alabaster? Many tiersqus do not know their breath is bad, anethe ject is so delicate their friends:is - Mite:l . er men tion it. Beware of counterfeits. .136 sure each bottle is signed FETRLDGF, y., For sale by all Druggists. 9i37—tlina. Sold by SMITH ,S; JUNES, Dr ggists, .Cou dersport, Pa. (Ltriu gtiurtigt.i4oos, AUDITOR'S NOTICE.. OTICE is hereby given, that the Auditor 111 appointed by the Court of Common Pleas of Potter County to make distribution of the proceeds of the sale of real estate In the case of William Cobb Vs. William . Perry, No. 141 June Term, 1855, and Robinson : Nelson vs. Samuel Rodger, of December Te m, 1852 No. 51, will attend to the dot es. o! his appoint ment at the office of the Prothonotary, on Sat urday, the '2.2d day of Augtist next, at one o'clock i the afternoon of said day. All per sons having Judgment or other 'ions against the said estate are desired to attend and pre sent their claims. IT. J. OL3ISTED, Auditor Coudersport, July 22, 113.57.—td. -AUDITOR'S OTICE is Ite-eby given, that the Auditor jr appointed, by the Court:of Comnoin Pleas of Potter County to make 'clietribution of the proceeds of the sale of rent eitate in the case of O. B. Goodman for the use :of A. Bruner vs. John M. Kilbourn, of Februtiry Torte .18.5,6, No, 26, tvill attend to the duties cif ids appoint ment at the ollice of the ProtlionMary, onSat urday, the 22d day of August next, at three O'clock . in the afternoon of said day, All per sons interested in the-said distribution arede sired to attend it; they think procer. H. J. OLMSTED, Auditor... Coudersport, July 22, 185L—td.i LIST OF LETTERS, , E3IAINING in the Post Office ,itConders- AA port, Pa., .1417 Ist, 137. Anson, Yates Hughes, John 42. Anson, Miles Huttender, It i • . Aldrich, Mrs. Nancy Hegie, J. H. _•- 1 • Avery, Addison-1 Johnson, C. Hi Amos, Miss E. Kaple, Orlando Bailey, S. B. ... Kimixtil, Abraham Beach, Mrs. Sarah Lucas, Valliant Barnett, Samuel , Lewis ' Miss MI A. • Bell, Litman Luce, Miss Julia A. Carpenter, Miss S. A.-2 Lallan, alisr .L Cole, James - - M'Can, R. 1 - , Cool, James Myers; Wm. O. Dingman, John Ostrander, W. H. : Davis, Miss P. ~. Petvenger, Philip. Faulkner, John P. Roil, Mrs. Sarah George, Adam Smith; A. B. Greche, Smith Seager, Miss Sarah Greenman, J: A. R. Sunthid; Stillman, Grant, L. M. Stiles; Her. Dutton Goodel, Samuel, Smith k Crane. Goram, Charles Snyder, Z. Greenman, Silas Stillman; Joseph Goram, Miss L. M. , Shea,Miss Mary Goodsell, Samuel Sinuniser, Mri.L: A. Glass, John Shetwood, J. W. Harris, Miss Cath. L.-2 Truesdell, J. W. flaath, EL L. - Turner, Cyrus tiolienheck, Miss Sarah. Yoconte, William • pagan; P, 0. Wamholdt, David Harding, 1. W.-3. Wniple, Duiek Raskin, 31.. T. N.-2 . . Wagner, H. • Yles.Persons calling for any! of the;above Letters,.will please say they are, Advertised. 10:5-3t. JOHN . M.• I VB' ODD M. • ,NEW GOOpS—A Large and Splendid sortmeut just roceived at .10:1 QUISTEVS. COUDEUSPORT kC4DEI!IIt. EfEiCDRICIK.-Prinoipal , RE Academic year•will be :divided into Three" Terms of thirteen weeks each. The Winter Tenn^will commence on Monday, De cember Sth, 1856.. The Spring or "Ininmer Term mill commence On Monday, April tith, 1867 ; and 'the Fall Terni on Monday.; August 24th, 1867. . TERMS.. , . Tuition per term of thirteen weeks, as tol , lows : Primary Studies—Reading,. Spelling, . Mental Arithmetic, ire., .$2 50 Common English. Branch'4,3—Geogra phy, Orthography, Arithruetid and Grammar, - - • - 3-i5 Higher English Brandies -- Natursl Philosophy, Astronomy, Chemistry, and Frst Lessons in Algebra, - 500 Higher Mathematics—Algebra, Gem- - etry, I - - - 6 00, Languages----Latin; Greek, or French, - 6 00 Drawing, extra, - - 250 Piano Music, extra, - - 10 00 gar Payment Strictly . in Adra,nce...ssE4( All scholars who can write legibly, will be required to present an' original 'Composition once in two weeks, ; and male scholars to de claim once in two weeks. -. Board can be obtained in private Families in the village, or rooms can be I had in the Academy by applying to the Principal. . , MR. HENDRICK-las had the Preceptorship 1 of the Academy for the past year, and. it' is with great satisfaction ice announce that We have been able to secure the continuance of 'his services. IThe flourishing condition of the Academy haS been exhibited by it larger` at tendancu and more general expreSsion of sat -1 isfactiou, than ha's ever been experienced here ' tofore ; and • llte. Trustees flatter themselves I that in the renewal of his engagement they, lure carrying out the wishes of the patrons of the Academy thus favorably indicated, 'and securing for -that station a gentleman fully competent to supply the wants of au intelli gent Community. ELI REES, President,' G. B. OVERTON; Sec,!.F. LEWIS MAN ~Treasurer, ► g AMOS FRENCH, SOBIESKI ROSS, HENRY J. OLMSTED, Coudersport, Nov. 10, ;85t; LEWISVILLE STEAM GRIST MILL. NEW ARRANGEMENT. , undersigned having bought out all for Mer owners of the Lewis Fine, Steam Grist Mill are now prepared to do all manner of grinding,. aas they believe, to the.satisfae tiou of their:eustotuers. Come and see. 0. £ LEWIS, CRAYTON: LEWIS. Ulysses, Feb. 23, 1857.-9-38. N 9 T H I N; NEAR. NOTHING TO WEAR: NOTHING TO WEAR. NOTHING TO WEAR. .NOTHING TO WEAR. NOTHING TO WEAR. • , ! NOTHING TO WEAR. . NOTHING TO WEAR. NOTHING- TO WEAR. NOTHING TO WEAR. NOTHING TO WEAR. SPLENDIDLY ILLUSTRATED - j .SPLENDIDLY ILLUSTRATED. - SPLENDIDLY ILLUSTRATED. SPLENDIDLY ILLUSTRATED.. SPLENDIDLYJLLUSTRATED, SPLENDIDLY ILLUSTRATED, SN,ENDIDLY ILLUSTRATED. SPLENDIDLY ILLIISTRATED., SPLENDIDLY ILLUSTRATED. SPLENDIDLY ILLUSTRATED. Jut. Published a:Superb Edition, of NOTHING TO WEAR. PrOfuSely and elegantly embellished, and printed on tinted paper, with exquisite wood engravings from original designs toy HOPPIN, (tke first - humorous Artist in America.) 12m q. .Elegantly bound in cloth; pp. 68. Price 50 •cents. This Wonderfully clever little satirical poem upon the fashions and extravagance of Neu , York female aristocracy, appeared first in Har per's ISTAckly Journal, and so complete a -hit did it prove that over ONE HUNDRED THOUSAND copies were sold, .and new editions are being called for. Having already Liaa. such an en ormous success, we feel confident' that the present SUPERBLY ILLUSTRATED EDITION will meet with the approval of everyone; and as the book is produced in the very highest style - of art, as regards paper, printing, illus trating add binding, the Publishers , are coati dent that no taste, however l'astittions, will remain unsatisfied. From the Boston Courier land Proridenee Juurnul "Nothing of the kind that we know of has ever been produced in America, within along way of the excellence of these wood engrav ings. The third and fourth in ord4, in both' of which the heroine of the tale is more prom inently introduced, show that this Artist is not second to John Leech in the delineation of the most luxurious type of female beintv. The nonchalant expression of face, yrherelSli'sq Flora . isl l nterrupted at the glass, has never been surpassed even in Punch: The last design— in which the highest insolence of Wealth, lux ury and fashion, is brought to the bedside of an emaciated dying wretch, writhing in a gar ret, with the rude rafter, the mice and cobwebs in the back ground—shows - a power of pencil, which we are happy to see exists on this side of the Atlantic." Fiom the N. Y. Evening Post.' wrhe, clever satirical poem of Nothing to Wear,' which has been so universally read and adtaitee--which has done and is doing so much good.—has bad the benefit of a kindred art to swell its attractions." Sold by Booksellers. 111E9.1f thii book cannot be obtained at the country Bookstores, the Publishers will send to any address in the United Staten a copy by mail (postpaid). on receipt of the price in stamps, 50 cents. :BUY IT. PAY FOR IT AND READ IT. ,1 • - GIVE .IT AWAY. THEN RUT ANOTHER, TELL EVERYBODY TO Buy . IT' Sold by all Booksellers in Me Pitted .Biates. RUDD & CABLETON, Publishers 'arid -Book , sellers, No. 310 BROADWAY, Ne'w.York. 10:04t. , PALLIER 004 ' stteet 1001, iiiiiiqDelphia; DEALEI4 :FISH & PROVISTIONS, lIAVE constantly .on hand an sassortment JUL of Mackerel, Shad, Merrinis, Codfish; fleet; Pork, Lard, Shoulders, Hams, Sides, Cheese, Rice; 4c. . ,April e, 25 E s • THE FORGER OONTiOTEDF7A John S. Dye is the 'Author. 8 Who has •had 10"yeara experlence as ft Bank-s, er and Plibliiher, and Author of 'P. A series,of .LecturesUt Broadway Tabernacle, when, for 10 successive tdghts, 'over rt People'ilat . Greeted him with notunis of Applause; while he exhibited the manner itx which Connterfeiters execute their Frauds,and' the Surest and Shortest Means of 1 Detecting them The Bank Note Engravers: all eter that he is o the greatest `Judge of Paper' Atom,/ Tiring. . GREATEST DISCOVERY. 'Ore, THE PRESENT• CENTURY FOR CiAtiOei Describing every Genuine. Bill in Existence,_,C and Exhibiting at a glance every Conn terfeit iu Circulation I Arranged so adinirably that REFERENCE e, is EASY. and ' DETECTION INSTANTANEOUS. c VC6" Xp indem'i4 examine ! • No pages to hunt up t But so . sitaplitietl and iirrang:ed, - that the' Merchant, Banker, and Business g Man can see all cit:a - Glatii.e:l • • ' 0 ENGLISH, FRENCH AND 'GERMAN,' Thus each tatty, read the 'saute in his .:17.4 . 21V1R TONG t'E. - • • i' : "f= , ' Host Perfect - Bank Aote List Pfittiis4 d. . Also a .List of ALL THE: PRIVATE-BANKERSIN AMERICA.. A Complete Sunitnary of the Ft:bowl:I OF EUROPE & AstmucA•will be pUblished in each edition, together with all the I.III'URTALNI . NEWS OF 'll4l DAY. • AlSo • ' A SERIES Or T.AES . From an Old Manuscript found in the East. g It furnishes the Most Complete Me:66 . of Oriental Life; )"4 describing the Most Perplexing POsitioni in which the Ladies and ,Gentlemen. of that ; Conntry. have been so often. found. These Stories will continua throughout the whole S-4 Tear, and vrilLiwoye the, Most Entertaining; ever offered to, the Public. ;' tal*Furtaished Weekk to Subscribers O' at $1 A year, All "fetters .inust, be ad-k dressed to JOHN a - DYE, Broker, , a Publislter'and Proprietor, 70 Wall Street, g New-York. 1 10:1-1y. Q II ARRIVALS AND DEPARTURES t or TnE MAILS, AT ;COUDERSPORT, PA. Arrival. From Wellsville,, daily at 6P. m. • From tilyrsca, Saturday at 6 P. M. From Jersey Shore, Wilnesday:atid Saturday at 6 P. 11. From Wellsboroi i Wednesday and Saturday at P.M. 1 . . . • From Sinneinahonlng, Tuesday. at 6 P. u. From Smetliporti Tuesday and Friday at 6 P. From Ceres, Monday and Friday at 6 P. Y. Depa Hare. To Wellsville. daily ati 7 A. it. To Ulysses, Saturday at 7 A. M. . To Jersey Sbore,,Tuesday and Friday at G e, it To Wellsboro, Monday- and Thursday at 6 4. - .11 To Sinnemalioning, Monday at 6 A. M. . To Smethport, Monday and Thursday at. 6 A. at To Ceres, Tuesday and Friday at 6 A. st. All letters, to be mailed, must be in the office the eveniu;; before the mail starts. June 18, 1857. I J. 31. JUDD, Pi 31. PROVISION STORE. E. R. SPENCER, Offers Great Inducements To BUYERS OF iROCERIES, PROVISIONS &c., at Li- the store formerly occupied by D. W. SPENCER, on ati Street, North side of , Public Square. - GROCERIES A good assortment constantly on hand, from which I will enumerate a few of the leading articles, such as Sugar, Mustard, Candy, Coffee, Cinnamon, Nuts Molasses, Pepper Sauce, Crackers, Syrups, Catsup, Soap. ' Pepper, Yeast, Candles, Spice, Oils, Shot, Ginger, Toljaceo, Lead, _ . .Cloves, Snuff, "G." Caps, Garb. soda, Segars, C. Tartar, 7 and tunny other things too numerous to Men 'tion, will be found-in this department, which will be, sold at a trifling akivanee from cost, fur ready pity. . 1 PROVISIONS Constantly on hand, such as PORE. HAMS, SHOULDERS, FISH. SALT BUTTER, CHEESE, LARD, BEANS; OATS, FLOUR, CORN MEAL, BCCK%VIIEAT FLOUR,. DRIED APPLES, DRIED PLUMS, and many other articles iu the lino of Provi, slum; nut necessary to mention. Also, WOODEN WARE, such as Brooms, Wash-Tubs and Boards, Mops, Dinner Boxes, - &c., which will be sold low for cash or ready pay. Oats,. Potatoes, Butter, Eggs; Cheese, and in fact almost everything a farmer raises, will be taken in exchange for Goods, at their cash value. I invite the at tention of Villagers; Farmers and Lumbermen who desire to make purchases in the above articles, and solicit them to call before 016. chasing elsewhere. - E. K. SPENCKIL Coudersport, June 9, 1857.-10:2. i t . .N . H7 - 17Cir GOODS; * Los Prlctis and Ready Pay, AT, Sli.A RON CENTER. • lIIRE.SUBSCREBERS are' offering for tale an entirely uew stoek,. consisting of ' DRY GOOD& GROCERIES, HARDWARE, CQOCK . ERY, GLASS WARE, BOOTS . SHOES, lIA.TS S CAPS, 7(31- BRELLAS; PARASOLS, WINDOW SHADES, WALL, PAPER, READY MADE CLOTHING, YANKEE - -/ NOTIONS, &c., In out: selections the wants of all have been remenibered. The Gentlemen can find in our stock of Ready Made .Cliithing. an elegant 't:i'shionable - suit, or a substantial Business .suit, and we have Hats I& ,Caps and Boots °& Shoes to match. " , • The Ladies can find Fashionable Bonnets beautifully trimmed, or bonnets and triiaming3 a good assortment of Dregs GOodS, and trim mings; Gloves, 3litts, Hosiery and Gaiters.— And, last but not least, corded and skeleton Skirts ; also, Rattans, Skirt-Whalebone 'and Brass SkirtHlioops•, beautiful Jet Necklaces and Bincelets, .Corab, Fans, and too , many other thirigslto enumerate,—all of which we are selling low for,Cash, Lumber, or' any kind of Pro - duce. POUR, K 8.4.1.,, FISH &c.,.con stantly on hMitl. -- • • - - W. $. &J. H. GI%AVES. Sharon Center, Potter Co., Ps.., Juno - 5, 1857.-10:24f, OR AND LEMONS just received by 10i1, H I J: E. G 1 :tfiB. Of all disease; tak i great;l filit,aattaa Springs fromlnigl t gf _ 1 t4it4te t 'S la ivs. SUFFE When a. tUltEt - Ii guaranteed -- •'' ,-.- .:' 7, INALfs 'S,TA9EI3I' OF I.' .". 1.7 - :.: • - . SECRET' :DISEASES; Self-:aim,' Nej6o . l fi Pihill . fP,l - :67irieftiro,_ . GlMl - I' Gratiel, BiaSeiei, ?Ns sou s es of - the Kidoieyt . anel . Blcal:4er, - Alercarfilt iltheumatism, ' Scrofula, :.Pain: in the &nit's: , itin 'd Ankles; "Diseisai of the Lungs; Throat, Alkte and Eyes, Ulcers upon the. ' Body or Limho, pan*s, prepay, EpileptimMa i St. rites Danee r andiall•diseases arising from ! a derattsottleai Of-thi Sexual Organs, . i ,-. QUM its Nciiiitis Trembling, Less of Mem -17 ory, Loss of Power, ,General Weakeetis; Dimness of Vision wit i peculiar spots appear ing before the eyes; Loss. of: Sight:Wakeful , . Bess, Byspepsia„Liver -Disease, Eruptions !von the face, Pain in the li,itck and head,, Female! irregularities and fill itnproper s discharges from both sexes.. - li matierS not from What cause thel diSease originated; hotveVer !Ong standing qr obstinate the ease,rjicoOry is certain, and in a shorter time than a permanent cancan be ef fected by - any ether tr eatment, even after the disease has ba ffl ed An d skill of eminent physi ' clans and resisted all theirMeansof mire. The . Medicines are pleasantwithont odor, causing no sickness and free froin *miry or;balsam. During twenty years ofPractice, I luive rescued' from the jaws ofDeath ninny thousands, who, in the last stages of the above mentioned dis eases had been given iipte die by.their physl cians,-which wart-anti' me in promising to the afflicted, who may place themselves under my care, a perfect and mast speedy cure. ; Secret Diseases are -the gred i est enemies to health, as' they are the first cause of Consumption, Scrof ula, and many other diseniesoind should be a_ terror to the - human filimily. - As-a permanent cure is scarcely ever 4ffeeted,a majority of the cases - falling into thel hands , : of incompetent persons, who not only fail to cure the diseases hut ruin the. constitution; -filling the syStem With mercury, which,F with the disease, has tens the sufferer into t rapid Consumption.. - But shotild the disease - -and the- treatment t iot cause death speedily and, the victim mar; ries, the disease is'entiiiled Upon the children., who are, born with feeble constitutions, and the current of life corrupted by a virus which _betrays itself in Scrofida, Totter, Ulcers, Erup-. ' tions and other affections , of the- skin, .Eyes, Throat and Lungs, entailing upon them a brief existence of suffering and consinguing them to .an early grave. . i,., . , SELF; ABUSE is another formidable enemy to health, for nothing else in the dread cata- , logue ofilmmau diseases causes so destructive a drain upon the aystdm, drawing its thousands, Of:doilies through a. few, years of suffering , down to an untimely ) grave, :. It destroys the NervouS system, rapidly wastes away the en ergies of life, causes .mental derangement, prevent-4 the Proper development of the system ; disqualifies for marriage, - society, bysiness' . and all earthly happiness, and leaves the suf ferer wrecked in body and mind, predispos i to consumption ana. train of evils more to le dreaded than deat hitself. -With the fullest confidence I assurehe unfortunate victims of Self-Abuse that a permanent and speedy Cure can be affected, aLd with the abandonment of ruinous practices My patients can be restored to robust, vigorousihealth, .- - . The a ffl icted are cautioned against the use of Patent MedicineS, for - there_ are so many .ingenious snares hi the columns of the public prints to catch an rob the unwar y sufferers that millions hav e their constitutions- ruined by the 'Vile compoimds of quack doctors, or the equally poisonous nostrums -vended as -'Patent Medicines:" I have carefully analyzed many of the so called Patent Medicines and find that nearly all of them contain! Corrosive Sublimate, which i is one' of the strongestyre parations of mercury and a deadly poison, which Instead of curing the disease • disabled the system for Mi. : • Three-fourths , of the patent nostrums n o w_ in use are put up by, unprincipled and ignorant persons,, who do not understand even the nl pithet of the materia medico, and are equally. as destitute of any knowledge of the human system, having Ode object only in view, and that to make money regardless of consequen ces. . - Irregularities and all diseases of males and females treated on principles established by twenty years of practice,: and sanctioned- liy, thousands of tho Most remarkable cures. Med icines with full directions sent to any part .of the United States or einadas, by patient's communicating their symptoms by letter.— Business correspondence Strictly confidential. Address. J. SITIVIMERVIILLE, M. D, Office No.i 1131 Filbert St., (01d No. 109,) Twr • • . , (I F RETAILERS/OP MERCHANDISE in NU Potter County,(Te., by tlie ApPrstiser of 31Ereoptile TaxeiSifor year.A. 1). • Borough of Cou4ereport. CLAg9. J. B. SMith, 14 -$7 00 Smith& Jones, •14 .7 00 Jones ' Mann & Jones, 13 10 00 I. J. Olmsted, . 14 7 - 00 / D. E. Olmsted, 14 7 .06 Schoomaker & 1ml:ion, 14 7 00 John 31. Judd & Cu., 14 • 7 00 Einily K. spencer, ; 14 7' 00 'Abbott. • . I F. Suhr & Co., , 14 7 00 Stewardson. lleury Andreson, - 14 700 Harrison. :Mary Goodpan, Bingham. James B. Jones, Gateaci. . . - S. E. Darrow, -' 1 ' 14 . 7 'OO °mayo. William McDougall, 14 'I 00 Simmons 8: Wells, 3 Wee, 14 ,14 00 Sharon. - . , . Mann & Nichols, .. 14 7.00 Ballard & Canfield, 14 - , . 7 00 Wm. B. kJ. H. tirases ' 14 7 00 Ul l ysees.. • • D, J. & E.,.W. Chappel, 14 . 7-00 Hacket & Mudge, 1 14 7 - 00 Dan Baker,, . 14 00 A. Corey, - 14 i 7 00 A. Horton, 14 j 7 -00 'Marton. • . , , R. W. Mclntyre„ 14 , 7 00 Jones ,k Hopkins, , • 14 700 Barclay ad Brainard; , 14 7OO Balesnu, 7 00 Allegany. S. N. Mills, . ; l4 " 7.00 Amos itaymond, - 14 7 00 N. H. Rogers, 1 . - 14' 7 00t * An Appeal will he held at the Prothonota ry's Ol3Ae, in Coudersport, on the 30th day of July, instant, at 9 o'clock A. M.; at which time and place those interested, may attend. L. CURBING; Mercantile Appraiser. June 23, 1857.-10t4-4t. • " - N ° O.HARGE FOR - SHOWING THE NEW Goods just receivell Gz OLIIIiTEDI3.. I '• ; • • IZIPOITANZ**OO4Iq, •, • t't • • ' 'CONSUMPTION i AND; ALL': ‘.. DISEASES OF THE ‘LUNLE 101.DOROAT • ABE MOM= , VIJIRABLE BY iNottIAT.Hoo!, ,, wink' conveytthe,rentedies to ,the V • ties in the lungs. through; the airpassa ges, and coming ht , direct: contact sfitlr,the disease, neutralizes the triberculaimatter, lays the cough; causes fres Mut easy toratien,,heals the lungs,' purifies the ' imparts renewediitality to the nervous System, - giving that tone and. energy sci,indispensahlo_ for the restoration of health;: Trihe . able to' state confidently theitoninnipfion Is eurahle _- by inhalation,-is tome a *no' pf. pleasure. It is as inuel.under the control .of medical treatment as any Other. fariaidablio . ,i disease; ninety out of every_ timid - rid. Caies_ ; can be cured in the first- stages) and Afti e ,per:„, cent, in the second; but in theAhird, stage it; is impossible to save more thanlie for the Lungs are so cutup by the &Seise as to bid defiance to mediCal: ever, in , the last stages, .Inhalation affords es traordinary relief to the suffering. .attending, this fearful.scourge whiciannually - deStroys ninetyifive thousand -persons. in the. United States alone; and a correct calculation,shears,-, that of the present population. of -the. earth,: , , eighty millions are destined- to fill the Colv. sumptive's graves. •- • . , 1 • . Truly the quiver of death has no, arrow so fatal as Consumption. "In all ages it hasheen the great enemyof life, for it spares neither. age nor sex, but sweeps off alike the brave,... , the beautiful, the graceful and the gilled, By: the help of that Supreme. Being. from whom. cbmeth every good and perfect , gift, f--am en ahbled to Offer to the afflicted a permanent and speedy cure In Consumption. The;first• cause of tubercles is from-impure blood, and the immediate effect produced by their depo., sition in the lungs is to prevent the free, dd. mission of air into the air cells, which.e . auses a weakened vitality through the;entire system. * Then surely it is more rational to expect great er good from medicines entering the cavities of the lungs than from those administered 7 through the stomach; the patient will always- , find Abe lungs free and the breathing easy, af ter Inhaling remedies. Thus, Inhalation is a local remedy, nevertheless it acts constitution:, ally, and with .more power and certaiuty than remedies administered by the stomach. To prove the powerful and direct influence of this . this 'mode of administration, chlordform. inhaled 'will entirely destroy sensibility in a few minutes, paralyzing the entire nervim.4 - system, so • that a limb may be amputated Wit hout the slightest pain; Inhaling thi ordinary burning gas will destroy life in a few hears. .1 The inhalation of ammonia t will rouse thek - system when fainting or apparently dead.. The . odor of many of the medicines is percei)tiblo . in the skin a few minutes after being.inhaled, .1 and may be immediately detected in the blocid. A convincing proof of the constitutional effects. of inhalation, is the fact that sickness. is al ways prOduced by breathing foul 'not this positive evidence that proper remedies, - ! carefully prepared and judiciously adinini.4-. Wed through the lungs should prod* the . happiest remits ? During eighteen. .yeare, Practice, many thousands suffering from .dis-1- eanes of the lungs and throat, have been un-i. der' my care, and I have effected many remark- able cures, even after the sufferers. had been . pronounced in the last stages, which fully sat- :. isfies me that consumption is nolonger a fatal. 'disease. My treatment of chnsumptibn- is - original, and founded on long experience sad a thorough investigation. My perfect acquain tance with the nature of tubercles, .tc., ena ,bles me to distinguish; readily, the various 'forms of disease - that simulate consumption, and apply the proper remedies, rarely being mistaken even in a single case. This tmil iarity, in connection with certain pathological and microscopic distoteries; enables me to re lieve the lungs from the effects_ of contracted chests, to enlarge the chest, purifftbe impart to it renewed vitality, giving: energy and tone to the entire system. , Medicines with full directions* sent t o any part of the United States and Canadas. toy pu tients communicating their symptoms .by letter. But the cure would be more certain -if 'the patient should pay me a visit, which would give rue an opportunity to examine the; lungs and enable me to prescribe with much greater certainty, and then the cure could be effected:. Without my seeing the patient again. • G, W. GRAHAM, M. tY., Office 1131 Filbert Street,'-(,Old No. 109,) below Twelfth, PHILADELPHIA, 'PA.. , PERI/14_11 OUTDONE-1 — 7" T"'Proprietor of the "MERCA N,T I L U UIDE" would respectfully call of the Merchants, Farmers and Mechan ics residing out of this city, to the moderate term's for a yearly subscription to the GUIDE, ' being to mail subscribers , only :60",Cents, per annum, making it the :cheapest/family( newspaper in the United States. The cOlainnd of the GUIDE will contain the usual Variety of original and spicy articles, written not only to please but to instruct. •In regard,-.to' poll, tics, the GUIDE will:maintain an indepeadent tone, and from time to time will advocate mea sures as conclusive to benefit the greateisincri•- ber. . PREMIUMS. As an inducement for persons to• interest themselves to obtain subscriptimur• ""tlto MERCANTILE GUIDE, we "offer.the following premiums. Upon receipt of the names,pay . in advance, we will forward them by express, * otherwise if ordered, to. the address - of..those entitled to them. e - For 300 subscribers, cash, $3.5-00 14 7 00 14 ' 7OO For 250 subscribers we w,lllglire a spleli- did gold watch, (warrabted,) 30 op For 12u0 subscribe,..rs, .an, elegant, gold locket, 4 glasses,,isrikil," , ,,_ • 15 00 For 150 subsciibere,,One plegant:brOoe-', let, worth ' ' ~ 111 09 For 00 subscribers, onegold vestehain, worth 19 00 -Forlls subscribers, 1 gold pen and bol , - -- der, handsomely engraged, Woith For 50 subscribers , 1 gold pen and "hol der, worth 6 00 For 40 subscribe* 1 gold pen - and -hole; der, worth . .3 00 Forlls subsoribers 1 medium gold pate: add holder,lwoA • - 1 2%60 For !12 subscribers, - 1 gold pen and •-! der, worth All communications shOuld be addresied to. W. BLAKELY, Editor and Publishiq of theft. Y. Mercantile quids, No. 10S, , preeituj,4 Newi York. -, - - - *.• * ilewsp f Liers throughout •thilEntaUr, by pnbilshing the above approtriittely dieplayed, inc/U.ding this; antic%•two months, and calling 'attention editorially to thi salvo, and E4d I OK us tte paper, Will be entitled. to an., excha_nge, and eceive a 'gold pen and entitled. , • 14:4-Bt.. - IPA and steEt.e articles in the;Drug line ' for IL gala by /7;0:2.) 4 - "K,