The Potter journal. (Coudersport, Pa.) 1857-1872, July 23, 1857, Image 2

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    ~;~;;~.~- r-=~
*When Uncnon's theory of determining
- the value of Milk cows by the 4rt wilt, h. of
hair on'thcir thighs, above .mid 'adjacent:
to the bag, ‘7ostirat introdyeed, thf. , idea
was received Filth, s goed deal of F,tepti 7
,i,iro?,z!ght . phortges - : At a
lat i l9tiventiort l ibY the' Legislative Club
, e; V: the ~of4t•.iof 'ZFew - ,, - ,Tork; the i
• spealteii,g9.3fethoiVidenc,;..
.41aenon'a theOrY' - •
.• - •
" - M. : Gneuen, French writer has
• ;diie.4#ered. certain indications 'which h e
alaims'tO det,ormine the tnilking 4uSlities
Cows: This I , ecall ,, "eseuteheoni ' being
'the hair Whiel; - n-roiys upwards; (Contrary
to Mie - genero rule,) On the udder,
laild hinr.
de . .63h of the body.' easy
. _
"to distinguish the escutcheons by the
',upWard'directien of the hair which feria
them. cannot
,go into detail here,upon
'the system, but would refer to she Work
of •
31:,-Gueueri itself
. But to shoul
it.isestee,mcd-worthY .
notice, I will al. :
tot he testimony yf th,o4c who hare
,given.attention to it..
• Mr. tlohn lfax.ton, in, a . work publish
in 054, ent r .ltled, to chose
goo - milk COW,7' in`referenda to the•-indi
of a. good,milkcow, pi ITS, , iptys
the . writer bfas. - eianiine4 Many 'inn
dreds ot., dairy cows, in ]Britain, and the
conclusion arrived at,. in regard, to Mr,
Ouenon'a test.of judging of the milking',
properties of a cow, 'by the develovirientl
of the •'ccuss,o4 . IS that, ii a yorY largj
majority - of epos, it is borne q.t by facts.'l
': in'a.tondondairy, belonging to .3lr Riggs
al.Edgewareroad, Opp shout four huM,
. . .
. . .., -
!Ind cows are kept, arkd where. nine. tenth 1
,of them.are aboye average milkers, the
' l6 've/0.PT , F 7 4 01' 1 -Vpu4rd growth .of the
hair. on the
.po.s,terier part of the udder,
thighs and perinmniii; was too reinarkabl i c
to be acconnted for by accidental cause.
As well tnight, it 1: ? , , , said that skin, and
ivideguarters,i were 'accidental, and hal
1. • I
no reference to the Milking propertias f
a.coW: *I when .a phenomenon prig. .tits i -
self over. and over again, accompanied in
a majority of cases by certain results, we
may be certain that it is riot neciAental,
bat natural; and while xs'e may be una-
ble to account for these results upon
gatisfactory grounds, it is neither philoso
phical or prudent, to deny or ignore the
connection betkveea the 'one and the other,
and thus forfeit the' advantages yliich
fhe fact itself is calculated tO aford." '
The late Mr. Phinney, of Massachu
setts, a very careful and critical observer,
made examination a a large number of
milk cows, found in a majority of them
ibat were goad milkers thee develop
ments well marked. Ile conversed yti i t
a large number of intelligent ; gentlemen
when ho was abroad ? ip AS S , I ) in tireat
Britain and France, and found but one i
Opinion as tolthe general chanteter of the
animals which. poss,ssed these develop,-
' ments ; and so far as Tye have learned the
views of gentlemen in this country, who
have given attention to this subject, the
result has been the Same.
"I think it may wlth safety' be a.ftirmed,
that one, principle' is established—
. that ail things being alike, as regards
shape, texture of skin, &c., cows with
well-developed escutcheons, will, in alma
joritY. of cases, be. found to be the best.
Tuilkerii, and above an average; while on
the other: band,. thosel.with very small
- escutcheons,-will be i folind linder, at
most, not aboverm average in their milk=
ing properties.
"In calves, the escutcheons she 7 the
shapes which they Ore aftarsyards
- sumo. They are :more contracted only
:because the parts 7hich they cover are
slightly developed. They 4F9 easily per
ceived after birth, but the hair which
forms them is long, coarse and 4iff. Af-
'ter falls off, the escutcheons of
calve.s resemble those of cows, though- pf
less'size. - This will enable the farmerlo
save such calves as will probably serve
him as good milkers.—Farnter and
THE APPLE lighin.--Some affirm that
• ~-
the borer ueyer attacks a tree except at a
point where the bark at least is already
• dead; and that instead of the dead 'hark
and wood in the vicinity of its dePreda
:tions being the • effect, it is fact . the
cause of the attack: Of coarse, after the
borer once obtains a lodgement in the tree
.it spree& thelt'inischief mid hastens the
decay of the. tree. Those adopf this
•-•-th e ur EaY th 4 the boier geßmally attacks
.the.tree, on th;.. sonthweat aide; and' the
,ress i in - asSigned•for this is, that while - the
-tope is young, ,and the branches few and
mall, affording but little ihade, the bark
ia.frequently hind in spots-by the after
'noon= sun; and alioon aathereisthe small
• 'est :dea4 spot; to 'found the bOter is in
to it, -and once there he spreads. disaiter
'fill around him.
Assuming this theory to be- true, the
'omedy — proposed is .imple and obvious.—
First, :braitch thil tree as low as practicable;
'and secondly; in' pi sting„ lean it slightly
t.o tl ie
s puthgesE, , These two.piecantions
dilr'iffati every I placation * frOm the
scorcliiiii. raps ofa uthsiesteri sun.-4.
4: sili.N,.Niitisiive, iti..;r-CCQuil
try Genttimdii. ' ' '
1- '
'Ca!-_ 7 &,OFIT• 4:.00.4;4t,
3ttiij Z3115;57.
giatz illPii);llQt;Qe•
P4l l l ll WILiv)OT, of 4.3r.ttd-fui4.
rtr. C4N,AL
VILLJAM thill)s l RI), of Philadelphia.
JADES VEECW. oc Par-ette,
JOSEPH J. LEVipi of ghester. •
.Anriognennanl4 of Candidates foi
4.•. d
office, Op dollar ;
anvarably 11) .4,
valve, • ;
-Yes; andlnb ninuey'te buy any mere!
'••• • • •
with, omsequeatlyi no' pape'r. will lie is_
.sued hence nest week. Subscribers of the!
JOURNAL nary' knetv the real cause of
the frequent,omi4icins in the publication!
of the"•paper: liadiwo one hhy he mon
ey now duo us on the hooks, We could
•- I
purchase' a year's stti,ck of papeF,•and
and thus secure ititiniuterrupte4 publica
tion dieting thatleagth of time;, wherds,
by the dilaforinesS of a large portipn i q
our patrons we are getting it Out:occasion
ally, as it, were, ftpui 'hand to mopth.
Once more we ask ''Every faithful rpoder .
of thejoults.A.L; who is conscious that he
is indebted to is, to enelpae us $i.,25 in
a l ate- , ImMEDI We will "nal
t • [. r , •-•
! mew, it) out: next Paper, to
! list of t.l - 0 amount reeeiyed by us ell sub
scription, with the!name of the one pay
ing it, Therefoni, let ;Mr friends show
a large lis(by sending in the Money do.-
ring the inierrenin'g week. We ask, q; he
are the true friends of the Jouttsm. ?
• Let the•answer9 material aid."
. ,
The luvaiT rennsylvonla 7/41S
Cgrrled ifist Vain ittkiShqtm
• '
We clip php following from .tho
Epe. 11?4?4 of the 18 inq
".1 3 11tt0.np4,1.41 - A, Jtly 18.-- 7 Thq St):
promp. einir 'This morning decided that,
‘Villiain 13: Mann was legally' eleeted l kst
fall to the'otriee Of I?istricit: , A.ttorneY.
- That tellik - the ihole story.
fl. Maim:vas the Union 'Candidate forl
District Attorney in Philadelphia. The
Certificate of eleCtion was given to his
Buchanan oppoimitt, tint Mr. Mann vas
so ;yell assurc!d iltat he'had a majority of
the legal votes, that be tontested the
election before the District Conrt, and
proved the polling of fraudulent votes
eotnigh to etitilie, fain to the office. The
srtaiefrautt eleeieil the _hackman State
Tickei, and made thQ Cincinnati Plat,.
f9rin: . President of the United States.--4
If our friends. inliditideiphia Fill but a
slop: to this frandulent voting, David
I Wilmot will he'. the next CoVernor of
TitEmsELv&s.---;The Newark Daily *r
elay says that lst fall Mr. • Buchanan rel
ceived 230,Z)60 /votes, Fremont 147,447,1
and Fillmore t l eonnting his Union votes
and the straight , tioket, 82,227. Thus
Permsvlyania prcived itself much sounder
onthe question of freedOnith. , n New Jer
sey, although here Mr. Fremont reeeiv•
e 4 4066 more rotes than .31 - r : Fillmore.—
Bitt. 'lr. Willi:ot has now -been nominated,
:ted it, is estiniated by his friends that he
can poll all the Union votes of last fall,
which NTere oVer 200,060, and gain a-con
siderable portion of the straight, Fillmore
vote. 1 It is believed that a large portion
of thO vote for Mr. Buchanan was fraudit
lent, brought out by the immense ex...pen
diture of money raised for that state; and
that no sue vote can be approximated
again: The prospect of success growsey
ery day better. It would certainly be a
triutu l ph sVoth recording to chronicle the
election of Day id Wilmot as Governor of
Pennsylvania : With Bissell in Illinois,
1 Chttse 111 011ie, King in New York, Banks
in Massachnsetts; and Wilmot in Penn 7
sylvaitia, the great State's of the North
would preso . ql4 array of talent and'high
principles . nevell before equalled in the
history of the country.
,it.[lmPo TA*F - DistgvEttY.—A friend
of outs, sa • - thel s l4iadelphia 7ranseript,
has taken he tiouble toanalyze a tum
bler of X ale,.and re - poratliat, he (found
•1• • ,
it compose of the followingingredients :
Two 'Parts utrid' horse fresh; three parts.
pool water, one part malt, one half part
hop, tu4,:the ; balance, two; parts andn
. find no name for. .The
discovery, 76 any thing but an agreeable
one to him, as beis an iner4in,te-loser
of the nut.broWn beverage with its snowy
foam. He thinks that during his life he
has drank the .carcasscs of about siu dead
hOrses, and e.notighitagnint fiatet: to sup
pi Fairm'ount:ilasii for three month. ' •
Gror_ns l of the ifi:ett44,e4t
navey .4 i 4btO. win a gip
Free ,Ptato mpn fel.e.S, the B 41119:
election for detegstes to form a pre-slave;
ry Constit4i4 ferAat Territory.
ale glance
_al the provisions pf the act
proyidin fotm this election, wits sufficient
to show 4 . lfat . it. was *not intepded to per
mit a fair ,;rote batno. wafter bow
merfins the Free State men, it, Seas
,for them to elect,. a single dole,
gate under this act: Becanse the Bor
Ruffians decided who should voto;I
and who shopld count the votes'; and!
who would thyow printing prc . sses!
into the river, and burn towns ibr the
sake of estaplishipg Slavery, would stuff I
the ballot-bo.t, and Ofusp tp l reeeiye any
ihui pro-slavery votes . - The censßs fraud I
and the registry. list of 'Voters , vlinlipated I
the wisdom of the free State men, for;
I nearly.on 6. - f the counties were entire,
ly••. T.!
ignored,'net a delegate heing aceorilfal
!to any one of 17 counties, and not one"
l• • .
quarter of the Frep State men -in the
other half of tlie Territory was put on Or
Registry lists apd . yet iii the face of 01
this, the Bitebanaii press Of pennsylva,
nia has the haFdihood to whine - at the re :
fusel of the ••ree State men, who were on
the list, for refusing to vote. - This
!Proves what: we have nil the time assert.
ed—that the Buchanan men of the Free
"States, are the fillies of the Border
flans in Kanto. If opt i 'why should
I they feel such disappointment at the de
feat, of
.this .fraiidnlent scheme to over
throw, the Free State eanse, .
The refusal of the I.?rep State itien,to'
: vote has c:paged - the wpatine,ss of the
order Ruffians, as, it could ;have been
done in no other way, and already leading
,§euthern papers acknowledge" the
But see hifit't the home organ of
I. replier groans over this 'eposin'ior
its fillies in ,iitinsas. The following .
part of an article in the last Lyeowing
I 'Gazette,
"But in , giving place to a faint hope
that .he Abolitionists in _Kensas were
honest in their professions of a desire to
see it enter the littion_With..a constitution
prohibiting Slavery,. we were Most egregi
ously. mistaken. • True to their policy of
turmoil in plrence to peace, they car
ried pelt their opelta 'resolntion, by the
whob; body of them refusing- to vote. It
was their desire that the pro-slavery men'
should elect the delegates, anic'that those
delegates should ile me° whq would in
sert a i!jause in the constittitipn maltinq ,
slavery a permanent institution, thereh.) ,. •
seeurrng for themselves end their abet-,
tors in the States a pretext for renewing
the agitation of the past two years and,
if possible,, the disturbances al§q, for they
know that peace is death to the whole . ,
fabric of Black Republicanism.. But the
election has passed, 'delegates have been
chosen without their votes, the convention
will assemble to discharge the duty as-
Signed it., and, mark our word, there will
be no'slavery in Kansas after it 'becomes
a 'State. There has sprung up a party
within the territory who stand between ,
the knaves of the north and the fools of!
the south. That party has already made
its inthienee a thing to be felt, and when
the vote, is taken by. the people 'on Op
final 'adoption of the constitution, and the !
!question'is put, "Slavery or no Slavery;'!!
as it is now probable it will be put, the
men composing it will he at the polls to
vote ",!)icrSlavery," and thus settle the
question forever! without the assistance of
those demagogues who have refused to,do
anything but - fight, the battles their of
acts have helped bring about."
It will be seen from thi§ extract, that,
the writer feels very bad about sonaething.
That is clear enough. But that he gives
the' tine reason for his bile we doubt very
much. ! reason given for disappoint
ment is, that the Free ' State men did not !
• •
elect their sort •of top to frame the Con
" -
stitution. Who belleyes tit; in the face
of the record of the last Congress. The
whole influence of the Lisp and of the
. •
present National Administration has been
the Border Ruffians and agit(nst the
Free State . men,
So that the real reason for , disappoint
ment on the part of William F, „packer,
and'llts supporters, is the exposure of the.
weakness !of their allies in Kansas.'
boas The: bos election was a grand fizzle—
0 • •
about 1,600 out of 25,000 Totng
reSidents'of Kansas, took part in
tempt to 'enslave the Free State meti : !--
!TIFF shows , . Wit the utter and hopeless 'weak-
s .
ness.uf the mon pa Whom. the Buchanan .
'party of the North have staked their all
and therefore the groans of its press. I
"The fools of the South," so sneeringly
referred Win the above; are the mien
, •
eleted Buchanan,ua and Who now control
his administration a'3 they: 4i4
pierce.., iVil4am F. Pacher and hissop
porters,'poOld stand before thole 'gffoOlp
of the South'' just about as long as drs
gras 3 would qund infore a piOrio. Ara'.
I Lakes :Free State men, #!RY. l **
cans to 'do' that lob..
3 . 3 •
• LOT Su An - 0,.41ti1y 20,1857.
• BrAthek I : I 4WA- , 19kE. , 4**oin.rier1 4
.404 P L Q. of G. T„
u' as born-in the State of Maine, county
of ' , Wasliingon,- Plantatidn in' - thel
Year of .our Lord /8314 rehmiry 17,
removed with his !parents from ~faitlo; iii
the year 1851, mid settled I ' in the Town-
AAP of Sharon, Potter CU,' if4.,'.oad has
always inutained: a 'geed eter, -- and •
become a= Charter; Member of Lodge.;+TO.
229 . organized in this, place 20th-of - Juno
1824, and died lamented by all, on the
22 Of June, 1857, and was interred ac,
cording to the rules of the order; and On
returning, the following Resolutions were
passed unanimously, and ordered to be
printed in the POTTER JOURNAL. "
`• Whereas, this'Lotige lies
hpop caqpil upon to pay their last
spects to the mortal ; remains, of our la
mented Brother,-DAVID JONES, one who
has filled with honor and respect themOst
important oMees in our 14ige, and one
that - has by his honesty, gander, zeal and
amiiihility; at times tended to add dig
nityi,to Or order•i therefore
Resolved, nap this Lpdge helievp
4,hat,olr departed. ; Brother did well' sus
tain thp principles he professed 113'3 'Good
Templarsince he nuked witlithis Lodge
until' his death.
• Resplved, That we as a body; -do deep
ly deplore the hiss to ourselves, -to this
yminity and his - bereaved family.
Replved, That we revert) the. memory
of mob a Brotlior, a friend to society, a
son worthy of his family, by wearing
mourning for the term of three months.
Resolved, That }ire consider our loss
his great gain, and therefore wish to sub
mit to the will. of God, and humble our
selves under - his mighty hand.
Resolved, That a ;letter of condolence
be forwarded by this Lodge to his family,.
Done by Order-of the Lodge.
C. T, PArr},:osoN, Com.
Oren ;nu of the Constitutional Con ren
tion ,—Pro-Sla very intrigue'? Defeat
ed.—,The Republicans
.B;tting all night
in the State House.---The Organiza
tion Complete.
porrespondenee or the T. T. i'nv.
T., July 1'.3, 1857.
The Convention to draft and report to'
the penple of Minnesota a Constitution ,
for their .
,ratification or rejection; ptepar-1
atory to donning :the mantle of State
oovereigray, which first, assembled in this
city to day, has developed such a series
of rare and racy incidents, l
The Convention is composed of 102
members,. of whom 50 are Republicans
and 41 Democrats. All the Republicans
are at their post, except three, while 11
Denarrats are still •absetit, To balance
the delinquent Doughllices, nine half
breeds • and Chippewas have been sum
moned from Viimbina, and have magic
ally made their appearance, armed 'milt
with cert,i4o:ite in English, undonbt,ed•
ly fqr t x,,ed for the occasion, which. only
of them can read, Early on'Satny
day it, began to be painfully apparent that
the unterritled could not succeed in mar:.
Ishalling their multiplied" Minority so as to•
meet the exig,ency ,of "the second Mon
day I
in JUIY." They had spattered mon
, aces and execrations gratuitously whet- .„.
' ever the Reptiblican members congregat
ed; the forty-three - Democrats had sworn
"in the name of all the gods at once,"
that they would organize the Convention
over the heads of fifty-nine Republicans,
:NA that the 'nine bogus delegates from
Pembi n a, elected hy an alien constituen
cy Outside "the boandaries of the propos
ed State," and'h9nce in direct violtdion
of the' Enabling Act; should take and re
thin their Seats,' or, in the expressive lart
guage'of ati!Ei.-Qrovcrror : aniong
"the Convention Shall 'never Organize 1 , - ,
111-concealed whispers of Sedition and pi
olenee have' filled their camp with an ar
ticulate.hunt for the last two Weeks; and the
• t
general spirit that has seemed and still
kprrts, to inspire them has beeusuinmed 4p
in—"We will rule the lectivention orit
shall f!hreal. up in a row." • !
Yeaterday (Sunday) afternoon at 7 05'-•
clock the. - Democratic Delegates- held
caucus at the capital, adjourning at 11
o'clock, for i the ostensible . st
ing their prayers and- retiring. for this
night f but with the real object of perfOt , ..
ing their intiigae. The Republican mein :
bers having apprehensions 7 —.
red they haye. 'since pro Yen to bo--4t,
the enemy was plotting , 6 - anticipate the
by an early organization; met at - the Con-
' , nation Hall at 12' o'clocA last night. 4---
IstTot-desiritig to take any. unfair . . ltdy4l-
tage,,they did 'not 'proeced organize: . tiie
ConYention, by thc election ofTermane.nt
. .
. .
officers;' as theytn . ight legally have tWiei..:4'
having a majority of ail ,the
bnt, ascertaining that the. bentkeeot.s. had
only witlkdrawn to an, acbasept half for
the purpose of tltro ng= trh.o* off 91*
guard -they a . ) pcint;e4 a: goßmWee.Pf,
five 'iti.confer with ,ibem„'and make some
mutual agreement for cotqcnineen.the,
morrow. A verbal arrangement was en
, tereti intq i?eti4'e4 ;140 parties, by which
each pleidol,the otior:tiot to Attempt an
organization 'Until. 12 - o'clock M. tailiy.
The. Compact ! was rednenp.o writing and
sig,c cid - by. the ,RepUblieati gomtilittee; /
When the i rttnntieratie Onntreitft:ta, instead
of signing it iShe had: promised,
etly pocketed tli l c doennient and drew
and presented tp the Republicans anoth
er, pledging . themselves "not to organize
the Convention 'until the itsnal hour in
Legislative bodies !" The Republieati
Committee .noW. declined . all the Dente-
I eratie - preposals; returned to'the Conv'ett 7
ltion 11411, and, remained at their post ,oir
dawn. The desPerate faetion—self-stYled
Democracy—Mitde an attempt to get-ing
. 9f the hall daring the night, ,hiit
their ph); was thwarted, and the morning
-arose on Dfty.six delegates who had nut
!watched the night; and defended the
t eens° and the' Constitution against 'the
treacherous strategy of the Border Ruf-
Th.ev remained - at their -vigils during
. „
the forenoon, and at 12 !in. "a Feene oe
curie& C. U Chase (Dem . .), Secretary
`of the -Territory (but ?iota delegate to the
Convention), stepped into the Speaker's
desk, and called the Convention to order.
The Dcmcer:o l h4.4. - 4-4ell their seats.—
Ex.-Govr Gorman ' -seeing a dangerous Ee
-1 • •
publiCan prepotidepog9, mot o i l "that this
Convention do now adjourn, until 12 o'-
"clock noon toLmorrowl" . 4, W. North
(Rep.) stepped- upon the other end of thq
Platform and attempted to put to vote a
' nomination which had been mittle of T. J.
.`Galbraith for President pro tem. , The
Motion to adjourn got precedence, and- in
tho midst of the inosi. perfect Bedlam,
from nut the depths of a tumultuous, tern
, pestuous thunder-storm of "Yeas" end
-"Neys," the Secretary pronounced the
- Convention (what Convention,?,) adhurri
ed! .A,s no "Convention". had yet Oman
ized, oif assumed any ta . tigipie form, this
summary "atliourn.mplii,t": is supposodito
be typical offM fast age,we live in. Mr,
North then :Put the nomination of Mr.
Galbraith, and that gentleman was elect
ed temporary Chairman. The Demoorats
withdrew- and the fifty-six. Republicans
i •Proceeded with a permanent organization
of the Convention. St. D. Balcombe
I (Rep.) was elected permanent President, I
l(as yon have already learned by telegraph)l
andd all the offices were filled with licipnb-
lieans. The Convention has also accept- I
al, in behalf of the people of Minimsota,
the proposition-of Congress, "to come in
"to the Union at this time, on an equal
"footing with the original States," and
has acquiesced in all the provisions of the
Enabling Act.
Meantime, while the Republican ma
jority of the Convention.have been labor
ing with dignified success in execution of
the trust imposed by. Congress, the sore
headed Democratic minority outside have
done nothing except .hold caucuses and
threaten. One of them Was overheard
to say a short time ago, "We will have
possession of that hall- before morning!'
At the time I write-11 p. m., Monday
—;very Republican is. in his seat, fully
determliMd to watch out another night
and •; defend the seats and the officers
against any and every invasion. Some
[of the pale-hearted look for violence 4)-
morrow • iLthink the threats of the dough-1
1 faces will evaporate, in -smoke, though if'
their numerical strength were equal to
their deSperation and recklessness, I do
not douht they would attempt to carry
them info --execution. • Secretary Chase,
Indian iktient Plandrau„ Ex-Gov. Gor
man, G- F ov n , Medary, and Orr of South
Carblini, who is _now . in the city, are con-''
,spiring.,ogether to..wrest the Convention
'from - the Republieaus. There are now,
three courses, either of which they can
trike, and one of which they will proba
hlyladoit to,morrew.
I. They can come respectfully into the
Coneti l tien, take their seats like men,
anctaeknowedge that they were in error
to-4V. • .• - •
- IL Resort to violence and physical!
force to accomplish what they cannot do
lIL !Convene to anoher place, and
set!' up! an independent ' Convention of
.ciWn.- _ _
gieNTh. voice in a 'crowd at the door c
the Naiad Hal!, in. Louisville, the'other
Fl i g ht, was heard to say, "look out for
Tpqr pocket books." A gent who was
up the steps at the time, instinctively
clapped his hand on the' breast of his
coat, where he had his Pocket-book, with
some $7O enclosed, 'and feeling safe,
thetisht no more of the warning, After
leaving the Hall, at the close, of the lee
itiriihe had attended, he discovered that
144 , ppeket had been cut anci_his money
stolen.. "That warning cry had been the
i6e . of the thief to ascertain who had a
ticielFet-bea, and where it Was. carried.
. 7 ;_.... i--.. li. - ....k. N SA SI . .
.' i ! ' •I 4 . i
§pc'sl4 .. correiporidenee of N. : Y. Tribufl e .
• c - . "Ltiva.F.Ne 4 T., July 4,11157.
A formidab le nAtary eniaditiinahail
been. Manned
. by ow 'Wq. P,gpaitment.;
iti avowed uliekibi object , is Utah, It b y
entieetttrite iul . 4.tiaini. .o).4 , iiiiw r
With' aloree of neaily . I,2ooli*i ti . -,9 1 1''
toward: Platte 14iver, -/A "ad a ge ofth o
rest. Major 4edgvziet:, wit 4 several hu la . .: •
t i re d more, la pec.A. pt , the great. bea d ( 4 . -
the.Arkarisas i River. ' Idetuawidleet,th e ' ,
Mops are .00noentrating "at' .14 , aVenworth,
and a heayy Wee . _ is, destined .to: - woni k : ,
westward by the . 2oth,int. '`lti alLii to bi,
V , • lity , it . wail be the Ist of . -Augait 'het ''
• •• • .i•• . 1,. \ , ° Mt
ti .... fairly-started.. : :. ~ ;. :
m , ,
t. t aro the aipeets of the ease_ th a t -
presen themselves, but there is something
in - all it leaturea.werthy: of seriou s Aden-
tion! . - to the relative merits Of a mil."
itary:e \ edition; - against. tjtah,i I : have, -
nothing to say. .'; 4:t me direct,' attention
to another pointi Ttward the.elOseel the
Sumer, When the. lass is Withering-awl '
drying up, wheU the Streatn.s are:dry an
the plains scorched. and, arid, a large rail.:
titary foree propeiesito Undertake a march
I that will require . nearly '.three; moaths,"
I - During the whole Of that tim this fa: • '
I march -Would be carried on at a
'lgreat distance fromithe base of isapplies:• ..
Allowing that they eneounter no delay,or.
are not hindered_ by being obliged to keep,
the Indians in .eteek, l they would arrive:
)n. Utah about the :Ist Ail Niivember.---: '
Their hems and teams wohld.beeshaus
ted, if many of them did not perish on -
the. way. The grass Will be gone. Ther e
will be no pasturage. nor heeded proven
der.' They will be elieireled
.11 black '
mountain rangeS. Grain. fur the borses i ,
food and clothing for the Men; ammual-
tion—all of the ituniensel supplies that. `,,
snail a force rehire,
.intpit be: egi.qeyetl
over a dreary, snow-covered waste in Win
! ter. Of. course- every. , ratiOnal.finau- will.
see the. utter folly of such an enterpris.
Nor dir I:think
,the War , Vepartmieut se-
Iriously contemplatei anythiag,of the kind.
II 'think the exciteinent . 1 alnitd Utah is
made a blind to, cover, souiething else, {. .
believe the desion is toy concentrate. a
'large military foi r! ce itt• K l aus - es this Fall
land Winter. .In eerroboration of this,!l
I learn that at Port Riley., i lthe contracts for.
cutting hay have been green out, and for
la . much larger spiantity than ever used
before. This, too; in faceof the faetthat
there are no troops there iit Present. -It
i .
lis the same elsewhere. . The Slime exten
sive preparations' are being: made to inaiu :
tain a large military . forcd in Kansas the.
ensuing Fall and Whiter.] •: :
This may not Mean anything, - but it
looks suspicions. The Pro -Slavery Om'.
Vention vaileh will assemble I* teeomp
ton will flame a.' Constitution; and . , I be.
lieVe; will' send ii, l p 3 flongres without
subniitting it to the people ''f fairly,", or:
even submitting it at 8114 The languagti
recently held bY'Douglas", was .signiticak
oi:lle:sire to further, legalize what these..
men propoSed to do.. The . present . attt,
' tude.df I Walker is hostile to the.
Free-State men; cud hasla partisan leaa, •
ing to the nailiu party. j - i-larculean ef=
forts anebeiiig made, through intrigue
antieoreur;tion, to induce' the Free-State'.
men in aliandon their poSitiott under th'e
(Topeka dopstittifion. As It the design
to brez . tli down the people's Constitution, ,
so that tlie.nther can be accepted whoa
1 it-is one 6f the w:iy ? It looks verir.:
much its. it this was the design, and
as if the copsentration_ of a military foree
in Kansas at. such a 'time was foreshad.•
owing: some IccAuteiiiplatocl villnny,' After -
all that has le c ten deMi,.lWe May well vieir
all such suspiciOns I circumstances with
distrust. I .r • ' • .-. :.
The Nisseviri (*rpt yeattirday
ed advices from Ku*, stating that
Governor Walker has isned a precious
tion declaring his intontion . - to put dion:
all opposition to the ;territerial laws by :
force, and censuring the "citizens of taw
rence, and warning them ipt t tn Or l
ize under the Topeka Charter, IttS•ru
mored at St. I.oitis - that soNe . u.htindred
troops have been ftimmoned to March
against Lawrence, :and Via it is 6, de
sign of Walker to retain
,the artily.
Kansas and break up the bah epedi,
: -
The President received a telegraphic
despatch yesterday from Leavenworth,
embodying the .stue Po.!!,*
' 16t/t ' ,
. . .
. EZ — The Barnstable Patriot, speaking,
of Walker's manifesto; says: "
4 , Scarcelyi a single ißepiti)lican "p4er'
has spoken in .terms of . commendation iof
the sentiments of this -address,. or of its
illustrious anther i !How narrow is the
bigotry of certairißoliticians 1" .
.: .
We exelr4int.!. If tie' 'Aepahlioiln .pa , .
pera LAVO n ) ot lauded 4he address, thetio,st
ocratic papers have ,d ne.werse: they hare
denounied, it as an in endiary document.
What arc Northerti,r publicans to do in
such aicontmgency?ff - P rov Tribune. i
A SiNGULAn 4-usioic.—Thelltiornestd sail
State, June 22d, lays :I . I !'
! , -
"Ten years ago lasi night ten young adios,
who were attending schbol in this city, where
Bangs' BloCk new !stands, agreed. with their
teacher, Missktearns, Ito .meet • in just, ten
yeari, and have a ! sultr at !the !Worcester
/louse. NOthing hut 01, ath Wes to alterfere
with the meeting of alb full adeiber. ;List
night they 611 canto totLtke Lincoln House to
gether. The hiind ot 0 ath has been laid oil
none. Tinie had, also dCalt leniently with
them, and Lai - tiro of tl eir number Were mar
ried. They ckll - bit doi , to ; a Lincoln -.Roast
supper." •1! I ! .I . ! ...!
1 I