r L, LOOM AlCi) E4tillgte , _;)l;a4Pl; ectikd Pabliiktd by- .1. A.Xasle. "ten'dir• PiParsf,t- r ti - its copnlencement, this Journal has "1 ;becu;con,c?istire'iii'"principle, nationaL ''is elia,ricipi,:apr_d'single in,i,te,:gfeat object of, doi&ariny -iftdastrial ticri; ;Z:ovja,fl . 4ink..4o,titt I.llolganid - Art. • - - tegialing - ,ti.grieutture ',as the -corner-stoner ';o1 - tatioorf.1 otapTerity, .Ive hare+ougbt.toad- Tanetr . iis . 2:. - tol 2 ,eStsi by an'entust off rigittS, by encouraging' jiist • culttc,e'ai the true 'means Qt eleVatinghiipo- I jviti'oui and 'by - diffusing the 'beSt information fur the ma.r.p.zincut . ol. the farm; the, garden, ff ihe'stoccAlie. dairy, and whatever pertains to' rural econonsv and thrift. • • , - - - Be• de_cming;that Agviculture flourishes best , and reaps its 1'4..40 rewards, inclose proxim-1 - ity With - the '3lechanid Arts,' We have devoted I tq these poition et', our space, eoudenSingl infOrmit - itin'Or greit Value' to the mechanic, and of nearly equal value to the farmer, be-1 pause mere c!r directly cOriii6cted with his parpleryment; Our Motto is 04svard not only with farming, ,but. with whatever gives *.iliefarmer.s. 'and this h fair price for' ,!,,his produce; and this the chltivation of the I llechanic Arts will 'certainly accomplish. • With these prinCiple's alwayii, paramount, we • hnve 'ever Maintained a' high moral position,! .aVOiding everything-olfensive to good taste, as' also everything .septarlari, or bearinOpen party politics, or sectional feelings or interests,' tans mal . T.ing - our ; work a fit family visitor fur 1 'all'parts:of the tountry t and secuinng_ fur it al •selecter and widtr patronage than oftea hap- Tens to journals of the kind. . • The Plo . ujh, Loom and Arai?. is published 'Monthly, .each Number containing 64 pages of; 'reading matter, - and an Advertising Supple-1 sent, rca4ting in all from 50 to $0 paizci, , prin.: ten wita new type, on line paper; dud tidne up I "in 'style challenging . comparison with. any other publication. Price to Single Subscrib-1 era, $2 a year, to Clubs of Four or more, $1,50; 'to Single Subscribers, six months, There are two ways- of sustaining Periodi 'cals ; one by a high price, with a few' , scribers; the other at a low price, with many: 'subscribers. We have chosen the latt'er, be cause we would rather speak every adOuth to 00,000 families than 5,000. Specimen N Umbers neat to order, gratuitously. :PREMIUMS :—For a Club of Four or more, The Progressive Farmer," an octavo volume, 'worth 75 tents. For a Club•of Five to Seven, +The Fanner," a quarto volume, worth one dol lar.. Far Club of Eight or more, a, bound - volume of the Plough, Loom and Anvil, richly - worth two dollars, will be sent by rpturn of ,mail, to persons forwarding money for Clubs. Reader, look at our prices, and send us Two Dollars if you want thp cheapest publication ; or if You want it cheaperijhan :he cheapest, join with three or more of y0urr 7 , 2.1, , ;:f - ...1D:5, and lend us One Dollt•ir and Filv :euta e or, if you chooie you can eac.:;34e as Une D,11,:r for six mouths. • J. A. N.A.SIT & M. P. . No. 7 Beekman Y MI CLASSIFICATION 'REI'AIL,ERS OF MERCHANDISE in P9tter .Ooanry, Pa., b'y the Appraiser of 31Ereatitile Taxes, I'or year A. D. 1457. ,Borough of Coudersport. CLIV",2 • J. B. Smith,, 14 Smith & Jones, 1 i Jones, Mann b Jones, 13 - .11. I: Olmsted . , 14 D. E. Olmsted, 14 • Schoomaker & Jackson, 14. John M. Judd s Go., 14 Emil j . K. Spencer,. 14 • Elliott. , -F:Suhr & Co, Stewardson. • Henry Andreson, Harrizon. Mary Goodman, Bidghant: - Junes 13"."Jones, Coosa. •S. t.ttarrot 11 Oawayo. William linDoug,all, 14 • Simmons k. Wells, 2 sto's, 11 Akron.. ' Mann & Nichols, 14 Ballard & Canfield, 14 Win. B. &J. 11. Graves, 14 Dlynes. • D J. &E. NV. Cbappel, •11 Placket & Mudge, 14 Dan Baker, 14 A. Corey, A. Horton, 14 Whartqn.' R. W. Mclntyre, 14 Jones dz Hopkins, 1.1 t Barclay ,S: Brainard, 14 William Burleson, 14 Allegany. S. M. Mills, 14 7 u 0 Amos Raymond, 11 7 e,, - R. H. Rogers, 14 7QO An Appeal will be held at the Prothonota- ry's Office, in Coudersport, on the 30th clay of July, instant, at 9 o'clock A. M., at which time and place those interested may attend. L. CUSHING, ..lercantile Appraiser. June 23, 1857.-10:4-4t. noftouqu _ORDINANCE. Further Supplement to the Ordinance of May 25th, 1857, relative to Side:- Walks. • AT a meeting of the Town Council of the Borough of Cpudersport, held July 6th, 1857, the following Ordinance we s adopted : On motion, it is hereby ordained, That the Ordinance passed May 25th, 1857, relative to Side-Walks, be so amended that the Side r Walks on 'Second Street, from Water to West street, be built of Plank on both sides in the tame manner as on Main street. And, That the usual notice be given in the .Poiler - JoteMal, and written or printed notices be given to all owner or owners, or agents of Lots on said streets. Aran': • A. F. JONES, Burgess. S. H. STORRS, see' j. 10:5. DIV, SPENCER is Agent for many of the • most popular Medicines now in use, a few . of which he will mention: , J.R. STAFFORD & CO.'S OLIVE TAR. DR-D. JAYNE & SON'S FAgil l Y MEDI CINES.- • • . Q. AYER. & CO.'S CHERRY PECTORAL AND • - SEVRRAL 11.1NDS OF 'CHERRY . Ir..ttEPS, l l &e., &c., &i.'. . 3. R. : stafford & Co;'s oHve Tar is ap-,' plied -and iahaled . , by. wearing :on INHAI I ER around the neck and on the breast: His °L..; IVE OINTMENT. is applied wheie the. skin i 4 broken and is a popular remedy*hereknoWnil good for the Whooping Cough., I 10:2. IVO ITIARCiE SIB)WrIG. IHE thr,dr. juot 01MSTSD's. II CVA,NGZS L12.%10N6 j' . 4st. received 1, 10:2, W. B, 44 J. 11. GRAVE.I - Bintoudit An_OrdiEUuice reraive. to the b4ildhlg of ' ... . . . . ._ .. ~ . . . ' - Side Walls;'- k - .• . . _ . .. AT ,A MEETING op : Til TOWN QOM .... ?- 1.-CIL of the Borokigh.ot. Coudersport, held ....,.... ....,.. _ -, . . liiinairai;the 25th daY. of May, A. D. 1857, it ws.lOrtiainellr - '1 :1 *!-... -.• . . Sec, - 1:-. 1 ,. - That'Side l -wiilk ' s - be made ten feet' TideliY the owmers...br Lots on each _side of 114in.§friet, froth ~i titer Street to the Street leailing to Crandall MI , . . . • , _ r ' See. ' ll.—'rive saiat Side-walk's on Main. t.. Co be built of 'Plauk,rfire fdet in width, plank to be ltid.in,the center of the. side-walk, and :.r.f . ,.tietl with gravel da both sides; making in s'.II 't.:4 net. Sec.llll.—That Si e-walks be made on each side. orEafst and - 6±t Streets, the whole length. • - . - Sec. 1 - V.-z-The. N% - . Si walks on East and West . , streets to be7made'o • Plank,. Gravel, or Flag, (at the opt 6!?. of the owner), bid in the same manner as on Main street, except' neros4 the Vourt House Squiir:. •-> • , . . '. • ' Sec. .V.—Tilat .Si e-walks be made on Ist, 2d, 30., 4th, sth, Gth and'r7th Streets, on both sides,'_ from Eaet tc! West:. street. i 4:ce: VI.-=The Side-ivalks. on . said streets to be' built of plank, gravel, or flag, .(at the op tion t,f the etivrteri,J-- except afonnd Cm Court HoUse Square4.-teif feet iu widtb,. and when plank is used t,l'i he laid in the same manner as On• Main Street. ' See...Vll.—The Side-walkiaronudthe Court [louse Square to be:built, hi all particulars, in the same manner as on Main Street. 1 Ss:: VIII.—Tir• I Street Commissioner is hereby ordered to uperintend the building of I said Aide-wants, 4:7 6 using them to be built in I 71. ficordance with. tile grade established by the IJarough Surveyor, according to' the specifica tions of this Ordinance. , Sec. IX.— The Borough Surveyor is hereby ordered to establidh ine grade on all streets on whiCh Side-Walks are ; to be built; and set ;tikes to guide ottnera of lots in making their side-walks. Sze. X.—That Written or •printed notices he given to the owner, or owners, or agent of such uwuer or owners:l of said lots,, to make the 'aide-walks oppbsite their respective lots. Sce - . Xl.—lfetlie said Side-walks are not built on or before the FIRST DAY OF AUG UST, next, then; the Town CohnFil shall let the same to.the lowest and best bidder, giving at least two weeks' notice in the Potter Jour ; nuL that Proposill3 will be received for tine I billciing of the said Side-walks in accord lsame with the provisions of this Ordinance, adding twenty p& cent. to the cost of bUild- I • ing said side-walks, and to ;be collected as dents of like amounts are collected by law. -• S.e. 12.-That this Ordinance he published six times in the 'Potter Journal. lIETZGAR,Pres'tpro tea. Attest; S. 11. 5*1.11.9., Sec'y. - Cotidersimrt, ;llay 25,.16.57.-10:1-6t Supplement t 4 the Or4inarie6 of May 25, 1857, relative to Side-Valks. et, 11A 'IE.ETING OF THE TOWN COUNCIL. pf the Borough of Coudersport; held on Monday, June lth; 1837, Okmotibii, i .Was Ordained: Tlint the OF, dixstice passectiMriy 25th, 1837, relative to Sidi Walks, he! so amended as to read, "from W5.t.4.: street toi West," instead of"from East to 114...5t streets I;'' and that She usual Notice be given in the Potter Journal, and !printed notifies of 'this ittgendment be given to all Per.: son 4 owning . lots - between Water and 'West streets. ' D. W. SPENCER, : ' Biirgess pi:o tem 15A.34'1, IL STOaRS, Seev - quclers'pert; May s, 1837- .6..71'T 1 $7 00 7 00 10 00 7 00 I 7 eV 7 00 7 u! 7 00 1 n 01 4 (lininee relative to Nuisances. Passed ..lionday, June Bth, 1857. liTIIEIIEAS a Petition has been received by the Towp Council setting:forth that BittChering is carried on in the center of the 'Bo4ough to such an extent that ithas become a nuisance, and praying that said huisance be abdted : therefore., is hereby Ordained that from and after thig date no Butchering, creating thtlreby a nuisance, be carried on between E 9.14 and ;West and First and Seventh street.. in 'this Borough. cc. ILA adif any person or persons shall create said utuaance within the limits pre sciihed bY this Ordinance, he. she, or they 5411 forfeit the sum of Fi:re ; Dollars for the tizst elrence, and Twenty.B(Sliars for the sec ;nil mai eac4 subsequent offence—said for feiture to, be applied t..? Borough purposes, and collected' as debts of amount are n..,w cd4:-..ctaliby law. i.7cc. Ill.—That this Ordinance be publish -1 ed in the Poacr Journal. ; • D. W. SPENCER, Atte..st Burgess pro tern. S STORM, SWF. COnderSpOrt:JUSIC 8,1857.-10:2-1t. I 00 7 00 7 00 MEI 1 00 7 CO 1} 00 7 00 7 00 7 00 7 00 7 00 7 Ou 7 00 7 00 7 OL 7 00 OU 7 Ou PE1111.4111 OUTDONE! rrirE Proprietor of the !'M E RC AN TILE G,Uli)li:' Would respectfully call the at tention of the Merchants, Farmers and Meehan ie.s residing out of this dim to the moderate terms for a, yearly subscription to the GUIDE, being to mail subscribers ;only 50 Cents per annum, making it the cheapest family newspaper intim United States. The columns of the GUIDE,wiII contain • the usual variety of origihai and spicy articles, written not only to please but to' instruct. In regard to poli tis, the GUIIJE will maintain au independent tiMa, and from time to time will advocate mea t stares as conclusive to benefit the grea3cr-num- I ba. . . 1 . PRIL'NLITINTS. • 11 As an iuditieement for persons to interest themsclvPs to obtain subscriptions for the 1 )I:HCANTI.IiE GUIDE, we e affer t 1 le following immitiois. tipoit receipt of the n mes, pay in advance r we wilt forward them by express, or 6therwise if ordered, to the address of those entitled to them.! . ,For 300 subscribers, cash, $35 cro r' or 250 subscribers we will give a splen did gold watch, (warranted,) 30 00 For 200 subscribers, an elegant pia locket, 4 glasses, wortb, 15 00 For 150 subscribers, oue elegant brace- 1 1 . let, worth For 100 subscribers, one gold vest chain, ;1, worth ; 10 00 For 75 subscribers, 1 gold pen and hol i; der, handsomely engraved, worth ;For 541 subscribers, 1 gold pen aad hol der,; V7oillt For 4G subscribers, 1 gold pen and hal- *orthi Fca . . 15 subsoriben. 1 ;medium geld pen and holde . r. worth .For 12 subsetiber,:, 1 gold pen and 1411- delt worth. l 50 Allicomniunications should he addressed to BLAKELY, Editor and Publisher of thti N. Y.Mercautile Guide, No. 103 "Greenwich st., New york. , • Newspapers throughout the Vnion, by publiShing the above appropriately displayed, including this notice, two months, and balling attention editorially to the same, and sending : us tI4 paper, will be entitled to an exchange, awl receive a gold pen and -holder _worth $2, 10 ,1 4 $t • .1 -- 7n l iai t - ±oyrat4l - _ -- T 4 1, 4*EZT1.i Ci..D7 : S s -RZ. S fi r 1 1: 7 pother. Cargo of goods Cie T 8 t ` it ' i i.OLD .44-4 ti iiii 9 ti. Xroll might as, well undertake to dam - up 4.. the Waters of the Niagara -with bulrush? es ; as to try to .convince the Multitude tliat there is any. other . plaee in, tom where_ they can get, siieh great bargains in the line of . GROpERIES & PROyIpIONS) as at the Old Regulator which has so long been -the T c.i . reat•i;ruporium of Trade in this flourishing Metropolis. ,i,Now we have home to. the conclusion that theo is only one way to sell Gdnds, and that is: to let the people know we have them to. sel, and sell them !at prices which will be an h4ducatnent to those in want to buy of .o; and for this purpose we have chartere'd a.po!umu in the Journal where we -Intend to kg. gp the people posted as to what maY be found at our 'establishinent,-- .I;very body knows, (or at least ought, to know) where th Old Regulator is i liiad for tho bene fit of those who don't know, :and who -wie/i to know, we will just inform t4gin that it Is 110- 1 ' cated right on the . . ' - 1- 13,.A!1.14 RO4 D, , only a few rods from the Depot, and is always open for Customers and all who wish. to save 23 per cent. in purchasing the necessaries of life; for It is the only place in town where you camnxpe.ct to have a little change left after purchasing your. necessary supplies, notwith -1 standing the common assertion of every one that- they t lsell cheaper than their neighbors, We don' boast of selling goods at or, below cost, but We have 'adopted as. our standard to Lies and Lea Lire," and to sell as cheap as the chliest ; for when people advertise to sell belo ' cost, you may easily, conclude that , they are only 't throwing out bait." In, order 1 that the people may know what we keep to Seel, we will enumerate'a few of the most im portant alticles, Any one examining our stock bf Groperics we are confident Will at once come to the con clusion that a bate.' and snore complete as sortment Icannot be found 1p this section, con sisting oft SUGAR, TEA.- COFFEE, 310LA,S$ES, . S IWPS, PEPPER., SPICE,. O INGER., CLOVES, Mustard,iSalcratus Cinnamon, Pepper-Sauce, Catsup, {Yeast and Soap Powders, Vinegar, Oil, Camphene, Fluid, Chewing and Smoking Tobacco,!Snuti, Segars, Candy, Nuts, Raisins, Crackers; }luring, Soap, Candles, and an end less Variety of other articles which it is un necessary to mention, may he found in this department, and which will be.sold at a trifr ling advince from cost to ready pay. • . • pßovulo}is. Just take a look at our large stock of T'ro , visions, and see if we have not got the where with to relieve the numerous wants of the needy, and enough to keep you all fromstarv ing throngh the long and dreary winter. It is imposSible for us to enumerate one half the articles We keep, in-a single a4vertisement, but we will mention a few of the most impor : tent, which may be found in abundance and in great Ivariety, consisting of PORK, _HAMS, FISH, BUTTE; CHEESE, LARD, SALT. COR:NED BEEF, DRIED BEEF, SHOULDERS, FLCIUR, poßs-mEAL-, linKw HEAT FLOUR, DRIED APPLES, DRIED PLUMS, POTATOES, OATS, BEANS, SALT, and a host of other articleN in the line of pro yisions. Also kept:constantly ou hand a good assortmpt of . WOOIEN AN WILLOW WARE such as IBrootu.. Washtubs and Boards, Mops, Dinner Boxes, Brushes, &e., together with a general lassortment of Stone Ware, which we will selll very cheap for cash. A general in vitatioos extended to all, and to the people of Potter Cuuuty in particular to call at the Old Regulator before purchasing elsewhere. .CLARK i PHILLIPS. Dec 10, 135kj.-9 34-6 mo. -.-10:2-6t att,DI9IIVISTRAT S IVOTIOE, i EtS Letters of Administration vk eetveeuFLk late of the County of potter, deceased, hare been gr4nted to the undersigned, all persons indebted to said estate arc requested to - make immedi:ite payment, and those having claim; against the same; will present them duly au thenticated for payment to the subscribers at 15lysies,' Potter Co., Pa. MISS ELIZA M. FREEMAN. 1 -JERRY W. FREEMAN, May 1857. Administrators. ADMINISTRATRIX NOTICE. WHEREAS Letters of Administration to the estate of DANIEL HIGLEY, late of the county of Potter. deceased, have been graatedlto the under Signed, all persons indebt ed to said estate are requested to make im mediate- payment, and those havin g claims against,;the same will present them - duly au thentictited for paymeut to the subscriber at Hebron iPotter CO., Pa. FULLY G. HIGLEY Adrninistratrix: May '43, 18:17 YATES' COUNTY NURSEIM - - i ll. QLIN ?z, CO., of the Yates County VV' e t Nurseries - ,. have for sale a large, and valuables assortment, of FRUIT TREES of all IVarieties usually cultivated. These Trees at'e young and of vigorous growth. The qualiti i s are the most choice known, and are warran et.l GENUINE. Also - , a fine stock of ORNM ENTAL TREES and SHRUBBERY, 1 t'or 101 l delivery. i te'"Address orders to C. BEACH, Pen Yan, Yates co., N. Y. : Orders left with ROB'T. W. NILES, Coudersport, Pa., will be promptly filled. 1 - . - 10:2—Gnao. 11 00 8 00 G 00 3 00 EKE S EW GOODS—A Large, Splendid. As sdrtmpijustreceixed at 10:1 . - ' OLMSTED'S. DLE'II.CHED MIISLLNS and a few other ca IP tidies in' the line of Staple Dry'' Goad• low for' cash at E. K. SPENCER'S, 10:2 . D. W. S., -- OME CLOTHING of Chen6:ir's manufaOare• • oil; 4and at E. K. SPENCER'S; 10:2 I • - I 1). gp,OCERTES PIANEIS ZELODEODIS & ;Mil 19) :. ~. TKI,D y CASII SYSTEM, :ADOPT P;':' -. 'l:Pisiieeo - dreatly[l3 , diu , bed. , ..1 , ---. •-, 1. ~ ' ',. HORACE-MAT ~, r tB; 4 .-; So." 84 . 11rOOaccay - ,.. Si ii., . - . AGENT FOIL THE BEST BOST° it i. •Y. • i • . . . ' •: - ' I[llStrllllllpll9. '1 , . • 1 HE Larges. Assortment' of Pi ns;i Mele?- deons, Musical InstrnMents, a (1 Musical Merchandise o all, kinds,ln the U' tted States. I Pianos froth Tewdifferentlanuthc or es,com prising those Of every variety of ! ty e, from the plain, neat[ancl substdntial.6l 'e aVesi-in, I t. I Walnut or Rosin Owl Cases, from $ 51Y, to $2OO, to those of llie,:most .eleganr. finia u to One Thousand Dollars!. . No honSe 'in . ,t a .Union can compete •With the Atioye in t e ritiutber, 'ariety and celebrity of itai just' .. ts, nor in, the Extremoy - low price.at wh e they are sold: HORACEWATERS' MODERN: M ROVED . . PIANOS, with or withoutllron Fka es, .pos sessing in their improvements orovir-strings and action, a length of scale and co n pass of tone equal - to the Grand - Piano, :let.l with the beauty - and durability of stru4 a of. the Square Piano. They are justly prn peed by the-Preis and by the first Musical M sters, to be equalto those of any other nt n - facturer.• "They are built of the best and mo t t orongh -1 ly seasoned material, and guaran ce to stand the action of every climate. Eacl Ii strnment guaranteed to give satifaction, o urchase;.' money refunded. - SECOND-HAND PIANOS, at rgi o eal bar-, -gains, constantly hi store,;—price fr m $3O to :5140. • ~,-. 1-1011 ACE WATERS' MELOD 0 - S. Sn pericir Ifistruments in touch and urability of'. make. (puled the equal tempera. cot.) • Me lodeons bf all other styles and ra l Ito's. Price, $45, $6O; $75, $lOO, sl'2s, sl4c—double Reeds and•two banks - of ICey.s, $2 o—less it-, liberal discount. Clergymen an I 'hurches, an extra discount. M4gTIN'S GUITARS, ,(1 ,. 1 • BROWN'S 114.11.P5., FLUTES, FLUTINAS, - • ACCORDI4O . NS, ..• - ~N-10 0 LINS, - and Musical Instruments of all kih ,at lower prices than ever before offered to l e public. A large discount to Teachers tin Schools. The trade supplied on the most Ilal terms. itiEUSIC.••••One of the largesil a d best se, .lecld catalogues of Music nofr published, comprising many of thb choice am lmost pop ular airs of the day, and will be so d at one third off from the regular prices. • . Music sent by mail to all parts o -the coun try, post-paid. - Particular and persgnal atten tion paid to all orders received by 'Mail. Sat isfaction guaranteed in every instance. Pianos and Melodeons for rent and rent allowed on puachase. Pianos and Melodeons for sale.on monthly payments. Second-hand t r i ianos ta ken in exchange for new. Genera and select Catalogues and ,Schedule of priceslforwarded to all parts oil the country by mail; . E - -Z-Greatinducements 'offered t.l AGENTS in all parts of the country, to sell Ilse Horace. Waters' Pianos; Melodeons, and C4talogne Of Music.; 1. t•:•:41. „ - COVDERSPOUT ALCADE3II. J. lIENPRICE, THT3Academic year will- be divided, into Three Terms of thirteen weeks each. The Winter Teriu «ill commence on Monday`, De cember.Bth, 1856. The Spring or Summer Term will, commence on !Mondliy!, April 6th. 1857 ; and the. Fall Term on Monday Aunms .2 24th, 1857. TEI3IrtS. Tuition per of thirteen weeks, as fol-i 10W6 : Primary Studies—Reading, Spelling, Mental Arithmetic, - - 50 Common English Branches—Geogra phy, Orthography, Arithmetic and Grammar, • - - - - Higher English Branches Natural Philosophy, Astronomy, Chemistry, and Frat Lessons in Algebra, - 500 Higher Mathematics-Algebra, Geom- etry, Zze., - - - - - 6 Languages—Latin. Greek, or French, 6 Drawiug, extra, - - - 2 Piano 3liisic, extra, - - 10 Payment Strictly in An scholars who can write legibly,_ will be required to present au original Composition once in two weeks, ; and male scholars to de• claiin once in two weeks. _ I Board can be obtained in private Familieaj in the village, or rooms can be had in the Academy by applying to the Principal. MR. HENDRICK has had the Preceptorship of the Academy for the past year, and it is II with great satisfaction we announce that have been able to secure • the coutinuance of his services. The flourishing condition of the Academy has been exhibited by a larger. .nt•• tendance and more general expression of sat-, isfaction, than has ever been experienced here . t tofore ; and ,the Trustees flatter theroselveS that in the renewal of his engagement they are carrying out the wishes'of the patrons of the Academy thus favorably indicated, and securing for that station a gentleman fully competent to supply the wants of an gent community. ELI REES, President, O. B. OVERTON, Sec'y, LEWIS JIANN, Treasurer, r- . 1 AMOS FRENCH, g SOBIESKI ROSS, CD ?' 11F 4 NRY J. OLMSTED, Coudersport, Nov; 10, 1856. A Retired Physielan, 75 years of age, having, lost his Tatheri two, Brothers, Daughter, Son-in-law, Nephews and Nieces, by that dreildful disease, CONSummoN, and suffer! lug with a Cough, himself, detirmined to viSii the East Indies, Egypt; and Japan, where h discovered a Prevcutiue - and Certain. Cure fo Colds, Coughs, Bronchitis, Conmaption, Net. vous Debility anil Asthma. His cough wa cared immediately; he returned, cured his Raj, atiee3, wlui inherited the disease, and in con 4 nection with his soli have employed it in their practice, curing.thousands of cases considered hopeless by others, For the purpose of rescu ing as - many of his.fellow beings as possible' he is sending the Recipe to all who wish it fo 10 cents; 3 of it to pay the postage, and th balance printing. Address Dr. HEA,Ta 10 Spring, street, opposited St,: NicholaS Hotel, New York, 10:2—*os. d•EWISVILLE ,STEAM GRIST MILL; o N.F 4 W ARRA.NGEMENT. FIV-IF • undersigned having bought -out al fermer, owners of tie Lewisville Stea.. Grist Mill are now prepared to do all manner of grinding, as they believe, to the splisfac; tion.of their customers. Come titasee. • - - O.'A. LEWIS, CRAYTON LEWIS. 1 171isses,.Feb. 28, 1857.4--.4-38. and staple articles in the Drug line fo 1 sale by., .410:2.) E. E. TiIE subseriberA AakeAlds mithpjEagu, , 'rforndrie Weir" friends that. they are re-, ceipt. , of. and are new . emiug, elnaice and • deittildeliteek:ef .: • STAPLE A?,lls FA-NQ T DET , GOODS, • to-7hich thet the . atteuttog oik"a h desire to make purchases. Ouistock is large h_a* ben. selected with. great, care, =di is 'par ;tienlarly, adapted to ,the.wants a this section' of' j3ur country. I Our stock i of Dry Goodstoir 7 sisrOf/ ' - ' • I • RESS GOODS, TRIMIIINGS,HIEBONS; !• E3WROIDERIES. _PARASOLS CLOTHS; CASSI3IERES • . - • ' VESTINGS - ' DO IESTICS„ • ' SIIIRTINGS, LINENS; PRINTS, ' HOSIERY, SHAWLS", • ' and a variety of [other articles, too numerous to Mention. We haVe . alsO a c'omplete assort ment -of GROCEIIIES, _IIARDtARE AND ' ORO.CKERY all of which will be sold uncommonly cheap. for ready pay, and tar approved credit , on as reasonable terms as any-other establishment. - MANN &NICHOLS. Millport, Aug. 1.1,,1556.—pi13 .s. id. W. ,KING EON; - • P,ITENT lIVAitiVFACTIMERS: 438'13ropme Street,. Oitel/Cor East df Broadway, [Lute 468 Broad- . waYO NEW-Y.ORK, • , , [Established A. .D , 1 833 .1 I NVITE an examination of their great vari ety, and superior assortment of CHAIRS, Imanufacturecl at their own establishment; and 'under their immediate observation and direc tion, includihg - • • 'PIVOT REVOLVING CHAIRS, SELF -ACTING EXTE ! NSION ItECUMRP.IT CHAIRS, • , - IMPROVED INVALID WHEEL. CHAIRS, , • MAJOR, SEARLE'S TRAVELING INVALID CB A IR, • • I SPANISH SPRING AND SQUA.B CHAIRS. RHEUMATIC, SPINAL AND A.STHMA.TIC INVALID.QIIAIRS, &G., &C., &C., Embracing the most complete assortment, find choicest kinds fur Parlors, Drawing Rooms, eizand t ere, Gardens, Libraries, Counting houses, Officer, Public liislilutions, Penlists, B!irbers ' ,s - c., together With every desirable sort oiapted to the comfort, Convenience and luxury of the Sick, the Aged, the Infirm, the Lame and Lazy. In point of ingenuity of design, elegance of finish, quality and richriess of material, faith fulnbss of execution, durab,,ity and cheapness, the:se chain> are unsurpassed. For thio, M. W. KING L. SON, were.awarded the first and only Prize - Medal, and• the faculty recommend i •them as far preferable to beds or cmielies tor patients afflicted with- Spinal Asthmatic or Bronchial affections. To either arm of the chair may be attached a convenient reading or writing Dial, and any combination desired will he manufactured to to order. • A Circular with, explanatory cuts, will be sent by mall if requested, and ordep [with re mittunces,] -promptly forwarded to. any part of the Nvorbt EL - X . LTy &•.T.,C0N0M1(7.! KING'S NEW CHAIR. "AS YOIr . LIKE IT."' . . • n Arm Chao, RecliningClqr, Couch and Bedstead, [coStioN nix ox ,j-Ispuseeptible of twelve ditler6nt positions or chdngcs, to meet the varied requirements for comfort, convent enZe-; luxury and economy, [in space as well es price.] Whether in sickness or heath, this celebratedCDAlß "AS.XOI: LIKE IT," excels in many respects, any chair perhaps ever ritanu factored in this "or any other country. The price varies from l'Oeen to Tldrty Dol lars, according to finish. To Public 'lnstitutions, as well ai to individ uals, this CHAIR is a- very desirable article, and will be supplied in any number on the most liberal terms. Apply to or address 1 ' M. W. KING C SON, II 43R Broome •t., One door east of Broadway, XEST YORK, (Late 468 9:44-Iy. XTEIV GOODS—A Fine lAssortment just received et OLMSTED'S. • oa Ou 511 u 0 GREAT REVOLUTION IN MEDICAL SCIENCE The best Therapeutic Agent ever introduced. DR. DICKINSON'S ~...., -- - --, , , t_,_, , ..1-z.-g.y.;-< , MAG:s;ETO ELEC. - .. 7,,,,, t;•Lui ,,,,,- .. - -...r . •‘;-- TRW -MACHINE ISAR VLO•rAL /..21...- . 1;, , , , \ , r lilt4 '2l' -IA7 -- F.1 : 2 . is exciting the -A-, ''' . 'e-.1- g .,'"::6 1 .2,...."-:-/A absorbing • atten „,„&^7" !!.'-' - --A tion of the Medi rj-6siT.V eal P . roftSsion and S:"'PX-1; 2 • ; -:- . : -- - - ''''''IMY •1 large portion of . r te-., -- ~~ ,~ .„-.--.,---..--.1 thelinielligeutlay men of the land. It is now clearly demon strated that the lancet, mercury, and all other internal " drug medication" may be laid aside with- perfect safety•to the patient and abid, ing benefit to posterity. Wherevdr these ma chines have been introduced, they excite the highest wonder and praise. The apparatus is adapted to prevent, relieve and cure every disease incident to humanity,—more particu- Aarly all those painful and formidable discus .es which have for centuries baffied'the pro foundest learning and skill of physicians. From whatever cause there may be an ex cess or deficiency of the nervous fluid—pro dli7cing an excess or deficiency of the acids and alkaline secretions—the magnetic princi ples of the system are deranged, and can on ly be safeV restored to their normal condition by an application of magneto-electricity, by means of DR. DICKINSON'S MAGNETO ELECTRIC MACHINE. This apparatus will positively prevent; and speedily relieve and cure Consumption, - Scrofula, Rheumatism, Palsies, Neuralgia,' Spinal Diseases, and all ether painful maladies, however, hopeless and of long standing. . They are eminently useful in all sexual and urinary disorders, particu larly where the Constitution has been broken I down and ruined by unnatural solitary habits I to 'which too many of the youpg, of both sexes are so lamentably-prime. DR.'DICKINSON'S 3IAGNETO ELECTRIC, I MACHINE is - without the dangedons compli cations of batteries - and acidsl--which fact alone renders it superior to all others on the score of neatness, cleanliness, safety and utility.— llt is, in fact, .a handsome parlor ornament; may be applied by a child ; and will last a life-time, to the, great 'saving of Doctor's bills, 4k . c. PRICE OF THE MACHDIE $10: - :.- . It will be safely. pricked and sent to any part of the United - States. Sold wholesale and retail at the Medical OfEce;.No,3BNORTII SEVENTH Street, Philadelphia. Address, • A. C. DICKINSON, M.D. • 10-l=ly. • . - i 211ORSE LUMBER-WAGON for •• for sale br- . JONES, MANN .4: JONES. . Condersport, .Tune 11, 1857.—tt, . . IALL AND EXANDT, thernW GOODS k..) Just received by OLMSTED'S, vitia - - t-07 1 4 Oa" _106;00; :" • rri ms EGposn: ustutetgh ., t A.? LIVEE4BY 'AND MAGAZINE Icloses its firstiniiiiiklik#lan o ... next. -.During-the -fow,brief montbrof its cr. .tenceit has attained aztpFklrit . y Unequalled -in the annal :t • - The publisl ers&• . la ving. Piferedillieral rniurnsfor choied.liOrarY efforts, the Stories 'ltoulitneei; .tititysil*try,• aid; - other iposi, ling and intareating rending arcis ciTug e z t - ek . iu.January edln the irNitot,' ^' • Th e N . e.w,Tonnf, wiltbe - c4nakbeedin ly 185 7,;grittlif , AniPf°Y-luut Each number will .contain thirty:two ; - exti a uificent volunte•nflnearly:4o6. pe ud the year-or .presenting: an. untotutt.oSilii•iihal. -. rest reading On all: subjects, - .e qual Yo uteri, would cost, in the ihoolt stores' at le.aak fifty cents, payable invariably in advanee.,.. Some of ttie m.oSt pOpuirand brilliant male; and female c.ontri4utors are-regular _en n ui_ butors and th e publishers will spare . no.paiss or expense to render the Weleome. Tido?. every way acceptable to a refined andintelliL gent community. The publication is adapted to all alum of people—the .young and the-old—nod e'er seen and perused, meets with nuirersal: acceptation. ~ . gw Now is the time to subscribe to -tho , Ne * w . x .* V° T i lleai umP' ack numbers •titoy • complete sets) for cents each, or the,wWeie,... series of 12 numbers for TWENTY-FIVE hetits. Liberal intineoroeuts to Clubs ,and rassers. jWc•Reinerliber, our:tales-are "k'ift.ycti l i t for one year, for a single copy, or : three cop. ics *ill:he sent, under , pne Coyer or eddies:for One Dollar. Address, COi3DPi & Coo4,Ny i PtiVlishers, `1 , 1,0;';',,5 - ' Nora) gereat4 (up stairs,) • 10:1-ly, Tpu pt . .ERs WONTING pLASTEIIfor..I.* I will find a supply at - 9:43 A14 1 ..XN S; JONES, ONES, MANN & JCINE:ti, pay Abe. highest 0 market price for all kipds of Produce.._ . . e. A y ER I SI f_ositmv. I Lis . 11Ir FOR ALL,TgzaH'PIIRPOSEB OF A FAMI-LY PHYSIC, TiquE has. Tong existed, a Public demand for an effe:tive purgative pill svhch could be relied on as sure and pelfeetly safe in its. operation. ; This has been prepared to meet that. demand,. and an eaten. sive trial of its virtues has earoalusively shown with what success it aecomplishcs the purpose'designed. It is easy to make a physical :rill; but not easy to make the best of all pills— one which ahColdlare - . none of the Objeetions, but-all the- advantages, of every other. - This has Amen attest:mud here; and with what success we would- respectfully submit to the pnblic decision. It has beert.unfortomste ti the patient hitherto that almost every "purgoi9. medicine is acrimonious and irritating to tite.tme els, This is not. - Many of theni produekagmith, griping pain and revulsion in the systenanstronit than counterbalance-the good.to le derived , firm, them. These pills produce me irritation or pair', ipless it arise from n Previaltsly;existine °Game tipn or derangement in.th!.botyklis. Ming parelyi vegetable, no harm can ; arise from their use in any, quantity ; but it 15 better, that , any. medicine should bo taken judiciously. Muittte' directions for their, Iran in the several diseases tq v-hich thevare ap plicable are given on Om. box., Ameng! the. Com-i plaints which have been speedily.cured by . .them.wo may mention Liver Complaint, snits sanousforme of Jaundice, Indigcstiolb, Languor and Lossof Apt petite, Listlesariess,-Irrnability,..Biliouslicadache, Bilious Fever, .',over ziruL Agne„Pain in the side and Loins ; for, in truth, all these.are but the con sequence of diseased, action in the' liver. As an aperient, they afford prim - apt ant}. sure relief in Cos tiveness, Piles, Colic, • Weenies"?' Humors, S tr qs ale. and Scurvy, Colds watit soreness of:the 4041 Ulcers and impurity Of the' block,. fn. short, an and every case where a purgative is.re . quiredi They have .alsoi produced some 'fiungralarlysni• • cessful cures in Rheumatism, Gnu4larenoY.Vrorelt ErYsipelas, Palpitation of the : Heart, Fiins in the Back, Stomach, and Side. ThOy, should. brk fredi, taken in the spring of the year, to.pntify the blo od and prepare the system for the change of seaso* An occasional dose stirdulateis the stomeih ark bowels bite+, healthy action, and restores these* tite and vigor. They purify . the-blood , and; by their, stimulant action on the c irculatory system. reno,.l sate the - strength of the body, and restore tilt wasted' or diseased energies of the whole organism„ Hence an occasional dose is advantageous, even though no snrieuL derangement cxists; 14/-115, necessary dosing .should never be carried 150 ari l as every purgative medicine reduces the strength& when taken to excess. Thelhousand cases in which ; a physic is required cannotbe enwnentedhere , b ut i they suggest' themselves to the reason- of ever body; and it is confidently believed this pill will answer a better purpose than - any thing l, 3oo64 hat hitherto been available to-mankind: Vhee their virtues are once known,' the public will no longer doubt what remedy to employ when in need of a cathartic medicine. 'Being sugar-wrapped they ars pleasant to take, and - being purely vegetable, imq harm can'exise from their use in any quantity. 'For ll4 ll te dirOCIIIOIIE see wrapperonlhe . PREPARED BY ' JAMES C. - AYER, Practical and Analytical Chemist LOWELL, MASS. Price 25 Coats per Box. Fir - Boles for 21. AYE ••• 1 CHERRY , . PECTORAL,' ;For_ the Irish Id ; Chris of COUGHS, •COLDSs - , )10 ARSENNI BRONCIIITIS,;WROOPING 4 OUGH , CROUP., ASTIIIIO, - Allin CONSUMPTION, True remedy bus won for -itself Such noioneil from its cures or every variety of pulmonary dioa ° ' that it is entirely unnecessary to recount the Fri fences of its virtues in any cOmmunity 41brre as been employed. 'So wide is the field ()tits tue• fulness, and so numerous the .cases of its stop. that lma :every section of the country Aborl . Ea persons publicly known, who have been room' .rom alarming and even desperate di s eases of; the• lungs by its use. When onto tried its roPrO ele l over every other, medicine of Its kind is too IPP°' ent to escape 'observition,und_Wherejts Tiruil ale known, the public no longer hesitate what sur to employ for the distressing and dangerous nde tiffre Lions of the py*kaam organs' w hi c h are widest' to our •climate.,l - grid not! only in formidable. rt* , tacks 'upon-the hangs, but 'for the . ilder videtio! of CPLDS, COVOITS, HoAltagiESS; Se.: and . fur CUILDREN it iltyle e rlSSADtOilt , ana safest email:ar that can be ohtam 'Air it has 104 been in oonstint use threighlot this section, we, need not do more than: &hurl; go' peg* its quality is heptup to , the best that it err has heen..and that the genuine article, isield by 'SMITH & JONES, SPENCER, ' COUDERBFint 1:1y - toisntiy" Pier' .pbants and praigksts eyerysSionot