The Potter journal. (Coudersport, Pa.) 1857-1872, July 16, 1857, Image 3

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Tai,,,E4preine donna :st4lteTenpLars
9fffpnipeagme has eommenteditsittluttal
:filica in city of Illiomning*i,
T his P*9o 4oo° nrganisati9n;_4 l etaab•
lisfieCtlyouzholot..the United litates, in
:the British -Milt American Prot' .
and in. Pilglafr4
6EtEr".4 qn..rciargaliylorl ;I' plows,"
laid a Icamg JAW ,boastingly. ifVer4r
true," replied hialrazOgkegaipanion; "for
you cat please any?"
riu atiludioseitto.
...DEMAINLtiCi, in the Post ()lice t C 'Worse
1.40 pert, Pa., July Ist, 1857,
Anson, Fates
Anson, Miles
Aldrich, Mrs. Nancy-
Avery, Addison-2
- Amos, MiSS E.
-S. S.
Beach, Mt's. Sssab
Barnett, Samacl
Bail, Luman
Carpenter, Miss S. A.
tole, James -
Cool, James
Jlingtusiii, John
Davis, Miss P. _ -
Yaul%ner,Jobn P.
ileorge, Main
Ureche, Smith
-• Grant, L.
ooodti, Samteilf
Gorain, Charles
Greenman, Silas
Gram, Miss
Crt,.ol,lztCll, Samuel
liarri.s, Miss CA L
liollentieek, Miss Sari
Ilarding: J. W.-3.
11..i5kin,,51. J. N.-2
ra o ,Persona callinl
Ltiters, will please sal
Hughes, John-2
Huttender, 11.
Ilegie, J. H.
Johnson, C. H.
• Kaple, Orlando ..
Kimball; Abraham
- Lucas, William
Lewis ' Miss M. A.
Luce, Miss Julia A.
2 Lallan, Miss J. .
M'Can, IL,
- Myers, Win. 0.
Ostrander, W. H.
Petyenger, Philip .
Rolf, Mr,. Sarah •
.Smith, A. X.
. ...,Seager, Miss Sarah
_Balkh & Stillman,
Stiles, Rev.. Dutton
..mith &Crane.
Snyder, Z.
.Stillman, Joseph
Shea, Miss Mary
Xlmonser,.Mrs. L. A.
Sherwogd,.J. W.
1 2 Truesdell, .1. W.
Turner, Cyrus , Cyrus
,la Tocome, - William
Wambohlt, David .
Witipple, Duit:,
Wagner, H.
9 for any of the above
they are Advertised.
ILN M. JUDD, p. M, .
ABS 20
vik r ywilcoaveys
Ty, ties in the ita4g,
gei, and couitnA in
I.iya . the cough, cutise!
torutiou, ficuls r t
. the h
imparts my: wed,
giving that
,totie and
tor the restottivn or
state confidently that 'ousumptian is curable
by inhalation, is, to m a source of unalloyed
Measure. It is as niuh nuder the control ut
treatment-medical treateat- : its any other formidable
g l,
ihiease ; ninety out f tier] humired cases
can be cared in the fir t stages, and fifty, per
c.-: t. in the second ;at in the third stage it',
ii .mposiible 'to save than live per cent.,
let ...e Lungs are so 44in, up by the disease as
to um alenauee to me teal skill. Pica, how
ever, in the last. stage 4, latialatiou affords ex- ,
traurdivary relief to he suffering attending
1 1
this fearful scourge,•nich aquunfly destroys
ninety-five thousand persons in the United
States alone ; and a. correct calculation silo ws
that of the .present Opelotioh of the 'earth,
eighty millitnis are destined to fill the Cou
maiptive's grave's. , i
Truly . the quiver of death has no,arroer 5o
fit:.l as Coasuuiption; In alt ages it has been
the great enemy of life, fur it spares neituer
age uur sex, bat sweeps off alike the brave,
th-heautiful, the graceful sad the gifted.. By
the help of that Sugeude Being from whom
cumeth every Igoad Mid perfect gift, 1 am en
ahbled to offer to the afflicted a permanent
and speedy cure its Consumption. The first
cause of tubercles is from impure blood, and
the iernediate effect produced by:their depot
anion is the thugs is to prevent the free ad
mission of air into the air cells, which causes
a weakened vitality through the entire system.
Then surely 4.i's more rational la expect great-
er guod from medicines mitering i the cavities!
of um lungs than from those administered
through the stomach ; the patient will always
::nil tut lungs free and the breatniug easy, lif
ter lanaliug remedies. Titus; luimailloa is a
local remedy, nevertheless it acts constitution
ally. $llll with more power and certatuty than
remedies administered by the stomach. To
prove the powerful and direct influence. pf this',
this mode of L adm in is tr a tip u , chloroform,
inhaled will'entirely destroy sensibility in a
hw minutes, paralyzing the entire nervous
lystera, so dint a Btu& may be amputated with
int the slightest pain; Inhaling the (61411.9.
foirning gas will destroy life in a few hears.
The innalatlon of 'ammonia will rouse the
system when fainting or apparently dead. The
ilti of many of the nietliciues is- perceptible
in the skin a few- Linntes aftex%eipgannaled,
Pei nay be immediately detected in the blood.
A convincing proof of the constitutional effects
•ofinhalatiou, isk.the fact that sickness is al
7,ays produced loydfreathing, foul air—is not, I
thh positive evidence - that proper remedies,l
crirefully prepared and judiciously adniinis- I
tered through the lungs should produce the;
Lippiest results? During eighteen years I
Practice, many ;Icausarids suffering from dis- '
rases pf the lupga and throat, have Into Un
der toy care, ace I hare effected randy remark . '
ible sures, evert after the sufferers had been
prontameed in-the Ipst stages, which fully sat-
ialies ate that consumption is no longer a fatal
415 rese. •My treatniefit -of consumption is
Original, and founded oh long experience and
a leforough investigation. .lly perfect acqqain-
liere With the nature of tubercles, AM, -ene -
'tes t4e 10 distinguish, readily, the various
terms of disease that simulate ecinsumption,
kid a pply the proper remedies, rarely being's
. 11 i 5 tAken even in a single case. This tamit
iataY, iti connection with certain pathological
Heremicroscopic discoveries, enables me to re=
Itre the lungs from the effects of contracted
c,I I Q-`l3, to enlarge the inteit, purify -the blood,
' "Tart to it renewed - I . l.ltilty, giving energy
4 ' 14 , 101 1c 10 the entire system.
aedicines lvitli full directions seat to any
Part:of the United 'States and Canadasi by Pa
iieuticommunicating their symptoms by letter.
let the cure would be more certain if the
patient should pay me a visit v .which would
hire me an opportunity to examine the lungs
aa enable me to priscribeWith much greater
c estainty, and then the cure could be effected
without my seeing' the patient again.
G, W. M. M GRAHAM;D., 1
. /
'Juice /X3l.- Filbert Street, (Old
No, 109,) below 'twelfth, •
. t
• 'oOttaiispoifri titieravqoertt,
i!oirected'; I:2;rna 1,
• BY.
.Deakre in ,Dry Goods, of itr'occ)Ties, lints ,f Caps,
. Boots .1. s46es, Crockery, Pork, Flour,
• . Jim!) Notions, tr., 4*, 6T9
Fzonn,A4 bbL - i . $lO 00
Poit, " " • •, 3O 00
SAR " -1 • 1- • . 350
CORN MEAL, 100 IS., 300
BUTTER, ' L'l lb., 16
LARD, f' ". • ,32015
TALLOW, !' 'll *1" 14(16 '
WooL, " " • -
_llAus, 1 ' - I - 1 - - 17
SnocLosni,l3 lb., " • ; , 15
Reza Sing, " , AO 25
Suase, It lb., - lOC,/ 12
DRIED APPLES, 11 - • 1. II 14
" BUS/161, 1 275
Wain BEANi3, 1 " , 3 50.
OATS, " " • •- ' • 00g75
CORN, ll " - 25
Pozazozs' " " , - 100
Enos, 14 Dozen,. - - - 12
EA:, Ton, - $12e15 00
ictuntsttnnsnini , Um.liganaltuuu
TROL COA,SPLr,poz:--,can be acquired by using
the' of a riZoitsand Flo:iris," What Ildy
or gentlemen •W' °VIA remain under the cure, of
a disagrevabje breath, when by using he
"1.1.4.Lic Or A y110084.)11:1 FLOWERS," as a denti
frice, would not only render it sWect,butleve
the teeth white as alabaster?
* any unarms
do nqt Uow their bredtlals bad, and the sub
ject is so delicate their'friends will never men
tion it. Beware of counterfeits. Be sure each
bottle is signed FETRIDGE .CO., N. Y.
For sale by all Druggists. 9:37-6art.
Sold ,by SIIITU Fr JUNES Dravists Con
ilersport, Pa.
01 all disease ; the great, first cause'
Sl , ,rings from neg,leht of Nature's Inn's'.
When a (MILE guaiantee
Seli Narcoua Dcatt!i'ly, Strictures,
Dialnites, Dnic. l ired of the Kidneyi and
.13g . arlder, iferearial l'Accu;natisin. i scrofala,l
Pain.? in the Bones antiAnkta, Dlieasee the
..nic d Eye.i, tricer,e upoi: the-
Llocly or Li.-%be, Cancer4'Drops.a,
St. {vas's atid al. discuses aritiviewn
a el-ran:go:ens of 04ans,
I as Nervous Tretubling, Loss of Mem-I
o:y. Loss of Pawer;i 14.neral. Weakness,
'Li:mites-4 of V,4,at with Pea:Mier spots appear
i:!g• before the eyes, Loss of Sigat, Wakefu.-
ness, Dyspepsia, Liver Disease, EruptiOns upcia
the face; Pain in tile ba.O. cud ',wadi Femme
irregularities and all improper discharges from
both Sexes. I: matters Got from what Cause.l
tits disc ac or:ginated, however obstinate tha•
ease, rceoccrll ii certain, sitil in a shorter time
thee a permanent cure eiNi be effected by any
other treatment, even alter the disease has
baffled the skill of eminent_ physieianS and re
sisted a i d their means of Cure. The Medicines
are•pleasant`i without oder, causing no,sicline•s
-it'd free fro mercury Ilor balsam.:'Daring
twenty ygar,s of practice,l:l have rescued from
the jaws of Death manylthousands, It in
the; Last stages of the aboVe mentioned diseas;
es had been given up to !die by their physi,
clans, which warrants me in promising to the
afflicted, who rimy place themselves Under my ,
care, a perfect and most Speedy- cure Secret
Di eases are the greatest i lenemies to health, as
they are the first cause o IC:onsuinptiCfn,Scrof-
Lila, and sumo other tlisea!se4, and should be a
terror to the huni..olustily., As a permanent
cars is sea:cell,- ever etffleted, a majority of the
ctises ftiiiug into the Melds of incompetent
persons, win) not only toil to care the diseases
but ruin the constitution, lilting the system
with mercury, which, with the disease, has
tens the smfe.rer into a rapid Consuription•
Bat should the diseds , !! and the treatment
not cau.)e death opeedilyland the victim rear
ries, the disease is entaild upon the children.
vi:io are born with feeblb cnustitutioni, and
the current of life corrupted . by a virus which
betrays itself in Scrofula 4 Tether, Ulcers, Erup
tions and other affections of the skin, .Eyes,
Throat and Lung, entailing upon them a brief,
existence of suffering mid consinguiug 'them
to an early grave.
SELF ABUSE is another formidable enemy
to health, for nothing el 4e in the dread cata
logue of human diseasesleabses so del:tractive
a grain upon the system, drawing its thousands
of victims through a Ow years of suffering
down to an untimely gray i e. It destroys the
Nervous system, rapidiyi,Wastes away the en
ergies of life, causes mental' derangement,
prevents the proper development of the system,
disqualifies tor marriage, society, business'
and all earthly happine.,s, and leaves the .suf
feror wrecked in body aild mind, predispOsed
to eortsumptiou and a t4tin of evils more to be
titeaded time death itseft. With the fullest
cardidenee I assure the I:dominate' victinis of
Self,Atiiise that a perm :neat and speedy cure
can be affected, at.fl watt the.abandotnnent
ruinous practices my, patients- can be restored
to robust, vigorous heat4l. I
The afflicted are cautioned against the; use
of Patent Medicines, fo u r; there are so Many
ingenious snares in the!COlumns of the pUblie
prints to catch and. roil that unwary sulftirers
that millions have their constitutions ruined
' by the vile con:you:v.l4 of quack doctors:, or
the equally. poisonous, nostrums vended as
"Patent Medicines." I have carefully analyzed
mauy of the so called Patent Medicines and
find that nearly all of them cOutain Corrosive
Sublimate, which is ono of the strongest pre
parations of mercury feud a deadly 'poison,
which instead of curing :the disease disables
the system for life.
Th'ree-fourths of th‘ patent nostrums now
in use are put up by unprincipled and ignorant
persons, who do not Understand even the al
, phabet.of the mattrialmedica i and are equally,
as destitute of any knowlAdge of the, humans,
system, haviug one ohject -only in, view, ands',
that to null:: money regardless of consequenn;
Irregularities and 41. diseases bf maleS
feniales treated on Principles established by
twenty years of pratit,ice, and stied by
thousands of the most remarkable cures. sled=
ititneS with full directieus sent to. any part of
the UnltA Stites or Clinatlao, by patien6
coiumumcating their symptorns by letter.--
Business correspoadence striegrecinfidentiaL
- Address. ' 1
01/1.0e 1 N3 - .. ; 'lpl
; (oidtv'o. • 1090
- r
iset,ow TWVLSTII, •
. I
l e rewedie, to i.ue cavi
• thr.Ay,'./ tiic rpuas:L
:rec: Co:.tact
tubcreulLir spatter, :il
l: IL tree and e.isy eXiec
,-; 'purifies the bloou,
• y to the ne:Vogi system,
u.!rgy to iudibpeukaole
I ealui. TO be itbje to
A Large and Splendid
received at
• sortment j
44141.7 . 041 -
- John. S. 'Dlie is the AiaAdr.
Who has had 10 years experienCe as a Bank
and Publisher, and Author of ' 4 7'
seeker - of Lectures , at -Broadway 2cbernaele,
• when, for 10 successive nights, over „,
- r. 10,0011 Peoplet ,
Greeted him with Rounds of Applause,
while he exhibited? the manner in which
Counterfeiters execute their Frauds, And
the Surest and Shortest Means of •1% , '
Detecting them I. I
The Bank IVOle Engravers all.sttm that , he it,.
the grentut Judge of Paper ,Ilite.t/ tering. c
Detecting essztliteilat
Describing - every (innuinelhil irk I Exi.stence,9 4
and Exhibiting at a glance every Conn
- terfeit in Circulation -
Arranged so admirably that REFERENCE !.1
is EASY, Seri 1 , 1-
ga•No imiex to examine! NO pages to'
hunt up! Hut so .simplified and arranged, ..I
;that the Merchant, Banker and Business g I
Man can see alLat a Glance., ,; 0
Thus each may read the Seine in his owns
.tifost .Perfect Bank Note List Published. v
Also a List of ;
A complete Summary-of the or
Ecnorn ANIERICS will be published in each
edition, together with all the IMPORTANT
NEW OF THE DAY. Also • .
From an Old Manuscript found in the East. 8
It furnishes the Most Complete History
of Oriental Life,
describing the Most k'eriiicxing t'oitions in
which the Laxliel and Gentlemen of that
Country have been so often fonud. These
Stories will continue throughout the whole 7-1
year, and will prose the Most Entertaining C
ever offered to the Public. • p-t
ir-furnished Weekly to Subscribers on- 0
lc, at $1 a year, All letters, uittst be ad-c:,
dressed. to
JOHN $. DYE, Br'plzer, C.)
Publislibr and Proprietor, Wall Street, g
New-York. 1.0:1-1y.
From Wellsville, daily at 6 P. M.
From ijkysses, S4turday at 6 P. X. /
From Jersey Shore, Wednesday and Saturday
at 6r. u.
From Wellsboro, Wednesday and Saturday at
Gir. ar. '
From Sinnemahoning, Tuesday at/8 P. sr.
From Smetliport, Tuesday and Friday at 6 P. 11,
From Ceres, Monday and Friday/at G r. u.
'To Wellsville, daily at 7 A. 21:
To Vlysses, daturday at 7 AI
To Jersey Shore, Tuesday and Friday at G A. 11.
To Wellsboro, Monday and ThurSday at G A. u.
To Sinuernabotting - , Monday at
To i;`.:inetliport.,3londay / and Thursday at G A. Ai.
To Ceres, Tuesday and Friday at G A. A!.
All letters, to„be mailed, Must be in the
office the evenia-: beTore the mail starts.
Jane 18, 1857. , •J. M. JCDD P. M.
'f , itiNISION STORE. •
Offers / Cxrep,t InduOements
l_Mthe store formerly occupied d by D. W.
SeENCER, on 3cl Street, North side of Public
Square. i
.eA l good assortment constantly Pi; hand, from ,
w i iiien 1 will enumerate a few of the leading
G.rtleles, such as [
r Sti,, , ,,ar ' Mustard, Candy,
, „
Lootree, Cinnamon, • Nuts
MOlasses, Pepper S'allee, trackers,
, Syrups, • Catsup, • Soap,
Pepper, Yeast, :Candles,
Spice,' _ Oils, Shot,
Ginger, Tobacco, "Lead,
Cloves, Snuff, t'G." Caps,
Cub. Soda, Segars, - P. Tartar,
andlmany other things too numerous to men
tionl will be found iu this depai!tment-, which
iirilli be sold at a trilling advance from cost,
for ready pay. ,
L .
: 1 PRovisioXst
" Cbnstautly on hand, such as
' I ,
and Many other articles iu the iiie of Provi
not necessary to meutiond Also,
! I -
such as Brooms, Wash-Tubs and Boards, Mops,
Dintrier Boxes, LS:c., , which will be sold low for .
Ca4i or ready pay. Oats, Potatoes, Butter,
Eggs, Cheese, and in fact almoSt everything a
farmer raises, will be taken in exchange for
•1 Goods, at their cash value. I I invite tire. at-
I ,
teution of Villagers,. Farmers and Lumbermen
whp desire to make purchases in the above
articles, and solicit them to cat! before, pur
elising elsewhere. E. K SPENCER..
oudersport, June 9, 1857.-IU:2.
1 I NEW - GOODS, .
low Prices and Ready Pay,
THE SUBSCRIBERS are tittering for sale
an entirely new Stock, consisting of
,- • NOTIONS, &c., &C.
, In our selections the wants of all have been
remembered. The Gentlemen Can find in our
Stock of Ready Made Clothing an elegant
Fashionable suit, or, a substalitial HuSines&
suit, and we have Hats & Cap. 4 and Boots 4,
Shoes to Match.
I The Ladies can find fashionable Bonnets
beautifully trimmed, or b ounets-and trimming;
a good. assortment of Dress GoOs, and trim
mings; Gloves, Mitts, Hosiery and Gaiters.—
And, last:but not least, corded; and skeleton
Skirts; also,_Rattans, Skirt-Whalebone and
,an d
Skirt-Hoops; beautiful 'jet Necklaces
}and Bracelets, Corals, Fans, and too many
other things to enurnerate,—all of which we
are selling low for Cash, Lumbsr, or any kind
of Produce. FLOUR, MEAL, FISH &c., con
dandy on.hand.
W. B. .t J. 11. GRAVES.
SlinrOn .Center, Potter C0., 1 Pa., June 5,
ftRANGES ANE LEMONS just received by
V. 1012 IW it J. R. GRAVES.
Proposing Amendments to the
Constitution of the Com.
_ uuonwenith.
ESOL Yi75 ,4 .-.Scnate and House of
'Representatives ;of the Commonwealth. of
Pennsylvania in ,General :Amiably met: That
.the following oatiendinects are proposOd to the
constitution of the cbmtnonwealth,lo aecorifi.
•Ance with the .povisions.of . the tenth article
• There shall be an additional article to said
constitution to be designated as article eleven',
as follows : -
SECTIOU 1. The state may contract debts, to
supply casual de,6cits or failures in revennes,
or to meet
_expenses not otherwise provided
for; but the aggregate amount of such debts
direct and contingent, whether contracted by
virtue of one or more acts of the general as-,
sembly. or st different periods of time, shall
never exceed seven hundred and fifty thousand
_dollars, and the money arising from the area=
Lion of such debts. shall be applied to the
purpose which it was obtained, or to repay
the hobo so contracted, and to no otter par,
pose whatever. w
_s E r4fox 2. In addition to the above limited
power the elate, may contract debts to repel
invaSion, suppress -insurrection, defend the
state is war. or to redeem the present out
standing indebtedness of toe state ; bat the
money_ arising from the contracting - of such
debts,!sliall be applied to the purpose for whack
it was, raised, or to repay such debts, and th
noother,purpese whatever. _ _
Sac'rtoti Except the debt? above specified,
in sections oue and two of this article, no debt
whatever shall be created by, or on behalf of
the scAte-
Sscriu.S 4. To provide for the payment of
the present debt, and any additional debt con- 1
tracted as aforesaid. the. legislature shall, at
its hist session, after the adoption of this
amendment, create a sinking fund, which shall
be sufficient to pay the accruing interest on
such debt, and annually to reduce the princi
pal thereof by a sum not less than two- hune
dred and fifty tabm.and dollars; which sink
ing fund shall consist of the net annual in
come of the publ.c works, from time to time
owned by the state, or the proceeds of the sale
- of the same, or any part thereof, and of the
income or proceeds of sale ;of stocks owned by ?
the state, together with other funds, or resour
that may be ,clezig,nated by law. ' The said
sinking fund may be increased, from tito.e to'
time, by assigning to it any part of the taxes,
or other revenues of the state, not required for
the ordinary and current expenses of govern=
meat, and unless in case Of war, invasion or
insurrection, no - part of the said sinking fund
!MA he used or applied otherwise than ilf , ex- I
thiguishment of the public debt, until the,
amount of such debt. is 'reduced below the
sum of live millions of dollars.
SECTIp.i 5. The credit of the commonwealth
shall not in any manner, or event, be pledged. l
or loaned to, any individual, company, curpo
ration,' or association; nor shall the common-!
wealth' hereafter become a joint owner, or!
stdeltholder, in any company, association,. or
corporation. ,
Secrfus 6. Tho commonwealth shall not as
summthe debt,- or any part thereof, of any
sountyi city, borough, or township; or of any
corporation, or association; unless such debt
-shall have bien eontracted to enable the state
to repel invasion', suppress donieStic. insurrec
tion, defend itself in time of war, or to assist
the state hi the discharge of any portion of
its preSent indebtedness. ,
SLCiION 7. The, legislature shall not author
ice any county, city, borough, township, or
incorporated district, by virtue of a - vote of its
citizens, or otherwise, to become a stockhold
er in any company. association, or corpora
tion ; or to obtain money for,'or loan its credit
to, auY corporation, association, institution, or
hart y.
Thcrepliall ba an additional article to, said
colistituq,m, to be dusignaLnd as art.cle XII,
a fOl/OW3 :
No county shall be divided by a line cuttink
ofr over one-tenth of its population, (either
to form a new county or otherwise.) without
the express tl33c6t of such county, 1)y a vote
of the electors thereof; nor shall any new
county be established, containing less than
Our hundred square miles.
From section Iwo of the firm: article of the
constitution, strike out the words, "of the city
of Philadelpia, and of each counfy re:Tee:in:ly ;"
from section five, same article, 'strike out the
words, ."01 Philadelphia and of the several Coun
ties; from section soven, same artictb, strike
out the words, "neither the city of Philadelphia
nor any," and insert. in lieu thereof the words,
“and no;" and strike out "section four, same ar ,
liar," and iq lien thereof insert the following:
" SECTIOS 4. In the . year onejtpusand eight
.hundred and sixty-four, and in veryseventh
year thereafter, representative to the number
of one hundred, shall be appo tioned and dis
tributed equally, throughout the state r by
'districts, in proportion to the number of taxa
ble inhabitants in the' several parts thereof;
except that any county containing at least
three thousand dye hundred taxsibles, may be
allowed a separate represeutatiiM ; but. no
more tima three, cognac.; shall be joined,. and
no comity siMil;he divided in the formation of
a district. Any city contain i ng a Sufficient
number of taxables to entitle t to at least two
re,ncsentatives, shall have a sepnrate repro
-1 smtation assigned it, and shall be divided into
1 convenient di.tricts of contiguous territory,
of equal taxable population as near as may be )
each of whiCh districts shall elect one repro-_
At Um end of section seven, - same article,
in - sort these wards, "the city of Philadelphia
s ,,,iltbct divided info singlc senatorial districts, of
conkquoas arri:oril -a4 nearly : equal is taxable
ixpulat(on pQ,lsible"; but no ward skull be di
vided in the formation thereof:
The legislature, at its first session, after the
adoption of this amendment, shall divide the
the city of Philadelphia into senatorial and
represceitative distrie!s; in the manner above
provided; such; districts to ,remain unchanged
until the apportionment in the year one thou
sand eight hundred and sixy-fotir:
There shall he an additiorial section to the
first article of said constitution; which shall
be numbered `arid read as follows :
SECTIOS 26. the-legislature shall have the
power to alter, revoke, or annul, any charter
of incor'poration hereafter conferred by, or,
der, any special, or general law, whenever in
their opinion it; may be injurious .to the cid
rens of the, commonwealth ; in such - Manner,
however, that no injustiow shaU be r done -to
the corporator&
. .
: I IN SENATE.: Nara 2 7 ; Mt ,
Roolr:1, That this resolution pass. 9u thg
first amendment; yeas -4,,ttns 7;. n 'the sec'
ona amendnientaens 33, likve 8 ; n
the third
amendm&df, yeas 24;
,isaye 4; on the fourth
amendment, yeas-23, nava 4. 1 .
Apiit 'l'Bs**
• •
Ifesotred, . That this resolution paSs. On um,'
fiat amendment, yeas 78, nays 12 ; len the see
owl-amendment, yeas 51; nays 34; on the third
amendment, yea 4,72, nays 22; oa the fourth
amendment, yeas &t, 119,y3 7. .
[Extract from the JoUrnall i
Filed in Secretary's office, Mar 2,1857.
A. G. ttIR'I'IN,
&treaty*/ the Comr+tereath.
• • •
Sr.CRETAII7% OEl'l4,
llissassono,:.7nne 22, 1857. -
Pennsylvania, as: . •
I do certify that the %bore nod fore g oing is
a true and correct copy, of the original "Bozo-
Intim proposin; tunendinents to the Constitu
tion of the Commenwealth,!' with thej , t•ote in
each branch of the Leqialatureuilon taefinal
passage thereof, as appear.; from the orklinals
on file in this tSca. . 1,1
In testimony whmoo - I hni . e hereun-
EL. S.) - 7 .-- - -
to set nay hand and caused to [ be, ailized
the, seal of the Secrotaq's Office, the day and
year above writtou..l ,
. .
. . ' A. G. CURT '.,,,
~ . .
Seen:arzt of the t7ormetwialt.i.
IN 'ENATE: 2F, 1'857
The resolution proposing' umenclUaeAi to the
Constitution of the Commonwealth heinz un
,! •
On the question, ,1 1: -
Will the Senate agree. to.the fiat amend
The yeas and nays were taken agreeably to
the provisions of - the Constitution, anal were
as follow, viz;
YEAS—Messrs.. Brewer, Browne, Coffey, Ely,
Evana, Fetter, Flenniken, Frazer, lugraan, Jor
dan, Killieger, linos, l l anbaeh, Leliis, Myer,
Seodeld, Sellers, Shuman, Steele,) Straub,
WilLiu3, Wright aulTaggar Btieaker
NA.Ts—lles#3. Crabb, Cresswell Finney,
Gregg, Ilarri4, Penrose and Souther 77. I •
So the question "was determined -in the:
, ,
On the question,
Will the Senate agree to. the second a
mendruent? ' ,
The yeas and nays were taken agreeably to)
the provisions of the Constitution, 4.1 were
us f.3110w, viz: JJ
Ynos-L.liessrs. Brewer, Browne, Cress Well,
Ely, Evans, FetteryFiniiey, Flauniken . Ingram,
Jordan, Knox, Laubrieh, Lewis„ 'Myer, seders,
Shuman, Souther, Steele, Straub, Welsh, Vit.,
king, Wright sld Taggart, Spcaker— . .3. 1
Noss—Us:ism Colley, Cr:lob, Frazer, Gregg, 1
Killiu3nr, Penrose and Seofield—S.
So the question was determined in the
On the quntion, I 1
Will the Senate agree to the third amer
The yeas and nay.> were taken agree3bly to!
the provisions of tue Constitution, and v4erbl
nsTellow, viz :
YEAS Messrs. Ereiver, Browne., Crabh,,
Cresswell, Ely, Evans, Flenniken,,
gram, Jordan, Killinger,Hnox, Laubaeh, Lewi4,
Myer, Scolield, Sellers, Shuman. Soutitetl, t
Steele, Straub, Weigh, Wilkins and Wright 4 1
NAYS—Messrs. Coffey, Gregg, Harris ntild
So the question was determined in the
On the question,
Will the Senate agree to the fourth amend
ment ?
were taken agreeably to
The yeas and nays were taken agreeable v.
the provisions- of the Constitntion, iistd
as follow, : • • .
Ynas Ilessra. Brewer, Bro . Wne,, Coffey,
Cresswoll, Ely, Eralli, Flenniken, Fra : zer,l 14-
gram, Killiuger, Knox, .Laubach, Lewis, Myer,
Sconeid, Salient, Sunman, Souther, Ste.ele,
Straub, Welsh, Wilkins and Itiright-23..
NATs—Motiar3. Crabb, Finney, Jordan and
S ,the question W1:13 detertnineci the
eflinnative. •
The resolution proposing amendments to the.
Constitution of tho uoninionwealth trelitgl un
der consideration, -
On the, quegaus,
Will tae House agree to the first amead-.
The yeas and nap were taken agreeably to
the provisions of tile Constitution, alud were
as follow, viz: !!!
YEAS- Megsrs. Anderson, Arthur,l Back
house, Ball, Beck, Bisnop. Bower, Brown; Cal
.Campbell, Chase, Cleaver, Crawford,
Dickey, Ent, Ester, Fausold, Foster, Ciibbo
ney, liildea, Hamel, Harper, iLi,i , Huistand,
Ilitlegas,Hodinan, (t3erks,) Imbrie,lnnes,
Jacobs, Jenkins, Johns, Johnson, - latilituan,
Kerr, Knight,Leisenring, Longa:ter, Lovett,
Marten', Mangle, M'Calmont, M Ilcain, Moor
head, Mumma. Musselnian, Nichols, Nieholson,
Nunernicher, Pearilon, ,Peters, Petrikin, Pow- ,
nail, Purcell, Ramsey, (Philadelphia) Ramsey,
(York,) Reamer, Reed. ,Roberts, I:apii,l Shaw,
Sloan, Smith, (Liambria,) Smith, (Oeutre,)
4 - enson, Tolan, Vail, Vatroorhis, Vickers,.
Voeghley, Walter, Westbrook, Whartdn, Wil
liston, Witherow, Wrigut, Zimmerman and
Nlis—Me%sr3. Backus; Benson; Ddek., HaM
ilton; Hancock, Dine, Hoffman, (Lebanon.)
Lebo, Squther.s, Thorn, Warner an(LlVintrocie
So the question 4733 determined :in the
affirmative. ,
. On the question,
Will toe House agree to the second amend
ment - 1 -
The yeas ruin nays were taken agreeably to
the provisions of tne Constitution, and were
as follow, viz - •
'Fees-31eLsrs..AnderSon, Backhousd, Ball,
Beck. Bower, Calhoun, Campbell,.Cart, Ent,
Faust)ld, Foster, Gildfa,'lllarnel, Harper,fFeins,
Ileistaud, Hilleos. Hoffman, .(BerkS,) ouse
keeper, Imbrie, Inner,
,Jenkins, Johns, ;John,
son; Kauffman; Knight, Leisenring, Lodgaker,
Lovett, liesear, Isiaugle ; 3l'llvair, lloOrnead,
Musseltnan, Nichols, Sieholson, Ntinemacher,
Pearson, Peters, Petrikin,rowanll; Purcell,
Ramsey; (Pailacelphia,) Ramsey, ( York) Rea
mer, Roberts, Rupp, Shaw, Sloan,'Tolnn,.Vail,
Voeg'uley, Walter, Westbrook, WhartodZim
merman and Getz, Speaker-57: V :-
IC AYS—*essrs. Arthur, Augustine, taeltus ;
Benson,-Bishop, Brown,_Chase, Cleaver,braw
ford, Eyster, Gibboney, Hamilton, Hancock,
.1, th.,Hoffman, (Behation,) Jaeobk Kerr,
Lebo, 31' almont, Mumma, Reed, Smith4Cam
bria,) S
,:th, (Centre,) 'Stevenson, Strtath - er's,
Thorn,- lanvoorhis, _Vickers, Wagonseller,
Warner, Wintrode, Wither= and Wriglit-3-1.
] : So the question wo.s'Aetermined ia l the ar
firmative4. - - - - , ' i • -
On theKuestion, •
Wilitthe House agree•to the third
Th 3 y 3., s and nays were taken agres
theproyisiouo.oi ,ttot•Canotitntion, and wore so
follow, fit : ~ •
= Yiui—Meserii ;Anderson, Backhciale i R lll 7
Beck, Benson, BOwer, Brqun, Calhoun, Camp
hell, Chase,. Cleaver; Cra wford, Rickey. , sot,
Eyster, - remold, Poster, Gibboney, Hamel,
Harper. Heim', Heistand, HM, rillegas,,Hor.
man,:(Berks,) Hoirman, (Lebanon;) Houle. .
keeper, - Imbrie, hum. Jacolls,:ohns,3olunen,
RauTtnan, Zarr."Lebti Longaker, Ltivett, Ma.
near, Itaugle, ArCalmont, Moorhead, liinnsMs.,
Musseltiutn, Nichols, Nicholson', Nunesnacher,
Pearson, Peters, ,Petrikin, PouTall,
Ramsey, (York,) Reamer, Reed,.Rupp, Shair,
Sloan; Smith, (Cambria;) Small,. (Centif,)
Stevenson, Tolan, Vail, Vanvoc bra .Vicker, t
Voeghley, Wagonseller, Westbrook; gnus,
r icuie
Witherow, Wright, -Zimmerman, and IC,
Mira—Messrs. Artitar, Augustiae, Back*.
Bishop. Carti, Dock; Glides, HiMilton; 'Ann.'
cock, Hine, Jenkins, Knight, Lelstinriag, Irn
vain, Ramsey, (Philadelphia4Robeits,Suntii.
ers, Thorn, Walter, --- Warner, Whartou 1 az4 ,
Wintrode-22. - . . • i
So the question was determined in 4us
affirmative. ,
Oa th question, . 1
Will the House agree to the fourti eitnel.l4•
The yeas and nays were taken utreeahlyitt .
the provisions of the Constitution,. end wept
as follow, viz : ,
Ytaz--Mes,sre. - Anderson, Arthur, lßack
holm, Backus, Ball, Beck, Benson, Bishop ' , '
Bower, Brovn,,Calhoun, Campbell, Dirty ' ,
Chase, Cl e arer , Dickey, Ent .
gas ;
Pamela; Poster, Gibboney, Glides,- =el,
Harpeiy Heins, Reistand , Hill, Hille Hoff. '
111ln,, (Berk%) Hoffman, ( Lebanon ,) onto-. ! .
keeper;ltabrie, Lanes, Jacobs, Jenkins, i sdfas,, ,
Johnson, Kauffman. Kerr, Lebo, Leisenring,
Longaker, Lovett, Maness, Ilangle,MCalmont,
M'llvain, Mumma, Musseltaan, Nichols, Nth-I;
olson, Nunemacher, Pearson, Peters, Pe.riklia,
Pownall, Purcell, Ramsey, (Philadelpll) 4 ,l2
Ramsey, York.) Reamer, Reed, Roberts, An' p,
Shsw, Sloan, Smith, (Cambria) Smith, (Cen.,!
treo Stevenson,' Tann, Tail, TalivoorhiS,
Vickers, Vocghley, IVagonscller, Walter; War-
I ner, Westbrook, Wharton; Williston, Witherow,
Zimmerman and Getz, Speaker-83.
ICAY.3--Messrs: Dock, Hamilton,Hancock, '
Struthers, Thorn, Wintrode and right- ! -T.'
So the question was determined - in 'he af- ,
fir - naafi:ye. - . , ' •'- . ,
11Anuses*, June 22, - 1851.
Pennsylvania, 23 . .
I do certify that the above.and foregoing la
a true and correct copy of the '"Ye4 and
Ntiys" taken on the reaolution pliogo3ing
amendments to the Constipation of Alr.K,om
monivealchvas the same appear's on the Jolr
nals of the two Houses of the General4sse*L
hly of this Commonwealth for the 5Q39 . 01 Or
Witness my hand fad ;Bp, seal ,tpt
[/" z
olTice, this turenty-second diy
Juno. one thousand eight hundred. and tiff=
10:5-3m. Secretary ofthe Connonirecilth,
J. p A Tafivlß
DEALERS IN ••' - e
HAVE constantly on, hind an iLlsortment
ILI of Mackerel', Shad, .Herrings,• Codfish,
Beef, Pork, Lard, Shoulders, Hams,' Side;,
Cheese, Rice, ,
April t3,1.851.-9.?*—m.: -
LI) 110
Advertising and Correspondence. o*i,
, 3GO Baoanway, New YORK 4 ,
N infallible destroyer of RATS, WOE,
Al' T 3, GROUND 'AIDE, MOLES.; fit.
&c. [Not dangerous to the HumartlFausily:l
Rats Co not die in their holes, butico e nie but
and die- •
Put up in 2,0 e, 35., 65., $l, s2;e3, and .
$5 Boxes.
Never known, to fail—and used every day
by thousands in New York and elseiThere.
Put up in-' 25e., 50e., 15e, $l, .$l. - 50,
S 2 50,. and S 4 50 Bottles.
- - .
For the dastructiou of Moms, s.lo.lQuiTor,s,.
FLIE4S, FL:::".s, Mawr INSECTS, VeD.P.IN,
FOWLS AND ANIMAL; &c. Vic. 1. • _
Pat up in 25c and 50c. Boxes.
Sold WholciAle and Retail at "COSTAR'S"
NEW YORK, and by the principal DRUG- .
GISTS and DEALERS tinzughont the United
Stater., the canadas, IVtat bulled, ' Ca2iforizie::,.
anti South. America,
gsrOrders must always be accompanied:
by the cash.
, •
e -No goods senton commission. • ,
~..- D "'Sneall Simple Packages' int •hp at the
lowest wholesale prices for first arts in new,
pieces, with Cards, Show Bills, POs
- 4,)• -Packages expressly put up for Ships,
Steamboats, Hotels, Public In.stituticink&c..! .
Va" Full particulars to Wholesale 'Degleri-J
-scales of price; &c. &c., wilt be . ioralliptly
=tiled au appli&tion.
Address "COSTAR"iNo. 388 Broad 4 4.
• • •
every one to write with the greatest ease, ele
gance and rapidity. It has been anardy tested
and permanently established in the Public: -
Schools, of New York, and in the! counting
rooms of our - first merchants. Tice Process
complete, with full directions for use, will :be
sent prepaid on receipt ] of $l. To Pubs or-
Agents, -six copies for $5. ' •
Address LELAND k MACLAUREN; No. 345
Broadway New York. 9:4,3-3nie..-
- usunsumuuntunnumuunm. .401/111111
noENDERS his thanks to the inhahitatits of
Genesee, Oswayo and vicinityil for :their
very liberal - patronage during the past yer,.
and solicits a continance of the saniesPz.
cially from those who have paid him promptl,T.
His resilience is near the Catholic Chcirch ii
Genesee Township. ;10:2-3.',
OME CLOTHING` of Cheney's manufatatnre
1..7 on hand at E. 4. SPENCER'S,
10:2 D. IP.
INK and stap e articles in the Di • Ohm fo
L sale by - 1;0.2.) g. , K. S.
I bly to
A. G