.y r~ ~_• a ~t33. ..~'":i~.,.2~' ~~ R.c zi rvzi:t..sl3 .'h ~ :'S,'7.i:~r'J' .... _.. i ° e-:; . ;:;Lf;. , f.-,:.j.f;J t., iir:::,),:z.;a" r -5,1;_-:•r.c.:-5:.,1 - ',--. ,',' ; 11 PUBIA§E1331j'llIq' '-1 L , ' t/E ' 1 3. 0 t :4T71 - 1:1gliiD" EVERY TIICRSDAY 3.101i/SG ' DT That. S. Chase, ;To -whom.-411.1ettera. , .autl Co . wnnthications 41ConTd:))611.4cliesidd, to. • • Te..ridg -a .846./iid - - 56 . , 1! Each subsequent insertionlefs than 13, < < ~25 tit S9unre'three months, =-- - - -- 250 id: 4.4-„ 1 . 40 ft. nine, cc -p, ,_ cc 'one' - 00 etnle:ind figure wcirk;per"iq., 2 iri4.l*; ; ±3 00 very_ snbseytent,lnsertiow, - :110 Coluthn siz inontils„ . ,- . 7, - - - - 18 00 ; 4 ' :10 00 cd " • - -- " i ,00 • 1. per ,:vear;- ,30 .2 ? 1 0 • f!r - - 16 00 tektlmilitstrator'e or Execiitor'i notice, 200 AnditciesSotices, . , 1 C 0 Sheriffs Sales, ppr.tri9t, • .; 1 50 each, 1 00 'Bushiesseor-Ppifeiiional Cards, each, .not, emeedingt3 1410. per year, _ :1 ; 00 :Special and Editorial .loticeu, per line. 10 grar - Ati: transiereadvertisernent3 intrst: : be ,paid.in advancevrtUd no notice will be taken of adi - ertisements from a distance, unless they . .are'ticebmpaided by the month:' satLiftictory reference. . . . . u~ili~~~ -' ~~~~, • ..... ••• firm:mins, • JOHN. S. 'MANN, ATTORNEY AND • COHNSELLOR AT LAW. Cciuderspprt, will attend the - several Courts in Potter and g Kean Counties. All • business entrusted in his eare,Will receive prOnipt. attention. Office on Main st.; oppo site the Court house. . • :\ F. W. K-NOX: ATTOWTET, AT LAW,Roudersport, Pa., will regularly attend. the Courts in Potter and the'fidjoining Counties. ' 10:1 - ARTEEU.R Cr: OLMSTED; 'ATTORNEY A: COUNSELLOR AT LAW, Cuudersport;Ya., will attend to all business entrustedto.his care, with ,proniptpes -- :nnd .01liue in Temperance Block, sec 'ond floor . rSlain St. 10:1 , ISAAC' BEA'QN. ATTORICEY AT LAW . ,_cßudersport, Pa., will attrui to all business entrusted-to him, with care and promptness. 01Pme.corner of. \Vett and Third its. 10:1 .L. -P. 'W.ILLISTO,N, , ATTORNEY AT LAW, Wellsboro',, : Tioga. Co., Pa., will attend the Courts in Potter and M'hean Counties. 9:13 A. P. CONE; ATTORNEY AT LAW, Wellsboro', Tioga Co., Pa., will regularly attend the Courts of Potter County. • ,9:13 8.. W, . BENTON, AUSVEYOR AND CONVEYANCERp 'Ray )fond P. Q., (Allegany Tp.,) Potter Co, Pa.. will attend to all business in his line, with care and dispatch. 9:33 WI Ki KING, SURVEYOR, DB.A.PTSMAN AND. QONVEY ANCER, SniethPort, M'Kcan CO:; 'Pa., will attend. to business-for: non-resident land hol,dprs, hpon.reasonable terns, .p,eferen eeS- given if :rextirea: P. S.--3111is of any part of the County`made to order: -• 9:13 0. T. ELLISON, pRACTICING.PHYSICIAN, Coudersport, Pi., respectfully informs the citizens. of Abe vil .lneand vicinity thp.t he r protnply rc 'ipprid toall culls for profesifonal services. Office on Main st.,lir health g. foniterly oc cupied by . C. E:sq., _ ffi22 .• C. S. JQNES., LEWIS 3147,5 N.. • -I'JONES, •MANN DEALERS Di DRY GOODS, , CROGRIERY, 'llo.rtiware, Boots & Shoes; ' Groceries : and Main st.,.Coudersport, P. • 10:1 E. :A..' .19NES. • SMITH L . JONES;; ". DEALERS lITDRUGS,IfEDICINES, PAiNTS, Oils, Fallcy Articles; Stationery, :Dry Goods, . Groceries, Ice., Main st., Coudersport, Pa. • .„ , D. E. OLMSTED; DEALER IN DItI7OO . OI)B", — READY-MADE - Clothing, CrOckery; GroCcries,'kE.:, Mailist„ Cputlersp9rt, • -. . 11:qL w; pEAtin,.IN:BO,OKS 1[407 corner 3rtiin -• 100. E.- IL 0.4.4111NGT0N, ifEWg•lXF4,.COdersport., ra.cilaving,ongag.,- ed a window in - Schoornakes , . Jackson's Store will caii7 on the Watelfand . .rpWelry business there. A fine assortnienCor JeAV elry constantly — bn' e liatid: - , :Watekes , and "jewelifettrefullyiepiiiied; is tlic best style, an the 'shortest nottee--all'wOrk;varranted. , • • .• • •••• 97'24 , HENRY '3". O.LISISTEIY ' (succEsson 4 TO. JAMES I)EALEII I S'EOWS,.,TIN sukET . MON - 1V..111117, Main 'st.,'nearly op'posife'ttie dmirt Tfouse, - -COndersporf, Pa. 'Tin; rind Sliert# Icon-WEre taade.to•orderiia goQd style, ort • Fliort notice: • -; •-. .COUDERSII •RT HOTEL;; - P. T.' Proprietor, Cornef.',qf Sinin.fland - Secoiid SEreets,'Coudersrioit, Pot ter Co., PO.. :,•,, • ' ‘• '9:4-1 4" . _ - ; ..101 , E.crA_NY"..B01.1g.t;', . ProprietAT,:Colesbnrg, Poiter Co ., ieven miles:;n9it4h'iiet'ou stersport, on the WellA i ilie Rohd:" -..,..._ 4. 'il ittP_____.'l i - „. ..4,, , ,,.„;,.. tv '1 • •-, . ~....,'"--.."..--*- ---- • ..‘ 7l:i.i ' , ..f.: - ' . IZJ:i."4 .. , ! • .--;.--....,,,,--*-- 4. .• .--;.• ,-..:., i i1 . f.1 .. '-' , s. ..,..4.,. 4 ~,,, . ~. ,_,..,.. k . Z...f ''''. -.'-' "L' --"''' ' ''.47.llll.4 t 6‘l Zt &-*4 1. . "1 0 11 •Vt 1 :: ''..t e 4 ° 414 'l' -.7....4. ' '' '' ' f' t -*. ' ,I'- '' '' C r : ,* *.r .t tr.' . .,.... 1 .:_te 5 ;:14 14 * 4 *, : 1 1 7 5.. " 141 . Z.IS •-• • • ,... --7"::'' ' '‘,.._.: ' l , 'l l '.';':- . .. :'' '' ;'•l f - .4''''''' '''. t i s ,' S: 2- : ! ' 'i. , ' '7 , 'Y ' ' ' :'..l l *** ‘l7, r • 47-0 j; ' lg•k • -..'...--* ' ''' '' - '''''' - ''' A . -_ I -,-,,' ~ r, ..„„ . 4',...,.. . ,.. , 17„ ..lc- , ~.....„,.. 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Ti '; :t t ". - _-'t: ‘ i-4 .'t tt . . - rt ,i , r .!. i", i I.:::. ..' •. , 11 ,-, ........ • . .-1. --• , 1 1 , - _ ..,. -i - - ,• -- - . • - --,-.:-.-•., - I -, ).:-• ..t iLt - r . , --, : , - . . ;7 , •'-'! tt'"tt 111 , - .11 11 ,I•=,_ - - - 7. - .. ''-, ''.• I ' ;' , 7 ; ; 1:' k ' 1 " .. I , • SOIHEF, 31 AKERS- . I ; 2 , , I " - - Ph 1 'loud theta in thiwtsad he found if '-- Sotre-lit - e spot of .haPprground,l. !.• ~,Whpre vill ge pleasureg ,might gtkrotlnd,, Without the .village tattling! , ~ _. How donb : blessed Cult plade would be : - ; Witele" all:might dtvel in lihity,—' Free from the bitter misery ' ': - ' bf gosslifs - enillesS 4i - rattling. - -•: '. I -' , ' Tis m . isluei t . J .. m : • 't -