The Potter journal. (Coudersport, Pa.) 1857-1872, June 11, 1857, Image 4

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uDlu bJL
Tide itatt Spurious DIBUIOCraCy.
3Ve have area* recorded Poyernor
folioCk's approval Of an act passed b 7 II T
late;Terinsylvatiia - legislatnie, providing
for.tbeaaie'_of the main line of: the_pub
lie•works of perinsyl - *ai for a 'S l um not
less. than • $8,4'00,000;' If as . clegrly
watenipl...led by. the law, the. I'ennsylva
eriti Railroad Company makes' the par
chase, the price stipulated is 69,000,09 g;
t 6 - whole amount to be paid in, the five
bonds P oi the - coiipany. Of
thase bonds, F,100,00 will fall due, July_
gity - and 8100,000 annually till
18t30, when $1,000,000 will fall due, and
the same sum yearly until the whole is
paid. ' The - company and its connections
are released frOm the payment 4f 0.1 .
er--taxes or • duties on its capital stock,
bonds, : divlidends or other property,
cept for 9.4, borough, county, township
and school purposes. 'The purchaser of
the. works Fill have a perpetual corporate
succession, but the legislature 11u sew
vqke•the privilege.s. granted for abuse 'of
them, a judicial decree of abuse being
previously had, and full compensation be
ing made to the stockholders if the state .
decide to resume the franchises.
Such a disposition of the main line of
the public - works seems to be in harmony
with that truly democratic policy which
insists on simplifying and reducing, as
far as practicable, the functions of
ernment, and relieving it, of responsibili
ties which can onlY, be properly 'discharg,
e.d by private,- handi; a, policyas . •much
demandea thd interests of the State as
Of individual Citizens, as the corruption
ands mismanagen2ent of the canals belOng
ing to our own' state have, in times past,
abundantly shown. Nothing can be
more incompatible with a pure and eco
nomical administration of 'public ,affairs
than to bestow on the officers of the gov
ernment the power of rewarding numer,
ous political dependants with the remu
nerative p.ositions' which are usually in
the gift of railroad or canal corporations.
tie distribution of ordinary political
spoils is bad enough, without ,the addi,
Lion of new incentives to politieal degen
The course of the 40 Pennsylvania
liegblatnre,- Mitttting rid of a dangerous
and an unprofitable encumheranee to the
State, appears to us, as we have said, a
return to tho trne democratic policy.—
But -we observe that the Washington
,Union, the organ of Mr. Buchanan, has
taken a Stand directly adverse to it, and
propose to rally its followers in the con
ing Oita gleetion under the banner of
f‘4,epear This is but another sign of
the recent politiCal revolution, indicatiog
that in Pennsylvania at least, the party
In opposition, now headed by David Wil-
Tont, .as well in
. its state as its national
latform, is more democratic than( the so•
called democrats themselves.—.Neto York
pening Pest.
SoOal Intercouise.
There is a false necessity with which
we continually surround ourselves—a re
straint of conventional forms. Under this
influence medand women check their best
impulses, and suppress their highest
thoughts. Each longs for a free commu
nication with other souls, but dares not
give utterance to his yearnings. What
hinders? The fear of what Mpg-Somebody
will say;
,or the.frown of some_ sect; — o - r the
anathema of some synod; or the fashion .
- clique; or the laugh ofsome. club; or the
misrepresentation of some political, party,
Thou tul, afraid of thy neighbor, and fnow
t that he is equally afraid of thee.
ge,haa hound thy hands, and thou hest,
fettered his feet. ' It were wiser for both
tos snap the imaginary bond, and walk on.
ward unshackled. -
What is there of joyful freedom - in our
social intercoarse? We wish to enjoy our
aelves and take away all, his freedorri,
while we destroy - our own. If the host
10. ride or walk, he' dare not, lest
should seem impolite to the guest. So,
they_.r.ernain slaves,\ and feel it a relief to
rincompany, A few
individuals, most
gn lands; arrange this matter
lyith wiser wisdom.
If a visitor arrive, they say, I am very
busy to-day; if you want' o work, the men
-are 'raking, hay in the field; if you want to,
romp., the'ehildren are at play in the court;
if you want to read - 0 me, I can he with
yon, at 'Su& -an hour. Go where you
pease, -- and; while you are here; do as you
. ,At some houies in Florence, large par
ties meet without the slightest prepare
.tioa. is understood,that - on some par
ticular evening of the week, a lady or
,gentleman always receive their friends. In
- are books and flowers; in iiuoth
tt pktures and engravings; in a,third
Cuni4Es an! - enseimc -in
shaded ilea", dotted'alinuethe
rooms, in, Mirthful Orserunninonsteisatrion.
NO roan is required:to iiitealt tn,his tost,
either on en tsrisg or departing. Lemon:
ade ia34tatiiets 9t . Aiiksto4. I.lo#'lPl4.
themOntt . he side it5:051444 may_taite
alike; ;)tut* l 2ach 9QPF444Pc._
give: a pail of lyzie i nea4 e4tertai4meat,
is a light 4 . 14 almost unnoticed 'incident
at these festlials llept A nd taste,
Foreign 1,/ftter.i,
... r .GRFA'k : EXCITEMENT .- I
THE at E 117 .1) 0 US R USIA!
Aflother ,Argo; of
. Goods'at '
YOU might as Well undertake to dant up
the waters of the Niagara..with bulrush
es, as to try to'cnnvince the multittde that
there is any other . place in town where they
can get such great ibarguiES in the Sine of •
as•at the 'Old Regulator ! whieh.'hea-So long
been thq.Grcat Emporium. of Trade in this
flourishing MetropOlis. • Now we ,haye come
to the conclusion; that there. is but) , one way
to sell Goods, andithat is.. to let the people
Dow We have the to sell, and sal them at
prices which Will be an inducement, to those
in Want to buy of i l s ; and for this 'purpose we
haie chartered a l celumn in the Journal where
we Intend to keep the people pos as to
What may -beifound at our esta. •
Every body knoWd4(or at Least o know)
where the Old Regulator is ; and fo e bene
fit of thbse Who ddn't know, and who wish to
know, we wilVjuitl inform them that it is lo
cated right on the' I
• • , I
-1/Api 1 10-4D2
only a few rods rom the Depot, and is always
open flustorneri and all who wish to . save
25 per c int.' in paichasing the necessaries of
life; fort it is,the only place in town where
you can expect to have a /ink change left after
purchasing your necessary Supplies, notwith
starding the common assertion of 'every •dne
that they sell: chn4er, than their. neighbors,
,13re"• - don'ti boast Of ',Selling goods'. at or 'below
cOti.tit Wec•lifiN : e' 4 aciptt-d.:O . c put standard to
4. ‘ Live afi .-and: -to sell'as • WOO .
'the cheapest;:fOr4When people' advertise to.
sell below cost, YoU may easily, conclude that
I they are Only " throiving out bait." In order
that the people may know what we keep to
seel, we will enumerate a few of the most im
portant articles,
! l ining our stock of 9roceries,
will at once come-to the cell
ettea and more complete as
' be found in this section, con-
Any one exa ~
we are confnien
clusion that a b
iortnaent canno
sisting of
i COFFEE,I ' . :
. .
1 , 4
MustatA, Saleratun, Cinnamon, Pepper-Sauce,'.
Catsup, Yeast and Soap, Powders, Vinegar,
Oil, Camphene,lFittid; Chewing and Smoking
Tobacco, Snuff; Segars, Candy, Nuts, Raisins,
Crackers, Reuing,' Soap, Candles, and an end
less Variety ototlier articles 'whirl') it is un
necessary_ to mention, may lie found in this
department, and 7hich will be sold - at a trif
ling advance from cost to ready pat.
- I - • • •
Just take a look at our large•stoek of Pro
visinns, and see if we have not got the where
with to relieve the numerous wants of the
needy, and endugb:to keep You all from starv
ing through the Ong and dreary winter. It
is impossiblelor us to enumerate one half the
articles we keep, in a single .advertisement,.
but we will mention a few of the most impor
tant, which mriy be found in abundance and
in great - variety, consisting of
• • • OATS,
- . BEANS.:
I 1 • • • SALT,
and a host of other articles in the line of pro
visions. Also kept constantly on hand agood
assortment • .
such as Brooin., Washtubs and Boards, Mops,
D.inner Boxes, Brashes, &c., together with ,a
gerieral assortment of Stone Ware, which we
will sell very chea'p for cash. A-general in
vitation is extended-to all, the people
of Potter - .County in partipulai to, call at the
Old Regulator hefard purchasing elsewhere:
Wellsville, Dec.1.6,`18-5_6.-9
c (1 Yoll . N i GiAlES TO ACT as Local and
el, u Travelling Agents, in a business ea
sy, useful and hnnorable, ; at a salary of $lOO
per month—a capital Of $3 only required.—
No patent medicine or book business. Full
particul ra.given free to all who enclose a
postage stamp or a three r eent, piece, and ad
dress D. P. 411ANIVON &Co.
t:47-. tlJ Atkinson Depot; N. H.
vpipi REAS.,l,qtters of. Administration to
V _Ole estate lof RUPUS A. FREEMAN,
late County of Potter, deceased, hare
been granted to the' undersigned, all persons
indebted to said eitate are requested to make
immediate payrcient, and those having claims
against the•same, will present them duly au
thentidated for payment to the subscribers at
tilYsseb,•Pbtter Co,, -
• • • JERRY W.• PREF:Ai AN,
May 2.1, 18.0. Administrators.
. ..
WHEREAS Letters of Administration to
c the esiato o£ DANIEL EIGLEY,.Iate of
the B ounty of Potter, deceased, have been
granted to the u.nd6signed, all persona ifidebt
eA toaid estate are reqinsted to make ini-
Medite- payment,! and those' haying :claims
agaitst the same rill picient them duly au l
then icated for payment to the subscriber at
Hebron Putter 004 Pa._ ' ' 1
_: j 1 POLLY G. HIGLEY', .. I
/day 23,18'57.1 1 ~ ; Administratriz
. .., i . ,
''* -
`• ''''' tit - manna sums
.Expixtes and Fier; A'aezas issgedOut of the
CCliirt . of Common Pleas - off'ottet : Co., - .Pealla-1
and to t o o-4ircted; I shalt .expoie to public
•sale or outcry; iit the cooit Louse in! the Bor
ough of Coudersport; on Blondaythe 15th clay
at o'clock, A. M., the follow:.
irtg. descrihed real,estate, to wit;
. . - •
Certain real estate situate in Eulalia Ip,,
and:Borough of Coudersport, Bounded 'on the
north.hy the Jersey Shore Tnrnpike Boad,on
the east by Nathan Woodcock and east tine
ofwarrant 2123, South b!. lots of . W. B, Ger_
dinier l , and A. •F, Jones, and west .by A. F.
Jones, and W. T. Joned, containing -109
acres, of which there is about eight acres im
proved, with one'frame hoUsa and frame barn
thereon. •
Seized, taken in execution, arid to be sold
as the property of 'Daniel F. Ellsworth, rind
John - Crittenden.l
ALSO—C,ertaiti real estate situate in Gene-
see ToWnship, Potter Co.; Pa., Bounded on
the north by the lands of Harry east by
lands of_ the the
Estate, south' by lands
of Versel Dickinson and S. Preston, and west
by the Oswayo road and lands of Harry Ellis,
containing forty acres 4 with about fifteen acres
cleared .uith one frame tavere•diousti and two
frame barns thereon. - , •
Seized, taken , execution,' and to he sold
as the property of. Thomas Keeler.
ALSO—Certain real estate situate in Gene
see Township, Vette': Co., Pa., Bounded on the
north by the 4ew York and Pennsylvania
Slate Lint, on the east by lands, of .Gannon
Chambers, south by Bingham lands; and west
by lands of C. Leach, containing two hundred
ana seventy acres, of which twenty-six acres
are improved,with one log house and one log
barn thereon.
Seized, taken in execution and to be sold as
the property of Patrick Burke.
ALSO-Certain real estate bounded and
described as follow's, to wit: ,Situate in SW-e
-den Township,. Potter Co Pa., Bounded 'on
thp north Bingham lands, east by Bing
ham landssbuth by lands of James Fisk and
seating Estate, and west by Bingham lands,
being,lot No, 57 of the allotment of 'Bingham
lauds' in, said. Townihip, containiig, eighty
tides more less ffkeen. acres improved
with one:log house; and"-one Int Stable tbere on.
Seixed, takenlii execution, and to be sold
'as the - property of Stephen Redsnn and Jona
than Bedson. ,
ALSO—Certairi real estate situate in Alle
gany and Genesee Townships, Potter Co. Pa.,
Beginning at a 1 post at the south east Corner
of lot No. 3, standing in mirth line of lot
number five, thence north' one degree, east
ninety perches and, one tenth to a post, thence
south eighty nine and three fOurths degrees,
east, on the south line of lot No. 23, two hun
dred and -eighty perches to a post, thence
south on the west line of lot No. 21, ninety
perches and one tenth of a perch to a 'post,
thence north eighty nine and three fourths
degrees, west on the north line of lots No, 5,
6, and 7, two hundred and ninety perches and
five tenths of a perch to the place of begin
ning; containing one -hundred and ten acres
and nine tenths of ait acre more or less with
the usual allowanceS of six per cent for roads,
being lot No. 4, of the allotment of the lends
of the Fox Estate; with ninety acres iinproV
id, two frame, dwelling houses, one frame barn,
and two apple orchards thereon.
Seized, taken in execution, and to be-sold - '
as the property of Samuel Rogers.
ALSO—Certain real estate situate in Hee--
0r Townshity, Potter Co. Pa.,"Bounded and
described as 'follows, to wit: on the north by
- Unseated 'lands of- Bingham Estate, east by
lands of Henry Haines, south and. west by
Biaghath 'lands, containing 50 acres, being lot No. 10 of the allotment of lauds of H. H.
'Dent, in Hector Township, and part of war
rant No. 1796.—ALSO—one other lot situate
in Hector Township, Potter Co. Pa., Bounded
north by Bingham Lands, east by Bingham
Lands, south by lands-of Hunsucker and Gar
lock, west by lands formerly of Jesse John
son, contaniing 90 acres and nine tenths of
an acre, being lot No. 77 of the allotment of
lands of. H. H. Dent, in said Township, and
part of warrant No. 1788,, of which fifty acres
are improved, 6 acres-chopped, with oneframe
house.„ two frame barns and fruit
trees thereon.--ALSO-Limp other lot Bound
ed north by lot formerly owned 'by Henry
Haines and Bingham Lands, east by Bingham
Lands, south b 3 Bingham Lands and lands
of H. 11.. Dent and west by Bingham Lands,
. 100 acres, being lot 33 in
Hector Township and part of warrant No.
1354, of which 25 acres are improved, with
one log house, one -saw-mill and fruit trees
thereon.—ALSO—one other tract, situate in
Hector and Ulysses Townships, Bounded
north, east, south and west by lands of the
Bingham Estate, coo:alai:1g iv° ac: es ' being
lots No. 148 and 153 in-Ulysses and llectcir
Townships, Putter Co. Pa., and part of war
rants N(0260 and 1800.- - --ALSOope other
lot, Bounded north by Unseated lands, east
by lands of Henry J. Leach, south by laltds
-01 Hunsuckor and Garlock, and West by C.
Loucks, ,containing 100 acres, of which twen
ty-acres are improved,. one fraine house, and
one frame barn thereon..
Seiied, taken in executicm, and to be sold
as the, property of Cameßus Loucks, and C.
11. .Loucks.
ALSO-- . -Certaln real estate situate - in Alle
gany Township, Potter Co. Pa., Bounded on
the north by lands of A. Presho; on the east
by the lands cif roe and Blips, south by the
lands 'of Jolla Hags., and west by- the lands
of Luke Darling, contarning orie hUndrectand
twenty seven acres and six -tenths of au' acre.
About fiftyacres are improved, oa which are
erected one frame dwelling house and one
frame barn. .
- Seizedi - taken in execution, and to be sold
as thop`toperty of Urial Atwood.
ALSQ—Certain real estate situate i n . Ilec
toi. Township, Potter Co. Pa., 13Ounded on
the north byy unseated loads, east by latids of
Thomas 'Lamiing ; south by lands of Melvin
artin and west by lands of the Bingham 'Es
tate; containing one hundred and ten acres,
of which' about fifteen acres is improved, with
one f`paine house and some fruit trees thereon.
—ALSO—another lot - Situate iu said' Toi;i7l
- Bounded on the north by the Highway
called , .Genesee Fork road, east -by, Francis
Strang, south by- A. P. Cone, and west by It..
Sunderlin, , containing one half of an acre of
Beized, takeh in execution, and to be sold
as the propertyl of Henry Eivay.
- I
ALSO—Certain real estate situate in Clara
Township, Potter Co: Pa., Beginning at . a
hemlock tree - for a corner, being the. N. W.
corner of the lot origindlly sold . to Worden,
then north 352 pole 3 'toe beech' tree, being
the south coiner (SC. Byam's - purchase, thence
east 232 poles to a corner in the east line of
said Ridgway's• land, then& south ou said mist
line` '3s2.'poles to a post corner iu said east
line, thence west 232 poles to . the . of
ginning;=:conthiping 51p acres of land being
part of warrant No. 59d4. - , -
• lecntioni and tO ld
lia 7 tlinprOpetty s iiTPester. ReynOldi t.W
uid , T.
• ALSO—Certain real , Listatetitinte in Gen-
eseeTciwrarliip, :Potter c0..Pri4.. - Bortrided
the -north: by , then land .of- W. ! T. Jones, L.
Pants and-Jokr.Cityenairgh, °lithe the
land of V. Dickinson and, on
thO 's.9 l2 th - hy the londs of John Reulrhow and
Wine Keech; on the vest by Are lauds of W. W.
Jones • and ,Plants, -;containing ninety „four
acres, with about fifteen acres improved, and:
erected.thereiin One-frame barn, ; -
.Seized, taken in ezeention, and to be sold)
as the property of .S. - G.-Ronse.. - - . I
.1 1
ALSO—Certairi real estate situate in Alle-1
gany Township, Potter Co. pa., Boudded on
the north and' east by - unseated laud; on the
south by lands 'of Nathan , Cobb, and on the
west by landsi-of T.,B.Collar, containing one
hundred - .acres; abeniti forty acres of which is
improved, with two log houses, • one - frameharn, one log barn, three log seds and an
apple orchard thereon. •
Seized, taken in execution, l aird to be sold
as; the property of Luther Cobb. -7,
ALSO-Certain ieal r estate situate in Pike
Township,. Potter Co. ra:,:BoUnded on: the
Mirth by'lot No. 'l4, on the east by lots Nos,
and,3s, on the south by lot No. 22 and
unseated lands of the Bingham Estate;atid ou
the' west by unSeated lands and .by lots 13
and 36; being lots loos. hand 12, of sub-di-:
vision of lands , of the'Bingham estate in said,
-Township; 'containing .one hundred and -1111y 1
five acres, of which about fifty acres are im
proved.. .On it are three frame houses, two
frame bards, one saw-mill -and some fruit
trees,—ALSOLot No: 36, situate in Town
ship, County and State aforesaid, bounded on
the north and east by rot:No. 14, on the south
by lot No, 13 and unseated lands, on the west
by unseated lands and lot N.o. 15, containing
101 acres of which about twelve 'acres are'
improVed. Oa it is one log house, one frame
house and one fiame barn.
Seized; taken in execution, and to be sold.!
as the property of Elijah Johnston.
ALSO-, Certain real estate situate in
gang' Townsttip, Putter Co. I&i., bounded
tut: north by lands of Johnson and Jour., on!
the east by lands of A. P. Couc, on the south!!
by - Jan:Ls of John6na, •on the west by Linda of
S..P. Lyman, containing ninety tire acres, or
thereabouts; about twenty: of which is
pCoyed, with one. log house and oine r log aza !
• Beized, - taket solid!!
:as the propertYl - of William, „Bcrantoo• and!,
SchuYler Scranton.' '
414§Q--Oertain real estate situate in Ilec-1
tor Township, Patter Co. Pa., Bounded on they
north by lands .af 11. Loucks,. on the east by!
lands of H. C. Leach, and south and west by
lands ofllunsucker and Garlock, containing!
fifty acres of 'which - about four acres are ina-i
proved with one . frame dwelling house,
Seized, taken jin execution, and to be sold
as the property qt' Matthias Young...
..11,S0--Certain real estate situate in He
bron Township, Potter Co. Pa., Bounded on
the north by the lands of Daniel Clark, east,'
south and west lby lands of Fox, coLtaining
about forty - acre A, of which five acres arc im
proved; five acres chopped, and one frame
house thereon.
--- - .
Seized, taken in execution, and to be Sold
as the propel ty of Philo 8. Baker.
'ALSO—Dertoin real estate sitttate in Alle
gany Township, ;Potter Co. Pa., BOunded on
the north by lands of Taylor, • east by unseat
ed lands-of Fox and AciSS, sontl4 by lands of
John Glace, and west by lands of Frederick
Dasher, containing abbut four hundred acres
of land, -about twelve acres of which is im
proved, with one frame bairn, one log house
and some fruit-tikes thereon.
!Seized, taken in execution, and to be sold
as the property of Michael Gross, ! "
.ALSO—Certain real estate situate in Gen
esee Township, 'utter Co. Va. Bounded oa
the north by th y ' lauds of S. ou
the east,' south and west by the estate of M.
'Jolley, containing six acres and- one fourth
of an acre more br less.
Seized, taken in execution, and to be sold,
as the property of
ALSO—Lerari Fan ...—All that or e-and-a
half ;story house, and oue-and-a-hitlf story
shop appurtemint - thereto, situate in the
Township of lieitesee, Potter Co. Pa., on a
farm lately owned by Mdses L. Sears and by
him purchased Of \i'm. Cobb, anCbeing, on
the State Road leading from the{; Genesee
Fork through the 'Township of 16ghain in
said County, Bointded west by latt4 of Ea
ton, and west b f I.ind of house or
building being 1 d teat front, with f;tyings on
each side of ten ,feet each, extending back
two feet, makidg it forty feet in the rear—
and the said sliop being sixteen feot...kotiare,
and the lot or piece of ground and ' . ,:curtilage
appurtenant thereto described as Aollows---
Commencing at the road four feet wkst of the
shop running northerly nine rods, then east
erly_teu rods, then southerly nine tibils,.then
along tile road ten„rods to the placeslbegin
Wing. 7
6et.:ed, taken, in execution, and ha soh
' and tta sold
th, the property Of Moses Le, t'3..ars.
Certain real estate situate in the of
Eiiisburg, Genesee Township, Potteg; Co. Pa.l,
bounded and described as follows: Beginning
at the Center of the road leading frdtn Wells=
ville to Oswayo at the corner of 1144sey
lands, thence running North 55,1 de&-ces west.
four perches to Betsy Ellis land, thence north
68) degrees west fo i urteen poles to Betsey El:
lis lands, thence south 151 . degrees west fire
poles to .BetseyyAlis land; thence sputh
degrees east foytrteen.pores to the'eentefof said
road, thence north 481, deg. cast teb.4ni.l three!-
tenths poles by the center of ,said . r4d to the
place of beginning; contitining (intl.] hundred
and eighteen and eight-tenths perelMs of land,
on which are erected one 'store-hOuse, two
frame dwelling houses and one frn r ine barn,
'arid witli.soine fruit trees thereon. 11
.Seized taken hi execiition, and toThe sold a.
prolierty of Win. Perry.
A. C. - TAGGAII.T,SIierifI;
Coudeiport t May 28,' 1857.
. • flotice.
Sarah Willet, 1 .No. 63 Deceinber term,
by her nekt, friend,l 18, , 56. 3' 4
David D. Smith, 0- 1 libel in Divorce
vs. I Iso, Elbert 4. Willa,
Elbert J. Willet. j.. 11 spondent.— I,'ltcreas a
Subpcena. and 'a li as Su
_ . pcena havin peen is l •
sued in this case, and licturned by t e Sheriff
. Sitiii, you are heiehy notified that a plicatioh
will be made at,the nfrxt Court or. Common
Pleas for a Divorce, at 'which time
„tu can ail;
tend if you think prop r. ' ' I
A. C. TAGGART, Sheriff:
r May 18, 1857.-tc. .. - '. •• - • • .
NEW A.llll, G.1.131, - .E
ULE. undersigned having bought: out. all
former owner's of the Le*iswille Steam
Mill are now prepaFed to'do all; mannei.
o l f grin4ing, as they b,eiiove, to the satisfae;
tion.of their customers. oin . e and see. . I
-; IJlfssce , Feb. 28, /857.-9-38.,
mku - ouARTERELL
-- tiethod
fornung 84sari rfriendi that theyuie
eeipt of , and are ' now opening ; o chore and
desinible stocicoY
... , . .
to which they invite the attention - of all svho
desire to make purchases - Oar stock is large
'has been selected with great care, and is par
ticularly adapted to the wants of this section
of our conistly. ' Our stock of Dry Goods con
sists of I . • ' .
—• = I - • OL THS, CA.S;.:iiMRES .
- - ' r . YESTINGS; DO.
- -
(( v.
• Ti SIERY, SHAWLS, . . .
and a yarlety of. other articles, too numerous
to mention;' e have also a complete assort
nieni or i • • • - - •
. • 1 1 1 CROCE:ERA" ; .
all of which Fill be sod uncommonly cheap
for ready pa,q, and fur approved credit on as
reasonablO terms as any other astablishment.
Millport; Aug. 11,1856.=9:13 ly.
- 438 IBroonie street;
One Door 'Ea* of Broadway; (Lite 468 Broad
tray,) NEW -YORK, . .
(i l stabli.Thed 1833.0 .'•
j_ NVPP examination of their great rari
ety arid Superior assortment of CHAIRS,
Jnaniifacture k 1 at their own establishment, and
1 under theirimmediate observation and diree
-1 tion, including
-Imloraeings - the most complete -assortment,
end ..choittC4 kinds for Parlors,,Drawihy Rooms,
Chanibens,lrardens, Libraries, Counting Mouses,
Officcs, Fab ic Institytioni, Dentiits, Barbers, 4-c.,
together wtth every desirable sort adapted to
the comfort, convenience and luxury of the
Sick, the Aged, the Infirm , the Lame and Lazy.
In pointiof ingenuity of design, elegance of
finish, -qua,ity and richness of material, faith
fulness of execution, durability and cheapness,
these chahs are unsurpassed. For. them, M.
W. KING IS SUNS were awarded the first and
only Vrize Medal, and the faculty recommend
them as tnr preferable•to beds or couches for
patients itincted with Spinal Asthmatic or
Bronchial lailections.
To either arm- of the. chair may be attached
a convenient reading or writing DESK, and any
combination desn'ed will -be manufactured . to
to utter,
A Circular with explanatory cuts, will -be
sent by Mail if requested, and orders (with re
mittanceS ) 'promptly forwarded to any part of
the - world.
_ -1 /1
An Arm Chair, Reclining Chair, Couch and
Bedst.(l, (co:dui:it:li osn,) is susceptible of
twelve ifferent positions.or chi ii to meet
the varied rennirernents for coinfort, conveni
ence, luxitry and economy,
(in. space as '‘yell
as price.) Whether in sicknesi or healli, thi
celebnifed CHAIR "as you Liiill C.X.CCii in
many reipects, any chair perhaps ever manu
factured-in this or any other country.
_ .
The jirice varies from ,P t ilecil to, iitir. Del
liirs. according to finis 4.
To Public institutions, as wsilas i to
uals, tli is, CHAIR Is Very article
and \vill be supplied nunfuer en th
most Itberal terms!' 4.\,p!•1: to or address
/ M. Nc". KING 1; SON,
438 Broome St., One door ea,t u 1• Br,:atlwa
w VOltiC, (bate 4(.; Broadway. 9:44-1v
ISOM' LIST- -RrivE„T.Z.E2I, 1857.
Pott;er County, ra. E. John on ,
N. Dills, oC. John Crittenden,
ee of
Martini Musto.
Rawson Harman, vs. A. B G:
Bar som Shat. es. Owc
.J. B. Smith, Jo-icpil Smith and F. Penn
C. Evelyn. Jr.. ( .111.111, et ai,
G. W. M. Ileisti r, vs. R.ll.
Whartqn - School District, t v. Julius Johnson.
J. Pierce. use of Doty & Doty, va;.F. Cale.
Leyi Annis. vs. W. T.. Jones, •
Wtirren Smith, vs. F. B. Brooks. -
Hoke. Cushing, ay. Beajaaniu Bursa - and .4.
AnslCy. •
Samuel Haven, vs: A. M. Bentoti.
Vesta C. by her next friend A. Young,
vs. C, P. Dike.
\\ T. Jones, - v.l. N. V ..Jatiksort and Eli Rees.
Thomat; D. Lillie, vs. Courtright, et al.
1).4 ZzlE. IV. ChappeL'vs. S. IL Martin.
Same, is. S. 11. Martin and James Martin.
S. Sheppard, vs. George WI Lewis.
Collins!Smith vs.'ld. S. Carpenter.
Prtortiourany's ()man, 1
GunderSport, April 27, 1857. f
WR P LE 41 the. lion.
ridTdgeandtheg. Joseph
Maths and 4. G. Colvin, Associate Judges of I
the Courts of Oyer &Tertuiner and General Jail
; Delivery, Quarter Sessions of the Peace, OrPh- ,
ansl Court and Court di' Common Pleas for the
' County !of Totter,. bare
. I.4sued, their precept,
bearitigdate the thirtieth day of April, u.
the •year, cit our Lord mie thousand eight lmn
dred, fifty-seven, and to me directed, fo.
Court of Oyer and Terminer and
GeneraliJail Delivery, Q.iarter Sessions of rthe
Perice, Orphans' Court, and Court of Comnion
iO the Borough ofCoudersport, on MO`-
the 15th day of Jane next, and to eon
• . •
Unite one week.
Xottlee is therefore hereby given to the Cor
onersJuStices of the , Peacc and - Constables
withinthC county; that•they be then ;Ind then
in thejr : Proplit persons, at - 10 o'clock A. :11; or
Saidday, livith their rolls, records, hiquisitions,
extiminations, and other remembrancei, to do
these things. 'Which to their offices appertain
to die 'done. And Those who are bound. by
their reco,grozances to prosecute agitiiist the
prisoners that'are.or shall be in the jail of .._%).:(1
county of Potter, arc to be then and there to
-prOieente against theni as will be just.
Dated it, COLTDERSPoRt, APRIL 30TEI, 1857.
and .the 8 1 1 st year of the Independence of the
1 1 .
'.w 600D8---A. Fine Assokment just
received at • 01,116TEMS. -*
-,- THEN/444 1 1 1 E Vilil i ro4: .I'.; .-
- ,i .., , f ~ • ' •
ne : CYjia:Ziesi gal gltid..4 o viest :itifo c ii i .,'
-Y ad'' ill , ' - th6 vii )rld" . - ; , It s i
7 .
r_ ,
• -
, i,:p.• , • 1 •• -
sin ms
,i;isdnritt x d•
DIAGSZLN eldse*l. its arst:xolumel t n had ;
Aex t,.... During the, few . ,„'nrlef montlAs of Rs ex.
tencb lattArite:d a.tioptpZirit,* un t ei tta t e e
in the. annals orthe Press, „
The publishers . haying !. offered•libera p re ; '
miums for choice literaryeTeits,flie Sie' r ie s
Romances, - neays, l Poetry, and _ether apa s h:
ling and'interestlng : reading Was commenced.
in January'lasti and• - being AIR publish?
ed in the Visitor:l, '... - • .
The New Volume Willbe cininericed'inn-'
ly 1857,• greatly ) .thipioved and enlargell.,..,
Bach number,will - coutairi thirty-two exits,
large sized royal OntaVo .p - ages, makings iitag.''
uificent Volume. oc• 'nearly 400 • •priges for. the;
year—or presenting •an ninount, of. the e h ol .. '
cest reading on all_sulliects, equal to whit
would cost in thel book stores at least fay
cents, paYable - invriably in adiance. •- `
Some of the moot popularand brilliant mm e .
and female contri utera. aye regular contri,
bUtors and the pu, 'fishers will spare no piti es '
or expense to render the ." Welcome ',lrisit s ti
every. Way acceptable to a refinedintern.
gent community. ,1 -, • ‘ • •.. ~
The publication'• is adapted tO.all classes or
people-.the young and, the old—rand - Where,: •
ever seen and - peril. Sed,... , Meel& with. universal;
acceptation.-. ',... it
~ „.,• _ , , ,
ger Now is. the'-tibrie to subscribe to'llit
New Volume; - .Iniij, -- - - - - . ' ,- „
*** The back' mbers , may be ad . .(i 4
complete sets) folll 3 cents each, .or th,n,0 0 4 . - .
, t
series,tof 12 tiximb!ers for , T UTE ti i tr. Or o cents.
Liberal indueements to Clubs.and Can't
vassers: • ' L. - ; - -
g&"Remembe 'f,, our terins are,rFifty cents.
for one year, for 4 single copy, or three cop,
les will be sent Under one cover' or addressfor
One Dollar..l . i i • Address, _ _ -•!: , •
C 0 S DEN.. 4.t- COMPANY,
Nol 38 North SeN-441 Street,
(up stairs,) Phila4elphia, " 10i1-1y
• will find a suriply at ' • .
9:43 :JtINES,
, 1 .
'TONES, M.ANN t I I JONES, pay Ake highest
market, price [for all. kinds of Produqe..
• - •
. .„.,„•,.,), . .. •
- ! .
p1 1 •.•.;f1 I L 1,1 1 / 4
FOB AUL , THE . 1 rimposzt or. A'
I .
../. ' - - '
Tenitn his ion existed - a public demand for an
effettive purgative pill which could be relied on as
sm,d and perfectly safe in its operatioh. This hai l
been-Prepared to eet that demand; and an exten
sive trial of its virtues-has conclusively shown witli
/what success it accomplishes the purpose designed.
It is easy to makd a plifisical.pilt, but not easy to
make the best of all pills— one which should ham
none of the objections, hut all the advantages, of
every other. • Thisllhas - been attempted here, and.
with what success we would respectfully submit to
the -public 'decision. ; It has been unfortunate for :
the patient hitherto; that almost every purgative
medicine is acrimonious "and' irritating to the bow
els. This is not. Many of them produce so much
griping pain and revialsion in the system as to mete
than counterbalance I tli - e - 'geed to le. derived from,
them. - These pills produce no irritation or pain,,,it arise from a previously existing obstruc-:
tioa of deraw , emeht lin the bowels. ' tieing purely vegetable, no harm can arise from-their use in any
quantity ; but it is better that any medicine should,
be taken judiciouSlyJ Minute directions for their
use in the several diseases to which they are ap:
plicablo are given on the bex: • Among the-com
plaints which have been speedilycurod by theft', we
may mention Liver Complaint, in its various Tonne
of Jaundice, Indigestion, Languor and Loss of Ap,
petite, Listlessness, Irritability, Bilious I HOtiar-bA
Bilious Fever, Fever and Ague, rain in the Side
and Loins ; for, in truth, all these are but the con=
sequence of dileased - action in the liver. As an
1 aperient, they afford ;prompt and-sure relief-in Cos
tiveness,riles, Colid, Dysentery, Humors, _ Scrof
ula raidScurv3V Colds with-soreness of -the body,
Ulcers and impurity of the bliVtid i in- sbortiany
and every case where a purgative is reqUired.'..
They' hare , :LW; produced; some rsingulorly suc
cessful cures in Rheumatism, Poet, Dropsy, Gravel,
Ervsipelas, Palpitation of- the-Heart, Pains in the
BaCk, Stomach , and ;Side.,, They should be ,freely
taken in the spring df the year ,: to purify tliellood.
mud prepare the system for the change of alarms.
AA occasional dose, stimulates the •storhaelOand
bowels into healthy laction, and reatores.tbeapper
tite and vigor. They purify the blood, and.hy.'ihN,
stimulant action -on the cii etilatory system, retie
vate the strength of the - body, and restore the
wasted or diseased energies or the whole organism.
Hence an occasional dose is advantageous. eves
though no serious derangement exists; but a
necessary dosing Should never be carried too tar,
as every purgative medicine reduces the stser4o,
when taken to excess. .The thousand cases in which
a physic is required Cannot. be chunierated here, but,
they suggest therriselies to the reason of cies/
body; and it is 'ciaiiSdently believed this , pill will
answer a better purpose than any thing which has.
hitherto been available to .mankind. .)Vherilhei'
virtues are once known; the public will no linger
doubt what remedy to employ when . in needl.ef-a
cathartic medicine, Being sugar-wrapped they are
pleasant to take,rand being purely- vegetable, no
harm can arise from their 12 8 0 in any qUantity.
For minute directions see wrapper oh the 136:
'II'EI'AR.ED, BY : - , . ,
er' AMES- C.. AVER,
rtactical and Analytical Chemist
. , .._ .
LqwtiLL, MASS. ' '
Price 25 Ceiatsdcee Bon._ -Five :Ems. fir $4
'": • •-,
EOUGJIS. l'011)S 116 iftSENESSi.
, . • .
RRON.1:111TIS, 31110.0PING4:QUGlic
Tate remedy has won for itself such noteriety
from its cures of every varietyotpulmonary dist*
that it is-entirely unnecessary to -recount . the. 01
dences of its virtues_ in ,any eurnmaniq where it been employe.d. 'So wide is tho-field of its use
fulticas and se numerous the.; aSes "of 'its ' coris,
that almost"CCOry scctiori Of -the 'CO - ditWf s • llls u l2s
i e n persons ho have bectr.restored •
.roni alnrrnum and I even 'deaPciate diseases 'of"Abe
lungs by its use.` When once tried its stye/lentl
over every other; in dicino 'of. its 'kind N toe appar
ent to'escape obaerVatien, and whereits virtues are
blown. the puhlicUo longer hesitate what antidote
to employ fur the disttessmr and dangcrotis Offee!
Cons of the pulmbeary °maps which are incident
to our climate. j And not only in. formidable at
tacks upon the luegs, but!for the milder varieties
of coLns. COVERS, lloaatssivnas, &c. ' • and 'for
CHILDREN it IS the pleasantest and tafestniedietni!
hatian tie Obtained; - • • I
`As it has long been in constant use throughout i
this section, we,'need not do more than assure th a t
people its quality.ishopt 'tip to the-best-that:it iresi
has been,andthat the genuine' article - is aolctbl
• • e JONES,
COUDERSP_ORT Pa. ; and by Country ,
chants an4,D.rorlists everywhere.