Tursv viNio Biinctr:ans ye are_iiiformed that F luringlmt . (Wednesday,) the , Shoe.shop of Mr. A. 8. - Butterworth,„ in .this place, c iras den- tend by, burglars, and about sl4-ivorth of Beata ,and,: Shoes : and _leather stoien therefrom. A !imber of shirts and oih er Odes Nero stolen from :the clothes line of Mrs. A. B. Goodsell. No.trace ,of the thieves _has ,been ohtaioed. „son,oflr. ..Qmnge. Strong, of Eulalia township, ng,ed about 10 years, had his leg brok-en a few days since, by a tree, which yas chopping :down, falling :npon ;It. 11T. Ellison set the bones, and we learn that ,thc lioyl is ,doing well. 1 We havareceiyed egk,s of elle FiAn._ ,nual Report- of : the Road of .14lanagetw i of ,the Penn'a. Institution foi deaf an 4, duntb., for 1856" and the f‘ ' i liventy-uinth An imal Report of the Roard of 'Managarsio me Philadelphia House of refuge." Aye chafe not yet had time to examine theinl .RATS, ROACHES..BED-BUGS, INSECTS, &C. g!Costar" the great Rat, ROach, -E l termivalur, 38 , 8 Dpadway, Ne3r his est4lisking DepOts for his valuable Remedies, in every City, Town, VillaZge and Neighbbrhood in the United States, .but seeks to do so in 41.0 La* Qf Drug gists, Store-Keepers, &c. &e. • 1171tre this is impraatable, orders by mail or ex ress, enclosing the price of the articles with sufficient to pre-pay, will have pros*, attention.. Address "Costar" 388 Broadway N'eW -York. Sec regular adi•ertise-ment IN the General Appropriation Bill, 're,, eently - passed by the Legislatpre, it ris .provided that the State ,this shall be two and a hglf mills in the far, instead of three, as fortnerly. is a good' beginning, in the right direc tion. - BY reference to our advertising col umns, it will be seen that the Borough Council have amended thejcia-walk Or ,dinance, and also passed one, prohibiting hutehering within Certain Rrii,i,ts. Wz have 4.4 interesting letter from a friend in the west, which' we have not room for this week, butwill giVe it in our next edition. We hope "H" will favor its with more of the smile sort. Wi; invite the nitenkten.9f s cierybocly to the many New Advertisements in this week's paper. We ikaye not room to particularize them.' THE late rains have swelled the win- ter in the Allegany Considerably, and ' we begin to think there is a June ifoed on the tapis. 'CABBAGE.—Those who have • tried, say that no crop Can be more advantage onsly raised, for feeding to stock than cabbage. 18,000 heads have been rais ell, - from two-and-a-half acres in IVl"asa:- %inisetts. The ground should be iich and well worked. The seed should be sown in rows sufficiently 'wide apart to admit a.culiivator between: Thn plants are thinned out when of proper size, and afterwards kept. free from weeds and Worms. ' eoo zhspci'd Corrected Week7y for the Journgl, 7:ty SCHOODIA4pR '8;, .11/kClti. SON, Dealers in. Dry Goods, Groceries, Hats S Caps Boots 4 Shoes, Crockett, Pork, Flour, Notions, 4.e„ UAW STREET., i COVDERSPPRI,, FLorn 7 bbl. PORKI u _ - - " " CORN MEAL, 13 . 100 lbs., - Bence, 11 lb., I . 4pry IL IL • a . - - TALLOW, " " WOOL, " " PAY; " " &MULDER; ID. , - - DflL SKIN, " MLPLE SUGAR, "ia lb., PRIED AITLES;-':" " Dusllel, - I ft - RITE BEANS, .165: „ _ - 4ecioniszT, It t` • Dias, 411' LI COII; RYI, POTATOES [ Eocg, , "t 1 Dozen, Hay, ^tti Ton, fi It 4 , II .DR: H. TENDERS his thanks to the inhabitants of IL Genesee, Oswayo and vicinity, for thejr . I :n7 - liberal patronage during the past _ yor, and solicits a continence of the same,,espe-. cially from those who have paid him promptli. His residence is near.the Catholic Church to Genesee Township.lo. o -3 - •••0 • SOME CLOTHING of Cheney's manufacture X. 7 on hand at E. K. SPENCER'S, 10:2 • , D. W. S., Agt. DLEACHED MUSLINS and a few other il'ar ticles in the line of Staple Dry Goods, low for cash at E. K. SPENCER'S, 10:2 D. W. S., Agt. AA NEW 2 HORSE LUMBER-WAGON for 11 for sale by JONES, MANN k JONES._ Coutlersporti June 11, 1857.—tf, • , • ~ • - .11.1E0 TUltt• -I , PROP. J. L. EpcEnvos, tatepfaucutgan,.will lecture before the citizens of Co • derspOrt upon • "THE PHILOSOPHY,OE,EDTIG&TI.D.Is;" • P43IIRDLY EyENING, triftte . . He Wild also endeavor to niaie.urrangements With the citizens, prelicainar,y id: the delivery of a caries of Discourses: upon,-‘q ~DE • RES .11histrated large, .3.stronomicul and Geological mays,, showing tilt; fnrreation of the solar systemia4l the','G col °glut! structure of the earth; All are cordially invited to attend. Parents and Teachers war ii d it, for Itheir i profit,to at tend. “Wooat.P.N n Ca c.t3t"—a• Poni.7,-L-for trip (tif f/ . . ing Me Hair.--highly 13 -Jl-finned, _superior to any !French article imported, an,i! Ibr, half the price. F,or dressing Ladies' . 1 1,54ir it It - as no equal, giving it a bright, 'gloSay•appeaiance. It causes Gentlemen' Fl s air to •bitrilp the most natural manner. It removes dandruff, always giving the Hair the appearance of heing fresh shatripooeri. -- ,Price ~ only - fifty cents. !None genunine unless signed FETZIDGE 8: CO., New York, Prop'rs of the 4 Balra.of a Thousand FoicOr.l.' For sale by all Druggists. , 10:38 ± 6ma. Sold by SITH 4ONFS, Dritggistt,! Con ! dersport, Pa. 74t1u pi4r.t.isitt A Retiyed ,Physician, 75 years of age, having lost hisli Father, two? Brothers, Daughter, Son-in-la*, Nephews and Nieees, by that dreadful disease, ICossourrioN,l and Suffer ing with a Cough, binlself, detirinibed to - visit the Eastludies, Egypt, and Japan; where he discpvered a Pee . erntiic and Ceriao C4re for Colds. Coughs, t•os. - K.lkitis., ,Consuuipion, Ner vous Deb3ity and Ahluff.t, FuoulPt w4s cured binned: timed. eurtAl ttis Rd saliva, who i tad in con nection 11:17..1 (-1., ; )1:.yed it lit their practice, . cas,eS cunshlt:red hopeless by Fp: the purpofte of resch ing as runny of his fellow beings pcissible, he is sending .the fiecipe to all wit . ..? wish it fOr 10 cent_; 3 of it to pai the postale, and the balance printing. :p.ldrc:lS Dr. lir-vil. 101 Spring street, opposited *tit. Nicholas Hotel, New York, 1&2-31nos, BO . PERY AND PROVISION STORE CkPFERS GREAT INDUCEMENTS io buy.. 1...,7 ers of Groceries,!,, Provisions' &c., lat the store fo.nnerly occpied by D. W. SPENCER, on 3d Street,;,North side of -PubliC Square. . - \ OROCE4IEtS, - I - • A good as-sortment constantly on baud, from which I .will enumerate a - . few ofl the leading articles, such as 1 -• Sugar, Mustard; ' Candy; . Coffee, UMW:upon, • Nuts Molasses, Peppeei Sauce, Crackers, Syrups, • Catsup, . Soap. Pepper, Yeast, Candles, Spice, \ Oils, !I ' Shot, I Ginger, . Tobacdb, Lead, Cloves, Snuff, ; "G.' Caps, Carb.. Soda, Segars; . i C. Tartar, arid many other things'!too nutiiei..ous to men tion, will be found in tlilS department, which will be sold at' a tritling,advauee'froin cost, for ready pay, - • PROVISIONS Constantly on lain(Wstich as PORK, HAMS, SHOULDERS, FISH, .SALT, BUTTER, CHEESB, LARD, BEANS, OATS, FLOUR, CORN MEAL, 13UCKWHEAT FLOUR, DRI i ED APPLI;S, DRIED. PLUMS, and many pillar articles in the line of Prozi signs not .neessary to mention. Alsg, WOODEN WARE, • SINII as Brooms, Wash-Tubs and Boards, Mops, Dinner Boxes, &c., which will be sold low for cash or ready pay. G4s, - Po l tatoes,: Butter, Eggs, Cheese, and in fat almoit everything a farmer raises, will. be take in exchange for Goods, at their 'cash value.' I invite; the, at tention of Villagers, Fa6ter's and Lumbermen who desire to make pnrchaseS 4n the 'above articles, and solicit the to call- beft;re pur chasing elsewhere. - E. K. SPENCER. Coudersport, June 1, '1857.-10:1 j . . 'VIi and staple artiel4s in the Drug; line for sale by (10:2.) S. 135 E AT REVOLUTION IN MEDICAL SCIENCE. •-• pap best Therilmenticl Aaent cyer!int*oeene.:(l. --- r - _ - DR. DICKINSON 'S 3IACNI OELEC, TRW it'VS . ., is Leiie4ing the the Medi • C:4lProfe s:ott and a Idris riortion of ~... ,•tr,•, ,- ..2;11 .1.C.7;10.1.L1G:17: -..- ; 471- Zle . , .. °I f: ! I l r. T ''' .: 14 " 7 „ -..."."" '7' i.,; ' 4 ,2'1 3 :' . 1 .. ' '''rl .r , -• ~ (27 ii 4._....--_, - - - - -- -;'----'-asf- - .7:-___ - _' , ' 6 _ -- - D , '"-------, _..- the l iaelligent lay men of the land; It Li' now clearly .demon strated that the lance 4 mercury, 4-04 all ether internal "drug medicaticieiaay be laid aside with perfect safety tolthe patient and ab m id- ing benefit to posterity', . Wherever ie se a-I dillies have been introduced; they bxcite the; highest wonder and praise. ; The apparatus 1 is,adapted to preient, relieve and cure every disease incident th huManity r —more particu- I laxly all those painful;and formidable disea.s es which have fqi ceptries baffled the pro foundest learning and *ill of phfsiians. From wfiatever cause there maybe en ex cess or dificiene,y of the,mervotni fluid--pro. duringan excess or deficieheY tof ithe acids and alkaline seeretionS--,the'magnetie princi ples of the system arc tleraaged,i arid, can on ly be safely rest -ed to theqmirmalcoaditioh b an applicatiou of Magueto-electricity, by' Means of DR. I DIOKIIsiSON'H M,.ONETO ; ELECTRIC MACHINE. .ThL' 3 APP•li%tiqS will positively prevent, and speedily relieve and cure -Consumption, Herofula, iillbeumatism, Palsies, Neuralgia, Spinal Disettseis,; and all other painful maladies, hcyfevet hopeless and of long standing. -They are: enipientlyizsefal in all sexual and urinary disorders, pallicu larly where the Constitution bat. been broken down and ruined by unnatural solitary habits to whieb too many ofjihe yOung ofiboth sexes are so lamentably prkine. !L • 1 DR. DICKINHONO MAGNETO ELECTRIC MAEHINP is withunt,the dangerous compli cations of batteries amfa cids'-,which fact alone renders it superior to. all 'others op the, score of neatness, elearklin ss, safety ;end utility.— It is, in fact, alllan ome paVlor ornament; is may be applied by, child ; and , will last a life-time, to the - great" saving of Doctor's bills, &c. • ,' . - PRICE OF THE I..4.CHECE; ; SIOI ; • _ ; . It will be-safely packed . and sent to any part of the United I ,iStatesl Hold Wholeiale and retail at theiMedical Office, No, 38 NORTH SEVENTH Street, Philadelphia. I Address, I' ' 0. DICKINSON, M.D. . 1 • $lO 50 • 30 00 • 50 • 3 00 - 12@15 - 146916 - '27(3)34 - 10012 .= • 2 7 5 - 3 50 62 - 60®7& -1 25 1 DO Xl2 $1?.€1 7 1 , 5 00 h. sl)giai E., SF,'ENCER, 10-1---ly. xOllOOll, ARDINANcEs. n Ordinance . 'ilithebilildin 6 - of - - Oide-Witlks. --• T-A XEBTING OF THE -TOWN COLIN- ' I AL: CIL of the Borough of Coudersport; held !teas 2Lith day .0111114,- D;'1857, it !Weis Ordained J • . j ; SE; 1.-- - -ThatjSide4alk6 - .be made - ten feet (wide by the:owders "of on each -,side. - .of Main :Street, *ern •Witte - Street jto the street eading to Crandall _ •..J j • - Sic. ll.—The ;said Sid&wrillts on Main' st. be'lmilt of ,Plank, Rye feet in width, plank to belaid in they center of the side-walk, and griicled with grajvel on bOi Eides,,makirig in all ten feet. ' " , • SEC. 111.—Th4 Side-walks be-inatki on each -ide' of Best and West I Streets, the whole ength.. SE; IV:—The Side-walks on East and West' treats ..to be made of Plank, Gravel, or Flag, (at the option:of the owner), laid in the same manner as on Main street, except across the Court House j Sqbare. - - SEC. V.—That Side-walks be made on Ist, 2d, 3d, 4114.50.4 , fit.h.and 7th Streets, on bah sides, from East to West Street SEC. Tl.—The Side-walks on said streets to he built of plank, gravel, or flag, fat the op tion of the oWner),—except around.the Court House Squarg4.ten feet in width, and when • plank is used to be laid in the same manner as on Main Street. ! SEC. Vll.—The Side-walks around the Court House Square to be built, in'allptirtiSulars, in the same manner as on Main Street. ' SEc. VIII.—The Street Commissioner is hereby ordered to superintend the building of said Side-walks, causing them to. be built in accordance with the grade established by the Borough Surveyor, according to the specifica tions of this Ordinange; Sac. L(.—The Borough Surveyor is 'hereby ordered to establish the grade Drell streets 011 which- , Side-walks are to be built, . and set stakes .to zaide.owners of lots in making their c:de-walks. Sec. X.—That written or printed notices be (given to the owner or'owners, or agent of such owner or owners of said lots, to make the side-walks -opposite their respective lots. j SEC. the said Side-walks are not built on or before the FIRST DAY OF AUG IUST, next, then the Town Council shall Ist the same to the,bWest and best bidder, giving ' at least two weeks' notice in the Potter Jour not that Proposals will be received for the building of thb said -Side-walks in accord ance with the •provisions; of this Ordinance, adding twenty per cent. to the cost of build ing said side-walks, and to be collected as debts of liketimoints are colice.ted by law. SEC. 12.—T ba t this 'Ordinance be published six times In the Potter Journal. ; • Wm. 11. METZGAR, Pres'tp:d tent. Attest: S. H. Stones, Sec'y. • • Coudersport, May -25., 1657.---al 0:1;44,, ntL lenient to the Ordinance .of May 25, • 1857, relative to Side-Walka. AT A MEETING OP THE TOWN COUNOIL of the Borough of Coudersport, held on Monday, June Bth, 1857, On motion, it was Ordained : That the Or dinance passed May 25th, 1857, relative to' Side-Walks, be so•amended as to read, "from Water street - to West," instead of "from East to West streets ;" and that the usual Notice be given in the Potter Journal, and printed -notices Of this amendment be,given to all per sons owning lots between . Water and, West streets. D. W. SPENCER,: • Attest : Burgess pro tem, SAII'L IL STORRS, SecPy. , • Coudersport, May- 8, 1857.-10:2-6t. • , An Ordinance relative to Nnisances, Passed Monday, June Bth, 1857. - WHEREAS . a Petition has been received y by the Town Council setting forth that'; thitchering is carried on in the center or the BOrough to such an extent that it has become a nuisance, and praying that said nuisance be abated, therefore ' SEC. I: It is hereby Ordained that from and after this date no Butchering, creating thereby a nuisance; be carried "on between East and West and First and Seventh streets In this Borough. Sac. ll.—And if any person or persons shall meat° said -nuisance within the limits pre scribed by this Ordinance,: he, she, or they shall - forfeit the sum of FivADollars for the iirkt offence, and Twenty Dfgaiiirs for the' sec ond . and each subsequent offence—said for icit are to be applied to Borough purposes, and collected as debts of like amount arc Row euil2cted by law. Sec. Ill.—That this Ch: ; dinance be publish cdi in the Potter Journal. D. W. SPENCER, :.4tte4 : Burgess pro tern. 5.11.1%. H. &roans; See'y. Coudersport. June 8, 18.57.-10:2-4t. NEW GOODS, Low Prices and Ready. Pay, AT SHARON CENTER. 1• . MITE SUBSCRIBERS arc offerin g for sale I an entirely new stock, consisting of DRY GOODS, GROCERIES, HARDWARE, CQOCKERY, GLASS WARE, BOOTS 1 I S: SHOES, HATS &.• CAPS, UM- I ' BRELLAS / PARASOLS, WINDOW , s• -,:j . W SHADES, 1 .., WALL PAPER, READY MADE CLOTHING,. YANKEE - NOTIONS,. &c., &c. ' * in pur selections the wants of all have-beCn remembered. !The Gentlemen can find in our stink of Ready Made Clothing an elegant Fashionable suit, or a'* substantial Business snit, and we have Hats & Cars and Boots & Shoes to match. • IThe Ladies can find Fashionable Bonnets beautifully trimmed, or bonuets and trimming; li 'goodortment of Dress Goods, and trim ming-.; ves, Mitts, Hosiery and Gaiters.— tt l And, last ut not least, corded and . skeleton skirts ; also, Rattans, Skirt-Whalebone and *ass Skirt -Hoops ; - beautiful Jet. Necklaces 4fili f}raceletS,. Corals, Fans, and too many Other things to enumerate,—all of which we - a.e selling -low for Cash, Lumber, or any kind - ö Produce. FLOUR, MEAL, •FiSII &c., con , sI . aptly op hand. W. B. & J. H. GRAVES, Sharon Centir, Potter Co., Pa., June GRANGES AND LEMONS just received . by \fi 10:2 • - W. B. I; J. H: GRAVES, ti)SK;NCER is Agent for many of the p most popular Medicines now in use, a ew of which he will Mention : • J. R. STAFFORD & CO.'S OLIVE T.U. DR. D. JAYNE I& SON'S FAILILY MEDI— rNES. J. C.-AYER & CO.'S CHERRY. PECTORAL NTS OF CHERRY SYRUPS, :tc„ &c., &c. . sEir J. R. Stafford &,Cofs-Olive Tar is op. ! !plied and inhaled by' 7caring.on INHALER around the neck and on the breast; His ()L.' lIVE OINTANT.is applied where the skin is broken, and is a popular remedy where known. I Good for the Whooping Cough. -• 10:2. . ,1 7 i - - .THE 'FORGER; Joh.n4:-13.0 is the : Who hasbad 10 yenrs nxperieece a••••. F.-b; -.„ QJ er and Publisher, Author:Of' pt. - 4.wies / pf L'etitirt at :Eraadtbag: _Taberttacie; wheat foi. 10 sliecessie . nightsi - ..civer „ Der 00,000 Peopled - Si Greeted himswith.RbMide of Applattse,' ,while he ,exhibited' the manner in Which 1-,4 Counterfeiters execute their Frauds, and the Surest and Shorteit • Means of - -.; ' Detecting -them The Bank NOM Eagrarers'alt say: that' ke is the greatest Judge of Paper Money Using. - - X.. GREATEST: DiSCOVERY '.THE PRESENT CENTURY, ! !!' De,te4 4 o . - *ll4 rotas -9, Describing c - . Oen:nine Bail in -Existence %-y_, - and Exhibiting at a. glance'every Conn- - ! r" I - • terfeit. in Circulation-1i Arranged so adMirably, that.. REFERENCE .t DETECTIO is N .EIi- ITS Y T ' AVTINEOUS. 1 - •t . , DV:N.4 index to examine -No l pages . to . hunt . But so simPlifick and arranged,_ - . that the Merchant, Banker and. Business g Man'can see rill 'at a Glance.' ENGLIS.H, FRENCH AND GERMAN. _ Thus each may read the same in his owner ' NATIVE -TONGUE: , 0 Most Perfect' Bcink Note List _Pliblish,eci. Alio! a - List - of - ALL THE PRIVATE BANKERS it AMERICA. -Q A Complete Siammary of the Fi9.6CE or ECROPE k AMEitICA will be published in each edition ; together with all the : DIPORTANT NEWS OF .THE DAY. Also - - A SERIES OF TALES I 41 From - an 'Old Manuscript found in the East. It furnishes the Most Complete History - of Oriental Life, • describing the Most Perplexing Positions in . which !the Ladies - and Gentlemen of that Country have been so often found.. These Stories will continue throughout the whole r-4 year, and will prove the Most Entertaining 4 ever offered to the Public.! • Furnished Weekly to , Subscribere.on- "-0 2 ly, at $ . l a year, All letters' must be . ad-i—j dressed to • . . I JOHN. S. DYE r a Brokei . Publisher and Proprietor, '(0 Wall Street; g New-York. 10:1-1y. . Q. ' . I PIANOS, EF.I.ODEONS FL' MUSIC. THE CASH SYSTEM. ADOPTED. Prices Greatly Reduced, 31 1104 7 41 Ab le, WATERS, 'No. 33$ Broadway, N. Y., AGENT FOR THE BEST BOSTON & N. Y. Ipstiminent,s. • FINITE Large&Assortment of Pianos, Melo deons, Musical Instruments, and Musical Merchandi - se of -all -kinds, in the United States. Pianos from Ten different Manufactories,-Com prising those of every variety of style, from the plain, neat - 4nd substantial 63; octaves, in Walnut or Rosewood Cases,frem $l5O to $200; to those of the most elegant finish up to One Thousand Dollars. No house in the Union can compete with the above in the number, variety and celebrity of its instruments, nor in the Extremely low prices at which they are sold. HORACE WIITERS' MODERN IMPROVED PIANOS, wit} or.without Iron Frames, posL. sessing in their improvements of over-strings and action, a length of scale and compass of tone equal to the Grand Piano; united with the beauty and durability of structure of the' Square piano. They are justly pronounced by the Press and by the first Musical Masters, to he equal to those of any other manufacturer. They are built of the best and most thorough-. ly seasoned material, and guaranteed to stand the action of every climate. Each Instrument guaranteed to give satifaction, or purchase money refunded. • !I SECOND-HAND PIANOS,. at great bar gains, constantly in store,—price from•s3o to $l4O. HORACE WATERS' , MELODEONS.—Su r perior Instruments in touch and durability of make. (Tuned the equaLtemperament.) Me lodeons of all other styles and makes. Price $45, $6O, $75.' $lOO, $125,. Reeds and two banks of Keys, s2oo—less a liberal discount. Clergymen and Churches, an extra discount. , MARTINS GUITARS, BROWNS HARPS, -FLUTES, I - FLUTINAS, - ACCORDEONS, VIOLINS, and'M6sical Instruments of all kinds, at lower prices than fever before offered to the public. A large discount to. Ttaehers and Schools. The trade supplied on the most liberal terms, MUSIC.--One of the largest and best se lec:el c ttalogues of Music now published, comprising many of the choice and most pop ular airs of the dad=, and will be sold at one third off from the regular prices. Music sent by mail 'to all parts of the conn tryipostlaid. Particular and personal atten tion paid to all orders received by mail'. Sat isfaction guaranteed in;every instance. Pianos and Melodeons for rent and rent allowed on - ! pudehase; Pianos and Melodeons for sale on ;monthly payments. Second-hand Pianos to:- ken in exchange. for new. General and select Catalogues and Sehedule.of priceslorwarded to nll'parts of the - country - by mail. Great•indueements offered to AGENTS in all parts of. the-country, to sell the HOrace Watch' Pianos, Melodeons, and Catalogue of Music. 8:46. YATES COUNTY NURSERY.- IT.. OLIN & CO., of the Yates County' n Nurseries, have for sale a large and valuable assortment of FRUIT TREES of, all varieties usually cultivated. These Trees are young and of vigorous growth. The qualities are the moat choice known, and are warranted ossULNE: Also, a fine stock of OftNAMENTAL, TREES and SHRUBBERY, for fall 'delivery, ';Address orders to C. BEACH, Pen Yau,• Yates Co., N. Y. Orders leftwith ItOB'T. ALES, Coudersport, Pa„ will he promptlj filled. -10;2—finto. - A RETIRED PHYSICIAN, Whose sands of life have nearly rim out' diScOvered while in the east Indies, a cer. , I tain cure for Consumption, Astlinia; Bron chitis, Coughs, Colds, and General Debility. The remedy was discovered by him when his only child, a - danghter, Was given up - to ,die. Wishing to do as much good as possible, ho will send to such of his afflicted fellow-beings as request it, this recipe, with full and explicit directions for making it up - and successfully ithirig it. He required each applicant: to en close him one Shilling—three cents to 'be re turned as postage on the recipei, and the re mainder to be applied to the ;payment of this' advertisement. Address - - - DR. 11. ' AMES, - - 110. 19_Grand st., Jersey,C ity, N.. J. • etALL- AND. EXAMEN!: the li cNEW GOODS 1.) Just ficeiyed " LMSTED'S.-, :,-.. • -.i . .. l' - -:- , 4 - 616 1 . - W A rt. - .... ibititio7_. - .- ':---_ --:.--:: to ,1 E,;sidte(ASSOCia'tic9:l; : ''?" - 'COMPAIBVS,' , 011a.` '- ' . 1 ::. j.i.TTENTION.of-the"Oblic hi respect: 1 11 7ivilsocitekto ois Asspete.4l9n. . The property enumerated l'n,theschedule.below,is among Atte - HOST :VALITABLEI in , . the City of Coltiratiniand - tetualilin County, and s rapid ly inetOtiSing is value.' It Willlbe distributed among Shareholdersion the: . . -.' --:. 1 ' - ''' . :oiist . ' QD -. Of illilW - 1 1857; or Sooner if the - Shares are all' dieposed • of.—.= The diitribution will take place's under the inz mediaterenpervision-of*CoraOttee•to:lie.ap- - pointed by the Shareholders,rnA each County and`St4te. where Shares are held; the • : number to be aPiortionediticcording to the number'Of Shares held_ in such, County. i The total es penses,;of the Comulitted will lie paid by the Association.'-' .'' . = r• :- • T,.. Anyone can becOni : e s, Sherd - milder by payment of =- 1 -L ..- I :ONE D, LI AR; '-- ] ii - whichleutitles him or her to lone Share. obf Stock.; ;Think of it for moment, by the pay ment of only One Dolla r .you you are constituted part owner of over, ' - i Ai oli ils: sso,—' 0 [ or ; rites' Estate, t i ;, , • 1 • and $25,900 ,worth of i gt er property. In the distribhtiontin ELEGAI HOUSE AND LOT, valued 3 ,.4l sBkl , oo - , may -allotted to you. In any erbra you . cannot i lw more than al,few cents, i t s there Ls .- 1 .: .' 1 . •- 1 . sqent-Five Thousand Articles' to be iiiitrib ted, and , th, re is only that num ber ofiShareF, so you vlill see 4.t. once, that every Spareholder gets s t rthing, of more or le.ss•v 'lye. The pollar at you, pay for your i share ou would not mi , but in all proba bilityl puld spend it for omething of no pres ent oriprospective value. 'lf after reading the aboveiyou are not convinced, and still feel disposbd to stand in youown light, READ THE' FOLLOWING: - Foril • ' • T . • $3 we will send any $3 Magazine Pub lished, for one year, and • one Certificat6 of Stock; entitling the". holder thereof '',.to to one share /lhe distributionlt . - For we will send. dily Weekly paper pub lisbed-at $1,50 pet anniiin, for one.:year, and one certificate of .Stodki, • For ,*5 we will send any of the $3 3faga zine.s i 4 one year, andl two Certifteates of Stock. To thUse- who Would-Prefer to subscribe for the stock alone, we make ,he following offer: For One Dollar we Willi:end one certificate of Stock. ' • For-Ten Dollars we wit send eleven Certifi cates. , To clubs of fifty and upwards, we will send one certificate fOr every • en ordered;, and al low the getterslup 5 per c.ent•on. the amount they remit. Parties ordering Certificates should be-careful to wri e their Nantes, TVA Office, County and State in full, as each name is registered, so that we can forward them a Schedule after the distribution. _ . • We invite your carnet attention 'to . the Schedule below, and would reminil.YOu of the old Adage, "Nothing vent re nothing Gain." Bank Notes current in any of the States where issued will be received at par. For all sums of Ten Dollars or upwards, please send draft on New York, Philapielphis. or Baltimore, less the premium. Address all ordersitb E. H. SNOWDEN, Sedretark of the Association, Columbus, Ohio, and tl Certificates will be forwarded byreturn ma I. SCHEI_ULE. 1 Elegant Brick House on Town ~ St., Columba% .o.,•valued at $8,500 1 do do do on Cleve land Avenue, valued at 1 Frame Cotage 9nl3tound St., 1 " " " Pearl " I it u tt tt it 1 it it . CI tt I[ 1 IL II II ti ti ' 14 1 Fine - Building.Lot on Washing ton Avenue, valued, at 1 44 U 44 44 • '44 5 c& ti 44 /4 Valued nt $7OO each, . 44 Li, II 41 Valued at $550 t each, . 44 u 41 = I= valued at $450 each, 1 " ' ". Friend St 12=C11 1 " 5 u =1 valued- at $7OO each, t 4 tl t 1 it 14 IMO valued at $550 each, - t 1 it CI 14 ME valued at $450 each,' 6 " I " " « Cherry " valued at $530 each, - 4 u it It II - ' u It valued at $5OO each, 5 II t< It it (I 1 Fine Farm in Norwich tp, Frank lin Co., in an Elegant State of Cultivation; 1 do do do do do in an elegant state of cultiva tion, Total ,Amonnt of Real Estate, $0,500 12 Elegant Gold Minting Cased Wathes, val'd at $125 each, _51,500 12 do " 4 " do do do " 100 " 11,200 do • do do It gt 75 IL do do do it it cc, do , do • do, tc :si , 5 1 3 do 12 do 12' do do 12 do :do do do • " " 45 C 4 12 do Silver do do do " " 30 " do‘: do do do • " " 20 - 1 Elegant Solid Silver Tea Sett, ••• 6 pieces, valued at -- 20 Setts Heavy Sterling Silver Tea Spoons, valued. at $8 a sett, 20 do do do do - do do " " 7 " - 20 do do di) do do d o 44 44 , 6 4‘ . 20 do do "do - do - do., :do " " .5 " 20 do do do do •do - • "I ' " 4' 10 do •do • do do,Tablel do • , " 35 14 /0 - do do do • do do do " " 30 " 10 do do do do , ' do , do " 25 " 10. * do do • do - Idoe do do - •" ".20 ;u 10 do, do' • •do do dOt do 150 I - 1: Diamond Ring, val'd at 1 • I 10 • •••• _ .44 44 41 $2O c•ci,.,! ' " Breasi Pin, " " . I 1 n 44 • 44 4g 10 sg gg gi it $2O ea.,! .500 'Gold Pencils, Rings, • •odat $j each 12 do 25 do 1;000 - Subscriptions - fo'r . . ,any . :67 - -8,008 .anY' . pki.)! . ??:.tpc ~ publish • • . " "'at s2lpeflioiiura,_ • ' 11;4- 72,1 - 6 f Ashorted Articles; whielt waYlt - ; of Bpiili3.po . Fents _ciur - enonr-', crating, - _ Certificates,.at sl,ob -:$131,00. To AgentS . ..'We wantAlt&it,g itfirr "- ery - section of tbe•Conntry, - to ithinnwsmaki!. thelollowing liberal offers: , - to those TenAgenti Who 'th'elargiit number of Certificates, (in addition to altbex " ral Ccimmission.allowed them for selling„) 'WC will present with the following: To the 664," 1 Elegant Gold Watch andChaiit;•worth To the second,. 1 Elegant -t old, ,Watelt Chain, worth $75. To the third, one Elegant . Gold Watch *and Chain, Worth $6O. To thie;. - - fourth, 1 Gold Watch, .worth. $56. _To-the.. fifth, 1 PatentLeverSilvertluntingCsiewciititl. $35. To the sixth, 1 Patent Lever SilViel Hunting Case, worth Z 25.: s . To' the seventh;Ai Diamond Ring or Breast Pin, (at his option,b. worth $2O. To the Bth, 1 Diamond Ring or Breast Pin, worth' $l5. • To. the 9th; -1 Dia mond Ring or Breast Pin worth $10: To thei 10th; 1 Heavy Chased Gold Ring worth sB.' '— Those Wishing to act as Agents, must send; us a written recomMendation,signed, , by some- responsible person in the' place where theyro-: side. For any further, information, address: _ R. H. SNOWDEN, , say, • Coine:Ms, ,Ohio. 9:49-tjl 1 • WHISKE? NO.!A La Salle's Original ONE DOLLAR A pox. TRY IT I TRY IT-1 - DROP. GE0..11. DE BAR has recently ree turned from Europe, and while therb, ob tained from the celebrated French' chemisti La Salle at an enormous outlay, the receipt and eXclusive righti of • the United States and Canadas,to manufaeture and sell this celebra?. ted preparation called " whiskerando," which has never been known to fail to Cause Whis kers and Moustaches to groWluiuriantly_and heavy, even on beardlesefaces, in two months after first applicatiOn. To those persons per: sons whose beards (are light 'and - wiry it-re commends itself. i A few applications will render it soft, thick and pliable. Vrenehraen are noted-for their beautiful Whiskers, and Moustaches which many of them attribute to . the excellence of tra Salle's WhiskerandO.—. Price $1 per box; sent to tiny -part'of the United States or , Canadas per mail,.upon. tho receipt of $l. " Address, Prof. GEO. H. DE BAR,' 1 NEW YORK CITY ' 2:35-3m. • 415qt-het - • DE:A.i..F..n.s Ai. • • FISH (!)::1-- - 'IIOIrISI.OIsTSif, - •: constantly "on hand assortment ■ 8 of Mackerel, Shad, lierrings Codfish; Beef, Pork, Lard, Shoulders, Hams, Cheese, Ribe,.&c.. . April 6, 1857.-9:45-3rn. IVO CHARGE FOR SHOWING THE NEIV: I. Goods just receis`ed ataLMSTED'S., azunsumumuuss treb) UM* aabeiiisatoirtS.-- .A.' FROM r • ABBE TG. BICHARBSOVP Advertising and Correspondence Qffice; i 360 BROADWAY, NEW -YORTP 3,500 1,000 3,200 1,100 1,000 1,000 900 "COSTAR'S" RAT EXTERMINATOR. AIN infallible destroyer of RATS, MICA' ANTS,-GROUND MICE, 110LESs kc. [Not dangerous to the Hamlin Fandly.] Rats do. not die in their holes, but come out and die- . EMI 3'500 21,200 Put up in 20c, 35, 65., $l, $2 $3, and $5 Boxes. -••• 1,800 775 725 :COSTAR'S" BED BUG EXTERMINATOR. IME Never known to faiil—and used every day by thousands in New York and elsewhere. Put up in 25c., 50c., 75c, $l, $1 50, , $2 50, and $4 50 Bottles. "COSTAR'S" ELECTRIC POWDER; ' 3,500 2,200 1,800 For the-destraction of MOTES, 11ITS4UITOSS, FLIES, FLEAS PLANT INSECTS, vE,Raps, 0* ' FOWLS AND ANIMALS, &C. &C. ,180 2,000 Pat up in 25c and 50c. Boxes..: • Sol Wholesale and Retail at"COSTAR'S" PRIM IPAL DEPOT. '2BB BROADWAY, NEW YORK, and by the ,principal DRUG GI S 'and DEALERS throughont the United ) • tea,' the. Ca:lades, West Indies t California, Ipth \America. Orders must always be accompanled by the cash. • . - . • . ga'No goods sent on commission:. -- - • $,500 1 3,300 fiErStuall Scimple Packages put up at the lowest wholesale prices for first orders in new 'places, with Cards, show Bills, .Postersy ter Paekagea eiPresslf put :tip for Ships, Steamboats, Hotels, Public Institlitions, &e.-.. W"Full particulars to Wholesale Dealers--; scales of prices, &e. Scc., will' be promptly . mailed on application. -; Address "COSTAR" No. 388 Broadway, N. Y. A NO PEN -NOR INK, USED,'NO 0 • 1. • COPY IMITATED.- NO TEACHER fig ft MACLAURIN'S PATENT SELF-DTSTRUCL TING PROCESS L 'PENMANSHIP \enables every one to write with the greatest ease, ele gance and rapidity : It has been amply tested and permanently established in the -Publin . Schools, of New :York, and in' the counting rooms of, our first merchants.: The 'pro - cess` complete, with full directions, for use, will be sent prepaid on receipt of sl. To Clubs or Agents, six copies,for $5. • Address LELAND A; 31ACLAUREN, No; 345 Broadway, New York. :;'. - 140 80 CROCKERY WAREHOUSE_ 300 ALLEN & WHITE, SVCCT,SSOTtS TO 1".5., W. lIATDOCIE & O'ffer G-re&te 4 l-ndUpenien.stes TO 81.1 I p;ILS'Or i, - 'ehirta, - Gfi - ss 7140HN , 1,000 8:43-3mo. J. PALMER Er... 00., REQUIRED. H
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers