Berichter und Anzeiger. (Aaronsburg, Pa.) 1858-1867, April 17, 1863, Image 4

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Ci ; REA a.
© ——
A aii ts ator 8 Rachrich
| Joladyridit wird hiermit geaeben dag hem;
Luterjeidyneten Wdminiftrationd-Wollmady ged
geben tourde itber dic finterlafjenidaft i
~berft. Jonathan Wolf. lesthin vou VAaronss
burg. Wie Rerjonen twelde nod an Dicfe
Hinterlaffenidait fdyuidig find, oder redytd-
mdgige Ferderungen haben, find Diermit auf
gefordert bei dem Unterjeidyneteny ‘baldiaft
Ridytigleit yu madyen. Midhael Harper,
Apri06w Somer,
aines Diftrift, fir 1862, :
n und Audgaben file 1862-263.
Tag-Rate, 1
J ille auf den Roler der Yb.
ih aguy Nh
4 Wn dymen; :
Betrag ded Tap-Duplicats, #611 68
Gdidy beim legten Cettlement, 209 48
Note gegen Jafod Scr ciber, 200 24
Staatd-dAppropriation, 134 80
ag Epi vane, 3 609
fgumer, $1162 29
Aubdga be 1. :
Order pon 3. Haas, $22 00
Swei Auditor Salair, ¥ 2 00
_X. Biegler, Order auf Vouder, 10 05&
~ Gdidy file Sdyul-Journals, 4 00
Groneration fiir fdyledyted ®eld, 5 00
Droers fitr boriged Sduljabhr 178 00
525 00
54 24
10 00
12 00
2 00.
15 36
29 81
Oroerd fiir Sdyuljahr 1862:63,
Wrennmaterial und Reparatur,
Shagmeijterd Salair,
Secretdr's Salair,
@alair fiir 2 Auditoren,
Gronerationen fitr 1862,
Colleftors Salair, ;
Gejommt Ausgaben ;
$869 46
Wied erholt—=Cinnahmen $1162 29
: bo dudgaben 869 46
{ < $ a NER
ra Wceberidhng, $292 83
8d Nilany, €dfd) $226 61, und Yo-
"te 866 22, 292 83
per : $1162 29
: Atteft : ohn Nu ffel, Praji.
4 3. 9H Wile, Seen. oun
fchafts: Aufidfung.
Nadyridhtgwied biermit gegeden, dag dab
Stohyr-Gejebagt, unter der Firma von D. &
§. Shifee, in WMadifonburg, am Gten Decem-
ber, 1862, geqenjcitig aufgeldit wurde. Die
r Der xirma befinden fic) in den Hin-
| 5). Shifer, wo Wie die nod) an die
pid uidig find, anfgefordert wegoen, bal-
‘Digit angurnfen um Ridtiafeit yu madyen.
Dic. 6 1862. iB us Shafer.
3 ip
Der nb wad ficvmit dem Rub-
lifwm und jeinen alten Kunden befanut Dap
Der obise Stohr jest vou ihm allein fortge-
fithrt werden wird. am alten Staude wie Ale
por. Danftbar fiir die erhaltene Unteritiig.
ung, hofft er in der Jatuuft det auten Willen
und die Kundfdaft feiner alten Areunden,
und Befannten ju erhalten. Cr wird [einen
Stohr immer acftodt halten mit einer Ans.
waht alferiey Good und ju den moglidit
nicdrigen Breifen. Sujet bei ihm an.
HE Hd der,
Wiabitonbur q.
2 : To Young
Just published, in a Sealed
Price 6 ots. A Leetureon ti
ment and Radic: al Cure of Spe
inal Weakness, Involuntary
bility. and Impediment
Nervousness, Consamn
Mental and Physical
Self-Abuse, &e.- By
M. D , Author of the
The world-rénowned
Lecture, clearly p
that the awfitkco
effectually Fem
rin 38,
once cg
y which every sufferer
n may be. may cure
y, and radically. This
boon to thousands and thou-
t ander seal, in a plain envelope, to any
the receipt. of six cents, or two postage
A ove : CHAS, J. c. KLIN
Dijtrifte welder aus den Counticd|
, Clearfield und Clintén jufommenges
ijt, und die Udyth. ohn &. Proudfoot
aml Etrobeder, Eiqrs., Gebitlfo-Nidyter
fitr Centre County, ihren Vejebl file die Hale
ung einer Court bon Oper und Terminer u
allgemeiner Gefingnig- -Griedigung, am 4ten
Montage fim April 1863, welded der 27ite
jenes Monat ift, in Bellefonte anfangen und
ne Wodye dauern foll, an mid) erlajjen hao
: ump den Conjtabein von Centre County hicrs
mit Nadyridyt gegeben daj fie fidy dann und
~ Dafelbft um 10 Uhr Morgen perjdnlid cing
~ finden haben verfehen mit ihren Necored
Weridyten und Verhdren, Unteriudyungen und
Crrinnerungey, nm dicjenige Linge su thun
weldye ihren vefpeftiven Aemtern gufommen
Und dviejenige, weldye durd) gerichtlidyed Gr»
fenntnifg gebunden find, Gefangene gu profi
quiren, weldye beveitd in dem Sefdngnifje von
Centre County find oder fein werden, haben
fidy cingufinden und diefe Gefangene hu profes
en wie ed redt iit.
Geachen su Velcfonte, am 2. uli. im
“Sabhr unféres Hoven, cin taujend ad hun
vert gwei 1 jedbgiq, und im 86jten Jahr
per Unabhdngigleit der Ber. Staaten von
Ses Alegander, Eheriff |
Nhren, libren! Sine arofely
Anbroatl aller Eotten der beften 8 Tay Wa
24jtund hren, find jet weohlfedl ju habe,
an Bower d Stohr in Aaroudburg.
@o wird dem Coroner den Friedendridytern i
a +s fu —m—
Machricht. To
Nadyridhyt wird hicrmit gegeben durdy den
Mnterseidyneten dag er Erecutord Wollmadyt hat
fiber den letsten Wied nud Teftament ded v er it.
Jacob Noop, lethin von Hair Townfhip.
Vile erjonen welde nod) an diefe $interlaj |
ienfdyajt fdyuidig find oder Tedytindi fig ec fore
dernngen haben, find hiermit ee fo
bald wie ‘miglidy bei dem Wiezichoncins Widy=j Tw
Hated Bu madyen.
JohnM 0 0 p,
Mity6 61. Grecutor. \ .
Aes! 8 Sarfaparilla.
It ein concentrirter Grtract von
Yara Sarfaparilla, fo vereinigt |
mit anderen Subjtangen von
nod) grogeren Alterative.Krdften
“fo Daf ed cin cffeltived Gegens
mittel ift bei RKrantheiten wo Sarfaparilla fu
riven oll.
langt von Eoldyen die an ftrumdjenBVejdywer-
den leiden, und Dagjenige das eine Kur be- |,
werfitelliat mug Ddicfer grojen Kaffe unjever |
[eidenden Mitmenjen von unermegiidjem |
Diente fein.
bewicjen worden bei dielen der feblimmiten
Sllen Die man in folgenden Bejdywerden fin- le
Ecrofula und ferofuldie Leiden, Ausbriidye
und ausbrirdhige Kreantheite, Gejdnvitre, Fine
nen, Biotdyes, Gejdywulite, Saizflug, Grind.
fopf, Eyphilid und Iyphilitiide Aeiden, mers
turial Yejdyverden, _Wayferfudyt, Neuraly
oder’ Tic Dolorenr, Sdywadlheit, Dybpepiia, |
und Unverdaulidyfeit, und wirklich) die ganye
Weihe vou Krantheiten die vou She ped (5
nen Blute entftehen.
- Diefe Jujammenfefung wird man einen
1g | Deidrderer der @ejunoheit finden, wenn im
Arithiahre cingenomnien, Aur Rertreibung |
oer Unreinfidyfeiten weldye ji) bei diefer Jah. |
vedgeit im Blute vorfinden.
Durdy eine jeit-
tidye 9: istreibung derfelben werden made
Krantheiten im Keene getddtet Viele tons
nen, durdy diejed Wittel, Ausbritdye und HT
roje Defdywerden vermittelit weldyen dad
Zyitem fteedt fih von Wnveinlidyfeiten ju
jdubern, von fi entfeent halten.
dad verdorbene Wint wena ihr findet dag def:
jen Wnreinheiten fich in Pimpein, Audbrithen
oder Wunden borgeigen; veiniget € wenn
ibe findet Dag ¢b fdylaff und gejtodt in der
Ydern; reimiget wo e§ verdorben, und deine
Oefithle werden die Feit antiindigen Sogqar
wo fein bejondered ¥eiden veripitrt toird,
erfremen fidy eure bejfere Gejundpeit, und
langered eben, mit einer Wiutreimaung
Saltet dad Wiut gafund, und alles iit wohl;
aber mit der ¥ebdfts- Nahrung in Unordnung
tann ¢8 feine dauerhafte Geiundheit geben
| Avither oder {pater mug Chwad ley werden,
und die grofe Maidinerie deb Lebend ijt in g
{ Uuordnung oder gejtitest
Wahrend oe legen Jahren furde Dab
Rublifum his dy grofe Alaiden verfeitet, vor |
gebend cine Quart Ertract Savfaparilla fine
cine hater ju licfern. Von Ddicfen
die ¥Weijten einen Betrug an den Kraufen,
dell pe euthalten wenig, wenn irgend, Ear.
{laparilla, aber ofterd feine Deilfra
folgt dem Werbraudy der ver]
tralte Earjaparitla weldye
then, bittere ui :
man den
ald cin
ta, 1D
~ Werdadt
miclben laftet. Und wir mei
uw haben jum ®lauben dag ck
hat die wnwideritehlicy find in
Bubercitet vou Dr J Ay.
CW Pacis #1 per Sta
yen in cinem Pad, $5
Juvereitet bon Dr. J. & Ayer wu Co, Lo
well Maj] und berfaujt von DO Bower
Waronsburg; I BW Foriter, in Millbeim ; D u
0 WA Weadifonbura ; & Frant, Reberst
burg; I OB Fiber, Centreville ; Wm Wolf,
Sentreball, 1. vo onfleulen in jeder Etad
dC Landed, oo
Mry.13 63. E 2m
Harpers’ Pictorial History
7 the Great Rebellion in the United
Rnb] Harper & Brothers have commenced the
REBELLION in the United States. The
‘been tor many months in course of prep
The introduction contains a clear and succinct
account of the formation of the Confederacy of the
States, the formation and adoption of the Constitu-
tion of the United States and the establishment of
the National Government. the origin, develope-
ment and progress of the doctrines of N ullification
and Secession, and the various ‘phases which they
assumed, until their final culmination i in the Great
War; the Intsigus
le and he: stone, the nes cre-
se Arm, nd Ja and the Bute,
Maps of the «
ing actions, View!
the most impo
are from drawings
puted for that pur
bs our army and
Every f cility at commasd of the publish :
as been employed in the preparation and exect
tion of this work. and they confidently believe,
i will form the most trustworthy and valuable
tory which can be prepared of The Great Strug,
ofr the American Union. 2
Mode and Terms of Publication,
ting of 24 pages of ‘Harpers’ Weekly.” printed
| from clear type upon fine paper. and will probably.
ve rly in about Twentd Numbers :
The numbers. will be issued at intervals, if possi- |.
ble. of about three or four weeks. 3
The price of « «ch number. which cnntaing ‘matter
j equiv: alent 10 an ordinary volume, will be twenty
five cents The illustrations of each number are
alone worth the price asked. Men out of employ-
ment, especially
\ fird no other work #0 sure of ready sale and
ond profits. For further particulars apply to the
Publishers, i
Harper and Brother. !
Frauklio Square, Saw Yok,
Soldy ein Mittel wird gewif vers |
Bie volljtdndia Ddieje Jujama- | Eig
menjeung Ddiefed verridytet ift durd) Probe |
find |
; sus numbers of a complete HISTORY of the ;
pi cine | ibier der : orrigloy Gove Wo
ation by a writer every way qualified for the task?|
erliche Angelegenheiten in dem | y Ta
The History comprises a full aodbuiit; drawn from : oned
the most authentic sources, of all the Events of the 7
; the Southern leaders at home Ee
0 “the spot by artists de- |;
se to | ccompany every division UN€
The work will Le issued in numbers each cons is. :
1 ode ju lehren, be
Mr 327. : =
Lift der ansfi
Moan 2
Jno. Ls
Ecbajtian Fijhe
Chr ijtian Sioffuer
John Bailey Fergujon
dad. Ehwectiwood Gregq
JXxoakifer = tained
Thos. 0. Way Yalf Yoon,
2m Thompion Harris :
D. 8. Rictder Howard,
Chrijtian Ehent Yiberty
Benj Nithe Warien +i
Jno. Rarjond BA iledbnr q
WS Gray Watton A
OD. 0. Rreamer enn is
L. Aleijher Wetter Vy
Jefe ¥ Feft Nuih a
A. GC. Hinton Euowihoe
Jno Sweeny Epring
hob. WMerryman Jaylor
Meo Hoover Union
J 98 Wanvailan Unionville
WE Bray. Pu
Thos. an
®eo. Hoover Union
XW. BVanvailan Unionville
Theo Rupert Waller
Jefje Woodring Worth
A VMlerander,
J Wm. gure,
Atteft :
I Moran Somes Clerk
Ino. IE Wimont
1862 371,00
© 181,00
© 474,00
© 5600
© 188,00
67 00
91 00
78 00
Iheo Nupert Walter “ 668 GC
Jefje Wooding Worth in 99.00.
JMelief Tag,
Shanncy ened Bogad 104,00
Samet McCullongh Marion a0 00
JI ©. Haslett Enowiboe # 73 OU
Zaml Etover Aerauton 0 208 00
Zam Moan Wenner 1862 81 00
Ino. Campbell Rough “ 13000
Zebadtian Aifher Vurplivce 1 1706
yidftian Giofiuer cy 34% 5300
Bailey Aerquion © “358 0
th Swectiveod Gireqq “110 OC
ii Daines pa 0400
Thos, WM- Way Halfmoon ~~ + 142.00
Am Thompfon | Harris + 388 00)
Shriftian Shent ibaty To 11200
Benj Mirhe Warien ~~ «
Jue Rarjond Ril
50 00]
266 00
jtag 28ten
Zag feftgefetst ijt, fir die .
Ip Alle Perfonen tele nody
mdgige Forderungen haben, find
eingeladen fich an obipen
gu finer
: 0 1 1 Rn 0
selves ir
T Settleme pate Nachricht,
Nadyridyt wird hermit qegeben Daj Eam-
Wry, 1863, als Settlement,
Dinter lofienfdat |
ded verft. Jacob Roop Iehthin von Haines
Hinterlafjenidaft juldia find, oder redis-
age am $Hauje|
Deb Untergeidyneten, in Haines Roeigip cin.
"Administrator’s Notice.
~ Notice is hereby given that Letters of
Administration on the estate of Lieut.-Com-
mander M’Kean Bunchanan, late of the U.
8S. Navy, dec’d., have been ‘granted to the
All persons knowing them-
debted to said estate are requested
immediate settlement with the un-
“those having claims against the
will present them duly authenticated
Adin istra tor,
an Ddiefe
on os the Contention of
: pups gives tr Hi eo is a
te for the above office, su
A .
bject to
sel ools
Quarte 8 fons Court pen entre
Termin um Niquor pu verfanfe
Wm. Mine, Wirthshaus,
7 2. Johrjton Cre
ition cingercidt ot in der
County, |!
iprudy madyen wird bei dem April |
» ®reag Ip. |.
Ter Unterycichnete, im Potter Ip,
ginen dentiden Sahullehrer ju befommen. Ein
Eoldver der bermdacnd ijt tie dentive Spra-
Ddelicbe fidh fo bald wie mog-
Lich bei dem interjcicineten nahe Centre Hill,
Centre Co., ju melden,
TPH CHIE verlanar.
— fin. schools.
tcourse and method of instruction
branches taught, and to give such diree:
tions in the art of teach ng and the method
thereof in each school, as to him (together
with the directors 2. shall be de
dient and necessary”
in every district all the branches,
by the law, are taught ; as'wel
er branches as the izeotors ay ‘Tequire
&e. (See law.)
Of the spirit of the law, the State Su-|
perindent, Mr. Henry C. Hickock,
report in 1857, says, “The x
chanical fulfilment of the
the law, was never intenc d toh
of its operations ; nor would oh
ministration of the office answer the
its creation under any circumstances.
is clear that the superintendent is red
to devote himself the whole year i
charging the obligations resting up
Improving schools is the object of th
When the schools are closed in the s:
opened again. During
months the Sup. must devote his time
mproving teachers. Helis paid { for a
year, not a slice of'one. An offigial has
rivilege above his fellows. It 1s not ne-
cessary that there should be what is called
a Normal School in the County before he
can begin the work of improving teachers.
He can establish a school to suit himself,
that will be just as efficient in improving
teachers, as any Normal Schaol edlablished
ander the “act.” (See late edition of § School,
page 93.) Fh a wh
1 pledge myself, if elected, to devote six
months, annually, of my time in teaching
P’rovisional Teachers a thorough Knowledge |
of those branches required to Bg
common schools, and the a 4
logical manner, of arting! that
to others, to judiciously lead the
om the known t6"t
Teachers to oh in con
on the Theory and practi
would hold this school in
months each jeach session to b
part of the County ; so as thus to accommio-
date, equally, a majority of the i teachers.
To teach this school I wo onsider as
part of my duties, and therefore my instruc-
tions would be free of charge. ~ Of course,
if the majority of the Teachers wee desi-
rious of attending annually ¢ session of six
months, in one place, and employing assis-
tant Teachers, they could be accommoda-
ted, provided, we feould procure a suita-
ble house.
The advantages of this School are nu-
merous. In addition to improving the
become familiar vith their reputations, and
literary attainments. He can, therefore
give ‘them Certificates that will be more
reliable, and that will not so often deceive |
the directors, and i impose upon the people
The directors will then be able to graduate |
their salaries to harmonize with their certi-|
ficates, and. thus e encourage teachers to im-
prove themsel ves, and thos elevate and dig-
nify the yo : oo and retain many good
Stor we I an equivalant. to the
,| People for his salar yr and hoy the, ne
A great
ing, is want iii oa organization
1 mi
i tion > The Teacher is the
| must ‘be ‘a ; good com-|
ce, insubordination, and!
hig enemies ; and he, or,
ter. Ifthe Teacher is not
leman, cr lady, so much
the worse for the school. Whatever the
they will co
a Christian
Didoel Wri
Teacher is 80 is the school. The young!
child can distinguish, at a g'a ce, a thor-
[as such oth-
it is six months, at least, before they are |
the other six |!
gin |;
‘| bus, &e¢- Likewise gpil
truthful adviser to the ma od
teachers, it enables the superintendent to |
| Stamps,
Ee Rg
; Th y. ways follow the esumpl s of dir
) IN 2
300 Ss x Ai or tr. Tu ors. ey ignorant ot the attr -
Robert Yopd : * butes of , i on mind fast, @ope their
Jno. AUsle 57. P TT TR (Ry in the dark aud instruct at random.
Fig sy : 4000 00 emma rn Per year. ed In conclusion, ; take the liberty to in-
m. Smith {nun Aaronsburg, Pa., April 17, 63, vite your serious attention fo my prope-
Jofeph Dawfon } : 120.00, ~~ —. Sals; and unhesi a ngly as ert “that there
Eoward ve conve 1859 sooo] KLIK KURTZ, EDITOR, is no other practival way of improving
Henry McCwen Walker gi neti ltr jupon the past. If you should deem me
IW. Kepheart Beuner + 1860 An ‘School Directors and the County ‘worthy o
fidence, and elect me
to that of yor hi should betray the
trust reposed in me, you can have re-
|course to the remedy preseribed by the
law, that is, have me removed. It is
110,00 fully inform you that I am a candidate for [With pleasure that I can refer to my es-
can testify, if necessary, that T am capr-
ble of teaching the highest branches to
taught in our | common schools,
{Centre Hall R.(. W mE |
~The ng Physica] Degeneracy of
Just Published by Dr. ol. Stone, Ply Lysi-
cian to the Troy ‘Lung and Hygienic
A Treatiie on the Ca
of American people,
~~ Consumption and Marasmus.
. This work is one of high moral tone, written in
: gt iB rilog i uage. and appeals direotly
Jamed Warber ~~ Potter ; 110,00 Superintendency.
ae Se 4 3am D : 2% oo School Directors of Centre County :—
_{Nobt. Toompion Spring, Messrs: I respect- |
3hos. Parjord Unionbille .
Chauncy Jones Boas 1861 190,00 the office of the next (County Superinten- timable friend, P roffesser Holahan, ‘who
Wm. Steel ~~ Houjton on : 55,00 dent. In doing so, T flatter myself that I
ab. WcCullough Warion : 110,00 ‘comprehend fully the: extent of the great’
2. %. Sresiitluy Siavgiore oki 95,00 [responsibility t that will devolve apon ne if be
%. §. ive Mile 800,00 elected.
; ., 234.00] The letter of the law requires the super- | ===
847.00 |intendent to “examine annually, all Teach-|.
~ 117.00 |ers applying for schools, to visit the schools, |
14,00 |as often as practicable, and to note. he
ailing soiensific and reli-
- or cure. It will be sent
of two 5 oi § 3
6 K Jondye and other
rhoen ur Al-
Hands of the body,
{ous \Spigms.
20 in ninety cases opt
‘above named dis ery one » hun red,
vst of others
the Spinal Ne res, know
Tabes mesenterica, have
digeases of the Pelvic Visser:
saccess on the partof old’ #chool prac io
| symptoms only, A os
Dr. Andrew Stojge, Phy
and Hygienic Ins tution, is now engaged in treat-
ing this class of modern maledies with the most xs-
tonishing success. The treatment adopted by the
Institution is new ;it is based upon scientific prin-
ciples. with new discov ered romedies, without mi-
rerals or peigons. The facilities of cure are such
that patients can he cured at their homes, in any
part of the ccuntry, from accurate deseriptions of
their cage. by lettdérs. and have the riedieines sent
Mail or express. Printed interrogatories. will
rwarded on applicativn.
[3 Consumption, Catm rh and digeases of the
throut cured as well at the Home of the Patients as
at the Institution, by sending the Cold Medicated’
INHALING BALsamic Vavons. with inbaler and
ample directions for their use, and direct correspon-
dence. Putients applying for interrogatives or ad-
vice, must englo<e rett'rn stamps, to meet attention,
he attending Physicisn will be found at the
nstitution for consultation. from 9 a. m. to 9 p. m.
ch day Sunday in the forenoon. :
n to the Troy Lung and Hygienio Institute
Physician for Diseases of the Heart, Throat,
g Fifth st., Troy, N. Y. jan9 ly
parts of the Union. On
ity, disclosing
uses of Earl Physical Decline
ii cause. ly Physio Debility
ihn dN i
ling interest
Student, and a ne Ma
plating marriage, who en
their physical conditicn, and io
having hazarded the health, happinese, and p!
leges to which every human being is entitled.
YOUNG MEN who are troubled with weakne
generally caused by a bad habit in youth, the ef. :
fects of which are dizziness, pains, forgetfulne
sometimes a ringing in the ears, weak eyes, wea
ness of the back and lower extremities, confusino
bf ideas, loss of memory, with melancholy, may
p ed by the wuther's NEW PARIS AND
Ve have recently devoted much of our time in
‘availing ourselves of the knowledge and research-
~ es of the most skilled Physicians and Surgeons in
Eurcpe ‘and the Continent. Those who place
themselves under our care will now have the full
benefit of the many NEW AND EFF1CACIOUS
REMEDIES which we are enabled to introduce
into our practice, and the public may rest assured
of the same zeal, assiduity, SECRECY and atten.
tion being paid to their cases, which has so sue-
cessfully distingui hed us heretofore, as a Physi-
cian in our PECULIAR department of profession-
al practios, for the past 25 years,
'RENCH FEMALE PiLns.— Ladies who wish for
Medicines, the efficacy of which hasbeen tested in
thousandsof cases, and never failed to effect spee-
~ dy cures without any bad results, will use none
but Dr. DeLaney’s Female Periodical Pills. The
y precaution necessary to be observed is, ladies
bould not take them if in certain situations (the
accompanying each box) though always safe and
healthy, so gentle, yet so active are they.
Price $1 per box. They can be mailed to any
part of the United States or Canada.
To THE LApIES—who need a confidential made
cal adviser withregard to any of th.
omplaints to whigh their delicate
renders them liable, are ‘partic
consult us. The * Electro-Gal
For married ladies whose |
who have no desire to incre
be obtained as above. It isa
vention of Sones tion, and has be gue
used duri ast 20 years. Price reducedt o
$10. Ti ShoRars oF TOUTHTNY ATLED,
— 4 Treative on the Cause of Prema Deca,
A solunm warning. Just published, et 5
ing the insidious progress and prevalence among
schools, [both male and female] of this fatal habit
pointing out the fatality that invariab® attends
its victims, aud developing the whole rogress of
the disease, from the commencement to the end.
1t will be sent by mail on rec.ipt of two [3] cent
Attendance daily, from 8 in the
morning till 9 at night, and on Sundaystill 2 form
5p. m. Medicines with full directions sent to ~ny
ou zh conscientious Teacher, from one who
i not. Childe n possess, by instinct, an
¢.coll ont sirowl dz gt of the Luman mind |
» 4 A
' ness correspondence strictly confidential.
part ofthe United States or Canadas, by patients
cowmunicating their sympt ans by letter. Busi-
Vs office is still located ux established. nurer the
name of Dr. La Croix, at No. 31 Maiden Lan,
&lbany, N- Y. eth bs
‘particulars of which will be found on the wrapper
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