The Star and Republican banner. (Gettysburg, Pa.) 1832-1847, May 21, 1847, Image 3

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his 'friends
and the public generally that be has
aotrott,issud tt.latge assortment of 7`l,N
" WARE -iof every description, which_ he
wtraell , atiluitle:rate prices--all warranted.
wishing to purchase at low rates
'Well to( eall.berore purchasing else
: 1110 USE, 'SPOUTING' will , be' made
. at 12i cents a foot.
ipbtAn the Tinning
Initeinesti will be taken, if application, with
_good" 'recommendations, be made soon.
One,bet:Weat 18 and 17 years of age will
be pr6terred.
• Gettysburg, March 12, 1847.
r r ug attention of the Ladies is tfireeted
t*tho'very handsome assortment of
4 (plain, plaid and striped,)
larr,'at the Cheap tSore.of
May 7.
. .
Just rectred at
Chisnibersburg street,
THE snbitcriber respe - ctfully informs
hie friends and the public generally
that he continues the Tailoring business at
hiit''old . stand, in • Chamhersburg street,
*here all times ,be found, rcady
to acconiiitodate all those who may watill
garments Made. lie has just received the
last New York •
and he promises' all who may favor him
with their patronage, that he will give them
entirasaisfaction,both as regards the fit
aiutworkritanship of all garments entrusted
to.'tti)n:,• and at as moderate priceis as they
eln:lre obtained anywhere else. Ve hopes
byritriet,ittention to bnsiness and a desire
to,please, ,to merit a continuance of public
patronage and support.. ira:i Country pro
duce taken in exchange for Work.
• April 18, 1847.-am
..111 - :;:A - M.0j): T9N S OR
ir.,:.},i0, , A.8,.., Barber and Hair
' , Dresser, has removed his tremple'
td the
e Diamond, adjoining the County Buil
dings, where he can at all times be found
prepared to attend to the calls of the public.
rOih' iiihg:e . xperience he flatters himself
tAt,- t ile caiigo through'll the ramifications
a fitli e- t,-tie,
departnients, w ith such an
infinite degree - of skill will meet the en
tirbiiatitifaction Of all who may submit their
i.:liii4 to 'the' keen ordeal of his razor. He
ho'pes,t therefore, that by-attention to .busi
miss mid a 'desire to please, he -will merit
as .well receive: a. liberal share of public
p itronage. 'rile sick will be attended to at
thei r- linvitto divellings.
it WO
v ~.~~~ ~
4L--,I)Z-11 1 1 1 ISTRY
71' • • •
' Att i•tre ,, Pn Dent ist,
111.E.S,P,EC'rlilILLY oars his proles
aitnial,services to the citizens of Get.
tyshurgtand surrounding country. Ile is
PrOitrAdm attend , ,to all cases usually en
trulitetl to the VENTIEIT,ItriI hopes, by strict
attAptiofi . Derithitrir .alone to be able to
ettit4 nll'who may see fit to entrust their
etifiii hitt hinds: Office at Mr. M'Coslet ,
:''Oloty 15, tf
. -- - 1 146fPiiiiiiiiini. Writing` liik .
From Dr: the celebrated Profes
•Perinf.Olivnalit try in the University; of Penn
"ttlyno,ia.: •
t(' Philadelphia, Oct. 11, 18.13.
3 0:1-4.Danr , ..,Si,r--Ilaving tried your ink, l
;will thank:you' to send me anbtliar, bottle.
Ati - ittAlliatio be excellent'.
. 4 6
'I, am yours, truly.
ROB'!'. HARE."
.4iitikia. fur, his, „numerous scientific re
of Ohio, Cincinnati,
Jan 1 7 ,1844
-r • k
q4,,044. Hover s Wnting,ln ,
1,.X413,11144i1ki: that, it is the best which has
*r pcoupe .10,111 y 'knowledge, and especial
itiliiiplxt.elling-tfor the use of the Steel
141141011 , 110eorrnde Ahem, even in
RNA: , of C4e.iniPtrY."
.'!i-.7!P • • • •
3•ol.,lo4ol4sitthe_ :cement.
tierectiontino gentleman.
' 44 41F : A . use of
•4 "fiiiiipitiotical testa ,
of to, mom
-I:4o4l4)wirticle for
Stanton's I:xtfrotal Re_tiate4v,
S now universally acknowledged to be. the
4; INEALLIBLE REMEDY for Rheumatism,
spinal affections, Contractions (lithe muscles, sore
throat and quinsy, issues, old ulcers, pains in the
back and chest, ague in the bieait and face, tooth
ache, sprains, bruises, salt rheUm burns, croup,
frAsted feet, and all nervous diseases. The trium
phant success which has a ttended the application
of this most wonder/it/ medicine in curing the most
severe cases of the different diseaarsabove named.
and the high tneeniurns that huve 'been bestowed
upon it, wherever it has been introduced, gives
me the right to call on the qfilirted to resort at
once to the only renirdy that can la retied on.
R" The following letter from Edmund M Blunt,
Esq. whose name has been rendered immortal as
the author of the Coast Pilot, and F even' other
Nautical works, is the most reliabletlidence,of
the great value of the celebrated External Remaly,
Hunt's Liniment.
George E. Staunton, Esq..
Dear Sir :—For more than half a century I have
suffered by Rheumatism. A few mOrohri since in
consequence consequence of that disease which
sticks closer than a brother, I. and injured my
side, indlir, ine my applying Hunt's Liniment, from
which I had immediate relief; siewerpiently feel
ing an attack of my old companion, I applied it
to the part affected, which at once remmed it.—
As a law compels all ship-masters to carry a med
icine chest whilst at sea ; none should go without
this, as I think one bottle for external purpo,es
worth all the medicine they can carry. You may
use this communication at your pleasure.
Very respectfully yours,
A gentleman of high standing in the society of
Friends, speaks as follows of the gloat remedy,
Hunt's Liniment:
Newcastle 1 1 th month, Ist, IS•14.
,George E. Staunton,
Esteemed Friend :—Thy letter of the `?nth ulti
mo is received. In my reply I would say. that I
have been troubled with a lame knee frir
years, during v,h,ch tim. it has nitcreriscd me much.
procured a ['office!' Bunt s Liniment at thy,s
early last spring, and 1 have ti,ed it lively,' and
can that since that time I have Lad little iir no
trouble with my keee. A friend, to whom I sent
a bottle, infoims me that it was of great benefit
in a rheumatic allbetion. 1 have no hesitation in
recommending it to any peition needing an exter
nal remedy
George E.
n—:fometime since I over-heated myself in
working, and in a short time the calf of my leg
broke out in pimples, which by scratching became
hifever sures attic woot desciipX on. The irritation
nd swelling was so great that I could not rest
day or night; I used one bottle of yonr Liniment
and I am-entirely well. I was also affected by a
swelling in my groin from the same causes. and
the application of the Liniment relieved me at
toner!, and I most confidently recommend it to the
public as an invaluable remedy.
This Liniment is sold at VCand 50 cents per
bottle by all the principal Druggists and Merch
Orders'addressed to me at Sing Sing., N Y, will
beattended to ' G E STANTON, Proprietor.
AGENTS.—SamueI 11. Buehler & S.
S. Forney, Gal y sburg; Abraham King,
.Thol!cr,4'own; E. Zack, Pinetown ; Ja
cob Hi !Barr, lidllersburg ; llollinger&
Ferree, Petersburg, (Y. S.) ; Jacob Aula
bauell,Hampfon; Gco. S. B•mtzel, Merlin
May 7, 1847:
-- • - -
(11 F all the remedies recommended. in Tule
Sur', years, for the cure of CON'UMPTION,
Coughs, Colds, Asthma, Bronchitis. Liver Com
plaint. Spitting Blood. Difficulty of Breathing,
Pain in the Side and Breast, Palpitation .of
the Heart, Influenza, Croup, Broken
Constitution, Sore Throat, Ner
vous Debility. anl all disea
ses of the Throat, Breast
AA . Lungs:
None has been found more es:tyrant and I-EUM.t-
NKNT in its curative power over these. so general
and often fatal diseases, than the above prepara
tion. The CompOnnd Syrup of Tar and Wood
Nnptha is an unparalleled remedy. In addition to
the healing power of Tar—the virtues of which.
in affectiona of the lungs, is universally acknowl
rdged—there is combined with it in this prepara
tion the OC 'IVO principles of some of the most cer
tain Tonic Vegetable Pectorals. which unite to
make it the moat valuable meleine ever offered
to the publie for the cure of the diceases for which
it is emplm ed. so that it never fails; if taken in
time, to produce the intended effect.
Among the testimonials to the value of the a,
hove medicine are several from distinguished phy.:
siciaris of Philadelphia. Read the following from
Dr. Young, the eminent oculist
Philadelphia, .Tan. IS, 15.17.
Having used in my practice. as well as in my
own family.•"Thomsion's Compound Syrup Of Tar
and Wood Naptha," I have no he.itatior in saying
that it is the heat preparation of thalami in use
for persons suffering from Consumption, Coughs,
Colds, and all affections of the Throat, Breast, Rt.c.
so prevalent at this season of the year.
152 Spruce street.
Read also the following from a man who will
at any time corroborate its statements.
Philadelphia, Dec. 4, 1847.
Penetrated with a deep sense of gratitude for
the benefit experienced by the 11FP of Thomson's
Cornpound Syrup of Tar, and that others who,
like me, have languished throngh years of affliction
and suffering, without being able to find a remedy
may know where it can he obtained, 1 voliiiirtirily
make the following statement.
About four years since, after being affected with
a violent cold, it left upon me a troublesome and
severe cough. Whilst the cough continued, which
was with scarcely an intermissiou during this
long period, language fails to tell what I have suf
fered from debility,.pains in the breast and side 4
night sweats,
difficult expectoration. oppressed
breathing, an d 'in fact all those symptoms which
murk a severe pulnionary affection. The relief
occasionally obtained by the discharge of the mat
ter which ob•tructed the healthy action of my
system, but increased my fears, as the purulent
waiter discharged was frequently streaked with
• 'During this tinne I was under the treatment of
several physicians,and took
-many of those prepa
rations recommended as serviceable in the cases
Of others, but without relief : and 1. at length con
cluded that a cure in my cage was hopeless. But
how agreeably changed is now my opinion! I
have. owl* ahout three WeeitiThomson's Corn
found Syrup of Tar. By the use of ono bottle my
cough has' beep relieved ano,thyarysterri reinvigo
rated,-and by' continuing the use l of it up, to this
lime, LaM'satisfied that my complaint is , entirely
removed and eradicated.. -
. E. REA RIOY, 242 S, Seventh st.
13:7"Tbin inQuabbi remedy*Firepared only, by
Antney & Dickson,N. E. Corner of Fi ft h and
Spruce streets, Phil adelphia, and can be bad of the
ti?Horiat Arita :
6 1 /At . .tti'rfteji tGeqsburg.:
‘ ?; i /it i e r t s r4 l /
;; gkirinfT4 4
...9 11 R;;; -` • e,',lAViil 2 3ll,lllll-ily •
. ,
. •
t",l ,
Sing Sing, July 25. 1645
;3.7obrd, Sept..l,
NOTICE iS hereby given to ail Lega
l. 'atees and other persons concerned,
that the SDMINISTR., , ITION .de-
COUNTS of the deceased persons herein
after mentioned will be presented at the Or
phans' Court of Adams county, for confir
mation and allowance, on Tuesday the
25th day of Nay next, viz.:
The account of George Robinette, Ex
ecutor of the last will and testament of
William, Garner, deceased.
The account of George Robinette, Ad
ministrator of the estate of Mary Gardner,
The first account of Philp Shriver, Ad
ministrator of the Estat Wm.-Hartzell,
The account of George Kers!'ler, Ex
ecutor of the last will and testament of
Mosey F. Ansi), deceased.
The aecount of Philip Wolf, Adininis 7
trator of the estate of Henry Palmer, de-
'file account of James Moore, Adminis
trator, kith the will annexed, of Thomas
M'Kec, deceased.
The account of William IVrCurdy, Ex
ecutor of the last will and testament of
William Breckenridge, Deceased.
The account of Jacob &tosser, Admin
istrator of the estate of Alexander Under- .
wood, deceased.
The account of WilliaM Vanorsdel, Ex
ecutigr jof the last will and testament of
Isaac Van Orsdel,•dcccased.
The account of Jacob Bosserman, John
Bosserman, and Peter Bosserman, Execu
tors of the last will and testament of John
Bosserman, sen., deceased.
The account of Henry Riley, Executor
of the last will and testament of John
Strashaugh, deceased.
The account of Maxwell Shields, Guar
dian of John, Helen M., Sarah Mary, Ell
phemia M., Charles .M'Clean, Elizabeth
Harriet, and Martha V. Knox, minor chil
dren of Samuel Knox, deceased.
The account of Maxwell Shields and
Samuel Knox, Trustees, &c. of Samuel
Knox, deceased.
The account of Geo. W. D. Irvin and
James Cooper. Administrators of the Es
tate of George Irvin, deceased.
The second and final account of Moses
M'Clean, Esq. Administrator with the
will annexed of the estate of Samuel:Hut
chinson, deceased.
The account of David-Leas, Executor
of the last will and testament of Nancy
Sillicks, deceased.
The account of henry Comfort, Admin
istrator of the estate of Catharine Com
fort, deceased.
areount of Wm. King, Administra
tor, With the will annexed, of the'Estate
of Wall:tin AlTlellan, deceased.
The account of H.
_lll. Kauffman, Ad
ministrator of the estate of Isaac Wood,
Ronnrrr COBE.VN, Erg/ger
Register's office. (;etryiiburg,
April 30, 1 b. 17.
Dr. enltch's India.. Peg-chi
li& Specific,
R Female Complaints—is one of the
most valuable medicines in diseases
common to Females, ever offered to the
public. Diseases arising from weakness
or other causes, are removed in a few
days. We have heard numbers 'of fe
males say they would not be without this
Medicine, if it could not be had, for any
price. Certificates of cures, in pamPhlet
form, may he had of the agents gratis.
Dr. Cullen's Indian Vegetable Remedy..
Do. do. • Panacea
Do. do." Pile Remedy.
Dr. .Ippleton's Remedy for Deafness.
Roa:nerd Magic Lotio
These Medicines are prepared and sold
by the proprietors, Rowan & \Vahon, 376
Market street, Philadelphia, and can he
had in Gettysburg at the Drug Store of
Jan. 15, 1846.—tc
National, Daguerrian Gallery and Pho
tographers' Furnishing Depot:
WARDED the Mecial, Four First
Premiums, and Two Highest lion
ors. by the Institutes of Massachusetts,
New York, and Pennsylvania, for the
most beautiful colored Daguerreotypes and
best Apparatus ever exhibited.
la.. Portraits taken in exquisite style,
without regard to weather. Instructions
given in the art. A large assortment of
Apparatus and Stock always on hand, at
the lowest cash prices.
New Yoi.,k, 251 Broadway; Philadel
phia, 136 Chestnut st.. Boston. 75 Court,
and 513 Hanover streets ; Washington,
Pennsylvania Avenue ; Petersburg, Va.,
Mechanics' Hall ; Cincinnati, Fourth
and Walnyt,.and 176 Main _Street ; Sara
toga Springs, Broadway. •
June 15, 1846.—1 y
al. P. S 0611 . . 4 ,
Ct. ILVER MEDAL awarded for the best
pictures ever exhibited. Stranger
visiting the city should call and examine
the various specimens of colored' .I3tguer
reotypes, at M. P. Simons' Gallery; and
those wishing likenesses, may rely upon
receiving perfect satisfaction in every res
pect. Whole families can be grouped to.
gether, whiclivforms a most invaluable
keepsake. Miniatures set in bracelets,
.Medalams, Breastpins, - &c:, An assort
ment of the above Jewelry, selected for
the purpose; always on hand. . Examine
and . then 'decide. Materials used in the
Art for sale, atiheiowest rates. , Instruc.
tioni given by letter or personalif.„ tAll
communications must be posi paid.
No. 179 Chestnut Street,:
.Opposite the State House, Philti,
April 30,.111147:—.4m
MONDE Atm.,. of the beit quality
to be had at , the'Confeetionarror
' •
The Chi a' eat `Gold and Silver Watches
Gold revers, full jeweled, $45 00
Silver Levers, full jeweled, 23 00
Gold Lepines, jeweled, 30 00
Silver Lepirres, jeweled, 15 00
Silver Quartiers, fine quality, 10 00
Gola watches, plain 15 00
Silver Spectacles
Gold Pencils,
Gold, Bracelets,
-ALAS 01g hAND-
A large assortment.of Gold and Silver
Hair-Bracelets, Finger-Rings, Breastpins,
Hoop Ear-Ring, Gold Pens, Silver Spoons,
Sugar Tonges, Thimbles, Gold Neck, and
Fob Chains, Guard Keys,•and Jewelry at
equally low prices.
11(0 6 Alli want is-a call, to convince cus
All kinds of Watches and Clocks rc
paired and - warranted to keep good time
for one year. Old Gold and Silver bought
!'for Cash, or taken in exchange.
I have some Gold and Silver Levers, at
still cheaper prices than the above. A lib:.
oral Discount made to dealers. Call and
see for yourselves.
For sale, Eight-day and Thirty-hour
Brass Clocks, at
Watch, Clock, and Jewelry :lore, No. 41.33
Nlarket st., above I Ith; pool' side, xhila.
Philadelphia, Sept. 4, 1846. ' tf
3t,,the Philadelphia french and Jewelry
No, 9t3, N'orth Second street, corner of Quarry
Gold Lever Watches, full jewelled,
18 car. cases, . $ , 15 00
Silver Lever do. full jewelled, 23 00
Silver Lever do. 1 jewels, 18 00
Silver Lepine do. jewel'd, Is t pal. 1.1 00
Superior Quartier \Vetches, 10 00
Imitation do. not warranted, 5 00
Gold Spectacles, 8 00
Fine Silver Spectacles,
Gold Bracelets, with topaz stones, 3 50
Ladies' Gold Pencils, 16 carats, 2 00
Gold Finger Rings, 37 ets to $8 ; Watch
Glasses—plain 12 cts ; patent IS ; Innet
25. Other articles in proportion. All
goods warranted to he what are. sold
for. O. CONRAD.
On hand, some Gold and Silver Levers,
Lepities and Quartiars. lower Than the a=
ove prices. ci •
Dee. 4,1816.--1 v
7t 0 I U •
To Cotaztry Alerchanis, Storikreprrs, and
the public ingi•neral.
rvilE Subscriber takes this method to
inform all whom it 110 V concern,
that he intends to keep at his Old Estab
"---Stand, No. 382, Market, street, a
_.- lust-rate assortment of all kinds of
iiid 1'.% oi* Cr/ / 4 .!4i,
akisuitable for the Country Traie.—
Feeling confident from his expe
rience and practical knowledge of the bus
iness in all its various branches, that he
will; be able to render general satisfaction
to 'all who may favor him with their cus
pc_7.•Country Merchants would do well
to call and examine before purchasing of
his more noisy competitors.
All hats warranted to retain their
color. Hats front $1.25 to $4.00, of the
latest style,
No. 30. Market street, above Eleventh, south side
January 22, 1847. 6m
E.,11 L.
JLADOM US has removed his Watch
. Watch-Tool and Material Store,
from No. 33 S. 4th street, where lie has
on hand a large assortment of Gold and
Silver Lever, L'Epines, and Plain Watch
es, with a complete assortment of Tools
and materials, such as Lunette, Patent and
Plain Glasses, Mainsprings, Verges, Hand
Dials, etc., of every description, to which
he has added a complete and splendid as
sortment of JEWELRY, consisting of
Ear Rings, Breast Pins, Bracelets, Gold
Chains, Keys, etc. which he will guaran
tee- to sell at the lowest New York.prices,
Wholesale and Retail.
N. 13.—Country Merchants, and others
visiting the city, are invited to call & exam
ine his stock and large assortnient at No.
248 Market st, below Bth South side.—
Orders' from the country promptly attend
ed to.
April 9—[Jan. 22—Gm.]
Spring & Summer Dr` - Goods,
111 AII.Y received from Auction, at J.
.12.OSSIJOOPES', No. 411 Market
Street above 11th St. opposite Girard
Square Philadelphia : such as mous. de
laines, from 12 1-2 to 18 3-4 cents, ging
hams, new style, 18 3-4 to 25 cents, yard
wide lawns, 12 1-2 to 18 3-4, white mulls,
bishop lawns, tarletons, jaconetts.• striped
and plaid muslin from 12 1-2 to . 25, rich
and glossy alpacas from 25 to 37, tiekings,
(lands, diaperg, 'Sib. Shawls of every
style from $1 to $l2. - CAlicoes.from 5 to
12 1-2 c, 'of a superior style, hosiery and
gloves, men's and boy's linen, cotton and
woolen stripes and plaids, from 10 to / 20e.
Tweed, Ca.rsitnere. all wool, only 25 and
31 ets.. Black,. Eng. and French Cloths
from $2 to $5 per yard. My assortment
of muslins and linens are not to be surpas
'sod, either itycheapnesS or variety, in this
city. Muslins at 8, 10, 12 - 1-2: 3 yards
wide, 37 1-2. Cotton and Wool ingrain
carpets fecim_lo to 50 cents. Matting 25
to 87 1-2 cents.
N. B. Purchasers are requested to call
and examine for themselves before buying
elsewhere,iand they will aye at least 25
per cent.
Phila. April 9. / -3m •
and of good styles, including
Cotton;`'WoOlen,-endLinen Ooods, Our
motto is ono t01t9,6 ”eai.
May 7: " '! & 0./RUTHRAUFi.
Com Pound Medicated Candy.
FOI the Cure of Colds; Coughs, Spit
ting of Blood, Bronchetis, Asthma,
Whooping Cough,Tains and Oppressions
of the breast, and all, other Pulmonary
complaints, and other disases which have
a tendency to produce Consumption. It.
serves also as an effectual clearer of the
voice. ,
1 75
2 00
4 00
This Candy is entirely a vegetable pre
paration, the principal ingredients being,
`More -hound, Wild Cherry, Sarsaparilla,
Boneset, Eleeampane, ,Liquorice, Flax
seed, Iceland Moss, Prickly Ash; &c. and
will, if taken in time, relieve the system
from those distressing afflictions that tend ;
to Consumption. • i
, One great advantage in this valuable
medicine is its cheapness, the public not',
being imposed upon, by the enormously
high prices which are generally exacted!
for Patent and other medical Preparations
-Each package contains directions. • Calf!
and try it L
Prepared and sold at the Confection arid!
Variety store of the Subscriber in West
York street, one square from the Court
and next door to Thompson's Ho=
tel. It can also be had at the : Drug Stores
of S. H. BUEHLER, and S. FORNEY.
lizrThe subscriber as usual continues
his Bakery, and is prepared to supply
parties at the shortest notice, with choice
cakes, &c.
E undersigned has connected with
his Coaelunaking Establishment a
large Smith shop, and is prepared to do all
kinds of
including ironing Carrie, ges, ggies,
If gons, 4-e. lie would sav to those who
have Horses to shoe, that he has in his em
ploy list-rate hands, which, with his'per
sritial attention, will enable him to give• en
tire sa - tisraction to all those who uiu)• carol.
him with - a call.
' a• v princS ,
(warranted) will be promptly made_to or
der at all time~.
kinds. - of REP.ILRING
both hi Wood and Iron,at the most redu
ced prices.
Thanliful' for past uneouragnment; the
subscriber solicits a continuance of patro
nage, and invites his friends to call at his
Establishment in pr - - west (.'h;unbershurt
street, a few doors below Thompson's
To (t hum it roar ,•,), orrro .—This may
certify that my 0110 a lmost from
teas afflicted with SeriDfula, which covervi
most ,of its bodies with" •ores ; and d'iikti
eighteen months, thong consiatulY undei
medical treatment, 'twilit% afforded relief
till I was induced to mak .• a trial of Dv
Cullen's Indian Vegetable Pa gacetL The
attending physician„ on witnesfhing itsgood
effects, recommended its contitow.lee ac ,
according to directions, and byloisiiik.„ i
single bunk! 01 the Panacea, the child wit;
apparently cured. It is now about foilt
Months Sint'e., the medieine was discontlint
unit, and I 11:14 In) doubt but the mire isi
complete. Y (tub I rffly, 1
ltowAsn & w.( LYON ' . M..M . (1. I:A F, a )
Phil o& red. 0, 1817. '•- :0110 I‘lltrket.Sti
BA It BE It's tn!. f
Mr. J. 'l'. 12owAs0—Stit;—Sonietiniti
last Spring I was so unfortimaie as t o ge h
the ‘..Jackson, Or Barber's hell," by shay
Mg after some One affeeted by thati troll
blesome and obstinate disem e. - ; : 1' o
eannot have forgotten the swolleAt an
irritated condition of my face at ilit9 - tint
you recommended "1)r. Cullen's Ik)lia
Vegetable l'ammea." •
I In. ‘e now the pleasure to inform yo 1..
for the benefit of all who arc similarly all,
dieted, that the use of a single bottle of 1116
Panacea Cured me entirely. You mat
well judge of my gratifiCation at such a re ,
,s(l4, as I had so often known the diseas!
to continue for years under the usual mer
curial remedies. (Signed)
Phila. Aug. 5 1845. T. L. Sunders,
. Pledge Office
Ye learned ones of the ullealine. Art,' it ye ca l .
,0 bli m Laconic i/I ()Ws:4111131 pl ide as in w:e ii toed
lane which ye know not how to N 01114,11131. yi
may preset te molly valuable li‘es w Lich will o
therw i:e be Kwriliced. Will ye not preset 'be it'
if it-skallnot acciimplish all w e ela;rn lit it ;Met
.NEW CLOCK AND Irian(' a fair tr al,•according 10 gh rer;ilml.. rte trill pul ,
• • list) an account of its failme in any ditee pave':
ES'IABILISIIMENT. in the U. States at our own expense.
% - And here we say, without the tear of contra
II Lt X . .1 7 aA2; F B d:etion, that we hate not found a ease of Scioltila
or othei di-case for wllich we 'eel mmend the 1'
1 - 11 ESPECTFULLY informshis friends , lil .1 ,
nacca, which the medicine has not :Tem ) • ..
rlk and the public generally, that he has I rested
removed his ClOck-and Watch Establish-1 We have at this time a multituee of patients tin
ier treatment• all of whom are doing well. A.
menu from Taneytowu, Md., to Gettys
:mow them is one of CAF.. CI. R, it hie I was [11;- ,
burg, at the stand lately occupied by Jo - 1 flounced by physicians beyond the reach of Fure!i
SEPII MATIIIAS, deceased, where he will: cal assistance, hut from all appeatances will ‘''
he-pleased to wait upon all who May favor I clued in a etc months.
hint with their custom. He will keep on I (1:1 The above valuable mecreine is for sale
hand a general assort- wholesale and retail. by Messrs Rowan and - Wio.
ment of -4.2.. ton, Proanetors,'376 market wee!, Philadelphia
.._, . aut t by th e nillowing agents s.
CIA, C S, 7 . 0 ..- 12 --",,, Itl
&mud 11. Ihtehler; Cntlysburg, Pa.
, 1 m Ne i .. 7t.
W A f r
CIIES) 0 .. 1. 4, ) " :"-': C. a. MOrrbi, York, Pa.
C C ...... ..‘,.*%
itii.k.,„•P,---•,,::,..!+F N. N /lobinon, Baltimote, Md.
A N o April 23, 18-17. 7 —tf
Gettysburg, Feb. (1, 1816. •
1,1 4 11.,iyiv,z!
ETIJIINS his grateful arknoWledg
ments for the very liberal patronage
which has heretofore been extended to
him, and takes this method of informing
his friends and customers, and the public
generally, that he still continues the CA
INPIT-M :MING in Chamltershurg street,
at his old stand, where those wi'shing first
rate Furnimre can be supplied on the
shortest notice.
cile has also, in connection with the Ca r
binet-making, commenced the CllA 112-
MAKING, and is prepared to furnish
those wishing Chairs at as reasonable rates
as nt any other establishment in tile !Once,
and of as good quality, made of the hest
Materials and by one who understands his
his business.
0 All kinds of produce, and lowlier,
will be taken in exchange fur Furniture,
ttnd the highest market price given.
pp-COFFINS will be inade- i ,ti the
shortest notive, and all orders promiVly
tendcd to; as usual.
Gettysburg, iarcir 19, 1817.—tf.
which will be sold on the most reasonable
terms. 'Cloeke, Watehes, &c., will be're-
paired 'at tho most reasonable prices, and
warranted to give entire satisfaction. Ilar-
ing . laeen eng a ged in thehnsinefis for a num•
ber.Ol yearshe hopes, by industry and . por..
ticular attention to his customers, to. merit
a share of puhlie patronage.
, Gettysburg,.Obt.' 9, 1846,—tf.
E have just received la lutudeome
. assortment of Titan and. fringed
PARASOLS, which we will he pleased to
show . to all who. favor us with :a mall..
CD, ERSONS ntllieted ith
Cancer, Erysipelas, Old ores, Clew, '1 et,
ter, Mereinial Diseases, or any other complaints
arising from impurities of the blood, Aje,reqUebt
ed to read the following testimonials, in *prookof
the woudertul properties of the above
icine. READ! READ! BEAD!!!
GeNts.—lt is now'six months since ny
youngest child, a daughter, had t entail
ous affection, which made its appearauca
( over its entire body. , It was a ease of
Hereditary Toter, and st, virulent was the.
disease, that we wished; in ease. it amid
not be speedily relieved, that it might be
soon laid m its grave. At this stage of then
disease my sister-in-law called upon -you,.
to advise as to the best preparation-off Sa
rsaparilla that could be procured, alr on *al
terative ; when you recommended tlie'use
of Dr. Cullen's Italian Vegetable Panacea,.
aad I am pleased to say thatthe . good ef
fects of the medicine were
when it had taken. but a few t and
by the time we had used one single bottle,.
the disease had entirely disappeared.; mad
from that time there has been to re-ap
pearance. I really feel thankful 16 y•ott •
for having reconunended the Panacea- in."
this ease, for I feel confident that had not
the disease been arrested, my child would.
crc this, have been the tenant of the col b d
and silent tomb. Respectfully yours,
ROWANn & ' WALTON. JOhO P. /?et'o,
Phila. Dee. 0 18+5. 85 N. Sevetith
Phibide/phin I:ecembet 10, 18-15.
Mr. J. T. P0165A..
Dear Sir,--At your request. I eheerfttl-
Iv give you an uremiat of the wonder
cure effected upon pie by
dim? elable Panacea. At the iise
rinirteen years I had upon my right,' 10.
a IV hite Swelling, Ithich stiffened tt
joint. and caused some seventy or inure
pieces of the bone to come away in lIK
sores, and which was temporarily relieved
by the usual remedies; but not entirely. cu
red.- At times sores wriuhl :11z:int break
out, anti become so distressing and paillitir
that I could get no rest •inight nor day. . In i
this way it condoned till. last spring, when,
having 'witnessed th e cxsracir "ry ellccts;
of your Pan a cea, as an alterati% e, %Toil . r
a daughter of mine who %vas using it lt)r
chronic disease, 1 concluded to make itteq
al of it ut in own case; the resuli:le
heen au entire cure. 1 our now sixty-su
en years of age, and have tAltfered
three years with sores. 1 cheerfully
n-\- testirtmetal to ; the many others that
Ita vejheard, of t!te cores performed by yr.
celebrated Panacea.
Thomas Frollon:•'-' ,
403 N. Third Street,: Alderman Seventh
Ward, N. L. •
Fez' I her s ! 1 *cni I her!! ! '„
' v I
Cheap. for Cash. 4 ,
V REDERICK G. FR. EH,; Uphotr 1
r i
12 ' Wrer and GeneratFurniober-Nie
415 Market street, abiwe Eltwentli. Note i l )
Side, opposite Girard Now. Yhiladeli b !' 1 .
where. may bo had at all times d itirg t ,
sortment of Beds and Alattresses• Curb 7,
noir pitl.Etathers, Chairs,' 'Fab - les...Bet
steads aud Looking,glasfes; together witl
all other articled in the , alMreinbe of hinf,
mess, at the very lowest pi:jee rorAt i ndi. i
401V..8. AI l old nork repaired wiAttnnik,
ness, and d'evuteb.
MprriW4o, /847—(1111.)
1 -nW.