The Star and Republican banner. (Gettysburg, Pa.) 1832-1847, March 05, 1847, Image 3

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0 F Goods,
~Wares and. Merehantlize,l
within. the C o unty of Adams, return- ;
edantl tlassified in accordance with the'
soveral acts of Assembly by J. AUCMIN-
BAUGH, Mercantile Appraiser.
~' t
GRTTYBIIIIItii. No. Up CI.AS9. A3L ' T 01 , ' .l AX i
David Middlccofi 13 $lO 00
William Ruthrauff 13 10 00 i
William Gillespie . ,14 700
gebean & King i 14 7 00
.1: M: Stevenson & co. 14 7 00 I
George Arnold 12 19 50!
Robert M'Slierry 13 10 00
Annie! Ealmestock 9 25 00
George Little II 7 00
John Jenkins
Marcia Sampson
D. Ziegler, ( Liquors)
Wm. Sell & Co.
Samuel H. Buehler
Conrad Weaver
Peter Winter
Elias Sheets
Cumberland tp
John \Veikert
Wm. B. 1361 y
Wm. Witker
Simon Readers
Abraham King,
Ephraim Zile (I,iq'rs)
Philip Iyers
Menallen, fp.
John APKni , dit
Oliver I'. Ilotere
Henry IV. Canlrman
.1110 13iirkhubler,
Jesse Houck (du.)
Peter Ilnliek, 14
Thomas Snodgrass 14
Tyrone 1/).
J. Hollinger (Liq'r) 14
David Deatriek (do.) 14
Jesse Cline, 11
J. Hildebrand (Liq'r) 13
Charles Spangler 13
` --- john Aulebaugh 13
George Bentzel 13
Wm. Wolf - (Liquor) 14
Catharine Miller 14
Franklin Ili.
Abraham Scott
Thomas J. Cooper' 14
Philip Hann
I'etor Mickley (Liri'r) 14
David Beecher (do.) 14
Jacob Lower 14
Stick & Witunire (I'r):
- Jolla
.W. Ilcagy 14
Jacob Itrinkerhoff, -- 13
C.. T. Weigle , 14
Jacob llcifleigh l4
JobnNunemaker 14
Joseph St .1. Riddlerno
ser (Liq'r) 14
St,B. Gardner (1r) 12
lioltzinger & Ferree (1r) 13
John B. M'Creary (1r) 13
David Newcomer (Ir) 13
Jacob Martin, (k) 13 15 00
Lilly Si Reiley . (lr) 13 15 00
Bartholomew Sullivan (1014 10 50
John Clunk , 14. 7 00
Berwick Borough.
Ambrose MTarland (1r) 14 10 50
William Bittinaer (Ir) 14 10 50
(liquor) 14
Mountpkamy tp
John Miller 12 12 50
John Shealy (Ir) 14 10 50
JacUb Lawrent: (1r) 11 10 50
Jonathan YOung 1-1 7 00
Reading Ip.
David While 1:1 10 00
JacOb — A - nlebangh (1r) 11 10 50
Jacob Gebrge _ .• 1.1 • 7 00
Germany tp.
llenry Sehriver (It) 13 • 15 00
M'Stierry.e.r. Fink (It) 13 • 15 00
George Myers & Sun (1013 15 00
Samuel Berlin 14 7 00
Edward C. Bishop 13 10 00
~ : Conowago fp.
Eusebius J. Owings (Ir) 14 10 50
Joh Busby 14 7 00
Francis P. Kriehten (Ir) 14 10 50
Union, ip.
Peter. Long (lr) 14 . 10 50
Henry _Roberts, 14 7 00
Isaac . nyder 14 7 00
NOTICE is hereby given to all persons
interested in the above return and classifi
cation, that I will hold appeals at the fol
lowing named times and places, to hear all
persons that consider themselves agrieved,
viz : -.For Germany, Union and Mountjov
townships, at the public house of Eve A1 ; -
.S7terry, leittlestown, on Monday the Bth of
March next, bet Ween the hours of 11, and
2 o'clock; for Conowago and Berwick
township and the Borough of Berwick, at
the house • of Geo. Hersh, Oxford, on
Tuesday the Olh day of March, between
the•houra of 11 and 2 o'clock ; for Hama
ton-and Reading townships, at the house
of Solonthn Albed, in Hampton, on 'Wed
nesdny the 10th -Of March next, between
the hours of 11 and. 2 ; for Latinfor, Hun
tington, and - TYroneloWships, at the house
of ./ohn. in Petersburg, (Y. S.)
on Thursday the 11th of-March next, be
tweentthethours-441 and 2; for Menallen
township, at theimuSta i f liatic Yount, on
Friday the 12th of March next between the
hours of 11 and 2 ; for Franklin township,
at the holfse of. Mom Smith, in Cashtown
on Saturday the 13th of March next, be 4,
tweon the hour§ Of 11 end •21- for Liberty
'mid HamiltonbanztOiviishipS,'at the house
of : lsaac Robutior4-iW Fairfield, on Mon
day the 15th of Mardi next,' bet Ween the
Moore of 11 mitt' 2 ; for the borough of
I;6or:burg, and the townships of Cum
barlontl, - Strohm'', -and' Mountpleasant, fit
the Cointnis*onerteljnice; In Gettysburg,
ow.Tuestlity the
. 10tItfiar 'of March' next,
b1:040 - 114hoi fain - tea i 0 and 3 'o'clock.
t- 4
,04! . 0A . .4fip raiser.
getV.Siburg, Feb. 12, 1817. • , .at
THE Subscriber intends to retire from
Farming, will offer at Public. Sale,
at his residence, in Union township, Ad
a ins county„on the road leading frol/1
lune'•s Mill to Littlestown, about 2 miles
from Beshore's Mill, and the same dis
tance from Jos. Sueeringer's Mill, and
3 miles' from Littlestown, on .1/onday - the
S!h of March next, the fidlowing personal
property, viz : FOUR 11EA1)
OF (4001)
2 three yearling . Ciflts, 2 one
yearling do., 25 head of llorned . Cattle,
among which are 6 excellent
.and a three-quartet Durham Bull, the bal
ance heir.r all mixed %with that Breed, 11
Hogs, and 1 good breeding Sow, 3 good
Wagons, 1 large broad tire, with bed, 1
Plantation with bed, and a one-horse wa
gon, several sets of !horse Gears complete,
a one four;horse Threshing Machine, 9
llay Ladders, Windmill, Bolling Screen.
Cutting Box, Fifa' Chain and Log do., 1
Jack Screw, Ploughs and !harrows, Cul
tivators, Shovel Ploughs, I Carriage and
Harness, Day by the ton, a quantity of
13,1c0n, and a number of other articles not
specified. A Is!),
7- 00;
7 00;,
15 00
10 00 1
7 00
7 00
10 00
10 50
7 00
100.000 Com] 17trielc ,
a quantity of Iluusehold and Kitchen Fur
eonsistinu - of 13eds, Bedsteads and
Beddings, ('hairs :ul3 Tal lICS, 1 De)-;
pinning 1 1 ; heels, 1 ('voicing Stove and
Pipe, 1 Ten Plate Steve and Pipe, Putts,
Tubs, Barrels and llo ! , , , heads, ;i-quantity
of good Lard, a large let of excellent Ap
ple Butter, Potatoes by the bushel, and a
quantity of Pickled Beef, with litany otter
articles too numerous to mention.
7 00
7 (10
7 00
10 50
10 50
7 00
7 00
v . 7 Sale to voniolcove at 1) o 'clovli,
i\l.. attentiattee will be given and
the conditions of the sale 10 , ntatli• known
.11)1I\ 1)11.:111,.
Ft.)). 20. 1817. 2t
] 0 50
10 50
7 00
15 00
10 00
10 00'
10 00
10 50
7 00
N 0 'l' 1 C E.
ETTERs 'l'estamentary on life Es-
Li tate of EVE i u latc a I I:1111-
leu•ing, been g rant
ed to the subscriber, residing: in Strahan
township, Adams county, he hereby gives
notice to all who are indebted to said Es
tate to call and pay the sante without de
lay, and those having claims , are desired to
present the saute, properly authenticated,
for settlement.
7 00
7 00
7 00
10 50
7 00
10 50
Feb 5, 1817.-
7 00
10 00
7 00
7 00
BRANottoles Puts !—This medicine
is acknowledged to be one of the most val
uable ever discovered-us-a—purifier of the
blood acid fluids. It is superior to tiai,ap-
1 -arilla.-Avliether as sudorific or alternative,
and stands infinitely be!'ure all the prepara- CHE. , /P
lions anal combinations of NI errory: Its virlittclegms i.,
purgative properties are alone of incalcula
ble value, for these villa may be taken daily , ./1t the P h htdelphia If ittch and Jelectry
for any period, and, instead of weakenino 1. ,S7ore, .
N o , ti,;, North Second sticet, coiner of Quarry,
by the cathartte effect, they add strength I; ' ' I
taking away the cause of weakness. They Gold Lever Watches, full jewelled,
have none of the miserable effects of that 18 car. cases, $l5 00
deadly. specilic, , Mercury. The teeth are Silver Lever do. full jewelled, 23 01)
trot.injured—the bones and limbs are not Silver Lever do. 7 jewels, 18 00
paralized—no; but, instead of these re- , Silver Lepine do. jewel'il, Ist quid. 11 00
sults new life and consequent anjm Superior Quartier IVatchcs, ation 10 00
is'evident in every movement of the body. ' Imitation do. not warranted, 5 00
These Pills, for colds, coughs, tightness. Gold Spectacles, 8 00
of the chest, rhumatism in the head or Line Silver Spectacles, 1 75
limbs, will be found superior to any thine - Gold Bracelets, kith topaz stones, 3 50
imagined of the powers„„a : Ladies' Gold Pencils, 10 carats,
of medicine ; 2 00
lii bilious affections, dy s p e p s i a , and in all ! Gold Finger Rings, 37 cts to $8 ; WWII
diseases peculiar to women, they should be Glasses—plain 12 els ; patent 18 ; billet
resorted io at once. The Brandreth Pills :25. Other articles in proportion. All
will be found deserving all praise. ' goods warranted to be what they are sold
ID - The genuine Brandreth's Pills can be had of for. O. CON RA D.
the following Agents:— On hand, some Gold and Silver Levers,
J. M. Stevenson (S- Co.,—Gettysburg. Lepines and Quartiers, lower than the a-
Jno. 11. illcCreary,—Petersburg. bore prices.
• .ilbraham. King,—llunterstown. Dee. 4,1840.—1 y
.11. McParland,—Abbottstown
David 31. C. Ilhitc,—llampton
McSherry tk Fink,—Littlestown
Mary Duncan,—Cashtown
John. Hohc,—Fairtield
18 75
15 00
15 00
FASHIONABLE Barber and Hair
Dresser, has removed his "Temple'
to the Diamond, adjoining the County Buil
dings, where he can at all times be found
prepared to attend to the calls of the public.
From long experience lie flatters liiinself
that he can go through all the ramifications
of the 'Ponsorical departments, with such an
infinite degree of skill as will meet the en
tire satisfaction of all who may submit their
chins to the keen ordeal of his razor. De
hopes, therefore, that by attention to busi
ness and a desire to please, he will merit
as well ;is receive a. liberal share of public
patronage. The sick will be attended to at
their private dwellings.
Oct. 10. tf
Gel tyslizerg Shaving' Saloon.
Ye gents, with beards, come now attend ;
Ii you've a lip or so to spend,
Do not forget your worthy friend—
The Barber !
For sureley we need not declare,
Who seats you, in his easy chair,
And trims in,neatest style your hair—
The Farber!
11 - 3 ESPECTFULLY informs his old
Pt friends and customers
.that lie has
taken up quarters at his old stand in Chum
benburg street, wliere lie Will be pleased
to "give them a touch of that same old
tune." Call and see us.
- 7:,-Gettysh,urg, Dee. 18, 1846. tf
OFFICF in the Centre Sgtiire, North
of the Court-house, between Sinitler i
and S►evenson's corners.
Gettysburg, Pa.
A LPACAS, A LPACA S 9 i ' Calicoes ! Calicoes ! •
'II I .IIE Cheapest and richest, can be had , t T R. W. i%ISIIERRI'S Store for 3
A. .by calling early . at ' .i I lk. eta a l yard ; good Mader colors a tip,
faiTIIRAUFF'S STORE. 1 whrth 8 is. IN:dutiful styles, o . tu 12 1-2.
INov. 6. .
Nov. 6.
Xx •E' X . Pt A E 3
11,t1 IiSPECTFULLY informs his friendr;
, and the public geiwriilly. that he l e ts
removed his Cluck and 11 :itch Establish
ment from Taneytown, Md., to Gettys
burg, at the stand lately occupied by ;Jo-
SLPIL AlvrotAs, deceased, where he will
'be pleased to wait upon all who may favor
hint with their' custom. will keep on
hand a gener,il assort
went of
if ES ,
A ri D'
11 1'
‘vliieh 'will he sold on the most reasonable
tern's. Clock*, Watelles,-4:c., \VIII' be re
paired at the ino:,t reasonable prices, and
m.arrann-d to give entire sail:sr:Lefton. lay
inglwen (ii r.nictl in the business for a num
ber of years he hopes, by industry and par
ticular attention to his vie-quoit:l-s, to merit
a : , liarc of public patrona ! !;e.
( ;eft vsbur.r; I 1S I(3.—tf
7'lte Ch (spoil Cnlrl und Silt•rf flittchcs
Levers, lull jeweled,
filter loners, lull Jeweled,
Silver litypines,iinvileil,
Silver Quartiers, line quality,
Goln watches, plain
Silver :4;pectiieles,
Gold Peneils,
(;old Bracelets,
A lar4e assortment of Gold and Silver
I I Oop Ear- 1?i inr, Gold liens. Silver Spoons,
Sugar 'l'ongcs, Gold :Neck, and
Fob Chains, Guard Keys, and Je‘velry at
equally low prices.
tr-InAI II want is a call, to convince ctis
i towers.
All kiwis of Watches and Clock's re
paireo and warranted to keep good. nine
for nun year. Old Gold and Silver bought
for Cash, or taken in exchange.
I have some Gold and Silver Levers, at
elieaper rives than time aboVe. A
era; Discount oracle to dealers. (*all and
sue fur yourselves.
Brass clocks, at
Watch, Clock, Jewell y tote, No. 1131
\Luket't.,❑hove I lilt, north hide, 11111 d.
Philadelphia, Serq. t, 1816. tl
To fr►lcl►►ct«kcrs & Beaters
roirrn s ar
It'alches, Mach Make 'fools, and
'Val e% Mat crialy,
g AS constantly on hand a large assort
ment of Lunetic, Patent, and Plain
Glass, ;Mainsprings, Verges, Dials, Watch-
H a (Is, and a-complete assortment of all
Tools and Materials belonging to the trade;
with a large assortment of Gold and Sil
ver Lever, Lepine, and Plain Watches; all
of which ho will guaranty to sell at the
lowest New York prices. All orders from
the country punctually executed.
it_...Country merchants and others are
invited to call and examine at the Old
Stand, No. 33, South Fourth st.
January 22, 1817. Con
To Country Merchants, Storekeepers, and
the public in general.
l'll-IE Subscriber takes this method to
inform all whom it may concern,
that he intends to keep at his Old Estab
lished 'Stand, No. 382, Market street, a
first-rate assortment of all kinds of
suitable for thesCountry Trat'e.—
Peeling confident from his expe
rience 'and practical knowledge of the bus
iness in all its various branches, that be
will be able to render general satisfaction
to all who may favor him with their cus
la.'Country Merchants would do well
to call and ex'aildne !Kline purchasing 01
his more'noisy competitors.
All hats warranted to retain their
color. Ilitts front $1.25 to $4.00, of the
latest style. '
No. 352. Market street, hbove Eleveuth,south side
January 22, 1847. • Gar'
Uompimild Ntedicated Candy.
N, -~ ()It. the Cure or Colds, Coughs, Spit
timr of Mood, lironchelis, Asthma,
Whooping Cotivh, Pains and Oppressions
id the breast, and all other Pulmonary
complaints, ;mil other tliseat;es which have
a tendency to produce Consumption. It
serves also as an effectual clearer 01 the
This Candy is entirely a ve.4etable pre
paration, the principal ingredients beimi:,
!lore-hound, NViltl Cherry, Sarsaparilla,
Iloncset, Elevampane, Liquorive, I:lax
:wed. Iceland posit, Prickly Ash, and
will, if taken in nie; ri•licre the system
from !Mege di: trusz: h! . afflictions that tend
t o ( 'nnt:nrpnun.
One great advantage in this valuable
medicine is its rheapness, the public nut
being, imposed upon by the enormous!y
higli4rices whirl' are generally exacted
for Patent and other medical Preparations ,
Each package, contains directions. Call
and try it
Prepared and sold at the ('onfection and
Variety ...Aunt of the Sitin. : :erther in West
York street, one t , tittare front the Court
house, and next door to 'l'll(unit:fun's Ho
tcl. it eau also he had at the Drug. tores
of S. 11. BrEitt,Ert. and Foam:v.
- ac i-11.! subsvrihyr as usual continues
Isis Bakery, and is pripared to supply
parlics at d i e shortest notice, with choice
$l5 00
23 00
:40 00
13 00
10 00
13 (0)
WI.: 1V1 7 .1i
TllO3l P S cHAwFo 1)7
I 15
1 im
1511111.419,E5A 11.,E; 012'4'14G
So. I II) .11.% it wr
(SI/kith Sidi., lit.lowceuntl,)
(11:1•711; for s:tle :t I:trge t•torli of
r':-"'.gip? I'i' Drug., :11t.dit toes and Dve
, ,
-•- Mull'-', to \ditch thev van the at-
''' s . • 2 • .
1 -
ork ten 110 n 01f. I N
ontitry Alerrhants and
I visiting tin. cit
Coneh, ('abinet..laran, I.3larli and other
Varnishes of a stiparior quality. Also,
NVldte and Red Lead, NV indow Glass,
l'aints and l)il-,--cheaper than ever. .
gi_l7 &C. arc also proprietors of the
Indian V. egitablu Balsam, celebrated thro%
out their own and neOthoring States, as
the hest prepration Cou g hs,
Colds, Asthma, &e. Money rellinded in
e'very instance where no lienfAit is received.
Philadelphia, Jan. 99, 18 17. :lin
6:lnver's l'arst i'venanin
NO. S 7
NO lan Tiinzu S'I'RE ET,
1' H I I.:1 DEL I A.
r i p I I 1: eelebrity of the Inks manulactu
- (tired bV the subscriber, and the ex
tensive sales consequent upon thi . .! high Ve
lunation which they have attained, not on
ly throughout the united States, hut in the
\Vest Indies and in China, has induced
him to make every necessary arrangement
to supply the,yitst demand upon his estab
lishment. IleTs now prepared xvith every
variety of Black, Blue and Red Inks, Cop
ying Ink, Indelible Ink, and Ink Powder,
all prepared tinder his own personal super
intendanee, so that purchasers may de
pend upon its superior quality.
MENT, a superior article lin• mending
Wass, China, Cabinet, Ware, &c., useful
to every Housekeeper, being a white li
quid, easily applied, and not atieeted by
ordinary heat—warranted.
kict• Pamphlets, containing the numer
ous testimonials of men or science, and
others, trill be furnished to purchasers.
For sale at the. Mannlactory, wholesale
and Retail, No. 87 NORTH THIRD Srttr:t:•r,
opposite Cherry Street, Philadelphia, by
.10EPII E. 110VER,
Phil'a. Jan, 29, 1817. 1 y
U E 1-3 S
National Dagverri( n Galhry and Phol
A W AIMED the Mciiat, Four First
ft, Premiums, and Two Highest Don
ors by the Institutes of Massachusetts,
New York, and Pennsylvania, for the
most beautifid colored Daguerreotypes and
best Apparatus ever exhibited.
rai s taken in exquisite style,
without regard to weather. instructions
g iven in the art. A large assortment of
Apparatus and Stock always on hand, at
the lowest cash prices.
New York, 251 Broadway ; Philadel
phia, 130 Chestnut st.. Boston, 75 Court,
and 58 Hanover streets ; Washington,
Pennsylvania A venue¢ Petersburg, Va.,
3lechanics' hall ; Cincinnati, Fourth
and Walnut, and 176 Main Street ; Sara
toga Springs, Broadway.
.June 15, lS!6.—ly
,KIFFICE in the South-east Corner of
the Diamond, between A. B. Kurtz's
Hotel and IL \V. M'Sherry's Store.
Gettysburg, Dec. 12, 18.15.—tf
Ldir ivo TICE.
liFf4lErf. 212)
( Of Carlisle,)
PRESENTS his respects to his friends
and informs them that he has made
arrangements to continue to practiee as usual
in the Courts of Adams county, under the
new regulation of the times for holding
Jan. 30, 1840, • tf
,„;, zpi Eat 2-.0
OFFERS his professional services to
the people of Adams County.. His
011 ice is the one on the public stittare in
Gettysburg, lately occupied as a Late-Off
lice by Wm. M'Sumtar, Esq. He has
also made airang,ements to have nie advice
end assistance of his Father, Junut REED
of Cailisle, in all difficult c acs.
Srptembcr 20. If
Stant°les EXternatiPlit
( 11.1. ED
now acknowledged to be the,
INIF.X1.1.1111A: for
contractions ol the itni,t•le, , , sole
triroat and quinsy, issues, old ulcers, pains in the
Itel:and chest, agile in the breast and laee, tooth.
achy, sprains, salt rheum
. 1)111'11n, CIII.III,
hustVil ieet, affil all nervous inistni
ithirat sitcrc:ts ‘vlticii has atteuole.l the applicatitni
of tlip, most WOW/Ulf' I MO:it ilte in tilling the most
severe cases of the Iltlllncia iliseast s above named. '
and the high caroilitrm. , that hat e been be-tutted
upon it. wlicie‘er it has been introduced, gives
rite the right to call nu the ofiloird to 'c.f.,' t at t
once to the only 'Timely that cm: Lr wiled rot. i
follow ing let lei has-inst. been
ircepeil limn the hands of Dr. lien jeuriu U. 11i1
Ice, ut'ihe ciire ui inciild Indolent I 'tier, or ['ever
Phis por,on has h a lf; makr the band, of
Plipocians, and v reoway. yvt
twind till Lc miliicvd to 1:y
.Lich zt peritct cute.
I'2, ISIS.
Geo. li. Stanton, . .
Pear .-I'or , is years I ha%e soloed rant
velar is co:11111.111y called a 'Fe% et 1011. on my leg.
I can ( 1 .0-1:111:1: lit let
Ibis tem: pealed, by tle- (I.;t•t•l!el eoniidaiht, yply
about hall that tittle bate 1 !well able to tturk.
It htJ it examined ,eve ral l'h (Am), and
hied many id qAe teinedies oi the d ty for 116, k ti o
of th:ea,e, but iaate of thew all'ouletl we any le•
lief.. I :eat tor 14. )Itil.a, :old he recommend( t 1
tr.e to 11-e 11net•s 1 ail sn, and alter n.
slog live bottles I zim eotiroly , w! , ,1 of a bittern',
sore that 1 soppo.,eit ‘‘0..11.1 hang on tia: for hie --
I tee! the a tie.;.v wan, ;nal heartily tecommenil
Lolimeot to all stitrvring pel. , :on 1, that they
may be lilies ed at oLee.
()tern ,Shtrin.
S ( cheortiCly 1, it to the truth
01 the Sh11(4111'11i.
Prit . i. j
i•elceied out et it ...11.4
iimunt o; iii_ the peat :tine sit
h it's Litninent 111 01 1 ZlOlllllll 1,111.
Gen. E ing neon
afflicted with the Ithenniatisait for tip‘‘,liits lit lite
years in my allele, and lent, at time, p '
lid that 1 could tint taetk, and had to be ins:i,teil
todrrss :lid tindro,, : and :la% ine [welt till
der the eare of loin' iii Ilse
and hat in..; tried altnu,t eseiy leineilv I heard cal..
lint not to mach effect. I ha I ItLII 1111 all 1101,1!,:
II tql`r brinC ciurl. Until I !Wald of 1.1111-,
I if hu;ilr Oi
SCe ICIIII. That i., about Jun intnith , attn. and in
;lilt time 1 hitt e u:-rd one ilidlar's t% nrlh, and now
tel almost :is tell as.t.tvi•r I 11111,,,Z1V 1111110 v, as
%%ell as 111 tlt, can tesatly toitse- alne; and I '
lull Ishii are afflicted svit and
to me Ilunt a lariiiaelit.
.11ritry L. littekhotti.
:Sing Sing. Sept, n. 1;•1 I.
1111 S I.lllifi:i'lli is at '2.1 and r,r) cents per
bottle by all the principal •Di oggizts and
II h.,'eserle 11V 3
AV:ller street, 11G,Ionii I(1 111(q1,11A:ty,
1) Sand-, coiner lidr.,ll and NI 'Mani, Asiiiim
rt,thbe. I &
evil] 711 smolt
Orders it(Hressud tr we at Sing Sing. N Y, tv .
be attirtided to. (1 !.: sTANTUN, Prorr .
A ta..:NTS.—Samitel 11. 13tichle -& S.
S. Foriwy, (;/./h/Nhtt,,;;; Abraham; Kin*
I/miters/own : %tick, i'inefotrt-.4..--,4_,4,=;
cub Ilollinger .:v /itidier4 rr
ta;_r; (lolling' &!
I..'errec, i'etersbur;, , , (I. i,.) ; Jacob "Uhl-.
hattgli, ihrnipton; Geo. S. 11.;ntzt1/ier/in
Feb. 26, 1817.
4 ` r ri"
_ - -
For the cure of Ilyaiite's or hirer Com
plaint Dyvepsla, and Sick Ileod,lehe.
lI'S remedy has been for• several }'ears coo
ploved by the propietor in his practice, on a
very largo. scale iu Monongal in, Preston. Ilatrisnn.
and Rando!ph coodie , , in N irginia, besides sever
al other places, and loving liven attended with
the most happy elrects',WC has been Irons time to
time solicited to take such a course as would give
it a more extensive circulation with a view to les
sen the antitint of human sullt•riug. Aware of
the fact that many nostrums have been painutl
upon the public. he he-itated I or ,even years, un
til thoroughly cons inced that the ;those medicine,
if Nopet ly used, w ou ld not tail to ctreet eille+ in a
great many instance, , , anil e% en to alle‘iaie those
cases which are (pile hictualde.
Symptoms Qf it di.acaml Li rcr .—Pain in the right
side, under the edge of the lilts, increased on pars.
stile; snit crimes the pain is ill the left. side; the
patient is rarely ;de to lie out the left side; some.
times the pain is felt under the shoulder-blade, it
frequently extends to the top of the shoulder, and
is sometimes mistaken for a ilicumatism in the
right arm. The stomach is affected with loss of
appetite and sickness ; the bowels, in general. are
costive. sometimes alternating with lax, the head
id troubled with pain accompanied with a dull,
heavy sensation in the hack part. Thew is gen•
orally a considcrable loss of memory, art:mop:m
ica with a painful seni.:aiion of having left undone
something which ought ta have been done. A
slight dry cough is sometimes an attc• dant. The
patient complains of la eariness and debility; he is
easily starticd, his lest are cold or burning. and he
complains of a pi ickly sensation of the skin; his
spirits are low; and although he is satisfied that
exercise would he beneficial to him, )et Ire can
scarcely summon up fortltade enough to try
In fact, he distrusts every icmedy. eseral of the
above symptomS attend the disease, but ca-es have
occurred whew few of then] existed, yet exami
nation of the hotly after death has sholAn the liver
to inure been extensively , deranged,
This is'm certify, that having been associated
with Dr. INl'Lane in the practice of medicine Mr
nearly two and a half yeai a, I had many opportu
nities of witnet:sing the good effects of his Liver
and I believe they have cured and relieved
a much larger proportion of the di:aar•e6 of the liv
er, than I have known cured and id eyed by any
other course of treatment.
Oliver Morgan, 1L D
Dec. 7, : 1830.
Dr. 231'1,ane's Lircr Pills
This is to certify that I have been afflicted fur
six year, with the Liver Complaint. and applied
to ditlinent physjcians, obtaining temporauy
On hea'ring of Dr. Al 'Lane's Liter 1 obtained
and used two boxes. I now feel almost Inlly re•
stored to health—The Liver Pills have given the
surprising relief. S. DAVIS, near Pitu.burg.
Übserrc—N one arc genuine without a lac simi
le Of the proprietor's t.ienatore. Prepared for the
proprietor by JON AT 1 . 1 AN KI DI) & Whole.
sale and Rotail Diuggists, No. 60 Wood at. Pitts
N. B--In older that there may be no mistake
be p rtieular and ask for "Dr. MA ane's Liver
11:3 - The above medicine can be had of the fol.
lowing agenti:
S. H. Buehler, Get/gsbm7; J. Lower,
.12rendtAille ; J. & C. M'Knight, lien.
derdville ,- ; J. S. Hollinger, Beidlershurg;
Holtzinger & Ferree, Pelerfflnirg ; Jaeoh
Aulebaugh, Ilquipton; J, Hildebrand,
E. Berlin ; Petor Miekly, illummusburg,;
Bittinger, .laoilstown ; Couls6q &
Co. Wholesale Agents, Liberty st. Bahl
nme, '
: :
;Ifllte;ed ith ter i Fula. Imgslail
Cancer. El v-ipelits, Did Sores. Clee,a, let
ter, Alert:nil:ll ur any other complaints
arming lion] impurities of the blood. ale ivip:e,t
-#.6 to read the te,ttninniiile, in pri,ol
the %ottitt.r.til pi..pertiez id the:thute!
wine. 1:1..111! HEAD! REA D
lieleand tS•ll it/!wt—Feeling
,;rat.•lul for the extraordinary ('tire per
lOrined upon the Ity your Br. Culltit's
l'utwera,l li•el it my duly
to furiiisli \•ou. tt•ith a short history of WI
Wh e n ;timid 12 years or age I was
:lunched tt ith King's Iseil. I
was under
the care of an eminent Physician, and af
ter a lung course of medical treatment, was
pronounced cured. At 1.1 years of age a:
disease, prommuced by some of the medi
cal facility as —ticrofula,“ . and by milers
-Cancerous,” manifested itself. This
ease increased in its ravages, till my throat
was tilled with ulcers, and my rave was
cos ered with them ; my nose was ulcera
ted and swollen to appaieutly four limes
its natural size. I also bad Tumors in my
hreast and Ulcers uu ditrerent parts of my
person. 1 was placed under the care, at
‘ariols times, of the most eminent Physi
cians of New York, Philadelphia, Bald
nfore and Cineinnati, who, alter having
used their utmost endeavors to (Feet a
cure, my case was by them pronounced
incurable. 1 have travelled over 21 States
of the Uttiun seeking relief; no expense
was spared, and a large amotoit of money
was expended, hut all ill vain. 1 then u
sed large quantitits. of Swain's Panacea ;
have also taken Carpenter's Sarsaparilla,
:-tehenck's Pulmonie Syrup, Townsend's
Sarsaparilla, and numerous other prepara
tions, without effect; my throat, nose, and '
lace, were still ulcerated, and at length I
lost entirely the sense of smelling. 1 con
tinued in this deplorable condition for a
bout 2 years; having given tip all hopes of
recovery 1 resigned myself to the willd o D
Providence, supposing that every ineayli;'.
of relief had failed. Ott the sth day of
August last, l commenced taking your Dr.
('ullen's Indian Vegetable Panacea, hav
ing but little hopes of its benelitting
After hat ing used one bottle, I thscovered
io'iny utter astonishment and gratitiratith ) ;)
dint uiv sense of smelling was entirely 51,,:)
Stored, and that the ulcers were rapiui,
diitanishing in size. I litive now taken
three bottles of the Panacea; my face„
mouth, throat tind.nose are entirely Isralett Ai
I a:n now 10 years of age, and after 26
years of indescribable Suffering, my gene
tal health is better, and , ,in fact, at no period
of life, have 1 felt ''as well as .1 have
since using your int:alit:dile
Nyurk, Sept. 30, 1810, 111 UliW st
Wp, the undersigned, being personally
acquainted with Airs. Julia Branch, of No;
111 l tor street, and having a knowled)l,
of her situation for.several years past, do
hereby certify that the above is a tint: .
stateinent of her ease, so far as our perse,
nal knowledge goes; and from her charac
ter and standing ‘ve have full confidence i:
her statements, and in the efficacy of D.r.
Cullen's Indian Vegetable Panacea.
I: A Ware, I I:1 (1 Neal, I l l ClitFst.
\l•atc, do S Wasson. tr. Itoo,e‘elt
S l h txter,tii :\ I tulbert y, Euil ly Earle, 1 I tkon.
We learocil ones of the Art,'• if ye can
so far oveicuutuue prouessional pride as to use a tail•
ictnc which ye lino‘v tint hoo• 10 compinual, yo
t'itay pre:wive 'Daily valuable lives %%Lich till u.
tlui,rwie he sac' eul. Will ye ant I ieseu it eit
Ii it's!all nut tiLeoruplish all rte claim for it after
it fair traul, according to directions. rte Dill pub.
lish an account of .its failure itt auy hive papers
in the E. States at our own expense,
And h ere we sn V. without the, 'car of contra•
diction, that lye Late not found a ease of ..efrifttla
or other disease for which ‘e tee( tro.ttal the Pa•
narea, which the medicine has not speedily ar.
We have at this time a multitude of patients un.
der treatment, all of whom are doing well. A
mong: them is one of CANCER, which was pro
nounced by physicians beyond the reach oh Surei.
cal assistance, lint from all appearances will be
cured in a few months.
The above valuable medicine is for sale
wholesale and retail, by Messrs. Rowan and Wal,
i on . Proprietors, :171; market street, Philadelphia,
and by the following agents:
A'amrtel 11. Rttehtte, ( ( tlysburg, Pa.
C. .1. Morris, York, Pa.
/?obinson, Baltimore, Md.
Jan. 15, 1817.—t1.
V. M. 1111THHAUFF has received a
11;11)(180nm assortment of Cap
consisting of Cloth, (men and boys) Vet.
vet do. Silk oil do He also has Fur Caps
muß•h cheaper than usual, and good Oil
Cloth Caps as low as 25 and_l37 1-2,
Nov. ,1 3.
Is published every Friday Evening,in
County livildina, above the Register
and Recorder's (Vice, b
T E It AI S.
Ir paid in advance or within the year, $0.2 ler
annum -if not paid within the year, P. 54/. Ao
piper discontinued until all ariearaces are paid—,
except at the option of the Editor. Single copiek
64- vents. A failure to notify a discontinuance
Will he regarded as a new engagement
✓ldt•erlixratrnts not exceeding a square insetted
three times for SI ---et ery subsequent
cents. Longer ones in the same proyortion
All advertisements not specially ordered for a gji
in time, will be continued until forbid. A litera„ '
reduction will be made tot hose who udsertite by
the year. • r
Job Priating o! all executed neatly and
promptly, and on reasonable teinis. t.
Lettere and Conisnaniculiens to the Editor, (ex•
cepting such as„contain Money or the names or
new subscribers.) must be eoliT r, ui, in order to .
secure attention,
crry AGENCY.—V. PALM Ell, Esii:4o the
corner of Chesnut K.. Third streets, J'hitudr/i.Vo;
lao Nassau street, ./Vrto York; end Eoutb-east rot•
ner oflialtintore and Culvert stteet,lraitin
nod E. W. eine, 440 Fourth Et. I 161: o'4,
are con authorized Agents for receiving Ads f ,.;.f.
'tient:: and Subscriptions tollin "Star — et,d
lug ,0.41 werriptivg ter Ili.: :-atoe,