. . . • , . . .. ~ Late frootlampieo.and Mexico. I The Origin of the War. I CW.LES S I ANACKX.WC would Calk I the attention of the afflicted to the Certifi- A COMPANY OF KENTUCKY CAVALRY ' IMPORTANT STATEMENT BY SENATOR I caw of Dias. BRANCH in another column of CUT OM—DESPATCHES CAPTURED. CLAYTON. , - !this er. Astonishing, as is this Case By an arrival at N. Orleans, Tampico ; We invite attention to the following extract of !. o f Sccrofula, pamphlets containing certifi dates to the Bth;Rraios to the oth, Mata- ' a speech recently delivered in the U.S. Senate by : cafes of Cures quite as 'remarkable, may Moms to the sth, Cannargo and Vera Cruz , the lion. John M. Clayton. It is clear and con - l ie had of Mr. Besnr.r.e, agent for this • to the 2d, and City of Mexico to the 29th elusive as to the origin of the war, and confirms : place. These certificates are not • gotten ult., have 'been received.. I in the fullest manner the statement recently made '; up for effect, but the truth may be aScer- A detachment of eighty of the Kentucky ;by the Hon. John C. Calhoun. The truth is s the i tallied by calling upon the persons, or, ad.; and Arkttifas - cavalry were cut. Off . thirty i immediate cause of the war with Melico was the ; dressing them by post. The oath of the miles beyotid• Saltillo by Gen: Minon.--; . , . order given by I resident Polk, without consent, I proprietors has been published, stating They formed an outpost and were surpri- ; that this medicine contains no mineral sill)- ; adVice or knowledge of Con7res, to march the U. sed and taken kisdners without resistance. n Istance—and may be used by the Regular ' iS. troops from Corpus Christi to the Rio Grande. *Or Borland; Cassius M. Clay and Ma- ~,,. this n Practice as an Alterative in connection jot Gaines are among the prisoners. The lin 0 unprejudiced nunkcan noW entertain a I whit their prescriptions. Many ,of the capture of Lieut. Ritchie and ten dragoons, • nonce. the -e -1 doubt. And under these curtails .., r most respectable Physicians in Philadel with despetelfehTtom Gen. Scott to Gee. 1, sponsibility should rest upon the individual to phia are using it in that was. Taylor, is-emidetned. ! whom it rightfully belongs—in other words. upon Jan. 15, 1817-11 One account says they were cut on - be-1 James K. Polk. The passage we quote coversthe tween Moliterey and Victoria, and that all . whole ground, and it should be circulated tar and were kiHetk ;The despatches are said to ! wide throughout the Republic. Mr Clayton said: rave contained the whole plan of opera- I "During the debate on the Oregon ques tions. . : ! lion, as it is commonly called, in 1810, and . Another:accOunt states4thatpc ten dra- sometime, as I think, in the month of Feb goons had reached Victoria4d safety, but : ruary in that year, I learned , from sources that there.'Was no doubt of the death of.! to whin it is not necessary to advert, but Lieut. Ritchie. - Ile was lassoed and drag- upon which I felt that I could rely, that ged across acOrn field at full speed. ! our Government had given orders to , Gen. An officer of the Ohio Regiment, sup- Taylor to break up his encampment at posed to be Lieut. Miller, had been 'mur- ' Corpus Christi and march on the Rio dered near Chichireni, and awfuly mutila- Grande. The instant I heard that, and ted by the Mexicans . I was satisfied of its truth—the public at the Gen. SeOtt,Was to embark immediately, : time having no means of knowing thefitct Iris destination supposed to be the Island of ' —I was alarmed at the apprehension oj;,,a Lobos, about 75 miles front vera - Cruz.— , war with Mexico; and it is true, as the _ the attack on Vera Cruz it was supposed,; honorable Senator from South Caralina has would takc.piaee about the let of . March.- i said, that I did meet him here in the Sen . 'Col. Harney had been sentenced to be , ate Chamber, and, in course of a confident reprimanded, but Gen. Scott had remitted ! tial private conversation, I did give him the the sentence, AO ordered him to resume " information I then possessed. I told him, 'duty. The news in regard to the volun- i sir, that I believed, unless some speedy ac leers wrecked on board the ship Oudiaka i don were taken either by himself or mime was less favorable than was anticipated.— i other distinguished gentleman who could The detachment sent to their assistance is ; arrest the downward tendency of alien's a said.to have been made prisoners, with all ' rising from that order, we should be pl'ung the yolunteers. Capt. Magruder's forces ,ed into a war before we could possibly had started for the wreck, and the whole save ourselves. At that time all men who brigade, it:is said, were to, follow. The!, were acquainted with passing events, and main body of the volunteers wrecked had , the position of our public affairs, were ii certainly mot•reached Tampico, and at the. like anxious to avoid a war with England, latest accounts. from them they were enga- i if it could be avoided consistently with the ged in a bititaiet with a body of Mexicans honor and interests• of the country. All tar-superior in numbers and equipments. ' i our efforts were devoted to the considera- The ships Statesman, Prentice and Cath- i tion of the best means by which we could, :trine were off the Bar at Tampico, on the lin the exercise of all the. prudence and 9th, filled with troops. The Mississippi 'judgement which God has given us, avert volunteers on board the Statesman were i from our country so great a calamity as a suffering terribly by sickness 'and dying' war with England upon the iniestion of daily in great numbers. The New York ' boundary. It was in these circumstances '-, regiment on board the Catharine arc in good ' that I received the information, and corn health. •-• , .I municated it to the ' Ininonable Senator There were-about 7000 troops at Tans- i from South Carolina. fits first exelarim pieo, composed of regulars and volunteers. I tion was, "It cannot be So ! It is impossi- Lieut. Gibson, •of the Second Artilleiy, ' ble !" precisely as he related in the course died on theßth inst., of fever. lof this debate. I assured him that it was The'rumored assassination of Santa An- i .beyond all tiotibt. "Then," said he, when ' na turns out to be unfounded, so as also his , I urged_ that measure be taken," what active opposition:to the confiscation of the I can be done?" I, as a Whig, could not move church prdperty, though the law 'appears : f in ,the matter.' I urged that, unless the lion to be a dead letter. The last accounts orable Senator from South Carolina and state that,he had left for Tula at the head his friends, or some other strong division of the main body, of the Mexican force.. lof gentlemen on the other side of the chain ' ‘6l'iiii" Lii'Vena'had betn appointed to the her, Would move in the matter, we on the command of Vera— Cruz. The -- Congress Whig side should be utterly powerless, of* StatvorVeiderim had called on the i The honorable gentleman was at that time, people to resist at all hazards, the invasion !as he very properly stated, devoted to the of the Americani. ' . . - , . I same great object whieh I confess absorb- The CiMetiaiif Saw Thiis- liad :passed ed my own mind and the.minds of those a a deereeauthariiiiig the tliivernorio nego- , round me-4he prevention of a war with . tiate"a loan in fortreight hours, forced or England; mid he declined to move, lest voltintary. I his usefulness on thatgreat question should Some father aeeOnntB of the capture of :be in any degree constructed. In the course Chihuahnahave been received. The Mex- iof a short time after that.— jeans admit: over one hundred killed. • An- I "Mr, Calhoun. The first conversation . other account Mentions that an action took I was in January, when you announced the place in ' the immediate vicinity of El fact ; and the.second conversation was in Passo ddl Norte in which our troops were February." entirely successful. I "Mr. Clayton. Yes, the Senator is This Mexican report states that the A. ; right. Thus, Mr. President, I felt mot mericans Were in the possession of ll Pas- ! crated from all responsibility in the matter." so With'sk hundred cavalry and four hun- I 4 ' s +en dred infantry, on the 27th. The loss on , "On the 24th of April, and between the each side iiot stated. I hours of twelve and one o'clock out that The'Vera Cruz Indicator, of the Gist, ! day, I was talking with my friend from says thatGen.'Velegia meditates an attack , Kentucky behind me, [Mr. Morehead,] upon Tampico, and yet- :the Mexican' and I. said I had no doubt that we were at troops were all is a deplorable situation. .!•1 war with Mexico, and I added, "I believe , 'we have had a fight." Sportively we laid a small wager on thafmatter, and it turned out afterwards, for I made a minute of it, that I won the bet by about four hours, for ' Thornton's dragoons were cut up about, four o'clock in the morning of the same day, Well, these events recalled and inn-1 pressed upon my mind this great fact, that, while the Houses of Congress remained in ' ignorance, and those who knew could not move, the President of the United States was ordering the army of the U. S. upon the Rio Grande, and taking a step of which the inevitable consequence proved to be war. * * * S * * “At did time the war was declared, I de nounced it as the act of the Preside»l of the United States, but I avowed myself, then, and I have ever since avowed myself , willing to vote supplies for the war. I be lieve that the war was brought on bit this 1 thing er marching the army without any necessity from Corpus Christi to the Rio 1 I — Grande; done, too, while Congress was in session without one word being C 071177121- . nicated as to the intention of the President of the United States, either to the Senate 'or the House, or to any committee of either House of Congress, or, as far as I have • been able to judge, to any member of either House of Congress. Under these eircum- , stances Mr. President, the responsibility of the war will probably rest on hint, who ought to Oar it." -.: :. . 'No proposition can be clearer than this, or more susceptible of positive substantia- MLIIIIAEHYT OE THE Mr.xicAss.—The letters of the N. Orleans Picayune speak of the shocking barbarity. of some of the Mexicans: . Lieut. Miller, an officer of the Ohio vol anwrei who was killed at Chielkironi, had his heart cut out and hungupon a bush The body..cof the brave but unfortunate Lt. Ritchie was horribly mutilated after his death. His heart, too, was torn from him, and•afterwards stuck upon a pole by . the road side .! ..1t la understood, says the Wash ington Correspondent of the Baltimore Pa-.. triot, that.the,a Rew caricature is coming out in thelonerican Punch. It represents the high bird of liberty descending with a wreath' of laurel to place upon the head of glorious old Zachary Taylor, white Mr. Polk and Mr. Benton and,Mr. Marcy are suiting' with all their might Pto.urge their official editor. forward to clutch the wreath and destroy it.. 16 the back ground, part-1- ly covered with btishes,. or chapparal, Mr. Ficklini Mr.. Thompson; of Mississip pi, and' one.or two, others, With ponans, I tiring away with great energy at the flanks and roar Of 4 1:toug,h and. Ready," who don't seefit'at all to notice them: 11:7•Tlii York AO rnente notices an in 'quest held over the'faxly of an infant child found en the diutcpit pf../dr, Wilson,. of Hellsm town ship, gra Wit county. Osfpftlie hirelings in pas sing, dittevereg that a hog was eating 'at , a child on the _ding pit, and on"attempting to rescue it, pursued' the hog into art adjacent field, some 200 yards before the ;body was dropped. The right aim was, entirely destroyed ! Suspicion at once reste4 upon a Eirt in the .employ of Mr. Wilson, whd idknovidilidged the child to have been her's that it had been still born. and had been placed on the dorm pit t o screen herself from detection. t imi.-Conneris rslieved of the com mut of qur 'fortis in the Calf, and . Com. Perry takai bie Sate: " ' -.•P'lliThe•new planet discovered by Le • Voreieeep4s to be called Neptune-rite. sigh a tri. ‘• . • /s, . W. Ps PIN or QOl9, if President of the WI ;We Temposenee Soeiety, • • 7'The U. S. ttitizette announces the death of Rcv. EzZKIAL COOPZR, of the Methodist E. Church, aged S 4 years. }k had been in the ministry 62'years, making him the oldest clergy man of the Methodist church in thiscountry. ° KTA man named Dankei Toy, was drowned at Harrisburg on Saturday hot. He was intoxicated at the time. Ir.7 3 The Delaware State Senate has in defi itely postponed the House bill to abolish Sla very in that State, by a :dei s ts vote. We observe that the Representatives in Congress from Dela. were, in both Houses, voted for the Wilmot pro- SAND'S SA RSA PA RILLA.—Loss appe tite, Indigestion, Dyspepsia ; Ifeariburn, Gastritis or Intl:filiation of the Stomach, all proceed from the same cause, being an unhealthy secretion of gastric juice and bile. The salivary glands n 9 longer send forth a healthy flow, and the Liver issues acrid bile. Then follows acidity of the stomach, eructation of wind, distress after eating, oppression of the precordia, head ache and nausea, tremulous sensations, and a variety of other peculiar feelings known only to the sullerer. For these and kin dred diseases a new remedy has dawned upon the world for the relief of suf fcring humanity. • Sand's Sarsaparilla, an entirely vegetable composition, is in its operation peculiar, entering into the circu lation, thus coming in contact with the germ or cause of disease, and displacing unhealthy secretions by extending its in fluence to every part of the body, and causing a general reaction, when health , succeeds debility and disease. !IX For further particulars and conclusive evi dence ()fits superior efficacy, see Pamphlets, which may be obtained of agents gratis. Prepared and sold, wholesale and retail, by A. B. & 11. Sands; 76 Fulton street New Volk. Sold also by ap pointment of the Proprietor. by S. 11. BUEHLER, Gettysburg, Pa. Price .1,1 per bottle. Six bottles for $5. Feb. 12. 1817 BA_FIG:A:IIV., - .', subscriber has now on band an Mt extensive assortment-4 TIN WARE it leis Shop in Chambersburg street, which he %vitt sell at prices to suit the times; lle therefore solicits those who need any Tin Ware •to give him a call. Remember Chambersburg street. CEO. E. BUEHLER Gettysburg, March 13. NEW (ODDS ! NEW COON ! 111 IE Subscriber has just returned from IF the City with n complete nsortment of DRY GOODS, GROCERIES, AND QUEENSWARE, all of which will be sold very low at • . R. W. 111'SIIERRY'S STORE. Nov. 6. 111ICKINGS, CHECKS, VELVET ju Chords, plain • and plaid- Lacings, Blankets,. leached Shcetings, very Cheap and of all widths to be had at WM. RUTIIRAUFFS. S _ O ECND-HAND COACHES, HUG-1 G I ES, &e., of good mu bstantial make, can be had at the Coach Es lblish meta of the subscriber, in Gettysbut . C. Ve.. 11OF FM - A ' ! Gettysburg, May 20, 1840. V ESTI NGS. Abeautiful lot of Fancy, Silk Velvet, and Satin VESTIN6;S; also. Gen tlemen'lt CRAVATS, SUSPENDERS ; Mohair, Ringgold, Palo Alto, Silk and Common lilatted, Velvet, and Seal-skin CAPS—for sale at M'SIIERRI"S STORE.. Nev. 6. . The Guardianship account of David Zeigler, Guardian of Oscar Latshaw. The wycount of Jacob Pitzer, Adminis tralOr of the estate of Joseph Pitzer, de ••ceased, who was one of the Executors of the last will and testament of Baltzer Pitz er, deceased. The account of Emanuel Pitzer, one of pEA N 1.1 TS, FIL BE 11 TS, A-L the Executors of the last will and testa-' MONDS, &c., of the best quality' ment of Baltzer Pitzer, deceased. to be had at the Confectionary of ! The account of . Abraham Krise and C, \VErl\'Eß.~Saroucl Executors of , die last will and testament of Abraham Krise, deceased. I The first account of Samuel Alwine and Perfumery, Salty, Ne. Conrad Alwine, Administrators of the es- DERFUMERr, SOAPS, FANCY tate of Conrad Alwine, deceased. ARTICLES, TOYS, &c., for Sale The account of James Wilson, Admin by ^^ C. WEAVER. istrator (de bonis non) of the estate of April 10, 18 , 1 Ci. ' :Frederick Beard, deceased. ROBERT COBEAN, Register, Register's office, Get tyi-burg, Feb. 26, 18.17. April 10, 1816 ILVER AND GERMAN SILVER CI PENCILS, VIOLIN STRINGS, &c., of best quality, can always be had at the Palley Store of ._April 10, 1840, M LING. • • T M'SIIERRY Store, for 4 cis. and AL upwards; also Cotton Flannels, 8 ets.• and upwards. Nov. 6. THE LADIES respectfully invited to mall and A examine my stock of CLOAKINGS, ALPACAS, CA'SHIVIERES, MOUSLIN DE LAI NES, SHADED and PLAIN MERIN OE S, SHAWLS, GREEN BAR 'EGE, RIBBONS, and a variety of Fancy . Goods. R. W. APSHERRY. Nov. 8. HOUSE SPOUTING .- lA7 ILL be made and put up by. the subscriber, who will attendprompt ly to all ordcrs,.and upon as rbasonable terms as can be procured at any'estahli.gir, meat in the county. GEO. E. BUEHLER. Gettysburg, March 13. • • WM. RIITHRAUFF 11.1.,,5e1l FLANNELS, all 'Wool, and a variety of colors, for 25 and el 1-4 cents, Superior Flannels for 37 1 , 2 and 50 gents. Limeys and Plaids, handsome and • cheap, and first-ratelier; says for 12 1-2: Nov. 0. TILE Subscriber has now oir hand a large, assortment of TIN WARE, which he will sell on reasonable terms at. his' Establishment in Chambersburg GGROCERlES,adcrQupoptilvOre to. be `street. andee. •. had good and cheap atithe Store.of G. E. BUEHLER, NV3I. RL TURAVIT. 1 gettysburg, Jobe 1!), 1816. • • i deceased. The third account of Wtn. H. Lott, Ex- , 1 ecutor of the last will and testament of Houghtelin, deceased. Dr. Cullen's Indian Vegeta •l Lie Spec fie,- FOR Female Complaints—is one of the most valtiable medicines in diseases common to Females, ever offered to the i• public. Diseases arising from weakness jor other causes, are removed in a few idays. We have heard numbers of fe males say they would not witliOut this medicine, if it could not be had, 'for trey price. Certificates of cures, in pamphlet form, may be had of the agents gratis. Dr. Wien's Indian Vegetable Remedy. Do. . do. Panacea Do. do. Pile Remedy. Dr..9pplelan's Remedy for Deafness. • liowand!.# Magic Lotion. These Medicines are prepared and sold by the proprietors, Rowan & Walton, 376 Market street, Philadelphia, and can be had in Gettysburg at the Drug Store of S. H. BUEHLER. , Jah,ls, 1846,L-tf. r • ". • C. WEAVER. Groceries.aud., wenswiure. - .UST received a full supply of Grocer. ies and Queensware:'whielil will be sold low. R. W. M'SHEItI?Y. Nov. 6. ATTEND TO YOUR INTEREST! A Chance for Ilonscheepeirs: FNTENP to sell my entire stock of New Furniture on hand at my Cabi net-ware' Room in Chambersburg street, Gettysburg, on Saturday the 13th day of March nest:. The stock is very large, made of tl►e best materials and by good workmen, and after the most fashionable stylus, so that House keepers and others desiring to procure good and handsome new FURNITURE, at low rates, will find it to their — interest to ' attend. There will be sold, among other, things, 19 3lallogany Front Bureaus, 1 Mahogany Dressing Bureau, 1 Mahoga ny Secretary, •1 Maple Bureaus, 1 Cher ry do., 3 Corner Cupboards, 8 Dining Ta bles, 7 Breakfast do., 18 French Bed. steads, 13 half do., 2 Workstands, togeth er with Candle Stands, Dough-trays, and Chests, with a variety of other articles too numerous to sperify. Also, at the same time and place, will be ,Ipld 13 dozen Com mon C A I S , 4 dozen Fancy do., 6 _Rocking Chairs, fare Ar►n do., Tice Settees, together kith ''a variety of small Chairs intended kir cl►il dren. 11 -- P.Sale to commence at 10 clock, A. M. Terms—All purchases un der $5 to he paid in Cash ; on all above $5 a credit of 9 months will he given. 1)_1 '11) 11EA(.11 Gettjsburg, Feb. 19, 1817. • ; NOTICE is hereby given to all Lega atees and other persons concerned, that the .9 DMI N15711.1770N . 1 /C. COUNTS of the deceased persons herein after mentioned trill he presented at the Or : plms' Court of Adams count•, fur contir- Hnation and allowance, on Tue3day the .23(1 dem of illarch next, viz : The Guardianship account of Saltine! `Snoeringer Guardian of Ale Ways Marshall. Guardianship aceoialit of Samuel Sneeringer, Guardian of Mary Isabella Marshall. The Guardianship account of Samuel Sneoringer, otiartlian of Emanuel Mar shall. 'l'ne second account of Jacob Cover, Administrator of the estate of ' Martin New ' man, tleceasetl. . The account of George Orner, Executor of the last will and testament of Felix Or tier, deceased. The account of Eli Fickes, Administra tor of the estate of Jacob Fickeic - of Clllll - county, deceased. The.third account of Thomas little, jr., surviving Executor of the last will and tes tament of Thomas little, sen., deceased. The account of William Mottcr, Admin-! istrator (410 bonis 1100 of the estate of, William 0. sprigg, deceased. The account of John 1.. Taughinbaugh, Administrator of the estate of Emanuel Deardorff, deceased. The account of Catharine Stoner, Ad ministratrix of the estate of John Stoner,l sen., deceased. The account of John SheafThr, Admin istrator of the estate of Frederick Berlin, TIN WARE• WHOLE.S.HLE AND RETAIL SA VE YOUR TEETH. • 1 Dr. Ferdinand E. Vanderslool, . MESPECTIT LLY informs the e i t i. Promptly Up( le 11 . ot nix bi 41,11 U1u14 , 01 Into cif il le o zees of Geltysburg and vicinity ollrbrr ! that ! . [Li 0 snlis , aittiate the above fact many hnntlre.:4 he is prepared to• perform every operation ' of te-naynotal- could be adduced, out o' appertaining. to his Profession ; such as n Ilia the folluu tug are releeted, nom nub% blinds Filing, Cleaning and Plugging Teeth, with of standing and vente try. Indeed, it it. confident Gold, Silver, Tin-foil, and Composition. ily allioneti that each ng..v trial of the powers. ot lie will insert ilu'orruPtihie teeth on Pi_ i t ,, h i i ! - len ret , t i t i c it t i l3 co w i i fi l s l x h ii a tt . ; r a u u tne n:l u d i i iii it h , n yl t te i rl i e t nr ‘, y ( 2..: ,.. vets, or Gold or Silver elasps, in the most' , universally kiirmn aud„ditrusid.orer the U. Statrs s' - "e• s itilith many hundreds, if durable manner. it would save' 't,Cit If carious teeth arc properly treated at a I not thousands th 11% es annually. . . seasonable time, the progress oldie decay ' VERT' FICATE*4. maw he entirely arrested. . Ido certify that a yial of Dr. 3l'lLarte:, Alfieri lie will insert diem, from one to entire can Woilli Sreeirr exi,elled lit e litindletl ant( to o sets, in such manner, d t at th e e will wake is hole multi-, and peI!VS that 110114/ hate Made sixty mote, trout a boy ol John Len•dling..‘t halt, the articulation of the voice perfeet, and ii laid in a .duanzlit hue, %%mild hale mo-t proht materhdly assist in mastication. hly ineasmied the enormous length of one Itundted From the success which has atieddvd yaid. it ): IA II JA (T 01X, his professional operations for a num- Owner of Water Forge. and other vtolk6, Motion her of • years past, he is co n fident he gala comity. Vii. can satisfy all who may. Gavot' him yt hit a , 'l In- i- to ce tit) that 1 purchased Iron Minn,- call. prLy-For his place of residence in quire at the store of Mr. Samuel Falines lock. REFERENCE is respectfully wade to the following gen lleman : Rev. Prof. BAUGH En, Rev. Dr. See myr KEN , Rev. E. V. GERI! A RT, Pll4. 11. AUPT, Rev. 'l% 11. SWITZER, Dr. I). Ilan N Rev. S. M .. .kIuLLIN, Dr. C. N. BERl.l'ell Dr. I). , Alurelt 20. 1 v DENTISTRW. DR. J. LAWRENCE HILL, j{ESPECTFULLY offers his protes t sional services to the citizens of Get tysburg and surrounding country. He is prepared to attend to all eases usually en trusted to the DENT:s.r, and hopes, by strict attention to Dentistry alone, to be able to please all who may see lit to entrust their teeth in his hands. (Alice at Mr. M'C os le s Hotel. May I. tf FALL AND WINTER FASEIONS JusT REccivEn: 1 1HE Subscriber respectfully informs his friends and the public generally, that he continues to carry on the TAILOAcING Business at his Establishment in ('l►ain , bersburg Street, Gettysburg, a few doors below Thompson's notel, where he will always be prepared to attend to orders up on the most reasonable terms. Ile has made arrangements to receive reguhu•h• the Ltelest City Fashoosts, and l►e promises all who may favor him t►•ith their patronage, that he will give them entire satisfaction, both as it regarcls the lit and wormanship of all garments entrusted to him ; and at as moderate pricey as' they can be obtainetr any where else. Ile hopes, by Strietattention in business, and a desire to please, to merit a share of public patronage and support. Irf:reountry Produce taken in exchange for Work. JOIIN G. BAKER. Gettysburg, April 3, 1816.—tf ~T:C ~~T TAILCRING ESTABLISHMENT, FRANKLIN W. DENWIDDIE FIESPECTFI7I.I.I' informs the citi zens of Gettvsburo and the.summud.. ding country, that he has taken the well known Tailor In g Establishment of J. H. SKELLY, in Chambershurg st.,! Gettysburg, nearly opposite Mr. Buehler's! Apothecary and Book Store, where he is prepared to execute all work in his line I with neatness and in the most approved style. tr i All work entrusted to him, will! be warranted to lit. His terms will he very moderate, for ('ASH or CDUNTRI: PROH DUCE. itt....The latest Fashions will be regular ly received from the Cities. Gettysburg, March 20. 1816.-1) BLACKS 31 tin G. THE' undersigned has connected with his Coachmaking Establishment a large Smith shop, and is prepared to do all kinds of DLACICSIVIITHING, including ironbig Carriages, Bug,gies, IVagons, tS c. lie would say to those who have horses to shoe, that lie has in his em ploy first-rate hands, which, with his per sonal attention, will enable him to give en tire satisfaction to all those who may favor him with a call. Carriage die Bit i i,gy Springs (warranted) will be promptly made to or der at all times. loan'All kinds of REPAIRING done, both in Wood and Iron, at the most redu ced prices. fOr past 'encouragement, the subscriber solicits a continuance of patro nage, and invites his friends to call at his Establishment in ticy- west Chambersburg street, a few doors below 'Ton pson's Hotel. C. W. HOFFMAN. Gettysburg, Feb. 6, 1846. oszol: Is 9 oin#. , :rtval, 9.• subscriber will keep constant:ly ." On hand a supply of the • • T 1 15CSL Freshest Oysters that the market can allbrd—which he will serve up to his customers in the best style, :lid= roasted, stewed, or fried. 10:741t has an apartment fitted up for the accommodation of LADIES, who may feel . a desir e; to partake of Oysters - 7 40 whom every attention will he paid. • 07 - FAMILIES can be accommodated with Oysters by the gallon, quart or pint, ,n the shortest notice and most favorable ..erms. JACOB KUHN.. • Per. t, 18 tti.--tf 1)It .:;I\i-g-ILINVS] I. • vEji*ITUGL •Tj K Kidd a vial of Dr. M . l.:ntes American Worm Specific. and gave two do, , es to a boy of miW• about three yeas of age. Ile pas.ed fully hall ;It pint of worms. The quantity was so lame L%% really :11;11[1.10.amil ratted in several of my Mligh hors to see them. Dad this story been relatcli me, I mild not have riedited it, without being an eye-witness to the same. Aly health un pro% ed much atter. SAM 1. MOR1111:-ON: Merchant Tudor, 11'odi1 httsbutg... How Mrdiral Te . ..timony. • Flom a regular Physivi ut. I)r. Sipith, Son- Ohio. Ilfr. J. Kidd—Dear : I have used in my practice Dr. Wl.ane's American Worm Specific. and have often witne,sed its efficacy in expelling norms from the sy-tern. A patient of mine. short time ago, gave a vial of the Worm Specific to a child and in a short time upwards of tvorms were expelled. ' Dr. A. P. Coryell certifies that he has frequent, ly i,eil the Specific in his practice, and with un varying success, it never failing to expel limn to 150 worms. A child of mine pas , ed one-third of a lineal' wmins with one vial of Dr. M'Cane's Worm Spe cific. It is truly a surprising medicine. Blackhorne, Peebles township. • Surprising Teets (Y . Dr. al'Lu/rc's WOrla On Saturday Feb. 7. Is Mr. James Richard son called at the office of J. Kidd & Co. and made the following statement : A child of mine hail bettn 'very sick ler sonic tilt days: we had given her purgative medicine, but it had done uo good. Due of o ur o e ighh o r s Came in ;old said that it was 5% orms that was de stroying the child, and lit . the same time spoke of the wondeifid etli.cts she had witnessed front toio; Dr. Lane's Worm Specific in that Utighborlim We procured a vial, gave one teaspoonful. win, the child discharged .1 . 2 large %viol ans. I gave a nother teaspoonful. which brought away 411 more, in all SS worms. As a duty 1,, owe to you and the community I freely make known these facts. My e• child is now well. What is very rernarkably.tho Worm Specific expelled the worms alive in about four hours after I gave the metlicine. . N. It. Ile ll:an:Mar to inquire fof 1)r. Ml.ane's American Worm Specific, or Patent Veimiliuge. l'repared for the Proprietor by' J. KIDD& Co. Wholesale & Retail Druggids. Wood st. Pittsb are. LI - Fhe above 'medicine Call be had of the 101 - Towne , agenti: S. IL Buehler, Gettysburg; J. Lower, .Irendlsvilete ; &C. INFlini,glit„ Ben drrsrille ; J. S. Hollinger, Ilcidlersburg ; Holtzinger & Ferree, Petersburg ; Ankh:nigh, //itmpton ; J. 'l'. Hildebrand,. E. Merlin : Peter Al ilhan»urstmeg; 13ittinger, .1/dug/storm ; Coulson & Co. 'Wholt•sale Agents, Liberty st. more, Md. reb s V EST I N GS. I L V MA? UTIIIRLIFFhasa handsome assortment of Yestings, consisting of Satin, (plain and faneN,) Cashmere, Merino, and new style sill: do. which he will he pleased to show to all who may favor him with a call—also a superior ar ticle of Gentletnen's t4tarfs, new and rich style. Nov. 13. STOVE PIPE=. • i fIF all sizes, constantly on hand and for sale at BeEnt;En's TIN W ARE. FACTOR V in Cln street, Get tysburg. GEO. E. 'WEIMER. Oct. 2, 1842. CLOTHS, CaSSLMERIES cASSINETTS, &c. JUST received at the Cheap Store of H. W. WSIIERRY, Cloths, 75 els a yard and up ; Cassimeres, plain and fan cy, 25 cis a yard and up ; also, Kentucky Jeans, Kerseys, Linsevs, Flannels," all wool; 25 cts. a yard and tip, Tickings, Checks, Gingltarns, Cotton Stripe, &c. Nov. 6. /SABELL.S. NURSERY, .OETTYSBURG, 'PA. III2UIT 'PH EES, of all kinds, Wailed i in the root,) clan be had of the sub scriber on reasonable terms. Please cal and judge for yemrselves. C. W. HOFFMAN. 6lettysburg, May 20, 1846. IA LOTUS, Cassinetts, and plain and 1J fancy, Cassimere can be he had very tow at the Cheap Store of WAL RUTIIRAUFF. GU 31 STIORS. 147 M. RUTHRAUFF bas opened • • good assortment of GUM SHOES. BIRDSELL'S PATENT STEEL Shovel Cultivators ' CAN he had for Cumberland township, at C. W. liorrxmi's Coach -Shop.. Gettysburg, Pa.. , Please call and see then and judgejor yourself, . . , Gettysburg,'•May, 29, 1946. -^* • P ROI) HE Itiigest price will be given for DRIED. PEACHES, APPLES. FLAX-SEED, and SHELL-BARKS. at • - R. W. .11I'SHERRY'S., Nov. 6. TO TILE LADIES. . handsonio assortment of. Bonnet M ilk BONS, Ladies!.. Silk . and. 'Velvet SCARFS, Super .Grass Linen 1.1A.N.P. KERCHIEFS, can he seen at WM. :RUTIIRAUIT. Nov. 0., 31 Zilili . 6. airitin .) a . Leg .I 110'• The AdMinie'ration seems deter : PCP' On Saturday last, Mr. Pumroy, ' mined to kill (Odle gallant officers now in vont ! I ' 1 from the select committee to whom vildry petitions j command of the Army in Mexico. by placing over I relating to slavery in the District of Columbia, had them some political aspirant, and pertinaciously : been referred, made a report recommending the a- clings to the Lientenant•Geneml project notwith &idiot' of the following resolution: , standing its repeated rejection by Congress. On Resolved. by the. &e-. That our Setintors in Friday last the measure was sprung upon the CongresS and our Representatives he requested to House in the shape of an amendment to one of the Ilse their influence for the repeal of such parts of, any and all acts of Congress which sustain slavery , war bills giving the President power to assign the 1 . or the slave trade in the District of Columbia. , supreme command of the army to any general offi s... cer without regard to rank or date of commission. 13 ICl'Oll Monday, in die House, Mr. The 13:11110 bill authorizes w•appo tl hitment of- tvio - M A It it I E D, ...... Fernon made a report recommending that the Le , or-t the purpose offacia- . additional Major Generals f 1 • Irg's'eapti. Hall, Who left his company ' 1 gis!ature make provision for a public registration of Hating the project. The amendment vas agreed at New Orletins, in consequence pf the inutinone ! On the 25th ult. by the Rev. E. V. Gerhart, Mr. ~• • ' • conduct of the "Killers," is now on his way.to re- -A su n Eve Czecic, of - Menallen tp. and Miss Lyn all marriages, births, and deaths occurring within - to by the House and sent to ihe Se' //Ml3 where we . Hume his command - with authority to courtmartial 1•• Mr¢ns , of Franklint the State. IA 1 N s . rcns, p. ' hope it will once more he rejected. The Senate aud properly punish the mutineers. : On the 18th ult., by• the Rev. J. Ihnzeir, Mr. 1 ..111 .• The Bill incorporating the Lances Committee, we observe,:has reported the Bill with. • „ —-- So tomoN MEALS, and . bit! CATIIL HINZ BIIZAM la , - ter Cotton Factory Company, which had been ve- out the House amendment. commew I CAS'ED. , —both of this county. ----------- -- j Relief for Ireland. ; On the same day, by th same, Mr. WILLIAM toed by the Governer, and subsequently passed the . Kr Our thanks are due to Hon. Tito M-' . ! Ulla' Mr. ADAMS addressed the House An adjohnual meeting was held in the Acade- Elenovrz, and Miss ELIZA Ales—both of this y the constinitional majority of two thirds, in Petersburg, Y. S. on Saturday evennfg, the county. ,on Tuesday in opposition to an amendment of the my •ii Com wr N fors copy ofh:s masterly speech on the , was l ost i n t i le H„ use by near a party vote, 56 to . , 27tb ult. lor the purpose of hearing the report of ! On the 25th ult. by the same, Mr. Acnirs•rea Mexican war: , Senate to the Appropriation Bill g ivi ng sso,otal - .lie soliciting committee tor the whet oflreland.: Sc wAwrz, Junior Editor of the Hanover Gazette, :ri—it requiring when-thirds vote to pass against to the cla imants in the caseof the A mislead. The The tripod vvas not complete. several members of York county, -and Miss MAWS . ANN Msonazi:Ns 14..1ii another column will be found the Governor's veto. Mr. Cooper made severa l• • eloquent efforts in its tin or, but all would not do. the contributions amount to $.16 . 2.:1•13. On the 4th inst. by the Rev. B. Keller, Mr. Con the proceedings of an adjourned meeting of the attention, and the House immediately neeatived Shunk and ins friends 14 ' .1 it i Guy. - seem L.t.ermint i...m. W. W. Wright, Esq. presented the following NELIUS !list:Ken and Mrs. SoPamA WATSOM— citizens of Petersburg (Y. S.) for thel:diel of Ire- the amendment by a vote of 9-1 to 9.8. nothing . shall be done ill Pennsylvania to develope , - Rosolutions, which were, on his motion. adopted: both of Hamiltonbaii township. land. A letter from a friend, enclosing the proceed- That the thanks of this meeting be its resources or promote its interests. • l.D•Tlie Senate, on Saturday, passed the Post lle s ' llved • into, states that the contrdiutimrs Will reach ',A200. tendered to the Collecting Committee for their el- . ... - - - - Office Bill after rejecting the House amendment to •. . • •.• .. • . • D I E D, Nobly done. j lir.__7" The nomination of John M. Fors- . . . tints in raising money to alleviate the suflering give to Postmastenr the privilege of selecting the poor of behind. ----- ! ter, as President Judge of the 15th Judicial Dis- The .tmerlcan .tnantranth. In Columbia, Pa., on the 29th ulj., Fnitoznicx ' papers in which to publish the list of letters. Th e Resolved, That the report of our efficient Col trict, composed of Chester & Delaware counties, lecting • Committee shows, by the liberal contribu S. Gosstsn , in the :Bth year of his age. And La ly's i4e, Gentleman's Temperance :Slag- ' Whigs noted against the House amendment and tions ot the citizens of our village and vicinity, On the 15th ult. DA yr n, infant son of Mr. i rinin, is the title of a neat Monthly, published by was rejected by the Senate on Saturday, 15 to 1. • • the Loeolocos tor it. that they have not been appealed to by a starving Herman, of Straban township. . Parkrr, Ana on , / Doric. P}l Chestnut street, Phil. ! ' On the 21st ult. SARAH, daughter of Mr. Sam . The License 11111 . people in vain, but that they have evinced a dis adelphia. The first No. gives ' of • ' • alf.'"' The suit against Ex-Governor promise a" ni - . The Bill extenclino the privileoe of votiro , "Li- position to add their mite to save the lives of tiel Mackiev of Straban township, aged 10 years. In Franklin township, on the •Ist in-t. Mrs. Ht n teresting and excellent magazine, which must . " ''' " Thomas, of Maryland, for libel, growing out of the starving widows and dry, the teams of their famish cenee or no License" to certain counties, additional Pip', witi! of Mr. Joseph Mickley, and daughter of , ing_childien. prove o: service i o the Temperance Rennin. The to those named in last year's act, finally passed the unfortunate difficulties with his wife, which had been on motion of Maj. W. W. Hammerslv it was Mil -Daniel Polley, aged 29 years, 6 months and 7 pubbshers state that the best literary talent of the House on Saturday l a st. A number of amend- • set down by the U. S. Circuit Court, at Washing- ! Resolved, That we view with pride the noble • d"vs• country will be enlisted in the mitt:uprise, t on , for Monday l as t, was p os tp one d until yekter- ness of heart so liberally manifested by the schol- aisesseils. and e-; • numb; were made—sonic counties having been very thing done to render it worthy of a c extem I day, on account of the absence of Gov. Thomas, he , acs of Mr. Abraham Crook's school, in contribu- • .A TEACHER WANTED. struck out, and others inserted. The Bill includes children of Ireland, The present Na. has a steel en _ the cottowitig comities i_vertsogo, Armstrong, , being at Annapolis where his presence was reoui- ! ti" to relieve th e 'varying sive patronage. ' • ' 'and ' that their example should stimulate ot h er . 0... E A LED Proposals will be received graving, "The Young Arti. , t," with illustrations of ' Dauphin, (excepting several townships,) site on account of sundry charges preferred by him schools to do likewise. , i.,j until the 27111 of March, by the Board against Judge Legrande, which are at present being On motion of Rev. J. Ulrich, a committee of of School Directors, for a . teacher to take "Trajan's Arch - and - Ruins of Balbec." Terms Lind, ',yearning. Huntington, Franklin, ' . si.tt „ per ann„rn. ), Investigated bv the Maryland Legislature. This : th ree was appointed by the Chairman to take charge of one of the public schools of the Blair, Clarion, Wayne, Potter, ADAMS, Philadel- , • .'' ' i libel ease excites a great deal of interest in cense- charge of the money collected and forward the Borough of Gettysburg to commence on phi'' City and Comity. together with certain town- , same to a national committee appointed for that quence of the high standing or the parties to the purpose. The Chairman appojnted ,Maj. W. W. the first of April next. By order of the ships in other counties. York county was stru ck suit and th e ability of the counsel. Hon. Thomas i Hamrobrsly, John IS. M'Creary, and Wm. Gard. Board. H. 1. SCIIREINER, Seey. out On the motion of one of the York members.— 11. BentOn, and Ex-Governor M'Dowell are among ' Her. • . l March 1, 1847. tel The Bill provides that the fi rst vote by the above On motion of Major Hammerslv lion. Daniel the prosecutors. Messrs. Key, Fendall, and Pres- I sheer was added to this ' • • ' el/111114'a Shall be at. the spring elections of 18.1 s. . - . • committee and request. • ton (ot S. Carolina) are counsel for the prosecu _ ed to act as Chairman. I CosIgi•CSS. - . lion, and Messrs. Jones and Mimlshy for the de- On motion, W. W. Holtzinger, W. W. Wright. : As (lie 'lust' of the Present sessiim or Congress naive. During the argument on the motion to Mai •S. A • Neely, •lei‘e Joiut, and W. Townsend to the t.ollectir , Committee • and approaches, the proceedings of the t wo Houses on postpone, Mr. 13enton becaine very excited under ! they, "'9re ad ded•, , of , q ha d' with those the committee sho not the dilli.rent measures before them, crowd on each cone statements; by Mr. Maulsby, to which the i reported to the meeting. were instructed to report' other so rapidly th a t it is Mimi( to s a y what is former npplied the epithet "false I" and reiterated to an adjourned meeting to be held on Monday done a n d what is swr done. The last three or four it again and again until peremptorily ordered by i evening the Bth inst. at 7 o'clock., days of the session fi nd the tables of both Houses the Court to preserve order. It seems aw After the transwtion of ne business of minor to be ( importanee the meeting adjourned. burthened with matters requiring legislation, and generally conceded that Gov. Thonnis is insane. i DANIEL SHEFFER, President, speechifying- is necessarPy made to give way to tie ____ __ . ---------------- - j Wm . GAIIMN Eli, „ P re s s. 6,011, 110 doubt much to the discomfort glebe talk- ~...„,............... I J. B. MTH emir, i . J. 4. Gardner, Sec's metit.' 11". IE. littraniersly, 3 . • JACOB DELLONE, ..4dner. . . . . rumtvxlCATEn, March 5, 1847.-01.. Fri% to w Crri z T.:Ns : The campaign of '47 is fast - .. approaching. It is but little More than S months ii IN THE MATTER until the day arrives which shall decide is ho is to Of the intended application of J-A CO B be our Governor for the next three years. Pre• HEnsti for license to keeep a tavern in paratory to this, however. the Whig party is to select, according to established usage, the candi- Menalleit fOttotAip, dldams county r it .. an old stand. . date of their choice, to be presented-to the people Lein ,s 7 of the Keystone State for their approval. In view Nl/ E the subscribers of the township of the important results that hang on the issue of of Menallcn, county of Adams, do this contest. and its influence on that of '4,S, it is , limbs. certify all important that the candidate of the Whigs for : n - - that we are personally and Governor should be one that will command the , we ir acquainted with JACOB HERSH, the suffrages of the whole pasty, one who possesses above named Petitioner, that he is, and talents. of a high order, whose purity of motives ' we know him to be of good repute for hon and some, ‘Vhig principles are unquestioned. The I esty and temperance, and that he is well man who possesses all these qualifications, and i provided with house room and other con who will niect will' the least opposition in our ~ • ranks, is the man who ought to be nominated, and 'emences, for the lodging and accommo such a candidate, it nominated, will be elected. Batton of citizens, strangers and travellers ; - I have viewed the m ovemen t s i n the whole and we do further certify, that we know State, through the medium of the Press, and con- the house for which License is prayed, versed with men from different counties, with the and from its situation and neighborhood, view of arriving, at a correct conclusion as to who believe it to be suitable for a tavern, and is the sale,t candidate of the party for the office of G overnor. Looking solely to the interests of our t h at H suc h i nn or tavern is necessary to party, and the advaneement of its principles, I un - accommodate the public and entertain hesitatingly conclude that JAMES Coorma is the strangers and travellers.' ' most popular candidate of the party for the office . Jacob Bosserntan, Joseph Dull, of Governor who can be presented to the people. John Burkholder, Michael Detrick, I have ever admired his statesmanship.' respected. -. eorge ...I; ~ Rex, Jesse Houck, George the purity elf his motives, and awarded to him tal ems of the highest order. Every one of his acts Jacob Gardner, John Hewett, in reference - to State policy I heartily approve.— i Eli Cover, Jacob Peter, If he be nominated we have nothing to fear as James Bell, jr. Philip Long. !Ong as there are foes before us and friends to hack March 5.. 3t us; but if we fail with our friend in the nominal floe, I am bound heart and hand to go for the ' nominee of the Convention. as Gen. Irvine is my next choice.* A MOUNTJOY WHIG. G,MTTYSBURC: Friday Evening, March 5, Iq7. 01.-" The Locoloco State Covention as- assembled in Harrisburg yistterday. Mr. SayNK Will be renomiunted despite the efforts of the distil fisted. The IVhig Convention kill meet oil Toes day next. Our adv ices from I farrishurg lead us to !nip! for Mr. Cooper's nomination. If so, the rate of Locuroeuisin in.Penlisylvallia is sealed. rrOill Ike' Army. ID — The List news from the Army left Gen. ! Scott still et the Brazosmakiog active prep Ar a lions to embark his. forces. Gen. Worth Wati with him. kith his men. The camp at Palo Alto was broken : up, and every possible means of con veyance were being availed of to assist in nans i porting the troops to their place of destination, which is generally understood to be Vern (7-rtiz The rumor of the eßtore of-ilajors Borland a nd G a in e ., and CaP , F4I M. Clay, and the death of Lieut. Ritchie is co:tin - Med. The Louisiana Vol unteers wrecked on the Ondiaka, had reached Tampico in safely, except srx,,tnen who weie left l, behind in consequence of inability to travel: The Mexico Govermiient liar become alarmed nt the vigorous measures in progreios by Gen. i t , eott, and are fortifying the road from Vera Cruz to Mexico ith n view of impeding the march of our Army in Se Vera Cruz he taken. The mote• ',tents of our Government evidently look to the Litter event, ai unusual activity is being manifest ed in all the ditTerent military and naval depart. ments. At New York war vessels are he'ng led out with heavy gums which are expected to' throw shot and shell thief: and a half miles, to be ready for opeiat;ons in the Gulf by the I t of pril. 4 In connection with the war items we find the following paragraph in the late eily papers, :shish we give liar what it is worth: PROSPECTS OK PEACE. The New York Sun is in posseiiision of private nilvices trim the city of Alexico, to the hitter part ofJannary. by which we learn that Senor IZejon has berm 're-appointed Aliniider of Foreign leela• tions, and that by this and various minm acts the I I Mexican government are manilestingadisposition , to change their policy of war Stir one of pe a c e ,— ;' The general belief and hope Iva . ; that a. speedy and honorable adjustment oldilliculties waidd be el . - lected with but very little delay. 01 -- -The late intelligence from Mexico putrudieting the rumored death 'of Santa Anna ilems to 'be received with doubtful favor by some of the Locofoco Papers, as it will dcpll ye President Polk of the pleasure of appointing . a successor. Or - Pending the consideration of the section of the Army Bill in the noose, which clothes the President with power to ap, oir t any one to the supreme comma' d of our et olio . , some incorrigible ‘Vhig had tl.e impudence to propo , e an 1 an amendment providing that the President should not be priveleged to select Santa Anna, or any o. Thor Mexican officer! The speaker, howevey., was so shouk , •d that lie ruled it out el order. Po' 4 . The Baltimore City Court, at its late term, convicted .Geo. Campbell, 'Robert Telly, George James and William James, profrssional Gamblers, of a conspiracy to defraud a gentleman whom they had fleeced to-the amount of $lO,OOO. They were sentenced to pay a fine of $lOllO each, to : be imprisoned in tfie jail too years, and at the ex- Oration of that to give security in the sum of $lOOO for good behavior during one year. The case ex- I cited a good deal of interest in consequence of the i standing of the parties implicated. Much credit is ; awarded by, the press to the Court for its firmi.ess. Telegraph slates thailthe temporary loan authorized by the act of the lath ult., was taken by the following banks immediatelf on the passage ofthe act : Bank of Pennsylvania; $ - 10,000 ; Bank of North America, $30,000; 'FatnierS' and Alechanics Bank of Philadelphia, $3, t,09!) ; liarrishiurg,:fiank, Our); Farmels_Bank of Liidcaster, $111,01d0 ; ndolphia Bank $2.0,000 ; Lancaster Bank,sls,ooll;. Dailphin:Peposite.Bikk, SI 5,00 i —:.total,S100,000. lITTlie will of the Rev:Ezekiel Cooper, late 61 Phil. leiphia; tleceaserl..has been opened. It is said his estate is woriti from $151 1 , 1 1011 to $.200,001). of Representatives it met with some opposition, '.• la*.Tite Whigs of Philadelphia give a ' and was finally ram red to the Committee on Ways f t! feftival in hnnnr of flop. A. STEWART this eve-' and Means. It is thought 'the-President would . . ~ ' l iiiii4. Coiwin; Crittonilen, :Mil other distinguish- veto the bill, if passed. ' \ ,eil IVliigs are oxpectei Ito he'pre . s . e . nt.. tr - _.... • .. 1 . • ' The resolution of thanks, .Cc., to • • • • . .., • 4 — Ploss.eith*Alexatler, OtegroLoonvie,t 4 ; gen. Taylßr.andiaiii officers, ha's passed both Hon 'ed If the murder of a 11.16\ seratif., 'was litiiii; at ses of CongreiS. 'it authorizes swords to he pre ' L.4;:italure Fart wc.dis i vented to the ollietrs named. 151=1 The Revenue Bill, reported by the Committee on Ways and Means in accordance with'a recom nwiidation of the President, iaipOsing a duty of twenty per eent,.on TEA and COFFEE, 10 per cent. additional on Coal and Iron, 5 per cent. on certain manufbetures of cotton, and graduating the price of public lands, As taken up in the House on Friday. After a good deal of debate, the sec tion taxing Ten and Coffee was strurk ma by a vote of 93 to 90. The land graduation clause shared a similar fate, the vote on striking out being. yeas 94, nays 81. Nothing. now remaining of the bill excepting the section imposing an a d ditional duty on Coal, Iron anti Cotton, Mr. Hamlin moved a substitute for the 131111 7 ,-it original bill, with sonic ti Whig additions. The House, however, had taken 48 1 stand, and would not be .whipped into the, support of the President's recommendations. The Tea and Coffee Tax was again struck out, 94 to 83, and also the land graduation clause. The Bill as amended being reported to the House, the whole was rejected—yeas 6S, nays 136. This vote set tles the Tea and Coffee tax for the present session, as it will lie impossible for the Administration ito galvanize it into renewed Hu, during the few re marbling days. the Three lull. LlThe Ir. S. Senate was in session on Monday night until the heur of midnight, engaged on the Three Million Bill. The amendment of Mr. Ber rien disavowing the poliey and purpose of conquer ' hug territory from Mexico, was negatived by a ma jority of 8 votes. The Proviso prohibiting. Slavery in any territo ; ry that may be acquired, was negatived by the fob • lowing vote : YEA S---:lien, A the) ton, Cameron. Cilley, John M. Clayton, Corwin. Davis, Dayton,' Dix, Evans, Fairfield, (hectic, Huntington, Miller. Niles, Sint ' mons. Phelps, :Sturgeon, Upham, Webster and Woodbridge -21. NA YS—Messr.s. Archer, Ashley, A tchinson, Badger. 13agby, Benton, Berrien, Breese, Bright, Butler, Calhoun, Cass, Chalmers, Cohinitt, Crit tenden, Dickinson, Iratmegun, Houston, Jarnagin, Johnson of Maryland. Johnson of Louisiana, Lewis, Manguna, Mason, Morehead, Pearce, Rusk, Sevier, Soule, Timmy and WeAcott-31. The Bill itself was then passed on final reading as follows : YEAS—MessrS. Allen, Ashley, A tehinson, A therton. Baghy; Benton. Breese, Bright, Butler, Cal houn. Coss, Chalmers, Colquitt, Dickinson, Dix, Fairfield, Hannegan. Houston, Johnson of Louisi ana, Lewis. Mason. Niles, Rusk. Sevier, :Soule, Sturgeon, Timmy, Westcott. and Yulee-29. NA ys—Mes‘rs. Archer, Badger, Berrien. Cam eron, Gilley. John M, Clayton, Corwin, Crittenden, Davis, Davton, Evans, Greene, Huntington, Jar- Johnson of Maryland, Mangum, Miller, Morehead:Pearce. Phelps. Simmons, LlphanCWeb sler, and Woodbridge -24. Some warm words passed in the U. S. Senate, on Tuesday, between Messrs. Benton and Hannegan, on a motion by the latter to em ploy a Reporter for the Senate. Mr. Benton de elar fl, among other things, that "hereafter the per tatils v6ll as the political friendship between him an annegan was at an end." Mr. Hanne gan thought but little was lost, as selfishness was invariably at the bottoin of the Senator's friendship! LJMr. Crittenden's Bill appropria ting $300,000 for the relief of Ireland, passed the U. S. Senate on Saturday, :27 to 13. In the House S A 74 By Last Night's Mail From Washington. IP - Our Washington papers Of yesterday hav ing failed, we have no intelligencOufthe break ing up of Congress. Both Houses were still in Sessitin at I 1 1-2 &clod: on Wednesday night• working with might and main to make up for time lost in the early part of the Session. A num ber of I[il•s will necessarily be lost for want of time to act on them. In the 'Senate the Orcg 'and Minnesota Territory Bills and the Supplimen tary Subtreasury Bill wet e laid on the table. At 9 o'clock the Senate went into executive session. on,the nomination of Charles J. Ingersoll as Minister to France,result not known. The Three Million BM. Irmo ‘Vednesday night the House took up the Semite Three Million Bill, and Mr. Wilmot im mediately offered his Anti-Slavery Proviso as an amendment. Mr. Graham, of North Carolina, moved to amend the amendment by recognizing the Missouri compromise line to the Pacific—yeas 50, nays 0(. Mr. Wihnot's Proviso was then a greed t0,•90 to SO. • Soon after, however, the House wheeled about and sTa vex OUT the Anti-Slavery Proviso by a vote of 108 to 97, und then passed the Bill—yeas 115, nays 62! Now for a beautiful game between Mr. Polk and his "next friend" Santa Anne. Three millions to purchase a peace, and fifty millions to carry on the war ! A great country this—and profound states men it has for rulers. Let the people have the list of yeas and nays in the House on the Anti-slavery proviso, in order that the Northern "dough-faces" may be known and MARKEIL Lleuf enant General. TD — As we expected, the Senate again negatived the House amendment to the Army Bill creating in effect the much desired "Lieutenant General,'' and insisted on its disagreement. Committees of conference were appointed, who reported the Bill to both Houses 'WITHOUT the Lieutenant General Section. in which shape it finally passied and was sent to the Senate. Honored be tlieSetiate for this new evidence of its determination not to be brow beaten by Executive dictation. pc.:.Tlie resolution to employ a repor ter of the debates in the Senate was adopted not withstanding the violent opposition of Mr. Benton. Kr The Senate laid on the table a mo tion of Mr. Allen to restore the privileges of the floor of the Senate to Mr. Ritchie. The proceedings of the .Senate on Tuesday and Wednesday presented some rich scenes illustritive of the beatitiful harmony - that prevails in the counsels of the "Democracy." The war of woich between Messrs. Denton, Hannegan, Calhoun, Yulee, and Weetcett, was particularly edifying. "When rogues tall out," &c. Oz:Tlntelligenee from the army has been recivetrto tie 15th ult. The accounts are main ly devoted todetails of movements by Gen.. Scott and his forces prepaiatory to embarking for Vera Cruz, Scott wus still at Brazos; but was expect ed .to leave for Tampico on the 13th.: It -4 1s said that he enjoys the entire confidence of,the. Army, officers and men, whb'look for triumph 'iVhere he• leads. • (Cr We have recbivect an interesting letter from our Army Correspontleift doted Head quarters. Jutinury 2(.l—only six weeks. coming to hand ! We suppose it has been •;visiting round" milk meantime. - - ---- . 1 icrMr. M'CuaDir, of the Harrisburg pr_...The FLOUR MARKET is more Inhelligencer,- proposer to publish a campaign pa- ! firm. There is a good demand for , How per, from the Ist of April next until after the Oc. 1 nrd Street brands at CI, at which sales Whig." tuber election to be called "The Single ! have taken place with plenty of buyers copies I .. 0 , cents; fire • or more copi es • at the rate • o i f holders are generally asking $6 12, while isome ask $6 25. Receipt price $5 87. 50 cents per copy. _____ Good to prime red Wheat $1.22 a $1.30; ____ pr 27. The Journeymen Carpenters of , New white and yelloW Corn at 80 a, 84 ;1 York havinglesolved nut to work except tinder ! Oats 40 a 42 ; Rye 80 ; Cloverseed $5 50 a the ten-hour system, the Master Carpenters have ! *5 75 ; Flaxseed $1 35 ; Beef Cattle $6! ',Wished a card in reply pledging themselves that !to $7 25. Hogs $6 50 to *6 68. -they will employ no person under any but the old system." - -------,------ •Tlie crowded - state of our columns has com pelled us to omit a portion of the above article. TO DRUGGISTS—G. Benj. Smith is written with a pen on the bottom of ev ery box of genuine Sugar Coated Improv ed Indian Vegetable Pills. Some dealers arc misled into . the error of supposing there is no difference in Sugar Coated Pills, and therefore buy some worthless imita tion because they can buy chpap. We will enlighten the public every where in reference yrspch men, after they are duly informed - of the rascality of these imitators, every one of them .perSizmally or through others sought to obtain information of my businesS, by soliciting the agency of my Pills. A man in Albany sent in a minis ter to obtain; elandeStinely, some knowl edge of my Ails. We shall speak of them all as they deserve. Itc7"The genuine Pills are for sale in Gettysburg, by S. H. Buehler aid' S. S. Forney; in Hunterstown by Sbraham Bing .; in Petersbur g by Mrs. Puller; in - Casblown by uncan, and in Hamp ton by J. IL .Rulebaugh. March 5,1817-4 t. , 161ardert Seeds. fresh supply, of g rst-rate GARDEN pi - Aey's & the Qi nd for sale at • ;Gettysburg, March 5, 1847. Flower Seeds. I~ISLEY'S celebrated FLOWER SEED S, a large variety and best quality, received and for sale by S. H. BUEHLER. Gettysburg, !Vlore!' 5, 1847. Varnish ! Brindles ! ri'lHE•SUbseriber has •just received and has:. for sale a new supply of first_ quality COACH VARNISH—aIso a lot , of.superior Paint Brushes Saihinols. 1 HAIIIEHLER. • Getlyshtitg,'lMjrk,lt . 64847. • , NOTILCIE. ETTERS of Administration on the Estate of THERESA Owmos, late of M'Sherrystown, Conowago tp., Adams co. deceased, having been granted to the sub- scriber, residing r jn saki township, notice is hereby given to all persons indebted to said estate to call and settle the same with- out delay, and those having elaims.against said estate are requdsted to present the same, properly authenticated," for settle IN TIM MATTER Of the intended application of ARNOLD GAnusint, for license to , keep a tavern in Latimore township, ddants county, it being an old Stand. WE, the undersigned, citizens of Lat more township, in said County of Adams, being well acquainted with AR NOLD GARDNER, the above petitioner, and also having a knowledge of the house for which Licenses prayed for, do certify, that such Inn br Tavern is necessary' to accommodate the public, and entertain strangers and travellers, and that the above petitioner is a person of good repute for honesty and temperance, and that he is well provided with house-room and conve niences for the accommodation of stran gers and travellers. Joseph Fickel, Fletcher Bales; George .albert, Jacob Stitzel, lVm. Lerew, John Harbold, John Sheffer, Jacob Forst, Gardner, jr. Michael Burgard, Daniel Minnigh, Samuel Fickle. March 5.2 t • POOR ROUSE ACCOUNTS. JAMES MAJOR, Esq. Treasurer, in ac count with the Directors of the Poor and of the House of Employment of the County of Moms, for the year ending the 4th of January,olB47. D.B. 1846, Jan. 6. To baldnce in hands of Treasurer, • *46 69 Jan. 31. To order on D. M'Crea , ry, Esq., County Treaster, 500 00 Feb. 29. To order on do. 500 • 00 March 23. To do. do. 300 00 April 6. To Cash received for ' boarding John Hauer, 55' 00 April '2l. ,Cash received froth Sol-- onion Brutehey coming to shouse, . 80 00 May 2. Order on County Trea surer '.500 Q 0 . 9 May 4. Oash received froni • vid Cooling, " 24;60. May 30, Order on County Tiller, 500 00 July 'll.. do. do. 800 90 Aug. 2. Lash receiveB Irons 434p0. , Iloos, 'for land. 29 "00. Aug.l2s. Order on Catinty Trea'r, 150 00 Oct.i& Fin . e received from Geo. llagerman, Esq., a 638 Nov. 18. Order on County Trea'r, 300 00 Nov. 21. do. do. 200 00 1847, Jai. 2. do. do. 500 00 . 4. do. do. . 400 00 Jan. 4. Cash received for Horse, 40 00 84924 .55. 225 50 , Balance due Treasurer, C It. By Cash paid as follows Nils of Merchandize, Groceries, I Drugs and Medicines, Grain, Flour and Grinding, Beef Cattle and Pork, Stock Cattle, Horse, , Mechanics' Bills, Printing Accounts and Blanks, Harvest hands, ' Potatoes, Lime, Plaster and Ashes, Chopping Wood, Making Shingles, Seed Wheat, Clover Seed, Shad, . Thresing Machine, hay and Straw, . Samuel Cobean, Stewart, to pay sundry expenses, 20 00 Male Hirelings, 134 00 Female do. 90 47 Support of out-door Paupers, 308 50. Funeral expenses and Coffins, .34 62 Executing Orders, 11 01 Bill support paid to Dauphin co. 13 17 Do. paid to Schuylkill co. 13 'OO Extra services of Directors, . 90 00 Steward's Salary, 225 00 Do. for attending John Hauer, 25 00 Physician's Salary, 100 00 Do. 2 obstetric cases, 8 00 • Do. for Truss, 2 00 Clerk's Salary, ' • 40 00 Treasurer's Salary, . • 40 00 Paintinting large Building and Porch, Paid on new Hospital,- $5160).15 WE, the sulissribers, Auditors IVsettle and adjust the Public Accounte;4lo certify that we have examined the-items which • compose the - above. Acemytt; and that they are correct, and that there is a balance. due James Major, Esq. Treasurer, of Two Hundred and Twenty Vive: Dollars and Fifty cealts=being from the fifth day of January, 1846, to the 4th day of January, 1847. JACOB DELLONE, 2 ~4 4 " u d , S ra JOHN C. ELLIS, SAMUEL .COBEAN, Steward, in ac count with the Directors of the Poor and of the . House of Employment of the County of Mama, being front theAfth day of January, 1840, to the 4th day of January, 1847. • D R. 1846, Jan. Balance in his hands on last settlement, $lO 45i Cash received forgoods of Pauper, 1 GO Gco. Hoos, payment of land„ , 17 00 " for boarding, 4 45 • " 2 Pigs, • 200 . Order on Treasurer, 120 00 Balance due Steward; ' C For Cash paid as follows ; For Cattle, Meat, Merchandize, Mechanics' Bills, Wood Chopping, Fruit, To paupers on leaving House and labor in Harvest', ' 12 45 Postage, 1 03. Toll, ' 37 Butter, - 1-60 Lime, Ashes and Manure, 7 - 021 Wagon expenses, . 310 Male Hirelings, 2 75 Female do. y - '5 00 Harvest Hands, 40 76 Digging Graves, " • ' 1 '5O Recording Deed of Land, ' 1 -94 Ws, the Subscribers, Auditotii to settle and adjust the Public Accounts, do certify that we have examined the items which compose the above' Accounts, and do-re port, that they are correct, and that there, is a balance due SAMUEL COBEAN, Stew- . ard, of Thirty Four Dollars and Arty-. two Cents—being from the sth day of . January, 180, to the 4th day of January, 1847, both days inclusive. . , JACOB DELLON - g,? jud , . r . JOHN C. ELLIS, -' • • .: Produce of Poorrhouse Farm tbir the year'lB4B.. 409 ushels •Wliea4 .„ • 15 do. Rye, 400 do. Corn,. 361 do. • Oats, 338 do. Potatoes,. 8 do. Onions, 10 10 d. 0,, 8.4_1 1 1. 20 do. Turnips, 1000 • heath- Cabbage, • 50 ulna ; Hay. 5464 lbs. Heel. 4795 /be. Pork.- . . • 98 Patipers remain,,24 'Poor-twos, J, • • , 1847. 1• ' 1 91 admitted in thtiTottrWly(lll/5111*:' - : . I • "Match 5, 1847. $6,5015 $319.83 467 33 .11 16 91.99 468 29 102 00 105 00 146 51 42 25 50 00 31 00 62 93 23 40 7 75 54 89 9 00 12 50 115'00 19 85 83323 15 77 00 1750 00 $lOl 40i 34 42 $195 82} 849 75 18 66 9 951 a 17 81 14.07 8 05 8195 82i <<'r .