R E 7 s,1 : 1.:( ; : ::: 1,: t 1 , -1, } 1.)- „ infi l u t -i t its „ the , utul &BAN E r e m Algoi „ country, that lie taken the N% ell . kintt 1)AVII) lIEAGY Tailor/lig. Est ablish in(Ht 111111E'SPECTF171..LY returns his grate- of .1. 11. SKELLY, in Chatithershurtz ful a c knowledgements f or th e very Gettys)ttirg, nearly opposite .11r. liiichler's liberal encouragement which has h6reto- Apothecary and Store, %There he is fore been extended to him, and . respectful- prepaVTd to execute all work in his n the _line .1J - informs informs his friends that he still contin-, with neatnessand ; I , e filw..l tics the, style. ,t - : All work entrusted to Dint, will .. . Cabfisei,..lpriang tr its i i iess, lie warranted to tit. IN fermis will he xl. : the Old Stand in Chambershum street, ver Y / "`" 1 " . " 1° ' I " ( ' As " " r ‘ . " l.vr " 1) " ()- where he isprepared to excieute the :Veat- DI. : 4: .. : _ . i , 1 „ 1 est and most Toshionoble 11 - ork,Nrhivli he' f--- '''''". '''''''''' ''''''s I `‘ 11l h ' " ''''')."- will warrant equal, if not superior, to ;un- , I) the ('dies.in the place. ~ received from - l.,ettvsbitriz, March 20, 1816.-1 v ' . . He has now, and will always keep on TALI ao Vii,.,N TER FASEIGNS hand a general and extensive assortment of the different articles of Furniture, including JusT IitTWEA V CAI: BURE.AI7S4, . riciii.: :•;tiltserilier res T ectitillv informs his friends and the puldie 4 -clierallv; CENTI?E .1.17) DI:I7Na T.1111,E.5', • that lie eontinues to earn- on the BEDSTEADS, CUPBOARDS, 1 - . ' iti Lott (4 IN Work and Wash Stands. , &c. ~ ; T all of which arc of a superior quality, and. '' ll ''' li( ''' sjit his h: ' .lahli '' hilmlit in Flu ' ll ' . bersburg: street, I:etlyslntrg, 1 few doors for which he 0111 r asks an examination to below Thompson's Hotel, w here he will be acknowledgetias the very latest fashion. al waNe; be prepared to attend to o rder 6 op .AII orders for I:of/ins ‘vill he prompt ,on til(' IlltV reaSoll'able tCrIIIS. 11 c has iy attended to as usual. „ made arrangements to revel% t. re.idarlv the Geltysburr, Fe b . 6, 1816. • , Lealest City l'itshiclis, kC k R.ll. and he promise all who III:1V favor him rllll winior session of the New ON_ etitire s - atisfaction, both as it regark!s the fit 1_ f or d (: o li cg i n k, an d 11cdical h ist i_ . and wormanship (II all gmrittents entrusted - nue for I 81W-7 ; %% ill commence, in its va-: to him ; and at :is moderate priers as they riot's branches, on illoittloy the 1911 i elm/, can Inc obtained any Nvliere else. of Oclober inst.,.and continue till the first of, III) hopes, by strict attention to hitsiness, , April following., — Prices for tuition as here- • - whim, viz.: $l3 in the Collegiate and $2l) in the Medical Department. l'avinetti in advance—but no extra charges ‘Yhatever. For Pupils sent from a distance, the l'rin cipal will, If desired. procure board, wash ing and mending for $73 per :tumli, pay ment hall yearly in advance Parents and Guardians, who wish to pro cure for their sins or wards a thorough education, with Out endangerintr their plis jeal and moral health, are invited to call and examine' Me Institute personally, as the evid cure of our own souses is more to be relied on than'anv other. M. D. (:. P - FEIFFEI , I,III. 17. New Oxford, Adonis 9, 1846.-14 TUACHERS %TED. THE School Directors of STRA BAN TOWNSHIP will meet atthe house . of John N. Graft, in Hunterstown on Sot urday Ihe 7111 of Noronber, ne.ri, at I o'- clock, P. M. to receii.e Proposals from Teaehers desirous of taking charge of the Scliools of said township. Seven 'reach- , era will be employed. EDEN NORRIS, SEe'v. Oct. 16. td TE.tCIA ER S It NT ED. TE School Directors of FRANK 1,1 N TOWNSHIP will meet at ()ash to‘rn on Saturday the 3 Is! drw of October inst. al 2 o'clock, -p. M., to reoeive proposals from Teachers desintbs of taking charge of of:the Schools in said township. F. DIEIII,, SEC‘ Ocl. 16 REZVILOV AL, NOW FOR R.IRO.IINS ! RUTIIRAUFF 'HAS removed his Cheap and Fashion able Store a few doors West•of his late stand to the rooms lately occupied by William iVl'Sherry, Esq., in Chamber burg street, nearly opposite the English Lutheran Church, where he will he pleas ed to see his friends. :Having just return ed froM the Cities with a large and splend id assortment of fashionable s Au I I G and SUMMER o.oons, selected from the very best. Establishments, he invites those NViSitilig to make BAH GAINS, to give him a call. 1E:7 -Country Produce taken in exchange for goods. Gettysburg, April 10, 1846. GPocerles ! Queenstrare l ! " E subscriber has just opened a lare assortment of Groceries suitable for faMily use; ,also a tine variety of Queens ware, which can be sold low. - RUTIIIIAUFF. April 10, 1846. Latest Arrival ! THE attention of the LADIES is in vited to the beautiful assortment of new style Spring Calicoes, Silks, Merinos, Gingham, Musbus, Lach, Edgings, t.i loves. Hosiery and Fancy moods generally, just reccived'and now opening at the store of W3l. RUTHRAUFF. April 10, 1810. Tweeds OFdifferent varieties for Spring and Summer wear—beautiful style and cheap—to be.bad at the Store of IVM. RUTHRA FF. April 10, 1846. Blarkmit hi n g, 1.1. N all its branches, will he attended to by good workmen, at the FUundry. of I. subscriber. . • • ' THOS. WARREN Gettysburg, Dee.. 10. • ii 4 : :oND..„ANDCOACLIES, BUG- : . - „; - A14Si &c.., of good and substantial i :.ki,:oo be had at the Conch E.stablish - ineotor iho subscriber, in Gettysburg. .. .: ' p..v. HOFFMAN. •Y' fletfinhuig..May 21, 1810. irL4 9k.-mwit4l:_gfte ' OF KriDS FOR:•sd 417. 7 TiIM OFFICE 17416 T J!1 esz - TAILAING ESTABLISHMENT. RANK 1,1 . 151 NV pulditt patron:l2 . e and support. Et - _ - Ttl:ountry Produtte takun in itxt:ltngt fur \\Turk. .1( )1I N G. El? I' 6l 3 , 1816.-11 131,ACasi3lITHINC. r3:IIE Under:4l;lllrd inui lan, o pri•pircil to ilo all kinds or BL,A cI s`MITHING, Ctirriazem, Thrf!..ir.s, 11 it gow,, lb! ‘i•()%11(1 to [hose %VIII: hare horses to shoe, that:lie has in his em ploy lirst-rate lianas, which, with his per sonal attention, will etrtiltle hint to , five en tire satisl'aetion to all those who any favor him Nvith :t tall. C'nrrini.re :4;1 y ,4:4' 1 1; • lig s (warranted) promptly niatle to or der at :tit littic:4. ill I 1 11 k ll ' Ert /./IV:\1; 111111( . . 110111 in AVOOII 11.11(1 1 ron, at dm most rc(111- tied prices. '1'11;ml:fill for past enctoiriolenient, subscriber solicits a continwince of pairo iiiigc, and invites his friends to call at his EstahliAinent in ti_;;''NVC,E (:11:11111/erShtlrg ,beet. a lifts (10111'S I/110W Thi»lirilitl'S I 1 otr.l. IV. II1)U1'AI.1N GAtyslitlrg, Fcl). 6, 1810. • CHAIRS: CHAIRS: • I' II IS NV A Y () It BA B. (: A INS! 1111.1 stile:m.o)er respeetfully invites the attention of Ilnusekeepers and others to the large assortment of (WIMON AND r ANt V tr 77 1 / 4 - •, , il r al-ways on hand at his est a bri,l,_ , 1 7 , 4 ()•I'IL L. is hereby given to all Lega amps and other persons concerned, 4 mem in (!hambersburo• street.— , Ills furniture is made alter the latest rash- ' 9,",", 1 , 11 ,, c •"= l " \./87711 : 477(LV 4(.- ions and of dilferent colors, in imitation : ''' ) ' ' '' ' ' V " lll '" """'"'"1" - ''"' s1 'rvi" - a ATahoffany, Satin, Rose mid Walnut after mentioned will beinescnted at the Or- Wood, &c., all of which can he had at the P halls' Umirl of l'lnit's , uutitY , 6,, "`"ilir lim" price fur ('alt or r (mu t" p ro _ illation:lnd allowance. on :1/oqu'vy Me foil i duce. idtty of November iir,rl, viz: . 'Die account of Peter Spangler and Da- Dr:7"...' - Citll and see us at the Shop, in I .vid Ilarinan, Executors of the last will and Chambershurg street, one door West of the Lutheran Church. Itestanient of George Kitty, deceased. DA VII) HEAc, V. 1 The account of Andrew Polley, exvett- Gettysburg, July 21. ii ! for of the last will and -testament of Wil ____ limn W - . Bell, deceased. THOMAS 111 9 C1REARV, j' The account,olJohn King, Jacob Linn, 41TORNEY .21T .1...4 ll'. land James Veezer, Executor:, of the last wiliand testament of Adam Ring, deceased. FFICE in the South-east Corner of the-Diamond, between A. B. Kurtz'sl "'he account oriae(th T"'s"l' , Guar'lian lof Lydia 'Ain, 'Henry, Eliza, John, and Hotel and R. W. M'Sherrv's Store. i Daniel Miller, minor children of Philip Gettysburg., Dec. 12, 1815.—tf _________ "._. ' Miller, deceased. LI E 31 0 i' A L • . The account of Joseph \J4 ilde. actitur executors of the last will :nut 'testament of Fiktl I.; Subscriber having re-moved from . r.l Gettysburg, persons having business !. -Frederick 131) , v ,`: 1 ) ;',.;, ( J i e 'r :' ( 1 1 ,: i: \ N p ; , With him may find Idtn duringall dwCourts p, e, „ i5t ,,. (i . , • ,. ,.. t , :iirii , i ,,,: i . c, „,' 11,t . ;,..b - , ' , rg : , l-.---- '' "..;:..'.". and on every Tuesday throughout the s : ear, 3 • at the lime! ()I' Jaines AcCosh, in G(qtvs- burg, and at all other titnes,at his residence I IT - 0 7:. in Littlestown. WM. M'SHERRY. Gm Fcb• 6, 1816 Jr jr o 113 zo ATTORNEY .AT LA Ir, FFERS his professional services to ,the people of Adams County. Ills Office is the one on the public snuare in Gettysburg, lately ocrypieg as u Law-ty pe by Wm, h a s also made arrangements to have the advice and pssistance of his Father, JuDdE REED of Carlisle, in all difficult eases. September 20, V.UBSIILY, G ETTYSBURG, PA rPl".11? EES, of all kinds, (grafted in the rout,) can be had - of the sub scriber on reasonable terms. Please call and judge for yourselves. C. W. HMV:MA N. .Cettysburg, May 29, 181 d. Cloths t Cloths 1 0 F all colors and pialities,(;assinieresl Cassheits, Vesting's, Silts, &e. just reitelred and Mr sale ni the ;•;tore o f the siih, , erilier. 11 . M. 11 U T II IiAUFF. April 10, 1816. , i SAVE YOUR TEETH.. pr. remiliand Vandersloot, .19F.slytumi E.'-qT,'("I'FI'f,IN informs the eit.i -1), ZeIIS Of Gell . shlll'lZ '111(1 VICIIIIIV,IIIIiI Ile IS prep:tre n d to perform every operation appertaining . to his Profession ; suc h :1,.. Filiii". ill'iliiiil" and PliiV,trinti TVelli• N% jilt (;11111. iilVE'ifriii-filil, and Cl/MpoSitiOn. lIV will inSi'rt itirtorruptilde teeth on l'i %an:4, or Gold or Silver clasps, IN the most dttrahlt• manner. •. If earions teeth are'properly heated at :t seasonable time, the proLtress oldie dec a y mav he entirel , arrested. Hp will insert them, from one to entire sets, in suet] manger. that they \VIII Illlike die ortictikilloti of the Vlllee picket, 21111 11Illtel'IlIIIV assist 111 111:1-lilealilill. , 1 . '1'1)111 Ole :-,11eee. , .-1 which II:p: allpipkil ... l r yl4 pl'uleS;;li/:AI opvrations mint= n'l' a nu : IVY of years past, he is conlide t t h e van satisfy all , vho may favor hint i‘ Mt a call. tir - J ''For his place of residenre in quire at the store of Ali% Sainttel Fahnes tot.h. urrrßENcr is resiwilfilily ninth: to 11::• follmvint , t_tyn 0:1;mit : IZPv. l`r. " , (. 11 . 11 - c1;1:1 1.. 1. Gr.ttil %11 II ‘t•lr, 11. Swl rzLit, Or. key. 1)1.l ' . N. 11,. 0. (;11.urrr. Alarclt DR. .1. LAWRENCE HELL, ESl'l.:( - 11.1 . 1.1,1* ofrcrs siothrl sort ives to thy citizens 01 Uct stirrotiniliier country.. 1.10. is pripitreil 10 ;mend to ;ill "cites usually cit trustril to the Di.vt os r, and !Hipps, by strict pli.Nse ;111 who may tif . l! Lit to etitrte4 tlu it teeth in his hands. ()Hire at Mr. Al'('():11..., (' IEA P 14r1t T ( I IES ! Thy (71 apeiq (;nl,l mut .71;•(... 1'1111,.1114.7,1'111 iltdd . jewelcd, el.:, lull jeweled, (;(dd hepities, ieNvelvd, l-;il% or I jeNv (dud, title titiolity, (;(,111 •In.ciat•le:4; - (Ittltl Pent i!s, Cult! .\ largya sin lunrul ()I' Gold and SO ( c r lirc(is(l)ins, 11 ()op Gold Silver - Spoon. Sug:lr To(Prc's, I'llitoldvs. Gold Neclif(old ol) Guard E.cv::, and .I(.\velry lo‘v toniers. I\ll kitols ot• Avatrite, (71o(1;:i re paired and Nvarranied to heel) good time for out year. Old (:old and -;ilvt_‘rlight For lakeil in exchange. I have some (;old and I,evers, at still elle:li)er prices than / the above. A lib eral I)iscotint wade to dealers. Call and :".cc li,i• yourselves. [nor sale, Eight-day ❑ntl 'Fitirty-hour Ilraszi Clocks, at 11`atell, aml Je clry Mnrr, No. I:0. 11 irl.vt 411ove 1 1 th, lini PhiladelphiaN•4tTt. 11 xrzaTisama..7..s • ITE undersigned having heel) appoint- IR ed. AssigniT of pETEiz FRErr, of :llountpleasant township, Adams coun ty, under a deed or voluntary assignment, ho hereby gives uotiee to 111 persons in debted to said Freet to make payinont to the subscriber residing in said umnship, and to those having claims against the same to preseht them, properly authenticated, for settlement. Letters of A dmillistration (IN the Estate of I,E VI )1 de ll ceased, late of Ilunti»gton township. Adams county, having been granted: to the subscriber—notice is hereby given to all persons indebted to said Estate to pay the same withont delay, and to those having ; claims against the sante to present them, properly authenticated, for settlement, to the subsi!riber, residing in Huntington ; township. 0 P P0 . 1 . 1 1 Svirp arranal>nonts to Continuo to pravti've as usual FA j\ ('Y in the Courts of co\utty. Oudot* the I. A R.IICLES, for sale tww regulation of th::.tlutes for h o ldi n p. by 11EAVEI:. Apiil-0, 1S IG D ri? I S LIMP. 11:IN 15 1.50 ON !lAN 1)- \Valli IS a ( ; ,111, to MIIVIIIVC (11S- JACOB NOEL I=MMI IV AI Sept. 25, !SM.—Pt SHERIFF'S SALES. por::tellive of sundry' Writs of Eapontis. issiipd out of the (iitirt Of Common fleas of .1 dams count to 1110 dirt•etcd, will lie exposed to Ptiblie :title, lilt ' ,Yrif ?Inlay !lit 711 i (hey ty November, 18 IG, at I o'cloek. l'. NI. at the Clnir:-hottsr, in the horotorli nl ( ;etty , !)nr.r. the 'following Real 1.;:-.1.1tc- 7 --to u it : LOT 017 , ' Fd ROU.I'II, sininte in the , Bonnurlt of (:ettvsburg, ad joining lot:i .1,,col) Culp and I)avid fronting fut East _Middle street, and running hai•li wan alley, on Nvllit•lt an. 1.- na•td a t‘vo-slory lir a l; 1)11'EL1,IN 11()E:-;E, and a Iwo-story EN.%)it: :" . 4not , Ajoinitur, also a Enone `told;! and a !WV ( I'd:1 . 41111ff Wt'll and ta ken ill CXI,'CIICIi/ll ;IS die esiate of Jost:Pli .1 Tefir.'B "F 6D F ,t 7; situate iu I tiny:lshii), Adams rotitaining 270 A( 'RES more urlc adjoing lands of widow I 10ke,.101111 Moritz, :Hid others, oil arc everted Two ma- and one-halt . siiiry If orsES, wi..11 of «•:I tor, ani! an orchard (II Trees. and Taken; in execution as tile estait. ul 1).t% to / .al r i 7' tro ,2" ea 'if: *7 ifl.l'll.), situate in Alillerstown.lltotailionban to‘vn ship. Ailions county. Pa., un it•liielt arc erected a two-a:torv, 16)110i-cast 1111 . EI,- 1,1);(; a one-story Inick (we-story 1 • 114 1. sh op , ‘‘ ell of water on the iirittilises—satil tenements ailjoininir the property of .lacoli 1:1•11.11cr, tice•d. and Ma ry .Itin taken in exe cution as the estate of Jung .WCI.EARY. Sit11:11U in \VII, , 11 . 11), virlllll‘', riit11:1111111. , 1(i .1( ' wore ur 14., , 5, .1“1111 .1"1111 ‘V;111.11, ;111(1 , ,thurs, puo,ol.snid am mint! e caret .mll, in a goo( cultivation, and the tuniain(ier twin. with vounit Chesnut Timher. ir,tlnutrnu•nls rom-ist of a two-stiiry I I) \ t; It )t . Log . Shop. Sprite , I louse, anti a nu% er-lailing Spring of :11111 hilS on the premises a variety of eNvelietit Fruit 'Frees: Seized :mil tidien in execution as the estate of I)A% ID Crolle. 15 oo ou :1() U)) 15 C))) 1I) C») 15 Cu) 1 7.) 2 00 1 (H) s 0— , T . T IP, :zittiate in Strahan_township Adams count rontainitn , Ili MIRES more or less, adjoining Janos of Daniel Gulden, John Miller and others, on %%Alien are erected a one and one-11:111 . story Frante Rough-cast I)NV I.; I I 101:t-41.:, doulth• Log- Barn, with a well of good tvaler on the Fenn ses. t-leized antl talton in execution as the Estate of Jolts .Mol.hisoN. . 1 1 7 LOT Off , ' 6;4'1'04 ( 1.1'D, situate in the llllronah ()I' (lettysburg, Ad anis ( 'minty l'a.,:idjoininff lots (II 'J'hadnits Stevens, and fronting - on \Vest York .4trect, nn Nvilivlt are crernll a One Story Frani() I/NV 110 . 1" SE, ‘vith hark build and Filmic Stalde--seized and taken in vxectition ;win. estate of.lotix WAIINEn. H. ;4! I I Itt •S'hey/7/: ;I t eriirs ()Hive. GI tly , burll 7 ? Oct. 11;, Is 7 ;\ 7;\\, 7 HERE.\ S the Hon. \V m. N. In- VINE. ESil. l'resiitAtt of the several (!.ourts 01 . 01111111)11 PleaS, lb the counties romptiing the l9th District, and Justice oldie Courts of (lver and 'l'm-minor, and (:eneral D..liverv, for the trial of all capital :mil other offenders in the said dis trirt—and (;rontn.: and ;I.‘mr.s .11 . 1)iverr, Hsi' s., Judges of th e (,', ot ols of Common Pleas, and (leiter:ll Jail I)eliverv. for the trial or all capital and other offend- CI'S in the their prerept, hearing date the Nth day of August in the year of our Lunn 'one thousand eight hundri.il and forty-six. anti to the diverted, for holding a Court of ( mon Pleas ;111(1 General (Znarter tiessions of the Peace and Ceneral Jail I)elivery, and Court or Over :mil 'l'erininer, at Get tysburg, on jionday the 16/1i clue/ tf Nu erbthrt nrxl— 'NOTICE IS 111..:(31.:111 - GIN:EN T o all the Justices of the. Peace, the Coroner and Constables ‘vithin the said County of Adams, that they be then and there in their proper persons, with their It.ecords, Inquisitions, Examination); and other 16.- membranres, to (I() those things - At - hid' to their ()likes and in that behalf appei:,;:tin to he thine,.and also they who will prose -run, against the prisoners that are' or then shall be in the Jail of the said County of Adions,- . and to he then and there to pros ecute against them as shall he SCIIRIVEIt, ,S7teriS: :•)lieriti's office, tiotty.s. Oet. 111, 16 tti, 5 to r 7 1IE sob,Tr . coer has now On hand a large assortment of TIN 'WARE, wkich he Nvill sell on reasonable terms at his Establishment in Chambersburg .yt reel . and see. E. 111JEHEEli, GAtvsburg . , June 19, 1810. 011 go lam ; 1g -al moD 9 . (Of Carliule,) pll.l* - ;E: S his IT:Teets to his friends and ititorins them that he has made H..SADLER. J.m. 30, 1616. -.t I. S U =MEM =MEMEMI I,"ir 0 1.1 1=!MI3:1E1 PIM( LAMATION. TIN WARE. 11 - 11 UL ESALE .1N1) RE T. 111; I-11r NOTICE rik I . ::_______/7 - Al 3' l o . ,rein ' , ( fr, u:x s -- ----....."--4„31 tiihb ACOUSTIC OIL!) v.. : f p TIiVONLICfIE 101 , 4 (~,...z ., .. DEAFNESS'.. 11: 4 1()1? the cure 01 11E.11-1 _l2 :mil the diseliarg - e of nuttier fri.in the Ears. Also. :ill tho: , e ilisiotreerilde Hoist s like the buzzing of insects. fidling of u Ayr, whizzing- Of steion, ‘1111(.11 arc symptoms Or also generally nfieniliint ‘vitli the peri , ons 11111'1 htTlltleilf for ten. fifteen, and tlventy ears, antl were ()tiro-I.d to use trunipeti , , lune, after tine or two bnlllr tluu« u a itlr Ihrit• Iruntlu Ir. Lein, ttuldc anti tiiiro - Pons Iti,rlllN- "I'lic - alylicatinit (ii thit ail iirodurcs no pain, halt on the contrary ;in airrecalile recipc hir this incilicine reptthltioll. \din ha fotlltd,DUl Inii 01 !" seryntion, thot tu dealness, in nineteen vai-es out of twenty. itas produced either front a %yaw of action in the nerve s olh ear i tti r, or :t dryness in the ears ; his °Hill. ihertfore, ‘Ytts to find soniethintr that tvo tt ld create a hcalthv condition of those parts. .11ter a ont_r Sur icy of experiments his ell'orts there at last cro‘yned ‘vith success. in the dis covery of this preparation. xvhich has re ceived the twine of : - 4 1'.11:PA ' S COMPOUND .I•CousTlc 011.. CITIIIIP:1(PS Of VIIITS 111:IV he seen by callitur on his turent. in Getty:l4lllr. S. 11. 131:1.:111.1.:1?. (lettvslnirg, June. 26, I,li 16. am rd• • •• , ;, v e , ! (. • '..f"- . " - .4q-i-3` -4 Yt` .i , • •3';;.4.1 0 c—kti . • A .„ ..? t • ig A „,•.* • n . A . R . a produred irritaitiffit purgativc undur ticiermiliation of bloud II) flip II(ti)0I rhotdal vessu k by cx v e,;:hc ritlin or m t vow , esti“.• oltht. li‘cr, mid oficu Ilv peculiarity of the_cou,timthrn itself. It is usually considered under three forms, or varieties, as : • Piles, IV like Piles, and 11feeding Piles. This disense is su 1.0111111011, so very well known. that a ilesi•riptiini of its spot). Autos is not deemed necessary. .Tl.e snecess which the use of the Iliolirocatiun in the eure of this dis ease, has keen truly astonishing. Physi cians now advise their i)niieuts to try it, as the only PI 1.1.; E 1)1( 'I,N E. lit addition to its being- a positive reme dy for the piles, it fleVCI* to cure that INTOLERAItI.I.: ITCHING, Witiril is suvery common, and has _its location in the same parts as the piles. . gt --- .."Certilleates eores mar be seen by calling on his agent. in Gettysinirti, . S. 11. 131 . 1.:111,1';1?. (?etll . 6bitrg, June 26, 1010. 3tit TYPE ip'OUN DRY Priutcr4' Fur»i,qiing II itreholtBe rr o ll subscribers have opened a nexv Type Foundry in the city Or NPNV York, NV here 'they arc ready to supply or ders to any or Job or Valley pe, lnk, l'aper, Cases, Galleys, Brass Rule, Steel n n Compo sing Siieks, Chases, and every article ne cessiit•t• for a Printing office. Also, second hand materials. '.1 . 11e Ty lac, \VIliV11:11T east in 11CW 1110111(1S, front au C1161141' 11('‘V set , of matrixes, Nvith deep counters, are Iv:wanted to be itteiur passed by any, and will he sold at prices to suit die times. All the type fu . rilisheil by us are "hand-cast. " The types from ;Inv foundry entt be Matched at this establish ment. Printin , r presses furnished, and also Steam EngineTi ol• the most approved pat- Composition 16111ers cast for printers coC1:11.0FT & OVEREN It. tits: st. 'UN.. 19. ly Cheapest in the World! 8 TE.1.11 1 E Fll.vieli 11.0 8U• G.l C d XI) 1 E 12.'_, Cents pa pound, II 71ulesale J. HICIIARDSON, 10..12 Marketi l Street Philadelphia, takes pleasure in informing the piddie, that he still continues to sell his very superior Steam Relined Candy at the low pritie 0f612.50 per lOt) pounds, and the quality is equal to any inanulletured in the United States. offers all kinds of goods in the ('onf•rtioniry and Fruit line at eorrespon dim* .low prices, ns quirk sales and small profits are the order• of the day.. 'Call or send j• ott r orders, and you Can not fidl to he satisfied. )ont forget the number, •13 Market Street Philadelphia. . I. .1. IZIC11.110)SON. 3in 1 lig. 28: 181(; DIAMOND TONSOR S. R. rEIFTOI4", Fl ASII lON A 111,E1 Barber and - flair- Dresser, lee; removed Ws "Temple" ' to the Diamond, adjoining the County Buil dings, where he can 4t all times be lbund prepared to attend to the Calls of the prom long experienve lie . flatters himself! that he can go through all the ramifications 01'1110 Tonsorieal ( . Tartments, with :melt an infinite degree of skill as will meet the en tire sat istiwtion of cat who may submit their chins to the keen ordeal of his razor. Ile' hopes, therefore, thfit by attention to busi-, ness and a desire to please, he will merit ps IVOI ns reeeive a liberal share of public patronage. The s lel: will be attenticd to at • their Private iC , 10. tf rofeclitia. agaiiist Imss in rsi -4 _I CID "(' , 1.11' , 1 , 1,01r1 .1!1.17 , ,i1 au ;;c1 I t he' r ... ;li.! !idly I!, 41 in tti I I lion wilier the duvet:onid t h e ittlittt.‘ it I.: I iltittl nttiagets, t tz: ' l 1 r rll.l , .Nlllll'l. Val It! IV .11 \V1 . ;11,1%. ::;•I}.l el " I Tiitt. 1 1 . 1.:1111:ey„\ 7.. Gi.en. Peal."' 11 ' -it;ootio n ol 101 l ot Combeikw.l at .1(1.1r11- eolottie-, to the ti I l e ro, l oy 0 , 14,10, 4 e.. 1%1:1(.11111i, Isintl of 111,111i - 4R' ltd. it% vtint • !tiller : pet,ttit liettittli.s a •• of dit• coitiltatty owl tats, Tall in II th(tirit• oilici.rs ;Intl tilt. tliirctiot: Itt it, c one ., 1 ,. Vitr iti-ttralici• 110 11101 e is 1I III:t1:11111 Ilia. Ileer"Sill . V Iu 1111'1.1 11:1. 1/./. (I WI DI 10111.11111;IV I C 10,1 %%11;1 II ttlay Ir..' it t :gil. The 1111'il% tre.tlttt..tit retiy‘t at, I avottll.ll for tt ('I It 111 . 1' , 1.11 aJ•plVin2 In,111:17 r 4• II I icc hi- prt•ulium I COP lor 1114• elmai r=l jlu ril4• of prr rcntun4,%%lll , ll 1%111 It' the ', , 11 , 11!1 ! lii Avliirli I c gill lia‘e lu pay ."1 liir ea pm, $ll for `III ey and Itnlic~ and no mon ! he It) a ~ . .!icati mount than the on halal %% ill ciiler. Olen Ill) 11101 e %VIII Vetillilell pin tat tales are 1111.111 l'1:1•;11'1•1' 01 tither compoilie-.eNcilit to:ult 'Ate itsCOlrifil tell MI the 1 , 11...- 1 . (.. \ 111,1,1,:t z, A. G. y. LIST 01' A CENTS The j , ,llmviirz mimed vxlitlen.ch 11:1% 1,,:tql nj 110i111111 AGENTS for .1(litlw- If y wilhon, \V. paxt,,n.(teici ionlys Thwnr,on, Daysil Zeigkr 1)1% R. Stv‘vart, Iletti Mayet, Coiltiort I).t\iJ 111 v t he, P. AlOll . l-01l Abol T. 11" i iv,lit. I . lo,itto- , T. ‘vici.H.tn 14. I). Alullitigvr. Abraham >cott, SIT!. I I.—II ice If ti ;''(' urea for 0 1,1,4 R. V 0 ('('111•;-_V 0 I'.l I! r VIII, s.hst.rilwrs hate- been induced, at the solicitation of a nunilier 'oft friends to intruding. It) the afflicted their Specific for - Fever anll-.l.rne. They have tried it with Unparalleled 'success—in no instance without cfli:cting ;1- perfect cure ; and Mall Nr lio have been under the hands of skilful physicians for tumid's. It is purely vegetable, and has gained .great n.- under the practice of a brother of one of ilw proprietors ill die Stale of ilfis suuri. NVe warrant it in all vases when the directions are A.:irefully observed, authisl: no pay if it fails, _ Many certificates are in our possession and sonic of them can he seen at the; stores or our agents : enough to satisfy any one of diet:the:lry of our medicine. 'lt not on ly„ctires the - most cases of intermittant, but acts :is a tonic on all debilitated frames. Being perfectly innocent,- we can with con fidence a: it a trial. OBER & Mc:CON-KEY, NO. !?.7 ittiliilll"le I. Baltintuir I or ,a 11... I, anoint tiwitt irl Ow propviotor, Getty,biti . !:, at file Di lig' S. 11. , 111.1EILLEIZ. 2111 Slims of 8(1)1. 11, 18 In Garleo - ant's Balsam of Health, l' l' A It D 0 ".‘;I.V A.; 1• R 0 P It - 1 1: 'l' 0 It, I'llE. tittbscriber has just received a fresh supply of this volq,able Medi rine, Ithich has acquired a celebrity which few other; CVCr received in so short a time as a few vears. The sale of which has vonstantly increased, and will ctentinue as its merits are made known. This celebrated Balsam of health is a medicine of vegetable compound, warrant ed a safe and effectual remedy, not•only lily dyspepsia, but for the whole train of diseases resulting from a connection with a disordered condition ()I' the stomach and liver, or derangement of the digestive func tions. z: a family medicine it stands unrivalled and should, he possessed by all heads of fmilies, particularly by those that are sub ject to a constipation of the bowels. It operates as a gentle apperient, giving a tone and action to the whole system. This lfalsaneof Ilealth does not contain a parti cle of Mercury, but is composed altogether of vegetable inatter,'W hi cli renders it perfect ly harmless and can be taken at all times, and is no hindrance to business nor any customary habits. The proprietor could give a great num ber of eeTtilicates of cures performed by the medicine, but he deems it unnecessarl, as they can see them attached to each di reetions by applying - to his authorised agents in every place Where it is . t.t., , ertised and sold. For 1-lalr in (lenvsintro, by 11. 111 1:111,1:8, April 21, 181(h .11 yin s :Val low!! Da trrian Callus/ and .1110- ogrupheny' rill:Jan pot :-- AVAIZIWI), the Medal, Four First A Dreminms, and Two Highest Itutt ors by the Institutes of Massuelmsemi, New York, and PeonsylveMli, for the most beautiful colored Daguerreotypes and best Apparatus ever exhibited. 4c.7.Portrait:, taken in exquisite style, without regard to weather. Instructions given in the art. A large assortment of Apparatns and Stock always on hand, at the lowest cash prices. New Vor '251 Broadway ; Philader phia, 136 Chestnut st:. 13oston, 76 Court, and 58 Hanover streets ; Washington, Pennsylvania Avenue ; Petersburg. Alechanics' llall ; Cincinnati, Fourth andlValinit, and 1;6 Alain Street ; Sara toga Springs, Broadway. June r. IR 16.-1 - 11) A • 17 TS, FII, 11 E TS, r, 11()NDS,Aic,, of this bit 1:1;.1:iy had ;it theTraorpetioorry of Ipril It, P? 10.1 Nvw (•6r,u•r 660t1,1(1%,‘ t Fakir! t • p. rt A rends-ton n Ed,' Poi lin. C. W I.: AV F.