The Star and Republican banner. (Gettysburg, Pa.) 1832-1847, September 11, 1846, Image 3

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Daguerreotype Portraits,
Single or in Groups;
obuivd.cow . (9123 at.l.B2,slp..ezrsps,l).
,To the Ladies and Gentlemen of
THIS Subscribers (one proprietor of the
Philadelphia Daguerrian Institute, at
.Publishers' Hall, 101 Chestnut street, Phil
adelphia, and both from the "Daguerrean
Gallery," Baltimore,) beg leave to inform
the citizens of this place, that they have
opened rooms adMirably adapted as re-1
gards conve n Miley of access. comfort, &c..
at Mr. S. S. M'CREAIII"S residence, in
Chamhersbmg - street, 4 doors east of the
Lutheran Church, where they are preo
red to execute Portraits and Miniatures ur
a superior quality, either plain, colored or
mezzotint°, single or in groups.
Our facilities are not onh more exten
sive but superior to any heretofore used
out of the large cities, and enable us to
produce likenesses unsurpassed by any
other artists.
Particular attention given to the position,
ease and grace of Children, while sitting,
in order to produce the beauty of artistica'
elreet combined with what is more desira
ble,—a faithful portraiture.
Satisfaction given or no charge made.
ti._ — .:l'lnstrtietions given in the. Art and
all materials furnished on reasonable terms.
Ladies and gentlemen are invited to call j
ind examine our large collection of suite-,
not . specimens
For further particulars see circulars.
Aug. 1.1
T HE Annual Address before the PunE
NAriosmirAN and Piiii.omATuAEAN So
cieties of Pennsylvania College, will he
delivered in Christ's Church, on Wednes
day Sept. 17th, at 3 P. m. by the Rev.
Cgo. 13. CHEF:VEIL
The _public are respectfully invited-to
.1. A. BRADSHAW, I joint
Sept,- 4. 1846;
Penfv . ss'ylva pita C talegc.
TUE Annual Comme'ncement of Penn
•syltania College \yin take place on
'Thursday morning the 17th of September
in Christ's Cl,lnrcli, the exercises com
inencipg at 9. o'clock. The friends of ed
ucation and the public generally are
,ted to attend.. •
Secretary of Bawd of 'Trustee=
Aug. 21, 1816.
.111,nnini association.
THE Alumni Association of Pennsyl
vania College will meet in the Col
lege Chapel on Wethiesday September
16/li, at 2 o'clock, P. M. The Annual
Address will be delivered in Christ's
Church on the evening of the same day at
7 o'clock, by Rev. JAMES L. SCIIQCK, A.
11 . 1. of Reading, Pa.
M. L. STOEVER, See' y.
Aug. 21, 1846.
In the matter of the intended application
of "The .adams County BeneficialTem ,
perance &dell'," for alterations in their
TOTICE is hereby given that appli
cation has been made to the Court
of 'Common Pleas of Adams county,
by the -"Astame County Beneficial. Tem
perance Society of Gettysburg" for a Mo
dification of their corporate name, 'and
certain amendments to their Charter, - and
that if no sufficient reason he shown to the
contrary the s. id Court will, on Tuesday
the 22d day of September next, decree and
decla're that the said amendments shall be
deemed and taken to be part of the instru
ment upon which said corporation was
formed and established, as if the same had
originally been made part thereof.
By the Court,
A. B. KURTZ, Proth'y.
Aug. 28th, 1810. 3t
P. A. & S. SMALL,
of York, Pa.
H AVE constantly on hand GUANA. of
the best quality, which will be sold
at the lowest prices.
Extract from the American Agriculturalist
"Guana is valuable for vary kind of soil
except that which is already rich, and for
every , kind of field or g arden crop, Grass,
Vegetables, Fruits and Flowers. The
reason it is so seryiecable to all arises from
the tact of its gontaining every kind of
food necessary for the growth of stem,
dower, fruit and seed. The eminent die
mkt Dr. Jackson, of Massachusetts, says
it conies nearer to a Universal, Compost
than any other excremental Manure." .
Purchasers will be furnished with direc
tions for use.
Aug. 21, 1846.-4 t.
Latest Arrival !
MHE attention of the LADIES is in
vited to the beautiful assortment of
new style B . l)6lTC:dimes, Silks, Merinos,
Ginghams, MuslinS, Lace, Edgings, Gloves,
Hosiery and Fancy Goods generally, just
leeeived and now opening at the Store'of-
W 31.. 11 DTI! I? AI: Pk'.
10, 1810. •
Est elLe of Peter Nark, do emot
State of Peansylcania;) - Ar an Orphans'
AIM IS c ou y r y„ . rout. held at •A,:et
.... •
. • ; tyihn rg, in -and, for
..4,4"4. . . the County of Al.
- ..14114. 1. . :fants on the 17th (ay .
•••,& ..
of A oglist, A. D..
. •.- .V .lr Ai
I ISltii Before .Itirn;
. '.
J N. Irvine, j•:, , q: Pre'
:44lent,& his Associates, Judges, Acc. aisigoed, &c.
ON MOTION, Th eCourt grant a Rule
. on -nil the I leirs and Legal Represen
tativesof I'ETEn MARK, late of Franklin.
township, Adams county, deceased, to wit:
Nicholas- Mark, John hark, Jacob Alark,
Mary Duncan, J' intermarried widi
John Aloritz, Sophia intermarried with
Solomon Kepner, Magdalena intermarried
with`Dr. David R. _Smith, Juliana inter
married with John Kyner. Charlotte biter
! married with Samuel Cover, and the issue
of Sarah Mohr, (late Sarah Mark,) de
ceased, who died previous to her said filth-
er, to ,wit:—Martha Flohr intermarried'
with Daniel Kuhn; and the issue of titt
san Middlecolf (late Mark,) deceased, who
died revious to her father, to wit :—iNlary i
AIIII lliddlecolf, who is a minor and has
for her Guardian David Aliddlecolf—to be
and appear at au Orphans' Court to be held
at Gettysburg - , in and for.the county of Ad- .
ants, on the 22d day q• svember next ,
to accept or refuse to take the Real Estate
of the said deceased at the valuation made
thereof agreeably - to the Intestate Laws of i
this Commonwealth. Personal notice to
be given to the I leirs residing in the min- '
tv of Adams ; and to . such of the Heirs
who reside in the State of Ohio and other
counties in Pennsylvania, notice to be giv
en by letters directed to them.
111\,TIIE CO
", M. S. II AM I LTo N, ( lerb,
StTt. .4, 18 l6—:3t
Es•lalc of Fr•rdcricl, llcrliir, decrased
Slate if Pennsyfraniarl AT in Orphans'
Court held at I , et-
ADams Cot'N'lly, ,
u ; , . l i 0 , _
ontr, I),[
,:„ 111 :11 . 1 lor
(the County of Ad
4-:''' 0 4 4 ,: rmus, oil the 17til
4.4 i 4.
tt g day 01 Augui,t ult.
v ::;..ft= 4 -4 . I A. D. I sill: Betine
- _ ° 444.0 0 J Win.N.lrvine, Esq.
President, and his Associates..lialges, &e. assign
ed ke.
pUE PROOF having been limit , of
the service of the Rule granted at a
former Orphans' Court, on all the heirs
and legal representatives of Fenomitcr.
BERLIN, late of Hamilton township, de
ceased, to appear at this Court, to acecept
or refuse to take the Real Estale of said
deceased, at the valuation made thereof,
and they being severally called in open
Court, and making no answer :—W-liere
upon the Court grantan alias Rule on all thti
heirs and-legal representatives of the said
Frederick Berlin, deceased, to wit : John
Berlin, Henry Berlin, George Berlin, Lo
retta intermarried with John Sheffer, Eli
Berlin, Joel Berlin, Polly 13erlin,
Frederick Berlinow the Guardians of such
of are minors: to be and appeaf
at'an Orphans' Court, to be held at Get
tysburg, in and for g the county of Adams,
on the '22tl day of ,S'eptember next, to show
cause why the Real Estate of the said de
ceased should not be sold agreeably to the
Intestate Laws of this Commonwealth.—
Personal notice to be given to the heirs re
siding in the county of Adams, and to such
of the heirs as reside in the State of Ohio,
notice , to be given by letters directed to
In"ria: COURT,
Sept. 4,1846.-3 t
Estate of Jacob Lohr, deceased.
NOTICE is hereby given to the heirs
and legal representatives of JAcon
Lonn, deceased; late of Franklin township,
Adams County, viz :—Catharine Lohr,
(widow of said deceased,) Andrew .Lohr,
(Petitioner) Samuel Lohr, Margaret, inter
married with Jacob Hoke, Susan, inter
married with Daniel Lady, Catharine, in
termarried with William - Highland, and
Henry Lohr, who are the surviving chil
dren of the said deceased, that
will be held on Saturday the 19111 day of,
September next, at 10 o'clock, A. M. at
at the late residence of said deceased, in
in Franklin township, Adams county, for
the purpose of making a partition of the I
Estate of said deceased to and among
the heirs and the legal representatives, if
the same will admit of such partition with 7
out prejudice to, or spoiling the whole there- I
of, but if the same will not admit of such par
tition,then to part and divide the same to and
among as many of them as the same will
conveniently Accommodate, but if the same
will not admit of division at all, without - '
prejudice or spoiling the whole thereof,
then to value and appraise the same, whole
and undivided ; and further to enquire and
ascertain whether the said Real Estate
will conveniently accommodate more than ,
ono of the heirs of said intestate, and if so, I
how many of said heirs it will.convenient-
ly accommodate.'
Sheriffs Office,
Gkti'Sbtag, Sept. 1, IS4G.
AS removed his Cheap and Fashion
able Store a few doors West of his
late stand to the rooms lately occupied by
William APSherry, , Esti., in Chamber
burg street, nearly opposite the English
N 0 TIC E . Lutheran Church, where he will he pleas
-led to see his friends. I laving just return-
BY virtue of an order of the Court of ' ed from the Cities with a large and splend-
Common Pleas of Adams County, id assortment of llishionable
diree.ted to JEssEE KELLER, Assignee of SPRIXG and S 11,117,11 EIN
Jacob Keller and Elizabeth, his Wife, late
of Conowago tp..Adams Co. said JesseKel- i Cr 0 0 sp . S .
lens hereby cited and commanded to appear, - : : • •
selected!from the. very best Establishments,
atthe next Court.of Common Pleas to be hol-.
he invites those wishing "to make .BAH
den at Gettvsbotw on the 22d day of Sep- .
OAINS, to give him a call. 012pCountry
tembee instant, then and there to show cause,
why he sliOtild not be dismissed from his Produce takettin exchange for!gocids.
said trust as Assignee, and another apPoint- ' _ Gettysburg, April 10, 1.13 , 16..___ . ... ',....
ed in his stead.• ! Z ANTE CURRANTS k CITRONS
A. 13. KURTZ, Proth'y. i for sale by C. WEAVER.
Sept. 1,18.16.-3 t i April 10; 1816.
and Olachine Shop.
I'J<\ II E subseribers havinL,* leased the
- 11 - . Foundry in Gettysburg, respectfully
InFilrms his friends and the public in ocitcril
'thin hrilias nplv oit hands, and will vontin-
Itin t 0 inantlfacitire, a large hjsornnent. of
of all patter t
its, such as the Hathawav, Pa N
tor, Premium, and nine-plate. Cookitw
Stove, also (.'panther Stores, of all, sorts
and sizt.s.
j Ile has also on hand.
('alsings for illachiner3".
of all kinds—for Threshing Maehines,
Grist Mills, Saw Alills,&e. also PLOUGH
I !A STI NGS of all the patterns now in use.
lle has on hand, already made, a number
of th 6 celebrated
which lie will sell low. He has also on
hand, and xvill continue to make. 1 101,
I,OIV-VV. , k AVinzon and Carriage-box
es, and all other artielc iii his lint of bus
innss, whirl' are too numerous to men
tion. Ile has. also.
ready made, and continues to manufacture
Lirrt„l::: Patent. t‘%(,-horse Machines. and
the Ilannver and York patterns.
TIV MIC W 111) 111:1 Avant lI{ASS CAST
INGS, will lii atiellded to.
All the above articles will he s o ld low,
for Cash or ('ountry Prodnee. Old metal
gill also be taken in' exeltamre for Nvork.
077 - I?epairing, and all work in his line,
Nolte at the shortest notice.,..:l/
The subscriber is very thankful for past
favors, and hopes his friends will remem
ber the Old Estahlislimetit, in the \l'estern
part of the town, near C. \V. Hoffman's
Coach shop.
Gettysburg, Dee. ID
.1.1'I) C ILE.IP
13•ETuRNS his thanks to his friends
fir the liberal patronage hitherto ex
tended him, awl respectfully invites all
persons desirous of securing first-rate Fur
niture at reasonable prices, to call at his
in York street,la few doors east of \VAT-
Ti.Es' lintel, %diem be will be prepared to
make, to order,
Bedstead's, Sideboards, Sons
Cupboards, Work, Wash and Candle
,S'tands, ke., to,Yether with every article
in his line of business. lle will also keep
on hand the various articles of Furniture,
made of the best materials, and in the
neatest styles. All orders fur Work will
be promptly attended to on tIM most rca
suitable terms. Give us a call!
gc—COFFINS will be furnished at all
times upon the shortest notice.
[ -- r-:_Country Produce NVIII he taken in
exchange furfurniture.
Gettysburg, June 12, 18.16.
C Ala IN E'V 11 A.K. ILN G.
ESPEGTFULLY returns his grate
.a' ful acknowledgements for the very
liberal encouragement which lias hereto
fore been extended to him, and respectful
ly informs his friends that he still contin
ues the
Cabinet-Making Business,
at the Old Stand in Chambersbura street,
where he isprepared to execute the iVeat
est and most .I%ashionable lionk, which he
will warrant equal, it' not superior, to any
in the place:
Ile has now, and will always keep on
hand a general and extensive assortment of
the different articles of Furniture, including
Work and Wash Stands, &c.
all of which tire of a superior quality, and
for which he only asks an examination to
be acknowledged as the very latest fashion.
All orders for Coitims will be prompt
ly attended to as usual.
Gettysburg, Feb. 6, 1846.
Spring Fashions just received !
Vtoll t.; SlATeriber respertfully informs
Y his Inert& and the piddle generally,
that he continue,: to carr}• on the
AI. () lc IN CI
Business at his Estaf;ll;:litnent in ("ham
bersburg street, Gettysbinv, a few doors
below Thompson's Hotel,' where he s will
always pc.prepariqt to attend to'orders up-
on the tuoit reasonable terins. Ile has
made arrangentents•to receive 'relsdarly thin
Latest' City Fashions, -
;Ind he promises all who may favor him
with their patronage, that he will give them
entire satisfaction, both as it regards the, lit
and wormanship of all garinents entrusted
to him ; and at as moderate prices as they
can be obtained any where else.
lle hopes, by 4 strietattention to business,
and a desire to please, to merit a share of
public patronage and support.
11:7-Country Produve taken in exchange'
for Work.
1 3D 1.'.1)ECT1.111,1,Y informs the citi
zens of Gettyslitirg and the surround
ing country, that lie has taken the well
known 7..
ofJ. 11. 51.1!:1,1..Y, in Chanthersburic st..
Gettysburg, nearly oliposite Ilueliter's
Apothecary and 'look Store, where he is
priTared to exceitte all work in• his line
with neatness and in the most approved
style. t r:i All %vol.:: entrusted to hint, will
he \yarn - tilted to lit. His terms will he
-very moderate, for (.'Asti or ('oryritv.l)Ro
pc7.Tho laiost Fashions will be reL,;ttlar
lv reveived from the Cities.
Gettysburg, March '2O, 1 H. 10.-1 N.
THE tindersitzned has connected Ivith
his Coachinaking - Establishment a
large Smith shop, anti is prepared to do all
kinds 01
n chi d ing - iron in Ca rriakes, Buggies.
Irag•olis, t 5 c. Ile wonal say to thi,meovho
have llorses to shoe, that he has in his em
ploy first-rate hands. which, with his per-„
sonal attention, will enable hint to give en
tire satisfaction to all thbse who inay favor
him with a call.
Carriage .Q• Baggy Si»:ings
(warranted) will be prom ptly matte to or
der at all tittles.
kinds of REP/lIRING done.
both in - Wood :4 1 roil, at .the most redu
ced prices.
Thankful for past encouragement, the
subscriber solicits a continuance of patro
nage, and invites his friends to call at his
Establishment iii pc"— west Chambersburg
street, a few doors below Thompson's
Ice Cream ! Ice Cream!
N hand at all hours ; parties sup
plied at the shortest notice, and upon
the most reas(malde terms. Call at the
Fruit and ( onfectionary Store of
Gettysburg, April 10, 1810.
Oranges ! Lentons !
A RANGES, & LEMONS constantly
for sale by C. WEA VER.
April 10, 1846.
OFdifferent varieties for Spring and
Summer wear—beautiful
,tyle and
cheap—to be had at the Store of
Aphl 10, 18.16.
HE Subscriber having removed from
Gettysburg, persons having business
with him mad• find him during all the Courts
and on every Tuesday throughout the year,
at the Hotel of James M'Cosh, in Gettys
burg, and at all other times,at his residence
in Littlestown.
Feb. 6; 1846. . tiro
die ITERS his professional services to
lir the people of Ad:uns County. llis
01lice is the one on the public square in
Cettvsburg, lately occupied as a Law-Of
flee lrrl Wu. M'Saiiamy, Esq. • lie has
'also made arrangements to have the advice
and assistance of kis Father, Jeout: WED
of Carlisle, in all difficult cases.
September 20.
OF Ein the Centre Square, North
ofthe Court-house,between‘‘Smith's"
and "Stevenson's" corners:
OFF (1c1_: in the South-east Corner of
the 'amend, bilween A. 13. Kurtz's
Hotel and It>V. Nl'Sherrs.'s Store.
(4ettysburg, ' Dee. 12, 113 . 45.—tf •
p - HP,sEN'rS his respects to his , friend's
and inforins them that he has made
arrangements to continue to practice as usual
in the Courts of Adams minty, under the
new regulation of the tinies for holding
.11)1IN HA El?
Gettysburg, April :I, 18 10.—tf
.1 11 121 T IMT
Gettysburg . . Feb. 6, 1816.
.11T • 111L1E._31b. - .1 7.4 IN] ?'
(Of Cur/isle,) ; •
Jan. 30, 1816
Protection against lASs by!
211 E "cuniherrand ratify Mitt Foil Proterc,,,,
Company, - being incoi porated by itit :tct of
the I,e4h.laiiirit anti !idly orgaiii7ed :aid in opera- I
:ion tinder the direction of the lollowing board of
.Manager , viz: 'Thomas C. I liller, John Toole,
David W.M . Colhingli, Jame: Weakly. William
Moore, Samuel Galbraith, Thomas Pax tom . A. t;
.filler, Philip Spangler, Satuel-AVoods, Abraham
.][ 1 ,, %, .
Ktirtz.ileorge Brindle. mill Scott Coyle, call the — / """° /111 . ( - )1 .P'S. ()1 :' 111 : 1 ' 1 ;: 1.4 . i... a
i t.
-attention of the inhabitants 'Ol CumbeLlaral and :: it disease Produced tiv local irritattimi
Adams comities, to th e c heapness ailie !ales, and : costivelless,' iittrg,:ttive stimelants, undue
the, many advantages which this kind ofinsuranee determination of blood -to the lieinnn t oidal
_as over any other : i.V
essels by excesi
sve riding or
Ist. Ew
very person insed heroines a member a congest i ve sta.(,,, °film liver, and often by
walking. lil
a the comPanys ;mil takes part in the choice of •
officers so u l the direction of its Concerns. a
cti , ,
pelitr tcty of the constitution itself. t
"d„ For insurance no more is demanded than is Il is usually considered - under three
necessary to meet the expensea of the Company forms, or varieties, as
i . 10110Wti : Blind Piles,
and indeinnitt against losses which may happen. While Piles, and Bleeding Piles.
:id. 'flw inconvenience Of frequent relic"" 6 is This disease is so common, and so very
avoided by ins - tiring for a tern, of five yea's.
well known, that a description °fits symp
ith. Any person applyilig for insurance must
give his prOminin note for the cheapest -class at toms is not deemed necessary.
the rate of.;, per centiim, which •will be tSSo on The success Willieh iliiti followed the •use
the slooo. for which he NVill have to pay $.2 50 of the Embrocation in the cure of this dis
for live years, and $ I ro for survey alai policy',' ease, has heel' truly astonishing. Physi
aml no more unless loss he sustained to :r greater chins 110 w advise their patients to try if, as
iti . nount than the hinds on halal will cover. and
then no more will be reipared than a pro rata the only PILE MEDICINE.
share: These rates are „much cheaper than those In addition to its being :t positive reme
of other companies, except such as are incorpora dr for the piles, it never fails to cure that
led on the same principles. IsToi.EnAtim: urcuiso, which is till Very
THOMAS C. 'Ali LIAM, PR E•ilaNT, common, and has its lunation in the sank'
A .•G. ...SI i LLE It , Si r y.
parts as the piles.
ItirlT"Certilivates of cures 11100 he Seen by
calling on his agent, in (citYsburg,
i .4. 11. IiLEIII,EIL
Gettysburg, June 2tt, 1 8,1 6. :firi
The following named gentlemen Lace. Been ap
pointed AGENTS for Adams connty :
William W. Paxton. Gen'l Agent, Gettysburg
James A. Thompson,
David Zeigler,
Dr. Wm. K. Stewart,
Henry yers,
Henry Alayer, Es 4,,
Daniel Comfort.
Abraham King, Esq.
David Blythe,
William Morrison.
Thomas 'l', WierinMi
Dr. D. Mellinger,
Sept. 21), 1 h•ld.—tt
Vational Dagaerrian Gallery and Pho
logi'al2he'rm• Furni - shing Drian:
W Altlall) the Aledal, Four First
./A. Premiums, and Two I fig-lwst l lon
ors by the Institutes of Mas , ichnsetts,
NeW York, and Pennsylvania, 11- - the
most beautiful colored I)aguerreotypes altd
best Apparatus ever exhibited.
/Cr-Portraits taken in exquisite style,
without regard to weather. Instructions
given in the art. A large assortment of
Apparatus and Stock always on hand, at
the lowest'eash prices.
New 231 Byoadwav ;
1:16 Chestnut st.. Boston. 75 Court,
and 58 Hanover streets ';' Washington,
Pennsylvania Avenue ; Petersburg - . Va.,
Mechanics' llall ; Cineinnati, Fourth
acid Walnut, and 1711 Haiti Street ; Sara
toga Springs, Broadway.
June 5,1846.-1 Y •
D I Alcimr.),lVD .` ONS OR
F' ASIIION AB LE Barber and Hair-
Dresser, has removed his "Temple"
to flip Diamond, adjoining the County Buil
.ditigs, where he can at all times be found
prepared to attend to the rails of the public.
Front long experience he flatters himself
that Ile can go through all the ramifications
of the Tonsorical departments, with such an
infinite degree of skill as will meet the en
tire satisfaction of all who may submit their
chins to the keen ordeal of his razor. lie
hopes, therefore. that by a ttention to busi
ness and a desire to please, he will merit
as well as receive a liberal share of public
patronage. The sick will be attended to at
their private dwellings.
Oet. 10. tf
C3.0 1- 331Vad lr..o.rdail:22l.l)MMElo
yoIJ may lie sure of obtaining, at all
times, pure and highly flavored
by the single pound or larger Tr,As.
quantities, at the 19e
Peakin Tea Company's Warehouse,
30 .S'outh Second Street, between Market
and hes nut, Philadelphia.
Heretofore it has been very difficult, in
deed almost impossible, to obtain good
( and Black Teas. But now you
have only to visit the Pekin Tea Compa
ny's Store, to obtain as delicious and fra
grant Tea as you could wish for. All
tastes can here be suited, with the advan
tage of getting a pure article at a low price.
June 26. ti
FRIJIT TREES, of all kinds, (grafted
in the root,) can be had of the sub
scriber on 'reasonable terms. Please call
and judge for yourselves.
Gettysburg, May '29, 1816.
Groceries ! Queensivare ! ,
THE subscriber has just opened a large
assortment of Groceries suitable lbr
'family use ; also a tine variety of Queens
ware, which can be sold low.
April 10, 1846.
W. ILL be made and put up by the
subscriber, who will attend prompt
ly to all orders, and upon as reasonable
terms :is can be procured at any establish-
men( in the county.
GEO. -E. 131Riff-hE R
_March 13.
Clothsl- Cloths !
F all c olors and goalities,'Cat , siperes . !
' Cassinetts, yestings, Silks, Az.e. just e
reeeived and for still. at the Store of the . ;
subseriher.• ' W 1: -. 1 - it:•111.1iAl:FF.
April 111, 1816:-,. - '
1• ~ 'i - '.t s
~ .:, • :, . ‘:, : v A i"."‘Z ' 4 '.-4r:Aii... P ;IA A, f; i „. ,
a lp
\') :' ~
e , t ... ,XCARPA :5' ‘
. 0 1 TILE war CURE NA
im- •
New Cbcsler
Abbot tstuwn.
Stratum rp.
I lunter,town
1 4. 1 Olt the cure of DKA FNEss, p a i ns ,
and the discharge of nuttier from the
Ears. Also, all those disagreeable noises
like the buzzing of inserts, falling of water,
whizzing of strain, &e., &r., which an,
symptoms of approaching deafness. and
also generally attendant with the disease.
Many persons who have been deaf for ten,
fifteen, and twenty years, and were obliged
to use ear trumpets, have, alter using one
or two bottles, thrown aside their trumpets,
being made perfectly Well. ysicians
and Surg,cons highly recommend i s use.
The application of the oil produces no
pain, but on the contrary an agreeable
sensation. The recipe for this medicine
has been obtained from an Aurist of
reputation, who has found, front long 06-
servation, that deafness, in nineteen cases
out of twenty, was produced either from ;t
want of action in tlte nerves of hearing, or a
dryness in the cars; his object, iherelOre,
was to find something that Would create a
healthy condition of those pails. After a
on, ser les of experiments his efforts were
at last crowned with succes-s in the dis
covery of this preparation, which has re
ceived the name of SeAueA's C.:0311'01 ND
Certilivatus of cures may be seen
by calling on his agent, in Gettysburg.'
A n•uiltstnu
Ens tf
Gettvsbunr :lune 26, 1816.
Garle , ant's Balsam of health,
►1s\11I: Subscriber has just received a
il. fresh supply of this valuable Medi
cine, which has acquired a eelcbritv which
few others ever received in so short a tittle
as a few years. The sale of which has
constantly increased, and Neill continue as
its merits are made known.
This celebrated Balsam of health is a
medicine of vegetable compound, warrant
ed a safe and effectual remedy, not only
for dyspepsia, but for the whole train of
diseases resulting from a connection with
a diSrdered condition of the stomach and
lii'er,or derangement of the digestive func
As a family medicine it stands unrivalled
and should be possessed by all heads of
families, - particularly by:those that are sub
ject to a constipation of ,the bowels. It
operates as a gentle appericnt, giving a
tone and action to the whole system. This
Balsam olillealth does not contain a parti
cle °Mercury, but is composed altogether
of vegetable matter, which renders it perfect
ly harinl6ss and can be taken -at all times,
and is no hindrance 'to business nor any
customary habits.
The proprietor could give a great num
ber of certificates of cures performed by
the medicine, but he deems it unnecessary,
as they can see. them attached to each di
rections by applying to his' authorised
agents in every place where it is advertised
and sold.
For'Sale in Gettysburg, bv .
April 21, 1846.
Printers' Furnishing Warehouse
Tuff., subscribprs have opened a new
Type Foundry in the city of New
York, where they are ready to supply or,.
digs to any extent, for any kind of Joh or
Fancy Type, Ink, Paper, Cases, Galleys,
Brass Rule, Steel Column Rule, Compo
sing Sticks, Chases, and every article ne
cessary for a Printing Whet:. Also, second
hand materials.
The Type, whiell are cast in newmoulds,
from an entirely new set of matrixes, , witlt
deep counters, are waranted to be unsur
passed by any, and will he sold at prices to
suit the times. All the type furnished by
" 8 are "hand-east.'"fhe tnies from any
foundry can he matelied at this establish
men I, .
Printing presses furnished, and also
SteaniEngines of the most approved pat-
Composition Rohm rant cor printers
CoON . ltori & 011ERIP, Ann st.
Der: 10
ltr ur ,
1.:1S 11 : A 1:
). 1? R A 1:•:1 I , 'l_ll S .
I, I ‘
,11 . 111 1- I Z.
April 10, 1810.
1 It 0 P It I ETo It,