1 4 66TIIMIVIIV TAJWIING. ESTABLISHMENT. FRANI:LIN W DENWIDDIE ESPECTFULLY infOinis the chi " zees of Gettysburg - and the surround ing country, that he has taken the well known Tifitoriag EStllbrial2li nut of J. 11. SKELLY, in Chambershurg . 'if., Gettysburg, nearly opposite Mr. Buehler's Apothecary and 'Book Store, where he is prepared to execute all work in his line with ,neatness and in the most approved style. - cc All Work entrusted to him. will be warranted to fit. 11 - is terms will be VNy moderate, for CAsn or Cor:svuv FCF'The latest Fashions 11'111 be regular 13 re mv e d fywn tile Cities. Getty6burg, March 20, 1816.-L=lv FASHIONS ! FASHIONS Spring Fashions just received ! 911 HE Subscriber respectfully informs 11 "- his friends and the public generally, that he continues to carry on the TAILORING Business at• his Establishment in Chant bersburg street, Oeuvsburg, a few doors below Thompson's Hotel, where he will always be prepared to attend to orders up on the most reasonable terms. lle has made arrangements to receive regularly the Latrst 6ify Fashions, and he promises all who may favor him with their patronage, that 1w will give them entire satisfactiOn; both as it regards the tit and wormanship of all garments cntrustiul to him ; and at as moderate prices as they can be obtained any where else. lie hopes, by strict attention to business, and a desire to please, to merit a share of public patronage and - support. • acp•country Produce taken in exchange Cur Work. JOIEN G. 13A KIM aiffiysbitr2:, April a, I 8416.—ti New Establishment. TOBACCO, CIGAIIS & SNUFF. 7tVest. York Street, • GETTFsB/7W,, r few doors W r est of thiF Sheriff nilke. :mid op polite Mr. Kuhn's 'fonpefiolce llotel.) LlBlt Subscriber would respectfully in form the citizens of Gettysburg, and the" public generally, that he has .just_open ed, and has: for sale, (Wholesale and Re tail,) a laYge and extensive itssortinent of the most choice TOBACCO, •, axprijaaolo v, 3 aall - 00 of every description. Ills Cigars are of the best gunlity, and consist of the follow ingliinds, viz : Cazadorcs, Washington laNkorma; Prin ,cipe,,Havana,llalf ,S'panish, The Merchants. of 'Cettysburg, as also the Merchants throughout the County and neighboring PoOnties, are invited to call at his establishment and lay in their stock, as he is disposed to sell on such terms, as must suit all'who arc disposed to Make money. SAMUEL ULRICII. • - 3m. DIAMOND TONSOR S. It. TIPTON, . - 1 S 11 ONABLE Barber and Hair- Dresser, has removed his "Temple" to the Diamnrid, adjiiining the County Buil dings, where he can at all times he found prepared to attend to the calls of the public. From long experience he flatters himself that lie can gO through all the ramifications of the Tonsorical departments, with such an infinite degree of skill. as will meet the en tire satisfaction of all who may submit their chins to the keen ordeal of his razor. He hopes, therefore, that by attention to busi ness and a desire to please, he will merit as. well as receive a liberal share of public patronage. The.siek will be attended to at their private dwellings. Oct. DEL tf N T 1.0 E. Estate of_ Jacob Lohr, dec'd. LErPERS of Administration on the Estate'of SA:COB LOUR; Sen., late of Franklin township, Adams county, de ceased; haVing been granted to the subscri ber residing - in Antrim township, Frank lin county; Pa., he hereby gives notice to all persons indebted to said Estate to call and pay the same without delay—and those having claims against the same are requested - to present them, properly au thentiCated, for settlement ", of claims.rriay also, in the absence of the subScribor, be given to Sam uel Lolu i , residing adjacent to the late res idence, of said deceased, in Franklin town ship afore Said. ANDREW LOUR, r. 'aimeLs,lB46.-6t 0; 0. F. GETrVii LODGE, No. 124, lode ' -'pendent Order :of Odd Fellows, of 11iti State of Penn Sylvania Will throw open ttic reception of visitors, from . . -5, and from 7 ti 11•10 o'clock, p. On the eomitig.Anivereary of our National 1 11144e4dence, July 4th, 1840. The citi 'zetis or and vicinity are most 4eSlectfully.invited. to attend.. - ,Ry Order, , , 111'CREAR Y, Secretary. 'June 22.‘ • • - td ir ART NOTICE. • , ‘f HE if oks oelbe bate Pam o T. r ve been placed ."... :, w it pitp 4; CO.• .1 . __ sq of gTuvw:cao - s, E . All claims noisettled on or ` 4l4. " l 4 i t ti , m ls tl lll ' offof .Plogust neat will be pltt itVittat. , 4r Gettpbptg; AMC 19 - - r _ _ ..,„:"*.• ..... • • • • • • • ULACKS3ITH I N(;. 7 V - HE undersigned has conia•rto , .l IL shis Comlunakinfr E:..I%bIiAIFICAII A large Smith shop. and is prepark , d to do all kinds of BLACItSMITHING, including ironing . Carr;(l.2y.., 17 it runs, 4-17. lle.wottid say 10 those who have llorses 10 shoe. lino he ha: , itt his em ploy first-rat' hands. Which. w ith hi s onal attention. gill enable him to ~ice en tire satislaetion to all tltosc %yin) in:iv I . :1%0r hint with a call. Ceirrit:ge 4' auggy S;irings (warranted) tvill be promptly itcole to or der :it :ill tittles. of IlEl'.41111.17; dour liotli in Wood and Iron, at ilie tuu t ri.ilti red prices. for past envonrairement. the subscriber solicits a continuance of iratro navy, and invites his friends to calf at his Establishment in p:Jr' C: 1101111 )"shurg street. a few doors below Thompson.:4 C. IV. lIOFF'M.IN Cr , m-sltro. Feb. IS lU. GETTYSBURG FOUNDRY and 'Machine Shot,. ral 11 E subscribers having leased the -Jim- Foundry in Gettvsluirg,, respectfully informs his friends :mil the pidle. in 2-enend that he has now oil hands,Thnd will contin uo to manufacture, a large assortment of • ,„ Of all patterns, such as thefatlin way.Par lot-, Premium, and nine-plate Cooking: Stove, also Chamber Stoves, of all sorts 111(1 I It; on Inoul, Caslings ibr 31:Ichi7:e1'3, of all kinds—for Thfc,liing Grist NI ills, Saw INI ills, &v. niso I'l,ol II CASTINGS of all the patients now in lisp. Ile has on hand, 'already wade, a moldier of the celt.brated syLER PLouGns, whiFlt he will sell low. Ile has also on hand, anti kill continue •to make, 111)1,- LOW-IVAI E, Waaon and Carria.re-Imx es, and all other article's in his line or bus iness, which are too muneroas to men tion. lie has,. also, THRESHING MACHINES, ready made, and continues to manufacture IaTTLE's Patent two-horse Machints, and the llanover and York patterns. Any one who may want BRASS C A ST INGS; will be attended to. • All the above articles will he sold low, for ('ash ot• Country Produce. Old metal will also he taken in exchange for work. gC.T . Repairing, and all work in his line, done at the shortest notice., The subscriber is ver}• thankful for past favors, and hopes his friends will remem ber the Old Establislunent, in the Western part of the town, near C. W. Hoffman's Coach shop. Cetlysburg, Dec. 19 PLUIVIEE'S National Daguerrian Gallery and Pho tographers' Furnishing Depot: ep WARDED the Medal, Four First Premiums, and Two Highest Hon ors by the Institutes of Massachusetts, New York, and Pennsylvania, lbr the most beautiful colored Daguerreotypes and best Apparatus ever exhibited. • r ; riTrPortraits taken in exquisite style, without regard to Nveather. Instructions given in the art. A large assortment of Apparatus and Stock always on hand, at the lowest cash prices. New York, 251 Broadway ; 156 Chestnut st.. Boston, 75 Court, and . 58 Hanover streets ; -Washington, Pemisylyania Avenue ; Petersburg, Va., Mechanics' Hall ; Cincinnati, Fourth and Walnut, and 176 Main Street ; Sara toga Springs, Broadway. June 5,1816.—1 y SIZE V'S DAGUEARLAN ROOMS. IIEW would respectfully an 11.Rt.totSmee that he has fitted tip rooms at No. 117 Bni.i•wloitF: STREET, with a light expressly adapted for taking Daguerreotype Miniatures, , upon the most approved system. I - Ic would especially call the attention of country operators to his facilities for fur nishing Daguerreotyie Apparatus, Plates, Cases and Chemicals of the very best quality, and as cheap as any establishment in the United States. Baltimore, May 27, 1846.-2 m FASHIONABLE BARBERS. HARRIS & BROWN, rAV taken' the Shop lately occu pied by PEORCq: HARRIS, adjoining Mr. Kuhn's Temperance Hotel, in Chain bersbo rg street, will be prepared at all times to attend promptly to all calls in the Ton sorial department. They hope, by punc tual attendance to busineSs, to receive a lib eral share of public patronage. The sick will be attended to at their places of resi dence. • . • • May 15, 4846; L alebt Arrival r 1111 HE attention of the. LADIES' in vited to the beautiful assortmeift of new style Spring Calicoes, Silki,Merinos, Gingbams, Muslins, Lace, Edgings, Gloves, hosiery a'nd Faricy Goods generally,jtim received and now opening at the Store of WM. 111.:TILRAUFF. April . 10, 1416 BoROUGII SC11(101, ACCOUNT, .lolnes 1110f0r.7. Trciwirer of tlo School Funds of the Borough of Get tysburg fbr the School icor radio! lone. 1816. . L; t! On 11.1n,1, :Li 11.-t Tax otit, , t•itidinfr in lyind: of John Slentz, for 1810, 127 19 " .1. Jenkins for 1811, 123 22 " J. '.%lajors (Col) '.15. 510 21 School Tax :e4sessed for 1816, 1270 33 State Appropriation for 1816, 228 83 Cash paid Trea.:urer by Daniel G ithvrt, Gnsii pit! do. Iry Cur- retts. due Treafttror :it settle- CR . . Paid I). A. lincttler tor Teacitinfr $135 00 " David B‘vope 108 00 •• Ilotipt, A; " Mary Jane Adair, " John S. Hawk, '' " Elizabeth Keech, " Anti Alc(..urilv, •• I)avid " " Alatilda t auliu,••.. l'etrr NVeikert, Srhool llouse .Rent. "llicitaei C. Clark:4on, " Robert G. Harper, •• " Henry Chili, " Robert (:. Harper, l'rintiner, Out. tamlin Tux in luuul. Of J Ilro do hereby rertify that the above ac count of .lames 'Alajor - s, Esq., Treasurer. has heen examined and fouud correct, and that there is due said Treasurer on settle ment the sum of Ninety-tiix Dollars tieventv-Two Cents. FT. - NI) - D .—The princi pin of corruption is subject to the hail ence of many causes of vitiation. It is; 'necessary therefore that we be provided %vitt' ample means; toprevent injury 'from it; or in consequence of this vitiation that . putridity would be produced. which would destroy the individual ere he had arrived at the period of life which he would have done from the principle of life which was in him. Now to accomplish this, we must prevent the accumulation of those 'minors which bear down the principle of life. Du nut wait for a serious attack of sickness, but on the first appearance of the enemy, assist nature in her operations to expel him from the body. This is the ob )ect always attained by those whb use lirandreth's Pills. Thousands who have kept their beds for years, have been re stored by the use of this medicine. T. WARREN For the principle of disease, like that of the principle of life, is alike incomprehen sible to mankind. We only- are able to point out what will weaken the one or give strength to the other. The value of the Bramlreth's Pills depends upon their wonderful power in' strengthening the principle of life, and weak miing the prin ciple of disease,' and finally expelling it from the body. Let us consider the sub ject carefully : would disease circa us if our blood were pure 1 Then in propor tion as Brandreth's Pills purify the blood they tend to restore health. The very ac: tion upon the spltem which Brandreth Pills possess, convinces all who use them that they remove only the impure humors. For if they took any of the healthy fluids from the body, it would be weakened. But the contrary is the case. The body be= comes stronger every day, from the use of 1 the Brandreth Pills, as is known by the ex- periencc of tens of thousands of our izens. ID — The zcitui,/c Brandt Pint czin be hail of the following Agents:— o:7'Socrates, the wisest and best of the Grecian philosophers, was condemned to death under the false accusation of corupt ing the minds of the youth,' and even at this enlightened age, the spirit of barbar ism still manifests itself in condemning, un tried and unheard, any new . system or im provement that may be introduced. Dis ease revels in the system and triumphs in our abodes, and men blindly refuse to ap ply a remedy ; but still "facts are stub born things,' and show conclusively that that soon incurable diseases will be num bered with the things. that were. Scrofu la, has so long baffled Medical skill, is now effectually and peimattently cured by SAND'S SARSAPARILLA, and all diseases having their origin in an impure State of the blood, also chronic constitutismal 4orders. irryor further particulars and - ronelukive evi dence of its superior efficacy, see P4rriphlA which may he obtained of agents gratis. / 1):i and sold,: wholesale and retail; by A. B. 4t,r - D, 76 Fulton-street New York. . Fold also by 'hp point menrof the Proprietor. by SIT:Mt It LYS, Gettysburg, Pa. Price Si pet' bottle.. Six 'bottles for $5. Julie '1848:- 1 -3t • rif ANTE CURRANTS &CITRONS Ilirbab". by ! C.! WLAVER.. April 10, 1816. ' , • 11. J. tielireiner, tintidry . persons for wood, tiii &C.• Sundry persons for inciden tal expenses, fur 1810. $137 19 John .I(mkins, for 1811, 'lO Jainos Al:tiors for 18115, 1211 00 Quinton Arimitron , r, 1810, 753 :13 11. DENNVIDI)IE, PrcA't SunizEINER, June 19, 1816. J. ill. Stevenson .S• Co.,—Gettysburg ino. illeCreary,—Petersburg. .11brahaill terstown, itCFiteland,—Abbottstoa•u. Cook t• Todor,—Hampton. illeSherry Ma,—Littlestown. ./tary Atitcan,—CaAtown. John lloke,—Fairfield. May 21, 1816. SAVE YOUR TEETH Dr, ferdinaild E. Vandersloo, iu- I f l o d rtu I 1 1 1 : l ey (7 1 hat he is prepared to perform every operation appertaininff to his Profession ; such as Cleanin2; and Pluaging Teeth, 1% ith Gold, Silver,Tin-foil, and Composition. Ile will insert incorruptible teeth on Pi- vots. or Gold or Silver clasp,:,itt the, ino ,t durable 111:1111111% Via:,;•:0 If carious Vetlt are properly trrated at a seasonable time. the pro Iu of the deceit nuts - be entirelv arrested. killinsert them, from one to entire set::, in such manner. that -they will make the articulation of the voice. perfect, and materially assii , t in mastieation. 7•2 5•2733 75'; From the success which Itas attended, his prolessional operations for a num ber of years past. he N confident he can satisfy all tvito may favor him with a call. F I TT-For his place of residence in quire at the store of Mr. Samuel Falines- Lock. 78 7. 42 01) 205 28 150 01) 189 00 !203 57 159 623 I:hrI:r.ENCE is respectfully made to the follott . int! gen tleman : Rev: l'rot. It I r•voirrt, rlPv. Dr. SctimucKt.u, 11,v. E. V. 1; run t Proi. 11. Irturr, 12.,.v. T. IL SwiTzt.ii: 14. I). Hon.. Eli. Itt.v. S. :NU:kit-Lit N, Dr. C. N. I.ll:ll.l.citir. 1)r. I). i"; t r.r-r, iNlarelt 20. IV 11 (10 6:1 :(9 30 00 7 00 107 89 DI J. LAWRENCE IIILL. Surgeon Oculist, EspEurrumN olk-rs his 'mires sional services to the citizens of Get tvshurff and surrounding country. He is prepared to attend to all rases initially en trusted to the lieNTtsT, and hopes, by shirt attention to Dentistry alone, to he able to please all who 'nay see lit to Plant:it their teeth in his te ls. ()dice at Mr. 111*Cosh's S 1 67G i 1 ::.4'27.3:1 75 May 15 email% virr --741-A.44.1.111 . lESPECTFU LAX returns his grate 's' lid acknowledgements for the very liberal encouragement which has hereto fore been extended to him, and respectful ly informs his friends that he still contin ues the Cabinet-Malang Business, at the Ohl Stand in Chambersburir street, where liea isprepred to execute the t Neat est and most Fasidonalde Tfode, which he will warrant equal, if not superior, to any in the place. He has now, and will always keep on hand a general and extensive assortment of the different articles of Furniture, including BUREAUS, CENTRE .2ND DINING T.IBLES BEDSTEADS, CUPBOARDS, Work and Wash Stands, &c • all of which are of a superior quality, and for which he only asks.an examination to be aekpowledged as the very latest fashion. All orders for 0711 M will be prompt /y attended to as usual. GettySburg, Feb. 6, 1846. REMOVAL, WAL RUTHRAUFF I AS removed his Cheap and Fashion \l able Store a few doors West of his late stand to the rooms lately occupied by William Al'Sherry, Esq, in Chamber burg street, nearly opposite the English Lutheran Church, where he will be pleas ed to seellis friends. Having just return ed from the Cities with a large and splend id assortment of fashionable SPRIXG and JIM E selected from the very best Establishments, he invites those wishing. to make BAR GAINS, to give him a call. kt.." Country Produce .taken in exchange for goods. Gettysburg, April 10, 1846. ma 2 , ) 6a &ago I fr II E subscriber has now nn band' an 111 - extensive assortment of TIN WARE at his Shop in Chambersburg street, which he will sell at prices to suit the times. He therefore solicits those who need any Tin Ware to give him a call. Remember Chambershurg street. GEO. E. BUF,IILER. Gettysburg, March 13. Large Assortment of beautiful style CALICOES just received and for ale by Mav 8. Bonnets, Ribbona aS, Flowers. rHE subscriber has' just received • a 1 large assortment of Bonnets, Rib bons, Wreaths and Flowers ; also, a fine lot of Shawls, Parasols, Piirasoletts and Sun Shades, for sale by May 8 C=MEl== A !TA RIETY OF FIRST-RATE OR- M RANGES, A.: LEMONS constantly fori , 'ale by • WEAVER. Apyil.l . 4 l / 4 4 . 616. ' DENTISTRY. DAVIT) lIEAGY NOB' FOR B.IRGAINS ! 0.001)S, Calicoes. K. W. .IPSHERRY. R. W M'SHERRY. Garlegant's lealsoni t f Ewan, PREPARED O N B Y T PROPRIETOR, frill: Subscriber has just roAised a 61- fresh supply of this valuable Medi cine, Which has acquired a celebrity which 'few others ever reeeived in so shirt a time as a few years. The sale of which Its constantly increased. •and will contin • . as its merits are made. known. This celebr •ted Balsam of lie• this a medicine of vegetable compound, varrant ed a safe and effectual remedy not only for dyspepsia, but for the whole train of diseases resultinir from a connection with a disordered condition of the stomach and liver, or derangement of the digcsiive func tions. As a family medicine it stand: unrivalled and should he possessed by all heads of families, particularly by those that are sub ject to a constipation of the bon els. It operates as a gentle apperient. giving.a tone and action to the whole system. This Balsam of 1 Ecalth does not contain a parti cle of Mercury, lint is composed altogether of vegetable matter, which renders it perfect ly harmless and can he taken at all times, and is no hindrance to business nor, any customary habits. The proprietor could give a great num ber of certificates of cures performed by , the medicine, but he deems it unnecessary, as they can see them attached to each (ii metions by applying to his authorised ag•rnts in every place where it is advertised and sold. For Salo in (leltvsliiircr. 11. 1111.;111,Elt April 21, 1816. EXTENSIVE CLOT IiIIING EMPORIUM. rprilE Greatest Ilanzains in ready made Clothiiur arc to he had at Al. TR C Y•t•!; Old Established Pioneer Line, .No. 202 Market street, Philadelphia ; who has just linished , one of the lar,rest and most com plete - assortments of Spring and Summer Clothing in the City, consisting of sapetli Black Cloth 1)1e:s . . t t :tiritti to ;4,1 trio l'inck, Ilya) t o trrat Black •• 11,01 to 1.1.000 . ...;iiperfine Habit ('l o th, S,01) to 10,Inri • Cashmerette, 7.0 0 1 to 9.00 • T‘vceil, 1,1)11 to 5,111) '...2.."0 00 to :1,00 • Croton, - 1,00 to 5,50 • Fr. tidi (a,,iniere rants. .110)0 to tyal . Valley Didhints " .1,00 to :oat Fine Satin Ve,tt,. front 2,•2:0 to .5,00 ~('nsi~. lrnii~ Extra tine Satin Vests ; from :11an•eilles Gentlemen's F'inc Cloth Cloaks, _frot 1:1,1)0 to IS,IIO Sl itTS, COLT:ARS, sIT ;PENDIRS, STOCKS. All garments at this estaidishment are warranted both iii fit and quality of work manship ; they are all got tip expressly for the retail trade, consequently more care is taken in the selection of the goods as well as the style of cutting. The propri etorof the establishment is a practical tai lor (having served a regular apprentice ship to the business) and has none but prac tical workmen in his employ. Gentlemen in want of CLOTHING may depend upon being suited in every respect,as we are de termined not to be undersold by any com petitors. All goods are purchased for CASH, and sold fix• CASH, which enables us to sell a little lower .than those who deal on the credit system, it being a self evident fact that the "nimble sixpence is better than the slow shilling." Also, always on hand an extensive assort ment of Cloths, Cassimeres, and Vestings, which will be made to order at the shortest notice. M. TRACY. No. 292, Malliet .trect, Philadelphia. ilia}• 1, 1846. 3m TYPE FOUNDRY AND Printers' Furnishing Warehouse 111, subscribers have opened a new Type Foundry in the city of New York, where they are ready to supply or ders to any extent, fin• any kind of Job or Fancy Type, Ink, Paper, Cases, galleys, Brass Rule, Steel Column Rule, Compo sing Sticks, Chases, and every article ne cessary for a Printing office. Also, second hand materials. The Type, which are east in new moulds, from an entirely new set of matrixes, with deep counters, are war:lilted to he unsur passed by any,,and will he sold at prices to suit the times. All the type ffirnished by us are "hand-cast." The types from any foundry can be matched at this establish ment. Printing presses furnishO, and also Steam Engines of the most approved pat terns. C omposition Rollers cast for printers. COL:KROFT & OVER END, Os Ann st. Dee. It. ly J IL REED, ATTORNEY -:4l'--LAIV, OFFERS his professional services to the people of Adams Comity. His Office is the one on the public square in Gettysburg, lately occupied as a Law-Of lire by WM. M'SIIERRY, 1:8(1. He has also made arrangements to have the advice and assistance of his Father, JED6E• REED of Carlisle, in all difficult cases September 20 ALEX. R. STEVENSON, TTORNE l' A 7' LA ft% OFFICY. in the Centre Square,North of the Court r house,between"Srnith's" and "Stevenson's" corners. • 7.11' H DM'S CItEA It Y 1 TTaRNEY AT LAW.. OFFICE the South-east Corner o the. Diamond, between A. B. Kurtz's Hotel and R. W. M'Sherry's Store. Gettysburg, Dec. 12, 18.15.—tf -ElR for i ESII Ie by :NI. R. RAISINS, WEAV FIG ER S, kte. r ,a C. . Ali / fa 10,100. Picforbrl Fl 'orloB pi:l4l'6l/1W to pi; 7 sord.i sub.,cribingfri DO g ' L i i6l(,7 I/ Of Rtimanb.ra, or the .lnieriLoil ,`.lales . man's Manual. INIPORTANT NATICO;AI, WORK! The American Statesman's Manual. . 1. 1;t4 lion) Pries❑l; , ,u and enlarged editt. , n of 1'lt1•1!••1 1,11'.:N in trio volume.i, vo, whole collected tIOCUllif .111 S. urk is t nii!e tt i ;,r,d c In1p11 , !t1 I.y Jlr. 1'•i« in w i jo , e %volt out Ilitory ,„I,ject, g..nprdly. is ri to th . O rublic and a suilicivnt goarautrp tur the areutacy and fidelity of Nati , ..nal \Volk. pi The History of Romanism, By I.)o‘t liita. M of the Ceti.. ( . 111111'11,'N. Y. I . 2th edition. ,I n -1 " Lu•;'. "" "'Ilm" . • 01 11"1/Y. 711 , t ha_e with I bratOt/n/ iii Lund ;nute 0/1)1111:/11.111G binding. I'rit•e All per4ol9 t.euilititr the publisher $3. kill revel \ is a copy ot I/istoryq beautifully iflu.strited with :11 elegant etiera- vin and 01W copy of eilhirr of the following beautiful Piclotial 11 - oiks. be sent by maid, they will receive one copy of /be .Inifricou .9atex. nth g Met ?MO, 2 vole. , and one copy of ei ther of the Pictorial 11'orhs. should anyper•;on wish both of these important and valuable works, by sending .37 to the they will meek e Copy ut each. and also be entitled to choore any two copies of the 1'0110%61)4 Pictorial Works.— They will be transmitted by mail, bound in strong paper cover:, po:dage 1115111 1 5 to '..13 tenth per volume. to any part of the U. State:: • The following are the Book:. gi%en away m sub• scribers to "Iheling's llistory of Ilmn a ni,m, or '•The .1 wet lean Statesman's flannel,' : Sego: . Irburty, (y' 114 r 111 , 11 d, .150 engra‘ing— price $..2 no. Neo.rs' (:/ride lo Knowlo - 1 , 4(t. eitibrac;tig an "xtpii sive range ,It sul.jeeb. ill Literature, : 4 cieneeand Art—price $l.! Scot s'..1 l i,turittl Llt.-tot y r ! f the Aro/11600, milli nu merous plates, ext a wilt— pr ice ,N, ll - $ . Bibb , / . : rl. Seat/ 1 ) / 1 (1.14,11 Lilrrnry. •1:11I eligra‘ing ;JO Sear , : P 1401 1 .111 Sunday Book, elegantly illustrated, price s'2 31.1. l'he.irnri icon Reli‘, , loof Gift B oi k,c ( o l t a i n i ti g cun . tributimis - front ards 01 thirty 111 our most celebrated American writers, inch as .Nlrs. L. .7%1,1,111, .1. V". Ilrowno, .1. (1. Whittier, \V. P. 11'illinni l:. Kincaid, and 31i,s 11. F. Gkitild— priet? Wreoith of Wild Flowers, by .T. Milton Stearn.— and Etitertaining—l 511. To Clergymen, Postmasters and Will is Wanted, in every town and village in the UM. ted States, responsible wen to procure stilvcribeis and engage in the sale of the aboveAr — niks,• to whom a very liberal per tentage will he libo ed. Address E. ‘l'.%Licrit, 1.1 I Fulton .sticet, N. V. _Beautiful Pictorial and Embleniatirliind ings—lierul y for llarper's elegantly it- luininated Bible • p er ,ons c - Ortilailig six copieg of this Bible, and forwarding them to the subi•ci iber, will receive the binding of one copy gratis. Pattern No. 1, consists of a splendid collection ()LIS beautiful Scripture Views; No. 2, cent Views of Trinity Church and of the Comma- Mon Window Table end Service ; No. 3, the Isra elites taking possession of the P r omised L au d. an d the Transfi g u tat ion of Christ on the Mount; No.d, a beautiful English and French style combined. E. WALKER. No. I 1-l'Fulton street, N. York. April 3, IS to 5,1)0 1,110 t o 2,50 Protection against Loss by 211 F , "Cumberland Cathy Mutual Prow/ len Company," being incorporated by an :lig of the Legislature and (idly organized and in opera tion under the direction of the ffillowing board of Managers, viz: Thomas C. Miller, John Moore, David W. M'Cullough, James Weakly, William Moore, Samuel Galbraith, Thomas Paxton, A. Miller, Philip Spangler, Samuel Woods, Abraham Kurtz, George Brindle, and .‘;'cott Coyle, call the attention of the inhabitants of Cumberland said Adams counties, to the cheapness of the rates, and the many advantages which this kind of insurance has over any other: Ist. Every person insu:ed becomes a member of the company and takes part in the choice of officers and the direction of its concerns. 2d. For insurance no more is demanded than is necessary to meet the expenses of the Company and indemnity against losses which may .happen., 3d. The inconvenience of frequent ranewals is avoided by insuring for a term of five yea i s. 4th. Any person applying for insur a nce must give his premium note for the cheapest east; at the rate of 5 per centum, which will' be $5O On the 51000, for which he will have to pay 5:1 for five years, and 51 50 for survey and policy, and no more unless loss be sustained to a greater amount than the funds on hand will cover, and then no more will be required. then a pro rata share. These rates are much cheaper than those of other companies, except such as arc Mem lima ted on the same principles. THOMAS C. MILLEN., PRESIDENT. A. G. MILLER, Sue' y. The following named gentletnewhave been ap pointed AGENTS for Adams county William W. Paxton. Celli Agent, Gettysburg. .Tames A. Thompson, David Zeigler, Dr. Win. R. Stewart, Henry Myers, Henry Mayer, Esq., Daniel Comfort, Abraham King, Esq., David Blythe, Esq., William Morrison, Thomas T. Wiennue, Dr. I)..Mellieger, Sept.: 0, 1 S.W.—U. Or am .110, IL 31E11 11l 4, (Of Carlisle,) Pir • RESEI\ I S his respects to his friends and informs them that he has made arrangements to continue to practice as usual in. the Courts of Adams county, under th e new regulation of the times- for holding them. Jan, 30, 1810. E)1 E 3.1 OVAL. • Subscriber having removed from Gettysburg, persons having busitietis with him may find him during all the Courts and on every Tuesday throughout the year, at the lintel of James M'Cosh, in Ilettye. burg, and at all other times, at his residence in Liffiestown. I.'cb. 0, 18.10. ILtER. AND GERMAN ,SILVER PENCILS, VIOLIN y(§1 . 1I1NO_Ii, of best quality, can aays be. had theaney S k to, Y tore of. "'C .- WEAVER. April 10, 181 t), LIST OF AGENTS L.IIV NOTICE. IWSILERRY. thu Petersburg. New Chester Abbottstown. .I! .4 lritban Cr. Ilunterstown. Millvrsstown. Aremltstown. East Berlin.